#Ice Machine Water Filters
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partsfe11 · 3 days ago
High-Quality Commercial Ice Machine Water Filter Cartridges At PartsFe CA
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Ice machine filters play a vital role in the ice-making process by preventing the accumulation of minerals, scale, and impurities that could disrupt the system and cause malfunctions. Utilizing activated carbon technology, these ice machine water filter cartridges remove impurities, chlorine, and other chemicals from the water supply, ensuring the produced ice is clean, clear, and odor-free. 
To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in  Ice Machine Water Filter Cartridges that ensure long-lasting performance.
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9errui · 5 months ago
finally I post?? amazing
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testing out a style that I really like right here 🙏
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she likes going to the market but their out of her brand of whatever tf she gets, sad face 😞😞
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niiwa-angel · 4 months ago
Hazbin Hotel Incorrect Quotes
Vaggie, going over more ground rules for the hotel: Alright! We will be having weekly team dinners! Everybody will be taking a turn cooking!
Vaggie: Except Alastor, after the roast incident of April.
Alastor: You all said you wanted a shoulder roast.
Angel Dust: Pork shoulder, not Paul shoulder!
Alastor, calling a meeting: Listen up, you little shits.
Alastor: Not you Nifty, you're an angel and I'm happy you're here.
Valentino and Velvette, after losing Vox at the aquarium.
Val: He probably went to the shark tank. He likes sharks.
Vel: You're right.
Vel, laughing: He's probably in the shark tank, he likes sharks so much.
Val: Ha!
Both of them start running.
Husk: Hello, people who do not live here.
Cherri: Sup?
Husk: I gave you the key to my room for emergencies.
Frank the Egg Boi: We were out of molotov cocktails.
Charlie: What happens at Overlord meetings?
Alastor: Oh, you know. Boring discussions really. Lots of bureaucracy.
cut to the Overlord meeting
Vox, jumping up on the table: If you don't stop smacking me with your tail, I will end your entire family!
Zeezi: Bitch, try it!
Carmilla: Everyone sit down!
Velvette, recording: Can it old lady! This is gonna break the internet!
Clara smacks Velvette in the face with the handle of her spear: Don't talk to my mother like that!
Valentino: Don't smack my costume designer! She's getting blood all over her clothes!
Rosie, sampling: Tasty blood!
Alastor, also taking a taste: Indeed! Have you considered becoming a soup?
Zestial, fed the fuck up, slamming his hands on the table, effectively shutting everyone up.
Zestial: Sit. Down. Now.
Everyone sits down.
Lucifer: If you make your hot chocolate with water, you're out of the fucking hotel!
Lucifer: If you're lactose intolerant, you can stay but you're on thin ice!
Angel Dust: I just snort the powder because Vagina took my stash.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: What the fuck?
Velvette, kicking through the door to the Overlord meeting: Hello losers!
Carmilla, not looking up from her tea: Hello, problem attendant.
Valentino, watching Vox freak out because of something Alastor did.
Val: Is it a chocolate pudding at three am type of night?
Vel: Does the day end with 'Y'?
Charlie: Can you guys get along for five minutes?
Lucifer and Alastor: No!
Vox and Valentino, aggressively making out in the kitchen.
Velvette: Can I get a waffle?
Valentino, rips his underwear off
Velvette: Can I please get a waffle?!
Carmilla: I am this close to losing it.
Zestial: Mine dear, there is no room between thine fingers?
Carmilla, watching Vox and Alastor argue viciously while Velvette, Valentino, and Rosie egg them on.
Carmilla: Yep.
Velvette: Selfie with the fossil!
Velvette, drags Zestial in for a selfie.
Zestial, noticing the filter: What witchcraft is this?
Vaggie: Okay people! If you're going to have weird food in the fridge, it needs to be labeled as such!
Vaggie: Alastor, that means labeling your demon meat! Angel, that means labeling your edibles!
Nifty, raising her hand: Are my roaches okay?
Vaggie: We're actually going to get you a mini fridge for your room, because your roaches are creeping people out.
Charlie: I love you.
Vaggie: I love you too.
Pentious, from the wall: AWWWW!
Carmilla: Acceptable snacks to bring to the Overlords meeting; brownies, candy boards, cheese plates, and veggie trays.
Carmilla: Unacceptable snacks to bring to the Overlords meeting; anything made with demons, magic mushroom cereal bars, and penis shaped gummies.
Zestial, a spider: I am also not a fan of the mint tea.
Charlie: Okay! I know its funny that Alastor and I can't walk on ice, but that doesn't mean it's okay to freeze the hallway to watch us slip!
Husk: I have very high standards.
Angel Dust, pulling out a machine gun and opening fire.
Husk: Oh no! He's meeting all my standards!
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leiascully · 5 months ago
X-Files OctoberFicFest Day 24: Decompress
Here you go @calimanc 💞
She's had a long fucking day. She couldn't even begin to detail what's been so exhausting about it. She's too worn out. It was all the things she did and all the people she dealt with and the disappointing sandwich at lunch she only ate a few bites of and the pebble that nearly turned her ankle and the weird smell in her car from some fast food remnant that had gotten lodged under the seat somehow. Just one damn thing after the other from the moment her alarm went off. The coffee filter overflowed and she got a mouthful of grounds. Her favorite pen disappeared. Her coat pocket has a hole in it and there are miscellaneous little objects inside the lining that bump against her as she walks.
Scully just wants to lie down and hope sleep overtakes her before hunger does.
She opens her apartment door and recoils, her hand going to the grip of her pistol. Someone's been here. Someone is here, or at least she hopes so, because there are lit candles on her table. Artfully arranged around them is a tasteful display of takeout boxes. She sniffs: steamed rice, General Tso's chicken, beef with broccoli, and the off-menu garlic eggplant she can't resist. All her favorites. There's a container of egg drop soup, too, and a greasy bag that surely contains egg rolls. The tv is on, the opening scene of The Exorcist frozen on the screen.
Mulder emerges from her bathroom. "I couldn't find napkins," he says, brandishing a couple of washcloths.
She steps into the apartment and takes the washcloths from him. "Napkins are in the kitchen."
"I didn't want to go through all your drawers," he says with a cheeky little wink.
She tosses the washcloths onto the little table with the answering machine and goes to get cloth napkins out of the drawer in which she keeps them, as if she throws a lot of dinner parties. As if she's thrown any since her father passed away. But she still has the napkins. They're aspirational. She hands a couple to Mulder and he puts them on the table, silverware arrayed on top. He puts the cutlery down correctly next to the plates, which doesn't really surprise her; he has those old-money manners.
She's too tired to even ask him why he's here. She looks at him mutely, one eyebrow ghosting higher.
"You skipped lunch, Scully," he says, answering her unspoken question as he helps her out of her jacket and hangs it up.
"I had a sandwich," she says in a doubtful voice.
"You had two bites of a sandwich." He pats the back of a chair. "Sit down."
She sits. He spoons portions of the various dishes onto her plate, adds an egg roll with a flourish. He brings her a glass of water with just the right amount of ice. He sits and serves himself, and they eat. He talks, but he doesn't ask her questions. It's what she thinks of as Mulderchatter, an endless patter of interesting facts and outlandish theories. It washes over her like a warm bath.
When they've eaten, he maneuvers her to the couch and washes the dishes. The leftovers are stored tidily in the fridge. The candles are snuffed. When he's done, he joins her. She's just staring into space. He picks up her remote, presses play, pulls her feet into his lap, and takes off her shoes. He squeezes her feet gently with his big hands. It feels nice. She's too tender to want the pressure of a real massage, either emotional or physical.
They watch the movie. She's seen it a number of times, can mouth some of the dialogue. He flinches at the scary moments, which is satisfying, because she doesn't. She lets herself drift, anchored by the weight of his hands still cupped over her feet. By the time the movie's over, she's half-asleep.
Mulder wiggles out from under her feet and scoops her up, helping her stand. He slips one arm around her and walks her to her bedroom. There's a pair of clean pajamas lying on her comforter, so he did go through some of her drawers. Somehow that's comforting too, even though she's absolutely certain he's now seen her underwear. He's seen it before. She's got nothing to hide from him.
"Don't go yet," she says. "Please."
"You got me," he promises.
He turns his back while she changes. When she's done, he helps her into the bed. She stares up at him until he sits on the edge of her mattress. He toes off his shoes. She scoots over to make room for him and he lies down on top of the covers. He puts his arm over her.
She shouldn't be soothed by this, probably, but she is. She accepts that about herself at this point. She tries to be superhuman, but everyone needs touch. She's not a wire monkey. She needs Mulder: the bulk of his body next to hers, the even rhythm of his breathing, the faint whiff of cologne from his skin.
She knows he'll be gone when she wakes up, but he'll stay until she's at peace. That's what matters. He did this for her: saw her aching inarticulate need and brought her gifts to nourish her, body and soul.
"Mulder," she mumbles.
"I'm here," he assures her, and she thinks she feels his lips brush her forehead, but she's already sliding into sleep. It's all right. He knows.
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earlysunshines · 2 years ago
(i love you) for sentimental reasons
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader. (pt. 4)
summary: fate seems to love you and sana being alone together, so do your niece and jihyo.
wc: 8k
warnings: mentions of food ; slight (barely) suggestive(?) ; cursing
pt 1. pt2. pt3.
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a/n: thank you all for the kind words and support on this series! it was fun writing it and the support on this has been amazing. thank you and enjoy :-]
“What would a young teacher usually order at a cafe.” You ask Chaemin, staring at the espresso machine and pondering. The taller, dark-haired barista looks at you, quirks a brow, then yawns. 
“Do I look like I’d know what your five-year-old niece's teacher would like?” Chaemin mutters sleepily, “I’m tired, it’s early, and me personally I need something strong as hell to get me through this damn shift. Maybe she needs something strong since she has to deal with so many kids running around?”
“What if she doesn’t like strong, what if she’s more fond of something sweet? What if she prefers tea?”
“Well maybe you should’ve asked her or something, how do you not know what your dream woman likes.”
“I’m not gonna ask my niece to ask her what her favorite coffee is, that’s weird.”
“You already make Hana tell you about her teacher, I don’t think that would make anything different, y/n.” Chaemin sighs, “Look, I have to prepare for that fucker that orders six drinks and complains to me that they’re not made in two minutes every Wednesday morning. You have fun figuring out what to order for this wonder of a woman, but make it quick. I need to prepare at least 7 shots of espresso before that damn regular walks in.” He says, walking past you and over to the coffee bean grinder. 
It’s 7:53 in the morning and the form said to meet in the lobby of the school by 8:30. You’re trying to get your daily caffeine in and decided to ask for an extra beverage to give to your nieces' teacher. Is getting a drink for a woman a form of flirting?
“I’ll just get my usual, and then I guess I’ll get something sweeter and I’ll ask her.”
“Okay, so what’s the sweeter thing gonna be?” Chaemin questions, weighing out the coffee grinds for your usual iced americano. You think to yourself for a bit as he tamps the grinds down and puts a filter on,
“Vanilla latte? Hot, since it’s cold out, maybe she would appreciate that.”
“Can’t go wrong with that I guess.” He sighs while pulling a shot of espresso over a cup of iced water.
You get to the school at 8:23 am, and by the time you’re all parked and in the lobby it’s 8:27.
The lobby is filled with at least sixty kids, probably more. There are four other kindergarten teachers, you assume they’re teachers from the lanyards they wear. At least ten parents are also present, scattered around the lobby with the teachers of their own students. It’s loud and crowded, you wonder if Hana had gotten lost until you look over to the corner to see Hana waving at you, and return the smile at her before making your way to the girl and her class. 
Sana watches you with the two coffees in your hand and a smile spread across your face as you walk over to hug your niece, making sure not to spill the beverages. You’re wearing a patched, dark-blue denim jacket and a white t-shirt with a graphic that Sana can’t fully make out, and the t-shirt exposes some of your collarbone, Sana notes. The bottoms you wear are simple, yet effortlessly stylish. You have on washed, dark gray wide-legged jeans that compliment your top, along with black laced loafers to complete the look. Sana thinks you look amazing - Your casual, yet striking style is added to her mental list of what makes you so effortlessly stunning. 
