#I've been to the doctor multiple times about it and even went to the emergency room once
onewordshy · 19 days
I don't usually like to complain but literally like, it sucks having to justify how much pain I'm in to everyone, and that includes myself. I just genuinely do not believe that I am justified to physical pain, and even when I'm actively in pain I'm telling myself "you're making it up." I never thought about it until one time I had a toothache so bad that I physically collapsed on the stairs crying and couldn't see but when I went to the dentist afterwards I told him that maybe it wasn't that bad and I was just making it up and he was like "if what you're saying happened to you happened, why would you think that?" And honestly I still don't have an answer.
And I'm so mad that I was taught to think this way! Because I know the answer is that nobody took me seriously as a kid and just pushed me to keep going even when I was suffering and now it's an ingrained behavior! Like I used to avoid going to the doctor because every time I would work up the courage to go to ask about something that was bothering me, I'd just get shot down and made to feel like an idiot for asking. I'll never forget the time I told my doctor I was suffering from pressure in my skull and headaches and he just looked at me and said "and what do you want to do about it?" Like, that fucked me up! Because I was scared and in pain and went to you for help and you made me feel like shit for it! And then you got to move on with your day and I just had to pretend like everything was fine! I cracked my ribs with a metal cannister and felt them poking me in the lungs when I bent over and I still went in to work!
But yeah I've had some sort of issue with my throat for the past few months that's made it hard for me to breathe, causes shooting pains down my neck/ears, and I can barely talk. I can't sing anymore, which sucks, and I feel so fucking selfish for feeling bad about that for some reason but like that's always been a major part of my life and now I just like. Can't do it. And it feels like it's been such a battle to get anyone to realize just how big of a deal all of this is for me but because I can still walk and function everyone just expects me to be okay and no one seems to get that it's completely destroyed my life and I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't get help for it soon.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 31 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley knows there's only one way to contend with what Carl did, and he will gladly do it for you. All he wants is his house, his kid and his girl. You on the other hand don't know quite how to deal with anything that's going on, because it all seems out of your control. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, fighting, blood, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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You were so anxious for your first day of work, you actually woke up way too early and spilled blazing hot coffee all over your scrubs, forcing you to make a detour back to the bedroom to get changed. All you seemed to be able to think about was that video. That goddamn video. You wished you never looked in that box in the attic.
Once again, you were on the verge of tears as you pulled on a clean top and went to wake Noah up for the day. Everything felt like too much right now unless he was with you. The fact that you were as dependent on Noah as he was on you was probably nothing to brag about, but he really lit up every time you read to him or made him food. And you felt much better inside when he was snuggled up with you or holding your hand. 
You felt like his mom. You felt like you belonged here with him. He trusted you to take care of him, and you always would. But your confidence where Bradley was concerned felt stunted now, and you couldn't even talk to him about it. If you were even strong enough to bring it up at all. 
Noah climbed out of bed and went right to you for a hug, never questioning if he was welcome with you. "Morning, sweet Noah," you whispered against his soft hair. "Did you have happy dreams?"
He yawned and said, "Yeah. I was a pink dinosaur, and all of the other dinosaurs were afraid of me. So I got to eat all the Skittles."
"Wow," you said with a laugh as you carried him into the kitchen for breakfast. "That's the best dream I've ever heard of."
"Yeah, I know." 
He ate some eggs while you successfully drank your coffee and vanilla creamer without spilling it this time. And when you dropped him off at daycare, the same girl was working at the front desk.
"Hi, Noah," she said sweetly before handing you the clipboard to sign with a bland expression. You kissed Noah on the cheek and watched him walk in with the other kids before you signed your name. "And will you be picking him up again today, or should we be expecting another babysitter?"
You froze, and a startled laugh escaped your lips. "I'll be picking him up. And I'm the only babysitter." She appraised you again, so you added, "Only the best for Lieutenant Bradshaw and his son," before you spun on your heel and strolled out to the parking lot. 
You were driving the Bronco. You were in charge of Noah. Bradley was acting like some sort of sugar daddy boyfriend with the credit card you had tucked in your wallet. You shouldn't have been feeling insecure at all. You tried not to think about anything except getting to work on time for your first day. 
And being out of the house did help. You met all of the doctors and other nurses, and some of them were your age. Dr. Kelly treated you to lunch, and you got to chat with her a bit. You learned you'd get to assist with a few special needs kids later in the week. It was exciting. You had your own tiny workspace. Being there occupied your mind. 
But when you were asked to fill out a small stack of new hire paperwork in the afternoon, your pen stopped on the page multiple times. You hesitated twice before you eventually wrote Bradley's address as your own. You wrote his name and phone number down as your emergency contact, but you felt ridiculous writing 'boyfriend' where it asked for your relationship to him. After a brief debate, you wrote it anyway and moved on. And a beneficiary for your life insurance? Well, you didn't really have anyone else, so you put Noah. 
And then when you handed everything back in, you felt kind of like you were pretending to be an adult. 
Bradley waited on his bunk for Carl to return. It was getting late, and he wondered where the fuck he was. Without completely dismantling the tiny room, Bradley had searched through as much of Carl's shit as he could. And that was after confirming that he was only missing the one polaroid that you sent with him. 
His ears were ringing. Fingers twitching. He was absolutely repulsed by the thought of anyone else looking at that picture. But especially Carl. That was a line you just didn't cross with a bunkmate. Bradley had seen some wild shit in his days, walked in on some things he wished he could unsee. But you simply did not mess with personal items. And you certainly didn't take anything under any circumstances without permission. And if it was anything pertaining to a wife, girlfriend or significant other, it was absolutely forbidden. 
And if you broke any of these unwritten rules, well... you should know what you were in for. 
When Bradley heard a key in the door close to midnight, his hands automatically curled into fists. Your pretty face popped into his mind, smiling up at him, a teasing smirk on your lips. Even though you weren't here, you deserved to be defended right now. He'd protect you and Noah until he used up his dying breath. And that just meant things weren't looking too hot for Carl at the moment. 
The other man strolled in wearing his gym clothes, and it struck Bradley that Carl was probably a little older than he was. He was in good shape, too, but that wouldn't stop Bradley from beating the absolute shit out of him if necessary. 
"What's up, Carl?" he asked, remaining seated with his fists planted on either side of him on the bed. When Carl seemed barely able to meet his eyes, Bradley knew for sure.
"Hey," he replied awkwardly. "Just wanted to hit the gym when it was empty."
Bradley just watched him for a few seconds, silently demanding eye contact. When Carl finally stopped bumbling around and met his eyes, Bradley slowly stood. "Where is it?"
Carl's eyes flashed with panic as Bradley rolled his shoulders and took a step closer in the already limited space. "What? What are you talking about?" He tried to back away, but there was really nowhere to go. 
"If you make me ask again, it's going to be a lot worse for you, man."
"I... I..." Carl's eyes followed Bradley's left hand as he loosened his fist. And then Bradley slammed him back against the door. 
"You know better," Bradley growled. "This isn't your first deployment. You know the rules. And it belongs to me. Where. Is. It?"
"The photo?" Carl whispered as Bradley pressed the heel of his hand against his sternum with even more pressure. 
Bradley raised his voice. "Where the hell is it? It better have never left this fucking room."
"I have it!" Carl swore, and Bradley released him.
"Get it," Bradley said as calmly as he could, but his voice was shaking. He watched Carl dig around in his bedding, procuring the photo of you and your perfect tits and your barely concealed pussy. Bradley had a flashback to Noah's birthday party when Jake kissed you. Then he pictured you at the fraternity house, drunk and helpless. Carl was about to pay a pretty large price. 
"Here," he grunted, extending the polaroid out to Bradley. Once he set it down on top of his dresser, making sure the photo was still perfect, he turned back to Carl and sucker punched him right on the nose. 
Blood was gushing onto his gym shirt as Bradley said, "That's fucked up, Carl. You had my photo in your bed."
He was holding his nose, looking at Bradley with guilty eyes. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"That's my girl, you piece of shit." Bradley was seething as he rammed Carl back up against the door. 
"She's your girl?" he asked, trying to stop the bleeding with both hands now. "She looks barely legal. How old is she?"
Bradley released him and took a step back before he did more damage than he intended to. "Do you really think it's a good idea to ask me that, Carl? You probably jerked it to my girlfriend after you stole my photo, and now you're asking me how old she is?" He was panting, letting the rage flow through him, and then both hands curled into fists again.
"Shit, I didn't- I wasn't-"
"You're not very bright, are you?" Bradley asked, cutting him off. "I'll let you walk out of this room with your face mostly intact as long as you guarantee that you'll wear your bruises around this carrier without even so much as looking in my direction. And don't you dare visit the infirmary. Your indiscretion doesn't blow back on me. You got it?"
Carl looked resigned as he lowered his hands from his face and nodded. "Yeah. I got it."
Then Bradley landed one more punch, hard as hell, and Carl staggered around the room for a few seconds before he managed to take himself out into the hallway and toward the bathroom. Bradley carefully picked up his polaroid, and his heart ached. He was yours, and he'd have done anything to see your beautiful face in person right now.
And if Carl didn't so much as speak to him or look at him again for the rest of the deployment, it would be just fine with Bradley.
You always felt like you were rushing around. When you got out of work an hour early one Wednesday, you decided to use the time to go grocery shopping before you picked up Noah. It was easier to get just the necessities this way. The downside was that you were definitely getting lost in your own thoughts as you stood in the produce area selecting apples. 
It was almost a relief that Bradley hadn't contacted you yet. If you had to look him in the eye right now, you weren't sure you could do it without crying. That USB drive was currently on top of the refrigerator where you couldn't see it, but it was still enough to upset you when you thought about it. But at the same time, you missed your boyfriend and wanted him to come home, and you knew Noah would benefit from talking to him.
You wasted so much time looking at fucking apples that you were going to be late if you didn't get going. You winced as you used the purple princess credit card to pay for the food, and then you organized everything in the back of the Bronco. You loved driving it and briefly wondered if he'd still let you after he got home. 
You pulled into the gas station that was just a few blocks from Noah's daycare, once again using Bradley's credit card. You sighed as you inserted the card for payment and then started to fill the tank. And then you looked up toward the next row of pumps, and you were sure you knew that BMW. A second later, you met Meredith's gaze, and a chill went through your body.
You were afraid your voice was going to shake, but you called out, "You're not supposed to come near me."
She laughed maliciously. "This is a gas station, and I was here first. So maybe you should stay away from me."
"With pleasure," you snarled. You had to close your eyes against the sick feeling that rose inside you. Naked. You could picture her naked. Bradley used to love her. 
"You already ruined my life," Meredith snapped. "So your little restraining order stunt really doesn't matter to me." Then she was climbing into her car, and you watched her peel out of the parking lot and into traffic, heading in the opposite direction from Noah's daycare. 
Your hands were unsteady as you finished up at the gas pump. She was right; she had been at the gas station first. She was with Bradley first. She was Noah's mom before you ever came into the picture as his babysitter. She was everywhere, and she wouldn't go away.
Bradley emailed you days ago to let you know he would be able to FaceTime with you and Noah tonight, but you'd only written back, "Sounds good." You didn't give him any updates. You didn't call him Daddy. You didn't say anything else. 
Sounds good.
He grunted as he worked out in the gym. The sooner he could get this deployment completed and get home, the better. Carl's face was starting to look better now, but Bradley smiled every time he saw the bruises. He had no idea what excuse the other man had given for looking like a raccoon with two black eyes and a bent nose, and he didn't really fucking care. If anyone assumed he was the one who caused the bruising, they probably also assumed it was warranted. 
