#working through my inbox again
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yandereunsolved · 1 month ago
Okay, imagine gothamite reader (because where else could this happen?)
Who accidentally becomes a Mob Boss
Not on purpose, not willingly, not even ironically.
Suddenly, after a few incidents involving a Godfather joke said outloud, accidentally beating a known thug, and (un)fortunately knowing Italian (due Duolingo 😭), all unwittingly infront of some mobsters.
Before you know it the Batfam is tapping at your window meanwhile your new henchmen are knocking at the door.
This reminds me of @ozzgin 's dumbass reader who ends up working in hell.
I love this thought though. 🫶
You ended up being jinxed by one supernatural entity or the other and you end up falling upwards into the upper echelon of the criminal hierarchy.
Suddenly you have orders at your new desk of torturing and hiring. You accidentally killed a supervillian and inherited their lair. You bumped into one of the Robin's on top of a building and nearly killed them.
Uh, oh!
You're just a silly lil guy. And the Duolingo bird ends up being your villainous animal companion who you pet on your comfy black leather chair. You were spinning around on your chair with Duo as Batman kicks down the door and tells you to 'freeze you crminal scumbag' — only to have your new order of poisonous gases open up by Batman's kicking down of your door.
He passes out.
What do you do now?
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keri-mcberry · 6 months ago
Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Thank you @sparxyv , @noelles-legacy , and @ccelicaa for the tags! It was fun getting to know more about you all on your posts, and it makes me happy that you thought of me 🫣
LAST SONG - I2I by Tevin Campbell from A Goofy Movie (my favorite movie of all time btw 💕)
CURRENTLY WATCHING - I mostly just watch YouTube haha! Right now, I'm watching the Baldur's Gate 3 cast play D&D ✨
LAST MOVIE - A Goofy Movie, which explains the song choice 🤭 My husband and I had a movie night with burgers and hot wings 😩👌
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY - Spicy 💯!! Although, I've been craving all things sweet, spicy, and savory lately 🍨🌶️🍔
RELATIONSHIP STATUS - Married 💞 My husband is the Slytherin to my Hufflepuff 💚💛 (as sappy as that sounds 😭) I'm his emotional support, while he inspires me to pursue things I initially thought were out of my reach. He has been incredible and supportive throughout this entire pregnancy, and I honestly have no idea how I'd get by without him 🥹
CURRENT OBSESSION - Hogwarts Legacy of course lmao... but also Animal Crossing New Horizons! My grandma and I have been obsessed ever since it released in 2020. She has over 4,000 hours on it 💀 Recently, I picked it back up and restarted my island. So that would explain my absence from HL content (sorry!) because I really want to impress her next time I see her LOL 😂
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED - "How to make CoCo Ichibanya Curry" because I'm craving it terribly, and I don't live in Japan anymore 💔
When I logged on this morning, I saw so many of these on my dash. So I lost track of who all has already done it 😅
@betheckart @syaolaurant @moonstruckmoony @ethniee @wrongcog @myokk @diana-bluewolf @faustinio27 @girl-named-matty
Even if you already did one or not feeling it, just know that I'm thinking of you! 🫶 I originally had a lot more than 9 people tagged and had to shorten it 😂 If anyone else would like to participate, then consider yourself TAGGED 🫵
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thsc-confessions · 4 months ago
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"one person i know has countless AUs and friends who always draw those AUs that I have lost count. I'm desperate to socialize with everyone there more but when I'm stuck in school in the summer i just cant. I want to be cool too." submitted by anon
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myokk · 19 days ago
Secret Val here, I just wanted to know if day 2 and 3 sent because my wife was soooo bad when I sent them 💀. Not pushing you to answer I just wanted a send confirm
I DID get your asks & I’m drawing up some quick sketches for them🥰 unfortunately I got the worst chilblains in the world over the weekend and my fingers are stupid and swollen and hurt a lot🥲 not cooperating very well rn…(the picture I posted yesterday was drawn over the course of a few days bc I kept taking breaks🥲🥲🥲)
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nina-ya · 4 months ago
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dangaer · 19 hours ago
don't ship with me my reply time can be anything from 1 week to 4 years and when I write asks you'll have to deal with novellas 💔
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seiwas · 7 months ago
just a lil bit of a share ! i’ve been feeling really down lately about not writing that much 🥲 and keeping up with posting more frequently/updating a few of my series more regularly 🥲 but i looked at my masterlists and noticed almost 60% of my fics are actually from this year and we’re only half-way in 🥺
anyway ! the point of this is, if you’re being too hard on yourself today, i hope you’re reminded that you’re doing much better than you think 🥺
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feng-shui71 · 19 hours ago
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What’s up guys … closing the inbox this weekend so reminder that this is the last chance for reqs, i’m actually being serious this time LOL so send some in!!
