#IRL degeneracy
jadeannbyrne · 18 hours
Post Twitchcon Of Paladin Jade: The Moissanite Commandments
Making Camgirls Great Again: The Finer Points of Digital Fantasy. The Return of Paladin Jade: The Moissanite Commandments In the stillness before dawn, when the multitudes were ensnared by modern temptations—worshipping the fire copper red haired horse girl siren-of the screen, reveling in wild festivities, and indulging in delicious cookie sugary sins from trucks on sacred days—Paladin Jade Ann…
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spearxwind · 1 year
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uc-beepboop · 2 years
If I was part of a worse fandom, people would be making threesome art between Suds, Rian, and the Ascendant Engine.
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palant1r · 1 year
not proshipper not anti but a secret third thing (person who has a career in the media and, through covering legislative politics, has watched "associating with problematic fiction or entertainment is an indicator of moral degeneracy" rapidly become a mainstream GOP position that they are encoding in legislation to target the queer community under the guise of protecting children, thus coming to the conclusion that positioning the "can people enjoy things that would be immoral IRL in their fiction" debate as a proship v anti fandom debate is akin to pretending that "should we have the death penalty" is a discussion that only matters in Death Note discourse — the extent and manner to which fiction affects reality is an issue that is immediately relevant to today's US politics, and to summarize my opinions on the matter in fandom terms would be to diminish the ways this debate is affecting america Right The Fuck Now. and i have stopped taking "this person is bad for shipping the wrong anime thing and being horny about it" in any sort of good faith ever since I saw it literally used as part of a GOP smear campaign against a transgender state legislator in an attempt to defend the right from backlash after they used their supermajority in the Montana house to prevent her from speaking on the floor. Anyway I think everyone on this site, especially Americans, could benefit from ceasing to think in proship v anti vocabulary and instead developing coherent political positions on the nature of fiction that do not directly align with current fascist political tactics)
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underleveledjosh · 1 year
You die worried that your internet browser history hasn't been deleted. I die happy knowing that I used incognito mode for all my degenerate activities. We are not the same.
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musidoras · 2 years
me and my roommate mentioning to our italian colleague that we're going to watch sanremo only to get the answer: oh the last few years it's been really degenerate so it's worse than before
interesting choice of words since as far as i know what's happening in the last few years is that it's campier and gayer 🙄
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potetosaradas · 5 months
9, 16 andddddd uhhhhh 6??? 😊
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
Reconstruction by @cyanichexanthine @cardinal-hexation
I absolutely ADORE this fic. It's such a great introspective look into Rick's perceived notions about Prime and how he thinks/believes Prime perceives him. I adore the prose, Hex writes wonderfully vivid/visual prose and it's so easy to imagine the scenes in my head. It's such a gutwrenching fic and there's one scene that grasps my heart and soul forever. The Prime dialogue is honestly so good and so in character and I love the difficult questions that put Rick on the spot. Overall, the premise is so deliciously angsty and so so SO great.
Blips and Chitz by @thatfinewine
GOD. THE QUEEN OF WRITING SUCCINCTLY. This less than 1300 word fic literally DESTROYS me every time I read it. It is the most in character prickcest I have ever read. I absolutely adore the way Prime is characterised here, the way he challenges Rick but even through all the tension... the fact that they still hang out together makes me so CAT SCREAM. This fic is so perfect the way it describes both Rick and Prime as characters and their relationship together, but explored through a simple video game at the arcade... honestly can't say enough good things about this fic tbh
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
OH LORDY NO LMAO my partner sort of knows I draw... maybe write, but he doesn't know the FULL EXTENT OF MY FUJOSHI DEGENERACY AND JUST HOW MUCH I CAN SHIT OUT YAOI SMUT LMFAO.
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
HHHHHHHHH OKAY. Just for you, I'll show you a few snippets of some fics that will probably never make it out of the drafts LMAOOO 😭💀
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First SS Premise: the boys sign up to be participants for a special experiment
Second SS Premise: the boys go get some ice cream... :)
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rrbobani · 7 months
I have been absent!
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To anyone who might be following me, I have been silent for a while, and I might be silent even more in the coming days. TL;DR, I've been taking a break from and I think I will break from Tumblr even loneer. I haven't given up on my online presence, but I haven't really been in the right mindset for it either. I feel like I haven't been fulfilling my goal of focusing on an irl job lately and because of that anxiety I have shut down a bit.
I'm a quiet person by default, but I haven't been this detached with social media in forever. I'm taking doodling slowly because ideas are coming to me just as slowly. I think I'm experiencing a bit of burn out is all. Taking this break will help me focus on things that are important to me right now, getting out and just taking time to go someplace new, and focus on building up my confidence.
I might return soon, I might not. I still want to upload doodles, but I don't think I'll be uploading them on Tumblr for a while. I just want the quiet space I have on my blog for now. 
If you want to know what blog I'm talking about, it's this one:
So don't worry about me, I'm going to be ok, I hope this doesn't come across as a plea for comfort. I just don't think I'm doing a good job with handling myself. Though, if you are concerned, I do appreciate it. It's always nice knowing that there are still people out there who care. 🧡
Take care everyone, enjoy life!
