#Idkkkkkk *cries*
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selfcarecap ¡ 4 months ago
Ngl it’s been less than a day and I’m already not thinking about Venom anymore 🧍‍♂️
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stefisdoingthings ¡ 4 months ago
YALLLLLL im supposed to go to the opera tomorrow with some friends but i got a cold and im alright-ish today but idk how i'll feel tomorrow waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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geee-three ¡ 5 months ago
yeah no im fine dwbi
sorry 4 everything btw
What are you sorry for wwhat
You better be okay ehat the hell
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eel-bitch ¡ 2 years ago
15 Questions
I was tagged by @pia-writes-things, whom has now prompted me to spiral back into tumblr life
Are you named after anyone? No, my chosen name, Lee, nor my given name were after someone
When was the last time you cried? Sobbing probably a month or two after my grans funeral like a year and a half ago and just a lil cry I can't remember maybe like a weak or two
Do you have kids? Nope, the only children I shall ever have are animals
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes
What sports do you play/have played? I have done a lot, basketball, GAA, Football, a bit of horse riding, gymnastics. I am currently playing field hockey at competitive level and rollerskate. Im quite athletic but also have two left feet
What's the first thing you notice about people? Hair I think, like you can tell so much by how it looks how it's taken care of and it's one of the really annoying things to draw so like yeah? Then posture and voice you can learn a lot by both things
What's your eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Imo scary movies typically are nonsensical and filled with plot holes when you actually watch it and overall I would go for a happy ending over a scary movies but I much prefer a good scary movie
Any special talents? No clue really 🤷, I draw, I write, I make some mean pain au Chocolats and I do them quite well overall I find I'm above average on a couple skills?? But that might just be ego inflation due to compliments?
Where were you born? Dublin, Ireland
What are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, hyperfixating on dying fandoms, baking, hockey, skating, binge watching stuff
Do you have pets? I do an adorable mutt named Roxy who is every colour
How tall are you? 5'5
Favorite subject in school? History, Classic and chemistry
Dream job? IDKKKKKK I need to know but I don't, either a barista tattoo artist (there is this real cool place that do that both cafe and tattoo studio at the same time so ya can pop in for coffee, a tattoo or both), a writer of some sort (Like I would be happy to be doing any type), or some historical studies and regayifying history idk
Mutuals for tagging
Idk I feel bad tagging but if anyone sees this and wants to do this fire ahead
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kirammanapologist ¡ 6 years ago
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velvetsands ¡ 3 years ago
m was at the snow with her family this week so he popped over for a five days
it was our first time ~living~ together which was actually really nice?
spent sun afternoon meeting his two of his best friends and their families which was so lovely and they're actually hilariously with it
five?-course truffle menu was absolutely delightful
told him i loved him in the back of an uber like what??? who am i????
he said it back the following morning and said he practiced on me once while i was asleep which is adorable
he finally brought up e which was all tears and then i found out he's still married/in the process of getting divorced so it was a rough 48h for us lemme tell ya
he told me while i was casually making lunch so hey i am never making sang choy bau again
mum is surprisingly ok with it all which was only really the major hurdle with this news
i went back through his tagged photos and how i didn't see their rings before is absolutely fucking beyondddddddd me... am i losing my touch?????
not him deciding against bringing bacon into the house because of #kosher lol
had the best french 75 of my life followed by just a really nice bottle of red, really nice pasta and lots and lots of laughs
banter with the waiter was phenom "did that table really just come here to gossip over a couple of entrees?" "do they know nancy pelosi is in taiwan right now?" "honey those girls don't even know who nancy pelosi IS... you're in a completely different POOL!"
other asstd things
had my two iron infusions and finally feel like i can breathe again
the world is a little clearer
smashed out my animal ethics and the collaborators said it was fantastic(!!!!!!!!!)
wrote a statement of validity on behalf of someone bc he couldn't be bothered and then during our discussion, my boss mentioned how good it was and this fucker didn't give me any! credit!