After hugging your niece, you make your way over to Sana, the grin that is plastered on your face seems contagious as it makes her grin back. You stand in front of her and greet her with a simple “Hi.” and somehow, her cheeks are already starting to warm up.
“It’s nice to see you, as always,” Sana greets, and you chuckle lightly,
“Yeah, likewise.” You start. The latte that was once about to burn your hands is now at a reasonable temperature, at least one that won’t burn anyone’s tongue (you hope). You look from the latte and back to Sana, “Do you prefer sweet or strong? I stopped by my work and I wanted to get something for you, I didn’t know which you preferred so…” You trail off, looking back at her with uncertainty.
Sana doesn’t know how you’re so perfect.
“Y/n,” She mumbles, looking at the drinks in your hands, ���You didn’t have to.”
“I thought you might need some caffeine before working with so many kids you know.” You joke. Sana pauses, you think of her? 
She wonders how often the thought of her crosses your mind (which is a lot), and it gives her a little hope in her heart. 
“You’re so sweet, Y/n. What are the options?”
“I got a vanilla latte and iced americano. I mean you got an Americano when we ran into each other at the store, but I had to make sure there were options.” You explain, though you realize there are definitely not a lot of options. You'd bring her the whole cafe if you could, just to make sure she could have a beverage that she'd like.
“I’ll take the latte, I like sweet things.” sweet things like you, she thinks to herself. You hand her the warm vanilla latte with a grin before another voice joins in,
“Good morning Sana!” A shorter woman chirps. The woman with the bob has her own hot beverage in her hands, and she’s dressed warmly to fit the weather as it transitions from late fall to early winter.
“Jihyo!” Sana cheers, hugging the woman. You smile at the woman (although your jaw tenses a little. You want to be able to hug Sana like that), and she smiles back after pulling away from the teacher. You examine her outfit; she’s wearing a black coat over a dark form-fitting shirt, and casual blue jeans paired with white tennis shoes to finish the look. She also has a beige bag that is hung on her shoulder and a silver ring on her left ring finger. 
Sana looks at the two of you, and she holds back a small giggle looking at your height difference. Jihyo’s head is angled upwards to meet your gaze and even though the woman is shorter – you can’t help but be a little intimidated by such a strong aura: it screams authority. 
“Ah, Jihyo, this is Y/n,” Sana says a bit shyly, and the slightly shorter woman with the bob looks back at Sana with slightly raised brows,
“Oh? Is that so?” Jihyo says amusingly, looking back at your taller self. You seem a little smaller under her gaze, and it’s scaring you a little. Jihyo temporarily washes your worries away by sticking her hand out and grinning at you, “I’m Jihyo. Sana has told me a lot about you, it’s nice to meet you in person.”
“She has?” You question, a brow arching. Sana clears her throat and it stops Jihyo from exposing her, though you wanted to know more.
“Y/n, this is Jiyeong’s mom. We used to be roommates,” Sana quickly says. Jihyo just laughs and nods before Sana adds, “Y/n is Hana’s aunt.”
“Oh, you didn’t tell me that,” Jihyo responds with surprise. Jihyo knew your name and that Sana had a really big interest in you, but she didn’t know that you were her daughter's best friend’s aunt. Sana shuts her down before she can say anything more to make her cheeks redden.
You’re confused, to say the least. Sana talks about you? What does she tell Jihyo? Is she into you? You’re thinking a lot of things and you want answers to all the questions you have running through your mind, but for now, you'll have to wait. Sana walks off, face flushed, leaving you and Jihyo to chat with one another. 
You look over from Jihyo to her daughter, who is talking to your niece and laughing as they converse.
“My daughter talks about your niece quite often,” Jihyo says, and she’s looking in the same direction as you while she sparks a conversation, “Hana seems like a sweet one, she makes my daughter very happy. It’s nice to meet the one who takes care of her, you must be as kind as Sana says.”
“Thank you,” You respond, turning to see her still looking at the two girls, “Can I ask… What else does Sana say about me?”
“You’ll have to find out yourself.” Jihyo simply states.
Aw, man.
“This is your chance to talk to Ms. Minatozaki alone! I can’t keep being the one to talk to her and then talk to you! I want to talk to Jiyeong too y’know.”
“Papa was right, you need to be not shy for once,” Hana sighs, “I thought you said you had the cool genes!”
Hana had insisted that you sit with Sana after giving you a lecture, or was it her just scolding you? Same thing. You realize that you literally got lectured by a five-year-old, it humbled you a bit. 
The conversation between you and your niece ended after she gave you a pat on the cheek, fist-bumped you, and let you run off on your own as if she was your own guardian – how ironic. 
So, you make your way onto the big yellow bus, looking for the familiar face of someone who you think might be an angel. You wave to her and ask if you can sit next to her, she nods happily. Now you’re closer to Sana than you have ever been, all thanks to that five-year-old, and you’re not too mad about it.
You never fully noticed before, but she smelled really good, not in a weird way or anything – it’s just, she smelled like roses, fruit, and vanilla – it really fits her. Her shoulder was dangerously close to yours, and you figured you’d explode if you guys made even the slightest bit of contact. 
Sana is dressed up warmly too; she wears a thick, dark gray cardigan with a white shirt under, and the hem of the shirt peaks from under the cardigan. She’s dressed in casual pants, they’re loose on her legs and just a shade lighter than the cardigan she wears, and to top off the whole look, there are white sneakers that she wears. Her hair is tied up into a ponytail, and some strands fall over her face. She looks beautiful, you might faint right then and there.
Sana looks at you again and tilts her head a bit,
“You’re not sitting with Hana?” She questions, and immediately regrets it after wondering whether it sounded like she didn’t want you next to her, because she definitely did want to be next to you; in fact, you were the only thing she had on her mind last night before she fell asleep. You turn your head to look back at your niece, who’s laughing with Jihyo’s daughter,
“Hana wanted to sit next to Jiyeong. I guess it’s not too bad that she didn’t want to sit with me if I get to sit next to you now.” You say boldly. Sana looks at your expression, you look unbothered and the way you just flirted with her was so smooth it had her blushing from ear to ear. You give her your signature, toothy smile, and she has to take a moment, it makes her look away for a few seconds,
“Your niece kicked you out?” Sana teases, trying to compose herself,
“They grow up so fast.” You sigh playfully. Sana giggles.
The bus driver gives the signal that he’s ready to start heading to the art museum, Sana stands up and starts to talk to the students.
“Alright everyone, I’m going to need you all to use your indoor voices for Ms. Minatozaki. If you do so, we’ll get to the museum quicker, alright?” She announces,
“Yes Ms. Minatozaki!”
“Thank you, everyone. We’ll be there in twenty minutes, maybe less if you all behave, so make sure to leave a good impression on the bus driver and make it easier for him to get there!” Sana finally says. The students respond with another “Yes Ms. Minatozaki,” and the young teacher counts all the kids on the bus, making sure she doesn’t miss anyone. After making sure everyone is all aboard, she signals to the bus driver that they’re all good to go. The bus shifts a bit as it starts, then it starts moving forward.
In an attempt to spark small talk, Sana decides to bring up the weather.
“It’s getting cold, huh.” She mutters, looking out the window. You hum in response, looking in Sana’s direction, but not at the window. Your look stays on Sana’s side profile, and you wonder how every feature on her face is so flawless, whoever made her took their time for sure. Her nose is angled perfectly, and her plump lips are just barely parted as she stares out the window, you could stare at her forever.
Sana turns her head back towards you and you quickly shift your stare to the window to avoid eye contact and to make it seem like you weren't admiring her for the last ten seconds. You clear your throat.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Thank you for the latte, it was really good. It warmed me up.” Sana says. Eye contact is shared again and you bite the inside of your cheek,
“Anytime. I could uh, bring you more if you’d like?”
“It’s alright, I don’t want to make it seem like I’m using you for coffee.” She laughs, “But I appreciate the offer.”
“Well,” You start, “If you ever change your mind you can always tell me when you see me.” You shrug. Sana smiles at you again, nods, then gives you that look from your lips to your eyes that turns your heart into a beating mess. She looks out the window again and you have to stop yourself from admiring her the whole time.
A few words are shared between the two of you every time Sana spots something pretty, she talks about how it reminds her of things from her past or her friends. You learn a little more about her, she’s so pure and cute it’s heartwarming.
The bus ride goes well. 
As soon as the bus comes to a stop, the kids are all rowdy again, however, Sana quiets them down with ease. She simply claps her hand in the same pattern as she would usually do to grab their attention, and they clap their hands in the same pattern back, all eyes are on the young teacher now. 
“Alright everyone, we’ve made it! Now, in order for us to get started with our field trip, I’m going to need everyone to be patient and exit as I say. The grown-ups will exit first, then the kids. We’ll go by row and I’ll be the last one out, okay?”
“Yes Ms. Minatozaki!” The kids respond, and you admire how much they seem to trust and adore the teacher.
Getting everyone out of the bus was easy, each kid listened and Sana told the parents to keep them in a group once they had gotten out. Once the disembarking had finished, Sana made sure that everyone was present, taking another headcount. After knowing that no one had wandered away, she smiled and kindly ordered them to follow her.
After the guides had introduced themselves, given a brief description and synopsis of what the museum offered, and handed out maps, the class was split into groups of four. There were exactly twenty-eight students, seven guardians and/or parents, and Sana. With that amount of people, it was easy to make the groups.
Originally, Hana was set to be in the group that you and Jihyo would watch over, but Hana insisted that you switch with the parent paired with Sana. Jihyo and Hana talked for a few seconds, which you had noticed from the corner of your eye. They exchanged smiles and understanding nods, and whatever they plotted somehow allowed you to be with this wonder of a woman.
And so, you’re with Sana now.
Sana is happy to accept her new partner; in fact, she’s more than happy to spend time with the woman she’s been gushing over for weeks. 
The groups decide to pick their own section in the museum to start at and make their way through the whole place from there, making sure to meet in a few hours. 
Your group had seven kids, and each group did. You and the young teacher had stumbled across a certain section with an adult that would give the kids a thirty-minute detailed guided tour, leaving you and Sana to wait alone together and wander around the nearby exhibits. You two would’ve joined in on the tour, but of course, the max capacity was eight people. 
You had insisted that Sana should go join, after all, it was her class. Sana, being the caring person she was, had assured you it was okay if she missed the tour and stayed with you. The tour guide had made sure that he would take care of the kids, after all, the exhibit was mainly for young kids like them, and he had dealt with many before.
Fate decided that you two spend more time together, and this time, alone.
“Have you been to this museum before?” You ask.
“No, you?” 
“Once.” You mumble, “In high school.” 
“You’ve lived here since high school?” Sana questions, suddenly invested. You nod and look at the painting in front of you,
“I’ve lived here since I was in fifth grade, but in the more suburban area, rather than here in the city.” You simply respond.
“Well,” Sana hums, “Maybe you could show me around sometime.”
“W-what?” You practically choke out, a blush creeping to your cheeks. 
“I moved here at the beginning of the year, I’m still a bit new.” 
“I see,” You begin, trying to recompose yourself, “Yeah, It’s a nice area. I wouldn’t be against the idea of showing you around.”
Sana smiles and turns to face you again, “Maybe you could start by showing me around the museum? We have twenty-five minutes.” 
There’s a sudden nervousness that spreads throughout your whole body, as well as a warmth that spreads across your chest. Sana wants you to show her around, and she asks you like it’s a normal request (it is, but you figure it’s not because the person asking is particularly striking).
You nod your head and respond with a small, “Okay.” and her radiant grin grows.
The exhibits were all unique in their own way – some were filled with modern art, some with abstract art, and even some with Renaissance art. Each section had works that were all tremendously striking; however, the most beautiful thing in the museum had been by your side the whole time.  
