tempest-teacups · 3 months
hiii everyone. did you missed me?
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salted-caramel-tea · 6 months
What are your thoughts about?
I was gonna try and collect my thoughts coherently before I started talking bu ti cant be bothered doing that so like. about the dream and that one circle of mcyt that just fucking hate them .
actually this is about how I have felt observing the dream space recently.
im uncomfortable?? not with the dream team, I still really love them and I enjoy their content and I do still watch sap naps streams if im awake for them but honestly taking time just to spend time on my f1 blog has been like a weight lifted from my shoulders.
just talking about dtblr, ive seen people trying to make the best of the situation by live-blogging sapnaps streams making jokes spreading positivity for all 3 of them but it doesn't really of much to take away from the pressure of the situation. Every day it seems like some cc somewhere has something to say about dream or George or sapnap and every day we rush over here to discuss it. it almost feels like theres this pressure to perform and to respond to what is being said, we need to discuss everything as a controversy no matter how stupid or insignificant the situation is and we contribute to the snowballing of tiny things that honestly dont need the attention the theyre getting and its tiring to watch. like im at the point where im scrolling past 'did you see what x said' because honestly I dont give a shit I dont give a shit about a cc who spoke to the dteam on discord maybe twice talking about their 'truth' I really dont care .
im genuinely just fed up with the way the creator space and fan spaces behave. Dream posts 'pls talk to me' and creators say 'but that won't get me clout' back to him.
who gives a shit if dreams stole punz girlfriend. who cares if dream sent a dm that might have been considered rude to Sara Simons a fully grown ducking middle aged woman with better things to do than start twitter drama. who gives a shit about sniff having one insignificant negative interaction with dream over a year. none f this is your fucking turret its just airing out high school level petty drama that could easily be fixed with a fucking dm . its pathetic. the way so many creators are going 'I too am a victim' and its 'he sent me a private message I didnt like' who fucking cares. and all of this 'ill stream explaining my story' what story. that he made a joke in bad taste. its performative. they want views they want twitters support they want to seem like theyre on the RIGHT side so theyre just pulling any old story out of their ass to add to the mentality of the mob and make it seem like yes I too hate dream because he is so awful when in reality he was probably just a bit of a twat like a lot of guys in their early 20s are . the only way hes gonna know that he did something that made u annoyed or upset or even mildly fucking miffed in the case of Sara fucking Simons is if you tell him. and we saw that bc 5 mins later shes saying oh its all fine he messaged me . see how fucking easy it is to actually fix these tiny ass issues if you actually have a conversation before launching a hate campaign on twitter dot com . and people going off to run with it and add it to the pile of 'poof' they have. hell ive seen someone saying they appreciate dream saying they want to talk about situations and saying they want to chat with him about an experience they had with one of his friends like what does that have to do with dream actually why not just take the initiative and talk to the actual person involved instead of making dream do it for u. its all just drama mongering
on a more serious note I really dont know how to feel with the whole situation with caiti. George didi fuck up and im not moving from that stance- whatever happened he made her feel uncomfortable and went on the defence instead of prioritising apologising to her for the way she felt about the situation.
what I cat fucking stand is how weirdly this situation has evolved. the initial statement was that he had touched her waist and tickled her and cat didnt like that. THAT CONTACT the touching of her waist was spread across twitter as a sexual assault. which its fucking not and it pisses me off as a victim to see how loosely terms of sex crime are being thrown around bc no matter how uncomfy you are touching your waist is not a sex crime. there was no mention of inappropriate touching actually, just that he had crossed a physical boundary with her and ive already talked about why I can empathise with that delayed reaction in feeling deeply uncomfortable with the situation . so it confused me as to why people on tiktok were spreading misinformation that his hands were down her pants and cat coming out of left field with he was grabbing my tits. because none of that was ever discussed in any of her prior statement and that seems like pertinent information when were discussing sexual assault. and from what ive seen her friends timeline of events dont match up with hers. her timeline of events onset even match up that well with her other comments on the situation and all of it just feels so fucking odd. why do the details change depending on who you ask and when you ask them
but I wasn't there. I dont know what actually happened. having experienced it you automatically hold that understanding towards her despite all the backlash because people blamed me too, they didnt believe me either and you never want to completely dismiss it no matter how weird the story seems because what if. keeping myself in the situation is stretching myself in two different directions where one is dismissing the claims of assault because nothing adds up and the other is she might be like me .
the reaction to caitis initial statement has snowballed extremely out of proportion if u ask me. nobody needs to know everyones personal grievances with dream or George or sapnap and to say that youre sharing these to support victims is a straight lie bc it has nothing to do with victims they receive nothing from your story that he made a bad joke 3 years ago or whatever and everything to do with the fact that you are utilising an opportunity to gain relevancy again and I dont want to partake in their relevancy.
I dont want to partake in any of this fucking drama actually. it's non stop. it's constant. its all over my dash all day every day but maybe its just the ppl im following idc. but I dont want to come back into a community where im going to find myself fighting to justify why I still enjoy the content of some creators while there are other creators receiving less vitriol for breaking the literal fucking law . its exhausting . its been years of it for me .
im not mentally well. I have a lot going on in my family life and I didnt realise how bad things were until I told my work friend I hadn't seen in a while my 'family drama' and she and the assistant manager pulled me aside and said 'im so sorry youre going through that right now are you dealing with everything alright?'. I have my final exams within the next month. I need to pass these to graduate. I have so much that is already causing me stress in my life and so much of the misinformation around the situation is so triggering and untagged and I dont want to log on and see another bout of 'x responds to x' 'x talks about dream' 'x shares thoughts on George situation' . I cant fucking do that right now.
people have called it the cowards way out, bailing at the burden of controversy but im not switching sides. im not deactivating. im not becoming a dranti. I still talk about the dteam i still like the dteam but I cannot force myself to endure other peoples stresses at the time being . thats all ive been thinking about rlly .
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watery-melon-baller · 2 years
3, 7, and 40 for weekend and belos'
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
ooooh theres so many i would never touch. the first one that comes to mind is accidental pregnancy which like. i dont even write romance much. also hate student/teacher. uhh nonromance id go with. uh. i cannot think of anything rn lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ooooh id have to go with a snippet from a shera fic i did a while back. torn between two but ill go with the shorter one just because. not sure what counts as a snippet oops.
"Adora rolls her eyes, but stands up to join them. As she runs over, she knows that she’ll trip over her dress several times, and their clothes will all be covered in grass stains that will take forever to wash out. But Adora is here, in a future where there is no war to fight, where they can laugh freely and love and she doesn't feel selfish anymore for wanting a happy ending."
bad at explaining myself but like. its the potential of a happy ending, of not everything being perfect but it good, and thats worth living for. its a whole metaphor about feminity and wartime and accepting yourself. that its okay to be safe now, its okay to be soft and vulnerable and to start healing. apologies for being incoherent
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
ohohohohhohho you know whats funny. i actually did have an alternate ending planned where hunter just. slept through the rebelllion and just woke up after it was over and was like "what the fuck." anyways i sat down and wrote this in a night (ive been saving the ask until it was finished so thats why im answering it late sorry!) so enjoy 2k words of that under the cut. apologies for typos i tried my best to read this over lmao. you can also read this on ao3 now yipee
Hunter stared at his clock, and scowled. Shit. He had 20 minutes until the coven head meeting!
He stood up, quickly scrambling for his notes.  He wanted to try and get there early, so he could figure out somewhat of a plan.
Flapjack lifted their head up, disrupted from their slumber. What is boy doing?
His foot slipped on a piece of paper, and he barely managed to catch himself on the edge of his desk. “I have a meeting! I need to go talk to the other coven heads, and-”
Have time! Should rest!
He scowled. “Flapjack, I don’t have time to rest! I need to prepare my notes! I still haven’t figure out what I’m going to say to Terra, or Adrian, or how to deal with the recent riots-”
Nap time! Boy too tired to think!
“You always say it’s nap time.”
Because boy is always tired!
He sighed, flopping back on his bed and letting the stack of papers in his arms scatter onto the floor. Flapjack did have a bit of a point. He had been staying up later and later, getting less sleep in favor of trying to take care of… well, everything.
He could get ready in ten minutes. It wouldn’t take long to teleport. Just closing his eyes for a few minutes surely wouldn’t hurt. And he wouldn’t actually fall asleep. He would just lay here!
“Just ten minutes. Then I have to go.”
Flapjack chirped. Nap! Nap!
“Not a nap, Flap,” He mumbled. “M just resting my eyes.”
He didn’t even realize he was falling asleep.
He woke up to the smell of smoke.
He shot up out of bed, head swiveling as he took stock of the room. Everything seemed to be in order, except-
The bird had at some point moved inside his shirt. They peeked their head out, looking adorable as always, but Hunter wasn’t fooled.
He glared at them. “I said ten minutes.”
Boy needed nap!
He pointed at the window. “IT’S DARK OUTSIDE NOW! IT’S NIGHTTIME!”
Not that late. Sun just set. More like evening!
He dragged a hand down his face and groaned. “Flapjack. I missed the coven head meeting. The one thing I cannot, under any circumstances, miss.”
Flapjack did not look even remotely apologetic.
Hunter sighed, standing up and brushing back his hair. The smell of smoke was still lingering in the air, and he poked his head out the window, following the smell.
Ah. That might be a problem.
The area of the castle where Terra and Adrian had been fighting the other day looked even worse than before, mainly because it was on fire. Several scouts were running around in a panic, and if he listened closely, he could hear the faint sound of screaming.
Flapjack had moved to sit on his desk, and he slowly turned to glare at them. “Flapjack.”
They chirped.
“This is why we don’t skip coven head meetings! Look at what happened while I was asleep. The castle is on fire!” He sighed. 
Could be worse!
He flung his arms out, staring the bird down in frustration. “How could this be worse?!”
The Titan must have thought that was funny, because at that moment his door was slammed open with a war cry.
Something (someone?) charged through his door, and he screeched, barely avoiding their tackle. Whoever it was slammed into his wall, sending feathers flying everywhere. Why there were feathers, he didn’t know. Maybe they were because of the large wings that were almost smacking him in the face. 
Flapjack screeched, dive bombing the intruder, and Hunter quickly scrambled back, grabbing a heavy textbook detailing the criminal justice system and hurling it at their face. They shouted in pain, falling back onto the floor, and Hunter decided that was his cue to go.
He skidded out into the hallway, his slippers barely staying on his feet, while Flapjack circled nervously around his head. Behind him, he could hear the sound of the mystery attacker getting up, and he risked a glimpse behind him as Flapjack transformed into a staff.
“Golden Guard, kid, wait a second-”
Their voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he was too busy grabbing his staff. The last thing he saw before teleporting away into a haze of golden light was what looked to be some kind of harpy woman, heading straight for him.
He bounced across the castle, not having much of a destination in mind besides something that was away from the harpy lady. He materialized in a small room with dim lighting, and as he leaned against the brick walls he realized he was in the break room.
There were technically several break rooms scattered around the castle, but those were all empty storage closets scouts had converted into a break room in their free time with their own money. (Hunter may or may not have contributed to them with money from the castle treasury). This, however, was the official break room, the one all the coven heads used, and the one that the Emperor made somewhat of an attempt to maintain.
He hadn’t been here in a couple weeks, with the whole “accidentally killed my Uncle and now running the government from my bedroom” issue. Not much had changed since the last time he was here. The table was still stained, one of the chairs still had a wobbly leg, the sink was still dripping water because no one knew how to fix the leak, there were still a few spare coven cloaks lying in a pile on the floor, and the fridge still had several post-its about labeling your food properly and not letting it sit in the fridge for months and stink up the room.
The bulletin board, however, had a few changes. The ‘days since Kikimora tried to assassinate someone’ board had been reduced back to zero (last time he saw it it was at 11, which was a new record), and there were several notes stating that due to being understaffed, everyone would be getting extra shifts. Which was weird, because Hunter thought he was in charge of scheduling guard shifts, but he had handed off so many of his duties to Kikimora and random coven captains that he wasn’t sure anymore. Also, why had no one told him they were understaffed?
Someone had also brought in cookies, and there were still a few left. Yay! He grabbed one from the box, biting into it. 
“Want a piece? Its chocolate cricket flavor.” He broke off a small chunk, offering it to the palisman, who began gleefully pecking it. He finished eating the rest of the cookie, wandering over to the sink.
He smacked the faucet, hoping that maybe this time it would stop the leaking, but it did nothing. Like it did every time. He sighed, and turned towards the clawfee machine, turning it on. Next to the sink was a small collection of drying dishes, one of which included a mug that said ‘world’s best nephew’ in hot pink script.
“Hey Flapjack, I found my favorite mug!” He picked it up, thankfully finding it clean. He had been searching for that mug for weeks! Although, it seemed a bit inaccurate, with the whole ‘killed my uncle’ and ‘being a grimwalker of his brother’ thing. Nope, that was a problem for another time.
He shrugged, watching as the clawfee pot came to a boil. Flapjack was hopping around the table, pecking the various crumbs that had been left behind. Hunter should probably be stopping them, but he figured if Flapjack had survived this long with such little self preservation, they would probably be fine.
He poured the clawfee into his mug, and moved to sit down in a chair. The good chair, not the one with the wobbly leg that made you rock back and forth every time you moved the slightest inch. 
He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and stared vacantly at the wall. “So,” he said calmly. “I think there might be a rebellion going on right now.”
Flapjack chirped anxiously. Hunter stared at the bird. “You know, this is why we don’t skip coven head meetings.”
He sipped on his clawfee, savoring the bitter taste. Oh, sweet caffeine, how he missed it. Having energy was fantastic.
“I should probably go out there and deal with that.”
