#I'm the kid who won't let the company die
dalekofchaos · 14 days
FNAF au the tale of Springtrap and Beartrap
FNAF au where Henry was springlocked with William.
Was inspired by TeRa__art1's fanart.
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William killed the kids as per canon, but Henry covered it up.
He lost Charlie and could not bear(heh) to lose the company and the pizzeria.
So Henry covered up the deaths and personally removed the kids remains so no one would find out.
This all changes when Henry finds out William killed Charlie.
After William destroys the animatronics, Henry confronts William.
Henry lets William have it. He blames him for Charlie's death and all the kids who died. William retorts by saying he could've stopped this anytime he wanted, but couldn't. He was blinded by Freddy's and his love for him, just like he is. The aura is too great to let go over something as simple as morality. He tells Henry why he did it, his discovery of remnant and how they can not only live forever, but bring their children back. Henry calls him insane and a fucking monster. and all William can say. "what kind of monster hides the evidence to keep our business a float?" "After all this time, my old friend, you don't get it do you?" "What are you talk-" "Why, you're my accomplice. I kill the kids, YOU hid the evidence. YOU protected Michael and pinned my boy's death on Michael's friend. YOU removed the bodies from the animatronics and you kept the old Fazbear Entertainment spirit of ignoring everything. You are every bit of a monster as I am, the only difference is I don't hide who I am" "FUCK YOU WILLIAM!"
and then it happens. the ghost of the children appears.
William panics and tells Henry to put on their suits on. Henry questions why, William tells him they wouldn't hurt "one of them"
William laughs and reminds them "I'M ONE OF YOU"
William continues to laugh only to have a bit of rain to fall and cause the springlock.
and as Henry is about to take the suit off. Charlie appears.
"Daddy? Did you really help HIM?
"Charlie? Is that really you? I-"
"...I'm sorry, you died and all I had was Freddy's. I couldn't lose this place. I'm sorry"
and after that, the ghosts push Henry into the visible hole for the rain to pour in and cause the springlock failure.
William and Henry now trapped together for 30 years.
William becomes Springtrap, while Henry becomes Beartrap.
Henry can't bring himself to kill William. William won't kill Henry because his punishment is too perfect. "Like it or not, we're partners from beginning to bitter end, YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME HAHAHAHA"
William kills, while Henry protects.
Henry saves Michael and keeps William in Fazbear Frights while they burn.
Now who is helping Mike end it all in this au?
Charlie. Much like the FNAF VHS tapes by he who must not be named, Charlie helps Mike end it all and a chance to get redemption in the end while Mike helps Charlie free the children and get revenge on their fathers.
William is Scraptrap, while Henry is Scrapbear.
Art bys Shadowof1987
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Henry foolishly tries to stop William and Elizabeth from hurting the children.
Scrapbear's lines
"I just wanted to protect Freddy's"
"Please let me die"
"Charlie, please forgive me"
"Mike, I'm sorry."
"Your father is a monster, please end my suffering and this nightmare"
Mike is the one who gives the speech.
"And to Henry, I couldn't believe it when she told me what you did. But now you're reunited and she's going to make sure you burn in the business you are oh so proud of that you kept so many suffering families from their loved ones remains. Goodbye Henry."
queue an image of The Puppet holding onto Scrapbear while they burn.
"Elizabeth, I forgive you. Mother and Little brother, I don't know if you're in that pile of molten scrap, but if you are. I am sorry, I put you back together and now we'll die as a family. It's time for us all to rest. Goodbye, end of communication"
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rjalker · 1 year
Edit: Can't believe the irony of me having to say this, but I do apparently have to say this: Not wanting boobs and not wanting to be seen as feminine does not mean you are, or want to be seen as masculine. I'm not transmasculine just because I don't want boobs and don't want to be seen as feminine.
You cannot read a post where the point is having boobs does not equal being feminine and go oh! right. Because not wanting boobs equals being masculine! No!! I'm not transmasculine! I'm not trying to look masculine! Kill the gender binary that has a stranglehold on your views of gender!
Stop shoving nonbinary people into a new set of binary boxes!
the idea that having boobs gets you automatically and inherently classified as being "female presenting" and "feminine presenting" in so-called progressive circles makes me want to maul people.
I've said this before and I'll just keep repeating it forever: I'm disabled. I can't wear a binder. If I tried I'd dislocate several ribs and that'd be the least of my worries. Like. you know why ribs not being where they're supposed to be is dangerous? Yeah. Yeah. Use your imagination. That's a real thing I have to worry about.
I can't even wear a sports bra that's several sizes """too large""" comfortably.
And yeah, I can use trans tape, but that takes concerted time and effort to put on and take off, and every time you put it on you get different results, and you might just mess it up entirely and waste it, and it can get itchy if you're sweating with it on (and it's 90 degrees almost all the time it's not actively winter here, so that's...literally unavoidable. Even sitting in the living room. Because the electric company charges an arm and a leg for AC during the summer AND won't even give you enough to actually cool your shitty tiny apartment even with all the doors shut and curtains drawn!!!!!), and it's expensive to buy more of.
And especially because this declaration of "feminine presenting" or "female presenting" that gets shoved onto you is not only misgendering you, but placing the blame on you for being misgendered for not looking not-female enough. It's no longer the speaker making incorrect assumptions, they're now literally declaring that this is a concious decision you make. You are choosing to "present" yourself this way...by having a body that you have no control over.
And even when it comes to clothes, the idea that the clothes you wear is another purposeful, conscious Presentation™ of your gender...
Even if we ignore for a moment the fact that being disabled and poor severely limits the clothes you can wear and even just have access to, what about people who literally don't get to choose what their clothes are? Kids whose parents buy their clothes for them, people whose carers choose their outfits for them?
My gender is not "sun-bleached tank top and shorts with a reflective sun hat". That's just what I wear so I don't die of heat stroke every time I set foot outside, and so that my joints are not being painfully constricted every time I move. I literally can't take my hat off outside during the day without developing a headache (or are they fucking migraines? fuck if I know!) within minutes from the sun trying to murder me from my light sensitivity. And it took me years to even realize that it was light sensitivity causing this. I remember in middle school the substitute gym teacher asked if I was a vampire because I moved to the closest shady spot every time we moved to a new area.
And like. Let's be honest. Even if I could safely wear a binder...They're fucking expensive.
It's just really fucking annoying that so many people equate binding with being trans and so many people who are supposed to be allies are just so comfortable labeling other people, who they haven't asked, as "feminine presenting" just because of the presence of boobs. Like we have any choice in the matter. Like having visible boobs just means you're asking to be misgendered.
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irondad-defensesquad · 10 months
edit (december 6th 2023): this has been getting a lot of notes - thank you for the love btw! - so i just wanted you to know that this idea has a full story! it's right here. thanks again!
tony is checking his notes while he works, when he hears the door opening.
"oh peter, is that you?" he says, a little relieved but also annoyed. "care to explain why you haven't replied to any of my messages-?"
when he looks behind him, though, there's nobody in the lab.
... the meow startles him.
tony finds the black cat sitting on his notebook, and doesn't appear to plan on getting off.
"seriously?" tony groans. "friday, why is the little black hole in here?"
"he is boss jr., isn't that correct?" the A.I. replies rather smugly.
the man glares at the ceiling. "very funny." then he turns to the cat. "why are you like this. i thought cats liked to be alone. but i guess you just love bugging me."
the cat doesn't reply. he dares to lie down, refusing to let tony work. before they settle on yet another glaring contest today, the older man's phone vibrates on the desk, much to the cat's curiosity. tony quickly takes it and sees he has new text messages from peter.
peter: sorry mr stark, i can't come over today
peter: i have a decathlon meeting and i can't miss it
tony audibly groans. yeah, of course. obviously.
then peter sends another one.
peter: how is tony jr? is he behaving?
tony aggressively texts back.
tony: that is not his name. and no, he's being a little menace, alright. he ruined my couch, he knocked my favorite mug over, and now he won't let me work.
peter: aww mr stark, he just wants attention!
tony: yeah, but he doesn't have to be such a little shit.
peter: stop being mean to him!!!
tony: he's being mean to me.
tony: so what, i'm gonna be stuck with him for another night?
the teen spends a while writing the next text, which becomes many of them, probably indicating he's anxious.
peter: look mr stark i'm sorry i forced you to look after him
peter: i just couldn't leave him in the cold and aunt may already has a lot in her plate
peter: but i didn't mean to make you mad either
peter: i promise i'll try to come over as soon as i can to take him to the shelter
tony's anger fades. he sighs it out.
tony: kid, it's fine. i get it. you have a good heart and i'm proud of you for that. i just wasn't ready to have a stray cat home.
tony: but this isn't your fault, okay? you did the right thing.
he almost texts more but decides not to.
peter: ok mr stark
peter: i'll try to get him to the shelter by the end of the week
tony: no pressure, kiddo.
when he thinks it's over, peter sends yet another one.
peter: hey mr stark? could you take a pic of him? i miss his little face 🥺
tony rolls his eyes and positions the starkphone in front of the cat. the little feline seems to notice it and looks back. and he tilts his head almost instantly. though tony knows it's not out of confusion - it's like he's posing for the photo.
the hero sends it to peter.
who in turn, replies with several stickers of people exploding with heart emojis.
peter: omg!!!! bby!!!! i would die for him!!!!
tony: please don't.
peter: aww he even posed!
peter: guess he rlly takes after you 😊
tony: he is still not my cat.
peter: still... just be good to him until i get back ok? he just wants some company
you don't get it, pete. i'm irresponsible and i ruin everything i touch.
tony doesn't send that.
instead, tony looks at the cat deep into his golden eyes.
his hand approaches the little void. he expects to get bitten or scratched like he has been all day. but worse...
i ruin everything i touch, and i'm going to kill another innocent creature. i'm going to kill him. i'm going to kill him.
the cat is snuggling against his hand, purring.
then he lets tony pet his whole body and his tail touches his fingers.
indeed... all the cat ever wanted was love and attention. the things he never had in the past.
with a relieved smile on his face, tony finally answers peter.
tony: okay.
just a simple reply. but many promises.
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
easy | one shot
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: "But Eddie has a girlfriend!" Dustin said first. "He does?" Adam asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I do?" Eddie muttered under his breath trying to understand what was going on. "Yeah, he is dating my sister y/n!" Will continued. "They're so in love with each other it's disgusting." Dustin rolled his eyes.
Everything would be fine if it weren't for the fact that neither you nor Eddie were informed in advance of the fact that you were a couple.
It promised to be a very interesting week. angst/fluff and almost smut (making out in the bathroom), friends to lovers
In this AU Joyce didn't move to California, but Argyle is there in Hawkins because he is too cool to erase him just like that.
TW: mention of injuries, blood, murder, drugs
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
9 591 words
When I first got the idea, I thought it would be a very short and pleasant story. As standard, it turned out quite differently!
I know I said this fanfic wouldn't be related to any song, but as I was writing I was listening to one of my favorite songs about love Safari by Piotr Zioła on loop and couldn't resist adding elements of it in there.
eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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"Here are my favorites!" Wayne said entering Eddie's room with a big cardboard box.
"Please let me tell Dustin that you called us that, this little shit will lose his mind." Robin grinned.
"He knows it. This is my uncle and sometimes he loves you guys more than he loves me." Eddie replied with a mouth full of pizza. 
You were sitting in the Munsons' new apartment. After the huge compensation Eddie got from the government, they decided to give up on the trailer park and find a place where power failure and lack of hot water would not be on the agenda. You, of course, helped them with the moving out. Unfortunately, Eddie's condition was not the best so with the carrying furniture and cardboard boxes Steve, Jonathan, Argyle and Hopper helped Wayne. You, Robin, Nancy and Joyce took care of painting the rooms, but now it was time to eat to strengthen yourselves before continuing. You sat in a circle on the floor, since you hadn't yet had time to assemble the table. Suddenly there was the sound of a telephone in the apartment. Wayne went to answer it and returned after about 10 minutes with a worried expression on his face.
"If it weren't for the fact that the police chief is now sitting across from me I'd think I'd messed something up again." the younger Munson joked, to which Jim just rolled his eyes.
"We'll have visitors next week." sighed the old man.
"Remember aunt Theresa and her son Adam?"
"Jesus, no!" his reaction spoke for itself.
"They want to come for a week."
"So at the moment when we live in a trailer and can barely afford anything they don't want to know us, but when we suddenly get a lot of money and a new apartment they feel like suddenly renewing family ties?" he asked with disgust in his voice.
"It's only a week Son, you'll survive."
"Nope. I won't survive. Hopper you don't have a free cell for a week? I'll be much better off there than in their company."
"Don't be dramatic, kid." he replied.
"Joyce! Have mercy on the victim, store me for this time in your basement, you won't even notice I'm there," he whined. "I just got you out of the hospital, the doctor said that I am categorically forbidden to do any extreme activities!"
"How can a family visit be extreme?" Steve asked.
"When you meet them you'll understand."
You finished eating and everyone went back to their duties, but you went to help Eddie with changing the bandages. From the very beginning you were the only person he allowed in, because you handled him most delicately of all. You knew that Wayne was trying his best, however, Eddie always dramatically confirmed that everyone else wanted him to die in pain.
He sat on the edge of the tub as you cleaned each wound in turn. He hissed in pain from time to time, each time you heard it you sent him a slight smile whispering that it would be over soon and everything will be fine. When each wound was thoroughly cleaned you moved on to applying the ointment.
"Why do you dislike your family so much?" you asked while rubbing the ointment into his cheek.
"They have always considered themselves the best of the family, just because they have money. They love to brag about it, if they could they would wear badges that say 'we're fabulously rich, sucker,'" he said rolling his eyes.
"That doesn't sound too good." You sighed.
"I'll be hearing all week about how worthless I am. Too stupid to graduate from high school on the first try, too controversial looking to get a good job... The list goes on, if I were to list everything we'd have to sit here until night."
"Hey, look at me." you said grabbing his chin and turning him so that he was looking straight into your eyes. "You're not worthless. You saved the world, Eddie. You saved us all. The only worthless thing that exists is your hopeless aunt's words, do you understand?"
"You saved me, too. More than once." he whispered surprised with your words.
"I would have done it a second time without hesitation."
When you found yourselves in the Upside Down after passing through the gate at Lover's Lake the Demobats took you as their target. Without a second thought, Eddie rushed to your rescue when one of them wrapped its tail around your neck. Later, while Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and Robin dealt with Vecna together the two of you and Dustin were supposed to distract the monsters. Unfortunately, Eddie had no intention of listening to Steve and feeling a surge of courage he cut the line when you and Dustin returned to the trailer on the good side. That didn't stop you from jumping after him. You don't know if it was the adrenaline or the despair that overwhelmed you when you saw him that made you and the others able to get him back out the other side. The option of getting out of hell without Eddie simply didn't exist for you.
"I just... I don't want Wayne to be ashamed of me. I don't want him to listen to all the crap they say about me because I know he cares. He tries not to show it but I can see it. And that's the worst part of it all."
"Wayne loves you. And I know he would do anything for you. It's normal that when someone talks nonsense about people we love it upsets us. Remember when you had to pull me forcibly away from Craver who was bullying Will? I thought I was going to tear him apart then. I probably would have if it hadn't been for you."
"To be honest, you were terrifying, I was scared as hell," he laughed.
"If necessary I'm ready to defend you from your crazy family too. I just need to grow my nails so I can claw out their eyes better." you answered. When you saw the smile light up his face as well, you felt your heart skipped a beat. You meant it in all honesty. You would do anything for the people you love. He didn't need to know that you loved him in a little different way than the rest.
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When the ultimate day arrived Eddie was sitting in his room with Dustin and Will working on the details of the next D&D campaign. This was to be Will's first time as Dungeon Master for the whole group so Eddie, as always, eagerly offered to help. They were fiercely discussing the final boss fight when the door to his room swung open gently and Wayne showed up in it.
"Hi Uncle Wayne." Dustin and Will said simultaneously.
"Hi boys. Eddie? Our guests have arrived." As soon as the last word left his mouth the door swung open wider allowing his aunt inside. There was a look of displeasure on Wayne's face at the fact that she had walked in there as if it were her own room, but he didn't comment. Immediately after her, her son Adam walked in.
"Hello, Edward!" she said in an overly high tone, looking around the room with a judgmental gaze. "Why don't you give an old aunt a hug as a greeting?"
"I'd love to, but unfortunately the doctor has forbidden me to have close contact with other people." Eddie replied in a flat tone causing the younger boys to snort quietly with laughter.
"Hm... I see you still haven't grown up. Adam threw away all his toys the moment he started high school."
"These are not some toys, they are needed for our campaign." He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Are you still playing that satanic game?" interjected Adam.
"It's not- Yeah, you know what? Yes, I play the satanic game all the time. Actually, I'm the leader of the cult now, and these are its scary members Dustin and Will. Before you say anything, yes, I am bringing the Hawkins youth to the dark side of power to worship Satan with me." Their visit had so far lasted only five minutes and they had already made Eddie think about how much more fun it was to be ripped to shreds by demobats.
"Alright." Wayne interrupted his dramatic speech before things got too far. "Why don't I show you the rest of the house and the neighborhood?" Without a word they left closing the door behind them.
"Dude, they're awful." commented Dustin.
"Are you still playing this satanic game?" Will began to mock Adam.
"This is going to be the worst week of my life." The metalhead rubbed his face with his hands.
For the next few hours, Eddie didn't leave his room for a step, knowing that the enemy was sitting right behind the wall. He tried to focus on Will's campaign but anxiety and nerves didn't help him one bit. When the doorbell rang around the apartment all three of them left the room knowing it was Hopper. However, they didn't expect it was Aunt Theresa opening the door for him.
"Good evening officer!" she said. "My name is Theresa Munson, is something wrong?" A confused Hopper sent Eddie a questioning look, to which only the latter rolled his eyes.
