#I've seen these around and wanted to put my two cents in
variousfandoms · 1 year
Cooking Headcanons: 
Padme cannot cook, she knows this, and doesn’t mind it. 
Obi-wan can cook, but he’s not great. It’s edible, it taste fine, but it’s nothing special. His best stuff is when he follows a recipe exactly. 
Anakin can cook. Good or not is subjective. It’s spicy, supper spicey. Like some one had to be admitted to the hospital once spicy. But if you can handle the spice, it’s amazing. He cooks without standardized measurements, has no patients for something like a recipe when his taste buds and nose can do most of the heavy lifting, and bearly has any regard for what ingredients are considered okay to use. He uses every part of an animal, eats insects, and he knows what he’s doing when he brings back random plants. 
Ashoka can cook, Anakin taught her. When she started hunting more often, Anakin was the one to cook so they could share with the vode. She generally she likes spicy food, but not to the extreame that Anakin dose, and her willingness to experiment helped when she was on the run. She tones down the spice a lot after she finds out Anakin is Vader. 
Luke can cook. It’s very Anakin style, where anything can be combied with spices to make good food, but he has a wider range of ‘traditional’ dishes memorized and he can minupulates spices into being something other than just mind numbingly spicey. 
Han can cook, but not well. It’s edible, but usually kind of bland. 
Leia originally could not cook. She could break down the complexities and talk about dishes, but she couldn’t make them. After the destruction of Alderan she learns, but like Han it’s not great. Passible, edible, but kind of bland and kind of generic. 
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
I know there's a lot of advice for handling things like depression and its so fucking easy for people to say "just do this and you'll feel better!" and I hate that, I fucking despise it, but I'm also gonna throw in my two cents about what is personally helping me get out of bed some days and genuinely, not kill myself.
Its taking care of nature.
Seriously. It sounds stupid and some days it feels stupid, but I put up bird feeders because I live in a semi-rural area where human activity is decimating the local bird population and options for safe feeding. So I put up bird feeders. And now I have like 83 different birds flocking to my garden on the daily and screaming at my window if the feeders are empty. And I've seen generations of baby birds brought to my garden by their parents because this is where the food is.
And I researched what plants and flowers were native to my area and I spent like $5 on a few different seed packets and sprinkled them around the grass and the sad empty flowerbeds and the lawn because the bees have nothing to eat and that's awful and it turns out wildflowers will fucking GROW the moment you look away, but now every spring and summer my lawn is a pretty little multi-colored bug haven.
And I've even gotten the chance to save a few little bug lives because of it. I've taken in cold-shocked bees and given them a warm little tupperware to recover in. I've fed bugs sugar water to get their energy back to take their food home. I've given dying bugs a sheltered, safe place to spend their last moments.
I planted a veggie garden. And I know I'm very lucky in that I have the space to do that, but also, you can grow a lot of things indoors. My friend has literally the smallest apartment you can imagine but she grows chives in her bathroom and grows five radishes at a time in a pot in the kitchen. Literally five. But it makes her so happy every single time she pulls them up or trots off to the bathroom to snip some chives.
I pick trash up every two weeks. The pick stick was like $4 online and I just put the bag out with my bi-weekly trash pick-up and its disgusting but but nobody else is gonna do it and I've only got finite time on this earth. If nobody else is going to pick up that can, I will. Because some innocent wild animal doesn't deserve to get hurt by human ignorance, and I deserve to walk home and see pretty flourishing nature instead of depressing discarded trash like I feel like most days.
I've left water out for the wildlife and watched hedgehogs, local dogs on their walks, squirrels and all sorts stop by to take a drink, because humans are fucking selfish and we're making something as basic as water so hard to access for anyone but ourselves, but I can fix a little bit of that just by putting out a bowl. Sometimes I don't even have to remember to fill it because the rain will fill it for me, and its kind of like nature's way of saying "you're helping me so I'm going to help you out too." Which is neat.
Like most days I do not want to be living on this earth but my god earth did not get a choice about us living here, and we're ruining it, and it actually feels so good to help stop and un-do a little bit of that destruction.
And you don't even have to try everything I do. If the only thing you've got the spoons to do is buy one bird feeder and you only remember to fill it once a month, its still something. That once a month could mean the difference between starvation and a full belly to a bird.
Again, none of this is obligatory and I'm not saying at all this is some magical cure for depression, but personally these things are things which are helping me slowly find things to keep getting out of bed for and things to feel a sense of self worth and satisfaction over. I feel better both in and about myself when I feed the birds, when I see the bugs in the garden, when I pick up the trash.
If its something you haven't considered yet, it might be worth a try.
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songoftrillium · 27 days
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Project Update 09/01/24
Hello, Kinfolks. We're a little under 60 days from releasing Book 1: Cliath, and I wanted to give you all a quick update, provide a few book facts, and hope this lets you share the excitement the rest of us have been feeling!
Book Layout
As you might've seen from our previews, writing is transitioning from writing to copy editing and book layout! If you haven't yet, check it out! The first two chapters are done, and chapter 3 is well underway. Outside of my work on Hearthbound, this is my first major book project, the largest book I've written, and the insights I've gained are ones I think might help future community content partners publishing work on Storyteller's Vault.
On Bluesky, a few months ago, I commented that you should "plan to take as much time doing layout as you do for writing." Even if one writes the book inline right in the desktop publishing program, annotation will still add time. With a WtE book we want to not just provide an adventure and a crash course on the Tellurian, but to also be a roadmap for Storytellers, new and old alike. This has happened on three fronts. The first and most important is we're taking the time to properly index everything in a way that'll let you look up specific book information quickly. The second is how we streamline information through the liberal use of cross-referencing in footnotes. In early chapters, you read truncated summarization, and in the footnotes, you can find book sections that expand on the information you're looking for and let you tune out the things that may not be so important for you to know at the moment. The third and most important feature, however, is where able, we cite our sources for our information. Should a Storyteller wish to learn expanded information on topics, they have a direct book and page citation where they can find deep lore to help construct their chronicles.
Cracking the Bone: now in coloring flats stage
For those that haven't been following, we are returning to old form. The moment you open Book 1, you'll be greeted with a fully illustrated and colored 22-page comic book showcasing life in the Age of Heroes. This story is centered around Dante (he/they,) our protagonist, and his first steps towards his First Change as a Bitten Homid Philodox. Throughout the book, we'll follow his journey towards becoming a Cliath, forming his pack under Earwig and his first mission as a Zedakh in a pack of other Queer Garou. In successive books, you'll see him transition from a scared baby gay Cub to a respected Elder in the Eastern Concordat! We're all absolutely thrilled to follow them on their journey. Illustrating this comic is the highly talented @mekanikaltrifle, who has partnered with us to bring Dante's story to life. I have a single pane I'd like to show you, bearing in mind these are just a first pass!
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Book Pricing Information
We've also finalized some of our possible pricing on this book. On Storyteller's Vault, Community Content is priced on a per-page basis. The average is considered to be 12 cents per page. I did some early market work by releasing Hearthbound on a pay-what-you-want model with a recommended pricing of $2.99, totaling roughly 8 cents per page. I advertised exclusively here and on other social media platforms to queer audiences to help gauge a fair price for materials explicitly marketed to that audience. Of those that decided to pay for copies of the book, readers paid an average of 5$ per copy for an average of 14 cents per page. Given the voluntary nature of the release, we on the team have agreed that we'll be charging a rate of 14 cents per page for this release, which puts us on par with pricing for similar releases with a matching pagecount. With layout underway, we're currently looking at a book length of around 200-250 pages. 50% of proceeds go to the publisher, and the remainder will be split equally among all contributors, myself included. I and another artist have pledged to donate the entirety of our shares toward preserving the Kalapuyan language.
Book 1: Cliath releases on Halloween day!
I'd like to give a shout out to @a-boros-named-seamus, @madamebadger, The Bohemian, @peltofash, @ar2456, and Durodragon for supporting me on ko-fi, through yours and the donations of other ko-fi sponsors, we've managed to hire cultural consultants to review about half of what's been written. Because we weren't able to review all of our written words, we've narrowed our focus onto some of our most sensitive subject-matter, and believe that what we have coming out will be the inclusive Werewolf: the Apocalypse Quickstart you've all been waiting for. Thank you! It means so much to us that we have our own sept of Kinfolk out there who believe in this project!
If you'd like to help sponsor this project, subscribe on ko-fi to help us pay Cultural Consultants to work with us! We have some cool perks for subscribing, including access to book and setting previews, the ability to give feedback on game content we're producing, personalized advice for your own tables, and can even get a shoutout right in the book.
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inventedfangirling · 8 months
My friends i watched love for love's sake and I swear i don't have a fckin clue where even to start.
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I know a lot has been said about the show already and i know a LOT more would be said about in the future, but i just can't help adding my own two cents to one of the most thought-provoking, moving and brilliantly executed pieces of art i have ever seen.
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I'm not gonna go on about just how much I loved Tae Myungha's character and how he is one of the most interesting people I've seen on screen in a long time. I'm not gonna talk about how unbelievably squishable Yeowoon is and how his duality totally ruined me that I need him to get into my pocket and NEVER leave. And oh I need him to put Myungha in his pocket while at it. I'm also not gonna talk about precious 'of course i'm gay, i've always liked girls, you don't know how to be loved' Sangwon is to me, cos if i start I can promise you I will most certainly never stop.
So for the sake of the rest of this post, I'm moving on. (NOT REALLY THO)
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE all the interpretations that people are coming up with, LOVE LOVE LOVE the show for filling in the gaps but LOVE it more for still leaving room for pretty thought-flowers to bloom around.