Also reminder please do NOT send me duplicate asks, I see them the first time and I get to everyone’s eventually, just at different paces. I’m already giving you guys this art for free and all I’m asking for is respect.
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player1064 · 11 months ago
for the carraville prompts: jamie’s pov of your fic it’s just not what’s done, and him doing/saying increasingly gay things that fluster gary who thought he’d never have a chance with the straight boy
honestly I could write a full length fic of this I LOVE this idea but I am exercising restraint (read: i am too sleepy to keep writing but want to post it anyway) and cutting it off at 1.3k words. Jamie is so so annoying in this god bless xx
There’s a weird buzz in the air when Jamie arrives at Melwood in the morning, and not the usual frustration he’d expect the morning after the first team have lost a game. Everyone’s grouped in little huddles, hushed whispers that cut out when anyone else walks by, but the weirdest part by far is that everyone is holding a fucking newspaper.
He walks into the apprentice’s dressing room and snatches a paper out of one of the other lads’ hands. He turns straight to the back page, but there’s nothing particularly noteworthy there – United won the league, big fucking whoop – so he frowns and flips the paper back to the front page.
Jamie would normally dismiss anything The Sun prints as garbage, but a quick glance around the dressing room shows a few other papers scattered around, all with similar headlines. All with the same photo, printed to take up most of the page, full colour even on a weekday.
The Sun’s headline is not a particularly creative one, but is does get the point across quite succinctly: there, right above the grainy, dimly lit photograph, are the words GAY NEVILLE?
“Oh my fucking God,” he hears Michael whisper from behind him.
Gary Neville, right-back, Jamie’s brain helpfully supplies. Manchester United, 21 years old and already eight caps for England.
His next thought is: what a fucking idiot.
He doesn’t give a shit about the gay thing, not really – he did spend two years at boarding school, he knows what some of the boys got up to there. No, his issue is more that United have just won the league, and everyone knows in a few days they’ll be getting the double when they win the FA cup too. 21 years old, a starter for a team that’s about to make footballing history, a spot in the squad for this summer’s Euros, and the stupid prick’s just thrown it all away because he felt like getting off with someone at a club where anyone could see him.
Maybe he should ask his coaches about practicing in right-back. He has a funny feeling a spot’s about to open up on the England team.
“Not so brave now that yer boyfriend’s fucked off to Spain, are ye?”
Neville gives him a disinterested look from across the tunnel.
“Not my boyfriend,” he says flatly, rolling his eyes like he’s recited that line a thousand times before.
He probably has, actually. Jamie needs to come up with better insults, something more original. He’ll workshop some for next time.
Still, better to dig in on this one. “No, I s’pose he’s not now that he’s traded you in fer better things. Yer not exactly a Galactico.”
Neville’s expression is still blank but there’s a hint of fire behind his eyes, which tells Jamie that he’s on the right track, that if he pushes just a little bit more he’ll be able to tip him over the edge.
He sees Keane step out from his place at the front of the line, turn to Neville and mutter “d’you need me to –”
“Couldn’t give a fuck, he’s not worth worryin’ over,” Neville replies, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
There’s no time to say anything back, because the referee walks to the front of the tunnel and then it’s time to go start the game.
“How’s it work, then?”
