#Ikaris really does love his sister
The mermaid au is amazing! Let’s do something funny and sweet
One day Ikaris follows Thena and finds out about Gil! Imagine if he is so protective that he grabs Gil and pulls him into the water to wrestle with him and almost drowns him. Ohhhh imagine how angry Thena would be! 😂
Gil grinned, his chest swelling at the sight of Thena waiting at the end of the dock to greet him. She was wearing one of his henley shirts with a belt around her hips. Sersi had bought her dresses and brought them over, but Thena insisted that she preferred his shirts to wear.
Thena knelt down as soon as he killed the motor of his little dingy, letting it drift closer to the edge of the dock until he could secure a rope around the post. "How was work?"
"It was good," he chuckled as he pulled himself in, already tying a knot to secure himself. "Still no word about them catching anyone else. If anything, people are talking about Kro's escaped catch less and less."
"That's good, right?" Thena tilted her head as he pulled himself up the ladder and onto the dock. She stood smoothly; she was really getting the hang of her knees.
"It's very good," he confirmed, happy to linger close to her after his long day. Although he had been letting himself call it a day earlier and earlier. The sun was barely beginning to set, but he had been in such a hurry to get home to Thena he had barely remembered to store his equipment properly.
Thena placed her hand on his shoulder, scratching the material of his waterproof backpack. "I know I should be inside. But...I wanted to come out to see you. And I made sure you were the only boat around the island."
"It's okay, Angelfish," Gil grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead, which clearly and obviously delighted her. "I know you know to be careful. I'm happy to see you too."
Thena tilted her head at the boat behind and below him. "You should get your equipment out. The box said there would be heavy rain."
He hadn't quite gotten around to explaining to her how tv worked. "Good idea; I'll be right in."
Thena gave him a soft smile she had started having more and more often. She looked up at him, swaying herself with her hands behind her back. She was asking for something, in not so many words.
Gil gifted her with another kiss, which may or may not have been what she was looking for. "I'll show you what I brought you inside."
Thena happily bounded up the deck and back up to the house ahead of him, bringing his backpack with her.
Gil dropped back down into the boat to pull out anything left in it. He would tarp it over, of course, but the humidity wasn't something his poor, rusty old toolbox needed more of.
Two arms exploded out of the water and constricted around him.
Gil tried to get his bearings as he was dragged under. He pried his eyes open, able to see the pink and red sky getting further away. The little dock he had wasn't exactly in deep dark waters, but he was travelling at an alarming rate. He thrashed and turned.
He was terrifying.
He had striking features, for sure--pale skin, sharp bones, intense eyes that were almost a little familiar. His tail was long, with peppery scales and strong looking fins. He had fangs, and he certainly looked like he did whatever the underwater equivalent of crossfit was.
Gil didn't think about how he could understand what he was saying bizarrely well for being underwater. Air--he needed air. He tried to swim up to the surface but his assailant was infinitely stronger and faster than him in this element.
The Fangtooth gripped Gil again, very clearly uncaring that he needed oxygen.
"You're why she's been missing for weeks?!"
Ikaris. He couldn't begin to think of why, but the name popped into Gil's head in that instant. It made a lot of sense, between the words he said and the resemblance between them (Thena would hate knowing he had thought that).
Gil kicked as best he could, but he was easy prey for Fangtooth here. He let out his last breath, watching the bubbles float upward. His vision started to blur as a spot of glowing light hit the water.
Thena swam to him in the blink of an eye, swishing her tail between herself and her brother. She pulled Gil up to the surface with her, holding him with a hand on his chest so he could worry less about keeping himself afloat and more about breathing. "It's okay, Gil, just breathe."
Ikaris surfaced a second later, snarling at his sister, "what are you doing?!"
"What are you doing?!" she snapped right back at him, not moving a hair further away from Gil as he gasped for breath. "I didn't realise you were in the habit of drowning innocent humans!"
"Innocent?!" Ikaris roared at her, crossing the distance with his shoulders above the water. He pointed a finger in her face, splashing water at her as he did. "This human abducted you!"
"He saved me from being caught!" Thena matched her brother's energy easily, both of them baring their fangs in full at each other.
Ikaris leaned back slightly, his stature clear even just bobbing in the water. "Makkari told me about that, Thena. But you've been gone for weeks before now."
Gil looked at Thena, finally getting some semblance of a healthy breathing pattern. "You went home between visits, didn't you?"
"Of course," Thena looked at him tenderly, running her thumb over his cheek. "He's just being a clownfish."
"I am right here!"
Gil laughed as much as he could after nearly drowning, "because he's always poking his head into anemones that aren't his?"
"Oi!" Ikaris belted at them. He swam a little closer again but Thena didn't hesitate to thrash her tail and even swipe at him with her hand. He swatted her away. "Thena, he's dangerous!"
"You don't know anything about him!"
Gil could have argued that technically, they were both correct. But Thena was already swimming him back to the dock, helping him up the ladder and then following him.
"Y-You-!" Ikaris' jaw dropped as his sister not only climbed the ladder like a pro, but also tugged at the human clothes she was wearing. "Wait a barnacled minute!"
Gil really liked a lot of the expressions they had.
Ikaris 'backed up' as it were, before speeding forward and launching himself right out of the water and onto the dock. He gripped the posts to secure himself and help his tail slither up the last bit.
Gil just stared at him before looking at Thena, "can you do that too?"
Ikaris growled at him, "of course she can, human. Anyone with a tail could."
Gil looked at Thena again, who didn't seem concerned with looking at him in return. "Anyone with--so you-"
"What do you want, Ikaris?" she barked at her brother, walking closer to where he was 'seated' on the dock.
"What do I want?" he balked, shaking his head in exasperation. He looked at Thena with a slightly different expression, though. His anger, having boiled over, lowered to a simmer. "I want to know my sister is unharmed."
"I told Makkari-"
"To see it with my own eyes, Thena," he corrected her, firmer but not back to yelling. His hardened expression did something, though, because Thena sat down in front of him, even folding her legs beside her somewhat like she would her tail. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"You were caught in a net," he rushed, practically cutting off her assurance. He leaned forward, partly gripping her for balance and partly squeezing his sister's shoulders to assure himself she was there. "You were caught by the bounty hunter. You are not fine, Guppy."
Thena gave her brother's ear a tug for what Gil had to assume was a childhood nickname. "I am not a hatchling, Ikaris. As you said, I met Gil a number of moons ago. And did you not see me regularly in that time?"
"See you reg-" Ikaris cut himself off, baring his fangs again. "You say that as if the water is not your home, Thena. This is home!"
Ikaris gestured to the water below and behind them, but Thena looked behind her, up to the cabin. "Don't."
"Don't!" he jabbed his finger in her face again. He knew from experience to snap it away before Thena could bite it. And with such force that her teeth clicked. "Why are you up here, Thena?"
She looked from the cabin to Gil, lingering a small but respectful ways away from their conversation. She waved him over.
He had misgivings about that, but he reluctantly came to his Angelfish's side. "Uh, hi."
"Ikaris," Thena said more firmly, making her brother roll his eyes. She put her hand over Gil's, "this is Gil--Gilgamesh, actually."
Ikaris tilted his head at Gil one way and then once in the other direction. It was much cuter when Thena did it. "I didn't know humans could be named Gills."
"Just Gil," Thena shook her head, holding up a finger, "just one."
Ikaris eyed the finger with disdain all over his face before looking at Gil again. "Fine...Gil."
He said it the way Gil thought the name Kro.
"Perhaps you can tell me why my sister is spending all her time on the surface since meeting you?" Ikaris fixed him with a look that Gil recognised as the look any brother could get when he was worried. He could hide it behind his aggression all he liked, but it was clear that he was afraid for his sister's safety. "With legs?!"
Gil cleared his throat, his eyes darting down to Thena's pale thighs. "Look, the legs were a surprise to me too."
"But Thena came and found me on her own," Gil shrugged, speaking as honestly as he could from one man to another. "I was glad she did, though. I first met her after she saved me from falling overboard."
Ikaris looked disappointed that he hadn't drowned.
Gil continued anyway. "I was going to sail out and just talk to her again, but then a storm hit. I was a little worried about her, but she came and found me the next day."
"Right," Ikaris grumbled, crossing his arms and letting his eyes trail down to the necklace that was secured preciously around his sister's neck. She raised a hand to it, as if to protect it from Ikaris' harsh gaze. He flicked his eyes over Gil, "fisherman?"
"Y-Yes," Gil gulped. He had gotten so used to Thena's sweet smiles and warm, green eyes, he had forgotten that they could look truly terrifying if they wanted to.
"And you didn't even think to try and capture a creature of your myths and legends?" Ikaris raised a brow. He had every right to ask; they were cautious of human on principle for a reason.
"No," Gil professed in complete honesty. "I don't blame you for not believing me, but I would never...as soon as I saw her, I knew Thena was something else...something special."
Ikaris took one look at the look on Thena's face and stuck out his tongue, "hrrrghk!"
"Shut it!" Thena hissed at him, although he hissed right back at her. She pursed her lips, "I do not need your approval, Brother. All you need to know is that I am safer here from that monster than I am in the waters. And Gil is making sure of that."
Gil shivered; he hoped he could continue to make that statement true.
Ikaris ran his eyes over Gil again, just to make sure he knew that he was well and truly disgusted with and by him. "Watch your step, human. I will be watching from below the surface. And if you ever-"
"Ikaris, stop it!" Thena stood in a huff, kicking at him with her bare feet. "He doesn't need you seagulling at him!"
Ikaris swatted her away from him, although he did slowly and surely start leaning in the direction of the water again. "You're the gull!"
"You are!"
Gil did his best to contain his chuckling. They really were brother and sister. He caught Ikaris' eye before the merman fled. "I'll take care of her--I promise!"
Ikaris hissed at him, with longer fangs and angrier eyes than even Makkari had bared to him.
Gil sighed, "I guess I wouldn't expect them to like me."
Thena brushed off her shirt/dress and held out a hand to him, "they don't have to like you."
He supposed she was right. And he should be grateful Ikaris hadn't legitimately killed him for catching him getting cuddly with his sister, he supposed. He wilted against Thena, who offered her support silently and immediately.
"Where are you tools?"
"It's okay, I'll get new ones," Gil waved over his shoulder as they headed towards the cabin. "I just want to sit down, right now."
"Right now?"
"No, it's okay--it's just an expression."
"Yeah, like when you say Ikaris is a clownfish because he's intrusive."
"He's also stupid," Thena felt was very necessary to add. She smiled as Gil shook with laughter against her shoulder.
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imthecosmicbasball · 3 months
Chapter 3
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Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x Oc
Guys this is short, I don't have much idea juice in my head so I squeezed as much idea as I could.
Days went by smoothly after a successful mission but when it was time to call it a night Hoshina Soshiro walked out of the training room with his twin katana whipping his sweats off.
But before he could get to shower he saw a light from the library shine a little "Kafka..." He thought, thinking it was Kafka again but for Soshiro surprised he saw Akira wearing her reading glasses while writing some notes in her journal.
Hoshina stays in his spot to reminisce the moment seeing this side of Akira was no surprise to him as he already knows the girl from the first time they started to get to know each other.
But Hoshina Soshiro just couldn't help how she looks like an author writing for her next dialogue of a book he stood there silently before shaking his head a little Hoshina was just about to take a step inside before suddenly getting caught in action.
"Why not take a picture, it'll last longer."
Akira spoke not leaving her eyes from the notes but her voice was low but not in a whisper still soft, Hoshina chuckled softly before standing next to Akira and watching her sketching some random things in her journal.
"Not bad..." Hoshina thought but turned his focus back to Akira who was watching him with a smug face the whole time.
Hoshina suddenly realised this and felt like his face burned with embarrassment which led to Akira covering her mouth while trying to hold back her laughter.
"S-shut up! I was just looking!"
Hoshina could see how Akira laughed at him, as far he is embarrassed but he isn't denying that he loves hearing her sweet laughter Akira wipes away her tears before standing from her seat and closing her journal.
"Wanna take a walk for a while?"
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Outside the rooftop Hoshina and Akira were just talking about something other than any Kaiju matter which is comforting not talking about some mission, while Soshiro drinks his cold coffee Akira drink her sweet tea.
"By the way how was your mission with your brothers? I heard it was...... Interesting." Soshiro could see the switch in Akira expression when she almost spit her drink but drink it anyway after Akira forcefully swallows her drink she looks at Soshiro with an irk face that's not invisible at all.
"It was a nightmare...." Akira slump her shoulders in exhaustion from remembering her previous missions with her two dumb mudhead brothers.
Akira's two eldest brothers Hasanagi Ikari and Hasanagi Kishi.
The two are prominent soldiers as both of them are ranked platoon leaders in the first division, Akira becoming the youngest known as the pros and cons has a younger sister and that is.......
Having two brothers means an overprotective annoying side.
"Those two ARE the only reason why I didn't take the offer from the first division is because of them honestly I think they wouldn't even let me join in on the fight because of personal matters, another thing is I hate those two sticking on everything I do."
Akira had a very tough time with her brothers when she first introduced Hoshina as a friend they interrogate him like he was a suspect of any crime.
"Yeah.... I still remember that time." Hoshina sweats a little from remembering the first meeting. But it was a memorable time.
"But.... Nonetheless I still love those two idiots." She hum softly thinking how much her brothers are always by her side and would not take it for granted.
Akira laid her head on Soshiro shoulder the man beside her didn't budge but letting the girl beside him does what she wants. As they view the scene in front of them taking on the peaceful atmosphere for a while.
Soshiro smiles softly the same goes for Akira "You know this moment really takes me back when you suddenly confess to me when you were half drunk in front of everyone."
Soshiro felt his body become stiff and his face red until his ears were bright red "please... stop reminding me that time....." Soshiro covers his face and looks away from Akira, the girl just laughs but sweetly and while in the moment their hands intertwine with each other.
Hoshina is still covering his face but his hands never left from holding Akira's hands. Akira only smiles from this moment.
"But I didn't say no to you either.."
Akira turned her head to face Soshiro when he finally turned his head and his face was already calm down but had a little blush on him.
"Yeah..... I was glad that I thought maybe you just want to stick with friends."
"No way, after everything I think it's a waste to let go such a great person like my dad used to say if you got guts than take it while it's still hot."
When the night was almost closing they leaned in closer until their lips met each other ending the night with a kiss.
Soshiro laughed softly at the girl comment "Yeah, yer right about that."
I love this expression 😄 courtesy and respect of these two down here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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pickupthephoneboy · 5 months
OOC: Well you guys voted for it on the Levi blog, now it's here. (@never-gets-sick pspspsps)
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INTRODUCING: Ross crying in the bathroom.
The Cold Floor
(Heavy topics might be applied)
Welcome back to Nimone, they say. You're back home, they say. But it doesn't feel like home anymore.
I stood in the dusty bathroom of my old home. A place that I once grew up and loved, now abandon and left to be forgotten.
It was quiet, dark, and dust covered the whole room in a gray fragile blanket. Only spiders now occupied this room, nesting by the toilet and shower. Not even the lights cpuld turn on because the bulbs either died out or no one paid ghe electricity bill.
I wiped my glove across the sink mirror, staring at my reflection. It was just me in this bathroom. Alone in this enclosed space.
I shut the door in order to have privacy. I don't feel safe when others are safe. They can't see me like this, no matter how much I try to hide it.
Everything was starting to settle in. This week has been Hell front and back, I hate it. Too much stress, work stole my sleep, and everyone is in pain. I'm failing as a captain.....