Sana makes her way to a pleasant-looking painting, something floral. Maybe it’s an oil painting? She can’t really tell, but it sure is a wonder. It’s detailed and vibrant, the colors complement each other well with such a diverse color selection. Each stroke seems to have been placed so carefully, every single swipe of paint complimenting the stroke next to it.
Sana stares at the painting with much interest, “This one is beautiful,” she says in awe. 
“Very…” you hum, though, you aren’t observing the painting,
Your eyes are fixated on her.
The day goes by quickly, unfortunately.
You and Sana aren’t able to indulge in many conversations as you two were busy making sure everyone was still nearby and not running off.
The kids finish the painting activity that was scheduled for them at the end of the trip, and they leave the museum with their hand-crafted art. everything had gone by too fast, you wished it hadn’t, then maybe, you could admire Sana for just a few moments longer.
Sana helps everyone get situated on the bus, so you end up sitting down first and getting the window seat this time. You wait for her.
Sana sighs as she sits down next to you, a bit worn out from the day and keeping everyone in check.
You try to ignore the contact that her shoulder makes with yours when she shifts to get more comfortable in the seat, and you also try to ignore the fact that your knees touch a little, just for the sake of your sanity. Sana seems to be unbothered by the physical touch, and she looks at you innocently,
“I think the kids enjoyed it.” She says proudly, resting her head on the seat. She turns her head a little so that she’s looking at you with the most soft, tender look in her doe eyes, “Did you?” 
“Of course.” You say, voice just above a whisper. Of course I enjoyed it, who wouldn’t enjoy their time with a woman like you? You think. Sana lets out another content sigh, and she rests her head against your shoulder a bit, not even bothering to think about how bold the action is, she's too tired and she figures you wouldn't mind – you don't mind at all.
“I’m glad.” she mumbles, and you hope she can’t hear your heart beating out of your chest, “Wake me up before we get back?”
“Of course.” You hum lowly. Her eyes close and her weight seems to shift onto your shoulder more. Your cheeks redden and you let out a small breath as you relax into the seat – you couldn’t be any happier.
The chaperones and their kids bid their farewells to Sana, though you stay a bit longer since Hana and Jiyeong want to hang out more. Your mind wanders a bit and you can’t help but stare into the distance, and your gaze somehow manages to land on Sana as you remember what she had said: Maybe you could show me around sometime? The words seem to replay in your head, a thought pops up in your mind.
Jihyo looks over to see you in a trance, and she chuckles to herself as she notices what – or, who your eyes are fixated on,
“Did you two have fun?” The shorter woman asks, a smirk tugging at her lips. Your head turns quickly to her in surprise, cheeks turning a bit red as you realize you’ve gotten caught staring. Jihyo laughs at you playfully, shifting her look towards the woman you had been admiring before, “Sana was really excited to be able to spend time with you today.”
“M-me?” You stutter out, mentally punching yourself for such a response.
“You two are oblivious, I could tell from the few interactions I saw.” Jihyo sighs. 
You look back at Sana, who’s now walking over with a smile on her lips. She looks at you first, then at Jihyo when she meets with the two of you again,
“Everyone just left, sorry for making you wait, Jihyo.” Sana sighs. Her shoulders are drooping down a bit, and she seems ready to go home and rest again, though this time on her bed and not your shoulder (much to your dismay).
She turns to eye you again, and suddenly she’s full of life, as if the energy that had been squeezed out of her had suddenly come back. 
“Ah, y/n. I’m happy that you were able to chaperone. I’ll see you…?” She trails off for you to respond, or in this case, finish her sentence, because she hopes to see you again this week. 
“Um, I don’t think I’m picking up Hana for the rest of this week. My shifts go on until five because I took today off.” You explain, “So, next week.” You nod. There’s a familiar thought from earlier that crosses your mind, you avoid the woman’s gaze and try to forget about it.
Sana notices you biting the inside of your cheek and breaking eye contact as if you were about to say something to her. Sana decides to let it be.
“Well, we’ll be going now Y/n,” Jihyo says, almost sighing. She looks you dead in the eye and raises a brow, almost as if she could read your mind earlier, almost as if she were urging you to go through with your sudden thought. 
“Yeah… Me too. Um, yeah.” Your words are tumbling off the tip of your tongue from nervousness, “Hana, let’s go. Your dad must be waiting at home.” You finally say, waving to the two women and Jiyeong. 
As you depart, Jihyo looks at you slightly disappointed.
You’re back in the car after saying goodbye and you stare out the windshield while holding onto the wheel, simply thinking.
The sight of Jihyo and Sana catches your eye from the side-view mirror, and there’s a sudden rush of confidence that takes over. 
“Hana, I’ll be back in a bit.” you quickly say.
Your fingers fumble with the seatbelt that refuses to unbuckle due to your nervousness, though you manage and hurry to open your car door, rushing out. You’re trying your best to prepare yourself for whatever the fuck it is that you’re about to do, your jaw tensing up and your hands trying to straighten up the denim jacket you have on. Self-consciousness and worry took over, but you ignore it, you can’t have Jihyo looking at you like you’re a big loser the next time you see her, can you?
So, here you are. 
Jihyo notices you first and raises her brows in amusement, Sana notices you after seeing Jihyo’s expression shift. 
“Hey, Sana,” You say with a surprising amount of confidence. You clear your throat and your eyes dart to anywhere else but Sana’s eyes, “Can I talk to you for a moment,” You ask, “Alone.” and you practically mumble that last word. Sana tilts her head and Jihyo smiles knowingly, 
“I’ll be in the car,” Jihyo says amused, then grabs her daughter's hand with hers, urging her to come with and leave the two of you alone.
You and Sana are alone now, in the middle of a barely filled parking lot.
“Did you need something?” Sana questions. You nod and it takes a bit for you to continue talking, the words in your mouth getting tangled in your tongue. 
“Uh, well.” god, you really need to get a grip. “At the museum, you uh, you mentioned, well - you said, you said maybe I could show you around sometime? I mean I can. I hope you’re still up for it, I mean,” You close your eyes out of embarrassment and turn your head to the side a bit, and you really try to compose yourself this time.
“This Sunday, yeah. There’s always a flea market on Sundays, they’re on until around eight. We should go, I mean if you’d like. What I’m trying to say is I’d really like to show you around.” You finally say, you say what you’ve been thinking and you say it without tripping over your words. 
“You’re asking me out?” Sana asks playfully,
“You implied that you wanted me to.” You simply say, making eye contact with her again. Now it’s Sana’s turn to be all flustered as she looks up at you. Your eyebrows are slightly raised as you wait for an answer, and her cheeks are dusted a faint shade of pink as you waited for a response, 
“So?” You question again,
“I’d love that,” Sana says almost immediately.
“Really? I mean, yeah- yes. Okay, that’s,”
“You’re so cute.” is what Sana says, and it has your heart skipping a beat, Sana’s heart too, “Let me get your number, so you can text me the details?”
“Yeah, here.” You respond, handing her your unlocked phone. 
You both exchange numbers, and before departing you can’t help but grin at each other, and you grin at each other for a while.
Mission success.
You agree to pick up Sana from her place in the evening around five. 
Your fingers tap against the wheel of your car and you tap your foot anxiously as you wait. There’s a sound that’s heard from your phone as it vibrates against the cup holder, and you immediately check to see what it is. There’s a message from the young teacher and your eyes light up immediately as you open it,
I’m on my way out right now
Can’t wait
Take your time
Can’t wait to see you
You probably look like a fool who's in love as you read her message, reply, and hit send because you’re smiling at the screen and biting your lip slightly from the rush of excitement that courses through your veins.
Sana shows up a couple of minutes later.
Your eyes widen almost immediately and your cheeks are definitely tinted – no, fully crimson. Your grip on the wheel tightens, and it seems to do so every time you see the wonderful woman. Your heart does flips and beats at an unhealthy rate as you take in everything about her. 
She wears something so striking, but slightly casual too. She has on a black blazer, almost a jacket, you think. It’s worn over a black shirt and the tops she wears are complimented by silver jewelry that loops around her neck, sitting just above her collarbone level. She’s wearing dark jeans that are just slightly loose around her legs, and casual sneakers to really top it off. 
She’s so incredibly stunning that it makes you wonder if you’re dreaming.
Sana waves as she makes her way over and you’re trying your best to act normal – or at least act like this woman isn’t making you completely lose your cool.  
“Hey.” She says, getting in your car,
“Hi.” You say in awe, “You look beautiful.” and that’s just an understatement. You’re unable to look away from her as if your eyes were a moth and she was the flame drawing you in. Sana simply smiles and she’s extremely flattered by your compliment, as well as the way your lips slightly part while you check her out.
“Thank you.” Sana responds as she puts on her seatbelt, “You look really cute.”
You’re going to explode.
“Thanks.” You mumble, quickly turning your head away and back to the steering wheel. Sana plays the passenger princess role too well, with emphasis on the princess part because her looks are something you would expect to see from a descendant of royalty, something in a renaissance painting that has the words 'do not touch' beside it. You adjust the rearview mirror for no apparent reason as it’s already been adjusted, but you’re doing anything to distract yourself from the jaw-dropping sight to the right of you.
As you drive toward the city, there’s the faint sound of a slow romance song playing. The mood is extremely intimate and romantic, you’re having trouble focusing on driving as your heartbeat ups its pace. 
It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the flea market area downtown. Fifteen minutes of small conversation and Sana’s gaze on you every couple of minutes.
You two arrive and you turn off your engine, making sure to get out first and open the door for Sana. She gets out and smiles at you sweetly, which makes you smile back. You close the car door for your passenger princess. 
The brisk winter air carries a hint of anticipation that invites everyone to immerse themselves in the weekly event. It’s early winter and darkness envelops the slightly crowded, dimmed, and busy streets. the sun had almost set completely, though there are bright lights that illuminate the areas which seem to be hidden away from the lamp posts that lighten up the main streets. Each store and vendor has its own uniqueness, selling different types of items, clothing, accessories, and more.
You and Sana walk towards the flea markets, the space between you two getting smaller and shoulders occasionally brushing every now and then. The two of you explore and interact with any vendor or stand that seems to have anything interesting, which helps you learn about one another.
Sana learns that you have an interest in old rings, silver ones specifically. You buy three silver rings, and it all ended up being ten dollars in total. She learns that you have a liking towards graphic t-shirts; in fact, you buy two while walking around. Sana had picked out both for you, telling you that you’d look cute in them, making your cheeks flush, though your cheeks might've been red ever since you laid your eyes on her. 
You buy an old vintage camera and film for less than thirty dollars, and Sana thinks it’s so extremely cute how your face lights up after you purchase the two items, holding them up as if they were trophies you had won.
You learn that Sana seems to love jewelry, and she buys various bracelets and necklaces for herself and even buys one of each for you. You insist that it’s okay and you don’t need it, but you give in when she looks at you with those puppy eyes – you learn that you can’t say no to her. Sana buys a few samples of fragrances, and she explains that she’s always had a thing for collecting different scents, you think it’s adorable. 
You’re the one who had asked Sana on this date, but she’s the one who ends up dragging you to every little section that manages to catch her attention. The knuckles that brush against each other lead to the intertwining of fingers and flushed cheeks. 
After almost two hours of walking around and exploring, you two decide to relax and get ice cream, even in the cold weather because the two of you are warmed up enough from just being around each other, ice cream won’t hurt anyone.
“Have you tried this ice cream place before?” You ask Sana, who’s taking a picture of the dessert in front of her. She shakes her head,
“No, you?”
“Twice. Once in high school with Johnny and last year with Hana.” You explain, taking a bite from the sweet treat in front of you. It’s matcha flavored, though the sweetness is still there. The strength of the matcha is more prominent than the coconut base, just how you like it.
Sana melts as she takes a bite of her strawberry ice cream, her eyes lighting up and shoulders relaxing. You can’t help but laugh.
“What?” Sana questions, 
“You’re just really cute.” You simply say, taking another bite of your ice cream. Sana’s heartbeat quickens. Sana tries to compose herself in front of you, changing the topic of the conversation,
“So,” She clears her throat, “What do you like to do? It’s a cliche and unavoidable question, but other than being a barista do you do anything else?”
