#If no one has caught on yet- yes- I am filling up the hermes and odysseus tags
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jazzy-a · 5 months ago
Both times Hermes shows up, he always has some secret weapon to arm Odysseus with.
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sweetchup · 4 years ago
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 8
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 4,500+
⚠️Warning⚠️: Slight Mature Content
Blue. Everything was blue.
From the bubbles you exhaled to the sun streaming through the window. It was all blue.
Even though you’ve been staying here for about a week, you still couldn’t get used to waking up like this. Underwater. Trapped in a fairytale-like world.
Was this how Triton felt adjusting to the human realm?
“Mom?” As if summoned by your thoughts, you felt Triton shift in bed next to you. The mattress slightly caving in as the young boy cuddled close to your side. “You okay?”
You shouldn’t be the one asking me that, you can’t help but think. After all that happened last night, Triton should be the one more shaken up.
…What has this young boy gone through?
Gently, you reach down and run one of your hands through Triton’s hair. It’s silky and soft texture felt ethereal in the water-like environment. Like as if it was threads of gold tediously woven slowly by hand.
“Mom….?” Your hand pauses as Triton lifts his head to look at you. Blue… It must be because you two were underwater but Triton’s eyes were a striking bright blue today. Unlike their usual pale grayish version. Seems like everything would truly be covered in blue while you were here, “Are you sure you—“
“My, oh my. This is unexpected.”
At the sudden new voice, you jolt out of bed. It seemed like you couldn’t even get a bit of peace for a second in the place. However, as you take in the figure that was at the door you soon pause.
A butler? A human looking one at that. Was he perhaps a siren or mermaid? But he also had no tail…
“Hermes!” You feel yourself choke slightly at what Triton shouts. Hermes? As in the Messenger god? He looked nothing at all like the mythology books.
“Good day, Master Triton.” Hermes greets as Triton comes crawling out of bed and up to him. As you watch Triton start telling Hermes a story about something, you see Hermes' gaze shift from the young boy in front of him to you. Red… You are cut off guard as you notice Hermes’ eyes were a surprising color of scarlet red. As in the most ripe apples and cherries or that of a deep red ruby. However that wasn’t what entranced you the most. No, it was the unusual spider web irises that accompanied those pits of red.
“By the way, What brings you here, Hermes?” Thankfully at Triton’s question, Hermes' gaze turns away from you. Allowing you to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You weren’t sure what it was but for some reason you felt like you had to be careful around him.
Hesitantly, you pull the covers off of your form and make your way out of bed next to Triton. You didn’t want to get closer to Hermes but you also didn’t want Triton to be left alone with the young man. Who knows what the god could be up to, “Master Zeus wanted me to return a special package to you.”
“A package?”
Nervously, you let out a small gulp as Hermes disappears back into the hallway to grab the mysterious “package”. Should you make a run for it? After all, it could possibly be dangerous. He could—
“Here it is.”
“Ack!” You can’t help but let out once you see what Hermes is holding in his arms. Did Zeus really order Hermes to go all the way to the mortal realm to grab that?
“Alexander the Great!” Triton cheers out as he grabs the ginormous king turtle from Hermes. Clearly happy to be reunited with his trusty stuffed animal. “Oh! I know the perfect spot to put you.”
You watch as Triton races across the room to a corner filled with fluffy pillows and blankets. Even here it seemed he built those nest-like beds. You wondered where he got such a thing from.
“Now, My Lady…”  Startled by the warm breath on the shell of your ear, you feel yourself freeze before shakily turning to look at Hermes standing close next to you, “I have a package from Zeus for you as well.”
“O-Oh really…?” You hesitantly say as you take a step away from the god. Was personal space not a thing for them?
“Yes, now if you would follow me.” Hermes states, gesturing to the door.
“Thank you but I’m going to grab it later. I want to stay with Triton for now.”
“Oh but my Lady. I insist.”
“I’m really fin—“ You are cut off as Hermes places his hands around your waist and proceeds to carry you out of the room. He was so fast you hardly had time to blink or even realize what he had done.
“We will be right back, Master Triton.�� Hermes shouts out to the young boy as he leaves the room and makes his way into the hallway. Finally able to realize what is going on, you grab at Hermes’ hands on your waist. Futility attempting to get him to let go of you.
“Hey! Let go of me.” You shout out to the god. However, the only thing you got was a curious eyebrow raise in return.
“Oh.” Hermes let out as if suddenly realizing something. Interested you pause at your fighting, only to soon regret it as you see a dangerous gleam in his eyes. As if a mischievous plan was forming in his head, “I apologize My Lady, I wasn’t thinking. You must be used to the way Master Poseidon holds you.”
Instantly, in pure terror, you grab onto Hermes shoulders as he throws you lightly up in the air. Thankfully, you didn’t squeal too hard as you had already known what he was possibly referring to about how ‘Poseidon holds you’.
“Now, is this more comfortable, My Lady?” Hermes asks as he holds you bridal style in his arms. What in the world was with gods and their need to hold Humans, or possibly lesser beings, this way?
Now embarrassed, especially at how the maids and servants whisper to each other as you two walk by, you give up the need to fight Hermes. Knowing there was no chance in hell you would be able to get away anyways with how strong he was compared to you.
“Lord Hermes—“
“Please, just call me Hermes.” The messenger god states cheerfully as he cuts you off. As if he totally didn’t just kidnap you.
After letting out a small sigh in frustration, you continue, “Alright, Hermes. Where are you taking me?”
“Just to the main foyer, My Lady.”
At Hermes' simple minded answer, you feel your eyebrow twitch slightly. If you weren’t already afraid of the god, you bet you would have smacked that smug look off his face by now. You could clearly see now how Hermes was the Son of Zeus, “Okay… So, Why are you taking me there?”
“To meet someone special that Master Zeus invited.”
You swore to god.
“Who is that special someone?” You state, making sure to emphasize on your question this time. As if sensing your frustration, Hermes, clearly pleased with your reaction, smiles slightly.
“Scylla. You are meeting Lady Scylla.”
You feel yourself pause at the name, an odd sense of familiarity blooming in your brain. You had definitely heard that name before but… where….?
“Scylla, as in Scylla and Charybdis.” Hermes explains, his smile growing wider as he takes in the confused look on your face. As you ponder the second name, it finally hits you about why it had all sounded so familiar.
Scylla was a legendary monster in Greek mythology that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite to her counterpart Charybdis.
Scylla's description varied from tale to tale but she was often described as a female monstrosity. Her lower body consisted of six serpent-like heads on long snaky necks, each head having a triple row of shark-like teeth. Then, on her stomach were the heads of ferocious dogs.
However, it wasn’t her appearance or the fact that she was a monster that startled you the most. No.
Scylla wasn’t always a monster. No, she used to be a nymph. There are two tales that explained as to why Scylla was turned into a monster in the first place. One of them being, as well as the most frightening one to you, was that…
…Amphitrite was jealous of Scylla.
“W-why am I meeting with Scylla?” You questioned outloud to Hermes. Whose grin only seemed to grow once you asked him.
“Pardon me but it is much more fun if you find out yourself.” Hermes explained casually as he stops in front of a room. He wasn’t…
“Have a fun time, My Lady.”
And with that, Hermes proceeded to shove you in the room and close the doors behind you. That bastard… you knew you shouldn’t trust him.
“Are you Lady (y/n)?”
Freezing, you look across the room in the direction of the voice. There was no doubt that it was Scylla. But,…
You find yourself pausing as you gaze down at her abdomen.
“Pomeranians?” Instantly, after the word slips out, you cover your mouth. Great going there, (y/n).
Though, it wasn’t just the fact that the supposed ‘ferocious dogs’ were sophisticated Pomeranian that caught you off guard. The lady, well ex-nymph, before you looked about in her late 50s and was dressed quite modestly. Yet also very sophisticated.
“Yes, they are Pomeranians.” Scylla answers, seeming to take a pause as she sips from her teacup before continuing, “Now, as I asked before, Are you Lady (y/n)?”
“Oh, I apologize. I am Lady (y/n).” You answer back, not missing how Scylla eyebrows slightly twitch.
“…It seems I have a lot of work…” You hear Scylla mumble lightly under her breath as she proceeds to shake her head. What was she talking about?
“Oh, nothing. Please take a seat, Lady (y/n).”
Carefully, you make your way across the room to sit at the table. As you do so, you don’t miss the chance to notice how extravagant the room was. Not only was it made of marble and intricate gold carvings like the rest of Triton’s Manor but it also had a beautiful ceiling mural and, next to where the table that Scylla was sitting, a wall to wall and floor to ceiling grand window view.
As you take a seat down across from Scylla, you have to hold yourself back from gasping as you could now take in the full view. There were arrays of colorful Coral reefs and plants. Some that you have never ever seen, perhaps they only grew in the realm of the gods and were special in some way. However, it was past the Coral reefs that were placed outside the window that gained your interest. Far out in the horizon, stood what looked like a grand underwater city that looked fresh out of a futuristic sci-fi movie with its intricate buildings and colorful lights.
“Ahem.” At Scylla’s cough, you finally turn your attention back to the older woman, “I will now formally introduce myself. I am Scylla, a former nymph that worked for Lord Poseidon. As well as…
…Triton’s former Nanny.”
“I see.” You let out as you take in the information the woman has told you. It seemed like just how the other gods were different from mythology so was Scylla. But, you couldn’t write off anything about Scylla yet. You didn’t know her full intentions on accepting to come to see you here today. “Can I ask why you came to see me today, Lady Scylla?”
“Of course.” Scylla answers as she carefully places her teacup back down on its plate and looks at you, “I am not here to hurt you but rather to help you. My first duty in coming here is informing you about everything you need to know. From Master Triton’s childhood to Lady Amphitrite nature, I am hoping to tell you everything possibly important I have seen in over the millennia I have worked for the family.”
Now you understand why she was here. If you didn’t understand the inner workings or secrets of the family, it could honestly get you killed. And that could count for either Poseidon or Amphitrite. It also makes sense why Zeus specifically sent her as he still had the intentions of you replacing Amphitrite as Poseidon’s wife. So, knowing what makes Poseidon tic would be crucial.
“My second reason for coming here is to teach you the proper etiquette of the gods.”
You feel your thoughts come to a screeching halt at her statement, “Huh?”
“I’m going to be honest with you, Lady (y/n),” Scylla vocalizes as she shakes her head, “Since you are a human, you are considered at the bottom in our realm. If the citizens of Atlantis don’t like you, they will kill you. If you disrespect a god or goddess, they will kill you. If someone wants your spot on the throne, they will kill you. If you aren’t strong or smart enough, you will get killed. Respect, etiquette and knowledge are the three things that will keep you alive here…”
Scylla pauses as she looks around to make sure that no one was nearby to hear what she would say next.
“Lady (y/n).” Scylla starts as she surprisingly reaches across the table to hold your hands. “I know of Lord Zeus’ plan to make you the next queen. As a former Nymph, where my kind is often taken advantage of by gods just like humans, I beg of you. Do not. Follow. Zeus’. Plan. It will surely get you killed. To him, if you die, He will simply take another human or some other god to take your place. All he wants is Amphitrite off the throne.”
It wasn’t as if you already didn’t guess that from Zeus. You already knew, deep down in an unsettling feeling in your stomach, that he considered you lesser than himself. No matter how kind he seemed to act to you.
Also it wasn’t as if you were trying to seduce Poseidon or become the next queen in anyways. Your main objective, as it always had been, was to protect and care for Triton.
You are brought back to reality as Scylla lets go of your hands and stands up, “Come. We don’t have much time.”
“Right.” Instantly, you follow the older woman as she makes her way across the room. You didn’t know where she could possibly be going but followed her anyway. “A frame?”
You look curiously at, what you guessed to be, the decorative frame of a mirror. You had no idea why you two have specifically stopped here. Was the frame important in some way, like some sort of secretive family heirloom?
However, you soon doubt that previous guess of yours as suddenly, as if bent by Scylla’s mind and will, the inside of the mirror starts to glow. It continued to glow as the light slowly trickled to the rest of the mirror and once it was fully completed, Scylla moves out of the way and gestures to it.
“You want me to walk up to it?” You ask Scylla as you make a small step to the blinding mirror. Slowly as you grow closer, you reach out your hand to slightly graze its surface. Only to realize it wasn’t a surface at all. “W-Woah!”
You are caught off guard as you are suddenly pulled into the mirror by a great force. Hissing, your eyes stung by the ever so bright light. What is happening? You thought Scylla was going to explain to you about the family history. Could she possibly have lied and tricked you?
Amphitrite… Daughter of Nereus and Doris…
“W-Who goes there?” You shout out, startled by the booming voice. “Were you the one who pulled me in here?”
However, as if the voice couldn’t hear you, it continues it’s speech and you are suddenly placed into a white blank room.
One of 50 sisters, known as the Nereids…Amphitrite grew up as any other goddess…
An ancient stone wall suddenly appears right in front of you. It’s drawings and paintings seeming to depict the beautiful Nereids.
…However, that was far from the truth…
All of sudden the paintings come to life, some of the Nereids were killing and even poisoning their sisters.
…All of those sisters were filled with greed… greed to be ever so powerful like their father and it only seemed to grow when it was announced that Poseidon would choose one to be his queen…
The stone changes once more, completely wiped clean except for one lone woman in the center. A shining crown placed on her head.
…And Amphitrite came out on top. With most of her sisters dead or banished by her, she was now the lone survivor to gain all the power she desired…as the new goddess and queen of the sea…
…However,…Poseidon wasn’t how she expected….
You are startled as the full white room, even the ground you were standing on, changes. The room now taking on an elegant bedroom. A grand circle bed was placed in the center of the room. With Pillows and silk blankets scattered around in it.
A sudden loud creak catches your attention and you spin your head around. Caught off guard at who was in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” Poseidon's voice booms out as he glares daggers at you. His form no longer dressed in his usual attire but instead one made for bed.
“I-I—“ “You can’t possibly expect nothing to happen on our wedding night.”
Taking a step away from Poseidon, you turn and realize he wasn’t talking nor glaring at you. Instead, his piercing gaze was directed at a woman sitting on the bed. A simple yet sexy nightgown covering her form.
You have never seen her before with her long and deep colored scarlet hair, with her sea green eyes and pale clear skin. But you could at least guess who she was.
“Amphitrite. Leave.” Poseidon orders, as he turns away from the woman to shrug off his shirt, “I won’t be asking again.”
The woman only giggles in response, seeming not to take Poseidon’s threat seriously as she makes her way up to the male.
“Oh god—“ You can’t help but let out. Quickly covering your eyes as you see Amphitrite loosen her strap of her nightgown, causing the article of clothing to fall to the floor. What was the woman thinking?!
Even with your heart practically beating out of your ears, you hear Poseidon let out a deep sigh and the loud sound of heavy footsteps making their way past you. From what you guess, this was a memory of the past and the two couldn’t see you.
“W-Where are you going—“ Amphitrite voice is cut off as the door is shut with a loud bang. It is quiet for a moment. Yet it was only a moment. As soon afterwards, the loud banging and breaking sounds ring out around the room as Amphitrite takes her anger out on the area around her. “That fucking piece of shit!! I’ll show you—“
Amphitrite voice is once again cut off. Yet this time not by Poseidon but instead the blinding light as the voice changes the scene. Deeming it safe, you uncover your eyes and take in the new scene around you. You were no longer in Poseidon’s bedroom but seemed to still be in the palace. This time the bed was a simple queen one, it’s sheets covered in blood that scared you for a moment. That is until another item gains your attention.
A baby crib.
Amphitrite was furious about how she couldn’t get Poseidon to bend to her will. She believed that he should be groveling at her feet and craving for her affections…
…This only got worse after she found out she was pregnant with an heir that Poseidon didn’t care for….
Startled by what the voice was saying, you take a step towards the baby crib. That means this crib was…
You let out an audible gasp as you lean over the crib. An ever so familiar pair of pale blue eyes staring up at you. It was baby Triton.
Damn, you wished you had your phone on you to take a picture of this moment. He was just all too adorable.
At the pregnancy of the child, Amphitrite left it in the hands of a nanny. Not wanting to bother with a child that will only hold her back.
“Lord Poseidon. I beg of you, Please do not hurt—”
That voice… Hastily, you make your way across the room to the door that was slightly ajar. Standing outside was Poseidon, a couple of his attendees and Scylla. Scylla, who seemed to be back when she was a nymph, was on her hands and knees, begging something out of the god.
“Tch.” Poseidon lets out, seeming annoyed. You freeze as you see the male grab his trident and make his way towards the door.
“Lord Poseidon, Pleas— Ack!” As Scylla tries to bring her head up and grab onto Poseidon to stop him but before she could do so an attendee stomps on her back. Stopping her in her tracks.
“Do not come in.”
You back away as Poseidon makes his way into the room, shutting the door behind him. He wasn’t planning to…
You cover your ears as a loud screeching sound fills the room. It was coming from Poseidon’s trident as he drags the blade across the floor, Leaving long scratching indinents in the marble floor.
This is in the past, (y/n). You forcibly remind yourself as you watch Poseidon get closer to the crib. Triton is still alive, he’s not going to die here.
You freeze as the screeching sound stops and Poseidon lifts his trident. Uncovering your ears, you stare, mind boggled, at what happens next.
Poseidon… was whistling.
Was he attempting to soothe the baby before he killed it? What sort of Psycho was he—
“Ah! Stop!” You shout out as Poseidon’s trident comes barreling down towards the crib. He was going to actually kill—
Suddenly, Poseidon’s arm comes to a screeching halt.
“Bo ba ba booo.” Triton babbles away, seeming to attempt to imitate the song Poseidon had just whistled out.
“Tch.” Poseidon imbeds his trident in the marble before picking Trident up by the back of his onesie.
That’s not how you were supposed to carry a child! You could accidentally cause it to choke itself.
As you make your way closer to the two, worried about Triton’s safety, Poseidon once again whistles out. His gaze trained to the baby’s face.
“Boooo ba ba boo.” Triton lets out again, seeming to try his best to imitate Poseidon. Giggling slightly at the end as he reaches out towards his father and grabs a piece of Poseidon’s hair.
“You’re doing it wrong.” Poseidon mutters out as he brings his other hand up to Triton, the time adjusting his grip so that he was holding the baby by the armpits.
Poseidon whistles out once more. This time going slightly slower for the baby to listen.
Was this guy seriously attempting to teach a baby how to sing a song when he tried to kill it only seconds ago? Plus it was a baby for crying out loud.
“Hey! Get back here!”
The door comes flying open with a startling bang as Scylla trips her way into the room.
“I warned you!” Scylla screams out as the attendees' sword comes barreling down at her. However, thankfully, it never hits her. “L-Lord Poseidon-n…”
You cover your mouth as the attendee falls to the ground, his body separated in half by the trident Poseidon had just thrown.
“Silence.” Poseidon orders out to the rest of the attendees, who quickly release Scylla and back away. “You, Lady. Come here.”
Scylla freezes as she sees the look Poseidon gives her. About how she should know better than to make him repeat himself. Frantically, she makes her way over to the two.
“What’s its name?” Poseidon asks Scylla. Who grows pale as she watches as Triton pulls at Poseidon’s hair. Yet, surprisingly, the god of the sea doesn’t flinch nor remove the annoyance, allowing the baby to continue what it was doing.
“I-uh. L-Lady Amphitrite never gave the child a name...”
Silence. You let out a small gulp as you anxiously take in the scene in front of you. Poseidon definitely wasn’t pleased with this development.
“Pardon me, M-My Lord. May I suggest something-g?” Scylla stutters out as she anxiously twiddles her thumbs. She seemed to be on the brink of collapsing from stress and anxiety.
“Why…Why don’t you name the boy?”
Once again silence. However, it wasn’t as tense as the previous one. It seemed Poseidon was truly pondering Scylla’s suggestion.
“Triton.” Poseidon booms out. “His name will be Triton.”
“An E-Excellent choice, My Lord.” Scylla compliments. Yet, even though Poseidon accepted her suggestion, she didn’t seem pleased. “A-Another thing, My Lord. You aren’t supposed to hold a baby in that manner.”
Quickly, Scylla attempts to cover her mistake, “I-I mean-n! You can hold the boy however you want. It just that isn't the most comfortable manner! You don’t have to listen to what I suggest. Please forgive me.”
You are surprised once more as Poseidon gives Scylla the baby. Seeming to tell her to show him how to hold Triton without wanting to ask. You have grown to notice that his pride seems to get in the way of things a lot of the time.
It eerily, in a way, reminded you of what happened last night when Poseidon listened to your own suggestion. Would he act in a fit of rage this time as well? Could this be how Scylla got—
“Bah!” Triton shouts out, startling you out of your thoughts. Currently, Poseidon was attempting to cradle Triton the way Scylla had shown him. The nanny fiddled with her fingers as she worriedly watched the two.
