#Ibn Sina Hospital
eretzyisrael · 8 months
Israeli counterterrorism forces foiled an October 7-inspired terror attack overnight on Tuesday, targeting a cell hiding and planning the attack from the Ibn Sina hospital in Jenin, the West Bank.
According to a joint statement by the IDF, Israel Police's YAMAM counterterrorism forces, and the Shin Bet, Hamas terrorist Mohammad Jalamna was killed during the operation, along with two fellow terrorists who hid alongside him at the hospital.
27-year-old Jalamna, a resident of the Jenin refugee camp, held direct communications with Hamas leadership abroad. According to the statement, he was responsible for transferring weaponry and ammunition to Hamas terrorists across the West Bank for shooting attacks targeting Israelis.
The Israeli commando forces entered the hospital dressed as doctors and nurses, as seen in CCTV footage shared on social media.
'Planned to carry out October 7-inspired attack'
Furthermore, Jalamna used the Jenin hospital as a secret base of operations as he was planning an infiltration attack akin to and inspired by the October 7 massacre, it added.
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Along with Jalamneh, Mohammed and Basel Ghazawi, brothers and Palestinian terrorists, were also killed by Israeli forces. Mohammed was a terrorist operative of the Jenin battalions who was involved in numerous attacks including firing at IDF soldiers in the area in recent weeks, the IDF said.
Basel was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative involved in terror activities in the area.
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Hamas's use of hospitals as bases of terror
The security forces stated that for a long time, a large number of wanted persons had been hiding in hospitals and were using them as a base for planning terror attacks and carrying them out, and that they believed that the hospitals would serve as protection against Israeli security forces.
The statement said that the operation was made possible due to accurate intelligence received before the operation, and an operation of this nature was unprecedented.
One senior official stated, "There are no cities of refuge in the West Bank and there will not be - every terrorist should know this. The hand of the IDF and the security establishment will reach everyone."
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vyorei · 10 months
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Raids in Jenin continue, 2 hospitals are being blocked, and 50 armoured vehicles with 4 bulldozers raided other neighbourhoods adjacent to Jenin refugee camp
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mariluphoto · 10 months
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(via. savesheikhjarrahnow)
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emrzennn · 8 months
Israeli agents disguised as doctors and patients kill 3 at West Bank hospital
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channeledhistory · 8 months
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palestinegenocide · 8 months
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Executed in their sleep: How Israeli forces assassinated three Palestinians in a raid on a West Bank hospital
Israeli forces disguised as hospital workers and civilians entered Jenin’s Ibn Sina Hospital and assassinated three Palestinians as they slept. The brazen killing marks an unprecedented escalation in Israel’s war on Palestinians in the West Bank.
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findoutadoctor · 8 months
Ibn Sina Hospital Dhanmondi
The medical staff at Ibn Sina Hospital Dhanmondi comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals, including doctors, nurses, and support staff. These individuals work together to create a patient-centric environment, where compassionate care meets medical expertise. The hospitals commitment to continuous training and development ensures that its healthcare professionals stay abreast of the latest medical advancements.
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ghaniatreides · 8 months
Israeli Occupation Force sent an undercover team (dressed in women, doctors and civilian clothing) to storm the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin (West Bank) and carry out the assassination of three Palestinian’s.
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cairamelcoffee · 10 months
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Israeli occupation forces invade & expel medical workers from Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin.
This is in the West Bank - not Hamas controlled- where 4 out 6 Jenin hospitals have been put out of order, while Israel invades the city.
Invading Shifa was never to do with a Hamas base.
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zvaigzdelasas · 23 days
[BBC is UK State Media]
At least nine Palestinians have been killed in a major operation by Israeli forces in the north of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry says.
Israeli security forces said they had begun "a counterterrorism operation” in Jenin and Tulkarm overnight [...]
It also said another four were killed in an air strike during a simultaneous operation in al-Faraa refuee camp near Tubas.
Local journalists said they had not seen anything of this scope and scale in the West Bank since the days of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, two decades ago.[...]
Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed [in the West Bank since 7 October] as Israeli forces have intensified their raids, saying they are trying to stem deadly Palestinian attacks on Israelis in the West Bank and Israel.[...]
Israeli media reported that hundreds of Israeli forces were active in four different cities at least in the north of the West Bank – Jenin, Tulkarm, Tubas and Nablus.
The Palestinian health ministry in the West Bank said on Wednesday morning the bodies of seven people had been brought to Tubas governmental hospital and that two others had arrived at Jenin governmental hospital. The Palestinian Red Crescent also reported that at least nine people had been killed across the West Bank[...] It said they included three who were killed in a drone strike in Misilya, a village near Jenin, and four others who were killed in a drone strike in al-Faraa refugee camp, near Tubas.
However, the true figure could be higher, with the governor of Jenin earlier saying that at least 11 people had been killed.
In Jenin - a regular flashpoint - troops blocked all but one of the entrances to the city and set up checkpoints.
The health ministry said Israeli forces had also surrounded Jenin government hospital and the nearby Ibn Sina hospital, as well as the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent and the Friends of the Patients society.
It warned that they were threatening to storm the hospitals and that doing so would threaten the lives of dozens of patients inside as well as medical staff.
"At this moment, there are patients that are leaving the hospital but after the IDF check their IDs," a local journalist inside the government hospital told the BBC. "It's a scary situation."
The health ministry also accused them of obstructing the work of ambulances, which it said was a violation of international law. The troops have also been searching Jenin refugee camp[...]
A resident of the camp told the BBC that he could hear explosions nearby and the buzzing of drones overhead, but that there was currently no sign of armed fighters taking on Israeli forces.
He said Israeli armoured bulldozers had destroyed the main street through the camp and piled rubble at the entrance to block access.[...]
Hamas later put out a statement mourning six men who it said were fighters killed by Israeli forces in Jenin on Wednesday.[...]
A woman in Tubas told the BBC that Israeli forces were “bringing more and more military vehicles and bulldozers” into al-Faraa refugee camp.[...]
IDF spokesman Lt Col Nadav Shoshani [...] declined to say how long the operation would last or how many troops were involved.[...]
Mr Katz said the threat must be addressed with the same determination of the threat from Gaza. including “temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents” - something we have not heard in an official capacity before.
A spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that the escalating Israeli raids in the West Bank, alongside the Gaza war, would “lead to dire and dangerous results for which everyone will pay the price”.
Nabil Abu Rudeineh called for urgent international action to “curb this extremist [Israeli] government that poses a threat to the stability of the region and the entire world”.
Hamas - which is a bitter rival of Mr Abbas’s Fatah movement - condemned the Israeli operation, calling it part of the “brutal genocidal war in Gaza”.
A spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office also said such an operation "risks seriously deepening the already catastrophic situation", and that the use of air strikes and other military weapons and tactics by Israeli security forces "violates human rights norms and standards applicable to law enforcement operations".
The UN said 622 Palestinians - members of armed groups, attackers and civilians - had been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between 7 October and Monday. At least 602 were killed by Israeli forces, including 126 in air strikes, and 11 by Israeli settlers, it added.
Fifteen Israelis, including nine members of Israeli forces and five settlers, were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank during the same period, while 10 Israelis were killed in Israel in attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank.
Israel has built about 160 settlements housing some 700,000 Jews since it occupied the West Bank in the 1967 Middle East war. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.
28 Aug 24
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satellitebroadcast · 22 days
Palestinian Territory – Israel’s massive military operation in the northern occupied West Bank is a part of the widespread and dangerous aggression that it has been waging against the Palestinian people for decades. The current Israeli violence in the West Bank also includes the violence of armed settler groups and an expansion of the ongoing genocide that has occurring in the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023. In the last few months, the West Bank-based Euro-Med Monitor field team has observed an increase in both the number and severity of the Israeli army’s killings and crimes of storming and destruction against Palestinians there. Members of the field team also note that Israel is allowing and supporting its settlers’ attacks and violent crimes against Palestinians in different parts of the West Bank, including crimes of murder, threats, and destruction of private and immovable property, as well as the destruction and theft of agricultural crops. With the Israeli army’s recent announcement of the start of a massive military operation known as “Summer Camps” that targets the northern West Bank, the attacks have taken on an increasingly severe form. To date, the Israeli army has killed nine Palestinians and injured at least eighteen more during the “Summer Camps” operation, according to an initial toll. The operations have been concentrated in Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarem.