- Ani ✭
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nyankolovesbox · 7 months
Hey! Just wanted to say, glad to see you back, hope life hasn't been rough with you. I can't wait to see what else you'll draw and how far your art will improve!
Hey! Thanks man! Life is rough, but its what makes people strong. Hey! That month, I learned to put a make-up on my face (I am pretty! :D) I got work (although its temporary, its still work!), I lost some weight (a long way to go! Aiming for 150 pounds right now!) and I have come to appreciate my irl friends. Whenever there are downs, there will be ups. All I have to do is go through it and appreciate what is given to me.
As for content and art, I actually came back wanting to make a lot of them! Something to pour my heart into (and maybe my degeneracy considering who I am) and I just want to draw some fluff and spice. I will improve along the way!
Anyway, thanks for checking in on me. A lot of people came to chat to me and I really appreciate it and I love you all for giving me your time when you dont have to. I will pay back with some content.
And thanks nitz, I am not about to generalize my thanks lol. You are a good peep! I hope I see you around more ^^
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blossoms-phan · 4 months
guys I’m sorry I’m so not normal about tøp I started listening in 2015 during the blurryface era when I was officially knee deep in the dan and phil degeneracy and I’ve never been this around for an album release I supported them from afar but was more of a casual listener until a little bit after trench but what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never had the opportunity to see them live and idk anyone who listens to them irl so I haven’t gotten tickets for the tour but my god listening to the album in its full is just reminding me of how much I love them and their music and craft and idc what I have to do I NEED TO SEE THE CLANCY TOUR
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shesay · 1 year
the "sensitive male" situation 😭💀 is so just insane like there r males who get "panic attacks" when their gfs don't wanna have sex w em like I've literally heard of it irl 😭 like what does that even mean this is literal degeneracy like unfortunately u won't die from sex deprivation lmao 💀
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agent-cupcake · 10 months
return to JJk hell with us. (FYI, It sucks. And FYI I think you sent me here. Headpusher!Suguru pushed me off a cliff, straight down to the second layer. )
Unfortunately I will need to kick this recent fixation I have with Jeff Ward before moving on to anything else. Ik nobody follows me for irl dudes but
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Like. Woah. The Clown was just gateway drug and now I am in too deep. I'm aiming to get the fic out before the end of the year and then we may return to our regularly scheduled anime degeneracy, BUT until then
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vi-sigoth · 1 year
I actually think a lot of Internet “Christian trads” don’t believe what they claim to. Yeah yeah, I know, calling out someone for lying on the Internet, how groundbreaking. But—
When I was vegan (it was a bad time in my life, I don’t want to talk about it), I hung out with a lot of vegans/vegetarians, because, you know, when you’re fucking insufferable you need to find other people to live your insufferable lifestyle with, and I literally talk to none of them anymore—anyway. I hung out with a lot of vegans and went to a lot of vegan food festivals and cafes in the urban area where I used to live; and roughly speaking, you could categorize these people into about three different categories, with plenty of overlap between them:
1. People that went vegan because they thought it would improve their health/wanted to eat cleaner.
2. People that legitimately thought that going vegan was the best way to address cruel animal husbandry practices (which, let’s face it, there are plenty, so you could see why someone might be led into it), and—
3. People that were absolute fucking assholes who searched for an easy ideology/ belief system to latch onto and use as a vehicle for their vile personality. I’m talking about dudes who punched unwitting waiters in restaurants blocking the path to smash the lobster tank, men who sent women posing with a gun and a dead buck on Instagram rape and death threats(but it’s okay! They were just scumbag carnists! They deserved it!). Women working for PETA screaming through a megaphone held inches away from passerby’s ears.
Those people might’ve pretended they were vegan for the animals, sure. But the truth is, had they actually sat down and done any sort of deep self-reflection (assuming they had the capacity to do so) they’d find that veganism was merely the ideological vehicle for whatever anger and disenfranchisement they had inside them. I mean after all, veganism gives you endless Internet debate opportunities and endless ways to vent your anger out into the world.
And I really think there’s some Tumblr “trads” that are like this too. They’re almost always converts. They pick Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or one of the many flavors of Protestantism and lean hard into it. You see, for “Christian” “trad” bros, this provides a comfort. It’s not their horrendous personality that repels women, it’s that all women are fallen whores who won’t submit to a husband, and just like, don’t worry king, your based trad gun loving biblical virtuous virgin is out there, keep posting white women extinct button Pepe memes, Jesus fashwave edits, and uppity posts about how all non-Catholics are going to hell while not living any of the Christian values you espouse online in real life, she’s out there bro. It’s okay that you’re a creepy incel, no one has to know as long as you call woman whores, say the N word and have a Bible quote in your bio. And the women? Some of you are just fucking unlikable cunts, but it’s okay! Since Jesus forgives everything, you can be as big of a snotty bitch and bully online and let’s face it, probably IRL too, it’ll all be washed away, or so you say on your Tumblr blog in between pretending that your Internet Christianity gives you the moral high ground in any argument.
