nando161mando · 5 months
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Confused Ideological Misnomer...
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preacherpollard · 2 months
Only What Cannot Be Shaken Will Remain
Gary Pollard Political divide in the church is not new. I’m sure, to some degree, idealogical division has existed since the church’s conception. It’s not a coincidence that Jesus chose a militant political activist and an enemy of that political activist to be among his apostles. He expected them to set aside their differences in favor of a truth that transcended anything earth-based. We…
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sarasbooksonline · 10 months
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Medieval Monks and Their World: Ideas and Realities, Studies in Honor of Richard Sullivan, Brill (13 October 2006)
DM for Order sarasbooksonline.com
Contact : 099584 91228
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queerism1969 · 4 months
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liberalsarecool · 7 months
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This, this, and this.
Christofascism is a failure of ideas, devoid of rational thought. It's an ideology of ignorance.
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I'm often posting and talking about Mexico and my "mexican point of view" on media and news. This time, however, I feel deeply saddened and disappointed of my country
Yesterday, Jesus Ociel Baena, the first non-binary Mexican magistrate and their partner were found dead in their home in Aguascalientes. Magistrate Jesus Ociel was well known and recognized for their efforts to protect and promot LGBTQIA+ rights in the public sector, specially within the judiciary system.
The details are still unknown, but what it is clear is how Mexico is still a heavily LGBTQIA+-phobic, with media using incorrect pronouns and social media users celebrating the death of a person
Jesus Ociel, we name you and remember your fight for us LGBTQIA+ Mexicans
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nyancrimew · 2 months
i'm a us liberal and i think you're cool
i highly doubt you're a liberal then and just think liberal = leftist which it very much does not
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Conservative females
#AI predicts person #ideological bent with 61% accuracy examining #headshot
link btw #attractiveness & #conservatorism
#Craiyon website: liberals less #welcoming & #lovelier
who are more #sexually #available than others
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War On #America #Demoralization #Idealogical #Subversion #Marxism Only Solution Is Immediate #Patriotism & #Education Rooting Out All Marxists!
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uptownthots · 4 months
I think if you consider yourself someone who genuinely cares about dismantling bioessentalism and the speaking out about harm it does to society you HAVE to acknowledge that bioessentalism is one of the oldest tools in the patriarchy's toolbox and not something twentieth-century TERFs invented
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nando161mando · 6 days
This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Lucy Hamilton about the Atlas Network, right-wing propaganda, and ideological junktanks. Via @slackbastard
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valtsv · 11 months
i think it's so fun when characters recognize that what they desire - fame, fortune, power, recognition, unrivalled skill in their chosen field - can consume them, but they consider themselves an exception. because they're different; they're self-aware, they're smart, they know what they're doing. they're not going to get caught up in the rush and forget that what they're dealing with has teeth. so they feed it and they let it grow and they feel so certain that it will never eat them alive because they're giving it what it wants, and you don't bite the hand that feeds. until one day they wake up and realize that they crawled right into its open jaws and let them shut behind them and swallow them up a long time ago and they've been living inside its stomach cavity ever since.
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tomurakii · 3 months
Something so important to me about Kabru is the way so many of his experiences with humans parallel Laios', and yet they ended up with exact opposite feelings about them. Laios loves monsters, Kabru hates them. Laios wished he was a monster (so he wouldn't have to deal with people who hated him), Kabru grew up believing he already was one (his father being an incubus would explain why people hated him). Laios is aware that people tend not to like him, so he's given up on trying to endear himself to them. Kabru is aware he doesn't fit in anywhere he goes, and is desperate to trick people into thinking otherwise. When Laios was a kid he would fantasise about the exact type of event that ruined Kabru's life.
Laios loves monsters, and he excells at killing them. Kabru is exactly the same for people, despite having every opportunity to choose to hate them instead.
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vexingwoman · 7 months
questions for the gendies: when you remove the female body from the definition of woman, what else remains besides sexist feminine stereotypes?
when a male says he identifies as a woman, what exactly is he identifying with? you can’t identify with a organs you don’t have, so what is he actually identifying with, if not sexist feminine stereotypes?
and how is it progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes is a woman? is it not more progressive to say that a man who identifies with feminine stereotypes… is simply a feminine man?
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olisix823 · 3 months
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Happy Disabled Pride month!
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