Those polaroids were wrapped up and put away now. But Bradley wanted the real thing. Your body and your voice. He'd been thinking about how insufficient it felt to call you his girlfriend. Just the same way you'd always felt like more than Noah's babysitter to them. But now with your lack of a real response, Bradley felt a little foolish for thinking about proposing to you. 
When it was time to make the call home, he sighed deeply. And when you answered your phone on the living room couch, your expression was hesitant. 
"Princess," he rasped, holding the iPad with both hands. "Baby. I miss you."
It felt like an eternity before you responded. "We miss you, too." 
He had so much he wanted to say and talk about, but your voice was just a little too soft, and your eyes were just a little too sad. "What's wrong?" he asked, but you were already shaking your head.
"Here. Talk to Noah." And then you were out of the frame, and Noah was there. Bradley laughed as he talked about daycare and making something called peanut butter snails and going for hikes. He held up some of the coloring sheets he had worked on, and Bradley noted that you had dated all of them. You always did little things like that. Now he'd be able to see which days his son worked on the coloring sheets when he got home. 
"I miss you so much, bub."
"Will you come home soon?" Noah asked, and Bradley's heart absolutely melted. 
"Really soon. And we can go to the beach and maybe take a little vacation, okay? Now can you sit with Princess so I can talk to her, too?"
And then you were immediately back in the frame and scooping Noah onto your lap. So you must have been standing right there the whole time. 
"That's better," Bradley sighed. His house, his kid, his girl. "You have no idea how much I wish I was on that couch with you." 
You smiled softly. "Do you know when you'll be back?"
"I'm not sure, Baby. Not soon enough. Tell me about work."
So you indulged him in a few stories, and it sounded like you fit in there. You liked your coworkers, especially Dr. Kelly. You loved all the kids you got to talk to and care for all day. But you still seemed a little distant.
"Are you sleeping okay?" he asked. "Any issues?"
You pressed a kiss to Noah's cheek and said, "We just miss you. That's all."
"We want you to come home," Noah whined. 
"Please?" you added softly. 
"So soon," he reiterated, wishing he could give you both a kiss. "Watch for my emails?"
"I will," you promised. 
"I love you. Both of you."
Then you and Noah said in unison, "I love you, too." And then he had to end the call.
Well it was done now. You were on your way to get the last few things from your place with Noah before you turned your key over to your landlord. Or former landlord. You were done paying rent here, and now you could start helping Bradley pay his mortgage. In fact, he would be home in a few days, and you'd talk to him about it then. There were actually a lot of things you wanted to have a conversation about.
"Do you remember when you came here for dinner? And I made you spaghetti in my little kitchen?"
"That was a long time ago," Noah insisted, and you held his hand as you walked up the sidewalk. "You live at my house now."
"Yep," you replied softly as you let go of his hand and dug around in your bag for the key you hardly ever used now. "Let's just hope that makes your Daddy happy and not annoyed since I never really gave him a verbal answer," you mumbled, finally locating the key. 
As you shoved it into the lock, Noah knelt down and picked something up from the porch. "What's this?" he asked, reaching his hand up to you.
Your eyes went wide. "Drop it," you said right away, and he let the piece of broken glass fall back to the porch. But there was more. Both of you were standing in it, and when you reached to turn the knob, there must have been a shard there.
"Shit," you gasped as your right palm started bleeding. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you kicked the door fully open. One of the panes of glass in the door had been smashed, and there was more of the mess on the floor inside. "Don't touch anything," you hissed, and Noah started crying. 
You kept him close enough to take a few pictures as soon as you were able to fumble with your phone. You took seven photos of all the glass plus the item that had been left. For you. It was just a dollar store coloring book, but there was a note on top of it written in crayon. Have fun playing house.
It had to have been from Meredith. Who else could have done it? She was already claiming you ruined her life. And ever since you saw her at the gas station, you were nervous that wasn't the last of her.
Blood was starting to pool a little bit in your upturned palm, and there wasn't much you could do at the moment except for ruin your shirt. "Let's get out of here," you whispered, and the two of you walked back across the porch, the glass crunching beneath your feet. 
You were able to buckle Noah with one hand, but even when you got back to Bradley's house, you were still bleeding. And the glass needed to be removed. So you finally caved and called Natasha. 
"I kind of need your help," you told her vaguely over the phone.
She laughed in response. "I kind of need a lot of things. What can I do for you?"
"Can you come by and help me remove a piece of glass from my dominant hand?"
"Fuck. Of course. I'm on my way," she replied, all tones of joking  gone. 
She was there in less than fifteen minutes, and she washed her hands right away. Then she used the sterilized tweezers that you handed to her to carefully remove the glass. "Just the one piece?" she asked, meeting your eyes. 
"I think so. I already checked Noah really thoroughly."
Nat's expression darkened. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"
You were pressing some gauze against your palm now. You might need stitches. You would probably benefit from getting stitches. But you couldn't do them yourself with your left hand, and you didn't want to leave Noah right now. Not even with Nat. He was watching a Mickey Mouse cartoon on the couch, and you didn't want him further away from you than that. 
"It was just some broken glass," you replied. 
"Here?" she asked, looking around the kitchen.
"No. At my old place. It's fine. I just need to tell my landlord about it, and I'll replace it." You were amazed how easily you were able to keep your voice steady. 
"Right," Nat replied with an unamused look. "Bradley will be home in a couple days? Do you want me to stay here until he's back?"
"Of course not. We're fine," you insisted, averting your gaze.
She stood to leave and sighed deeply. "Please call me back if you need anything, okay? And do us both a favor and don't lie to Bradley when you pick him up."
You pressed your lips together and nodded. "I won't," you said softly. And after she left, you took Noah into bed with you and snuggled him tight. 
I hate Carl. I hate Meredith. I want Daddy to come home. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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sabo-has-my-heart · 3 months
I have been following you for a long time, actually, you are the first person I followed here and I saw that you have emergency requests. I was wondering if you had time to write one for me. So here's the story, the last few years have been more than a mess for me. I've been pretty methodically screwed for the past 4 years. Because things in my country are very complicated and very rough… I haven't had a single normal school year since the year I was in elementary school. First, it was Corona for a year and a half, then there were a lot of missiles, then there was the whole issue of laws and trials and now there is a war… Of course, in the background, there is a hurricane of political problems and next year the war will probably continue plus there will be many problems with the teacher's strikes… and all this is simply אoo much for me, I'm only in high school… I assume that you probably already know what country I'm from… but please let's put all the politicians aside, please… the things you write helped me get through all of this. So if you can, can you write to me about a reader (female) from One Piece or Demon Slayer who went through a very difficult time and all she wants is a few moments of quiet. Just a month or a year or week without fighting or weird things. just a normal life iven if it only for a littel bit. with a happy ending. Sorry for all the truma damping and thank you very much.
(I hope all this is understandable, English is not my first language and I wrote it in Google Translate)
Hi there! I'm the first person you followed? That... that makes me want to do a happy wiggle, I'm going to go do a quick happy wiggle.......... okay, I'm back from my happy wiggle. Things sound very rough over there, but I actually don't know where you're from. I don't watch or keep up with the news. I know there's the stuff with Palestine, Ukraine, and Trump was found guilty, but that's it. Before any of you get mad at me for not keeping up with the world, please know that I do this for my own well being. If I kept up with the news, it would shoot my anxiety and depression through the roof and I just really don't need that. As much as I care about human life and others, I need to focus on my own health and well-being too. I'm happy that my writing has been helping you get through it all, it's always flattering to know that my writing has helped someone and don't worry about trauma dumping, if it helps, I'm always happy to lend an ear. So this is an Ace fic, so I hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes you feel better. My best wishes on getting through this!
Word Count: 1170
Warnings: Female!Reader, comfort
     Why had things been so chaotic lately? It seemed as if every time you turned around there was some new thing going on, some new problem or some new drama. It might be fine if it were just one thing, if it was just Thatch chasing Ace through the halls for raiding the fridge or just a few attacks or storms hitting the Moby Dick. Who in their right mind attacked the strongest man alive anyway? But it wasn’t just one or two things. Yesterday it had been Marco roping you into helping him get the crew into their yearly physicals. Last week had seen a severe storm that had threatened even the Moby Dick, calling for all hands on deck. The week before that was an attack by an entire fleet of marines. Before that there had been multiple attacks on islands under Whitebeard’s protection. Okay, sure, you weren’t the only one taking care of things. The different commanders all split up, 5 of them taking their respective divisions to check out the islands, with you joining the second division as a temporary ‘doctor’ in case anyone was injured. During the storm, you’d been mostly taking care of things below deck with the other Whitebeard nurses, making sure cabinets were securely tied shut, glass bottles of medicine safely packed away, and anything on wheels kept from rolling everywhere. That wasn’t the point, however. The point was that you were tired of something new and stressful always cropping up!
     Honestly, was it really so much to ask for some peace and quiet? A moment of respite where you could just relax without worrying about the next thing. Okay, sure, you’d had a few days here and there where things hadn’t gone wrong. Nothing bad had happened and life aboard the Moby Dick was quiet, or at least, as quiet as things got on a ship with 1,600 males. However, with how things had been lately, you hadn’t been able to relax once. Always on edge, always expecting the next thing to crop up. How long had it been since things had been quiet on the Moby Dick? How long since you’d had a true moment of rest? Hell, you hadn’t even had time to simply relax with Ace. Just the two of you, laying on the deck, napping under the warm sun; or curled up under a warm blanket, forgotten mugs of hot cocoa having long since gone cold as you slept, leaning against each other. Okay, yes, the two of you were often caught simply napping together, but was that really such a bad thing? It meant things were calm, that you could afford to relax enough to take a nap, that you could sleep. Sleep had been… difficult lately. Tossing and turning as the anxiety of what would happen next ate away at you, waking up in the middle of the night at very little bump and thunk, expecting the worst. Ace had been trying to help as best as he could. Wrapping you up in your favorite blanket, heating himself and the blanket up to the perfect, soothing temperature, lightly humming songs that he didn’t even remember learning, though he’d deny humming if you ever asked about it. Thatch had made you mugs of tea or cocoa, Marco had given you sleeping pills, but none of it helped enough.
     Looking out over the railing, you sighed. There weren’t storm clouds on the horizon, no marine ships for miles, and nobody causing any particular chaos, but you still felt on edge. Feeling a hand on your shoulder nearly made you jump out of your skin, spinning around to find a familiar freckled face smiling at you.
     “Calm down, it’s just me. I came to check on you, you’ve been staring out at the ocean for a while now.” Ace said, standing next to you, leaning with his back against the railing.
     “Oh… Sorry. I guess I’m just on edge is all. There’s… been a lot happening lately and I just can’t seem to relax.” you admitted, sighing as you let your shoulders sag, the tension ebbing away for the moment. Ace nodded in understanding, looking up at the sky.
     “Yeah. It’s been pretty busy lately. I can’t remember the last time we took a nap together. But I mean, it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with before. We kind of signed up for this when we became pirates. Or… well, when you became one of Pops’ nurses. Besides, it’ll be fine, we’ll manage. As long as we’re both alive and together, we’ve got this.” Ace smiled at you as he tried to comfort you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
     “I… I know, I just… I guess I just… I wish it would stop, you know? I don’t need much, just a month, hell I’d settle for a week, of peace and quiet. No attacks, no storms, no running from an angry Thatch, or Pops telling me I can’t fight off marines because I’m ‘not a Whitebeard Pirate’... stupid no women rule. He has nurses, why can’t I be an official Whitebeard pirate?!” you grumbled, resting your arms on the railing and resting your head on your arms.