Or don’t! Don’t risk yourself!
“Flapjack, I don’t think that's an option.”
Run away to woods! Can hunt for worms!
“I can’t eat worms! You can hunt all you want, I’ll forage for berries.”
Good plan!
Hunter groaned. “Terrible plan.” It wasn't like he had any ideas. He had been slowly preparing a runaway bag, but he had hoped he would have a few more weeks before he had to use it. This was his punishment for procrastinating. 
He stood up, taking a long swig of the coffee. “Okay, my stuff is in my room. Let’s see if we can try to sneak back there, and if anyone is still alive.” He looked down at himself, grimacing at his lack of armor. He was still in his PJS! 
Hesitantly, he lifted one of the coven scout cloaks from the pile on the floor, checking it over. There didn’t appear to be any visible stains, so he shrugged, putting it on.
Flapjack chirped, and fluttered on top of his head. Hunter sighed, but said nothing, pulling up his hood to cover the bird. He opened the door and hesitantly peeked his head out. There didn’t seem to be anyone, so he stepped out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind him.
Picking a random direction, he began walking, the only sound being his bunny slippers slapping against the tile. He nervously clutched his cloak, suddenly beginning to regret every decision he had ever made that had led him to this situation.
He rounded a corner to see a hallway that looked very much destroyed. A section of the ceiling had collapsed, and plants and abomination goo was everywhere. Several coven scouts were lying unconscious on the floor.
Hunter bit his lip, and with a start realized he was still holding his mug. There was still a little bit of clawfee in it, so he could throw it at someone and run if he needed to. The perfect weapon. What a plan.
He froze at the sound of footsteps, frantically looking for a place to hide. He slid behind a pile of rubble, hoping that he would just be mistaken for an unconscious scout.
The sound of footsteps grew closer, and then stopped. “I could have sworn I heard something over here,” a familiar voice muttered. Oh shit.
Hunter involuntarily flinched, shifting the rubble he was hiding behind with his movement.
“Over there!” Oh, he recognized that voice too, although it was only marginally better than the first one. Maybe if he stayed very very still, they wouldn’t notice him?
He yelped as abomination goo wrapped around his legs, dragging him out into the open and pinning his arms to his side. He scowled at the awkward angle his arm was held at, the clawfee slowly dripping out of his mug and onto the floor.
Darius crossed his arms, lifting an eyebrow at Hunter. “Ah, Little prince. You’re looking… unwell.”
Hunter, very maturely, stuck out his tongue, something that only caused Darius’s scowl to deepen.
Behind Darius, Luz cheerfully waved at him. “Hi Hunter! You kind of caught us at a bad time.” She turned down the hallway, cupping a hand to her mouth. “HEY GUYS, WE FOUND HUNTER! OVER HERE!” 
Darius winced at her yelling, rubbing his ears. Hunter wished he could do the same, because wow Luz could shout loud.
The two of them turned back to face him and he grimaced. “Uh, hi?” He said awkwardly. Maybe they would be nice and just kill him right away. Luz could probably convince them not to hurt Flapjack.
Luz shoved her hands in her pockets, grinning casually. “Hunter, my man! I’ve been looking for you! Sorry about the whole, uh, overthrowing the government thing.”
‘It’s fine,” He said, even though it was very much not fine. “It was already falling apart anyways.”
Darius stepped towards him, frowning. “About that, actually. We have quite a few questions to ask you, Golden Guard.”
Luz’s grin became just a bit more shaky. “Not bad questions! Just, uh, questions. It’ll be great!” She did not sound convinced of her own words. “It’s fine.”
Hunter sighed. He should have just stayed in bed. This was all Flapjack’s fault. He was never trusting that adorable little bird again, no matter how cute they were.
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chaos-coming · 1 year
Not me completely playing hookey from working today bc i used all my spoons for the week and the fatigue is A Thing. Its even the like single only nice day we'll have this week before the rain comes back, but today i am In Bed
Physically my body is tired from running around and going to the gym and pushing myself on the bike (which i have taught myself to ride in the past 3 days so its uh. terrifying. and therefore more exhausting).
But mostly im mentally exhausted from moving to a new country and new uni and trying to get everything set up with my samples, which i had to retrieve from the freezer at our partner uni and it was a Whole Thing (who do i even ask when i need something like a caliper and cant find it in the lab??)
And my professor is in indonesia until next week and basically dumped the whole project in my lap like peace out see ya. And i didnt have my samples until yesterday afternoon, so i didnt make the progress we wanted, and yesterday i spent 4 hours trying to make sense of the mess the undergrad intern left me (we have 2 trees labeled number 42??? And the samples are definitely Not labeled in correct order?? So now i gotta go through all 300 something cores and measure them and try to like, deduce if theyre labeled correctly but in my cursory look there were already so many issues and im so frustrated. The error on our genetic analysis is gonna be through the roof, like garbage data i gotta now try and salvage for my thesis bc of the first year undergrad they put in charge of it without checking on her (i mean she wore a shoulderless white sweater into the woods for field work what on earth made these profs think she knew what she was doing). But i cant say anything to my prof or itll look like im complaining)
And on top of it all im trying to socialize with new people all day and its so much pressure at the beginning you gotta get in there before everyone makes friends and you get left out. Its exhausting.
Not to mention with the exception of like 5 days this entire month, its been cold and raining nonstop which just makes everything that much harder. I almost look forward to the snow so i can stop being soggy all the time (remind me to never ever move to the PNW).
I dont think im gonna make it to the jiu jitsu school i wanted to check out today bc its in like 2 hours and i need a nap. And also really dont feel like talking to anyone. Maybe ill go take a walk and sit by the lake later... In the old days id go out there and smoke a joint, but now i guess ill just microdose on nature or something
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tera-91 · 4 months
Mid-May rant
It seems like I get the urge to write things down about every 3 days or so. I guess that’s about as long as I can go without feeling frustration about things. Therapy might be good but I doubt I would be able to talk things out that frequently.
I just feel unfocused.
So many things that I need to do. Or that I want to do. Sometimes it feels like it’s the same thing.
I need to do some editing. I have a few videos ready but I have a monster of one that I need to edit before those can go live. Sometimes it sucks to have a series going because you cant really post them out of order. I have a whole list of ones that I have the footage to edit together.
I would like to be able to write more of my book. I fear that I have been out of it for too long. I wont know where the story was going to go. I went with my sibling to a concert and I got a vision while we were there of a scene I would like to put in it though.
My other writing is … spotty to say the least. I have at least 3, upwards of 6 stories in progress. I get maybe 2-300 words. Im not sure if its writers block or what. I have to pause for whatever reason and I don’t seem to get back to them.  
Or rather. I say to myself I can get to them later in the day.
My days have been roughly the same. Because of an issue I have once it gets around mid-afternoon it gets rough. I just lose the momentum.
I don’t quite get tired enough to take a nap but it takes me a few hours to kind of get a second burst. Ill do a little bit more cleaning done while im in the slump but not much.
I tell myself that once the pups go to sleep Ill write, edit or whatever else I need to do. I end up just watching shows. I’m trying to catch up to where one of the weekly shows are. I didn’t realize how far behind I was. Then again it doesn’t help that I can only watch maybe 2 or 3 before I’m falling asleep.
But I also want to work hard to figure out what I really want to do. Do I really want to go back to school? It will take me at least 3 years to finish and get the job. Well 2 plus a whole year wait to get into the program. Then who knows how long to actually get a job once I finish the course work and get the certification. If I can made it in writing or video work do I really want to go through 2 years for something I might not be able to do? I mean the technical component I think I would be fine. But the amount of time for the shifts? If I have a difficult time after 4 or 5 hours doing what I have been doing. If I couldn’t do monotonous work, the same thing over and over again. I honestly don’t know exactly what the job is like. Would it be monotonous working the same machine over and over again? Running the same sequence over and over again. Or would it be like what I have been doing? Working the same handful of machines over and over again but an uncountable combination of results so its not borning. Just some of the people suck.
I just feel like I don’t have any direction.
I find it difficult to decide.
What should I do as I’m weighing the options? What to do first. I feel like I cant ask for help in deciding because I know no one I live with shares my priorities. My low priority is their high priority or somewhere in the middle. One person is all about yard work while I’m all about the stuff that needs to be done inside. There is just so much to do. I think getting rid of dust, pup fur and clutter is more important than flowers. One of my pups is allergic to mold and dust mites. That same pup sheds like nothing I have seen before. I can brush everyday and get half to a full pup pile of fur every day. So to me inside work is a little bit more important.
On the positive side of it though. I don’t miss worrying about when I have to leave the house. I don’t have to worry about if I havnt done laundry.
Ive gotten a good chunk of stuff done. Sometimes I feel like it isn’t enough. Which I know is ridiculous. I do what I can when I can.
I got a script done. I got some editing done. I got a story done. I got soooo much laundry done. I got quite a bit of cleaning done.
I know I have more to do. I just need to tackle it a little bit at a time.
0 notes
cydie · 7 months
the state this relationship is
the state that you've acknowledged it is in
the contributions you've taken full responsibility and accountability for
the effect you've recognised verbally
the standalone situation:
we tell each other about our days, lying in bed together after work. we both have a headache and are both tired. you know im suffering more than usual today because i told you. i know you have a headache.
i say i want to take a nap, but i also recognise that neither of us have eaten and if i take a nap now it's just going to be a sleep.
you say let's take a 30 min nap, if we're both napping then ill be accountable for getting back up too
i say i won't nap, bc i won't want to get up again
you say ok well i will set a timer and nap and get up after
timer goes off
you don't wake up
timer rings for over 10 seconds
you get up, pick up your phone and turn it off.
you go back to sleep.
i don't say anything bc maybe you've set a second timer
20 minutes later i check your phone
there's no timer
I set 1 for 1 minute
it goes off, you're awake
it takes you 10 minutes to even fully open your eyes
i start getting impatient
i say "if you wanted to sleep you could have just said so instead of telling me the opposite"
you don't respond, you are fighting to be awake
after another 10 minutes of underminimal response i get annoyed
"im no longer sleepy bc i thought you were getting up so i stayed up so we could eat together
now i get to be upset and im not allowed to be because you have a headache"
you say "i told you i had a headache, i would've thought you would be more understanding"
i say "this is exactly what i mean"
you start getting annoyed at me. you say "we're going to have to reschedule this conversation because i don't want to say anything mean"
i start getting more upset
you start getting more defensive
i say "my feelings are only valid the next day"
you say "i can't help you with that"
you often don't communicate what you actually want and instead promise something you can't deliver
this always leads to disappointment and every time it happens it feels like I'm feeling the weight of every single other time it's happened because of how long it's gone unaddressed
how i feel about you and sleep is that you sleeping is used against me so you sleeping through alarms and conveniently foregoing any prior commitments is a common pain point for me
you getting mad at me because im upset by something you did is also a common pain point and im always left to wait until it's been at least several hours for you to be open to acting like im not the villain. this has left me with ptsd about expressing emotions bc it won't get addressed and ill have to deal with being the bad guy for the next however long it takes for you to stop being a cold wall
how ive told you this can be fixed:
acknowledging the situation and verbalising that you're not doing this because you don't love me
reminding me that just bc youre mad does not mean that you don't love me
still treat me with love and respect
how you're being rn is not a reflection of how you feel about me
remembering that i have no qualms about putting chats on hold and coming back to things and the only thing stopping me from feeling like i can settle down is your aggression
remembering that your emotions are still valid and real without taking it out on me or exhibiting it in a hurtful way
when i first got upset and said "if you just wanted to sleep you should have just said"
responding by acknowledging, apologising/validating, and then reminding me that you love me, you have a headache, and you do want to sleep
is all that needed to happen to stop the situation from escalating
bc the bid had been answered
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eggsupsidesunny · 2 years
I was told its normal.
It happens to everyone, everyone experiences it, its nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Its normal to feel that way.
When I’d wake up in the morning, sick to my stomach, the urge to rush to the bathroom bogged down only by sleepiness, I thought ��its normal”. Everyone gets sick sometimes.
Maybe I should stop eating before bed - everyone says thats how they wake up sick in the mornings.
When I’d come home after a normal day, too exhausted to get anything else done, putting off other responsibilities for later - for when I was more awake - I thought “its normal”. Everyone gets tired sometimes.
I should probably work on organizing my schedule better. I hear time blocking works well. That way I can get my work done before I’m tired at night.
When I’d skip necessities in favor of a hobby, or watching tv, or taking a nap, I thought “its normal”. I’m being lazy, I can get to work whenever I want.
It took a long time to realize how not-normal it was.
It wasnt normal to wake up ill every morning, and stay that way through varying levels all day. It wasnt normal to have no appetite, and be repulsed by the mere idea of certain foods - only able to eat whatever sounded good in that moment. It wasnt normal to feel like every inch of me was lead every day, to spend 2 hours in the real world and feel so exhausted i could go home and sleep for a week. It wasnt normal to have no energy to do the simplest tasks, and fall behind on everything.
Then again, being sick isnt “normal”.
Even after realizing, I had to wake up in the mornings and pretend like everything was fine, like everything was normal.
I had to go through my day, expending energy from days, weeks, months into the future just to get through the few hours I was out, pretending Im fine the whole while, acting like every word wasnt exhausting.
I had to get everything done, spending four times as much time as the next person just to get the basics done, to be at a level that everyone else gets to be at normally.
Every action I do takes 10 preparation or reparation actions. My energy is depleted at three times the speed of the average person - by the middle of the day I wish I could pass out for the rest of eternity and never have to go through that again. When I have deadlines to meet, assignments to do, I have to spend much more time and brain power, and in turn energy.
My normal is a bad, bad day for somebody else.