This trip to Nimone has been a mistake, all it did was create pain and suffering for everyone. Now, the whole world is at risk at two crazy scientists. If I didn't get everyone involved in my affairs to beat up the men who hurt my sister Ikuo wouldn't have had new scars, Ikari wouldn't have had been snatched away, and Scarlett wouldn't have to be in pain again.
I feel hurt, and I'm not the one who even got physical hurt as well. But it pains me to stand by the side and let this all happen just because I can't come up with a good plan. None of this would have happened if I was good enough.
I may have won battles before on my own as a mass weapon machine, and I may have led our men through war like a leader, but that was years ago I'm not the same weapons I was trained to be. Hell some of that stuff was winged, I was never good at planning and men lost their lives because of it.
Scarlett once asked on our way here, "What would mom and dad think of me when we arrive?" She doesn't know does she? That dad left one day for no reason? That mom became a sad woman and died from sickness? That I wasn't there to protect any of them?
I felt my hands grip onto the sink tighter.
What type of captain am I, if I can't even keep my own family apart? What type of son am I, who couldn't support his own mom when she was sad? What type of brother am I, when I couldn't even protect my own sister?
My hands start to turn into fist and my knees slowly bend to the cold floor. The safe abandoned floor, covered in dirt and dust. It's the only thing I trust that can support me. I can't been seen as weak in front of others....
I felt my weight finally collapsed and I let put a heavy sigh. Not now Ross, I can't break down now. I have to get back to working, but I can't. Everything that I come up with is a bust. Nothing is working.
I became a failure and everyone knows it.....
I could feel my throat tightening, as I gazed at my pathetic state in the mirror. Eye bags under my eyes, my hair is a mess, and part of my outfit is ruined. This is really my life huh? Being a constant mess.
Now slumped to the floor, I continued to gaze at myself. I look like a fool, a failure, I'm not cut out of any of this. After all these years I don't think I can continue like this.
My vision starts to blur, I bite my lip but muffled cries start to force their way out. I gripped my head in my hands and held it to my knees. Soon before I knew it I was crying on the cold floor. A sense of desa vu washed over me, I been in this moment before. And now it has come back to haunt me again.
I don't remember when I passed out, all I remember was that I felt alone and worthless in that moment.
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nocturnaltokyoiii · 10 months
The Official NGE Character Ranking
It’s finally time for the official ranking of Neon Genesis Evangelion characters, as proclaimed by me. While there are a lot of characters to examine, I’d like to focus on the main characters of the original TV series, End of Evangelion, and Death & Rebirth.
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Gendo Ikari
The story's villain, it's only appropriate to set him dead last. A grieving man turns to putting 14-year-old kids into mecha robots powered by souls. From parental neglect to his agenda to end the world and start the Third Impact, Gendo Ikari can only receive small sympathy points.
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Kozo Fuyutsuki
As Gendo's sidekick, I can't let Fuyutsuki off the hook for aiding and abetting. While he does show more compassion towards Shinji Ikari for the identity crisis every other episode than Gendo ever cared to, helping your former college students end the world doesn't look good on a resume.
No Harm No Foul
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Kensuke Aida
Kensuke is a little military nerd who just dreams of piloting an EVA. He likes learning about all the actions of NERV or the UN - but also has the horned-up aspect of being a 14-year-old boy who carries around a camera. While it's nice to allow Shinji to have some friends and a form of escapism through his brief stay with Kensuke after running away (again). there isn't much that we know about Kensuke.
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Toji Suzuhara
The other half of Kensuke, Toji is the more outwardly expressive and even passive-aggressive. We're introduced to him through his anger at Shinji for Toji's sister after she is severely injured from an EVA/Angel attack. He's the stereotypical "delinquent" who attacks Shinji as payback for his sister's injury, but he turns a more empathetic leaf after witnessing the mental suffering Shinji faces while piloting the EVA. When Toji is selected as the Fourth Child, everything takes a turn for the worse and we never see him again after that fiasco.
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Ritsuko Akagi
Ritsuko lives in the shadow of her mother who created the MAGI System, the living, breathing programming holding NERV together. She's the only other person aside from Gendo and Fuyutsuki who knows the true intentions of NERV and SEELE, and for that, points off as being a piece of the end of the world. Ritsuko is still an interesting character as she internalizes and intellectualizes everything until her breaking point in destroying all the Rei copies. I feel bad for her in the cycle of abuse her mother and then her goes through under Gendo's romantic relationships with both of them.
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Yui Ikari
This poor woman died and her husband decided it was time to end the world. Had she not passed during the Project E experiment, Shinji would have been a functioning and less traumatized boy. She is such a kind-hearted person who had a positive impact on those around her, and it's sad to see what her legacy turned into through Gendo's distortion.
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Misato Katsuragi
Misato always has me going back and forth on my opinions, but I do admittedly love her as a character. Her hotheadedness and drinking habits make her a piece of emotional release from all the environmental stress. Her traumatic past explains the present, and her motherly care for the pilots stands in direct opposition to Ritsuko's risk of the pilots for the sake of destroying the angels. She is largely unaware of NERV's true intentions until the untimely end.
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Ryoji Kaji
Kaji is somehow a triple agent working for the Japanese Ministry against both Gendo and SEELE, really just looking to find the truth of it all. He's an admirable character whose only real flaw is being so goddamn horny for all his female characters - except Asuka so I guess there are some moral boundaries. He knew that his life was constantly at risk by working behind everyone's backs, but he's still a positive role model to Shinji, almost showcasing what the positive outcome could be.
The Children
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Kaworu Nagisa
We're introduced to Kaworu as the Fifth Child following Asuka's synchronization levels dipping to unprecedented levels. He's a poetic character who quickly befriends Shinji and shows his affection toward him in unexpected manners. As it turns out, Kaworu is actually the seventeenth angel, Tabris. His interest in humankind and otherwise odd behaviors goes seemingly unnoticed by NERV. Kaworu's goal is to reconnect with Adam, but instead, he finds Lilith, rendering his mission a failure thus allowing Shinji to kill him.
Kaworu is one of the only people that shows real love towards Shinji, and that cannot go unappreciated.
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Shinji Ikari
Love him or hate him, Shinji is still one of the most interesting case studies of the human mind. A traumatized 14-year-old boy who has never felt real familiar affection since his mother's passing. Abandoned by everyone but commanded to not run away too. He's just looking for some kind of approval. I believe Ritsuko summed up Shinji's character the best by equating him to the "Hedgehog's Dilemma", in which hedgehogs need warmth in the winter so they huddle together, but just end up pricking each other and causing more harm. Shinji cannot be intimate with another character without some outcome of mutual harm.
The lifelong battle, who is the best girl of Evangelion?
The truth is, there is no real answer. They're both amazing.
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Rei Ayanami
Rei I - The child we're introduced to is snarky towards Ritsuko's mother as seen in a flashback - calling her an old hag. This Rei is a product of what Gendo really says in private, and thus is killed by Naoko Akagi for repeating the words said behind her back.
Rei II - This iteration of Rei is who we're most familiar with throughout most of the series, socially withdrawn and living in admiration of Gendo for the majority of her lifespan. In her interactions with the other children, she learns to be happy and to cry. She knows she is easily replaceable to NERV's mission. In being the recreation of Yui, she exists as how Gendo saw Yui. This version of Rei passes in sacrifice to destroy an angel.
Rei III - This is the final iteration of Rei seen in the series and End of Evangelion - and is the most expressive one yet. She knows what happened to the previous incarnations, but didn't live it herself. She's angry at the world, angry at Gendo, angry at Shinji, at everyone. She knows she's replaceable, but can't do anything about it but become indifferent to the changing environment.
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Asuka Langley Sohryu
I take Asuka as my favorite for her relatability. She says what we're all thinking; and just like Shinji, she's just looking for affection. The main difference is that she refuses to admit that she needs help, for people to look at her, for people to appreciate everything she's sacrificed to get into her position. She holds herself to a standard of pride, never taking out the Interface Headset clips in her hair. She thinks she's grown up, but it's all the trauma that's forced her to become so mature against all odds.
Asuka holds a special place in my heart for some unexplainable reason, so I have to place her in the top position.
Anyways, that's my ranking of the main characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion. lol.
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sleepymrshmllow · 8 months
my sister and i finally watched eternals (obviously lol) and I think that concludes us binging some of barry keoghan's filmography (for now) ✨️
final(?) ratings + ranking:
Saltburn 10/10 (perfect film no notes /hj. I love this fucking movie so much and its quickly become a comfort film for me ♡ gorgeous cinematography, perfectly cast and impeccable performances by the entire cast! they nailed the mid 2000s feel. amazing soundtrack and ost. the queer subtext/tone, the vampire imagery, the metaphors and exploration of deep carnal desire, oliver domming his way to the top? all just *mwah* perfection. im not very good with words lol but basically this movie slaps and its required viewing imo)
The Banshees of Inisherin 9/10 (the trailer didn't do this film justice and I enjoyed it so much more than I expected. incredible film!! the characters were so well done and every actor in this movie did an amazing job (especially colin farrell, kerry condon, brendan gleeson, and barry ofc). I highly highly recommend this one if you haven't seen it ♡ the cinematography is beautifully done as well and goshh the location is breathtaking. one of my new favorite films ♡)
Mammal (2016) 8/10 (this film surprised me! when I read the synopsis I really didn't think I'd come out enjoying this movie as much as I did. it does a really good job with its characters and the complicated relationships between them. great performances and a very interesting and at times uncomfortable exploration of loss and grief. recommend this one! but definitely look into CWs before viewing)
Light Thereafter 8/10 (my favorite of barry's performances after oliver/saltburn. it didn't even feel like I was watching barry play a character, pavel felt like a real person and barry was just!! so incredible in this film and i loved getting to know pavel sm (his passion for art, his stims, the way he enjoys touch and textures :') ) and i was sad when it ended.)
The Killing of A Sacred Deer 7.5/10 (if you enjoyed saltburn, I definitely recommend this one! weird ass film (affectionate) and martin was a strangely endearing character to me lol i dont want to say too too much, you should watch it for yourself! 🍝)
Calm With Horses 7/10 (blonde barry keoghan was a major serve lol no but good film!! sad, but definitely worth watching. not too much to say about this one, but I enjoyed the characters (dymphna the most tho))
Eternals 6/10 (it was pretty enjoyable! the characters definitely carried this film over the plot itself (except ikaris.. I really didn't care for him at all lol). the cgi was a bit distracting and I wish there was a little more show dont tell and that certain scenes/plot points were done better/explored further BUT still entertaining and doesn't deserve the hate it gets imo!)
American Animals 6/10 (slightly disappointing but still worth a watch! evan peters carried imo)
Stalker (2012) 5.5/10 (so weird but also iconic?? worth watching at least once lmao)
Dunkirk 7/10 (objectively great film, but I just don't care for war movies im sorry 😩 soundtrack was actually so incredible tho)
Stay 4.5/10 (it was fine, it just wasn't very interesting)
and a bonus character ranking for fun ♡
Oliver Quick
Dominic Kearney
Martin Lang
Dymphna Devers
Tommy Valentine
George Mills
Spencer Reinhard
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cdragons · 1 year
MCU Eternals Romantic!Ikaris X Reader & Platonic!Druig X Reader AU Idea (AKA my ADHD/Neurodivergent brain is whipping my butt)
Ok so, I'm just going to spare y'all the misery and brain spiral I put both @valeskafics & @its-actually-minicika through, and give the most recent one. This is a really long post as it will go into a lot of detail about the character's personality and her interactions with other characters. Please read through it, and if you hate the idea. Don't be a jerk! Just move on, and ignore this post! But if this is something that you think would be interesting to read: like it and/or let me know in the comments, or send it to a friend you think will find this idea interesting!
So it goes without saying that the MCU Eternals' fandom has unanimously agreed that Druig is best boi/edgelord, and I have no disagreements with that. Hell I basically live on Tumblr's 'druig x reader' tag. BUT I too thirst after Ikaris (AKA Not-Mother's-Favorite)...look, it's Richard Madden, I'm only human.
If you are one of the maybe 10 followers I have, you will know that I am already writing 2 other fics (a Robb Stark x Yi Tish!OC, and an Ikaris X Water Elemental!Reader). But if you read this post's title...you will see that my ADHD brain refuses to listen to reason...and since starting to write fanfiction...it has only gone into overdrive. You will also know that I love drawing inspiration from mythology...and dragons but that's another discussion.
BACK TO THE POINT! So I have seen a lot of Nature Eternal!Reader x Druig fics, and I love all of them. But I read @spacetalbot's Druig x Reader x Ikaris fic where the reader is basically Persephone, AND @winterlves's Ikaris x reader fic where the reader is Thor and Loki's sister who controls nature. Needless to say...I became obsessed.
Basically, I wanted to explore the idea of an Eternal!Reader whose powers are like Persephone (Chlorokinesis, Geokinesis, Fertility Manipulation, etc.). And while Druig is like Hades, he serves more as this reader's overprotective older brother/guardian. Instead, her main love interest in this idea will be Ikaris.
Druig and Hades actually share a good amount of similarities to each other. Both are mostly disliked/not popular amongst the Pantheon/Eternals and humanity, both are secluded to their own domain/community, both are much more somber compared to their family members, and the list can go on. But the reason I wanted to use Ikaris as the main love interest is mostly to due with his attitude towards humanity and how he interacts with them. While life goes on for everyone else, it just sort of "stops" for him. He doesn't really make any effort to connect with them outside of being with Sersi, and when he leaves her, we don't see any further attempts. And this is where Persephone!Eternal kind of comes in.
Now, unlike my other Oc's/Reader fics, I actively plan on writing this reader to show neurotypical symptoms. For example, she will show signs of having trouble emotionally connecting/socially interacting with others. Her mind will wander in meetings and need a nudge to focus back. She might unintentionally put off someone by how she phrases her question/response. She will prefer to study the differing flora and fauna in the places they visit than interact with people. While she does hold some love and affection towards them, she knows that it's not her the humans love, but rather what she can provide for them. This last part is kind of what lays the foundation to Ikaris' and the Reader's connection.
One scene I intend to write that really shows how Persephone!Eternal's mind works is how she interacts with Phastos when he describes the steam engine to Ajak. Personally, I headcanon that Druig likes to be around when Phastos is inventing something, but more just to be his annoying little brother. Persephone!Reader is not at all tech-savvy, but it's how Phastos' thinks of his ideas that fascinates her. What materials would be needed to build it? Does the materials need to be first sourced by humans? Is the conversion of high pressure to low pressure like when an area with a lot of water flowing into an area with low amount of water? If I decide to write Ikaris seeing this, it will make him notice how Persephone!Reader's mind definitely works differently than his. As normally, he wouldn't question Phastos, just accept it and move on. But he would notice how you are the only one to really connect with him by how you don't outwardly mock him like Kingo or Sprite, and by being the only Eternal to act genuinely interested despite not technologically inclined.
Another scene would be how Persephone!Reader was supposed to be attending a feast for the harvest, and so Ajak sends Ikaris to look for her. He finds her in a secluded area of a forest, and with a cow and her calf. He is confused and so Reader explains that she noticed that the cow had been eating much more lately and been much more tired and unable to work. She overheard the humans wanting to kill it, but then she noticed that the cow was in fact pregnant. So while the feast was busy, she snuck away and made an area so that the cow could safely give birth in peace. Ikaris would notice that Persephone!Reader is smiling and much more at peace alone, than in a crowded area with tons of laughter and noise. You are worried that Ajak will find out and make you not see the animals anymore, but Ikaris promises you that he will keep your secret, and that he will just tell her that you weren't feeling well. This furthers your connection.