“Booo ba ba booo…. Boo boo boo boooo… boooo….” Triton babbles out, this time somewhat replicating the song accurately.
Heh? You are startled at the sound Poseidon makes. Did he just laugh slightly?
Inching closer, you take in the look on Poseidon’s face as he looks down at Triton. As if his cold exterior had cracked ever so slightly, you could see a sliver of fondness in Poseidon’s cold blue eyes. A look that showed love for his newborn son.
…Yet, you thought Poseidon didn’t feel that way about Triton.
“My Lord.” Poseidon's fondness quickly disappears as he turns to look at Amphitrite who stood at the door. You could see an ever so slight smirk on her face. “I didn’t realize you wanted to visit our son. You should have told me, I would have come with you.”
Oh. Was it because…
“Zeus and Hera wanted to see the child.” Poseidon lies to Amphitrite as he gives the child back to Scylla. Seeming to believe her husband, Amphitrite's smile soon turns to a scowl.
“I see.” She bitterly spits out before walking away. Not wanting to stick around for any longer.
Once Amphitrite footsteps are no longer heard, Poseidon turns back to Scylla. Whispering in a low voice so that the attendees can’t hear.
“I’ll be back tomorrow. Same time. Don’t be late and don’t tell anyone.”
With that Poseidon walks away, his attendees quickly chasing after him. As Scylla seems happy with the new found development, hugging Triton tightly to her chest as she showers him in praises, you… didn’t know what to think.
…Couldn’t wrap your head around why your chest aches so much when you watch the two.
…What in the world happened between Triton and Poseidon that changed them…?
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Author Note: Just in case people didn’t see my notice about this yesterday. I decided to split Ch. 8 into two parts, due to it revealing a lot of things. So the second part will be up tomorrow (Friday). If there is any confusion, please feel free to ask or comment. I will be checking my tumble a lot today since I know this is a crazy chapter.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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fanfictionaries · 4 years ago
Oh So Many Years: Ch. 12 - December
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fred Weasley
The Yule Ball has been announced and Fred Weasley has made the sinking realization that he’s completely and utterly attracted to Hermione Granger. But is he the only one with seemingly unrequited feelings?
So many questions and yet the biggest one of all: Who is taking Hermione Granger to the ball?
Warnings: Swearing, Death, Smut/18+ NSFW
Author’s Note:
I'M SO SO SO SORRY THIS WAS LATE! The week got away from me and before I knew it, it was Sunday and I hadn't written ANYTHING. So, I ended up writing this entire chapter in one day and fell asleep editing it. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do!
I update every week before midnight on Sundays (US MST) (except for this time...ha ha ha...)!
Please feel free to like, comment, and reblog! xoxo
<<Chapter 11
  December come to me I hope I can see You not just in dreams
I will let you be
Why can't you believe
How much you really mean
 Hermione sat in the library, feeling more on edge than she ever had in her life. Krum was due to meet her at any moment and all she could think about was…her face heated just thinking about it. She’d had the dream again. No, not her nightmare. Her nights of fear inducing dreams were long gone ever since she started spending most of her days with the twins. No, she had had the dream again. The one that left her stomach in heated knots and raised her pulse to a terrifying level. While the dream started the same as last time – the library, the couple, the hands on her body and lips kissing up her neck – this time, when she turned to catch a glimpse of the fiery red hair, the world spun around her. It spun and spun until she realized the world wasn’t spinning at all – she was. She was dancing, turning circles in space as the same pair of hands held her close. Her mind fought tooth and nail to catch a glimpse of the mystery man, but it was as if her spine was fused – unable to look anywhere but straight ahead. Who was it and why did they turn her hot and feverish? Why did she melt at just the thought of their embrace?
When she awoke that morning, sweaty and out of breath, she couldn’t ignore the thrumming of her heart at the apex of her thighs. Shifting in her seat, she tried to quell the achy feeling starting to rise just from the brief memory of her subconscious escapades. Fully expecting to become a jumbled mess of embarrassment and arousal, she was nervous to see Ron in History of Magic that morning. However, much to her pleasure and confusion, when she saw him, she felt nothing more than a slight heat on her face which she attributed to nerves over how she might feel, rather than a true reaction due to her dream. Perhaps her ability to compose herself was better than she thought. The possibility quelled her racing mind, but she couldn’t ignore the small nagging voice in the back of her head that said she knew more than one person with red hair.
“Hello, боец, you are vell, yes?” Krum’s voice broke Hermione from her thoughts. She jumped, dropping the heavy book in her hands onto the parchment covered table with a muffled thud.
“Viktor hello. Yes, I’m doing quite well,” greeted Hermione breathlessly. “I can call you Viktor, correct?”
“You can call me vhatever you vant, боец,” said Viktor, giving her a reserved smile that Hermione found to be quite charming.
“Ah, yes. Well, I suppose if we’re going to be studying together, I should probably introduce myself properly—” she extended a hand to him “—Hello Viktor, my name is Hermione Granger. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Hermy-own?” said Viktor with great difficulty as he shook her hand. His full lips twisted and stumbled over the vowels and consonants.
Hermione laughed nervously. “No, no. Hermione. Like this: Her-my-oh-nee,” she spoke slowly, sounding out her name bit by bit.
Viktor’s brows scrunched in concentration as he repeated her to the best of his abilities, “Her-my-oh-ninny.”
“Close enough,” sighed Hermione in good nature, gesturing for Viktor to take a seat across from her.
He surprised her by seating himself in the chair next to her with ease. Or at least as much ease as possible for the tall Bulgarian. He was surprisingly uncoordinated for someone who flew with such grace on the quidditch field. The one advantage to seeing Viktor Krum off of his broom, however, was the ability to see just how handsome he was. He had a very pleasing face, with a broad brow, sharp cheekbones, strong nose, and equally strong jawline. Yes, he was really quite handsome, Hermione thought indulgently as she observed him. His black hair was cropped exceedingly short, which Hermione thought was a shame – she quite liked the way longer hair looked on men. Feeling as though she had been staring for much too long, Hermione turned back to her book as Viktor pulled out a notebook, quill, and ink.
“This library – it is much larger than the one at home,” commented Viktor casually.
Hermione looked up from her book again and glanced around at the tall shelves, expansive stone walls, and large tapestries. “Really? What is your school like?” she asked curiously. While she had read everything she could on Durmstrang, she had been left wanting – the Bulgarians were quite secretive.
“Vell, it is a castle much like yours, but it is much smaller. Ve have less students, I am thinking. The library is smaller, but you do not have all the same books here, I have noticed. Ve do not have a, what you call a restricted section,” said Viktor thoughtfully.
“Really?” asked Hermione in surprise.
“Yes. Ve do not view knowledge as good or bad at Durmstrang. Just knowledge.”
“I’ve always thought the same thing,” said Hermione excitedly, mindful to keep her volume low with her increased enthusiasm. She didn’t need to be kicked out of the library a second time that year. “I think knowledge should be accessible to everyone. Sure, some things can be quite vile, but it’s not the magic that makes the witch or wizard bad and a bad person will find the information out one way or another if they really want it. Tell me more about Durmstrang.”
“It gets very cold in the vinters and the fires are only lit for classes and such. So ve vear heavy cloaks to keep us varm. But in the spring and summer, you should see the grounds. Vhile our castle is smaller than yours, the grounds are triple the size! Ve vill fly for hours over the mountains and lakes. It is beautiful,” said Viktor proudly. Hermione tried to imagine a school with grounds triple the size of Hogwarts. She already felt like the space around her school was expansive.
“That sounds lovely,” responded Hermione with a smile.
“Do you fly, Herm-own-ninny?”
“Oh no—” Hermione chuckled bashfully “—I’m quite afraid of heights if I’m being honest. But I love quidditch. I think the sport is so fascinating. The theory and tactics behind it are very interesting and of course the talent it takes to fly the way some players do is very impressive. Like you, for example—”
Viktor raised his dark, thick brows in surprise.
“—I saw you at the world cup, you know. You’re an excellent flyer. Even Harry agreed. He was quite impressed with your…oh what was it…oh! The Wronski Feint. Does that sound right?”
“Yes, yes! That is vone of my favorites. Unfortunately, ve did not vin…” Viktor trailed off, frowning as if the loss of the world cup was still a freshly open wound.
“Yes, but you ended things on your own terms,” said Hermione, remembering Harry’s explanation for Viktor’s catching of the snitch while Ireland was up by 160 points.
Viktor perked up at her comment. “Yes, that’s exactly it! Ve vould not be able to catch up, I knew that. Their chasers vere too good.”
“So, you caught the snitch to end the game with only a loss of ten point, as opposed to three hundred and ten,” concluded Hermione, settling comfortably into her seat. She felt much more relaxed now than she did when Viktor had first sat down.
Viktor smiled at her in appraisal. “That is exactly vhat I did. You are very smart Harmony. Smart and strong.”
Hermione blushed at his compliment, tucking a loose curl behind her ear, and looking down at her textbook shyly. Still, she couldn’t fight off the smile that formed on her face at his praise. They were silent for a moment, both of them turning to their work to fill the time. Afterall, they were there to study.
Hermione was just finishing her chapter when Viktor spoke again, “Have you heard of the ball that is happening at Christmas time?”
Hermione looked up, finding an earnest Viktor staring back at her. “Yes, they announced it formally last night with some unfortunate dance lessons as well. Did you have something similar?”
“No, ve at Durmstrang learn how to dance first and second year. It is expected that ve know how, for formal events vhen ve are older,” said Viktor.
“How fortunate,” said Hermione. “I was lucky enough to have my dad teach me a bit when I was younger. My mum and dad like to play the radio in the kitchen and sometimes on Sunday mornings my dad will pull me away from whatever I’m reading at the table and make me dance with him.” She smiled at the memory, feeling a small pang of homesickness. It was high time she sent her parents a letter – with all her extra time spent with Fred and George her weekly letters home had dissolved into a dismal once or twice a month.
“That sounds very nice,” responded Viktor genuinely before clearing his throat and looking down at his folded hands on the table. “Perhaps you vould like to accompany me to the ball?”
“Pardon?” Hermione pulled out of her innocent musing of home with confusion. Surely, she must have heard him wrong because she could have sworn Viktor Krum just asked her to the Yule Ball.
“The ball – vould you like to go vith me?”
The question hung in the air – Viktor looking expectantly at Hermione as she tried to comprehend it. Viktor Krum wanted to go to the Yule Ball with her?
“Why?” The question blurted out before she could stop herself.
Krum blinked in surprise. He took a moment to mull her words before answering, “Vell, I think you are very pretty. You are very smart, and you have the heart of a fighter. Vhy not?”
Hermione was struck – mouth gaping and brain short-circuiting. Viktor Krum thought she was pretty. Out of all the girls in the school to pick, and there were many available girls as the ball was only announced the day before, and he chose her. Answer him you daft airhead, her brain screamed as she still delayed her response.
“Of course, if you already are going with someone then—”
“No, no. I’m not,” Hermione reassured him in a panicky manner.
“Then you are just not interested or…?”
“No—I just…Can I have some time to…think about it or something?”
Krum stared hard at her for a moment, before nodding with a small smile.
“It’s not that I don’t want to go with you—” Hermione sat forward, running her hands through her frizzy curls and pushing them out of her face as she rambled “—it’s just I don’t know you very well. Perhaps we should get to know each other a bit more first. It’s important that we know each other before we decide to go together, otherwise we’d get there and risk finding out that we can’t stand each other. But please don’t think that I’m just delaying an inevitable ‘no’ to be nice. I swear—”
“Of course, Herm-oh-nee. Take all the time you need. Until then, ve vill spend more time together. Yes?”
Hermione was grateful for the interruption of her nervous babbling. Any second longer and she was sure to make such a fool of herself that Viktor might rescind his offer. “Yes, I would like that.”
Viktor stood, collecting his things, and placing them in his bag. Hermione glanced at the large grandfather clock across the study area and noticed it was almost time for Charms. She stood too, placing her book in her bag. Once the two were packed up, they headed towards the exit of the library. It was just outside the large double doors that the two parted ways, headed in opposite directions of the castle for class. Expecting his usual bow of departure, Hermione was surprised when instead Viktor grabbed her right hand in his and brought the back of it up to his lips. She blushed something furious, her face growing hot as embers as his soft lips brushed the sensitive skin. Then he was gone, and she was left to gawk in his direction as a bubbling glee built up in her chest.
The joyous moment was cut short however by her two troublesome shadows.
“My, my, my…was that Viktor Krum?” asked one twin as the two of them rounded the corner.
“You know, you two really must stop spying on me. It’s getting sad and weird,” said Hermione, rolling her eyes and turning away from the two ginger boys as she headed in the direction of her Charms class.
“Excuse you missy. We were not spying. We were merely walking by and decided to stop and watch the show,” said who she now recognized as George.
“Hmmm,” responded Hermione flatly, continuing to walk.
“So, what did Viktor want?” asked George.
“None of your business George Fabian Weasley.”
“I’m wounded—” George held a hand up to his heart “—we simply want to be a part of your life, Hermione. You know, be good friends and all.”
“Sure, you do,” she grumbled.
“I don’t think she believed me. Back me up, Freddie,” said George turning to his brother.
Hermione waited to hear Fred’s familiar sarcastic quip and cheeky tone but was surprised when all he did was give a distracted hum. She turned her head, looking at Fred fully for the first time. Catching his hazel eyes, he looked at her with an indistinguishable expression. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest and the heat that had occupied her face shot south, leaving a burning sensation in her lower stomach. Oh no, thought Hermione quickly looking away from Fred and instead focusing on the grey stone beneath her feet. They reached the Charms classroom a moment later, much to her relief. She made to head into the room, but a long arm extended in front of her, blocking her path.
“I have class. Can’t you just save your routine till tonight? I’ll laugh and everything,” promised Hermione, trying her best to keep her voice light and not show the inner turmoil she was currently experiencing.
“About that – change of plans.”
“What? Are we not meeting at the usual place?”
“No, Fred and I have a bit of a surprise for you—” George looked to his twin with a pointed stare “—isn’t that right Freddie?”
Fred, who had been staring off down the hall, turned to his brother and nodded distractedly. If Hermione hadn’t been trying so desperately to get away from Frederick Weasley and into the safety of her classroom, she would have noted his odd behavior. But instead, she raised a curious brow at George.
“Right—” George stared at his twin with an odd expression before looking back down at Hermione “—meet us in the common room after dinner and make sure to bring Harry and Ron along as well. It’s really a surprise for all three of you.”
“Okay, yeah, we’ll be there,” Hermione said before ducking under George’s arm and disappearing into the classroom. She found Harry and Ron already seated a few rows back from the front and took her chair between the two of them.
“Are you alright, Hermione?” asked Harry as she stared down at the desk in front of her breathing deeply in through her nose.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she squeaked, before taking out her notebook and writing utensils.
It all made sense and simultaneously no sense at all. Fred was the person in her dreams. It explained the dancing certainly. It also explained the timing. The first time she’d had the dream was the night Fred found her in the hallway and walked her back to the tower. He had held her in his arms that night, even held her hand. At the time she thought nothing of it, but clearly her subconscious had been squirreling away those brief moments of contact and saving them to manifest in an entirely different way. No – this was not good. She didn’t like Fred! He was loud and obnoxious and troublesome. He wasted his potential and squandered his talents. Two things she wholeheartedly disagreed with. He pushed her buttons and got her into trouble. How could she possible like him as anything more than a friend?
The rest of the day went by in a blur, all of Hermione’s waking thoughts dedicated to Frederick Weasley in the worst possible way. By the time dinner was over and she found herself in the common room with Harry and Ron, she had come to decision. She did not like Fred. It was simply her subconscious playing a cruel trick on her. Dreams didn’t mean anything anyways – even if they did happen twice. Dreams were simply an amalgamation of your conscious memories and thoughts mixed into an incoherent jumble as your brain tried to process them at night. They weren’t accurate representations of ones waking feelings. They held zero stake in reality.
Unfortunately, that didn’t keep her heart from stopping when Fred and George emerged from the portrait hole with wide grins as they chuckled mischievously.
“What’s got you two so chuffed?” asked Ron, pulling a chocolate frog from his pocket, and opening the package.
“Just ran into Adrian Pucey in the hallway—”
“—struck him with a nasty sticking charm.”
“Won’t be going anyways for a while,” laughed George, leaning on the back of the couch to peer down at the work in Hermione’s hand. She’d dedicated this time in her day to working on the Canary Creams and was still determined to do so, change of plans or not.
“You can’t do that by the way,” stated George casually as he pointed over her shoulder to a bit of Charms work detailed on the page.
“Excuse you,” sneered Hermione, pushing his hand away. “And just why do you say that?” she asked taking offense.
“Because I’m the Charms master, remember?”
Hermione sighed, knowing begrudgingly that George was right. He was very well adept at Charms work – even better than herself. Slamming the notebook shut, she placed it on a side table and stood.
“Well – what’s this surprise then?” she asked digging into her pocket to distract herself from the two tall ginger boys in front of her. Her fingers closed around one of the hundreds of sugar quills Fred gave her and she pulled it out satisfactorily.
“The whole point of a surprise, my dear Hermione—” began George.
“—is to surprise you with it—" continued Fred.
“—not just tell you!” the two finished together before turning and heading back towards the portrait hole. Ron and Harry followed them, Hermione hanging back as she unwrapped the sugar quill and placed it in her mouth. She trailed behind the four of them as they traveled deeper down into the castle.
“Hey,” said Fred, dropping behind to walk beside her as George boldly led the way.
“Hi,” Hermione responded shyly, worrying the candy in her mouth to calm herself.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”
Hermione felt stiff and uncomfortable, like at any moment her skeleton would relieve itself from its fleshy prison, shedding her skin and running as fast it could from Fred and this painful conversation. The worst part of it was that she knew why she was being weird, but why on earth was he in such a strange mood? For a brief moment, the mortifying thought that perhaps he knew about the dream, flashed into her head, but she quickly brushed it away. That was impossible. There was no way he could know.
The four of them continued further into the castle, heading down stairway after stairway until they were in its deep underbelly. It was when they found themselves in a large, well-lit corridor – the walls adorned with portraits of food – that Hermione realized where they were headed. Harry seemed to have the same realization as he groaned, turning around the look at her.
“Hermione…this isn’t another S.P.E.W. thing, is it?”
“Please don’t let it be a spew thing, Hermione. How many times have I told you – it’s no use! House elves like to work!” exclaimed Ron.
“First of all, it’s not called spew—”
“Oh, what is it now then – the House Elf Liberation Front?” asked Ron sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.
“It’s the Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare thank you very much, and secondly in case you didn’t remember, I’m not the one dragging us down here. They are!” She pointed to Fred and George who now held amused grins on their faces.
“Quit your fighting and come on you lot,” laughed George coming to a halt in front of a picture of a large fruit bowl and ticking the green pear. The fruit squirmed and giggled until it turned into a large green door handle. George grabbed hold of the handle and pulled the door open to reveal the cavernous kitchens. Hermione wasn’t quite sure what she imagined the Hogwarts kitchens would look like, but it definitely wasn’t the enormous space in front of her. With ceilings almost as tall as the Great Hall, it seemed to host everything you could even want or need to make a large feast.
“Harry Potter! Oh, it’s Harry Potter!” a squeaky voice yelled out before Hermione heard Harry let out a guttural yelp. Turning to her best friend she saw Harry standing there with a small house elf nearly wrapped entirely around his middle, holding him tightly.
“Dobby?” Harry gasped in surprise.
“Yes sir! Dobby has been waiting and hoping Harry Potter would visit him and now he has!”
Dobby released Harry, stepping back, and allowing Hermione to get a full view of the infamous house elf Harry had told her so much about. He appeared to live up to his description. Long thin nose and batlike ears. However, instead of the filthy pillowcase Harry had described, he donned the strangest assortment of clothing Hermione had ever seen. Dobby wore what appeared to be a tea cozy adorned with brightly colored badges on his head like a hat, a patterned tie with no shirt, shorts, and mismatched socks. However, despite his strange fashion sense, Hermione found Dobby to be quite appealing. His enthusiastic personality and overwhelming love for Harry was enough to make her fond of the little house elf – no matter how odd he was.
“What are you doing here Dobby?” asked Harry.
“Dobby works here, sir! At Hogwarts! Professor Dumbledore has given Dobby and Winky jobs!” proclaimed the small elf proudly. Hermione perked up at the mention of a second house elf she was familiar with.
“Winky’s here?” she asked looking around her to try and spot the poor disgraced house elf she’d met so many months ago.
“Thought that would interest you, Hermione,” said Fred in a knowing manner. “She’s over there by the fire. But be warned, she’s not in a great mood.”
