sinimake · 9 months
Some Kenshi specific headcanons!
His parents died when he was a teenager, leaving him and his younger sister. That's when Kenshi really got into the yakuza business because there were no adult to shield him from criminal life, and he had to earn money to keep them afloat.
He's indifferent to cold weather but absolutely hates humid heat. Summers in Japan are his nightmare, especially since he has to wear long sleeves to cover up his tattoos. It is the main reason why he's so on edge and irritated most of the time.
He grips things in his hand when he's thinking and focused. God help Johnny if Kenshi's hand is on his thigh when it happens.
Has no skincare routine. He uses cheap 2-in-1 shampoo and washes his face with hand soap.
Not specifically interested in cars but he is a beast behind a wheel—difting, clutch kicking and obstacle course swerving. He knows how to drive.
Bit of an adrenaline junkie. He loves the kick but doesn't seek out danger purposedly.
He's absolute sweetheart with children, women and elders. He's that type to intentionally walk slow as he crosses road to make sure elders cross it safely too. He keeps children out of trouble and protects women from creepers. But because it is usually how the yakuza exploit people as payback from their help, people are very vary of Kenshi. So he learns to do it subtly over the time.
Very humble in nature but can be a cocky mofo when he wants to.
Constantly smells like cloves because of choji oil he uses for his katana
Has glass eyes. Johnny always tries to get him to wear wild and different prosthetics (once tried to put sharingan in him), but he just sticks to all white ones because he doesn't really show his eyes to others anyway.
He wears leather gloves to hide his tattoos on his hands.
He's a natural leader!!! This is a canon thing we need to pay more attention to!!!
Has strong sense of justice. He diligently tries to live an honest life after the yakuza and not break any laws but if it is absolutely necessary, he will take it to the extreme. Needs Sento? Doesn't wanna rob a dude blind but he's gonna break into his mansion and threaten him to give it to him.
Loves spicy food! Constantly trying to get Johnny's spice tolerance up.
I previously mentioned he never went to college, but he's always been effortlessly smart in school. He was a type of smart student who doesn't study for exams but still aces them.
He wants to have his own dojo in the future.
Very light sleeper bc old habits die hard.
I said he loves spice, but he doesn't really have that much preference in food and will eat anything. His sister cooks him debauchery of bento all the time, but Kenshi always wolves them down. (They both shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen. Bad cooking is in their bloodline)
Got no solid music taste but will listen to either angry metal or traditional japanese music on his own.
You know those plates of candies on the receptions' tables? He always grabs a candy off it to later give it to others. Many times, Johnny has received candies out of nowhere from Kenshi.
Sometimes has verbal altercations with the voice over accessibility feature of his phone.
Always gets into arguments with tsa agents bc of sento.
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yanban-san · 1 year
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I am getting Headcanons ready because I was thinkin' of writing something for a/b/o soon too ^^ Also I definitely didn't have to screenshot this anon really quickly because I posted the post too early and hadn't formatted anything yet
cw: Omegaverse, sfw, fluff, twins x reader, really rambly (I've not written anything omegaverse before and I am nervous)
Ω I picture their scents would actually be considered kind of unpleasant, especially in a world where people smell like flowers and spices and sugar and sweets- Both Ingo and Emmet perpetually smell like fuel and oil and sweat and iron and fire, which isn't much liked by most omegas.
Ω When relaxed, their scent is much more mellow and pleasant, though- Like fresh-cut lumber, coffee, or wood-smoke, or something heavily spiced. I think Ingo smells more like coffee and wood-smoke, whereas Emmet has a scent more like cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves- And both of them always have an underlying scent of iron and oil. Probably something to do with growing up and working around trains.
Ω Both of them are a little upset that so many omegas are turned off by their scent, and they don't have mates- Even though they're both very popular and accomplished trainers. They try not to let it bother them, but Emmet's woken up to himself nervously rubbing his wrists into his bed and wishing it was a cute little omega's nest, instead… Ingo is a hopeless romantic though and doesn't hide his sorrow half as well. He wistfully stares at couples and wishes he could've been a beta, if it would do anything to fix his scent problems.
Ω When they meet their darling omega, they're ecstatic, and can barely contain their excitement. An omega? Who doesn't hate their scent? They're also super nervous, and they have zero clue how best to catch your attention and interest.
Ω They suck at nest making, for the most part. They never learned, and so they follow your lead- They buy you lots of blankets, some pretty curtains, and any sort of lights or other things you'd like for your nest. They have a tendency to spoil you, but let them- They feel bad from not knowing how to make nests themselves.
Ω While they love you dearly, they act kind of distant- Scared to chase you off, nervous to show too much affection. You have to reassure them a lot that you really love them and want them, which is something new for them.
Ω They absolutely lose it if you ask them to scent something. Ingo gets wide eyed, and almost shocked. He gestures at himself, as if- No, you'd meant some alpha standing behind him. Once he gets over his shock, he's flustered and has wrapped the blanket or article of clothing around himself, trying to make it as Ingo-scented as possible. Emmet just beams with enthusiasm and snatches you and whatever you're holding into his embrace- Yes, he'll scent your clothing for you- And yourself.
Ω Ingo growls a lot, sometimes without even realizing it. He usually does it when he's holding you, or if he's in rut- Or in his sleep. Emmet typically whines at you. Ω Both of them are very clingy alphas, once they let themselves act more naturally around you. If you often sleep in your nest, they're pawing at the entrance to your abode- Two pitiful, half-undressed alphas almost whining at you to let them come in and cuddle, or join them in their beds for the night. If they ever catch you cuddling their clothing, they're melting and immediately jumping to join you- A coat is a poor substitute for your beloved alphas, after all.
Ω They like to spoil their omega. Not just in nest materials, but they'll probably want to take frequent baths with you, and treat you to nice things often. They practically parade you around with how much they love you and how much they take pride in being your alphas- Ingo will often take you to buy cute, comfy clothes- Emmet likes to treat you (and himself) to sweets. Ω They will also ask you to scent their own clothing! Especially their shirts, or the collars of their coats- Your scent is soothing and refreshing to them, especially if they're having a bad day.
