#If you want to work outside the system to effect change you also need help setting this up within the system
thesaltyace · 1 month
Link to original video in replies.
stitched creator: keep Palestinians' names out of your mouth when you're trying to defend your decision for voting for Kamala--
bigzaiire: I'm starting to see a lot of these videos coming out and I feel like someone really really has to speak on it, so I'm going to. And I'm gonna tell this with all my due respect -- Palestine is not the only country that's dealing with genocide right now.
I am from Congo in case you cannot tell, I'm from Congo, okay? We are also dealing with genocide in Congo. In fact, the genocide in Congo has been going for way longer than the genocide in Palestine. The genocide in Congo has made 8 millions of victims. 8 millions.
And you might wonder, why am I making this video? Well, I am making this video because I'm going to support Vice President Kamala. 100% I'm going to. And I'm going to tell you why I'm going to support Vice President Kamala.
Listen to me. This is one of the Congolese genocide enabler. His name is Dan Getler. This guy is an Israeli billionaire who owns mines in Congo. This guy was sanctioned in 2017 by President Barack Obama for corrupt and illegal mining.
Listen very carefully. He was sanctioned by Obama. Obama is a Democrat. Okay?
This dude got reinstated. Someone gave him his money back. Someone gave him his money back. Do you know who did that?
Donald Trump.
Donald Trump gave him [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] his money back. It was one of the very last thing he did as a president was to give this guy his money back.
And do you know who sanctioned this guy again?
President Biden.
President Biden sanctioned him again. So currently, this person [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] does not have his money. All the money, all the illegal money he made in Congo -- he does not have it right now. Because of President Biden.
So one thing I know for sure, one thing I know for sure: Vice President Kamala, she's not going to let this guy get his money back. And another thing that I know for sure is that if Trump gets back in office, Trump is going to reinstate this guy. Trump is going to give him his money back.
How do you think Israel is getting all the money? Because of this guy. He's one of the people who are giving money is Israel. So if you want to stop this guy -- hmm? -- from getting his money back and potentially giving that money to Israel, make sure that Trump does not make it.
Now let's be real for a second. Because I feel like a lot of people don't take this part in consideration. Listen.
A lot of people have lost their jobs for supporting Palestine.
A lot of content creators got their account banned for supporting Palestine.
A lot of people got hurt physically for protesting for Palestine.
A lot of people have ruined their relations with their families and friends simply because they were on the side of Palestine.
So if you're going to tell all these people who have sacrificed so much for your cause that they are wrong for choosing a candidate who's going to preserve their rights in their own country, then I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are being both ungrateful and disingenuous.
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milktei · 13 days
Love at First Rental
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Wise x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, meet-cute
Warnings: None
a/n: hello! it’s been a while. recently i’ve been playing a ton of zzz (interknot level 43 already o-o) and it’s such a silly game and i love wise <3.
also recently i’ve been coming to terms with the fact that it’s okay if my fics are shorter than i’m used to so hopefully my i can post more things in the near future
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“I don’t understand girls, let alone virtual ones.” Something wise told his sister half jokingly when they were first introduced to their new assistant Fairy. He was just so busy with proxy duties, running Random Play, and making sure that Belle didn’t run into trouble that he never really put much thought into meeting new people and going on dates.
Unfortunately for him, there was currently a really pretty girl in the store and he suddenly wished that the opposite was true.
He hopes he didn’t seem too creepy from where he stood behind the counter watching as you perused the collection of the store. 18 was in the staff room with Belle for some maintenance after it started counting change wrong, so Wise opted to just take over the store for the short amount of time it would take.
It was both a blessing and a curse that you just so happened to walk into the store at that moment.
From what he could tell you hadn’t been to the store before, you definitely weren’t a regular and it didn’t seem like you had any specific film to pick out in mind.
‘Just let me know if you need any help’ he wanted to say, but his mouth stayed shut. He couldn’t bring himself to speak, his mouth was dry, what if his voice cracked?
He forced his eyes away from you to look at other customers, the luckyboo to his left, the window outside. Anything but you, staring was rude after all.
“Excuse me.” Wise gripped the edge of the counter tightly, the voice was unfamiliar but deep down he knew. Such a nice voice couldn’t belong to anyone else that was in the store. He swallowed, turning his head to look at you.
You make eye contact and it takes everything in him to not let his legs give out.
He smiles, hoping it didn’t look too awkward, “How can i help you?” He asks calmly *calmly*.
You smile, and Wise nearly melts. Was it normal for a stranger to have such a big effect on him?
“I’m gonna be honest I’m a bit overwhelmed with the selection you have here,” you say sheepishly, “I was wondering if you had any recommendations?”
His hands start sweating as he mentally starts going through the store’s catalog, “Of course, you have any genres in mind?” he mentally pats himself on the back for not stuttering.
You take a moment to think, “Honestly I’m just looking for a film that’s calm, something I can watch to wind down. So anything like that? Even a good documentary would work.”
Wise nearly shouts in victory. A documentary? Perfect, absolutely perfect. “Well actually I enjoy watching documentaries, depending on what interests you I would recommend…”
Wise spends the better part of ten minutes making recommendations, and why he enjoys specific films. To his surprise you’re listening to every word and nodding along, even asking questions as he talks.
Eventually, you settle on a film to rent and Wise is pulling up the stores system to start the transaction.
“Can i have your number?” he says suddenly as you pull out your card to pay.
You look at him stunned, “Pardon me?”
Wise’s eyes widen as he realizes what he just said, “F-for our system!” he coughs, “Just to keep track of what you’ll be renting, a-and if you like you can sign up for a membership too.”
You blink, “Um, actually yeah I’d love to sign up.”
His gaze snaps to meet yours, usually it took a bit more convincing from customers. “That’s great!” he manages to say, was it getting warm in the store? “I’d just need you name and your number then.”
The rest of the transaction relatively goes smoothly. With him now knowing your name and having your number—for the membership of course—along with you promising to swing by the store again and talk about more movies with him.
The door to the shop finally swings shut behind you, and Wise drops his head, leaning on the counter with an embarrassed sigh.