"Nothing happened, I-"
"Did Eddie get into trouble again? I know he's been in trouble with the law several times before," she sighed. "Edward I'm sure what you did was not intentional right?" She didn't let him get a word in edgewise.
"What the fu-" Eddie didn't have time to finish when Wayne came out of the bathroom.
"Jim! How are you?" he said shaking Hopper's hand.
"Good." he replied still somewhat surprised. "I came to pick up the boys."
"Oh, so you're not here after because of Edward? What a relief!" his aunt interjected.
"Unbelievable!" Eddie exclaimed, banging his head against the wall.
"I'm just worried that you'll follow in your father's footsteps! Look at you, tattoos? torn clothes and that satanic music you listen to? That doesn't bode well, does it, officer? If you don't change something about yourself you'll never find any girlfriend or a good job."
It was a punch below the belt. Mentioning his father was crossing the line. Seeing Eddie clench his fists and the knuckles on his hands turn white Will and Dustin sent each other a communicative look.
"But Eddie has a girlfriend!" Dustin said first.
"He does?" Adam asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I do?" Eddie muttered under his breath trying to understand what was going on.
"Yeah, he is dating my sister y/n!" Will continued.
"They're so in love with each other it's disgusting." Dustin rolled his eyes.
"Come on boys, we have to go." Hopper said, interrupting this bizarre exchange of words. "Your mother will kill me if we don't get back before dinner."
With that, the two teenagers left them all in shock, including Eddie. After they left, he quickly locked himself in his room thinking about the situation. Apparently you are a couple now. How should he behave around you now? He didn't know what to do with all this. These two little bastards had just put him in a game of pretend relationship with the girl he wrote all his love songs about. On the one hand, it was a great opportunity for him to finally make a move on you. On the other, he was paralyzed by the fear that nothing but rejection awaited him.
"You can pick the place." Hopper said as soon as they got into the car.
"What place?" asked a puzzled Will.
"Where I can bury your bodies when y/n finds out what you've done."
"Oh come on! Everyone knows very well that she has a crush on him!" Dustin exclaimed.
"They're both only have eyes for themselves, we're just helping them finally do something about it." Will tried to defend them. "Just helping!"
"Even if it's true what you're saying, they should come to it by themselves, not by your wild ideas," he sighed. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm not going to get involved."
And Jim was right. As soon as you found out what they had done you were furious, yelling at them that they had no right to decide for the two of you and put you in such a strange situation. However, it was too late. Locked in your room, you nervously played with your fingers while looking at the phone standing on the bedside table, not knowing whether you should dial the number to the Munson's house and explain the situation. Apologize for the behavior of these little shits and hope that your relationship will not worsen because of it. Plunged into your thoughts, you didn't even hear the knock at your door. After a moment of unresponsiveness on your part, Jonathan and El entered the room.
"Will told us what happened." began Jonathan slowly, sitting down next to you. El wordlessly followed him. "You know very well that they didn't mean a bad thing," he said.
"You can come in too." You sighed still looking at the door. After a moment, your younger brother emerged from behind the wall and, not knowing what to expect, walked slowly into the room.
"I know that a simple apology is not enough!" he began to defend himself. "But this aunt is really awful person! She started comparing him to his father, she thought Hopper had come to arrest him, or God knows what! She said he would never find a girlfriend, so we wanted to help him a-and then this idea came to our minds! At firs it didn't seem so bad. We thought...I am really sorry y/n."
"It's okay." you said quietly and you extended your hand towards him. "I forgive you." He ignored you hand and hugged you tightly with a relief. 
"Eddie didn't protest, I think he liked the idea." he said quietly and you smiled.
Despite the fact, that thinking that Eddie liked the idea of being your pretended boyfrend for a week made you feel very warm you weren't able to stop thinking about what Will have just told you about his aunt's behaviour. She compared him to his father? Your blood boiled inside you. No one had the right to say such a thing, and you set as your goal to make sure it wouldn't happen again. At least not on your watch.
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All Tuesday from the very morning you could not sit still. Lessons went on mercilessly, still thinking about the situation into which you were embroiled. When you told Robin about it at lunch she looked quite excited saying that finally something would happen between you two. She was the only one who knew how you truly felt about him and from the very beginning, she was trying to persuade you to finally do something more than rambling to her about your feelings. In her opinion, Eddie should be the person to actually listen to it. The longer you thought about it the more you had to admit that the excitement was getting to you as well. Yet you still didn't know what Eddie thought about it.
When the final bell rang, you quickly ran out of the school, got on your bike and headed toward Munson's apartment, stopping by a bakery on the way. Once there, you took three deep breaths and knocked on the door, which Wayne opened a moment later.
"And who do we have here?" He asked with a smile.
"Hi Uncle Wayne." You said answering with the same. "Is Eddie home?"
"I don't know where else he could be, come in." He let you in. "This is my sister Theresa and her son Adam. And this is y/n," he said as you walked deeper into the apartment. They were both sitting on the living room couch watching TV.
"It's very nice to meet you!" you said in an over-sweetened tone.
"We are also pleased to meet you." Replied a somewhat puzzled aunt.
"Did I hear my favorite Bayers?" Eddie leaned out of the room with a broad smile. Seeing his reaction you took it as permission to take it a step further.
"It's good to know that my little brother hasn't stolen that title yet." you laughed walking up to him. "Hi, Teddy." You kissed him on his healthy cheek. Not expecting it, he fossilized for a few seconds but after a moment he woke up.
"Hi baby." he said, smacking you on the forehead. "I see you've already met my wonderful family?" he added with a hint of sacrasm.
"Yes, Wayne introduced me." you confirmed. "Did you change the bandages today?" you asked wanting to change the topic.
"Not yet." he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"So here's the plan: First we'll change your bandages, then we'll take care of the school notes I brought you." you announced "Ah! I almost forgot! I was also at the bakery on the way, and I brought your favorite doughnuts."
"I told you she was the best." he said proudly looking his aunt straight in the eyes. Wayne watched you from afar with a smile on his lips. Pretend or not - it was nice to see you in such a position.
When you disappeared behind the bathroom door, free from the prying eyes of his guests, you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank you..." he said quietly. "For playing along."
"Will told me about what you heard from her. I thought instead of clawing her eyes out right away we'd show her how wrong she is. If you don't mind, of course."
"Of course I don't. I was afraid it would be you who would mind. Those little shitheads hadn't decided anything about it with me before."
"So since neither of us has anything against it..." you said. "You told them I was the best?"
"Of course, and it wasn't even a lie!"
It took you more than two hours to come to grips with the notes. If Eddie had dispensed with his dramatic episodes the time would have been about half as short, but you were in no hurry. Sitting behind the closed door of his room nothing changed too much, your relationship from the very beginning was very good and full of laughter that reached the eavesdropper Theresa and her son. After finishing his study, Eddie played you some new songs he had written in his spare time. Three of them were related to each other telling the adventure of fighting the worst kind of evil, which was full of throwing fireballs, manipulating thoughts and knife-sharp fangs tearing skin. The fourth had no words yet. That, at least, was the version for you. The piece of paper with its words was tucked deep in the closet along with the rest he had written thinking of you. So that it would never see the light of day.
As dinner time approached Wayne called you into the living room where you helped set the table and get a few things ready. Eddie accompanied you, watching as you casually moved around the space talking and joking with his uncle. Feeling a pleasant warmth on his heart, he thought if it could stay like this forever. The way you jokingly patted his hand when he tried to snack, or when you pretended to be a princess in distress unable to open a jar, so he as a brave knight would come to your rescue. Such behavior was not something new for you, but this time as a wonderful addition, from time to time he could steal a little kiss from you on the cheek, forehead or tip of the nose, or without hesitation hug you from behind when you were standing at the counter cutting vegetables for a salad. You then leaned gently against his frame, creating an enclosure of safety around you. You both tried desperately to remember the feeling you had then if it was about to disappear as quickly as a soap bubble.
"So how did you two meet?" Theresa asked as you all sat down at the table.
"Eddie was friends with my twin brother, Jonathan, so it was only a matter of time before we met." you replied while putting food on your plate and then doing the same only with Eddie's portion. "I must admit that from the very beginning he had something about him that caught my attention." You continued.
"Interesting." she hummed. "Edward, how's the situation at school?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you going to finally get out of high school? You know you won't be young forever." she paused briefly. "Adam is studying in New York. He's one of the best, he's getting a scholarship."
"That's great." you commented, not wanting to drag the subject further.
"And what are your plans after graduation?" Adam turned to Eddie with a contemptous look.
"I don't know, at this point I'm just trying to get better." He shrugged his shoulders without taking his eyes off the food.
"Eddie is great with cars!" you blurted out. "Before the accident he used to work for a local mechanic, he really appreciated him." You placed your hand on his, which was lying on the table. When you squeezed it gently he looked at you and sent a slight smile showing a dimple in his cheek.
"Well, yes, but without education you can't find a good job," he said.
"I believe that if someone is good at their craft they don't need any high degree at all to succeed. And Eddie is the best, and I'm sure that as soon as he finishes high school this year he will be very successful." Your voice was still kind however this time a hint of firmness could be sensed in it.
The rest of dinner passed in silence. When you had finished eating you helped to clear the table and wash the dishes. Then it was time to go home.
"My mother and Jim are hosting an engagement party this Friday. She said to tell you that you and Adam can also feel invited. It's going to be great fun, right Eddie?" you said already standing at the door.
"Of course sweetheart." he replied with a fake smile hating the idea of them being there with all his heart.
For the last time that day you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Although it was gentle Eddie felt as if your lips were leaving a permanent mark there, which imprinted all the way on his heart.
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The rest of the week looked similar. Except for the day of Hellfire, you came to him after school bringing notes and spending the rest of the day together. You could get used to such a course of events, unfortunately, when Friday came you felt nostalgic about the fact that this could be the last of the days like this. Theresa and Adam were going home Sunday morning which meant that these were also the last days to enjoy Eddie's closeness. Feeling a weight in your chest, you got off the bike and headed toward the apartment. You didn't expect Adam to open the door for you. He was shirtless. You immediately felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to turn back but he stopped you.
"Wayne and Eddie went to get some groceries, you can wait for them inside." he said smiling broadly.
"Thanks." you muttered and squeezed past him in the doorway.
"I just finished doing my home workout. You know, we have a gym at the university, so I go there every day, I can't stop." He winked at you coming closer. Responding nothing with a quick step you walked to the living room and began to unpack the contents of your bag. In addition to your notes after school, you entered the store and bought the new figures for D&D that Will kept talking about that they would need for the new campaign. You carried the notes to Eddie's room, then sat down on the couch in the living room and began spreading out the figures and paints on the coffee table. Adam never took his eyes off you, watching your every move making you feel increasingly nervous.
"Do you play this stupid game too?" he asked, sitting down next to you.
"I participate in campaigns from time to time." You replied shrugging your shoulders. Not wanting to lean on the couch as his arm was stretched across the backrest, you aimlessly moved things from one place to another, making you not notice how close he was to you. It reached you when you felt his hand on your cheek. Surprised, you looked in his direction and immediately jumped away standing up on your feet.
"What the hell are you doing?" you shouted.
"Oh come on, don't you wanna mess around? It will be a while before they come back from the store." he said getting up from the couch.
"Jesus, no! Have you lost your mind? What made you even think that I might want something like that?" 
Adam was wrong. Eddie and Wayne returned from shopping, but you were so preoccupied with the situation, and your voice was so loud that you didn't hear the door open. Eddie, seeing you with his half-naked cousin in the living room, felt his heart suddenly get very heavy. He was just turning to leave the apartment and not look at it when Wayne grabbed him by the arm and with a hand gesture showed him to be quiet and watch what would happen next.
"So you're saying all this talk about having a crush on him when he was just your brother's friend is true? You fell in love with a trailer trash who worships Satan? The scars are turning you on?" he smirked. "A better Munson is now standing in front of you, baby, don't waste this opportunity."
"Don't you fucking dare to say one more word!" He crossed the line. It wasn't even about how he behaved toward you. You were too concerned about what he called Eddie. "I tolerated your and your mother's snarky behavior just so I wouldn't make Wayne uncomfortable. But since he's not here now I'm happy to answer your questions. Even homeless Eddie would be much better than you. You don't measure up to him you damn asshole! I don't care about your expensive car you are so enthusiastic about, I'd rather walk everywhere my whole life than get in it. I don't give a shit about your apartment in New York. I would have had a better life homeless under a bridge. And yes, I loved Eddie when he lived in the trailer, I loved that he made me feel at home there, trailer or not I fucking love him so you have to remember that the next time you talk shit about the person I love nothing will hold me back anymore. I will make you regret it for the rest of your miserable life. I'm disgusted with you. I'm disgusted by how self-absorbed idiot you are and how your ego blows the scale. And you are right. You're damn right that these wounds are incredibly attractive. Do you know why? Because they remind me that my Eddie is a fucking hero! You don't even realize how many lives he saved back then! So yes, he and his scars are the hottest in the world and definitely much more hotter than your pathetic gym routine." The words flew out of your mouth like bullets. The shock on his face encouraged you even more but then you heard the door slam.
"Adam?" the voice of Wayne made you tighten your lips into a thin line and take a deep breath.
"Y/n! Good to see you!" he said bringing in the shopping bags.
"Hi Wayne." you said getting the nicest and the calmest tone you could afford at that moment.
"Sweetheart!" before you had time to respond Eddie with a quick step and a wide smile on his lips was already at your side. What you didn't expect, however, was what came next. He cupped your face and kissed you. Eddie was kissing you. You experienced a three-second shock and then completely surrendered to the kiss by placing your hands on his chest. His nose gently touched your cheek, you felt its tip was cold. Yet his lips were burning. Even though the kiss was brief, you felt as if your soul had left your body and had travelled to a completely different dimension. Was it a dream? If so, you didn't want to wake up.
After Eddie heard what you were saying, he felt he had to do it. Many times he saw you defending your loved ones from all kinds of attacks. You weren't afraid to cover Will with your own body when Vecna tried to get him, so verbal attacks were not a problem for you. You also handled this one very well. More than once he had the opportunity to witness this. Now you were doing it for him. This awakened completely new feelings in him. He was sincerely touched and happy. In that moment you gave him something he had not felt since Wayne took him in. He felt wanted and loved. Even if it was pretended at that moment. Nothing could take that moment away from him, so he decided to take a risk. The risk definitely paid off. He enjoyed every second of it. The satisfaction was also a bonus. He wanted to show "the better Munson" that you were his. As if what you said wasn't enough. He wanted the kiss to be a seal saying she is perfect, and she is mine. Damn, he wanted you to be his so bad.
As if nothing ever happened, you sat down on the couch with Eddie and took up painting. You didn't say a word about your exchange with Adam, and Eddie pretended he hadn't witnessed one of the best moments in his life. Painting took you a lot longer than you expected. Plus more because every now and then you glanced in his direction focusing your attention on his mouth as he told you more details of the campaign. Could you have become addicted to something you had only tasted once?
"They are being chased by a pack of wild mutant lions so they run into an old hut where the master of nightmares is waiting for them." He tells you while gesturing with his hands. You're interested in what he's saying, but damn did his lips always look this beautiful? "Earth to y/n!" he yelled clapping his hands.
"Shit, sorry, I zooned out." you woke up suddenly. "So what exactly is it about the master of nightmares?"
"He throws you into a vision that replicates your greatest fears," he said.
"And what is Eddie the Banished's greatest fear?"
Losing you. That was his first thought. "Y'know it will probably be bats." he cuckled and winked at you.
"I am so sorry Eddie, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine, clam down." he said, yawning.
"You're tired, I should go."
"No, stay." he grabbed your hand. "I mean... if you want to of course, I thought you'd wait until they're dry to take some home for Will."
"Oh, sure." a smile crept onto your lips on its own as you accepted the proposition. Lips. You had a feeling you never thought about that particular body part as often as you did today.
"We can chill a little in my room." he suggested. You knew perfectly well what he meant.
"You know very well that I won't agree to this kind of chilling." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Those strange doctors have made it very clear that until the traces of the Upside Down are out of your system for good, there is no question of smoking anything."
"But- please! Have mercy on my poor soul." fell to his knees in front of you making you giggle.
"Don't you dare use those puppy dog eyes on me Munson. It's for your own good." you said softly and tenderly stroked his cheek with your thumb.
"You heartless woman." he faltered, laying his head on your lap.
"Okay, I am able to bear the weight of those words." you chuckled. "There are many other ways to relax, you know? We can listen to music, or read."
"Will you read to me?" he asked raising his face toward you. Big chocolate button eyes glared at you. His face looked so innocent. Rarely did anyone get a chance to see it, since Eddie almost always wore his mask. The fact that he didn't have it with you made you feel very special.
"Come on, adventure awaits!" you helped him stand up and walked to his room. After a moment of deliberation and dithering about whether you should read The Hobbit for the millionth time, you decided that this time it would be some new fantasy book that Wayne had bought Eddie while he was still in the hospital.
"Wayne won't mind that I'm staying this long?"
"Of course not. Besides, we still have some time before they come back."
"We have plenty of time before a pack of wild lions reaches us?"
"And before one of your worst dreams hunts you down" He replied and patted the bed indicating for you to lie down next to him. With that, you began to read, but after a short time you both began to get sleepy. The dim light of the bedside lamp, the warmth that eminated from the two of you, the comfort and peace that you felt in each other's company succulently lulled you to sleep. When you heard a quiet snoring in mid-sentence you looked at its source with tenderness in your eyes. Feeling your own eyelids getting incredibly heavy you put the book aside. Just five minutes. You thought and, moving closer to the boy, allowed yourself a small nap.
It was not as small as you thought.