“Or at least she wasn’t when we were here yesterday,” added George with a grimace.
Rounding the corner, Hermione was greeted with a large crowd of busying house elves. They bowed and greeted her kindly as she passed them, spotting a small and slumped figure on a stool by the fire.
“Winky?” she asked hesitantly.
The little creature turned, looking a complete and utter mess. While dressed unarguably more fashionable than Dobby, in a matching blouse and skirt, her clothes were dirty and wrinkled. One look and Hermione could tell she was a very unhappy house elf. That sentiment was only confirmed when Winky burst into large, hysterical tears.
“Winky, oh Winky, please don’t cry,” pleaded Hermione, rushing forwards and placing a hand on Winky’s shoulder. Winky only cried harder. Unsure of what to do, Hermione stepped to the side, allowing Harry to take the lead. She watched in rapt horror as Winky, Bartemius Crouch’s ex-house elf wailed at her failure as a good, loyal elf. The whole thing was so upsetting. So upsetting, in fact, that by the time they left the kitchens – after Harry promised Dobby about a thousand times that they would visit – she was in a whole new kind of bad mood.
“Cheer up, Hermione. Winky will be alright eventually,” said Ron casually as they strode through the halls back up to Gryffindor tower.
“It’s just absolutely horrid. I can’t believe that anyone has allowed this to go on for so long,” cried Hermione, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Now, now. You’re forgetting that house elves like to work. It’s their way. Their tradition,” said Fred, slinging an arm over her and squeezing her shoulder kindly. A gesture that would usually calm and reassure her, made Hermione jump out of her skin, pulling away from Fred and his touch that filled her with new sensations and confusion.
“Yes, and why is that Frederick? Because they’ve been used as slaves by wizarding kind for so long that they’ve been generationally brainwashed into thinking that working for nothing and being treated horribly is some sort of badge of honor!” she shouted at Fred, all of her conflicting feeling bubbling up into one unanimous feeling of anger.
Fred gawked in surprise before responding with equal annoyance, “Well if they were truly so unhappy, they would say so like Dobby. Clearly, they’re smart enough to think for themselves or Dobby wouldn’t be walking around asking to be paid for his work!”
“But even Dobby said he’s been looking for a job for over a year. No one wants to pay a house elf to do work when they ask for it! Don’t you think there should be laws to help him with that kind of discrimination?”
“Sure, but he’s different! If more elves wanted rights, then there would be a demand. But seeing as it’s ONE house elf out of thousands it doesn’t really make sense that they would rewrite legislature,” scoffed Fred.
“But if there was new legislature then perhaps they’d feel more inclined to break away like Dobby—” Hermione ran a hand over her hair, feeling it already growing ten times its size as her anger increased “—you know what? Clearly you are all either too thick or too heartless to understand.”
Pushing past their group she charged forward, determined to put some space between herself and the lot.
“Hermione!” one of the twins called after her.
“Just let her go. She gets like this, but she always gets over it,” said Ron.
“Hermione!” the twin called again, ignoring Ron’s comment.
Continuing to march ahead of them, she made it as far as the end of the hallway before a pair of arms wrapped around her middle and lifted her into the air. Hermione let out a cry of surprise and then a ragged grunt as her stomach made contact with one of the boys’ shoulders. Sputtering in indignation, she attempted to brush her hair out of her face enough to figure out who had the audacity to pick her up. Finally making a part in the curtain of her curls she saw Ron, Harry, and George laughing as they caught up.
“Frederick Gideon Weasley, you put me down right this instant!” yelled Hermione, pounding her fists on his back,
“You three go on ahead. Miss Granger seems to have her knickers in a horrible twist. Just needs a moment to decompress. We’ll catch up,” said Fred casually as Ron, Harry, and George looked down at her in amusement.
“Are you three really just going to let him do this?” Hermione asked, looking up at them with pleading eyes.
They pondered her request for a moment, before George gave her a sweet smile and bopped her on the end of the nose with his pointer finger. “Yep.”
Ron was next, rubbing a hand on top of her head and messing up her curls. “Good luck, Hermione,” he chuckled before disappeared around Fred.
Harry was last, smiling the widest. “I hate to say it, but he’s right. Sorry, Hermione,” he said giving her a small wave and disappearing as well.
Hermione listened to their fading steps as they turned the corner and left for the tower. Then, Fred began to walk, and Hermione let her head hang once again, tired from the strain of keeping it upright.
“Where exactly are you taking me?” she questioned, feeling all the blood in her body rush to her head.
“Hush now. No talking,” said Fred gripping her legs tighter. Hermione tried not to focus on the way his grip sat dangerously close to the top of her knee-high socks. Instead, she focused on the ground moving below her and the backs of Fred’s shoes as he walked down hallways and corridors. It felt like they’d been walking forever when he finally lifted her off of his shoulder and deposited her down onto the ground. She stumbled, all the blood rushing back to her limbs and making her faint. Fred caught her, grabbing her by the upper arms and keeping her vertical. After a few moments he released his hold, instead reaching up and brushing her messy hair out of her face. He smiled down at her as he did so, making Hermione’s heart stutter as he tucked the pieces behind her ears.
“So…” Fred sighed looking down at her and then to his left, staring hard at the wall. Hermione followed his gaze to see what he was staring at and realized just where Fred had taken them. It was the painting he’d found her at, those few months ago.
“Why…?” she drifted off, confused as to why he had brought her there of all places.
“Well last time I found you here you were upset. I figured it might be a good place to take you. Clearly something’s bothering you—” he brought a hand up to scratch the back of his neck nervously “—I’ll just…leave you to it then.”
He made to walk away but before Hermione could stop herself, she called out to him. Fred halted in his tracks and turned back to her. “You can stay…if you’d like,” Hermione said softly, turning away from him and sitting down gently on the cold stone. She heard the shuffling of shoes before she felt Fred take a seat next to her. Hermione stared at the painting with unwavering concentration. Just like last time, the field had metamorphosized into an entirely new vision. While previously it had housed a mixture of many flowers on a bright sunny day, now it showed her nothing but thousands upon thousands of purple lilacs with an overcast sky.
“Viktor Krum asked me to the ball,” Hermione blurted. She didn’t know why she felt the need to tell him. She hadn’t planned on telling anyone – at least not until she made her decision. But something about the moment, the painting, and it being Fred, made her want to tell him more than anything.
Hermione expected him to be surprised. She expected him to look at her incredulously – perhaps call her a liar. Instead he smiled and gave her a look that said: ‘I could have guessed that’ before asking, “Is that what’s got you all in a twist? Worried you made the wrong choice by saying yes?”
“I didn’t say yes.”
That did surprise Fred. “What? You said no then?” he asked, a glint in his eye that if Hermione knew any better, she could have sworn looked something akin to hope.
“No – I told him I’d think about it.”
Fred laughed.
“What?” asked Hermione defensively.
Fred wiped a tear from under his right eye before catching his breath and answering, “Nothing, it’s just…only you would tell an international quidditch player ‘maybe’ when he asks you to a ball.”
“I want to make sure his intentions are right.”
“What? Want to make sure he’s not just trying to get into your knickers?” asked Fred with another laugh.
“More like I want to make sure he actually likes me and isn’t just trying to get to Harry,” admitted Hermione with a whisper. Looking at her hands, she worried the inside of her bottom lip. She felt foolish for her confession, but Fred had the annoying ability to put her at such ease that she blurted out all her worries before she even knew what she was doing.
“Hey—” Fred brought a hand up, grabbing ahold of her chin softly and turning her to face him “—why would you think a silly thing like that?” He smoothed his thumb over her skin, pulling her lip from out between her teeth as he frowned at her.
“I just…why would he like me? I’m nothing special.”
“Nothing special? Hermione Granger, I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again. Nothing special, she says,” Fred scoffed.
“Well, it’s true! My hair is a ratty nest, I’m skinny and knobby, and plain and freckly—”
“What’s wrong with freckly?” asked Fred accusingly before breaking out into a wry grin.
Hermione laughed. “You know what I mean,” she said, aware now that Fred’s hand had never left her face. Instead it found it’s home cupping the side of her cheek sweetly.
“No. I don’t think I do because…well because when I look at you, Hermione, I don’t see a knobby plain girl with ratty hair.”
“You don’t?” Hermione’s heart leapt into her throat. Suddenly the space between them seemed much too close but not close enough. Fred’s eyes scanned her face, flitting from her forehead to her lips before landing back on her eyes as she waited with bated breath for him to speak again.
“What do you see?”
Fred hesitated, swallowing audibly as his sight flitted once again from her eyes to her lips and back up. “I see a beautiful girl with a wild mane and an equally wild fierceness. I see a beautiful girl that any man would be lucky to take to the ball,” said Fred, his voice a low timbre.
Hermione let out a shuddering breath. “What if…” she began, but stopped, unsure of whether to say next what she wanted to.
“Yes?” asked Fred, pushing her on.
“What if…what if I didn’t say yes because I was secretly hoping someone else might ask me?”
Fred deflated at Hermione’s question. Releasing her face, he dropped his hand and looked off to the painting once again as he sighed. For a brief moment he thought he saw what looked like disappointment on Hermione’s face, but that couldn’t be. Not when she’d just confessed, she said no to Viktor Krum because she hoped Ron would ask her to the ball. Still, it was probably for the best. He was taking Angelina after all – he hadn’t asked her yet of course, but she had made it exceedingly clear after Professor McGonagall’s abysmal dance lesson that she expected them to go together.
“I was thinking purple,” said Angelina, leaning lazily into Fred’s side as he stared into the fire of the Gryffindor common room.
“Huh?” he asked dumbly, Angelina’s comment pulling him out of a deep concentration. He’d been thinking about Hermione. He was…always thinking about Hermione.
“For my dress for the ball. Purple – I like purple. It’s my favorite color, you know?”
“I didn’t know. Is it really?” asked Fred, looking down and wrapping an arm around Angelina’s waist.
“It is. I figured you’d want to know now so you’ll know how to match your dress robes.”
“I think…” began Fred, speaking slowly and choosing his words carefully. “I think that if you’re holding out for someone else and you’re not 100% sold on Krum, then you should wait.”
“Really?” asked Hermione, looking at him with those wide, Firewhisky brown eyes.
“Yeah, make Krum sweat it out for a bit. I’m sure he isn’t used to having to work for dates – it’ll be good for him. And it’ll give this other bloke some time, maaaybe he has something special planned for you.”
Hermione stared at him speculatively. “You say that as if you already know,” she said with an earnest, vulnerable expression on her face.
“I have it on good authority that by the end of next week you’ll have more than one invitation to the ball, ‘Mione. Trust me,” he winked, trying to keep a cool composure and not show the inappropriate disappointment he currently felt.
They continued to sit and stare at the painting above them for a while longer until Hermione broke the silence once again, “What about you?”
“What about me?” asked Fred, continuing to stare straight ahead.
“Well, I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been…off today. Something bothering you?”
Fred breathed deeply. “You remember how we won all that money off Ludo Bagman at the world cup?” he asked.
Hermione nodded.
“Well, the arsehole paid us in leprechaun gold. We’ve tried to get in touch with him since, but he’s been dodging us and well…not only do we not have the money he owed us, but we also don’t have the money we gave him either. It’s why supplies are so tight for the business,” he admitted, remembering when Hermione had asked why they weren’t putting their development efforts into more than just one thing at a time.
The soft touch of Hermione’s hand on his brought Fred’s attention away from the painting. Briefly he looked down at the place where their hands were entangled. He should stop her. The touch while friendly in nature, did nothing to quell the stirring attraction in the pit of his stomach. But he didn’t. Instead he allowed himself to indulge in the small bit of intimacy. After all, it was innocent enough.
“Have you considered writing to him and reminding him just how serious unsanctioned gambling is in Britain? I’m sure he’d like to know how…consequential it would be if someone in the Ministry found out he’d been gambling illegally at the cup, especially with at least two underage wizards,” said Hermione.
Fred look at her incredulously. Had he really heard her say what he thought he did? “Are you suggesting blackmail, Miss Granger?”
“I’m just saying that if I were Ludo Bagman, I’d like to keep my job at the Ministry. How he chooses to do so, is entirely up to him.” She said the words so casually, you would have thought she was discussing an article in the Daily Prophet – not the plotting of blackmailing a Ministry official. But Fred didn’t miss the evil glint of mischief in her eye as she stared at him impishly. Good god, he did not deserve Hermione Granger.
And neither did his little brother, thought Fred as he sought out Ron that afternoon. It was Wednesday – a week and half till the ball and he had a mission. Despite his feelings towards Hermione and the thought of Ron being not nearly worthy of her, he knew that what Hermione wanted was for his idiot of a brother to ask her to the ball. So, he was going to make sure just that happened. He found Ron on the grounds, under a tree near the black lake with Harry and Hermione. Despite the snow and freezing temperatures, the three were huddled up arguing about something as a small blue flame floated near them. Wrapping his robes around him tightly, Fred trudged through the snow towards the three of them.
“What’s this then? Not you three freezing your arses off in the snow when there’s a perfectly good castle just over there!” he called out to them, breaking the small trio out of whatever spat they were in.
“Hullo to you too,” called Harry.
“What do you want?” asked Ron.
“Oi. Very rude! I can’t come and see my favorite baby brother?”
“Is it me that you want?” questioned Ron, sending a glance in Hermione’s direction.
“Actually yes—” Fred dug his hands deep into his pockets “—mind if we…” He gestured behind him and Ron stood with a huff – clearly put out by having to pause his conversation.
Fred walked a distance from where Harry and Hermione sat before he stopped and turned to Ron.
“What?” asked Ron again, looking down at him expectantly. Merlin, when did he get so tall? wondered Fred.
“Have you got yourself a date to the ball yet?”
“Why do you care mate?” laughed Ron, looking around like he expected George to pop up at any moment and pummel him with snowballs.
“I’m just saying, time’s running out and before you know it, the ones you really want to ask will be taken,” he said sending a purposeful look towards Hermione.
“What? Hermione? Don’t be ridiculous,” squeaked Ron.
It took every last ounce of his strength, for Fred to not throttle Ron for his stupidity. Here he was trying to do a nice thing for Hermione and subsequently his little brother and what did he get in return? He was Father bloody Christmas at this point.
“Listen – you can say whatever you want, but your little crush on Hermione—”
“—I don’t have a crush on Hermione—”
“—your little crush on Hermione isn’t as big of a secret to some. So, I advise you ask her before somebody else does.”
Ron scoffed, “Sure.”
“Hey—” Fred held his hands up in defeat “—I’m just saying. And now that I’ve said my peace, my moral obligation is done, and I can leave you to it. Don’t cock it up, mate.”
Ron looked at Fred like he was a strange creature from the depths of the Black Lake itself. “Okay…well if that’s all, I’m gonna head back. Weirdo…” Ron breathed the last sentiment as he turned away from Fred and headed back towards Harry and Hermione.
Fred shook his head, having the sinking feeling that Ron would, in fact, cock it up.
And he’d been right. Two days later and Ron had yet to ask Hermione to the ball. Even worse, he had it on good authority – from some gossiping third year girls – that Krum had approached Hermione on the grounds the day before. For all he knew, Krum had asked her again and the poor girl had said yes because at this point it was so close to the day of the ball that she probably thought Ron would never ask! Fred glared down at the parchment in front of him and then over to Ron who was seated on the couch between Harry and Hermione. Scratching a quick note onto a bit of spare parchment, he crumpled it and threw it in Ron’s direction. Ron picked it up, unfolding the note and reading it out loud.
“Hurry up and ask someone before all the good ones are taken. Who are you taking the ball then?” Ron asked in annoyance.
Fred looked from Ron to Angelina who sat at a nearby table with Alicia working on her potions essay. Crumpling up another piece of parchment, he sent it flying in Angelina’s direction. She looked up at him with a tired expression when the paper landed on a bit of ink not yet dried.
“What?” Angelina asked.
“Fancy going to the ball with me, Johnson? I think we’d make a rather good-looking pair.”
Angelina smiled widely, looking excitedly at Alicia before turning back to Fred and nodding enthusiastically. “Yes, I’d love to Fred.”
George clapped a hand on Fred’s back in congratulations which he gracefully took. Really it wasn’t the most romantic thing. Perhaps it would have been more romantic if Angelina hadn’t already decided they were going together. But at least he’d asked her. Fred shot a smug grin and wink in Ron’s direction. While the irritated expression on Ron’s face was expected, the look on Hermione’s face was not. She almost seemed upset as their eyes met momentarily, but before Fred could properly tell, she looked away.
“Say…Hermione…” began Ron.
Alright, not off to a great start, but it’s something, thought Fred as he listened closely.
“Yes?” asked Hermione, looking at Ron in trepidation.
“You’re a girl…”
“Very well spotted,” Hermione said, giving him a confused look.
“Well, why don’t we go together?”
Yes! He’d done it! Just when he thought Ron didn’t have it in him, he overstepped Fred’s expectations. Fred was almost tempted to walk over and pull him into a hug, but then all temptation was erased at what he heard next.
“Really?” asked Hermione in surprise.
“Yeah. I mean it’s one thing for a guy to show up alone, but for a girl it’s just sad.”
No…no, no, no. Fred groaned, laying his head in his hands. George winced beside him, knowing that a comment like that absolutely would not fly with Hermione.
“What makes you think I’d be going alone?” asked Hermione – a seemingly innocent question, but Fred knew that behind it, lurked only bad things for Ron.
“I mean, come on…” remarked Ron, faltering a bit when he saw the rage in Hermione’s eyes. Just when Fred thought it couldn’t get any worse…
“For your information. I won’t be going alone because somebody already asked me…” Fred looked up when Hermione hesitated. While he knew it wasn’t really any of his business, a part of him was wildly curious as to what the next thing she had to say was. Hermione seemed to agree with his involvement, for her eyes landed on him for the briefest of moments before she looked back at Ron and seethed her answer, “And I said yes.”
Christmas morning came without a hitch. The term had been over for nearly a week now and Fred could finally focus all of his time and effort into working out the remaining kinks of the Canary Creams. In fact, he’d spent the last week cooped up in the small classroom that was their work area, reading and brewing. George had been there quite a bit as well, but he often snuck out to the kitchens or to play a few rounds of exploding snap with Lee. Usually Fred would go too, but with the added company of Hermione he found he didn’t mind staying behind to continue working. Hermione had almost no qualms with spending most of her time hidden away in their workspace as she was still vexed with Ron over his disastrous attempt to ask her to the ball. While Fred felt bad that it didn’t work out the way he planned, he hated to admit that a small part of him was happy Ron wasn’t taking Hermione to the Yule Ball. She was too good for him, he told himself resolutely.
Fred rolled over in his bed and pulled back the curtains to see the sky still inky black. Winter mornings were always so bleak and dismal. He preferred summer when he woke with the sun. But still, the cheer and excitement that came with Christmas morning left him wide awake and so he sat up excitedly, ready to see what presents were waiting for him. The pile at the end of his bed looked its usual size except for a rather large box at the very bottom. He wondered for a moment who that could be from. Did his mother hit her head and forget they were poor? he pondered, reaching out and grabbing the first present from the top. Looking at the tag, he recognized it was from Angelina. He smiled, knowing with a chagrin that it was most likely sweets. She always got him and George sweets – despite Fred mentioning many times that he didn’t care for candy all that much. Tearing the wrapping, he was pleasantly surprised to find not candy, but a small golden compass for his broom. They had seen it in a shop last Hogsmeade weekend. Fred had innocently mentioned he’d quite like a compass for his broom, but never did he imagine Angelina would buy it for him. Amusedly, he thought of the present he got her. That same Hogsmeade visit she’d spent hours eyeing a scarf in a little side shop. When she wasn’t looking, he’d snuck back and purchased it for her. Placing the compass gently to the side, he dug into the rest of his presents. A big box of chocolate frogs from Lee, a sweater from his mum and dad along with some fudge, and a year-long subscription to Jokester’s Magazine from Alicia. All in all, a good turn out – but there was still one present he had yet to open. A big box that simply read: To Fred and George, From Hermione.
Fred reached for the box and then stopped. Looking over at the closed curtains of George’s bed, he wondered if he should open the present when it was meant for him and George. Really, he should wait for George to wake up and open the present together, thought Fred before grabbing the corner of the wrapping and tearing it open. Ridding the large box of its wrappings, he pulled off the lid of the box to reveal a number of small vials and boxes.
“What?” Fred pondered out loud.
“Oi! You started with out me, ya git,” grumbled George, pulling back his curtains and glaring at Fred.
“Come and see what Hermione’s got us Georgie. I’m not quite sure what it is.”
George groaned, rolling out his bed with a heavy thump of his feet and shuffling over to him. George stared down at the contents of the box and reached in. His fingers closed around a vial of deep blue color. Turning it over and reading the card attached to the top George read aloud: “Billywig sting—" George reached in and grabbed a box this time “—dried mandrake root. Freddie, I think the girls gone and bought us potions ingredients for Christmas.”
