#IL: Andrew
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illustars-light-comic · 7 months ago
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*an Ask-Blog dedicated to the band Starveil and it’s individual members, and their goals and wishes*
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Welcome to the concert hall! Located in a hushed forests of a state called Illustar. This concert hall is the home to the greatest band known to man Starveil. Even if the state is hidden from the rest of the world, thoes to know Starveil know true dedication and love to music.
Meet the Crew [all available for asks]
The Band members consist of 4 individuals, all closely known to many other characters in the story. These are the main characters.
Mintymug Latte [Protagonist and Lead Singer]
Darwin Latte [ Secondary Protagonist, Husband of Minty and Secondary Singer]
Vincent “Vinny” Whippette [ Mintys cousin and Lead Guitarist]
Valentine V.C Rosewater [ Mintys childhood girlfriend and Drummer]
Ivan and Lace Latte [Minty and Darwin’s children]
Roman and Sugar Rosewater [ Valentines children]
Pepper and Chiffon Whippette [ Vinny’s children]
Nasty people that have tried to breakdown the bands reputation can be seen wondering the state causing chaos or harm to those loving the band. Many hold personal vendetta towards the band. These are the villains.
Matiás Hernandez [Mintys First Ex Owner of a casino near the Starveil studio]
Flint Cañello [ Mintys second ex and active owner of catering company dedicated to Starveil]
Andrew Jacks [ Mintys Last Ex and radio host dedicated to slandering Emo and rock music]
Cavalier Hernandez [ Mat’s Husband and casino worker, active impersonator for band slander]
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While my blog is for a more mature audience, it is separate from my NSFW content and SFW content, and any NSFW content will be hosted on different platforms to avoid younger audiences to see. I don’t allow any instigating of NSFW questions and scenarios, will block heavily if questions arise for NSFW content.
I hold my characters deeply and value their characterization, I do not allow anybody to dictate or change my content for their needs. Of you don’t like the way a character interacts I apologize but I will not bend backwards to change it.
I hold my project deeply to my heart but I am a content creator second, student first, I will not allow rushing or demand of fast content to be made on my personal well-being. I will do what I can to share my silly guys with you but be patient.
While I allow long scenarios a some Magic Anon questions I don’t allow scenarios where the story stops focusing on what I want you to tell. Respect when I say I ask for certain engagement.
My ocs have connections and history to each other and I don’t wish to eras that, I engage in doing alternate universe scenarios with them but canon is canon here, headcanons will be taken lightly or not taken at all depending. Don’t ask me to make proship or borderline illegal changes to my characters. Respect their family tree and connections to each other
I allow self shipping and system interjects but I will cease permissions if things get to the point where I am uncomfortable seeing any interactions I don’t approve of.
Please don’t make nsfw fan art of the children coded characters or nsfw art of the band members families together, I’m very choosy on nsfw fan art as a whole and request it’s not made.
I’m 20+ I don’t owe explanations to a block if you break the rules or disrespect my work, end of story.
If you make fan art I’d love to see! Tag the blog or my main @inkbite-arts and you’ll see it there!
If I need to address things I’ll break and use Mun Ghost, as well as using it if I am not playing any characters and answering questions alone.
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“Aren’t these cuphead ocs?”
No. They use to be but I decided to create something new and original for my own university thesis. The object heads you see are classed and categorized. I’ll make charts soon to share what lore they have.
“Will there be any animations to the story?”
Hopefully so, we have voice actors and comic boards ready but I’m only one person so it will take as long as it needs to
“Who is related to who?”
Soon enough I’ll make a chart dedicated to the relationships of each character
“Do I know [insert character here]”
Most likely! Most of the characters have been around for years and some have been given or traded to me and they now coexist with the story.
“Minty seems familiar”
He should be! He’s been my mascot and sona for many years, if you remember me from my old days hello! Hopefully the change to minty is a pleasant one to see!
“What do we call you?”