My normal is somebody else staying home sick, sleeping it off so they can return at 100%, or going to the hospital.
I get tired, i get exhausted, i get done with it all. I get angry and upset cause it isnt fair.
I dont get options. I live with what I get, or I dont at all. I learn to force my body to keep up with the expectations around me or face the repercussions, though im facing the physical repercussions in private every night anyways.
Living with chronic illness is frustrating and it hurts. Its exhausting and its painful and its so misunderstood that you dont even realize how your struggles arent normal until someone truly looks at you rather than brushing you away.
0 notes
istanfluffycontent · 2 years
Hii ^^ if it's okay, may I request "When you taking care of them when they're ill" with txt?
Thank you so much ^^
Of course! also thank you for the request <3 Masterlist/wip list/things i might do later
TW: a tiny bit of cursing FEATURING: txt being cuties and pouting
Txt when you taking care of them when they're ill
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man he's happy as hell
since he's the leader, he kinda takes care of everything
and being an idol, it gets tiring
would want you by his side at ALL times
"hmm, it's so nice that you're stuck with me, right babe?"
"y/nahh were are you going?"
"i don't want water or food i just want you to stay here with me!"
you would poke his dimples and he would smile back at you
you're forcing him to take a medicine that he despises? he'll do it for you
"if i take this.. i'll get better faster so i can take you on a date soon, right?"
he's sweet as ever <333
but he refuses to sleep
"y/n, how does it feel to be taller than me right now?"
"i will only sleep if you sit next to me"
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"Im fine im fine fine fine im fine"
denies that he needs or wants you to take care of him
but of course, you see through him
he's embarrassed, so he'll try to carry on with his life
and you have to drag his ass back to bed
you need to convince him that YOU need him to rest so he doesn't feel embarrassed
once he gives up though, he turns into a whiny asshole
complains NONSTOP
if you stay patient with him, though, his heart will EXPLODE
asks for stuff like food and water and rushes you
"wait were's my sliced apple with cheese?"
"jun I need more than just 10 seconds you know?
you tell him he's a pain in the ass once he recovers
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DO NOT leave the medicine with him alone
because he wants to kiss you and cuddle with you again so bad, it's very likely that he'll just consume the whole bottle
when he tries to get out of bed, you call soobin
that pabo sends some crackers and milk for beomgyu and a bottle of wine for you with a note saying how sorry he is you have to deal with beomgyu
you don't understand, cause beomgyu's not that bad to deal with
he starts getting dramatic about EVERYTHING
"gyu, baby, have some patience please."
"Y/NnNNnNN i'M GoiNg tO dIE i nEed sOUppPp"
lots of voice cracks on purpose
"sEE y/N? I'm DyINg! giVE meE mY SoUp!"
this boi getting his ass beaten after he recovers
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(nooo im sorry non of the links for taehyun's pouting images worked on tumblr)
he has a strong sense of duty so he feels bad for not getting things done
worried that you might catch the cold if you're too close to him
he'll just hold your hands and not say anything for sometime
you'll play his music to cheer him up
him and his precious smile
he keeps reassuring you that he's fine
says "i love you so much" and "thank you babe" A LOT
wants you in his presence even if he's napping
wants and WILL make it up to you for sitting next to him cause he knows it's no fun
tries to keep you entertained and happy
and you are! all you need is for him to feel okay
"once i get better, i promise i'll take you on fancy dates."
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this baby is torn cause he wants to cuddle with you but also doesn't want you to catch the cold
allows you to do whatever you want with him cause he trusts you
would make you get all his plushies and surround you guys with it
he'll whine if you attention's not on him
randomly annoy you by scratching your arm or pinching your hand softly
hair ruffles
but you don't mind and gives him soft smiles
he puts his head on your hand when he lies down on bed
he would only sleep if you're in his presence
he also gets bored, so you guys watch tv
then he gets random
“y/nahh, i think i’m pregnant, maybe that’s why I’m sick.”
"y/n, i like your nails. i think you should get cabbage patterns on them next time."
"y/n, did you know that turtles breath through their butthole?"
please drop a follow or like if you enjoyed and want more! i love you all <33
221 notes · View notes
prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — {♡} —— { ♡ } —— {♡} — ««
comforting sleep deprived s/o | bnha
➳ incld  ;; bakugo and kirishima 
➳ warnings ;; none, just fluff, pro-hero!au 
➳ wc ;; 1.8k overall. 
➳ a/n ;; i haven’t slept properly in days. running on empty so this is how im coping. i love them. 
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i. bakugo katsuki 
- doesn’t like napping cause he insists on keeping his sleep schedule tight. not that you can really get mad at him over that - hero work is busy and he doesn’t like being tired cause it makes him more aggravated than usual. 
- so he avoids naps almost at all costs and rarely gets tired. his sleep schedule is really, really good. 
- not so much the same for you though. 
- bakugo accepted pretty early on that you were something of a night-owl. bad sleep anxiety and just generally having too much energy at night made it so that he rarely ever saw you go to bed. you were at least lagging a few hours behind him like. at all times. 
- he didn’t really mind at first, but at some point he realized just how little sleep you actually got. one time he woke up at 7am, surprised to see you also awake - only to find out you hadn’t slept the entire night. 
- he was pissed. after almost blowing up your kitchen, he sighed and basically told you that if you need helping sleeping to just “fucking ask him” or else. 
- needless to say, it didn’t get that much better. you two compromised by setting a time that you had to be in bed by, even if you weren’t asleep. whenever bakugo has time, he’s always trying to get you to rest but sometimes his schedule doesn’t really allow him to check up on you how he likes. 
- he’s coming home from a long mission. not super tired but just tedious work. he just wanted to relax. it was late, 3:37am on the clock when he finally walks in. 
- to his surprise - there’s a light on in the kitchen. when he walks in, very confused, he sees you sliding cookies off of a sheetpan into a little plastic tupperware. he stops. he stares. 
- why the hell were you baking at three in the fucking morning 
- “what the fuck are you doing awake?”
- you jump back with a hand over your chest, barely catching your breath. you blink a few times before sighing. 
- “baking. i didn’t think you’d be home so soon” 
- he hears it before he sees it. your voice is absolutely tattered - he can literally hear how exhausted you are. he pumps the breaks, walking towards you swiftly before staring down at you hard. 
- “when was the last time you slept,” 
- you press your lips into a tight smile, and he sees the dark purple under your eyes. he feel his heart hurt a little. his hands come up to your face as he brushes his thumb every so slightly against your lashes. 
- “it’s uh.. hard to sleep without you. more than usual, you know” 
- “Y/N” 
- “i don’t know. maybe two or three days ago properly? i mean i got some sleep in between but -,” 
- he stops you before you can start. he shuts the cookie container and leaves the tray in the sink before grabbing your hand a little forcefully and tugs you to the bathroom - lifting you up onto the counter. you know to stay put. 
- when he comes back it’s with a fresh change of clothes for the both of you. you blink at him owlishly as he strips himself off of his clothes - grateful he took time to shower at the agency. 
- he takes his shirt off and then takes yours off too, before pulling you right towards him. your arms instantly are around his neck, the warmth of his body pressed against your figure with his chin tucked over your shoulder. 
- and god - he’s so comforting you kind of want to cry. he smells like clean soap and deodorant and a little like smoke. feeling his skin against yours makes you feel instant relief. just hugging in the bathroom has you falling half asleep. you were just so tired. 
- when he pulls back, his whole face looks so damn worried it makes you want to cry. you put your own hands on his face and cheek, brushing your thumb on his cheek bone as he rests his forehead on yours. 
- “dumbasss. i can leave something with you if it’s that bad - fuck, you could’ve called me, you know?” 
- and you sigh and smile and kiss him a bit before pulling away again. man, you’re tired. you’re so, so tired. 
- “yeah.. i know,” 
- he helps you get undressed and freshened up, even rubs your facewash into your skin and rubs all your skincare in before hauling you off the bed. he turns the lights dim and just holds you, rubbing circles into your back as he holds you right to his chest. 
- “go to fucking sleep,” “love you katsuki” “..love you too” 
- he doesn’t sleep until you do, and wakes up the next morning to call in sick for you while you sleep against his chest. he should probably wake up but.. sleeping a bit longer won’t kill him. 
{♡} —— { ♡ } —— {♡}
ii. kirishima eijirou 
- kirishima likes to wake up pretty early so he can workout and do his cardio at the start of his day and his weightlifting later on. sleeping well is important to him cause his workout routine is super unforgiving if he’s not resting properly on rest days and the like. building muscles absolutely requires sleep! 
- that being said - he doesn’t mind not sleeping early if he has something to do. drinking especially normally keeps him up on weekends. overall, it was good but he doesn’t limit himself. 
- overall, it’s not something he paid a ton of attention too. life is all about balance so kiri goes with the flow. his rule of thumb is trying to get at least 8 hours a night tho. 
- but because kirishima is so go with the flow - it took him a long time to figure out that you were a night owl and something of an insomniac. he assumed that when he wished you goodnight everday, you fell asleep around the same time as him. 
- but one drunken even, he finds himself stumbling to your apartment. knocking on your and barely standing upright - he immediately is planning on apologizing for disturbing your sleep. 
- but then you.. open the door and you’re literally wide awake. you look tired but you’re clearly not sleepy. kirishima, once gain, blasted - pushes the thoughts to the back of his mind and grins toothily. he’s just excited to see you at that point and forgets about the whole ordeal until a few weeks later. 
- he ends up texting you about it a couple weeks later, assuming it’d be a once off thing that you’d explain to him. 
- ... is upset and shocked to learn that you rarely, if ever fall asleep before two am like on a good day. poor man is in shock for the rest of the day and proceeds to ask you about why you have a hard time to sleeping to try and see what he can do. 
- he wants to help but you just keep brushing it off and it honestly made him so upset he didn’t know what to do with himself. he couldn’t sleep a wink that night because the whole thing is bothering him so damn much. 
- what really sets him off is when he finally has a chance to see you after a few weeks. you were busy with uni and didn’t really have a ton of time to see him so the two of you couldn’t see each other properly for a few weeks. 
- he’s elated to see you. he’s missed his baby so much and he’s pulling all the stops out when he’s getting dressed. jeans cuffed, his best cologne, fresh shaved, brand new sneakers. he really wants to impress. 
- he’s wrapping you up into the tightest hug when he see’s you. your dressed comfortably but he still thinks you look so beautiful and he’s complimenting you, giving you kisses and overall just doting on you. he wraps your hand in his yours and just talks. 
- in fact, he’s so excited to see you, he doesn’t notice how..deflated you are. not at first anyways. 
- but as the date goes on, it becomes more and more obvious you don’t share his enthusiasm in the same way. 
- sure, he’s talkative but you haven’t said a word about how your week has been. all of his jokes have been met with mere huffs and forced chuckles and your eyes seem really distant. 
- it hits him all at once at the end of your date when you just seem so... out of it. he’s about to take you somewhere else but you stopped listening a while ago. kirishima stops dead in his tracks and holds your hand nervously, calling you a few times to get your attention. 
- “Y/N.. are you mad at me? is something wrong?” 
- your eyes go wide, flailing your hands to reassure him. you knew you were acting strange but to see kirishima this upset makes you feel awful. 
- “oh kiri - god no, it’s not you. sorry for being so.. distant - it’s not you,” 
- “well then.. what’s wrong?” 
- kirishima feels his heart get pierced when he sees you laugh. you look... so exhausted. your eyes are so heavy and the makeup on your skin is only barely concealing your dark circles. why did it take him so long to notice? 
- before he can even reply, he remembers that little tidbit about your sleep schedule. his heart so genuinely aches. 
- “Y/N.. when was the last time you got any proper sleep?” 
- you flinch, visibly at the question. with an awkward laugh you inform him that it had been at least a week since you’ve had the time to actually sleep. 
- “why didn’t you sleep today? on your day off?” 
- “i uhm.. wanted to see you. i know you had a date planned and i was excited to see you. sorry for.. ruining your plans” 
- he’s devastated by how cute you are. hugs you so damn tight. 
- “baby, you can see me whenever. im happy being with you even if all we’re doing is napping together” 
- when you mumble a soft “oh” in his chest, he can’t help but melt into a sigh. before you can protest, he’s dragging you back to his car and driving you home ignores your protests and buckles you, covering you with his jacket before kissing the crown of your head and telling you to sleep on the way back to his place. 
- he watches you like a hawk the whole time until he arrives at his place. he wakes you up and carries you on his back until he gets inside. all he does is kick his shoes off before pulling the full weight of you down on his body, kissing your whole face. 
- “sleep well baby. ill wake you up in a few” 
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horizonandstar · 2 years
HEY. I read your fic and I wanted to ramble about how much I enjoyed it if that's alright. Normally I'd do it in a reblog, but I couldn't find a suitable post to do it on, so inbox it is then
I just read your fic The Horizon and the Little Star all in one go and had an absolute BLAST. I adored it so much, it was an INCREDIBLE read 💓💕💖💗💝💞💟 you have no idea how obsessed I am with fics containing foreign planet worldbuilding or anything like that, just. Facts about different planets, you know? So it was in the middle of one chapter that I just grinned and kicked my legs in the utter delight of "yes!! This is a good fic, I am reading a good fic right now!" ALSO CRASH-LAND PLANET SURVIVAL. YES!!!
AND SUN AND MOON'S WHISTLING AND CHIRPING, I LOVE THAT. I adored the detail of you explaining the pitch of the whistles, I like that a lot. It's great knowing exactly what sounds I'm meant to imagine, very engaging. Also I'm a huge language nerd and me getting to learn words from a made-up language in the middle of a fic gets me so excited
Also it's so funny hearing the reader say a word Moon would absolutely say and going, "oh Moon is SO mimicking that later."