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You know those artworks or puzzles that have something obvious hidden in a maze of confusion and haze until somebody points out the pattern, you zoom out and realize wow it was this clear all along?? That's a LOT of what watching the show felt like to me. The pattern being how inexplicably inter-connected Myungha and Yeowoon are. Not because they are each other's blorbos, but because why they are eo's blorbos. Why they don't care for each other from a sense of sympathy, but from empathy, despite not knowing the depth of their connections explicitly.
Eventhough we do see glimpses of it from the start, it only gets more clear later how Myungha and Yeowoon really are mirror versions of eo. How the first time Myungha sees Yeowoon he's stopping him from killing himself, and then we later find out that Myungha ends up killing himself. How both of it was triggered by a series of disappointments in life, starting with a troubling family and ending with a grandmother who passes away. Of how both of them seem to really have no one else to call their own in the world. Of leading very lonely depressing lives, that seem to never have a glimpse of hope. How both of them seem closed off, but inside they really are so fragile it hurts to perceive the depth of their feelings. It all comes and hits you once you've taken the whole show in and have gotten a few 1000 seconds to think about it.
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We start off with myungha's character wanting to make his blorbo's character happy, and he's in it cos he cares about him, he doesn't have to think about himself. A 'pathetic' character experiencing a lot of pain, what's not to love, Myungha thinks, not realizing that it's his own mirror self that he is feeling so much for. Myungha sees Yeowoon's problems as someone from outside and is therefore able to objectively look at it, and approach it proactively, taking so many steps to help him, my favourite (and arguably most important) of which is the effort he puts in to help form yeowoon a friend circle. Something that he couldn't do for himself cos he never even considered a possibility of that. Why would anybody want to be around him? He ruins everything right?
And then to go on despite believing that, to falling in love, to deciding to choose to save both his grandma and yeowoon, finally FINALLY taking control into his hands even if for a bit to say what he wants, to spending the last few days together, to breaking up cos he just thinks the worst of himself, cos he doesn't know better. And then to the eternal darkness, where moments before leaving, just like in his real life, he realizes he wants in, he wants to live, he wants to love, but more importantly this time, he wants to try being loved. Even if it's difficult, he wants to try.
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I love how eventhough the show is heavily Myungha focused, we get meaningful dynamics with multiple characters. Round eyed gasp inducing moments dont just belong to the two mains but also to sangwon whose line to myungha post the stalker incident just ruined me and really set the tone for whatever the show was later revealed to be all about.
I love how complicated the narrative got while still telling a more or less coherent story, how in hindsight, a lot of it makes even more sense now. How as Myungha gets closer to yeowoon his self-hating tendencies manifest in the form of debuffs and errors, because of his own brain's inability to perceive himself as somebody deserving love. His childhood trauma and the numerous rejections life has given him, because of the kind of person he turned out to be because of those rejections, all appear to stand in his way of happiness, as if he can't help being a bundle of sadness and a harbinger of problems. Even as he says he doesn't believe in destiny or fate. Or as we initially are made to believe in the game as, yeowoon's happiness, when in reality this was never about yeowoon at all. Yeowoon never existed in the first place and in "real" life, he never does.
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I was blown away by how Myungha is in fact no longer in the mortal world but that fact doesn't hurt as much as that he would have to leave a world where he could finally feel happiness, feel loved, feel cared for, even if he consciously tried avoiding them. They still came to him, they still cared for him, they still fiercely wanted to protect him, (Cos he is just a tiny meow meow, who has been hurt a lot in his life, who wouldn't wanna caress and nurse him back to health HUH) just as much as he wanted to protect them.
And coming to the question of what's the game, where is it happening and who orchestrated it? It's definitely set in the afterlife or the limbo between life and the life after. It could be the author friend doing it, or the author friend has given myungha's brain the power to control the game OR of course the possibility that this has all been happening in myungha's head the whole time.
Whatever it is, the whole point has been to take Myungha from a person not wanting to live his life, feeling so devoid of love and happiness, to a journey of love and friendship, of the importance of fostering connections, of making efforts, of helping others, but equally of letting others help you, of putting your hand out and asking for that help. And in my head I love it most when I think of it as entirely Myungha orchestrated. Of it being a desperate cry of pain to himself, from himself, to save himself. Yeowoon and the game and the missions and all of it was for him to see himself in ways he never allowed himself to be seen as, to take care of himself in ways he never has, to love himself like he has never known to. To finally run towards himself, even if pathetic and sad, the Cha Yeowoon of the game, the person waiting at the end of the finishing line was the Tae Myungha in him all along.
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You know that tumblr quote 'do it for her' but its about your future self, right? Myungha rooting for Yeowoon is sort of like that? When he's protecing him, he's protecting himself? When he's cheering for him, he's actually cheering and rooting for himself? When he's loving him, he makes space and place to love himself?
I just love the idea of a (self) love story.
Eitherway Yeowoon x Myungha supremacy.
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Extreme(ly accurate?) Interpretations apart, Love for Love's Sake is truly one of the, if not THE finest (self) love story I might have ever seen.
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As a person who avoids fics/books with mcd or shows with tragic endings, it felt absolutely revolutionary to me that my biggest joy and relief came from the fact that the main character is dead (the thought of myungha having to leave the game was too much to handle) and he gets to live in this game where he has a cute boyfriend, a supportive, caring friend group and his grandma back. it wasn't the game that was temporary or non-existent, it was actually his life outside. And that's not bad? Cos this is a story and Myungha isn't real, but as real as he is, he got his happy ending.
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The show taught us to love, to see love, to be loved and to share that love. It told us that maybe the afterlife is a videogame simulation where we all get to live in friendship and love forever, with our blorbo and our friends. There are a lot worse lives to live. And I'm glad he found it in himself, enough love, courage and hope to write himself a better one :')
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 31
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Wednesday, January 6th, 2:45 PM - Class
Three days since classes resumed. Nothing much has changed for now. The only difference is that I can finally go back to the common room after class. My exams are finally over, and I've caught up on all my classes. It’s nice to be able to hang out with my friends again, especially Alexia since we'll soon be in different classes if all goes well. We should receive our responses to our choices tomorrow. The class council meeting will take place in a few hours. Yet the teachers haven't become any less annoying at the end of this semester. I'm relieved when the bell rings, signaling the end of our last class. Ale and I walk out with smiles on our faces. I received my last grade today, and let’s just say I aced it all.
"Hey, Bronze!" I shout when I see her in the hallway.
I apologize to Alexia, telling her not to wait for me, then walk over to meet my advisor, who's pinning up posters on a notice board. Apart from the morning checks, we've barely seen each other since classes started again. She's been less on my back, but I can tell she's still watching me from the shadows ever since I told her about Feli.
"Ona. How can I help you?"
I show her my math paper, proudly displaying a red fifteen. She congratulates me before continuing her work, without giving me much more attention. She’s distant. It's like she resents me for hiding Feli's intentions from her. I hate it when she makes me regret things. She should know that this situation already affects me enough without her adding her two cents.
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Help me, then, if you're going to stick around."
I nod and hold the poster for her while she tapes it up. She pauses for a moment to take a look.
"So? What did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to know if you could buy me a new phone? Or at least come with me to get one this weekend? Ever since mine broke, I haven’t been able to contact anyone."
My smile fades at her refusal, catching me off guard. I was expecting there wouldn’t be any problem. I hadn’t even prepared to convince her otherwise.
"What do you mean, no?"
"The answer is no. You won't be getting a new phone."
"But why? You already keep me here, and I'm getting tired of having to bother Ale every time I need to borrow hers."
"I said no, Ona. Don’t insist."
"But, but..." I stammer desperately. "You’re cutting me off from the world!"
I let go of the poster to face her. It falls to the ground since it was only attached on one side. Lucy sighs in frustration at the mess I made. It probably got torn, but that's the least of my worries right now.
"Pick it up, please."
I squint at her, but her stern gaze wins by a long shot. I give in and pick it up. I put it back in place so she can fix my mistake. I only let go once it's properly secured this time, then cross my arms, waiting for her response before continuing to help her.
"I don't see why you'd say no."
"And I don't see why you're reacting like this. You’re acting like a spoiled child."
"Yeah, well, I don’t like it when you tell me no."
"Someone has to, so you understand that not everything is a given."
I puff out my cheeks under her amused look. 1-0 for her. I finally sigh when she gives me a small hug and hands me a new poster.
"Come on, stop acting like a child. I’m doing this for your own good."
"I don't see how," I mutter.
"You don't see why?" she raises an eyebrow.
"No, I don't. How is refusing me a new phone for my own good?"
"Well, for starters, your ex is a dangerous psychopath. Does that answer your question?"
"That’s not a reason," I complain in a displeased whine.
"It is. By now, she’s probably still harassing your number, so if you want a new phone, you’ll need to change your number first."
I'm so tired of her always being right. I didn’t dare put my SIM card in Alexia’s phone for that exact reason. I didn’t want to face her messages and calls.
"Fine..." I concede, facing the facts.
"I can help you sort this out, but in the meantime, you’ll have to make do with Alexia’s phone or mine if you really need to contact someone."
I feel ashamed for thinking she just wanted to stop me from communicating. She only wants to make sure Feli can’t find me. She’s redoing all the steps my mother took a year and a half ago.
"I’m sorry..."
She smiles, ruffling my hair in response. I help her hang the last poster, and she picks up the old ones she left on the floor before we head down the stairs.
