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kittybobitty · 1 month ago
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baileyboo2016 · 3 months ago
Oh I can tell you about the time I broke my elbow at school because I hit someone while running instead of walking, then afterwards I lied to the principal and my parents that I walked to avoid getting in trouble and put all the blame on the person I ran into. They bought it 💀😭
In my defense, I was 10.
it's so weird to me that everyone on this website is a human person outside of their weird internet niche so rb this with a random bit of your lore
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tamagoneko · 3 months ago
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the luau scene 🥥🌴🌺🍍
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zylphiacrowley · 2 months ago
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Code Blood pt.2
<previous - next>
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technicalthinker · 1 month ago
inspired by this post and others that have pointed similiar things out: the thing about sang-woo hunting the narrative in squid game season 2 is that he does it in two different ways
like first of all: gi-hun takes on the role of sang-woo. he does things that sang-woo did. he brings up the voting, informs about the red light/green light situation, but he also just acts more like him. gi-hun is more subdued than ever, and plays his cards closer to his chest. when his cheery friend from the outside world runs up to him he is not like himself. the friend notices but sticks to his side anyways. towards the end of the season, he gets into the "we need to make sacrifices" mindset. they need to win the game no matter the cost, the idea of winning is just different.
but also: in-ho takes on the role of young-il, who is not only similiar to sang-woo, but he's also sort of who gi-hun wished sang-woo was. intentionally or not. like they're similiar: collected, steady and focused. sort of the same hair and physicality. but young-il is also easier than sang-woo. he opens up about his situation unprompted. he'll apologize for stepping out of line. he states clearly how much he trusts gi-hun. he is the one who initiates teaming up. he asks for gi-huns opinions and plans. when young-il suggests something he checks if it's alright with gi-hun. he risks his life for others, especially the ones considered weak. young-il shares a lot of traits with sang-woo, but ultimately is not burdened or guarded in the same way. so young-il is both a stranger and something familiar to gi-hun. but also young-il is not real. not in the perfect way in-ho tries to present him. beneath it all there is that flawed and cold complicated person. gi-hun hasn't discovered that person yet, like he once discovered that side of sang-woo.
but sang-woo is still dead. he's haunting it in two different ways but also kind of a third one, which is arguably a combination of the two: he's simply a dead man and gi-hun wishes he lived. gi-hun has nightmares about his decapitated head. he looks after sang-woos mother. his money might as well be covered in sang-woo's blood. gi-hun looked up to him and admired him (feeling like he never could be as good as him, but maybe hoped). sang-woo failed and betrayed him, but was still redeemable (there was a good well-meaning person underneath but it was ripped away from him by circumstance). sang-woo was real but now he haunts the narrative and haunts gi-hun and haunts us all. but he's still dead.
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dullahandyke · 2 months ago
reading a webpage titled 'am i plural' with big impressions of middle fingers in my mind. i go my own way i don't fit the #mold come on blathnaid we can do our own thang
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faunandfloraas · 7 months ago
Criticising korean fans when they do something actually dodgy is all fine and good, should go for anyone who does invasive or weird, shit but also the amount of times now I see (usually western) fans just being like. Blatantly xenophobic and racist. Pretty much being like Yuck korean fans.... ?????? You're obsessed with a KOREAN POP ACT? why are you saying Korea like it's a slur you weirdo
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razzafrazzle · 11 months ago
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funney wizard!! been flipflopping on this design a bunch trying to be respectful but not too serious and i think? ive reached a decent balance? big thanks to all my plural buddies who were willing to help me out and guide me here!!
[image description: a reference image for an original character named the installation wizard, a short blue-skinned wizard with a puffy purple beard and small round sunglasses. the wizard is wearing a purple kimono jacket over a white shirt and black armwarmers on top of black and purple tripp pants and socks. the wizard also has a wizard hat that resembles a mouse cursor on top of a disc and has a holstered katana. next to the wizard is a blurb that states the following: "the wizard world's finest (and only) IT expert. large system hosted by chet (he/him) and fronted by his older sister hex (she/they) from time to time - chet has no clue how many alters he actually has. thinks wizardry is just like one of his japanese animes. hex thinks he's a dork. calls his headspace the forum." end id]
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(Danny 0.3 seconds away before smelling the Heroes he just met.)
