#john sheppard whump
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Whump Sketches #8
A wee smidgen of L.C. Sheppard ✨👌
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sowhumpful · 2 years ago
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‘‘ I have a few questions that need to be answered. ’’
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 2 years ago
that Search and Rescue gifset i just reblogged reminded me once again that we were robbed of one of my favorite whump tropes: collapsing into somebody's arms
my man john was running around trying to be a badass after being literally impaled by something and we couldn't have had a moment at the end where he just wipes out and someone catches him???
robbed, i tell you
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hooded-and-cloaked · 8 months ago
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I think we should have gotten more shirtless Sheppard scenes, and I think he should have gotten tortured by Kolya more.
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justhere4thewhump · 8 months ago
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Never gets old.
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whumpystuffy · 2 years ago
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Whump list - Stargate Altlantis (2004-2009)
John Sheppard portrayed by Joe Flanigan. Plus some of the Ronan, McKay & Beckett whumps.
Trailer for the series.
Season 1
1x01-1x02 Tasered, grabbed by throat, slammed to table.
1x04 Alien stuck on neck, in pain, immobile, numb legs, grunting, heavy breathing. Defibrillated, no pulse, CPR, in med bed.
1x05 Under gunfire, shot with stun gun, unconscious. Sore, hit by explosion blast.
1x09 Gun point, captive, interrogated, betrayed.
1x10-1x11 (Plus major McKay whump)
1x12 Under gun fire, shot, bleeding arm wound, field medicine. Slams into invisible force field. Fight, slammed across field twice, cracked ribs.
1x19 Shot stunned.
Season 2
2x03 Shot, stunned, unconscious. Captive, tied up, gunpoint,
2x05 Ship crash, surrounded, outnumbered. Tied up, threatened. Fight, punched. (Plus Ronan whump)
2x07 Attacked, pinned down, bleeding arm wound.
2x08 Wound from previous episode, on stretcher, field medicine. Infected with mutating virus, angry. Shot stunned, coma, antidote.
2x10 Shot stunned, unconscious, captive, tied up. Forced to do OP, shot stunned, unconscious, captured. Forced to kneel by telekinesis.
2x11 Continuation from previous episode, interrogated, thrown into cell. Forced to kneel by telekinesis.
2x12 Attacked, thrown around multiple times, clawed on back, bleeding, bruised face. Field medicine, magically healed.
2x14 (Plus major McKay whump)
2x16 Shot, bloody shoulder. Shot stunned, unconscious, cuffed, dragged. (Plus Ronan whump)
2x17 Ambushed, gassed, unconscious. Tied up, needle injection in neck, gunpoint, captive.
Season 3
3x01 Captured, manhandled.
3x02 (Plus Beckett whump)
3x03 Sick, cold, coughing, sneezing.
3x04 Shot with tranquilizer, tied up, caged, manhandled. (Plus MAJOR Ronan whump)
3x07 Shot by grabbing-hooks in vest, slammed to the ground, captured. Failed escape, electrocuted, dragged, tied up. Tortured, life drained, weak, bleeding chest wound, punched.
3x12 Headache, bleeding from ears, eardrum blown, in med bed.
3x16 (Plus Ronan whump)
3x17 Training fight, punched, slammed to the ground, grunting in pain, ice pack on face.
3x19 Forced to kneel with telekinesis. (Plus Ronan whump)
Season 4
4x03 Shot stunned, unconscious, dragged. (Plus Ronan whump)
4x04 Fight with himself inside dream. Defibrillated, flatlines.
4x05 Captured, tied up, manhandled, blood test forcefully taken, interrogated, tortured, punched repeatedly, bloody bruised face. Failed escape, beaten, shot stunned.
4x06 Infected, sweating, forgetful, shot stunned, in med bed.
4x10 Hit during training, bleeding eyebrow cut.
4x11 Shot stunned, unconscious, tied up, interrogated.
4x12 Shot stunned unconscious. Captive, manhandled, forced to kneel with telekinesis.
4x15 Thrown across room, slammed against wall, strangled.
4x17 Attacked, air sucked from room, suffocating.
Season 5
5x01 Hallucinating, under collapsed building, in pain, object in abdomen, heavy breathing/bleeding. Field medicine, discharges himself, sweating.
5x02 Infected, restrained, seizure, flatlines, cpr. Impaled by vine, in med bed.
5x03 Ambushed, betrayed, punched, unconscious, dragged. Kicked, kneeling. (Plus MAJOR Ronan whump)
5x09 (Ronan & McKay whump)
5x11 Hit by explosion blast, ringing ears, glass shards in back, field medicine.
5x12 Gassed, unconscious, captive, manhandled, on trial.
5x14 Fight, strangled, punched repeatedly, bloody face bruise. (Plus Ronan whump)
5x15 Shot stunned, unconscious, tied up. Failed escape, interrogated, beaten up, punched, bloody face. Manhandled, hand cut off, in pain.