"The steps are going to be complicated... My mom usually handles that kind of thing since she pays for my plan. I have no idea how to do it."
"I figured. That’s why I’m offering to do it together since you’ll need to call her."
"Are you serious?"
"You want a phone, don’t you?"
I groan, already knowing what her next answer will be. How am I going to ask my mom to change my SIM card without explaining the situation? I didn’t want her to know. I need to prove to her that I can handle things without her intervening in my life.
"I already told you not to call me that here, Ona," she scolds.
"Sorry... But... Do you think I’ll have to tell my mom about... Feli and all that?"
"I won’t force you to tell her if you don’t want to, but she’ll need an explanation. As a mother, I’d want to know about this kind of thing with my kids. But I know you’re not on good terms with her, so it’s up to you."
"I’ve been wanting to switch to another mobile phone plan for a while. This could be a good opportunity to negotiate."
"Then you just have to come up with a believable excuse," she says, stopping in the hall. "In the meantime, you’ll have to wait. By the way, you’ll need to give me your phone. Or I’ll come to your room tonight instead. I want to destroy your SIM card."
"Okay... Do you think the stolen phone excuse will work?"
"Maybe," she shrugs. "Now, can I get back to work?"
"Can I stay with you?"
"Now that you’re rid of me, you want to stick around?" she laughs.
"I never wanted to get rid of you," I say, following her to her office. "Well..."
I turn around and walk backward. I return her smile when we face each other.
"Maybe that was the case at first. But it’s not anymore!"
Unexpectedly, Lucy grabs my arm. She must have underestimated her strength because I find myself pressed against her. She takes a step back, apologizing. I frown when I realize the apology isn’t directed at me.
"My apologies, Mrs. Wiegman. She’s a bit scatterbrained when she wants to be."
I widen my eyes, realizing who’s behind me. I slowly turn around to indeed see the principal I almost ran into. Luckily, she said her name, or I would have made a fool of myself. This time I would’ve gotten scolded by Wiegman herself.
"No worries, it’s more fear than harm. Did Ona cause any trouble again?"
"Oh, no, no. She just told me she lost her phone. We’re going to call her mom to have it blocked."
"Did it get stolen here?" she asks me.
"Uh, no. It happened outside the camp... I haven’t had time to tell Bronze," I lie.
"Oh. Will you take care of it, Miss Bronze?"
"Of course. That was my intention."
"Good, I must go. I have a class council meeting to attend. Yours, in fact," she informs me.
"Oh..." I murmur, feeling uneasy.
"Good evening."
She continues on her way to the stairs. I feel Lucy’s hand on my lower back, urging me to move forward. That was a close call. I enter her office, which is empty. Lucy drops the posters she was still holding into a bin and sits behind her desk.
"Is Ingrid not here today?"
"She is, just not here."
"Okay," I reply, sitting across from her. "Why did you say that to Wiegman? Are you really going to call my mom?"
"Of course not," she laughs. "I don’t even have her contact info. I just didn’t want her to know you’re staying in my office for fun."
"Hum..." I mutter, resting my head in my hands. "Hey, I’ve had a question on my mind for a while."
"Why did you take it so badly that Jenni and-"
We’re interrupted by a noise at the door. We both look toward it, and I’m surprised to see Alessia there. She seems just as surprised as I am. My advisor breaks our eye contact by inviting her in. She hands her a paper about a student who apparently went to the infirmary, if I understood correctly. Lucy needs to sign it to acknowledge that the student won’t be returning to class.
"Aren’t you with the others?" she asks me.
"No," I reply simply.
"Are you going to join them?"
"I don’t know, maybe," I shrug.
"My office isn’t a tea room," Lucy says harshly, handing back the paper.
"Sorry," Alessia replies. "Thanks for signing the paper."
"Hum. Now get back to class."
Alessia nods, giving me one last look. She says, "See you later," before leaving the room for good. I follow her with my eyes before turning back to Lucy. She rolls her eyes, making me chuckle.
"She really doesn’t leave you alone, does she? What was that New Year's thing with her?" she asks.
"Mapi wanted to prove to me that she’s got me in her sights, if you know what I mean. She stuck to me all night to make her jealous."
"Well, it seems like she succeeded, given the way she’s eyeing you."
"You should’ve seen, she got wasted before midnight," I sigh.
"And does she interest you?"
"No. I found her nice, but much less so since we disagreed on a subject. And besides, she’s not my type. Even if she was, I don’t want to get into a relationship right now. As you said yourself, I have a dangerous ex-psychopath."
"That doesn’t stop you from having a new relationship. Maybe not with Alessia, but with someone else in your life could help you move on."
"Drop it," I mutter. "I don’t want to talk about it."
I avoid the conversation by burying my head in my arms. I hear her sigh, but it seems she drops the subject, getting back to work based on the noises I hear. I wait a few more minutes to make sure before lifting my head from my hiding place. I smile when I see she’s wearing her glasses. I love seeing her with them; she wears them so well.
"I can understand that you had a disastrous relationship, but to the point of not wanting another one..."
And she’s back at it. I roll my eyes in exasperation.
"I’m not ready, that’s all. I understand that everyone’s different, but I can’t. There are still too many scars."
"Okay, no need to take it like that," she rolls her eyes in turn. "I won’t insist on the subject anymore."
She finally goes silent, much to my relief. I continue to watch her, or rather, admire her as she works. I have to admit, she has a lot of charisma. Our silence reminds me that I didn’t get to finish my question about my roommate’s relationship. That’ll have to wait for another time. Since she decided to stop talking, I rest my head in my arms and enjoy the quiet to relax.
Wednesday, January 6th; 6:15 PM - Instructor's Office.
I groan as tremors take over my body. I gradually emerge, remembering where I am. I sit up and rub my eyes, catching Lucy's smug smile.
- "About time."
- "What time is it?" I murmur sleepily.
- "Quarter past six."
- "What?" I exclaim, fully awake now. "You let me sleep? For two hours?"
- "Actually, you left me talking to thin air for a while. I realized at some point that you’d fallen asleep, so I decided to let you be. You looked like you needed it."
- "You should’ve woken me up earlier! I wanted to join the others!" I grumble.
- "Well, you'll spend time with them tomorrow."
I sigh, stretching to chase away the stiffness in my body from the nap. Lucy mocks me.
- "Come here."
Without thinking, I lean over the desk. My reflex is to pull back when I see her hands approach my face. She chuckles.
- "Come on, I just want to clean up your smudged makeup."
I lean forward again, understanding her intent. I roll my eyes as she wipes under them with her thumbs.
- "There, all done," she smiles.
- "Thanks, and thanks for letting me sleep," I say, slumping back against the chair.
- "You’re welcome. I knew it would do you some good."
- "If you say so," I reply playfully, rolling my eyes. "Any news from the class council?"
- "No, sorry. And even if I did, you'd have to wait until tomorrow, like everyone else."
- "You’re mean," I pout.
- "Patience. I’m sure you’ll know more by tomorrow morning."
- "I hope so. Weren't you supposed to attend?"
- "No, it's just for the teachers and the principal in this kind of meeting."
- "I didn’t know that."
- "You couldn’t have known," she smiles. "Anyway, didn’t you want to meet up with your friends?"
- "At this hour, I’ll just join them at the cafeteria."
- "Alright. So can we talk about the insomnia you mentioned on New Year's? I doubt your little nap was a coincidence."
- "On second thought… Maybe I’ll go meet the others..."
- "Too late, your chance to escape is gone," she teases.
She’s only half-joking, as I know she won’t let me go now. Why does she have to remember everything?
- "They persist, but I’m managing," I say honestly.
- "I thought I told you to talk to me if that was the case," she frowns.
- "I’ll tell you if it gets worse."
- "So it could get worse?"
Clearly, I tend to speak too quickly with her. She manages to get me to talk so naturally. I’ll have to learn to watch my words if I don’t want her to know too much.
- "A few weeks before starting school, I had nightmares. I’d wake up in the middle of the night, and it’s starting to happen again. They’re not as bad right now, but they could become more intense."
- "See, this is exactly the kind of thing you should talk to me about more often."
- "I’m sorry," I sigh. "There was a time when I wasn’t having them anymore… I didn’t think they’d come back."
- "Do you want to talk to me about these nightmares?"
- "No. They’re about my past... It’s nothing important," I lie.
- "Hmm," she responds skeptically. "And what’s the worst consequence you’ve had so far?"
- "A panic attack, I guess. The nightmares feel so real that they make me panic," I admit in a whisper.
She sighs, running a hand over her face. I bite my lip, thinking I probably should have told her as soon as they returned. I wanted to avoid worrying her over something so minor while I was still in Barcelona. I had hoped to solve the problem before coming back, but that wasn’t the case. Seeing Feli again must be the cause. I’m angry at myself for not being able to shake it off. I had managed to get rid of it before coming here.
- "Alright. If it gets worse, I want you to tell me as soon as possible, and if you have a panic attack, I want to be notified. Is that clear?"
I nod, not daring to argue. Her tone leaves no room for disobedience.
- "I’ll also inform the night supervisors on your floor."
Great... Now I’ll have to be even more discreet than before. Well, at least they’ll be warned if something more serious happens. I don’t think it will, but you never know. I’d hate to disturb Lucy in the middle of the night. I’m already bothered just by the thought of possibly waking up Alexia if I’m not careful.
- "Alright, I’m done with my work. We can head to the cafeteria together if you want."
- "Yeah."
- "No homework for tomorrow?"