Fangs/Ghost, any questions not applicable to character interactions can be answered by Mun Ghost [me]
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Refs and Lore [will update]
Mintys ref
Darwin’s ref
Vinny’s ref
Val’s ref
Logos and Props
Species sheet
Illustar State Map and Brochure
Mats ref
Flints ref
Andrew’s ref
Cavs ref
The family tree
Toy house Folder
The voices
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Thank you for reading, if you want to see my other content my main blog is @inkbite-arts
I hope you enjoy the concert. [Mun Ghost]
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daddyissuesjosten · 11 months ago
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ajatheoleander12 · 10 months ago
Sure, therapist Nahida sounds nice. But have you thought about good coping mechanism Nahida and bad coping mechanism Wanderer healing together?
There's something nice about her giving it to him straight, without coddling him or trying to get a result from helping him or looking down at him like the other people in his past did. She still let him believe that she was doing it for her own benefit cause she knows that he feels guilt for his deeds and his feelings towards others and he wouldn't belive her if she claimed otherwise. She doesn't want to push him to far out of his comfort zone and she doesn't need him to believe that she's trying to help because she doesn't need the affirmation that she's a good person, she doesn't push her insecurities onto him. She tries to both encourage him to walk out of his comfort zone and establish bountries.
I really like the scene where she practicaly tells him: "You were a bad person and you did horrible things and you have to own up to the shitty things you've done."
She's also probably the only person in Teyvat that completely understands him. She was also deemed unworthy of the title of an Archon, she was also deemed too little and not enough for her caretakers at the time. She was also discarded by the people that were meant to assist her growth. She was also replaced with a "better" option. I am fully aware that they also share differences, but I believe those differences are meant to show us an alternate ending to either story. Nahida was never coddled, which lead to her having doubts about herself and trying to please others and resulted in her growing a little on her own. Wanderer grew dependent on his emotional bonds with the people that cared for him and ended up taking their loss too hard and stalling his growth. Nahida met the right people that helped her through a difficult time, both physicaly and emotionaly. Wanderer met Dottore, who manipulated him and made him worse. Dottore was an enabler to Wanderer and a bad influence. And that might be a stretch, but I believe that the meeting between Rukkhadevata and Nahida could have been the meeting between Wanderer and Makoto.
Idk, I could be wrong, but I don't like it when there's a singular interpretation of the relationship between two characters. I'm also not a fan of how we forcfully speedgrow Nahida and how the "baby" metaphore in Wanderer's lore is only ever used to say he's a shotacon or smth. I like the complexity of these characters too much to only have one opinion for them. I also like the idea that Nahida is also self-healing by helping Wanderer, who is kinda like a man-child at times.
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noppan · 9 months ago
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The countess. Act 1. Il Muto. The Phantom Of The Opera.
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camillepreakercain · 11 months ago
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christina’s world, andrew wyeth, 1948
il demonio/the demon (1963) dir. brunello rondi
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oceancentury · 11 months ago
I don’t think I can take 8 hours of this
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ilmondodishioren · 1 year ago
Wham! George & io, di Andrew Ridgeley.
Ogni promessa è debito ed eccomi di nuovo qui a parlare di una delle band pop più famosa di sempre, gli Wham! Dopo la visione del film disponibile su Netflix e dopo aver scoperto che il secondo Wham!, Andrew Ridgeley aveva scritto una biografia, non ho potuto non acquistarla e leggerla, ho amato troppo questi due ragazzi e la loro musica, e seppur ero molto piccola quando la band è stata fondata…
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forensicated · 13 days ago
05x19 - Conscience
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"You know at one time, this was the best part of the day. The late turn. Everybody gone home. That magical lull when you could just put your feet up on your desk for a couple of hours and forget everything. Of course that was before YOU came to this nick and started playing that thing!"
Mike is jealous that Ted is missing out on being serenaded by Alistair and his clarinet. Ted has disappeared whilst he should be on shift and no one, outside of Alistair, seems to know where he is.
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Ted is on a date with a married lady, Sharon, who is worried her husband might suspect something is up if she doesn't make the 7.15 train home. It's not helped by the old lady behind them who is making no secret of the fact she's listening.
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Ted and Sandra only met at lunchtime and she'd been happy to agree to meet up with him for a drink, but has lost her nerve. She excuses herself and leaves with Ted getting the stink eye from the old lady.