“I actually write a little. I used to write for some art articles online, I still do it every now and then.” You explain, “You?”
“Just teaching.”
“Did you always want to teach?” 
“Yeah, actually. I’ve always liked helping others and I don’t know, I like encouraging the kids.”
“That’s cute.” You mumble, “You’re so cute.”
The night goes on and you two learn more than just about your interests in occupations. Sana learns that you rock climb every weekend, which explains why you’re so unbelievably athletic looking and toned. She finds your love for cooking and making drinks extremely cute and admirable, it seems as if the more she learns about you, the more she falls for you. She learns that you moved to the city with Johnny when you were 18, and that was the same time Hana had been brought into your life, one of the best things the universe had given to you. You’re the type of person who lives life to experience the beauty the universe has to offer, she thinks that’s amazing. 
You learn that Sana had moved with the help of Jihyo and that they had been friends since college, Jihyo was also the reason Sana had landed her current job. Sana shares that she’s an only child, and in contrast to you, she wasn’t the athletic type really. You notice how bubbly she is talking to you, her more professional demeanor had completely broken down and a new, lively side was revealed. Sana is incredibly talkative and she rambles a lot, you think – no, you know you could get used to this.
The night had gone by too fast, Sana is back in your car again and you’ve just reached her apartment complex.
It seems that time spent with Sana seems to go by too quickly, and you hope that there's a chance of being able to spend more than just a couple of hours with her.
“Thank you for everything y/n, I really enjoyed tonight.”
“It’s no problem,” You start, “I’m glad you liked downtown.”
“Maybe you could show me around again sometime? I’d really like to do this again.” Sana says, and her toothy grin is so bright it nearly outshines the lights in your car.
“I’m not against that at all.” and you think you might die right then and there from the way your heart beats, and you want this moment to last forever; just you and Sana together.
“I’ll see you then, text me.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. She opens the car door and your heart breaks slightly, not ready for her to leave just yet.
Sana seems to have read your emotions because she pauses before she gets out and turns to you.
“Wait,” She begins, “I forgot something.” 
Before you ask her what it is that she had forgotten, she seems to answer your question before you can even let any words out of your mouth,
her lips are suddenly on yours.
The contact is sudden and you’re a bit unprepared, but you easily grow accustomed to it and kiss right back, eyes fluttering shut. Sana’s lips are so incredibly soft on yours, and the scent of vanilla and fruit is takes over your senses. Sana pulls away and your lips chase for hers again, and when they meet again it’s like the oxygen from Sana’s lungs had been snatched. Your hand moves to cup her cheek and your shoulders relax in the moment because it feels as if nothing else in the world matters except for her, as if all your worries had vanished just like that. Sana moves her hand to your neck and gently caresses it as you two share a few more soft, slow, and steady kisses, there’s no rush as if this moment would last forever. You two are practically unable to pull away from how much you both like the feeling of each other's lips on one another.
You want to live in this moment forever.
You two finally pull away after what had seemed like forever, though your hands seem to linger on each other a bit and both of your lips are parted slightly. Your lips are still so close that they’re slightly brushing against each other, butterflies are in your stomach and you’re forgetting how to breathe, think, or even function.
“I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you.” Sana mumbles against your mouth, “You’re so cute.” 
If you were in a cartoon right now, you’d think your heart would be dramatically beating out of your chest, and your jaw would be on the floor. You pull away a bit and it’s almost impossible to make eye contact with Sana, but you manage to do so anyway. 
“I think I might die right here right now.” You mumble, it’s the only thing you can say or think of in the moment. Sana giggles and presses another soft peck on your lips,
“Let’s do this again.”
“Yeah.” You breathe out. 
the light from the car shows her flushed cheeks and warm smile as she leans away from you, opening the car door and smiling at you one more time as she closes it. She turns to leave and you’re left in the car alone, your heart beat slowly beating back to its normal pace. 
You put a hand on the wheel and grip it tightly, still processing what just happened before smiling to yourself and driving away from the apartment complex.
Sana has you head over heels, and you want to kiss her again and again.
Chaemin had been teaching the new high school student that had been hired. He helped her measure out the espresso grinds, telling her how many grams would be needed for whichever drink, and she listened carefully.
“Hello.” A customer beams, Chaemin turns his head.
“Hello, I’ll be with you in a moment.” Chaemin starts, giving the woman a friendly smile, “Eunchae, just measure out the grinds and pull a shot. Give it a try and I’ll be back.” He says to the young, new employee.
Chaemin walks over to the register and taps at the screen. He gives the woman his signature smile and greets her,
“Hi, what can I get started for you?”
“Oh, I’m not ordering, I was just wondering if y/n was here?”
Chaemin quirks a brow, “Y/n?”
“Yeah, she should be off in ten minutes, no?”
“She’s off soon, just putting stuff in the back. You are...?”
“So you’re the woman she’s been gushing over.” Chaemin laughs, “God she has not stopped talking about you since she met you.”
Sana’s smile grows a bit from the sudden remark and she laughs,
“I see… That’s sweet.”
“You had her going insane for three months.” Chaemin jokes playfully, “I’m glad she finally found a way to ask you out. I haven’t heard her complaining as much about not being able to take you out for about two months or something, though she’s still always gushing about you.”
Sana and Chaemin talk about you for a bit, laughing at your antics and Chaemin decides to tease you here and there. The two get along very well, and Sana is very happy about that.
“You know one time, I think, maybe before you two started dating? She came in the morning and asked me what a ‘young teacher usually order at a cafe’ and I swear she almost-” Chaemin gets cut off when you push him aside, pushing his face away with your hand and squishing his cheeks. He groans. 
“Alright that’s enough.” You say, embarrassed. “Whatever he said, do not listen.” 
Sana giggles and it’s time for you to stop being annoyed by Chaemin and start smiling at the girl you’ve been with for almost three months now. Chaemin narrows his eyes at your sudden mood change, scoffing playfully.
“Hi, Sana.” You say all giddy, “You didn’t tell me you were stopping by,”
“I wanted to see you. It’s also Friday, maybe we could-”
“Yes.” You cut her off, “I’m down for whatever.” 
Chaemin rolls his eyes at you, chuckling to himself, “You’re so-”
“Go back to teaching Eunchae.” You retort, narrowing your eyes and Chaemin can't lie you look scarier than usual, you are infatuated with this woman. 
“I’m not letting this go.” Chaemin finally sighs, walking back over to Eunchae.
Your attention is back on Sana, who’s smiling at you, “Dinner?” she asks,
“Yeah.” you respond, “Where?”
“My place?” Sana suggests, you nod,
"Let me get my stuff and I can drive us."
"Okay." She beams.
You two grow extremely fond of each other after spending more time together as a couple. Three months of being together turned into four months, six months eight, and suddenly you’re together for a year. Each and every second that passed by while you were with her is another moment that you had fallen more in love.
You love Sana for so many reasons.
She's the only one you want to see when you roll over in the morning, the only one you want to kiss awake after intimate nights after seeing her with her oh-so-messy hair flowing down in different directions around her. You love to carry her to your now shared living room and set her on the couch while you make her coffee, her giving you the kisses you can never get enough of, ones that you reciprocate and smile into. You love her radiant smile and the way her nose scrunches up when she giggles at you for slipping and falling on accident, you love the sound of her high-pitched giggles so much that you would purposely slip and fall over and over again just to hear her laugh again and again. 
As you grow more attracted and attached to Sana, the physical aspects of her seem to disappear for a moment, you fall for not just her outside beauty, but all the internal aspects. You’re in love with how comfortable she makes you feel – you can sit in silence for hours and there are no words that need to be said because you two simply just enjoy each other's presence. You’re in love with how caring she is, she naturally is a caring person, she always has been. She’s always looking after kids at her job, making sure they’re all satisfied and happy – then she comes home to you, making sure you’re loved, and you return the favor. She’s beautiful not because of the way her features fit perfectly on her face, but because she makes you feel so giddy and happy. She makes you smile and that’s the thing that really makes her so captivating. 
You’re in love with all of her, from her physical beauty to her caring heart. She is the one who you love so tenderly, so warmly, you love her and it’s real, genuine, and you don’t think you could ever love anyone the way you love her.
Sana also loves you for many reasons. She’s been in love with you since the day she saw you – whether she knew it or not.
The first time Sana had woken up next to you she knew she wanted to be with you forever.
Her nose was buried in the crook of your neck and her arm was lazily thrown across your chest while her legs were tangled with yours. The only thing that was heard that morning was your slow, labored breaths, and Sana could feel your chest rise up and down with each one. A smile had formed on her lips as she traced your jawline, her heart fluttered and the moment was so simple, yet so soft. Sana wanted to live in the moment forever.
Sana loved you because you were there when she needed a pillar of support, you were her pillar of support. She loved you because you loved and cared for everyone important to you, whether it was your parents, Johnny, or Hana, you loved them all so deeply and it was so genuine that it made Sana so incredibly happy to realize that you would love her as much as you loved them – it’s almost as this love that you had for everyone you cared about was the most precious thing in the world, and she was someone you shared it with.
Sana loved the late-night drives with you, humming softly to the romantic music that would play. She loved the way you’d mumble sleepily in the morning, your cheek squished against the pillow, it was a cute sight. She adored you when you would pull her aside and serenade her to slow songs in the living room during the evening, and she loved when you'd cook or make coffee for her, how you’d kiss her as she fell weak to your touch, and so many other things that not enough words could ever describe. 
Sana felt so lucky to have you in her life, she was so glad that your niece had her as a teacher because if she didn’t she wouldn’t have met you. You were so glad that Hana had helped you get to know her kindergarten teacher, you were so glad that Johnny had that business trip because it allowed you to meet Sana.
 You’re so glad that a five-year-old helped you meet the love of your life, you're so damn glad.
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blowndrip · 22 days ago
part I , part II , part III , part IV
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pairing: kylian mbappé x reader
A/N: sorry for the very long wait here is part 5
Bondy, Spring 2016
It had been a little over two months since he left. Two months of waking up every day with that hollow feeling in my chest. It was strange, almost absurd. Shouldn’t I be used to it by now? After all, I knew he would leave someday—that he’d leave Bondy to chase his dreams. But knowing something doesn’t make it easier to live with.
I’d stopped counting the days, but I couldn’t forget the absence.
That morning, soft summer light filtered through my curtains. I’d been awake for a while, lying still, staring at the ceiling. Each day felt the same as the last.
Finally, I sat up slowly, my feet touching the cold floor. I could feel the fatigue etched into my face, but I didn’t bother looking in the mirror as I passed the bathroom. What was the point?
Downstairs, the smell of coffee filled the air. My mom was already up, as usual, scrolling through her phone. She barely glanced up when I walked in.
“Sleep well?” she asked distractedly.
“Yeah,” I replied flatly, pouring myself a glass of water.
She didn’t press further. She’d grown used to my short answers lately. I think she could tell something was off, but she didn’t push.
I sat at the table, idly playing with my glass. The house was quiet, save for the sound of her flipping through a magazine.
My phone buzzed on the table. I glanced at it quickly—just an Instagram notification. I sighed. Since he’d left, every buzz made my heart skip, even though I knew better.
I headed upstairs, trying to focus on my homework. Math. Just looking at the equations gave me a headache, but I had to get through it. I picked up my pen, attempting the first problem.
Nothing. My mind wandered again.
I grabbed my phone, just for a break. No new messages, of course, but my fingers instinctively went to his name. I stared at the empty conversation. No new messages in weeks.
My chest tightened. I put the phone face down, determined not to touch it for the rest of the day.
The afternoon came and went without me noticing. The house felt suffocating, so I threw on a light jacket and stepped outside.
The streets of Bondy were alive with their usual rhythm—kids playing, neighbors chatting, and the distant hum of traffic. I walked aimlessly, letting my feet guide me. The sun warmed my skin, and for a moment, I felt a little lighter.