Another one is where there had been a big dispute amongst the humans, and some people are severely hurt. Druig and Ikaris get into a fight about it since it was under Ikaris' order that Druig not engage. Ikaris is impassive and stern and Druig calls him a coward. Persephone!Reader is seeing the fight and asks Ikaris why he wouldn't let Druig stop it, if he can do it, why not let him? Ikaris retorts stating that it isn't their place to settle their disputes, to which Reader states that he should care about the humans, and not be so cruel. Ikaris gets angry and tells reader that it is not his job to justify his reasonings to Druig or anyone else, much less her. So he storms away. A few hours pass, and Ikaris hasn't been seen by anyone, not even Ajak or Sersi. Reader finds him in a hidden area and notices that his face is very tired looking. Reader realizes that she has made a big misjudgement on her part in saying that Ikaris doesn't care, and is very careful in saying she is sorry. Ikaris is still upset and tells her to go away. But Reader just stands there and doesn't move, refusing to leave him alone. She eventually gives him a hug stating that she was wrong and she was sorry, and that she should have known better. This comforts him a lot as he allows the hug. Reader also makes him a wreath of flowers of her appreciation of him as her leader, but mostly as her friend.
I got a ton of scenes planned, so like and/or comment of what you think!
If you are still waiting for my Robb Stark x OC fic! The 3rd chapter will be out soon!
Edit: I reblogged this post to add on some headcanons of an additional Eternal!Reader who is Hecate. Check out the reboot part in Notes to see it!
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endeavornetwork · 1 year
Figure Skating! Eternals AU bc I have no plot for a fic yet
Pairs: Makkari/Druig
Ice Dance: Sersi/Dane
Women: Thena, Sprite (juniors)
Men: Kingo, Ikaris
Coaches: Ajak, Phastos
Physical Therapists: Gilgamesh, Karun
Makkari used to be paired with Ikaris, but they weren't compatible, so her coach Ajak found Druig. Druig is an up-and-coming pairs skater. He had already learned some ASL in the hopes of working with Makkari someday.
Same club (meaning, they train at the same rink): Makkari, Druig (since pairing with Kari), Sersi, Dane, Ikaris, Sprite, and Thena. Sprite just started competing in seniors as a 15 year old. Her sister, Sersi, is an accomplished ice dancer, so she wants to get out from under her shadow. Phastos is her coach. He has a kid at home, so he knows how to be tough and supportive at the same time.
Everyone loves the chemistry Sersi and Dane have on the ice, and there's gossip about whether they're an item or not. They secretly like each other but do a bad job of hiding it. Sersi isn't sure she's ready to take that next step, especially since they're colleagues. On top of that, it's awkward that her ex Ikaris trains in the same rink as them.
Kingo is at another club, but he and Makkari used to be in the same club. They FaceTime a lot and hang out after competitions. Kingo excels at choreography and step sequences, but he admires Ikaris for his polished jumps and precise technique. Karun is his physical therapist (who should really get a raise for all the extra stuff he does).
Gilgamesh is a nutritionist and physical therapist who works with Ajak's students. He's a master at making the athlete diet bearable, and he does his best to help all his clients have a healthy relationship with food. He and Thena are dating on the DL.
Thena is always a contender for the podium. She has a reputation for being the most serious one in competition, but her friends know she has a soft side and a sense of humour.
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andbeeart · 2 years
Ohk.. Tell me something about Your fankids
(poke, contest, ikari)Btw they are sooo cute and precious!
Thanks for appreciating the kids! It makes me happy someone finally asked about them lol. Pokeshipping: Kiyoshi/ Ronan Ketchum is actually the 2nd out of Ash and Misty's 3 kids. Unlike his parents who are so determined on becoming Pokemon Masters and claiming titles, which his eldest sister Akane/Lori shares, he doesn't care much about status. Kiyoshi is lazy boy and does not really have much passion initially. He feels secured on his status as the Champion and Elite's child and thinks that everyone is already aiming to be a Pokemon Master of some sort. He loves playing his games and doing cooped up in his room. He actually does not mind staying at home in Pallet Town and just grow up helping grandma in her cafe and live a peaceful life. Kiyoshi has a very sharp mind, puzzle solving skills and empathetic nature. He loves Pokemon a lot too but not the training part.
When he turns 10, Ash and Misty had to push him to finally go out and explore the world. They believe that he is too young to just stay inside plus he is way too smart for school. Kiyoshi intently arrived late at the lab so he can have an excuse to never leave. His mother read him like an open book and surprised him with a Chinchou to bring with him. He finally agreed and head out for his adventures. He becomes interested in traveling after knowing that there were mysteries and cases in each town that has not been solved. Pokemon: Chinchou, Meowth, Growlithe, Natu, Misdreavous, Nuzleaf Contestshipping: Ayaka/ Dahlia is the eldest daughter of May and Drew. She have a younger sister. She was so exposed to Pokemon Coordinators since she was a kid that she wanted to become one herself. Her favorite is any grass type Pokemon and she is determined to study anything about them. She is a total big Erika fangirl so she made her way to Kanto to study under her. Clumsy and ditzy but very hardworking.
In Celadon, Ayaka met Kiyoshi and became friends after he solved a case involving a missing Pokemon. Even though she was 5 years older than him, she was so impressed by his detective skills that she decided to ask him for help to find her travel companion's missing Pokemon. Over time, Kiyoshi figured out that Ayaka was actually his sister's companion who she had a fallout with due to the missing pokemon.
Her first pokemon is Sprigatito because she chose to study in Paldea to start her Pokemon Journey. Pokemon: Sprigatito (evolves to Meowscarada), Dolliv, Applin, Bellossom, Abomasnow, Parasect, Rowlet Ikarishipping: Shiori/Prairie is the only daughter of Paul and Dawn. Her parent's divorced when she was a kid and now she lives with her Mom and Step-Mom, Zoey. Like Ayaka, she was exposed to Pokemon coordinating since she was a baby but she grew up very neutral about it. She is shy, quiet and sweet and people usually underestimates her for that but just like Paul and Dawn, she had a great battle sense. She is considered very beautiful but after seeing her father's pokemon battle with a girl from Kanto (Akane), she became determined to better herself.
She wanted to challenge herself so she asked her moms to send her to Kanto plus she wanted to meet Akane again. Her favourite Pokemon is a bidoof which Paul gave to her on her 10th birthday. She received Bulbasaur from Prof. Gary and she went on her journey the same day as Kiyoshi did yet they only met when they were both in Pewter City. Kiyoshi found her in front of the gym hesitating on going in because she was having anxiety with talking to people. With a push, Kiyoshi accompanied Shiori in the gym and faced Forrester. There she got her first gym badge. She wanted to thank him but he already left. Shiori met Kiyoshi and Ayaka in Saffron City. With the knowledge that they are heading to Vermillion, Ayaka invited her to their journey. Pokemon: Bidoof, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Abra, Machop, Munchlax - she evolves them all over time. *Additional* Akane is Kiyoshi's eldest sister and Ayaka's travel buddy. She is hotheaded and impulsive like their parent's young self. She took on Paul when she came to Sinnoh and she loves battling so much. But due to a tragedy, she changed and became more obsessed with winning.
----- I hope to write more about my Pokemon FanKids! I hope i can be more in detail but it'll take us dayssss lmao.
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siempre-bucky · 3 years
We know that Druig is not really fondly at Ikaris son dating Orla, even when he doesn't dislike at all but how would be a dinner with Rory's girlfriend? 'cause I feel that we would be totally lovely and Druig really proud
Dad!Druig x Reader
this is too cute! I hope you like the quick headcanons...
Rory felt lucky his family didn't fit into the trope he saw on tv. A super-powered family trying to have an ordinary dinner with a human, and it going wrong right before their eyes
With Eternals that spent thousands of years on earth, they knew how to have a mortal dinner
But it didn't help the nerves
"Mom, how's dinner?" He asked frantically as he hurried down the stairs
You sat the last bowl on the table and turned to him. Reaching to fix the collar of his flannel, you sighed contently "Not as good as Gil's, but she'll like it. Relax, Rory."
"I am perfectly calm. Did you go over the talking points I gave you?"
You snorted, "I'm not using those," you told him in between laughs.
his heart almost stopped at the sound of the doorbell
the three stood in the living room
Rory a nervous wreck as the door opened
Orla walked in with a puzzled look on her face as her family looked at her
"You good?" she asked
he could breathe a little better
Druig looked up from his phone
"Apollo not joining us?" he asked, poorly masking the amusement in his voice
"No," Orla grumbled, "you'd be happy to know I wanted to save the poor girl from the petty comments you two would make at each other."
"Smart girl," he commented, kissing the side of her head
the doorbell rang again and you smiled lovingly when Rory's face lit up
"Clare this is my mom, dad, and older sister Orla."
The girl beside him looked just as nervous as your son
it was cute
"H-hi," she greeted shyly
"It's nice to meet you, sweetie. Are you hungry?" you asked
she looked happily at Rory before nodding
"What do you see in him?" Orla joked quietly to her as you all walked into the dining room
"Orla," Druig scolded from the front
"He's nice...and cute," she responded shyly.
dinner went as normal as it could be
they didn't interrogate her or make her feel uncomfortable
Orla was even nice to her
you and Druig looked at them from the other end of the table
smiling and laughing at all the little things the other did
Druig placed his hand over yours, his thumb running along your knuckles
you noticed how he watched Rory lovingly interact with the girl
pride was your best guess
"Are you alright, Dru?" you asked
"It reminds me of us," he whispered to you
"Does it?"
"The first few days on the Domo, all I wanted to do was sit that close to you. I wanted to see every smile, clinging to every word you'd ever said to me."
even after all these years, you swooned at the kind words he said to you
"How long have your parents been together?" Clare asked as she looked at them converse
Rory felt those nerves return, "Y-years."
"They still look in love. I hope to have that one day."
Rory blushed, "Me too."
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aspeninthesnow · 3 years
Ok, so I'm absolutely obsessed with the family hierarchy in the Eternals and I haven't really seen people discussing it (maybe between 2 eternals, but not as a whole). Here are my thoughts and I would love to hear yours! I came up with this after seeing the movie 4 times in theaters and there's a little headcanon sprinkled in.
This list is in hierarchy order.
(I am using their canon genders, but all of them being nonbinary/agender is valid)
Ajak - the ultimate mom and team leader that loves all her ducklings, but still makes questionable decisions sometimes.
Phastos - Mom's geeky younger brother/the gay uncle who’s life is only together at his husband’s insistence.
(I'm not as sure about this one, because while Ajak and Phastos definitely strike me as siblings rather than mother/child, he also seems more older brother than uncle to the rest most of the time? Idk)
Ikaris - the perfect, loyal soldier and the eldest that can keep a secret, but is very traumatized over it.
Gilgamesh - the softie 2nd eldest brother who will kick your ass if needed and whose love language is food/caretaking.
Thena - the badass older sister with TraumaTM but she loves her family and does not want to see them hurt. Has rich, posh vibes.
(Ikaris is just slightly "older" than Gil and Thena who are about the same "age")
Sersi - the emotional support middle sister/the humanoid embodiment of Agape.
Kingo - Como se dice middle child syndrome? Loves his family to pieces, but can't help being the center of attention all the time.
(Sersi and Kingo are like "6 months" apart)
Makkari - the adventurous 2nd youngest sister that will be stealing (read: persevering) some shit but is a ray of sunshine so it's fine. Will rock your shit if needed.
Druig - the pain in the ass younger brother because his feelings are a pain in his ass. Loves everyone but the AssholeTM and his lackey.
(Makkari is "9 months older" than Druig and will absolutely use it to get her way and everyone else will back her up, leaving Druig to pout in the corner)
Sprite - the brat that hides her pain with sarcasm, just so happens to be the youngest. Will stab a bitch.
(Sprite is the "oops" baby that grew up really fast to keep up with her siblings even though they support her just being a kid)
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Hello darling, can you give us your headcanons of the Mermaid Au pettry please 😊🩷
Mermaid time!!!
Thena and Ikaris were the kids who were always getting into fights. Like, alarming fights--parents would worry about ripped fins and torn scales. But when some big sharp tooth was giving Thena a hard time, Ikaris tackled him and dragged him all the way down to the bottom of a completely dark chasm. He held him down there and dared him to ever hit his sister again.
Thena does love Ikaris, deep (deep, deep, deep down). He's an annoying big brother, but she knows he cares. But she still doesn't let him near Gil; she took the drowning incident very personally.
Thena makes a point to go and visit Makkari more often after having been accused of being the type of mer to only spend time with her mate and forget her friends. She was completely mortified and offended by this, and now swims out to see her once a week. She does not make a point to see Ikaris before she goes home again--if it happens, it happens.
Thena has taken Gil exploring a few times. She holds his hand while they swim around little reefs and such. He explained snorkeling to her but she doesn't like the idea that he could explode. She just stays with him, passing air from her lungs into his as he needs (not that this can be carried on for an especially long time).
Sersi loves Thena. She doesn't care at all that Thena is a mermaid, she's just so happy to finally have a sister after dreaming of one for years. And Thena is so curious about everything, she's happy to let Sersi take her shopping and try on makeup and different hairstyles on her. Gil thinks it's sweet they get along so well.
Thena has tried asking Sersi questions about intercourse and Sersi refuses to even broach the subject, no matter how curious she is about the biological systems of mer reproduction. Thena gave her a loose 'birds and the bees' type explanation of it, although Sersi isn't totally clear on the logistics.
Gil hasn't told Thena about any of his ex-girlfriends. Not that there are many, but he just doesn't think she really needs to know.
Gil has asked about mer reproduction solely out of concern. He managed to kind of explain condoms and what they're for. Thena told him there was no need to worry, since she had no plan of laying eggs at any point in time. Gil - having not known literal eggs were involved - nearly spat out his coffee, and now he can't enjoy boba.
Thena is obsessed with boba.
Gil is still a little overprotective, but he lets Thena go out by herself sometimes. If he's going to be late, he'll radio the house. She can swim to the mainland and get changed in a secret spot. She likes going to the grocery store so she can see all the different foods.
She doesn't like shoes, but Gil is determined to find her as many pairs as possible, because she keeps managing to destroy them. She has no concept of being careful with them so she'll do things like sprint across rocky terrain in delicate sandals and break them.
Gil has asked if mers have mating tokens. She brings up her necklace but he means more like engagement rings or some such. She says they don't, although really if one were to find something incredibly rare and precious, like a fancy pearl or something, one would only give it to their mate.
Thena bites him sometimes. Not hard, but it's kind of an instinct for her. And she still hisses at things that are too loud or smell bad.
Thena with her legs on is a few inches shorter than Gil, but with her tail on, her total length is roughly two metres.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Analysis: Love Rival: Why Kagami works but is still hated and why Luka doesn’t but is loved
Now this will be my most controversial Hot take, a lot of you already saw the title and are already organizing your complaints. I don't care, you are free to do so. 
In a previous post, I discussed what makes a good love rival and if you want a good explanation of that, click the in bold link. 
This is a VERY LONG POST, so I am posting a read more. I would love to hear your thoughts on this analysis. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Did you want to include something? Let me know.
I think in order to organize this post I will be splitting it up as follows.
Why Kagami Works as a Love Rival
Why She is Hated for it
Why Luka Doesn't Work as a Love Rival
Why He is Loved despite it
Final thoughts
So lets get to it
Why Kagami Works as a Love Rival
Kagami Tsurugi was introduced in the episode Riposte, where she is established as a straightforward, no nonsense fencer that wants to be the best. 