Your writing is so good, I had such an amazing time reading. You've done an incredible job and made a highly enjoyable fic, I see why I've been directly recommended it twice (but seen three recommendations total). BRAVO, CLAPCLAPCLAP. Take care of yourself, you have a wonderful fic. Have a great day
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i was in the middle of eating when i saw this and then i reread it multiple times and had no idea what to say. and then i took a nap and i just woke up so hello! hi! im here now
thanks for reading and enjoying!!!! i will not lie i did not actually expect to see you here so this was a really pleasant surprise
BUT YEAH!!!!! i love worldbuilding. love making my own and love looking at what other people made like give me that ill eat the words. i think the people who go really indepth with their worldbuilding is really really cool even if that level of indepth would personally tire me out if i tried. like i am.LOOKING and its cool
yeaj!!!!!! glad you liked the detail where its a specific sort of whistle that carries a specific meaning. so far every word that the reader has learned has all been in whistles because those are the noises that i can easily recreate. so what i do is that i actually whistle out what it sounds like and then try my best to describe the sound i just made. AND GLAD u like learning the silly lil made up words and sounds because theres going to be more. this language learning is going BOTH WAYS
YEAH moon is like "hehe words :] gonna use them" and through the power of y/n's current word choices he has not said something absolutely stupid yet. if y/n stopped to think about it a little they couldve had him yelling toothpaste ads or smth and he would be none the wiser
THANK u thank u i am bowing and taking my leave. gonna go back to sleep now. taking this gold star and putting it on my head like fruit sticker
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warnings: suicide mention, drugs mention, sa menton
word count: 7111
previous chapter
when i wake up from my suffocating nap, yaera is tugging on my arm for us to get off the bus. i jump in my skin, looking out into the kind of neighbourhood i only pictured in movies.
my family was never really wealthy, but i know we always tried to do nice things. the houses and the clean streets and palm trees, everything around me just reeks of tax evasion.
"its not a long walk from here," yaera says, her voice sounding muffled. did she sleep in the bus too?
i cant hide my staring as we walk, feeling completely out of place. yaera's been hanging around my shitty apartment so often i forgot where she actually comes from.
it bothers me. i dont know why. sometimes i cant believe this partnership is real. there'd just be so much i'd overlook if all my needs were taken care of like hers are.
if its one thing im tired of, its surviving. just that. i dont remember the last time i had a good day that wasnt ruined by the impact of my fathers decisions.
we reach a white house that looks like something out of old hollywood. yaera stuns me by walking through the gate like nothing. i look around like a kid at a carnival, lost in the fantasy of how nice it must be to grow up around a functioning neighborhood.
yaera takes her shoes off in the front of her door, giving me some home nostalgia. i didnt realize a lot of people did that. i do the same thing, gazing around her sunlit foyer.
"no ones really home besides the maids so we can go straight to my room," she says, then turns around to look at me. "can i get you some juice? water?"
"do you have coke?" i ask.
"im not allowed to drink gas in this house. dont ask."
"juice is fine then."
she leads me to her room. her house has a lot of clocks. everything so simple and white. i pass by a wall on the way to her room, spotting a few baby pictures.
her room is even more bare than the rest of her house. everything i see...i never expected. nothing about yaera ever told me she has such a simple room.
it looks like something out of one of those modern home magazines. no posters on the walls, no pictures, no stuffed animals, nothing at all that showed her personality. not that i was an expert on that. but still.
"go ahead and make yourself comfy, ill be right back," she says and tosses her bag onto the bed. the weird sound it makes reminds me of the things she stole. she wants to sell them yet shes so careless.
i get up and walk around slowly. her room carpet is soft on my feet, better than the rough wooden floor at my apartment. because nothing in her room tells me anything, i go back to that wall.
im nervous because i dont like walking through the homes of others, but something intangible tells me to do it. theres a bunch of pictures of yaera as a preteen and a kid. she looks like a mess in all of them. her curly hair wild and her clothes hanging off her body like she played a rough game. and next to her is the girl identical to her, wearing the biggest smile.
it feels eerie to look at almost. knowing what happened to her.
the two of them are so tight knit, theyre inseparable in every photo. even though yaera is almost never smiling, she always has a hold on her sisters clothes or arm, while the girl looks so out of place next to her brooding twin.
i feel bad looking at it, feeling like im intruding. i hear footsteps coming up the stairs so i quickly run back and pretend to take my books out. yaera comes in a few seconds after, holding a tray of juice and a bowl of chips.
i shift awkwardly as she sets it down on the bed and sits down, roughly pulling at her school tie. her shirt pops open at the top, and i immediately divert my gaze when i catch a glimpse of her black bra.
dont. dont do this to me today. im begging my body to stay in check so she doesnt realize how starved of human interaction ive been before i met her.
"lets leave the studying for later," she boredly says and starts opening her bag. i frown at her, remembering what mrs evans told me.
in one of earlier periods, she basically begged me to tutor yaera, saying she was on the verge of failing and doing pretty much horribly in all her other subjects because she didnt try. if she didnt do well for the next few months, she wouldnt be able to go to any college.
"i dont think thats a good idea," i say, finally looking her in the eyes. her tie is around her head for some reason. "i was serious about tutoring you. it sounds like you really need help. we should get it done."
yaera rolls her eyes. "so im guessing evans spoke to you?"
"i think most people know you arent doing well in school."
"fuck you, san."
i almost smile because of the bland look she gives me.
"im just telling you the facts. what exactly are you going to do in italy?" i ask her. with the lengths shes going to, i know she has to have a plan.
"my grandmother from my mother's side, shes still alive. im going to stay with her. she owns a bakery and will take me in without saying anything."
"didnt you say you wanted to fall off the grid? away from your parents?"
yaera takes a handful of chips and throws it back into her mouth, exposing her chest yet again. i wince internally. i dont know where to look at this point.
"my mother got disowned by her mom a long time ago, when she left the country with my sister and i," she mutters, her tone quieting at the mention of her sister. "my nonna's family immigrated to italy from south africa years ago, so my mom was born in italy. my sister and i were born there too, so my grandmother was really upset when she left with us. they never talk, so i know im safe with her."
"how old were you when you left italy?"
"eleven," she answers, smiling fondly to herself. shes pretty when shes not plotting or wearing her insufferably sly smirk.
"we still go back and forth a lot. because of my parents business. i stay here for school and go back for vacations and holidays."
it must be nice, i think. im surprised shes handing out information so freely. i guess she does really trust me.
"maybe we can visit each other," she suddenly says, the smirk ive seen too many times hanging on her lips again. "when we're both wild and free in europe."
"you know england and italy arent down the street from each other, right?" i laugh slightly, wondering to myself why she would say that.
"so? you know what they say, in europe everything is walking distance."
i chuckle, i dont know why. shes not funny. its embarrassing how a week ago she was blackmailing me and now im eating chips in her room, listening to her life story.
wooyoung would be fuming if he could see me now.
he'd ask me why i was letting in a girl so notorious, so much of a fiend. someone so shady, who isnt at all afraid of danger. and even if she is, thats not gonna stop her at all.
i wont have an answer for him when he does question me. because i dont know why either. maybe im just letting myself have something for once. even if its not the smartest or sanest thing in the world.
yaera takes out the stuff she stole from her bag, snapping pictures of a shiney watch. "people will buy anything online, its crazy," she tells me slyly. "all i have to do is say free delivery and they come crawling like rats to a pizza slice."
so this is what shes been doing for money. "how much does it make you?" i question.
"a lot. i recommend it. even if there isnt a fixed amount, theres no way youre going home with coins."
she leans in to me suddenly, her bra poking open as a gold cross necklace hangs from her neck. i gulp hard. what is she doing?
"and i was thinking...if you cant get rid of all the rosies on time...maybe you can just give Miss A the money?" she continues on as if she doesnt realize how hot she is. or maybe she does, maybe shes doing it on purpose.
it takes me a few seconds to digest what she says.
"we can dump it, or sell it ourselves for an even higher price," she says excitedly. "we pay off your amount and then just make double it. you know?"
i dont like the sound of it. im not good with finances, which is exactly why i do the rough stuff. its why im known for being the muscle. i still dont know why miss A gave me this shitty job, knowing i had no expertise. maybe she wants to get rid of me.
"lets play it safe for now," i say, stuttering slightly. im taking a lot of risks so this is going to have to wait. especially because i have enough to hide from miss A.
yaeras proximity is so close to me i cant ignore it anymore. her skirt is hiking up as she sits, her long knee highs distracting as fuck. im biting hard on my lip, the strain tugging in unmentionable places. i cant do this anymore.
"your top is a little...wide," i say suddenly.
"huh?" she looks down and realizes. i expect her to go as red as i feel, but all she does is grip her shirt closed and smile crookedly.
"my bad. i didnt mean to give you a show," she jokes. "wanna stand in the hall for a second? i'll put on something else." 
i can never tell if shes being serious when she flirts with me. it feels like everything is a joke or a lie. no ones ever acted the way she does towards me before. i dont know how to deal with it.
i get up and leave, hardly making eye contact. my skin is prickly and hot. i cant be getting affected like this. im such a loser.
my imagination tries causing my downfall while her door is closed. the clocks in her house are ticking and im trying to focus on them instead of picturing her getting undressed. fuck, what is wrong with me.
i reach for my phone, hoping to get distracted. but when i reach for my pockets it isnt on me. i go back into yaera's room, without thinking at all and  her back is faced toward me.
luckily it isnt her bare back. she has a pink tank top on. i lose my sense for a few seconds when she turns around, her top still dangerously low, and my phone right in her hand.
its open.
i fight my glare, i probably just left it open by mistake; but shes looking at me like she wants to kill me. her jaw is clenched, her dark eyes narrowed at me like i kicked a puppy.
"why do you have my phone?" i ask her cautiously.
"why do you have this picture on your phone?" she says back, cold as ice.
my mind goes blank. "what?"
she smiles but its nothing sweet. "yeosang emailed you. he wants to meet you for drugs. now tell me why he sent you this picture?"
oh. the picture of her with that older guy. the colour feels like its leaving my body. oh fuck.
"i-i can explain–"
"i noticed you got it a day after we met. were you trying to get leverage on me?"
im embarrassed. i dont know what to say. but my brain tells me to just be honest. theres no way they can look any worse.
"yeah, i was," i admit. she scoffs and rolls her eyes. "i wanted something on you the way you had something on me. but i dont plan on using that. ever."
"thats supposed to make me feel better?" she questions angrily.
"well, you still have that video of me dealing drugs. do you think that makes me feel better?"
she clamps her mouth shut and bites her lip in frustration, tossing my phone to the bed. i want to approach her but i feel like shes about to kick me out of her house.
she cant be mad. i know its fucked up but i was just getting even. i hope this doesnt ruin everything we tried establishing a day ago. that would be so exhausting.
she drops onto her bed, pushing her hair back as she glares onto the ground. "fuck that asshole, yeosang. that picture is useless anyway."
i frown and finally get the courage to move to sit next to her. "what do you mean?" i ask.
she scoffs again, a forced smile on her face. "because that isnt me. its my sister."
my blood pauses in my veins as i look at her. yaera sighs, the look on her face distant and pained. what?
"but yeosang–"
"is a fucking idiot," she finishes off coldly. "he leaked that picture of her days after she went missing. everyone thought she ran away and was rebelling so brands started dropping her. my parents threatened to sue and he swore to delete it. my parents made me step up and announce that i was the one in the picture so that yasmines name would stop getting slandered. so they called me a whore instead."
she chuckles darkly. "i guess it was easier to believe i was the whore and not her. they werent expecting her to be a bag of bones at the bottom of a canyon."
what the fuck. i bend my elbows on my knees and rub my face because i dont know what to say. yeosang is such a fucking asshole.
"i'll delete the pic," i say heavily. "i didnt know. yeosang said it was you."
"most people believe it is. to this day. but nah, thats my innocent sister in the arms of some guy."
"what the fuck is that angle?" i ask her in disbelief. "it doesnt look like she knows she was being watched."
"i dont think she did," yaera admits frighteningly calm. she reaches for something in her bag, and pulls out the camera she stole.
"i think my sister was being stalked. and i think that person is stalking me too."
"what?" i raise my voice. shes dead serious.
yaera holds the camera towards me, showing me a folder. when i look at the pictures inside, my face goes icy. hundreds of pictures of her at school, smoking, sitting around, completely unaware that a camera is on her. then as i scroll further down, i see the exact same picture yeosang sent me.
the original.
"what the fuck?" i whisper and shake my head. "we have to take this to your parents. or the police. what if this is the same person who killed your sister?"
yaera nearly drops the camera and i swear she looks like all the colour has drained from her face. she feels her head and shivers. "i-i think im going to be sick."
"i'll go get a cold rag. hold on."
i get up but she pulls me back by my shirt, shaking her head. "no please. just stay here," she almost begs.
we have to do something about this. this means the stalker is a student, or even worse, a teacher.
it cant be the guy in the picture, hes older and hes being watched too. it has to be a student, and it has to be someone part of the soccer team.
"did yeosang ever say where he got this picture?" i ask her.
she gulps and shakes her head. "no he said it was sent to him. and because he knows everyone, he was told to leak it. so he did. he thought it was from her or someone else saying that shes safe and alive. but...then..."
she takes a deep breath, and it sounds like theyre getting smaller. her chest is rising and falling harder than usual, a slight whistle in her breathing. i reach for her bag and rummage through it, finding her asthma pump.
"take this," i tell her and hand it to her. she takes two puffs, her breathing harsher than before. shes almost shaking.
"ill go with you," i tell her firmly. "to the police, or to your parents. we can show them this. you might be in danger."
