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maiiuelle · 10 months ago
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you and rafe spend the majority of your time together at tannyhill. it just makes more sense, his house is bigger, usually vacant, and void of your father, who has plenty of choice words about your new rich boyfriend. but today is different, your dad is out investigating a break in on the opposite side of the island, and your mom disappeared off to the golf club hours ago. it’s the perfect opportunity to sneak rafe in.
“come on, come on! you’re gonna love my room.” you hug rafe’s arm, tugging on him excitedly. a smirk pulls at his cheeks, finding your eagerness adorable.
“alright, m’coming — gonna pull my damn arm off.”
you push open the door, revealing your cozy bedroom. there’s a big window overlooking the street with a vintage bench shoved underneath for your nighttime reading. a soft white rug sprawls over almost the entire hardwood floor, and your vanity sits next to the door, expensive makeup products and gold jewelry cluttering the surface. on the opposite wall is your overflowing bookshelf, your nightstand with your record player, a warm floor lamp, and your giant bed that sits in the center. it has pink floral sheets, white fluffy pillows, and a wide-eyed siamese cat sitting in the middle.
“oh! this is simon.” you introduce your kitty proudly. you didn’t expect him to be out, usually hidden away somewhere the second someone new steps foot in the house. in hopes he’ll stick around, you sit down gently on the bed beside him to run your fingers through his white fur. "he's a little shy."
“shy? fur-ball looks like he wants to eat me.” rafe raises an eyebrow at him, pacing closer. the little kitty’s eyes widen and his ears go back, rafe’s looming height too intimidating too fast — he’s quick to abandon the bed, hiding underneath as usual.
“rafe!” you whine, all hopes of friendship between the two of them lost immediately. you cross your arms dramatically, pouting. “gotta be slow — gentle. he’s sensitive!”
“yeah, yeah. i’m sure he’s just fine, babe.” he brushes it off in the moment but seems to take your words into consideration. later, when he’s lying half asleep in your pink sheets with you curled up beside him, the siamese cat hops back up on the bed, landing right in rafe’s lap. it surprises both of them, the cat probably forgetting he was even there. you don’t notice a thing, already out cold, lulled to sleep in rafe’s arms.
the two just stare at each other for a second, neither really sure what to do. in a moment of bravery, simon sniffs around the comforter and even rafe’s ringed hand, still unsure but suddenly not as skittish. he finds a dip in the blankets, and eyes rafe suspiciously before finally curling up between the two of you. “hm, m’not so bad now, huh?” rafe’s sleepy, gravely voice is soft, and he slowly brings his free hand to brush through the purring kitty’s soft fur.
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moonsun2010 · 2 months ago
Ooh man, I love your Crew of Light's first Christmas tags.
Can you imagine... Lucy died on the longest days of the year, when light fades and darkness starts to reign on land and on everyone's souls from losing her. Then a month after Dracula becomes ash the Crew of Light are there together on the longest night of the year and Christmas and near the dawn of a new year. Light starts to slowly but surely come back, as if Quincey made sure of it.
Context: Anon is referring to my tags* on this post... Anon I wanted to reply to this with a comic on Christmas but I took too long,,, consider it a post-Christmas gift:
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*My tags: #im damn rusty on the loreTM rn but i do agree arthurll throw a fancy ass celebration and stuff as expected from the lordling #and then once thats done the real celebration of them meeting at the Harkers occurs where its more somber. i imagine the 1st christmas #postDracula is very somber. its barely been a month after all. no parties in the goldaming estate this year im afraid yes the new lord is #just so deeply in mourning isnt he devoted. sitting at the grave of his beloveds every week. hes still in his room now mediating i heard #just as the loneliness finallt gets to arthur hes greeted by a knock at the door. seward has come to find him—one look at his drawn face #is all it takes to know they were both mourning the same ppl. so they go. down to the harkers' where van helsing is alr waiting by the door #chiding them for their lateness ('didnt you receive my telegram' 'that seems to be a recurring problem yes') even as VH's hug warms them up #from their trek through the snow ('oh no we dont need a carriage dears enjoy your christmas'). they become warmer still sitting ard the #hearth with the Harkers similarly harggard yet brightening instantly as the group reunites... and as they exchange stories of the dead #it is as though they still walk amongst them their memory forever kept alive. if 2 ghostly presences watch from the doorway well. #do pardon them. they just missed their family so much.
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simonbrain · 18 hours ago
Could you possibly write some more deer!hybrid stuff? I loved the first one :3
of course 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
true to his word, simon keeps you with him at home. it's a bit awkward given that he doesn't really speak to you other than a gruff keep still while checking on your injuries, but once you accept the fact that you're making conversation with a brick wall most of the time, you're just happy to be there with him. his cabin's pretty cosy, the bed much warmer and more comfortable than the pile of leaves you occupy. the food's not bad either, although you did refuse to eat the meat he had placed on the table the first couple of nights. you preferred your greens, fruits, and nuts, but you begrudgingly gave in when he cooked up some fish for you.
even when you're all healed up, he doesn't explicitly tell you to get out, and you take full advantage of that. wearing his clothes, slumbering in the sweet little garden he has at the back, curling up against him at night. he may grunt and act annoyed whenever you drape yourself on top of him and snooze away, but the arm wrapped tight around your body says otherwise.