Ω They love having you with them in Gear Station, and if Emmet spots you he practically runs up to scent you, kissing you and wrapping his arms around you. Ingo prefers to immediately invite you back to the office- He prefers to give his affections in private, unlike Emmet's PDA. If they're working and you're in their office, one of them might occasionally pull you in for a tight hug- Drinking in your scent, hearing your heart beat or your voice squeak in surprise.
Ω Cuddling you after a long day is something they love very very much- They put on a cool fan, or possibly two, or maybe three- and just lie around in bed or on the couch with you. Ingo gently rubbing his hands across your back, scenting you- And Emmet curling around you like a gremlin before he passes out.
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
Headcanon time!
Let me preface this by saying smoking is bad. We all know this. It's not an appealing habit, it smells fairly terrible and has lasting impacts on your health - and I can say this with great authority, having been a smoker myself who was fortunate enough to manage quitting many many years ago.
But! Since Cybird insists on giving us suitors that light up, I'm jumping through some mental hoops to make things more palatable, for myself and maybe others. Which is a long-winded way of saying, Jude smokes clove cigarettes. (And probably smells of clove quite strongly too)
Now hear me out, there are good reasons I propose this! It's not just because it makes things a bit less repugnant, although that's certainly one factor. I'll put behind a cut the entirely neurotic, long-winded explanation behind my thought process.
Time frame: Obviously we know we're in the Victorian era here, which stretches a long long time. 63 years in fact is how long the queen reigned. Maybe there's been other details giving us a more exact time frame but so far I feel safe saying we're not in the early part of her reign - Big Ben clearly exists in this London, which wasn't built until 1859. Referring to postal workers as 'robins' wasn't a thing until the 1860s at least. The first commercial typewriters were available circa 1874 but the QWERTY keyboard layout we see on Kate's typewriter wasn't popularized until the Remington No. 2 was sold in 1878 where it then became the de facto arrangement. THUS, we can safely assume the game takes place squarely in the 1880s, by my reckoning. And when were clove cigarettes invented? 1880.
Clove cigarettes: Clove cigarettes are made of a mixture of tobacco, dried cloves, and sometimes other spices. They have a unique flavor and spicy smell to them that isn't actually unpleasant, but it can be very strong given how the clove overpowers the tobacco scent. (Here in the USA most clove cigarettes have been banned along with other 'flavored' cigarettes for more than a decade now, but I've had my share as a Youth) Per my exhaustive research (AKA googling) the leading theory of the origin of the clove cigarette was that they were invented in 1880 by a man in Indonesia who was - wait for it - seeking something to relieve the symptoms of respiratory ailment. They were first marketed as a medicinal product for chest pain, asthma, sore throats etc, and the eugenol contained in clove oil does function as an anesthetic. After Jude's 'Secrets' story we know for certain that he suffers from some mysterious and serious disease of the lungs, and implies that he smokes for therapeutic reasons.
Availability: Even if clove cigarettes hadn't become enormously popular in the West yet by the game's point and time, I think we can safely make a case that Jude would have access to them given his very position as head of a far-flung trading company. I don't think it's a stretch to imagine that if he'd heard of some medicinal product that alleviates lung issues he wouldn't try to get his hands on it ASAP.
And there we have it, my case for the clove-scented Jude. Go forth and do what ye will with this, fic writers etc...I know I will be until proven otherwise!
...ok who am I kidding, I'll probably stick with it even IF proven otherwise, because the alternative is just blegh.
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titleleaf · 1 year
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I've been doing sneaky shop updates for a week or two now but it's finally time to post about them! I've got a bunch of new historically-inspired stuff live on my BigCartel shop -- you can use the code SOLSTICE for 20% off your whole order from now through 6/21.
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1840s-Inspired Shaving Soap
A nice puck of tallow shaving soap for use with a shaving brush or your regular-degular hands. Enriched with a shitload of other oils and lightly scented with Atlas cedar, frankincense, and patchouli. I've got an upcoming post about shaving and 1840s shaving soaps so stay tuned!
Carnivale Lip Tints
Three buildable shade options for the girlies (gn) formulated with mango butter, beeswax, and sweet almond oil. All three of these use historically-attested ~*~*lip rouge~*~*~ pigments, incorporating carmine; if there's any interest in vegan versions of these using period vegetable waxes/pigments, let me know!
Shades, top to bottom: Graham Gore Red; Royal Marine Red; Platypus Pond Pink
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Historically-Inspired Perfume Oils
Sold in 5ml amber glass apothecary vials -- these are 1840s-inspired but otherwise completely modern because they won't let me distill any floral waters in my one-bedroom apartment. All citrus-based oils used in these blends are FC-free.
Francis Crozier - Ambergris, musk, rosemary, spike lavender, lemon, orange, and petitgrain
James Fitzjames  - Oakmoss, patchouli, Bulgarian rose, jasmine, neroli, and bergamot.
Hydesville Ghost - Atlas cedar, Bulgarian rose, rosemary, benzoin, myrrh.
Huile de Florida - Neroli, bergamot, lemon, rosemary, clove, rose geranium, bitter orange, and cardamom.
I had a ton of fun making these and I look forward to sharing them! These have been in the works since earlier this year and I'm hyped to get them out to people.
Some general updates: I've retired the Gallipot Project Etsy store because, whew, no kidding, Etsy's policies are bad bad. My first run of white Windsor soaps didn't turn out exactly how I'd like it to, but the second batch should be live and available before long. I'm also investigating other mid-19th-century soap formulations and their accompanying scents. Follow my projects and historical cosmetics and hygiene meta at my #unnamed terror fandom beauty project tag!
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hvlthgxth · 11 months
I came here in regards to your life changing soups!
Phase 1
16 ounces thick cut uncured bacon
2 large yellow onions, Diced
2 medium or 1 large enough (you'll know how large) carrot, sliced
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
4 stalks of celery (break em from the heart right in the grocery store, they won't stop you), diced
4 cloves of garlic sliced thin (remember Goodfellas?)