"they wont do anything," she says defeatedly. "the police buried the case and i would just be bringing up old wounds to my parents. so much has happened...they wouldnt believe me."
"but we have evidence right here!" i groan, unable to believe what im hearing. "youre just going to accept this?"
"what do you want me to do?" she snaps her head at me. "do you want us to find this guy? then what?"
i clench my jaw thinking of it. hes probably some sick fuck getting off to pictures of yaera and a dead girl. how fucked up do you have to be to still hold onto this?
"we kill him."
"what?" she looks at me horrified. "what the fuck are you talking about?"
"okay fine, we dont kill him. but lets fuck him up, or get him in trouble. because this is messed up. i can find out who this belongs to. just give me your word and i will."
yaera nods with difficulty, looking like shes choking down sobs. this day has taken a completely different turn, we havent even gotten to studying yet.
my phone rings and buzzes again. i look at it. its the thirtieth call yeosang has given me. i pick up in annoyance and nearly growl into the phone. "what the fuck do you want?"
"fucking finally!" he screams, making me pull the phone away from my ear. "you asshole! ive been tryna reach you all day? you finally out of marino's ass? can i fucking talk to you?"
"what do you need?" i grit out because unfortunately i need this fucker and his money.
"i need you to give me like four bags before saturday. ill pay you today, okay? this shit is addictive im literally shaking and if you dont deliver im gonna fucking beat your ass, okay? im thirsty!" yeosang demands, his voice unhinged and feral.
"when do you need it?"
"did you not hear me? today asshole! drop it at the rockstar cafe near school. one of my girlfriends work there. give it to her."
"fine. ill send wooyoung to drop it."
"fucking thank you. god, was that so hard?–"
i hang up on him and turn my attention back on yaera. shes looking at me with a closed off glint in her soft brown eyes, her lips slightly pouted. i stare at them a little too long, against my will.
"how do you know yeosang?" she asks me suddenly. "or more, how did you start selling drugs to him?"
i cant for the life of me find out why she wants to know that. i did tell her i would let her know anything she wants, so i guess i should be fair.
"he knew one of yunho's guys," i say. "he used to sell him drugs when he went clubbing. long story short, the guy died and yunho asked me to start supplying yeosang instead. he was surprised when he found out we were at the same school."
"and he kept quiet?" she asks in genuine disbelief. "yeosang? the guy who tells everyone with whom and where he has sex? the guy who cant keep a secret for shit? that guy?"
"yunho warned me about him. i have a little leverage on him to make sure he doesnt squeal."
her eyes suddenly light up with that dark, mischevious flare she uses when she wants something. "what kind of leverage?"
"before i tell you, whats your relationship with yeosang?"
"he tried to fuck me," she says crudely, making my mouth nearly drop open. "and he knew my sister. he tried to fuck us both actually. and when i didnt let him he went around spreading rumors about me. he still does it to this day."
okay so she has it out for him. and rightfully so. everytime i hear about yeosang hes out disappointing his parents.
"his scandal is kinda fitting then," i chuckle humorlessly. "he had sex with this girl at one of yunhos clubs. he drugged her drink. yunho has it all on camera."
yaeras face morphs into disgust. "thats not fucking sex thats...he literally...oh my god."
"i know," i sigh. "hes a real piece of shit. yunho had his hands on that. and now it belongs to the gang. he knows if he speaks, his life is over."
"how the fuck did yunho record it?"
"he used to record everything in his club. hes was one sick fuck. there were cameras in every corner of that club. every single one. its how the police busted him. luckily for yeosang, his video already made it out of there beforehand."
yaera shakes her head and grips her hair. "this shit is fucking crazy."
thats my life. shes horrifed. i can feel it. but she wanted this. she wanted to be a part of it. luckily it wont be her forever. i dont know when it will end for me.
i tried my best to tutor yaera after the revelation of all the upsetting news. she struggled to pay attention, i could tell. her answers were all delayed and she kept zoning out on the diagrams.
at some point i accept we wont get any work done today. i look outside and see its getting late. yeosang is ringing my phone again, as well as wooyoung. i realize i have stops to make.
i close my textbook which happens to be open on the diagram of the heart. yaera blinks slowly, then sits up when she realizes we're done.
"oh. sorry," she mutters. "i wasnt really a good student today, huh?"
i shrug, its not a big deal right now. "we can try again tomorrow. you have a lot on your plate."
"thank you." she says in the smallest voice. its humble coming from her.
i open my bag and shove my books in and she helps me pack. eventually she hands me the camera.
"you take it," her voice is tired and flat. "do whatever you need to with it. i dont want in the house, im going to stare at the pictures all night and its gonna make me sick."
"ill take it away tonight," i tell her. "you remember the mongols? those guys you met when you followed me the first time?"
"theyre my dads old gang. they do favours for me sometimes because they feel bad for ruining my life. i can get in touch with mao's niece. shes a hacker. i'll take the camera to her and see what she can do."
"thanks. i'd go with you but my parents are gonna be home anytime soon," she sighs. "be careful."
i swing my bag onto my shoulder and we walk out of her house. we schedule to study sometime on the weekend again, right before yeosang's party.
when we get outside the sky is almost pitch black, except for a faint line of blue over the roofs of the mansions. its going to be a nightmare to get transport this time around. i decide to call an uber.
"i wanted to ask you," yaera says as we wait in silence on the pavement. "theres this thing coming up with my family. like...an event for that photoshoot i did. and i need a date."
i raise an eyebrow. is she seriously asking me to go to a fancy event with her family? me? the poster boy for poverty?
"dont look at me like that," she punches my arm lightly, scowling. "im not into you or anything. i want you to meet the models im dealing to. theyre going to be there."
i narrow my eyes at her. "you want to deal at your parents party?"
"no, san. i wanna see you in a suit and drool over how hot you look."
my mouth hangs open at how completely serious she sounds while saying it. i nervously look away and wipe my face with a sigh, irritated by how easily she affects me. she bursts out laughing and my embarrassment worsens.
"you keep asking me dumb questions. obviously! and dont worry about the suit, ill get you one myself."
i dont meet her gaze even though i can feel her staring at me. "so you didnt mean what you said before that?"
she comes to stand right infront of me, that devious smirk on her lips once again. goddamn it. i fail to look away, not wanting to be intimdated except i am.
"about wanting to drool over you?" she asks lowly, her smirk dripping with smugness. "you want me to mean that, choi san?"
my body is abnormally fucking hot. i hear a horn beep a few feet away and see a black toyota waiting. thank god. i clear my throat awkwardly and tighten my hand on the strap of my backpack.
"i gotta go. i'll text you." i say and scurry away as fast as i can.
yaera waves slowly to me when i get into the car and look at her through the window. i need to keep myself in check, no matter how difficult she makes it.
on the way home i get texts from wooyoung complaining about yeosang and about me taking my sweet time at yaera's house. hes convinced we're having unprotected sex everytime hes not in the room.
my face warms again as an image appears and quickly vanishes from my mind. that wouldnt be the worst thing in the world, right?
no. what the fuck san. get it together. what the hell did you just think.
it was the grief and trauma from seeing yunho get sliced up. im convinced. no way would i be having these disorderly thoughts unprovoked.
the uber drops me off infront of a tattoo parlour, aespa. mao's niece is a tattoo artist here. ive only visited a few times, mostly doing errands.
its evening so the place is shut down, but i know shes here. i slam my hand onto the door and peer through the glass waiting for her to show up. it takes me a few aggressive policeman knocks before she eventually comes strutting out through the dark shop, scowling at me.
she unlocks the door and glares at me. "what the hell? do you pay to knock down my door like this?" she snaps.
"hey, ningning, right?" i say. "im san. you know me right?"
she squints her eyes at me and then clicks her fingers. "ah...that guys kid. i dunno his name. tekken?"
"yeah. can i come in?" i sigh. 
she opens the door and flicks the lights on, allowing me to pass through. her hair is bright red and she has two full sleeves on both her arms. last time i visited she only had a few tattoos.
"im guessing youre not here for a tattoo appointment?" she says and goes to sit on a spinning chair. it accidently slides across the floor and she tumbles out of it. she gets up and smiles awkwardly.
i take off my bag and pull out the camera. "i need a favour. can you help me find out who this belongs to? its urgent."
"mmmmm did you steal it?"
"not important. i just need a name or an address."
she crosses her arms and nods. "that'll be easy. depending on how long this takes me, ill give you a price after."
i scowl. "please dont be unreasonable."
ningning gives me a nasty look. "hey, my uncle owes you favours, kid. not me, i didnt ruin your life. this is not a charity."
i sigh and nod, giving her the camera. i follow her to a backroom that ends up leading to a basement under her shop. she unlocks nearly four doors to get to her station, and i see massive monitors and a sick computer set up that i know costs more than my apartment.
she lets out a sigh and jumps into her chair, taking out the camera. im curious because i didnt even know cameras could be traced back. the police do it, right?
"so how do you do this?" i ask when she starts typing abnormally fast.
she chuckles, and my eyes widen when a bunch of alien code appears on the screens. "come on, even if i explained to you, do you really think your dumbass would get it?"
i scowl. damn it shes right.
"you couldve just said no," i mutter pathetically under my breath.
"serial numbers kid. serial numbers. theyre a godsent gift. also photos. does this camera have any photos?"
"yeah, a ton." my anger returns just thinking about the creep and his 'hobby'.
ningning pulls up the pictures from the camera and puts them onto the monitors. i bite my lip awkwardly when she turns and side eyes me.
"are you stalking someone?" she asks me dead seriously.
"no," i scoff. "im trying to find the stalker. and even if i was, you'd have no grounds to judge me with what you do."
"i may steal and sell peoples information but at least im not a weirdo," she rebuts and sticks out her tongue. seconds later she pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing shit down.
"theres an account attached to the camera. heres a name and address." she hands the paper to me. i frown looking at the name.
"Apple?" i scowl. this feels like a prank. and severely underwhelming. but at least ive got an address. im going to break this fuckers legs.
ningning smiles, sighing as if bored. "too easy. i was actually hoping this would be a challenge. that'll be 50."
i groan in the back of my throat, feeling like im giving out more money than im bringing in. yaera better pay me back for this. i dig into my wallet and give her my paper and it turns out its my last. broke.
ningning sends me a wink as i make my way out. "good luck, Lucky. or whatever they call you nowadays."
wooyoung picks me up a few minutes after, a new license plate on his van. hes honks obnoxiously for me to get in, nearly waking up the entire neighbourhood.
"never send me to plug that yeosang fucker ever again!" he immediately whines when i slide in passenger. "i cant stand that guy. how does he have that many girlfriends and i dont?"
"youre not a rich sexy creep i guess," i tell him and then sigh. "woo, we need to kill someone."
"what?!" wooyoung screams like the human loadspeaker he is. "who? the blackmailer?"
"no!" i snap and glare at him. i pull out the address and show him. "this is the address of the fucker thats been stalking her. including her dead twin sister."
wooyoungs jaw nearly drops. "woah. yeah thats fucked. when and where?"
i look out the window, thinking back to how she said she didnt want me to hurt anyone. i would probably piss her off and scare her. who knows what would happen. she doesnt want me to do things behind her back.
"let me tell her first. but tomorrow after school, we're paying this person a visit."
it feels like everyday i wake up i feel more and more like trash. the nights feel long. the day feels too early. i know whats coming. its getting bad again.
ive been called depressed by my therapists and teachers. then it quickly became an excuse. an excuse to them i constantly use to be bad at school and everything else. all i know is everytime i think my happiness will last it doesnt.
when i dont feel my emotions, i dont remember them. they become foreign to me, like nothing. but recently ive been feeling a lot. san has made me feel a range of emotions.
sadness, fear, anger. excitement. fucking arousal. he makes me feel the way a cigarette does. which is crazy. i never thought i'd feel anything for anyone like that ever again. not since jongho.
i sit with silent admiration as he approaches me in the parking lot the next day. of course he has his resting bitch face on, but its one of the things i look forward to these days.
my hands are shaking inside my blazer pockets as i lean against the wall, my nicotine addiction not fulfilled for the day because i spent money on hairdye and forgot.
sans eyes shift to my now black hair and an awkward smile (i think its a smile?) sits on his face. "hey. did you get my texts?"
"my phone died," i say. i actually passed out after doing my hair last night, completely exhausted and terrified by the information that hit me. all that and i forgot to charge and bring my phone the next day.
"oh. i guess i have to say this in person then," san frowns. "i got an address and name for you. of the stalker."
my blood feels like cold sludge in my veins and i immediately feel more lightheaded. my stomach churns. "oh," i try to keep a straight face. "thank you."
he sighs and takes out a piece of paper. "before i show this to you. i want you to know wooyoung and i are planning to go to this address after school. you can come with us to confront the bastard. are you okay with that?"
my mouth is dry and i dont even know what to say. i didnt think he would actually find the creep. i dont even know if i can face him.
i nod with difficulty and san gives me the paper. my stomach immediately plunges like a fucking roller coaster.
no fucking way.
"i couldnt get his actual name. this is all thats available on his account." san sounds disappointed. his face drops further when i meet his eyes.
"are you okay? do you know this person?" he asks, hands hesitantly reaching out as if hes afraid im going to fall over.
i just cant believe it. after years and years i didnt ever think this could happen. but it makes sense, doesnt it? everythings starting to make sense.
"this is jongho's nickname," i utter lifelessly. "and this is his address."