Now keep in mind, I don’t think this of all the Christians on Tumblr, or even most of them, but man, some of you are so fake it’s nauseating. And you know, I absolutely believe that the world is rife with demonry and degeneracy, but sometimes, the problem isn’t demons. Sometimes, it’s simply horrendous character flaws and a vile personality that had any of these people ACTUALLY turned to religion, they would have been forced to come face to face with.
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chuuyascumsock · 1 year
I like how sometimes your asks will be filled with the most horrendous, concerning and flabbergasting thing ever and your tag will be like "casual ask" 😀
I put casual bc they’re things that I’d say to my irl friends (they have seen the worst of my degeneracy LMAO).
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wifkin · 2 years
i asked that before i found out you were a pos, but like, why are you transmysoginistic. like explain your logic i genuinely wanna know
its sad you have to hide behind anon to have a decent conversation.
the funniest part is im not even a “real” terf or whatever gender identity disorder is undeniably real. i identified as FTM for a decade. i still use he/him with those i am close to irl. but no matter what i do i am still a woman and will be percieved that way by most, and thus i am affected by womens issues and have the general life experience of a woman living in [current location] in [current era]. to the world you are no more than the sum of your parts, and accepting that will allow you to let go of issues like gender dysphoria
by the time i was 10 years old i was fully online, entrenched in TRA communities; i have been watching our community cannibalize itself for just as long. predators, abusers, rapists, pedophiles, you name it, are protected by other TRAs because it threatens to expose the cesspit of hypocrisy and sexual degeneracy literally screaming under the surface. being trans for men has become this thinly veiled golden ticket to dodge responsibilities and repercussions, to abuse those who disagree with your delusions, and to clout chase; for women it is an attempt to escape the cycle.
TIF circles are both perpetuating and victims of misogyny. they are hurt girls, usually heavily sexualized as children, or victims of sexual abuse. they tear down anything that can be construed as remotely feminine, as well as the women who partake, because they are trying to escape the discomfort of their oppression and sexualization via assimilation with the men that made them feel that way in the first place. it is escapism.
for TIMs, it is either a reaction to a feeling of failing at their own masculinity, to fulfill a degradation fetish, or a combination of the two. they are too weak, too fragile, too sensitive, too cowardly to be "real men", so they dress themselves up in some pornsick mockery of every girl they had wet dreams about when they were 13. i mean, why go through the effort of improving yourself, finding the qualities of yourself you like and want to hone in on, or god forbid INTROSPECTING, when all you have to do is put on a skirt and some clown paint for asspats? to them, a woman is the lowest, most degrading thing you could become. comprendo?
TRAs are only hurting their own, blindly fighting for their egos and what makes their dicks hard. degenerate men have sunk their claws into us and have twisted our suffering into a costume to be perverted and exploited; feeding you false, misogynistic, violent rhetoric in digestible twitter threads while women self-flagellate to desperately avoid being crucified by sissy hypno bugmen. its an ouroboros
it goes beyond a "social issue". this is being actively encouraged from the top down. it is systemic misogyny. i doubt you will read this but i will link you anyways.
transmisogyny is not real btw
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transwolvie · 1 year
Makes me think of the hierarchy of sex discussion, because in order to uphold the hierarchy they must push the myth that letting anything over the boundary set between "normal" sex and "weird" sex would mean letting EVERYTHING over that boundary and a full societal collapse into degeneracy. That argument probably sounds pretty familiar. People who say that gay marriage will lead to sex with ducks, people who are insistent that the gays want to include pedophilia, etc.
You see an interesting turn of this too, where people are insistent that ANY censorship or limits would lead to everything that deserves to be normalized being pushed back into the realm of "weird" sex, too, which is fascinating, because I think most of us can fairly say that we can, in fact, ban things such as porn of minors (especially irl minors, looking at youuuu AO3!) without somehow going back to the days when all queer art was subjugated. A kind of knee-jerk reaction (mmm reactionary movements) to the fact that our overall society has always pushed this slippery slope myth, and thus the fact that the larger, controlling groups of society will in fact try to ban any and all queer expression as degenerate.
But here's the thing. It's a myth. We can let things over the line without descending into chaos, because the line is made the fuck up. Accepting furries does NOT mean accepting zoophilia. Accepting LGBT+ people does NOT mean accepting pedophilia. On its face that should be OBVIOUS, since these things are hardly related at all. The only thing that groups them together is that they are currently societally taboo. and the cool thing about society is that you can still keep certain taboos even as you move into a more progressive society. in fact you uh. SHOULD keep certain taboos (@ libertarians. stop being nasty.)
When people present it as some weird zero-sum game they are lyingggg to you. It is not a slippery slope, it is a clear decision we can make and a line we can set as a society that LGBT+ people are normal, that kink is normal, that something as simple as furries are NORMAL, without somehow letting the big bad boogieman of "evil" and "wrong" sex in
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