idkkkkkk about my future in research, my mentor is leaving for industry and it doesn't give me much hope
everything is so difficult and bereaucratic... it's like pushing a rock up a hill
but my supervisor got tenure and he said "go overseas for two years, come back and they will give you your own group next to me" and i s2g i nearly cried
whatever who knows who cares
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im-only-joking ¡ 4 years ago
Maybe you had a really bad day at work and came home and all you wanted was to hang out with Brock and cuddle so you would feel better but when you get home he says soemthing that kinda makes you feel worse so you just go to the bathroom and run a bath for yourself and put on a show while you in the bath.... then he comes in a few mins later and climbs in the tub sitting behind you while being sweet and apologizing for making you day worse and you guys have a long talk about your future! Maybe like talking about marriage and maybe kids or soemthing idkkkkkk
Husband Brock is like the dream isn't it? Love this.
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Work was absolutely awful. First you slipped on black ice and almost cracked your head open. Then, dizzy and disoriented, you had to stay at work because you were already down a person at the coffee shop and they couldnt do without you. Then a customer stole from your tip jar and you were short on tips that day by about ten bucks. And to top it all off you dropped about three drinks on yourself, which you never did, and embarassed yourself in front of a packed coffeehouse.
Coming home, you were ready to cuddle with the pups and Brock and have an easy night in.
But no.
Bo and Holly apparently had other plans and had invited you both out to have drinks with most of the team as a bonding experience. You were pretty much indebted to them after not going last time, so you went, exhausted and grumpy and unable to get the smell of steamed milk fully out of your hair.
When you finally got home at night you sighed deeply, ready for bed with Brock and a good night's sleep.
But again. Nope.
"Why were you so grumpy tonight, babe?" Brock asked as you two entered your apartment. "It's not Holly's fault you had a bad day."
You bit your tongue to keep from yelling. "I was exhausted Brock I didn't wanna go out."
"Then why did you?"Brock aksed exasperatedly. "I mean, you really didnt have to."
"Except that the last time we skipped out was because you were horny and I thought we should go this time."
Brock scoffed. "Don't blame that on me, cmon babe. I think Holly and Bo would've understood instead of you being and utter bitch to them."
Your eyes almsot bugged out. Brock never said that word. Not to you, not about you, not about any woman. Never.
Brock knew he'd fucked up too. "I'm sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean that."
"I'm gonna take a bath," you huffed, slamming the bathroom door behind you.
You fumed for a moment before running your bath, hot enough to scald you a little.
Once you'd had your bath run and had been sitting for a few minutes you heard a knock and Brock came in.
"I'm really sorry I called you that. Can I join you?"
You nodded and sighed as Brock got undressed. "All I wanted was a quiet night in with you."
"I'm sorry if I pressured you into going out. I didnt much wanna go either but, like you, I felt like we needed to go too. And they're our friends. I thought, maybe, they'd make a bad day better."
"Thank you. For trying to make my day better," you smiled softly. You played with one if Brock's hands as you spoke. "I didn't mean to be so rude. I just got frustrated when all I wanted was to come back to you and the dogs and cuddle up."
"Just tell me that then. I wanna be able to communicate, okay? Cause if you get frustrated with like, the kids, or work, or me being gone later in life, then like... I dunno what I'm supposed to do if you don't say what you need."
You froze. "Kids?"
Brock sucked in a breath behind you. "I mean. I guess we haven't talked about it yet, but... I wanna marry you. Someday. Not, like, immediately. But someday, maybe sooner rather than later, and I hope we're on the same page amd we both want kids running around. Because. I love you. And I want to father your children and be a dad and a husband for you."
You almost cried at the thought of Brock as a father. The father of your kids, too. "I'd love that. I love you, too."
Brock grinned sunnily, water splashing over the tub as he pulled you closer to him and rested his face in your neck.