"what?" san raises his voice. his eyes turn into planets. "the annoying prefect?? the one that hates you??"
i nod and almost start laughing. i almost start crying too. jongho is my stalker. he was my sisters stalker. i guess i shouldnt be surprised, he was literally in love with her. but me?
why me?
i cant fucking breathe.
it all gets worse. i reach for my asthma pump and it falls out of my blazer and plonks onto the cement. san picks it up and wipes it off, placing it in between my lips.
he pumps it for me, and i would almost consider this romantic if not for the fucked up circumstances we're always in.
"do you want me to hurt him?" san asks me seriously. "because i will."
i shake my head and scoff. "and face a lawsuit? you have nothing and jongho has everything."
san has a terrifying look on his face. "it doesnt have to be me. you know i know people that would make him pay for this."
i dont want him to pay. not yet. i just want him to be honest. i want this to fucking make sense.
"i knew he was fucked up but wow," i laugh to myself, making san more concerned. "imagine he did actually love me all this time? imagine he loved us both?"
"yaera." san sternly says. "process this and lets talk later. we have class. dont say anything to him or breathe near him. he could be dangerous. he couldve harmed..."
the sick feeling sweeps through me and i find it hard to digest. i gag and nearly throw up, but luckily nothing comes up. thinking of jongho, the asshole i cant stand but also one of my first loves throwing my sister off a canyon after strangling her is making me want to off myself harder than i thought.
and the image never leaves me.
even when we get to class, i find myself
lost in my own head thinking about it. i cant enjoy history for the life of me because im thinking of the past. im thinking of my parents that trusted him. yasmine trusted him too. so much. she thought he was fine with just being her friend.
no, im lying. she knew choi jongho wasnt fine with being just friends. i know she teased him with a relationship that would never happen. i know she kissed him a few times, maybe did something more. i know she led him on for years and he never really gave up because he thought they were perfect together. she could be cruel about it, the way she kept him on a leash.
now shes fucking dead.
"choi san!" someone screams, tearing me out of my thoughts as the classroom door roughly swings open. everyone stands up as our headmaster appears in the doorway, with...jongho behind him.
my breath hits a wall when i look at him, and hes glaring straight at san. the soccer coach is standing in the doorway as well.
san stands up awkwardly, confusion lined in his features. "yes sir?"
"it has come to our attention that items have gone missing from the boys lockerroom yesterday afternoon. choi jongho stated that you were the only one he saw hanging around that area at the time. can you confirm?" our headmaster asks, making the entire class fall into hushed whispers.
no fucking way. san is going red out of panic.
"i-i mean i was there. but i didnt steal anything. h-how or why would i?" san asks.
"you're a scholarship student," jongho spits at him like hes filth. "its not farfetched for you people to get carried away at a school like this. youre already here for free."
"excuss me?" mr grüne, my history teacher interrupts with a glare. "choi san is a good student he would never do such a thing. you can ask anyone of his teachers."
jongho lets out a spiteful laugh. "an expensive camera and watch have gone missing, i dont care about his reputation i care about my team. and choi san is the only person i saw at the lockerrooms yesterday!"
"i didnt steal anything," san defends, clenching his jaw as he grips his desk.
"then surely you will not mind us searching your locker?" the soccer coach says. san's face drops.
i hold my breath. i hold it because i know san has the camera hidden in his locker. we were supposed to confront jongho after school.
"you cant search his locker," i say, scoffing and bringing the attention on me. "thats an invasion of privacy."
"its school property," headmaster corrects me. san is looking at me like hes internally begging me to stop. but i wont because i need to save him from himself.
"if you think he stole your shit, call the police," i say. jongho clenches his jaw at me.
thats right. you wont call the police because once they find your camera youre fucked.
"this doesnt concern you, ms marino," headmaster tells me sternly. "choi san im going to need you to come with us to give your locker combination please."
oh fuck. oh no oh fuck.
san slowly leaves the classroom and i can see jongho smirking evilly to himself. no way i cant let san go down like this. they'll destroy him. he doesnt know how to verbally defend himself.
"sir i need to be excused," i say and immediately bolt after them. i pull jongho to the side, making him glare and rip his arm from me. i grab him again, digging my nails into his skin.
"what the fuck are you doing? let go." he hisses at me.
"call the search off," i grit through my teeth. "call the fucking search off right now."
jongho chuckles. "and why would i do that?"
"because if you dont i'll take your camera to the police and let them know youve been stalking me and my dead sister," i say. his face crumbles.
in seconds jongho's smug grin shatters into utter disbelief. hes taking too long. san is going to get caught.
"go fucking call it off!" i snap. "tell headmaster your parents found it, say something or else im letting everyone know what a fucked up creep you really are."
jongho runs and nearly trips over his feet as he chases after our headmaster. my skin is pricky because im scared he wont get there in time. im scared san will go down for this. for MY doings.
i let out a sigh of relief when all four of them come walking back and san isnt in handcuffs. but jongho is giving me a terrified look. good, he should be fucking scared.
"i want to apologize to everyone here for interrupting your lesson and also choi san for the inconvenience," our headmaster says. "it was simply a misunderstanding."
mr grüne looks like he already knew san was innocent and san shrugs it off like nothing. he looks at me wondering how i did it. i mouth to him that we'll talk later. jongho drops something on my desk before he leaves, a note.
meet me on the soccerfield after break. i'll explain everything.
next chapter
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hello! This is kind of a long request and well- Hopefully you’re fine with doing temporary Body Swap. :>
So basically Bakugou and his Male S/O are pro heroes and when out on a mission, they both get hit by a villain who has a swap quirk. Basically, they just swapped bodies. (Y/n is in Bakugou’s body and Bakugou is in Y/n’s body, they basically just switched minds.) They are told by the other pro heroes that the two should go home and take the day off. Unfortunately, nobody knows how long the quirk effect will stay, but they were convinced it was only temporary. So the two go back to their shared apartment and the day goes on pretty normal- besides the fact that, you know, they’ve swapped bodies. Though later Y/n gets a bit of an idea. What if he were to f*ck Bakugou in this body? The thought seemed kinda strange at first since he would literally be f*cking his own body, but he couldn’t deny that the thought was turning him on. Especially wanting to see Bakugou’s reaction. So, he basically handcuffs Bakugou to prevent him from struggling and.. while in the middle of doing it, something happens.. Shit! Why did it have to happen now?? Y/n panics in his head as he realizes they just swapped bodies again, and he is now at the mercy of Bakugou Katsuki himself..
I actually sent a request kinda similar to this to someone else but it was a while ago and they haven’t responded so they may not have liked it, or it just didn’t arrive. And sorry for choosing Bakugou again, you just may be able to figure out who my favorite character is.. Sorry for my rambling.
If you don’t wanna do it, that’s fine. Anyways, have a good day/night, man!
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in his shoes (nsfw) bakugou x reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: body swapping during sex, bottom and top reader+bakugou, selfcest (?), degrading, bratty behavior, claimming and possesive themes, bondage (handcuffs)
a/n: i really like this concept and i will write it don't worry 😎👍 i usually write all of my requests anyways. im also sorry this took literally 5 years.
katsuki bakugou and y/n bakugou. the two of you have been married for 2 years now after you guys started working as heroes. you both went to UA and graduated at the top of the class. neither of you had time for love or romance resulting in neither of you confessing you feelings for each other. gladly, things managed to work out in the end.
"he's on it again, i need the bakugous here right now."
hearing the police force requesting your assistance, you and your husband show up on the case. it turned out to be the villain that the two of you couldn't capture the last time during patrol. 
"HEH?! look y/n, it's this motherfucker again. what's up with this loser, coming back every time it's annoying." 
"play nice now katsuki, let's just go and restrain him and let the police take care of the rest."
the two of you move quickly to match the villain's rapid movements. katsuki flew around using his quirk to attempt to catch him but failed. the villain was surprisingly agile and you guys had a tough time trying to chase him down. 
after around half an hour of chasing you finally cornered the villain on top of a tall building in the middle of the city that was still in construction. the ground was hard to walk on and somewhat unstable but you managed to find your balance. 
"alright, give it up, you've got nowhere to run now. 
"what he said, stop resisting and i won't blow your face off."
the villain's expression turned to fear as you started to close up on him. out of panic, he used his quirk. it was a small beam that didn't hurt at all. however, after a few seconds your body started to heat up, you looked over to katsuki and you could tell he was feeling the same. what was happening?
seeing the two of you struggling, the villain quickly left the scene but he had trouble moving around due to his surroundings. his movements were also somewhat impaired due to fatigue. it was most likely the aftereffect of his quirk which was why he was pretty reluctant in using it. 
the strange feeling in your chest wouldn't go away and your vision started to blur. next thing you know you woke up on top of the same building to see yourself lying next to you. was his quirk duplication? no it couldn't have been. you tried to stand up but felt the weight of some heavy armor dragging you down. you look down to see yourself wearing katsuki's hero costume and his gauntlet. still in awe, you heard a groan in your own voice next to you. 
"shit… wtf happened, y/n where are you where-" 
it didn't take long for your husband to find out what happened. 
the two of you have switched bodies.
you both tried to explain to the police who's who but it only ended in confusion. you went home with your husband after they put the two of you on break for "damaged mental" from the villain because the majority of the police thought you guys were crazy. 
there weren't any cases similar to body switching between heros before so the doctor said there's nothing that can be done other than attempting to wait off the effect. so there you were, in your husband's body, cooking dinner for the man while you saw your own body lazily sitting on the couch with your legs spread open watching the tv. 
life went as normal for the next two days, since you two were both males there weren't any problems whatsoever. however, one day a thought flew into your mind while taking a nap with katsuki. since he was the one who would usually top, now that you're in his body wouldn't it technically mean you get to top? 
physically you would be using your boyfriend's body to fuck yourself. but the thought of the all mighty bakugou katsuki taking his own dick, his bratty attitude, and lastly breaking him and making him fall apart by your touch aroused you in an indescribable way. you knew katsuki wouldn't agree to this due to his prideful personality so you had to take other measures to carry out your plan. 
you and kastuki had all sorts of toys laying around and you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine with them. while he wasn't looking you grabbed the vibrator, handcuffs, and blindfolds and put them all on the nightstand. now that everything is in place, all you have to do is wait to catch katsuki off guard tonight when he gets tired.
later tonight, after finishing dinner, katsuki was yet again sitting casually again on the couch watching tv, not giving a single care to the world. 
"heyy katsuki!"
"hm? yah?" 
"come with me for a second? i want to show you something!" you said with a sly grin on your face
katsuki didn't care enough to talk back, neither did he think this could lead to the ill intentions you had with him tonight. following you into the bedroom, you gestured katsuki to sit down on the bed. he obeyed although he began to have a suspicion of what you're about to do. using your new body, you abused katsuki's strong muscle and speed to restrain your own body with the handcuffs you prepare. there was no way for katuski to fight back in this situation because your body was simply not built enough to resist his. 
"h-huh? what are you doing dumbass…if you're joking s-stop it now, it's not funny." 
"oh i am very serious katsuki, now that i'm inside your body. i am going to fuck your brains out. i'm gonna thrust that bratty attitude of yours right out the window." 
hearing you say that, your husband looked away to avert his eyes while you heard a small gulp coming from his throat. you could tell he was nervous and that's exactly what you wanted. katsuki has never bottomed in his life before and he does plan on doing so either. 
finally having katsuki in your grasp, you decided to carry on with your plan. you put on the blindfold for him as he jolted in surprise. katsuki tried to get out of the handcuffs but later found his attempt futile. these were the toys he used for you too and he out of everyone should know it's impossible to get out of them. once your husband stopped moving you gentlt took off his pants, leaving him exposed wearing only your boxers with an erection under it.
"aww katsuki~ already hard and i haven't even done anything yet, maybe you're better off being the bottom hm?" you teased 
"s-shut up you shit head, just get on with it, whatever evil plan you have in store for tonight…"
"no need to rush katsuki" you said as you entered his asshole with 2 of your fingers, loosening him up for the vibrator. 
"we have the entire night."
you heard your own voice whimper as you explored more with your fingers. soon enough it was time to put the other toy in. your fingers left for a bit preparing the vibrator, leaving bakugou panting from the pleasure and clenching his hole around well, nothing. you turned on the vibrator and katsuki immediately noticed the familiar sound of what's in your hands. 
"o-oi y/n, don't put it in here, i-i won't be able to take it." 
"oh i'm sure you can~ you made me do it plenty of times, why can't the big and strong bakugou katsuki do it?"
without mercy, you put in the vibrator quickly and let the show play out. katsuki was moaning and groaning while you stroked your own cock enjoying the view. katuski's cock was bigger than yours and you weren't used to jacking off such a big dick but it was a nice first.
seeing a wet spot forming on katsuki's underwear, you knew he was ready to go. you took off katsuki's underwear to see the precum leaking from it, so much it looked like he was about to cum any second now. next, you took out the vibrator and started to spread some lube on your cock. you positioned yourself on top of the katsuki and teased his pink hole with your huge cock. 
"what do good boys say katsuki~?" 
"tch! i'm not saying it, y-you sadistic fuck."
you slapped katsuki's ass so loud that the neighbors probably could've heard you.
"i'm the one in control right now, you listen to what i say, understood?"
"f-fine, jesus christ! p-please y/n, put it inside me…" 
"that's a good boy…" 
after you fit ¾ of your cock in katsuki was already panting heavily trying to catch his breath. it reached his prostate you leaned down on his chest to bite on his nipples to make him feel even better. his hole clenched on your hole so tight you were barely able to move your cock around. you continued to make thrusts and sped them up each time. 
during your thrusts you suddenly felt the weird feeling when fighting the villain again. both you and bakugou's body started to burn up but it wasn't as painful as it was last time. next thing you know everything was pitch black. you felt a piece of black cloth on top of your eyes and a familiar size inside your ass. it didn't take you long to realize that you and bakugou finally switched back. 
you were glad to be back in your own body but why did it have to happen now?! out of all the times it could've happened this was no doubt the worst possible timing. you just teased the crap out of bakugou and now that he's in control again he can take his revenge right here, right now.