"Yes, Joyce, you have nothing to worry about." Wayne said. "They were already asleep when we got home, I don't want to wake them up. Yes, I'm sure. They will manage, they are adults. Yes, it won't be a problem for sure. Okay, bye. See you tomorrow." Eddie lazily opened his eyes and rubbed them with one hand. He listened to his uncle's words looking on in disbelief that you were still here. And much closer than before he fell asleep. He brushed your hair away from your face as gently as he could so as not to wake you up.
"Hey, kid." Wayne whispered. "I talked to Joyce, she can stay."
"Thanks, Wayne."
The man smiled and winked at him, closing the door behind him. Eddie took the blanket that lay at the other end of the bed and covered you. In your sleep you turned your back to him and he took the opportunity to embrace you becoming a big spoon. Feeling you move even closer and snuggle into him he thought his heart was about to explode. Your back touched his abdomen causing a slight pain in the areas of the still healing wounds, but this pain was bearable. Besides, it was nothing compared to the happiness he felt. 
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As the first rays of sunlight broke through the cracks in his blinds and his watch indicated the unmercifully early hour Eddie sighed unhappily. He had never been one of the early birds, and there was no promise of change in that regard. When he opened his eyes he remembered why he was actually sleeping in his clothes. You must have turned in the night because now your face was facing his. You kept one hand under the pillow and the other lay on his side. He wanted to close the gap between you and wake you up with a kiss like in one of the cheap rom-coms, but he didn't know if he could let himself do that. Kissing you in front of his cousin was justified, since you were going to pretend to be a couple, you had to be convincing, but wouldn't doing it when it was just the two of you be too much? He was weighing all the pros and cons when he noticed your eyes slowly open.
"Good morning Eddie." you said stretching.
"Good morning, panda." he replied in a whisper. You looked at him questioningly, and with his thumb he lightly rubbed the black mascara marks under your eyes that must have formed there overnight.
"Oh, shit." you said while covering your face. "'m sorry." you muttered and sat down on the bed.
"Don't be, you look cute." So cute I want to kiss you again and again and... again. His brain didn't let go recalling these visions every now and then. Instead, he simply told you that if you wanted to dress up you could borrow something from his closet. Since your top was a bit sweaty after the sleep, you agreed by taking one of the Hellfire shirts and went to quickly get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom. Then you waited for Eddie to shower and get dressed and helped him with his bandages as you always do. You had seen him shirtless countless times, but now that he was sitting in front of you on the bathtub in only loose sweatpants you were overcome by a feeling that you only allowed yourself in the privacy of your room by fantasizing about your friend. You were afraid of the fact that these fantasies were now at your fingertips, and before you could stop yourself your hand actually moved toward him. Eddie, as if in a trance, equally enchanted by the moment, watched your every move. Your fingers gently traced a path on his body. Starting with a healthy cheek, continuing on his neck, shoulder and then chest.
"Do you like what you see, sweetheart?" he said, unable to catch his breath.
"Very," you whispered biting your lower lip.
"I like what I see, too." He confirmed by pushing your hair off your shoulder. He imitated your movements. Starting by gently brushing your face, neck and arm which was slightly exposed by the fact that his shirt was too big on you. Your breathing became faster and faster as you rested your forehead against his. His hands quickly found their way to your waist pulling you as close to him as he could. And then you kissed him. No matter how close you stood to each other until your lips were joined the gap was too huge. Initially shy and tentative sparks ignited a fire. The desire that had been bubbling inside you for a long time exploded. Still kissing you, he got up from the tub pushing you toward the wall so that you were trapped between it and him. Trapped? You were not going to escape even if you were to burn in this fire. As he laid wet marks on your neck you sank your hand into his curls. The temperature was hotter than hell when you felt his hands go under the shirt you were wearing. His lips returned to yours as he pressed his body against yours and you felt how hard he was. You thought you were going crazy.
"Eddie..." You didn't control the moan that spontaneously left your mouth.
"Yes, Angel?" he asked pulling away from you. His eyes were darker than usual but on his lips was the same smile as always. The same dimple-showing smile that made your knees weaken.
"Please." That was all you could get out of yourself before you put your hands on his neck pulling him close. This time he was the one who moaned right into your mouth and started to roll up your shirt to take it off. And then a fire truck arrived. A huge bucket of icy water to extinguish the big fire between you. A big downpour called Theresa.
"Hello? I think you've already finished changing the bandages! Some people need to use the restroom!" she shouted, knocking quickly and hard on the door. Of course she was eavesdropping. Of course she was doing her best to squeeze in where she wasn't needed. Eddie moved away from you and unlocked the bathroom door. Visibly angry, he passed his aunt without a word and went to his room to get dressed. He was definitely uncomfortable with the fact that they could see his wounds. When he returned, he noticed you in the hallway putting your shoes on. Seeing his sad expression you smiled slightly.
"I have to go help my mom get everything ready for tonight's party." You explained grabbing his hand. "But don't miss too much, we'll see each other in a few hours, right?"
"Yeah." one corner of his mouth lifted
"See you later." In farewell you kissed him on the cheek and left the apartment. Leaving him alone with thoughts of what the hell  just happened.
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When you got home, you didn't have much of a chance or time to think about the morning's events. You and the rest of the household threw yourselves into the whirlwind of preparations. You sat with Mom and El in the kitchen while Jonathan and Will helped prepare the garden, carrying chairs and tables there. After some time, Steve and Eddie also came to help. Because of his condition, Eddie stayed close to you in the kitchen and Steve went to help set things up in the garden. There was a kind of tension between you and the metalhead, but it wasn't bad. All the time you were sending each other glances and smiles. When you handed him vegetables to cut, his fingers brushed yours. The tiny gestures created a kind of attraction between you, which was terribly hard to resist. Despite everything, you did not bring up the subject of what happened just a few hours ago in the bathroom.
The party was going on at its best, Hopper and Wayne were sipping beers while keeping an eye on the meat on the grill, and right next to them at the table sat Joyce, the Sinclairs, Mrs. Henderson, Jonathan, Will, Eddie, and Theresa with Adam, who today was being extraordinarily, suspiciously nice to Eddie. Shouts and laughter came from the other end of the garden. Together with Dustin, El, Robin, Argyle and Steve you were playing fresbee, while Lucas and Max cheered you on from the sidelines. The disc flew out of your hands almost every time though you didn't give up. Seeing your persistence Eddie couldn't hold back a smile.
"Eddie!" shouted Will. "Are you even listening to me?" he rolled his eyes.
"Of course! You were talking about the new campaign."
"Yeah! What exactly?" Silence and the Dungeon Master's reddened face was the only answer he got.
"Will give him a break, you can see that something else is on his mind." interjected Jonathan. "Or rather, someone?"
"Is that someone our sister?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." he muttered while covering his face with his hair.
"So, Theresa! How is life in New York for you, life in the city must be very interesting!" the voice of Joyce caught the attention of all three so they turned their heads towards the aunt.
"Oh, it is! It's also very hard. It's hard to maintain the role of the Munsons, who have not followed in the family footsteps." she laughed artfully. "Fortunately, we're doing great with Adam."
Eddie's leg began bouncing under the table at an incredibly fast pace.
"What does that mean?" Joyce asked a visibly confused.
"Our family doesn't have a very good reputation, as you well know. Not many of us are able to get out of a miserable life in a penny trailer or avoid owning a police cartorette." She sent Eddie a quick glance, through which he knew he was about to receive the final blow. As his aunt continued, his leg began to move even faster, which did not escape the Byers brothers' attention. They both sent each other somewhat frightened glances but did nothing, waiting for the situation to unfold. "When we found out that Eddie was wanted for murder we were immediately horrified that he had followed in his father's footsteps-" she didn't have time to finish when Eddie stood up abruptly looking at her. Father. A word that caused even more pain than the pack of demobats tearing through his body.
"Don't-" he began in a shaky voice. "Don't you dare mention him. Don't you dare call that man my father, you understand." he tried to be calm. In truth, with all his might he wanted to be self-controlled now, but it all seemed too much. All week he had bravely endured everything she said about him. But now when she did it in front of everyone he cared about, when she did it in front of your family, pulling the strongest card in the process he couldn't stand it. Wayne and Hopper became alarmed and walked closer to the table, but that didn't stop him. "This man is nobody to me. A stranger. A fucking sperm donor nothing more. He is a murderer. He killed my mother, and your sister. His last name is Davis. Not Munson." He felt something tighten in his throat. Something making it difficult for him to breathe. "My father's name is Wayne Munson. He raised me, he changed my last name, so don't you ever dare call that man my father again." Saying all this, he looked her straight in the eye. He wanted to make sure she understood every single word he said. Feeling tears come to his eyes and he quickly turned away walking into the house. He couldn't afford to cry in her presence. That's why it wasn't until he was in your room that everything he held inside gave vent. Angrily, he grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it with all his strength onto the floor then sat on it himself while leaning against the bed. He took the pillow cuddling his face into it. As the smell of your scent filled his nostrils even more tears flowed into his eyes. Like tentacles full of venom, thoughts of Aunt Theresa being right wrapped around his mind. He thought he wasn't worthy of you. Maybe she was right that he didn't have a good future ahead of him. If he couldn't provide it for himself how could he provide it for you as well? How could a freak hated by the whole city be worthy of someone as wonderful as you? He felt like screaming. At that moment he hated himself even more than his aunt.
"I thought I'd find you here." Hopper said as he entered the room and sat down next to him.
"Yeah?" Eddie earned a smile while wiping away tears.
"Actually, I think that would be everyone's first thought."
"So obvious."
"Listen... I shouldn't say this, but your aunt is really insufferable. Don't worry, okay? Everything she said was one big bullshit."
"Looking at how many times I rode with you in the police car I wouldn't agree," his words were bitter and full of sadness.
"I know you Eddie. I admit that at some point you were not on my list of favorites, but later I got to know you from a different side as well, and I have to admit that Wayne did a great job raising you."
"Wayne is a great guy," he said.
"So are you." Seeing Eddie only nodding in the negative, he sighed heavily and continued. "I know the man your aunt was talking about. And you are nothing like him. You almost died protecting my kids. You are a hero. And you make one of my daughters damn happy, so as far as I'm concerned you're one of the best people I've met in this messed up life."
"You think I make her happy?" the wall of sadness was shot through with tiny hope.
"Very happy. That's why I don't even want to dig into why she came home in your T-shirt today."
"That- it's not what you think," he began to explain.
"I said I don't want to hear about it. Besides, she came back today very smiling. I haven't seen her like that in a long time."
"Eddie what happened? Jim?" when you noticed that Eddie had disappeared from the table you asked Will where he had gone, and he only said that towards the house, without giving you any details. Moments later you found him sitting on the floor with Hopper. His eyes were a little puffy and red, and you knew he had been crying. You were afraid that Hopper might have said something that led to this, and as if reading your mind he raised his hands in a defensive gesture.
"I didn't do anything. Your boy just felt a little worse, you know yourself how wounds can sometimes give you a hard time."
Hearing this seconds later you were on your knees next to Eddie. "Do you need painkillers? Maybe you need to rest? You can stay here and sleep." With concern in your eyes, you watched his eyes become even glassier. "What can I do to help you, Eddie?" without a word he pulled you close with a hug. You were his safe heaven. He knew that with you he could be vulnerable. "Eddie, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want your wounds to hurt you even more." You said quietly scared that such closeness could inflict more pain on him.
"I don't care 'bout them," he muttered into your hair.
"Come down to us when you're feeling better, we'll be making a fire soon to toast marshmallows." Hopper said, leaving you alone.
The two of you sat cuddled together for some more time. When you returned to the rest of the party, you didn't leave his side for a moment, making sure he was feeling fine and everything was okay. The rest of the evening passed peacefully, especially when you all sat around the campfire listening to the melody of the acoustic guitar that "slays dragons."
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When the day of salvation arrived and the intruders left the Munson kingdom Eddie could breathe a sigh of relief. Even Wayne admitted that their visit was too much to bear and they deserved a rest. Still, Eddie could not rest. Staring at the ceiling, he wondered what your relationship would look like now. Will you forget everything that happened? Such as how close you were to each other? He tried everything to clear his head. Playing his guitar, writing songs, planning campaigns, drawing- nothing. Completely nothing was able to pull his thoughts off track. Countless times he approached the phone and was already almost grabbing the receiver but chickened out at the last moment. At the point when he could no longer handle himself he sat down on the couch with Wayne and they watched TV in silence. But whatever was playing on it didn't help. Then he heard a knock on the door. The thought crossed his mind that maybe it was his aunt who had returned, which in itself made him feel sick. Fortunately, it was you. Although the look on your face didn't indicate that you just came here to hang out. You were nervously biting your lips and your eyebrows crinkled together as you played with your fingers.
"Eddie, we need to talk." you said when he let you in and without a word you went to his room.
"What's wrong? I know pretending to love me for a week was hard, but I didn't think it was that hard." he tried to joke.
"Shut up!" you exclaimed. Your lower lip began to shake and tears came to your eyes. You had thought about the course of this conversation many times before coming here, but you didn't expect to be so carried away by your emotions. Seeing his surprised and then somewhat hurt look made you feel terrible for having erupted like that. He deserved an explanation. He deserved the truth. He didn't deserve yelling at him, for sure.
"I'm sick of how badly you talk about yourself. I'm sick of how you think you're not worth loving, because- because loving you is easy, Eddie! The easiest." you began, feeling like you were about to die of nerves, but you came here with a purpose and you were going to fulfill it. "I want to love you the way you deserve it. And you deserve the purest, the most honest and the strongest kind of love in the whole world. And I know that if you only let me, I will be able to give it to you. But I want you to know that I will understand if you don't feel the same way about me," the last words passed through your throat with extreme difficulty. You were ready to take the risk. A broken heart was a better option than keeping your feelings for him hidden. Especially since you had the opportunity to see what life at his side might look like. It looked like a dream. And you have to fight for dreams.
"You know I'm not the best at talking about feelings." he sighed. "So I'll use a little help," he said taking a couple of D&D figures in his hand and sat down on the bed. You sat down across from him. "If this were one of the campaigns I would say that a very important part was when Eddie the Banished and Y/n Golden Heart had a battle that lasted a week with two, extremely nasty monsters," the figurines portrayed a small fight scene. " After the monsters were gone they both met, in King Harrington's palace in the lobby, just by the door. Not feeling like feasting, they sneaked out and climbed onto the roof of a small shed that was nearby. Under the cover of night, they felt like they were the only people in the world. The night was beautiful. And the fact that evil was not lurking just around the corner gave it an added charm. The wind gently rustled between the trees, the hushed sounds of the feast could be heard in the background, and they were so immersed in a conversation they had created that they forgot about everything else. They talked about comets, about the next adventure that awaited them, about anything they wanted to talk about. The stars in the sky shone brighter than usual. They heralded the beginning. A good beginning." He grabbed your hand. It was a little sweaty because he vas nervous but you didn't care about it at all.
"How do you know it's a good one?" you asked quietly sniffing and feeling that you were calming down. You've always known that Eddie is amazing at storytelling, but this was the first time it involved something so sensitive.
"As the first shades of orange appeared in the sky and the sun gently began to illuminate his companion's face, Eddie the Banished realized a very meaningful matter."
"What kind of matter?" you waited impatiently for the continuation.
"From the very beginning as soon as y/n Golden Heart appeared in his life he couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't remember anything because all his thoughts were directed only toward her. At first he thought she charmed him with a bunch of curses, after all she was the most powerful witch in the kingdom. Because of this, he thought, he felt a constant need and desire to always be by her side. Having once been under the influence of the fumes created by the powerful herbalist Argyle, he wondered what kind of magic it would take to reduce him to the size of a rat, so that he could hide in a pocket in her robe to be by her side for a few moments longer." He laughed, and you dreamily listened on. "His life was like a hurricane. It rushed dangerously with unimaginable speed bringing with it a lot of destruction and dangerous changes. But despite the hurricane, he waited for a warmer front. That morning when y/n the Golden Heart closed her eyes and smiled slightly feeling the warm rays of the sun surround her face, he realized that she was the warmer front. They had survived a lot, rescued each other by pulling out of fires and getting out of rivers, defeated the scariest monsters in the kingdom. And they were together. They never left each other's side. It reached him that his feelings were not caused by curses. What he felt was stronger than a curse. It was love. Simply put, he was in love with her, and to his last breath he wanted to be with her."
"How many points do I have to roll to kiss you right now?" hearing this sentence from your mouth he knew that nothing more was needed for his happiness, so without hesitation he joined your lips together.
Eddie was right that this was the beginning. A very good beginning.
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taglist: @i-me-mine
782 notes · View notes
ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: v.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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"Sister School Exchange?"
"Yeah, it's this thing we do each year with the other of Jujutsu Tech in Kyoto," you lean back against Chinatsu's bed as your non-sorcerer friends look at your curiously.
It's a peaceful Sunday like any other.
Tooru is slouched awkwardly but comfortably at Chinatsu's desk playing Zelda, meanwhile Chinatsu has claimed her bed as her own while she braids her hair. Hard as these days are to come by now that you live in a school remote in some mountains on the countryside-esque outskirts of Tokyo, you relish when you have them. It's a touch of comfort and familiarity. "It's like a sports thing. Loser goes to the winner's school the following year. Last year we won so those suckers are coming to Tokyo."
"Who went where last year?" Chinatsu continues braiding her bright brown hair.
"We went to Kyoto," you expertly leave out the fact you didn't actually get to go. Nor the fact that you wouldn't be participating once again. Your friends don't need to know all that. Stupid special grade technicalities, you want to complain. There's no point, however, with the company you've surrounded yourself with. You're still more than a bit miffed at your inability to attend last year's Exchange.