"Tell me what you need. I'll always give it to you. I'd lasso the moon for you, baby."
You laughed. "Alright. I'll be better at communicating if you get better at doing the dishes."
You could feel Brock's laugh against your vack, radiating happiness through you.
"Deal," he said.
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garlicread ¡ 5 years ago
a set of poems I wrote for an english assignment a while ago in response to Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el Saadawi
been on my mind again for some reason, so here you go (also tw sexual assault, rape)
Real World Connection
First Time
Me and my sister, probably no older than fifteen and thirteen
Under a rare blue San Francisco sky
Standing across from the Ferry Building at the light that always takes too long
Deciding between donuts and waffles
Chatter of the other passers-by, the occasional impatient car horn
Still waiting for the light
Truck pulls up, window rolled down
Man in sunglasses, probably no younger than thirty, sticks his head out of the passenger side
A wolf whistle.
Whip around, realize there’s no one else he could’ve been whistling to
Deer in the headlights but broad daylight
Turn red
Not him, me
Sister pretends not to have heard
The light that always takes too long had outdone itself
Stupid red glowing hand
Pulsing in synchrony with the blood rushing in my head
Waiting for the light to change
Still waiting
Stay Safe
Mom sat me down on the living room couch once
Took my hand in hers,
looked at me earnestly,
and began her story
She was in a relationship in college with a strong white man who played rugby
They dated for a while, and inevitably sex came up
She told him she wanted to wait until marriage
That it was part of her culture, her religion, her worldview
He respected it
For a while.
They were kissing once
Because she was fine with that
But he wasn’t
So he went further
She begged him
She cried
And cried
And cried
Afterwards she didn’t even know he’d done anything wrong
No one had ever told her that rape could be between two people in love
She kept silent
She didn’t tell anyone what had happened, but eventually she knew she had to leave
Couldn’t bear it anymore
Felt dirty, desecrated, tainted
That wasn’t the last she saw of him, though.
He followed her everywhere
She even moved to get away
He still followed her
Like a stain on her conscience she could never wash out.
First Time
Me and my sister, probably no older than fifteen and thirteen
Under a rare blue San Francisco sky
Standing across from the Ferry Building at the light that always takes too long
Deciding between donuts and waffles
Chatter of the other passers-by, the occasional impatient car horn
Still waiting for the light
Truck pulls up, window rolled down
Man in sunglasses, probably no younger than thirty, sticks his head out of the passenger side
A wolf whistle.
Whip around, realize there’s no one else he could’ve been whistling to
Deer in the headlights but broad daylight
Turn red
Not him, me
Sister pretends not to have heard
The light that always takes too long had outdone itself
Stupid red glowing hand
Pulsing in synchrony with the blood rushing in my head
Waiting for the light to change
Still waiting
Stay Safe
Mom sat me down on the living room couch once
Took my hand in hers,
looked at me earnestly,
and began her story
She was in a relationship in college with a strong white man who played rugby
They dated for a while, and inevitably sex came up
She told him she wanted to wait until marriage
That it was part of her culture, her religion, her worldview
He respected it
For a while.
They were kissing once
Because she was fine with that
But he wasn’t
So he went further
She begged him
She cried
And cried
And cried
Afterwards she didn’t even know he’d done anything wrong
No one had ever told her that rape could be between two people in love
She kept silent
She didn’t tell anyone what had happened, but eventually she knew she had to leave
Couldn’t bear it anymore
Felt dirty, desecrated, tainted
That wasn’t the last she saw of him, though.
He followed her everywhere
She even moved to get away
He still followed her
Like a stain on her conscience she could never wash out.
She let go of my hand
After that I understood why
No sleepovers, no going to guys’ houses, no low cut tops, no booty shorts, no boyfriends
All she wanted was for me to be safe.
Tryna cap over break?
You know
Yo actually wanna come over tn?