Man I really like Lt. Sheppard. His whumps were really great and so defiant! Not a lot of them but still some. Also a really watchable show in general. A gem I can recommend!
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just-here-for-the-whump · 2 years ago
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Stargate Atlantis 1x5 Suspicion
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A coloured addition to my #8 whump sketches for 100+ notes!
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months ago
Without saying another word, Kolya took the baton from the guard and struck it down, a sharp crack of bone snapping out in unison with Rodney's scream of pain.
"And I will break you."
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hooded-and-cloaked · 8 months ago
I want an Iratus bug plushy, like one of those moth plushies, but an Iratus bug.
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greenapplespider · 3 months ago
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False Queen:
"Todd has the misfortune of crossing paths with Lastlight- or ‘Michael’ as the humans call him- after the hybrid is banished from his hive. An ambitious young wraith, whose research into genetic mutation intrigues Todd; he plans to use the other to his own ends but finds himself on the loosing slide of a power play. Michael, being far more insane than he’d anticipated. Todd becomes an unwilling subject to the other wraith’s experimentation and is forever changed."
[Todd x Michael, eventual Todd x John- the story is dark but this except has no content warnings]
[will be posted on ao3 once I have most of it done- keep an eye out for excerpts and fanart posted here tho]
He set his jaw, hissing slightly at the human medical woman. The soldiers inched forward at the sound, fingering their weapons- antsy and skittish as they always were whenever he’d been on Atlantis. But it didn’t matter- he was weak enough that even the woman would have marginal success in fending him off.
They stared at each other, she looked at him expectantly- hand on her hip with eyebrows slightly raised, as if he was some petulant hatchling. He could understand their interest in what ‘Michael,’ as Sheppard had called him, had done. As it did potentially solve the issue of the wraith, from a human perspective. He imagined if they learned the extent of his mutation they would poke and prod at him for decades.
He broke eye contact with the little queen, shoulders slumping. He was tired and sore; mind foggy and thoughts disjoined- quiet. A ringing silence that made his head hurt. Michael had made it silent, damaged the parts of his mind that connected to the greater whole. Not wanting him manipulating the drones or his other experiments, considering what he technically was now. Todd hoped it wasn’t a permanent feature- something that could heal or be reversed.
Not that he expected the humans to assist in such things.
Grimacing, his hands trembled as he unclasped his coat, much to his chagrin. Deciding his weak resolve was due to malnutrition, rather than the prospect of the human touching him. Since he’d gained the ability to eat any living creature, through Micheal’s manipulations, the resulting diet change had left him feeble. He did his best to muster a glare at the woman.
Todd supposed, if he had to choose between the Genii, Michael, or Sheppard’s people he would choose the latter. At the very least these humans were not needlessly cruel and despite himself he did trust Sheppard.
He forced himself to look at the human woman as he shrugged his coat off. Wondering, distantly, where Sheppard had disappeared too. Probably off to debrief the rat like one of Todd’s potential, newfound, usefulness as well as Michael’s activities on that planet.
“Do your tests then woman.” He hissed at her.
My plan is to keep wraith biology as close to canon as possible but for questionable things or area’s of gap I’ll be utilizing bee’s as much as I can.
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justhere4thewhump · 1 year ago
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whump-star · 1 year ago
I'm Back
hi, to the solid 8 people who actually look at this blog, i'm back and back to writing fics, however, im completely stuck for prompts.
if anyone has any ideas for good whump prompts as specific or non-specific as you like I just need more prompts.
I also aim to write at least a short for every prompt I get as I do not have anything better to do atm :)
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timaios-kun · 1 year ago
Retrograde - LtLJ
Even though I've been in the SGA fandom for many years, I can't believe I only stumbled upon this hidden gem of a fic recently.
If anyone is looking for a superbly written Stargate Atlantis fanfic, look no further than the Retrograde AU by LtLJ.
It reads like an episode, if not better.
Set in an alternate universe, the Atlantis expedition has been lost for three years. SG-1 goes to find them, and arrives just a little too late.
It has some delicous Shepwhump and BAMF John Sheppard moments—my favourite things lol. I first discovered it as a podfic, and I highly recommend giving it a listen before delving into the written version. It truly enhances the experience
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whumpofalltime · 2 years ago
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What stands out as the Whump Of All Time? Only you can decide!
While you're welcome to vote for your favorite, your mutual's favorite, or on vibes alone, we encourage you to check out the propaganda and links below the cut - it's a great way to discover new content.
Our inbox is open for propaganda until the poll closes!
"It has So Much and All the good stuff! He gets shot, has to climb up a train car which is hanging off a cliff, then stumbles through a snowstorm getting progressively weaker due to blood loss, collapses and passes out and is rescued and helped by a stranger. It's so fun to play and also fun to watch someone else play"
Thirty-Eight Minutes:
(resuscitation gifset, tag with gifs)
"Alien parasite! Pain! Far away from definitive medical care! "We have to kill him to save him"! Resuscitation! It's literally a whole episode of whump."