12 ounces of stout.
In a large skillet, render the fat from your bacon on medium high until it's crispy.
Separate your bacon and pour all but 3 tablespoons of bacon fat into a heatsafe container.
Bring the 3 tablespoons of fat to temp, add your onions, carrots, celery, and tomato paste. Be sure to keep these contents moving so the tomato paste doesn't burn before the onions can sweat. A pinch of salt will help with that,
Once the tomato is more sugary than acidic, and the onions are giving off a slight nutty scent, deglaze with six ounces of stout, and transfer to a crock pot set to low
Drink six ounces of stout
Phase 2
2 Pounds of beef Shank (before seasoning, cover all two pounds with a dusting of baking soda for about 30 minutes, then rinse and dry) coated in salt, pepper, and (listen to me), a lil bit of curry powder on that bad boy.
Fresh thyme, rosemary, sage ( I recommend getting a poultry blend with a little of each rather than spending 14 dollars on all three and coming home to rotting greenery in that sad little clamshell)
That bacon fat you saved from step one
24 ounces of beef broth
Half a stick of butter
2 dry Bay Leaves
In a small saucepan heat a half stick of butter over medium-low heat. Before the butter begins to foam, add a few sticks of each fresh herb, remove from heat, and mash the herbs to release their oils
In the skillet from phase one, heat as much bacon fat as it takes to coat the bottom of the pan, to near smoke point. As faint wisps start to rise, introduce the beef shank. You're not cooking the beef, you're creating a crust and waking up that curry. Flip after 4 minutes and baste with the herb butter from your saucepan, reduce heat allow to cook for 4 minutes more.
Remove shanks from pan and place on a rack to cool
While the shanks cool, in the warm skillet with all the drippings add two tablespoons of flour, whisk until thick and smooth.
Pull apart the cool shank pieces and put them in the crockpot (bone included), add 24 ounces of beef broth and your freshly made roux, 2 bay leaves, your sliced garlic (I never forget the garlic) and enough water to cover then raise the crockpot to medium.
Phase 3
Quarter this recipe
To Serve
Big Bowl. Put Soup. Put potatoes. Spoon Optional.
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queen-tashie · 6 days
Hi Tashie!
Please ramble to me about Runicka's favourite meal to eat, and the best recipe she knows.
I'm hungry and need inspiration for what to make for dinner tonight! Your own personal suggestions very welcome! From, @mrbexwrites (in disguise!)
Hi! First of all thanks for trusting me with your secret identity lol
Throughout The Quiet Forest, you'll see Runnicka does like a variety of foods, but her go-to meal is a hearty soup/stew, something with poultry (quail and turkey are the usual for her), thick cut root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc., maybe a creamy or thick tomato broth.
She also gets to try dwarven foods later on in the book for the first time (hehehe I was just formatting and doing some work on that part last night ;) ) and learns she REALLY likes them. In the world, dwarves invented, perfected, and brought over a huge variety of foods to Avrin (the continent Runnicka's story takes place on) from their own various cultures as well as the other races they live with across the ocean, so Runnicka gets to try everything from deep fried pickles to curry.
My personal suggestion because I've got it on the brain and am making it tonight is chicken pot pie. I'm making a huge batch today to freeze and pull out for easy dinners later this month. :)
Now here's how I would make the soup/stew Runnicka likes, if you'd like a genuine recipe for tonight or another night (some portions may need to be adjusted as I'm bad at making smaller batches, and my heart always says "MOAR!!!!" when I'm cooking):
Hearty "Quail" soup:
2 chicken breasts (or equivalent amount of other poultry meat)
1 TSP oil (butter, vegetable, or olive)
Half a white or yellow onion
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 TSP oil (butter, vegetable, or olive) (not a typo, you'll just need it twice)
6 cups of chicken broth (veggie broth works too)
2-3 potatoes
2-3 carrots
4-5 radishes OR 2-3 stalks of celery (or other veggie of your choice)
1 TSP Rosemary
1 TSP Thyme
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to your desired levels
Optional: 1 cup of heavy cream (can substitute with 1 cup of milk mixed with 1 TBSP corn starch)
Optional: sourdough bread to serve and dip
In a large pot, melt 1 TSP of oil and cook poultry meat on medium heat. Turn halfway through cooking time so both sides brown evenly. When internal temperature reaches 165 F (74 C) in the thickest part of the meat, remove from heat, cut into desired bite-sized pieces and set aside.
Dice onion and garlic, add another 1 TSP of oil to the pot and set to medium heat. Add onions first, stir occasionally and cook until slightly translucent, then add garlic, stir and cook for another few minutes.
Leave on medium heat and add the chicken broth.
Peel and cut potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables into desired size (bite sized cubes of about 1/2 inch (1.5cm) thick work well)
When the broth is at a boil, add vegetables, rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Partially cover pot and boil until vegetables are soft enough for a fork to poke through all the way.
Optional step: reduce heat to low and add cream or cream substitute and mix until fully incorporated
Optional step: Serve alongside a slice or two of sourdough bread (I recommend spreading some butter on it before you dip)
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
The Recipe
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It was a recipe for disaster. At least, that's what the book said. Mayhem, malice, and everything between. Ingredients salt, oil, candles, goat's milk, one clove of garlic and a smattering of cloves. Preparation time twenty-five minutes. Summons a demon and binds them to their master's will.
Serves one.
"Are you sure this is the real deal?"
"I don't know." Roz had found it in one of the old books upstairs, the dusty tomes she collected as much for the aesthetic as anything else. "I guess there's only one way to find out."
"I mean, shouldn't it be eye of newt, toe of frog, and all that?" Mari was a close enough friend to humour Roz's eccentricities, but that didn't mean she didn't harbour her own doubts. "Not stuff that we can pick up from the local supermarket."
"I just hope that table salt is fine," Roz said, pouring some in a wide circle on the floorboards. "They didn't have those fancier pots of seasalt flakes, or the pink Himalayan stuff you see nowadays."
"I don't see how it matters," Mari said. "It's salt. What's it going to do? Surely any demon worth his salt won't be deterred by some."