A man entering the pub catches his eye and he heads to the bar for another drink and to earwig on the man's call. The man's car has broken down and he arranges for his wife to sort out the recovery whilst he makes his way to a meeting via a minicab. "Hello Guv, remember me?" Ted says as the man looks for the number of a taxi firm. Ted has remembered him as Harry Hopwood, Former Commander of the Murder Squad. Ted was a DC attached to a case in Surrey in the late 70s where a farmer had apparently shot his wife. Hopwood essentially ignores Ted and turns and walks away. "You must remember me, Guv?" He calls after him before turning away and muttering under his breath. "He threw me off the squad and sent me back to Division, the bastard!"
Back at CID, the boy's break is over and they divvy up the jobs in the incident book and Alistair heads out on a call.
Hopwood is unimpressed to hear his taxi will take at least 20 minutes. Ted offers to buy him a drink and learns that the car is a company car and that Hopwood is now a Chief Security Officer at an oil company. Hopwood mutters about the car whilst Ted eyes his briefcase. "Going to a meeting are you, Sir? Roll up the trouser job...?" Hopwood doesn't like the implication he only got where he is because of being a Mason. Ted says it's either that or the Catholic Guild that gets officers promoted. Hopwood asks Ted where he went wrong. "A question I continually ask myself." The conversation moves on and Hopwood claims that cases and junior officers blur together after a while due to the amount he got through. Hopwood is spoken of as though he were a legend in the MET thanks to his clear-up record.
Ted explains the Simpson case sticks in his memory as it was the first time he'd been posted to a specialist investigation team to assist The Yard and he was keen to do anything to help - even if it was just house-to-house inquiries and grunt work. Hopwood dismisses the case as a 2-a-penny domestic murder and suggests it is nothing like a real case worthy of the murder squad such as a gangland killing. Ted reasons he felt sorry for the farmer and doesn't believe he deserved 20 years in prison. Hopwood claims that he makes no distinction between cases - a murder is a murder. Ted considered Simpson a timid man and believes he would have committed suicide if he really had shot his wife. Hopwood insists he was just a coward. "I didn't have as long to question him as you did. How long did you keep him banged up? 24 hours without a break?" Hopwood demands that Ted says what he really wants to. Ted simply shrugs and tells him he'd not get away with it if he tried it in today's (well 1989) policing world.
Mike has to answer Ted's phone a little while later and tells the caller that he isn't in the station at the moment. As he hangs up, his eye is caught by some paperwork on Ted's desk.
Hopwood slams Simpson as a habitual liar and is clearly worked up by how calm Ted is in response. Ted asks if Hopwood still reenacts famous battles with toy soldiers. "It's funny what comes back to you, isn't it." he murmurs before asking if Hopwood always has to win. "Yes!" is the emphatic answer, growling at Ted for not giving him enough respect. Ted snaps back that he took information about the murder to him and was dismissed as Hopwood refused to speak to lower-ranking officers individually. Hopwood claims he preferred to work that way by having all the information fed to him via his Detective Inspectors. He blames Ted for breaking the chain of command. "So you do remember me!" Ted catches him out and reminds him that he brought him evidence that he believed proved Simpson was innocent. Hopwood had already charged Simpson and was 'celebrating' in the local pub, leaving Ted waiting hours for him in his office. When he did return he read him the riot act and refused to listen to him or review his evidence.
Hopwood's taxi driver arrives to take him to his meeting. Hopwood gives Ted a few words of advice to not rub Senior Officers up the wrong way - not because they don't like it but because they never forget. "You're a good detective but a fool to yourself." Ted can't leave it alone and he snaps after him that he charged an innocent man. Hopwood angrily returns to the bar. "I'll sue you for that!" Ted tells him to go ahead as the landlord warns them to leave it alone and the minicab driver leaves for another fare.
Mike rings the Royal Oak to try and find Ted and leaves a message for him to ring Mike back urgently if he turns up. "You are in deep trouble, Ted. Unless I can find you double quick!"
Hopwood is ranting at Ted that he is wrong about Simpson. Ted drains his drink and is about to leave as Hopwood insists that 'the man was guilty!'
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Ted tells him he's arrested and put away a lot of people in his time and he knows some of his arrests were innocent but he'd never lost sleep over it because he knew 100% they were out-and-out villains and guilty of something even if not what he could nail them for. The Simpson case has haunted him since because he knows he was innocent. Hopwood challenges him to go back through the case and won't let him leave until he proves that he put the right man away.