- "No. Our teachers aren’t giving us anything since we change classes next week."
- "Oh right, silly me."
- "By the way, um..." I begin hesitantly. "Can you help me with that? Well, not really help, but supervise me or something like that. I was more serious when you were helping me, and I might slack off if you’re not on my case anymore..."
I feel embarrassed seeing her raise an eyebrow. I don’t like asking for this kind of thing, so I sink into my chair as if it would make me disappear. A refusal from her would be utterly humiliating. Finally, she gives me a silly smile.
- "You’re going to end up on the floor if you keep sinking like that."
- "Oh, shut up," I say, sitting up straight. "I’m not used to asking for this kind of thing. I’ve always managed on my own until now."
- "Oh, but I didn’t say anything," she smiles a bit more.
- "But you’re thinking it really loudly!"
- "Here, after your classes. You can manage your time based on how much homework you have. Does that work for you?"
- "Really?"
- "Yes, of course. But I won’t be able to help you as much as before. I’ll only step in if it’s absolutely necessary. Don’t forget that I have a job too."
- "No worries. I just need your supervision to stay motivated."
- "I know," she smiles. "We’ll start when you switch classes and all that."
- "Yep, that works for me."
- "Good," she says, closing her binder. "Now, how about we go eat? I’m hungry."
I nod enthusiastically. She puts away her binder while I grab my jacket and bag. The building is empty at this hour. She locks the main door behind us. It’s pitch black and still freezing outside. I tighten my jacket as I see snowflakes clinging to the ground.
- "Does it ever stop snowing here?" I complain.
- "I think we’ll have it for a little while longer," she laughs.
- "How do you handle it, coming from Portugal too?"
- "Well, you get used to it, and I don’t complain as much as you," she teases.
I sigh and cross my arms to preserve my warmth. She’s probably right. Lucy complains less than I do. We reach the cafeteria, where she waits with me at the entrance after I tell her I see my friends coming from a distance.
- "Still good for this weekend?"
- "Of course, if you’re still up for it. It’s your only way out of school anyway, since I’m not letting you go home."
- "So I can crash at your place in return?"
- "I never said that. I said a weekend, not multiple."
- "You’re forbidding me from going home. You owe me at least that."
- "I don’t owe you anything," she laughs. "I’m doing this for you," she adds with a wink.
- "Yeah, right."
I turn around when I hear the door open with a rather noisy group. Bingo, it’s my friends.
- "Well, enjoy your meal."
- "Thanks, you too," I wish her.
We exchange a smile before she leaves with Ingrid, who arrived shortly after my friends entered. Everyone heads to the dining hall except Alexia, who comes over to me.
- "So, what were you doing after class?"
- "I was with Bronze for a bit. I wanted to join you all after, but I fell asleep at her desk," I admit.
- "Bravo," she teases.
Alexia is in the best position to know that I’m running on short nights. I had to tell her. I could have hidden it, but I wanted to avoid scaring her by going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That’s where I need to go to pull myself together. Given my clumsiness, I’d probably wake her up by accident while doing so. It hasn’t happened yet, but stealth isn’t my strong suit. For example, on the first night, I bumped into my desk. Last night, I stubbed my little toe on the bed frame... I’m already dreading what will happen tonight.
We arrive at our table with our trays full. I start eating while they tell me about what I missed after class. It doesn’t seem like much since they didn’t do much except play foosball. Everyone is here tonight, which is quite rare. At least, that's what I thought until I noticed someone was missing.
- "Isn't your sister eating with us tonight?" I asked Leah.
- "Nah, she told me she's eating with her friends. Why?"
- "Just curious. I saw her this afternoon, so I expected to see her with you guys."
- "Oh yeah? Where was that?"
I explained to her what happened in Lucy's office. Based on what she told me, I thought she'd be here. I hope she didn't take it badly that Lucy kicked her out of her office. I didn't really understand why Lucy acted that way. Since the topic of Alessia was brought up, Alexia took the opportunity to question Leah about me to see if she knew anything. I quickly kicked her under the table, not particularly wanting to discuss such matters in front of everyone. It didn't convince Alexia, though, who seemed determined to find out more.
- "I have no idea," she replied. "We don't meddle in each other's relationships. Why, are you interested?"
The question caught me off guard. We had never discussed this kind of thing together before. She didn't seem to mean any harm, judging by the smile on her face.
- "Oh no, not really," I replied, smiling back. "I just like her as a friend, that's all. It's just that Ale and Mapi have been fixated on this since New Year's, so she couldn't resist asking you."
- "What's your type, anyway?" Alba asked.
- "I don't have any particular preference. I suppose brunettes, since all my exes were. But I don't just judge by appearance."
- "Speaking of brunettes..."
I furrowed my brows at Claudia's insinuation. I quickly understood what she meant when I jumped at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my supervisor's green eyes staring back at me. Since I was facing away from their table today, I didn't see her approach.
- "Don't you get tired of scaring me all the time?"
- "It's not my fault you get startled so easily," she smiled. "When are you heading back to your room?"
- "Probably after dinner," I shrugged. "Why?"
- "Aren't you going to the common room first?"
- "I don't think so," I said, briefly glancing at Ale for confirmation.
- "I'll stop by after eight to fix your phone problem."
- "I can handle it myself, you know."
- "No. I said I'd take care of it. See you later."
I groaned as she ruffled my hair before walking away. I watched her until she left the room. When I looked back at the table, I noticed everyone was staring at me.
- "What?"
- "What's this phone problem?" Patri asked.
- "My phone's dead. I threw it in a fit of anger."
- "Do you want us to take a look at it?" Claudia offered. "Maybe we can fix it?"
- "I don't think so. It's in pieces, so I doubt you could do much, but thanks for offering."
- "Whatever you say."
- "Come on, finish your meal. The last thing we need is Bronze getting on our case for being late."
- "Relax," I teased. "If she takes it out on anyone, it'll be me, not you."
I finished my meal, as I was one of the last ones eating. It was clear the issue between Ale and Lucy was far from resolved. It seemed like she was trying to make a good impression at every opportunity. I really need to talk to Lucy about it. Once we all finished, we headed back to our rooms just before eight. No one felt like going to the common room. We made it back in time, as Lucy arrived a few minutes later. For the first time, she sat next to me on the bed instead of taking my desk chair. She got straight to the point, asking for my phone. She started working on it while asking Alexia if she had a good day. Alexia seemed too surprised to respond properly, which made me smile. She was so thrown off that she excused herself to go take a shower.
- "Are you really going to destroy it?" I asked when I saw her remove the SIM card.
- "I'm going to put it in my phone first. Do you have something to write with nearby?"
- "For what?"
- "To save important numbers, like Mapi's, for example."
I nodded and went to get some paper and a pen. By the time I returned, she had already inserted the SIM card into her phone. She handed it to me so I could enter my passcode to unlock it. Lucy looked over my shoulder as notifications flooded the screen. I bit my lip at the many missed calls and unread messages. Most were from unknown numbers. The rest were from Mapi, worried about not hearing from me.
- "Can I read them?" she asked.
I nodded and handed it back to her. I had nothing to hide and preferred she read them herself rather than me. Curiosity got the better of me, though, and I noticed she started with Mapi's messages. One message in particular caught my attention. I panicked and tried to grab the phone from her, but Lucy held me off.
- "No, please! Don't read that nonsense!"
I nearly crushed her, but she managed to pin my hand behind her back and wrapped her arm around my neck. My free hand tried to reach the phone, but it was a lost cause as she stretched her arm out of reach.
- "'Sexy Commander took away your phone?'" she read, raising an eyebrow. "What's with that nickname?" she laughed. "I assume she's talking about me?"
I stopped struggling now that she had read the one thing I didn't want her to. She looked at me amusedly, waiting for an answer.
- "It's just a Mapi thing. I already told her to stop, but you know how she is; once she starts something, it's a lost cause."
- "Hmm," she smiled. "You'll have to explain the origin of that nickname one day. I imagine it's not new."
- "You don't need to know everything in life."
- "But I want to know," she challenged.
- "I think we have more important things to do, don't we?"
- "You're right, but you won't get away with it," she teased. "Let's check the other messages."
She released her hold on me so I could sit properly next to her. Most of the messages were from unknown numbers. It couldn't be Feli's since I blocked her. But the content of the messages made it clear it was her. They were full of apologies or "let me talk to you." Some even contained the violence and anger of being ignored. I eventually stopped reading, but Lucy kept going until the end. She said nothing before telling me to grab something to write with. I listened as she started dictating the numbers I needed. I didn't save many. The first ones I took were Mapi's, Sam's, and Lucy's. I also kept the numbers of my high school friends I reconnected with, as well as my mom's, the house's, and Marcus's. Since the SIM card would be destroyed, I might as well keep them. She turned off her phone, removed the SIM card, and unceremoniously broke it. She folded it several times until it snapped in two. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at that moment.
- "Are you okay?"
- "Yeah... Thanks for doing all this."
- "If you need to communicate, you can come see me, and I'll lend you my phone."
I nodded, biting my lip. She raised her arm, inviting me to snuggle against her. I sighed as she stroked my hair to help me relax. I'll never understand why she gets so involved in my problems, but I'm really glad she does. From the beginning, she said she wouldn't let me go, and she wasn't lying. I'm developing a real affection for her, and it's growing stronger every day. I moved away from her when Alexia interrupted us by coming out of the bathroom. She doesn't know the extent of our relationship. Plus, since I know things aren't going well between them, I don't want her to know about us.
- "Alexia?" my supervisor called.