I dunno
parents aren’t home but
they’re coming back in like an hr and a half
Bruh it’s fine
I’ll Uber you and you can pay me back
idk man
it’s kinda risky
Dw abt it
J send me ur addy
Missed call (1)
Missed calls (2)
Send me ur addy
idk if i get caught it’ll be r bad
I rly dunno
It’ll be fine
Missed calls (3)
I j sent it
this is stupid tho
Aight cya soon
Dark room
Hand crawls up
Shirt comes off
Heavy breathing
Heavy eyelids
Heavy body
Sea of Red
A sea of red
We are pain and hurt and trauma
Pressure in our veins for too long
A clot.
We watch each other describe wounds
One after another, rape after assault after assault after rape
“In my seventh grade classroom, a boy...”
“After practice one day, my best friend...”
“When I was four, my uncle...”
“I was passed out at a party, and a random kid…”
“While I was walking home, a man in a car…”
All these stories, one common thread:
“No one did anything.”
A sea of red
We are anger, and fierceness, and grit!
Our wounds reopened
A cut that refuses to stop bleeding
So we flood out
Take to the streets
We thrash signs wildly, chant until our throats are sore, cheer for each other and encouraging car honks
“Boys will be boys held accountable”
“We speak for the silenced”
“What do we want? Change! When do we want it? Now!”
“No more excuses”
“Hey hey! Ho ho! Rape culture has got to go!”
Every footstep is deliberate
Each tap on the pavement part of something larger
With a purpose
To never hear “no one did anything” again.
Woman at Point Zero
The critics say El Saadawi’s fiction lacks real world connection.
Just an extended sob story
I couldn’t help but notice
Most of them are men.
I think many men spend their lives avoiding
Avoiding the reality their female counterparts are forced to face
How can they understand the ‘real world connection’
If they have been avoiding it like the plague their whole lives
But we have no choice
There is no avoiding
Sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, sex trafficking
They are part of the female experience.
I don’t know a woman who isn’t a survivor of one of the above
And don’t get it twisted — we are survivors, not victims
I read with a heavy heart
Saw myself and my family and my friends through Firdaus’s stories
Shuddered with the knowledge that we, with all we’ve endured
Are still better off than Firdaus and billions of other women
You read my stories
We all have them
But for those who don’t
It takes effort, sympathy, a true desire to understand
So don’t tell me there’s no ‘real world connection’
Because I am showing you that it’s here.
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qpraphael ¡ 7 years ago
My fave is Raphael strolling in front of the cage. Then Simon totally not checking Raphael out but looking at the floor to not fall over the armchair. :p Then the bottom two. *You’re cute but not that cute.* Then Simon being a sassy fledgling.
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#actual married couple
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princesshongie ¡ 6 years ago
85 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @queen-abraxos because she knows I’m bored :)
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people
drink: Water
phone call: Sister
text message: Boyfriend
song you listened to: Time to Dance by Panic! At the disco
time you cried: Idk probably earlier when I was thinking about what the new Very Potter Musical thing is gonna be for the anniversary next year
dated someone twice: No
kissed someone and regretted it: No
been cheated on: No
lost someone special: Yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: No
in the last year have you?
made new friends: Yes
fallen out of love: No
laughed until you cried: Yes
found out someone was talking about you: Yeah I think so but I don’t think it was that bad?