     “Hey, it’s alright. It’s not all that cool being a Whitebeard pirate anyway. You always have a huge target on your back and you have to listen to Marco whenever he tells you to do something, it’s probably way better that you’re not." Okay, he didn’t actually believe that. He loved being a Whitebeard pirate, but he was trying to make you feel better. “If it makes you feel better, I can take you on a vacation or something. We’ll talk to Pops and we can find a nice, peaceful little island where all we do is nap, eat, and mess around.” you smiled at Ace’s proposition, thinking about it for a moment. It would be nice after everything that had happened. A little vacation on a warm, peaceful island. Somewhere small enough that a marine presence wouldn’t be necessary, lots of trees to nap under, a warm beach with soothing waves, staring up at the stars as you drifted off to a good night's sleep.
     “Yeah… that sounds nice. Once we get the chance, we should talk to the captain.” you said softly, feeling yourself relax ever so slightly, not noticing the huge grin on Ace’s face.
     “No need! Marco’s been harassing me about taking some time off after what happened at Marineford and no one will mind if you’re gone for a little while. Pops has plenty of other nurses. We’ll pack some shit and tell Marco that I’m finally taking that time off. Let’s go!” Ace pushed himself off the railing, holding a hand out to you, making you smile.
     “Yeah, let’s go.” you took the young man’s hand, letting him pull you down the halls of the Moby Dick to pack some things. A little time off, that’s all you needed, all you both needed.
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moronic-validity · 11 months
So ummmmmmmmm how do you picture (either in DWU or more canonish) Simon being pregnant (you choose the other parent!)
Okay so I don't usually write mpreg, but let's toy with this a little because I have some headcanons. (Edit: I had a lot of headcanons and would be willing to turn this into a mini fic series. It'd probably be a little longer than Stockholm Syndrome)
18+, but also not really
1) we're gonna explore this using the DWU because I've got an established relationship to work with.
2) Winter and Simon have a lot of unprotected sex, like a LOT. And they're both guys, so what's the issue, right? Wrong.
3) Simon begins getting nauseous as hell every morning and sometimes into late afternoon.
4) he also can't seem to stand the smell of meat.
5) Winter is concerned, but he just assumes Simon has a stomach bug
6) a few months pass and the nausea seems to lift a little, but now he's gaining weight.
7) Simon is mentally convinced he has stomach cancer or something in that line
8) so he calls Doctor Princess, who listens to the symptoms and laughs.
9) "Simon...if anyone with a uterus told me this, I'd be pretty sure they're pregnant."
10) Simon laughs and explains that as far as he knows, he doesn't have one, so that can't be it.
11) he humors her and lets her do an ultrasound.
12) surprise Simon, you're a dad!
13) Simon straight up faints.
14) Doctor Princess calls Winter (yeah shocker, he does actually have a phone, he just hates to use it)
15) Winter is ECSTATIC. He loves the thought of a little Petrikov running around the castle, of an heir to the Kingdom.
16) Simon comes to and Doctor Princess has to explain again that he is pregnant and well into the 2nd trimester at this point.
17) They come up with a game plan and he'll come in for ultrasounds pretty regularly just to make sure the baby is actually progressing and once he hits 40 weeks, they'll do a C-section.
18) Simon spends the next few weeks in a haze, still not believing he's pregnant, even after multiple ultrasounds and his growing belly confirm it.
19) Winter is in full blown I'm gonna be a dad mode. He's already designed a nursery and everything.
20) He also becomes a lot more protective of Simon, canceling larger events under the pretense of Simon dealing with a serious medical emergency.
21) Most of Ooo know Simon by this point and are incredibly worried about him.
22) PB and Marceline come for an unannounced visit, worried as hell about Simon (because while they don't really know how to feel about Winter, they LOVE Simon)
23) Winter almost send the Ice Scouts to stop them, but Simon is happy to see his new old friends.
24) Marceline sees his stomach and immediately knows.
25) her and Bonnibel are both incredibly confused, but also excited for him.
26) They want to throw a baby shower, Simon is on the fence, but when Marceline does the puppy eyes, he folds like a fucking lawn chair.
27) He finally thinks about it and gets Prismo's attention
28) he gets beamed up and Prismo is like heeeey dad to be, how're you feeling?
29) Simon asks for a favor and Prismo considers it before beaming his Finn, Marceline, and Bonnibel into the time room.
30) everyone but Finn is super confused before their focus turns on Simon
31) "Holy shit" is all Marceline can come up with.
32) they're all so excited for him and just happy to see him.
33) They hang out in the time room for a few hours before Prismo has to put everyone back
34) Winter asks how it went and Simon is like honestly? It was really good.
35) They agree that if it's a girl, they'll name her Beatrice and she'll go by Betty. If it's a boy, they'll name him Jake (Winter wants to name him after Finn, but Simon doesn't want to name him after someone still alive).
36) Simon starts getting really bad contractions around 38 weeks, but with no where for the baby to go, he doesn't know what to do.
37) Doctor Princess has been flying by the seat of her pants for all of this and realizes that it's time.
38) She gets Simon prepped for surgery and tells Winter to scrub in too.
39) the C-section goes as planned, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they hear the newest Petrikov cry.
40) It's a girl.
41) Winter is able to clip the umbilical cord, which for some reason, he was really looking forward to doing.
42) Simon is crying as Doctor Princess rests his baby girl on his chest. He has never felt so much love for another being in his life.
43) Winter holds his partner and his child and it really sinks in that this is his family and he will do any and everything to keep them safe.
44) Doctor Princess stitches him up and tells them she needs to wheel Simon to his room and they should probably stay at least over night just to make sure everything is okay.
45) time skip because everything is okay and Winter and Simon are stupidly good parents.
46) At Beatrice's first birthday, two strangers to the Kingdom find themselves in attendance, one as the brightest pink hair Simon has ever seen and the other has light blue hair and looks shockingly familiar, but he can't place him.
47) They, along with the rest of the kingdom dote on the Beatrice Petrikov. The crowd eventually dies down and goes home, until only the five of them are left.
48) "Hey Simon, sorry for surprising you like this, but I just had to see your kid! She's so cute!!!" The pink haired one said, slinging an arm over Simon's shoulders.
49) the dots connect
50) Simon hugs Prismo, laughing and explaining he didn't recognize him at first, then shakes Scarab's hand and thanks them both for coming.
51) Prismo takes a picture of the baby and her dads and promises to show Finn, Marcy, and Bonni.
52) I totally forgot to talk about Beatrice's appearance, she has Simon's skin tone and Winter's hair, with only a small tuft of black. She also doesn't have a nose, shocker, right?
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storytime but it's an awful hospital story (kind of a vent)
i went to the hospital yesterday night because my chronic migraines decided to re-emerge from the 9th layer of hell, i was in so much pain that it was hard to even think properly, i was genuinely having trouble to think in general, even basic stuff was being hard to focus on. I was wearing sunglasses because the strong light in the hospital was hurting my head more. I was given a priority bracelet which meant that i was supposed to get taken in earlier than other patients but then i was called in after everyone else including non priority patients. Why give me the priority patient bracelet if I'm not a priority patient you motherfuckers
when I got called in, the doctor told me to take off my glasses because he wanted to "examine me" (he fucking didn't even examine anything) and i explained to him that I couldn't or the pain would get worse, and he said "you have to take it off or I won't help you", i did because i guess I can't choose, i instantly closed my eyes in pain, the fucking doctor then asks me if I'm on drugs or if I'm addicted and i obviously fucking said no because I'm clean and everyone else knows I'm clean for a long while now, and this was clearly not a genuine question coming from a genuine place of concern or standard protocol because i was NEVER asked this before, it was the first time a doctor asks me that (other than my GP, but in my GP's case it really was a standard procedure and they did ask that to everyone, so it was fine), i fucking said no and the doctor still for some reason believed so strongly that i was on drugs and said "well i have to ask what you took to make sure I don't give you medicine that reacts with it", i raised my voice a bit and said "I DON'T USE ANYTHING." and he was like "okay okay you don't have to say it like that." when clearly i had to because he insisted twice on it and i was even scared that he would give me the wrong medicine. I filed up a report against him a little while ago but i know probably nothing is gonna happen. I just did it to at least feel like i did something about it. Well, i obviously hope it works too, but idk. I'm just really pissed off because it was very obvious discrimination by the fact that this was never asked and I've been in that hospital multiple times with the same issue. And even then it was never asked
if anyone says "you're exaggerating" or "it's not discrimination" you can fuck off and get blocked, you don't know what things are like here and i don't want someone speaking over me without knowing what i endure all the time
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mckiwi · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 8: Stomach Pain
Characters: Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer, Wong
Summary: The toll of magic is different for everyone. Apparently for Stephen, it means a change of diet.
Ugh. He knew he shouldn't have gone back for a second helping. Stomach full and content, Stephen threw his breakfast bowl in the sink to wash later. He plopped into his favorite chair and took out the book he had been reading. He hadn't gotten through three paragraphs before the Sanctum rumbled in warning. Something was wrong. A light flickered in the hallway, then a little further. Trusting the Sanctum to lead him, Stephen followed the flickering lights to the relic room. He immediately saw the problem.
A vase was shattered on the floor with a black cloud surrounding it… demons… an amazing start to his day. The black cloud quickly formed snarling faces, all of them chanting we're free, we will reign yet again, we have escaped, and other victorious cries. "Oh no you don't," Stephen said and cast the Shield of the Seraphim around the unwanted guests. They, of course, didn't appreciate it as they immediately started clawing at the golden runes caging them. He then fastened the vase back together and trapped the demons back inside. Not a permanent fix, but long enough for him to find a better containment.
Stephen lightly clutched his stomach as a sudden wave of nausea rolled over him. That wasn't even a taxing spell? Why would he be feeling affects? Perhaps it's just because he recently ate. Yes, that had to be it. His stomach just hadn't digested the food yet.
Later that day, Stephen only took about five bites of his pizza before his heart started to burn and his gut twisted. What was going on? Two instances in one day? He was healthy, wasn't he? He felt the best he had in years. He wasn't diabetic or at risk for most medical emergencies. Maybe it was time he called in that favor with Christine.
"Check again," Stephen demanded.
"I can check again all you want me to but the fact still remains you have a stomach ulcer," Christine explained, slightly sympathetic. "There's multiple reasons a stomach ulcer can appear, there's-"
Stephen raised a hand to stop her, "I know, Christine. Thank you, but I'm aware of the causes as well. I've still got a doctorate, not that anyone cares."
Christine sighed, "you know I didn't mean it like that. What do you think caused it, then?"
Stephen returned the sigh, "the only thing I can think of is-"
He opened the fridge and immediately gagged as he saw its contents, "Wong! Please tell me there's a perfectly good explanation for why there's eyeballs in the fridge!"
Wong meandered to where Stephen was and made a small noise of realization, "so that's where those went."
"Why are they in there?" Stephen asked. "That's gotta be at least twelve biohazards."
"Magic," Wong answered and opened the jar.
"Magic?" He repeated, watching as Wong snatched an eye from the jar, "for what? Potions? Spells?"
Wong popped the eyeball in his mouth like a grape, "for a snack." Stephen heaved.
"Crap," Stephen groaned.
"Crap? What's that mean? You need to take a crap?" Christine asked.
"What? No. Well… yes, but that's not what this is about," Stephen deflected. "Magic takes a toll. That's why we have relics to take the strain our bodies can't. That's not to say the body doesn't get away scot-free, though. The toll can take many forms as it changes your biology to be a better conduit for magic. It can affect the blood, brain, eyes, lungs, ears, and even the stomach."
"What's that mean for you then? You'll have stomach ulcers from now on?" Christine asked worriedly.