- "Yes?"
- "If one night things get really bad for Ona, I want to be notified. You'll tell the instructor in charge of surveillance."
- "I can handle myself just fine," I retorted.
- "Be quiet; I'm not talking to you," she scolded me harshly. "I know you won't tell me. Can I count on you, Alexia?" she asked.
- "Yes, of course."
- "Good. I'm going back to my room now that everything's settled. Good night, girls."
- "Good night," Ale and I replied.
She closed the door behind her. I sighed and collapsed onto the bed. My break was short-lived, as I still needed to shower before crawling under the sheets.
Thursday, January 7th; 3:30 AM - Ona and Alexia's Room
I woke up to persistent shaking. I was completely disoriented. I looked around to get my bearings. I felt like I was suffocating, like I couldn't breathe. I realized what was happening when I saw Alexia's panicked face. She forced me to look at her by gripping my head between her hands. I felt sticky and tried to catch my breath as best I could.
- "Hey Ona! It's just me, calm down. Do you want me to call someone?
I shake my head slowly. I don’t want to disturb anyone else. I have no idea what just happened, but my condition doesn’t look good. Alexia nervously bites her lip. She doesn’t seem to agree with me.
- "I need to inform Bronze... She was clear about her orders..."
- "No," I almost shout. "It’s fine, I promise... D-don’t wake her for nothing."
- "Ona... It took me ten minutes to wake you up... You were really panicked, and you were almost screaming in your sleep. She made me promise to inform her... I don’t want to get on her bad side more than I already am! She’s my boyfriend’s best friend," she adds dramatically.
- "D-don’t call her," I insist. "I’ll deal with her when the time comes. I-I, it’ll be okay. You can go back to sleep."
- "No way. You were having a panic attack, weren’t you?"
I sigh and get out of bed. Alexia remains sitting while I search for a new pajama set in my wardrobe. She watches me until I’m in the bathroom. I change because my pajamas are soaked with sweat. I sigh as I lean against the sink. When I open my eyes, I see my roommate watching me intently from the doorway. She looks really worried, which only makes things worse.
- "I’m fine."
- "Don’t lie to me. Who’s Feli? You kept saying her name, telling her to stop."
- "Please keep this to yourself."
- "If you don’t tell me, I’ll find Bronze right now."
- "She’s my ex, nothing more," I concede. "And stop being afraid of her. She’s not that scary once you get to know her a little."
- "I didn’t know you were that close to her..."
I let out yet another sigh as I splash water on my face to clear my head. I then dry my face.
- "That’s not the case," I say, leaning against the sink.
- "I’m sure she knows more about this than I do. Am I wrong? You could have talked to me, you know. I wouldn’t judge you for being close to an instructor!"
- "Ale... It’s not like that. She’s just helping me get better, that’s all."
- "Should I go look for her?"
- "No, I’m fine."
- "You’ll talk to her about it tomorrow, then."
I groan but nod to appease her. I don’t plan to do it, but at least she’ll leave me alone. We leave the bathroom and return to our respective beds. Alexia quickly falls back asleep. As for me, I try not to think about my nightmare, which keeps replaying in my mind. I just had my first panic attack, and I wasn’t even awake. It’s the first time it’s happened to me. I hope it’s the last because I really don’t want to involve Lucy in this. She’s already taken enough care of me during the day, and I don’t want to disturb her during her sleep. I eventually manage to drift back to sleep a few minutes later.
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barrenclan · 5 months
Can’t stop thinking of a Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn AMV/MAP of Pinepaw and Daffodilpaw looking for their sister. It starts out silly- cartoon art style, Pine and Daff asking various Clanmates on where they saw Asphodel last, lots of hijinks and slapstick, etc. Over the course of the song, the landscape gets progressively darker and more realistic, with occasional realistic shots, until at the very end the gleeful illusion is broken and it’s just BarrenClan standing over a child’s corpse
Okay, I have got to address this. This is the - fourth? fifth? - time that this song has been suggested to me with this exact idea for it. I answered the first one some time ago, and haven't answered the succeeding ones for that reason, but I cannot ignore it any longer. PATFW fans psychically communicating to each other.
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I see you sliding a DreamSMP song in here, I was there. You ain't slick.
Where will you be When the sun goes dark
Where will you be When death comes knocking Oh no, where will you be
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I'm always surprised how many people write songs about empty, forsaken lands! It's more popular than I thought.
There's nothing left of this day There's nothing left of this town Our time has ceased with such sorrow There's no one left here to mourn
Outside they cry, wolves in the night <- arooo.... Dark with their howls all around We'll just lie here, clothed in our sheepskin And trying to pretend there's no harm
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I am going to put my two cents in and say DarkProwl.
You called, I answered Open the door, I enter The glow, the candor A feeling like no other
I wanna climb inside Be someone impolite Wanna eat you alive Should I, should I, should I?
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AHHH HELP... you're not. Wrong??
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This sounds like a super cute idea, with Blacknose being the singer and the bridge between Egret and Mallow.
It could be weird, but I think I'm into it You know I'm one for the overly passionate I like you, and I loved him We could all be the best kind of friends
You've got so much in common Talk about your taste in women I'll be in the middle While you two get along
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Heartaches, heartaches My loving you, they're only heartaches Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me I can't believe it's just a burning memory
Heartaches, heartaches What does it matter how my heart breaks? I should be happy with someone new But my heart aches for you
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Wailing... sobbing... my boys.......
Please, please be here for me dear 'Cause I've never needed a friend more And I can't stress enough How much it means to me that you're trying And I don't mind if you can't hold me like you used to 'Cause I've never hated myself more And this is just a bump in the road and I promise I'm trying
I'm trying to tear the wool from your eyes But a part of me wants to let you be 'Cause then you wouldn't see what I've become
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Yes I think it would be!
Follow my moves Don't make a sound We will get past and we'll never be found Darker than blue Darker than black We will escape and we'll never come back
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I can see it! Something about lost childhoods, and homes that used to be full but are now empty.
Standing in the yard, dressed like a kid The house is white and the lawn is dead The lawn is dead, the lawn is dead
Illinois toll road, Indiana plain Roll the windows down, shoot at the change Half return, half return Honey in your mouth when you gave me my name Tears in your eyes when you pull it like a chain
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aqours · 11 months
i've shared my thoughts on this in dms with like 3 people so i wanted to put it on paper so i can always get it
so i think one of the biggest questions that goes around tcoaatl is regarding it's incest, asked in both good faith and by annoying antis: "so is the incest... actually like portrayed as bad? or is it just hot and fetishized and romanticized?" and y'know, i think the most genuinely HONEST answer regarding that is this: "it's both." (the later mostly romanticized)
the Graves siblings have a horrifically co-dependent relationship which even the steam page is very happy to make you remember, multiple characters acknowledge it, it's a fucking awful terrible thing and you can make decisions that acknowledge it and its obvious to anyone with two eyes and a brain capable of basic critical thought that realistically while you can do w/e you want in a fanfic in a canon sense there's no way gravecest cannot result in what will ultimately be a lifetime of suffering even if both parties don't want to admit it. you're condemning them both to a chance of ever finding real genuine happiness that can exist without the other
that being said? they're both conventionally attractive and the game doesn't really shy from making its physical intimacy look hot and it's clear that nemlei doesn't want that physical intimacy to be disgusting or something that will make you feel ashamed if you intentionally pursued
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i feel like this is the aspect of tcoaal that is debated the most on all sides of the fandom and i just wanted to post my own two cents in that i think the answer is "its both." the extent of how co-dependent these two are is very clear that it's not good and that most likely in the final release the best outcome for these two will probably involve acknowledging it
but also if you were to approach nemlei and just told her "listen i just think it's hot i don't give a shit about any of that other stuff i just wanna ship them." i think nemlei herself would nod and respect your decision completely. probably feed you even more if anything
you're free to disagree with me, i just wanna state my own thoughts somewhere, so i think the answer is a very solid "it's both" when it comes to this. tcoaal portrays the incest as horribly psychologically damaging for these two but also at the same time it's obviously not gonna judge you for liking it and if you find it hot nemlei would never judge you for it i think
but i just cannot in any capacity really take the argument it's a hard one or another seriously. i think if tcoaal wanted gravecest to only be seen as bad and horrifying that nemlei would've made different decisions in writing it bc it's obvious she COULD have if she wanted to, but also it's not fair to say it just makes incest look hot and sexy when it does show how fucked up it's characters are because of it
so... just wanted to say yeah- i think it's both
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
Why you should give Text Adventure games a try (and how to do so)
There is not nearly enough love for Text Adventure Games here on Tumblr. Or anywhere really. But especially here, I feel like you guys would really get a kick out of them. Here's why:
(quick note, I'm gonna be using the words Text Adventure and Interactive Fiction pretty interchangeably here. Technically that's not perfectly accurate, they are technically different things, but I don't care to explain the difference Just roll with it.)
Do you like weird short stories told through unconventional mediums? That's most of what Interactive Fiction is
You like story based video games but hate the finicky combat? Congrats, there is literally no combat skill required beyond the ability to type "hit guard with crowbar"
Blind or visually impaired? Since these games are (with a few exceptions) entirely text based, they work great with a screen reader!
Sick of profit motivated AAA titles with no creative integrity? Well, these games are almost always produced by a single nerd (usually a horrid amalgamation of computer geek and literature geek) with no budget and no responsibilities of the product they're making. And they're usually not paid, since these games are free. Text Adventure is a labour of love, and in most games you can feel the care and effort the creator has put into the game.