"How should I know? Maybe they're like snails."
"My dad says you can put down bark, or copper, and it works the same in your garden. Do you think a copper ring would work on demons?"
"I don't even know that this one will." Roz threw her hands up in the air, accidentally spraying a handful of salt across the room. "Look, I don't know if demons are real, or if this ritual is real, or if I'm doing any of this properly. But I'm going to try it, and we'll just see what happens."
With Mari's questions out of the way, Roz proceeded with the remaining set up: a chalk pentagram within the circle, dribbly candles at opposite points outside it, and a stick of incense that only seemed to incense her asthma. Her personal hell was a perfume shop, or one of those places that sold rainbow coloured bath bombs, so perhaps her person demon would feel suitably at home.
She took a puff on her inhaler, reached out for Mari to hold her hand, and began to read the incantation from the page. It was in Latin script, but not in any language she recognised, so she hoped that her pronunciation was close enough. She'd struggled in French at school, and this felt like it had slight higher stakes: as much as she'd feared the displeasure of Mme Blanc, she hadn't carried the threat of damnation to the underworld.
"Oh, great. Teenage girls. Why am I not surprised?"
The demon arrived in a foul mood. He was short, covered in crimson spines, and slightly smoking at the edges, but he wasn't entirely unlike Mme Blanc in his demeaning demeanour. Someone had clearly surfaced from the wrong side of the sulphur pit.
"Uh, hi." Mari was looking to Roz to say something, but she wasn't sure what that was. The book hadn't been clear on that part, and she hadn't even expected to get this far. Did they introduce themselves, or was it a bad idea to give their names? Was that demons or elves? "Thank you for coming."
"You say that like I had a choice."
"Sorry. So... what's the deal here? Do we get three wishes or something?" Mari gave her a nudge. "Is that together, or each?"
"Free samples?" the demon answered scathingly. "No, there's only one deal here. You can have anything that it's in my power to give. But first, you must pledge over your soul."
"Oh." Roz looked over at Mari, who seemed equally lost. "Can we have some time to consider?"
"Sure, waste more of my time." The demon seemed to smoke more when he was annoyed. Perhaps that had been why he was smoking to start with. "It's not like I'm busy."
The friends backed away into a corner, not knowing whether it made the slightest bit of difference as to whether the demon could listen in, but feeling the need for some veneer of privacy. Roz kept a subtle eye on him in turn, but he seemed to have taken the opportunity to sit down and rest his head in clawed hands. Even if he could hear them, he looked like he would try his best not to.
"Did you have any thoughts?" she whispered.
"You mean you didn't think this through?" Mari asked in turn, her whisper more urgent. "Even with the three wishes thing?"
"I wished for it to work. I never thought it would."
"Doesn't the recipe say anything?"
"No." Roz double-checked the instructions, but there was no serving suggestion. "I've got nothing off the top of my head. I'm guessing you're the same?"
"I'm just here to back you up. You can do whatever you like, but I don't want any part of any deal for myself."
"Fair enough," she said, then gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Thank you."
They returned to the edge of the circle, where the table salt lay undisturbed. If the demon could cross it, he didn't seem to have tried; if this was his portal back to hell, Roz supposed this was the equivalent of loitering in the doorway, waiting to be allowed to leave.
"Sorry," she told him. "I don't think there's anything I want more than my soul, really. It's kind of my most valuable possession."
"Of course," the demon sighed, but he didn't look surprised. "Another cold call, just wasting my time. Are you going to banish me now?"
"Almost," Roz said. Something about the way he'd said it made her pause. "What about you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Is there anything that's in our power to give? Forgive me for prying, but you don't exactly seem too happy in your current role. Job satisfaction is important. Are there opportunities for advancement, work-afterlife balance, that sort of thing?"
"Oh." For the first time since they'd summoned him, he seemed interested in what she had to say. "I don't know. I haven't really thought about it, not knowing any alternatives."
"We can help with that." Roz looked over to Mari, who nodded. "We can't offer any otherworldly pleasures, but, well... worldly pleasures? We can start off small, if you like. Have you ever tried a cookie?"
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jamandsteaksandwitch · 5 months
If there is anything that belongs on my blog, it’s my (allegedly) ✨unhinged✨ steak recipe. This is how I usually do a basic steak, but I love experimenting with new things, which I can’t wait to show off!
> oil.
Avocado Oil is preferable, but canola and olive can work too, just beware of smoke.
>butter (unsalted is my go to)
>garlic (cloves are preferred, but if using powder add as a seasoning) (technically optional)
>rosemary (optional)
>thyme (optional)
You don't really need to measure amounts. Instead, you proportion by what the gods/spirits/voices in your head tell you to put on there.
Step 0: season steak. Then, put in fridge for 45ish minutes. Technically you don't have to do this but I do so I have time to do other shit. Plus, it makes it taste better, I find.
Step 1: pan on stove. Heat = yes. You want that cranked as hot as it can go. You want Soulja Boy jealous of how cranked it is. If you didn't do step 0, season your steak now.
Step 2: after it's heated up and roaring hot, add some of the oil in the pan. We're not trying to get the Americans attention, so only a bit. Then, throw the steaks on, and sear.
Step 3: sear for like 2ish minutes each side. Go for more time if they're heckin' chonkers, or you want them to be well/well done.
Step 3: turn the stovetop down to around medium. Add the butter, your soul will tell you when you've added enough. Also add your garlic, and other herbs and stuff. Give the butter a second to melt, and help it by getting it all around the pan. Baste the steaks (put butter in spoon and then dump butter on steaks).
Step 4: keep basting and cooking steaks for a bit. Make sure to flip the steaks over and baste both sides. I don't own a meat thermometer and don't know which temperatures result in which cook, so you really just kinda go as long as you feel like. Again, your soul will tell you when to take it off, and if it’s under, you can put it back on. You can’t uncook a steak though, so keep that in mind.