however, that's where he draws the line at touching you, and you're beginning to get a little restless. you thought feeling his hand rub up and down your back would've been enough to soothe the heat prickling all over your skin; the soft pats on your head and gentle strokes on your excited little tail should have satisfied your need for affection.
yet here you are, face hidden in the crook of his neck as you rock against the thick thigh between your legs. you just can't help yourself, can't quell the urge to get on all fours and present. he's just right there, so big and warm, encompassing you from all sides; it's impossible to escape his heady, musky scent. maybe you should feel embarrassed about being so desperate, but he's ignored so many of your subtle signs. it's impossible to play coy when you're sprawled out on top of him like this.
simon swirls his glass, the taste of bourbon and want heavy on his tongue. such a pretty sight you make, his favourite headache shamelessly whimpering and getting herself off on top of him. when you whine for something more, something better, he only shushes you and places a supportive hand on your lower back, urging you to carry on. this is for him, doe; after all that shit he's put up with, he's earned the right to play with you.
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anthrophobixx · 10 months ago
hey!! if you don't mind, it would be cool to doodle norm and mr dickens together!! :) IN LITERALLY ANY WAY YOU WANT I JUST CANT FIND ART OF THEM /nf
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This is a bit rushed but I didn't wanna keep the nation starving since this was highly requested by quite a few ppl \o/
I might make a proper drawing of these two sometime, who knows :]
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arcadebandit · 5 months ago
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Greetings Sugar Rush community. I present to you my Sugar Rush Racer, Coco Marshmafluff‼️(she/they)
Yeeaaa, I rushed these a bit. I sketched out everything yesterday and tried to finish coloring in the span of two hours. Whatever, I still had fun with these. I should design stuff out of confectioneries for a living tbh 🤷🏽 (cuz I like food)
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yourpalsalamander · 1 month ago
Asha and silas should kiss
*shoves asha toward rush so she would fall in his arms*
*runs for dear life*
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They might ki-
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Oh. Never mind, she electrocuted him.
[must've been the wind...]
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nonomives · 2 years ago
Heeeey I think I got a better challenge or idea for you! Also I loved the filipense version of welcome home! 🤩 they all look stunning! How about a Circus AU for Welcome Home?
Oh my y. G O O D N E S S
hold on hold on hold on Omg ur so right hold on
Ok so excuse the fact that the picture looks like its been taken by a bank's security camera
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Also some bits of a story i put together like last night while brainrotting over this concept
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Smthn smthn, im gonna make Frank suffer angst hjgxwgsdjged
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yandereunsolved · 1 month ago
Okay, imagine gothamite reader (because where else could this happen?)
Who accidentally becomes a Mob Boss
Not on purpose, not willingly, not even ironically.
Suddenly, after a few incidents involving a Godfather joke said outloud, accidentally beating a known thug, and (un)fortunately knowing Italian (due Duolingo 😭), all unwittingly infront of some mobsters.
Before you know it the Batfam is tapping at your window meanwhile your new henchmen are knocking at the door.
This reminds me of @ozzgin 's dumbass reader who ends up working in hell.
I love this thought though. 🫶
You ended up being jinxed by one supernatural entity or the other and you end up falling upwards into the upper echelon of the criminal hierarchy.
Suddenly you have orders at your new desk of torturing and hiring. You accidentally killed a supervillian and inherited their lair. You bumped into one of the Robin's on top of a building and nearly killed them.
Uh, oh!
You're just a silly lil guy. And the Duolingo bird ends up being your villainous animal companion who you pet on your comfy black leather chair. You were spinning around on your chair with Duo as Batman kicks down the door and tells you to 'freeze you crminal scumbag' — only to have your new order of poisonous gases open up by Batman's kicking down of your door.
He passes out.
What do you do now?
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connorconsumestrousers · 9 months ago
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Bloberta @ Danielle about Clay hehe
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this is such an old ask that I forgot to do IM SO SORRY RARI 💔
but here it is, hope you like 🫶
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Hey, I don't know if you're still(?) in the Florida area but I just wanted to say please stay safe out there, what with the hurricane and all.
I'm guessing I might've seen this uh. Late
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stillgotscars · 2 months ago
You swore that you loved me but where were the clues? I died on the altar waiting for the proof
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year ago
gojo: when i was younger, i was grounded for a month because i came home late! you: well, you deserved it you: i mean, getting everybody's hopes up like that and then showing up again gojo:
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inrainprose · 1 year ago
please leave comments on fanfics today and forever you never know how much you can improve an author's shitty day/week/time
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areyouscaredyet · 1 year ago
this is so silly but I saw some of your Matthew fan art then checked your blog AND U DREW HIM MORE THAN ONCE 😭😭😭 it made me so happy instant follow your Matthew art is amazing 10/10 incredible work :D also the jimmy eat world thing so true so real
thank u sm!! i remember watching/reading sp in like. middle school. and hes been my Big Fave since day 1 so you know i have to represent
and abt the jimmy eat world thing -- i have so much experience with/around early-to-mid 2010s emo culture i need to find a way to shoehorn it in...
n e ways, tysm for the kind message! here's some bonus matpat just for u :0
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yourpalsalamander · 6 months ago
Hey, hear me out;
Asha's able to summon an electric spear, like how Amy is able to summon a Hammer
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Asha's electrokinesis is highly unstable, but I can see her having moments focusing hard enough to summon something just to cause problems 😈
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