Sick of spending $20-70 on a video game? Lucky you, I've been playing TA for years and I have not spent a cent in doing so (Fallen Londen will try to make you pay. But Fallen Londen sucks and is run by bigots. Fuck Fallen London.) Games are either available free on a browser, or as free, small downloadable files (most of which can be played using the Parchment Interpreter)
Wish you read more, but reliant on the quick dopamine of digital media? Well now you can read while also being an active participant in the narrative.
Bad at puzzles? Me too! Games from the 80s and 90s, as well as more famous newer games, have walkthroughs and hints easily available online. Newer games tend to either have a "hint" command, or come with a walkthrough file.
Do you like weird surrealist horror? Well there's... A lot of it.
Okay, but where do I start?
So there are two types of text adventure. The one you might be more accustomed to, and which sees more modern use, is called Hypertext Interactive Fiction. The other is called Parser Interactive Fiction, it's generally seen in older games, as well as games that are larger, feature more puzzles, or involve more exploration.
Hypertext games
Basically, the game will give you a scenario, and then a list of options (hypertext links) to click on to decide what to do next. These are usually more beginner friendly since you don't need to fiddle around with parsers, but personally I find them a bit limiting. Nonetheless, if you're new to Text Adventure, they're a good place to start.
Some of my favourites hypertext games (summaries in green)
My Father's Long, Long Legs is an interactive horror story about family, unease, and loss. Really more of a story than a game, but still good. Very nice use of sound. It does have some visual aspects, so this one might not work with screen readers
Scene Kid Simulator is pretty much what it says on the tin. A cute, nostalgic, coming-of-age slice of life story from the POV of a 2000s scene preteen. Nothing special, but a fun time.
The Uncle Who Works at Nintendo is a strange, unconventional, witty, and heartfelt horror game. Your friend has an uncle who he says works for Nintendo. You're about to meet him, or so he says. A fun and spooky look at childhood, childhood friendships, and childhood lies.
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonald's is... A joy to play. The name says it all honestly. Witty, charming, tense, engaging, and emotional when it wants to be. I actually found this one through a lucky Tumblr Blaze, which makes sense since this is perfectly suited to Tumblr sensibilities. This one has more puzzle aspects than most hypertext games, but it's still relatively easy and beginner friendly. You're a vampire hunter. It's your night off, and you go to McDonald's. But there's something wrong with the customer sitting beside you...
Toadstools is a game about hunting mushrooms. You have trespassed in a national park and you are wandering blindly through the woods looking for rare fungi. Good luck :)
Parser games
Okay these fuckers are where I really get excited. These games have the classic flashing cursor line where you input text like "go north", "search bookshelf", or "kiss my husband", and the game's rudimentary AI parses your input to decide what happens next. These are my favourites. They really allow you the feeling of exploring the game world, immerse you in the protagonist and the story, using just text on a screen and simple inputs. This does make them considerably more difficult, since a) you need to decide the right way to phrase what you want to do, otherwise it won't work, and b) more possibilities means more chances to mess up and miss things. Unlike video games, your cursor won't light up when you see something important, you'll have to search stuff and work things out on your own But, in my opinion, it is so, so worth it. Summaries in red
The first text adventure game I ever played was One Eye Open. It's an extremely graphic and gory medical horror game (although I would consider it tasteful medical horror, in that it never derives horror from medical procedures, disability, or ooOoHh gross scary sick people) You play as a volunteer test subject for a medical research facility, having to unravel the mystery of the hospital's bloody past. It's good. It's fun. It's tense. It has some really dumb mechanics. Don't play if you're sensitive to descriptions of gore, death, or corpses. This one doesn't have a walkthrough, but I've played it enough times to know the puzzles by heart, DM me if you need help.
Anchorhead is possibly my favourite piece of interactive fiction I've ever played. It's incredible. You play as a newlywed woman, moving to the small seaside town of Anchorhead after your husband Michael inherited a mansion from some distant relatives. There's something wrong with the town though. There's definitely something wrong with your husband's mysterious ancestors. And you're starting to think that there might be something strange happening to Michael. Get ready for some wonderfully atmospheric and immersive Lovecraftian horror, action sequences that are incredibly vibrant for Text Adventure, and a super compelling mystery that the game lets you work out on your own. The puzzles here are hard. I'm not gonna lie, I used a walkthrough at several points during this game. But my god it's worth it. Big massive huge content warning here for mentions of incest, sexual assault, and pedophilia. Not in excess, and nothing explicit, but it will be mentioned as part of the story.
Little Blue Men is a short, strange, sci-fi-ish horror-ish comedy-ish game by the same author as Anchorhead, though the two games are wildly different. You are an office worker. Cope with it. Take The Stanley Parable, Stella Firma, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, mash 'em together, and you have Little Blue Men. It's bizarre. It's evocative. It's pretty darn good.
Coloratura is a strangely beautiful sci-fi story. You're a weird little alien blob. You've been separated from your home and are trapped aboard a human spaceship. You need to get home, need to make the humans understand in the only ways you can: color and song.
Slouching Towards Bedlam is a brilliant little steampunk game about language, choice, cults, Armageddon, and triangles. This game has multiple endings. It's neat in that none of the endings are really "good" or "bad". Rather, you need to decide where you stand, and act in the way you think is best.
The Lurking Horror is the grandparent of horror interactive fiction, released in the late 80s. You're a tech student in university. Something more than electricity is powering the school's computers. Find it, but don't die along the way. Besides the comically archaic descriptions of computers, this game doesn't feel all that dated. It's tricky, puzzle-heavy, and charmingly surreal. (Fun fact, this game and another old TA game called Zork inspired the "darkness kills you" mechanic which would later be popularized in Don't Starve!)
Nine Lives is a very short, very weird, very cartoony game where you play a cat that is very bad at staying alive. Cw for non-graphic but repeated cat death.
Spider and Web is one of the most ingenious uses of Text Adventure as a medium I've ever seen. It's famous for having one of, if not the singular best puzzles in video game history. It's tense, it's fast-paced, it introduces you to mechanics slowly and then lets you test them out on your own. I won't spoil too much, but you play as a very badass spy, reliving your brilliant heist during an interrogation. This game even features a character destined to be a Tumblr Sexyman. It really has it all.
If anyone actually read through all this, and has even considered playing any of these games, I'll be a little surprised. This post turned out a lot longer than I wanted it to be. It was meant to just be "hey interactive fiction is a cool and underappreciated medium, go check it out", but this is my special interest, and not one I often get to talk about. I guess this was me infodumping to the only place that will listen, the empty void of the internet. But these games are fun. And they do not get enough love. Text games are a dying genre, if they're not dead already. Give them a chance, show them some love.
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doingdathockey · 1 year
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what the heck this podcast is hilarious? boys will be boys in a Good Way
"I'm a big hockey fan. The Pittsburgh Penguins are my team. I come out of the bathroom and I'm like "That is Sidney Crosby. That's a hundred per cent Sidney Crosby". He has a bunch of people with him and I've met him a couple of times so I'm yelling at him like "Sid! Sid!" and he just thinks I'm some loser fan and he doesn't even give me some time of day. But his buddies are there and say what's up. So they bring me into this room that they're eating at and it's really cool. Sidney Crosby, he'd organize a little golf trip with his team every year after the season is over and unfortunately the season is over a little early. I'm all geeked up. I'm talking to some of the boys on the Pens. And you guys are probably thinking I've fallen into the toilet or something because I've been talking to them for ten or fifteen minutes and I come back. When I come back, I'm like "Boys it looks like we have a night ahead of us because I just ran into some of the boys on the Penguins and I'm sure they want to have a couple after dinner."
"They send us a bottle of wine and we responded with what?"
"Sid, very nice. A waiter comes in, hey Mr Crosby wants to send this to you guys, hope you guys are having a great vacation. We're like oh that's so nice. It's a nice bottle of wine. What are we gonna do? You could just see our minds churning, our immatureness of how we're going to respond. He's standing there like "Do you want to send anything back?" And I don't know why. It just came into my mind like "What salads do you guys have? What do you think about splitting a Caesar salad into eight portions and giving it to them?" And the guy's all in "I'll just put a piece of lettuce on there and put a crouton. Make the whole presentation." And I'm like "Perfect. That's great." So we're all geeked up like a couple of little kids. I wish we had the picture that one of them took. The waiters go there and they all are served on behalf of Justin and everyone and it was just a piece of lettuce."
"It didn't stop either!"
"Waiter comes back in with a tray full of shots and it's got the salt around the rim and the lime down there. You know when see something it just looks warm? This is a warm tequila shot and we everyone is just petrified to smell this thing let alone even try it. And all of us are getting a little closer to it and someone at the tables goes "It's warm!" So they had sent back eight water shots with salt around the rim and a lime on it. Which then we proceeded to send the final blowback and that was we got them glasses of two per cent milk."
"It was one of the funnier bits back and forth. You did leave your credit card for them to try to pay for their meal. They eventually said no, we decline."
"I think they sent it back and said no and said no you missed the cut at the Masters so you probably shouldn't pay for this or something like that. Those hockey boys. It was good fun for sure. We went back to the guys, they rented this place which happened to be across the street from us. Our immature childish side takes over and the boys are having fun and we're eventually like "Let's play some flip cup". We're like "All right, cool, sounds good." We're setting it up and picking teams and captains and I'm all pumped up like "I'm on Sidney Crosby's flip cup team this is going to be awesome". You and Sid were facing off last. Our team was potentially embarrassing. The worst flip cup I've ever seen in my life. Smylie's just hands on his knees looking at Sid like waiting. And Smylie is just straight up staring at the captain, waiting for him to go and finally I go, I finish and Smylie is just holding the cup looking at Sid like you ready? Just down up, down up. One swig. One flip. Game over. It was one of the most baller moves I've seen but it was so funny."