Step 5: pull the steaks off the pan. Put on like a cutting board or plate. If you're feeling extra fancy, there should be some liquid stuff left in the pan, use the spoon to drizzle it on the steak. Leave for 5ish minutes before you serve. You can eat it right off the pan, but trust me giving it time to rest is good
Step 6: Serve 💁🏻‍♂️. I like putting on some of the rosemary and thyme on it after it's done when I use them, for the ✨aesthetic✨. But don't eat them, they taste bad on their own.
Like I said, this is pretty basic, and you can get kinda funky with it if you want. I basically learn to cook new things by trial and error, so if you're gonna do that, start small, and eat the food you fuck up, instead of wasting it. That way you learn how to do things, and don't have to waste food
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magnificentsapcaddy · 8 months
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So, I was inspired by that post a while ago that said that New Year's resolutions don't have to be miserable and punitive and instead can just be, like, "how many different shapes of pasta can you eat in a year," and it inspired me to do something. I decided that this year, I will have a Monthly Soup Quest, wherein every month I make a type of soup I've never had before.
For January, my Quest Soup was česnečka (chezz-NETCH-kah), a Czech/Slovak garlic soup! You dice up potatoes and lightly fry them before adding onion and garlic. It's absolutely peasant food and not a rich man's meal, but that's fine. Peasants can eat good as hell. Have you ever had a big slice of bread with an apple? It goes hard. Also, česnečka is revered in Czechia and Slovakia as a hangover cure, so if any of you go a bit too hard partying one night, this might be the soup for you! I'll put the recipe in the readmore if you want to check it out. Do note that I made a small pot, enough for three bowls, so you might want to scale it up.
- Three medium potatoes - One or two slices of bacon* - Half of a shallot - Six cloves of garlic - Three cups of water - Three cubes dried chicken stock - Salt and pepper to taste - Three slices of bread (optional)
In a pot, fry your bacon. Once cooked, set aside. You can eat this alone now if you want, or crumble it on top of the soup later - the whole reason we wanted to fry some bacon was to cook our potatoes in the bacon grease. You should have about 2 tablespoons of grease in the pot - drain off any excess.
Dice your potatoes into roughly 3/4 inch cubes and fry in the bacon grease until they begin to become golden, about eight minutes on medium heat, stirring frequently as to not let them stick to the pan. Add pepper to potatoes if so desired.
Mince your shallot and cut your garlic cloves into thin slices. Add to potatoes and mix. Let them cook until aromatic, but for no more than one minute. Garlic burns easily and tastes bad when it does.
Add water and dried chicken stock. Let the soup come to a boil, and then cover and set it to medium heat for 25 minutes, or until the potatoes are fork tender.
If so desired, you may also make croutons for the soup. To do this, take a loaf of bread and cut it into one-and-a-half inch thick slices before buttering on both sides and seasoning (we just did black pepper). Then, toast in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes on each side. Of course, you can also always just use croutons out of a bag.
* So, when I made this, I used three slices of bacon instead of two. This was a mistake. I thought that that would maybe make two tablespoons of fat, and instead, it made, like, half a cup. I don't know what the proper amount of bacon is, but
There's also the question of dietary restrictions, as some people do not eat pork. In my household, this isn't much of an issue, but I understand it would be in others. You can, of course, choose to fry the potatoes in butter or olive oil instead, but I think that would lead to a thinner broth that lacks the richness the pork brings. Don't quote me on this because I haven't tried this yet, but to compensate, if you opt not to use bacon grease, I would suggest adding marjoram and thyme to add to the flavor profile. Or maybe a bay leaf! I don't use them, but from what I understand, one bay leaf will turn all of Chesapeake Bay into a hearty stew.
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jimothantheclown · 10 months
mourning really is just like that huh?
i saw a video of a lovely fish begging for attention and it reminded me of one of the fish i cared for in the marine ecology room
a puffer who would shoot water at me!! what a guy!! I loved his little beak!! and his tank mate was so lively
I still blame myself despite the teacher not helping and my only knowledge on fish care came from animal science but no experience
i came to the class and each tank had 2 fish each and just. God.
I just. took complete responsibility
I fed them all, I cleaned the tanks, I did water change when the teacher finally told me how, I tested the water and the salinity
but they just kept dying.
one tank, then the next and then there was a break and someone had dumped a huge amount of flakes in for the break
when I came back to them
the puffer and his friend, rest in peace
rest in peace to each and every fish I so gently netted and wrapped in a paper towel and set down into the trash can because there was no other place
rest in peace to the fish in the one freshwater tank, the one of them that had finrot so bad he couldn't swim, just thrash and sink back down to the bottom
rest in peace to the first euthanasia I've seen and the first euthanasia I've preformed
I cried in my brother's arms and I sobbed in the hallway
and I shamefully asked another teacher to borrow her baking soda because in the fastest researching I could that was the only alternative I had because classrooms don't have clove oil
and as I poured the cups of baking soda into the tank, a girl joked about it. that it was like a recipe. to save to fish. I wanted to cry so badly then. the anger, the guilt
i cried after in the hallway instead.
i don't have great knowledge on fishkeepiing and I sure don't trust myself to keep any
but I still love fish. and I won't stand for their mistreatment because they are not just things.
i don't know what the point of this was, I just needed to talk about it I guess
if uh. anyone wants to tell me about fish like fun facts or infodump please do
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Drip, drop... Drip, drop...
Rain fell outside of Hope's Peak, and splashed on the ground and windows. The soft pitter-patter of each hit soothed Kakeru's mind as intrusive thoughts tried to reach him. However, he had agreed to make dinner for everyone, whereas Akane was ill and being cared for by Ayame, so he stood up and left.
Kanata had wanted to be of help to Akane, but she insisted that the surgeon didn't fuss over such a small thing, and that Ayame could handle it. So Kanata was assigned to help Kakeru.
He had expected to find her waiting outside his room, but she wasn't there. With a soft shrug of his shoulders, Kakeru walked down to the kitchen- Where Kanata sat near the counter with her face buried in her arms. She hadn't seemed to hear him approaching.
"Inori?...What's wrong?" he whispered, getting on his knees and tilting his head.
