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orthodoxthoughts · 5 years ago
In order to experience Christ's Ascension and comprehend its mystery as far as possible, we must keep the life-giving commandments, acquire the deifying virtues, especially humility and love, so that we can endure every tribulation and temptation which comes by reason of our being Christians, but even to have the desire for martyrdom for the glory of Christ's name.
St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain
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theorthodoxway · 6 years ago
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The Sun rise again and most of us receive or still wait for its light..... but Are we waiting for Jesus Christ light who rise every day for our salvation Are we ready to receive his light, Are our hearts clean and white enough to reflect his internal light #orthodox #orthodoxthoughts (at Omaha, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqkM_golbGC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nypi8vch0abm
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orthodoxthoughts · 5 years ago
We ask something of God beseechingly and gently for a certain period of time. If we see that God refuses to give it to us, we stop disturbing Him. The more we want something, the farther away it goes from us. And when we have forgotten it, it will come imperceptibly. God does not forget. He receives our request, and when He thinks that it is time, He answers to it.
St. Porphyrios the New
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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“I will love thee, O Lord, my strength.” Psalm 17:1
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
Consider well, brothers, how great is the power of humility. Consider how great is the spiritual energy behind saying, 'Pardon me'. Why is the devil called not only 'enemy', but also 'adversary'? He is called 'enemy' because he is a hater of men, one who hates what is good, a traitor; an 'adversary', because he always puts obstacles in the way of good. If someone wants to pray he puts obstacles in the way through evil suspicions, shameful thoughts, and spiritual torpor. If a man wants to give alms he obstructs it through avarice or procrastination. If a man wants to keep vigil he obstructs it with hesitations or laziness. In every single thing he is against us when we desire to do good. This is why he called the enemy and the adversary and why, by lowliness, all his attacks and devices are brought to nothing. Lowliness is really a great thing, for every kind of good is advanced by lowliness, and by working at it we cut short our journey, as it says, 'See my humility and my toil, and take away all my sins,' and 'I was humiliated, and the Lord saved me'! For humility alone can bring us into the spiritual life (as Abbot John used to say) even if slowly. Therefore, let us also be humble for a short time and we shall be saved.
St. Dorotheus of Gaza (Abba Dorotheus)
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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“Never break the fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, This fast is ordained by the Church, and is well-attested. If, at any time in your life, you break this fast, pray for forgiveness and do not sin again. Devout people do not regard themselves as dispensed from this fast either when traveling or in sickness. St. Pachomius once met some people who were carrying a corpse, and saw two angels in the funeral procession. He asked God to reveal to him the mystery of the presence of the two angels at the burial of this man. What especial good had he done that two angels should escort him to the grave? Then, by the providence of God, the two angels came across to Pachomius and explained to him: ‘One of us is the angel of Wednesday, and the other the angel of Friday. As this man fasted every Wednesday and Friday right up to his death, we are giving his corpse a solemn escort. As he kept the fast up to his death, so we are here to glorify him.’“
St. Nikolai Velimirovic’s Prologue from Ochrid
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
Through abstinence, Moses was counted worthy to speak with God face to face on Sinai. With faith let us follow his example.
St. Andrew of Crete
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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“It is the Day of Resurrection, so let us be radiant for the festival, and let us embrace one another. Let us speak, brothers and sisters, also to those who hate us, and in the Resurrection let us forgive everything, and so let us cry: CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD, TRAMPLING DOWN DEATH BY DEATH, AND ON THOSE IN THE TOMBS BESTOWING LIFE!”
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
Man overcomes death by conquering sin within himself with Christ. If you have lived a day without vanquishing a single sin of yours, know that you have become even more mortal than you are already. Vanquish one, two, or three of your sins, and behold, you have become younger by way of never-aging youthfulness, younger by way of immortality and eternity. Never forget that to believe in the Resurrection of the Lord Christ means to carry out a continuous fight with sins, with evil, with death.
St. Justin Popovich
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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“Moses of old prefigured thee, O precious Cross, when he lifted up his arms upon the mountain and put Amalek to flight; and today, as we venerate thee, we overthrow the alien hosts of demons and we sing with faith: O ye priests bless and ye people exalt Him above all for ever.”
Matins for the Monday of the 4th week of Lent Ode 8 of the Triodion
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
Thou hast shown, O Christ, how abstinence  leads men to cleansing and deliverance from the passions. For through it Thine apostles received Thy blessing and became shining lights upon the earth; and to all who sing God's praises thy proclaimed the Lord as one in Essence but three in Persons.
Joseph (a writer of canons)
Canticle 8 Second Canon of a Triodion Matins for Thursday in Cheese Week
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
To more strongly impress the truth 'that men ought always to pray, and not to faint' (Luke 18:1) and that they should continue to pray if their prayer is not soon heard, the Lord told the parable about the judge who neither feared God nor regarded man. The judge complied at last with the widow's petition, not because he feared God and regarded man, but only because that widow gave him no peace. So, if such a callous man could not withstand the persistence of this woman's petition, will not God, Who loves mankind and is filled with mercy, fulfill a petition raised up to Him persistently with tears and contrition? Here  is the answer to why our prayers are often not heard: Because we do not send up our petitions to God zealously, but as though in passing; futhermore, we pray not thinking to sweat and trouble ourselves any more in prayer. That is why our prayer is neither heard nor answered. We ourselves do no fulfill as we ought the law laid down for prayer—the law of hopeful and zealous persistence.
St. Theophan the Recluse
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
The same old man [Macarius] used to say, 'If thou hast not the prayer of the spirit, strive for the prayer of the body, and then shall be added unto thee the prayer in the spirit. If thou hast not humility in the spirit, strive for the humility which is in the body, and then shall be added unto thee the humility which is in the spirit. For it is written, 'Ask, and ye shall receive.'' (Matthew 7:7 ; 21:22)
The Paradise of the Holy Fathers
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
Please help me to find icon prantocrator?
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An original kept at the Serbian monastery of Hilandar
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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+Venerable father Anthony, pray to God for us!
St. Anthony the Great commemorated Jan 17/30
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orthodoxthoughts · 6 years ago
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“The Holy of Holies was a forbidden place because it was awaiting the Entry of the Virgin Mary, who became God’s real Temple and gave it greater honor. The Virgin was not honored by that inaccessible place, but the place was honored by the entrance of the Virgin who was to become Christ’s mother.” —St. Nicholas Cabasilas
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