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daintev · 3 months
I've lost track of time and can't remember the last time I posted mtcpt stuff, it's been nearly two weeks, maybe??
Anyway, I've seen a lot of people discovering the original version of My Two Cents Plus Tax so I wanted to draw their old designs again :D
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Sanders, buddy, you're fantastic man but that old haircut....
Anyway, I've had this silly little head cannon that Jock & Sanders have this thing together of sharing and listening to music with each other. So, it was fun to think they've been doing that since the early days of working with each other.
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I can't stop putting characters in sweet, nice and relaxed scenarios. I'm a sucker for feel-good stuff, so naturally, I keep putting my favourite characters in these blissful, quiet moments
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There's no particular idea I had when drawing this, I kinda realised I've never drawn or at least not for a while, drawn someone holding a cat. It was fun thinking about how each of them would interact with a cat, I think Jock would be a big fan of cats: I think Jock wasn't close with a lot of people growing up so he'd probably befriend the local street cats.
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I NEED YOU ALL TO HEAR ME OUT!! This was a very rushed sketch of an idea I had. Okay okay so the three-legged race chapter is the last chapter of the comic for those of you who don't know, and I was thinking about how it'd end.
To be honest I've got no clue how it'd end, HOWEVER! I'm betting near the end: we'll see Sanders smile. NOW it's VERY unlikely this could happen and this is just me making predictions for the hell of it, but it's just a fun idea I wanted to explore a little. Whether he smiles or it's a different expression, I just think it'd be super hype. AGAIN this is just for fun, I don't know if or entirely think it will befit the story. If it does then great! but this is me messing around for enjoyment :]
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Ending it on a small note: just some random sketches :D
I'm still working on my mini mtcpt project, I've been putting it off for a while (procrastination strikes again!) and my first semester just finished so I've yet to get around to finishing it.
As always I appreciate the support shown to my art, it genuinely means the world to me as a silly teen artist drawing these silly little characters <3
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arowyn-m · 3 months
Jayce/Viktor/Hexcore situation in S2
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Okay I've seen a lot of S2 theories circulating so I just wanted to get my two cents out there before we get any new information beyond the most recent teaser!
Lots of this is speculation loosely based on lore and possible foreshadowing. I'm not 100% convinced any of this is going to happen, but I do think some parts of it are more likely than not. Here's the gist of what I think will happen over the course of the 3 acts. (Buckle up because this is a long post)
Act I opens with the council attack. Everyone is dead except for Jayce, Mel, Viktor and maybe one other lucky but irrelevant councilor (probably Shoola if Mel’s armor protection has this radius)
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Shoola is the closest councilor on Mel’s right.
In the German version of the trailer, Ambessa says “Half of your council is dead.” There are 7 councilors. At least 3 would have to survive for the council to be considered “half” annihilated. Although it could be a statement Ambessa’s trying to make, implying that just Jayce and Mel make up at least half of the council’s power. Either way—Jayce, Mel and Viktor survive, if barely.
Jayce makes it out with largely superficial injuries. Though they make it out alive, Mel and Viktor are badly injured in the explosion. Mel is expected to recover, but Viktor is not. Both are in a coma or at least bedridden at the beginning of the season. Despite the good news for her daughter, Ambessa is furious about her daughter’s injuries.
Jayce somehow finds out about the extent of Viktor’s Hexcore experimentation, either by finding his research notes or by seeing his modifications and putting two and two together.
Jayce uses the Hexcore to save his friend. Viktor wakes up not relieved or grateful like Jayce expects, but outraged.
Viktor sees Jayce’s decision as a blatant betrayal of his promise to destroy the Hexcore, and so decides the device would be better off in his care than in the clutches of someone he now sees as faithless. He returns to the Undercity, presumably for good.
Jayce stays topside and begins building Hextech weapons (like Caitlyn’s acceleration gate rifle we saw in the teaser) in earnest.
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I’ve seen some speculation that this hooded figure is Jinx, but I really can’t see her skulking around the Undercity in a cloak. We know we get Jinx in a hood at some point in the series (due to reports from the Annecy event) but this cloak in particular doesn’t seem her style—and we see Viktor in a similar-looking cloak later in the teaser. This, paired with the convincing theories that Viktor and Jinx will at very least interact in S2 leads me to think that this is just Viktor standing in the aftermath of some Jinx shenanigans.
Later in the act is when we get hooded Viktor. He uses the Hexcore to heal some of the addicts living near the fissures, unintentionally rallying them to his cause. I think Huck is the person Viktor is healing or changing here ->
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The character on the bottom middle seems to have a similar build. This may lead to Huck being the cult leader for the Gloriously Evolved.
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I think it’s likely that this ^ shot is from the same scene where Viktor’s using magic in the sump. The primary lighting is a different color, but the Hexcore has given off both purple and blue light before. Heimer also looks like he’s in a dark environment where he wants to be hidden, so it wouldn’t make sense for this to take place in Piltover or in Ekko’s oasis. He’s somewhere in Zaun.
We see some foreshadowing to the Hexcore corrupting Viktor. Heimerdinger expresses worry about the whole thing and once again proposes the Hexcore be destroyed. This time, Viktor outright refuses.
Here’s where things get a little muddy and speculative. Arcane is obsessed with parallels, so it’s likely that the writers are going to try to replicate the same structure S1 had. Here we’ll have another timeskip mirroring the one in S1–about 6-10 years in duration. This would but Jaycr and Viktor into their late 30s/early 40s (closer to their in-game ages)
Both characters will have realized a design closely resembling their in-game counterparts. Viktor and Jayce are now full-on enemies, but how they got to that point will only be told through subtextual clues and maybe a flashback.
Either during this Act or within the timejump preceding, Viktor builds Blitzcrank.
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I looked at Blitz’s wiki to find out why exactly Viktor built them, and it turns out they were built not as a weapon or shield, but as a means of disposing of hazardous waste. I wonder if one of Viktor’s main motivations in S2 will be making Zaun more habitable as well as healing its citizens.
Despite Viktor’s good intentions, the Hexcore will have corrupted/connected itself to him to some extent. Whether for good or ill (probably ill), it’ll become apparent that Viktor and the Hexcore are irreparably connected.
This is where the theory gets controversial. I’ve seen a lot of people predicting that Riot won’t choose to kill any champion characters in Arcane because it puts an end to their lore and makes them unmarketable. I wholeheartedly disagree, and here’s why: Arcane and subsequent stories based on League are going to be primarily about the champions. There are more than 140 champs in LoL. If Riot plans to make shows or movies about even half of these champions, the plot armor for each will become increasingly obvious. I don’t think Riot is going to shy away from killing champions, especially not when they’ve made it clear they don’t have a problem with showing drastic time jumps. Immense amounts of lore can happen (and have happened) within timeskips, especially ones that are 6+ years long.
Knowing that Arcane ends with season 2, it’s likely that all the main characters’ arcs will be wrapped up by the end of the season. Christian Linke mentioned that Riot and Fortiche have plans for other League-related projects, but I don’t see the characters of Arcane becoming involved enough in another show to complete a personal arc or resolve a major plot point from THIS show. The most I can see is cameos, honestly. I hope I’m wrong because I love these characters…but yeah.
So with those points in mind…I think Viktor dies at the very end of this season. Viktor has always been on a path of carrying out experiments farther than he should and creating things much too strong or volatile for him to handle safely. Jinx is on a similar trajectory, but she at least has some form of self-preservation, which is something Viktor has grown to lack. At some point, his luck will run out and his technology will be the end of him.
Towards the end of the series, Jayce and Viktor will have their final showdown, and Jayce will destroy the Hexcore. Because Viktor and the device are so interconnected to one another, destroying the Hexcore will kill him. Viktor dies to a fault in his technology, and Jayce keeps his promise in the end.
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styrofauxm · 5 months
On aroace flags...
I want to be very clear, I am not criticizing anyone specific, but rather the current ways of combining the asexual and aromantic flags into a cohesive flag.
But I've had this floating around my head for a while, and I saw a post similar to it today, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
Cut because it got long.
In the ace flag, black means asexuality, gray means gray/demi sexual, white is for allosexual allies of asexual people, and purple means community. (I lost the link to the AVEN post, but someone dedicated can find it. Otherwise you can just look up the meanings on the internet to verify).
In the aro flag, the green and light green stripes are for the aromantic spectrum, white is for non-romantic attraction, and black and grey are for the sexuality spectrum. (Post by the creator saying this here: https://www.tumblr.com/cameronwhimsy/102698477928/whoops-yeah-i-just-realised-i-never-actually-made?source=share).
So black, grey, and white all mean different things for each flag, yet in most combination flags, they only appear once. Do they mean what they mean on the aromantic flag or what they mean on the asexual flag?
The light green and green don't have any arbitrary separations for people who do and don't feel romantic attraction, and the grey and black of the aro flag don't have that for sexual attraction either, while the asexual flag does. Cutting out one of the green stripes or moving the black and grey away from each other don't make sense in the context of the aromantic flag.
I've also seen some that add an extra purple stripe. It doesn't mean anything, it's just aesthetic.
