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nikkisticki · 2 years ago
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Hey @staff instead of being stupid little faggots and making jabs at twitter you could actually fix your website or stop with the insane porn censor or stop considering trans women existing to be porn or handle your serious terf problem or handle your serious Qanon problem or handle your serious extremist problem or improve your website without making it functionally worse or actually listen to your users
Or you can keep being cute until the website explodes because you're too preoccupied with stupid shitty changes to realize you're one wrong move from losing your userbase
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hotdogmchiggin · 19 days ago
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the Horrors probably could’ve been avoided if they just tried the Medicine Drug
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dizzybizz · 1 year ago
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KAEYA BIRTHDAY ??? ?? i love you mr alberich sir i love you oh so so so much.
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uh dialogue for this one but more legible under the cut (and a messy ragbros page)
Klee: Kaeya! Come down here! Kaeya: Oh? heh. What is it, Spark Knight?
Klee: Happy Birthday! It is today? Right? I even double-checked with Albedo and everything but I don't know... Klee: It's a Calla Lily! You like those, right? Kaeya: I certainly do! Thank y- Klee: Oh. Klee: OK OK OK- Kaeya: Hm? Klee: Kaeya you have to promise to not tell Master Jean about this one! Kaeya: You can count on me to keep my lips sealed.
Klee: OK! Close your eyes- eye- and hold out your hands! Kaeya: Mhm! Klee: OK! You can open them! TA-DA~!
Klee: I made a bomb for you! It even has an eyepatch! He can look after you when I'm somewhere else. Take good care of him! Oh yeah- He explodes if you- Kaeya?
Kaeya: Thank you Klee! Thank you very much! Klee: You're VERY welcome Kaeya!
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a lil ragbros too.... kaeya and his red siblings amirite (bursts into tears).. also i am so obsessed with chibi diluc saying "bring em in..."
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kolumander · 1 year ago
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this would’ve been appropriate for november but whatever i made it and im posting it now. feast your eyes upon my elaborate shitpost B)
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bulbabutt · 8 months ago
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Raphaella Meets His Match
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
getting on the same page
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tshortik · 1 year ago
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The traitor duo absolutely nobody has ever asked for | og meme
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tsamired · 10 months ago
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On the COTL fandom wiki's page for snails this image shows at the very top and I am losing my shit over it. This is the guy you want.
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halflifebutawesome · 5 months ago
If you happen. To still be taking requests. Would you be amiable to drawing gordon in MacReady's big dumb hat from The Thing (hlvrai or og dealer's choice) 🤠
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ok technically requests are closed but it’s The Thing and also this made me laugh really hard
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realist-fortheloveofwomen · 12 days ago
A while ago I came across a post that was calling masculine women/butch women/gender non-conforming women “trans masc”
I did some research into this term as I had heard it thrown around and only had a vague idea of it’s definition:
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For the most part all definitions are similar to this. Aside from the blatant misogyny, genuinely what the fuck is the point of terms like this?
A female person being masculine is just that. It’s nothing more or less, it’s completely neutral and natural. It’s insane the amount of micro labels that are being produced and sold off to the youth of today. Being a masculine woman doesn’t make me “trans”, and it’s especially misogynistic when “trans fem” only applies to MALES. Additionally- everyone has some mix of feminine and masculine traits, nobody is a one-dimensional person. We are all uniquely complex.
Females are not inherently feminine. Femininity is a social construct that is DESIGNED to OPPRESS WOMEN AND GIRLS.
Fucking disgusting bullshit once more from TRA.
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ihateloginwallsfuckyou · 2 months ago
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my new au. teddy fresh.
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savage-otters · 4 months ago
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This came to me in a divine vision
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wieldervolopriv · 4 days ago
"i can manipulate n" is something my stats professor said but also something ghetsis would say
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months ago
................there are people who actually honest to god ship mae and kon? girl i think hes been groomed by enough adult women 💀
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brofightiscancelled · 4 months ago
okay ill bite why do u hate kaoru sakuraba sidem aside from the fact that they went from hokuto as a main blue to downgrade to kaoru. to make it less awkward that I’m asking abt sidem on ur osomatsu side blog, what sidem idols would u assign to each matsu ?
i think sideM should collab w osomatsu-san and put them all in Beit so they can all get JOBS!!!!!!
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anyways i hate kaoru from idolmaster sideM. i need all my osomatsu-san side blog followers to know that i hate this man. "i need a lot of money fast to pursue an extremely niche medical research track, which is why i quit my stable and high paying job as a surgeon to become an idol while having no soft skills, physical strength or stamina, or interest in getting along with people" are you Stupid??
he's not even using his idol clout to spread awareness of the rare disease he's trying to cure (like SEM does) so it can secure funding, he sees it 100% as a job and refuses to have fun, he is actively unpleasant and uncooperative in every interaction with his coworkers because he's trying to "rise to the top". it seems like the only thing he has going for him are his looks and that he kind of liked to sing when he was a kid. why not become a model at that point when you have the personality of a wet tree trunk. or better yet why not STAY A FUCKING DOCTOR!!!!!
also, i don't like meganes, so write that down.