“Really?!” Fred asked excitedly, reaching down, and grabbing a jar of newt spleen. Sure enough, it looked like the box was filled with a bit of ingredients Fred had ever heard of and then a few he had not. This would help their progress more than he though Hermione even realized. Brilliant. It was just brilliant.
“We’re set for a while now, Freddie!” exclaimed George, sitting down on his own bed and beginning to open his presents.
“Yeah, I guess we are,” Fred couldn’t wipe the grin from his face for the rest of the morning. With the knowledge that they were free to explore and experiment to their hearts desire, he was constantly reminded of one of the best Christmas presents he’d ever gotten. He meant to tell her as much too, but Hermione was distinctly missing from the breakfast that morning and the common room as well. When he finally ran into Ron and Harry and asked about her, they had said something about her getting ready for the ball. Ron had scoffed, still convinced that Hermione was lying about her date for the Yule Ball. While Fred was one of the few who actually knew who she was going with, he wasn’t going to tell Ron any different. Secretly he couldn’t wait to see the stupid look on Ron’s face when Hermione arrived that on the arm of Viktor Krum.
How could it possibly take her all day to get ready for a stupid dance? thought Fred as he settled into a game of chess with Ron. While his little brother walloped him, checking his king for the third time that morning, Fred thought of Hermione’s fantastic Christmas gift. Self-consciously he wondered if his gift to her matched up. What was a small book compared to all those ingredients? It must have cost her almost all her pocket money and then some. The rest of the day was spent in the common room, alternating between chess, exploding snap, and chatting with his fellow Gryffindors. The tower was much busier than any holiday Fred had spent at Hogwarts – the Yule Ball keeping everyone over Christmas break that usually would have gone home. It was a little after two when Angelina, Alicia, Katie, and Ginny stated they were headed up to their dorms to get ready for the ball. He, George, Lee, Ron, and Harry bid they goodbye before deciding to take a walk around the grounds before getting ready themselves. The wind was bone chilling as they strolled from the castle to the quidditch pitch and back, leaving their faces tinged pink and raw.
By the time they got back, they had nearly an hour till the ball began and so, they all departed to their dorms to get into their dress robes. Fred’s dress robes were a standard black, but he’d purchased a purple tie a week ago via owl-order to match Angelina’s dress. Checking himself in the mirror one last time, he straightened his tie and smoothed down his long, ginger locks. George appeared in the mirror behind him, straightening his tie as well and giving him a shit-eating grin.
“I reckon we’ll be the best-looking blokes at the ball tonight,” said George definitively.
“Yes, but only if you mean I’ll be the best looking and you’ll be a close second,” quipped Fred.
“You both look like two huge identical prats to me—” Lee rolled his eyes, pulling at the sleeves of his baby blue robes “—now let’s go. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get to hear the Weird Sisters play.”
Lee hadn’t shut up about the Weird Sisters playing at the Yule Ball since Dumbledore had announced it. Fred and George were excited too, but they didn’t hold quite a candle in their hearts for the band like Lee did.
The night went by quickly and spectacularly. The food was divine, the Weird Sisters were just as good as Fred imagined, and Angelina was as good a date as he could imagine for the night. They talked and joked and danced, never lulling into awkward silence like so many couple there that night. It wasn’t until Angelina excused herself to the restroom that Fred realized it was nearly eleven at night. Where had the time gone? Glancing around the marvelously decorated room, he saw George laughing loudly at something Lee had said near the punchbowl, Kenneth Towler was dancing slowly to a ballad with his Ravenclaw date, and across the room sat Ron and Harry looking miserable. Their dates had long since abandoned them, Fred noted, as they had failed to dance with them once – a missed opportunity as Fred acknowledged that both Padma and Pavarti Patil were very pretty girls. Unfortunately, Ron and Harry were just too preoccupied with Hermione and more importantly her date. When he failed to spot the duckling turned swan of the evening, he meandered casually out of the room and into the adjoining corridor where several students stood mingling. Traveling further down, he spotted a terrace door ajar and peaked through the glass to see Hermione standing by herself in the cold. Hands braced on the stone railing, she looked out into the dark expanse of the knight.
“What are you doing out here? It’s freezing!” exclaimed Fred, noting Hermione’s flushed appearance and looking for any signs of her turning blue. Luckily, the only thing blue about her was the fabric of her dress – a dress that every girl apparently adored that evening, for even Angelina had spent a fair bit of time discussing it with Alicia. Hermione truly did look beautiful. Everyone had been gossiping about her since the moment she walked into the ballroom on the arm of Viktor Krum. Her dress revealed a figure Fred had never seen before – one that was womanly and soft, her skin looked soft and dewy like she’d stepped out of a painting, and her hair had somehow been tamed into an elaborate updo with a few loose curls framing her face. Although, if Fred was being honest with himself, he preferred her hair the way it usually looked – wild and lioness-like.
Hermione jumped, grabbing ahold of the railing in front of her and bringing a hand up to her heart. Clearly, she hadn’t expected company out here and Fred didn’t blame her – only someone truly insane would be standing out in the cold like this without the proper robes. “Merlin Fred, you scared me!”
“What are you doing out here?” he asked again, stepping towards her.
“Nothing…Viktor went to get drinks and I needed a bit of fresh air,” said Hermione, but the way in which she worried her bottom lip, her deliciously tempting bottom lip, between her teeth told him there might be more. So, he stared at her, raising an eyebrow in question until she broke.
“Oh god, Fred. I don’t know what to do!” she yelled, bringing a hand up to her temple. She began to pace back and forth, the hem of her dress dragging in the snow that was beginning to build on the terrace.
Fred reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders, halting her movements. “What happened? What’s the matter?” he asked, looking over her for any signs of physical ailments. Had Krum hurt her somehow?
“Nothing, well no that’s not true. It is something, but it hasn’t necessarily happened yet and I—”
“Just tell me why you’re out here trying to freeze to death, please Hermione,” said Fred, cutting her ramblings short.
“I…what if he tries to kiss me?”
Fred wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that.
“I mean, you kiss him back. If that’s what you want and if it’s not what you want, then kick him in the shins. You’ve got a killer kick – I can attest to that personally.”
Hermione smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes, the golden amber color shining with worry. “I just…I was dancing with him and there was a moment where I thought he might kiss me and then someone interrupted us and so we didn’t. But I had the realization that he might try to kiss me again and I’ve never kissed anyone before. What if I’m bad at it, Fred?” she asked looking up at him with a desperate expression.
“It’s a first kiss – everyone’s first kiss is a little awkward,” reasoned Fred, trying very hard not to look at her plump pink lips.
“Yes, but what if I’m so bad that he never wants to kiss me again? I just…I don’t know what to expect or what to do and I—”
Before Fred could weigh the pros and cons of his actions, he was leaning down and capturing Hermione’s frantically moving lips in his own. The kiss was sweet at first, a firm yet gentle press of his lips to hers, but like a man thirsting in the desert, the moment he reached water he had to drink his fill. Reaching up, he cupped her face and deepened the kiss. Slotting their lips, he moved in slow measured movements. For her first kiss, Hermione was more skilled than she knew. Her lips moved naturally and achingly sweet with his, parting just enough for him to swipe his tongue along the crease and taste her. Later on, he would reason with himself that he only did it to shut her up. He’d go on to tell her, after breaking the kiss, that he merely did it so she wouldn’t be nervous for when Krum kissed her later – she’d be prepared and know what to expect. But in that moment, as he felt her soft skin beneath his fingertips and breathed in her essence, he couldn’t lie to himself. He kissed her because he was selfish. He kissed her because the idea of Krum being the first man to sample her sweet lips lit a burning fire of rage in his veins. He kissed her because he wanted to.
Chapter 13>>>
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years ago
if you want to talk about hades town you can do so on this because i am very much interested in your thoughts about it!
fdsfjdskfds oh anon i am at Work and when i get out of work i will be Homework but......... listen. listen.
(ok a lot of this i’ve already rambled abt in my hadestown tag but. BUT). i got into hadestown pre-broadway, which means i listened to the original cast recording from 2017 a BUNCH. and while i adore both version, there were... changes. which i feel did orpheus a disservice, and the overarching plot a disservice, but in some ways treated eurydice better by filling her out more and making her more of a revolutionary. 
anyway, i defos don’t have time for a full song-by-song comparison, and also some of the songs available for the broadway version never made it onto the release of the 2017 version, not bcos they weren’t in the show, just bcos.... idk they weren’t released? weren’t recorded? i do not pretend to know the inner workings of the music industry.
BUT of note: the major changes to epic ii. in the original, orpheus was mocking of hades (’king of a kingdom of dirt’ yo), while in the broadway version, orpheus is just singing abt hades and persephone’s history. epic iii also removes that like, ‘a king who loves everythign like a hammer loves the nail’ and ‘he comes down heavy and hard on us’, so it’s MUCH less about the workers’ resentment of hades and just. about hades and persephone.
btw fuckin miss me with that narrative abt orpheus solving global warming by reminding the ruling class that they’re in love with each other? like, i’m sure that’s more appealing to ur standard can-afford-broadway audience, and as a LOVE story it’s cool, but. just not a good lesson actually. 
also ‘living it up on top’ completely cuts out his ‘why would a man of his own free will go to work all day in the mine and the mill’ which is, y’know, callous when considering the people (like, later, eurydice) driven to work for hades, but is TARGETED at hades, who for real does not NEED to work the way he does. miss that....
we also, throughout the broadway version, get a LOT of hermes speaking for orpheus. in the original, ‘come home with me’ is orpheus convincing eurydice, while the broadway version has hermes telling her that orpheus will make her feel alive. ‘living it up on top’ also changes from persephone speaking directly to orpheus and letting him take up the ‘bless this round’ bit, to having hermes volunteer him. blah blah ‘under my wing’ blah, but having a god (again, member of the ruling class, even if this one’s helpful) speak for him? when we have a version where he speaks for himself? come ON. i am not a fan of orpheus being made helpless! let him make his decisions! let his voice be one of persuasion even BEFORE he goes to the underworld!
(this also ties into my personal take that as a demigod, the son of a muse--and you know how those muses are--orpheus’ carelessness is what originally loses him eurydice. he does not care about eating through the winter, he’s never had to worry about that bcos hermes looks after him, while eurydice has had a harsh life and knows they DO need to worry. art is all well and good, but it is also important to care for the people in your life. it’s later, when orpheus loses eurydice and must venture into the harshness of the underworld, meets the workers/the wall and has to find SOLIDARITY with them in order to stand up to hades, that he finally recognizes the value of working with others to create a better life for all. in this essay i)
i also rly miss the original ‘promises’ bcos like, while orpheus & eurydice as always-in-love is sweet, i really enjoyed the fighty version where they are both resentful & angry abt broken promises, and both acknowledge that what they originally claimed to want from the other & give to one another was both unrealistic and not what they actually wanted, eventually coming to a conclusion that was more based on reality. like. communication resulting in a healthier relationship after dealing with unrealistic expectations.... we stan.
now that i’ve gone over how i think the original was better, i did still LIKE the broadway version, and there were some improvements! most notable, eurydice’s stronger role as like, an active revolutionary (or attempted one, anyway) rather than a more passive rescue.
i genuinely adored the change of ‘anyway the wind blows’ from an intro song by the fates to eurydice singing (with the fates backing her up/singing in her ear), bcos it sets up eurydice as an average sufferer of the world the gods made, and lets us hear it in her voice, her experience, and her opinions. she is the one to say weather ain’t the way it was before--and when we later get persephone telling us ‘some might say the weather ain’t the way it used to be’, she’s dismissing eurydice’s suffering (and the suffering of all humans), bcos she’s more concerned with her own issues with hades than with how she’s impacted the world.
(also the changes made had some Interesting Implications abt persephone’s complicity in that whole ‘keep your head low’ thing, that i think is p cool, actually? like afaik the 2017 version didn’t have ‘no spring/no fall’ going on, so the fact that the broadway one DOES and yet keeps her having spring flowers & autumn leaves only to the ppl in the underworld when she arrives.... inch resting. something something the ruling class provides ‘charity’ of resources people should already have as a reward for ‘good behavior’ something.)
eurydice at the beginning is isolated. she falls in love with orpheus and decides to stay with him, but even them being together does not mean he understands her, or values the same things she does. this is evident in both versions, but in the broadway version, when eurydice goes to the underworld, she does something interesting; she tries to introduce herself to the other workers. now, i never saw the 2017 version in full, only heard the album, but in the album she signs the papers and is rejoicing that she’s ‘free’ and has to be told that she isn’t. she doesn’t really speak to the other workers, beyond this exchange about ‘freedom’. in the broadway version, she’s dejected--she did what she had to do. she knows that’s what the other workers did. and she goes to talk to them about it, bcos in spite of where they are, she wants to create a connection with her fellow workers (building solidarity! my girl!!) (also interesting: at the start of the show. she’s alone. she’s always been alone. she sings about how people always turn on you and she’s better off alone before she meets orpheus, but even after she has to leave him, she tries to make a connection with other people. oh...... character development, we love it.) she doesn’t SUCCEED, but she TRIES. which may be important in why they choose to follow HER later.
now we come to chant (reprise), wait for me (reprise), and doubt comes in, the BEST revolutionary eurydice songs in the ENTIRE show. in the 2017 version these were mostly orpheus-focused (and altho i miss the ‘he said he’s shelter us/he said he’d harbor me’ parallels from the 2017 version of chant ii, the company singing with eurydice & orpheus about ‘if i raise my voice, if i raise my head’ fucks SO HARD). eurydice sings with the workers as they’re revolting, and when they walk out of hadestown, the workers follow her. (they don’t follow orpheus, even tho that’s who eurydice is following; ‘if she can do it so can we’. she’s one of them. she’s the one they’re following. can you BELIEVE). eurydice also gets to echo (louder, stronger, and using our instead of my) orpheus’s fantastic fucking ‘i hear the walls repeating the falling of my feet and it sounds like drumming’ bit, with the workers giving her backup. god. so fucking good.
and then, again, i never saw the 2017 version, but ‘doubt comes in’ in that one is still melancholy even on eurydice’s parts; she’s hopeful, but she’s alone, entirely relying on orpheus to lead her. i did get to see the broadway version (and bro.... the production value on that.... the LIGHTS first of all, the LIGHTING, and this song in particular? all dark when orpheus sings so you can’t see eurydice, and then cut to eurydice in lights with the workers following? MY DUDE.) and eurydice’s bits in this song are triumphant. she is sure they will get out, she is dancing and turning back to the workers as she sings she is right behind him (they sing back: we are right behind you). she is following him and sure of him, and she is with the workers and they are with her.
which is part of why ‘sing it again’ does so little for me, actually? like, orpheus had his chance, and he fucked it up, and yes it’s a beautiful story and we want to think he’d do it right, but this is nothing like the end, and singing it again leaves no way to move forward. eurydice led the workers! she gave them her name, she made them care, she was their beacon of hope and what they could become (compare to their previous beacon of hope, persephone, who shows up once a year and sells them remnants of their former lives and does not try to lead them out bcos she’s too caught up in her own anger). eurydice did not make it out with orpheus, but i HAVE to imagine that she and the workers got that taste of freedom, that taste of memory, that taste of solidarity, and would not just forget it again. it becomes more than a love story, it becomes about eurydice’s position of solidarity with the other mortals (something orpheus almost gets, but fails due to insecurity and inexperience and being the outside-savior rather than one of them). and obvs that doesn’t work with the original orpheus and eurydice myth, but listen...... let them bother hades after the end. let them fucking unionize. pls it would be so GOOD i am just! i am just!!
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therainbowwillow · 4 years ago
Okay I’m losing track. I think this is part 11. Correct me if it isn’t. PS. If you think of a title for this AU, tell me! Please!
Premise/last time... blah blah blah you’re used to this:
The Gang has made it home! It’s warmer now! Orpheus did more than he thought with his song. Hades flees to Olympus and plans to sue Orpheus for property damage. Hermes decides their best shot at beating Hades is a combination of pretty music and accusing the prosecution of stabbing the defendant. Thanatos wonders where the heck he’s supposed to take his brother.
Ps. No you are not allowed to question why everyone uses bows and arrows in a place where modern medicine (and definitely firearms) are available. Apollo is ahead of his time as a doctor? No one wants to learn a new skill? The author doesn’t want to be realistic? You choose.
Eurydice takes a damp washcloth and drapes it over Orpheus’s forehead. He looks content in his rest somehow, even with an oxygen mask over his face and an IV in his arm. Not healthy, but not nearly as bad as he’d looked on the train.
The scent of flowers pleasantly fills the room. Persephone had brought them a vase of flowers. Real spring flowers. Eurydice plucks one out and twirls it between her fingertips. It had been a decade, maybe more, since she’d seen flowers like these. A true springtime. It makes all the winters worth it, she decides.
Orpheus coughs weakly. She drops the flower back into its vase. “Eurydice?” He croaks.
She takes his hand. “I’m right here.”
“Where am I?”
“We’re home.” She grins.
“Really?” He asks in disbelief.
“Yes! We made it, love!”
He gives a slight nod.
“How are you feeling, Orpheus?” Eurydice inquires.
“Better. My leg hurts. And my stomach.”
“Do you want me to get Apollo?”
“No. Not yet. I just want to look at you.”
She strokes his palm. “Okay. Tell me if you need anything, promise?”
“I will,” he agrees.
He sits in silence for a moment, looking up at her.
“Eurydice?” he asks, quietly.
“What do you need?”
He swallows. “Am... am I going to die?”
“No! No, no,” she tells him, hurriedly. “Oh, Orpheus, I’m sorry. No, you’re going to be okay.”
He blinks back tears. “I’m scared of going back. I... I thought...” his voice breaks and he sobs.
She sits beside him and holds him in her arms, swaying slightly back and forth, as if rocking him to sleep. “Baby, you’re not going back there. I’ve got you.” He coughs and she gently pats his back.
“It hurts to cough,” he moans.
“You breathed in a lot of smoke. That’s why you’re coughing. It won’t last. It won’t last.”
Hermes enters the room with an armload of firewood. He sets it down and hurries to his son’s bedside. “How are you feeling, kiddo?” He asks.
Orpheus looks up, teary-eyed. “Dad.”
Hermes wipes the tears off his cheeks. “You did it,” he says.
Orpheus tilts his head. “What?”
“It’s spring, Orpheus! Your song worked!”
He shakes his head. “There’s no way. I didn’t change anything.”
Eurydice hands him a flower from the vase. “You brought back the springtime, lover.”
His expression lightens. He wipes the tears off his cheeks. “Will I... get to see it? Hermes, does spring last a long time? I don’t think I can walk but I want to see how it looks! Eurydice, what’s it like? Does it feel different? Smell different?” he rambles.
Hermes smiles. “Yes, you’ll get to see it. I can open the windows if you’d like.”
“Yes! Yes, please! I’d like that.”
Hermes pulls the blinds open and lifts the window pane. “You breathing okay, kiddo?” Orpheus nods. “Apollo gave me the go-ahead to take off your mask as long as you feel like you’re getting enough air. Tell me if anything changes.”
Orpheus takes a deep breath. “It smells like... flowers,” he observes. “And grass. Like a meadow after a rainstorm.”
“You did this,” Eurydice reminds him. “You did... all of this.”
He smiles. “I did it with you.”
“No,” she says. “I left you behind when you needed me, Orpheus.”
Hermes stands, foreseeing the oncoming argument. “No one blames you, Eurydice, but yourself. Talk it out. Call for me if you need anything.”
Eurydice shakes her head. “He’s wrong,” she says, exasperated. “I was so caught up in myself and my own struggles, I didn’t think of you. I signed the contract. Not Hades. When—if— he comes back for me, promise me you won’t follow. Promise me, lover, that you’ll live here on the surface, safe.”
“Anywhere you go, I’m going.” He looks away. “Eurydice... he wants you that badly?”
“I don’t know what he wants, but-”
“I want you more. I’m not going to let him have you.”
“Orpheus...” He’s determined, she knows, and there’s nothing that will change his mind.
“If my song can do this,” he gestures to the window, “I will convince him.”
“Lover, you need rest. You need to heal.”
“Not until you’re safe, Eurydice.” He flinches as he sits up. “I need to protect you. I failed once. I will not fail again. Let me do this for you.”
“Orpheus, what if it doesn’t work? You’ll put yourself through hell for nothing!”
“If I don’t, I’ll never forgive myself!” He shouts, ending with a cough.
“Why would you do this for the girl who abandoned you?” She asks, solemnly.
“Because I love you!” He grabs her hands. “I love you, Eurydice.”
“I love you too, Orpheus. I don’t want you risking your safety for me.”
