semi eitas rockstar
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eitelle · 2 years ago
we got back tgt
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
OH OK SO LIKE basically the way i didnt like how he acted sometimes before we broke up was like his gen self. like thats who he acc is he just changed for me and i fell in love w the person who was sweet and caring towards me, not whorver he is now. so i dont care anymore i just feel lonely kinda? but i dont miss him and im not sorry abr any of it 🤭💟
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
storytime! basically he was away at an off the grid camp but somehow he became on the grid? and then he texted me i texted him and we broke up lol. (real storytime under cut)
jk so a couple days before that i was thinking about how he has some red flags like i didnt like how he acted sometimes like to me, to his friends, or with my friends. thats kinda important for later, but anyways so i was also going through some anxiety shit w notifs and i told him i wasnt ignoring him, i was just ignoring like everyone bc of like mental health and anxiety and he was like “but im ur bf” like so what?? but anyways so then i realized that bc of my mental health issues i shouldnt be in a relationship rn. like besides this stuff hes a great guy and a good bf, but like i was a v shitty gf. so then when he got back on the grid i explained it to him and i broke up w him. however the day after he said he didnt understand why i broke up w him? and he changed a lot. like he was super sweet w me when we were dating, super understanding, not dry, empathetic, not cold at all but as soon as we broke up he became super rude, unfeeling, like super cold and dry. like i was spilling my heart out almost crying and hes like “alright lmao” “ok lol” “if thats how u feel lmfao” LIKE BRO WHAT?? anyways so then he like gaslights me almost to make me feel bad for breaking up w him EVEN THO IT WAS BC I CARED TOO MUCH ABT HIM TO HAVE A SHITTY GF LIKE ME AND FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH? but anyways so yeah fuck him and fuck men 😝
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
guys we broke up 😦😦
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
guys the date went rly well and i now have a boyfriend who loves cuddling
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
im going on my first date on saturday send help.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
10 Years I Loved You Most
Pair: Tsukishima Kei x GN!Reader
Genre: angst
Scenario: you only have a year left to live with Tsukishima.
Warnings: mentions of blood, death
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You coughed up blood as your husband quickly rushes to your side. You’ve been diagnosed with a terrible disease that currently has no cure and only have a year left to live. You were already prepared to just die since you’ve known you would never be able to live long enough. After meeting Kei Tsukishima though made you want to try to stay alive.
Kei Tsukishima was the love of your life, your reason for not giving up on life. He cared for you like no one else did. Even after finding out that you will most likely die before him he still stayed. He became the reason why you continue your medication and surgeries. You want to live with him for as long as you can.
Your medication and surgeries helped you live a little longer but your body just couldn’t handle it anymore.
“I’m so sorry to inform you this but you unfortunately only have one more year of life. There currently is no medication or any kind of surgery to help you continue to live on.” Your doctor said to you and your husband.
After going home that day Kei tried his best to make your last year the best. He took you to places you’ve been wanting to go to, bought you everything you’ve ever wanted, and even got you the cutest kitten ever. He made you so happy till your last few moments with him.
“Oh Kei, don’t start crying or else I will too.” You said as you gently hold your husband’s cheek.
Kei is crying as he places his hand over yours, “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I’m going to miss you too. Thank you for loving me for the past 10 years of our relationship. I love you so much.” You whispered as you wipe away a few of his tears.
Kei just cried harder as he noticed your heartbeat slow down till it completely stopped, “I love you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you more.”
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eitelle · 3 years ago
am i crying bc of allergies or bc of heartstopper? hard to say.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
guys i think i wont rly be on this acc anymore but i dont have the heart to archive it so moots and close followers if u wanna keep in touch dm me and ill text u my disc!!
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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— comforting you when you get overwhelmed
↳ with bokuto and akaashi
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ask: can i request comfort for Akaashi and bokuto?if you don't do two characters then just Akaashi, i have an upcoming exam that is so important and i'm just overwhelmed these days and studying these topics made me insecure and i started doubting my ability to do it, my pronouns are she/her
genre: (minimal) hurt (mostly) comfort
pairings: bokuto x f!reader, akaashi x f!reader (she/her pronouns!!)
warnings: school, mentions of being overwhelmed, insecure thoughts and doubting of abilities described, and i think thats it
wc: 855
a/n: ok so this is so late im sorry nonnie :(( but i hope this can help somewhat but i j wanted to let u know that i believe in u!!