Neville looks up from the bowl of Weetabix he’d been intently focused on and glances around the room, like he doesn’t believe it’s him Jamie’s talking to.
He shrugs. “How’s what work?”
“The gay thing. Did yous get to bring a WAG over too, or is that only for the normal lads?”
“Wouldn’t be a WAG, would it?” Neville mutters snobbishly.
He’s right, Jamie supposes. But that’s obviously not something he can admit, so he decides to lean in to the ‘stupid Scouser’ bit. “Why not?”
Neville squints at him suspiciously. “’cause he wouldn’t be a wife or girlfriend, would he?” He clears his throat, looks back down at his bowl. “If he existed, that is. Only brought my dad over for this tournament, does that answer your question?”
“Hmm,” Jamie says, ignoring the obvious cue to leave and taking a seat opposite Neville instead. “What would they call ‘im, if you weren’t a sad lonely old spinster… husbands and boyfriends… HABs? Doesn’t ‘ave quite the same ring to it, does it?”
“Why’d you never get married?”
Neville – Gary – looks up from his iPad to give Jamie his familiar ‘I can’t tell if you’re having me on or if you’re actually just stupid’ squint. “’s only been legal a few months, give us a break.”
“Civil partnered then, whatever. I don’t get it. You’re rich, you were a footballer. I know you’re ugly but looks don’t really factor into it, if your brother’s marriage is anythin’ to go by.”
Gary scowls at him. “Different measures of attractive when you’re gay. I’ll ‘ave you know men find me quite good looking, actually.”
“Do they fuck,” Jamie snorts, because he’s willing to bet that there isn’t a single man on Earth, gay or otherwise, who finds Gary Neville in his current state attractive. Maybe in his playing days, when he was all lean muscle and intense glares, but not now. “They’re just queuin’ up to get a piece a’yous, are they?”
“Maybe they are. Not that it’s any of your business, but I actually ‘ave a date tonight.”
“And that’s after he’s had a look at you?”
“Don’t go.”
Gary looks exhausted, pale skin and dark shadows under his eyes. His hair needs a trim, his stubble needs a shave, and he needs to not move to fucking Spain.
“Don’t look so stroppy, Carra. You’re about to become Sky’s number one pundit.”
“Don’t want it. C’mon, Gaz, what’m I gonna do for my Monday mornin’ entertainment without tales of your endless bad dates.”
“Most people just read the news.”
 “What’re you gonna do, you’re bad enough at pullin’ as it is without a language barrier makin’ things harder. It’s like you want to spend the next five months celibate.”
“Yer awfully concerned about my personal life, James, for someone who not two weeks ago was tellin’ me that I needed to, and I quote, ‘spend less time thinkin’ about fit men and more on thinkin’ about fit footballers instead.’”
“And I stand by that.”
Jamie’s changing out of his gym clothes when his conversation with Gary earlier in the week echoes in his mind, the dreamy way Gary had said his arms…
The guy probably doesn’t even train as much as Jamie does, probably just exaggerates because for some reason he’s trying to impress Gary. As if Gary is someone you’d want to impress.
He stands in front of the changing room’s mirror and flexes his bicep, notes with pride the bulging vein that leads up from his elbow. It’s a shame, really, that he has to wear suits when he’s on Sky. He’s sure viewing figures would go up if he was allowed to wear something a little more form fitting, maybe he should pitch it to the wardrobe people.
Gary would probably have a fit, his tends to get in a tizz at the suggestion of any change to the strict set of rules he’s got in his head. Jamie had once tried to wear his suit without a tie (because he’d spilled coffee on the one he’d brought, not that he’d told Gary that), and Gary had screeched at him for a good half an hour about professionalism until he relented and went to wardrobe to find a spare tie he could use.
Imagine if he wore a t-shirt. Gary’s head would probably explode.
All the more reason to do it, really.
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florencemtrash · 1 year ago
Shadowsinger and the Inkbird is so heartachingly beautiful, talk about a slow slow burn of soulmates, I think I re read their hug scene maybe 10 times at the very least and then we go right back into the angst,,,,,,Az is going to have to re learn to hold her 🥺🥺🥺 but seriously, this story is so well written and I am so excited to continue reading! Thank you for blessing us with this phenomenal story!