Her introduction is solid, she establishes her base and what the audience is supposed to know about her from the getgo. We also get the impression that Kagami when introduced would be a rival to Adrien, as they are competing in Fencing, which makes for a nice twist when they end up getting along and Kagami begins the task of being a Love rival. She starts off as a foil for Adrien, but then the reveal is she is actually a character foil for Marinette.
What also helps Kagami is that the show is mainly from Marinette’s perspective, so we get to see Kagami as Marinette does, as someone that is competing for Adrien’s affections, cementing the Rival aspect of the Love rival. Kagami clashes with Marinette causing Marinette to in turn be more upfront with her feelings and push harder to try and win over Adrien. This is something a good rival does, pushing Marinette forward and making her have to try. This rival aspect of Kagami’s character give Marinette urgency, which is something that is needed in order to drive Marinette towards a conclusion, whether it is to pursue Adrien or move on. 
Now as a love interest, Kagami establishes her relationship with Adrien in a different way then Marinette. Kagami’s straightforward nature allowed her to tell Adrien how she felt much earlier on, she pushes and asserts herself. This contrasts Marionette’s approach to wooing Adrien, and also has an interesting parallel to how Chat Noir handles his feelings towards Ladybug. Acting as a mirror towards that relationship. While Kagami is not flirtatious like chat noir, she is upfront about her feelings. She puts it out there and is understanding when Adrien isn't ready to respond, much like how chat noir is with ladybug. But the difference being that ladybug and Chat noir’s dynamic has a bit more complexity to it. Regardless, Kagami checks the boxes needed to be a true love rival.
Now the last and most crucial part about Kagami is the character at the core. Cause in the end, we know her and Adrien’s relationship wont be endgame, and interestingly she will be better off afterwards. Ikari Gozen does an excellent job filling in more information about Kagami’s character. In this we get to see that Kagami’s life doesn't revolve around being Adrien’s love interest, she is someone that has her own struggles and wants to find freedom in her own way, be friends with people, but she is awkward. Her development from this and Loveater shows how much she has grown on her own, how she has come to see Marinette as a friend, how she understands that there is more to life than just fencing. She wants to prove she is good enough, and wants to show she is worthy of friendship and love. Those are themes and traits that can be cultivated and grown. Kagami’s greatest appeal is that she can grow beyond her role as a Love rival, and that is why she succeeds.
Why She is Hated for it
Now despite all of these great qualities Kagami has demonstrated as well as how perfect her character is for such a role, the fandom is mixed about her, some even down right hating her. Interestingly enough, the reasons they dislike Kagami is not because of her character. Especially when you consider the rise in popularity of Marigami. Its because of 3 other factors outside of Kagami’s control. Over-saturation, Writing, and Fandom trends.
Over-saturation seems like an odd choice but it perfectly describes the situation. In season 1, we are introduced to two other female characters that were reoccurring characters AND were romantically interested in Adrien. Chloé bourgeois and Lila Rossi. Now both of them can be considered antagonists, and that is kind of the problem. Two reoccurring female characters already have a thing for Adrien, and both of them are jerks (that being the lightest term I can use). Now we know Adrien would never end up with a bad girl, but that impression starts to stick and make it seem like a pattern. That Adrien only attracts bad people (excluding Marinette). By season 2, when Kagami was introduced, it just seemed to the fans like, “Oh great, ANOTHER one”. Despite Kagami being a good character, and someone that actually cares about Adrien outside of the shallow aspects that Lila and Chloé were invested in, fans were ready to write her off and, with how the show was written, you couldn't really blame them at the time. 
The second is a bit more obvious, the shows writing. The largest offender being Frozer and Oni-chan. While Oni-chan was salted on by fans a bit excessively, I have no real defense for Frozer, Frozer was an awful episode and everyone involved should feel bad. Kagami suffers like many ML characters do from poor writing, now this doesn't destroy her character like many would like you to believe, but she gets portrayed in a more negative light when the intentions are not meant for it. Its a bit harder to explain, but just know poor writing and assume Zag interference was what caused issues.
The Last one is something that is a bit more controversial, Fandom trends. Now in season 2, fans really, REALLY, did not like Kagami. The first two reasons having a large impact on that, but what really made it hard for Kagami, was the fandom itself. Since she was introduced first, certain lovesquare shippers LOATHED her appearance, HOW DARE she jump in and disrupt the love square! There are more words that were used, most of which are very degrading towards women and I would not want to repeat. Kagami took the brunt of the fandom backlash, the one that ‘Ruined the Lovesquare’. And when season 3, or as I call it, the season of Salt, fans really hit her hard with hatred, the Adrigami fandom took a lot of salt from toxic stans, some of which didn't like adrigami because they hated Adrien and didn't want him to be happy. It is gross to think about and its tragic that she is hit hard by hatred simply for things outside of her control.
Why Luka Doesn't Work as a Love Rival
Luka is the alternate love interest of Marinette and was introduced in Captain Hardrock. He is Juleka’s older brother and is a guitarist.
His introduction is not terrible, but it is not as strong compared to other characters, but I do believe it sets the mood for what he is as a character. His character is the friend’s nice older brother musician, thats kind of it. It sounds like I am being mean but that sums up his character. He isn't really a foil to Adrien or Marinette in anyway, there is no shocking twists or clever parallels to be made, its just Luka. Simply put, Luka doesn't work as a Love rival.
Luka isn't a rival character. He isn't competing with Adrien, he doesn't clash with Adrien in anyway that would help him develop. Adrien and Luka get along fine, there is not a single bit of tension or conflict between them. This isn't a good thing when they are suppose to be competing for the same girl. I already hear what you are thinking, ‘But Adrien likes Ladybug.’ you're right, why isn't Luka interested in Ladybug then? Why is there no clash with chat noir? The point of a Love rival is to push another character towards something, to be a measuring stick. Luka doesn't do that for Adrien, and that is why the rival aspect fails for Luka.
The next course would be the love interest part. Surely Luka is someone that works well as an alternate love interest for Marinette? You are somewhat right, he does work better as a love interest for Marinette rather than a rival for Adrien. But that doesn't make him a good love interest for her. In my take on Love rivals, there needs to be three criteria met to be an effective love rival/love interest, an unequal development of both character, a differing connection that the two share, and a character underneath that can exist outside of the relationship. Luka fails to meet 2 of these criteria. The unequal development of both of them, Marinette has shown some development from her interactions with Luka but the reverse is not provable, we have yet to see Luka really change because of his relationship with Marinette, we don't know how much Marinette has helped/hindered Luka with his struggles, the best argument I could think of was that Marinette helped him be more bold in silencer, but really that sort of falls flat because he has shown bold actions outside of that. Captain hard rock said that he wasn't really good at expressing himself with words, but he shows pretty capable of doing so with people outside of Marinette, like his sister, or expressing anger to Bob Roth, so I don't really see how that works. The other criteria he fails to meet is having a character should the relationship end, Luka’s relevance is tied to him being the other guy for Marinette to choose, we as a viewer have no concrete reason as of yet to see him grow or change after the split. It doesn't help that Luka has even encouraged Marinette to go after Adrien on multiple occasions. People say thats because he is truly selfless and ‘Because he cares’ but really it just shows how little interest he has in trying to win her over, it almost comes off as insulting to Marinette. The only thing that Luka managed to pass was by having a different dynamic with Marinette than Adrien had with her. But that dynamic is shoulder to cry on. I guess that explains why salt fics really try to make Luka into Adrien.
Luka’s character in itself isn't awful, he isn't a bad person or anything of the sort. He is inoffensive and thats the problem. A love rival is suppose to be a point of tension, one that pushes, one that causes development, a force that at its core is meant to help the characters grow, and Luka just isn't the character to do that. He isn't a love rival, or a love interest. Luka is a wall, a wall put in between the two main leads in order to cause a divide without causing tension.
Why He is Loved despite it
Luka isn't a love rival, and yet despite it he is one of the more popular characters in the fandom. It was something so mind boggling to me, what did this character have that made him so well liked in the fandom? Why wasn't he as hated as Kagami was during her introduction? I found myself coming up with three reasons why this was the case. Luka was so loved because of Necessity, writing and Salt.
 Much Like Kagami suffered from Over-saturation, Luka had the Opposite problem. Marinette’s other love interests all ended up losing interest by the end of the episodes they were in. Nino, Nathaniel, Theo (though it was for ladybug). All of them just got paired off with someone else shortly after. Marinette didn't have another person outside of Adrien that was potentially going for her attention. This necessity allowed for Luka to slip in and fill the gap. The fandom saw him show up and were excited! With Kagami *ruining* the lovesquare, they needed someone for Marinette to help mend her should kagami ‘Win’, and Luka won by default. So Luka was the one the screeching fandom saw as there answer.
The next key that helped Luka was the writing of the show. The problem with the writing in the show is that often the writing will clash and hurt the strong characters of the show. Luka, as someone that does not have any strong defining features is flexible and easy to write for the writers. It makes it easy for him to be written in a way that wont infuriate people because of bad writing. He is able to coast by without having his character be in jeopardy. In a way, he has nothing to lose.
The last factor is of course salt. Now in fandoms, salt is used as a means of criticism or used to describe problems with characters. Luka is someone that people don't really have a problem with, which during the season of salt, made him perfect for all those fics where they needed someone to be on Marinette’s side because Adrien was ‘the devil’ or Lila was an extra mean jerk. Luka didn't have any problems that were agitated by salt, so he was the perfect replacement for Adrien when the writer wanted to hate on the blonde. Luka was the substitute, he was the easy fix that took little effort to include. He was a nice older brother that already liked Marinette, perfect fix for any situation. Its rare to see Luka written in a negative light without his character being warped so far that he is a completely different character.
Luka is loved not because of the things he is, but simply because of the things he is not. He is used more as a means to an end rather than as a character. In the writing, he is more of a wall, while in the fandom he is more of a stand-in. At the end of the day, I don't know what is more tragic.
Final Thoughts
Kagami and Luka are characters that were introduced in order to spice things up and add development for the main characters. I find that in some ways they do achieve that goal, but in other ways they fail. One of them embodies the spirit of a Love rival while the other embodies the love obstacle. Regardless of this analysis, your thoughts on Kagami and Luka are your own and you can love and appreciate them as you see fit.
If you want to support my insanity. Buy me sushi please 
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Tbh I'd love it if Miraculous did something similar to the Tales of Ba Sing Se episode in ATLA (or even something like Zuko alone), which was an episode containing various short stories of every character. This could let us see more bonding or characters alone.
Idk, imagine seeing Alya's regular life; dealing with the twins, talking to her big sister, cooking (I mean, her mom is a cook so I bet Alya knows something too). Or just a glimpse of her inmer thoughts —what she thinks about the world, her current life, etc. Maybe we can see her think about her current status as Rena. She's aware of the danger. What does she think? Is she sometimes afraid anything can go wrong? Maybe this motivates her to train. Or we could see her chill writing for her blog and answering fans, or explaining her routine and ways of documenting Ladybug and Chat Noir's adventures.
Maybe we could have Adrien and Nino hanging out as real friends and have Adrien help Nino similar to how Nino helps him a lot. Them just having fun as teenagers. But we could also have Carapace adventures too. He's not that used as a hero so I'd love to see him more. Maybe have him interact with the duo, with just LB, with just CN or even have him alone doing some mission. This guy is the perfect balance between those two and he's very wise so I'm sure we'd see very good conversations.
Kagami doing something that isn't Adrien or fencing would be nice too. Like, imagine her going on a walk home and thinking. Maybe she's listening to music and she suddenly finds someone, probably Marinette. Anyone but Adrien. And we get to see her process social interactions again, which I found very relatable in Ikari Gozen. Oh and I'd love to see her be conflicted because she wants to obey her mother but at the same time she has this rebellious wishes.
Alix and Chloé should be a must ahsjjdksmsmw. I'd LOVE seeing them interact. Maybe one day Chloé goes to the Art Club alone because Sabrina is busy and surprisingly, she only finds Alix, because the others went to search for something. And we just have this moment of them silently dissing each other until one starts talking about the past. It's been slightly hinted Chloé and Alix may have been friends at slme point, and they probably fell out. So I'd love some kind of comfrontation.
Maybe we could see something of Mylène? The daily things she does. Maybe her sending important things to her friends, organising manifestations, posting resources, researching... And she practising her speech abilities because she wants to inform people and be helpful. This show is only politically affiliated with ecologism so we'd probably see her daily routine caring for the planet and getting her friends into it too.
You know what I'd love? A heart-to-heart between Luka and Ivan. They must be close, and we know Ivan isn't the best at expressing his feelings with music but Luka is the total opposite. Maybe them writing music together and talking about their days or their instruments or their hobbies. Maybe Luka has some problem and Ivan is one of the only people he trusts to put down his chill, mature, front (I headcanon he tries to appear as having not many problems to better support Juleka and the people around him), and we could see Ivan advising him. What kind of adviser is Ivan?
Sabrina alone. Let's see her hobbies! Maybe she's secretly an Art Kid? We know she likes roleplaying. Maybe she likes writing too? Does she have pets? Is she a cat person? Maybe we could see her researching. She's an amazing researcher in my headcanon. What if we see she's actually investigating about Hawk Moth and secretly collaborating anonymously with Alya thru the LadyBlog? Oh and I bet Sabrina loves creating outfits, not really designing, just combining clothes. Idk she just gives me that vibe.
Max! What does Max do in his free time? He's surely gaming. Does he have gamer friends, online friends? Oh, better. Imagine him programming his own game as a personal project because he wants to test his own abilities. He going out to get inspired and walking down the streets. We could see him appreciating the world in a fun way —he probably knows a shit ton of random facts. And when he finishes his game, after testing a lot, he probably uses it to spend a fun evening with his friends too. Idk he seems like a very fun person to he around.
A short story on Kim going to a competition is something I'd love to see. He's been training a lot and he is super confident but his rivals are amazing too. Maybe he has some rival we're yet to meet? Maybe Ondine herself is not only his friend but his rival too? We could see Kim getting second and see how he reacts. Is he a bad loser, disappointed on himself or is he the supportive type who goes all "omg look at how fast you were!!!! Are you a merfolk???? Do you breath underwater???? You were so fast ahwjwkdjw"?
Juleka and Nath moments? Some time ago people loved the thought of them together but I think a friendship between them is better. They're both kind of shy (I'm thinking of Evillustrator!Nath, not Reverser!Nath tbh). What if they were each other's first friend? Maybe Nath got Juleka into modeling because he practised with her? "Jules please let me draw you I need a human" and Juleka answering y an ominous way "I'm not a human but ok", and eventually trying new clothes. Oh and we can see them talk about how they're kind of distanced right now but they still trust each other a lot and have this special connection.
Rose writing her songs. Where does she get the inspiration? Maybe we could see her in her room, a very pink room where she has an unicorn collection. Maybe she loves writing lyrical things. Does she write poemas? Rose gifting poemas to her friends would be so in character. Maybe see her writing a song about herself and her life? She is happy but we could hear her sing about her struggles (her disease, trying to help people but being unable, maybe she sometimes doubts her positivity thing and needs to give it some thought, etc but in the end she's sure she wants to make the day as bright as possible).
LILA'S DAY. WE NEED TO SEE LILA'S DAY. She's probably alone most of the day, as we've been hinted her mother is so busy. What does she do? Maybe she posts some happy, bright foto to Instagram and then we see her irl being bored as fuck. She just eats a bit and stays in her room. Does she keep track of her lies? She has to have a diary, for that I'm sure. Maybe we can see her writing in her diary? Her future plans or just her opinions on the people of her class. Does she like someone or is everyone boring to her? Maybe she sometimes feels bad about what she's doing? Please let us have sympathetic moments with Lila. Fucking Gabriel has them!!!!!