“I’ll be careful. Still, I should get to work, love. I’ll need papers! Something to write with and my lyre. And you. Don’t go, please.”
She hugs him. “I’ll never leave again.”
“Thanatos? Where are we going?” Hypnos asks, his head still aching from where he’d been hit.
“I’d like to ask the same,” Pasithea offers, her husband’s arm draped over her shoulder for support.
Thanatos keeps his eyes on the road ahead. It’s a long walk out of Hadestown.
“Brother, please,” Hypnos repeats.
He pauses. “Do you promise you won’t turn back?”
“Thanatos, I wouldn’t get far like this.”
“Swear it,” he insists.
“Okay, okay. Always stubborn. I swear I won’t turn back.”
“Olympus,” Thanatos mutters under his breath.
“What? Than, I was just hit in the head. Forgive me if my hearing’s a little-”
“I said Olympus. Now let’s go.”
Hypnos grins. “No way.”
“I’m never hearing the end of this?” Thanatos guesses.
“I never thought I’d see the day! My brother, Death himself, wants to hang out on Olympus! What are you expecting? A warm welcome?”
“Medicine,” Thanatos sighs, “you’ll need it.”
“You do realize that Zeus will do anything in his power to get rid of me? I put him to sleep at... inconvenient times. Twice.”
“And that’s why I’m joining you. The Olympians fear me, at least to some degree. I’d rather contend with Zeus than Hades these days.”
“I must admit, I’m looking forward to this. We’ll call it a family vacation!” Hypnos says.
“More like a co-op torture session,” Thanatos mutters.
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hadestownmodern · 5 years ago
Enter Orpheus
This has also been posted on @dilforpheus
“Take a deep breath, Seph, calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Hades! It’s a baby! A tiny, living baby that calliope just left here. To die!  How do I calm down?”
“Listen..she left it with  her brother. Stay out of it if-”
“Stay OUT of it? How do I stay out of it? Hermes needs help..and it’s not an it! It’s a him.”
“He needs help, and i’m helping him. He’s so tiny, Hades you wouldn’t believe.. I have to help. If this is too much for you-”
“If this is what you want, i’m here. I’m here for you in an instant. Are you at the bar?”
“I’ll be there soon. We’ll figure it out. I love you.”
“Love you more.”
Persephone hung up her phone with an audible sigh, tossing her phone onto the bar counter. She readjusted her focus to the matter at hand- the tiny tiny baby in Hermes’ arms. 
“He’s on his way.” She whispered, eyes locking onto the baby in her pseudo-brother’s embrace. “What do we do? What do we call him?” Persephone reached out to touch him, the infant grasping her finger and causing her heart to flutter in her chest. 
“Callie left a letter- haven’t read it yet. I bet she didn’t care enough to name him”
“She probably named him so she could leave- what are we gonna call you, little one?” She smiled at the baby, shaking his little hand with her finger. “I don’t get it..how can she leave her kid?”
Even at 21, she was appalled. She couldn’t fathom relinquishing her baby, especially not one so small and frail, in the middle of winter. “He’s a tiny little thing.”
“Cal can’t feed herself three meals a day let alone care for a baby. Bet she doesn’t even know the daddy.”  Hermes told her, simply bouncing the incredibly small baby softly. “Your boyfriend in his way?”
“yeah..Mama too. She said she was already on her way.” Persephone couldn’t help the way her hands instinctively flinched towards him. “Can I hold him?” 
He looked at her, with mischief in his eyes as he gently transferred the tiny boy to her arms. Immediately she felt something fiercely protective bubbling inside her and in that instant she knew she’d never let anything happen to this little boy. “Hey there, sweetheart.” She cooed, rocking him in the crook of her arm. She was sure now that Calliope’s intentions would never be understood. He wasn’t even hers and she would die for him. 
The door flew open and took her by surprise as her boyfriend burst through the doors.
There was a moment between them they will never understand nor discuss, but it was a moment where the sight of her with this baby in her arms caught his heart in his throat. Where four years down the road became none. “Seph..”
“She just dropped him here. Didn’t stop by. Just left him. We got nothin’ for him but we can’t just leave him you know? And he so so tiny that I can’t believe he’s even real and-’ He cut her rambles with a hand on her cheek and a deep kiss. He rested his forehead against hers, just trying to calm her even for a moment. 
“Noone said you had to leave him, we just need a game plan. This is a whole other person to care for. And ain’t none of us ready for it, but here we are. You call your mother yet?” Demeter was not his favorite person, but the woman knew babies.
“Her mother is right here, yes, hello.” Demeter waltzes into the bar, locking the door behind her. Her hair falls in loose braids, a hand knit shawl around her shoulders. “Ahh yes. Good to see you Hermes. Hades. And Kore, give me that boy” She eyed the men briefly, looping her arms down to pull the baby right into her arms.
She lifted the infant to her height, simply connecting her head to his own gently, letting out a deep contented sigh. “Ahh yes. Orpheus has joined as at last.”
Hermes looked up from the glasses he was cleaning- a last ditch effort to prepare for the night- and raised a dark eyebrow. “What did you call that boy, auntie?”
“Orphan?” Hades mumbled, settling his law books and coat down on the free barspace before wrapping his arms around Persephone’s shoulders. “Did she call him Orphan?”
“This boy, his name is Orpheus. I’ve been anticipating his arrival..smaller than I expected..healthy none the less.” Demeter brought the baby down, resting his head on her shoulder, swaying gently with him. 
“Now how in the hell do you know his name…”
Perephone tapped his hands gently. “She just knows these things sometimes…”
“Well if she knows everything why did his mama leave him behind like he means nothing to her-” Hades grumbled, resting his chin on Persephone’s head. 
“All that negativity is not good for this boy, Hades.” Demeter’s tone, while never loud, seemed warning. “She left because he was not meant for her. He was meant for you three.”
Persephone felt the blood drain from her skin, Hade’s grip on her tighten, and the sound of shattering glass filled the room as Hermes dropped a shot glass. 
“He was meant for who know? I am trying to finish school-”
“I just opened the bar..”
“I just learned how to take shots..”
“Yet, all three of you were ready to take him even before I said so. Yes. Orpheus is meant for the three of you to care for.” Demeter mused, kissing his forehead before handing the little baby back to Persephone. 
“He’s going to teach you great love. All of you. And bring so much joy into your lives as long as you can imagine. Yes you are young and unexpecting of this- but it’s meant to be. It’s what the stars want.” She leaned in and kissed her daughter’s cheek, resting her gentle hand on the other. “Cherish all the moments with him.”
Demeter looked up briefly. “And hermes? Set up his crib in your room.”
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whorphydice · 5 years ago
Enter Orpheus- Modern AU
So this could be considered the opening piece to the modern AU @hollywoodx4 and I work on all the time. Again, my reminder that she is a wonderful human.  This gives the intro to the story which is essentially college aged Hermes and Persephone (and by extension Hades) become the caretaker of this baby.
The only thing that probably needs explained is that Demeter is the epitome of crunchy granola mom. She is a doula. She doesn’t believe in most modern medical interventions. And her big thing is connecting to cosmic energy and like...she’s a little psychic. She just knows things. But she loves her daughter very much.  Demeter is crunchy and kind. 
Fun fact: this google doc was titled ‘lil beany orphie”
“Take a deep breath, Seph, calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Hades! It’s a baby! A tiny, living baby that calliope just left here. To die!  How do I calm down?”
“Listen..she left it with  her brother. Stay out of it if-”
“Stay OUT of it? How do I stay out of it? Hermes needs help..and it’s not an it! It’s a him.”
“He needs help, and i’m helping him. He’s so tiny, Hades you wouldn’t believe.. I have to help. If this is too much for you-”
“If this is what you want, i’m here. I’m here for you in an instant. Are you at the bar?”
“I’ll be there soon. We’ll figure it out. I love you.”
“Love you more.”
Persephone hung up her phone with an audible sigh, tossing her phone onto the bar counter. She readjusted her focus to the matter at hand- the tiny tiny baby in Hermes’ arms. 
“He’s on his way.” She whispered, eyes locking onto the baby in her pseudo-brother’s embrace. “What do we do? What do we call him?” Persephone reached out to touch him, the infant grasping her finger and causing her heart to flutter in her chest. 
“Callie left a letter- haven’t read it yet. I bet she didn’t care enough to name him”
“She probably named him so she could leave- what are we gonna call you, little one?” She smiled at the baby, shaking his little hand with her finger. “I don’t get it..how can she leave her kid?”
Even at 21, she was appalled. She couldn’t fathom relinquishing her baby, especially not one so small and frail, in the middle of winter. “He’s a tiny little thing.”
“Cal can’t feed herself three meals a day let alone care for a baby. Bet she doesn’t even know the daddy.”  Hermes told her, simply bouncing the incredibly small baby softly. “Your boyfriend in his way?”
“yeah..Mama too. She said she was already on her way.” Persephone couldn’t help the way her hands instinctively flinched towards him. “Can I hold him?” 
He looked at her, with mischief in his eyes as he gently transferred the tiny boy to her arms. Immediately she felt something fiercely protective bubbling inside her and in that instant she knew she’d never let anything happen to this little boy. “Hey there, sweetheart.” She cooed, rocking him in the crook of her arm. She was sure now that Calliope’s intentions would never be understood. He wasn’t even hers and she would die for him. 
The door flew open and took her by surprise as her boyfriend burst through the doors.
There was a moment between them they will never understand nor discuss, but it was a moment where the sight of her with this baby in her arms caught his heart in his throat. Where four years down the road became none. “Seph..”
“She just dropped him here. Didn’t stop by. Just left him. We got nothin’ for him but we can’t just leave him you know? And he so so tiny that I can’t believe he’s even real and-’ He cut her rambles with a hand on her cheek and a deep kiss. He rested his forehead against hers, just trying to calm her even for a moment. 
“Noone said you had to leave him, we just need a game plan. This is a whole other person to care for. And ain’t none of us ready for it, but here we are. You call your mother yet?” Demeter was not his favorite person, but the woman knew babies.
“Her mother is right here, yes, hello.” Demeter waltzes into the bar, locking the door behind her. Her hair falls in loose braids, a hand knit shawl around her shoulders. “Ahh yes. Good to see you Hermes. Hades. And Kore, give me that boy” She eyed the men briefly, looping her arms down to pull the baby right into her arms.
She lifted the infant to her height, simply connecting her head to his own gently, letting out a deep contented sigh. “Ahh yes. Orpheus has joined as at last.”
Hermes looked up from the glasses he was cleaning- a last ditch effort to prepare for the night- and raised a dark eyebrow. “What did you call that boy, auntie?”
“Orphan?” Hades mumbled, settling his law books and coat down on the free barspace before wrapping his arms around Persephone’s shoulders. “Did she call him Orphan?”
“This boy, his name is Orpheus. I’ve been anticipating his arrival..smaller than I expected..healthy none the less.” Demeter brought the baby down, resting his head on her shoulder, swaying gently with him. 
“Now how in the hell do you know his name…”
Perephone tapped his hands gently. “She just knows these things sometimes…”
“Well if she knows everything why did his mama leave him behind like he means nothing to her-” Hades grumbled, resting his chin on Persephone’s head. 
“All that negativity is not good for this boy, Hades.” Demeter’s tone, while never loud, seemed warning. “She left because he was not meant for her. He was meant for you three.”
Persephone felt the blood drain from her skin, Hade’s grip on her tighten, and the sound of shattering glass filled the room as Hermes dropped a shot glass. 
“He was meant for who know? I am trying to finish school-”
“I just opened the bar..”
“I just learned how to take shots..”
“Yet, all three of you were ready to take him even before I said so. Yes. Orpheus is meant for the three of you to care for.” Demeter mused, kissing his forehead before handing the little baby back to Persephone. 
“He’s going to teach you great love. All of you. And bring so much joy into your lives as long as you can imagine. Yes you are young and unexpecting of this- but it’s meant to be. It’s what the stars want.” She leaned in and kissed her daughter’s cheek, resting her gentle hand on the other. “Cherish all the moments with him.”
Demeter looked up briefly. “And hermes? Set up his crib in your room.”
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angstmongertina · 8 years ago
Officium et Honestas (2/?)
Summary: As the eldest of two daughters, Lady Yinliang Hei knows her duty is to marry well and ensure security and a good connection for her sister, but an arranged marriage to Mr. Malavai Quinn, formerly captain of the King’s Army, was the last thing she was expecting. Nonetheless, driven by duty and honor, they may yet find that theirs can still be a match most evenly made.
Disclaimer: I am breaking about 20 rules of how to address everyone but titles and lands and secondary titles and such make forms of address for the peerage way too difficult to keep up with for a fanfiction so I’m not going to bother for fear of confusing either the audience or myself. (Let it be known that I greatly regret giving everyone titles.)
Part 1 || AO3 Link
Lady Hei was mostly true to her word. The mentions of Mr. Quinn and his imminent arrival remained generally nonexistent, particularly amongst polite company. However, she did delight in teasing her daughter at times and would occasionally reference his name in passing, especially when Yin least expected it.
As such, Yin found herself taking long excursions out of their townhouse, frequenting the shops, calling upon friends who happened to be in town, and taking her mare on extensive rides through the park. Each provided some reprieve from the possibility of Lady Hei speculating aloud, with a twinkling smile at either her or Rhinaa whenever present, whether or not Mr. Quinn would be appreciative of her fine stitching or pianoforte playing, a pastime in which both her mother and her sister appeared to find great enjoyment.
Instead, she escaped the confines of her home, in which her mother and sister preferred to remain, to the parks or, on occasion, her favorite bookshop, owned and run by the rather eccentric though kindly Mr. Drellik. Often, she found herself accompanied by her long-time friends Miss Jaesa Willsaam and Miss Vette Drayen, the former a serious and quiet young woman of eighteen and the latter a cheerful, talkative woman of one and twenty. Vette generally paid no mind to her reticence, and though she noticed Jaesa watching her with some concern, neither spoke on her unusual reservedness.
Nonetheless, Yin had been keeping a mental tally of the passing days herself, silently awaiting the arrival of her to-be suitor. Whether she felt more anticipation or dread for the projected date of his return to town, she could not be certain.
The day before his arrival found her astride Zephra, trotting through Hyde Park and silently lamenting the absence of a large field and, indeed, of witnesses uncaring of the propriety or lack thereof in riding across the countryside at a full run. Jaesa and Vette had a previous engagement, leaving her alone with her ruminations, a fortunate circumstance considering the tumultuous state of her feelings. That her life would change irrevocably held no doubt; unless this Mr. Quinn were truly abhorrent, she had no intention of calling off the engagement, particularly in light of the security it would bring for both herself and her family.
Her sense of duty did nothing to alter the distaste in her spirit, however. That, she suspected, little would change; her lifelong goal had been to find in her companion for life an equal, one whom she could love and respect beyond all other. It was, after all, what her parents had done in pursuing a love match and while there was nothing to say she would necessarily succeed in finding equal happiness for herself, having all of her future decided for her still meant she had no opportunity to attempt it.
Yin pressed her lips together as she crested the top of a small hill, Zephra leaning into the bit as though she sensed her mistress’s thoughts: to race away across the country, far from the expectations which guided all genteel women on their paths. Yet the thoughts lasted for but a minute and, presently, she gathered the reins, turning her mare back towards home with a gentle pat.
Focused as she was on her thoughts, she failed to notice a young man ride up beside her until he called out. “Out for a ride, Miss Hei?”
Recognizing the voice as an old friend, she turned with a smile. “Indeed, Lord Malcom. It is good to see you. How is your family doing?”
He grinned back. “Mother and father are doing well. He is still doing his best to drive her to Bedlam, it feels like on occasion, but she never seems to truly mind, so all the better.”
Yin nodded, slowing her mare to a walk. “Certainly. And Lady Estelle and yourself?”
“My sister has been doing well. She has been with her governess, primarily. I hear she has gotten quite talented at painting while I was at school. She has been hoping to visit with your sister sometime, as I understand. And I have been mostly just helping my father with the estate, since I finished school. He keeps insisting that his body is no longer what it used to be, though he remains hearty enough, thank the Lord. We just arrived back in town and I thought I would take Hermes for a ride.” He reached down to give the stallion in question a light pat.
“It seems we had a similar idea, then.”
She studied him as he rode a little ahead of her. Lord Theron Malcom was a few years her junior and, having grown up on neighboring estates without any other children nearby, they had been the best of playmates until she was under the care of her governess, and he had begun his studies in earnest. She had not seen him since he had left to attend school, though he had written on occasion, and, more often than not, included little gifts and mementos for Rhinaa. In the passing years, he had grown from the gangly boy of her childhood, looking every bit the earl he would eventually become.
However, he still had not managed to lose his nervous fidget, she noticed with some amusement as Hermes tossed his head at a sudden tightening of the reins. “And how is your family?”
“They are doing well. My mother and father had their hands busy managing the estate this planting season but everything was completed with time to spare so we have been in town for nearly a month now.”
Hermes fidgeted again and she hid a smile, saying nothing as he calmed his mount, though she suspected she knew what he wished to say, or more specifically, whom he wished to ask after. She had long suspected that her friend harbored an ardor for her younger sister, and she had no reason to believe Rhinaa would be against the courtship once out, though she also saw no reason to take pity and make things easier for him.
Finally, he turned to her, the slightest hint of a flush on his face. “And Miss Rhinaa?”
She let the smile she had been hiding show. “My sister is doing well. She will be glad to know that you are in town, though she may be a bit cross in having to hear it from me. It has been far too while since we have had any letters from you.”
He looked rather contrite at her mild admonishment. “I am aware. I admit I had been so caught up with helping run the estate that I quite forgot to keep up with my correspondence.”
She laughed. “That is understandable. I shall forgive you if you might accompany me to Drellik’s bookshop.”
“That is a fair deal, my dear Miss Hei. And I shall owe you a great debt if you might advise me on what to get Miss Rhinaa to dissuade her ire?”
The questioning look was for more than just on the gift, she knew, and she smiled with a bit of mischief. “I believe that, as her sister, it is my duty to remind you that she is not yet out, Lord Malcom, but I daresay I have some idea of what she may have her heart set on from Drellik’s, yes.”
His flush deepened but he smiled nevertheless, albeit a little sheepishly. “Then lead the way, my lady.” He gave an elaborate bow as she passed.
Laughing, she did so, though she came to a stop before the store with a frown. While Drellik’s was generally fairly popular, she was certain that there were quite a few more individuals than typically frequented the place. Indeed, many young ladies she suspected had never before set foot within the shop were meandering about, ostentatiously checking the shelves and, only somewhat more covertly, conversing with one another in low tones.
Lord Malcom stopped beside her, an eyebrow raised in surprise. “Has Drellik’s been getting more business since I left?”
“Perhaps somewhat but never to this extent. Something else may have drawn them here?”
“Perhaps another patron?” He gestured towards a carriage stopped on the side of the road, bearing an unfamiliar livery, around which circled no small number of ladies as well. “Though I must admit I am unfamiliar with whom it might be. Clearly someone the Ton is quite entranced by, if the current crowd is to be believed.”
She inclined her head in agreement, though she did not bother to hide her smirk. “Are you certain it is not yourself, Lord Malcom? Perhaps your arrival back in town did not go as unnoticed as you think, and, indeed, with your schooling finished and your current training to manage the estate, you might start considering turning your mind to matrimony? Surely you may look for your future Lady Malcom from such paragons of society.”
Both horror and indignation crossed his expression in short order before he realized she spoke only with the intent to tease him. With a rather put-on sigh, he shook his head. “I would ask whether you must always jest so, but seeing as how I am well-aware of what your response may be, I shall not bother.”
Nonetheless, he offered his arm, which she accepted with a genuine smile of affection, before leading her to the entrance.
Within, the tranquility typical of the shop had been transformed into mayhem; young women filled the interior, flitting about from shelf to shelf, attention focused either on tittering amongst themselves or on something—or, more plausibly, someone—beyond her vision. Even determined as she was, she could not help but feel her resolution falter, but still she pushed onward, leading Lord Malcom forward.
He, conversely, held back, reluctance clear on his visage. “What precisely was it you were seeking here? And is it entirely necessary to pursue it currently?”
Yin turned to peer at him with the hint of a teasing smile on her lips. “Come now, Lord Malcom. Does your courage falter already? Imagine the despair of the Ton’s matchmaking mamas when they discover that such an eligible young bachelor such as yourself is daunted at the prospect of spending time with such a varied and doubtless equally eligible group of young ladies. I have no doubt that, regardless of who has caught their attention, they would be equally, if not more, intrigued by you should they become aware that the heir apparent of the Earl of Barcaria was amongst them.” The look of sheer horror she received for her fanciful speech was such that she could barely restrain a most unladylike cackle.