It’s then that he hears a snicker to his right and he looks up. His sister stands there with a fixed and waving 18, and an amused smirk on her face.
“…How much did you-“
“Oh just the last bit,”
Wise groans and drops his head again.
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chicuahtliteotl · 5 months
Notes as an indigenous farmer for other farmers, gardeners, looking to seek to perform land remediation, restorative agroforestry, etc.
First, look up historical weather and current weather zoning, climate change is real, the area may no longer be suitable for specific plants anymore.
Consider invasive plants, animals, worms(yes like bees there are invasive worms) , etc
Assess potential soil and water pollution sources then create a remediation plan depending on time and feasibility.
Work with the land, not against it, this is pretty simple, if you plan to create rain collecting channels for your small garden, then it's to slope where the land slopes for you.
Composting is great but you also need to understand microbial/fungal symbiosis and creating microbiomes that allow for effective compost break down.
You can buy cheap microbial solutions that are epa or environmental sound, back reference any microbial cultures with academic papers, if unsure how to do the research then it is fine with a variety as this simulates closely to nature.
Look into outdoor mushroom farming, this is pretty common in my community in our Chināmitl /mīlpan system, it's not as hard as most resources online will tell you, especially if you're sticking with native to your area mushrooms.
Avoid commercial strains for cultures especially if they're non native as this can lead to potential invasives.
Yes fungus /mushrooms can be invasive, please never put golden oyster outside.
You can also buy microremediating solutions for soil/water contamination.
Many universities offer resources to help find soil or water testing companies for accessible to no costs even, this is useful if you want to assess variety of conditions.
Additionally microbe /fungal based solutions are most used in our community as it helps reduced overall pests and diseases to our plants.
If you have tons of untreated wood ash (burn untreated wood, get wood ash) this is useful for variety of things, as this ties into controlled burning, true slash and burn, etc. Essentially nutrients are allowed to disperse back in the ground, be aware of heavy metal and other contamination considerations as always.
Indigenous seed banks do exist for non indigenous people, also look into seed conservation projects and seed banks that look to preserve seed lineages. While heirloom is nifty, it does only go so far back around an early colonial era.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
☕️☀️Virgo Season🛁🫧
Negative- earth- mutable sign
♍️The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin. In the ancient world, she is the temple virgin, dedicated to the deity. We can translate this as an instinct for self-sufficiency and devotion to practical service.
For Virgos, mind and body are linked; regular exercise and healthy eating help you to maintain effective mind-body balance. Virgo's role is to establish and work according to a system. With planets in this sign, you dislike chaos.
Virgos can often get lost in the detail, unable to see the bigger picture. Sweating the small stuff can turn into an obsessive need for order and control.
🪻Herbs associated with Virgo: lavender (it is a plant that calms and is good against anxiety).
💎Crystals: peridot (a semi-precious stone of compassion, health and abundance).
The symbol would represent the intestine, to which Virgo Government. The Virgin is represented by the image of a girl with a scope wheat in hands, which is obviously based on Greek the goddess Demeter and the Roman Ceres. A virgin girl is a symbol of endurance and chastity. Virgo is an independent sign. They have virgins a strong sense of self-confidence that ensures that their expectation of intrinsic value is not based on opinion of others. Although Virgos are ruled by Mercury in the same way as Geminis, they are completely different - Virgos don't like too talkative people and prefer to be alone than in too big a group. They are analytical and think things through.
🫧Because Virgo is a caring earth sign for the body, takes nutrition seriously and wants to ensure that her body works as efficiently as the rest areas of her Life. That's why it's a healthy choice Vegetables, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, eats a vegetarian diet or adheres to such a diet or different diets.
☁️People born under this sign care a lot about hygiene and are known for being in the zodiac most often they wash their hands.
☕️In virgo season you may be inspired to bring more ritual to cleansing your body and home, to bring order to what feels messy, and to bring surrender where you can’t make change. You are asked to take what feels big and break it down into small steps and little wins, and to concentrate on those steps, on how they compound, on how we evolve through and with them. To clear away all the noise, the extra, the outside, all that is not yours, and to explore who emerges from underneath it all.
🛁Virgo Rising-you will be more inspired about things that concern your appearance, style and personality. You will feel more confident in your own skin and the things you will do. You will find the light within yourself and feel more inspirational energy. Find faith in yourself and what you want to be. Be proud of who you are.
💗Libra rising-you will find a lot of inspiration through spirituality, subconscious energy, creativity. You will be more creative and maybe you will discover talents that you have not yet discovered. Everything you dream can come true, you just have to believe.
🫧Scorpio rising- you will emphasize friends more - maybe meet new people. You will find a lot of inspiration through dreams and interests. You might be more critical of who will be by your side as you turn your dreams into a reality. Follow your dreams.
🧜🏼‍♀️Sagittarius rising- you will find inspiration through the things you do, your career - maybe your parents or an authority figure. You may find yourself changing your mind constantly, especially if you have several goals or a few different professional tracks. Maybe your mind will be more serious and focused.
⭐️Capricorn rising- you will find inspiration through things that you dig deeply into and that are important to you. You will also feel a lot of inspiration through quality conversations. You will have an inner journey about the things you deeply believe into. And in the end you will notice how much you have grown and how intelligent a person you are. And how your life has progressed. Watching podcasts, reading books that inspire you will help you. Have faith!
🌿Aquarius rising-Prepare to be exceptionally introspective. You may have to reflect on whether you are in a healthy situation or entrapped in an entanglement. You will find the most inspiration through insight into yourself. Insight into deeper things will make you think.
🧁Pisces rising-you will find inspiration through good relationships and people. Whether you’re interested in someone new or thinking about rekindling with a former flame, Mercury retrograde will caution you to look before you leap. Go with the flow. Think about who is really there for you and who is not. Chill.
🍒Aries rising- improving your routine health and lifestyle it's the key here. You will be more productive and do more for yourself and your body. Maybe you start new sport. If you have struggled with financial worries, then you may feel more hopeful now. Everything you do is part of the process and eventually you will be where you want to be.