Mike is ringing local pubs to try find Ted but is having no luck. Ted is due in court in the morning and he needs to warn the witnesses that they too will be required to attend. The paperwork isn't in the CSG office so Mike can't warn the witnesses himself. Alistair returns and remembers that Ted got an early warning from the CPS 2 weeks previously so has likely already withdrawn the paperwork to look it over. Mike has already checked Ted's desk and can't find it. There are roughly 40 people who need to be told. "... He's out with a girl he met at lunchtime." Alistair finally admits.
Back at the pub, it's clear Ted and Hopwood have been going over the case for a while as there are several empty glasses around them and the initial heated tempers have calmed. Hopwood recounts Simpson was married to a woman young enough to be his daughter. Ted remembers that Kevin Randall quite obviously had eyes for her. Hopwood insists an affair was inevitable because Simpson refused to take his wife out and suggests Randall could have been anyone who showed her attention. Randall was a second-hand car dealer with a history of affairs with the wives of other men. She'd rung about a car she'd spotted in the newspaper, he'd brought it around to the house, got her to sign for it and talked her into bed that same day. They had an affair for 6 months. Hopwood insists that Simpson must have found out about it and shot her in anger.
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Back at the station, Mike and Alistair have still had no luck with the file or locating Ted and have resorted to trying to break in to his desk. Alistair finds a massive screwdriver and manages to force the drawer.
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... and still no paperwork.
Hopwood insists the wife must have told Simpson she was leaving him for Randall and Simpson shot her in a moment of jealous madness. Ted points out it's an assumption put forward by Randall. "Backed up by the court and Simpson's fingerprints on the gun." "It was his gun, of course his prints were on it!" Ted suggests Simpson e came home and found her dead and that he was in a state of shock when the police arrived. It could have been Hopwood or another officer who told him about the affair with Randall. "What if he loved her so much he kept silent to protect her good name?" Hopwood scoffs and won't be shaken from his original thoughts, claiming Simpson is a murderer. "This case has been playing on your conscience as much as it has mine otherwise you wouldn't give me the time of day!" Ted points out. Hopwood grabs for Ted by the throat, the tension only broken by a well-timed shake of a fundraising tin from a Salvation Army Volunteer between them. "Gentlemen?"
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Mike suggests a drive around 'the places [Ted] doesn't usually go'. "If he's with a girl, he won't want anyone to find him." Alistair reasons.
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They have no other option than to sit and wait and pray that he gets a message from a landlord or rings in off his own bat.
Hopwood apologises for grabbing Ted and suggests they've had too much to drink and should call it a day. Ted tells him that he was sent to go and collect Randall to bring him in for questioning. Randall initially lied about the affair, as a married man himself, and had an alibi for the time of death. His alibi was that he was playing snooker with a mate that Ted went to interview later. Jenkins had no idea he was an alibi for a murder suspect and went to pieces when questioned. Hopwood refused to let Ted bring Jenkins in to interview him formally or look into Randall again because as far as he was concerned the case was sewn up and Simpson was guilty of murdering his wife. Ted suggests Hopwood hushed it up to stop his image being tarnished if Randall was the guilty party. Hopwood snaps back that he didn't have a full appraisal of the facts.
Ted explains he has been ducking and diving with women for his entire life and that Randall was much the same. Simpson's wife became serious and wanted to settle down with him. Randall panicked at the thought of it coming out and shot her to keep it quiet. Ted is adamant that he was thrown off the squad to stop him from bringing Jenkins in for further questioning. "What do you want me to do? Confess so you have a clear conscience? Think about it!" "I have. And I'm going to do something about it." Hopwood grabs Ted's arm to stop him from leaving, reminding him that Simpson has almost finished his sentence anyway." Ted insists he's going to put it right and storms off to the phone to ring the station.
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Alistair tells Ted that he's in court in the morning and needs to tell the witnesses. He asks where the case paperwork is and Ted says it's in the boot of his car but to forget about it. He gives him an urgent enquiry to find out which prison Simpson is in for murder and to ring him back on the pub payphone. Hopwood literally gulps. Mike points out that the witnesses won't like being rang in the middle of the night and told to be at court at 10am sharp. "...The man says it's urgent." Alistair sighs with Mike lamenting that Ted will sail through it smelling of roses as he usually does.