So yeah I think I covered everyone in the class + Luka and Kagami – Adrien and Marinette because they're the protagonists. I just want to see the secondary characters develop a little!!! We need to see more of them. Season 1 was fun because it showed us their individual personalities a lot.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
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“Don’t let your loyalty become your slavery.”
“And perhaps it is the greatest grief of all, to be left on Earth when another is gone.”
“I’m a ray of fucking sunshine.”
✵ Pinterest Board ✵
✵ World: MCU ✵
✵ Faceclaim: Sarah Gadon ✵
✵ Full Name: Apollina ✵
✵ Nickname: Lina ✵
✵ Alias: Apollo (In Myths) + Lina Apollo (Modern Day) ✵
✵ Birthday: Unknown ✵
✵ Abilities: ✵ She has the ability to manipulate heat and light. She can send out bursts of heat energy that function like small energy bombs. She can also create blinding flashes of light or shoot projectiles of condense heat and light energy. She can also technically make small weapons out of energy, but rarely does. Her powers also extend to being able to manipulate the heat of objects or substances.
✵ Relationships: ✵ The Eternals (Family, Status Varies) Artemas (Sister, Alive) Ikaris (Love Interest, Deceased)
゚・:†┏┛ Backstory ┗┓†:・゚
Apollina came down to Earth with the rest of the Eternals thousands of years ago. She had a close relationship with her sister Artemas for a long time, but then one day things changed. She grew tired of her sister’s odd and reserved personality, so she started to push her sister away in an attempt to feel more welcomed within the group. Although she was very good at getting along with the Eternals, she thought it would be easier if she didn’t always have her odd sister tagging along with her. Eventually, Artemas grew tired of being treated poorly and lashed out at Apollina. They had a huge argument and they distanced themselves from each other. As the years went by, Apollina started to develop feelings for Ikaris and the two often flirted with each other, although they never voiced their feelings. It wasn’t until they were at a celebration of sorts in Babylon that Apollina caught his eye across the room and pulled him aside. They had a conversation about their feelings that day, which Apollina considers the start of their relationship. Ikaris also opened up to her about their true mission, information that Apollina swore to keep a secret for as long as he needed her to. Their relationship develops until they eventually get married in a small ceremony with all the other Eternals present.
At some point while the Eternals are still fighting together, Apollina stumbled upon her sister and Druig walking together and realizes that they are in a relationship. Artemas asks her to keep their relationship a secret and Apollina swears not to tell anyone. This moment sparks the rekindling of their relationship and the sisters are able to apologize to each other, although they never really get back to how close they were before their falling out so many years ago. Despite that, Apollina is still the only person to find out that Druig and Artemas get married when they have a small ceremony under the noses of the other Eternals. She doesn’t attend, but she does talk to her sister about it after the fact. For a short time, Ikaris suspects that she’s hiding something from him and they have a small falling out, but she is eventually able to explain to him (without breaking her sister’s trust) and they repair their relationship. Ikaris and Apollina become a veritable team as the Eternals continue traveling to take care of the Deviants that are threatening life on Earth.
When the Eternals finally start to go their separate ways in Tenochtitlan, Apollina tells Ikaris that she wants to live among the humans and observe them. She finds their art fascinating and also wants to make art of her own so that she might be recognized for her talents. Ikaris promises to travel with her anywhere she wants and the two travel the world for a while, exploring different lives until they finally settle in Arizona together. Taking on the name of Lina Apollo, Apollina continues to make her own art under the name “Apollo” and also becomes an art curator in a local museum. Her and Ikaris have a happy life together and she travels with him to London when he finally starts searching for the other Eternals. She is loyal to him until the end, but starts to have conflicted emotions when the battle leads to her sister getting injured. In the end, the remaining Eternals restrain her and take her as a prisoner of sorts on the Domo when they finally leave Earth.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 36
Only three more chapters to go til Heroes Day!! I'm very excited for that one as I think you'll love it. I have a basic plan and it's gonna be good! As you've all probably guessed, Leatherback is going to be one of the next three chapters but the other two will be Desperada and Ikari Gozen. Though Desperada's appearance will be her second akumatization in this universe. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D
Chapter Thirty-Six: Malediktator
Luka hummed softly to himself as he cycled to the Grand Paris hotel. He was on one of his delivery shifts and actually had time to complete it. He had reduced his hours at work now that he was a superhero and going to school but luckily, his boss was pretty cool and understood. He only got two shifts a week and luckily it seemed that Hawkmoth didn't tend to target people on a Thursday and a Saturday. That or his luck was coming into play. Now that he thought about it, it was probably his luck that he hadn't had his shifts disturbed yet but he certainly wasn't complaining. He pulled up at the Grand Paris and jumped off his bike, locking it up. Tikki flew into his hoodie as he took his helmet then grabbed the final box. It was his last delivery for the evening. He walked up to the doorman and smiled.
 "Delivery for Chloe Bourgeois," He stated, making the doorman nod and let him in. He walked through the hotel and checked his phone to make sure she had paid. He got into the lift and rode it up to the floor she lived in. As soon as he exited the lift, he heard screaming and shouting. He frowned as he walked towards the door. Tikki popped her out.
 "Is it an akuma?" She asked, making him shake his head.
 "No, it's someone arguing," He mumbled as the door slammed open. Tikki quickly hid and Luka blinked as Audrey Bourgeois stared at him before lifting her arm and tracing her eyes at his outfit. He could literally feel her judging him.
 "What a trashy outfit," She scoffed, turning her nose up at it before she waved her hand at him in a dismissive manor. "You're fired,"
 "I don't work for you," He stated, making her blink and stare at him before she glared at him.
 "How dare you talk to me like that?! I'm the queen of style-"
 "And I really don't care. I'm tired and I have other things to do so either take this or move out my way," He stated, making her blink again as he took out his phone and send the text to let Chloe know her food was here. 
 "Now listen here, you-"
 "Mum! Could you just not have a go at my school friends?! Go argue more with Dad," Chloe suddenly stated, making her blink for the third time as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the room, closing the door behind them. She let out a sigh before taking the sushi box from him before pointing towards the window. "If you go out that way, you can take the lift into the restaurant and avoid my mother,"
 "Thank you," He muttered, turning to walk out of her balcony doors but he stopped and frowned a little. Chloe had moved to her bed and was slowly eating the sushi but something felt a little off to him. He wasn't sure if it was his best idea but he turned around and cleared his throat, causing her to look up at him. "Uh... are you ok? You seem... off?"
 "Because I'm been nice?" She asked, sharply and defensively. "Well, even I can be nice you know. I am trying to change,"
 "That's not what I meant," He stated, making her look at him. "You seem out of tune,"
 "Out of tune?" She asked, confused. He frowned as it wasn't the right words. "How can I be out of tune? I'm not a musical instrument,"
 "Sorry... I meant like sad... you seem sad..." He replied, making her eyes widen in shock before she looks down, a sad expression coming on her face. Luka sighed and turned to walk away. "Never mind..."
 "Mama wants to go back to New York with me but Daddy doesn't want us to leave Paris," She admitted, making him stop and look at her. "They've been arguing non stop about it for a couple of days. I'm sure you heard the shouting when you got out of the lift. Mama was trying to convince me to go with her but when I said I wasn't sure I wanted to leave, she started to shout at me,"
 "Why aren't you sure?" He asked without meaning to but she sighed and hugged her legs. "I mean Paris is cool but New York would be pretty cool too,"
 "I like Paris..." She admitted, sighing. "I know I don't have many friends in Paris but since the whole Queen Wasp incident, I've been going to therapy and it's really helping just having someone to talk to.... but Daddy is the one paying for it as Mama doesn't believe I need it. I know if I go to New York with her, I won't get the help I need plus she just brush me off like she always does,"
 "Well, it sounds like me that you're not unsure at all. You clearly want to stay in Paris so tell her that," He replied, making her look at him. "As for having no friends, you can always try to make some,"
 "Most people believe I haven't changed," She admits, looking down again. "That's why I snapped at you. I thought you were like them but you seem different,"
 "Well, you still have far to go but I can see quite clearly that you're trying your best so I think it's only fair to give you a chance. Besides, we never really got a chance to introduce ourselves to each other," He smiled before holding out his hand. Chloe blinked and looked at him in surprise. "I'm Luka Couffaine. It's nice to meet you,"
 "Uh... Chloe Bourgeois," She replied, taking his hand and shaking it. "It's nice to meet you as well. I'm right in thinking you're friends with Marinette?"
 "Yeah," He smiled, causing her to look nervous. "You should talk to her and I don't just mean about the dress you've commissioned her for. She is a great person and if you give her a chance, you might find a real friend in her,"
 "I was her bully for years..."
 "Then apologize for that,"
 "She won't accept it,"
 "She doesn't have to," He replied, making her look at him in surprise. "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Just by trying you can show her and the rest of the school that you really have changed. Anyway, I should get going as I have some more errands to run but Chloe, don't give up ok?"
 She nodded as he headed to the door and walked over, giving her a nod. Audrey had gone and he could hear shouting in the distance as he walked over to the lift. He pressed the button and waited for the lift to arrive, stepping in it as soon as it did. Once the doors closed, Tikki poked her head out.
 "That was some good advice you gave, Chloe," She smiled, making him smile a little as well.
 "She does seem to be improving but she has a long way to go," He admitted, making Tikki nod. "I just hope she's able to tell her mother that she needs to stay. I'd hate to see revert back to how she was before,"
 "Me too," Tikki admitted before hiding in his jacket as the lift came to a stop. He walked over of the building and unlocked his bike before placing his helmet on. He took out his phone, marked Chloe's food as delivered before using the company's app to clock out. He placed his phone back in his pocket before cycling off. He had one last errant to do and that was pick up some macaroons and cookies for Tikki. He stopped outside of the bakery and parked his bike, taking off his helmet and placing it inside. He walked over to the door and pushed it open, causing the bell to ring.
 "Welcome to- Hello, Luka," Sabine smiled as he walked up to the counter. "How are you?"
 "I'm good, Mrs Cheng. Thank you for asking," He smiled.
 "That's good to know, dear," She smiled back. "If you're here to see Marinette, you just missed her. She just left for Alya's,"
 "That's ok, Mrs Cheng. I'll message her later," He replied, nodding. He would be able to hang with Marinette another day as they both had plans tonight. She was sleeping over at Alya's with the girl squad and he had his shift then had to go on patrol. Of course, he didn't tell her about the patrol part. "I actually came in to buy some cookies and macarons,"
 "You do seemed fond of them. The usual flavors?" She asked, making him nod. "As I recall, they're for your friend?"
 "Yes, she has a huge sweet tooth,"
 "Are you and her close?" She asked as she bagged them up.
 "Yes, she's like a little sister to me," He smiled as he glanced at the rest of the food on display. Sabine smiled a little at his answer. "Can I have two eclairs as well?"
 "Of course, dear," She replied, getting them for him. "You already have a little sister, don't you? Juleka? Was it?"
 "Yeah but I have a habit of kind of been a big brother to people. I basically adopted Rose as my little sister and Tik- Tina... my friend who likes the cookies," He smiled, mentally sweating at almost saying Tikki's name. "Rose is practically my sister in law at this point anyway. How much do I owe you, Mrs Cheng?"
 "You can call me Sabine, dear," She smiled before ringing up the items. "22.45 euros, please?"
 He smiled and paid before taking the sweets and leaving the shop, waving goodbye to Sabine. He placed them in the basket and put his helmet back on before cycling off back to the Seine. The sun was beginning to set once he got to the Liberty. He locked his bike up and climbed on board, walking downstairs as he hummed to himself. Anarka looked up from her notepad as he placed an Eclair in front of her as he smiled.
 "Have you had any dinner yet?" He asked, making her look at the time. She frowned and stretched.
 "Nothing yet," She replied, making him frown. "Been working hard on a new song. Wanna read while I order take out?"
 "Sure, ma," He smiled, picking up the note pad and glancing over the scribbles and notes as she put in their usual order. He put it down as she walked back over.
 "What do you think?"
 "Sounds good so far," He smiled, making her smile. "You'll show me the finished piece right?"
 "Of course," She mumbled, making him nod before she claps her hand. "That reminds me. I have a job interview,"
 "You do?" He asked, frowning a little. Either she's decided to cure her boredom by getting a second job or money is tight. Sometimes that was the case with their lifestyle. Writing and selling songs were good if people wanted to buy them but not everyone did and of course, Bob Roth made it rather difficult for her to sell songs. Sometimes, they were times where it was hard to make ends meet. That's why Luka got his job in the first place but of course, he has reduced hours now. "Is everything ok?"
 "Nothing for you to worry about, Lad," She smiled. "We're up to date with bills and the usual things that cost money but it wouldn't do us any hard if I have a second job,"
 "So what's the job?" He asked.
 "Just some part shop work," She stated, making him frown. "It's nothing to worry about, Lad,"
 "Alright but if money gets too bad, I can always pick up some more shifts,"
 "You don't need to," She explained. "And you have school to worry about,"
 "If you say so, ma,"
 "Mr Couffaine, are you listening?" Ms Mendeleiev asked, making Luka look up from his notes and nod. She rose an eyebrow. "Then repeat what I said,"
 "You were explaining the difference between an atom and an ion," He replied, making her look at him with surprise before he lifted his book, showing his notes. Kagami smiled at him as Ms Mendeleiev nodded in approval.
 "Good that you're taking notes, Mr Couffaine," She replied before continuing with her lesson. Luka looked back down and smiled at the text he received from Marinette before sending her a reply, saying that he almost got caught so he'll talk to her at lunch. He slid his phone into his pocket and tried to pay attention to the rest of the lesson. Finally, the bell for lunch rang. He slid his notes into his bag and began to leave for the canteen. 
 "Luka," Kagami called, making him look over at her. She was holding her bag, looking calm as usual. "Adrien mentioned you are joining us for lunch today,"
 "Yeah, Marinette invited me," He smiled, making her nod. "You don't mind, do you?"
 "No, I do not," She tried her best to smile. "Perhaps we can walk to the canteen together?"
 "Sure," He smiled, slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking out with her. They walked in silence, making him bite his lip as he wasn't sure what to say to her but it was Kagami that broke the silence.
 "I'm glad you're not longer sick and have returned to school," She stated, making him look at her in surprise. "Marinette seemed worried about you,"
 "Yeah... Marinette saw why I was off," He mumbled, playing with his strap of his bag. "But I'm ok now,"
 "She cares a lot for you," Kagami stated, surprising him. "And I'm certain you care for her,"
 "I do," He mumbled, looking to the side with a slight blush.
 "You should tell her," She stated, making him look at her in shock. It's not that he didn't like Kagami or that he thought she was bad but in a way, she was similar to Chloe. In other words, an acquired taste and while he was happy to be his friend, he didn't necessarily want to have this conversation with her. It was bad enough that Juleka, Rose, Ivan and Mylene had given him lectures about talking to Marinette about his feelings. Now Kagami was going to. He would not be surprised if at some point, Adrien pulls him aside and tells him off.  "It is obvious that you are in love with her,"
 "She's in love with someone else," He mumbled, looking down. 
 "Yes, Adrien. I'm aware of her crush," She stated in a matter of a fact tone. "But Adrien isn't the only person to have captured her interest and he is unavailable to her. Adrien cares for Marinette but he only sees her as a friend,"
 "Then maybe he should tell her that!" He snapped, making her look at him. "Sorry... I didn't mean that..."
 "No, you are quite correct," She stated, making him frown. "Adrien doesn't understand social ques like the rest of the students here but even so, he should explain to Marinette that he only views her as a friend and that he only ever will. I shall tell him t-"
 "No," Luka gasped, causing her to look at him. He looks down as Kagami frowns.