🥨Taurus rising- you will discover more of your hobbies. You will have more fun and do things related to your joy. Perhaps someone with whom you had an affair may appear. You can attract a lot of people during this time. Doing something you really enjoy will be the key now. The Sun is at home in the 5th house, which means that this will bring you even more joy and happiness.
🌴Gemini rising-Virgo sun will warm your fourth house of home and family. Also Mercury retrograde will influence what could be revealed, you may find out some family secrets that could shape your perception of your childhood as well as the home that you are creating at this time. Maybe you will be more inspired through the decoration of the room or home. Look for things that will make you feel warm and at home.
🪷Cancer rising- More and more inspired to talk, think and things related to it all. You may feel like now is the time to speak your truth. You can also travel somewhere or go on a short trip. Don't think too much, be present here and now. Don't worry about things, just be. Sometimes silence is better than words.
🎸Leo rising- finding your value, things in which you see potential and relationships that you think are really good is in the spotlight. The potential for growth and genuine connection lies in embracing reality and collaboratively shaping your journey. U may find yourself debating on saving or spending money more than usual.
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bibibbon · 17 days
It's especially disappointing that All Might and Hawks rarely interact, despite having contrasting views of their ideal hero world (one wanting heroes to be self-sacrificing and hard-working, the other wanting heroes to have endless free time).
The only time they interact is to indirectly talk about Endeavor (because of course). However, it's not to discuss their connections to and disapproval of him, instead it's to lament about how Endeavor of all person was harmed by the hero society.
Hero society needs to change, and Hawks will help. Only regarding Endeavor. Only for Endeavor.
All might and hawks don't really have proper interactions where we see both of their beliefs clash. Yes, we see all might and hawks interact outside of endeavor but the interactions where we do see them talk about the state of hero society (specifically seen in the latest manga chapters 427 and above) are incredibly vague and shallow.
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It's a shame that the only proper discussion these two seem to have about heroics is about the hero popularity polls or billboards which hawks change about them (to me) is a horrible idea since I believe that they should of just been taken down in general instead of being expanded since they done more harm than good.
(That aside why does all might looks so gloomy?he looks weird)
Yes enji is a character that ties these two closely but even that isn't explored to its fullest potential. Hawks never seems to react negatively to finding out that his hero who saves him from his own abuser is also an abuser and a terrible human being in many ways and all might never seems to react to enji also being a terrible being and him being a terrible being all because he wanted to surpass all might. The lack of build up and reaction is so irritating
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Beyond the enji connection for all might and hawks you also have their personal lives and thinking. The current hero system is something that all might built and the hpsc (even if by accident) is something that all might influenced the creation of and contributed to building. All might even if he never meant for it is the creator of the current status quo and all of its problems and positives tie back to him.
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Now this is interesting because you can explore the guilt all might can have with this issue and how hawks someone who has suffered and benefited from the status quo reacts and Interacts with all might. We already see that all might and hawks have clashing views specifically when it comes to heroics with all might putting his entire life into heroics and using all of his strength to make sure he creates a perfect world where people can rely on someone (ultimately creating the massive bystander effect in mha) this is all contrasted to hawk's own beliefs where he wants heroes to have a ton of free time and we can see that this belief stems from hawk's own experiences of working and it could be argued that this maybe a wider criticism that horikoshi holds towards the toxic work culture there is especially the one in Japan.
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However, both of these ideologies are flawed by themselves and would have a lot of negative consequences if implemented. This is why it would be even more interesting to have hawks and all might come to a conclusion where yes heroes need to work properly but they also need to have proper breaks and support while also allowing other members of society to play their role.
The more interesting thing is that you can have all might and hawks both come to this conclusion in the vigilante arc with hawks learning how valuable other members (who aren't heroes) to society which is something he can learn with tokoyami checking up on him and contacting him. All the while all might can learn that heroes cannot overexert themselves or they will snap and may even die in battle which is something he can learn from seeing izuku his successor almost go too far and get himself killed from pure exhaustion and reckless behaviour.
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homosociallyyours · 10 months
This is a post for one of my best friends who's been going through a lot for the past few years. I'll go into more details below, but here's the heart of the matter: My friend has a serious auto-immune condition resulting from the long term after effects of cancer treatments (worsened now by the addition of long COVID to her long list of diagnoses). Over the past few years, she's gotten sicker and sicker and has been forced to change her diet from a vegetarian anti-cancer diet (she's a breast cancer survivor, and fought HARD for her health) to one that's become more and more limited as her body becomes allergic to every food one by one. She's now reached a point where one of the last 2 foods that she was able to eat safely, chicken, is causing an allergic reaction; she has to eat it anyway to survive, so is now very sick all the time.
What can you do?
One of the last hopes that she has to turn things around is something called a fecal microbiome transplant, which has worked miracles for other people with similar issues, but cannot currently be accessed through medical channels in the US for any but one (unrelated) condition. It's really easy to do as a DIY treatment though, it's just hard to find a donor: so we are putting it out there to see if one of you might be able and willing to be that person, or know someone who could do it.
Here is what she has to say about the ask:
Finding the right person to do this is difficult, but actually doing the helping is extremely easy and quick if someone was that person! If you live in the continental US and are fortunate enough to have both physical and mental good health (or know someone or have a child who fit the criteria) and are willing, you might be able to change my life! Please consider clicking through to read more and maybe even come aboard...  (For clarity: this isn't a medical procedure or anything, it is literally just donating poop, there are a few specifics but it is very much from the comfort of your home on your own time.)
You can click here to fill out a google form to see if you might be able to be a donor. The questionaire is detailed: fecal transplant is a bizarre and magical thing in which the patient sometimes can even end up acquiring personal preferences from the donor- the gut microbiome (sometimes called the second brain) is incredible! But this means that any illness, chronic issues, or risk factors you carry may also be transferred to the recipient so while it may feel invasive, getting detailed info in very necessary; I am just too sick already to take on any more problems.