met someone who changed you: Yes (but not in like a deep sense, literally a lecturer showed me the interesting side of medieval history)
found out who your friends are: Yes
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: My boyfriend
fave colours? Red
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost all of them and the ones I don’t know irl are like proper internet friends not strangers
do you have any pets: 2 cats (Jolly and Bobble) and a dog (Barnabus)
do you want to change your name: No
what did you do for your last birthday: Nothing really? Went for a meal with my family and boyfriend? The day before I built a snow fort with some friends but that was unrelated to my birthday 
what time did you wake up today: About 11
what were you doing last night at midnight: Either watching dumb youtube videos or scrolling tumblr probably
what is something you can’t wait for: Starting my Masters in two weeks, having properly figured out my PhD and applied by December, and (mostly) FINALLY visiting Japan this Spring wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
what are you listening to right now: Myself typing this (everyone is asleep/in bed)
have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes, I know about a million Toms
something that gets on your nerves: Having to ask someone to do something multiple times before they’ll do it
most visited website: Twitter
hair colour: Dirty blonde
long or short hair: Long
what do you like about yourself: My ambition and determination 
want any piercings: No, I’ve got my ears pierced and that’s enough for me
blood type: No idea
nicknames: Pops, Rosa (from my mum, my middle name is Rose)
relationship status: In a relationship for 2 and a half years
zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
pronouns: she/her
fave tv show: This is a really tough one, at the moment maybe Brooklyn Nine-Nine?
tattoos: None, but am vaguely considering a very small deathly hallows symbol
right or left handed: Right
ever had surgery: No, thankfully 
piercings: Ears
sports: Just dancing, I hate sports bleurgh 
vacation: I really like my annual family holiday to Cornwall, it’s just relaxing and nice, but also when we went to Florida it was great just because it was so different and new and everything, I reckon if you ask me in about 6 months I’ll be saying Japan though 
trainers: I have one pair of black trainers which my mum bought me for ÂŁ7 for walking when we were on holiday
eating: I’ve just brushed my teeth but the last thing I ate was toast
drinking: Water
I’m about to watch: Dumb youtube videos
waiting for: Inspiration about my PhD thesis (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
want: My cat to come back and lie on my bed with me
get married: Yes
career: Academic historian (as in lecturer) 
hugs or kisses: Idkkkkk too hard
lips or eyes: Eyes
shorter or taller: Not bothered either way, my boyfriend is slightly shorter than me but I’m not opposed to people being taller than me
older or younger: Wouldn’t date anyone younger, but would be friends with someone younger
nice arms or stomach: Not bothered 
hookup or relationship: Relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
have you ever?
kissed a stranger: No 
drank hard liquor: Not by itself
lost glasses: No, I don’t wear them
turned someone down: No
sex on the first date: No
broken someone’s heart: I highly doubt it
had your heart broken: Idk, a bit? 
been arrested: No
cried when someone died: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
do you believe in?
yourself: Sometimes, it depends when you ask me
miracles: No
love at first sight: No
kiss on the first date: Is this something to believe in? Idk if you want to?
angels: No
best friend’s name: Jack, Hannah, Maddie
eye colour: Green
fave movie: Oh that’s so hard idk there’s so many films I love it depends what mood I’m in
favourite actor: Idkkkkkk again there’s too many to choose from
favourite food: Either crisps or pasta
extrovert or introvert: Introvert
favourite flower: Poppies (duh)
favourite hello kitty characters: None
I’m tagging: @stephoran
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diablocodys ¡ 7 years ago
ty lee and mai for the ship thing cause they're good and dont need no prince zuko
ummm who is zuko??? i dont know him and neither do mai and ty lee!
send me ✤ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
who said i love you first?: this is going to be surprising but mai! she loves ty lee with her whole gay goth heart
who laughs when the other trips?: ty lee lol
who pays the bills?: mai
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?: ty lee u kno her
who’s more clumsy?: r they clumsy?? idkkkkkk
who checks their daily horoscope?: ty lee mai calls bullshit
who sings louder in the car?: ty lee!!
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?: mai
who is more up to date in pop culture?: ty lee but mai isnt completely unaware
who insists on going to see the newest movies?: mai actually really loves them
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?: ty lee she truly loves animals
who’s the lighter sleeper?: they’re both pretty light sleepers
who believes in ghosts?: ty lee but mai has her own versions of ‘ghosts
who does the grocery shopping?: mai
who updates their facebook status more often?: ty lee!