At midnight on Tuesday and early on Wednesday, Israeli forces began storming the cities and camps of Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarem from several axes, imposing a tight siege on them. The forces were supported by a large number of vehicles and bulldozers, and were also under the cover of Israeli helicopters and drones. Large numbers of Israeli occupation army forces stormed Jenin, breaking through Al-Jalameh military checkpoint. They surrounded the Jenin Government Hospital and the Ibn Sina Hospital, causing violent clashes that resulted in the deaths of two young men, Qassam Muhammad Jabarin (25 years old) and Asim Walid Dabaya (39 years old), as well as numerous injuries. Three additional young men were killed when an Israeli drone bombed a car between the villages of Seir and Masiliya, south of Jenin. This attack is part of Israel’s return, since last October, to using warplanes, helicopters, and drones of all kinds to launch air raids on Palestinian homes, cars, and gatherings in the West Bank. No less than 47 raids have been carried out by Israel since October 2023, resulting in numerous Palestinian deaths and injuries. In Tubas, the Euro-Med Monitor team documented an Israeli drone attack on a gathering of people in the Fara’a camp, south of the city. Israeli forces established a strict siege on the Fara'a camp and stopped ambulance services from accessing the targeted area. The Israeli attack resulted in the killing of four young Palestinians, including two children: Murad (13 years old; last name unknown), Muhammad Masoud Ja’aysah (17 years old), Ibrahim Abdul Qader Ghanimi (22 years old), and Ahmed Saleh Nabrisi (23 years old). Immediately after entering the West Bank, the Israeli army began besieging hospitals, ambulances, and emergency centres, replicating its horrifying and systematic policy of breaching and taking control of health institutions that it has employed in the Gaza Strip. Director of Jenin Government Hospital Dr Wissam Bakr stated that he received a notification from the Palestinian Liaison Office about the Israeli army’s intention to storm the hospital, which is now under siege. Under heavy drone attacks, Israeli army forces stormed Tulkarem from its western axis, broke into in its neighbourhoods, and stationed infantry and sniper teams in the farms and forests that surround the camp. In the Nour Shams camp, an Israeli drone bombed Al-Manshiya neighbourhood, injuring several Palestinians. Along with besieging Al-Israa Specialised Hospital in the western neighbourhood and the Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital, Israeli forces also stopped ambulances and seized one of them right in front of the Governmental Hospital before searching it.
In all areas it invaded, the Israeli army forces destroyed property, infrastructure, and streets. Simultaneously, with the storming of these areas, raid and arrest campaigns were carried out in most cities in the West Bank amidst gunfire that resulted in the injury of many Palestinians. Since last October, 660 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed as a result of the Israeli military’s systematic, large-scale, premeditated killings. Israel is planning to carry out the crime of forced displacement in the West Bank, as it has against thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. This is particularly evident in the public statements and incitements made by ministers within the Israeli government, such as Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who stated that Israel must treat the West Bank “just as we deal with the infrastructure in Gaza, including temporary evacuation of residents and any steps that may be required”. According to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, “an organised evacuation of the Palestinian civilian population will be carried out according to the…combat centres” during the ongoing military operation. This is a clear indication of Israel’s intention to commit genocide against Palestinians in the West Bank, just as it has done against those in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,416 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,200 Palestinians, including 1,400 children, which is more than double compared to the same period of time before 7 October 2023, which saw 1,299 Palestinians displaced, including 606 children. The demolitions after last October include over 500 inhabited structures, 100 uninhabited residential structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water and sanitation (WASH) structures, 200 livelihood structures, and about 100 infrastructure and other structures. Some 28 incidents of demolition and destruction of infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarem and Jenin, constitute the majority of the targeted structures. In its advisory opinion on 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel’s planning policy regarding Palestinian construction, particularly its practice of demolishing Palestinian property and homes differently than settlers’ property and homes and without justification, constitutes prohibited discrimination and violates Article 2, paragraph 1, and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Article 2, paragraph 2 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; and Article 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. As a result, it represents one of Israel’s aspects of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.