Whether or not you like the sunset aroace flag, it is a good example to look at when trying to create a flag to represent aroace people. It keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, without using the original colors in ways that don't quite fit. (Color meaning breakdown by the creator here: https://aroaesflags.tumblr.com/post/181034758671/revised-aroace-flag-after-some-conversation-among).
The whole point of having pride flags is to have a meaningful symbol to represent our communities. For aroace people, mashing two together keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, but loses the deeper meaning behind each flag.
Honestly, as an aroace person, I think the only way to really design an aroace flag is to depart from the imagery of either flag. That ensures the meanings are solid, and it ensures no one in accidentally excluded (which is, to my understanding, why the sunset flag was created originally - to have a community symbol that included the whole community inherently). But I understand not everyone shares the sentiment.
So, from one aroace person to another, if you are going to design an aroace flag that's based on the ace and aro flags, please keep in mind what those colors mean in the context of each flag, and don't put them in just to have them. And be sure that your design properly includes everyone you are trying to represent.
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natureboy96 · 3 months
SJM, ACOTAR, Authorial Intent and what's "fair" to criticize/validate
So, the title of this post is, while accurate, a bit vague. I decided to put my two cents out on this because, since I joined the ACOTAR fandom a few months ago, I've found a lot of very harsh words being flung one way or another, largely based around the characters of the book or the direction people believe SJM has taken/will take the narrative. There's also been a lot of rather nasty attacks on people for their takes, their ships, and their criticism. I'm not an expert on writing, but I thought it worth having a proper, fleshed out discussion on these topics.
Author's Intent vs Reader's Interpretation
When it comes to understanding a text and gaining meaning from it, Author's Intent and Reader's Interpretation are generally the two fields which are subscribed to. Authorial Intent argues that the meaning of a text should be derived by what the author wanted the reader to take from it, and that a text is inherently connected to the intent of the author; for example, because SJM doesn't put as much emphasis on certain side characters, the reader shouldn't consider them important. Or, that SJM and the narrative intend and clearly state that the IC and Rhysand are the good guys, it only makes sense to view them as such. Reader's Interpretation posits that texts are meant to be interacted with, and that the meaning people can derive from them is subjective, because individuals have different life experiences and perspectives which can lead them to understand a text in different ways; A reader can see Rhysand's actions as hypocritical based on their interpretations of what he did and how in ACOSF. Or, coming at the text with a different understanding on trauma or sexuality, a reader can come away from a text finding Tamlin to be a more sympathetic character than hateful one. Both of these arguments have existed for decades, if not longer. And the thing is...
Neither of these are wrong or right ways to read a text
There is no "one right way" to engage with or criticize a text! If you believe that SJM is a bad writer because she uses characters as plot points rather than giving them actual growth/retcons things as needed for her narrative, or that Tam’s actions have earned him his redemption, that is a valid assessment based on what you read in a text. If you think Lucien and Elain have no chance because Elain has on multiple times been shown being friendly, even intimate (not romantic intimate, just close) with Azriel and that the author seems to hint towards a rejected mating bond, that is a valid assessment too. Anything in a text, written, implied or intended, is a valid avenue of criticism.
At the same time, people are fully allowed to have their own head cannons and fanfics about characters outside the written narrative. Just because SJM wants you to ship Feysand, doesn’t mean you can’t write or ship TamlinxRhysand, or Gwynriel or Rhysta. Art, including text, is open to interpretation and you are allowed to make it your own too, even if the text itself makes it clear it’ll never happen. Hell, shipping Elain and Tamlin because they both like flowers is entirely valid! Fan fiction and ships don’t have to be defended by the text/author’s intent, they are your own creation and can be based on whatever you want! Have fun, go crazy with em.
What isn’t ok for criticism
You can criticize the actions and choices and motivations of a book character all you want, using whichever method of critique you want. If you want to call Rhysand a pedo because he came to a pic of his child, you can make that take. If you call Tamlin a serial abuser who brought everything on himself, you can make that take.
What isn’t ok, is using your takes to criticize the people who disagree with you.
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(These are just a few examples I’ve seen in the last few days, but I’m pretty sure everyone in this fandom has seen personal attacks along these lines, some far worse than the ones I grabbed. It’s also not a matter of degrees of bad faith criticism, all of these are of the same vein and one isn’t more ‘valid’ than others because it wasn’t as harsh.) Believing Rhysand is a pedo doesn’t make it ok to call people who like him the same. Believing Lucien is a terrible person doesn’t make someone who likes him a person of questionable morals. Having a different method of criticizing a text doesn’t make someone else’s different way of approaching the text wrong.
At the end of the day, these characters, this world, this narrative are all constructs, not people. You are not Feyre, you are not Tamlin, you are not Rhysand or a Valkyrie or Elain or Cassian. You do not deserve to be judged for the actions of fictional characters, and you should not be judged for your opinions on these characters either. And you need to let others have differing opinions on characters, even ones you dislike intensely.
Let people like the characters they want to like, let people criticize the characters they don’t like (or the ones they do) and for fuck’s sake, don’t take it or make it personal.
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 2 months
Im so tired of ppl demanding characters be interpreted as butch then get mad if the people who do "make them a man." (In quotes bc no ones even rlly done that. they just mde em masc at most)
And to be clear what I've heard called "making them a man," Ive see things like:
"Making them tall" (hi! 5'10 butch here!! who would have probably been taller if i could have done t when i wanted. Also women can be tall. there are record of tall ass over six foot women thats not a man thing!!!!)
Calling them boyfriend, husband, good boy (All terms ive seen m a n y butches enjoy)
Giving them he/him pronouns (me and many butches use those)
Them prefering to top with a strap (Many. Many stones have spoken on this I don't even think my two cents is needed)
Doing sports (Women dont do sports now? femaninity and sports can't go together?? do u want a butch or do u want to remake gender roles u cant have both.)
Eating "too much" (Get help. Just. Get help.)
Shaved head. Even when the character canonically hates long hair.
These are all just normal things for various butches/studs. And you know what multiple femmes do this shit too so yonow what this is dumb all around actually!! What kinda of stupid shit !!
Don't seek out butch content, or masc lesbian content and ve shocked if theres masculinity over there! And also stop labeling random shit as masc!!!!! Its weird!!! Let a butch be feminine and like sport or be femanine and enjoy he/him what the fuck??
(I used mainly butch as I honestly rarely see ppl put the effort into hc anyone as a stud, which is its own conversation of racism, id wanna make seperate. But many of these apply to studs and I wouldn't be shocked if they got the same treatement if they were thought of as often.)
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ananxiousgenz · 8 months
i've seen a couple things floating around regarding this buuuuut i just wanted to put my two cents in.
if we know anything from tma, it's that nothing is a coincidence here. which makes it interesting almost everything keeps coming back to the 90s. the magnus institute burned down in 1999. the oiar is stuck using 90s tech that refuses any kind of update. the magnus institute from the jmart dimension had statements leaked during the 90s. do i know what any of it means? no. but it's definitely something I'm gonna keep an eye on.
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mosscoveredpawss · 6 months
I'm not on tiktok, nor do I have any plans on joining tiktok anytime soon, but I do know a bit about the tiktok therian community based off of YouTube compilations that I have seen. I've been wanting to make a post giving my two cents on this for a while, so here is me biting the bullet and just saying what I want to say.
Let me start by saying that I think it's great that so many young individuals are finding a community where they feel like they are comfortable and that they belong. I belive a lot of the "tiktok therians" are around the middle school/early high school age range, and it is so important to have a sense of belonging when the transition from elementary school to middle school/ middle school to high school is rather durastic.
I also think it's very beneficial that they are exploring a creative side of themselves with the mask making, and getting outside and being active; while also learning a new perspective about identity. They are learning that a) they are allowed to have different thought and feelings than the adults in their lives. And b) Identity is so much more than what they were told they are "supposed" to be. They get a wonderful opportunity to try on different labels and see what fits, to learn more about themselves and what makes then unique.
With all that being said I have to address the unfortunate toxicity that circulates through the tiktok therian community. So many others have acknowledged this and have made posts doing "deep dives" into this ascpet of the tiktok community.
There isn't a single community/fandom/online space that does not have gatekeepers. That's not a good thing, but it is just how the internet works. We have all seen those posts when some young kid in a cat mask is making disgusted faces with a caption like "Pov: you tell me you chose your kintype."
I've only seen the term "therian" circulate on tiktok, but not really any other kind of labels. I don't see a lot of otherhearted individuals, or otherlinks, hell even otherkin are sparse on the platform. I believe that the lack of exposure to other kinds of identity is what is making this part of the community closed minded. They just don't know that there are other types of alterhumans out there. They don't see aliens, angels, demons, or sea monsters on their FYP. They haven't had conversations with someone who identifies with Elves, but not as an elf. They haven't spoken to someone who chose to identify as a bird - but is not a therian.
I also believe that the lack of older/adults alterhuman has put a damper on their ability o understand how fluid the term "alterhuman" truly is. They only see other young individuals who think exactly like them.
And I'm not saying that us older alterhumans should go download tikok and try to force education onto them. What I am trying to say is that we should be paitent with them.
If you harass younger therians for any reason, you are no better than any other anti therian.
We need to be kind to them, paitent, and accepting of their experiences. Ailanting them as the "bad part" of the community just creates more toxicity.
There may never be a change in the tiktok community, they may always act and think like this. However, I believe that change is always possible, and even more possible if the alterhumans who have been here for a while guide them, listen to them, and spread positive education instead of ridiculing them and making them feel separated from a community where they are supposed to feel at home.
They are our future, and I don't think any of us want a future community that is infested with hatred.
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