Soft and bleary cerulean blue eyes met his, puffy and flooded with tears. Kanata then buried her face back into her arms for a second, and soon after stood up and wiped her eyes with her hands before washing her tear-covered hands in the sink. "I was... simply reminiscing on past memories. And then realized I was alone. Thank you for your concern, Mister Yamaguchi." Kakeru watched with concern as she dried off her palms and fingers before grabbing a large mixing bowl, alongside flour, baking powder, white sugar, salt, butter, and milk. "Come on, Mister Yamaguchi, lets make some dumplings, spring rolls, egg drop soup, and some stir fry." 
The noirette sighed, grabbing some canola oil, nappa cabbage, garlic cloves, carrots, and bamboo shoots. As they worked in silence, he could hear Kanata sniffling and gasping. It was growing more concerning, honestly, as he had never really seen her cry.
"All right, Inori... What's wrong? You're clearly upset, and it's worrying me. Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! But if you need to just... not cook, I can do it by myself!" Kakeru carefully mixed his chosen ingredients into a nice filling before grabbing some spring roll wrappers from the cabinet and stuffing each one up with the filling ever so carefully. 
Kanata gripped her spatula harder, folding the dough neatly into itself before Kakeru took the bowl from her and began working on it faster. He had noticed her knuckles turning white, and the fact she was biting her lip in frustration at not being able to fold the dough faster. She silently took out a pot and began making a soup for the dough to simmer in once fully prepared, eyes dull.
"Inori, why don't you take a break?" Kakeru suggested softly, trying not to be offensive.
Kanata looked at him out of the corner of her eye and shook her head. "I suppose I should talk to someone about this... I was thinking about my birth parents. I don't think I've told any of you yet, but I'm adopted. My... Birth parents died in a car crash when I was... What, 5?" She drew in a shaky breath as she stirred the soup, eyes beginning to tear up once more.
Kakeru waited patiently for her to continue, putting the dough aside to work on preparing the stir fry.
 "I don't remember all the details, but... I know we were driving home from a vacation, and I think my parents were talking about how great it was. They must have been distracted, because they swerved and crashed. I... I remember the sirens, and their croaks of agony as they bled out... I remember feeling squished and dizzy... When I woke up the next day, I was in a white room, with an IV in my arm and a monitor beeping with my heartbeat. I asked about my parents, and the nurse had quite the hard time explaining to me that they wouldn't be able to come back, no matter how bad they wanted to. So the surgeon who worked on me was brought in. He explained what had happened, in a way I could understand. I... I felt alone. I panicked whenever the nurse left the room due to not wanting to be alone. I think that's when I developed my autophobia."
Her hands began to trembles as she put on some gloves and took the dough, rolling it into small balls and pinching the tops before setting them into the soup to soak. Her cerulean blue eyes felt like they were on fire, but she continued.
"I was terrified of going to an orphanage. However, a few days later, the surgeon- Hikaru Ando, his name was- came in. He asked me if it would be okay for him to adopt me. He explained that it'd mean I'd have a new family, and that I'd have a brother and sister unlike I did before. He was kind to me, and he explained the whole process. I agreed, with a bit of worry that it might be bad, but he understood. I was adopted into the family, and... well, the rest doesn't matter I suppose..."
Kanata sighed, watching the dumplings soak and harden with dull interest, scooping one out and putting it in a separate bowl numbly. "I found out recently that I wasn't expected to survive. My father worked his behind off to make sure I'd live. I also met with the fireman who saved me- his name's Kasai Shinji. But... I guess those two things had me thinking about it again."
Kakeru looked down at the now finished stir fry, biting his own tongue gently before speaking. "Ah... I'm sorry that all happened to you, Inori. I'm not sure of much else to say, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here- if you wish, that is."
The dirty blonde cracked a small smile, glancing up at him before she took a few more dumplings out and replaced them. "Thank you, Mister Yamaguchi. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, too."
sources for recipes; dumplings; https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/6900/dumplings/ spring rolls; https://dinnerthendessert.com/spring-rolls/
Kanata having autophobia is simply a headcanon, do not treat it as canon at all.
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garlic sandwhich recipe
hear me out
hey beaver truthers, your pal bb here. so recently i found myself in a very odd situation, one which im sure you read about in my previous post. now upon a lot of other things that i detailed earlier, im sure yall remember my odd sudden appearance in the beaver dam diner, and the bizarre concoction that i recalled eating. now, i know a garlic sandwhich SOUNDS like a disgusting wet dream of wario’s, but surprisingly, i found out that the thing was actually pretty damn tasty. when I went back for dinner, i asked the chef how they managed to make my innane request both edible and delicious. here is the recipe for those who asked:
garlic confit:
-1.5 cups or more of olive or grapeseed oil 
-3 heads of garlic 
-salt and pepper
-fresh basil leaves 
-bay leaves 
-any other spices or seasonings you want (optional)
-two pieces of bread, toasted 
-cream cheese
-basil leaves 
ok so what youre gonna wanna do for the garlic thing is get a big deep saucepan, and fill that bad boy up with the oil. then put in all of your garlic, out of the skin and whatnot, and the herbs and the spices you want. then comes the long part, put the whole saucepan in the oven for like roughly 200 hundred degrees for 2 hours or more. you’re looking for a golden brown. when you take it out you would be able to smush it easily with a fork, that’s how you’ll know you have the right consistency. this part obviously takes a while, so it’s easy to just prep this ahead of time if need be. that’s what they do in the kitchen, anyways. it can last up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
last and best part is this is the sandwhich itself. put a generous amount of cream cheese onto your toast slices, and then sprinkle it with dried basil leaves (or fresh, if you have it) and salt. crush about 3-5 cloves of garlic onto on of the pieces. you can add more to the sandwhich if ya want, i bet a slice of tomato or something would do nicely, but don’t overdue it because the garlic is a very strong undertone. put the pieces of toast together, cut down the middle, and boom! garlic sandwich! i highly recommend this recipe despite how it sounds. you’re gonna have to do what you do a lot in this blog and just trust my word for it. seriously a 10/10 savoury sandwich, very rich. give it a go sometime 
anyway, that’s all for today, expect regular posts sometime soon. have a good one, and stay skeptic out there
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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Envy is caused by the insecurity and frustration of not being able to get what others have, and it is one of the most common feelings among friends, relatives, colleagues and sometimes even neighbors, someone wants your partner, your work or simply envy your brightness etc ... Fortunately there are rituals and amulets within our reach that will help us drive away these bad energies, on this occasion I will tell you about some RITUALS AND AMULETS to fight envy and attract prosperity and protection..
the horseshoe is an amulet, which has been used
For a long time to attract good luck and open paths, it had to be found and used by a horse to have all the energy that a free-spirited animal represents. the horseshoe is placed on the main door of the house and adorned with 7 different types of ribbons, some accompanied by the miraculous aloe vera.
