#Idk I’m unmotivated but I’ll try
lehrven · 10 months
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the girlies @brreadbowl for Genesis’s original character concept/design
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thechaotichorselord · 1 month
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(weird blood under read more)
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ghamborata lore (forgot how to spell it)
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wasteworm · 3 months
idk how long its been since uve drawn stardew valley... but i came across some of ur old art of it... ur sam is so cutieful. pls moar of him Pls. hes so cute i died.
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HI! i’m sorry this took so long to get to… i’ve been a little unmotivated but…. i offer a quick scribble…i’m glad u like my sam … mayhaps i’ll try drawing him som more in the futureee
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pastelpousay · 1 month
Hi again…I’m sure we all know what the hell this is for 😭💀
Sorry ik I keep coming on here about my stupid personal problems but lowk I think I might take another break I still wanna draw and write and stuff but that junior year depression hit me so hard I literally can’t rn 💀 I feel so isolated and alone and I feel like my friends hate me ( except for like one but still I don’t even get to see them cuz we have no classes together anymore.) I’ll still post art when I feel like it but I think the depression actually hit me so hard I don’t even care about how many people like my art anymore 💀 that’s saying a lot and school is not a help- I’ve felt like this for a while even before school but like at least I can write it off now I can’t and it’s literally only the second week 💀💀😭 this shit is sad as fuck.
So yea I might just go offline I hope to come back on here and I may like stuff every now and again and check in on some people but other than that idk I just feel so unmotivated I haven’t done much of any digital and the ones I did I hate or I just don’t feel like working on them, like I legitimately feel awful 😭 Hades and Rina is my only comfort it makes me so happy I love talking about them idk why I made it feel like such a job when literally no one gives a fuck about this shit but me. It’s why all my friends hate me, why everyone thinks I’m weird. And literally I already know no one in my school fucks with me they legit look at ppl like they’re some science experiment. This is basically a fucking repeat of last time but yea. I literally can’t it’s about to be my birthday and I feel so ass I’ll post for my birthday but that’s it I can’t do this anymore I love Hadina with all my might I want them to be real I wish they were I don’t understand why I have to here at school practically completely isolated I feel like I don’t have anyone anymore, like I don’t even feel important whatd the point do I even matter at all?? Like what if people just pity me or something idek why I care I feel so stupid saying this but I need to get it out and I can’t go to my friends because 1. I feel like most of them don’t like me 2. I’m so sick of them trying to reason with me I’m grateful for the help but it’s the same every time it feels insincere or like they don’t even care anymore. It lowkey might be karma but yea.
Sorry for the vent I don’t even know if I’ll leave I’m literally so desperate but I don’t even care. I miss when i started this blog when I was actually having fun and stuff now it just feels like I’m working I don’t want to do that it sucks all the fun out. I never complete any writing or anything and this is why. I hate school I hate everything about it.
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Okay so I’m just gonna write all my swap AU thoughts down here for now until I draw them. (Tag will be “swap drawtectives” for simplicity’s sake.)
The swaps will be:
Rose - Eugene
York - Grendan
Jancy - Joe Beans
I don’t think I’ll be swapping any of the side characters, because that involves me shuffling around the plot, and S2 is so complicated and I do not dare touch it.
I plan to make two designs for everyone except Rosé and Jancy, because I want to give everyone their season 2 glow up to represent character growth.
I wanna change around some of the ages so Eugene is a little younger and Rosé is a little older.
I also wanna change some of the characters names in this AU, that being giving Rosé a full name and Eugene a shorter nickname. I’m thinking Fynn or something but that might sound stupid, idk. Joe Beans also gets to have a real name in this AU! It’s Pauline Smarten, aka Polly :)
This will be primarily a role swap AU, but personalities will be changed on the basis of this. The characters who change probably the least will be Jancy and Polly.
Eugene will be an anxious, shy fella who’s just hiding behind a facade of flamboyance. He really wants to do good and be a good person, but is kinda lost on how to do that. He inherits Rosé’s back story of childhood delinquency, of course. Not sure if he’ll have the little forehead scar. I think I wanna give him a long pleated skirt in one of his designs.
Grenda is the stoic as hell heir of the Highforge empire. Despite her bright future, for some reason they’ve distanced themselves from his family, and found a new career: detectiving! Being raised in a very powerful family, he’s a bit awkward and regularly experience culture shock around normal people. I definitely want to include straight up armor in her design.
