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This is my first icon I wrote under the guidance of a professional icon-writer.
Saint Michael the Archangel

#orthodoxy#traditional art#orthodox christianity#catholic#christianity#orthodox icon#eastern catholic#religious imagery#michael the archangel
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huh. yesterday's session went really well, but i just remembered that my left hand was stuck repeatedly doing a movement for like 5 minutes. it was like a sign of the cross (up, down, left, right), but like when you do it to someone else (palm away from me and waving in the air, not doing it on the forehead, chest, shoulders). my hand position would alternate between the ICXC (ring finger bent at PIP, rest straight) and the papal blessing (ring finger bent at PIP, pinky bent at MCP).
if i tried to do anything with that hand, it would stop, but sort of hesitate continuously instead of doing what i wanted it to do. kind of like parts were fighting over what the hand could do.
unfortunately, i can't remember what immediately precipitated this, so idk what the trigger was so no clue what the message meant. i do know that when i'm about to tell someone (only verbally/with my mouth) something, my right hand presses down lightly on my left ring finger to guide it into the ICXC, so maybe it's a reminder of silence? but it like. doesn't work very well for that, so maybe it means something else.
i didn't think there was much religious involvement in my abuse because of the lack of anything religious in my memories (it was all very clinical and scientific, anything else was storybook whimsy etc), but now i'm not so sure. much to ponder.
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Albrecht Dürer darf ohne Frage als Pionier der SelbstPromotion und des Personal Branding gelten, vielleicht sogar als Erfinder des Selfie: Im Jahre 1500 malte er dieses Selbstbildnis - in einer Zeit, in der Selbstportraits von Künstlern kaum existierten und verpönt waren. Aber mehr noch: Er malte sich selbst in der damals weit verbreiteten üblichen Pose von Jesus, mit denselben langen braunen Haaren, frontal, typischer Blick, inklusive der typischen Jesus-Fingergestik, die normalerweise ICXC, ein Akronym für Jesus Christus, buchstabierte, aber in seinem Selbstportrait seine eigenen Initialen, AD, andeutet. Und sogar noch darüber hinaus: Er signiert das Bild AD 1500 - Anno Domini, im Jahre des Herrn, der christlichen Zeitrechnung ... aber eben auch AD, Albrecht Dürer. Genial. Dürer erschaffte sich selbst als Ikone - von ihm aus verläuft eine Traditionslinie bis zu heutigen Personal Branding Ikonen wie den Kardashians oder Gary Vaynerchuck oder Richard Branson. Und zu DIR - denn auch Du kannst dein Personal Brandig Genie wecken. Wie das geht, zeige ich dir in meinem Personal Branding OnlineKurs, den Du nur bis 6. September 50% günstiger erwerben kannst: https://besserebildung.com/deinpersonalbranding
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re: those "blessing" hand gestures from your recent reblog, the host is actually doing the "as above, so below" pose from Baphomet
Ah thank you! That makes sense I think I assumed it was the ICXC thing but distorted, because of the angel, but that definitely makes more sense thank you for clarifying.
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“I will love thee, O Lord, my strength.” Psalm 17:1
#orthodoxthoughts#orthodox#orthodoxy#eastern orthodox#orthodox christian#christian#christianity#Jesus Christ#psalms#quote#orthodox quote#georgia#liturgy#communion#ICXC#September 22
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Psalm 95:1-3 Link: bible-illustrated.blogspot.com/2019/02/psalm-951-3.html
Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.
This illustration was made possible thanks to the generous donation of Antonio Cabrera González; consider pledging at:www.patreon.com/BibleIllustrated
#bible#scripture#psalm#psalms#psalm95#psalm 95#psalm 96#psalm96#nation#nations#jesus#christ#jesuschrist#jesus christ#ihs#ijhs#icxc#icxcnika#holyname#holy name#holynameofjesus#holy name of jesus#pencil#pencils#drawing#illustration#monogram#christogram
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Prayer should be our first response, not the last hope.