The Turkish eye or also known as nazar, possesses protective characteristics that will ward off any energy of envy and bad deeds around you.
Simply use this amulet, either in a bracelet or necklace.
This is one of the most common amulets against envy and bad vibes. It is part of the general culture, the awareness of using a red ribbon can ward off people full of pessimism and bad luck. For this, all you have to do is surround the left wrist with a red ribbon. This can be closed with 7 Franciscan knots, so you will have its protective effects. It is very important that you use the red ribbon on your left hand because from that hand you receive energy and from the other you deliver it.
There are different theories on how to place the red ribbon or thread, most say that it must be placed by another person with good energy and that he must tie 7 knots. This is undoubtedly a very popular anti-envy ritual that is simple to perform and will keep people with bad intentions away.
If you are looking for how to ward off the envy of the people around you, you should know that garlic is considered in esotericism as a great element to repel bad vibrations. If you have a wallet or a place where you can load a male garlic or a clove of garlic you can also put it inside a felt bag or similar material, do it, as it is a powerful amulet to ward off the envious to which they cause us negative effects.
If you don't like the idea of ​​walking around with a clove of garlic but you want to protect a particular space, you can also leave the garlic well hidden and covered to prevent it from giving off a bad smell. It is one of the best protection amulets to get rid of bad energy in your business or home. You can also combine garlic with other natural amulets against bad vibes, such as laurel and parsley in fact together they become a protection ritual.
Rue is the natural protective element par excellence. Carrying a twig in your wallet or pocket is said to be enough to counteract the bad energies of these dark and negative people. If you feel that people of these characteristics have passed by your home, prepare an herbal tea with rue and spray the environment with a sprayer. If you're looking for ways to keep bad vibes away from your home, plant two rue on each side of your front door. It is a very popular plant for these purposes.
You can also prepare a rue water to sprinkle around the room.
An old esoteric trick to protect yourself from people who bring bad luck is to place a drop of thyme essential oil behind each ear or on your wrists. Thus you will be able to drive away the negative vibes of envious people It camouflages itself as a perfume as it has a sweet pleasant aroma and at the same time protects you. Thyme can also be part of a bath to cleanse the body of bad energy along with rue and bay leaf.
If you're wondering how to ward off bad vibes you need to know that thyme is just one of many herbs that attract positive energy. Mint, bamboo, and jasmine are other plants that are considered magical that will help you purge negativity from your environment.
Cleaning your home from negative energies is very easy, you just need sliced ​​onions. If you have had an encounter with people with bad energy or somehow they have entered your home you can always count on the power of onions.
You have to carry out a simple ritual with onions which is done like this: cut them into slices and place them in ceramic dishes that you have to distribute throughout your house. Leave them to act with the windows open and then quickly throw them in a bag outside the house. It is one of those simple rituals and charms against envy that you can apply at any time.
Some hang an aloe vera plant by the root on the right side of the door of the house or attached to a red bow to protect themselves from the influence of negative energies or from envy.
CreditToTheOwner: Pietre: Bosco e Magia (Monya)
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So most recipes for watercolor binder recommend using clove essential oil for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties (so your paints dont start growing mold)
Well I could not find clove oil for a reasonable price anywhere near me
I did however find cinnamon essential oil at walmart
So I did some digging and cinnamon oil can be used in place of clove oil for antimicrobial and antifungal properties. SO im not sure why all the watercolor binder recipes that tell you to use essential oil specify clove oil. I thought maybe other oils might make the paint weird? But I figured it was worth a shot to try the cinnamon oil. So far the paint seems to work just fine and its hardening nicely.
So if youre making watercolor binder but can't find clove oil (and you want to have an essential oil in there for the added antifungal properties) just know that any with antimicrobial and antifungal properties are likely ok to use. (This note isn't the point of this post I just feel the need to put it cuz I had a very confusing week of digging around online to figure out if I could substitute clove oil for another type of oil because literally every single recipe that recommended using an essential oil said CLOVE oil which makes me think that clove oil must have something about it that makes it different from other essential oils with antimicrobial and antifungal properties thats making all these other people use it specifically and was finding NOTHING and decided to just say "fuck it" and see what happens-.....anyway.)
This has had the lovely effect of making my paints smell very strongly of cinnamon
Which is definitely an upgrade from how I imagine they wouldve smelled had i not added essential oil at all. The gum arabic solution smelled very bad lol. The cinnamon oil helped quite a lot.