Stephen shrugged, "I don't know. I'll ask Wong about it. He should know. It's probably nothing serious."
"I'm perfectly serious, Stephen. Your stomach can't tolerate human food anymore," Wong explained.
Stephen pinched the bridge of his nose, "this can't be happening."
Wong laid a hand on his shoulder, "it's alright. You'll just have a slight change in diet. The other sorcerers who have a similar toll have adapted. So will you."
"I don't wanna eat eyeballs, Wong! I live in New York City! I want to eat pizza, french fries, and all the other greasy foods that'll shave at least twenty years off my life!" Stephen protested. "What if I ate human food anyway? I'm used to pain, I can deal with heartburn if that means no interdimensional… whatever is gonna enter my stomach."
Wong pressed his lips together, "I assure you the food isn't that bad. You can still eat salad, it'll just be lettuce from another dimension. As for eating human food, you still can, it'll upset your stomach and give you bad reactions. Similar to someone who's lactose intolerant. You're just human-food intolerant."
Stephen dropped his head on the table. A moment later, he heard a click beside him as Wong set down a bowl. It almost looked like spaghetti, but Stephen wasn't fooled. "What's in this? Alien intestines? Bug guts?"
"Pasta, meat, and sauce," Wong deadpanned. "From the Elysium dimension. Grains and fruits grown from the Elysian Fields. Meat straight from the Farm." Wong pushed the bowl to Stephen's elbow.
It did smell quite pleasing, far better than the sandwich he tried to choke down earlier. Stephen stared at the bowl incredulously, then at Wong. His stomach growled. "If this kills me, I guarantee you I will come back to haunt your every waking moment." Stephen twirled some noodles onto his fork, raised it to his mouth, and took a bite. The flavor exploded in his mouth so suddenly and-
That actually wasn't half bad. A bit more of a herbal taste than spaghetti normally had, but not bad.
Wong smirked at Stephen's surprised face, "told you."
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sincelastsession · 2 months
I almost aired all this out over Facebook so i decided to justpost it here instead.
I'm being harassed almost daily by my neighbor.
My things were vandalized while I was home but since I don't have a picture of it on camera happening the apartment complex won't do anything. And it happened twice. And they have their fucking ring doorbell down on the ground pointed at my apartment. And they will not leave me alone including the children who shout things at me. And the office keeps telling me it's hearsay.
But my other neighbors would never do any of this And these people and the other new people that have just moved in are trashy as hell and the entire complex is just not safe anymore. How was walking from getting my mail and the woman told me that she was going to hurt me and that I was as stupid fat bitch because she thought I was reporting her for noise complaint again and the fact that she lets her children run around completely unattended and they have fucked with my things. And they know that I can't do anything about it.
And I've been looking at fucking cameras and I don't know anything about fucking security cameras and I'm trying so hard to just find one and pick it out and buy it.
I have done everything that I could possibly do about that. I even went over that with my therapist and he has no clue what else can be done other than "move". I cannot continue to walk around my own home with noise-canceling headphones to block out the insanely loud bullshit.
I've been trying to move for quite a while now. I've had 3 different doctors tell my parents that they needed to move me as soon as possible. I was given various dates of when I would get to move and different places did that I was going to get to move to. I was just recently told never mind And that I will not be moving at all. I cannot trust anything that they say because they lie and they say one thing and then they say the other.
And I've been in therapy and have goals for therapy and I cannot reach any of the goals coming up in therapy with the environment I'm living in it's not good for me and there's nothing that I can do about it. So basically I'm just wasting therapy appointments. I was just trying to move to a peaceful spot, decompress and unpack and the go hard in therapy to reach a goal to become financially independent away from them all.
Dad has me blocked and is "done" with me because he won't acknowledge what he and my sister did to me in January was WRONG. I sustained tissue damage in my neck. I still have a year to report it but I was threatened multiple times.
My executive dysfunction is completely fucking out of control. I'm in autistic burnout and having a PTSD flare from hell. But according to my father I'm just full of shit and my doctors are all wrong and he's right.
I just had to take my ESA cat June to the vet. She's not doing well. I have to give her meds twice a day.
I can't have kids. My cats are the closest thing that I will ever have to children. So it was awesome to hear from both of my parents that they didn't Care about my fucking cat when I tried to let them Know what was going on.
And they talk so much shit to my aunts and uncles and I can't get any just verbal support from them. I just told not to contact them unless it's an emergency. They have absolutely no fucking clue about what my life is actually like or who I am as a person. Just nasty assumptions.
They don't realize that I'm struggling so hard to get away from these people and their cyclical bullshit. I really need the support and they don't care. They have no idea how much I have been used and have been abused my entire life. They don't care to know.
I mean I'm almost 38 this is fucking embarrassing.
No one has to live with this but me so it'd be great if everyone would shut the fuck up about how they don't like hearing about my life or how much of a pain it is to talk with me because they won't educate themselves on shit.
Trying to get an autistic person to act allistic imo is like trying to tell someone they aren't actually gay. Which yeah I also get criticism about like it's a phase. I'm almost 38 it's not a fuck phase jfc.
I didn't ask to be born in such a dysfunctional family I did not ask for all the horrible horrible traumatic things that happened to me to happen.
And I'm sure lots of people have it much much worse but holy fuck
I mean I'm having to wear a fucking heart monitor because I probably have a heart condition that has been aggravated by all the stress I've been under.
And now I have just found out that my sister and her fiance broke it off and somehow this is my fault even though I had no idea what was going on.
I have spoken to her ONCE in the past 6 months and I told her now ex fiancé "Good Luck" as he went into training recently for the marines.
To top it all off my sister fucking hates me because I showed my mom a photoshoot she did and my mother goddamn slut shamed her clothes. It's not like they had her in dance wearing next to nothing for years before she was an adult. And yes I tore into my mother because the amount of clothing doesn't matter. I was fucking raped at a party as a teen with an adult around and I was not wearing "skimpy clothes".
I don't know what to do I just want to fucking scream and scream and scream
And I can't even scream in my own apartment because then the neighbors will have a reason to fall a noise complaint against me because they're that petty
I'm about to fucking start smoking cigarettes again.
Fuck this
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zsuuv139 · 1 year
rare original content time! and its gonna be me venting
cw: weight "management", weight loss and gain, gynecological issues, doctors, the rona
so either this story starts in my childhood: i've always been a fat girl and have recently discovered that it was basically eating for attention, positive or negative, since i also was a glass child.
or this story starts 3 years ago, with the pandemic. where i gained even more weight. but i also met this guy and he and another friend somewhat motivated me to lose a lot of weight (that i was really happy with and i felt better in my body, happier overall due to exercise). and then last february (2022) not only did i hook up with a guy, i also got myself a nice little BV out of it. and ofc the rona. after the rona cleared up, i went to a gyno who also did an ultrasound and found a cyst. i felt my life implode - i had only heard bad stuff about ovarian cysts.
they told me to not do intense workouts and put me on hormonal birth control. i could barely stand on my 2 legs. and i was depressed as hell. gained a lot of it back. got off the birth control because suddenly the cyst was not on my ovary anymore but somehow adjacent to it and hormones dont help anymore. still couldn't work out.
am also supposed to get an mri that either has a 6 month waitlist or a 100+ usd cost - my monthly pay is about 1k usd so i kinda cant afford it.
i recently took steps toward getting the mri - another gyno visit. now i also have a polycystic ovary (just one of the 2. hormone levels still ok - not pcos).
im also currently getting fired/ laid off and at the time of that appointment, i had just found out and was already exhausted because of multiple failed applications. i was certain that the layoff would happen and was looking and interviewing but got no offers.
when i tried to explain my health situation to my doctor, i ended up crying. she was patient, gave me some paper towels to wipe my face and explained how the procedures were gonna go. i liked the experience overall.
i also gained all the weight i had lost back.
docs want to investigate possible insulin resistance - i got my blood drawn and since then i have a bruise where i was stuck. this has not happened ever before, and i did used to get blood tests for a thyroid issue. im now wondering if this is bc im fat.
went to an endocrinologist - thyroid levels not optimal, and potential insulin resistance that i was hoping they could advise me on.
she calls my name. "how's it going with the weight loss?" i remark that not well.
"do you have endometriosis?"
"im not sure. afaik it needs surgery to be diagnosed and i havent had any surgery in that area. but my periods do hurt like hell and get kinda plentiful, so it wouldnt be a shock."
first few questions go normal, i know my meds, doses, diagnoses. she starts talking about weight loss. i just take it in an "ok im not coming back to her" way. then she starts asking about the cyst. i tell her what i know. she asks "but what does the mri say?" "dunno, they have a 6 month waitlist" "and youre not willing to pay for an emergency?"
now, in her pov, this random fat woman starts crying.
in my pov, all my job hunt stress and worries bubble up - im crying as im typing this ffs, and i do have a job offer currently! i recall how, if i qwere to go on unemployment, i would be eligible for 120 usd a month - i couldn't even pay rent with that! i recall how our transfer within the company was treated - we were told there would be opportunities and we will have to apply, then we applied, got little feedback, and as the other project's start date approached, they started pressuring us (most specifically, me) to do our tests asap and i was literally given 20 minutes on the end of a workweek to decide if i wanted to start on the other project on monday. did not go well.
so i just ended up crying - and angry at myself, since earlier i would just be angry if anything happens, and i was used to working with anger, but i dont know how to deal with crying.
she may have acknowledged that i was crying, saying she knows this situation is not easy but i should do everything to get out of it (no shit).
then, sobbing, i explained that the gyno did not say the mri would be urgent, and she did acknowledge the long waitlist.
doctor goes back to weight loss / eating habits. do i eat dairy? dairy is like fertilizer for the cysts, she says. "i don't drink cows milk. i do like yogurts and cheeses tho." "no, you cannot eat cheese".
what the actual fuck is happening?
she asks me to lay down for an ultrasound of my thyroid (to make sure its all good). i explain that its left side was taken out and on the right, there seems to be just a tiny little lump, and im kinda curious if it grew. should i take off my shirt? nah, just pull the neckline apart.
i would have rather taken it off but k.
she acknowledges that the left lobe is indeed not there, and goes to town with the ultrasound ot see whats up on the remaining right half. kinda hurts but whatever. lets just get this over with.
"how much do ypu weigh?"
"honestly, too much rn"
"100 kg?"
"uhm... [i am above that so i say 5 kg less]"
"why did they leave the right lobe?"
fuck knows, lady, it was 10 years ago and im not a doctor. i was an entire child, do you think anyone cared to explain the medical decisions? do you think i understood?
"the theory was that they were hoping it would work at least on its own or that it would make up for the left part"
"well that isnt happening"
"i have noticed. but idk if taking it out now would do any good."
tells me i can wipe off the gel and calls me back to her desk while she writes up her report.
tells me that i need a nutritionist for the insulin resistance and refers me to a colleague. then gets back on weight loss.
"the small blob on your thyroid would go away if you managed to lose the weight"
"also don't eat bread. don't have more than 2 slices a day" "i already don't eat bread" "then stop eating pasta."
gurl idk how to tell you but pasta and cheese are the only joy left in my life.