"oh? would you look at that…our bodies switched back…" you couldn't see katsuki say this but you could already tell the evil smile on his face. 
"k-katsuki i'm sorry, i didn't mean to tease you that hard i was just trying to have some fun y-y'know." you desperately tried to explain. 
"too late now baby boy… bad boys get punished for what they did. now… get ready, for the night of your fucking life." 
regret, nothing but regret. bakugou was already an aggressive person when it comes to sex, now that you pissed him off even more you weren't prepared for what he was about to do to you. 
without warning, katsuki pulled back his hips and thrusted into you harder than ever. you took his entire length right away and the full feeling in your ass was too overwhelming for you to handle. you started to blabber nonsense, unable to form words due to the pleasure. 
"c'mon baby… gotta speak up if you want me to understand you." bakugou said knowing damn well you can't talk back. 
incoherent moans and groans escaped from your mouth as you felt dry orgasms again and again from katsuki reaching your prostate. you were on the verge of passing out till you saw your husband's panting just as hard as you. you could tell he was very close as well. you tried your best to stay conscious and cum with your husbands. 
katsuki let out a loud moan as he cummed inside you. you reached your orgasm too cumming all over yourself. katsuki licked up the cum on your stomach as you slipped into sweet unconsciousness. he gave you a warm smile and patted your head as he took you into his arms and fell asleep with you. 
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eitelle · 3 years
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— comforting you when you get overwhelmed
↳ with bokuto and akaashi
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ask: can i request comfort for Akaashi and bokuto?if you don't do two characters then just Akaashi, i have an upcoming exam that is so important and i'm just overwhelmed these days and studying these topics made me insecure and i started doubting my ability to do it, my pronouns are she/her
genre: (minimal) hurt (mostly) comfort
pairings: bokuto x f!reader, akaashi x f!reader (she/her pronouns!!)
warnings: school, mentions of being overwhelmed, insecure thoughts and doubting of abilities described, and i think thats it
wc: 855
a/n: ok so this is so late im sorry nonnie :(( but i hope this can help somewhat but i j wanted to let u know that i believe in u!!
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-> bokuto
bokuto wasn’t the best at school. your owl-looking boyfriend had trouble focusing, and was more of a free spirit anyways. in no way trying to say he was dumb, you found studying together harder. constantly you would hear clicking of pens, books slamming shut, or feeling a leg shaking on the other side of the table where the white haired ace sat. the extra energy he had was too much for you, and the longer u dealt with that the more you stopped retaining information. trying out a practice quiz you quickly realize how little of the topic you truly knew. ‘why can i not retain information? theres no way ill pass im so stupid i cant even get this problem right. im going to fail this test,’ were the thoughts running through your head oblivious to the fact you stopped flipping pages, or writing notes, or mumbling under your breath. bokuto not paying any attention to studying and being extra perceptive to you, focusing on you this entire time noticed all of this. he noticed your little tics of rubbing your hand behind your neck, or your lack of conscious movement seeing how you slowly started to look like a shell of yourself. “baby, come here,” you hear bokutos voice pulling you out of your little trancelike state of detrimental thoughts. “mkay kou, is something wrong love?” you ask wondering if he was having trouble with a problem, your previous problems hitting you in the face as you start to doubt if you can even help him. “well i just wanted to tell you that i think you are so smart. and that you should take a little break, so you can learn more in a couple minutes!!” “but-” “no buts. you need some rest. youre so smart but u look a little burned out,” an evident frown on his face. “you are always pretty and smart but you need a break to be extra pretty and extra smart! come on we can take a little nap and then i promise i will study with you. youre going to ace this test.” a little teary eyed, and your eyes shuttering shut you feel yourself falling limply in his arms, not even remembering when you stood up and walked over to him. “i love you kou, you always know what to say. youre the best boyfriend.” “and youre the best girlfriend, baby!!”
-> akaashi
study sessions were so very needed, but a little scary to you. your boyfriend of 2 years akaashi, was a bit of a nerd. he always studied perfectly, and was just perfect. but sometimes that made whatever you did a bit less than his. in short, it never made you feel like you were enough. akaashi knew this even thought youd never explicitly stated it and tried his best to make you feel as though your studying and your accomplishments were your own and not to be compared to him because it was true. this upcoming test was so important and this study session was the perfect time with your oh so perfect boyfriend. sometimes it can be overwhelming with him but in times like this you were so grateful he was there to help you. at the 1 hour 30 minutes mark, you started to get tired but as soon as you saw akaashi still going it spurred you on with new motivation to be with your boyfriend school wise as well. this new burst of motivation didnt last long though as almost 10 minutes later, the words began to slur and the questions started making less and less sense on the practice problems. ‘how does he keep going but i cant? youre pathetic, stupid, and youre never going to ever be on his level or do well on this important exam,’ your thoughts seem to scream at you. akaashi always knowing you, and knowing your studying tendencies saw the insecurities and burnout. “hey angel, im getting tired. how about we take a quick break and we can go and do it again. i know you will ace this test but you wont learn much if you don’t rest a bit,” he coaxes as he guides you out of your chair and onto the sofa. “maybe a little nap..” you trail off, your eyes shutting as soon as you hit the couch. “darling look at me real quick,” he says as you open your eyes in annoyance, about to go to sleep. “hey dont look at me like that, i just wanted to say i believe in you and that you are already my equal in so many things. you will pass this test with flying colors, but your health is more important to me, got it?” as you nod your head, he chuckles and lifts your head and upper body up so he can slip in under you, having you sleep with you on top of his chest and his body. “sweet dreams angel, i love you,” is the last thing you hear with a kiss on the forehead before you drift off to sleep confident in your abilities once more.
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© kozuelle 2021 all rights reserved— do not steal, edit, modify, claim as your own, or repost my work on other platforms without my consent
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.4
I swear folks once I get this and the last part up I’m gonna condense it all
But yeah couldn’t resist some <3
Zhang and Wu Chat
Wu Xie: Um. I’m all done with the shower if you want a turn.
Zhang Qiling: I’m alright without one.
Wu Xie: sooo are you pissed at me still?
Zhang Qiling: ? I have not been angry with you since the ladder incident.
Wu Xie: you’ve barely said anything since the necklace thingy
Zhang Qiling: I believe it is a long-running joke amongst my friend group that I do not, in fact, say much.
Wu Xie: okay but there are multiple gouges in the tea house walls that would suggest you had somewhat strong feelings today
and I kinda caused the events that sparked said feelings
so just checking in you know
Zhang Qiling: I was not angry so much as I was afraid. More afraid than I’ve been in a long time.
Wu Xie: ??? But it has worked out fine??? Everyone made it out alive and Uncle Erbai gets to feel morally superior to the Zhang family for a while so today was a win overall
Zhang Qiling: I heard you scream. I didn’t know what had happened. I couldn’t get to you right away. Therefore, I was afraid.
Wu Xie: ohhhhh. oh, Xiao Ge. It’s alright now—hey the necklace was actually helping u look out for me:) It’s not like those ppl were actually trying to hurt me, really. Your family isn’t so bad, at least you don’t have any uncles you know of
today was just some big misunderstandings wrapped in some poor life choices. Tbh my memoir title
I feel kind of stupid for screaming but when a glowing necklace wraps itself around your neck it’s a little uhoh moment lol
I did like the design tho def my aesthetic.
Zhang Qiling: I am pleased that it was able to protect you when I was not.
Wu Xie: Uh no you are not allowed to get all emo abt this it’s only like 3pm
damn time flies when it’s flashing before your eyes lol
Are you on the roof? You’re def on the roof. I thought I heard the tiles moving over my head. Come down or I’m coming up.
Zhang Qiling: I will be down in a moment. Do not come outside, it’s cold and raining.
Wu Xie: you know, Zhang Rishan said he thinks the necklace might be linked to you, somehow
something from long ago, even though you wouldn’t remember it.
It’s lucky that it liked me, huh:)
Zhang Qiling: Yes. Quite lucky.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: No. Also, I am considering what steps I should take with Zhang Rishan. Regardless of his concern for the Zhang family line, his actions were unacceptable.
Zhang Qiling: I am the patriarch of my family. The necklace behaved as I would, apparently, to protect a vulnerable family member. Wu Xie’s bad cold last week activated it, and it responded to a perceived danger to him today. Simple enough.
Wang Pangzi: UH HUH
Zhang Qiling: It protected him on a technicality. But I will not allow him to bear the burdens of my family ever again. It has taken so much from him already.
Friends of Wu Xie Support Group Chat
Hei Yangjing: you’re welcome for everything today<3 I accept PayPal, although of course it is always my honor to assist my friends:)
Zhang Qiling: You did absolutely nothing.
Hei Yangjing: whoa whoa maybe I wasn’t threatening family members or busting up load-bearing walls like some undying divas I could name but I totes helped
or at least I was there for moral support maybe?
Zhang Qiling: The only reason I knew you were there at all was that as I lowered my blade from Zhang Rishan’s neck, I heard the camera click and saw you were taking a selfie making a peace sign, angled to have the two of us in the background.
Xie Yuchen: I saw it on social media just now. The caption is “#greatdaycatchingupwiththelads #blessed”
Hei Hangjing: okay yeah you see Xiao Ge that is a modern kind of help I should’ve known you wouldn’t be aware
It’s called performance, you wouldn’t understand
it’s a ‘Gram thing
Also it means I’m a great person
Bc letting you handle the situation was my gift to you
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie mentioned there is something called “blocking ppl” that gets them out of my phone.
Hei Yangjing: nah
Can’t trust that Wu Xie, bae can’t tell a coffin from an urn amirite
it’s not a thing, blocking
Xie Yuchen: It is a thing. I’ll show you later, Zhang Qiling.
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Hei Yangjing: you looked pretty comfortable in those handcuffs earlier ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Go to sleep, idiot.
Hei Yangjing: You’d have to do something to tire me out ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Are you like this around Wu Xie? Not that I care, I’m just asking.
Hei Yangjing: uh that’s a big nope
First off all Idk when I’ll die but Id prefer it to be on my terms and not at the hands of those other two
Secondly there is a part of me that remembers how adorable he was when he was younger and that makes it weird
(No offense but u were not adorable. He was bebe luke skywalker, you were bebe princess leia I am obvs Han Solo 4lyfe)
Also I’m a little scared that if i flirted with him and he flirted back he’d be better at it.
Xie Yuchen: All valid concerns.
Hei Yangjing: as cute as he is I don’t really wanna tap that.
Xie Yuchen: I see.
Hei Yangjing: do you tho
Main Chat
Wu Xie: okay folks who wants cocoa to top the evening off? I picked some up today:D
Wu Xie: the tea house gift shop:)
Wu Xie: I mean we were there the whole day, it felt impolite not to buy anything.
Wu Xie: look, let’s focus on the positives/ we are all okay, and we learned something new, that necklace is still active! It’s really quite nice-looking when it isn’t moving of its own volition.
Zhang Qiling: I would love some cocoa. I’ll come to the kitchen.
Wu Xie: I have special marshmallows for you!!
Wang Pangzi: I SEE
Wu Xie: Still thinking about that design… I’d love another chance to examine that necklace under less Zhangy circumstances.
Kinda sad we couldn’t borrow it to use for illnesses and dangerous missions :/
ah well it’s for the best, a family heirloom should be treasured, preserved and protected<3
Zhang Qiling: I put it on your dresser.
Wu Xie: ???????
Wu Xie: I—
Zhang Qiling: Are those bunny-shaped marshmallows for me?
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starylust · 4 years
Katsuki, Shut Up☾
✧B A K U G O U   K A T S U K I✧
genre: fluff
Coming back to the dorms after a long day of training a nap was exactly what you needed. Thinking peace and quiet would fill the room Bakugou had different plans as he didn’t intend to have a nap. Getting frustrated you call him a name he does not like and he is not going to forgive you so easily. . .
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Your eyes started to droop as you were getting comfy in this bed.
This nap was exactly what you needed after a long day of training.
You were starting to fall asleep as you jumped up hearing a loud scream coming from the other side of the room.
Your eyes moved over to the figure sitting with a headset on yelling at the computer. A groan escaped your lips as you laid back down.
Once again you began falling asleep as another scream launched from the boys mouth. This time scaring you so much your heart rate began to pick up.
"Katsuki, please shut up," you said quietly covering your head and body with the heavy dark blue blanket placed on the bed.
Once more you started falling asleep having a nice dream.
The tiny ocean waves sitting the sand while the sun beamed brightly down onto you. Smiling at the view everything started to go black.
You took a deep breathe in trying to calm yourself down from the shock that woke you up from yourself.
The irritation in your body began rising as all you wanted was to have a good nap before completing more school work.
Taking your legs out from under the covers you swung them to hang off the bed. You started stomping to where bakugou was sitting.
Looking at him sitting in his chair while his eyes scanned the screen you yanked his headset off his head.
"Dude, I'm gonna tell you this one more time. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." You placed the headset down onto the table and started walking back towards the bed.
"Oi, what did you just say?" You heard him hiss behind you.
You turned around and stared at him. "Katsuki I said shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep while your dumbass keeps yelling at who knows what."
"No no that's not what you called me earlier. You called me dude." He said with a face that showed disgust.
"Bakugou I don't care as long as you just shut up and let me take this damn nap." Turning around once more you started heading towards the bed.
You felt fingers wrap around your wrist that tugged you a bit. Turning your head to see his face, "what?" You asked with attitude.
When he didn't answer you turned your whole body around and saw him just staring at the floor.