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ala-kira · 3 months
pSaghetti with Eggplant
i believe in you. but if y'all make bad spaghetti you're gonna go to jail. (: if you Somehow (u won't but this is important kitchen safety) start a kitchen fire there is an emergency fire extinguisher under the sink.
pull apart and wash the celery. chop all the celery and an equal amount of onions and mince as many cloves of garlic as your little hearts desire. reserve some garlic for the garlic bread later.
peel and slice eggplant into ~1cm rounds and cut the bigger pieces in half again. sprinkle lightly with salt on both sides and set aside.
fill fryer halfway with oil. then turn on fryer to 375 (it will be at temperature when the orange lite goes off. it takes a while so do this early.) put the lid on and make sure it's sitting on the big trivet thing and there is nothing else around it. use Only metal tongs in the fryer melted plastic is not a tastey treat But Do Not scrape them along the sides or bottom teflon coating is also not a tastey treat.
heat up frying pan [https://youtube.com/shorts/EAtNfS7KeE0?si=-gg04UO4-FJ_6e6A] on the big eye on full heat add a big tablespoon of ghee (green can) and drop the heat down to 7 now carefully pick up the pan and swirl so the oil covers most of the bottom. add garlic to the center of the pan, it will probably sizzle a lot so be careful, stir fry for about 15 seconds so it smells amazing, dump in all your onion and celery add a pinch of salt. stir immediately but then wait a few minutes between stirs so the bits on the bottom have a change to brown. cook for a While. once the veg is soft and translucent make a hole in the middle add paprika, garlic powder, parsley, and a bay leaf. stir for a few seconds. add a splash of marsala and use a wooden spoon to scrape up the spices and any brown bits on the bottom of the pan.
stir in 2 large cans of tomatoes and a couple hefty spoonfulls of tomato+chicken bouillon and turn heat down to 3. stir well and drop in about half a stick of butter. yes this is a necessary flavor component no it will not make the sauce greasy. do not use i can't believe its fake not butter use the stick kind pls. stir along the bottom to keep from sticking occasionally and cook until its done. if u taste test here remember that it's under salted rn and will cook down some.
boil a big pot of water salt generously (it should be salty enough to taste bad but not salty enough to give u salt lips but i don't know how much water you’re using so best judgement kids) choose a noodle shape but make sure its a shape granny can eat. cook noods according to box stir occasionally to keep from sticking. if there are no directions it's usually boil for around 7 to 15 minutes depending on your shape. just fist one out every so often and bite it in half then look at the remaining bit if it is crunchy or there is a white spot in the middle of the noodle u need more time. u wnt it soft and a uniform yellow all the way thru. before you dump the noodles add about a cup of pasta water to the sauce. dump the noodle water do not rinse the noodles. they will stick together but we just have to live like this.
set up a frying station three flat vessels of frying flour, 2 or 3 eggs scrambled with a splash of water or milk, and crushed corn flakes. however crushed yr corn flakes are crush them more. u don't want dust but u want it small enough u get a good coating.
get your eggplant and a clean towel and gently pat any excess moisture off they don't need to be bone dry but no drips don't squeeze it ruins the texture. then dust in flour, dip in the egg, and roll it in the corn flake crumbles pressing them in lightly.
take off the lid to the fryer and set it somewhere it won't melt. Do Not put it back on at any time during the frying the eggplant will steam and u don't want drips getting into the oil.
when the fryer is at temperature g e n t l y place the battered eggplant in the oil and fry for a couple of minutes on each side until browned and crispy on the outside and soft and tasty on the inside. don't try to batter them all then fry batter just the ones about to go in. it will also give yr frier a chance to come back to temp between batches and prevent them from getting soggy. you can fry how ever many fit in one layer make sure they have room for jesus between them or they might stick.
take out and drain on a rack. sprinkle lightly with salt as soon as they're on the rack. repeat until finished.
go back to the tomato sauce add more basil than u think u need and adjust seasonings to taste. feed a bite to your granny and add whatever she tells you to.
slice bread long ways. mix fake gasp pretend its not real butter, chopped garlic, parsley (the fresh is better for this make sure to wash and chop it but dried works too) and powdered garlic in a bowl. spread on the soft side of the toast optionally sprinkle with cheese then toast in the toaster oven until done. slice.
taste everything for seasoning again then serve.
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fithealth-goals · 5 months
Power Bite: A Natural Boost for My Smile and Confidence
Maintaining a healthy smile can be a constant battle, especially with a busy lifestyle. Sugary treats are tempting, and flossing sometimes falls by the wayside. I, for one, noticed a decline in my oral health - bad breath was becoming a concern, and my gums felt a bit sensitive.
That's when I discovered Power Bite Supplements - Health. Their focus on natural ingredients and supporting healthy teeth and gums caught my attention. After some research and a chat with my dentist, I decided to give Power Bite a try. Here's how it's positively impacted my smile and confidence.
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Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Mouth
One of the things that drew me most to Power Bite was its formula. It boasts a blend of natural ingredients traditionally used for dental health. Calcium Carbonate strengthens tooth enamel, the hard outer shield protecting my teeth from decay. Wild Mint keeps my breath fresh, while Xylitol, a sugar alcohol, fights cavity-causing bacteria.
These natural powerhouses, along with Zinc for immune support and Clove Oil Extract for occasional gum discomfort, provide a well-rounded approach to oral health. Knowing I'm not putting harsh chemicals into my body gave me peace of mind.
Fresher Breath and Increased Confidence
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Power Bite into my daily routine, I noticed a significant improvement in my breath. The natural minty flavour and the Xylitol worked wonders! No more awkward moments or self-consciousness about bad breath.
This newfound confidence in my fresh breath translated into a more outgoing me. I felt comfortable engaging in conversations and social situations without worrying about my breath being a concern. It was a small but impactful change.
Reduced Gum Sensitivity and Improved Overall Oral Health
Beyond fresher breath, Power Bite also seemed to have a positive impact on my gum health. The occasional sensitivity I used to experience when brushing or flossing lessened significantly. My gums felt firmer and healthier overall.
While Power Bite isn't a replacement for proper brushing and flossing, it definitely feels like it's giving my oral hygiene routine a natural boost. I find myself smiling more confidently, knowing my breath is fresh and my gums are healthy.
A Convenient and Easy-to-Use Chewable Tablet
Power Bite comes in a convenient chewable tablet form. The pleasant minty taste makes it a refreshing addition to my daily routine, and the dosage is clear and straightforward – just one chewable tablet a day. It's a simple way to incorporate this natural dental support into my busy life.
A Natural Smile Saver for Me
Power Bite Supplements - Health have become a valuable addition to my oral health regimen. They've provided a natural way to freshen my breath, reduce gum sensitivity, and boost my overall confidence in my smile. If you're looking for a natural approach to supporting your dental health, I highly recommend giving Power Bite a try. Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with your dentist before starting any new supplement program.
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