"Is it an open event where anyone can go?" At your sympathetic grimace, Tooru scowls. "Damn rich people," he swears, rolling his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. His blue-black bangs are pulled back by a hairclip, fully displaying his newfound grumpiness. The idea of sports always kicks Tooru's competitive spirit into overdrive being a member of Tsubame High's rock climbing club. He tried getting you to join your middle school's team once. As it turns out, your grip strength was ass. And it still is if I'm being honest with myself. "Well kick their asses and send those losers back to Kyoto in shambles," Tooru demands as he returns to the visuals of Majora's Mask.
Oh if only. Well, you're certain that victory will be spelled out for your school once again if Gojou and Suguru have anything to say about it. You just know you won't actually play any role in it.
"I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes."
It's a toss up for you on which days you prefer at Jujutsu Tech. Some days it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday and other times you really appreciate a good Tuesday, Thursday Saturday schedule. It depends on how tired your are... and how much procrastinating you've done on your assignments.
After watching X-Men back in '01, maybe it shouldn't have been a surprise that Jujutsu Tech had regular classes but you still remember your surprise during your first week of first year. Apparently, you actually need to at least know the essential basics society deemed important. As such, Jujutsu Tech operated on a block schedule where certain days detailed which day you'd be learning standard course work or anything related to jujutsu.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday were dedicated to normalcy with classes like Math, Japanese, English and Japanese History. Those were handled by the assistants who actually had teaching licenses. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday were all jujutsu-based. History of Jujutsu, Application of Cursed Techniques and Exorcism and Physical Education. (Physical Education being a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday class was the most surprising for you. But once you found out PE included sparring and mock battles against curses, you understood the picture.) These classes were handled by the sorcerers that did the heavier curse-exorcising work in this field with four teachers assigned a specific grade of students to handle.
With Nanami Kento and Haibara Yuu joining as first years, Fujioka still had her hands full with preparing the first years for the rest of their jujutsu careers.
Being in charge of the second years, Yaga didn't have much to do in terms of teaching late last year after Okita died. So the muscle head seemed pretty excited to go from 0 students to 4.
Yamada's graduated but with Utahime and Mei Mei being the new fourth years, Koizumi still has work to do.
The only teacher doing nothing now until next year rolled around at the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu Tech is Matsuno. If none of you are dead by the time third year rolls around, she'll have 4 students bothering her then.
This particular Saturday, classes have been halved for the day. Thanks again, irregular scheduling. And thanks again, Kyoto Tech. It's not the first day of it, that won't be until Monday. Still, today is the day the Kyoto Tech students are arriving and that is important enough that you don't need a full day of schooling.
You recall the names of the people of interest Utahime mentioned during spring break and try imagining faces to the names while Gojou loudly groans at Shoko's newest terrible attempt at explaining how reversed curse technique works. It doesn't help that it looks like smoke is exiting Haibara's brain in his own confusion.
"I think Shoko's right, Gojou," you grin widely at the snow-haired boy's head swivel in your direction. Even with the sunglasses, you can tell he's irritated. "You just don't have the common sense for it."
"Oh like you're able to understand her gibberish," Gojou's tongue clicks.
You're absolutely not. "Hyoo hyoi, right, Shoko?"
"Hyoo hyoi!" Shoko chirps back deviously. "[First] is getting it."
"See?" You gesture at the girl. A crumpled, empty soda can gets tossed your way and your hands fly out immediately to create a peach-colored shield of energy. "Sore loser!"
"Walking copyright infringement," you hate how that comment actually gets a choked laugh of you while you tell him your technique is called Rejection based on the Phoenix Wright franchise. So what if your abilities are reminiscent of a certain manga character with burnt orange hair and a pair of blue flower pins, Gojou should leave you be. You don't control the way in which jujutsu techniques are passed out.
"Why do I have to be stuck with the generation of teachers that don't know how to do reversed curse technique," he grumbles. "Why does the one person I know who can do it have the explanation abilities of a 5 year old? Who the hell did I piss off in a past life for this?"
Shoko tries to pull out a cigarette but it's snatched out of her hands by Suguru in equal parts concern and his own frustration at her less-than-stellar explanations. "I'm sure the list is long so thanks for spreading your bad luck to me too, Satoru," Gojou sticks out his tongue and brandishes his middle finger brazenly, Suguru flips him the bird right back. Yours and Haibara's giggles fill the air while Nanami, arguably the most sane of the six of you, sighs in annoyance.
It really is unfortunate for everyone that Shoko's pure instincts surrounding her abilities can't be translated into comprehensible words.
You learned the year prior in Application of Cursed Techniques and Exorcism I that it was really only relatively recently the jujutsu schools were established and passing down general knowledge outside of family became a thing. Unfortunately, the time in which these schools were created, information on reversed cursed technique was unable to be secured. So until Shoko is able to explain in full how she does it ー or the rest of you are able to start using it on your own ー Jujutsu Tech won't be receiving any updates to the cursed technique application curriculum.
"Nanami," Gojou points at the blond who already looks like he regrets even stepping one foot out of his dorm today. "Learn how to use RCT and explain it to me like a good underclassman!"
"I'd prefer to have a responsible upperclassman who learns on his own and teaches me instead," came the instant rebuttal from the practical sorcerer-in-training.
"Where's the fun in tradition?"
One last sigh of amusement later, you look at your hands thoughtfully. Rejection. A tiny shield stands tall in front your palm. But if we're talking about missing a few puzzle pieces, I'm assed out too. You sigh as Rejection dissipates. Why can't you have six little faerie creatures to help you create a variety of shields too? When it comes to you second years, it's easy explaining the roles you have based on ability alone.
You're the tank, Shoko's the healer and Getou and Gojou are both different flavors of DPS. That's not necessarily a problem, you know. Even the basics of cursed energy usage can exorcise a curse, but when it comes down to it ー you are your partner are both supports and having a bit of an offensive kick would come in handy at some point in the future.
So you decided at the beginning of second year that if you already were teetering the line of coincidentally ripping off Inoue Orihime's technique, why not go for the full thing and try mimicking the rest too? Your first assignment, creating a shield that sends back the damage and finally start stepping in the direction of acquiring an offensive move set.
It's just been a bit of a work-in-progress developing the technique in secret mostly because you have no idea what you're doing beyond the general principle of what you want to do. Dissonance and Disconnect will be your masterpieces ー whenever you manage to them figure out.
There's a tap on your shoulder, "[First]," Shoko taps you once again. "Help me carry back drinks from the vending machine?"
"Yeah, I got you," you'll figure out your masterpieces later then.
Together the two of you made your way to the nearest vending machine to the training grounds. It's not terribly far but it isn't particularly close either. You grumbled over this fact more than enough during your first year. You understand the lack of students means a lack of vending machines, but it would still be nice if this particular vending machine was close enough you didn't have to walk twenty minutes to get to it. "Do you think we could move it ourselves, actually?"
"Do you really feel like carrying that thing down a flight of stairs?"
"Never mind," you groan.
It's part way through your quest to quench everyone else's thirst when you see him. A boy donned in navy blue and gray traditional clothes and dirty blond hair with dark tips. He's certainly no student of Tokyo Tech, you perk up in realization. The boy is cute, you think. "You're one of the Kyoto students, right?" You wave politely as he glances at you. "We can help you if you're lost."
Amber eyes look you up and down before the boy turns to Shoko alone, "When I heard you were enrolling I was surprised, Ieiri," you can't stop your head from tilting, wide eyes blinking in surprise. "Considering all you're good for is healing your peers, you'd think your family wouldn't invest in your education. Especially considering
"Hey," you glare, sticking a friend out in front of your friend. "The only ones who gets to mess with one of us, is us." It's a privilege, not a right. "And all things considered, since Shoko's able to do shit you clearly can't, you shouldn't be running your mouth."
Amber eyes point your way again as the boy actually addresses you, "you must be the foreigner, your accent is very apparent." You have an accent, what of it? You learned Japanese from the ground and you were proud of the progress. No one can take away from you, least of all this guy. "If anyone shouldn't be speaking here, it's the one from a country so backwater you had to come to a foreign land to learn anything about sorcery."
"Naoya," Shoko finally speaks, mouth pulled into a frown. So this is the face you can put with the name Zenin Naoya. "How horrible to see you too. If you're looking to talk to Gojou and Getou, they're in that direction." The brunette thumbs behind herself in the direction you both came from. "Otherwise, you're a long ways off from the rooms the Kyoto students are supposed to be staying in."
You aren't sure what the boy has to be smirking about and you wonder how much trouble you'd get in if you tried punching him. "I know where I'm heading," the first year states, crossing his arms. "I wanted to see the Six Eyes of the Gojou Clan myself. But it'll be something to see the other special-grade as well."
"Yeah well get a good look at the dudes who are going to kick your-"
"Naoya," a deep voice interjects growing tensions. For once, something akin to a scowl dons Naoya's face as his expression shifts to annoyance. "You said you wouldn't antagonize the Tokyo students if I let you off on your own."
"That wasn't antagonizing, that was small talk," his upperclassman's face tells you he doesn't believe that one bit.
He's tall, albeit not as tall as Gojou or Suguru, with black hair with a dyed streak of green in his bangs."Sorry about our first year," the Kyoto senior bows with an exasperated sigh. You don't envy what he has to deal with. If Naoya had been included in the batch of first years Tokyo Tech received, you're sure you would have transferred schools. Or maybe you would have stayed out of spite. "I'll deal with him."
"Please see that you do," your cheek muscles ache from how forcefully you are smiling. What the actual hell is wrong with that guy? You side-eye your partner as the Kyoto first year skulks off, likely ignoring the scolding his upperclassman is giving him. "Why doesn't he have a hate club?"
"Believe it or not, that's not even as bad as he gets. That was actually Naoya at his best," Shoko has to be joking. This is another one of her dry humor jokes. Unfortunately, there's not even a wink of playfulness in her eyes. If that's this guy's best, I don't want to see what his worst is. "The rest of us were in a secret Hope Naoya Gets Homeschooled Alliance. Sadly all our efforts have clearly been for naught."
"Yeah, you guys really should have tried harder," you aren't sure there is any word in any language that could best describe him besides 'worst' and 'brat. And you know what? He isn't even that cute! The culmination of terrible traits in asshole shoujosei love interests created a terrible creature. I'll never say Gojou's a waste of a pretty face ever again. 
Even at Gojou's absolute worse, he's never held a candle to the display of disrespect you bore witness to. "I really need us to win this year. I am so serious if we lose to that pompous asshole, I'll quit being a sorcerer because I refuse to accept defeat from him. Matter of fact," you cross your arms obstinately. "I know we're winning this year and I can't wait to see his walk of shame out of Tokyo. It isn't enough for him to lose, he has to be utterly humiliated."
"I hope he fights Getou," your rant certainly appeals to the brunette who nods in agreement. "It would have been better if Getou was a girl," despite the disappointment that is your reality, Shoko's eyes dance with mischief. "But either way, he'll hate losing to someone who comes from a non-sorcerer family the most." At your look, Shoko blinks in realization. "Right, you wouldn't know. The Zenin's have a saying that basically boils down to the only sorcerer's worth their salt are from the Zenin family, but a non-sorcerer is basically less than human."
Every time you learn something new about the Amazing Sexists, the less you like what you hear. "Geez that family sounds like a real piece of work," you stick out your tongue in annoyance. "I want him to fight Gojou," you nod to yourself in satisfaction. "Their families hate each other, right? So if he loses to him I just know his parents will be pissed. 'How dare you lose to the son of the Gojou family! You're no son of ours! Leave this house!' or something like that."
Shoko's bob dances as she shakes her head, "doubt it. When you're that strong, winning is guaranteed. They'd be disappointed but not surprised, if anything."
"Why 'cause Gojou's a special-grade?" You purse your lips in your prodding. "Because if that's what we're going off of Suguru's got the win in the bag too. Or is it the Gojou comes from sorcerer family thing?"
"Partly the latter," Shoko admits. "But I told you before already. Gojou's pretty much a legend to sorcerers," yes, it is hard to forget when everyone talked about it. "They'd expect a loss if Naoya had to fight him. Maybe if he had the Ten Shadows they'd think he had a fighting chance, but I doubt he does because it would be talked about all over if he inherited it."
Has Gojou always been so... Your mind struggles for the right word. It dawns on you then that Naoya had referred to him as the Six Eyes instead of Gojou's family or given name. Objectified? It's an unpleasant feeling to admit to yourself that he is. Even slightly more so as you try to recall if you've done so yourself and how much you may if you did. You're sure you have. You must have. What else were the bulk of your rants with Utahime were about if Gojou ever organically came up in conversation?
"He's still just some guy," you wonder if your words are more meant to self-soothe than a solid argument. "He thinks eating pancakes is substantial for dinner. I don't know how he's never had a cavity."
"A guy who'll be in the future Jujutsu Tech textbooks and we won't even be footnotes," Shoko sighs at her joke of self-deprecation. "But yeah, it's too bad they won't have anything in there about how he eats his weight in junk food." She pulls out a piece of paper where she has everyone else's desired drinks scrawled on. "Anyway, let's finish getting the drinks."
This isn't the first time you've come out to the training grounds past curfew, but you would have head in by now.
Perhaps it's your irritation at Naoya that has you practicing longer than usual. Or perhaps it's your own inability to advance your technique and the frustration beginning to boil over. It's likely a mixture of both. It's well-past dinner and the sun has set for the evening, your only light source being a lantern you took out of the storage shed.
If there's another thing this school needs, it is stadium lights for the training grounds.
"Uwah," You look behind you, noticing the approaching footsteps and you spot a familiar head of messy white hair. "I would have thought you were sneaking off somewhere more exciting."
"How'd you know I was sneaking out?"
"Was up playing Momotetsu a few times and I saw your cursed energy moving around," Gojou shrugs. It truly is hard to hide anything from those eyes. You wondered in the past if his ocular abilities were passive or something that needed to be activated. When you saw his eyes glowing in the past, you came to the conclusion it's a mixture of both depending on what he needed to see. His sunglasses are on but in your dark surroundings, you don't see any signs of azure glow. Seeing cursed energy must be one of the passives. "Finally got curious to see where you heading off the past couple weeks. Didn't expect it to be here."
"Well now you know," you rest a hand on your hip. "Go back to playing Momotetsu."
Gojou dropped a hand above his hidden eyes as if blocking out the sun, "Nah, I'm looking for Orihime's faeries now, they're out here somewhere," haha very funny, Gojou hasn't said that one before. Ever. His grin widens as he takes in the unamused roll of your eyes. "What are you doing back out here? I could hear your big feet clunking around even with my walkman on."
"If you must know," you ignore his last jab petulantly as he comes closer. "I'm trying to evolve how Rejection works by ripping off Orihime's moves. Sadly these faeries aren't worth shit, they're stingy and only work for her." That earns a snicker from your new audience and that manages to make you perk up. "Jokes aside though, I'm pretty sure I can make Rejection be a return-to-sender and even get it to cut things in half if I try hard enough. So I've been trying it out."
"Must suck not having a users manual," Gojou whistles.
You huff in agreement, kicking a nearby pebble. "Who are you telling?" That's the trial-and-error of coming from non-sorcerer families. Everything you learn about your cursed technique is through figuring it out on your own. Weird glowing orb thing? It's was just Suguru doing as dumb kids do when he decided to swallow it and see what would happen. You didn't even start using Rejection until you were 10, well past the usual date of ability manifestation, all because of an accident. "But if I look at it from a different angle, this just means there's no pre-existing guide to tell me Rejection can't do this or that. I test out those limits myself and be the one who makes the guide."
And if you ever had kids, they'd be the beneficiaries. If you ever lived long enough to get to the point you'd start considering them. You shake head, physically tossing the thoughts out of your brain. "Anyways, like I said, I'm going all in on the copyright infringement. What Kubo doesn't know won't hurt him," you chuckle to yourself. "So I'm starting out with trying to get Rejection to return attack energy back at specific triggers."
Gojou looks between you and the noticeably empty space in front of you. You can already tell what your classmate is thinking ー must be pretty difficult when there's literally nothing to shoot anything at what you put up. "... and you're doing that how?"
You puff your cheeks sheepishly, glancing pointedly in a different direction, "Casper's been a great assistant to me lately."
"So all you've been doing is wasting cursed energy and hoping something happens?"
"On the bright side, I've gotten really good at putting my technique up with various poses over the past couple weeks," you offer weakly with a cough. So far you've mastered the Jotaro Kujo point, the Okuyasu The Hand swipe and the Kakyoin Emerald Splash.
That comment gets you a light swat to the back of your head and you move to elbow him back, but you only meet the infinity between you both. "Just get to posing out your shields and I'll blast cursed energy at it," Gojou flicks his fingers back in a shooing motion as he walks a couple meters away from you. Before you can even attempt to dissuade him, he's already in position. "Tell Casper to take a hike for a while. You don't pay him enough to do overtime."
"You'll help me?" You've never trained personally with Gojou. Likely because neither of you felt the need. You didn't like him and you likely weren't someone worth training with from his perspective. You'd sooner expect Hell to freeze over. It must have frozen over then.
"I don't know how you're planning on making a shield that shoots back attacks without actually having something shot at it," he shrugs in the dim light of the lantern. "And I'm already out here."
"You know what," you rest your hands on your hips. "Dinner's on me tonight, what do you want? This is gonna work up an appetite for me and you eat like a horse anyway."
"Just don't say pancakes. Or waffles," you rack your brain for different loopholes. "Actually, I'm putting in stipulations ー there needs to be a protein and a vegetable, bare minimum. I'm making sure you eat actual food tonight." You're pretty sure there's salmon leftover from the other night from when Nanami cooked. And I could sauté the spinach so he doesn't complain much. "Salmon, sauteed spinach and something else. I don't want this to take forever so I guess I'll just go with rice since it's already late." Rice it'll be then. "This is your reward for helping me!"