 "I am confused," She stated. "Having Adrien tell Marinette that he only cares for her as a friend would eliminate him as a contender for her heart, meaning you would be to win her heart. Do you not want that?"
 "Not like that," He admitted, making her look at him. "Marinette deserves better then that. She doesn't deserve to have her heart broken. Yes, Adrien isn't interested in her and he should tell her that he likes her as a friend but not like that. He shouldn't just crush her heart so I can pick up the pieces. I do not want to have her love because of that. I do not want to be her second choice and I would never make a move on her while she was heartbroken. I have too much respect for her to do that. If Marinette wants to love me, I want her to come to that conclusion on her own,"
 "You really do love her," She stated, making him look at her. Was that a test? He rose an eyebrow as they walked into the canteen and shook his head, waving at Marinette when he saw her. She waved back, smiling brightly as she did. Alya was sat next to her, talking to Nino. Luka was glad to see that the two girls hadn't fallen out over the Reverser incident. Speaking of which, Marc had joined their table, happily talking to Nathaniel and Alix. Juleka was leaning on Rose as she gushed about something to Ivan and Mylene. Adrien was sat next to Nino and smiled as Kagami joined, leaving the spare seat next to Marinette. Luka moved over and sat down, happily taking out his lunch as he listened to the different conversations going on. However, the talking stopped as Chloe walked over. She looked extremely nervous and was looking to the side. She looked up and glanced at Luka, surprising him a little but he gave her an encouraging smile.
 "Um... I was hoping I could talk to you, Dup- I mean Marinette..." She mumbled, making Marinette look at her in surprised. Alya crossed her arms and glared at her but Marinette cleared her throat.
 "I'm listening, Chloe," She stated in a calm voice. Chloe took a deep breathe.
 "I wanted to apology for my behavior in the past," She stated, making everyone on the table look at her in surprise. "I was a terrible person and took out my own hurt on you. I understand that you probably won't forgive me and I don't blame you for that. In fact, I apologize to everyone at this table. Mylene, I'm sorry I made fun of your fear, Rose, I'm sorry that I made fun of your perfume and torn up your letter to Prince Ali... Ivan, I'm sorry for teasing you about liking Mylene. I actually think you two make a really cute couple. Nino and Alya, I'm sorry for been mean to you for no real reason or snapping at you. Nathaniel, I'm sorry for stealing your art and making you feel bad about having a crush on Marinette..."
 She turned to face Juleka, who looked frightened.
 "Juleka... I'm sorry that I got Sabrina to trap you in the bathroom. I was so desperate to stand next to Adrien that I didn't care who I hurt but I realize now how wrong I was," She mumbled, causing Juleka to go bright red before she turned to Marinette. "Marinette... I'm sorry for all the years I bullied you and belittled you... I was jealous of you... you are kind, sweet and having loving parents... you had everything I didn't and I hated you for it..."
 "Chloe..." Marinette stated but Chloe shook her head, tears in her eyes.
 "I am a terrible person and I don't deserve your forgiveness so I understand if you reject my apologies," She stated, wiping her eyes. "But I hope that maybe you'll let me earn your friendships and that we can start again,"
 She looked up and held out her hand with a sad smile on her face.
 "Hi, I'm Chloe Bourgeois... it's nice to meet you," She stated in a similar manner to how Luka done to her when he delivered her food but she wasn't expect anyone to shake her hand back. She was just giving them a chance to start again if they wanted. The group look around confused but Marinette was the first to get to her feet. She walked over to Chloe and stood in front of her, causing the girl to blink as she looked at her.
 "I accept your apology, Chloe," She smiled before taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to meet you too, Chloe. I hope we can become good friends,"
 "Thank you," She whispered, more tears appearing in her eyes. Marinette smiled as Juleka stood up and shook Chloe's hand, reintroducing herself. The rest of the class did the same. Though Rose didn't actually shake her hand. Instead she just hugged Chloe, causing the girl to pat her head before she sat down. Marinette smiled as Chloe wiped away her tears before gesturing to the spare seat.
 "Why don't you join us for lunch?" She asked, making Chloe blink and look at the seat before pointing at herself.
 "You want me to join you?" She asked but it wasn't in a malicious tone. She just sounded surprise. Marinette smiled and nodded. "Thank you,"
 "Do you have a lunch?" Rose asked, making Chloe shake her head.
 "Usually I go back to the hotel to have lunch with Daddy if he's not busy," She explained, glancing to the side. Luka frowned a little as he suspected that her father was almost always busy and he highly doubted her mother ate with her. He felt Tikki push a cookie into his hand, causing him to glance down. She smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.
 "Here, you can have this. It isn't much but it's better then nothing," He smiled, handing her to the cookie. Chloe went to take it but hesitated as she was sure he would snatch it from her but when he didn't, she took it.
 "Thank you," She mumbled before Marinette handed her a croissant and part of her sandwich. She looked up at her. "Are you sure?"
 "Well, a cookie isn't enough to fill you up," She smiled, gently nudging Luka who smiled back. Chloe thanked her and the conversation began again. Marinette turned to Luka. "So I wanted to ask you a favor?"
 "Oh?" He replied, making her press her fingers together. 
 "I was hoping that maybe you could show me the basics of guitar..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. He looked at her in surprise. "If you're not busy... you're probably busy..."
 "I'd love to show you," He smiled but before either of them to could continue, the sound of a helicopter got their attention. All of the students rushed out to see what was going on as the guitar landed in the school grounds. Mr Damocles rushed over as Audrey Bourgeois got out of it. Chloe frowned as Mr Damocles tried to tell her that she couldn't land the helicopter there. However, she just ignored him and walked over to Chloe. 
 "Chloe, get in the helicopter. We're going to New York," She ordered, making the girl frown.
 "Mum, I told you already I don't want to go to New York," Chloe explained, making her mouth frown.
 "Don't be ridiculous, Chloe," She replied in a bored manner. "Of course, you want to go to New York. Now get in the helicopter. I haven't got all day,"
 Chloe sighed and began to walk to the helicopter with her shoulders slumped but Luka frowned and gently grabbed her wrist, making her look at him in surprise before he let go.
 "Chloe, you don't have to listen to her," Luka stated, causing Audrey to lower her glasses and glare at him. "You don't have to go,"
 "Well, trash like you wouldn't understand," She stated, causing everyone to glare at her. Luka crossed his arms and glared at her.
 "I'm not the one who isn't listening to my daughter, Mrs Bourgeois," He pointed out, making her frown as she glared at him. She expected him to back down but he glared back. Chloe frowned and looked at the group, expecting to tell her to go but Marinette walked and gently took her hand, giving her a reassuring smile.
 "Luka is right, Chloe. You don't have to go," She declares before turning to Audrey who was still looking at Luka like he was trash. "And don't call my friend trash! Luka is the most kind hearted and gentle person I know and he is far from 'trash' as you put it!"
 "Melody..." Luka mumbled, looking at her with surprise as a blush came across his face.
 "Oh, I know you. Margret was it?" Audrey asked, frowning. "Well, I'm glad I didn't take you on as my protege in New York if this fashion mistake is your friend. Clearly, none of you understand fashion," 
 "That may be the case but at least, I understand how to be a decent human being!" Luka growled, surprising everyone. "Something that you clearly have no idea about giving how you treat people!"
 "How dare you tal-"
 "How dare I?! No, how dare you!" He shouted, making her step back in surprise. "First, you demand your daughter to go with you, despite the fact that she told you no then you insult me and finally,"
 He pointed to Marinette.
 "Her name is Marinette! Not Margret!" He growled, making him frown. "And I'm glad she never went with you to New York because she deserves better then you and so does Chloe! Both of them have more talent in their little finger then you've ever had in your entire career! You are a selfish and egotistical woman so it's no surprise that Chloe doesn't want to go to New York with you!"
 Everyone stared at him in surprise as both Marinette and Chloe blushed a little. Though Marinette was blushing a little more. However, Audrey looked more angry then she did before but before she could say anything, a man burst through the door.
 "Chloe!" He shouted, making everyone look at him in surprise as he walked over. On his head, he wore a dark blue bicorne and light blue skin. He was wearing a dark blue jacket with a cowl going over most of his head except the bottom of his nose and his mouth. The jacket itself had black and purple markings on the shoulders and his right arm had a yellow armor-like shoulder with black stripes. However, the rest of the arm was dark blue with a bent white and red stripe just below the elbow. Across his chest, he had a blue, white, and red sash with a large blue, white, and red circle attached at the center. Also, he was also wearing white trousers and dark blue boots. Luka narrowed his eyes and quickly glanced around. It was clear he was the akuma but right now, Luka couldn't see a chance to escape. The akuma was looking around in disgust as he walked over before looking at Chloe. "Chloe, my daughter! You are not leaving for New York,"
 "Daddy?" She asked, shocked as he smiled at her.
 "Yes, sweetie," He smiled. "Now I have the power to make sure you have the best possible life. We'll start by getting rid of this awful school and their students. You're above those nasty little rats anyway. Now come with me, sweetie,"
 "Uhhh," Chloe gasped, clearly scared as he held out his hand.
 "André, getting yourself akumatized like everyone else in this city does not make you a 'cool' or 'hip' father," Audrey stated in her usual attitude, causing André to frown deeply before he lifted his two of his fingers to his mouth as she continued to rant.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare that you will be devoted to this family and remain in Paris with me and Chloe," He spoke, creating a small ball of light as he did before he threw it at her. Instantly, she stopped talking and rushed over to him.
 "Oh yes! My dear hubby!" She gasped, leaning against him and rubbing her cheek against his chest. "I'm so happy to stay here!"
 She jumped up and began to kiss his nose as she wrapped her arms around his neck, causing everyone including Chloe to stare in shock at the action. The akuma smirked before turning to Chloe.
 "Now, Chloe, why don't you come here?" He smiled as Audrey leaned against him, hugging his arm. "We can finally get rid of this god awful place,"
 "But... Daddy, I like it here..." She gasped, making him blink. "And while I don't want to go to New York, I can't stay with you as an akuma,"
 "Sweetie, I'll give you one more chance to come to me willingly," He stated in a menacing way. "Come here,"
 "No!" She shouted, making him frown deeply. Luka glanced around as he really needed to get to a place to transform. His luck vision kicked in, lighting up all of the students and giving him an idea. Since the akuma's attention was on Chloe, who was slowly backing away, he leaned over to Nino who was stood next to him, looking shocked and frightened.
 "Hey, when I shout scram, run in a random direction," He whispered, making Nino look at him. "Pass it on,"
 Nino nodded and whispered it to Adrien and Alya, who in turn told others including the teachers. It finally reached Marinette who grinned and gave Luka a discreet thumbs up as the akuma lifted his fingers to his mouth. Luka nodded to Marinette.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare-"
 "Scram!" Luka shouted, causing all of the students to run in a random direction. He grabbed Chloe's arm and dragged her to the locker room as the rest of the students confused the akuma. He pushed her inside and closed the door, leaning against it as he turned to her. "Go out the window now!"
 "Thank you," She gasped before she climbed up and out of the window as the akuma called for her before he began to head to the locker room. As soon as she was out, he moved from the door and hid inside a locker, holding his breathing as the akuma kicked open the door.
 "Chloe! Where are you?!" He growled, looking around as Audrey came in. "She isn't in here,"
 "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find her,"
 "Of course, we will but let's get rid of this awful school. Maybe then she will see what a wonderful father I am," He replied, leaving with his wife. Luka let out a sigh before opening his jacket, allowing Tikki to fly out.
 "Trouble?" She asked.
 "Chloe's father has been akumatized," He replied before swiping his earring. "Tikki, spots on!"
 A red glow engulfed him, turning him into Anatis. He climbed out of the locker and out of the window before throwing his yoyo and pulling himself onto the roof as the other students began to destroy the school. Anatis narrowed his eyes as he looked around. Most of the students had been affected by whatever order the akuma had given them and were trashing the school but a few of them weren't among them. Marinette wasn't there and neither was Rose. However, Juleka, Adrien, Kagami and the rest of his friendship group were. The akuma smirked as he looked around before throwing a ball of light at Sabrina.
 "By the power invested in me, I order you to find Chloe and bring her to me," He ordered, causing her to bow.
 "Yes, Malediktator!" She declared before running off, causing Anatis to frown as Lady Noir jumped down onto the helicopter's blades.
 "Do you have a permit to destroy this school?" She asked, crossing her arms as she glared at him.
 "I don't need a permit!" He declared, making both heroes frown. "I am Malediktator, the all powerful super-mayor of Paris and this is my city!!"
 "Hate to burst your bubble but Paris doesn't belong to you alone!" Anatis called as he swung over to the helicopter and landed next to Lady Noir. "It belongs to everyone!"
 The two of them dived at him and began to fight him. Anatis threw his yoyo and wrapped it around Malediktator's wrist, pulling his arm back as Lady Noir tried to hit him with her baton but Malediktator blocked it with his free arm and tried to kick her. She dodged it but he grabbed her baton and used it to throw her across the playground. She flipped and landed on her feet as he grabbed a bench and tried to hit Anatis with it but he jumped out the way before it could hit him and landed next to Lady Noir. Malediktator growled and lifted his fingers.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare that your miraculous are my property!" He shouted, summoning to light balls and throwing them towards Anatis and Lady Noir. The two heroes dodged and dived out of the way of them, causing them to head up to the roof and duck down behind the brickwork.
 "Any idea where the akuma is?" Lady Noir asked as he looked around to see where they had gone.
 "I'm thinking it's in his sash," Anatis mumbled before throwing his yoyo up. "Lucky charm!"
 He frowned as he caught the abacus, causing Lady Noir to raise an eyebrow at him.
 "Your lucky charms get weirder and weirder," She replies, making him smile a little.
 "Tell me about it," He grinned before glancing around in his luck vision but nothing lit up. "Nothing up here is gonna help us,"
 "Then let's get a little closer," She replied, getting a nod of him as he went hooked it to his belt but Lady Noir placed her hand on his arm. "You work out what to do with that while I keep the mayor busy,"
 She dived down and threw her baton at him as Anatis looked around, trying to work out how to use the abacus. He frowned deeply as he glanced around the playground and school area yet not a single thing lit up. Frowning, he glanced at the abacus and examined it. What exactly what was he to do with it? Why that particular item? It did look familiar but he couldn't place it. It was probably in one of the classrooms. Either way, he was definitely gonna have words with Tikki when he was done here. Seriously, how was he suppose to defeat Malediktator with this when his power could cause him to literally surrender his miraculous without a fight? If anything, he would need something that would immobile Malediktator first but this wouldn't help him do that. If anything, he would need to go to Master Fu and get the Bee Miraculous. His eyes widen in understanding before he examined the abacus to be certain. It was almost identical to Master Fu's abacus expect for the ladybug pattern. Like the time with the teapot, it became very obvious what he needed to do. He looked up to call back Lady Noir as she dodged a ball of light and jumped up to the first floor. She dived towards Malediktator with her baton, ready to hit him but he spun round and threw a ball of light at her.
 "By the power invested in me," Malediktator smirked as it hit her, causing her to land on the ground. "I declare you are a cat!"
 She suddenly meowed and began to play with a can on the floor, moving it around with her hand.
 "Oh, no," Anatis groaned as he watched.