A note- yes, it is possible to buy screened and processed treatments even in the US: unfortunately the cost (~$2k per round of treatment) is way outside my reach, particularly given that it isn't really any better than just getting poop directly from a good candidate (proven via studies), and that often it takes trying a couple donors/ rounds to find a match that gets results. If anyone wants to just buy me that stuff, I sure wouldn't say no to that, but given the severity of my situation (medical and financial; I cannot work due to disability) it is likely I will need to do medical fundraising at some point and I am trying to save that for an even worse point. Also if you have that kind of money to help out honestly it would be better spent on specialists or my astronomical food costs. I will cover all costs associated with this process if I find someone though, of course!
Thank you for reading/boosting/etc, please consider sending the link to possible healthy friends or family who might be a fit, or consider whether you have a child fitting the bill you might be willing to enlist- young microbiomes are the best ones, as children's systems have had less time to be ravaged by the effects of the modern world or the simple deterioration of age.
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This is the same person who asked about the worldbuilding copagenda.
After reading you feedback and queerlyseth I have a a better understanding/an idea on how exactly I want to protray this organization. But I still want to hear others thoughts.
The nation where the mc and investigation takes place has a restorative/abolitionist justice system. So everyone is looking out for each other and everyone knows each other. However as I mentioned in my previous asked the murder is connect to other murder cases. With this in mind this organization knows that the murders aren't from this community due to the fact that those who were prosecuted or convicted of any crimes are rehabilitated.
Those who have committed crimes like murder would have to regain the trust of the community back. Now that doesn't mean the community easily forgives them but it's for the the prosecuter to see just how badly their results effect someone family and friends. Due to their actions they must live with their actions and prove to the community and their victims that they have changed.
In return this organization gives back to the community such as helping ex convicts to restart their life, convicts who are parents or are need to support their family are given a chance to still help their family even while in prison as well as having outside sources that will help stabilize the family until the convict is ready, and make sure the community has basic needs and services.
However it does bring me to the question. How would this restorative justice react to an murder who is not from this nation? Which is where I'm once again where I'm facing another roadblock.
The individual who murders these people has no irredeemable qualities. The manipulate their victims on the false promise of helping them/helping to restore their old lives. They would have these people working under him that filled their head with the idea or had them harrased the victim so they can coming running to their arms. There he manipulates them that they can be "redeemed" or "atone" for their crimes by taking part of an experiment.
They said by being involved in this experiment they will experience the same pain as their victims and with just enough pain they will be "cleanse".
I would also like to add that the partner that mc is working with his beliefs is that while he does believe with the right system it can help make a community better. However he does question can that same system change a person who doesn't want to change? In the end he kills the murder because true to his beliefs that matter how mange reconciliation he will experience he won't change.
I'm too sure if this is how I want to execute this idea but I do like how I want the partner have his own beliefs. And does he stick with the restorative justice or his own justice.
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Unfortunately, I feel you are now asking me questions outside of both my blog's scope, and my current scope of knowledge. All I will really tell you is that as with everything involving the current "justice" system and our options for a better way, race is going to have an effect on it. Maybe not in your universe that you're writing, but in your real world research. I would suggest looking into Black authors, lawyers, and activists that work in rehabilitative, restorative, and abolitionist justice. Here's one list of suggested books. Mariame Kaba is another good author to look into.
Also- and I'm not saying this to be mean, but truthful- I think that if you're dealing with such dissonance about the idea, or that you're unconfident in it, that maybe you should pause for right now. Do more research, find an ideology that you think works best, and go for it. The thing about this topic is that there's no one "right answer"; different people believe different approaches are the solution.
Maybe you decide on one of many options, but you feel there is a flaw in it. Maybe reflect on how that system, even as it "gets the criminal", is still not perfect, but serves your story. This is your story with a message that you clearly seem very passionate about; you could have just wrote your story with the Black cop and been done with it. Maybe reflected on how he is a part of something larger and worse, despite his good intentions, if you had really wanted to discuss policing.
But it seems like you want to actively tell something else, to show a different justice system as an integral part of your story. Okay! It's your message- what are you trying to say to your reader? Are you trying to discuss how a certain form of justice is better? Are you discussing the pros and cons of it? What do you believe?
Anyone else feel free to offer opinions, as anon is looking!
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
I don't want to say the above post by MR is false, most the points are individually "true enough", but I think this is a very unhelpful frame to pick. It is setting up the idea that Republicans and Democrats had, essentially, a clash of ideas, that was fought within the boundaries of idea-space, and that right now Republicans are winning, converting people to their side.
To that I say, first, have the "vibes shifted"? In elite internet discourse subcommunities, oh sure, but this is focused on broader political things. It is certainly true that Biden won election in 2020 and is on track to lose it in 2024. But that event is a "vibe shift" in ~5% of voting Americans in swing states! Elections in the US are just incredibly close and turn on the dime of some chucklefucks (affectionate) in Wisconsin. That ~5% swing can have gigantic effects on the composition of the government, but that is not the same as saying the "vibes of the nation" changed outside of the obvious way they always change when elections happen.
Now if that 5% swing was caused by Republicans "winning the war of ideas" then it would be a little different of a vibe shift, but you can salvage the idea. But I don't buy that. This:
1. Trump and his team understand that we now live in a world of social media.  Only a modest part of the Democratic establishment has mastered the same.
Or this:
8. Democrats and leftists are in fact less happy as people than conservatives are, on average.  Americans noticed this, if only subconsciously.
Are just weird explanations for these minor shifts, particularly when they shifted the other way in 2020. Were democrats...more happy in 2020? Say that sentence with a straight face.
Of course not, it's inflation and Biden's Too Old and all the typical flotsom of electoral politics, and also the fact that the electorate regularly swings between the parties because, to be frank, they are dumbasses and think "fresh air" will help or w/e.
In fact, I think Republicans - like Democrats - have done a pretty bad job of convincing their own voters of their own shifts in opinions. I don't have the ideal graph I was looking at (lost on mobile) but this one will do - while the Republican party has hard shifted against NATO, voter support has only increased:
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This isn't a "vibe shift" in the electorate, voters just have never cared about NATO enough to vote for the "pro-NATO" guy over the things they have always cared more about (the economy & big pet topics like immigration, abortion, etc).