Eventually, I found myself near a small park. I sat on a bench, watching people pass by. A couple walked hand in hand, a group of friends laughed loudly, and a dog chased after a ball. Life went on, as it always did.
A little while later, I decided to grab something to drink. There was a small café just a few blocks from the park, and I figured it would be a good way to clear my head.
Inside, the familiar smell of freshly ground coffee greeted me. The clinking of cups, the hum of conversations, and the hiss of the espresso machine felt comforting. Here, at least, I could escape for a while.
I ordered an iced tea and sat by the window. The sunlight cast a warm glow over the tables, and I tried to focus on the present.
But even here, my mind wandered. I pulled out my phone, hesitating for a second before opening Instagram. As always, his profile was the first thing I searched for.
He’d posted something the day before—a photo of him on the pitch in Monaco, smiling, surrounded by his teammates. I scrolled through the comments, most from fans praising his talent and predicting a bright future.
I should be proud of him, right? After all, this was what he’d always wanted.
Before I could overthink it, my fingers typed out a message.
Me: Hey, congrats on the goal. It was impressive.
I hit send before I could second-guess myself, then immediately put my phone down, resting my head in my hands.
I’d barely finished my tea when my phone buzzed on the table. My heart leapt.
It was him.
Kylian: Thanks, Y/N. It means a lot that you watched.
I read and reread his message, searching for something between the lines. Was it just a polite thank-you, or did it mean more?
I took a deep breath before replying.
Me: I couldn’t not watch. It was… impressive.
Another message came almost immediately.
Kylian: I miss seeing you, talking to you. I hope you’re doing okay.
My chest tightened. His words were simple, but they carried so much weight. I didn’t know how to respond. Part of me wanted to tell him everything—how his absence had left a void in me. But another part was scared.
Finally, I typed:
Me: I miss you too, Kylian.
It was honest, maybe too direct. I wasn’t sure what to expect. The silence from my phone felt unbearable. Maybe I should’ve stayed quiet…
Then, it buzzed again. My heart raced.
Kylian: You have no idea how happy it makes me to read that.
I bit my lip, unsure how to respond. A familiar warmth spread through me.
Me: Why did you wait so long to text me?
A few seconds passed, and I saw the “seen” notification appear. The typing bubbles popped up, then disappeared.
I frowned. He was typing… then nothing.
A minute passed, then two. Just as I started to think he wouldn’t reply, my phone buzzed again.
Kylian: I was scared you were still mad.
Me: And you thought silence would fix that?
Kylian: No. I messed up, I know. But I didn’t know how to come back to you after everything.
I looked down, the words sticking in my throat.
Me: You should’ve tried.
A moment of silence, then he replied:
Kylian: Yeah, but sometimes it’s hard. I have everything I’ve ever wanted, but I realize some things are really missing.
I furrowed my brow slightly as I read his message. My heart beat a little faster. But before I could reply, another message came through:
Kylian: You.
I froze, my phone clutched tightly in my hand. No matter how many times I reread those three words, I couldn’t quite believe them.
Me: Me?
Kylian: Yeah. Since I left, everything’s different. It’s like… sometimes, what really matters stayed in Bondy.
A small smile tugged at my lips despite myself. His sincerity always disarmed me, even through a screen.
Me: Then why are you telling me this now?
Kylian: Because I want to see you again. I wanted to ask… your birthday’s coming up, right?
He caught me off guard again.
Me: And?
Kylian: I’d like to be there. To see you. To say everything I should’ve said before.
I pressed my hand to my cheek, trying to calm the warmth rising there.
Me: It depends. What are you planning if we see each other?
A moment of silence, then:
Kylian: Just to talk. And to see you smile. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that.
I held my breath.
Me: We’ll see. If you can make it, then… maybe.
His reply came instantly:
Kylian: I’ll do whatever it takes to be there. Promise.
I sighed softly, an invisible weight lifting from my chest. But before I put my phone away, another message appeared:
Kylian: By the way… I know Inès annoys you. But it’s nothing. I didn’t want you to think otherwise.
My fingers stilled. I thought for a moment before replying:
Me: Why are you telling me this?
A long moment passed, and finally, he wrote:
Kylian: Because it’s you. You’re the one who matters, not her.
I froze, my eyes glued to the screen. He didn’t add anything, and neither did I.
I simply liked his message before locking my phone and setting it on the table.
I finished my iced tea in one go, then stood up and left the café. The cool evening air felt refreshing after being inside for a while. I still had some time before heading home, so I decided to make the most of it.
Without thinking too much, I headed downtown.I needed a distraction, and a little shopping seemed like a good idea. Maybe I’d find something interesting, or at least something to take my mind off things.
The streets downtown were bustling, as usual at this time of day. People hurried past, some rushing, others lingering in front of store windows. The lively atmosphere lifted my spirits a little, pulling me out of the strange melancholy that had settled over me earlier.
I stopped in front of a clothing store. Through the window, a dress caught my eye. Simple but elegant, in a soft shade I liked. I hadn’t planned on buying anything, but… why not?
I pushed the door open and stepped inside, immediately appreciating the cool air conditioning. The smell of new fabrics soothed me as I ran my fingers over a few items while browsing the racks.
Then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. My heart skipped a beat.
I pulled it out and glanced at the screen.
Kylian: Do you already know what you want for your birthday?
I bit my lip, hesitating. He’d never forgotten my birthday, and knowing he still remembered made me feel something.
Me: Hm… Not really. Why?
I put my phone down and continued browsing, stopping again in front of the dress that had caught my eye earlier. I grabbed it and headed to the fitting room.
As I passed a mirror, my phone buzzed again.
Kylian: Because I want to make sure I get you something you’ll like.
I looked up at my reflection, unable to suppress a small smile. He’d always been like this—sincere, even in the simplest things.
Me: I’m sure whatever you choose, I’ll like it.
I set my phone aside and stepped into the fitting room, carefully unfolding the dress before slipping it on. It fit well—light, comfortable… Maybe I could wear it on my birthday.
My phone buzzed again, and this time, I took a moment to breathe before checking the screen.
Kylian: Then I really hope I’ll be there to see it.
My gaze lingered on the message for a few seconds.
Me: Yes 🙂
The message was sent before I could overthink it. Just one word, simple and unambiguous.
Maybe, deep down, I didn’t want to say more.
A few seconds later, I saw the notification under my message: *Kylian liked your message.*
I sighed, turned off my phone, and slipped it into my pocket.
I paid for the dress at the counter and left the store, the bag swinging lightly in my hand. The air outside was cooler now as the sun began to set.
I walked home slowly, the bag with my new dress brushing against my leg. The evening air was pleasant, a refreshing change after the strange day I’d had.
— Y/N?
I turned, slightly surprised to hear my name. Inès was walking toward me, a small smile on her lips.
— Oh, hi, I said, slowing down.
— How are you?
I nodded, unsure where she was going with this.
— Listen, I just wanted to say… I’m sorry, really. For before.
Her tone was simple, sincere. No awkwardness, no exaggeration. Just her, looking at me with a hint of regret.
I stayed silent for a moment, caught off guard by her sudden apology.
— It’s fine, I finally replied.
She smiled slightly, relieved.
— I got carried away sometimes… but, you know, we were kids. Well, we still are, but you know what I mean.
I couldn’t help but smile a little.
— Yeah, I get it.
A brief silence followed, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Just… normal.
— Anyway, I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I just wanted you to know, she added, shrugging slightly.
— Thanks, that’s nice of you, I replied simply.
She nodded, then her phone buzzed in her hand. She glanced at it before looking back at me.
— Well, I’ll let you go. See you around,Y/N.
— See you, Inès.
She walked off, and I continued on my way.
It was strange… but not unpleasant. Like a page turning without drama, without shouting. Just an apology, and maybe a new dynamic between us.
At least, that’s what I thought.
The days passed, and the excitement around my birthday started to grow—at least for everyone else. Sarah and my friends were already talking about what they’d wear, the music we’d play, and even the photos we’d take. I, on the other hand, tried not to think about it too much.
Until today.
I was leaving school with Sarah when she asked:
— Did you book an appointment for your braids yet?
I raised my eyebrows, caught off guard.
— Uh… not yet.
— Y/N! Your birthday’s in two days, she scolded. What are you planning to do, wait until the last minute to find someone available?
I sighed, shaking my head.
— I thought about it, but I was too lazy.
— You’re impossible. Come on, let’s see if Malya has any openings.
Malya was *the* hairstylist in the neighborhood. Everyone went to her for braids, stylish updos, and even hair treatments. If she didn’t have any spots left, I’d be scrambling to find someone else at the last minute.
— Alright, let’s go, I finally said.
We took the bus to her salon, which was a few stops from the school. When we arrived, the place was as lively as ever. Three girls were already getting their hair done, while Malya moved between them, giving instructions to her assistant.
As soon as she saw us, she flashed a big smile.
— Y/N! Long time no see, girl. What are you here for?
— Braids for my birthday, I replied, sitting down on a chair to wait my turn.
— Oh, is it soon? she asked, still working on another client.
— In two days.
— And you waited until now to book an appointment? she said, rolling her eyes. You’re lucky—I have a spot tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise, you’d be out of luck.
I exhaled, relieved.
— I’ll take it.
— Any idea what style you want?
— Long, neat braids. Simple but clean.
She nodded.
— That’ll look great on you. Come by tomorrow at 2 PM, and we’ll get you sorted.
After chatting a bit with Sarah and Malya, we left the salon. I felt a little more excited now. My birthday was really coming up.
On my way home, I got a text from my mom asking me to pick up a few groceries. I stopped by a grocery shop, while browsing the aisles, my phone buzzed in my pocket.
Kylian: How are you?
I blinked. It was the first time he’d messaged me since our last conversation.
Me: I’m good. You?
He didn’t reply right away, so I grabbed what I needed and headed to the checkout. Just before leaving the store, my phone buzzed again.
Kylian: Tired, but I’m okay. Can’t wait for Saturday.
I stared at the screen for a moment. He’d just confirmed he was coming.
Me: You’re really coming?
This time, he replied faster.
Kylian: You think I’d say that just to talk?
Me: I don’t know. It’s been months since we really talked, so…
He took a little longer to respond this time. I saw the typing bubbles appear, disappear, then reappear.
Kylian: I shouldn’t have let so much distance grow between us. But yeah, I’m coming. Promise.
I looked down at my screen, gripping my phone a little tighter.
Me: Alright. We’ll see then.
Kylian: Want me to bring something?
I rolled my eyes with a small smile.
Me: Like what?
Kylian: I don’t know, maybe a gift?
Me: Oh, so you were planning to come empty-handed?
Kylian: I’m just asking to make sure you’re expecting one.
Me: Do whatever you want.
He liked my message.
I sighed softly, slipped my phone into my pocket, and continued on my way home.
The days that followed passed without much happening. Between school and my responsibilities at home, I didn’t have much time to think about anything else. Still, every time my phone buzzed, a tiny part of me hoped it was him.
But Kylian didn’t send any more messages.
I didn’t know if it was because he was busy or if he felt everything had already been said, but I decided not to dwell on it. After all, I had other things to focus on… like preparing for my birthday.
Today, I had an appointment with my hairstylist to get my braids done. I loved the feeling of renewal after spending hours getting my hair styled, as if the braids marked the start of a new chapter.
I walked into the salon, greeting the few clients already there. The smell of hair products and the sound of lively chatter immediately put me at ease.
— Y/N! Come on, I’ll take you right away, called Cindy, my hairstylist.
I sat down in the chair as she prepared the braiding hair.
— So, what are we doing today? she asked, gently running her fingers through my hair to detangle it.
— Long, simple braids. My birthday’s coming up, so I want to look good.
— Oh, really? When is it?
— Saturday.
She smiled as she started sectioning my hair.
— That’s tomorrow. Got any plans?
— Just a small thing with friends and family.
— A “small thing”? You know birthdays always turn into big parties, even when you say they’ll be simple, she joked.
I laughed softly.