Ted hasn't received the call by the time the landlord has rung the bell after last orders. Hopwood asks him to leave it but Ted insists he'll visit the prison in the morning and push for an urgent inquiry. He wants Hopwood to face Simpson and tell him that he made a mistake. Alistair finally rings and tells Ted that Simpson is dead, he committed suicide in his cell 2 years in 1987. Ted tells Hopwood that Simpson is dead, sneering that he's off the hook.
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Hopwood actually smirks at Ted as he straightens his tie and leaves. Ted looks absolutely devastated.
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muatyland · 20 days ago
We live in time - Tutto il tempo che abbiamo #Film
In seguito a un incidente in cui Almut Brühl lo investe, Tobias Durand, impiegato presso la Weetabix, si ritrova in ospedale. La singolare circostanza del loro incontro è dovuta al fatto che Tobias, in preda alla disperazione per il divorzio, vaga per strada in accappatoio alla ricerca di una penna per firmare le carte. Tra i due nasce un’attrazione inaspettata che li porta a intraprendere una…
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stalinqrad · 28 days ago
i’ve made the most banger playlist of all time
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luegootravez · 5 months ago
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Kyla Grandy by © Andrew Atwell
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pier-carlo-universe · 5 months ago
Il fascino della clematide: Un Amore Proibito nell’Epoca Vittoriana. Joey Elis conquista i lettori con un romanzo intriso di passione e mistero, inaugurando la trilogia Fiori segreti
Il 3 ottobre 2024 segna l'uscita del primo capitolo della trilogia romance vittoriana Fiori segreti di Joey Elis, pubblicato da Indomitus Publishing.
Il 3 ottobre 2024 segna l’uscita del primo capitolo della trilogia romance vittoriana Fiori segreti di Joey Elis, pubblicato da Indomitus Publishing. Il fascino della clematide è un’avvincente storia d’amore ambientata nella misteriosa Londra vittoriana, dove sentimenti repressi e segreti nascosti si intrecciano per creare un racconto carico di emozione e tensione. Trama: Amore e Mistero tra le…
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lolochaponnay · 1 year ago
Un Anglais, un Américain et un Belge sont dans un bar à Paris. Ils discutent et s'amusent et sont tous d'accord que c'est un endroit plaisant. Alors l'Anglais dit : "C'est bien fun ici, mais à Londres, j'en connais un bien mieux qui s'appelle Chez Andrews. Là, tu achètes ta première bière, tu achètes ta deuxième bière, et Andrews lui-même te paye la troisième !" Mais l'Américain dit : "J'veux pas vous embêter, mais j'en connais un encore mieux ! Y'a un bar à New York qui s'appelle Chez John. Tu achètes ta première bière et John te paye la deuxième. Tu achètes ta troisième bière et John te paye la quatrième !" Alors le Belge dit : "Vous pensez que c'est un endroit tripant ? Ecoutez bien ça. Chez nous, il y a un bar qui s'appelle Chez Jef Vanderbrul. Vous ne me croirez pas, mais, Chez Vanderbrul, tu te fais payer ta première bière, tu te fais payer ta deuxième bière, tu te fais payer ta troisième bière, tu te fais payer ta quatrième bière, et là , tu peux aller dans une chambre au deuxième étage... et tu baises !" "Incroyable ! disent les deux autres. Est-ce que ça t'es réellement arrivé à toi ?" "Non, répond le Belge, mais c'est arrivé à ma sœur.
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noppan · 8 months ago
Thats all for now! Time to move on to Il muto!
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alessandroiiidimacedonia · 1 year ago
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Ecofemminismo della petunia
Del giardino mi piace soprattutto quanto sia vicino all’imponderabile, a quel punto ineffabile in cui natura e cultura, fisica e metafisica, tangibile e simbolico coabitano in un tempo che è dentro e fuori le cose. Un tempo pieno di sorprese. Non ponderabile significa non misurabile ma non per questo inesistente. In passato quando il colore, la luce, il calore, l’elettricità, il magnetismo non…
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