Without the cover and cooperation of the United States and some European countries, and amid near silence from the international community, Israel’s crime of genocide could not have occurred and escalated in the Gaza Strip and now be extended to the West Bank. The majority of the world’s nations must accept their responsibilities and take concrete action to protect Palestinian civilians, halt the mass killings, and stop the genocide from being completed. As part of their international obligations, all nations must impose strong sanctions on Israel and halt all forms of military, political, and financial assistance. This includes immediately cutting off all arms transfers to Israel, including export permits and military aid; otherwise, these nations will be complicit in and partners in the Israeli crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, including the crime of genocide. Since the crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip are international crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, it is imperative that the Court move forward with its investigation into all crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, plus broaden its investigation into individual criminal responsibility for these crimes, in order to hold all perpetrators accountable, and issue arrest warrants against them. Along with putting an immediate stop to Israel’s illegal occupation and settler-colonisation of Palestinian land, including the Gaza Strip, the international community must also work to remove the apartheid regime that is currently imposed on all Palestinians; lift the illegal blockade that has been placed on the Gaza Strip and its inhabitants for 17 years now; and take decisive action to support the path of Palestinian liberation and Palestinians’ right to self-determination.
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
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A journalist in reports on Israeli field executions by Israeli forces in northern Gaza, hidden beneath a pile of rubble. Latest Updates:
• Israeli troops have stormed Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis and are demanding doctors, displaced Palestinians evacuate, Palestine Red Crescent says.
• Hamas’s political chief reviews new truce proposal saying “priority is to stop the brutal aggression against Gaza and complete withdrawal of occupation forces”.
• Israeli commandos disguised as medical staff and civilians gun down three men in Jenin’s Ibn Sina Hospital in the occupied West Bank, alleging they planned to carry out “terrorist” attacks.
• A large number of Palestinian civilians have been killed in Israeli attacks on residential homes in the Sabra and Tuffah neighbourhoods of Gaza City, Wafa news agency reports.
• At least 26,751 people have been killed and 65,636 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.
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eyeonpalestine · 8 months
Footage documenting the Israeli death-squad disguised as Palestinian civilians and medical personnel, which murdered three Palestinians inside Ibn Sina Hospital this morning in Jenin, north of the occupied West Bank.
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bisan-is-trying · 8 months
I feel like the moment the cowardly israeli forces bombed the first hospital in gaza and received not even a slap on the wrist for it, is the moment they realised that they can do literally anything and it wouldn’t matter to the world. Their brutality didn’t stop nor slow down.
Here is the scene from Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin this morning after an IOF special force assassinated three Palestinians, one who was already injured and recovering in it.
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The brutality and savagery of the colonisation will stop at nothing. I have no idea how the world can still be so blind. I don't understand how the Palestinians are still blamed for their suffering, we didn’t fucking ask for this.
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ymustutortureme · 7 months
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Israeli forces stormed the Ibn Sina hospital in Jenin dressed as doctors and women in civilian clothing, killed 3 Palestinians, one of which was a paralysed child, who used this bed.
Everyone cries about Hamas dressing up as civilians, so why are those same people silent when the IDF does the same?
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ahaura · 10 months
(Nov. 28)
@QudsNen BREAKING: As part of the ongoing raid in Jenin, the occupying Israeli army is blocking the entrances to the city's three main hospitals: Jenin Public Hospital, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina hospitals. At least one wounded individual has reportedly been arrested as soon as the ambulance transporting him arrived in the entrance to the Jenin Public Hospital, according to witnesses. #WestBank #Israel
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