The hours passed, and the salon remained filled with chatter, laughter, and the sound of combs gliding through hair. I talked with Cindy about everything and nothing, and for a while, I completely forgot about my worries.
It wasn’t until my phone buzzed on my lap that I was brought back to reality.
A message from Kylian.
Kylian: Can’t wait to see you Saturday.
I smiled slightly but didn’t reply right away.
— Is that your boyfriend? Cindy asked, noticing me glance at my screen.
— What? No, no, just a friend.
— A friend who makes you smile like that?
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
— It’s not what you think.
She raised an eyebrow, amused, but didn’t say anything else.
I set my phone back on my lap and left it at that.
Saturday arrived faster than I’d expected.
I woke up that morning with a slight sense of excitement. It wasn’t a big party, just a small gathering with my closest people, but I wanted everything to be perfect. After breakfast, I helped my mom with the final preparations, adjusting decorations and making sure everything was in place.
In the early afternoon, I went upstairs to get ready. My new braids fell neatly over my shoulders as I looked at myself in the mirror. I’d chosen a simple but elegant outfit, something that made me feel confident without being over the top.
As I applied a touch of gloss to my lips, my phone buzzed on the dresser.
A message.
Kylian: On my way. Be there soon.
My heart skipped a beat.
He was really coming.
I stared at the screen for a moment, unsure how to respond. Finally, I typed:
Me: Ok, see you soon
I hesitated for a second before adding a smiley face. Nothing more.
Taking a deep breath, I set my phone down and gave myself one last look in the mirror.
Downstairs, a few guests had already arrived. My family, my closest friends—they were all laughing and chatting around the buffet my mom had prepared. The atmosphere was light and warm.
But my eyes kept drifting toward the front door.
I tried not to look too eager, but every sound of a car outside made me perk up.
Then, finally, the doorbell rang.
My heart raced as I walked to the door.
I opened it… and there he was.
Kylian stood on the doorstep, a small smile on his lips. He looked taller—not by much, but enough for me to notice. His expression was soft, almost hesitant, as if he were trying to gauge whether he was truly welcome.
He held a small gift bag in one hand.
— Happy birthday, Y/N.
I smiled.
— Thanks, Kylian. Come in.
Kylian stepped inside, glancing around the room at the familiar faces. My friends, my family, a few acquaintances—they were all there, chatting and laughing.
I closed the door behind him, and the sound of conversations filled the space again.
I took a deep breath before breaking the silence between us.
— You can hang your coat over there, I said, pointing to the coat rack near the entrance.
He nodded and did as I said before turning back to me, the gift still in his hand.
I shrugged with a small smile.
— Now’s fine.
He handed me the small bag, and I opened it with curiosity. Inside was a neatly wrapped box. I carefully tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a delicate silver bracelet.
I held it up to the light, noticing a small inscription engraved on the inside.
“Always with you.”
My chest tightened slightly. I looked up at him, searching for an explanation.
— Do you like it?
I swallowed before answering:
— Of course I do.
He smiled slightly, looking relieved.
— I wanted you to have it. Just… so you know I’m still here.
I looked down at the bracelet, running my fingers over the engraving. A warm feeling spread through me.
— Thank you, Kylian. It’s beautiful.
I didn’t know what else to say, so I did what felt most natural: I put it on right away.
— It looks good on you, he said.
I met his gaze, and there was something in his eyes—something soft, almost regretful.
Before either of us could say anything else, a voice interrupted us.
— Y/N, you there?
I turned to see Inès approaching, a smile on her lips.
My stomach tightened slightly.
She glanced at Kylian before focusing on me.
— Can I talk to you for a second?
I felt Kylian’s eyes on me, but I nodded.
— Sure.
I gave Kylian one last look before following Inès to a quieter corner of the room, away from the noise of the party.
Inès seemed a little nervous, fidgeting with the small gift bag she held in her hands.
— Here, this is for you, she said, handing me the bag with a timid smile.
I took the gift, hesitating for a moment before carefully unwrapping it. Inside was a pair of delicate star-shaped earrings. Simple but elegant, exactly my style.
— They’re beautiful, I said, genuinely touched.
— I saw them in a store and immediately thought of you, she replied, shrugging slightly. I thought they’d suit you.
A smile spread across my face as I closed the box gently.
— Thank you, Inès.
She hesitated for a moment before opening her arms.
— Happy birthday, Y/N.
Without overthinking it, I hugged her back. It felt strange after everything that had happened between us, but in that moment, it felt right.
When we pulled away, she seemed to search for the right words before adding:
— I hope you’re happy today.
I looked down for a moment before nodding.
— I am.
She smiled one last time before glancing behind me.
— Well, I’ll let you enjoy your party. We’ll catch up later, okay?
— Okay.
She walked away, and I watched her go, a strange feeling settling in my chest.
It was odd… but not unpleasant. Like a page turning without drama, without shouting. Just an apology, and maybe a new beginning.
At least, that’s what I thought.
The evening continued, the atmosphere light and cheerful. My friends and family laughed, danced, and enjoyed the food my mom had prepared. I tried to soak it all in, to be present in the moment, but my eyes kept drifting toward Kylian.
A little while later, I felt a light touch on my arm.
— Come with me, Kylian murmured.
Curious, I followed him to a quieter corner of the room, away from the noise.
— I just wanted to tell you something ,he continued.
His tone was more serious now. My heart started to beat a little faster.
— What? I asked softly.
He hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. Then, he looked at me.
— You’re important to me, Y/N. I don’t want you to ever doubt that.
I stayed silent, letting his words sink in.
— Even with the distance, even with everything that’s changed… you’ve always mattered.
A shiver ran through me.
Our eyes met one last time, and for a moment, the noise of the party faded into the background. It was just him and me, standing there, the air between us charged with something unspoken.
I stepped closer, my heart pounding in my chest. He didn’t pull away. Instead, his gaze softened, and I saw a flicker of something—nervousness, maybe, or hope.
Then, before I could overthink it, I closed the distance between us.
Our lips met in a kiss that was soft and tentative. It wasn’t rushed or dramatic, just a quiet moment that felt like it had been a long time coming. His hand brushed against mine, and I felt a warmth spread through me, steady and comforting.
When we pulled away, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and he gave me a small, shy smile.
— I’ve wanted to do that for a while, he admitted, his voice low.
I smiled back, my own cheeks heating up.
— Me too.
For a moment, we just stood there, the weight of everything we hadn’t said hanging between us. But before either of us could speak, a voice interrupted.
— Y/N! Time to cut the cake!
I turned to see Sarah waving at me from across the room. I glanced back at Kylian.
— Go ahead, he said.
I hesitated, not wanting the moment to end, but he gave me a reassuring smile.
— I’m not going anywhere yet.
I nodded, feeling a little lighter as I walked back to the party.
I turned to see her waving me over to the table where my birthday cake stood, decorated with candles. I walked over, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as everyone gathered around.
— Make a wish! someone called out.
I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of the moment sink in. When I opened them, Kylian was standing nearby, watching me with a small smile.
— Make it a good one, he said softly.
I smiled back, then leaned in and blew out the candles. The room erupted in cheers and applause, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
— Happy birthday! everyone shouted.
As the cake was cut and passed around, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. This was exactly what I loved—a night surrounded by the people I cared about.
As the evening went on, I found myself stealing glances at Kylian. He was talking to my mom now, laughing at something she said. It was strange, seeing him here, in my world, after so much time apart. But it felt right, like a piece of the puzzle clicking into place.
Later, as the party started to wind down, he found me again.
— I should probably head out, he said, his tone apologetic. My dad’s here. He came to pick me up a few minutes ago.
I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment.
— Thanks for coming, I said softly.
— I wouldn’t have missed it, he replied.
He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and squeezed my hand.
— I’ll text you, okay?
— Okay.
One last smile, and then he was gone, disappearing into the night.
I stood there for a moment, the warmth of his hand still lingering in mine. The party continued around me, but my mind was elsewhere, replaying the moments we’d shared.
As I turned back to my friends, I couldn’t help but smile. The night hadn’t gone exactly as I’d expected, but it had been perfect in its own way.
And for the first time in a long time, I felt like everything was going to be okay.
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thebayclans · 2 years ago
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A map of the clans’s territories marking significant locations.
Location descriptions under cut:
1. The Moon Glacier
Said to be a piece of the moon itself, fallen from the sky onto the earth below. This massive chunk of ice slowly creeps across the ground, carved deep with crevices that glow blue from within. Traveling across this glacier will lead a cat to the Great Ice Sea, a stretch of cold, barren waste that no one but a god could survive on alone.
2. Iceclan’s Camp
If one scales the mountain that lies south of the glacier’s maw, they will find the narrow entrance to a cave between where ice and stone meet. Within this small cave lies the denizens of Iceclan, who all bed down together in the middle of the cavern.
3. The Moonlight Cavern
Deep in the cave where Iceclan makes their camp lies the entrance to a tunnel that extends into the mountain. This tunnel serves as the resting place for Iceclan’s dead, but also leads across the width of the mountain to where the glacier runs against the other side. A traveling cat is greeted with a wall of ice that stretches the far side of the cavern, and the sound of dripping water and the creaking groan of the glacier echoes off the walls. Light filters through the ice, flooding the cave with a haunting blue light. But in this stunning cavern, the first thing that will catch a cat’s eye is a dark shape suspended in the ice. Backed by a blue glow, the clear silhouette of an ancient cat skeleton sits frozen in the middle of the wall. A fallen god, preserved forever in moonlight, a link between cosmic beings and the cats of the mortal world.
4. The River
Fed by the meltwaters of the glacier, the River runs southeast through the mountains for several miles before joining the Bay. The land around it is flat, bordered by broad stretches of gravelly terrain.
5. Brookclan’s Camp
At the base of the north mountain, alongside a chilly stream fed by runoff and snowmelt, lies the Brookclan camp. To the camp’s north, a small waterfall leaps off the mountainface, continuing down south where it eventually meets the river. The ground here is slightly sloped, and clusters of bushes line the stream, in which the cats make their dens.
6. Gathering Rock
Resting just next to the river, surrounded by a wide swath of flat, pebbled ground, a huge flat stone rests alone in the valley. The cats of the clans gather here every full moon, spending the entire day feasting, playing games, and catching up with loved ones from across the clans. The clans’ leaders also use this time to coordinate with each other, gathering close to discuss strategic, survival, and spiritual matters.
7. The Bay
Stretching wide and blue toward the distant horizon, ringed by jagged mountains, the Bay lies at the heart of the surrounding region. Its shores are lined with a diverse array of fauna and flora, and its waters teem equally with nutrients and hazards.
8. Oceanclan’s Camp
Just inland of the Bay’s shore, through a tidal marsh into the hemlock woods, one can find the Oceanclan camp. The camp is pressed against the stony clifface and surrounded by dense, old-growth forest. In the middle of the clearing, a shallow freshwater pool is fed by a small waterfall, providing fresh water to Oceanclan’s denizens.
9. Stoneclan Camp South
Where a small stream runs between the south mountain and the edge of the town, the cat’s of Stoneclan have established their southern camp. The camp is often bustling with activity from passing couriers, hunting parties traveling from the North camp, and cats slipping into town to scavenge human goods.
10. The Town
Nestled between the surrounding mountain ranges, spreading out from the coast into the valley, one can find the hub of local human activity. Here lies much danger, in the form of humans, with their prying eyes, their grasping paws, their chemicals and roaring deadly machines. But where there is danger there is also resource: fish from the harbor, stolen human trinkets, information and news from local housecats. Here is where the domestic cats of the clans can return to their roots, a refuge from nature’s ruthless grasp.
11. Stoneclan Camp North
Stoneclan’s North camp sits within a small grassy meadow, settled beside a wide stream, only a stones throw away from the humans’ railroad tracks. The cats here make dens using scraps of human metal and other industrial waste, and will sometimes make fires for warmth, the smoke plumes hidden under the cover of night.