"but you have to go to a specialist. no one can do this alone"
idk how to tell you but im not _paying_ for someone to yell at me to lose weight... i know a lot about diets, nutrition, how a meal should look like, calories, intermittent fasting (btw, have you ever had an endocrinologist recommend intermittent fasting? i heard it was bad for your hormones lol), and i don't want to give like 70 usd for a "specialist" to potentially tell me nothing new. is this arrogant? yes. but again im not rich.
is it cheaper than whatever i would need to do if my body continues to deteriorate? idk. i would have to put it on my goddamn credit card tho.
and then i look on the paper she gave me.
she wrote "emotionally-pshychologically unstable" as a symptom. fuck off the entire way.
i left her office. i cried. i cried some more. i complained to my friends. almost lost it when i couldn't attach a lid on an iced coffee and it spilled on me. i didn't tell my parents because i do not trust them with questions regarding my mental health.
and i read her note about our meet again.
she wrote
"antecedent: right lobectomy.
currently right lobe micronodule"
so that's how doctors listen to fat people.
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possthrowaway4q · 1 year
I've learned/realized a lot about my health issues recently, and I... really need some opinions. Particularly from people with traumatic brain injuries. So I'm gonna share my story.
Major Trigger Warning: birth complications, asphyxiation, seizures, child endangerment, medical neglect
(Sorry this isn't under a readmore I have literally never been able to use them on mobile without breaking the post)
I was lied to about my birth story. I was told by my mother that I came into the world a beautiful and perfectly healthy baby (and in her defense she very well could've convinced herself of this). This is, according to what my dad told me now that I'm an adult, completely false. My mother and I both almost died. The doctors didn't believe she was in labor yet. Called it Braxton Hicks for multiple days. Wasn't until one of them actually checked and saw my head that they believed her. Came out completely blue with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and was totally silent when they unwrapped me. Had to spend multiple days in the NICU in one of those oxygen tents. Don't know a lot of the details because apparently it wasn't discussed much. No idea if the doctors said anything about potential long-term issues and even if they did, there's no guarantee my parents kept an eye out properly. Didn't find out until a few years ago that I had hallucinations and frequent vivid nightmares as a young kid and the person mentioning it clearly didn't think much of it, despite me vaguely remembering seeing two separate child therapists around that age. Like, early elementary, I think.
That's not the only event though. Summer between 5th and 6th grade I had a drug-induced seizure. I was being watched by a family member who was kind of notorious for hoarding all sorts of medications. Including ones she was no longer prescribed. She didn't keep everything in their proper bottles either, moving pills between and re-labeling them. Including putting prescriptions in OTC containers. I asked for something for a headache. She gave me a pill saying it was Tylenol - didn't even see the bottle it came out of - and left me be again. Wasn't long before I knew something was wrong. Thankfully, I had my phone in my hand and was able to text her before I lost complete control of my muscles. Dunno how long exactly the seizure lasted, but it must've been at least ten minutes because that's how far away my parents lived and they were there with me when it ended. Remember my dad picking me up and holding me until I could talk and move again. We never did go to the hospital. Idk if it's because we all assumed I was fine once it was over or if it was because no one wanted to get the family member in trouble. Would explain why she called my parents instead of an ambulance, I suppose.
Been thinking about that tonight. Realized I was never really the same after that. I went from all As in school to completely unable to keep up with most subjects. I couldn't think or focus, I was in a fog most of the time, was losing large gaps of time and couldn't remember both short and long term things, and shortly after that was the beginning of my three year long psychotic break. Everyone remembers how the start of middle school is when all my mental health symptoms went into overdrive and I was just. Notably worse. And to top it all off, I always have said that my memory of my past seems to only go back to a few substantial memories in 5th grade and everything prior basically doesn't exist most of the time.
So I guess my question is just... could I have brain damage? Birth asphyxia is bad enough, but a 10+ minute long seizure as a child? I'm pretty sure that's way past the threshold of a medical emergency/when permanent brain damage can start. But every time I mention the idea to anyone, it gets brushed off. Either because I "don't need another thing wrong with me" or "does it really matter?" or because neither thing are your typical ideas of a TBI.
Sure, I've got a bunch of other reasons I could have these symptoms. Even just on the mental health side, ADHD, autism, psychosis, dissociative disorder stuff, and it's been too long for any doctor to say definitively one way or the other if they even take me seriously. But... I don't know, could those have contributed? Hell, could that be the root source of some of it that no one connected to because we never talked about it after the fact? (I even completely forgot for a long time. Didn't think it was a big deal. Didn't really understand seizures at the time.) I can't emphasize enough how drastically my health changed after that seizure. But maybe it was just puberty or the increase in difficulty/stress from going from elementary to middle school.
Surely it's possible though that those things at least exacerbated underlying issues or something? I guess the root of my question is whether the traumatic brain injury community would have me. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully, publicly identify that way, but I still desperately want to know if I'd be welcomed if I tried. Could I really have brain damage or am I just being dramatic or a hypochondriac or something? I just wanna know why I'm so fucked up in the head.
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nessaxc · 3 years
Stress Reliever || Kuroo Tetsurou
You're working so hard one day that you develop a migraine so Kuroo is determined to help relieve it.
~ Rating: Explicit
~ Words: 2.5k
~ Tags: Fluff, Comfort Sex, Lap Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Sexual dialogue, Swearing, Vaginal Sex,
Tumblr media
Funny enough the day didn’t start off terrible. In fact, it started off pretty well. You woke up fairly early enough to drag yourself out of bed to do your morning exercises. Even after exercising and getting ready, you still had time to make yourself some coffee, and you were feeling in a positively good mood, though, that quickly went away.
Your professor was nagging you about the extra exercises and apparently you had a deadline for it, so you were swamped with work, and felt like you were being pulled in multiple directions. As such, you completely skipped lunch and barely had time to snack or eat the rest of the day. That was a major mistake and now you were starting to regret it horribly. The coffee stain on your shirt was a grim reminder of how much of a shit day you were having, so you tugged it off later that day to change into a comfortable nightdress.
Your head felt like it was on fire. You tried to focus on your computer screen, but the light of the device hurt your eyes and you shut them, pressing the heels of your palms into closed eyelids. The lack of food and water, plus your stress was starting to cause a migraine to emerge and you foolishly tried to just wish it away. Obviously it didn't seem to work.
Then Kuroo came around when you were working in the living room, wearing a deep red robe, sipping from a cup before he pulled it away from his lips to ask, "You okay, baby?" he walked over, and when he slammed his cup down on the table it made you wince.
"No," you admitted. You pulled your hands away from your face and nearly sobbed as you saw that your computer was now frozen.
You bit back a collection of swears that you wanted so desperately to scream. Instead, you grimly began to work again after everything closed, clicking on a browser to get back started.
"Earth to Y/N!" he waved his hand in front of your face, chuckling in amusement, and you just moved your head to the direction of the screen. The more you went on, the harder it got to concentrate. Your migraine was full on now, and your head was throbbing so much that it made it near impossible to focus on anything. You closed your eyes for a few moments, before you forced yourself to open them as you returned to the exercises you were working on.
"I think you need to relax," he suggested, "you can barely look at the computer screen," he laughed as he mocked the way your eyes were falling closed, his eyes heavily lidded as he slowly blinked them, a dazed look on his face.
"I can't, I have more work to do," you muttered. You appreciated his attempt at showing concern, but you really were too busy to leave now. You didn't even know what time it was, but you constantly told yourself that you weren't going to stop until everything was finished.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, and you fought the urge to look at him as he massaged the curve of it with his fingers.
"Aw don't be such a workaholic," he told you, and you nearly hissed at him, "I think what you need is a break, doctor's orders!" he exclaimed with a chuckle. "C'mon, you don't have anything that can't wait until tomorrow."
"I'm fine," you lied. You were stubborn and hated leaving things unfinished.
"You're not fine, c'mon, now the boss is telling you that you need to stop working," he urged, and you would have laughed because he was speaking in that cute whiny voice you loved had you not been so invested in your work. "I won't take no for an answer," he said with an amused smirk.
"No it's okay," you started, "I can keep going," you said, your voice lacking any sort of conviction. "I have a deadline."
"Well I said you don't, the professor gonna have to wait, last I checked you're supposed to listen to me, not that old fart," he pulled the laptop away from your grasp, and you wanted to argue but the words died in your throat as your head throbbed painfully.
"Tetsurou, I wasn't finished," you said, your voice expressing weak disapproval.
He scooped you up into his arms suddenly, humming away loudly and acting as if he didn't hear you. He carried you all the way to his room, bridal-style, which you couldn't help but giggle at, and he flopped down on the bed, positioning you on the comfortable seat that was his lap. He ran his hand along your arm, stroking the skin there as he eyed you with a suggestive look on his face.
"Migraine?" he asked. He knew you so well. You had the tendency to get migraines when you pushed yourself too much, and you groaned in response.
"You had a tough day huh?" he continued, a pout playing on his lips before he chuckled. "No biggie, I'm here to fix that," he assured, his voice somewhat soothing for once.
"It sucked," you mumbled, leaning into his touch as he stroked both of your arms with his hands, feeling yourself relax a little more. He pulled you closer against his chest, his breath tickling your neck.
"Sorry you had a shit day," he chuckled, his grin widening when you cracked a small smile, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "But that's why you always have me to make it extraordinary!" he exclaimed smugly.
"It's fine, I had worse," you admitted, and he continued to laugh at that. You both fell into silence for a few moments. You loved that you could have a horrible day or a shitty migraine, and Kuroo would be there to help make you feel better. You were so comfortable and warm, despite the pounding in your head. But even with that pulsating ache in your head, you found yourself getting lost in the features of his face — those long ebony eyelashes, that single strand of black hair that fell in front of his forehead, the glimmer in his eyes, you drank it all in, and of course he noticed this.
"Like what you see, baby?" he raised both eyebrows inquisitively, his smirk only broadening even more so, entertained by your watchful stare.
"Maybe," you said with a light shrug, acting as if it was nothing.
He slid his hands up to your shoulders, kneading his fingers into them, and the feeling made you shiver slightly. You found yourself craving his touch almost instantly. You were suddenly very aware of his hot skin against yours and his hot breath chasing the skin on your neck.
"You know," he said before leaning in to press kisses upon your neck, "sex actually helps migraines."
As soon as he said the words, you felt him twitch against you. His lips then brushed your shoulder and you could feel his sly smirk.
"Is that so?" you asked, your voice taking a very different tone, that suggested a challenge. His fingers wandered down to the hem of your nightdress in search of the skin underneath.
"Yes, or so I've heard," he teased, making you chuckle in response.
"Make me feel better then," you whispered. You reached for the first button of your nightdress, his eyes widened a little as you worked your way down, and you emitted a soft gasp as you felt him harden against you. You popped the next one open but he quickly became impatient with your pace, he brought his hands back up and tore the dress open, letting the buttons fly about the room in loud pings before tossing it away.
You couldn't help but giggle in response to that because of how eager he was, and he quickly joined your state of laughter. Your hands fumbled to rid of the robe that covered his body, slipping it off in a hurry and allowing it to join your ripped dress on the floor. Your cheeks turned to the color of scarlet upon the sight of his stiff erection pointing up, amazed by how hard he was already.
You shivered when he cupped your breast. His hand was cold, and your nipples were already hard from the chill in the night air, but when he brushed his thumb over the sensitive tip of your breast, you sighed in pleasure. You trailed your cool fingertips down his side to his hip, your breath hitched.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he said under his breath before a chuckle slipped through, then he pressed his lips to yours. When you began to trail your fingers up and down his member, his tongue plunged into your mouth. He cupped your other breast, his thumbs brushing back and forth over your nipples. You inched forward, rubbing the ball of your thumb against the head of his member. When you were almost straddling him, you shifted your weight from your knees to your feet, sliding one arm around his neck to hold your balance as you kept fondling his member, and he nipped at your bottom lip, letting out a low, pleased moan.
