#I'm waiting for it since yesterday
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Thank you for what you guys did for my team, I wish you an amazing career and a return, one day, to Como, asap.
You guys clearly deserve better, I'm sorry that Fàbregas was so harsh on you.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Fit: Good times on the QSMP, you love to see it, you love to see it.
Thank you to all the QSMP streamers, admins, and the community for an eventful year, and an especially big thank you to Fit + Pac! Here's my small tribute as thanks to them for all the laughs, lore, and, of course, "The Concept of Love!"
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creaturefeaster · 6 days
new era new me
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hydrachea · 3 months
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Oh the polycule is so real to me.
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somuchstrdst · 3 months
i've finished season 4 of the magnus archives and went on to episode 161 and LET ME TELL YOU I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR ANY OF IT, THE JONMARTIN OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
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cementcornfield · 2 months
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the way i know it's taking everything in him not to say some ridiculous comment to the press rn 😭
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
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katsy-kitty · 3 months
Can anybody fill me in on what happened during last week's panel? Any video or highlights? I just got back from a 2-week tumblr hiatus (not sure if I'm "back" tbh).
Or if there's anything else that happened during that time in the fandom and you want to share – I'm all ears.
(Or eyes...? Because I'm going to read it. On a screen. I'M ALL EYES. Which is a bit creepy.)
Posting a bracelet I recently made for attention
(but I want to show it to a friend and I don't want her to know my tumblr name so I hope she doesn't see it lol but you gotta live your life with a little risk in it right RIGHT)
btw I just learned a lot about this week's panel thanks to @folie-a-deux YOU'RE GREAT THANK YOU SO MUCH I've been giggling like a little girl reading your posts about the panel <3333333
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meownotgood · 1 year
cannot believe it's been a whole year since this trailer changed the trajectory of my life forever
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kira-light0 · 9 months
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It's Trapper Tuesday! 🎉
This one is for you @kpop-emo-trash for that post asking what happened to Trapper Tuesday: you inspired me.
(Reference under the cut)
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exploring-in-space · 3 months
Well....I failed both exams 🙃 I'm so disappointed because I thought I would pass at least one. I got the results back on the first one and I failed by six questions, which stings. I was so close but not close enough.
I want to be done with this chapter of my life and I was starting to feel like maybe it was possible but not quite. I'm taking two weeks off from studying but then it back to it.
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shima-draws · 1 year
oh my god it's 2023 < -- has been following you since 2018. which is now 5 years ago.
When you realize 2018 was 5 years ago instead of like. 2,
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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summer is a city is so terrible to me specifically
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zieatsramen · 1 month
You have no idea how long I've tried to get my hands on these guys
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leavemetoexist · 6 months
I finished all 4 Studio Investigraves games and I have opinions. (Spoilers to all the games by the way but you already know that)
I played them all backwards from the most recent to least recent by complete accident hence why I shall be reviewing them from least recent to most recent. I'll be judging them based off gameplay, characters and story. Of course don't take this too seriously it's my general opinion and I wouldn't mind hearing other people's personal tier list about which game was their favourite. My interpretation of the characters can of course vary from others opinions as well so keep that in mind.
4. Eloquent Countenance
Gameplay: the gameplay in this one wasn't actually bad, I quite liked doing the different tasks however with that being said, I also got lost multiple times about what I was supposed to do (I think i'm to blame for this once honestly because it was spelled out for me). Overall I still liked it but again I had issues. I did however adore the mix of 3d modelling and 2d models.
Story: The story isn't bad, if anything it leaves room for so many things. The explanation to the end did confuse me though because I couldn't tell if Forcas was talking to the woman trapped in the body or if he was talking to the angel that had taken over the body. And also why did us the angel decide that we did want to give the body back to her? Again a lot of questions that I think can be expanded on if they ever to second game. (I think this is mostly me wanting a second game so badly lol)
Characters: Our character Lisa is alright, I have no grievances with her, she's funny and sarcastic as hell and honestly my favourite. Forcas on the other hand... I like his shenanigans, but there is only so much fourth wall breaking one can take before it isn't very special, I guess? The way he speaks is like how I would write an overpowered annoying know-it-all character when I was 13. So yea not my favourite. I do love their characters designs though, absolutely gorgeous in my opinion.