You were about to bring your hand up to his face to tilt it up as it began lifting it up by itself.
With a confused look on your face you saw a slight smirk on his. He bent down a little bit and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Huh?" You mumbled quietly. The grip around your waist began to tighten as the seconds went by.
Your eyes widened as your body began to lift off the floor. One second you were on the floor the next your stomach laid onto Bakugou's stomach.
Half of your body touching his back while the other was on this front. "Babe let me down," you whined.
"Tch," was all you got back. Bakugou started walking towards the bed while still carrying you over his shoulder.
Before you knew it you felt a gush of wind hit your hit your face. Your back met the blanket covered bed as you bounced onto it.
"Uh what are you doing?"
Before you knew it bakugou hovered over you with now a big smirk on his face. Your eyes roamed around the room as his face started getting closer to his.
You felt soft lips peck your forehead lightly. The temperature in your cheeks began to rise at his sudden action.
Before you could say anything bakugou's fingers started tickle your stomach.
You started laughing like crazy and started swarming around.
"K-KATS~ ST-TOP," you kept being cut off by your own laughter.
"Say sorry," Bakugou said as he kept tickling you. You tried opening your mouth to speak once more but nothing but giggles came out.
Bakugou kept tickling you as your laughter made him laugh just a tiny bit.
He stopped tickling you for a bit looking down at you trying to catch your breath.
"Are you sorry now?" You gave him a confused look as to what he was talking but then remembered a second later.
"I'm sorry for telling you to shut the fuck up." You said mumbling a bit.
"Nope. That's not why you should be sorry, to be honest I could care less about that."
Once again giving him a even more confused look you started thinking.
"Wait why am I saying sorry then?" You questioning him.
"You called me dude. D-U-D-E. What the hell I'm not your 'bro' I'm your boyfriend!" He said in a whiny but grumpy voice.
Staring at him a bit you started bursting out laughing.
"That's what made you tickle me?"
"Yes dumbass why would you call me dude," Bakugou answered in a childish whiny voice.
"Aw come here you big baby," you said while lifting up your arms wanted him to lay on top of you.
He grunted but then accepted the offer.
"I love you," you whispered in his ear.
Bakugou felt his cheeks reddened at the sudden affection you gave him.
"Tch I love you too dumbass." He whispered back.
Your arms that were on his waist tightened as you snuggled your head into his soft fluffy hair.
You felt his head cram itself into your neck making you giggle slightly. Taking a deep breathe in you could smell his shampoo.
You guys stayed like this for a couple of minutes before hearing a faint hello.
"Uh hello? Bakugou?" You lifted your head quickly making Bakugou groaned.
"Why did you do that?" He said in a raspy tired voice.
"Katsuki I heard someone say hello, but there isn't anyone else in the room."
Bakugou's eyes widened as he realized he never turned off his game.
"Shit," he breathed out.
Staying on the bed you saw him heading over back to his desk placing the headset back on.
"Oi shitty hair what?"
"Bakugou~ who knew you were such a softie hm?"
"Tch shut up I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh really? Cause Kaminari and I heard everything. You little softie getting mad that you got called dude," Kirishima said in a teasing tone.
"Babe who are you talking to," you said approaching him from behind.
"Hm no one just some idiots." After that he shut down his PC and took off the headset.
Standing behind his chair you watched as he walked to his bed and plopped onto it. He held out his arms as you once did before.
"Are we taking a nap or what?"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
I decided that im gonna put this one on tumblr instead since i dont have many ideas for the my hero character and scenerios! but i would love if you left ideas in the comments and ill continue writing the mha one shots on here and the haikyuu one shots on my wattpad:)
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ragingpancake · 3 years
Lietuenant Colonel Idiot And The Kastat Root Part 2
Part 1
The first thing John is aware of when he starts to come to is the quiet beeping of machines. He knows that that’s never a good sign but he feels floaty and warm so he has a hard time caring about what exactly landed him in the infirmary this time. He opens his eyes slowly, blinking against the overhead light, dim as it was in the moment but he doesn’t realize he’s made a noise until Teyla and Ronon quickly come into his line of vision. “Hi,” he manages, voice hoarse with disuse, and you know, probably from the tube they’d shoved down his throat to anesthetize him when Carson had cut him back open to clean him up a little. “Where’s… what happened?” He has a vague memory of a stomachache and of screaming but the pain meds they have him on makes it hard to think. It also makes it hard to sleep, so when Teyla tells him gently that he should go back to sleep and they’ll fill him in later, he doesn’t argue. He just closes his eyes and lets the darkness return.
-- It happens like that a couple of times before John finally, truly, wakes up. He thinks that it’s probably the pain that does it, that pulls him back to the land of the lucid, as Beckett has started weaning him off of the good stuff. He doesn’t remember much from those quick bursts of consciousness, but he does remember that while he’s seen Teyla and Ronon every time, he hasn’t once seen Rodney. Where’s Rodney? “Aye, Colonel,” Carson greets, leaning over as he adjusts John’s nasal cannula, Teyla and Ronon just visible over his shoulder. “Welcome back t’the land of the livin’, lad. How’re ya feelin’ this morning?” “Where’s Rodney?” He doesn’t miss the way Carson’s face shifts, just for a moment, nor does he miss the look shared by Teyla and Ronon. Something sits painfully in his gut at that and for one brief, horrible moment, he’s afraid that something happened to Rodney, something off-world, because Rodney was always here when he woke up, and-- “Settle down now,” Carson admonishes gently, and John is embarrassed to realize that the beeping on his heart rate monitor has sped up. “Rodney’s down in the labs, that’s all. He’s alright. The only one y’need to be worryin’ about now is yourself.” “How much do you remember?” Ronon asks and John can tell by the look on Teyla’s face that she’s not pleased at the question. It had been a routine mission, right? M3-X982, the Plesians, according to the ancient database. Not so routine if you ended up here, his brain reminds him and okay, fair enough. He takes a second and tries to think through the brain fog he always associates with the good drugs. He remembers the almost meatloaf and the bad jokes told by Plesia’s leader, Korom. He remembers the heat--. No. Not heat. The fever and the stomachache and--. Screaming. Hoarse screams, begging them to stop killing him, for Ronon to let him go, for Teyla to help him. And Rodney… Rodney, holding the dagger looking very much on the edge of a panic attack as he sliced through John’s skin, flaying him open. “Your appendix nearly ruptured,” Carson supplies, voice more gentle now. “Rodney recognized the signs fairly quickly but the doctor in Plesia was ill-equipped to operate.” “Doctor McKay very likely saved your life, John,” Teyla says, a fact she’s tried to get through to Rodney since their return. “Aye,” Carson agrees. “We had t’put ya under again to clean up a bit of infection and to right some suturin’, but he did bloody well considerin’ the circumstances.” “Then why… why isn’t he here?” Because no one has actually told him that much, but John can probably guess why. Guilt is a hell of a thing and John knows in an instant that he would’ve never wanted the roles reversed, would’ve never have wanted to have to--. “I need to talk to him,” and he’s not exactly thrilled with how desperate he sounds but he really doesn’t care right. He needs to talk to Rodney, needs to seehim, to tell him he did good. He starts pulling at all the leads and wires and Ronon is there again, a firm hand on his shoulder, urging him back down. “Let me talk to him first,” he says and even Teyla raises an eyebrow at that. Ronon isn’t exactly known for his uh, gentle nature, but when she meets John’s eyes, she gives him the slightest of nods. “Tell him to get his ass in here, or I’m gonna come find him myself,” John warns, but there’s no heat. The slight exertion has left him very nearly panting through a wave of pain. “I’ll be sure to pass on the message,” he says and without anything further, Ronon is gone. -- Rodney McKay isn’t known for his silence. He knows he’s a loud, obnoxious, abrasiveman even on his best day and yet ever since they’d returned from Plesia, he hadn’t been able to muster up the strength to even so much as raise his voice. It’s unnerving his scientists, he knows, but he doesn’t care. Mostly, he keeps to himself and keeps working, stopping only long enough for the occasional power nap and to replenish his supply of power bars. He’s just finished the aforementioned nap when Ronon finds
him, trudging back down to the laps to continue his work on the ancient device they’d found some time ago. He’s hoping that with enough tweaking, it can be used to send a patient into something sort of a temporary stasis, long enough to get them back through the Stargate where an actual fucking medical team can--. “McKay,” Ronon calls, but Rodney doesn’t stop. “Little busy, Chewie,” he calls over his shoulder but it lacks the usual McKay bite. “Sheppard’s awake.” Rodney does stop for that, but he doesn’t turn, shoulders tensing and he has to take a deep breath because he can feel something like panic trying to surge up again. “Is he--?” “Pissed? Yeah. Pissed that you weren’t there with us when he woke up.” “Well I’m sorry that some of us have actual work to do and can’t spend days--.” “You’re bein’ dumb.” Rodney whirls around at that, and he can feel the vein in his forehead throbbing in anger because he’s not--! He’s just--! “Sheppard probably wouldn’t have made it out of surgery without some major problems if we’d waited until the rain stopped. The Doc said so himself. Because of what you did, he’s got about another week of medicine and he’ll be back on his feet.” “I am not that kind of doctor,” Rodney reminds Ronon and he hates how he sounds in that moment, so, so upset. So weak. The weakest on the team, always. “You were the most qualified in that room to do what had to be done,” Ronon says and while that may actually be true, that won’t help when the nightmares come back. “You held it together better than either me or Teyla would’ve.” Rodney highly doubts that. “Listen,” Ronon says and this may be the most words Rodney’s heard him string together ever. “It sucked but it had to be done. You can’t keep beating yourself up for it.” We’ll see about that, Rodney thinks. “Thanks for the pep talk, Conan,” he says as he starts back for the labs. “You’re goin’ the wrong way. Infirmary’s that way.” Rodney doesn’t respond and he half expects Ronon to come after him, to throw him over his shoulder and haul him off to the infirmary, but a moment later, Rodney hears a quiet sigh and heavy footsteps falling away. He’s just not ready yet. -- Rodney might not be ready yet, but John’s never been the most patient person in the world. Especially not when it comes to Rodney. He’s tired, in pain, and annoyedby the time he makes it down to the labs, a trip that should’ve taken him five minutes on a good day but has taken nearly a half an hour for all the breaks he’s had to take to stop and lean against the wall. Carson’s going to have a field day when he comes back from surgery to find that John’s managed to sneak out, but he’ll just have to deal with that later. For now, the only thing he’s concerned about is Rodney. Atlantis takes pity on him and opens the door to the labs the minute she senses him approaching, allowing him to continue to hold on the wall as he slips inside and the minute he sees the slope of those shoulders in that blue shirt, any annoyance John had been feeling faded away. “Listen Teyla,” Rodney says and he sounds exasperated which leads John to believe that the Athosian has been down here plenty while he’s been holed up in the infirmary. He’s glad for that though. Means his people are taking care of each other. “I appreciate y--,” he turns and the words die in his throat. “Hi Rodney,” John greets, maybe a little dumbly and Rodney stands up so quickly that his stool topples backward. John thinks maybe he’s going to haul off and punch him, so he braces for impact, but when Rodney approaches, he grabs John’s arm and hauls it around his shoulder, giving him something else to lean against. “You’re supposed to be in the infirmary, you absolute idiot,” Rodney hisses and when he gets John seated on a stool, he moves to tap the communicator in his ear. “Rodney, wait!” And he reaches for the other, closing his hand around Rodney’s wrist. “Just… gimme a minute, okay?” Rodney hesitates, which is unusual for him. Rodney is always so sure of himself and quick to make
sure everyone knows it. Was this because of what happened on Plesia? “Listen,” John says and that’s about as far as he gets before Rodney is talking over him. “No! You listen, you, you, you irresponsible, stupid—” There’s a half a second that John wants to be offended and starts to respond in kind, but he stops himself because he realizes that Rodney needs this. That he’s been holding this in since they got back from that stupid planet. “You could have died! And not just from your stupid appendix, but your entire body could have gone into shock and you could have died! Because you were too stupid, too, too, too you to just go to the damn infirmary before we ever left!” “I know, Rodney and I’m –” “No! You don’t know. You have no idea!” He’s pacing now, wringing his hands together and John doesn’t think he’s ever seen him so upset. The thought that he’d been the one to cause that— “What if I’d been wrong, Sheppard? What if that had been for nothing? What if I’d—" “Rodney,” John says and he stands then, ignoring the way that the room spins just a little. “Listen to me, okay? I’m fine. You did everything right, and you probably saved me from a really shitty next few weeks, assuming I hadn’t died. I wouldn’t be sitting here right now if it wasn’t for you.” “But--.” “No buts,” John answers. “I’m sorry you had to do that, that I made you have to make that choice. You’re right, it was stupid to go off world without getting checked out first and I’m sorry, alright?” He reaches up, rubbing uncomfortably at the back of his neck. “I just… wanted to, you know, thank you for saving my ass out there. And to tell you that I’m really glad to know that no matter what, you’ve got my back.” And Rodney sags, all of the fight and the anger and maybe a little of the guilt too having gone out of him. “You’re… really alright?” “I’m really alright,” John promises him and this time, Rodney sags against the table, the tension leaving shoulders. “Thank God,” he breathes, and a breath later, “you owe me for this.” “Ah, there he is,” John says and he feigns annoyance, rolling his eyes. “No, no, you don’t understand. You owe me.” “I know, Rodney.” He doesn’t protest as Rodney comes around again, hauling John’s arm over his shoulder and as they begin to make their way from the science lab, back to John’s own quarters, John lets Rodney’s incessant babble wash over him. It felt good to hear it again, he realizes, even if he knows he’s never going to hear the end of this. And honestly? Well. He wouldn’t change that for anything in the world.
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