Thank you for reading and blessing my inbox with such a kind comment 🥹. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the slow burn and the hug scene *screeches in pain* — the way I spent literally like three months writing so I could get to that one scene... and now I'm tossing us all back onto the angst bus before they can hug again 😭. Why am I doing this to us? Why am I doing this to myself????
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reawaken · 5 days ago
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happy monday, as per tradition, i've done it
#tbd /#“reyes the game just came out” let's not worry about that .#(lotsss of rambling + some spoilers in the tags btw. jic)#epilogue gut-punched me so hard i laid there for a good hour or two just. bawling. i went through this game w minimal tears mind u#laughing my ass off then whaBAM. they know how to get me... every fucking time... without fail...#like maji.ma n saej.ima talking about dreams n getting hit with “kiry.u kazu.ma. you never could give up on that one.” what if i backflippe#into incoming traffic. THE REASON MAJIMA WENT TO HAWAII WAS TO FIND THE ELIXIR TO SAVE KIRYU. EVEN L8R WITH RETROGRADE AMNESIA HE WAS STILL#DRAWN TO IT IN HIS JOURNEY WITH NOAH. (VAGUE GESTURES ABOUT FATE) I'M GONNA EAT GLASS.#the fact that it's called the heart of the dragon. like okay. alright. whatever. WHATEVERRRRRRRRRR#noah is also my beloved son. he's everything 2 me... the goromaru is everything 2 me... that's FAMIBLY!!!! loved watching saeji.ma +#nish.ida + mina.mi going along w it all. like ugh fine we'll tag along on this adventure cus u're still my kyodai/boss💔‬#the bonds and drink links broke me esp. they all love and cherish majima so much i can't take it anymore#god. pyih was incredible and sooo much fun. get into these games. i beg... plot w my pookies. let me talk ur ear off. join my insanity#i'll even stream for you if i must. i stream them for buddies all the time. monkey rattling the door bars gif. anyway#if you've reached this far. hi<3 i'm still sick liek a dog<3 BUT trying to power through it with a to-do list for here#aka clean out some drafts + my inbox. start a lil fresh. post another plotting call cus i feel so bad i've not interacted w some moots#and i need to get my mssgs in order... that'll help me (again)#log into viktor and reply to some things there<3 looking directly at rem as i say this#ummm work on that oc blog in the bg as well finally. + possibly. emphasis on posisbly. another blog (yagami judgment) (he never leaves#my mind. sawry!)#my other yakuzas will remain here for now.
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ziskandra · 3 months ago
apropos of rereading one of my old old fanfics i am suddenly reminded of an even more ancient RP i did where franziska von karma tried to run kristoph gavin down with a shopping cart
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year ago
Thinking through the logical conclusions of lore that the source material has clearly not thought that deeply about can be annoying or depressing in the sense of seeing exactly how deep the plot holes go but so long as it doesn’t inherently break the suspension of disbelief or ruin your enjoyment of the overall story it can be really fun to figure out what you can use to plug the holes. Like that’s just free real estate now baby. If the lore implies X but the story wound up at Z, then you can make the journey through Y be whatever you want it to be
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coconurt · 9 months ago
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year ago
i feel absolutely insane for replying to inbox stuff from before april but here we are. i also deleted anything that was from before march and some other things i'm not feeling anymore which reduced my inbox from 126 asks to now 58 (which is already excluding what i've replied to in the past day)
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hyaciiintho · 2 years ago
🌸。*゚+. Sorry to everyone I owe things to. It’s been extremely hard trying to get myself to start working on any replies and remaining starters. Been losing focus and zoning out more frequently these work shifts, so it’s been difficult to do much of anything ;; ;; I’m hoping soon I can kick myself back into gear, but right now my brain is just not having a good time.
Sending good vibes to everyone and well wishes. Hopefully the creative drive keeps strong with y’all ♡
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