 "Oh, what a cutie pie," Audrey gasped before she leaned down and called her over. "Here, kitty, kitty,"
 Lady Noir glanced up at her before cautiously moving over. Audrey grinned and began to stroke her hair and ears as she leaned into her. Anatis frowned and took out his yoyo as Malediktator moved over but Lady Noir hissed and hid behind Audrey before trying to scratch him when he went to take her miraculous. Anatis smirked as he watched before frowning. If he wanted to rescue Lady Noir, he would have to get the Bee miraculous. However, he didn't want to leave her with Malediktator. He tried to grab her ring again but she hissed and scratched his hand, causing him to pull back his hand with a yelp of pain.
 "Kitty still has claws," Anatis mumbled as his earrings beeped. He frowned, taking out his yoyo and standing on the edge of the building. "Kitten, I'll be back soon I promise!!"
 He threw his yoyo and swung to another roof before running as fast as he could in the direction of Master Fu's house. He jumped across to another roof and slid down the tiles before throwing his yoyo and wrapping it around a flag pole. He swung across to another roof and landed on it before running and jumping across a gap. He back-flipped off a wall and into an alley near to Master Fu's shop just before his transformation dropped. He caught Tikki before running to the shop and pushing open the door.
 "Master Fu!" He gasped, causing the man to jump and glance at him as he caught his breathe. "A villain has transformed Lady Noir into a cat,"
 "What?" He gasped, shocked before shaking his head. "Perhaps you shouldn't have left her by herself. She's at Hawkmoth's mercy,"
 "I know but the lucky charm told me to come here," He replied, causing Master Fu to make a thinking face. "I think I need help for this mission,"
 "It seems so," He replied, getting up and walking to the phonograph. "After all, the lucky charm never fails,"
 He unlocked the phonograph and took out the miracle box, bringing it over to Luka and placing it on the ground. Luka knelt down in front of it as Master Fu opened it, causing the different draws to pop out and show the miraculous hidden inside. Despite seeing this before, Luka found himself amazed again. It was interesting to watch the box open and to know what the miraculous did. 
 "Luka Couffaine, pick an ally you can trust to fight along side you in this mission," He declared as Luka glanced at all of them but he knew exactly which one to take. He needed the bee. "Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to be serve the greater good,"
 "I need someone who isn't impressed by power and sees people on face value," He muttered, reaching for the bee as Master Fu gave him a concerned look. He hesitated before glancing up at Tikki, who gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and picked up the hair comb.
 "Are you sure?" Master Fu asked, causing Luka to nod.
 "I need to trap Malediktator and the bee's power is the best chance at that," He replied, getting up and walking to the draw where the smaller boxes were kept. He took one out and placed the hair comb inside.
 "But is it really a good idea giving it back to... her?" He asked as Luka put the small box in his pocket.
 "Don't worry, Master," He smiled in a reassuring manner. "I know how to make good use of it this time,"
 With that, he left with Tikki and headed to the alleyway.
 "How we will find Chloe?" She asked, making him shake his head.
 "We're not," He replied, making her glance at him as he took out a macaron and handed it to her. "I told Chloe I can't give her this miraculous back and I have to keep to that. Plus Hawkmoth will probably expect me to go to her. Since she is Malediktator's target, the two of them may set up a trap to lure me there. There's also a high chance that Chloe has already been controlled by Malediktator since he sent Sabrina after her,"
 "So trying to find Chloe is a bad idea," Tikki nodded as she ate the cookie.
 "But who are you gonna give it to?" She asked, swallowing the last bit. "You said you need someone who isn't impressed by power and takes people on face value,"
 "Don't worry, Tikki, I know just the person. You good?" He asked, causing her to nod. "Alright. Tikki! Spots on!!"
 He transformed back into Anatis and threw his yoyo up, pulling himself onto the rooftops and running as fast as he could back to the school. He landed on the roof and glanced around. It looked like Malediktator had left, taking his wife and Lady Noir with him but the students were still around, trying to destroy the school. He glanced around and noticed Sabrina had joined them but Chloe wasn't around. Frowning to himself, he looked around and spotted Rose, trying to stop Juleka from destroying the art room. He swung down and landed near by.
 "They've been mind controlled by Malediktator," He stated, making Rose gasp and turn around in surprise. She honestly looked like she was about to squeal at his appearance. "But there is a way you can help them,"
 "There is?!" She gasped, making him nod.
 "This way," He replied, jumping down to the courtyard and heading into the locker room. Rose came in a few seconds later as he glanced around to make sure no one else was in here and that they were out of the way of cameras. Once certain that it was just them, he took out his yoyo and opened it before reaching in and taking out the box as Rose watched before he held it out to her, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.
 "Rose Lavillant, here is the bee miraculous, which grants the power to immobilize your opponent," He declared, making her eyes go huge as she realized what he was offering to her. "You will use it for the greater good,"
 "Me?" She asked, shocked before making a thinking expression. "But doesn't the bee miraculous belong to Chloe?"
 "No, Chloe wrongly took the miraculous and is currently unfit to wield one. However, if she continues to right her wrongs and change her ways, I am willing to give her a second chance," He explained, making Rose nod. "Do you accept the miraculous?"
 "Yes!" She grinned, taking it and opening it. She gasped in surprise as a golden light appeared from within and circled around her before transforming into Pollen, making her coo.
 "Hello, my queen," Pollen smiled, making Rose gush about her cute she is. "My name is Pollen,"
 "You're so adorable," Rose gushed. "But what are you?"
 "I'm a kwami, my queen," She explained, bowing a little. "I grant magical powers that transforms one into a superhero,"
 Rose squealed, making Anatis smiled before he cleared his throat, causing both Rose and Pollen to look at him.
 "Once the job is complete, you will return the miraculous to me," He explained before looking at her. "Can I trust you, Rose?"
 "Yes, Anatis! I will do my best!" She declared with a lot of energy, making him smile.
 "My queen, to transform you just need say Pollen, buzz on," Pollen explained as Rose listened before she fixed the comb into her hair before looking up at Anatis, who gave her a smile and a nod.
 "Pollen, buzz on!" She declared, causing Pollen to be sucked into the hair comb. She threw her head back as it became a more honey blonde then black strips appeared in it. She held up her arms as a golden light appeared from her feet, creating her suit as it traveled up her body. The suit was completely yellow but a second light appeared, creating some detail on her suit. It gave her black gloves, turned part of her legs black and added a couple of extra strips on her suit as well. She had two symmetrical ones on her upper arms and thighs, a pointed strip on on around her waist and a black choker around her neck. Her shoes resembled a ballerina's and she had the spin-top around her waist. She swiped her hand across her face, creating her mask which was mostly black but had a yellow boarder. With the transformation over, she examined herself before squealing. "I'm a superhero!!"
 "You're gonna need a name," Anatis smiled, making her look at him before she pulled her thinking face.
 "Abeille," She declared, causing him nod to in approval.
 "Abeille... nice," He smiled before taking out his yoyo and searching it on it. He frowned as he watched a video of Malediktator who seemed to have taken control of the city hall. He also had Chloe and his wife at his side as well as Lady Noir. He frowned and put his yoyo away before turning to Abeille. "Alright, I'm gonna be frank with you, Abeille. Malediktator is a very tough enemy. He has the ability to make anyone do what he wants and he has Lady Noir captured,"
 "Oh no,"
 "Which is why I needed to get you," He continued before pointing to her spin top. "The spin-top is your weapon. Similar to my yoyo, it has multiple functions and can be used to help you move through the city. You can also spin it really fast to create a shield and use it to tie up enemies. It can be used as a phone and GPS locator as well as other thing. You also have the power to immobilize your opponent. You can activate this by pulling the spin top's string and saying venom but don't do it yet. You only get to use this power once and then you have five minutes before you transform back. Got it?"
 "Yes, sir," She grinned, making him smile. "But how do you plan to get defeat Malediktator?"
 "We need to get you close enough to use venom on him," He replied, making her nod before taking out his yoyo and showing her the footage. "But as you can see, he has taken over city hall and turned it into his fortress. If we go in head first, we'll be captured. We need to get close enough to observe him but not close enough to alert him off our presence,"
 "Why don't we hide on the building opposite city hall?" She asked, making him smile.
 "That's a good idea," He replied, moving over to the window and opening it before jumping out of it. Abeille followed him as he swung across to the city. The two of them jumped across the buildings and ran across the rooftops, causing Rose to want to squeal in excitement. She almost crashed into a wall but Anatis grabbed her arm and pulled her away from it. "Try to keep your head in the game, Abeille,"
 "I'm sorry, Anatis," She gasped as they jumped over another wall. "It's just... this is so exciting!!"
 "I get it," He smiled as they came closer to the city hall. They landed on the building opposite it and ducked down, causing him to frown as he saw Malediktator sat on a throne atop of the building. He had his wife and Chloe sat near him and Lady Noir curled up by his feet. Anatis frowned deeply as he glanced at her. While he was glad she was ok, he felt annoyed at the fact that Malediktator literally had her as his pet. He shook his head and moved his eyes over to the swat team that were acting as his guard. Suddenly, two balls of light flew towards them, causing the two of them to jump away from the hiding place as Malediktator smirked.
 "Did you think I wouldn't notice you there, Anatis?" He asked before creating two new ones. "By the power invested in me, I declare your miraculous are mine!"
 Anatis and Abeille jumped, avoiding the balls of light before the two of them threw their weapons at him but the swat team blocked it, making Anatis frown before they landed on the edge of the building. Abeille back-flipped away as Anatis ran in the other direction, jumping across to Malediktator. He tried to land a kick on him but once again, the swat team protected him. He swung away as Abeille took down some of the swat team but she had to jump away when Malediktator directed a ball of light towards her. He turned his attention back on Anatis as he swung up before turning his body and throwing his yoyo towards Malediktator. For the third time, the swat team blocked him, causing him to jump back as he dodged a ball of light. However, Malediktator stopped focusing on him and Abeille as Hawkmoth talked to him before smirking at the super villain's suggestion. He began to make a new ball of light.
 "By the power invested in me," He stated, lifting it into the air and make it increase in size. "I declare you all my slaves!"
 Abeille gasped as he made the ball of light massive, causing Anatis to frown.
 "We can't dodge that one, Anatis!" She gasped in fear.
 "He's going to take over the city," He mumbled, frowning. Abeille jumped up and threw her spin top at Malediktator but once again, the guard blocked it. Anatis whistled as she tried to kick the guard, causing her to jump back over to him as they hid on the building behind him. "Directly attacking isn't going to work,"
 "So what do we do?" She asked.
 "You need to get past that guard and get his sash. That's were the akuma is," He muttered, thinking before he took out his yoyo. "And to do that, we're gonna need a bit of luck... Lucky charm!"
 He threw his yoyo up in the air, summoning the magic bugs. He blinked in surprise as he caught the large machine gun.
 "Are we going to shoot him?" Abeille asked, making him frown as he glanced around for the answer. He smirked when Malediktator lit up, followed by Lady Noir. He glanced down at the gun and smiled as the laser was highlighted and finally, Abeille. He broke off the laser part and dumped the rest of the gun aside.
 "As if I'd use violence," He grinned, spinning it in his fingers. "I'll deal with the guard, you sting our esteemed mayor,"
 "Aye, aye, Captain," She grinned, saluting him before spinning her spin top, causing it to glow yellow. "Venom!!"
 She caught it as it pulsed before nodding at Anatis before the two of them jumped over to separate buildings. Abeille laid in wait as Anatis clicked the laser near Lady Noir, causing her to notice it and try to catch it with her hand. He smirked as he moved it, causing her to chase it as she repeatedly tried to capture it. He directed it on the back of one of the swat team, causing her to jump on him and knock him down. It also caused Malediktator to notice but he couldn't move as his bubble would become ineffective. Smirking to himself, Anatis moved it across the backs of the guard, causing Lady Noir to take them all out and knock them off the building as she chased the laser. Malediktator panicked and tried to tell her to stop but Anatis continued to move the laser until all of the swat team was off hanging off the building. He blinked it twice, giving Abeille a signal. She jumped out from her hiding place and dived at Malediktator, slamming the spin top into the middle of his chest before landing on the ground next to him as he froze. The giant bubble disappeared as she grabbed the sash and threw it to Anatis. He caught it and broke it in half, releasing the akuma. He took out his yoyo and captured it before releasing the purified version. He picked up the laser part and tossed it into the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magic swamp and fix everything. He smiled as it flew through the city, fixing the school before it came back and fixed city hall and Lady Noir before safely placing the swat team and the Bourgeois family in front of it before disappearing. Anatis jumped down with Abeille as Malediktator turned back to Mr Bourgeois as Audrey looked around confused before she began to shout at him. Chloe looked at them sadly before gasping and rushing over as she saw Anatis.
 "Anatis!" She gasped. "You totally saved me again!! Oh, I can I have a-"
 She stopped as she saw Abeille, causing Anatis to place his hand on his yoyo. She honestly looked like she was about to cry but she swallowed and smiled widely at Abeille before holding out her hand.
 "Hi, I'm Chloe Bourgeois, the previous Queen Bee. It's nice to meet you," She smiled, causing Abeille to shake it.
 "I'm Abeille. It's nice to meet you too," She replied, causing Chloe to break into a massive smile.
 "Would you mind if I took a selfie with you?" She gasped, causing Abeille to look to Anatis. He smiled and nodded as Lady Noir jumped down and leaned on his shoulder.
 "Aww, Annie, you made a new friend," She grinned in a teasing manner, making him laugh and pat her head. She grinned and leaned into his hand, causing him to laugh as Abeille and Chloe took a couple of selfies before their miraculous beeped. "Abeille, we need to go,"
 "Ok!" She grinned, turning to leave before she decided to hug Chloe, surprising the girl before she let go and ran over to Anatis. Chloe smiled and ran over to her parents before telling them off and dragging them away. The three heroes jumped up to the roofs and ran off but Lady Noir stopped and turned to them.
 "I'll let you do the thing, Annie," She grinned before turning to Abeille. "I hope next time he calls on you we get to actually work together,"
 "Me too, Lady Noir," She grinned, hugging her as well. Lady Noir grinned and patted her head before saluting. She walked to the edge of the building before turning around and blowing a kiss towards Anatis, making him blush and Abeille to gush before she hopped away. "Oh my gosh!! You two are so cute!!"
 He smiled but shook his head as they jumped down to an alleyway. Rose called off the transformation and said goodbye to Pollen before taking off the comb and handing it back to Anatis.
 "Thank you for choosing me, Anatis," She smiled. "I hope we get to do this again,"
 "Should there be an occasion that calls for the bee, I will come and find you," He smiled, placing it back in the box and hiding it in his yoyo. "Are you ok getting home?"
 "Yes, I'll be going to my friend's house tonight," She smiled as his earrings beeped. "Besides, you're about to transform back,"
 "Yeah, I'll have to go," He replied, making her nod before she hugged him suddenly. He smiled and hugged back before she pulled away and ran off, waving to him. He waved back and threw his yoyo up to the building. He ran across it as his earrings rapidly beeped before he jumped down into another alley. He caught Tikki and gave her a macaron before taking out the bee miraculous. He fixed it into his hair, causing Pollen to manifest.
 "Hello, my prince," She smiled as he took out a macaron for her. She thanked him and began to eat it as he smiled.
 "Do you approve off Rose?"
 "She makes an excellent bee," She smiled, moving on his shoulder as Tikki sat on the other one. He smiled and walked with them to Master Fu. Tikki and Pollen hid in his hoodie as he walked up to the shop and knocked on the door before walking inside. Master Fu looked up and smiled.
 "You've returned," He nodded, taking out the miracle box. Luka smiled at Pollen before taking the comb out of his hair and placing it back in the box. "I noticed that a new bee superhero made her debut today. Care to explain?"