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-> bokuto
bokuto wasn’t the best at school. your owl-looking boyfriend had trouble focusing, and was more of a free spirit anyways. in no way trying to say he was dumb, you found studying together harder. constantly you would hear clicking of pens, books slamming shut, or feeling a leg shaking on the other side of the table where the white haired ace sat. the extra energy he had was too much for you, and the longer u dealt with that the more you stopped retaining information. trying out a practice quiz you quickly realize how little of the topic you truly knew. ‘why can i not retain information? theres no way ill pass im so stupid i cant even get this problem right. im going to fail this test,’ were the thoughts running through your head oblivious to the fact you stopped flipping pages, or writing notes, or mumbling under your breath. bokuto not paying any attention to studying and being extra perceptive to you, focusing on you this entire time noticed all of this. he noticed your little tics of rubbing your hand behind your neck, or your lack of conscious movement seeing how you slowly started to look like a shell of yourself. “baby, come here,” you hear bokutos voice pulling you out of your little trancelike state of detrimental thoughts. “mkay kou, is something wrong love?” you ask wondering if he was having trouble with a problem, your previous problems hitting you in the face as you start to doubt if you can even help him. “well i just wanted to tell you that i think you are so smart. and that you should take a little break, so you can learn more in a couple minutes!!” “but-” “no buts. you need some rest. youre so smart but u look a little burned out,” an evident frown on his face. “you are always pretty and smart but you need a break to be extra pretty and extra smart! come on we can take a little nap and then i promise i will study with you. youre going to ace this test.” a little teary eyed, and your eyes shuttering shut you feel yourself falling limply in his arms, not even remembering when you stood up and walked over to him. “i love you kou, you always know what to say. youre the best boyfriend.” “and youre the best girlfriend, baby!!”
-> akaashi
study sessions were so very needed, but a little scary to you. your boyfriend of 2 years akaashi, was a bit of a nerd. he always studied perfectly, and was just perfect. but sometimes that made whatever you did a bit less than his. in short, it never made you feel like you were enough. akaashi knew this even thought youd never explicitly stated it and tried his best to make you feel as though your studying and your accomplishments were your own and not to be compared to him because it was true. this upcoming test was so important and this study session was the perfect time with your oh so perfect boyfriend. sometimes it can be overwhelming with him but in times like this you were so grateful he was there to help you. at the 1 hour 30 minutes mark, you started to get tired but as soon as you saw akaashi still going it spurred you on with new motivation to be with your boyfriend school wise as well. this new burst of motivation didnt last long though as almost 10 minutes later, the words began to slur and the questions started making less and less sense on the practice problems. ‘how does he keep going but i cant? youre pathetic, stupid, and youre never going to ever be on his level or do well on this important exam,’ your thoughts seem to scream at you. akaashi always knowing you, and knowing your studying tendencies saw the insecurities and burnout. “hey angel, im getting tired. how about we take a quick break and we can go and do it again. i know you will ace this test but you wont learn much if you don’t rest a bit,” he coaxes as he guides you out of your chair and onto the sofa. “maybe a little nap..” you trail off, your eyes shutting as soon as you hit the couch. “darling look at me real quick,” he says as you open your eyes in annoyance, about to go to sleep. “hey dont look at me like that, i just wanted to say i believe in you and that you are already my equal in so many things. you will pass this test with flying colors, but your health is more important to me, got it?” as you nod your head, he chuckles and lifts your head and upper body up so he can slip in under you, having you sleep with you on top of his chest and his body. “sweet dreams angel, i love you,” is the last thing you hear with a kiss on the forehead before you drift off to sleep confident in your abilities once more.
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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eitelle · 3 years ago
request for dating connie hcs please!!!!!
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dating connie springer
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↳ i didn’t think i would be able to write that request so fast but what can i say? i’m a connie kinda girl hehe
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• it’s actually insane how genuinely happy he makes you feel, it’s like the euphoria of your early relationship never went away
• people in the street would see the way you guys look at each other and be like “ah, young love…”, when you guys have been dating for like five years
• golden retriever boyfriend. there, i said it. he’s always down for anything
• he’s your #1 supporter, constantly rooting for you, even for the smallest things
• he’s not a morning person, but he will be for you. like- if jean ever tried to wake him up at 11am, he’d probably get kicked in the crotch. but if you ever woke him up at 5am because you had a bad dream, he’d be the sweetest and most patient boy ever
• back hugs you at the most unexpected moments, like when you’re brushing your teeth or washing the dishes
• you two are a menace on karaoke nights, because you spend so much time singing together in his car
• so !! many !! inside !! jokes !!