"Oh shit," he growled before he added, "you're mine, all mine," he repeated, giving you one last hard kiss, then nuzzling his way down to your neck, and you arched to give him room as he brushed his lips just lightly across the tops of your breasts. You angled your hips, gripping his shoulders as you rubbed the slit of your sex into the hard length of his erection, your clit sliding against the underside of his shaft, and when he suckled against your nipple, you shuddered, making you whimper loudly.
"Mmm, yes," you murmured, closing your eyes as he lashed his tongue back and forth against your nipple, then gently bit the underside of your breast.
"So beautiful, fuck, I love how this perfect body is all mine," he cooed. He moved to the other, stroking your wet nipple as he pressed his other palm into the small of your back, guiding you as you ground against him. He murmured your name against your breast, and closed his teeth around your nipple. Your clit brushed the tip of his member and you moaned, hips trembling a little as you kept rubbing against him in a desperate attempt for some relief.
"Baby, get inside me," you moaned, and he kissed you between your breasts before he straightened. His dark-eyed gaze was intent on yours, watching as you were a complete and utter panting mess against him. He guided you up, angling himself under you, making you lean forward and you caught his earlobe in your mouth hungrily.
"Please, baby, please, oh fuck," you cried, and when he was just barely seated inside you, instantly you tilted forward, the tips of your breasts rubbing against his chest. He pressed the pad of his thumb against your clit, and you trembled as you sank onto his member, working your way down until your hips were flush.
You threw your head back as you thrust into him fervidly, losing yourself in the sensation of him inside you, filling you. When you took his full length and then gently circled your hips, his thumb still working against your clit, you both moaned aloud.
"Mmm. You feel so good," he growled. "Harder, baby," he urged breathlessly.
You adjusted your weight and he tilted back a little, changing the angle just slightly. When you began to bounce up and down on his member, he let out a louder moan, flicking your clit even harder, his other hand coming up to pluck at your breast. You cried out in pleasure when he squeezed your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, then did the same to the other.
"Yeah, babygirl, you're so fucking sexy," he panted hotly upon your moist skin, "so perfect riding my cock like this, oh fuck," he uttered gruffly around a grunt.
"Oh yes, Tetsurou," you sobbed as your inner flesh started to spasm around his member. You rode him harder, faster, seeking the friction your body craved without missing a beat, slamming your hips up and down upon his, frantically bumping into them without a care as your cries bounced off the walls of the room. "Yes, yes yes, baby, it feels so fucking good—"
"Come," he demanded hoarsely as he forcefully pressed down on your clit then slipped the pad of his finger into it with an untamed motion. Your arousal was making you shudder with desperation, and your sobs rose until you were almost screaming as he rocked up under you. Beads of hot sweat formed on his temple, making his hair stick to his warm skin as his body twitched with the sensation of engulfing you completely.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good, baby," he praised, and your face flushed a deeper red, tipping your head back as your whole body trembled. You lifted your hips up and down as fast as you possibly could because you knew you were about to burst any second. You gripped his shoulders painfully tight for leverage when you finally reached your climax.
"Oh fuck," you mewled, rocking your hips side to side, almost corkscrewing down onto his member, and the wild movements of his finger stilled, groaning as he let himself come. You sank down onto him as he pulsed inside of you, and stayed lock to him, skin to skin, wrapped around each other.
Your head was against his neck as you panted hard upon his skin, eyes fluttering open as he tilted forward, letting both of your bodies fall back upon the soft cushion of his bed once you two shared a moment of simply attempting to get your breathing under control. He reached for the blanket, pulling it up around you two, over your bare shoulders, and then you realized you were shaking as your sweat dried on your skin.
"Mmmm," you murmured against his skin, placing a soft kiss upon his neck in a weak attempt to thank him.
Your migraine was now just a dull throbbing pain, and you felt so relaxed and satisfied that you went limp against his body. He lifted your chin up to make you face him, removing a few strands of hair from your face. He planted a couple of kisses along your shoulder and then your cheek. "So how's my girl feeling now? All better?" he asked with a chuckle, running his other hand down your back, feeling the soft flesh beneath.
"Better, much better," you purred as you stretched your body closer to his touch.
He chuckled, "Glad I could help."
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mistchievous · 3 years
Story time!
For @evcndiaz and the rest of you nosy bastards lovely human beings. 😂
This is the story of me breaking my foot on Day 1 of an almost month long vacation to Europe.
I was at Père Lachaise Cemetery with my ex. We were exploring and using Google Maps as a guide.
It had been raining off and on all day, and the stone for the pathways was super slippery and coated in leaves that made it even worse. We'd both been griping about almost falling multiple times over the course of the hours we'd been there.
Well, we were wrapping things up, but she wanted to go to the grave of Edith Piaf before we left (Idek who that is, bro), and Google Maps had been giving us all sorts of direction problems.
Well, we went up a few steps just to discover it was the wrong way, and we turned to go back down. And I slipped.
My right foot bent in half underneath me and I heard it crack.
Literally yelled out "FUCK!" in the middle of this ancient respected cemetery, and my ex and two strangers rushed over to check on me.
I didn't actually believe anything was broken because I've literally never broken a bone before in my LIFE. Thought the pain would be worse tbh.
But it did hurt like a bitch, and I couldn't walk on it. And we were TRAPPED. So the ex called security, but I was able to stop a man driving a security van while she was still on the phone with them.
Of course, my stupid American ass doesn't speak French despite coming to France, and the driver didn't speak English (he's valid tho -- again this is France). So we were like pantomiming at each other until I was able to get my ex over to explain. He then drove us to the entrance of the cemetery where a taxi picked us up and took us to the emergency room.
I ended up stuck at the hospital for almost 8 hours.
When I was in the back, the doctor and I had another fun adventure trying to understand each other across language barriers.
Turned out I'd broken my foot (it was swollen and painful af by now) and would need to wear some special boot while it healed.
But they didn't have the boot. So my ex took Uber to multiple 24 hour pharmacies across Paris before being told it would HAVE to be ordered because despite what the doctor said, no one would have it on hand. So then she came back and left again to go BACK to the pharmacy and return with crutches.
And I've been laid up in her mom's apartment hobbling around for the last day when I haven't been asleep.
Knocked a towel rack off the wall by grabbing it to stop myself from falling at one point.
ANYWAY! Tomorrow is Monday, and they order my boot. It can take up to 48 hours to arrive, but once I get it, I should at least be decently mobile while I heal.
The Normandy sidetrip to see @tarlosbuddie didn't happen. The Venice sidetrip to see @buckbuckley will prob be pushed back a few days.
And it's because it was raining, the sidewalk was slippery, and I'm clumsy as FUCK.
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newhologram · 2 years
New's Ketamine Diary
7.30.22 Unfamiliar Stability
Trips have been really mellow still, which isn't really a bad thing. I bounce back a lot faster now and haven't needed to use my cane around the house as much after. Still not sure if the humidity did something to the troches or if it's time to discuss upping the dose.
Had to do a dose 2 days late because of PET scan and other things going on. It was a pretty easy trip, with not as intense out-of-body feelings, but still some nice visuals. I saw stop-motion Khonshu and it was interesting. Luckily my mental health had already been fine, but it was nice to have this little boost.
Then 5 days went by without me realizing it was already k day again, oops. I was still feeling so great mentally and emotionally that it wasn't even on my mind, although it could have been a dissociation episode. But like in a good way? I don't know. Even though I've been so laid out from multiple flare ups and 3-5 doc appts per week, I've been thankfully supported by a fun and intensely therapeutic special interest. Even after a stressful family emergency and having to run the house and do errands by myself for a week AND work two days in a row, I feel okay. I'm tired and in pain, I'm frustrated, but I feel very level. I feel good, like I can handle all of this.
Two weeks before my period, I usually have really deep depression. I definitely had intense chocolate cravings. Like probably the most intense of my life. I tried to limit myself but I was eating a lot of it. I could feel that my hormones were being wacky but there was zero depression. Crankiness at my chronic pain, sure, but less intense than usual.
I thought maybe it was because I was so distracted by just having fun with special interests. It's also likely because I've been doing ketamine therapy regularly for 4 months now. It may be finally built up in my system enough by now.
But I did also buy an essential oil balm for periods (by Cora, for anyone interested) and have been using it every night all over my belly. I used to make my own blends all the time and used a lot of clary sage/jasmine/ylang ylang for hormone chill, but haven't been able to afford my essential oil hobby in quite some time. So having this again in my daily routine may be helping too, but--
Now doctors are finally giving me enough Tramadol and Xanax that I can use it on bad days 1-3x a week, which means I'm able to not only be more productive, but rest and recover better. I'm still generally struggling to sleep, summertime insomnia is always bad. But I've been having some good nights. I still feel like I got hit by a truck when I wake up, but the little extra spoons I have can be used to cook and do things for myself that will give me more strength. Obviously having better pain management and emergency meds for bad days has a positive impact on my mental health.
This kind of mental and emotional stability and contentment is unfamiliar to me. At least, lasting this long. It's usually fleeting, before a C-PTSD trigger or hormones or a flare up steamrolls any sense of hope I had cultivated. I spoke about it a few times with my therapist, because it's just not something I'm used to, which is why I kept wondering if I've just been dissociating. So I'm trying to familiarize myself with this kind of place, and to be present in it.
PET scan and labwork results came back generally okay, inflammation as expected in my gut, will check back with oncologist in a few months but again, I think this is just more evidence to suggest endometriosis.
In a few weeks I see the gynecological oncologist, who technically does endo surgery, but again… probably not the kind I need. What a mess.
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ii-zi · 3 years
Truthfully can't remember ever not being sick. Afaik I've been "sickly" since birth; this meaning I'd get sick a couple weeks right after getting "better" of the same thing, having multiple illnesses afflicting my body, being sick for months at a time, etc.
Literally just last year I was (and still am) continuously "sick" to the point of barely functioning for over 7 months. I was only "functioning" because I completely disregarded both my mental health and the toll it'd have on my body just so I don't "fall behind" on life lol. I wouldn't even know I actually got COVID if it wasn't for my family all getting sick too due to how the life altering symptoms are so similar to what I'd experience in a mildly bad day.
A couple months (?) ago I saw that post about the "pain index" for hospitals. I actually knew about it beforehand? But what i learnt sorta put it in perspective. It's like a 1-10 scale for when you go to ER (emergency room) and have to describe you pain to the doctors. Can't remember exactly how it went but it was something like "barely ever exist, not aware of it most of the time/doesn't affect" to "can't move bc of it can't think of anything else". The same post went on a tangent about how abled/not chronically ill people have a base index of 0. Which means that, in a un-injured, resting state, the pain they constantly experience is 0. 0. No pain inflicted as a secondary reaction to existing. It hit me somewhat hard, bc at first i thought "yeah that's normal", but quickly i realized it was not my personal experience: the fact that I can ("can") regularly function (i.e. force myself to) doesn't mean I don't experience it. At this point people just don't believe be bc I "can't possibly be in pain/going thru something all the time"
I don't remember ever not being in pain. I've had to, since the very first moment of my existence, make several extra efforts to function quasi-effectively in the same way others do on a regular basis. When normal people experience the symptoms I'd have in a good day, they'd usually call in sick: stop momentarily their busy lives to recover (and with good reason) not only due to how taxing it's for the body, but also because of how hard it is to simply function as a normal person under said conditions.
I know the "world isn't fair" and all that kinda stuff we're always told, but why do I have to perform up to a regular standard when I gotta start in such a disadvantaged position?
The most realistic outcome I could get out seeking a diagnosis would be debt because I'm also fucking poor a "minor" bothersome issue (ex. gastritis) and a "keep pushing" lol. The next best thing would be a "chronically ill but Fit to Work".