There's a decent-sized blast of energy that hurls in your direction. "Um, excuse me, I thought I was supposed to pick what we eat?"
"Rejection!" True to your word, you point as if you're the JoJo of Stardust Crusaders. There's no energy that shoots back in Gojou's direction, but you'll figure out a pattern before the night is over. Maybe I should try something where Rejection can pocket that energy and then it gets shot back? "I changed my mind," you snort. "You're eating what I make and you'll like it. I don't need you dying of a sugar coma before the Exchange Event properly begins."
"Oh come on, it's a treat for helping you out, shouldn't I call the shots here?" The pouting begins much to your lack of surprise. "What sort of reward dinner is this? If this is how you treat them, I can see why the faeries didn't want to help you out!"
"Do you want a free dinner?" When there's no slick comment shot your way, you consider this a victory. "Beat Zenin Naoya's ass to kingdom come and maybe I'll consider making something you want without any sort of fine print. Do we got ourselves a deal?"
There's a smile in Gojou's voice. A smug smile, but it is in his tone nonetheless while he speaks, "I'd do that even if there wasn't a free meal on the line, you know."
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index | previous chapter | next chapter
And we're back to our usually scheduled programming. I update once per week for four weeks, two week hiatus, then back to consistent updates. At least, that's what I decided on other platforms to give myself a break here and there.
Admittedly the Orihime copyright infringement joke is one of the few jokes I've been waiting to make. Glad this moment is finally here.
You also finally get to meet your buddies from middle school, Tooru and Chinatsu. There's another buddy too but he's a special case who won't be showing up for some chapters. I honestly have an entire mini TV series worth of shenanigans concerning this friend group but y'all will just have the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully when that gets touched on in a future chapter, you guys will find it as amusing as I do. Like I made it a point to mention, the Reader really wants to hold onto what she can of her non-sorcerer life. She's "*Miles Morales voice* I can do both" about it
Anyways, you and Gojou are bonding some more and it doesn't relate to food. This is growth. Reblogs and Likes appreciated.
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byunpum · 2 years
Hello, if request are open, is it okay to asked what would it be liked to be Kiri twin sister ( who is down to earth, bit stubborn, and have a natural curiosity around them and the sky people as she tends to question alot )
Just something pletonic between them in general and with the Sully family
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Pair: Kiri x Reader twin sister
Warning: None, cute moments.
Note: I hope this is what you have asked for. And sorry for the late reply. I really enjoy write about family moments with sully's.
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"How do sky people reproduce?" you ask, causing jake and neytiri to choke on a piece of food. And your sister to give you a punch in the arm. Your victim was in front of you, spider. The little guy has always been a victim of your questions and curiosities. It wasn't that it bothered him, you and Kiri were very close to Spider. You were literally with him all day long, but while kiri treated him like a navi. You bombarded him with questions 24/7. Kiri would say you were annoying, but spider would defend you and say it was okay, it didn't bother him. The guy enjoyed spending time with you. Like the time you wanted to experiment how much pain spider could bring.
"Do I have to jump?" spider looks at you with wide eyes. "Yes" you say coldly, waiting for the boy to jump off the mountain. "Y/N are you crazy!!? He's going to die" says kiri, hugging spider. You pull spider by the arm and carry him to the edge of the cliff. "Don't worry…I'm here and if something happens I'll come and get you with the ikran" you smile at him, spider couldn't say no, besides this was exciting. And boom…he jumped. Or like the time you prepared an exclusive dish for spider, to see if he wouldn't throw up. "According to max, you won't be able to hold your vomit for 3 minutes. Let's try when you can hold it down with this meat" you offer him the food. "Are you trying to kill him?" asks neteyam, your brother is next to you brushing a piece of your hair. Kiri was at his side, and again tried to stop him from doing something stupid.
And now you had asked a rather complicated question. Kiri, spider and you were in the family hut, playing and hanging out. While Jake and Neytiri were in a corner somewhere cutting some fruit. Neytiri didn't enjoy spider's company very much, but she could see the bond her daughters had with the sky boy. The three of them were very close, so in a way she accepted it. "I… I don't know," says spider, raising his arms. You were next to him making several stripes on his skin with blue paint and kiri was brushing his hair. You pinch it, making the boy jump. "What do you mean you don't know? you're supposed to know" you complain.
"And what do you want to know?" asks Kiri. Jake and neytiri were listening…they didn't want to interrupt they wanted to see how the conversation was going. "Lo'ak said that our mother did 'stuff' with some and" you start talking, until jake knocks and interrupts the conversation by approaching you. You were still young, he was sure you knew some things and out of curiosity had talked about it, but not his girls. "Ok…time for me to explain to the three of you?" jake sat down next to you. He watched as the three kids gave him their undivided attention.
"Navi and humans reproduce the same, the genitals are the same, but with some differences. But…" jake tries to explain everything, but he can't put the words together well. "Navi just like humans mate through sexual intercourse, and there they reproduce and show their love" says neytiri, shouting a little and not taking her eyes off her work. They all looked at neytiri and then at jake. " That…that" says jake. Y/N gets quiet and then laughs a little. "Well…so kiri and rotxo" you joke, making spider laugh. "Nooo…gross" kiri gives you a smack, and you continue to laugh with spider. "So how about you and spider?" says kiri. Everyone gets quiet, spider and you look at each other start laughing again. Falling to the floor and making fun of kiri. The girl was upset. "Stop it!!!" Kiri yells. Jake stands up and leaves the group of friends laughing and fighting stupidly.
"Kiri…relax. Your secret is safe with us" says spider laughing. You can't hold back the tears. Your sister is so furious, only you and spider knew about her crush on rotxo. "Stop…stop bothering me" says kiri, sitting up and crossing her arms. You walk up to your sister and hug her tightly. "ok…sorry" you speak, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Kiri sticks her tongue out at you and pushes you away. You knew she wasn't mad at you, so you settle down to stand next to spider. "And I'll keep your secret," Kiri says softly, looking knowingly at spider and you. You two blush and you throw a paint-soaked handkerchief at your sister. "You wouldn't dare" you speak up. "You're daring me" kiri says, you're about to launch into a fight with her, but spider holds your arm. " Now…don't fight" says spider, while kiri gives you back the handkerchief. Kiri laughs, now it was her time to make fun of you.
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jessource · 5 months
prompts: ttpd, the anthology by taylor swift.
your location, you forgot to turn it off.
the only thing that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores
could it be enough to just float in your orbit?
quick, quick, tell me something awful, like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy.
i just don't understand how you don't miss me.
now and then she rereads the manuscriptof the entire torrid affair.
if you wanna tear my world apart, just say you've always wondered.
if comfort is a construct, i don't believe in good luck.
i move through the world with a broken heart.
they killed cassandra first, 'cause she feared the worst.
don't want money, just someone who wants my company.
say it once again with feeling.
even statues crumble if they're made to wait.
we here-by conduct the post portem.
what doesn't kill you makes you awake.
they tried to warn you about me.
i'm not a doner, but i'd give you my heart if you wanted.
i got cursed like eve got bitten.
i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens in my mind.
i feel so high school every time i look at you.
I look in people's windows like i'm some deranged weirdo.
there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you.
she wrotе headlines in the local paper, laughing at each baby step i'd take.
one bad seed kills the garden.
when the truth comes out, it's quiet.
you see, i was a debutante in another life.
you have a favorite spot on the swing set.
the empathetic hunger descends.
i'm addicted to the 'if only'.
he said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was, soon they'd be pushin' strollers. soon it was over.
oh, we must stop meeting like this.
way to go, tiger.
i built a legacy that you can't undo.
you said some things that i can't unabsorb, you turned me into an idea of sorts.
i may never open up the way i did for you.
he was a cad, wanted her bad just like any good trophy hunter.
tell me about the first time you saw me.
they knew, they knew, they knew the whole time.
i don't think you've changed much.
you have no room in your dreams for regrets.
they set my life in flames.
i thought it was just goodbye for now.
i loved you the way that you were.
you're a just ruler covered in mud, you look ridiculous.
i'm there most of the year, 'cause i hate it here.
you saw my bones out with somebody new who seemed like he would've bullied you in school.
how did it end? i can't pretend like i understand.
this place made me feel worthless.
i wanna find you in a crowd, just to hide from you.
quick, quick. tell me something awful.
i won't confess that i waited, but i let the lamp burn.
i can't forgive the way you made me feel.
Buried down deep
out of your reach the secret we all vowed to keep it from you in sweetness.
splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless.
old habits die screaming.
i'm lonely, but i'm good.
in my fantasies, i rise about it.
forgive me, [name], please know that i tried.
if i sell my apartment and you have some kids with an internet starlet. will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon?
behind her back, her best mates laughed.
you needed me, but you needed drugs more, and i can't watch it happen.
she's the albatross, she is here to destroy you.
i'll tell you one thing, honey. i can tell when somebody still wants me.
were you makin' fun of me?
nostalgia is a mind's trick.
i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child.
does it feel alright to now know me?
excellent fun 'til you get to know her.
life was always easier on you.
tell me all your secrets, all you'll ever be.
it wasn't a fair fight.
if i die screaming, i hope you hear it.
i can confirm she made a curious child, ever reviled by everyone except her own father.
are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me?
i'm bitter, but i swear i'm fine.
all that time you were throwin' punches, i was buildin' somethin'.
one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.
i'm hearing voices like a madman.
you said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me.
but i can't forget the way you made me heal.
they nicknamed her 'the bolter'.
wise men once said 'wild winds are death to the candle'.
now i wanna sell my house and set fire to all my clothes.
i'm gonna get you back.
push the reset button, we're becomin' something new.
i'm watchin' american pie with you on a saturday night.
i'm an aston martin that you steered straight into the ditch.
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desertleviathan · 15 days
On the Company of Heroes
The Warrior of Light: Yo, I heard the Kobolds have summoned Titan. Or are preparing to summon Titan. Or summoned him briefly, dismissed him, and are about to summon him again after acquiring more crystals. Or summoned him, but he's chilling in an incorporeal state so that he can appear dramatically in a way that looks as though he's being summoned for the first time during the cutscene at the start of his instanced battle. It's... not super clear honestly. But what is clear is that somebody needs to do something about it. And I am recently employed as a Primal Slayer so, hey, I'm here to do the thing. Just point me in the right direction.
Wheiskaet: What?
WoL: Oh sorry, I guess it's been a while for you, hasn't it? I've been informed that you know a secret backdoor to the Kobolds' favorite Titan-Summoning Chamber. If you could just tell me where that is that would be excellent, please and thank you!
Wheiskaet: Now hold up there kid, I can't in good conscience send some novice adventurer off to die in battle with a Primal!
The WoL: I appreciate the concern, but for real, don't even worry about it. My axe is literally still hot from cleaving through Ifrit's torso. I should have mentioned that first, sorry! It was a pretty easy fight actually. Took like ten minutes, and more than half of that was waiting for the queue. So, uh, Titan? Just… show me where…
Wheiskaet: When me and my crew fought Titan back in the day we only pulled off a narrow victory by sacrificing countless fighters, literally grinding him to a halt with a mountain of our dead piled up around his big rocky feet.
The WoL: Really? I slew Ifrit backed up by only three random low-ranking Scions who were among the beaten and malnourished captives taken by the Amalj'aa. And we got it done without any casualties. Coincidentally, they're all three in much better shape now, and still available to help me with this. So. Where's Titan?
Wheiskaet: Oh. Uh. Well. We were simultaneously facing Leviathan on a second front…
The WoL: That sounds like a really raw deal, man! Just an absolute mess! Fortunately for all of us, the Sahagin won't get their shit together until Patch 2.2, and Leviathan is nowhere to be seen. Where. Is. Titan?
Wheiskaet: You don't understand, he emits a magical field that can steal your free will! It's a miracle that you got out of Ifrit's lair with your wits!
The WoL: Funny story! I'm one of a handful of individuals who are immune to that! The phenomenon isn't widely known, but it is thoroughly documented. My colleague here, a scholar of some renown who is apparently already known to you personally, and who carries her credentials as a certified Sharlayan master of Aetherology literally tattooed on her neck, can vouch for all of that.
Y'shtola: Hello! My associate is indeed immune to Tempering, as well as a skilled and accomplished fighter. These being the two primary credentials we sought for our new staff position of full-time Primal Killer. The individual standing before you is the most qualified candidate to be found in all of Eorzea, as I can attest to either from personal observation or from the testimony of my most trusted colleagues, depending on which of the three city states their journey began in. Where is Titan, please?
Wheiskaet: Listen. I believe that you both believe this rookie is some kind of badass. But a threat like Titan ain't for the untested.
The WoL: I appreciate the concern, I really do, but let's look at all the pieces in play here before we decide to label any of them useless. My understanding is that once a Primal is fully manifest, it can stay manifest so long as there's a power source. The big heap of earth crystals the Kobolds probably used to kindle him just catalyzed the process, but after that he can sustain himself by leeching aether directly from the land, corect?
Y'shtola: Oh, bravo! You actually listened to my lecture!
Wheiskaet: I guess that all checks out with what I know.
The WoL: So there are three possibilities. In the first one, Titan sucks up aether until he feels confident enough to just Juggernaut his way southwards, killing or tempering literally everyone he encounters until all of Vylbrand is a graveyard, pretty much unstoppable unless you use the kind of brutal sacrifice play the Company of Heroes had to resort to back in the day. And even that's no guarantee. But maybe, just maybe, the Thalassocracy will be able to leverage enough firepower to stop him before the body count gets too catastrophic.
Wheiskaet: (Nodding) Aye, that's what I expect will happen.
The WoL: The second possibility, and tactically the smartest move in my opinion, is where Titan just lurks in place and bleeds Vylbrand dry, winning a war of attrition while guarded behind the innumerable ranks of tempered fanatic Kobolds who are ready to turn the heavily-fortified maze-like tunnels of O'Ghomoro into a meat grinder that would make your last encounter with their God look like a little light sparring. Eventually he'll run out of juice, but by then he'll be so powerful that he can just Godzilla his way over to the mainland and resume feeding from there, practically invulnerable to any countermeasures that wouldn't be considered an Eighth Umbral Calamity in their own right, and leaving every place he goes a withered husk.
Wheiskaet: Huh. When you lay it out like that, it almost sounds inevitable.
The WoL: And the third possibility is that someone gets in there as soon as possible and puts Titan down before he can get too bloated with aether. This being the only possibility that doesn't lead to a mountain of Limsan corpses at best, or star-wide mass extinction event at worst.
Wheiskaet: Mm-hmm, I hear what you're saying and it does make sense. You've got a good head on your shoulders there. You'll make a fine commander some day.
The WoL: Thank you. So even if the third plan involves considerable risk for whoever pulls it off, if they succeed it avoids a tremendous amount of bloodshed. And if it fails… your top secret back door would still work for a second team, right? Or a third? Your secret door obviously isn't just a door. So it will still potentially be a sacrifice play, but channeling our forces through this specific vulnerability will keep the body count from growing quite as massive as it would be if we met Titan on the open field of battle.
Wheiskaet: So you guessed that the way in is an Aethernet Crystal, huh?
The WoL: If it was a physical passage, the Kobolds would have charted it and sealed it up ages ago, given how tunnels are pretty much their main deal. So now that we're on the same page… how do I get to Titan?
Wheiskaet: You don't.
The WoL: I don't?
Wheiskaet: No.
The WoL: Ok. New approach. What are we doing instead?
Wheiskaet: We?
The WoL: If the Company of Heroes is the only 'proven' anti-Titan force you trust, you're getting the band back together to handle this yourselves, right? Where do I enlist? It'll be… an honor, I guess, to fight alongside you.
Wheiskaet: Haha! Hah! Nah, no, definitely not! We're all super-duper retired from God Slaying. I'm head of security at this rich guy's beach house! I can't just take the day off!
The WoL: Wow. Ok. Congratulations. So will you tell Maelstrom HQ how they can access the secret back door, and send through their elite hand-picked team (that I'll almost certainly wind up leading)?
Wheiskaet: Why in the Hells would we do that?
The WoL: … Why indeed. What, then? Hold open auditions for Bad Enough Dudes until someone comes along who you think is sufficiently impressive? Even though the difficulty of the task will be ramping up the whole time you stall due to Titan gorging himself without pause?
Wheiskaet: Oh, finally an idea I can get behind! In fact, speaking of gorging, here you go…
The WoL: Is this… is this a fucking grocery list???
Wheiskaet: Aye! We're gonna have a picnic!
The WoL: Fine. Final new approach. I'm gonna kill this son of a bitch with my teeth, and hope that the taste of his blood triggers an Echo Vision that reveals how the secret door works.
Y'shtola: I'll hold his arms for you.
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sibsivsig · 8 months
Your blog is so cute and I love your hcs! I was wondering if you would write hcs for Shisui with an older brother? Not a person he’s related to but someone that kinda adopted him as their little brother like Shisui did with Itachi.