• dull days simply don’t exist when dating connie, so you guys have billions of memories together. you can spend entire evenings just laughing your asses off together with some “remember that time when…”
• and pls his laugh is so loud it’s even funnier than the initial thing
• also, he has the habit of saying ‘i love you’ at the most random times
• for example, if we go back to your inside jokes: he could be literally crying-laughing at one of them, a ‘holding his stomach’ kind of laugh, and then suddenly say something like “oh wow, i love you so much” while wiping his tears
• it’s just so obvious to him that he sometimes forgets how much it makes you swoon
• another thing that he does very spontaneously is complimenting you. and by that i mean that you could just be reading a book on the couch, and he’d be like “holy shit you’re so hot”
• no matter how long you guys have been dating, he still pretends to yawn and stretch before wrapping his arm around your shoulders when you’re watching a movie
• he’s pretty ambivalent when it comes to spooning, it depends on his mood (just know that clingy connie will never be the big spoon)
• he absolutely loses his shit when he sees you wearing his clothes. definitely takes a picture of you and posts it in his private story with “i won” as a caption
• 100% a bag holder boyfriend
• and he lets you pick out clothes for him when you go shopping. and he’s gonna model the shit out of it in the fitting room
• but tbh i feel like you could also let him pick out clothes for you (now that would make him proud)
• and pls he’d look so cute walking around the shop, already holding four different bags, and looking for the most jaw-dropping pieces he can find
• “come here i gotta see if it fits your complexion”, he’d say and put the clothes next to your face. the man is dedicated
• and does he pay for everything? absolutely
• also, when i said that he’s already holding four bags, it’s not gonna stop him from holding your hand as well. doesn’t matter if he has to hold the four bags in the other
• so yes, it’s safe to say that connie’s an ‘acts of service’ kinda guy. i mean, just ask him to open a pickle jar for you and he’s the happiest man on earth
• however words of affirmation are also his strong suit. he’s unapologetically smitten and he wants you to know it
• sometimes he does it by text, and he feels like he has to type in all caps for you to understand exactly how much he means it:
• and you always do, because you know he’s not gonna drop it until you do
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a/n: as always i feel like i have SO MUCH MORE TO SAY kshdkshsj but i’m gonna stop here <3
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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between the two of you, he’s usually the one who does the flustering. it comes naturally to him, and with the seemingly endless supply of cheesy pickup lines and flirtatious gestures stored in his arsenal, it’s not hard to find something that’ll successfully bring warmth to your cheeks. every now and then, he’d throw around things like “sometimes i wonder how i could possibly be dating someone as perfect as you,” press light kisses to your jaw and neck, and casually pin you against a wall because “why not?”. but when the tables are turned and he’s the one whose back is pressed against the cold paint, butterflies in his stomach with each fleeting kiss you leave on his lips and skin, he turns into a blushing, stammering mess. name.exe has stopped working.
atsumu, suna, kuroo, oikawa, tanaka, bokuto, konoha, terushima
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eitelle · 3 years ago
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💟 ice skating w the hq boys 💟
with hints of: semi eita, akaashi keiji, & kuroo tetsurou (all x gn!reader)
genre: fluff, crack, inexperienced reader for semis and akaashis!! so im sorry if youre actually a god at ice skating 😭
wc: 1245 😧
around this time of year, it was perfect. it was chilly and cold and white, with occasional snow. it was the literal embodiment of winter. hot cocoa in mugs, and the highlight of this holiday season: it was your first with your boyfriend semi eita. he played holiday songs on the guitar and serenaded you when you cane over. but, as much fun as that was, an ice skating rink had just opened up at miyagi towncenter. growing up sort of rurally, you thought that this would be a great time to try something out, so you and semi went. “are you sure this is safe y/n?” your boyfriend asked you. “oh please, stop being a big baby,” you reply back as you two start lacing the rentals you bought. as soon as you stand up and start walking though, you can tell this won’t be as easy and graceful as others made it seem. as you hold onto each others hands you two walked towards the rink. walking slowly up the stairs, you immediately grip the railing to prevent yourself from twisting an ankle. as soon as you get on the ice though, you mentally prepare yourself for bruises because you know that youre gonna fall. semi gets on shortly after you do, the two of you using the wall to support yourselves. “babe, i thought you said this was easy,” semi called out to you. “youve never listened to me before, why would you do it now?” you respond. soon, some kids leave and you two snag their helper sort of ice stand things. as you grab onto them you start to reteach yourself and semi what you had learned (from youtube 😭). as soon as you two get stabilized, your date felt more like a date rather than toddlers slipping on ice every 5 seconds. having fun, and falling occasionally, you and semi tease each other and laugh the whole way through. as the zamboni cleans the ice, you two decide it’s been enough for one day. after returning the skates, semi walks over to you and kisses you on the forehead. “today was fun, i wanna do this next year,” he says with a smile. looping your arm around his waist, you reply with a lovesick smile and heart eyes, “next year?” “next year and so many more.”
