#I may do ns/f/w headcanons later
yanban-san · 1 year
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I am getting Headcanons ready because I was thinkin' of writing something for a/b/o soon too ^^ Also I definitely didn't have to screenshot this anon really quickly because I posted the post too early and hadn't formatted anything yet
cw: Omegaverse, sfw, fluff, twins x reader, really rambly (I've not written anything omegaverse before and I am nervous)
Ω I picture their scents would actually be considered kind of unpleasant, especially in a world where people smell like flowers and spices and sugar and sweets- Both Ingo and Emmet perpetually smell like fuel and oil and sweat and iron and fire, which isn't much liked by most omegas.
Ω When relaxed, their scent is much more mellow and pleasant, though- Like fresh-cut lumber, coffee, or wood-smoke, or something heavily spiced. I think Ingo smells more like coffee and wood-smoke, whereas Emmet has a scent more like cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves- And both of them always have an underlying scent of iron and oil. Probably something to do with growing up and working around trains.
Ω Both of them are a little upset that so many omegas are turned off by their scent, and they don't have mates- Even though they're both very popular and accomplished trainers. They try not to let it bother them, but Emmet's woken up to himself nervously rubbing his wrists into his bed and wishing it was a cute little omega's nest, instead… Ingo is a hopeless romantic though and doesn't hide his sorrow half as well. He wistfully stares at couples and wishes he could've been a beta, if it would do anything to fix his scent problems.
Ω When they meet their darling omega, they're ecstatic, and can barely contain their excitement. An omega? Who doesn't hate their scent? They're also super nervous, and they have zero clue how best to catch your attention and interest.
Ω They suck at nest making, for the most part. They never learned, and so they follow your lead- They buy you lots of blankets, some pretty curtains, and any sort of lights or other things you'd like for your nest. They have a tendency to spoil you, but let them- They feel bad from not knowing how to make nests themselves.
Ω While they love you dearly, they act kind of distant- Scared to chase you off, nervous to show too much affection. You have to reassure them a lot that you really love them and want them, which is something new for them.
Ω They absolutely lose it if you ask them to scent something. Ingo gets wide eyed, and almost shocked. He gestures at himself, as if- No, you'd meant some alpha standing behind him. Once he gets over his shock, he's flustered and has wrapped the blanket or article of clothing around himself, trying to make it as Ingo-scented as possible. Emmet just beams with enthusiasm and snatches you and whatever you're holding into his embrace- Yes, he'll scent your clothing for you- And yourself.
Ω Ingo growls a lot, sometimes without even realizing it. He usually does it when he's holding you, or if he's in rut- Or in his sleep. Emmet typically whines at you. Ω Both of them are very clingy alphas, once they let themselves act more naturally around you. If you often sleep in your nest, they're pawing at the entrance to your abode- Two pitiful, half-undressed alphas almost whining at you to let them come in and cuddle, or join them in their beds for the night. If they ever catch you cuddling their clothing, they're melting and immediately jumping to join you- A coat is a poor substitute for your beloved alphas, after all.
Ω They like to spoil their omega. Not just in nest materials, but they'll probably want to take frequent baths with you, and treat you to nice things often. They practically parade you around with how much they love you and how much they take pride in being your alphas- Ingo will often take you to buy cute, comfy clothes- Emmet likes to treat you (and himself) to sweets. Ω They will also ask you to scent their own clothing! Especially their shirts, or the collars of their coats- Your scent is soothing and refreshing to them, especially if they're having a bad day.
Ω They love having you with them in Gear Station, and if Emmet spots you he practically runs up to scent you, kissing you and wrapping his arms around you. Ingo prefers to immediately invite you back to the office- He prefers to give his affections in private, unlike Emmet's PDA. If they're working and you're in their office, one of them might occasionally pull you in for a tight hug- Drinking in your scent, hearing your heart beat or your voice squeak in surprise.
Ω Cuddling you after a long day is something they love very very much- They put on a cool fan, or possibly two, or maybe three- and just lie around in bed or on the couch with you. Ingo gently rubbing his hands across your back, scenting you- And Emmet curling around you like a gremlin before he passes out.
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