Composing herself, she continued, “Furthermore, I do believe you have promised my sister a gift and I should hate to inform her you were too intimidated by the crowd at Drellik’s to follow through.”
“Enough. You have made your point, my lady.” The expression on his countenance informed her that, at that moment, he considered her anything but worthy of the title. “Come, let us get what we have come here for.” He paused for a moment before turning back to her. “What was it exactly that Miss Rhinaa wanted?”
A smirk danced on her lips. “My sister informed me last night that a lovely tome on the lives of Varius and Adrijana has come out recently that she very much desires to peruse.”
“From the opera about the late Duchess Adrijana Kallan?”
“The very same.”
There was a rather pregnant pause before he nodded. “Very well then. And for yourself?”
She smiled. “I merely wished to find the sheet music for the latest Beethoven sonata. Mr. Drellik sent word that he had set one aside for me as soon as they arrived.”
Lord Malcom laughed aloud at that. “I can hardly be surprised he would do so for such a loyal customer and talented musician.”
Waving off his flattery with one hand, she wove her way to the counter, where the crowds were notably thicker, before coming to a stop. It would have been difficult indeed to miss that all of the attentions of the women around them were focused on the two men conversing by the counter.
Mr. Drellik had run his bookshop for many years, inheriting the establishment from his father before him. For the past seven or so, Yin had been frequenting it as her preferred location for purchasing books and pianoforte music of all sorts, enough so that Mr. Drellik had teasingly suggested labeling one of the window seats with her name given how often she claimed it as her own. And despite all of the many times she had visited his shop, she had never seen him as animated as he was when talking with the man across from him.
It was clear from a single glance why the man’s presence alone was such that the Ton had deemed the shop its most fashionable meetingplace for the day. He had all the appearance of nobility in his stature, a considerable height and sharply handsome features adding to the appeal of his well-kept attire. With the air of mystery surrounding his situation, as well as the vibrancy his clear friendliness with the shopkeeper lent him, all in all, she had to admit that the stranger was a sight to behold, certainly of enough interest to draw the bored ladies from their homes once the word was out. Those unknown to the Ton were rare and far in between, particularly ones as striking as he.
Carefully dodging out of the way of a giggling Miss Harriet Clay, Yin halted some distance away, resolving to wait until Mr. Drellik had finished his discussion before alerting him to her presence. She was in no hurry to return to her mother and sister’s teasing nor had any real desire to interrupt what appeared to be a warm reunion.
It was not to be so. Mr. Drellik happened to look up just so, spied her, and called her forward congenially with an apologetic look to his conversational partner. “Ah, hello, Miss Hei. I have your music right here if you will wait half a moment. And Lord Malcom, good day. What can I do for you today?”
She scarcely heard what was said in response; the man opposite him started at the mention of her name, pivoting to focus his gaze on her with startling bright blue eyes. In her turn, she dipped her head in greeting, to which he flushed and gave a small bow before stepping forward.
“Excuse me, Miss Hei, was it?”
His voice was quieter, rather stiffer than she would have expected from the man given how warmly he had been conversing only but a minute earlier, and she dropped her head again to earn another second for regaining her equilibrium. “Indeed, sir,” returned she when she was certain she had collected herself. “I believe you have the advantage of me, Mister…?”
Mr. Drellik seized the opportunity to step forward with a companionable wave of his hand. “Ah, yes. Here is your Beethoven, Miss Hei, and the book you wished to purchase, Lord Malcom.” He turned to the other man. “The Honourable Miss Yinliang Hei would be one of my most frequent patrons, and her talent with the pianoforte is quite renowned through the Ton.”
“Indeed,” was the short reply, blue eyes still focused on her with an intensity she had rarely seen until then.
“And this,” Mr. Drellik continued, clapping his companion on the shoulder and hardly seeming to notice the curtness of the response he received, “is my dear friend, Mr. Malavai Quinn.”
A/N: Eheheheheh I am almost sorry about the cliffhanger. Almost.
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racingtoaredlight · 5 years ago
The degenerate’s guide to college football TV watch ‘em ups, 2019 season, week 7
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As you read this for the first time in what seems like ages Steven Montez is not throwing an interception. Enough about that, it’s Red River Shootout Rivalry week! Kind of sucks that they stopped calling it a shootout right when every game in the Big XII became a shootout.
This isn’t the best version of “Red River Valley” much like this year’s game isn’t the best version of the Red River Shootout but we have to love the ones we’re with.
Why am I putting so much of this post into a game I don’t give a shit about? Because Miami already played (and won!) and I haven’t actually looked at the rest of the schedule yet. We’ll find out together what’s going on this week! Schedule copied from FBSchedules, gambles copied from Vegas Insider, thoughts are intended to be original. I’m sorry.
Saturday, October 12
Matchup                                                       Time (ET)                  TV/Mobile
6 Oklahoma vs. 11 Texas (in Dallas, TX)    12:00pm                       FOX
Wait, get the fuck out of here. This is the first game listed to top it all off? Bookmakers are fucking with us to have the o/u at 75.5 but Sooners -10.5 seems smart to me. Note to theoretical new readers: nobody who writes on this site about gambling is right more than 15% of the time.
Maryland at Purdue                                     12:00pm                       BTN
B1G action! It sucks!
23 Memphis at Temple                                12:00pm                     ESPN2
The race for the group of five BCS bid (is that what we’re still calling it?) is a madcap so far and Temple is still in it. Wild, right? Manny Diaz might have chosen the less talented team this year when he decided to leave Temple at the altar. Memphis is the favorite for this game and the AAC championship and probably #2 in line for the big bowl money among the sisters of the poor but this is an interesting game for a whole host of reasons. Go Tigers.
Miami (Ohio) at Western Michigan             12:00pm                    ESPNU
I think I’m doing the italics wrong for this post. I won’t go back to fix it, though.
16 Michigan at Illinois                                  12:00pm                      ABC
Michigan is pure entertainment to me but only in theory. I don’t watch their shitty games but every outcome fills me with glee. Nobody likes them, especially Michigan fans. Keep it going, Captain Clutch.
Mississippi State at Tennessee                   12:00pm                     SECN
Miss State isn’t total trash, are they? I feel like no but I can’t tell you why. And, yet, they are only favored by 6.5 over Tennessee. I can’t believe there’s a reason beyond gambling to care about this game.
Rutgers at Indiana                                         12:00pm                     BTN
If you find yourself interested in this game for any reason whatsoever please call 800-522-4700.
South Carolina at 3 Georgia                          12:00pm                   ESPN
Is Coach Boom on the hot seat? I really don’t know what’s expected of him. Can he say that his shitty QB that got hurt would have made a difference in this season? Will school officials believe him? Georgia -22 seems like great value to me.
Toledo at Bowling Green                                12:00pm                  CBSSN
Bowling Green is very bad. Are they +26.5 at home against Toledo bad? Absolutely they are.
Georgia Tech at Duke                                      12:30pm                   RSN
Georgia Tech football makes me sad. Let’s not dwell too long on them.
Ball State at Eastern Michigan                        2:00pm                  ESPN+
Ball State is not baller at all. One of life’s great quandaries.
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Old Dominion at Marshall                                2:30pm               Stadium
This must be the first game of the year on Stadium unless I’ve just completely stopped paying attention. What a debut!
New Mexico State at Central Michigan           3:00pm                ESPN3
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Washington State at 18 Arizona State              3:30pm            Pac-12N
Holy hell, what a shit year this is. Arizona State crept up to #18 and there is nothing interesting about their team on the field. They aren’t even undefeated. It’s just Herm Edwards yelling inspiration to some kids you’ve never heard of and it’s mostly worked out so far. This game is a pick ‘em which is probably what every Washington State game should be until Mike Leach rides off into the sunset.
Florida State at 2 Clemson                                 3:30pm              ABC
When Cabbage exposed Jameis Winston’s pay-for-play thing a few years ago Jameis was probably taking money for point shaving, too. I kind of feel like Trevor Lawrence is doing the same thing this year but it’s more dangerous for him because he still has to play in college for another year. How off has Clemson looked so far? I’m entertaining thoughts of FSU pulling the upset here. Technically they can do that just by staying closer than 26. That’s the best kind of upset, really.
NIU at Ohio                                                           3:30pm            ESPN+
Even in the lowered expectations world of MACtion 2019 this is a sad affair.
Kent State at Akron                                             3:30pm             ESPN3
Maybe all MAC games are particularly sad this year.
Michigan State at 8 Wisconsin                           3:30pm               BTN
The pain isn’t close to over for Sparty but a nice moral victory here would only mean keeping Jonathan Taylor under 200 yards and 5 TDs. Or even scoring. One out of two seems possible.
25 Cincinnati at Houston                                     3:30pm            ESPN2
Holgo to Houston seemed so natural but things haven’t really clicked yet. Fickell at Cincinnati, on the other hand, has been perfect and immediate. Vegas has some faith in the Cougars still, though, so maybe I just haven’t caught up to the now. The Bearcats are favored by 7 but that seems low to me, even on the road. Maybe stay the fuck away from this one.
1 Alabama at 24 Texas A&M                                3:30pm              CBS
aTm is going to lose by 40 and somehow rank #15 on Sunday.
BYU at USF                                                            3:30pm            CBSSN
BYU is starting a black QB for the first time in school history. That’s kind of a jarring headline in 2019 for any school, isn’t it? 
UConn at Tulane                                                    3:45pm            ESPNU
Let’s run away from all the uncomfortable thoughts that go with BYU and gather together to laugh at UConn. It is wild that Tulane is favored by 34 over anybody. Willie Fritz is going to get offered a lot of money to go somewhere else for 2020 and I hope he stays put. Having a good coach and the occasionally best uniforms in the country is a cool combo.
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Rhode Island at Virginia Tech                               4:00pm            ACCN
Virginia Tech won one of the most cursed games of all time last week and it would surprise basically nobody if they turned around and lost to the Fightin’ Lamar Odoms this week. Before you ask, yes, Rhode Island is bad even for a AA team.
Texas Tech at 22 Baylor                                         4:00pm             FS1
Baylor is ranked. Gross.
San Jose State at Nevada                                      4:00pm          ATTSN
If you’re a fan of Last Chance U, tune in to see Malik Henry take over as Nevada’s QB. The offense has been a shambles so far this year but the Wolfpack are still 3-2 and alive in the MWC so maybe the formerly big name recruit can provide a nice jolt.
UNLV at Vanderbilt                                                  4:00pm          SECN
People like to make jokes about the SEC not playing any good non-conference games and never going on the road to play out of conference.
Middle Tennessee at Florida Atlantic                    4:00pm          ESPN+
FAU is going to sneak into a bowl game this year and Lane Kiffin is going to get hired by like Florida State or some dumb shit. Looking forward to it all.
Iowa State at West Virginia                                     4:00pm          ESPN
The line opened at -7.5 for Iowa State and it’s moved up to -10. Both these teams are kind of messy and it’s being played in Morgantown. Somebody please enlighten us all in the comments.
Georgia State at Coastal Carolina                          5:00pm          ESPN+
This afternoon stretch is mostly pretty bleak for watchin’ ‘em up.
UAB at UTSA                                                             6:00pm          ESPN+
This game doesn’t change things much for the better. UAB should rock UTSA but this is on ESPN+ anyway, so it’s not like anybody will be watching it.
UMass at Louisiana Tech                                          7:00pm         ESPN3
Peeking down the page a bit, the night schedule actually looks pretty good. This one won’t be in the rotation. La Tech is good this year but UMass is pure trash. The 31.5-point line is a warning sign to stay away unless the game gets way the fuck out of hand really early.
Mississippi, Oxford at Missouri                               7:00pm          ESPN2
Kelly Bryant is, at long last, looking pretty good. Missouri’s offense is theoretically a good training ground for the NFL, so I’m happy for Bryant on that level, but I really just want to see extra misery (npi) poured on Mississippi.
North Texas at Southern Miss                                  7:00pm         Facebook
I swear to you the good games are on their way.
Fresno State at Air Force                                         7:00pm          CBSSN
We aren’t quite there yet but this is at least a cool looking game. The stadium, the uniforms, the offensive schemes. This is degenerate football.
Charlotte at FIU                                                         7:00pm            ESPN+
Butch Davis’s kids finally showed some signs of life last week but it’s still for the best that this one is on ESPN+ and out of sight.
Army at WKU                                                             7:00pm           Stadium
I don’t think you’ll need it but this is some pretty nice alternative program if the brand name stuff goes sideways.
10 Penn State at 17 Iowa                                          7:30pm             ABC
Two programs with very different histories dealing with disadvantaged kids clash in primetime. Here’s to another few years of contract for Kirk Ferentz following a minor but important upset victory.
USC at 9 Notre Dame                                                7:30pm             NBC
USC is great because they actually have a similar amount of talent to Notre Dame but they haven’t had a coach for the last few years. Nice to see one of college football’s storied rivalries played on the first weekend of October. I’m trying to believe the Trojans can win but honestly it would feel like a miracle if they keep things within spitting distance of the 10.5-point line.
Arkansas at Kentucky                                               7:30pm           SECN
Both of these teams are 2-3 and going nowhere but Kentucky -6.5 seems like a steal. Somebody talk Beer out of this one.
Louisville at 19 Wake Forest                                     7:30pm           ACCN
Wake Forest is the weird secret hope that at least one ACC team can stay in the top 25 all year long to make Clemson’s schedule just good enough to make the playoffs. If I know my ACC, Louisville is going to run all over them.
Navy at Tulsa                                                               7:30pm          ESPNU
I’m still not sold on this edition of Midshipmen football but maybe I’ve been too harsh on Malcolm Perry. We’re getting into the “pound the over” part of the year for Navy and I, possibly stupidly, feel pretty good about them winning this one. Which would make them 4-1 against the spread with three straight overs.
Nebraska at Minnesota                                               7:30pm            FS1
Undefeated and unranked Minnesota might be catching Nebraska at a bad time. The Huskers aren’t good but they have a little bit of fight in them. Which is what they hired Scott Frost for in the first place. Leaning Nebraska +7.5. Make of that what you will.
7 Florida at 5 LSU                                                        8:00pm           ESPN
What upside down version of the world are we in where Florida’s vicious defense is pitted against LSU’s unstoppable offense? This is the kind of place where the U.S. president would lay down the project of empire to let some pissant remnant of Alexander the Great’s conquests bomb American troops for the sake of... building some hotels somewhere, I think? This game is guaranteed to end well past midnight East Coast time.
15 Utah at Oregon State                                              8:00pm         Pac-12N
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Well, Herman Munster, the Utes are people of the Great Basin whose ancestral homes covered most of present day Colorado and Utah. And the Utah Utes are gonna fuck Oregon State shit all up. Utah -14.5, under 59.5. Beware, all Pac-12 After Dark prognostication is functionally useless.
Hawaii at 14 Boise State                                            10:15pm        ESPN2
God do I want to sex this particular game. Hawaii vs. Boise on the blue turf, kicking off well after most of the country has gone to bed? This is what West Coast football is all about. Boise is the much better team but Hawaii still has the wild offense, so keep an eye on this even if the score looks one-sided at halftime.
Wyoming at San Diego State                                     10:30pm         CBSSN
In recent years this matchup has been the key to the MWC season but for some reason it got scheduled mid-season for 2019. Both are still in contention for the conference title and one of them is likely to get serious top 25 consideration tomorrow. SDSU has my heart but an o/u of 38 makes this one sound painful.
Washington at Arizona                                                11:00pm           FS1
Pac-12 scheduling baby! Why is it designed to make people not see their best teams and most dynamic players? Who knows but it’s a tradition now. UDub has sort of fallen apart after their preseason top 10 ranking but nobody is going to look to Arizona for consistency. The line has moved down, which suggests people are betting in decent numbers, but you have to got serious problems if you think this is a good ride to take.
0 notes
auds-art · 8 years ago
Elysian Dream: Ch 6. Ghil-Dirthalen
Solas held the red lyrium, keeping it from touching his skin by holding it firmly in the folds of his cloak. He had seen this once before, and knew certainly now that Andruil and Dirthamen were working in chaotic harmony together—there was no question. He grit his teeth in annoyance as he awaited Mythal—Hera—and paced the floor restlessly. He had to find some way to make her remember. He had to. He could not defeat these two alone. His footfalls were silent on the marble floors of the main hall.
The door opened, and he spun around, only for his heart to sink suddenly, his expression smoothing quickly to unreadable listlessness. “Athene,” he said, inclining his head.
“Hera would like to meet you in her chambers.”
Solas kept his brow smooth when he might have frowned in perplexity. “What, pray tell, is wrong with the Great Hall?”
Athene's lips twitched, an almost-smile, condescending but patient somehow. “Too many little ears wandering about.” She paused, her smile becoming sardonic. “Isn't that right, Hermes?”
There was the soft flutter of wings, and the boyish god stepped from some place he had been hiding. “You can't blame a boy for being curious. It isn't every day The Great Hades kidnaps Springtime and has clandestine meetings with our Queen.”
Athene rolled her eyes upwards, exasperated. “Do not get on Hera's bad side, Mischief. Her wrath is as mighty as Zeus' bolt.”
Hermes smiled coyly, slinking up to Athene in an overtly sensuous gait. “You know I can't resist being just a little naughty.”
When he laid his hand on her arm and wiggled his eyebrows, Athene's face grew stony. “Do not touch me.”
Hermes threw his hands into the air in apology. “Can't blame me for trying. You know I also can't resist a bit of a challenge. Well,” he winked at Hades as he slinked out of the hall, “call me if you want to forsake yourvow of chastity. I have a long spear you might enjoy acquainting yourself with.”
Athene scoffed. “I am familiar with your little dagger. It's plastered all over Greece.”
Hermes' laughter echoed down the hall, heard long after he was out of sight.
Solas inclined his head to Athene, taking his leave just as quickly. “Thank you for relaying the message.”
Athene caught him by the arm as he passed her in the doorway. “Be careful, Hades. Trouble is brewing like a storm on the horizon, and I fear it may be aimed your way.”
“I know it is,” Solas said, allowing himself a frown. “But thank you for the warning all the same. I know I can count on you to do what is right, always.”
“It is not always that rightness and wisdom intersect. But know I am on your side—so long as you stand for Olympus.”
She gave his arm a small squeeze, and then allowed him to pass her.
Not largely unnerved, but still slightly unsettled, Solas made his way down the great halls of Olympus, to Hera's room. He moved to bang upon the door, only to have it swing open wide before he touched it. There was Hera, sitting elegantly, queenly, upon a lounge filled with cushions and pillows. She beckoned him inside, and he entered swiftly. The door closed behind him.
“I have been waiting for you to seek my counsel,” she said, her voice the same silken rasp as it had always been.
“Hera, I—”
She cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Call me by my true name, if you know it.”
Stunned, Solas' mouth shut with an audible snap. She remembered? Was this a test? He watched her, her eyes gleaming gold in the light of the sun as it streamed through her windows.
“Mythal,” he said simply.
A sigh of relief left Mythal, and her smile was a slow curl of satisfaction. “I knew of everyone, it would be you to remember. Always so clever, my old friend.”
“Not so old,” he returned with a smile. He walked to her, sat on the edge of her chaise, his hands folding in his lap, the pieces of red lyrium still wound in his cloak, between them. “I am relieved you have your memories, and grateful you said nothing in the presence of the others.”
“What could I say?” Hera shrugged. “Elgar’nan does not remember our life before, and it would only cause chaos in this Olympus if half of its inhabitants were gods from another pantheon.”
Solas inclined his head. “I think it is more than half. Andruil is behind this. As is Dirthamen.”
“Have you seen him?” Mythal demanded, sitting up a little straighter. “I must admit, I expected him to be here, working with her, but I have seen no trace of our Keeper of Secrets.”
With a shake of his head, Solas regarded his oldest friend. “No, I have yet to see him. But I know he is here. I can feel him.” He grew stern, remembering why he was here, and who was waiting for him back in his own realm. “I know how they got us here, however. I know how they broke the Veil and caused our two worlds to collide. I am grieved to think of what may have become of the elves—all of Thedas—without that Veil.”
Mythal tilted her head. “Go on; I am listening most raptly.”
He unfolded his robe, exposing the two shards of red lyrium. Mythal leaned forward, examining the lyrium crystals, frowning. She looked up at him. “I am not sure I understand. This cannot be lyrium. It is…sick.”
“It is,” he agreed, dropping a piece into her lap. “Be careful to not touch it with your skin directly—not if you can avoid it. It can infect even you—even I.”
Using one of the many drapes of fabric that sheathed her body, Mythal picked the thing up. “This…feels familiar.”
“Andruil has used it once before, I believe. I did not know what it was then, but…I think it was this that allowed her to…to…”
Mythal touched his arm. “I know. There is no need to speak of the painful things of the past.”