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astronomyparkers ¡ 7 years ago
Heyy. Heard you’re bored so I shall tell you what happened in my life today. I‘m close to getting my period so my emotions have been all over the place. I sat and cried for an hour for absolutely no reason. My mom asked me why I was crying and I replied “idkkkkkk” while sobbing some more. So that was my day! How was yours?
ugh same i get super emotional on my period. and my day was good!!!! i went to potters with my mom and picked out some christmas decor and found some ideas and then got ramen with my friend zoe!!
i’m bored and lonely so send in some anons
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dancing-on-the-rainbow ¡ 7 years ago
I wasn’t tagged, but stole this from @mutant-kid hehe
Drink: Ice Tea peach
Phone call: My mom
Text message: “Maakt helemaal niet uit!!” 
Song you listened to: IDK, a song on the radio probably
Time you cried: A few weeks ago I think? (yay!)
Dated someone twice: No
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Been cheated on: No
Lost someone special: Ehh, depends what you mean with ‘lost’
Been depressed: Yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
Pink, green and ehhhhh gray lol
Made new friends: No
Fallen out of love: No
Laughed until you cried: No
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
Met someone who changed you: Yes
Found out who your friends are: No
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No
How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them
Do you have any pets: Yes, a dog, Nola. And I sort of have a few more dogs hahahaha
Do you want to change your name: No
What did you do for your last birthday: I don’t remember, so probably nothing. I just sat at home I guess :’D
What time did you wake up: 6:50
What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping
Name something you can’t wait for: Adopting another dog
When was the last time you saw your mom: Today, I see her right now lol
What are you listening to right now:
“Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden” because my mom is watching that
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
Something that is getting on your nerves: Not having enough money
Most visited website: My own XD (www.tijdvoordehond.com) and facebook
Hair colour: Brown and blondish
Long or short hair: Not long and not short haha
Do you have a crush on someone: No
What do you like about yourself: My kindness or something idkkkkkk
Blood type: I don’t know
Nickname: Lin
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac: Capricorn
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite tv show: IDK
Tattoos: None, yet
Right or left handed: Right
Surgery: Nope
Sport: None
Vacation: My last vacation? That was Dublin with a friendd yayyy
Pair of shoes: I am wearing my hiking shoes a lot now.
Eating: Cookies, made them myself
Drinking: Ice Tea peach again
I’m about to: Watch “Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden”
Waiting for: Nothing
Want: Sleep
Get married: Nah
Career: Dog walker woohoo
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Older
Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
Kissed a stranger: No
Drank hard liquor: No
Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes, but my mom’s good at finding them again
Turned someone down: No
Sex on the first date: No
Broken someone’s heart: No
Had your heart broken: No
Been arrested: No
Cried when someone died: Yes
Fallen for a friend: No
Yourself: Sometimes
Miracles: No
Love at first sight: No
Santa Claus: No
Kiss on the first date: No
Tagging @whitesnowbells if you want to do this :p
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kpopcoffee-shop ¡ 7 years ago
My great grandma may be dead...or is at least dying in the hospital right now. And yesterday yeah I almost cried but today it’s like “meh.” Idkkkkkk
aw im sorry to hear that, my grandma is in the hospital too so i completely understand...❤️~🐨
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dragontrans ¡ 8 years ago
Ahh tagged by @whovianextrodinare (thanks Esther!!)