York in this AU grew up with his mother. He’s kind of unmotivated and directionless, and because of that he’s just sorta depressed. He ends up taking this out on other people though, which just makes him more upset because he’s unpleasant to be around. He finds a genuine passion in detective work though, and grows to really respect Polly and his friends, so he gets a lot nicer.
Pauline is an incredibly polite people-person. She’s a bit tired, but hides it far better then Jancy does. It takes a lot to really really anger her, but if you do, you’d better be prepared to face her wrath. She’s very skilled in the art of passive aggression. Usually though, she’s an endless fountain of support with the patience of a saint, and the best detective in the business.
Rosé is a very awkward woman who’s just. She’s trying her best okay you guys please give her a break. She’s extremely earnest and dorky, easy to please but prone to heartache. When her memories haven’t been wiped, she’s a relentlessly studious spirit medium, but at the moment she’s just kind of stupid. Please tell her she’s doing a good job, she’s going through a lot right now and she’d hate to disappoint anyone.
Jancy’s personality is the same. She’s already perfect, there’s nothing to change.
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star-girl69 · 2 months
hi girl not to put pressure on u but when is dreaming w kk coming out i’m so excited i love ur writing 😭
umm tbh i have no clue!! i’ve been a little unmotivated lately and i moved it around on my list so i genuinely don’t know!! i’ll try to write it but idk!
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
💙💜 for the colour asks?
Thanks for the ask!! <3
💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
I am the world’s worst at finishing something, especially if it’s a long-form thing like a book or a longfic like Fathoms or Masquerade is. Honestly, some days I want to just be like “if I quit softly no one will notice right?” But I know that I have at least 1 or 2 readers out there who would be sad and who sometimes ask for updates. If you ask me for an update there is a 95% chance I’ll be motivated (and pressured) to finish something lol
Also, some of the scenes I’m most excited to write in the long fics are the ones at the end. Beginnings are hard but exciting, the climatic endings are my favorite to write, and the middle is a SLOG. I always start to doubt my ability to finish a longfic/long project as soon as I hit the middle. The motivation just takes a nosedive. But I have to get to the fun scenes somehow, you know?
As for shorter fics, like oneshots…I think writing them more or less in one go helps keep up the motivation to finish them. I have several oneshots that I haven’t finished yet because I just don’t feel inspired to return to them or I feel like what I’ve written isn’t good, and the longer I wait to work on them, the less I want to bother with them. Sometimes finding just the right song for the fic’s mood helps, or finding a fanart that is particularly inspiring. Art inspires art!
As for why I tend to quit writing a certain oneshot or project, it depends. Sometimes it’s because the idea just isn’t working that day, or my writing feels forced, or I just have a headache/don’t feel good, or I got stuck on a plot point or scene, or I just feel unmotivated. The problem is, especially for oneshots, if I don’t try to pick it up the next day, it tends to get left behind. I’m trying to get better about returning to old WIPs but…I think some stuff will just be Forever Unfinished
💜 Purple: Name one song you're listening to while writing your next/current fanfic. How or why does it help the writing process?
Oh god how can I pick only one? I listen to video game/movie soundtracks when I write. I can’t listen to anything with words (at least, not in English) because I’ll pay attention to those words instead. I can’t listen to words and write words at the same time.
That said, one song I keep coming back to recently is The Journey from the Atlantis movie soundtrack. It may or may not have anything to do with Friday’s update in Fathoms 👀
But in general I listen to music to sink into a kind of mood or vibe for the scene. A sad scene needs sad music, a fight scene needs epic battle music, a cozy scene needs cozy music. That sort of thing. And if all else fails, chill video game music covers all my bases, because theoretically speaking it’s designed to fade in the background and help your concentration.
Idk I’m just not as big on listening to contemporary music/music with words when I write. Some stuff does inspire scenes, but I can’t listen to those songs WHILE I write.
Also being dismally behind all music trends lately doesn’t help
Anyways thanks for the ask!!