Instead of this blanket "vibe shift" model, you should instead view it an intra-party vibe shift. What the Republican party is "about" has changed a ton - not as a radically as people think, while it abandoned free trade and embraced authoritarianism it was always pro-life, anti-liberal, locally authoritarian, anti-immigrant, addicted to tax cuts for the upper class, etc. But it isn't like voters ever liked the free trade stuff anyway, they didn't change by convincing voters all that much. They changed internally, and voters are unmoved by those changes, they don't care enough or the system isn't flexible enough with its party binary to make "punishing" a change make sense.
Voters have of course changed some, this is all margins & degrees. I just don't think you can point to the causes listed in the post for the most as an explainer for polling gaps. You need a sharper model of how "manufacturing consent" works.
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Do you have any advice for people who have been abused by their headmates? Like how to cope with it?
Hi! So as far as protecting yourself and your system from further harm, we do have a post we’ve written on dealing with harmful/violent headmates:
We do believe that through helping abusive headmates you can ultimately help yourself and your whole system. Helping headmates who have seriously hurt other members of your system is easier said than done, though, so it’s a good idea to get some support or outside help when trying to take steps towards healing!
We’ll include a couple links to resources that have helped us in the past when dealing with in-system abuse. Keep in mind that these articles are specifically for systems with DID, so depending on your system’s origins, we’re not sure how useful they’ll be for you. They also are quite heavy with discussions of trauma and abuse, so please keep that in mind and use your best discretion if you’re going to check out the links:
In the present, setting, maintaining, and reinforcing boundaries can be a good way to keep yourself and your headmates safe. Also, if you or another headmate has been traumatized by another member of your system, a therapist or other mental health professional may be able to help you effectively process and heal from that trauma. We do know that therapy doesn’t work for everyone, but if you think it might help your system, we’d encourage you to seek out that form of support!
And finally, we can share some affirmations as victims and survivors abuse that certainly applies to those who were abused by headmates:
First, the abuse you went through was not your fault! No one deserves to be hurt, taken advantage of, or treated poorly, whether by headmates or by other people.
Second, just because the abuse happened inside your system does not make it any less real. Your pain is valid and you deserve to have your needs met and be taken care of!
Third, while it’s unfair that healing takes so much time and effort, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! It’s okay to take things slowly and show yourself patience, compassion, and grace when it comes to healing from in-system abuse.
Fourth, it’s okay if you struggle to find forgiveness for the headmate who abused you. Even if they change for the better and properly apologize/take ownership of their actions, you get to forgive on your own terms! Don’t feel pressured to forgive and move on before you’re ready to do so.
Gosh, we hope this helps. As a system with alters who have also been abused by others within the system, we know how disheartening and overwhelming it can be to deal with this sort of thing. We’re wishing you and your whole system peace, rest, healing, and comfort in your future!
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theprecuresystem · 4 months
The Precure System's Follower PokéChallenge
This is Hanadera Nodoka, PokéMMO edition:
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PokéMMO Hanadera Nodoka, who will from now on be abbreviated as PHN, has just moved to the Johto region and found herself with a rulebook of how to live life and complete challenges there. She's been left a different set of rules for different game segments, and this will detail how that goes.
This challenge involves friends giving me specific rulesets to make the game harder, so I asked some friends and some followers to help me out - some of these segments are left blank, so if you want to throw your hat into the ring and take up a section, let me know what section you want and what rules you have for me.
From Johto Arrival Until Beating Falkner - By Yami Bakura of @cosmosiscollective
I was tasked by Yami Bakura to Fight Falkner without utilizing the flying type's natural weakness, and that I wasn't allowed to catch Pokémon that could do that kind of supereffective damage until I beat Falkner. To stick with the spirit, but make the challenge a little harder, I interpreted this to work in a slightly more challenging way. The rules of this segment are now as follows:
I am not allowed to catch any Pokémon of types that would be supereffective against the Flying type (Rock, Electric, Ice, etc.)
I am not allowed to catch any Pokémon of types that would RESIST the Flying type, even if their other typing would be weak to it (So no flying types, even if the other type is grass or bug - Hoppip and Butterfree are BANNED)
Pokémon I catch MUST be of types that are weak to the Flying type (Fighting, Bug, Grass)
I am not allowed to use moves that would be supereffective to the Flying type, but neutral and not very effective moves are permitted.
From post-Falkner to Bugsy - By @shimotachi
I was tasked by Frosted Flakes to use Bellsprout on my team, though I'm allowed to keep Pokémon from the previous segment. While I can keep those Pokémon from the previous segment on my team, it is MANDATORY I use Bellsprout until beating Bugsy. I have to use Bellsprout to beat Bugsy, and if Bellsprout faints, I need to restart the Bugsy fight. I've changed the rules here slightly too, to make it more interesting. They are now as follows:
I must use Bellsprout on my team for this section. No boxing him.
While the Pokémon from the previous segment are permitted to be on my team, they CANNOT be used in the Bugsy fight itself. Bellsprout has to Solo the gym.
If Bellsprout faints at ANY point during this segment, I must also go back and catch a new Bellsprout to use, to honor the Bellsprout Tower monks.
I must nickname the Bellsprout
From post-Bugsy to Whitney - Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
From post-Whitney to Morty - By @luesmainblog
I was tasked by Lue to a VERY difficult ruleset for this segment... One full of milk, udders, and breeding.
I must obtain a Miltank. I may use however I wish, but I am not allowed to remove said Miltank from my party until I have beaten Morty.
The ONLY manner in which I am allowed to heal a Pokémon's HP is MooMoo Milk. If I wish to heal their PP at a Pokémon Center, their HP MUST be full first.
Outside of Trainer Battles, the ONLY area I am allowed to Level Grind at is the Pokéathlon Dome
I MUST obtain a Payday Meowth and bring it to Morty's Gym. This WILL require breeding, as the Meowth in PokéMMO's Johto are too high level to know this move.
Unless the previous segments have made obtaining Bill's Eevee legitimately impossible, I MUST bring a Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon to Morty's gym.
From post-Morty to Chuck - Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
From post-Chuck to Jasmine - Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
From post-Jasmine to Pryce - Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
From post-Pryce to Claire - Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
Nobody has claimed this segment yet.