85 Statements 1. Drink? Orange soda
2. Phone Call? No no no no no
3. Text Message? My last text? Um. Actual text wise, telling my brother's friend that he could turn on the car's ac
4. Song you listened to? Gaston from the new Beauty and the Beast
5. Last time you cried? 2 weeks ago?
6. Dated someone twice? I've never dated anyone lol
7. Ever kissed someone and regretted it? :/ haven't had first kiss either
8. Been Cheated On? Mm nope
9. Lost Someone Special? I've lost a lotta people finger guns
10. Been Depressed? Uhhh duh
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? Nope
Favorite Colors 12. Blue 13. Silver 14. More blue
In the last year have you
15. Made new friends? A lot of them!!
16. Fallen in love? I mean no
17. Laughed until you cried? You betcha
18. Found out someone was talking about you? Uh someone keeps telling my mom stuff
19. Met someone that changed your life? Hmmmmmm
20. Found out who your friends are? What exactly does this... mean
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? I don't have Facebook are you kidding
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? Please refer to 21
23. Do you have any pets? 3 dogs
24. Do you want to change your name? Aaron's a good name
25. What did you do for your last Birthday? Comic-Con
26. What time did you wake up? 8:30 for once
27. What were you doing last night at midnight? Tumblr
28. Name something you can’t wait for? Mmmmm the apartment
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? 5 seconds ago
30. What are you listening to right now? Commercials and my own despair
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Don't think so
32. Something that is getting on your nerves? Not being able to find the extra charger
33. Most visited website? Tumblr
34. Hair color? Brown
35. Long or short hair? Short
36. Do you have a crush on someone? Idkkkkkk
37. What do you like about yourself? I have a doctor who shirt
38. Piercings? Had my ears pierced but they've closed
39. Blood type? I have.... no idea
40. Nicknames? Az, Azie, dork, Senpai, etc
41. Relationship status? Haha single
42. Zodiac? Taurus
43. Pronouns? He/him
44. Favorite TV Show(s)? Mmmm Bones
45. Tattoos? Not yet
46. Right or left handed? Right
47. Surgeries? No but I had to get my shoulder glued together once
48. Kids? Depends i guess...
49. Sport? Ew
50. Vacation? My dream one? Uh Japan.
51. Pair of trainers? Uh what
52. Eating? I should do that
53. Drinking? I'm not no
54. I’m about to? Look behind my couch for something
55. Waiting for? My dog to get over here
56. Want? My computer?
57. Get married? Perhaps perhaps
58. Career? Teaching??
59. Hugs or kisses? Both both both both
60. Lips or eyes? Do what
61. Shorter or taller? Ohhh are we asking about preferences? I don't have one for this
62. Older or younger? Close to my age?
63. Nice arms or nice stomach? Huhhh
64. Hook up or relationship? Relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant? Hmmmmmm uh ??
66. Kissed a stranger? Nah
67. Drank hard liquor? Nope
68. Lost glasses/contacts? I have no idea where my glasses are
69. Turned someone down? Only jokesters
70. Sex on the first date? Uh no.
71. Broken someone’s heart? Uh I don't think so I would hope not
72. Had your heart broken? Mm no 73. Been arrested? No
74. Cried when someone died? Uhm no
75. Fallen for a friend? One. Mistake
Do you believe in
76. Yourself? Am I supposed to answer this honestly
77. Miracles? Sometimes
78. Love at first sight? Not really? But I like the idea
79. Santa Claus? I did for a long time
80. Kiss on the first date? Um depends
81. Angels?   Ehh yeah?
82. Current best friends name? Emeyn
83. Eye color? Green-brown
84. Favorite Movie? The Princess Bride or Howl's Moving Castle
85. Favorite book? Stares at the piles of books on my bed. Um.
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bookworm-2692 ¡ 8 years ago
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
tagged by @lebannabell (first of three haha ty)
tagging: @productiveunicorn @zakounenharma @a-lostflower-inlove-with-eden @ruessterteeth @justicetom21 @autisticvaswani @starelin2 @kanavitas @ayretonothing @thelostspirit
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: my mum i think? [3] text message: "have loved them ever since” (talking about a eurovision song. belarus this year. i love them) [4] song you listened to: im listening to esc radio rn and its “your heart belongs to me” by hind (netherlands 2008) [5] time you cried: yesterday actually haha. i wouldnt normally have cried in that situation i was just overtired haha
[6] dated someone twice: nope [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope [9] lost someone special: nope [10] been depressed: i think i was at least mildly depressed a few years ago? only realised in hindsight tho [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue (since forever) [13] purple (since realising i was ace haha) [14] green ??? (for a while but idk)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: i think so? not close so more like aquaintences tho (i also cant spell at all) [16] fallen out of love: nah [17] laughed until you cried: a year is a long time so not that i remember but there is definitely a chance [18] found out someone was talking about you: i’d be very surprised if i was never talked about i talk about people all the time [19] met someone who changed you: dont think so [20] found out who your true friends are: no??? like im no longer friends w some people but we just drifted apart so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: i dont have facebook