 "Chloe was never my choice to wield the bee miraculous," He replied, making Master Fu nod. "And when I reclaimed it from her, I made it very clear that she would never have it again and that she would need to earn my trust to even be considered as one of my allies. I wasn't going to go back on my word,"
 "And the new bee?"
 "She's a friend," He smiled, making Master Fu nod. "Chloe is making progress though. She apologized to everyone and is trying to start again,"
 "Maybe she'll prove to be worthy then," Master Fu replied, making Luka nod. "Perhaps if you have some free time, we can go over some miraculous lore,"
 "Sure, Master," He smiled, kneeling down as Master Fu grabbed his tablet and joined him. Tikki flew over to Wayzz and settled next to him as they watched their two holders talk and learn. Tikki smiled with a little pride as she watched Luka name the miraculous and who the kwami was that resided within them. 
 "He seems like an excellent choice to be a ladybug,"
 "He's the best holder I've ever had," Tikki admitted, smiling. Wayzz looked over and smiled as well as Luka pointed out each ability.
 "He would make an excellent guardian,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/636700267461623808/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-37
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
If canon!Luka is too much of a blank slate, and fanon!Luka is basically Adrien-lite, what would you fo if you had to fix his character? Not a stan or anything like that, I agree with you on Luka, it's just I saw many posts like like yours about him but not a single one that said: "This is what I would do if I had to give him depth:", please correct me if I'm wrong and just didn't look hard enough. (I'm on mobile and English isn't my native language, please be gentle (._.))
Just have him not revolve around Marinette. That’s literally it. More detail and an analysis of a few scenes below the cut, because that’s the simple answer to your question but I have to go in-depth to really explain where I’m coming from. And your English is just fine! I’ll kick the kneecaps of anyone who makes fun of you for it, because heck if I can speak anything other than English. All the quotes I use are from the transcripts on this site here.
Luka’s got a few basic traits and some hints of flaws but because his screen time revolves solely around his love interest - with the exception of that one scene in ‘Reflekdoll’ with Juleka - they haven’t been developed nearly as much as they could have been, and so we haven’t seen him developing independently of Marinette because any character development is tied directly to her. For example, it could be a double-edged flaw slash core personality trait that he doesn’t get too angry on behalf of himself but he gets furious when someone he loves is threatened. It would be a nice parallel to Adrien and serve to further show how they’re foils. But since we’ve only seen him getting angry on behalf of Marinette, it’s not nearly as fleshed-out a trait as it could have been. If we’d even had just one scene of him reacting to Juleka’s akumatisation, it would’ve expanded him so much further than as just a love interest.
Whether Kagami is objectively more developed is an argument I don’t want to get into, even if I’m going to analyse her below, but she definitely comes across as a lot more fleshed out because she doesn’t exist to revolve around Adrien. Her debut episode involves Adrien but isn’t focused on him and her (first) akumatisation isn’t due to her role as Adrien’s love interest, whereas Luka’s akumatisation episode focused very pointedly on his role as Marinette’s love interest. He only got mad enough to attract an akuma once Bob Roth threatened Marinette, not when the music of his entire band was threatened - because it’s not just him in Kitty Section, and one of the other members is his sister. I can quote the scene and put bold emphasis on how his anger only really flares when it’s Marinette he’s talking about.
Luka: That’s not true! You copied Marinette’s costumes!
Marinette: And it’s the exact same song. You stole Luka’s music!
XY: Oh, come on. Let’s not exaggerate now. We may have just been a little bit… inspired, that’s all.
Luka: Inspired? You flat out stole! You didn’t design this mask! (rips mask from XY’s head) Marinette did!
Marinette: Listen, it’s not too late to do the right thing. Just tell the truth and let Kitty Section appear on the show. That’s all we’re asking.
Bob: Yeah. First they’ll wanna be in the show. Then they’ll be asking for a cut of the profits. No way! Never saw or heard of Kitten Division.
Luka: Forget it, Marinette. It’s no big deal. Let’s just go.
Marinette: No! It’s not fair! I won’t stand by and let my friends’ work get stolen. (to Bob) If you won’t tell the truth, then I will! Right now, on the air, live! (walks up to the camera)
Bob: (grabs Marinette’s arm) If you do that, I’ll tell them you’re the copycats, not me. I’ve got all the music biz eating out of my hand. So who do you think they’re gonna believe? Me, or a group of nobodies?
Luka: Grrr…
Bob: You’ll never have a future in this business. You’ll never make another costume. And there’ll be no more music for your buddies because as far as everyone’s concerned, you’ll be the rip-off artists.
Luka: Grrr…
(The akuma enters the mask Luka is holding)
Luka’s primary concern in this scene is that Marinette was cheated. Marinette is the one bringing up Kitty Section and how their music was stolen, but Luka is laser-focused on how Marinette’s designs were stolen. Even when they first see the stolen music video as a group, he’s focused on Marinette.
Ivan: But that’s our original style!
Luka: (to Marinette) Your unicorn, and your mask!
Marinette: (to Luka) That’s your melody. (to Rose) It’s your music. That’s not fair! That should be you guys up there on TV. There better be a good explanation. We have to have it out with Bob Roth and XY.
Again, Marinette is the one to bring up how Kitty Section was cheated. Marinette and Ivan. And again, Luka was focused on how Marinette was cheated. This episode could have been a great way to flesh out Luka, to show his dedication to his band and his furious desire to protect his loved ones, but it ends up being just a whole 22 minutes of him revolving around Marinette. This is literally the episode of him being The Perfect Boyfriend, for people to project their ideals onto and squee about how he’s so perfect and romantic for Marinette. Leaving out that Adrien and, arguably, Chat haven’t needed flowery speeches and a laser focus on only Marinette/Ladybug to win her heart, and she constantly goes back to him whereas, like I mentioned in my last post about Luka, she seems to kind of just…blush and then move on from Luka’s confession.
Now let’s compare the scene before Kagami’s akumatisation and bold her focus:
Kagami: (She sighs in defeat, then walks up to Adrien, offering her hand for a shake, which Adrien takes. Kagami calmly walks out of the room.)
Adrien: I’m going to offer him a decisive match. (He goes running after Kagami, grabbing her saber from the ground as he goes. Kagami is about to get into her car when Adrien catches up to her) Hey! Wait! Your saber!
(Kagami throws her glove into the car and removes her helmet, turning to look at Adrien expectantly. As she does so, Marinette runs up to the school entrance.)
Adrien: (Momentarily stunned by her appearance.) Let’s do a… decisive match? (As he speaks, he notices Kagami’s ring.)
Kagami: What’s the point? You won. There’s no such thing as a second chance in my family. Goodbye. (She gets into her car, which drives off.)
Kagami’s mother’s: (Voicemail) I’m not available at the moment. Leave a message. (Beep!)
Kagami: Mother, you thought I was good enough, but… I lost. I won’t be joining the D'Argencourt Academy. (she hangs up and sits back in her seat. The akuma flies into her ring.)
Hawk Moth: Riposte! I am Hawk Moth. I’m giving you a second chance to prove that you are the best fencer of all, but in return, you must bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.
Kagami: On my honor, Hawk Moth, I shall be victorious! (She transforms into Riposte, slicing open a new sun roof into her car and leaving.)
Even the locations of the akumas give that little extra boost of characterisation. Kagami’s is in her ring, showing the audience that her drive is to be the best and make the Tsurugi family proud and she and her mother don’t tolerate failure, because they stake their honour on success. Luka’s is in the mask that Marinette made, which just shows that…he’s angry because Marinette was wronged. And yes, Hawkmoth’s speech includes the line of “The anger of a creator whose work has been stolen” but considering that every bit of Luka’s anger up to this point has been focused on Marinette, it just…rings hollow. The Lukanette stans noticed this too, but they took it as a positive and used it to shout about how much Luka loved Marinette and how sweet it was that she was the reason he was akumatised - and believe me, I used to be there, I’ve seen it.
And yes, I know that ‘Oni-Chan’ exists. I know that Kagami’s reason for akumatisation revolved around Adrien and that her akumatised object was the rose that he gave her. But I’m focusing on debut akumas and even then, it shows that there’s a jealous, possessive side to her. It works with her previous appearances to round her out, to show that she’s driven and ambitious but also jealous and possessive. ‘Ikari Gozen’ takes this even further and shows that she’s awkward and wants to make friends but doesn’t know how to interact with other people, and it furthers her focus on honour and worthiness and shows that she ties her self-worth with her success:
Hawk Moth: How tragic it is to feel unloved. Alone, deprived of friendship. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilise her!
Kagami: I guess I’m not worthy of our friendship; our bloodtypes must be too incompatible.
(’Ikari Gozen’)
Although each episode that she’s in does feel like a totally different portrayal of her, and a lot of criticism/dislike for her came from how she felt all over the place, they’ve also come back together to tie her together as a multifaceted character: someone who’s ambitious and must be the best (’Riposte’), who sees romance as a competition like she does fencing (the whole “change your target” to Adrien and “I never hesitate” to Marinette in ‘Frozer’ and her admission that she has to win Adrien’s heart in ‘Heart Hunter’) - which further adds to her lack of ability to navigate social situations that’s expanded upon in ‘Ikari Gozen’, an episode that also emphasises her fatal flaw of never hesitating. Yes, she’s right to say that hesitation can cost you, but this episode shows that some hesitation is necessary, and jumping into things without thinking and expecting everyone else to do so will definitely lead to some stumbles.
Every time Luka’s on the screen, I don’t really learn anything new about him. All I know is that he’s romantic and likes Marinette and only gets angry on behalf of his loved ones. His first meeting with Marinette focused on how he found her cute and how she was flustered, whereas Kagami’s first meeting with Adrien wasn’t focused on the Adrigami ship outside of Adrien’s Pink Bubble Love Stupor. And first meetings tend to set the tone of how characters are going to interact. Marinette/Adrien and Marinette/Kagami’s first meetings focused on misjudgement and how someone’s impression of another person isn’t necessarily correct, and we see this with how Marinette goes gaga over Adrien and has her moments of seeing him as a perfect Greek god (which isn’t to say that she worships him like a fangirl, but rather that her crush is acting as major rose-tinted glasses) and how she blows Kagami up as an evil villain in her mind until she pops her own bubble and makes herself see Kagami as another person instead of an evil rival. And Ladybug/Chat Noir’s first meeting focused on having to build a partnership on the spot and showed how Chat didn’t fall for her until after she’d stood up to Hawkmoth and declared that they would protect Paris. But Marinette/Luka’s first meeting shows that Marinette gets flustered around pretty boys and Luka just…up and decided that he liked her. It shows that Luka’s focus is going to be Marinette and that’s it.
I’ll cut Luka a little slack and admit that yes, ‘Desperada’ did have him become Viperion because “Desperada attacked my friends and my family”, just as Kagami became Ryuuko to save her mother, and this scene wasn’t specifically focused on how Marinette and only Marinette might have been affected. But the starting scene of the episode once more shows us something else about Kagami - that she’s got a mischievous side and is starting to be rebellious and sneak around behind Tomoe’s back - while showing us nothing about Luka except that he’s…got a crush on Marinette, which appears to be reciprocated, and that he’s good at guitar. Which we already knew.
Marinette: You’re so talented, Luka. How long have you been playing for?
Luka: Since I was in diapers. (strums guitar)(Marinette giggles.)
Alix: I get the feeling Marinette likes Luka a lot.
Alix: Your father let you out?!
Adrien: We’re officially at fencing practice right now, but - oh, no, Kagami. Isn’t this the wrong address?
Kagami: Oh, dear, I think you’re right.(Adrien and Kagami chuckle.)
Even the ending scenes of Luka and Kagami’s debut episodes set the tone for them. In Luka’s debut of ‘Captain Hardrock’, the ending is focused on his role as Marinette’s new love interest and as a rival of Adrien’s, even if they don’t actually see each other as rivals.
Adrien: Thanks, uh…
Luka: Luka.
Adrien: Thanks, Luka.
Alya: (To Marinette): Is the compass going crazy?
(’Captain Hardrock’)
On the other hand, Kagami’s debut episode ending focuses on how she craves friends and would love to get to know a friend of Adrien’s, along with her competitiveness and desire to win in a now-friendly rivalry that grows into a friendship and then romance, rather than love at first sight. Just like the meetings between Marinette/Adrien and Ladybug/Chat Noir, it sets the scene and promises more to come, rather than laying all the cards on the table and basically just stating “yeah, this character’s just gonna be a love interest and just be chill and co-exist with their love rival” like the Marinette/Luka and Adrien/Luka ones do.
Adrien: Please, take it. (He again holds out Kagami’s saber to her.)
Kagami: (She glances between Adrien and her saber for a moment before taking it back) I’ll be happy to get to know your friend Marinette! (She and Adrien bow to each other. She and Adrien look at each other for a moment before Adrien holds out his hand.)
Adrien: My name’s Adrien. What’s yours?
Kagami: Kagami. (She takes Adrien’s proffered hand and shakes it, then walks to her car. She looks back at Adrien.) Get ready for that decisive match!
Adrien: I can’t wait, Kagami.
So basically, to give him depth, I wouldn’t focus so much on his guitar. I’d maybe show someone getting annoyed that he defaults to his guitar, because we got one line in ‘Captain Hardrock’ that he finds it easier to speak through music but it doesn’t really flesh him out since no one else comments on it or gets annoyed by it. It’s a trait that’s got nothing else to work off, whereas Kagami’s awkward attempts to socialise with Marinette and her abrasive manner clash with Marinette’s misconceptions of her and create that scene in ‘Ikari Gozen’ where Marinette realises that she’s treated Kagami awfully and Kagami said that she wasn’t worthy of Marinette’s friendship. Like Luka’s guitar, Kagami’s awkwardness and bluntness aren’t inherently a flaw, but they act as one in certain circumstances and end up fleshing her out just that little bit more.
I’d focus a little more on his relationships with everyone else. At least with Kagami, we know that she’s awkward and has no friends outside of Adrien (and later Marinette), so it makes sense that she wouldn’t have very many other relationships. We’ve even seen her relationship with her mother and how her few friendships - Adrien and Marinette - are influencing her to change and become more rebellious, such as the escape scene in ‘Heart Hunter’. I’m not counting Instagram posts, otherwise I’d point out Kagami spending time with Marinette’s friends as well and bonding with them as more evidence. But Luka’s part of a band and canonically hangs out with Marinette and her friends, so to break him free of just being a satellite love interest to orbit around Marinette, just show him interacting with others independent of Marinette. Show more of him being a big brother to Juleka; show how he interacts with Rose, as Juleka’s best friend; show the relationship between him and his mother, because they seem to be more like house(boat)mates at this point, and Anarka and Tomoe have had roughly the same amount of screen time, especially with their kids.
I’d also make him a little more of a rival to Adrien. He doesn’t have to be mean and antagonistic like how the Marinette/Kagami rivalry started - a rivalry doesn’t necessarily have to be negative - but he does have to show some reaction to losing Marinette to Adrien. All he ever does is push her into Adrien’s arms, which is all well and good to show how selfless he is, but he’s never visibly upset. His smile never wavers. He never shows any sign of being upset at losing the girl he supposedly loves to someone else; he’s basically just The Perfect Boyfriend who’s willing to let Marinette go if it means her happiness with no hurt feelings on his part, and the only force of rivalry that he exerts on Adrien is just making Adrien think that Marinette’s into him and therefore isn’t available, which isn’t even anything that Luka himself does, so I can’t even give that credit to him. He just…exists. While Marinette pushes Adrien and Kagami together for Adrien’s happiness, she shows outward signs of distress. She still gets jealous even though this is a decision she made. She’s sad over it. She’s human. But Luka? You could probably replace him with a pot plant and nothing would change.
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