From post-Claire to Beating the Champion - @the-bar-sinister
You may be wondering why PHN is dressed in all black rather than my signature color of pink. That's Sinister's doing, given this rule segment. For this segment, I have to dress up as a Team Rocket member, and roleplay Team Rocket. There's a lot of things this could mean, but I'm going to be interpreting it as being a Team Rocket Grunt for this segment, and turn it into a ruleset properly. The rules are as follows:
I must be dressed as a Team Rocket Grunt at ALL TIMES until beating the Champion
I must ONLY use Pokémon that Team Rocket grunts can be found using in Heartgold Soulsilver (These are the Drowzee line, Zubat line, Rattata line, Oddish line, Grimer line, Ekans line, Koffing line, and Venonat line)*
*UNLESS that Pokémon's Trainer ID is not mine - These will count as Stolen Rocket Pokémon, opening up encounters with the Spearow in Ilex Forest and the Shuckle in Cianwood City
Most grunts aren't too friendly to their Pokémon, Jesse and James being an exception, so Anything I Catch Myself must have a Friendship Value of LESS than 150 to be useable. This can be determined at the friendship checker.
As you can see, followers! This run will be difficult for us!
We like that it's going to be difficult for us! It's fun seeing everyone's ideas for different segments! I'm currently in progress of segment one, the Falkner Struggle, and excited to post about it when I'm done!
If you'd like to claim a segment yourself and give me some rules, reblog and put what you'd like and the ruleset in the post body or tags! Replying also works! I hope you enjoy our fun little playthrough!
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she-is-ovarit · 3 months
Actually this warrants its own post.
I understand not wanting to support or have anything to do with the prison system or law enforcement or any other system that's corrupt and exploitive.
And also, when I was an outside contractor teaching in prisons, there were officers that the incarcerated people felt safer with and who they signficantly appreciated over the officers who abused and weilded power over incarcerated people in terrible ways.
Some of those people were imprisoned for decades and some of those officers worked there for just as long. And can you imagine living in prison for years trapped with an abusive human being—or more likely, several—that you truly cannot escape from? You only had to hope that they quit or were transferred?
It was the officers (many had social work backgrounds) who were more regulated and centered and recognized incarcerated people as human who actually created effective change within their work culture and even in advocating for policy changes. These were the officers who played a piece in people maintaining slivers of their sanity.
I get not wanting anything to do with the prison system but the truth right now is that while the system still exists, it is in desperate need of people who genuinely are drawn to the role because they want to help and actually protect, and especially for people with mental health backgrounds not seeking clinical work. The more that decent people are driven away from not wanting to be associated with prisons, the more the environment is filled with people drawn to the role with dangerous anger and impulse issues, with power complexes, with violent tendencies—who shouldn't be allowed to be armed, period.
And the same may be said for other professions recognized as corrupt. We need more people in human resources who have the boundaries and morality to resist the system they're in that's focused on just protecting the company. We need more people in "helping" roles like healthcare or nursing homes, which serve as magnets for people with power and control issues.
Just being that ONE safe person to vulnerable populations trapped or forced into these systems can positively change lives and even be a point of more permanent change.
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sirwow · 1 year
Having some WC gameplay shower thoughts today about how i would actually make 5 captains work so time for a bit of a ramble.
though before i do ramble i wanted to do some clarification of the different parts of WC. The tag #pikmin wratihs call refers to the entirety of it- the story. When it comes to the theoretical gameplay tho theres 2 (or kinda 3?) different parts. First part is just Olimar and Louie being rescue corps members and generally being pretty similar to Pik 4 gameplay outside no oatchi. Second part follows Olimar, Louie, Alph, Brittany, and Charlie all returning to 404 as corps members with their own ship and the gameplay is pretty original outside the general skeleton of Pikmin gameplay. in between those is a koppai focused story but that would only work if it was a pikmin graphic novel game as there literally is only actual pikmin for about 1 page lmao.
Now then on to how Iv been thinking about making 5 captains work in the 2nd half of WC:
Essentially at the start of every day it starts off in the main ship and you choose how many captains you’re bringing out into the field. More captains the merrier obviously but when you bring one out there’s a major caveat. Each of the 5 captains don’t just do nothing while left behind, they have their own upgrades they develop over the day that they’re left on the ship! Some projects might take them multiple days but regardless they’re always working towards something in their own given fields.
Said fields for each goes as following:
Louie: Food! Louie for once actually gets to subject the others to his meals he makes and each one will give a different benefit for the day, starting simple with simply moving faster or having more health, up to his more ambitious meals that can have more extreme changes to the day with their own extreme draw backs (such as a food that makes a day 50% longer but every enemy in the area respawns) He has to perfect and collect the ingredients for said meals though so he needs the off time to do so
Alph: Suit/Gear upgrades. No raw materials required but time and patience is. The suits are only just now custom made since the urgency of this mission was so high and so he’s up to the task of gradually upgrading them on the mission.
Brittany: Onion and even Pikmin improvements. Her botany might as well be used to help the little plants that help them and so she’ll work towards safe ways to biologically improve the state of your onion and the pikmin that come out of it (Such as making it passively grow pikmin or even at a higher level, flower a few of the pikmin inside at the start of a new day)
Charlie: Physical training of the captains, basically like puppy point training but it’s timed instead. Running, swimming, jumping and hell even pulling things. Dw he’ll make the captains who were out for the day pull an all nighter to learn them /j
Olimar iv yet to come up with a good one yet.,. I thought maybe the ship but it would be stupid to force people to wait to go to a new area, especially thinking about my speedrunning chums. Treasure is still all you need for power.
This whole system is basically to encourage people to play with all the characters and really plan out the day ahead. Also a way of making each play through a bit different then the last as you could prioritize upgrading one thing over another.