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I’m desperately sorry for the break I’m unmotivated to draw purple and mabey pink on my own accord pls pls pls give me asks to base my idea off off,,, maybe idk interact w purple 💍 I’ll try to slide pinks entrence in there
And thanks for following my shitty art of my lil guy <33
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evangelina830 · 9 months
Okay I should probably say this ☹️ (update and sort of vent? Mostly to just update since I feel bad for not posting lol) -
I truly apologize for not drawing so often, I’ve felt so sad this past week idk why???🥲😿 (I normally draw every single day,, no kidding) there so much on my mind and so much I wanna draw, which is difficult to focus on at once. I been so drained, even irl just trying to talk, move or eat, it’s frustrating :,)) plus I’m always picking at my fingers and shaking cause anxiety 😭 which😥 isn’t good-
Idk how to even describe this, it just happens a lot. So unfortunately, I’m quite unmotivated to finish my Christmas gifts and such :(( (for now ofc) I’ll still be drawing some stuff, I’m just, 🥲 idk☹️💔💔💔 pls be patient with me, I really love you guys and I might post art - whatever I draw - but I’m not promising rendered art for now😔
I might update again soon if I feel better or something but this has been going on for a bit :,D
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
I just came across your analyses of all the 5sos albums and can I just say: chefs kiss. amazing. from the way you approach them both musically and lyrically (are you a musician? you have a very good ear) to being able to tell who is singing which part of the harmony (when there’s more than 2 singing at once I have No Idea, and even when there’s just 2 I’m still a little hit and miss). so grateful you exist and did them!!! not only for my enjoyment purposes but also because of my crazy projects I’m about to tell you about just in case you’re interested
anyway, it started with the RAH version of teeth. I’m a classically trained violist, I’ve played in many orchestras, I looked and asked everywhere I could think of just to lay my hands on something like the score so I could maybe pull some musician friends together and play it. No avail. Then, sleep deprived and slightly manic and very unmotivated in the middle of writing my honours thesis I must’ve played that bass riff when messing around on my viola and was like ‘this isn’t even hard let me just open musescore’ and decided Luke’s voice best fit the cello and calum the viola and six hours later it was a whole orchestral piece with the riffs passing around the upper strings like the RAH version and also woodwind and brass instruments somehow and then the bass riff led me straight into thin white lies which quickly morphed into NITSW (and can I just say that bridge is the best thing ever when played by strings) and I was like, this is telling a story. That became the first movement of the concerto.
second movement had to start with the flutes playing the piano intro of lover of mine, then I borrowed ghost of you from youngblood and threw in lonely heart, all the ones in vaguely 3’s as far as timing goes went in, all satisfactorily longing (if mvmt 1 is Relationship Angst) ending on a reprise of ghost of you chorus a semitone up (I’m not even sure anymore tbh, it’s def less cohesive but pretty I think) and I tried to copy its RAH intro as an outro. By then I realised I wanted to make the third movement about self discovery that ended on red desert because the album is just SO SAD and it deserved a happy ending and I wanted to try fit as many songs from the album in as I could (no shame and kill my time didn’t fit thematically unfortunately and easier should’ve been in movement 1 but sonically it just didn’t go, at least not yet I’m open to attempting to incorporate any of those songs) so started with old me. I realised I could overlay it with best years. Weird choice I know but the chords and melody worked well enough (and I still don’t think best years has been brought to justice ngl). Then I overlaid wildflower with high which is surprisingly a combination that I love, and it worked music wise and I thought they offset each other alright?? I’m still not quite sure where I’m going with it yet. but then comes red desert and I did the RAH intro and the whole song with harmonies (does get repetitive and idk what to do with that yet) and it’s like. yay, I gave CALM a happy ending.