12. Bear Lake
If one goes inland, a few miles northeast of the clans’ territories, a cat may spot a break in the dense forest. There, one can step onto the shore of Bear Lake, gazing across the impressive expanse of water. The lake and the surrounding woods provide an abundance of herbs and wildlife (both passive and hostile). Due to its distance from the clans’ center, the lake is not frequented often, but serves as a location for summer fishing trips by cats from Brookclan and Stoneclan.
13. Captain’s Shack
Deep within the woods a few miles south of Bear Lake, a small, dilapidated cabin sits alone in a clearing. A narrow stream runs beside it, and a tiny, well-kept garden lies between. This is the home of Captain, an old cat who has lived here for decades. She enjoys crafting and collecting, and will often trade her wares with Clan cats in exchange for food or assistance with her garden. She’s also known to brew a special drink out of valerian and silver vine that often leaves cats with a pleasant buzz.
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newvegascowboy · 2 years ago
Proposal based on your food post and some things in Fallout.
Homemade sodas and sweet drinks are incredibly common based on home recipes passed down through the generations.
In Fallout new Vegas, and in Fallout 4 you can make drinks such as Nuka-Cola.
Filtering water and making it drinkable will be a big priority wherever you go. But making it palatable will also be a big goal.
Local settlements will probably mix sweeteners like syrup, juices, or even honey to mix it in the water.
Tea will be very popular too with all kinds of local teas made from local plants, sweetened with local sweeteners, and traded or even sold to each other.
Tea has the advantage of being boiled, filtered, and flavored making it a popular drink with massive variants between region to region and even settlement to settlement.
Brahmin milk will have a lot of nutrients and apparently good for treating radiation so odds are its also used as a medicine and a big part of a lot of diets.
Some rare drinks may still be possible but take a lot of work such as coffee, and ice cream.
Coffee needs specific growth and a lot of space to grow. So maybe it'll grow in small quantities.
There's ways to make ice cream without machines but it takes a lot of salt, ice, and milk. So you'd have to be very wealthy or very well located to have it
Shaved ice with simple syrups and fruits may make good treats in areas where there's a lot of ice
I fully agree with all of this! Not including it was probably a bit of an oversight on my part, but this is exactly the kind of extrapolation and worldbuilding I was aiming for.
Soda was invented in the mid 1800s, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility for people to have reinvented soft drinks. Originally, the water was taken from springs that were naturally carbonated and today, we can do it at home with compressed CO2. Even if the drinks aren't carbonated, I totally believe and agree with the idea that they're making sweet drinks.
I was going to mention in the original post and forgot, but lemons? Those things totally still exist. Citrus is too much of a botanical freak not to have survived. It might not be lemons (or limes, or oranges) as we know them, but they are OUT THERE and that means lemonade is real.
Tea is canon within the realm of fallout because you can brew several different varieties in 76. Also, hot drinks are comforting, especially in the winter and I think it's totally reasonable to think that new brews have popped up with the addition Coffee grows in Mexico at a similar latitude to Florida and parts of the southern united states, so I think you could claim that certain strains have been cultivated and grown in those areas, though it might be rare and extremely expensive.
Ice cream's origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been undisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar. Biblical references also show that King Solomon was fond of iced drinks during harvesting. During the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) frequently sent runners into the mountains for snow, which was then flavored with fruits and juices.
Ice cream is one HUNDRED percent a thing in the wasteland. The milk and cream is easy to source from Brahmin milk. Cane sugar can be grown in Florida and Louisiana, so it's not unreasonable to think that that's another rare and expensive import. It would be easier and cheaper to get your sugar from tree sap or malt grain or reduced fruits, but cane sugar is out there. Making ice cream is a pretty popular thing for kids to do -- put some rock salt and ice in a bag with cream, sugar, and vanilla, and shake it until it freezes. On the coast, salt is probably pretty abundant, even if it's time consuming to harvest, but vanilla is probably one spice that nobody has access to in the wasteland.
Ice houses and cold cellars are probably pretty common in the wasteland, so ice could be available all year round. Plus, refrigeration is useful in the process of preserving foods rather than canning or bottling.
I think it's important to keep in mind that people are smart, and just because the bombs dropped, we didn't revert back to the stone age. The knowledge of canning, bottling, making jams and preserves, cold storage, curing meat, making cheese -- all that knowledge is old. Just because modern technology makes it easier doesn't mean people couldn't do it two hundred years ago. If the knowledge is lost, logic and human ingenuity will rediscover it eventually.
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ducks-and-stuff · 1 year ago
How to build a house; a comprehensive guide by Jimmy Solidarity. 
You don’t, first of all. Build one that is. You steal one, and you go to the market for new locks, and you hope and pray that whoever owned this place before you doesn’t come poking around ever again. There’s Ivy on the walls now though, and the roof is partly collapsed over to the left over there, and everything is entirely overgrown so- it’s abandoned, the whole neighborhood looks very abandoned, so they’re probably not. And you’re alone. And it’s fine. 
2. It’s fine. You take a dust coated broom from the closet and run the faucet until the rust colored water turns into something that looks drinkable and eat a couple canned peaches from the cellar. You look around at the barely habitable place around you and you fix it. You’re fixing it. You collect boards and nails for the ceiling, take the debris into the waste disposal at the nearest town, the quaint little one you passed on the way over. Kill a pregnant spider, and manage not to abandon the half baked plan of yours entirely when it’s babies subsequently explode everywhere. You do it, you’re doing it, and this is what success must feel like. You clean the bath, the sink, you hate the mirror but it’s okay because the water systems and most of the electrical sockets work. And then you’re done one day. It’s not exactly homely, but it’s a little livable, and when there is nothing left to clean, or salvage, or keep you occupied anymore there’s a queen sized bed in one of the bedrooms. And it is at that point that you look back on everything that has happened over the past year and who knows how long and realize that yes you are tired, and yes a nap sounds very nice. So you curl up into it, and sleep for a very, very, very long time. 
3. Realize you were wrong. That’s what comes next You wake up, sit in silence for five minutes, and immediately realize that there’s more to do, isn’t there? There’s always more to do. It’s barely livable anyways and cottagecore? The great Jimmy Solidarity is not some fairy tale in the forest he’s- he’s- he’s the guy who plants a garden. Fixes the fence out back. Fill the empty space with work and work and work and it works. Get  a heater, get a water filter, kill some of the cows outside in this lawless land because sheep and chicken and cattle are content to roam the streets apparently and store the meat in an icebox when the fridge randomly stops working. One mini-fridge, two mini-fridges, you are an unstoppable mini-fridge machine Solidarity. Good for you! What’s this? Whatever poor suckers lived here before only owned one of those old boxy tv’s with a twisted antennae? It hasn’t been the  90’s in several decades! Replace it, throw that thing down the cellar stairs and laugh like a maniac when you hear it shatter on the ground. It feels good. It has to feel good. Some weird, beautiful, twisted form of good. Throw more things down the stairs just to to chase that fleeting feeling. The twinkling of bells. Somehow the wall acquires  a fist-shaped hole. Somehow your hand gets bruised. This place has everything but bandages, it doesn’t matter. You have a tub of ice cream next to the meat and Golden Girls plays on loop when you lie down to rot in the living room. Scream into the pillow. 
4. You get a cat. You’re not supposed to get a cat. You know this. Getting attached to anything ever again is unhealthy, more people should learn this from you. The cat, obviously, does not care. It shows up one day, follows you home after you’ve had the bright idea to go farther than the front porch for some fresh air. Adventure and all that. The cat is probably tired of all the condescending cows roaming the landscape and so follows you home, and every time it leaves it inevitably comes back, and now it’s a cat and it’s yours. One that purs when you scratch it. One that curls up next to the heater sometimes early in the morning. Kills a mouse and presents it proudly at the room to your door. It likes golden girls too, because sometimes at night when bed is too far away it curls up next to you on the couch and you breathe in and out into its fur. The cat looks in your direction when you sit and awkwardly talk on the phone. You name it after a serial killer. 
5. You work. You can’t- it was fine when it was just you there because, well, you didn’t matter all that much. Really. Just keep up appearances when going out and all was well. No-one asked questions. But now the damned cat is needy. Giving it some old frozen mini-pancakes was a bad plan actually, because he’s now got a taste for them and won’t leave it alone. Who has disgusting mini-pancakes just lying around anyways? This is England- you- you hope it’s England. Most people here have British accent anyways, but regardless, the cat wants mini-pancakes. You hate the cat for this, but you hate everything else too at this point so it’s fine. The cat- Norman, also has a bad habit of getting into places no matter the amount of sensible barriers are put up between him and the offending object. Walls? Squeeze around them.  Windows? Finds another route. Doors? Nope. Magical teleporting cat winds up in the room anyways, which means now you have to clean the dangerous cellar stairs now too. Amazing. You go down there and get a piece of glass stuck in your foot in the process before the bright idea of wearing shoes presents itself. Cats eat meat and cat food, and milk isn’t healthy for them. Norman feeds himself a lot. It doesn’t matter. You used to head into town maybe once every two weeks. Now you do it more. There’s no set reason behind why but you’re blaming the cat anyways. So you get out more, and you have a cat and the cat jumps up onto the off-kilter dining room table to eat some of your meals. There is still no guide out on what to feel about all this. Someone who isn’t you should write a book.  6. You suck it up and hang their pictures on the wall. You don’t have many, but you have some in the backpack downstairs, and that first day of college with Grian and Martyn by your side looks down at you when you place it up in the entrance to the hallway. Grian is smiling cheekily, you are smiling with way too much enthusiasm, you pretend Martyn isn’t there. There are other photos too, all in that same hallway. Your arm around Big B. The property police station. The first day of Evo. A rare moment of you and Pearl wearing smiles that aren’t somewhat strained. So you hang them up, and you get them nice little frames because the photos themselves are crumpled and a little yellowed around the edges. At some point you point to them and say to Norman that these are his uncles and aunts and then pause before you explain why he’s never going to meet them. He steals some of your fish again. Nobody seems to care.
7. You cry a lot
8. You drink tea. You make a good attempt at baking Norman a birthday cake. The sun rises and you rise with it. You decorate a little bit with some stuff you’ve gathered from town and people who’s love language is gift giving. You breathe in. You breathe out. You tell yourself it’s going to be okay, really, and if it isn’t then at least you are trying your best. You stuff the note in the bedroom drawer, and hope that one day you will forget the words etched into the paper. You won’t, you know you won’t, but maybe pretending it will is just what progress looks like. 
9. Joel comes over. He- he wants to see where you live. You told him a little about it, and now he wants to see it, because you might have been a little too honest and Joel gets too worried for his own good. Wild animals roaming in the street and all that. Not up to standard. You are Jimmy Solidarity, throw out the old standard and make a new one. Joel doesn’t acknowledge that joke, but he does stare wide eyed at the neighborhood you call home when you finally finish the bike up, and sends you a slightly panicked look you pretend not to see. It’s manageable. The stovetop works. It’s fine. Joel keeps his mouth shut politely all the way up until you enter that hallway, at which point he asks why the walls are so bare. But it’s for the best that you took those pictures down today, really, because had then he might have asked about the people in them, and you would have just gaped like a fish. So you shrug. And his face is scrunched up into the patented Joel ‘I’m very concerned’. stare. It fades when he sees the cat though. He’s more of a dog person himself but everyone’s a Norman person so it doesn’t really matter. You sit down, he pets the cat, you serve some tea with lemon, he wins at Monopoly. Then when it gets too late he tells you he’ll see you for the build battle on Monday, and hugs you goodbye. You tell him not to get eaten by the dangerous wild cows on the way down. You both smile. 
10. Home doesn’t sound right. Is it supposed to? Probably. If you live there and all. If you’ve got a cat roommate and photos on the walls more often than not. If you’ve got a bunch of mini-fridges and fairy lights strung up in the bedroom and a little mosaic made up of shattered glass that shimmers when the sun hits it just right. So it’s home. It must be. But still… When Fwhip invites you to join empires you lock the door and pack your bags, and it is much easier than one might have initially considered to leave. 