Now then lastly I just have a few gameplay changes; Spicy spray will still effect all pikmin in play but will not flower them. Instead nectar puddles can be picked up if you so wish and eventually used in one large burst to flower all pikmin out on the field. Ice pikmin are nerfed- they can only freeze an enemy if eaten and otherwise will just slow down an enemy while attacking and have the same pitiful damage as winged pikmin. Purples are technically not nerfed but due to the new mechanic of carrying pikmin around in the pack to go up ledges and stay together easier, they have one downside of being stupid heavy on the captains. 100 carry weight pack can only carry 10 purples due to their weight. Whites now get a buff that will passively poison enemies over time depending on how much were on them and how long.
That’s all my thoughts atm, always open to questions about mechanics or anything else really. Currently still can’t draw bc of my hand tho so no doodle for ur time <\3
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
hey! if your requests are still available i would like to request zen(mystic messenger) with a disabled (either wheelchair crutches or deaf )mc please!!
Zen is a musical actor, so he's definitely not completely clueless when it comes to disabled folks. Musical theaters hold all kinds of charity events in collaboration with rehabilitation centres and charity organizations, so he has quite a bit of experience with interacting with them. That's not to mention that he has definitely interacted with many of his disabled fans and received their lovely letters in the mail! He may not or may not have full on cried the first time one of his disabled fans gifted him a bouquet of flowers and told him how much he inspired them. It was just after one of his first performances ended, and it is definitely something he remembers up to this day.
So, when he learns about your disability, I'd imagine the first thing he'd feel is a huge amount of respect for you. After all, it is thanks to you that the RFA is able to host another party, and he's honestly so inspired by what you managed to achieve, both inside their little organization by making them that much closer to one another, and outside of it with this party. He's also kind of enthusiastic for the future of the RFA! Out of them all, only Yoosung actively volunteered in various organizations who provided services to minorities and people in need, including disabled folks. You will surely help to improve the RFA in terms of what kind of help is more effective than the rest, as it can be hard to know that without having a first hand experience. And they will be there to execute your plans into reality.
Now, when it comes to your relationship with Zen, there will be a lot of things for him to learn, and he's more than willing to listen to you! He will definitely make some mistakes at first, be a bit too overbearing in some aspects and fall onto a couple of stereotypes, but none of it is in bad faith. With some good communication, you two will build your shared life together piece by piece. He learns to listen to you and trust you, and you do the same for him. You know your own body and your limits, and he can trust that you will tell him if you need his assistance. It took him a few trials and errors to learn that you don't need him constantly fretting over you. But, once you two establish a working system of communication between each other, there will be no problems at all with your daily life.
First thing to point out is that Zen is someone that is in a very good physical shape, and he's always giddy to play the knight in shining armor for you, when you're in need of it, of course. If you're using a wheelchair, you'll have no problem with getting around whenever you two go out. Especially during the winter when it can get very difficult to roll over the snowy roads, depending on where you are. He'll offer to push your wheelchair for you, and from then on, it is your call on what to do. He'll have no problems helping you get on a bus, pushing your wheelchair through a badly made road, or if you just want to rest your hands from rolling your wheels yourself. He'll carry you around the house, too, if you need to get to something as soon as possible, and using your wheelchair or crutches is not very effective. Will exercise with you for sure! One of his favorite things to do with his partner is practice self-care, so he will definitely be interested in shared exercises, with you two doing your own individual thing and encouraging each other as you go.
Speaking of his house, it'll get renovated! That, or you two will just move into some place that's more accessible to you. Zen wants you to feel as comfy and independent as you can be, so it's very important for him to learn about all the tiny details of your daily routine, and what needs to be changed in order to make it accessible for you in your shared home.
Getting to know you will definitely make him more passionate about charity work as well. Depending on whether or not you become his manager, he'll start participating in various charity events, both outside of his work and within in. His interactions with his disabled fans will grow even more warm and personal in nature, and he may or may not gain a few new close friends as a result! It also helps to broaden his understanding on the many experiences of disabled folks in society, as everyone has their own individual story to share. Needless to say, Zen gives his all to everything he pursues, and this is no exception to that rule.
It does make him irritated whenever a certain reporter or a misguided fan or two will use insensitive wording in an attempt to describe your relationship. He knows that it is not done out of malice but simply ignorance, but it sure does get on his nerves. Still, he'll approach ignorance with patience and dignity, oftentimes letting you speak your mind on the issue, if you're comfortable with it. Really, it all depends on what kind of person you are. Whether you want to create a platform for yourself, or just live a simple quiet life beside him, he'll be there cheering you on.
Will learn sign language if you're deaf, no doubts about that. I'm sure he knows a bit of it already, since, as I already mentioned, he's no stranger to interacting with disabled folks, but not fluently. Time to change that. It's kind of cute, how he fumbles with some things at first, getting embarrassed once you point our his mistakes. It takes practice. But, he's determined, and you're patient. And, after a few months, you two can interact with one another easy as pie. He's so giddy to be all lovey-dovey with you with no barriers in the way! Will practice his acting with you, since he thinks that you can really help him improve on his body language and facial expressions. Does that mean he will pick out romantic scenes for you two to rehearse? Oh, he's very guilty of that.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Oh, no, I totally agree the devs and such aren't bringing this terrible behavior on themselves! It's just that it looks like (and I base this off things I've seen elsewhere, not just D2) the decisions by higher ups to push certain things (so much vital lore and story elements gone as soon as the seasons are over unless you do homework outside the game--props on them lasting the whole expansion now though), forcing you to buy more silver than needed so you're tempted to keep buying more to use the leftover but you keep having leftover, etc. help foster an environment where toxicity runs rampant. The players who want to be toxic thrive in these spaces because they can so easily co-opt valid criticisms of the game, company, and industry to spread toxicity and already frustrated and upset players are more likely to fall for it not realizing its unreasonable toxic nonsense. It is NOT the fault of the devs getting harassed, the fault lies higher up the chain and with the prevelance of these style choices in the industry as a whole. But a lot of the industry and structure of social media not only facilitates this sort of toxic behavior but encourages it so it shouldn't come as a surprise when it happens, is more what I mean. (That doesn't mean we shouldn't speak out against it just because it's the logical outcome of a mess of factors--it's still wrong and hurtful even if it makes sense that things are going this way). I feel like realizing that the industry and people higher up at companies create the conditions for this bad behavior to thrive is really important in order to work against it effectively
Oh yeah, for sure. The whole industry situation and the higher ups that make all of this happen in the first place is certainly a catalyst to an extent. I definitely wish more people would realise that. I think a lot of people operate under the notion that game developers are spiteful or evil and that they deliberately "ruin games" and that they deliberately don't listen to players, stuff like that. Then completely misleading and hateful comments from "pillars of community" stoke the fire and then everything gets put into the same blender and turns into what we have now.