I've had to force myself, since the very beginning, to function minimally like the others, overstressing my mind, over abusing my already pained body. I'll never be "allowed" to perform on even terrain, but i am permanently expected to get not only similar, but excelling results so I can "prove" I'm still "worth it" because of all the same shit that makes it all so difficult.
Not only i want a fucking rest, but the permanent option of taking one whenever I fucking need it
#not even the intense nasal secretion is too different from my fucking daily life bc the general doctor said 'thats just how you'll have to#live your life lol' 😭#i know i complain a lot about my health here. im sorry. i know it's not what yall look for when following me jskdjsk but being 'allowed' to#sleep a couple days in the middle of a school year (in weekend & bc there's no homework) really puts it into perspective#how much rest i need#bc of how much more i have to push both mind and body to perform up to standard#health issues#just remembered the deep horrifying shame i had to experience every day for two years in highschool#bc my compulsory extracurricular was band and it was either trumpet or drum#and since i cant fucking breath property (2 decades w a smoker 🥰) i had to take drum#but i also experience constant joint pain :) and am severely uncoordinated w my hands bc fine motor control is Hard#AND issues processing information lol#i was expected not only to learn a beat by listening to it but also to perform it immediately after bc i 'knew the beats' :)#the teacher would stop the class to make me perform by myself. my classmates would take extra time to help me 'learn' the songs#but i was just in pain all the time and very stress& ashamed bc my hands would just refuse to perform#the only time i got off was when they had to run w the drum bc i told the teacher i simply wouldn't. im not hurting myself further for this#so i just had to squat w it (even tho the drum was too big for me sjfjksjd im fucking 5'1)#so anyways yeah#deep psychological scars lol#i need to get out of the bedroom real quick to grab another paper roll but if my sister talks to me I'll just start crying jdjdlfjak#probably gonna post this after waking up tho. gonna send it to drafts so i dont have to sleep knowing this is online while im#still sensitive lol#<- nevermind if i do it then it'd go up in prime time jskdjakdjsj#yall if ur reading this....... please don't think less of me kdjskdksjs im so tired of being looked down @ for everything......
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flameohotwife · 3 years
Happy FFWF! Has there ever been a section of any fic you’ve written where you look back on it and find yourself impressed with yourself? If so, feel free to link the fic it’s from and talk about it!
Happy very belated FFWF (but on the right day!)! This is a really hard question, because I am my own worst critic. I had to go through my fics to find something, because nothing really stuck out just from thinking about it, but I think this section of Balance and Babies is something I'm really proud of:
When the final suds were in the drain and Bumi was happily snoring in his crib, Aang looked around his house to survey the damage.
Aside from the fruit pie and lunch mess in the kitchen--which had somehow managed to reach the walls, too--there was also a sea of small toys, a pillow fort, some spilled milk on the rug that was starting to sour, and some unknown substance smeared on the windows that even Momo wouldn’t touch. Aang sighed and bent some water from a nearby basin, hoping he could actually make the place look presentable before Bumi woke up again, or an angry acolyte showed up at his door.
As he cleaned he became aware that he might not have all the ingredients he needed to make the dinner he had planned, so halfway through rinsing the curdling milk from the rug he took a detour to the kitchen to check. He thought of the many things Katara was able to keep in her brain about their son and running their house on a daily basis, in addition to continuing her healing training on her own, teaching a few younger kids waterbending when she could, offering him advice on council affairs, teaching and loving their son, and actually keeping Bumi from injuring himself.
Aang felt deeply humbled and beyond thankful for his wife--his partner in all things. He was having so much fun, but by the end of each day he was exhausted, often falling asleep himself while trying to convince Bumi to do the same, and leaving the afternoon’s mess to hopefully be cleaned up in the morning. Even though he often helped with shopping or cooking or cleaning and spent lots of time with Bumi when Katara was home, being completely immersed in it like this--and cut off from most outside interaction with other adults--was more isolating and draining than he ever could have imagined. He was amazed that Katara frequently had the energy to stay up with him while he looked over treaties or tried to document the swaths of Air Nomad history that no one else would be able to do, and then for other activities once the lights went out. She was more amazing than he had ever even understood.
This got long so I'll continue under a cut.
This particular part of that story took a LOT of work to get right. I was stuck on this section for a very very long time, but I *think* I was able to do exactly what I wanted to with this passage. I wanted to convey just how *much* the "default parent" (the parent schools call first in an emergency, who knows when doctors appointments are needed and scheduled, who remembers what size clothes and shoes the kids are wearing, who has a mental checklist of everything that needs to get done in the house, etc.) has to remember every minute of every day. I wanted to convey both how tiring that can be, since I spent a lot of time also showing the rewarding and fun parts of parenting.
It's all, as the title says, about balance, and that balance is HARD to achieve especially once multiple kids enter the picture, but it's a hard adjustment to make with your first kid, too, as they grow from an infant to a toddler with CLEAR desires and minds of their own haha. The response I've gotten from other parents has been great, but I hope it isn't too overwhelming for non-parents to read, too. It's just another part of life and I love exploring those things through Kataang and the cloud family. Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry this got so long, haha.
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Half a Heart
An OH alternate universe where Casey Valentine got into Mass Kenmore Hospital's resident program instead, but she ends up meeting Ethan Ramsey anyway.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X Casey Valentine (MC)
Chapter 1
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Summary: Casey runs into a car crash on her way to her apartment less than a day before her first shift as Mass Kenmore resident.
"A resident. At Mass Kenmore. I actually start my shift in a few hours." She says still not sure of how to continue speaking without stuttering.
"Oh, that's nice, I guess." Ethan says and hangs the chart at the end of the bed. "I'm gonna check on other patients. You can stay here as long as you want."
Casey nods at this and smiles. "Thanks, Dr. Ramsey."
"You're welcome." Ethan stops by the door and faced her again. "You did well. Be confident next time, Rookie."
Word Count: ~1.6K
Trigger Warning: Car Crash, Accident
Note: May contain inaccuracies
"Carl, we seriously have to go now, I'm running late!" Casey stumbles upon their porch as she hastily puts her boots on.
Tomorrow is her first day as a resident, and there's only one flight scheduled for Boston today. Missing it, means not being able to attend her first day. That's why she really don't want to be late. Somehow, her brother does not feel her urgency though.
"You still have a couple of hours away from your flight." He says with a straught face as he walks past her, entering the car and opening the engine. Casey enters the car immediately, closing the door off with a bang. Carl laughs at this. "You need to stop being so nervous. You'll make it, and you'll enter Mass Kenmore head up high tomorrow. You'll do great."
Casey just snorts, rolling her eyes, "Well, thanks for the vouch of confidence but the plane won't wait."
They both shared a laugh as the car starts zooming through the highway.
It was a seven-hour flight, but it went by fast. She didn't even know they were landing, only realizing it once they actually did. As soon as she got off the plane, she yawns and stretches. Looking around, the thought finally sinks in.
She is indeed in Boston. Alone and about to spend residency in one of the city's most promising hospital. She wasn't sure if she is ready for this, but standing there right now at the Boston Logan International made her realize one thing. It's now or never and the only thing she wouldn't be able to accept is failure. She smiles to herself capturing a picture to send to her family before getting an uber.
It wasn't long before a black sedan stops in front of her. She immediately puts her bags inside and steps inside the car, giving her apartment address to the driver before she eases back into her seat.
Boston, I hope you're ready for me.
The drive was supposed to be a short one, considering that her apartment was just minutes away from both the airport and Mass Kenmore. However, her car stops in the highway, just a short distance away from what seemed to be a crash. She immediately got out of her car and walks towards the scene being cleared by paramedics. She stares out in shock.
Sure, they were warned about things like this before, but even during her internship, she never experienced something like this. She scanned the area assessing how bad the situation is. Two long school busses are completely toppled over, and with only a couple of paramedics out, she's sure they aren't gonna be finished anytime soon.
She sighs, running to the triage tent where she saw a paramedic furiously going through materials.
"Are there any doctors present yet?" She asked, the man just looked at her for a brief moment, continuing what he had been doing as he answered her question.
"None. They're on their way though."
She nods as she moves out of the tent again, scanning the area. She saw a little boy not too far away, desperately trying to move his fingers. She immediately runs to where he is.
The kid is stuck in a limbo, two pieces of metal are piercing him, one on the chest and on the abdomen.
"Code red! Someone get in here!" She shouted waiting for a paramedic. One of the EMTs run to her direction pulling a gurney along with him. Another paramedic helps to remove the metal from the boy, slowly lifting it up. The EMT carried the boy carefully into the gurney. Casey follows suit, since the boy had his hand wrapped on her finger, looking at her with tears in his eyes. "You're gonna be fine."
They rode the ambulance and starts making their way to the hospital. The EMT had attached an EKG on the child.
She leans back on the seat, sending a quick text to her uber asking him to drop her things at her apartment. Then she watched the kid closely and noticed how his breathing became rapid, his jugular vein distended.
"How many minutes before the nearest hospital?"
"Edenbrook is atleat 10 minutes away."
"He's tamponading, i'm afraid we can't wait that much." She bites her lip, unsure of what to do. She's an internal medicine resident, performing anything on the boy might cause her license. However, if she does nothing, he'll have no chance at all. "I need a needle and a catheter, I'm gonna do a pericardiocentesis."
"Are you allowed to do this?"
"Do you want this kid saved?"
The EMT did not speak again, instead he handed her the needle. Which she immediately took.
"We don't have an ultrasound, you're gonna have to go in blind." Casey nods at this, shifting her gaze into the young boy's chest.
"Tell me if there's even the slightest ST elevation."
Here's to praying it'll all goes well.
It felt like the longest ride. The pericardiocentesis went smoothly, the kid's breathing seemed to normalize after she did it. Pericardial fluid is still draining when they arrived at the hospital. The kid had held her hand again after she finished doing it.
I have to stop being attached to people this fast.
She shakes her head as the doors opened, they were immediately greeted by a couple of hospital interns.
"Carter Thompson, a nine-year-old male, with multiple metal puncture wounds obtained from the bus crash." The EMT nods at Casey hoping she'd explain the situation further.
"His BP is 100 over 80, he went under a cardiac tamponade on the way so I had to perform an emergency pericardiocentesis. One of his arms looks obviously fractured."
"Who are you?" One of the residents looked at her, confused.
Right. Who am I. A kid is dying, Karen.
"I'm Casey Valentine. I was on my way when I saw the crash." She said. The interns just nod despite the still confused faces. She watched as they pull the gurney away, walking towards the hospital.
"I think you've made quite the call." The EMT says suddenly.
"I hope so." She smiled at him. "By the way, I'm Casey. I guess you've already heard earlier. I believe I haven't gotten your name, though."
"I'm Rafael."
"Nice name." She says as he went inside the ambulance to fix the equipments inside, letting another EMT replace the equipments taken earlier. "I think I'm gonna head inside to check on him."
"I think you should." Rafael nods and offers his hands. Casey takes and shakes it. "It was nice meeting you."
"You, too. Looking forward to see you again, soon." With that she enters the hospital.
She was waiting for an update for a couple of hours. She sat on the lobby checking in on her work groupchat every once in a while. She's tired from the flight, and the fiasco earlier, yet she can't find herself leaving. She would just like to make sure the boy is okay.
"Is there anyone here who knows Carter Thompson?" She sat still, waiting for someone to speak. A few seconds after, no one did. So she stands instead and approaches the nurse.
"I was the one who took him in earlier." She says. The nurse nods leading her into a room where a doctor stands, busy writing on a chart while Carter lies on the bed, still unconscious.
"Dr. Ramsey, his guardians aren't here." The nurse said the moment they got inside the room.