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: a) i dont really have tumblr friends b) there are a bunch of real life friends on tumblr but so many stopped using it so i no longer know how many use it anymore so i cant answer this question [23] do you have any pets: no. i had three guinea pigs several years ago tho [24] do you want to change your name: nah i like it [25] what did you do for your last birthday: same thing i did the year before and am planning to do this year. just a big gathering w my friends and having lunch and talking and chilling and stuff [26] what time did you wake up: 6:30? 7? idk [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping [28] name something you cannot wait for: dnd on sunday w family [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like an hour ago idk [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: id like to be more organised. and get my homework done on a reasonable timeframe sort of thing [31] what are you listening to right now: esc radio still, “todas as ruas do amor” by flor-de-lis (portugal 2009) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep [33] something that is getting on your nerves: nah not really [35] elementary: what is this question asking? [36] high school: um??? im in high school? is that what youre asking? [37] college: im probs gonna go to uni next year [38] hair colour: brown [39] long or short hair: long for me haha [40] do you have a crush on someone: nah [41] what do you like about yourself?: im someone people have said theyre able to talk to w problems bc i dont ask for every last detail? also my maths ability haha. and playing netball if someones beating up someone on my team i go on them and then they dont beat me up. idk [42] piercings: nah [43] blood type: a positive! [44] nickname: not really any unfortunately [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: cancer [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: probably eurovision haha i cant wait [49] tattoos: nope [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: um does setting a broken bone count? bc that was v shortly after my tenth birthday [52] piercing: dont have any [53] best friend: i dont really think ive ever had one. maybe ash? idkkkkkk [54] sport: i had swimming lessons from like the age of 2 or whatever, did tennis from prep????? [55] vacation: central australia when i was three months old (was dropped on my head on the second day and then my granddad died shortly after that so we had to come home for the funeral or something idk) [56] pair of trainers: um???? how do you remember brands of shoes from like over a decade ago
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: answer two more of these things haha [60] listening to: esc radio still, “wild child” by ace wilder (preselection sweden 2017) [61] waiting for: idk dinner i guess??? [62] want: my homework to be miraculously done [63] get married: im not getting married right now? what is this question asking? [64] career: i dont have a career im still at school
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs! i love hugging people [66] lips or eyes: eyes?? look pretty???? idk [67] shorter or taller: um i’d like to be taller???? i’d like other people to be shorter????? what is this question asking what am i choosing between? [68] older or younger: what is this question asking? what is better older or younger???? [69] romantic or spontaneous: i dont like romance but i dont know what context you mean for spontaneous? [70] nice arms or nice stomach: um????? do you mean on me or other people????? what defines a nice stomach or nice arms what? ah yes your digesting organ does its job well what i dont get it [71] sensitive or loud: what! is! this! question! [72] hook up or relationship: neither lol [73] troublemaker or hesitant: what is this asking i dont get it why cant people who make these original posts be more specific w their questions
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? no [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no [77] turned someone down: no (unless they asked really vaguely and i didnt understand that would be funny haha) [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? doubt it [80] had your own heart broken? nope [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? if a guinea pig counts as someone then yes otherwise no [83] fallen for a friend: no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? what do you mean? [85] miracles? no [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? no [88] kiss on the first date? if the people dating want to then why not [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: dont have any [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: idk dont think i have any
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