I just think he deserves someone to lean on that’s older than him because he had to act like an adult from a very young age, someone he doesn’t need to hide himself from to be dependable. Someone to let him genuinely be a child without repercussions
Shisui X Older!Brother!Figure
(Platonic/ Family Bond, duh)
(Note: During Itachi's novel it's explained that Shisui's father lost his leg during the war, causing him to die slowly of the injury. During that time he was bedridden and slowly started forgetting about Shisui. Itachi asked how he was feeling about it and Shisui said that everyone dies one day and he should start expecting his father to do so now, but he stopped smiling while saying that. He was probably around 9 when that happened, based on Itachi's age who was 5 during that. Shisui then had to become the money-maker of the house. His mother is never mentioned, so I'm not sure wether she was alive or not)
Shisui appreciates you more than anything
He's a pillar in Itachi's life, knowing how much stress and responsibility have been placed on him ever since he was just a young kid
Therefore he doesn't like bothering him with his own problems, thinking Itachi already has enough on his own plate
Shisui in general bottles his worries and problems up, putting on a smile while taking care of it in secret, without anybody knowing something troubled him in the first place
So when you told him that he can let it all out while in your company it meant truly a lot to him
He won't break down or ugly cry, he doesn't even do that in private, but he will shed a few tears every once in a while
For example when his father died
He put on a brave face in front of Itachi, telling the young boy that people just die one day
But with you he told you all his fears and how much grief he's already feeling, just from the fact that his father forgot him
You just put an arm around him, reassuring him that you'll always be by his side
You are a trusted advisor for him, Shisui often looking for advice and tips
That advice ranks from political stuff to where the best grocery market in Konoha is
Shisui is just happy he can trust someone with his troubles
Though he often sometimes feels like he's putting more on your plate than you can stomach, especially during the 3rd war
Some reassurance on that might help, but won't completely relieve him of that thought
Shisui himself makes the comparison between his and Itachi's relationship, knowing that he always wants Itachi to come to him for help, no matter what's going on in Shisui's life, so he finds some relief in that fact
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baggebythesea · 7 months
She-Ra cast as drinking buddies
Adora - She's great. Friendly and eager and up for anything. Hope you like to talk about horses, though. Try to keep her away from arm wrestling or that's what you're doing the rest of the evening.
Glimmer - She's an angry drunk. Or a happy drunk. Or a crying drunk. Or she challenges everyone in the bar on dart. Whatever she does, she'll do it with a hundred percent intensity. If someone picks a fight with you, you'll have to hold her back before she smashes a bottle and cuts a bitch.
Bow - He's everyones bestest buddie. He will pay for the drinks, listen to your rants, hold up your head over the toilet and help rain in Glimmer.
Catra - She's really guarded at first, but when the inhibitions drops either the claws or the tears come out. Step very carefully around her. Also, if she wants to have your jacket, it's her jacket now.
Scorpia - She's a delight. Friendly and considerate and a good listener. Although there is this feeling that she has some stuff of her own she's just dying to talk to someone about… if you open the floodgates, be prepared for a lot of tears and to listen for the next few hours.
Entrapta - Let's be honest - she won't listen to a word you say and she'll most likely have dismantled the beer pump and invented a new kind of drink before the evening is over, but you won't be bored.
Mermista - Surprisingly good company, once you get past the attitude. Keeps the drinks coming and have some good stories between all the 'Uuuuuughs'.
Sea Hawk - Life of the party. Shanties and drinks and arm wrestling. It's fun to have fun with frieeeeeends. Will probably have set something on fire and got you kicked out (unrelated incidents) before the evening is over, and never shuts up about Mermiiiiiiiista.
Swift Wind (did someone say Swift Wind?) - Pair him with Adora or Sea Hawk and no net amount of brain cells will have been added to the party. Up for anything and a good sport, though. Expect singing.
Perfuma - Friendly and considerate and works really hard to be a good listener, but if you just want a drink and some chit-chats rather than a group therapy session she's a bit too much. Try to appeal to her inner theatre kid to channel her energies into something more entertaining.
Spinnerella - The team mom makes sure everyone has a good time and stays hydrated.
Frosta - Thinks it's super unfair that she isn't allowed to drink. Still, if you get her to settle down in the juice bar she can be tons of fun.
Castaspella - Fruit drinks and party hats for everyone! Better step up your game, because everyone's friendly wine aunt won't let anyone be bored.
Shadow Weaver - The drinks are bad and the atmosphere is worse and you are beneath her notice. If you can get through her barrage of insults and appeal to her pride, she has the best stories though. Don't expect to come out of it unscarred.
Hordak - He will sit stiff, uncomfortable and completely silent for three drinks, and then he will speak in monotone voice with increasing amount of rage about the injustices he has suffered. Someone might die before the night is over, but it will sure be memorable
Horde Prime - Wonderful company - if your idea of a good time is hearing a narcisist yap on about himself and demand your constant attention. Otherwise, prepare to have a lousy time. Don't leave your drinks alone with him at any time.
Imp - WHO LET THAT LITTLE SHIT INTO THE BAR? Good luck catching him when he zooms around the ceiling.
Emily - I'll be honest, I didn't know robots could drink. Neither did I know they can DISCO, but Emily proves me wrong on both counts.
Angella - Good luck getting her to settle down and relax. No, Angella, the fact that you heard a siren doesn't mean Glimmer has set something on fire (we hope, at least). Has no idea how the social codes are supposed to work, but likes to feel included.
Micah - At home in any company and a great listener. If you're lucky you'll get some stories out of him that will start with "Oh, it's nothing special. We all have that evil teacher that tricked you into helping her kill the entire senior faculty, right?" and spirals from there.
Juliet - The royal guard is never off duty. She might haul you off to cool down if you get too rowdy, but that's it.
Rogelio - Great listener, but not that good a conversationalist.
Kyle - Goddamit, Kyle!
Lonnie - Yes, Lonnie, you can drink more than me. Yes, Lonnie, you can arm wrestle me. No, Lonnie, I wasn't trying to start any shit with Kyle. Sorry, Lonnie, I'll stay out of your way.
Double Trouble - "Hey, you know what would be REALLY funny. If you distract the bartender, I'll… do a thing. No, don't worry about it. Just a thing. It will be funny."
Huntara - Two rules in the Crimson Waste, where one is not to disturb her as she drinks. If you're on her in-list, prepare to have a good time. If you're not, step carefully around her.
Tung Lashor - Sometimes all you want is someone to chug beer and shout the refrains to some stupid songs with. Just keep him away from cats.
Octavia - You know what, better keep her away from cats as well.
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cdragons · 7 months
Back in my GOT Era, because my ADHD brain won't shut the fuck up 凸(^-^)凸
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Let’s pretend Yi Ti and Westeros have an okay trading relationship with each other, and merchants from Yi Ti are always treated with celebrity status in the Seven Kingdoms. Let's also pretend that the GOT writers haven't completely fucked up all of Stannis' fantastic characterization and complexity.
I love Shireen Baratheon so goddamn much, and the fact she died in the show is such an insult to both her's and Stannis' characters. I decided to blast D & D's canon with a bazooka and make Selyse die when Shireen was a baby. Because Stannis needs to make sure she has a mother figure, he marries a childhood friend, OC, who hails from Yi Ti and owns one of the largest sea merchant companies in the Golden Empire. Oh, and she'll have her own kid, too.
Why am I doing this? Don't I have a shitload of other fanfic ideas to write out? Yes, as a fanfic writer, having incomplete ideas is part of the job.
Do I still have an incomplete Robb Stark x YI Ti!OC story? Also, yes, but I replaced my laptop and forgot to save Chapter 4 in the iCloud Drive. The file is on my old laptop, but that's currently across the Atlantic Ocean in Shanghai while I'm in Boston right now 🤷🏻‍♀️.
🔆Backstory Time🔆
OC’s Name: Xu Mei-Ling & Face Claim: Michelle Yeoh
Mei-Ling's family was on good terms with the Baratheon House, and she was actually staying with Stannis during the Siege of Storms End. She is a few years older than Robert and Ned but is good friends with both boys. Stannis grows a major crush on her because of her support during the siege, and Mei-Ling thinks highly of his stubbornness to hold down Storms End for Robert. After the blockade, she ends up marrying someone in Yi Ti. She ended up giving birth to a daughter in the middle of a major storm.
I'll go into more details when I make the first official post about it, but long story short, Mei's husband dies, and so does Selyse. Mei eventually learns about Stannis' daughter and decides, "Fuck it."
They get married, and Mei moves to Dragonstone. She oversees his daughter's education and prepares her to be an heir worthy of the Baratheon name. She also makes sure Shireen interacts with other kids her age. Shireen gets a badass older sister and a mother who isn't the worst. Hooray!
Also, Mei's daughter will end up knowing Ned's kids and Theon for a good fucking portion of her life. She's Med's and Luwin's favorite because if someone pisses her off, she'll yell out profanities while chasing after them with a broom twice her size. One time, Robb tried to pull her hair, and the next thing he knew, he was pinned face down with his face eating mud and Mei's daughter's knee on his back. Another time, she called Ned a fat idiot for not knowing a basic Yi Tish term, and Ned swore it was being scolded by Mei all over again.
In the end, Stannis and the North will be saved from D&D's shitty writing because two WOC immigrants decided to take matters into their own hands.
I'm still having trouble deciding on a title, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know in the comments!
Tagging: @a-libra-writes, @aphroditesmoon, @asa-do-your-thing, @arcielee, @valeskafics, anyone else who is a fan of Stannis the Mannis, Shireen, the North, etc.
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itsjustpoopeh · 5 months
and while i'm here at the library with the good wifi and a keyboard let me address something else to the toxic weirdasses trying to pretend it's ✨internalized misogyny✨ because "if tommy were a woman you would hate her yall hated all his other girlfriends"
hmm. no 💃🏽
let's go through the list of buck's girlfriends, which i personally disliked and why. you'll be surprised to find that i only hated one, and it had to do with the way kristen reidel butchered her character to make a self insert
Abby - i liked abby a lot. she was flawed and vulnerable and liked buck. she helped him mature and become a little more thoughtful, and i think let him figure out how much he wanted to be in a real relationship and have all those romantic experiences (hot air balloon date i'll always regret your premature murder). yeah she left him in an awful way and didn't bother to apologize and i hated her for THAT but during the relationship? nah fam i was rooting for those crazy kids
Ali - hell i REALLY liked Ali. smart, sassy, fun, also just liked buck and enjoyed his company. i didn't like her abrupt exit from the show but it's perfectly valid for someone to say "i can't handle the danger you're in and this won't end well for either of us if we try"
let's skip taylor and come back
natalia - i LIKED her at first. sure she was a little judgy about all his crazy ass shenanigans but uh... who tf wouldn't be? she wasn't judging him as a person, just being like "bruh wtf have you gotten yourself in to?" they didn't do a lot to flesh out her character because... well, see: kristen reidel and then this season tim had to dump her character bc she didn't want to come back (valid of her tbh)
aight and the TAYLOR of it all:
i liked taylor when she was introduced. i said it
or, to be more accurate, i enjoyed her character and what i thought the purpose of her character as a plot device was going to be
i will forever die on the hill that taylor kelly could have been an excellent recurring friendly antagonist. a ruthless, ambitious, snarky reporter, getting in bitch fights with eddie every time she shows up to horn in on the 118 for one of her investigations trying to climb the vicious corporate news ladder. getting in the way, occasionally helping out against her will, climbing buck like a tree in bar restrooms, then flouncing off until her next appearance. it would have been great
and then kristen reidel needed a self-insert, tried to redeem her with no actual work done on selling it, made her spineless, then turned her back into an awful unethical reporter when she needed to get rid of her, and worse, made her BORING AS FUCK doing it AND didn't accomplish any narrative purpose with it? nah fuck that shit.
and what i want you to notice is that NONE OF THAT HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH BUDDIE
godDAMN y'all are testing my nerves
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lilyevanstan1325 · 9 months
❤️ Built For This World ❤️
Chapter 3
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I look around trying not to lose my mind.
Behind me I can hear the quiet patter of a horse, its low whinnies are the only thing keeping me company.
They won't kill me.
Oh shit.
Ok ok, I have to stay calm, I can't lose my mind right now.
Breathe Summer, breathe.
Despite the darkness, interrupted by only a few rays of moonlight passing through the old wooden planks of the ceiling, if I concentrated I could try to understand how the hell to escape from this place.
Would it be such a bad idea after all?
I almost miss the woods full of biters.
I sigh shaking my head.
I'm just panicking and this isn't going to help.
I'm safe now.
I'll be fine here and Daryl won't let anything happen to me.
Another big sigh leaves my lips.
I'll be honest, when he puts a gun to my head I felt betrayed.
It was an unexpected gesture but after the initial shock I think I can understand his motivations.
He doesn't know who I am and the people he cares about live here.
From what I understand and from what little I was able to see there are women here and perhaps even children.
It is more than normal to want to protect them from the new intruder, even if the new intruder is a girl on the edge of death.
A pang runs through my shoulders.
Damn Shane.
That's the name of the man with the crazy look who tied me up as if I were a serial killer.
Without even realizing it, I relive in my mind the meeting with these people on the top of the hill.
As soon as the three men reached us, the one with the shaved head was the first to start yelling at Daryl.
"Are you crazy?What the hell is going through your head?And who the hell is this kid?” he shouted, looking down at me and waving the gun in my direction.
I found myself staring into two black pools full of hate and…madness?
For the first time since I set foot out of that damned woods full of biters, I was truly scared.
I felt a drop of cold sweat run down my spine and with eyes wide open and full of panic I did the only thing I thought was safe at that moment.
I turned my head in the direction of the archer, looking for help, finding his blue eyes already fixed on me.
I know it was an irrational thought.
Asking for help from the man who points a gun at your head is certainly not a smart move but at that moment my every action was the result of my instinct.
I remember moving a little more towards him, sliding my knees on the hard ground scratching my knees, bringing me closer to the archer's legs.
The tip of my left shoulder grazed his knee.
Without hesitation Daryl moved from my side and positioned himself in front of me, interposing himself between me and that dickhead who, waiting for an answer, was looking at me as if he was ready to rip my heart out of my chest.
With bare hands.
Everything about him screamed danger.
There is definitely something wrong with him.
At that moment, however, I couldn't do anything other than look at Daryl.
From my perspective I could only see his boots but better than the eyes of that raging madman.
Now he was my only chance of salvation.
Daryl for his part seemed calm.
Even too much.
Looking up I saw him take a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his jeans and very calmly, as if at that moment we didn't have the end of the world on our heels ready to bite us in the ass, he took a cigarette, lit it and took a long, deep drag.
Spirals of white smoke dispersed freely into the sky.
For a moment he turned his head, glancing over his shoulder, right at my figure kneeling on the ground.
“I found her in the woods.I couldn't leave her"
A clear sentence.
Short and concise.
But also a big lie.
He could have left me to die, he didn't have to take me with him and jeopardize the safety of their safe place.
Another spiral of smoke rose above his head.
From my position I could hear the crackle of tobacco consumed by the flame.
Daryl's attention was totally focused on the man in uniform.
Another useful detail for me.
He's the leader here, I thought.
I remember observing his figure, half hidden by the man in front of me, for endless minutes.
I could hear the gears turning at lightning speed in his head as he pondered what to do with me.
After another deep exchange of glances between Daryl and the cop, the latter moved to the side, kneeling in front of me and bringing his eyes up to mine, studying me for a few more seconds, as if I were a fucking animal in the zoo.
I had some difficulty keeping myself from snorting and rolling my eyes.
All that was left was for him to throw peanuts at me.
The cop ran his hand over his face, rubbing his tired and exhausted features and then finally I heard his voice for the first time.
“I'm Rick Grimes.Who are you?"
“I'm Summer Davis” I stammered uncertainly, using my mother's last name as information.
I had already abandoned my father's surname a long time ago, no longer using it helped me overcome his betrayal.
I saw him nod just once as if he was satisfied with my answer.
"You are alone?Do you have people looking for you?”
Now to anyone this might seem like a simple question.
But not for me.
Not for me.
Was I alone?Yes.
Was someone looking for me? Probably.
Would I have told him?Hell no.
Looking at the men in front of me I knew immediately that I didn't care what they did with me in the end.
The only thing that mattered was that I would never allow their path to intertwine with that of him and his men.
After all, they seemed really good people.
Except for crazy eyes, he's definitely a disturbed son of a bitch.
So I did the thing that came most naturally to me.
After all, I had been lying to him for months now.
I also became quite good at it.
I cleared my thirsty throat and I straightened my back.
The first rule for lying is to show confidence when speaking and look your interlocutor straight in the eyes.
“Yes, I'm alone, I don't have a group or a family.I was just trying to get to Atlanta”
Rick's blue eyes suddenly clouded with sadness.
I remember looking at him with curiosity.
Why that reaction?
“Atlanta is overrun.Nothing exists in that city anymore” Rick replied softly, responding to my questioning look.
“Oh…” was all I could mutter.
The memory flies from my mind.
Atlanta is overrun.
I cannot believe it.
I left Washington and arrived here with the illusion of being able to find something but instead?
In the end I almost lost my life to find myself tied to a pole in a stable.
I move my aching shoulders again and a hiss slips between my parted lips.
Why did Shane have to tighten the rope so much?
Where the hell did he think I would go?
After Rick's little interrogation I was left alone, but kept in sight by all four men, while they conversed among themselves.
About what?
Well I found out soon after.
Rick and Shane left without even looking back, the two were too busy arguing heatedly with each other.
And I'm sure that the topic of their heated discussion was me.
Antagonizing someone like Shane is never a good thing.
Glenn and Daryl instead escorted me into this stable, leaving me here and telling me to wait.
After a few moments Shane arrived with his damn rope.
The stable door creaks open, taking me by surprise and tearing me away from my mental ruminations.
In front of it was a man watching me.
I try to understand who it is but then the timid sound of his voice takes away any doubts.
“Hi Gleen” I smile.
“I'm still here” I add with an ironic laugh.
Where the hell could I have gone anyway?
Slowly he approaches me.
His footsteps echo lightly around us.
I watch him carefully while in the dim light he sits on an old chair in front of me.
In his hand he holds a glass of water which he places near his feet.
“I'm sorry about that” he murmurs ashamedly in a low voice as if it were his fault, while with a wave of his hand he points to the rope that keeps my hands tied behind my back.
I shrug, feigning indifference, trying to hide the grimace of pain caused by my aching shoulders.
“Shane is an idiot.I tried to tell him it wasn't necessary but…you saw him…he can be a real hothead” he admits defeated, taking the baseball cap off his head and fiddling with it.
I smile at his sweetness.
Glenn is a really good guy.
“Don't mind” I try to reassure him.