His lungs let out the breath they had been holding in so tightly. He nodded, grateful that she knew his allusion without needing further explanation. Even if Bellanaris had returned, even if she was in his life once more, a miracle that defied—or perhaps defined—Fate, it was heartbreaking to think on her disappearance, on how she could not remember him.
“What has Andruil done to this? Or was it Dirthamen’s work?”
Solas shook his head. “I do not know. I believe it was Andruil.” He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. “You remember when she was hunting? When she was gone so long?”
“Before it happened, yes, I remember.”
He nodded, looking at the shard in his lap. “She was hunting something.”
“The Forgotten Ones, as the elves call them.”
Again, he shook his head, looking at her directly. “I think it was this. I think this is a weapon she—or they—or both—created. I believe this is what was used to shatter the Veil, to merge this world and ours.”
“Something in her plan must have gone awry,” Mythal added, her eyes staring and narrow upon the crystal as she tried to sense its properties. “I do not think we were meant to remember.”
“I do not think we were meant to be here,” he said wryly. “She certainly would never cast herself in the role of Virgin.”
Mythal let out a laugh. “No, not with how much she lusts for you. Ever since you escaped, she has been obsessed with conquering you.”
“I know.” His voice was dark, lavender eyes pained and angry. “She will stop at nothing until she has her conquest. No matter. We will stop her.” He leaned back slightly, breathing heavily. “Yet I cannot say whom we may trust. I do not know who our enemies are.”
The Protector and Mother nodded her head, dropping the crackling red lyrium onto the floor. “I do not know. This must be the taint I sensed growing in our family.”
“It is. Elgar’nan was always temperamental, but these last decades, his madness has grown tenfold.”
“Even Ghilan’nain,” Mythal said softly, her voice heavy. “Even in she have I sensed corruption. We must find a way to purge them.”
“Short of undoing time itself, I see no other choice.”
She leaned back, looking at Solas with her eyebrows raised in surprise and thought. “Undo time. Now there is an idea.”
“Mythal,” Solas’ voice was a warning. “Do not think I have not tried. I spent at least two hundred years attempting to undo what was done to Bellanaris. I think it would be more prudent to try and…cure the lyrium, for lack of a better word, and attempt to use it to take us home. Perhaps we will be in time to save those who await us there.”
Mythal’s jaw stiffened. “We will save them. Justice will be done. I will not allow any harm to come to our people and their children.”
“We must hurry—”
“I know the stakes,” Mythal hissed, “I know the Veil was the only thing that was preventing Blight from spreading through Thedas like wildfire.”
Solas swallowed. He thought of Elandrine back in their bed, alone, perhaps vulnerable. Who knew what it meant, the lyrium being so near her. He stood abruptly. “I must go. Please come tomorrow, after you have analyzed this to whatever extent you need. Perhaps have Athene look at it. Perhaps Hecate.”
Mythal smiled up at him coyly. “Eager to return to your wife?”
He let out a short bark of a laugh. “Such a small word to hold so much power. Wife. Yes, I am eager to be by her side. With Dirthamen missing, I do not trust her alone—and you know I cannot bring her here. I cannot protect her with so many variables. I think Andruil might snap at any moment and simply try to kill her again—and I do not have it in me to create another Veil to save the world yet again.”
“I know it diminished you,” she said slowly, “but did you not regain your power when it was broken?”
Solas flexed his hands and shook his head. “If nothing else, it has made me weaker. I believe this lyrium to be the key.” He took a few steps, then stopped, turning his head to give her his profile. “I want you to know how grateful I am for your help, throughout time. You are my truest friend, Mythal.”
She smiled at him, and it was not even slightly wry or sardonic. “And you are mine, Rebellion. Go. Make her remember you.”
His smile, in return, was the most heartbreaking thing she had ever seen. “If only I could.”
And then he was gone, a swirl of black cloak and a trail of smoke. Mythal reclined on her chaise once more, watching the spot where he had stood, then turning her eyes to the rough shards now on the floor. “If only Bellanaris was truly here,” she said to herself. “Now she could help.” With a sigh, she set about doing her best to analyze what, exactly, this infection was—and how they might treat it together.
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systemfailuresunshine · 8 years ago
Getting Back to ‘Normal’ - Elsa Chapter 17
Author: @systemfailuresunshine
Summary: Year-round fluff for a soldier who just needs a hug, starting at Christmas! Bucky is getting impatient as an invalid, but something’s about to change…
Word Count: 2104
Warning(s): I want to say none but I’m gonna put swearing just in case.
A/N at the bottom this time :)
“Can I go yet?” Bucky groaned, mostly to make you laugh.
You rolled your eyes at him but giggled.
“Did Helen say you could go?” you asked, sticking your tongue out from between your teeth.
“Not yet,” he pouted.
“Then, no.”
He turned his head to kiss you, just as Helen Cho walked through the door.
“I could hear you from two floors up,” she smiled as she went to check on his chart for the third time today.
“Everything’s fine,” he said, pre-empting her question.
“I’m still going to check the chart. I believe it more than I believe you.”
He huffed, but immediately softened when you brushed your hand over his cheek.
“We’ll get there, soldier.”
A few moments passed as you looked at each other, willing time to move faster. Bucky trailed the planes of your face with his eyes, trying to memorise every freckle, every laughter line that he’d been responsible for. You ran your hand through his hair and he hummed quietly as you wrapped a strand between two of your fingers. Finally, Helen looked up from the clipboard.
“Well,” she started.  
You gave him a pointed look not to say anything before Helen had finished speaking. His eyes lit up in amusement as he tried to keep his composure.
“Your stats all look good,” she spoke slowly, purposefully.
He nearly jumped out of the bed there and then but decided, for once, he should wait and see that he was going to be okay. After the first fight with Anastasia, he remembered how worried he’d been about you. The memories from this second fight slowly filled his mind and he almost cringed away from them, recalling the sound of your gasp as he’d been in danger. It had been hell for him, not knowing whether you were going to wake up or not. He could only presume you’d felt the same.
“But,” Helen’s voice jolted him back to the present. “I’m just waiting on one more test. It’ll only be another ten minutes or so.”
Bucky whined while you giggled at him.  
“I’m glad you find this funny, I’m dying here.”
“Don’t let Helen hear you say that,” you winked at him. “She’ll never let you leave.”
“No!” his expression immediately looked pained.
“Jeez, you’re just as impatient as each other,” Tony said, strolling into the room. “Maybe that’s why you ended up together.”
Bucky flashed you a cheeky grin and you hid your face, which was rapidly turning red.
"Morning, Helen,” he smiled at her sincerely.
“Good morning, Tony”
“How is our ice princess today? Can I finally get him out of my hospital wing?”
You propped your head up on your elbows, waiting expectantly for the answer.
“It does appear that way,” she said, consulting the chart one more time just to be sure. “But,” she turned to Bucky. “You need rest. No more missions for a while. I’ll be back,” she smiled before leaving the room.
“Especially ones where you get taken down so easily,” Tony joked once he’d waved her off. “You really showed your age there.”
His eyes grew solemn but his tone was still light.
“What would this one have done?” He gestured his head to you.
“It’s almost as if you care about me,” one corner of Bucky’s mouth quirked upwards.
Tony scoffed.
“Besides, have you seen them when they’re upset? They start singing Disney songs. It’s unbearable,” he smirked.
Bucky looked fondly over at you, both of them recalling that not 24 hours ago, you had indeed been singing Disney songs to a supposedly still-unconscious Bucky. He winked at you and you ducked your head again.
“And Steve gets all mopey with his puppy dog eyes,” Tony carried on.
You rolled your eyes and Bucky chuckled softly.
Helen made her way back through the door with Bruce in tow.
“So, Helen, my dear,” Tony turned to the sound of the footsteps.
His eyes quirked as he spotted Bruce. “Am I free of him?”
“Yes,” Bruce’s voice was measured, purposeful. “He can leave. I imagine (Y/N) will be making sure he doesn’t get himself into any more trouble.”
You gave Bucky a pointed look. Steve poked his head through the door.
“I heard the word ‘trouble’.”
“That’s because it’s your middle name,” Bucky jibed. “Apparently I’m supposed to stay out of it.”
“Good luck with that,” Steve smirked, heading towards the kitchen. “And my middle name’s Grant, actually.”
Bucky shook his head fondly and sighed before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. You immediately stood up to put an arm around his waist. He cringed slightly as he stood but not enough to worry you.
“Bruised ribs?” Tony asked.
Bucky winced and nodded. You were careful not to get too close to him for fear of injuring him further, supersoldier or not. Noticing this, he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head.
“To the kitchen!” he announced, his voice booming in the quiet. “I’m starving.”
“He returns!” Nat smiled as you wandered slowly into the kitchen.
Thor came to place a hand on Bucky’s shoulder and practically lifted him onto the stool when he put his arm around the other side of Bucky’s waist to help him.
“So what’ll it be, hero?” Nat raised an eyebrow at him. “Pancakes or waffles?”
“You’re making breakfast?”
“Only for you,” she said.  
Behind her, Sam and Clint let out similar sounds of protest.
“You two haven’t been lying in a hospital bed all week.”
They baulked at her mothering tone but kept quiet.
“Pancakes,” Bucky breathed, while you got him a glass and some orange juice from the fridge.
“Never thought I’d see the Avengers go domestic,” you winked at Steve.
“You’ve never been awake when we’ve come back from a mission,” he nudged your elbow. “Everyone needs to compress at some point. I think this has just reminded us that we’re not all infallible. We can’t do everything and sometimes we need a break, so pancakes it is.”
You hummed as you leaned back against the counter, watching Nat flip the pancakes in the pan. You giggled quietly when Nat frowned at the blackened result.
“Do you have plans for your newfound freedom, Bucky?” Thor asked as Bucky practically inhaled his glass of orange juice. “I am to stay for a few more days so we could arrange a sparring session. I did not get to see you fight, but have heard only positives.”
Bucky almost choked on his drink from laughing at your severe reaction to this suggestion.
“I’m supposed to take it easy, and I don’t think this one will let me do anything fun,” he rubbed his hand down your back.
“Fun is subjective,” you muttered.
“Well, what did you have in mind then?” he smiled down at you.  
“Disney marathon?” you looked up hopefully.
“Considering I’m probably not allowed to do a lot else, that sounds great.”
His heart nearly stopped at the sight of you beaming back up at him.
“I’ll get it set up! You coming, Thor?”
Thor smiled, bemused, but still followed you as you left after kissing Bucky on the cheek.
Ten minutes later and big TV projection was showing a menu screen for Hercules. Various beanbags and chairs were scattered around as you and Thor looked around the room at your handiwork. You climbed onto one of the chairs to give him a high-five and his laughter boomed in the otherwise empty room. Nat poked her head round the door, spatula in hand.  
“What is going on in here?” she asked as she surveyed the room.
“I’m trying to keep Bucky out of trouble, and stop him from injuring himself further, by hosting a marathon of the best Disney films out there, i.e. all of them,” you skipped over to her. “Will you be joining us?”
Nat looked up at the menu screen, and then back into the kitchen where Sam and Clint were fighting over the last pancake.
“I’m always a sucker for Meg,” she winked at you.
“I remember,” you said, recalling Nat’s costume at the New Year’s party. “I’m just looking forward to Sam’s reaction.”
You giggled.
“You called?” Sam’s voice filtered through.
“I guess Clint got the pancake then,” you teased.
Sam folded his arms across his chest and looked away.
The music on the screen started again, which drew his attention. He grinned and then surveyed Nat with a raised eyebrow.
“Is our favourite Meg lookalike going to join the marathon?”
“Our favourite, or your favourite?” Nat teased.
He chuckled softly to hide the hint of a blush in his cheeks.
“Let’s get started!” Clint shouted, appearing behind you and pulling you into a hug.
Predictably, everyone had their own comments for the film. No sooner had baby Hercules appeared onscreen than Bucky was comparing him to Steve.
“You’ve practically got the same face,” he joked. “Although he’s much stronger than you were.”
“He’s a god, what do you expect?” Steve retorted.
“I can vaguely remember what those nurses were sayin’ about you back in the day,” Bucky grinned.
Steve’s ears turned pink as he kicked Bucky’s foot. Thor’s criticisms were mainly theologically based.
“If they are supposed to be gods, why do they look so weak?”
“They’re not real, Thor,” Clint smirked.
“I am aware, Barton, but I bet I could beat that ‘Hermes’ in a fight, even with his flying shoes.”
The loud singing began shortly after, although it was nearly impossible to stop Tony from drowning everyone out with his wailing.
“I thought you’d learned from Christmas?” you muttered, finding a pillow to throw at his head to make him stop.
“Me? Learn? Never!” he ducked but still got caught on the forehead. “You think you’d learn to stop putting on films that I’ll sing along to!”
As the credits rolled for the start of the next film, Bucky stretched and yawned, which caused your head to fall onto his shoulder. You looked up at him through your hair and sighed softly.
“Bedtime?” you whispered.
He gave you a sleepy smile in return and made to stand up. Nat watched them out of the corner of her eye as everyone else focused on the screen.
“Night, Nat,” you said, placing your hand in Nat’s and squeezing it as you left quietly.
Hearing the whispering, Sam seemed like he wanted to protest, given that it was only 11 am. Steve stopped him.
“They’ve had a long day.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Nat winked at them as you headed out of the door.
As you made your way down the corridor, Bucky turned in the direction of his room. You followed, to his amusement.
“I figured bedtime meant you were going to bed. Your own bed,” he smirked.
“Like I’m going to run the risk of you getting up in the middle of the night to cause mischief,” you retorted, your face mirroring his.
“Guess I’ll have to get used to not having a bed of my own anymore then,” he said.
You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly.
“It was a hospital bed,” you said, poking his arm. “Besides, it’s nice to know you’ll be there when I wake up.”
“You’re so cute, doll.”
You ducked your head as he held out a hand to you. Intertwining your fingers, you both crossed the room to the bed. After the long wait for him to wake up, you weren’t going to let him go anywhere anytime soon, you thought, as he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your temple. You snuggled closer at that thought, mindful of his ribs. It seemed as though sharing a bed was now going to be a regular occurrence.  
A/N: 1242 hits on AO3! What? And 20 comments and 25 kudos, which is so fab, thank you! Also, Elsa is 6 months old today!! Where has the time gone? Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey, and here’s to the next 6 months! Yes, there are another 6 months of hijinks and fluff to come, as well as a few surprises (I hope) so stay tuned!
Just a word of warning - next Monday I am going on holiday!! So there may not be a chapter up on the Monday but I will aim to get one up on the Tuesday (Steve’s birthday), as well as a chapter for him on AO3. It’ll be good to see how accurately I have been using Google because I am heading to New York so watch out for my incessant sobbing at Starry Night if you’re going to be there too!
Thank you all. Please like, reblog, share, etc if you liked and have a good week everyone x
Taglist: @buckyywiththegoodhair, @buckys-shield, @justkeeplaughing-nevergiveup, @itscooltobehappy, @the-renaissance
If anyone else wants to be added (or removed), just message me on here (@systemfailuresunshine) or on @story-prompt-lyrics!
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johnchiarello · 6 years ago
Acts 14
ACTS 14 Titus 1:5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: https://youtu.be/jq1eHNwMX6M Acts 14 https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/6-1-17-acts-14.zip https://ccoutreach87.com/6-1-17-acts-14/ ON VIDEO- .Other cities .Facebook [shake the dust] .Signs and wonders .Zeus and Hermes . Or Jupiter and Mercury .The legend told .Don’t worship us! .Ecclesiology [Just a note- I have a new office/word- the spell check did not recognize this word- ok- but it also does not recognize some other words- that are not as hard- I have been adding ‘to dictionary’ a lot- Oh- the word means church government- it is a common word when writing about the bible and stuff like that] .Ordination- what is it? .What is ‘The local church’? .Avoid the ‘cult of personality’ .Pets Alive! .And for my ‘conspiracy theorists’ I made this video a week or so ago- and at the end we actually said ‘What’s up with San Diego [Texas]’- as you know- I have been ‘railing’ on it ever since- I made the video before the news broke.
PAST POSTS- [Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post- Acts 14] I talked some about ordination and church government on today’s post- here’s a book I wrote years ago that speaks about it- https://ccoutreach87.com/further-talks-on-church-and-ministry/ https://ccoutreach87.com/1st-2nd-corinthians/
ACTS- https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/18/acts-1/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/26/acts-2/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/02/02/acts-3/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/02/09/acts-4/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/03/23/acts-5/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/03/31/acts-6/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/06/acts-7/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/14/acts-8/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/18/acts-9/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/07/acts-10/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/16/acts-11/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/22/acts-12/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/06/01/acts-13/ (739)ACTS 14- Paul and Barnabas continue going thru different cities [Iconium, Lystra] Paul heals a man who was lame from birth and the whole city says ‘these men are gods who have come down in human form’. Paul barely stops them from offering sacrifices to them! In each city they travel to, they have a routine. They go into the synagogue and speak to the gathered. Both Jews and ‘God fearers’ [gentile followers] the pattern of some believing and others resisting becomes routine. Paul also has to deal with the Jews who were following him from past cities. They were sort of 1st century ‘apologists’ who made it their purpose to simply stop Paul. I want you to see that the ‘churches’ were the various groups of people who believed. They did gather together [Ecclesia] but they did not see ‘church’ as a place they went to for religious instruction. They did not start ‘gentile synagogues’ in competition with Judaism. Now Paul goes back thru the cities and at that point ‘ordains Elders in every church’. This is important to see. The ordaining of Elders was the simple process of seeing who had the maturity of understanding in the gospel and could be looked up to as a spiritual guide. Any questions or new converts in the towns would know ‘so and so’ is a responsible believer who Paul put his stamp of approval on. Why even do this? Remember, the enemies of Paul [Jewish law keepers] are going behind Paul’s back and trying to undo all the work that Paul was doing. Elders were gifted men who had the ability to push back against those whose ‘mouths must be stopped’ [Paul’s future language against false teachers]. These Elders were not full time Pastors in the modern sense. They were not singular authorities who ‘cover the flock’. They were not hired clergy! The reason why it is important to see this is because we want to stay as close as possible to the historic picture of the church as we read thru Act’s. These ‘local churches’ were caring communities of Christ followers who did have spiritual oversight that were to be respected and held in high esteem. Paul and Peter will teach the concept of giving honor to those who have spiritual accountability for you. But we can’t apply this to unbiblical forms of ecclesiology/hierarchy that will develop over the centuries. In Luther’s day many well meaning men felt Luther [the 16th century reformer] was rebelling against God ordained authority by going against the Pope. We need to understand that John the Apostle rebuked the rise of singular authorities who would seek to have the preeminence amongst Gods flock [Diotrephes- 3rd Jn]. Paul will warn the Ephesian church [later in Acts] that after his departure men would rise up seeking to make disciples after themselves. The point is any future use of the teaching of Elders/Pastors and the true responsibility to honor and submit to godly authority has to be seen in context with the complete story. While Luther’s [and Paul’s] critics could make the case that they were rebelling against God ordained authority, yet at the same time true revolution always carries an element of casting off old systems and restraint. Paul will confront Peter openly over his hypocrisy between treating Jewish believers different than Gentile believers. Peter was an Apostle before Paul and the argument could have been made ‘who does Paul think he is, going over the head of Peter’. So we need to see the biblical truth of God ordained leadership. The fact that many good Pastors and men of God have faithfully served Christ’s church. But we do not want to develop mindsets contrary to the freedom that we have in Christ while teaching the truth of godly leadership. Paul ordained ‘Elders’ on his way back thru Lystra and Iconium. He sails back to Antioch and recounts all the wonderful success that they had with the gentile believers. Antioch has this free flowing spirit amongst the church. They are gentiles and are not keeping the Jewish law. Paul and Barnabas were getting a reputation amongst the Jewish leadership in the cities and towns. Word gets back to Jerusalem and we will see whether Paul’s gospel will prevail before the ‘church authorities’? I believe we could describe Luther’s response before the Catholic church as fitting Paul’s spirit ‘unless I am persuaded by scripture I can not go against my conscience. Here I stand, I can do nothing else’.
VERSES- Matthew 10:14 [Full Chapter] And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Acts 17:22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 2 Corinthians 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Acts 14:1 And it came to pass in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed. Acts 14:2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren. Acts 14:3 Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:4 But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles. Acts 14:5 And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them, Acts 14:6 They were ware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about: Acts 14:7 And there they preached the gospel. Acts 14:8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked: Acts 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Acts 14:10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. Acts 14:11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. Acts 14:12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Acts 14:13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. Acts 14:14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out, Acts 14:15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: Acts 14:16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Acts 14:17 Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them. Acts 14:19 And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. Acts 14:20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. Acts 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch, Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:23 And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed. Acts 14:24 And after they had passed throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. Acts 14:25 And when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down into Attalia: Acts 14:26 And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled. Acts 14:27 And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. Acts 14:28 And there they abode long time with the disciples.