I guess what I’m asking is I want to do more of these for more of their albums or combination of them (like they’re genuinely so fascinating from a musical and storytelling lens I can’t get enough) and I’ve got some ideas but I want to hear if you have anything you can just hear coming after each other. like complete mess and red line or smth?? even moodswings and space between a rock and a hard place?? idk. just ideas. throw them all at me. I’ll do it and dedicate it to you
Okay, first, no, not a musician, it's just that my dad was a dj, so i grew up around a lot of sound equipment because he's very particular about sound quality and that totally developed my ear for that type of stuff and my interest for music is that much more intense because of it (i did teach myself how to play the guitar and i do sing, but, like, i don't have any real training) and I really appreciate you coming here to say these, because i have a lot of fun writing those. Also I saw your tags, don't know if you ever figured it out but the milf anthem is mrs all american lol
Second, I'm desperate to hear what you did with calm, from the description alone it feels like something impressive, I'm very interested to see how you overlayed high and wildflower because i can see it, but i can't really imagine how that would actually work sokaosksokas
And third, I actually have quite a few smaller combos i like to push together (i went through a mashup phase when i was learning how to play 5sos songs lol) but i usually go from lyrics and adjust the guitar to fit my voice, i have no idea how that could work for you, but one i always do is vapor -> lie to me -> why wont you love me -> bad omens (it used to be high at the end, but then they dropped bad omens and i liked the way that narratively bad omens closed the loop, you end up trapped in the relationship you know it's not working I like that a lot for this combo), i have a few weirder ones, that are mostly the ones that i never fully managed to make it work but i think they could, like moodswings into bleach, story of another us into close as strangers, i know you saw my post about rearranging 5sos5 to tell a story and for some reason i think you can overlay caramel and bad omens, and red line and you don't go to parties (this one i admitedlly don't really know, but i think the red line riff with the ydgtp riff could be something, just a feeling lol), there's the rhythm section mashup, tomorrow never dies -> babylon -> tears, that I think you can make something with the bass in all of them, for some reason vapor and me myself and i, talk fast -> not in the same way -> blender -> kill my time, this one i think its cool because of the 80s pop of the melodies and the progression of the story with the lyrics, lover of mine -> best years -> older -> ghost of you, again you have the narrative and i think the piano can work all of there to make this tragic love song. And this is everything i can think of right now, but i will probably think of more as soon as i hit post tho soaskookasas
But seriously, this sounds really cool, please let me know how it progresses <3
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rio-the-bio · 2 years
Ah yes, two months of inactivity :)
I apologize for being inactive but I’ll try to do better
I have simply been unmotivated to do any sort of drawing along with art block but now I’m back!
I’ve decided to do something over my current break and that something is doing a spinning wheel thing!
Basically I make choices, the wheel spins, chooses fandom, then I spin it to find out how many grumpuses I’m doing (or maybe another fandom later on idk-) and then have the wheel choose who I’m making!
Currently I’ve gotten “Madness Combat” (I’ve heard of it via friend, got into it a bit but not enough to know everything so madness combat ppl don’t come at me lol), I’m doing 6 grumpuses, and The grumps chosen are Gramble, Floofty, Wambus, Chandlo, Snorpy, and Filbo! Although I have only currently done Floofty and Gramble, I wanna give you guys something after so long! :)
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brodudemanbroski · 1 year
So like since it’s near the end of the school year I have been super busy and in my free time I’m super unmotivated and tired, so that’s why I haven’t replied to anything on my ask blog. I have some of the replies down, but I need to draw for the responses. But just a heads up that, that’s why I haven’t been super busy on there. I’ll try and get some done soon! i just wanted to say that idk why
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milaza · 2 years
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nine years of drawing with a digital art tablet baeby! i have some older traditional/non-tablet digital pieces as well but i dunno what year they’re from. i’ll make a more complete yearly progress chart next year.
overall, i’m pretty okay with things considering it’s just a hobby.
it’s still a bit frustrating to see that i peaked with pretty stuff in 2018, but as i said before i’ve improved a lot more in other ways and i don’t think i’d be happy with myself if i kept just drawing pretty faces with boring compositions.
before i compiled this, my feeling was that i thought i did really well in 2020. but that was just the year my posts did well on social media (did well for ME). looking back, there wasn’t really anything complete and unique that i liked a lot. and i thought i kinda flopped in 2021 ‘cause i didn’t post all that much, but i’m really happy with my output that year TBH. i want to draw more fun scenes and pictures with deep feelings!
the time i spend on a complete piece has decreased a lot because i’m more concerned with having an interesting atmosphere over making sure the rendering and anatomy is perfect. also, i’ve just gotten quicker at drawing overall. i always try to keep it under 10 hours nowadays unless it’s got lineart... that shit makes it take so much longer orz.