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
FROM: [REDACTED][email protected]
cc: Foolish
Attachments: 2 files ] Much warm welcome back, Mr. President! Not to worry, ol' Mr. Slimecicle's been a boon for us! All smooth sailin' with his big lovin' and carin' heart. Happy you're good with the stuff for ya, it's the best we boys on the ground can do. Gotta look out for each other, aye? Hope you had a fine New Years! Sent the boys on Needle roof maintenance so they can have a proper gazin' at the fireworks. Love ya, pyrotechnics team! One hell of a year-ending! Now, siree, 'thout much ado:
Few folks tried to start some... stuff? I s'pose. Cleaned up a buncha burnt trash and picket signs off the streets. Minor vandalism, all that, regular ol' Tuesday.
Poolhouse! Whew, this was one helluva motherload. We planned to just do a lil' lookover, a checkout, an eyein' and whatnot. But I had another look down, and it was pretty damn well beat-up! What with the temp jumpin' around all the time, the sand, the other stuff. So we just took it down, closed it up for a whole night to give it a whole lotta love with elbow grease.
Right up on the menu was regular pool maintenance down to the machines, along with checkin' out some rusty buildin' parts and swappin' those out. Few grilles had to get swapped, along with some lights and filters and pipes. Rusty taps at the washers, some out-of-order stalls checked out (it was one helluva sight, I'll tell ya! The things proper drunkards an' druggies do...). Need a bit more time for more comprehensive ceiling wirin' checkin-outin', so I'll let ya know how it goes when the next week rolls up!
Skimmer basket cleaned, pool vac'd 'n brushed, water proper tested and chemicals topped up. Good as new! Only took the boys a few hours. Found some jewelry that might've fallen down the drain, put 'em up in Lost and Found.
Pumps and boilers given a look-over, since a few pipes burst durin' the winter we're worried it'd hit the pumps too. Looked good! Just needed to keep up the routine of keepin' the temps and circulation right come another winter so we don't get a big ice block right up at the poolhouse! Could do with an upgrade for the main water pumps, and some cleanin' tools replaced, but it's nothin' super urgent.
Attached a req for some outside panels for the Needle, some loose and awful-lookin' bits we might as well swap out while we're up there.
Passin' up some copies and a recap of leave requests of some of our boys had last week. Few folks went down 'ta check on Hoax and a few other employees that's lookin' not-so-swell and well-weary come the New Years, seems like.
Hope you're havin' a good one, Mr. President! That was plenty 'ta chew through. Here's to a rockin' sockin' 2025!
Best regards,
[REDACTED], Maintenance Supervisor
TO: [REDACTED][email protected] CC: foolish FROM: [email protected] SUBJECT: re: MAINTENANCE REPORT.
jesus fuck. that's one hell of an update— you guys took your new years break and came back with more energy than ever. awaiting your spiel on the ceiling situation when you swing by next week, as well as any newfound problems that occur.
it's been a little too often the needle requires a pane-fixing, would it be beneficial to have foolish establish a thorough sizing / whatever the hell to make them more sturdy? i can't have it looking half abandoned.
we'll have those requests filed through; but i'd appreciate further investigation on your end.
lastly, if anyone comes by the lost and found asking about a bracelet, it'll return home safe thanks to your attention to detail. :] much support to you and the crew.
hope there's less trouble next week, huh?
president quackity from las nevadas.
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insideliascrazyhead · 1 year ago
Suzuran Headcanons
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-goth princess of the group
-clumsy as fuck
-horror movie enthusiast
-full of secrets
-roasts the shit out of you in a heartbeat
-knows all the tea
-petty and will never forget when someone wronged him
-self care nights,most loyal customer at Lush
-also loves to drink tea but because he´s a gremlin he calls it leaf water
-dramatic as fuck
-on the outside cool as a cucumber and on the inside a squirrel in traffic
-knows a ton of morbid facts
-has a little garden of poisonous plants but also his bed is full of stuffed animals
-dark humor
-local cinnamon roll
-coffein and sugar junkie
-loves everything that glitters,explodes or burns
-wears black nail polish
-in his pop punk phase,would totally live in a Hot Topic if he could
-Machine Gun Kelly fan
-clingy and loves cuddles
-adrenalin junkie
-befriends every friend shaped creature even a raccoon or a rat
-drama queen
-loves Tinkerbell cause as Binzo belives he too,will die without attention
-knows how to entertain himself,mostly cause he grew up as only child
-favorite disney movie is Nemo
-not allowed to accept dares,no regard for personal safety
-loves cartoons
-lowkey scared off kids and calls them creatures
-not the brightest crayon in the box,total dumbass
-wears fancy parfum
-he´s the definition of affection ew gross do it again
-Binzo uses him regulary as pillow
-his love language is violence
-speaks before he thinks and always says whatever he thinks with no filter whatsoever
-can dance
-hates insects or similar creatures,anything that crawls including toddlers weird him out
-not a morning person,loves black coffee
-kinda crushes on Raoh
-hair always neat,no one saw him with open hair and it´s Kamui´s mission to catch him with open hair at least once
-hates kids cause they´re „gross and annoying“
-gives cigarette mom vibes
-fashion lover,loves thrift shopping
-has spill the tea sessions with his mother
-regularily hangs out with Odajima
-lives from take out and especially Starbucks
-probably takes a switchblade everywhere
-total nightowl
-always has candy on hand
-speaks in fluent sarcasm and irony
-wears sunglasses so people don´t see how often this man rolls his eyes at their behavior
-highly intelligent and easily learns new languages
-great himbo energy
-eats like a tank he and Yamato could eat up the whole ass city if necessary
-makes great choclate chip cookies
-token straight of the group thats on thin ice
-Taylor Swift fan
-has two little sisters and plays princess dress up on a regular base.Kamui has a photo of it
-enjoys romance but bites his own togue off before admitting it
-anger issues
-get´s confused easily
-snores like a chainsaw
-also total himbo
-makes orphan jokes,dark humor is his copy mechanism
-mother hens like crazy
-calls people idiot affectionatly
-hates math
-chronically late
-heart of gold
-loves to read thrillers and crime books
-reads to the kids at the orphanedge
-huge sweetheart
-sings in the shower
-introverted extrovert
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eatember · 1 year ago
An electrolyte drink I don't hate: a recipe
Tastes a little like horchata, a little like mild instant chai
Made with coconut water, can be dairy free
Makes 2 cups, or one small vita coco carton
coconut water, cinnamon stick, cardamom (whole or powdered), your choice of coconut cream, heavy cream or half-and-half.
I don't recommend adding powdered cinnamon. It's hydrophobic, and can make a slime if you boil it.
Other milks and cream substitutes may work, you could also try melting dairy free ice creams or using df coffee creamers.
You will need a coffee machine with a filter, or a pour-over coffee maker, or a funnel that can fit a coffee filter. If you use whole cardamom, you can disregard this and remove the spices in whatever way is convenient.
Find a small saucepan, and break a cinnamon stick into it. Pour enough coconut water over the top to just cover the cinnamon. Add as much cardamom as you like. (Other spices like star anise or ginger can be added too) Bring it to a boil, and after it boils for a minute, turn off the heat. Wait for the mixture to calm until it's still, and then bring it to a boil a second time. Repeat, so it has boiled and calmed 3 times. Swish the liquid around in the pot between boils, when it is still.
If you like a stronger cinnamon flavor, you might try keeping the mixture warm but just under a simmer, and letting it steep for longer. Maybe 20-30 minutes? I have not tried this yet, and may be misremembering the method. If you have experience with cinnamon, chime in! :)
After it has calmed for the third time, transfer it into a coffee filter lined ....thing that will let it drip-filter. I've used a funnel and my coffee maker turned off, I just line the coffee basket and pour the mixture directly into the lined basket so it drips into the pot.
If the mixture is still hot, place it in the fridge or freezer to cool. Or you can add ice. Then slowly pour the coconut water over the mixture, and top with cream. Stir to combine.
I'd like to make a larger batch of the spice mixture eventually, but I don't want to over-use the cinnamon. I know there's a way to get a stronger flavor out of the one stick, but I forget if it has to do with steeping time, heat, or both. If I figure it out, I'll update this post.
You can add salt, but I like coconut water for the potassium content. (979mg per small vita coco carton) It's got a small amount of magnesium as well.
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fuckkbrunch · 8 months ago
Another cold one for a heatwave week. I was pointedly less excited for this one.
My new phone seems to be taking these title text photos like shit. Need to look into that...
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Now, I'm used to gazpatcho with tomatoes. Or cucumbers. Not bread and almonds.
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This should be illegal. Feels bad, man. After this photo, I realized I was supposed to remove the crusts before I soaked it, so I had to pour water over two different bowls of bread. Gross.
I bought fancy garlic from the farmers market for this one, since Tony emphasized that the garlic should be fresh. The cloves were huge, that part in the photo was just half of one.
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Squeezing the water out of the bread is incredibly unenjoyable. Toss the squeezed bread in with garlic and ground almonds and blitz with fresh cold water.
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Once it's pasty, pour in the oil with the machine running to emulsify. Season with kosher salt and toss it in the fridge for at least an hour.
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The only required garnish was the croutons, but Tony offers a bunch of optional ones. Thinly sliced green grapes, lightly toasted almonds and fried capers. I figured since this was a pretty simple recipe on its own, that I'd do all of them.
I did them rapid fire style. First I toasted some sliced almonds in my dry cast iron. Then I added canola oil to fry the capers in. While the oil was still hot I fried the croutons. It gave the croutons a little hint of capers, which was nice. While all of that was happening, I thinly sliced some green grapes. This was the weirdest garnish.
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So, fried capers look like dead flies. This must be an old-man-from-the-80's thing again.
I chilled my bowls before serving, topped with everything plus a drizzle of olive oil. And you know what? It wasn't bad. It really wasn't. The garlic and the cold grapes went oddly well together, and all the different textures of the capers, croutons, and almonds was very nice.
This definitely wouldn't be as good with any of the garnishes missing. They should all be required.
| White Gazpatcho |
Taste is a 3.5 out of 5. A bit on the salty side - even though I was conservative with the salt according to the recipe - but surprisingly tasty.
Difficulty is a 3 out of 5. I'm including all the garnishes.
Time was about an hour, plus the hour wait for it to chill.
Tony says this should be made with fancy bottled water, or at least filtered tap water. I took a risk and used straight from the tap British Columbia tap water with some ice from my ice machine, and it came out pretty good, so don't go crazy.
The only way I can accurately describe the flavour is that it tastes as if garlic bread was a cold soup, in a good way. I realize it sounds fucking gross saying it that way, but seriously. Pretty tasty for what I thought was going to be a big cold flop.
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exitrowiron · 2 years ago
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Chores for parents and in-laws
Now that I’m retired Beth and I are making an effort to see our parents more often. When visiting, I get work on to-do lists. These are usually fairly easy assignments that help them out and which I enjoy.
At my Mom’s house I replaced an old TV and installed a sound bar, replaced the refrigerator water filter and maintenanced the ice machine, filled the water softener, fixed the label maker and did a few computer things. At my in-laws I also did a minor computer task, replaced a discolored door lever and deadbolt, cut the grass and removed the flow restrictor from a shower head.
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gothicprep · 10 months ago
the fridge at my internship has an ice machine and water filter. I thought, “oh, this is nice” so I go to get a glass. the ice machine is clearly stuck, so I ask someone about this. is it broken?
he says to me that this happens sometimes. says that you need to agitate the ice with your hand sometimes and displays how.
I said “alright” after. sanitary concerns about other people’s hands on the ice in my drinking water aside, not to be crass, he was pretty much fingering the fridge. if this is some sort of advance on me, I don’t think anything has ever failed so spectacularly.
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punkrockisafulltimejob · 2 years ago
My husband is laying behind me in bed, reading aloud to me technology horror stories. Like subscription based printers, fridges that require you to buy and use their specific brand of filters or they will just stop letting you use the water and ice machine built in, things like that. And honest to god, I love horror movies, but this shit is fucking 10 times scarier than any horror movie I've ever watched
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