— akaashi keiji
it is the most wonderful time of the year. thats what akaashi told you, but of course when he said it, it sounded like a winter snow finally came. aka, pure bliss. you and your family usually went sledding, or skiing, or some other winter activity, but your first holiday season with akaashi was already turning out different. you got your nails done and he surprised you with shortbread cookies first of all, then he made you peppermint hot chocolate, and now he was taking you ice skating in the town center he grew up in. he knew youd never gone before, but he was quite good so he knew it would be okay. as you two finish lacing up your skates, you stand up… and then sit back down again. “whats wrong darling?” akaashi asks concernedly after seeing the whole ordeal. “love nothings wrong, per se its just, how do you walk with these?” you ask facing your very first challenge, and you werent even on the ice yet! as your angel of a boyfriend helps you up to your feet, you use him almost as the elderly rely on canes, as your support system. as akaashi calmly guided you up the stairs and to the edge of the rink, he skates on gracefully. “cmon y/n, just take my hand. don’t be scared, ive got you,” he reassures. “whatever you say,” you respond shakily. as you start wobbling like a baby giraffe, you hear giggles from where he was while you were looking down praying you wouldnt fall. “are you laughing at me right now keiji?” “love i would never, except for this once,” he says before bursting out into laughter, unable to stop it after seeing your knees buckle together as you get stuck. taking your hand to guide you away from the little kids lowkey better than you, you start to laugh as well. after learning the basics and still not being able to skate without him, you call it quits for the day and go to take your skates off. “well, id say that was sucessful, but you need to take me on a second date so i dont forget what i learned today am i right?” you say playfully with a wink to keiji. “i mean, if you so insist,” he responds. “but i had fun today too love, how about next week same time same place?” “as much as i love you, my feet do not. maybe next month.”
— kuroo tetsurou
you could not believe your eyes at your boyfriend, the smart ass rooster head know-it-all, kuroo tetsurou. honestly, you basically suggested this whole plan of going ice skating, and with his reluctant agreement, you wouldve thought you finally found an activity in which you had the upper hand on with your boyfriend. truthfully he did everything above average. not that you would tell him though, his ego is big enough. and you knew you werent awfuk at ice skating, youd done it plenty of times before in the past, however youve never been great at it either. but now, you were standing on the ice frozen. (pun intended) you and tetsu started off skating in sync, albeit not very fast. then, he asked you, “can i leave you behind for a sec? i swear ill be back as quick as ever.” to which you replied, “of course just dont be too slow.” and he was off. he started skating slightly faster at first, not too much but enough that he let go of your entwined hands. and then he started skating faster, and faster, and then he started skating backwards. as he winked at you and did a quick spin, you stood jaw dropped and amazed. as did everyone else in the rink for that matter. as he came back behind you, he made a quick stop creating shaved ice. as he bent down, he scooped some of it up and sprinkled it on top of your head and grasped your hand. “didnt i look so cool baby?” he asked you with a smirk. “not that impressive rooster head,” you tease back, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “but to be super duper impressive to me, how about you teach me a trick or two and tell me how the hell you did that.” “the second part is easy, i took skating lessons when i was a kid and each month i go skating 2 times so i dont lose my touch.” “ah i see, so i think you should answer my other question now.” “which one was that?” “my proposal,” you respond monotoned. “but i dont see a ring on either of our fingers.” “oh shut up.” “alright alright,” he laughs as you two still skate in sync. “i agree ill teach you. but im hungry, lets get dinner?” “ok sure,” you say as you nod and tug on his hand to go towards the exit. “and for the record, if i were to propose that ring would be so noticeable you would be weighed down too much to ever ice skate again rooster head.”
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