2022 kinda felt like a flop again, aw man. i kinda forgot that i spent a good part of the early year drawing a whole korekiyo dojinshi? i felt really down about it at the time since i was utterly unmotivated (it’s fucking korekiyo i don’t know how i cared enough about him to draw a whole comic about him), but now i’m like... woah... people actually enjoyed that? i sold out of all 28 copies i had printed, so now i’m considering reprinting it again. who knows...
anyway i got an ipad this year and started using procreate so i sketched a good bit more. i finished dai gyakuten saiban, got motivated by my chemical romance, and completed a bunch of stuff i was pretty proud of in a single week. unfortunately completing dai gyakuten saiban also made me fall in love with barok van zieks for some reason so i basically spent the second half of the year just drawing self-ship art and van zieks pr0n. it’s not even crap worth posting.
i feel like i didn’t complete or post that much (at least on my main account) because of that. but actually, i always forget i have more finished pieces for zines that i don’t post... idk if i should admit it but i use zines as a way to motivate myself to finish stuff honestly. i think without that i’d flop even more and not get me to draw anything... but i will stop doing that from now on because i don’t feel satisfied with my artistic output drawing for zines. bleh.
last year i was obsessed with making dojinshi and this year i got into merch stuff since i was tabling at a convention for the first time, but honestly...! it’s a pain in the ass!!! i don’t want to bother with maintaining an online store and i don’t want to create products for the sake of creating products so i’m only gonna make what i personally want from now on.
so i spent 75+ hours rendering a barok van zieks dakimakura.
that was just 2 weeks ago basically, but i felt so fucking ill about it. luckily i finished off the year with a nice complete drawing so i’m happy and i love myself again ^_^
i want to focus on 3D art next year, draw more complete scenes, get around to my drawing idea backlog... get into some new fucking media because i am sick of that white man cursing me for the past six months. yep yep!
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kiryoutann · 2 years
i'm sorry that you feel unmotivated from time to time from lack of feedback but we can assure you lots of people love your series! you make amazing stories with the greatest plots i've ever read before, and this is coming from a writer with her series stuck on draft 24/7 but your writing is omg, it motivates me seeing that people can make good ass fanfictions that are kept interesting. if you feel unmotivated don't feel bad to take a break or other things!
-- burnt anon
PLSSS im crying. thank u so much for this🥺🥺🥺 and NOOO IM SOFT. i’m so happy to know that my works motivates you!
yes, i’m thinking of taking a break or just.. work on myself so i don’t feel that way. idk how tho, and i don’t think me setting my feelings aside is healthy too. writing is a hobby for me and my way to get out of reality but, i also take it seriously. i’d like to make people feel things from it. so, when i don’t get any feedbacks or anything on one of my fic, i feel like it flopped and i failed and there’s no use for me to continue it >_< i’m sorry for being like this
but anyway! i’ll try to work on it. i’ll try to just really enjoy it and not think about it when it ‘failed’. or i’ll take that break soon
ANYWAY, since u mentioned it. you’re a writer too, anon?!?! i can’t wait for your drafts to be posted! don’t rush tho! take your time<3 hope that writer’s block will soon disappear so you can share your incredible stories with everyone!
stay happy and healthy❤️💗
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xn4vyl1c1ousx · 1 month
hello lovelies, i’m feeling very unmotivated and have no idea what to write for saturday, if you have any requests, please send them my way !!
could be anything other than smaus (cause i haven’t found the right app that works for me yet), sfw preferred but i’ll try my hand at nsfw maybe idk i’ll probably just make it suggestive and cut it off before anything really happens cause i have no idea how to write smut (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
but anyway, pls send requests and help my exhausted brain 🖤🦇
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wave2tyun · 3 months
Ngl I took a peek at the kiss scene before reading the full piece(which I’ll be doing now ahem)😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m an anxious girly
I miss writing and posting instead of just planning things 🥹 but I’m feeling very unmotivated to do it, which is awful bc I’m on school break this month BUT ARGHHHHH idk
I have a soobin project with cobwebs sitting on my drafts😭 and and…ummm…I have an idea for a taehyun story with So High School 🤭🤭 but I can’t bring myself to write it
CRYING ANBDJDBDJDNDSJDB i always try to make the kissing scene kind of a highlight so i hope it was good👀👀 i also saw your reblog and i'm gonna get to that right after this ask as well!!!😋💕💕
i completely get you:( i also missed writing a lot- but when i had classes at uni i didn't have enough time to do it, and then whenever i had a break sometimes i just...couldn't bring myself to do it??😭 or even if i forced myself to open a doc, it didn't go so far after :( i have TOO many wips going on and ugh everything is so frustrating and it literally shouldn't even be😭😭 i've found a few things to help me with those feelings though, but i think i might make a separate post about it!!! :0
and OMFG so high school you say???????????? i would LOVEEEEEEE to read that😭😭😭😭💓💘💞💖💕 if you ever want some help with it, PLEASE do message me hehe😋
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