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Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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Acts 11
Acts 13 [Text]
Acts 9 [Text]
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dfroza · 7 years ago
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in Today’s paired chapters of my personal reading from the Scriptures with a daily chapter from each Testament read sequentially through the books of the Bible, being Haggai 1 and Romans 16 for december 21, we see a reflection in ancient History how people were preoccupied in building their own homes yet neglecting the Temple in Jerusalem. which relates to the here & now with how some live in ignorance to God in the revelation that the body has become His Temple where the Spirit resides, the True nature of its treasure viewed as Light. and in the closing chapter 16 in Paul’s letter of Romans we see a round of “hellos” to greet his friends along with encouragement in standing for truth.
from my reading on the Winter Solstice as Autumn transitioned in the northern hemisphere and as Spring became Summer in the southern hemisphere. an end and a beginning, simultaneously:
[Caught Up with Taking Care of Your Own Houses]
On the first day of the sixth month of the second year in the reign of King Darius of Persia, God’s Message was delivered by the prophet Haggai to the governor of Judah, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and to the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak:
A Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies: “The people procrastinate. They say this isn’t the right time to rebuild my Temple, the Temple of God.”
Shortly after that, God said more and Haggai spoke it: “How is it that it’s the ‘right time’ for you to live in your fine new homes while the Home, God’s Temple, is in ruins?”
And then a little later, God-of-the-Angel-Armies spoke out again:
“Take a good, hard look at your life. Think it over. You have spent a lot of money, but you haven’t much to show for it. You keep filling your plates, but you never get filled up. You keep drinking and drinking and drinking, but you’re always thirsty. You put on layer after layer of clothes, but you can’t get warm. And the people who work for you, what are they getting out of it? Not much— a leaky, rusted-out bucket, that’s what.
That’s why God-of-the-Angel-Armies said:
“Take a good, hard look at your life. Think it over.”
Then God said:
“Here’s what I want you to do: Climb into the hills and cut some timber. Bring it down and rebuild the Temple. Do it just for me. Honor me. You’ve had great ambitions for yourselves, but nothing has come of it. The little you have brought to my Temple I’ve blown away—there was nothing to it.
“And why?” (This is a Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies, remember.) “Because while you’ve run around, caught up with taking care of your own houses, my Home is in ruins. That’s why. Because of your stinginess. And so I’ve given you a dry summer and a skimpy crop. I’ve matched your tight-fisted stinginess by decreeing a season of drought, drying up fields and hills, withering gardens and orchards, stunting vegetables and fruit. Nothing—not man or woman, not animal or crop—is going to thrive.”
Then the governor, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak, and all the people with them listened, really listened, to the voice of their God. When God sent the prophet Haggai to them, they paid attention to him. In listening to Haggai, they honored God.
Then Haggai, God’s messenger, preached God’s Message to the people: “I am with you!” God’s Word.
This is how God got Zerubbabel, Joshua, and all the people moving—got them working on the Temple of God-of-the-Angel-Armies. This happened on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of King Darius.
The Book of Haggai, Chapter 1 (The Message)
Be sure to welcome our friend Phoebe in the way of the Master, with all the generous hospitality we Christians are famous for. I heartily endorse both her and her work. She’s a key representative of the church at Cenchrea. Help her out in whatever she asks. She deserves anything you can do for her. She’s helped many a person, including me.
Say hello to Priscilla and Aquila, who have worked hand in hand with me in serving Jesus. They once put their lives on the line for me. And I’m not the only one grateful to them. All the non-Jewish gatherings of believers also owe them plenty, to say nothing of the church that meets in their house.
Hello to my dear friend Epenetus. He was the very first follower of Jesus in the province of Asia.
Hello to Mary. What a worker she has turned out to be!
Hello to my cousins Andronicus and Junias. We once shared a jail cell. They were believers in Christ before I was. Both of them are outstanding leaders.
Hello to Ampliatus, my good friend in the family of God.
Hello to Urbanus, our companion in Christ’s work, and my good friend Stachys.
Hello to Apelles, a tried-and-true veteran in following Christ.
Hello to the family of Aristobulus.
Hello to my cousin Herodion.
Hello to those who belong to the Lord from the family of Narcissus.
Hello to Tryphena and Tryphosa—such diligent women in serving the Master.
Hello to Persis, a dear friend and hard worker in Christ.
Hello to Rufus—a good choice by the Master!—and his mother. She has also been a dear mother to me.
Hello to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and also to all of their families.
Hello to Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas—and all the followers of Jesus who live with them.
Holy embraces all around! All the churches of Christ send their warmest greetings!
One final word of counsel, friends. Keep a sharp eye out for those who take bits and pieces of the teaching that you learned and then use them to make trouble. Give these people a wide berth. They have no intention of living for our Master Christ. They’re only in this for what they can get out of it, and aren’t above using pious sweet talk to dupe unsuspecting innocents.
And so while there has never been any question about your honesty in these matters—I couldn’t be more proud of you!—I want you also to be smart, making sure every “good” thing is the real thing. Don’t be gullible in regard to smooth-talking evil. Stay alert like this, and before you know it the God of peace will come down on Satan with both feet, stomping him into the dirt. Enjoy the best of Jesus!
And here are some more greetings from our end. Timothy, my partner in this work, Lucius, and my cousins Jason and Sosipater all said to tell you hello.
I, Tertius, who wrote this letter at Paul’s dictation, send you my personal greetings.
Gaius, who is host here to both me and the whole church, wants to be remembered to you.
Erastus, the city treasurer, and our good friend Quartus send their greetings.
All of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make you strong, exactly as preached in Jesus Christ, precisely as revealed in the mystery kept secret for so long but now an open book through the prophetic Scriptures. All the nations of the world can now know the truth and be brought into obedient belief, carrying out the orders of God, who got all this started, down to the very last letter.
All our praise is focused through Jesus on this incomparably wise God! Yes!
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 16 (The Message)
and with these paired chapters i read Proverbs 21 along with Psalms 21, 91, 1, and 55 for day 21 of december, day 91 of Autumn that turned into day 1 of Winter at the point of the Solstice this morning, and then Psalm 55 for the 355th day of the year (with the book of 150 Psalms, or songs, now in its 3rd revolution this year)
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artepoetica · 7 years ago
Genesis - The Fountain of Salmacis HD
Hermaphrodite: a flower containing both male and female organs; a person or animal of both sexes.
The child Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, the result of a secret love affair. For this reason he was entrusted to the nymphs of the isolated Mount Ida, who allowed him to grow up as a wild creature of the woods. After his encounter with the water nymph Salmacis, he laid a curse upon the water. According to fable, all persons who bathed in the water became hermaphrodites.
From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood Mount Ida rises like an island Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept a child Hermaphroditus, son of gods So afraid of their love
As the dawn creeps up the sky The hunter caught sight of a doe In desire for conquest He found himself within a glade He'd not beheld before
Hermaphroditus: (Narrator): "Where are you, my father?" Then he could go no farther "Give wisdom to your son" Now lost, the boy was guided by the sun
And as his strength began to fail He saw a shimmering lake A shadow in the dark green depths Disturbed the strange tranquility
Salmacis: Narrator: "The waters are disturbed the waters are disturbed Some creature has been stirred Naiad queen Salmacis has been stirred"
As he rushed to quench his thirst A fountain spring appeared before him As his heated breath brushed through the cool mist A liquid voice called "Son of gods, drink from my spring"
The water tasted strangely sweet Behind him the voice called again He turned and saw her, in a cloak of mist alone And as he gazed Her eyes were filled with the darkness of the lake
Salmacis: Narrator: "We shall be one "She wanted them as one We shall be joined as one" Yet he had no desire to be one"
Hermaphroditus: "Away from me cold-blooded woman Your thirst is not mine" Salmacis: "Nothing will cause us to part Hear me, O Gods"
Unearthly calm descended from the sky And then their flesh and bones Were strangely merged Forever to be joined as one
The creature crawled into the lake A fading voice was heard: "And I beg Yes I beg that all who touch this spring May share my fate"
Salmacis: Narrator: "We are the one" "The two are now made one We are the one" Demi-god and nymph are now made one"
Both had given everything they had A lover's dream had been fulfilled at last Forever still beneath the lake
Twilight Alehouse Genesis
Is it really true what they're saying?
Are you really sure there's nobody come for me? When I'm walking home there is no-one Once there was a house, full of laughter - so warm Trying to pretend there is someone Someone who will care when I need it
I will now receive my comfort, conjured by the magic power of wine Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling good Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling fine Just a drink to take my sorrow Just a drink and you can blast tomorrow Just a drink to make me feel like a man again Now I'm down
When I walk outside, there is nowhere Children follow me, with their laughter - so cold... Casting just a glance at the churchyard Casting just a glance at my painted female friend.
Now I'm on my way, I am falling Got to find some 'elp, ooh I will need that now
So I will receive my comfort, conjured by the magic power of wine Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling good Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling fine Just a drink to take my sorrow Just a drink and you can blast tomorrow Just a drink to make me feel like a man again Now I'm down...
I will now receive my comfort, conjured by the magic power of wine Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling good Just a drink, I'll get that drink, and I'm feeling fine Just a drink to take my sorrow Just a drink and you can blast tomorrow, now
0 notes
johnchiarello · 7 years ago
Acts 14
ACTS 14 Titus 1:5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: https://youtu.be/jq1eHNwMX6M Acts 14 https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/6-1-17-acts-14.zip https://ccoutreach87.com/6-1-17-acts-14/ ON VIDEO- .Other cities .Facebook [shake the dust] .Signs and wonders .Zeus and Hermes . Or Jupiter and Mercury .The legend told .Don’t worship us! .Ecclesiology [Just a note- I have a new office/word- the spell check did not recognize this word- ok- but it also does not recognize some other words- that are not as hard- I have been adding ‘to dictionary’ a lot- Oh- the word means church government- it is a common word when writing about the bible and stuff like that] .Ordination- what is it? .What is ‘The local church’? .Avoid the ‘cult of personality’ .Pets Alive! .And for my ‘conspiracy theorists’ I made this video a week or so ago- and at the end we actually said ‘What’s up with San Diego [Texas]’- as you know- I have been ‘railing’ on it ever since- I made the video before the news broke.
PAST POSTS- [Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post- Acts 14] I talked some about ordination and church government on today’s post- here’s a book I wrote years ago that speaks about it- https://ccoutreach87.com/further-talks-on-church-and-ministry/ https://ccoutreach87.com/1st-2nd-corinthians/
ACTS- https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/18/acts-1/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/26/acts-2/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/02/02/acts-3/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/02/09/acts-4/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/03/23/acts-5/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/03/31/acts-6/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/06/acts-7/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/14/acts-8/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/04/18/acts-9/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/07/acts-10/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/16/acts-11/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/05/22/acts-12/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/06/01/acts-13/ (739)ACTS 14- Paul and Barnabas continue going thru different cities [Iconium, Lystra] Paul heals a man who was lame from birth and the whole city says ‘these men are gods who have come down in human form’. Paul barely stops them from offering sacrifices to them! In each city they travel to, they have a routine. They go into the synagogue and speak to the gathered. Both Jews and ‘God fearers’ [gentile followers] the pattern of some believing and others resisting becomes routine. Paul also has to deal with the Jews who were following him from past cities. They were sort of 1st century ‘apologists’ who made it their purpose to simply stop Paul. I want you to see that the ‘churches’ were the various groups of people who believed. They did gather together [Ecclesia] but they did not see ‘church’ as a place they went to for religious instruction. They did not start ‘gentile synagogues’ in competition with Judaism. Now Paul goes back thru the cities and at that point ‘ordains Elders in every church’. This is important to see. The ordaining of Elders was the simple process of seeing who had the maturity of understanding in the gospel and could be looked up to as a spiritual guide. Any questions or new converts in the towns would know ‘so and so’ is a responsible believer who Paul put his stamp of approval on. Why even do this? Remember, the enemies of Paul [Jewish law keepers] are going behind Paul’s back and trying to undo all the work that Paul was doing. Elders were gifted men who had the ability to push back against those whose ‘mouths must be stopped’ [Paul’s future language against false teachers]. These Elders were not full time Pastors in the modern sense. They were not singular authorities who ‘cover the flock’. They were not hired clergy! The reason why it is important to see this is because we want to stay as close as possible to the historic picture of the church as we read thru Act’s. These ‘local churches’ were caring communities of Christ followers who did have spiritual oversight that were to be respected and held in high esteem. Paul and Peter will teach the concept of giving honor to those who have spiritual accountability for you. But we can’t apply this to unbiblical forms of ecclesiology/hierarchy that will develop over the centuries. In Luther’s day many well meaning men felt Luther [the 16th century reformer] was rebelling against God ordained authority by going against the Pope. We need to understand that John the Apostle rebuked the rise of singular authorities who would seek to have the preeminence amongst Gods flock [Diotrephes- 3rd Jn]. Paul will warn the Ephesian church [later in Acts] that after his departure men would rise up seeking to make disciples after themselves. The point is any future use of the teaching of Elders/Pastors and the true responsibility to honor and submit to godly authority has to be seen in context with the complete story. While Luther’s [and Paul’s] critics could make the case that they were rebelling against God ordained authority, yet at the same time true revolution always carries an element of casting off old systems and restraint. Paul will confront Peter openly over his hypocrisy between treating Jewish believers different than Gentile believers. Peter was an Apostle before Paul and the argument could have been made ‘who does Paul think he is, going over the head of Peter’. So we need to see the biblical truth of God ordained leadership. The fact that many good Pastors and men of God have faithfully served Christ’s church. But we do not want to develop mindsets contrary to the freedom that we have in Christ while teaching the truth of godly leadership. Paul ordained ‘Elders’ on his way back thru Lystra and Iconium. He sails back to Antioch and recounts all the wonderful success that they had with the gentile believers. Antioch has this free flowing spirit amongst the church. They are gentiles and are not keeping the Jewish law. Paul and Barnabas were getting a reputation amongst the Jewish leadership in the cities and towns. Word gets back to Jerusalem and we will see whether Paul’s gospel will prevail before the ‘church authorities’? I believe we could describe Luther’s response before the Catholic church as fitting Paul’s spirit ‘unless I am persuaded by scripture I can not go against my conscience. Here I stand, I can do nothing else’.
VERSES- Matthew 10:14 [Full Chapter] And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Acts 17:22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 2 Corinthians 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Acts 14:1 And it came to pass in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed. Acts 14:2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren. Acts 14:3 Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:4 But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles. Acts 14:5 And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them, Acts 14:6 They were ware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about: Acts 14:7 And there they preached the gospel. Acts 14:8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked: Acts 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Acts 14:10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. Acts 14:11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. Acts 14:12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Acts 14:13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. Acts 14:14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out, Acts 14:15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: Acts 14:16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Acts 14:17 Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them. Acts 14:19 And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. Acts 14:20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. Acts 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch, Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:23 And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed. Acts 14:24 And after they had passed throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. Acts 14:25 And when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down into Attalia: Acts 14:26 And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled. Acts 14:27 And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. Acts 14:28 And there they abode long time with the disciples.
http://www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/john.chiarello.5?ref=bookmarks https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ4GsqTEVWRm0HxQTLsifvg
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Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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Acts 11
Acts 13
Sunday sermon 7-8-18
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johnchiarello · 8 years ago
Acts 14
Titus 1:5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
https://youtu.be/jq1eHNwMX6M  Acts 14
.Other cities
.Facebook [shake the dust]
.Signs and wonders
.Zeus and Hermes
. Or Jupiter and Mercury
.The legend told
.Don’t worship us!
.Ecclesiology [Just a note- I have a new office/word- the spell check did not recognize this word- ok- but it also does not recognize some other words- that are not as hard- I have been adding ‘to dictionary’ a lot- Oh- the word means church government- it is a common word when writing about the bible and stuff like that]
.Ordination- what is it?
.What is ‘The local church’?
.Avoid the ‘cult of personality’
.Pets Alive!
.And for my ‘conspiracy theorists’ I made this video a week or so ago- and at the end we actually said ‘What’s up with San Diego [Texas]’- as you know- I have been ‘railing’ on it ever since- I made the video before the news broke.
  PAST POSTS- [Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post- Acts 14]
I talked some about ordination and church government on today’s post- here’s a book I wrote years ago that speaks about it-
ACTS 14- Paul and Barnabas continue going thru different cities [Iconium, Lystra] Paul heals a man who was lame from birth and the whole city says ‘these men are gods who have come down in human form’. Paul barely stops them from offering sacrifices to them! In each city they travel to, they have a routine. They go into the synagogue and speak to the gathered. Both Jews and ‘God fearers’ [gentile followers] the pattern of some believing and others resisting becomes routine. Paul also has to deal with the Jews who were following him from past cities. They were sort of 1st century ‘apologists’ who made it their purpose to simply stop Paul. I want you to see that the ‘churches’ were the various groups of people who believed. They did gather together [Ecclesia] but they did not see ‘church’ as a place they went to for religious instruction. They did not start ‘gentile synagogues’ in competition with Judaism. Now Paul goes back thru the cities and at that point ‘ordains Elders in every church’. This is important to see. The ordaining of Elders was the simple process of seeing who had the maturity of understanding in the gospel and could be looked up to as a spiritual guide. Any questions or new converts in the towns would know ‘so and so’ is a responsible believer who Paul put his stamp of approval on. Why even do this? Remember, the enemies of Paul [Jewish law keepers] are going behind Paul’s back and trying to undo all the work that Paul was doing. Elders were gifted men who had the ability to push back against those whose ‘mouths must be stopped’ [Paul’s future language against false teachers]. These Elders were not full time Pastors in the modern sense. They were not singular authorities who ‘cover the flock’. They were not hired clergy! The reason why it is important to see this is because we want to stay as close as possible to the historic picture of the church as we read thru Act’s. These ‘local churches’ were caring communities of Christ followers who did have spiritual oversight that were to be respected and held in high esteem. Paul and Peter will teach the concept of giving honor to those who have spiritual accountability for you. But we can’t apply this to unbiblical forms of ecclesiology/hierarchy that will develop over the centuries. In Luther’s day many well meaning men felt Luther [the 16th century reformer] was rebelling against God ordained authority by going against the Pope. We need to understand that John the Apostle rebuked the rise of singular authorities who would seek to have the preeminence amongst Gods flock [Diotrephes- 3rd Jn]. Paul will warn the Ephesian church [later in Acts] that after his departure men would rise up seeking to make disciples after themselves. The point is any future use of the teaching of Elders/Pastors and the true responsibility to honor and submit to godly authority has to be seen in context with the complete story. While Luther’s [and Paul’s] critics could make the case that they were rebelling against God ordained authority, yet at the same time true revolution always carries an element of casting off old systems and restraint. Paul will confront Peter openly over his hypocrisy between treating Jewish believers different than Gentile believers. Peter was an Apostle before Paul and the argument could have been made ‘who does Paul think he is, going over the head of Peter’. So we need to see the biblical truth of God ordained leadership. The fact that many good Pastors and men of God have faithfully served Christ’s church. But we do not want to develop mindsets contrary to the freedom that we have in Christ while teaching the truth of godly leadership. Paul ordained ‘Elders’ on his way back thru Lystra and Iconium. He sails back to Antioch and recounts all the wonderful success that they had with the gentile believers. Antioch has this free flowing spirit amongst the church. They are gentiles and are not keeping the Jewish law. Paul and Barnabas were getting a reputation amongst the Jewish leadership in the cities and towns. Word gets back to Jerusalem and we will see whether Paul’s gospel will prevail before the ‘church authorities’? I believe we could describe Luther’s response before the Catholic church as fitting Paul’s spirit ‘unless I am persuaded by scripture I can not go against my conscience. Here I stand, I can do nothing else’.
Matthew 10:14 [Full Chapter]
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
Acts 17:22
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
2 Corinthians 12:2
I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
 Acts 14:1 And it came to pass in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed.
Acts 14:2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.
Acts 14:3 Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Acts 14:4 But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles.
Acts 14:5 And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them,
Acts 14:6 They were ware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about:
Acts 14:7 And there they preached the gospel.
Acts 14:8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked:
Acts 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,
Acts 14:10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.
Acts 14:11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.
Acts 14:12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
Acts 14:13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.
Acts 14:14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out,
Acts 14:15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein:
Acts 14:16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.
Acts 14:17 Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.
Acts 14:18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.
Acts 14:19 And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.
Acts 14:20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
Acts 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch,
Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Acts 14:23 And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed.
Acts 14:24 And after they had passed throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia.
Acts 14:25 And when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down into Attalia:
Acts 14:26 And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled.
Acts 14:27 And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles.
Acts 14:28 And there they abode long time with the disciples.
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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