#Im gonna go curl up and die and also maybe throw up
shoukiko · 11 months
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A gif to separate This is a review of the MWIII Campaign! -
I'm going to shoot myself. Oh my god I've never felt so......wow The story was great, I absolutely loved playing. The open combat was my favorite (And also all the cutscenes with Ghost). Being honest I did not like that they brought back Graves. That did not make any sense to me and honestly made me annoyed.
I did not like the Danger Close mission, Yes because of Graves, but also because I just suck :3
I absolutely LOVED the Oligarch and Highrise missions, I had the most fun playing those. I was so emersed in the game during that, sneaking around as Soap, shooting people with the silenced M4 I found (And also Ghost during the interrogation cutscene HOOOMAMA). Playing as Gaz and zipping through the hallways of this big ass building, Got my blood pumping. But then......Soap Holy shit I actually sobbed in front of my viewers. It happened so fast and I hate them for it...but it was also handled well? Like when you're in that situation, theres no time to think or prevention for it. I'm genuinely heart broken, Johnny died a hero. Seeing Ghost run to Johnny and check his pulse, hearing him say Johnny in a concerned and scared voice.... Hearing Ghost's voice break a bit when he was saying "Rest in peace, Johnny" ...fuck man Great fucking campaign, I haven't cried this much since Titanfall 2.
On a lighter note, Ghosts hands are fucking huge and in a way it was comforting to see how he was able to hold Johnny's ashes so easliy. Rest in Peace Johnny, You're in our hearts forever.
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crushedsweets · 3 months
Awhile back you answered an ask on how other creeps would respond to Toby's death, and I was wondering how they would respond to Kate death?
IM PUNCHING THE WALL. ALRIGHT. warning for death and grief and mourning . . .
im gonna set this after she starts staying at the proxy cabin and becoming friends with more people, rather than rotting in the mines. im also imagining they find her body in the forest, nobody was there when she died.
tim and brian would have a heavy heart about it. sure, they had massive issues with her, but even by time shes 25+, they still kinda see her as a little kid. she was 14/15 when they met her, and she acted like a feral animal till she was like 17. brian got her a job on the farm, tim helped set up a room for her. they'd help toby set up a grave, but overall they dont go out of their way to mourn her - toby has that handled
which.....guides me towards toby... they've known eachother since they were 17-19, and they are like siblings. when she was in the mines, toby would always bring her food and even dragged a whole mattress there. thats his little sister (she is older than him..) and he had always been so so so protective of her. he loses his shit, screaming and throwing shit. is never home, spends so much time at the mines. chops down random ass trees just cuz he needs to exhaust himself enough to stop feeling so much pain. it feels like losing lyra again. he sets a grave up for her, puts her body in it, carves some stuff into a wooden cross he made from a tree he cut down, lays hella rocks all over. him and nina spend a good chunk of time together. nina has never seen him cry until this. eventually, after he's gone for days, he comes back to the cabin and just rots in his bed almost catatonic. clocky has to come collect him
whiiiiiiich now brings me to clocky. she'd find out from nina, since she'd already be in her own apartment by now and tobys not gonna tell her. she'd immediately get nina, get jack, go to the cabin, and try to console toby and nina the best she(and jack) can. has to learn to bite her tongue when tobys mouthing off cuz hes mad she's trying to help. she doesnt really have time to mourn kate at first, until maybe a week goes by and tobys finally eating again and clockys just sitting there and starts bawling cuz kate was her friend too and she had to immediately go into caretaker mode.
nina. screams and cries and needs to have people with her all the time, no matter what. she doesnt feel safe alone cuz she just wants to curl up and die so so so bad. she makes toby take her to the grave(he doesnt want to but he knows kate would be pissed if he wasnt at least a little nice to nina after this) and she just sobs. she holds toby and tries to be like 'its okay its okay its okay' but neither know who shes comforting. she'd print as many pictures she got of kate as possible (not a lot) and try to scrap book it and try to memorialize her like that. just hold photos and pictures and have them in her apartment and cry. give a photo to toby with a letter written on the back telling him how much kate loved him.
similar to if toby died, jack would try to host stuff. make dinner for them all, invite them over, give everyone space to eat and remember her. he'd go with toby to the grave as well, but he's less assertive with his care compared to clocky. less 'get the fuck up, this is making you feel worse' and more 'you know you can come over right? its not good to stay home alone'. toby would come to see him a lot, too. . .
toby would have to take on a lot of her patrols, so he'd bump into ann and lulu a lot. . . ann would tease him a bit like 'ooo is katey in trouble? whyre you here, handsome?', till he smacks the shit out of her w the handle of his hatchet and he grumbles something about her death. ann would shut up after. she'd be bummed out that kates dead cuz she liked her, but not mourn. lulu wouldn't be able to process it. ann would tell her, lulu would cry, then a day later she's asking when kate's coming to visit.
i dont think anyone else would really be impacted, though... jeff/dina didnt like her, she wasnt close with ben, never even spoke to jane or liu... lazari would cry and draw pictures of her, but she'd be okay shortly after, esp cuz jacks okay.
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