His gaze wanders for a few seconds and then stops on me.
“I brought you some water and these” he says, taking what appear to be crackers from his pocket.
Food and water.
I think I could cry with gratitude.
I try to settle myself more comfortably even though the hard wooden floor beneath me is leaving indelible marks in my battered flesh.
I straighten my back grunting and cross my legs waiting to receive my dinner.
Glenn gets up from his chair with a little huff and after lighting a small oil lamp hanging right above my head he sits on the floor right in front of me, also with his legs crossed.
I blink several times trying to get my weak eyes used to the dim yellowish light.
The smell of the oil burning in the lamp fills my nostrils.
Glenn grabs the glass and brings it to my lips.
I drink enthusiastically without ever taking my eyes off the boy in front of me.
He seems really happy to be helping another human being.
After drinking half a glass I move my lips away, better to go slowly and avoid throwing up on the poor Glenn.
“Thank you” I whisper while the boy fiddles with the plastic of the cracker packet and after a few moments he brings one to my mouth.
I gladly accept and starting to chew slowly in ecstasy.
It's just a stupid cracker but...damn, it tastes like heaven.
"Are you crying?" he asks me hesitantly.
At first I don't understand what it means but then I realize that some big tears are slipping from my chin, wetting the once light fabric of my worn jeans.
“Sorry” I reply, accompanying my words and tears with a big hysterical laugh.
My reaction seems to scare the young man even more as he looks at me with his big dark eyes.
I shake my head and continue to smile, I smile so much that my cheeks hurt.
"Sorry.I assure you I haven't gone crazy but I haven't eaten in days.Can I have more?” I ask impatiently, looking at his hand which is still holding half a cracker.
Glenn seems to recover and giving me a wonderful smile he hands me the food.
Wrapped in a pleasant silence I eat my meal.
A meal that didn't last long but gave my hungry stomach some respite.
“You should be out there eating a hot meal with everyone else” Glenn murmurs dejectedly, looking at me sorrowfully.
“Nah” I reply with a smile after drinking the last drop of water.
“I'm not one of you”
My words seem to hit him and I see a flash of anger cross his naturally kind eyes.
“You are a human being.You are someone who seems to have been through a lot.You don't deserve this” his words are accompanied by his hands waving and pointing to the place around us.
I look around again, focusing my gaze on the open door of the stable.
From it I can glimpse the sky.
There isn't even a cloud and a blanket of shining stars covers it entirely.
I will never get used to the beauty of the starry sky.
Living my entire life in a city, the only opportunity I had to observe the stars was in the summer, when my parents and I went to spend the holidays at the seaside at my grandparents' house.
I remember that every night I spent whole hours lying on a blanket looking at the stars, drinking in their splendor.
I look back at Glenn and, gathering all the courage I have, I ask him the question that scares me the most.
The boy lifts his gaze from his hands to rest it on my face.
Gripped by anxiety I shift my gaze towards my boots unable to look at him.
Afraid of the response I might read on his face.
He certainly understood that there is something that disturbs me but he doesn't push me.
He waits patiently letting me take my time.
“Do you think…do you think they will kill me?”
"What?" he responds agitatedly choking on his own saliva.
“No, oh my God!No!Don't even think that”
“And why shouldn't I think that?” I quickly reply angrily.
“They tied me here, alone, in the dark”
I shudder.
The anger seems to evaporate instantly leaving only a lot of fear in me.
"I...I don't want to hurt you.Please, please Glenn convince them to let me go.I'll disappear.You will never see me again.I swear I won't tell anybody about you or this place.I just want to have a chance.I want to live”
I feel my chest tighten and my breathing becomes short.
I'm hyperventilating.
I feel the panic crawling in my stomach as it slowly rises, wrapping itself in my heart and clouding my mind.
I feel the walls closing around me, suffocating me.
Hot tears flow from my eyes.
“Please Glenn” I repeat letting my head fall forward.
Big sobs shake my chest.
I feel out of control.
So far I had managed to stay calm but interacting with this sweet good soul in front of me shattered my facade.
“Hey, hey Summer.Look at me!"
I feel his hands on my shoulders.
His strong and firm grip forces me to look up.
There is a strong determination in his eyes.
“No one will hurt you.Nobody.Rick would never allow it.I won't allow it” he smiles sweetly at me.
I feel my entire body shaking under his grip.
“You know, no one wants a bolt in his ass” he chuckles immediately afterwards.
The veiled allusion to the archer makes me blush for no reason.
The thought of Daryl being out there fighting to keep me alive makes my heart beat with an emotion other than fear.
Why would he do that?
Why expose himself so much for me?
I am nobody to these people.
And yet…and yet Daryl saved me in the woods first.
Glenn is here, kneeling in front of me, promising to help me.
Suddenly a loud commotion catches our attention causing our heads to snap towards the large stable door.
Outside I can clearly distinguish footsteps and frantic voices.
My body trembles without restraint now.
Even though the warm air of this summer night envelops us I feel a cold that grips my bones in a cruel grip.
Glenn's grip on my shoulders tightens, he looks worried too.
"It's madness.Madness!” a woman's voice shouts.
The footsteps are getting closer and closer.
"Wait!" another voice shouts.
This time I recognize who it belongs to.
After a few moments some dark figures stand out against the entrance.
Here we are.
They came here for me.
Without thinking twice I curl into a ball pressing my body against Glenn's, burying my head in his chest.
His skin smells like laundry soap.
I can hear his heart beating furiously.
At first, perhaps due to the surprise at my gesture, his hands detach from my shoulders as if he had been burned but after a few moments, without any further hesitation, his arms tighten around my shoulders, engulfing me in his embrace, trying to give me the protection I seek.
I feel the muscles in my shoulders pulling and burning from the unnatural position I'm in but I don't care.
“What the hell is going on?”
It's the same woman speaking before but I'm afraid.
I can't move.
I don't have the strength to look, I don't want to see.
The agitated voices stop, in the air only the sound of my sobs suffocated by the cotton of Glenn's t-shirt.
Daryl's voice makes me jump like someone just slapped me across the face.
His tone seems worried.
I don't have the courage to look at him.
I couldn't bear to see his eyes.
I couldn't bear to read his placid resignation for what is about to happen.
After endless moments of silence, some light footsteps approach me and a delicate hand like the wings of a butterfly rests on my head, making me tremble.
“It's okay honey.It's over”
That woman again.
I feel her hand move down my back, towards my tied hands.
I feel her fumbling with the rope, I feel a cold blade graze the tortured flesh of my wrists.
Another shiver shakes me violently.
“Don't worry” Glenn whispers without loosening the grip of his arms wrapped around my figure.
I trust him so I try to stay as still as possible.
“Shut up Shane!She's just a kid.You should be ashamed” the woman hisses in disgust.
Now the voice also has a name.
After a few moments my arms are free.
With aching muscles I move my arms forward and with my hands I cling even harder to Glenn, squeezing his shirt between my fingers and crying even harder.
I don't care that strangers are watching me, that they are judging me.
I do not care.
I'm tired and scared.
Carol's hands continue to caress my back as she softly whispers reassuring words in my ear.
Slowly, Glenn on my left and Carol on my right, support me, helping me to my feet.
I tighten my grip on the boy's t-shirt, burying my head further into his chest as he slides an arm around my waist.
Carol instead wraps her arm around my shoulders and the three of us walk towards the door.
Towards the public who witnessed and is witnessing my pathetic mental breakdown.
The few steps that separate me from the exit seem to expand, becoming miles in my head.
I feel like I'm walking my own personal green mile.
My walk of shame.
I feel tired, empty...as if panic has drained every crumb of who I am.
A few steps from the door Carol slows down until we are forced to stop.
“You should be ashamed.Everyone” she repeats.
“Especially you” she adds after a few seconds.
I risk a glance in the direction of her gaze.
And my eyes meet the archer's contrite ones.
I feel an uncontrollable blush color my cheeks, totally embarrassed I look down again.
Glenn tightens his grip on my body.
“Come on dear” Carol whispers in my ear again.
Now there is no longer any trace of anger in her voice but only an infinite sweetness.
We start walking again and as we finally get out into the open air I feel my heart getting lighter.
The grip that oppressed me until a few minutes ago seems to lighten with each step that takes me further and further away from that place.
"Where do we go?" I croak, sniffing at her and finally lifting my head from my refuge.
I straighten my back, popping several vertebrae.
I can finally give a face to that sweet voice.
Carol has short silvered hair and eyes as blue as the sea, full of sweetness and pain.
She reminds me a bit of my mother.
She smiles at me in a reassuring way, pointing with her hand to a point in front of us.
“Let's go somewhere safe and quiet, okay?Nothing will happen to you, I promise”
With my gaze I follow the direction of her hand and a few meters from us I see an RV.
I look at Glenn and he nods his head reassuringly, inviting me to continue.
Once we reach our destination, Glenn opens the door of the RV and Carol helps me up the steps.
“Now I'll help you get cleaned up.Glenn can you go get a real meal for our new guest?” Carol murmurs softly.
Glenn nods vigorously but before he can leave I quickly go down the steps I just climbed and standing on tiptoe I throw my arms around his neck.
Just like a little while ago in the stable, at first Glenn remains still and surprised by my gesture but then his arms tighten around my waist.
“Thanks Glenn.Thank you so much” I whisper with my cheek pressed against his.
“You have nothing to thank me for Summer”
I quickly break the hug and when we are eye to eye I meet his sweet smile.
Then he turns and digging his hands into the pockets of his jeans he walks away.
I watch him for another couple of seconds until my attention is drawn to a figure in the distance watching me intently.
Motionless in the dark of the night.
“Let's go” Carol whispers, drawing my attention and inviting me to enter the RV again.
Once back, Carol accompanies me to where there is a bed, then indicating it with a wave of her hand and another reassuring smile.
I sit down without saying a word as the woman walks away.
The bed under me is so soft that my brain does nothing but scream at me to lie down, to rest my tired and exhausted limbs but I can't.
I have to stay alert as long as possible.
I have to understand what's happening.
I have to understand what will happen to me.
I don't feel ready to let my guard down yet even if something tells me I can trust these people.
Or at least I can trust Carol.
And Glenn.
And then there would also be Daryl.
I think back to his eyes, in that stable.
I can't decipher his look.
The regret in his eyes, the way he whispered my name when he saw me trembling in Glenn's arms.
What does it mean?
My thoughts are interrupted by Carol's return, in her hands she has a basin full of water.
She sits next to me keeping a certain distance, I'm sure she does it to show me that she doesn't want to invade my space.
With slow and measured gestures she grabs a small towel and dips it in the water after which she begins to clean my face, my neck, my arms, being careful not to rub too much on the irritated skin of my wrists.
“I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone” she mutters after a while.
I look at her confused and remain silent.
She continues to clean me gently.
“You know, we've been through a lot lately, we've lost so many loved ones.We are all very stressed and suspicious”
Her voice cracks.
I am sure that among those people there is also someone very important to her.
And in fact her wet eyes immediately dispel all my doubts.
Carol clears her throat, I can tell from the tone of her voice that she is struggling to hold back tears.
“A few days ago, we encountered a horde of walkers”
Is that what these people call those fucking monsters human flesh eating?
“We hid but something went wrong…my daughter Sophia got scared, she ran away and we lost her.We've been looking for her ever since.This is why Daryl was in the woods when he found you”
The last words full of gratitude for the archer come out in a whisper.
“I'm sorry Carol.Really.I'm sure you'll find her again”
I try to smile reassuringly, placing my hand on hers.
I know my words mean nothing but how can I deny a little comfort to a broken hearted mother?
She smiles back at me, getting out of bed.
“I'll go get you some water” she whispers.
I'm sure she needs a minute alone to regain some composure, talking about her missing little girl must not have been easy for her.
I think about Daryl again and why he was in the woods.
Imagining him looking for that poor little girl confirms what I already thought.
Behind that tough mask there is a big and pure heart, the same heart that I saw in his eyes when he offered me that sip of water.
Before Carol can return there is a knock on the door of the RV.
Will definitely be Glenn with my meal.
I smile at the thought of seeing his friendly face again.
Carol opens the door, mutters something.
I see her nod her head at me.
After a few moments, a man I have never seen before enters.
He has a cloud of white hair and a kind look, he wears a pair of elegantly gray trousers and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
I immediately notice a stethoscope around his neck.
He approaches cautiously, smiling at me reassuringly.
A noise behind him distracts me and I just need to look up to understand what it is or rather who it is.
Behind the kind man is Daryl, his gaze wanders everywhere except on me, next to him Carol smiles at me.
“Nice to meet you, I am Hersel, the owner of this farm”
Hersel speaks confidently catching my attention as he extends his hand towards me.
“You must be Summer”
I nod accepting his handshake, his skin is soft and warm.
Daryl clears his throat.
“I thought about calling Hersel 'cause he's a doc.I thought ya needed one” he mutters under his breath, scratching the back of his neck.
Carol looks at him curiously, raising an eyebrow.
My gaze returns to Daryl's eyes.
My heart does a somersault.
He seems almost embarrassed.
My confused look softens.
His gesture is so kind.
“Technically I'm a vet but I guess we should be satisfied with this nowadays” the man in front of me chuckles.
“I'd like to make sure you're okay, I know they found you unconscious” he smiles at me and when he does so his eyes smile too.
“Thanks but I'm fine now” I try to reassure him but the tremor in my hands and especially in my voice don't seem to convince him.
Behind him, Daryl shifts his weight from one foot to the other, biting the side of his thumb.
Our eyes meet again but this time I can't look away.
His eyes are like deep blue pools that draw me in like a magnet.
Thank goodness he's the first to look away, allowing me to turn my attention back to the sweet doctor in front of me.
Hersel smiles again.
“I would feel more comfortable if I could visit you, I would just like to check your blood pressure and your pulse.Then I promise I'll leave” he chuckles.
“Ok” I whisper in response, sketching a shy smile.
I don't feel like telling him no.
After all, he is welcoming me into his house and it costs me nothing to indulge him.
With another big smile he invites me to lift my shirt.
I'm about to do so but suddenly I remember the archer's presence and I stop embarrassed.
I don't even have time to look up before I see him turn his back on me.
Nice of him to turn around so as not to embarrass me.
After making sure that everything was ok, Hersel recommended me to eat and rest and that he would check me again in the morning.
“Thanks Hersel, thanks for everything”
“You're welcome, Summer” he replies, walking away and leaving me, Carol and Daryl in an awkward silence.
What happens?
Why is it suddenly hot here?
Why does Daryl look at the floor of the RV with such interest while Carol giggles?
I reflexively look down and focus on my hands clasped in my lap.
The silence continues, charging me with a strange anxiety.
I should speak, say something.
I lick my dry, chapped lips but when I open my mouth nothing comes out.
Just a strangled sound.
A sob shakes me and then another one.
I can't seem able to keep my damn emotions to myself tonight.
“I'm sorry” I murmur between sobs, burying my face in my hands so as to avoid the pitying looks that Carol and Daryl are surely giving me.
I hear some footsteps, then someone sit next to me.
The mattress sinks under the weight of the latter.
“Ya safe now”
His voice immediately stops my tears.
I honestly didn't believe that he would actually come close to console me.
God, he'll think I'm pathetic.
Crying in Glenn or Carol's presence had definitely been easier and less embarrassing.
We both remain silent.
I can't even think of what I could say to him.
After a few minutes Daryl gets up and walks away.
His gesture makes me snap up.
Is he leaving?
But after a few moments I see him return with a steaming plate in his hands.
His is almost an order.
Without hesitation I obey by grabbing the plate he is handing me and he sits down next to me again, this time a little closer.
I grab what looks like a piece of meat between my fingers, hold it to my nose to smell it before taking a bite.
As soon as the meat comes into contact with my taste buds, an embarrassing moan escapes my control.
It's absolutely delicious.
I don't know if it's because I was literally starving but this meat is the best thing I've ever eaten.
Forgetting about the man next to me, and about my good manners, I begin to eat with more ardor, bringing larger and larger pieces of meat to my mouth.
Daryl doesn't say a word the entire time but I can clearly feel his eyes probing my face continuously.
“Mmmh” I murmur at the end of my hearty meal after licking my fingers.
I feel calmer now, more relaxed.
This meal gave me time to reflect and calm down.
So with a big smile on my face I turn to Daryl.
For a moment I remain silent.
I was smiling and he was serious, his lips were a hard, serious line.
"Thank you.It was truly delightful” I thank him trying to convey all my gratitude into my words.
In response I get a grunt and a shrug.
I look back at my now empty plate and find myself once again surrounded by silence.
The smile on my lips is now the shadow of a memory.
Daryl jumps up making me jump.
What happen?
I watch him as he nervously runs along the entire length of the RV a couple of times.
What have I done?
He seems to be upset because of me.
Did I say something I shouldn't?
I get up from the bed taking a couple of steps in his direction but suddenly the archer stops his walk and turns towards me.
I think he didn't expect to find me so close because he takes a sudden step back, hitting his hip on the corner of the small table to his right.
Another grunt, accompanied by a puff of air coming out of his nostrils.
“’M sorry” he suddenly grunts, making the words die in my throat.
I frown in confusion at his apology.
Why is he apologizing?
His eyes look in any direction except mine.
“Daryl?” I call him and his eyes focus on his boots.
I wait patiently for him to decide to look at me but when this doesn't happen I take another step in his direction and when I notice that he doesn't step back I take another step.
Now only a few inches separate us.
From here I can smell his skin.
Daryl smells like the woods, he smells like the woods where we met.
It is a strong, pungent but pleasant smell.
He smells like wood, musk and smoke.
An intoxicating smell that enters my head.
Very carefully I lift my arm and then place my hand on his bicep, squeezing it delicately.
As soon as my hand comes into contact with his warm skin a discharge seems to pass through my skin, my muscles, my bones.