Archpriest Andrei Tkachev
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I keep on thinking about what the perfect first tattoo will be but I think I will just choose one and keep on choosing one after the other after that
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Cover art for the new @gyilkosband record “II” #barbersart #gyilkos #II #2018 #graphic #design #artwok #lineart #blackart #blackandwhite #holy #evil #icxc #hand #nails #cobweb #igazjoronaldo
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Request from an old wyte boi from high school... he wanted his profile fb pic drawn. He took my bff at the time to 8th grade formal dance. I got NO CLUE WHAT his lyfe is like now... #portraitdrawing #portrait #commission #request #sharpie #drawing #ICXC
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hi Mutual i am so sorry if this is bothering you but i think ur most recent philip / belos drawing was extremely !! cool and i would like to know the research you did about it
you dont have to answer if you dont have the energy !
oh, most of it was about the different meanings types of halos and hand gestures had in christian medieval and reinassance art -
- like how square halos were sometimes used for alive donors of funds for churches, or radiant ones could be used for alive people that were benefactors in other ways, and how the crociforme one (crux-like) was only used for depictions of jesus or other similar god "saviour" figures, or how that specific hand gesture is supposed to signify "ICXC", abbreviation for the name "Jesus Christ" (the whole hand gesture = meaning actually started from micenean figures because of the narrative shorthands it provided, kind of in the same way that certain saints are always depicted with their Object Tm next to them for simplicity and readability).
There's a lot to simbolism in the era of art though, it's interesting and I suggest looking around on wikipedia for it if you are more interested because this is just what I recall right now.
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#CX Conclave Event Venue#CX Conclave Venue#CX Event Venue#India CX Conclave Partners#Customer Experience Event Bangalore#CX Conclave Event Bangalore#India CX Conclave Bangalore#CX Conclave 2020 Partners#2020 ICXC Partners#Customer Experience Partners 2020#ICXC 2020#CX2K20#ICXC Event#India CX Conclave#ICXC Bangalore 2020#CX Event Bangalore#ICXC Event Bangalore#ICXC Event India#Customer Experience Conference#CX Leaders India#Customer Experience Conference India#Customer Experience India#Customer Experience Meeting#Customer Experience Event India#ICXC Business Meeting#CX Business Meeting#Customer Experience Conference India 2020#CX Business Meeting 2020
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Albrecht Dürer darf ohne Frage als Pionier der SelbstPromotion und des Personal Branding gelten, vielleicht sogar als Erfinder des Selfie: Im Jahre 1500 malte er dieses Selbstbildnis - in einer Zeit, in der Selbstportraits von Künstlern kaum existierten und verpönt waren.
Aber mehr noch: Er malte sich selbst in der damals weit verbreiteten üblichen Pose von Jesus, mit denselben langen braunen Haaren, frontal, typischer Blick, inklusive der typischen Jesus-Fingergestik, die normalerweise ICXC, ein Akronym für Jesus Christus, buchstabierte, aber in seinem Selbstportrait seine eigenen Initialen, AD, andeutet.
Und sogar noch darüber hinaus: Er signiert das Bild AD 1500 - Anno Domini, im Jahre des Herrn, der christlichen Zeitrechnung ... aber eben auch AD, Albrecht Dürer. Genial.
Dürer erschaffte sich selbst als Ikone - von ihm aus verläuft eine Traditionslinie bis zu heutigen Personal Branding Ikonen wie den Kardashians oder Gary Vaynerchuck oder Richard Branson.
Und zu DIR - denn auch Du kannst dein Personal Brandig Genie wecken. Mein Personal Brand ConsultingProgramm zeigt dir, wie - nur bis 28. Juni als SommerWende-Special viel günstiger buchbar:
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Hey! Randomly stumbled upon your Twitter acc again after not seeing it for a long time, glad to see you're (at least appear to be-) doing well. Take care! That is all. +ICXC+NIKA+
Likewise, Godbless!
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Consider well, brothers, how great is the power of humility. Consider how great is the spiritual energy behind saying, 'Pardon me'. Why is the devil called not only 'enemy', but also 'adversary'? He is called 'enemy' because he is a hater of men, one who hates what is good, a traitor; an 'adversary', because he always puts obstacles in the way of good. If someone wants to pray he puts obstacles in the way through evil suspicions, shameful thoughts, and spiritual torpor. If a man wants to give alms he obstructs it through avarice or procrastination. If a man wants to keep vigil he obstructs it with hesitations or laziness. In every single thing he is against us when we desire to do good. This is why he called the enemy and the adversary and why, by lowliness, all his attacks and devices are brought to nothing. Lowliness is really a great thing, for every kind of good is advanced by lowliness, and by working at it we cut short our journey, as it says, 'See my humility and my toil, and take away all my sins,' and 'I was humiliated, and the Lord saved me'! For humility alone can bring us into the spiritual life (as Abbot John used to say) even if slowly. Therefore, let us also be humble for a short time and we shall be saved.
St. Dorotheus of Gaza (Abba Dorotheus)
#orthodoxthoughts#orthodox#orthodoxy#eastern orthodox#orthodox christian#christian#christianity#Jesus Christ#ICXC#quote#orthodox quote#July 1#St. Dorotheus of Gaza#Abba Dorotheus#Discourses and Sayings
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