haveihitanerve · 3 months
Somebody: Jasons so angry and aggressive and kills people- hes the most violent batfamily member Bruce-I-would-have-killed-joker-had-fucking-superman-not-stopped-me-and-I-would-do-it-again-if-any-harm-befalls-my-family-also-i-beat-up-people-daily-as-therapy-wayne: what? Dick-i-was-planning-a-mans-murder-at-age-eight-and-would-have-done-it-also-i-didn't-have-superman-so-i-did-kill-joker-Grayson-Wayne: huh? Tim-My-body-count-is-probably-six-digits-by-now-but-it-doesn't-count-if-bruce-doesn't-know-stalker-Drake-Wayne: repeat that? Damian-i-came-with-the-katana-and-a-body-count-at-age-eight-wayne: what did you say about Ahki? Stephanie-i-will-crack-mad-funny-jokes-while-beating-your-face-in-with-a-brick-Brown-Wayne: waht? Barbara-i-wouldn't-but-like-i-could-and-i-know-you-and-your-entire-family-extending-to-your-great-uncle-thirteen-times-removed-Gordon-Wayne: *typing on keyboard* what was that? Duke-I-created-a-cult-about-robin-and-also-i-was-raised-in-gotham: sorry?
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mangopango · 2 months
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Yes, I did see poof in the new episode why do u ask!
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cring3rlordreal · 3 months
rodger.. + other artss
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anyways other art..
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Ok bye
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n0phis · 3 months
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both times ive tried to photograph my cat in the past day or so have been enlightening
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scrombit · 26 days
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the eternal yapper is back at it
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vampiric-essence · 11 months
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yeah… who wants to see Orin and gortash swap outfits???
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nell0-0 · 3 months
I hate being stared at while people whisper obviously about something related to me. At least try to be subtle, fools. I have to deal with that enough at work where my coworker clocked me as neurodivergent from day 1 and has, thus, made it his mission to push boundaries and mess with me.
See, this is why I prefer staying at home thinking/drawing/writing blorbo related stuff.
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boytoyhalo · 10 months
Fit keeps two journals that he writes in every day: The standard, mandatory daily report journal where he keeps track of weather, maintenance and activity, and his personal diary where he writes more detailed accounts of his days. Phil gave him that one, told him that writing down his thoughts a few times a day would help him heal. Fit's not too sure about all that, but he'll admit it's kinda relaxing to sit out on the rocks at sunset writing down whatever comes to mind. it's usually just pretty objective play-by-plays of whatever happened that day, but still.
A few weeks after he meets richarlyson's "pod" of parents (he doesn't question why they're called that) these peaceful writing sessions gain an audience: two of the weird seals that he keeps seeing, the ones that are a bit too big and a bit too furry to not stand out among the typical grey harbor seals he usually sees. more specifically, it's the smallest of those seals - the one with a back flipper missing - and the light brown one that always seems to accompany it. A pair of mates, maybe? but after a week or so of the seals just. sitting there, watching him write, the light brown one seemingly decides it has better things to do, which leaves Fit with his one-flippered companion. Fit wonders how it's been surviving, but it seems to be managing just fine without it and he's not trained to deal with injured wildlife, so he decides it's not his problem.
One day, Fit belatedly realises that the seal has been getting braver - it's been inching steadily closer to him day by day, until now when Fit looks up from his journal and realises that the thing is only an arms-length from the rock he's sitting on. He stares at it. It stares back at him. "I don't have any food for you," he tells it. It barks a sound at him that sounds almost like a laugh. "Don't laugh at me, that's rude" he's not sure why he's feigning offense, why he's joking around with no one around to hear it but... it's nice. it's freeing, almost, to be able to laugh at himself without worrying about being seen. The seal is tilting it's head at him like it understands, and Fit knows it doesn't, but the next night he's there he talks to it out loud while he writes. he tells it about his day, about Ramon and Richas and his weird new acquaintances - about how he's found unexpected friends in some of them. Funny enough, talking out loud brings out thoughts he hasn't been able to get down with journaling.
on one particularly hard day, maybe the worst he's had since taking the job, he tells it about the war. tells it about how he was recruited right out of school, eager to make a change and protect his country. He tells it about how no one told him why they were fighting, how the war started or what steps were being taken to end it. How he had to learn all of that after going home. He tells it about his fallen comrades, about the enemy soldiers he killed. He tells it how much it hurts to think about, that he witnessed that much death and caused that much of it himself, that he has to live with that and knowing that at the end of the day he wasn't fighting for justice or peace or anything but the interests of the people in power. He tells it that he isn't sure he feels guilty, and that that makes him feel guilty. He tells it how lonely he's been since getting back - all things he hadn't really processed or admitted yet.