The harassment at this point is definitely, unfortunately, expected. It's really awful that we had to get here and that most devs kinda have to accept that they will be harassed. Bungie has always also been a very community-oriented company that was super communicative and responsive. This is really good, but unfortunately it makes gamers feel entitled. You know, Bungie listens to us a lot, but not every time, so when they don't listen, clearly they're being spiteful. Basically giving gamers a finger and then they want a hand. And at one point it becomes impossible to satisfy everyone's wishes and then people get angry.
The recent Bungie win in court might help in the future though, now that there's precedent for companies being incentivised to protect their employees better. Other than that, there will have to be massive changes to every system in the world. Until then, hopefully better education and pushback against the assholes might help against this sort of thing. And if that fails, at least there's legal action and punishment available. Either way, gamers really need to learn to just disengage if things bother them too much. There's other things to do.
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rayylock · 2 years
tell me some of your dangerverse hcs!
alrighty ! i’m gonna section them off so that it’s easier to read .
henry danger ( kinda leaks into df sorry lol ) :
- ray is a trans man . captain man says trans rights fr .
- schwoz is trans too . he’s weird enough i don’t think i need to put him through more shit through future hcs ( affectionate ) .
- henry does NOT become a complete asshole in dystopia . i’ve seen one too many fics showing he does and he did not spend his entire childhood being somewhat of a moral compass to do a complete 180 . he is a dork who says he’s in a band but immediately backtracks because he knows lying is pointless and giggles when complimented , all in canon .
- charlotte , robot enhancements and all her glorious self , doesn’t become president , but becomes a prosecutor of the law instead . after her gap year in dystopia , she realized how corrupt the system is everywhere , not only in swellview . she is now studying criminal justice in harvard :}
- jasper has a major glow up . not a hc just a fact . he also learned to fight outside of sleeping so he could react faster without having to wait to be konked out by the gum .
- kris and jake hart do their own thing now , but are still married . they came to the conclusion that even though their kids are out of the house they would still eventually need a support system . by they i mean kris . they both also still love each other , but aren’t in love yk ?
- after graduating from uni and having felt success from her social media fame , piper moved back to swellview to help track down villains , and mika appreciates the extra help , because it turns out piper is actually really good at doxxing people . i will not elaborate . oh and also she scares ray so she got him to actually pay the df kids lmao .
danger force :
- mika is a bi trans girl . deal with it .
- chapa is nonbinary and still uses she / her . she’s also aromatic but is open to queer platonic relationships !
- miles is unlabeled . we love that for him , truly a king .
- bose is bi because have you seen him ??
- chapa always carries a taser to she can get away with zapping people outside of fighting crime without raising suspicion .
- when miles first started randomly teleporting everywhere , he was overwhelmed by the constant change in everything that he had to teach himself how to calm down , and now he’s excellent at teaching and helping others calm down .
- after joining df , they would all train together , and one day while training , ray threw a ball at bose and he started lightly crying . he caught it , he just was happy crying because he never got to play the whole father - son catch cliché game .
- mika used to go out into the desert to practice her super screaming , but after a while she started fainting during the day , so now she trains in one of the many rooms in the man’s nest that has been renovated by schwoz to be soundproof .
- as much as ray misses his original kids , in one of his rarest mature moments , he realizes that he shouldn’t compare them . he also decides to be more careful with them than he was with henry , causing that whole “ no powers = no crime fighting “ situation in canon . he can’t risk losing more of his kids , especially so young .
- I LIED MORE SCHWOZ . when the df kids lost their powers , schwoz didn’t sleep until he came up with an antidote he thought would work based on the gas clown’s gas . when it didn’t work he was devastated , but he wouldn’t show the full extent of it . he knew it would effect the kids and he knew he could try again . the following days he spent in his lab , running on illegal caffeine , and eventually passed out from exhaustion . mika found him and put a blanket over him that miles made , having wanted to apologize for how unfair they were being towards him , because after all , he’s only human .
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
do yall have any tips for managing medical transition as a system? most of our alters are male and want a masc body (we're afab) but i also feel bad for the fem alters because then they'll get dysphoric from testosterone and top surgery even though it's something that would benefit most of us. i also really want bottom surgery (metoidioplasty) but most of my alters are indifferent to it at best. we don't have a host and most of us spend in the body fairly regularly so i don't know what would be best for us. i don't expect you to fix this for us but any amount of guidance would be really appreciated -H
we appreciate you stopping by to ask this!
it is definitely difficult to navigate transition when you are a system with people with varying identities and such. some of our alters are not okay with getting rid of our chest which is why we've delayed so long, so i understand that. if you are able to communicate with your alters i highly recommend trying to find a middle ground , if possible, where everyone feels comfortable.
maybe some changes, but not all. testosterone can have very powerful or very mild effects on a person, it just depends on your endocrine system. maybe if you think some of your system members would really hate having a body like that, you can try a low dose and see if you get some of the effects, for example
if it's not possible to meet a middle ground usually the best course of action is to just suit the needs of those who front the most. if you don't know that's okay but generally if people of another identity stay inside a lot they may not be as bothered. your main fronters are usually the ones who need to be accounted for given how much time they spend outside.
otherwise, i really recommend just trying to have a conversation and see if maybe you can collect clothes and accessories and have days where you present as different genders according to who's out and so on.
we definitely have some femme and transfem alters who aren't a fan of facial hair or rugged clothes, so when they from they have their own clothes and we are ok with them them shaving our beard down to stubble, that's our middle ground agreement. you can work out some stuff, it takes communication but i think you can figure something out
take care, good luck, if you need any more specific advice let me know, i'm happy to help! stay safe
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