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3. Cold Front
Gameplay: I had no problem with the gameplay, except maybe when I was running from the monster, that was the only hard part. This was a shorter game so there wasn't too much gameplay and coming down to the end I was honestly a little annoyed that we'd basically ceased gameplay and had started basically just started reading out the rest of the story. I wish there was a boss fight to the end, a little something something to really close it off would've been nice.
Story: It was heartwarming (ironic). I can not express it enough that I really love how well done the story is, both endings really got me. One was a happy ending technically with only Augustine living and it was so dark that he was happy to finally feel seen again once Winnie was dead. Winnie had no idea that he was breaking a lot of Augustine's boundaries but at the same time, these two just needed some communication and they were fine in the end which was perfectly okay with me. They both reflected and became better people together.
Characters: No notes, they were good. I loved the fucked up anxiety version of Augustine and Winnie, it really shows how anxiety is and how overthinking and keeping everything in can really harm a friendship.
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2. Dead Plate
Gameplay: There is so much that needs to be talked about with the gameplay. First of all, our character Rody, does not have a side and back angle so that you can tell which way you're facing, which messed me up a lot when I tried to serve tables. When I first booted up the game it took me way too long to figure out the what to do in the tutorial (This one might be on me tbh so I won't be too mean to the game about it). The various customers did not make any facial expressions as to help indicate to the players their level of annoyance going from good-> annoyed-> angry-> leaving. I really wished they had that, even if it weren't a face at least some sounds would've been nice.
Story: I adored the story, it's fucked up, it's nice and it's overall really good. Genuinely no notes, it's cut and dry, nothing overally complicated and I loved it.
Characters: I loved the characters. Rody is so deeply in love with his girlfriend (Marieanna) and loses his sense of self. He literally does not know who he is without her and instead of listening to her and improving himself and becoming his own person, he makes himself think that if he just had enough money, that she would take him back. Vince on the other hand, woah that motherfucker is a little mad in the head isn't he? I was expecting your usual obsessive yandere esc character but no. He becomes not really obsessed but more like testing a theory. He has never tasted food and wants so desperately to make food where you can taste the love in it so when he found out about Rody whiles dating Marieanne, well he just had to put this theory to the taste test right? I also live for the theory of him wanting to express his love to Rody by feeding him the thing that he loved most (I think this theory is actually pretty solid tbh and I'm not sure if it's a theory or confirmed within the game. I played this so long ago that I've kind of forgotten).
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1. Elevator Hitch
Gameplay: This one might be obvious to most people who follow me but Elevator Hitch is literally my absolute favourite. The gameplay itself was quite fun, I enjoyed the puzzles and tasks that had to be done and the uniqueness of each floor. I had one problem where I didn't realise you could look around the elevator, I wished there were some arrows to indicate you could do that but overall the gameplay was solid.
Story: The story is simple, simple in a fun complicated way. It certainly didn't answer why the building is the way it is but that was alright with me. I enjoyed especially the small glimpses at protag's life before he got stuck in the elevator. I loved the ending, the fact that he had no real choice but to go back was *chef's kiss* Sad ending for Protag but that's okay, solid story.
Characters: One of my favourite head cannons about this game is that coworker is actually pretending to be stupid about the situation that we the player are experiencing and I can be more than be convinced about that. Our main character definitely has shit going on, as saw in the end he needed that job and well the fourth floor with his parents. I loved the dialogue options and the dynamic going on between the two of them. They're both silly and share one brain cell and I adore them for that.
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pardonmydelays · 7 months
one thing you may not know about me is that i am a huuuuge fan of assassin's creed series & guess what...
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