#context for oomfiematsus: idolmaster sideM's gimmick is that all the idols were other things before becoming idols#Beit is the unit whose gimmick is that all their members have part time jobs (baito)#others are like. lawyer -> idol; pilot -> idol; pianist -> idol; rakugoka -> idol; etc#finding out the backstories/previous lives of these idols is like the main appeal of this branch#a lot of times it's like trauma and stuff that causes them to switch careers. like there's a pair of twins who were former soccer pros#but one suffers a career-ending injury and it's sad. and theyre like well we were pretty good at PR and stuff though so let's be idols#(the other twin follows him because yknow twinsies <3 cant be apart)#and this guy is in the main unit so you meet him and he's just a fucking dick the whole time and he just seems to fucking hate being an ido#so the whole time youre like what's this guy's deal#(note i experienced this through the anime cuz all the games are EOS lol)#and then like 3/4ths into the anime in you finally get his backstory#and it's that his sister died of a very rare disease so he needs money to fund research to find the cure but no one will fund it#but instead of staying a doctor he decides the best way to do this is to BECOME AN IDOL?!!!?!?#like sure i bet the top idols do make more than an average surgeon? but it's like do you want a .01% chance to make a $2 million salary#or an 100% chance to make a $300k salary BECAUSE YOURE ALREADY A SURGEON!!!!#and it'd be another thing if he was like. kinda having fun with it. kinda being jovial#like there's literally another guy in the teacher unit who became an idol for the exact same reason (heard it was lucrative)#but then after he finds out being an idol actually isnt all that much cash#so he just decides to have fun being an idol instead!!!!#this guy NEVER GETS THERE. he's always a SERIOUS RUDE STICK IN THE MUD who is NEVER FUN TO BE AROUND BECAUSE HE'S LIKE#I'm Here For Work. I'm Here To Be The Best Idol. I Don't Want To Make Friends#LIKE GET REEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL DUDE YOUR COWORKERS ARE 10 YEAR OLDS IN ANIMAL COSTUMES AND 30 YEAR OLD MEN IN PINK TIGHTS.#anyways everyone likes him i guess he's supposed to be the “cold guy eventually opens his heart” kind of guy but he has always just come of#as very annoying to me. and also DUMB AS FUCK i cannot stress enough how STUPID OF A CAREER CHOICE THIS WAS#so i cant take him seriously when they try to play him up as this cool all-knowing guy when he's the STUPIDEST PERSON AT THIS COMPANY#INCLUDING THE 9 YEAR OLDS
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a-bad-case-of-the-stephs · 15 days ago
Every time I remember the phrase ‘the war of jokes and riddles’ I am filled with unironic rage and spite beyond any reasonability. Fuck the war of jokes and riddles.
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indecisiveavocado · 3 months ago
Dear Goyim Who Think Judaism and Israel Aren't Connected,
They absolutely are. The holy land of Judaism is Israel, and no amount of fiddling will get around that inconvenient fact.
Even throughout our exile, Jews clung to the idea of Israel, the holy land. Even after the Romans slaughtered us, sold us slaves, expelled us, and tried to erase our connection to the land (a propaganda that you seem to have swallowed), even after their successors tried to keep us from coming back (not that all of us left; some stayed, stayed through persecution and massacre and more), we clung to it.
Israel is the holy land. And, in the words of Jefferson, "To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."
The central prayer in Judaism, Shema Yisrael, uses "Israel" as a synonym for the Jewish people.
We pray facing Jerusalem.
In old texts, it is incredibly common to see Israel used as a synonym of Jews. Thus in Nathan Ausubel's 1948 Treasury of Jewish Folklore we see rabbis referred to as the "Sages of Israel" (in a discussion of why Jerusalem was destroyed, no less!), and the saying "Am Yisrael Chai" literally translates as "the People of Israel live!"
At the end of the Passover seder, we say, "L'shana haba'a b'Yerushalayim" (Next year in Jerusalem).
Psalm 137: "על נהרות  בבל שם ישבנו גם־בכינו בזכרנו את־ציון". Or, "Al naharot bavel sham yashavnu gam-bakhinu bezakhernu el-tzion" (Tzion, Zion, being another name for the land). "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept as we thought of Zion." It continues, "How can we sing God's song in a foreign land? / If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning."
There are many rules that only apply when in Israel.
Observant Jews say, "ברוך אתה יי בונה ירושלים" (Barukh atah Adonai boneh Yerushalayim), or "Blessed are you, God, builder of Jerusalem" three times daily.
My very short Haftarah portion, which is assigned based on when you were born and thus not something I had control over, mentions Israel ("vegoaleikh kedosh Yisrael elohei khol-haaretz yikarei" - my brain can't stop singing it, Isaiah 54:5), in the context of God being the "Holy One of Israel". The prayer before the Haftarah reading includes the line "uvyisrael amo" (for Your [God's] people Israel). Again, my Haftarah portion was not in any way special; it was five verses. The translation of the part I read is all of 153 words. And yet it still mentions Israel. (The Hebrew, by the way, is 71 words.)
In short: by denying Jewish claims to Israel as the holy land (kedushat ha-aretz), you are erasing an indigenous people's history and implicitly accepting the narrative of settler-colonialist genociders who sought to make it as though the people whose land they were taking and who they were selling as slaves were not tied to the land and did not have any ancestral connection. Your claims are entirely false.
Your Neighborhood (Non-Israeli, But Y'all Are Making Me Want To Consider Aliyah) Jew
*Extended footnote on the terminology used: There are two major (and definitely non-dialectical) indigenous languages in the region that still survive to some extent: Hebrew and Aramaic. (Other languages existed in the region - Phonecian and Ugaritic, for instance. But they didn't survive.)
The indigenous name for the region in Aramaic and Hebrew is ישראל, pronounced, roughly, "Yisrael". Via the process of translation, that became "Israel". The other common name for the region, Palestine, derives from the Roman Palestina, a relic of their campaign to destroy Jewish connection to the region by renaming it after a small Greek group who were long since gone, the Philistines. I am using the name the indigenous people of the region used, rather than the name of a colonial occupier trying to pretend like the indigenous people were unconnected to the land.
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