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angsty-violet · 1 year ago
Radio Silence
“When did we lose contact with Colonel Sheppard?”
“35 minutes ago.”
“You swept the area?”
“We found his footprints at the spot he was checking out and nothing else. It looks like he just up and disappeared.”
Woolsey sighed and scrubbed a hand across his face. Let’s send out three teams and pull from other missions if we have to. It’s unlikely he actually disappeared, and our best bet is that planet. Nobody should be alone, work in pairs, and check-ins every half hour.”
Lorne nodded, taking it all in, making plans on who to send.
“Where are the rest of Sheppard’s team?”
“Still looking, sir. They didn’t want to leave while there was still a chance they could find him.”
Woolsey shook his head but wasn’t surprised. Teyla, Ronan and McKay were as loyal as they come, and they would not risk leaving Sheppard behind if there was even the slightest chance they could recover him.
“I’ve been doing my best to track him, but there’s so much interference.” McKay glared down at his equipment like it was to blame for Sheppard being out of contact.
“Keep trying. We can use any lead we find.” Teyla kept her voice soft because she knew that despite the annoyed face he was putting on, he was very worried about Colonel Sheppard. It was his way of covering up his feelings.
Ronan said nothing, his eyes constantly scanning the terrain, hoping to catch sight of their Colonel.
When John opened his eyes, he was lying face down in a pile of soft dirt. He groaned at the sore feeling in all of his body. He moved slowly, gingerly and took in his surroundings.
The ravine he had slipped into was steep, with soft dirt in every direction. John was a little surprised that it hadn’t all fallen on top of him when he had slid down it. That was good, of course, but he had made a lot of movement when he fell. That could be enough to trigger a rockslide. So he couldn’t try to climb back up.
John looked around for his stuff and started digging through his pockets. The longer he went without finding his radio, the more worried he got. There was no way he was going to be able to get back up that hill on his own. He needed help, and if he couldn’t call for it over the radio, he was stuck, hoping they’d find him.
Ronan had wandered away, feeling restless while McKay did his thing. He was confident that McKay could find Sheppard given enough time, but he wasn’t in the mood to do nothing while he was at it. He had already swept the area but figured it couldn’t hurt to do it a second time.
This time, there was no rush to his movements, which might explain why he had caught sight of a small piece of fabric snagged on a tree. Ronan frowned and inspected it. There were a dozen people checking the woods, so it could’ve come from anyone, but Ronan would take any lead he could get.
He tracked where the person would’ve come from and where they would’ve gone by the angle of the snag.
Ronan got very concerned when he realized that the most obvious direction would’ve been down the steep ravine. There was little to no way to get down from the top without risking the whole bank caving in.
He dithered for a moment and then called, “Sheppard.”
“Ronan!” Sheppard’s voice was slightly muffled and pained sounding, but he was clearly alive.
“I’m going to call for help.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I don’t know what happened to my radio or the other half of my stuff, but I don’t think I can get up this stupid hill without help.”
Ronan inspected it and agreed. The dirt on the sides was very soft and partially waterlogged. A wrong move could start a mudslide.
“This is Ronan.”
“Ronan, you find something?” Teyla’s voice was carefully emotionless.
“Yes, I found Sheppard. He’s down a ravine. I’m along the tree line, a straight line from where you are.”
“We’re coming right now. Is he hurt? Do we need to call in Keller?” McKay’s voice wasn’t nearly as grating as it normally was.
“Let me check. Sheppard!”
“You hurt?”
There was a pause. “Yeah, my leg. Not sure if it’s broken or not.”
Ronan relayed the information.
“I’ll get Lorne to get Keller out here. It could be dangerous to move him. Hey, what happened to his radio?”
“It’s not on him. Probably somewhere along the way down. Could be impossible to find in the mud.”
Getting Hauled out of a ravine in a hoist was not the highlight of John’s day. However, it definitely beat out lying at the bottom of it, hoping to be rescued.
Keller had immediately started checking him over as soon as they had him on solid ground. Once she had ensured that John’s leg wasn’t broken, she got Lorne and Ronan to help haul him back to the gate. It was an exhausting procedure. It might not have been broken, but the sprain was agony to try and walk on.
They walked him slowly back to the gate with the teams that had been placed to look for him on the planet following behind. John admitted, at least internally, knowing that Woolsey cared enough to send multiple teams to look for him.
Which, normally, it was much worse than just falling off a cliff. Kidnap, torture, etc. Maybe Woolsey just didn’t want to get reprimanded for not taking every possible avenue to get him back. Or, maybe there was some real affection there from the current head of Atlantis.
They didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but the original dislike had settled into casual disagreement and occasional camaraderie.
As they walked him through the gate, John looked up to Woolsey’s office and smiled at the sight of the man waiting for his return.
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