"We're gonna have to wait for them then."
"There's someone who is waiting for an update on him though."
Casey shifts uncomfortably as the attending looks up from his charts, his eyes landing on her.
"Who are you?" He asked, voice stern. Casey couldn't help but stare.
How is this hospital filled with good-looking people?
She clears her throat when she noticed that the man still looks at her with a straight face.
"I brought him in earlier."
"Oh, you performed the pericardiocentesis." He says and puts the chart down, turning to face her. "A good call, I must say. He is doing fine now."
Casey looks at him expectantly.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you anything more."
Right. Confidentiality protocols.
Nodding, she speaks. "I just want to make sure he's alright. I'm not sure if I've done the procedure right earlier."
"You're a rookie?" Ethan is not one for small talks yet he found himself wanting to have a small conversation with the woman that is standing before him.
"A resident. At Mass Kenmore. I actually start my shift in a few hours." She says still not sure of how to continue speaking without stuttering.
Casey what did your brother tell you about simping?
"Oh, that's nice, I guess." Ethan says and hangs the chart at the end of the bed. "I'm gonna check on other patients. You can stay here as long as you want."
Casey nods at this and smiles. "Thanks, Dr. Ramsey."
"You're welcome." Ethan stops by the door and faced her again. "You did well. Be confident next time, Rookie." He says as he turns to leave. And then he walked away, leaving Casey with a big smile on her face.
Note: Hello! This is my first attempt on writing a chaptered fic, this is also my first time to write something OH-related. I hope this is atleast okay to read;-; that's the end of chapter 1! I'll update as soon as I finish the next part!
Taglist: @mvalentine @anotherbeingsworld @starberrybliss @nikki-2406 @clowneryme @drariellevalentine @lillylavander20
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
All Over Again - Matt (part 1)
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WARNINGS: mention of a car accident, memory loss
A/N: Here it is ! The first part to my 3 or 4 parts fic. :) I know this trope is far from being original but I wanted to give it a go. Also this was originally supposed to be a one shot but the more I was writing, the more I got ideas so I decided to split it into a multiple part fics. let me know what you think xx
Matt was supposed to have been home from practice 2 hours ago. It was almost midnight and you were worried sick, pacing around the house and looking out the window every two minutes. You didn't think much of it at first and figured he had stayed in the studio a little longer to work on more songs, but after an hour you began to worry. You had tried calling his bandmates, but according to them he had left practice on time with everyone else.
“Did he seem upset during practice?” You questioned through the phone, biting your nails anxiously.
"It was a hard day, yeah. He kept on messing up his parts and was a bit more irritable than usual." James explains. You let out a deep, shaky sigh, one hand coming up to rest on your forehead and closing your eyes as you tried to keep your composure.
"Look James I, um- i'm sorry to bother you with this but Alex won't answer the phone either, do you think they might have gone to a pub together or something?"
"Alex went straight to his girlfriend's after practice. I'm sorry love, I really don't know about Matt. But don't worry about it too much, yeah? I'm sure he's fine. You know how he can be sometimes." you nod your head repeatedly, allowing a tear to slide down your cheek.
"Okay, yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks anyway James." you croak out before saying goodbye and ending the call. You had thought of calling Javed, but you knew it was already late and there was no way his dad would've let Matt in at such an hour. Your heart was beating insanely fast inside your chest and you were feeling like you could break down at any moment, the worst thoughts occupying your mind.
You eventually decided to lay down on the couch and play your favorite movie to try and get rid of the nagging voice in your head. Maybe he just went on a walk to clear his mind and stopped by a pub nearby. He might have met up with some friends there, which would explain why he was so late.
After a little while you heard the sound of the front door open. You immediately shot up, running over the door as Matt walked in. He didn't seem hurt at all, which was relieving. But you were still upset.
"Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!" he doesn't say anything and walks straight past you. "Matt, what's going on?!" you call after him as he makes his way to your shared bedroom.
"Why aren't you in bed?" he says coldly, completely ignoring your previous questions
"Because it's fucking midnight and my boyfriend who was supposed to be home two hours ago didn't show any sign of life until now!" you say and he scoffs. "I was worried sick, Matt!"
"I don't have a curfew to be home, Y/N. I've already had a shit day so if you could just fuck off and stop giving me unnecessary lectures I would appreciate it." you open your mouth to speak but close it again. You genuinely didn't know what to say anymore.
"Fine. Maybe I should leave and go have fun on my own somewhere then, since we don't have a curfew."
"Yeah, good. Leave. Maybe I'll finally get some peace and quiet." he spat.
With that, you turn around and walk out, grabbing your coat and car keys on your way. You storm out the front door, slamming it back close behind you and run straight to your car, silent tears leaving your eyes as you do.
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You weren't sure how it happened.
Tears were blurring your vision as you drove to your best friend’s. You knew that she would gladly let you in, no matter what time of night you showed up, plus she wasn't the type to go to sleep early. You hated driving at night, but you needed to get some fresh air, you needed to get away from Matt. 
You eventually began to regret your decision of leaving as the fog covered your vision more than it already was with your tears. But it was too late to come back, and you still weren't ready to face him after what had just happened. He wanted to be alone, then he was going to get his alone time. Your hand gripped the wheel tightly as you wiped your cheeks and eyes furiously, but no matter how hard you tried to calm down and focus on the road, the tears would come back and blur your vision.
And before you had the chance to react to what was coming in front of you, you felt a violent collision, and your world went black.
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Matt knew something was wrong the moment his dad burst into his room in a panic the next morning.
"Dad?! What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?!" he yelled.
It was barely 7am when he got a call from the hospital letting him know that you had been taken there after a car accident. He was in shock, barely able to let any words out. You were like a daughter to him, so the news were hard to swallow. All he did since he burst into the room was to blurt out your name along with barely coherent words between breathless pants.
"Dad? What is it? What's wrong with Y/N?!" Matt said, immediately jumping out of bed. He grabbed his clothes and put them on quickly, waiting for an answer.
"She got– she in an accident last night. It's bad." he managed to get out.
Matt's heart stopped beating for a moment as he tried to comprehend what he was being told. Everything around him seemed to have stopped as the events from yesterday flashed through his mind. He stared at his dad, speechless, his face suddenly draining of all color as his eyes filled with tears. He was suddenly hit by a wave of guilt and he felt the whole air being knocked out of him. His heartbeat picked up and the room soon felt too suffocating. He couldn't breathe, the room was spinning, his ears ringing.
His dad grabbed his face with both hands to keep him grounded him then pat his cheek slightly.
"Come on now, we have to go. She needs you, son." He said, keeping a steady gaze on him. Matt snapped out of his daze and stormed out of the room, his dad following closely. He grabbed the car keys on his way and they both headed to the hospital in a hurry. Of course Matt’s dad insisted on driving, knowing that his son was in no way able to focus on the road in this state.
By the time they got there, Matt's eyes and face were bright red from how much he had been crying. He was out the door before the car even came to a complete stop, rushing into the emergency section of the building.
He burst through the front doors and begun looking around, trying to find a nurse, a doctor or anyone that could tell him about your condition. A nurse came out of one of the many rooms and he rushed towards her, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he asked where you were.
"Could you tell me her name again?" she asked, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He nodded and repeated, trying to keep it together. The nurse lead him to the reception, searched through her papers then looked up after a few seconds.
"She's in surgery right now so I can’t let you go see her just yet. We're doing the best we can to keep her alive, but from what I know she got into a pretty bad accident, and this kind of surgery requires hours and hours of work." she continues and he nods, trying not to completely break down in front of her. She gives him more details about the surgery before leading him to the waiting room where your family and some friends of yours were waiting.
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three days later.
''It's been over half an an hour...'' Matt finally spoke up, breaking the silence as he paced anxiously around the waiting room. "Someone should be able to tell us something by now.''
''I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Matt." Javed answered softly in an attempt to comfort both himself and Matt. Matt sighed and nodded before he finally sat down in the space between James and Javed. No one was speaking. Everyone avoided eye contact, too busy being lost in their own thoughts, moving their legs anxiously. Matt however couldn't stay still, but no one could blame him. He had been staying with you every day since you got there, even though you weren't awake, and now that they finally had some news they wouldn't let him see you. Family first.
He fidgeted and bit his lips nervously, the worst thoughts constantly occupying his mind. He buried his face in his hands, more tears falling down his face. Needless to say, no one had ever seen him like this before. He looked extremely tired and sleep-deprived, and the guilt was eating him alive. Javed placed a comforting hand on his back.
"You need to stop blaming yourself, Matt. This is not your fault." he says. "She’s going to be okay."
“It is my fault, J. If I hadn’t come home so late and told her to leave...—” he chokes, opening his mouth before closing it again. "She went out because of me. She's here because of me. If she had died—" he starts, but James interrupts him.
"But she's alive, mate. That's all that matters right now. You can't take back what you said or did, but you still have time with her to make it up."
As he was about to stand up and start pacing around again, Matt's head shot up at the sound of footsteps coming towards the waiting room. In a matter of seconds he was on his feet and your mom was at the door with a small forced smile and wet cheeks, a nurse standing beside her.
''Miss Y/L/N is awake.'' the nurse said. "You can see her, but you all should know that she's showing signs of amnesia." everyone's face dropped as they took in the information. "We do not know whether it is permanent or temporary. She remembers her mother and her name but couldn't tell us today's date, whether it is day, month or year. I just want you all to be prepared in case she has a hard time remembering any of you, which could be a possibility." Everyone in the room nodded then started hugging each other to express a deep relief along with sorrow. After three days of constant fear and sleepless nights, you were awake. But then, there was the possibility of you not remembering them. Matt hugged your mom tightly before they all followed the nurse into your room. His heart started racing as he thought about all the things he wanted to say to you. He didn't think apologies would be enough.
He finally snapped out of his thoughts when he reached the door to your room, his heart aching at the sight of his girlfriend laying on a hospital bed.
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You were slightly startled when the door to your room opened again, your nurse walking in along with a bunch of people you couldn't quite recognise as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Your entire body felt numb. You tried to sit further up, but your were immediately stopped by a striking pain coming from your ribs. You lifted your hand in an attempt to scratch your head but you were surprised to feel a bandage under your fingertips and see one wrapped around your wrist. Confused, you realized the upper part of your body was bandaged, but you couldn’t quite figure out why.
"Hello again, Y/N." your nurse smiled "Some people are here to see you. Could you tell me if you recognise any of them?"
Vision still blurry, you frowned and attempted to turn your head to the right. You let out a small groan, the movement triggering an ache.
"Take your time, there is no rush." the nurse says.
Then someone took a seat next to you and grabbed a hold of your hand that wasn't bandaged. You eventually managed to take a proper look at your surroundings, looking around yourself. Your mom was there, along with Javed.
"Um...well, there's mom again. And Javed." you spoke weakly. A small smile curved your lips when you saw him. You two had been friends since 6th grade. You then looked at the two boys behind him. "I don't think I know you." you spoke with a frown." James and Alex's faces dropped a little, but they were kind of expecting it. You weren't as close with them as you were with Javed, so you had fewer memories of them and more forgettable ones.
Then you met the other boy's eyes, the one sitting beside you.
You said nothing while staring at him before realising that he was holding onto your hand which you slowly pried away from him. Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. His nose, his hair, his lips. Then his eyes. You looked into them, trying to find any form of familiarity, but there was none. Why was he holding your hand?
"Y/N?" he says, his voice weak. You could tell he was fighting back tears. You frowned again, lips parting in confusion. You gave your mom a worried glance before looking back at him.
"I...I'm sorry but, am I supposed to know you?"
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