So I've been pondering about how ghost have the ability to sense one another out when close enough, but now I've been thinking of something for the living. Fanon has something like this in a few fics, making it how Danny can tell who the Leaguers are in/out of costume by calling it Death Touched.
I offer: The Stench of Death.
When a person comes close to a deadly encounter, the event becomes a smell is akin to the near experience. Say if someone survived a fire? The smell would be close to burning the materials being burnt and the smoke for example.
Think like food and how you can smell all the things that go into the dish.
The more you get into deadly situations, the more smells you can pick up on as well as getting stronger. Ghosts can sense the Touch of Death on the living, but not the Stench. Danny, who is a Half alive, can. If he focuses hard enough, he can pick up the scent and sniff people out like a bloodhound.
Now take the Justice League and all their branches/allies, organizations who fight to stop bag guys and world-ending events every couple of months...their smell is prominent enough for Danny to easily pick it up.
Now enter one Daniel Nightingale who has left Amity for [reason] and in [Hero's City], trying to keep a low profile because heroes exist now, he's retired now after sorting out the business between the ghostly and living worlds, and wants to have as close to a normal life as he possibly can before taking the throne.
But one day, he stops a known rouge that would've caused some serious harm to the populace if someone didn't stop them, gaining their attention. They try to get information on Danny, but there's nothing out of the ordinary on his file, so they decided to do the next best thing; watch him.
The young man is very guarded and observing his surroundings often, so the idea of him being a new meta struggling to handle his newly awakened powers or a new alien on Earth are possible theories.
The only problem is that, when they get they close, he tends to leave the area and head home. It's like this for a while until they realize they haven't seen him in some time now and find out he packed up his things and moved to another town...a different city a Leaguer call their hometurf, so they notify that hero of Danny's presence and the cycle repeats itself a few times before Danny is getting tracked by multiple Leauge members.
The latest Leaguer is trying to keep an eye on Danny without spooking him until Danny gets the jump on them and calls them by their civilian name while peltong them with hygiene products.
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pilferingapples · 7 months ago
I think it would be very fun to be able to turn into a specific animal and just tell everyone about it actually. Especially if the world at large still considers it impossible. Not actually change into the animal in front of most people , but absolutely say that you can. Mention it casually all the time. "Oh yeah so last Sunday--I was a capybara that day-- we went out for noodles...."
Keep it rolling . Let everyone assume you're just doing a long running Bit , or maybe you have some very particular misapprehensions about life.
Mention it less as you've known people longer. Don't let it drop TOTALLY but let it become an injoke. Little comments about your animal instincts in places that it makes no sense, just for lols ("my capybara senses tell me this letter is from Aunt Gertrude!" etc). No one is thinking you're an animal but they get the joke, it's fine.
Let it simmer.
And one day, when and only when it will be the funniest, transform in front of them.
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ye-olde-trojan-horse · 1 year ago
if someone could swiftly murder me prior to the work presentation I have to give in 5 mins that would be grand
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aakeysmash · 4 days ago
guys i just finished watching “10 things i hate about you” AND “how to lose a guy in 10 days”. PLS RECOMMEND ME ROMCOMS I’M INCREDIBLY INTO THEM
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tam--lin · 12 days ago
I want to go to a wilderness med course for those of us who've already done a bunch of scenarios. yeah yeah yeah, I've already done "rope snapped while rock climbing" and "kayak drowning" and "lightning strike". Can we do star trek or mission impossible next?
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nintendont2502 · 3 months ago
sometimes I think about the strilonde game over deaths. and then I stop thinking
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thisisntreaver · 1 year ago
Kinda obsessed with the way weddings are shown im fable 3 because it really feels super informal like they're just done in the open and if you wanna show up you can show up.
Like that random homeless man is NOT my friend, I don't know him hut he saw me,my fiancé and th town crier and went "Yeah I can swing a wedding today, nothing better to do" and I appreciate that so much
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steveyockey · 1 year ago
I do think that it’s funny we as a website exhausted “*I* am better at media consumption than Other People” arguments to the point that on the Media Consumption Website it’s now “*I* do more important things than just media consumption, UNLIKE Other People”
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