"maybe that's why I keep talking to you," he says. "I haven't really... I don't know how to make friends, since getting back. Being out here all isolated... it's nice. I mean, it's nice because it's nice, but also, it's nice just to have an excuse for being alone instead of being alone while surrounded by people, yknow?" He looks at the animal, which is staring up at him with disturbingly human emotion in it's eyes. He looks away. "I don't know. This is stupid, I'm talking to a fucking seal. and I do have friends, I mean... there's phil, there's tubbo. There's richas' parents, though I'm not sure they really count. Only see em for a little bit once in awhile, and s'not like they're there for me." He goes to sleep that night feeling lighter and heavier all at once.
And then the next morning, Pac (and a hesitant-looking mike) shows up with Richas, asking fit if they can help him work today. And not taking no for an answer
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evilforgood999 · 7 months
Something with fatal fools
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fermithesilly · 13 days
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can yall tell I struggled to fit everything in one canvas
@piquuroblox hi
notes/everything I couldn’t fit in the canvas⬇️
-She’s very aggressive/animal like. I think her running animation would have her be on all fours🔥🔥 (I was gonna try to draw that but too harddd)
-something messed up one of her eyes that’s why she’s got bad eyesight. If the faces in dw were animated her messed up eye would probably twitch a lot from irritation (I got the idea from Flutter’s old twisted design. If u don’t know what it looks like it’s on the DW wiki)
-she’s likee a little bit slower than twisted glisten (yeah she’s that fast she’s been sleeping for a while now she’s saved up a lotta energy)
-when Dolly’s hostile mode is triggered a jingle noise will be heard from her (the bell on her bow. I could’ve added that to the canvas but I forgot and I’m too lazy to change it now)
-the plushie.. nap spot thing isn’t as big as like rnd circle but it can take up a narrow hallway
TWISTED DESC (aka the thing u get for getting 50% research) “Taking this Twisted’s precious nap time for granted will be regretful. Though seemingly harmless at first, messing with her cherished plushie collection and awakening her would not be advised; due to this Twisted’s incredible running speed, it would be best to leave her alone. Be cautious of your noise when trespassing through her area!”
concept arttt only two but whatever ignore the second one please I don’t know what happened to her eyes😭😭
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lilithmeadow · 4 months
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i've been trying to make an ariana sim, but... lmao
i really underestimated how HARD it is to make sims of real people in this game. this is most likely the last time i'll even attempt something like this again bc it's clearly well beyond my capabilities
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i even tried to recreate a different era, just in case, but nah. i think i'm calling it quits for now. maybe i'll revisit this sim in the future but right now i'm fed up
i'm so sorry for the long post but i just needed to vent a little bc i ADORE this woman and it makes me so mad i can't get her right, ugh
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antheiasvase · 7 months
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WIP ... friday?
was inspired by a dinluke fic i'm reading, and made this sandman x star wars fusion of prince luke of naboo, husband to the mand'alor ;)
will i ever finish this? probably not.
here's the link to the fic either way: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30236907/chapters/74510433 (18+)
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stardustjimin · 4 months
but the thing about this time slip, the watch was in sunjae. so i guess when sol turned the time back when they first meet, sunjae actually remember that. he saw her but pretending not see her at all and just delivered sol's package and back home.
sunjae probably knew what sol was doing and he was playing along with her, respect her decision. they avoided each other until both of them back to the future. sol is back to her 34 y.o self, while sunjae is back to his 35 y.o self.
this is why the end of ep 13 sunjae didn't remember sol because he's still 34.
remember the intro. the year that's shown is 2024 and sunjae's house number is 35!
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bob-bobb · 6 days
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Bud and Glenn, because I agree that they have no art.
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beryllineart · 15 days
Just A Cartoon
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I really wanted to do a Dadster and babybones type thing.
In my Physics class we have been analyzing animations to practice calculating height and velocity and stuff. I learned that the cliff Pocahontas jumps off in the Disney movie is approximately 500 meters tall, meaning she was going about 200 miles per hour when she hit the water.
I've been putting Gaster into my science teachers' shoes, so expect more Gaster comics inspired by them.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
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[why,,,,,,,, does everybody refer to Chilton's cane as a pity cane,,,,,]
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