Straight into my soul.
It's like I've been hit with a teaser.
Pure electricity.
His eyes dart first onto his arm where my hand is and then into my eyes.
And the emotion I read in it destabilizes me.
This big, thick, muscular man with a menacing look is totally panicking just because I'm touching him.
His eyes are wide open.
I don't want to make him uncomfortable so I remove my hand from his body and take a step back.
“Why are you apologizing?” I ask in a small voice still shocked by the sensation I just felt.
Sensation that I can't explain and to which I don't even want to give a name.
His eyes are still fixed on me, a few locks shadowing them.
I have to use all my willpower not to bring my fingers to his face and move those locks away.
I dig my nails into my palms, the pain caused helps me concentrate.
When I think he won't answer me anymore I take another step back and turn my back on him and go back to sitting on the bed.
I rest my back against the wall of the RV, stretching my legs out in front of me, trying to relax my sore muscles.
The silence around me makes me understand that he left me alone.
I close my eyes trying to understand what happened.
“I shouldn't have let Rick and Shane treat ya like that”
I jump, putting a hand to my chest to try to contain the pounding of my heart.
“Damn” I mutter through gritted teeth, my eyes wide with panic.
Daryl lifts one corner of his lips in what looks like the ghost of a smile although in the dim light of the RV it could also look like a grimace.
“'M sorry.I didn't mean to scare ya" Daryl apologizes, biting his lower lip slightly.
I shake my head as if telling him not to worry.
I cross my arms over my chest, softening my gaze at the image of a man so strong, with a dominant aura, so absolutely incapable of managing his own feelings.
“That's ok.It's not your fault.You…you have already done so much for me Daryl that a whole lifetime wouldn't be enough to thank you” I stammer.
His gaze wanders nervously from one point of the RV to another.
Daryl isn't even comfortable with compliments.
I leave the bed again followed by the protest of my aching muscles and cautiously I approach him again but this time I remain at a safe distance.
I don't want to invade his personal space but I need to make him understand how grateful I am to him.
“If it wasn't for you I'd be walker food right now”
Daryl snorts in response.
“Yeah…sure” he grumbles without saying anything else.
I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.
This man can be truly unnerving.
His vocabulary is limited to snorts and grunts, what the hell!
In exasperation I watch him as he crosses his arms over his chest, his firm, toned muscles contracting elegantly, his tanned skin glistening under the moonlight streaming in through the windows.
In the silence peppered by our breaths I surrender to the thought that perhaps I will never be able to understand this man.
I'm too tired and anything he does or says only adds to my frustration so I do the only thing I think is wise at the moment.
I head towards the RV exit.
“Night Daryl” I murmur passing by him avoiding any visual or physical contact.
As soon as I find myself outside, I breathe deeply, raising my face towards the sky.
Above my head millions of beautiful stars shine set in a dark velvet blanket while the smell of grass tickles my nose.
Within a few moments I regain a bit of serenity...serenity which is interrupted after a few seconds by the door of the RV being slammed forcefully.
Daryl makes no sign of leaving, remaining behind me.
I slowly turn around determined to face him.
His eyes seem full of anger.
It's my fault?
Is all that anger for me?
Maybe my presence is causing trouble to him with his group.
With Shane.
“What's wrong with you?” I snort without being able to contain myself.
His mood swings make me dizzy.
First he seems worried about me.
He brings me food, calls a doctor and then…then he treats me like I'm a disease.
Like I'm one of those fucking biters.
I feel like I've reached the limit of my kindness for today.
Now that's enough.
I had a gun pointed in my face.
A crossbow.
I let myself be dragged.
Tied up.
I let myself be treated like a criminal even though I didn't do anything.
The banks are breaking and the words are starting to flow like a raging river giving vent to all my frustration.
“Why do I get the impression that you're regretting having brought me to safety from that damned woods?Well know that if it bothers you it's not my problem, I wasn't the one who asked you!You could have just let me die and come back here to mind your own business on this nice farm safe from the walkers with your stupid water and your stupid food” I spit the words out angrily.
I feel the blood boiling in my veins.
Something in my words seems to set off an alarm in the archer's head.
He storms down the steps of the RV, getting dangerously close, his every step sounding like an imminent threat.
His massive body towers over me as his cruel gaze pins my feet to the ground.
He remains to observe me with a menacing expression for a few moments, his dilated nostrils quivering with anger.
If a look could kill right now I'd be six feet under.
“Is this what ya think?” he hisses.
His posture is rigid, his arms at his sides with fists clenched.
White knuckles seem to want to pop out of his skin.
Yes that's what I think.
I have the impression that once the adrenaline of the moment has passed he is realizing that perhaps it would have been better to let me die.
This thought hurts me.
And I don't understand why...
After all, who am I?
And in the end he could be right because even if I personally am not a danger, the people who are looking for me are.
My life is certainly not worth more than those of these people.
I would just like a moment's respite.
Nothing more.
“That's what I see” I murmur dejectedly.
My eyes fill with tears and I don't even try to hide them this time.
My heartbeat is deafening in my ears.
Daryl looks at me with even more disgust, clenching his fists even tighter as if he's holding himself back from hitting me.
Would he really be able to do that?
This Daryl scares me.
The archer takes a further step towards me invading my personal space.
“If ya looking for consolation sunshine ya have chosen the wrong man.Go cry to Glenn, it doesn't work with me” he taunts me viciously and then walks away without even sparing me a glance.
I turn to watch him as he walks away, stomping his boots angrily on the grass.
I'm totally shocked.
What the hell just happened?
He's the one who was acting strange to me.
He started.
I was kind, I tried to reason with him, I respected his space.
What did he give me in return?
Only silences.
What the hell was I supposed to do?
I put my hands on my hips, huffing loudly.
My eyes are still on him as he walks away and enters a tent not far from the RV.
“Don't worry, you'll get used to him.He may seem grumpy but deep down he's a good guy”
I jump with fear.
Tonight everyone is having fun testing the resistance of my heart.
Another scare like this and I don't know if I'll see the dawn rise tomorrow.
I spin around looking for the person who spoke but strangely I don't see anyone.
“Hey!I'm here”
The man chuckles and following the sound of his voice I look up.
On the roof of the RV there is a man, sitting in an old chair with a rifle in his lap.
He wears a bucket hat and has an unkempt beard.
How long has he been up there?
How much did he hear?
I look at him for a couple of seconds in total embarrassment.
Nothing happened between me and Daryl but the fact that this man may have misunderstood our attitude makes me blush to the tips of my hair.
Thank goodness it's dark and I don't think he can notice it from up there.
“Anyway, I'm Dale.If you're looking for Carol, she went that way” and with his finger he points to a small bonfire a few meters from me where Carol and other women are chatting.
“Thank you” I murmur under my breath, glancing one last time at Daryl's tent and then walking briskly towards Carol.
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🔥 Masterlist 🔥
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Part One!
Song-by-song synopsis and review of Dave Malloy and Lucy Kirkwood's The Witches.
Preface I guess with the fact that I enjoy a more lighthearted and spectacle based show sometimes, it can work! This show I'd say is somewhere between Matilda and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory in tone; they definitely wanted to make it another Matilda and though it's just as dark, it doesn't lean into the introspection as often. This doesn't feel like a Malloysical, so don't expect it to, but it's a good show nonetheless.
1. A Note about Witches (The Witches)
Like Matilda, Witches opens with an exposition song taken directly from the book! The witches tell us how they've learned to hide as nice, well-mannered ladies so that no one will suspect them. And how much they hate children, there's even a trick where a child in a cage gets turned into a dog. This song takes place in front of the curtain, and there's a big screen that features animations for a couple segments. Don't worry, you won't see much of it.
Right off the bat, the ensemble is pretty big and they're killing it. There's at least a dozen witches. This song is fun and dark, plays off of the different solo lines well and feels appropriately chaotic at times.
Favorite line: "A nudge to Mr. Shakespeare / Some hints to Brothers Grimm / In Salem we made scapegoats / And you tore them limb from limb"
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2. Ready to Go (Luke, Young Company)
First real set of the show, in his house Luke argues with his parents about wanting a pet. I think the choice to include his parents in this is strange, since the book begins after they've been dead for a while and there isn't anything particularly interesting about this scene. The parents aren't really likeable so idk how to feel when they die.
Luke sings about how he's ready to grow up and be on his own and do all the stuff no one lets him do. This number is kinda fun because the ensemble are all dressed like him but with big masks representing each thing, and I like the object head vibes. But I think the additional motivation added to Luke here feels like it's trying too hard to engage the kids in the audience, or be like Matilda, and it almost never comes up again.
At the end, his parents swerve off the road and crash their car.
Favorite line: Don't have one :/
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3. How to Recognize a Witch (Gran, Young Company)
With his parents dead, his Norwegian grandmother Gran comes to take care of him. She's bonkers and we love her dearly. She shows up witch crates and crates of objects (and animals) that were once children who had been victims of witches. They sing a song about all the warning signs: wigs, gloves, and pinchy shoes.
This is the first use of children popping up from inside boxes that look too small. It's fun. The costumes are kinda cheap and simple which is strange considering the ridiculous budget of the rest of the show which I will touch more on later. But the song is really fun and Gran gets really into it.
Favorite line: I love that they kept in the girl who turned into a painting. The witch trapped her inside a landscape painting in their house, not able to move, and all the parents could do was watch her as she slowly died. Dark! This is also the second use of the screen.
4. Heartbeat Duet (Luke, Gran)
After Luke had a run-in with a witch, Gran comes to his rescue but she has a heart attack. She's rushed to the hospital, surrounded by doctors and nurses, for an operation, while Luke has to wait outside the room.
This is such a good song. I love the way the heartbeat monitor is the defining instrumental and the movement on stage is synced to it. While Luke says that everything is happening too fast (the one time we get reference to his opening motivation) Gran sings about her heart beating too slow. The way their two experiences overlap is really beautiful, and the relationship between a little kid and his grandmother was my favorite part of the book.
Favorite line: "I'm just ten years old" "eighty-five years old" "and my heart is beating so fast so fast so fast too fast" "too soon"
5. Magnificent (Mr Stringer, Hotel Staff)
The doctor tells Luke and Gran he booked them a seaside vacation for her recovery. Which means it's time for the hotel manager, MR STRINGER. BIG HAND FOR THE HOTEL MANAGER.
Big oom-pa number welcoming them to the hotel as the set changes behind them. This song is so FUNNY it's so FUN and there's like TWENTY ENSEMBLE in it. The hotel staff uniforms are all in magenta and baby pink we are so BACK.
The second curtain raises to reveal the full depth of the set, a lavish hotel of pink marble and fancy wallpaper with turquoise trim. Right now, a concierge deck takes up the center.
Favorite line: "At the hotel where you'll never feel alone / fill the howling void of your dark and lonely soul"
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6. Bruno Sweet Bruno (Bruno, Company)
While they're being checked in they meet Bruno!!!!! The perfect child. We love him. He sings a HUGE VEGAS NUMBER with TAP DANCING. Ans once again, so many ensemble members in yet another costume change.
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Okay this is getting REALLY long and we're not even at the act break so I'm going to split it up into multiple parts. See you soon!!
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for asking my bodyguard to focus on her work?
ok, so, a little background to start out with. i (17 F) recently recieved a major job opportunity which has the chance to completely turn my life around. i'm a leader in my local community, which has really been struggling the past couple of years, and this break is exactly what we need to turn things around. there are, in short, a lot of people counting on this.
the thing is, i kind of have to compete for this opportunity. there are a lot of people who want it, and we're all going to be tested together to make sure we have what it takes. i was instructed to bring someone along to protect me, because it's probably going to get...competitive. let's just say, i'm not the only one counting on this.
i do have a personal bodyguard (35 M) already, but he's not very good at his job and he really isn't the image i want to project to the other competitors. luckily, there is another person (18 F) who has the necessary skillset and could be trained pretty easily to do the job. the thing is, she and i absolutely hate each other, and have since we were little kids, so i had to trick extort convince her to go with me.
ever since we arrived, she's been struggling to focus. granted, she listened when i told her not to speak to anyone (i have her faking a vow of silence), but she has insisted on fraternizing with the competition. i cannot understand this impulse, as we were the only two people in our age group back home, and we were always fine.
i would be somewhat willing to put up with all this if not for the fact that she's been getting particularly close with one of our more dangerous rivals (25-ish F). the woman (who i will call Rival for the sake of anonymity, as some of this information is actually quite sensitive) is actively dying, but this has only made me more suspicious of her. i don't know what her goals are and i suspect that she's capable of more than she's letting on. also, i have very good reason to believe that her bodyguard is extremely dangerous. I have warned my bodyguard about this (without sharing the reasons), but she refuses to believe me.
my bodyguard has been keeping "rival" company, carrying things for her, and helping her walk places for about as long as we've been here. also, i fear rival has been flirting with my bodyguard, and i think she's falling for it.
all that to say, rival's health recently took a turn for the worse, and my bodyguard just saw two children die on her watch, which she's pretty broken up about. between these two things, all my bodyguard wants to do is spend time in rival's sickroom to keep her company in what are probably her final days. i have told my bodyguard that that is absolutely unacceptable, but she won't listen to me.
i am in physical danger, and i can't have her slacking off just because she's never felt the touch of a woman before and a pretty girl leaned on her arm and complimented her biceps. we just had a major fight about this.
she says i'm being heartless, and she accused me of being jealous, which i am NOT. i just want her to focus on me and do what we came here to do. i don't think it's too much to ask. she's really, really mad though, so much so that i'm less certain.
so, tumblr, AITA?
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lollahazadi · 8 months
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Zeb X Y/N (from episode "warhead")
I Would Want Myself
. ---> dialogue
💜It was a late afternoon with pleasant winds on the surface of Attolon at the CHOPPER base when the entire Ghost crew was invited to training, all except one very upset Lasat:
I'm telling you, I'm going to die of boredom! - He said with regret in his lowered ears, despite being displeased, it wasn't enough to convince the greenish Twi'lek:
You won't die of boredom, AP and Chopper will be here.- Hera stated, but Zeb was still unhappy:
Like I said, I'll die of boredom. - said the humanoid upset. Hera gave her ultimatum to keep Zeb within the base's perimeter: -But as I also said, you will be with AP and Chopper, I need you to take care of everything until we get back and besides, Y/N will also remain, she couldn't join us because she just had surgery. -She said with vehemence in her voice. The arguments about the droids' company went in one ear and out the other in Zeb's ears, but upon hearing her name and that she would be at the base, it seemed that his older, grumpier world had become more colorful. "Well, at least I won't talk to the walls and those were made of metal, they squeaked and talked nonstop about inventory things." he rolled her eyes just thinking about it. Zeb seemed excited now, even if just a little:
And where is she? -He asked Hera, curious, and she replied:
In the command center, instructing the newbies. - Zeb thought with a smile on his face "that's good to know…" his thoughts of going straight to you were interrupted by Captain Syndulla who seemed to have a warning tone in her voice:
But remember ! Be very careful, she has just had surgery and cannot suffer strong emotions of stress, remember that she is in the rehabilitation phase, despite being stable, care will never be enough!- Warned Hera. Zeb realized that Y/N had left a surgical suite a few days ago, but he didn't know that he would have to keep his eyes on her. Hera continued to speak:
-No sound disturbances, no carrying weights, no unnecessary efforts, nothing at all! Did you hear me right, Garazeb?- Hera asked seriously, well, Y/N wasn't a child, she knows what she has to do to recover and what NOT to do, Zeb found Hera's warnings unnecessary, it wasn't like he was going to be the babysit a girl, right? However, he had to give a guarantee that everything would be fine under his command:
I heard it loud and clear, captain - Zeb made the gesture of salute, following the orders.
Perfect - Hera said a little more calmly - Well, we're going, good luck here. As Hera walked away, Kanan followed closely behind and Sabine passing through the lasat said:
Hold on tight Captain Orrelios - And Ezra, who came right after, said to him:
Judgment, okay? No strong emotions, remember?.- Teased the blue-haired teenager. Zeb with a growl said: -Ugh, see if it grows, kid!-He raised his arm and shook it as if he was expelling Ezra, he just turned his back and continued laughing. Now that Ghost was gone, there was only him left. Or that's what he thought, AP 5 had emerged right behind saying that the team had abandoned him right there and left him in charge of everything and argued that Zeb was too violent and brutish to do the task of Inventory, making him growl in anger at the fact that he felt offended by the droid thinking he didn't know how to count charges. Zeb remembered that Y/N was at the base's command post "Well, I'm going to see how that girl is doing, she shouldn't be any more trouble than those old cans" he thought disgustedly and pushing AP 5 aside he went to the desired location:
I don't have time for that! I'm going to the Command Post. - He communicated without details, but the droid asked what he would do there. But will it be possible? Did he already say where he was going and needed to say something more??? Ironically the Captain said:
Let's see, I'll have a good time, since I'm partially the owner of the whole thing and I'll invite Y/N to participate and you'll be the butler. - AP innocently wanted to know: -
Is it really serious??- Said the droid with confused circuits. Zeb responded without delay and, turning his back to the droid, threw his arms up and shouted irritably: -I'M GOING TO COMMAND!!! - He said leaving him behind, on the way he was anxious to see someone not at all annoying and irritating who was in the Command Center waiting for him, but she didn't know she was expected. ***
You were helping a cadet manipulate a small blaster and shoot metal dummies exposed in front of him: -That's right, relax, don't be afraid to shoot, the blaster is only lethal when used by the enemy. - It can shoot the target perfectly, you say proudly - Very good, keep it up, have more confidence. knowing that everything is fine, heading to the holo messaging bench you rest your arms on the table, while no one watches, you check the surgical points located on your right breast, observing it through the neckline of your blouse (In one of the battles involving exchange of blaster shots, one of the shots hit close to his heart, narrowly missing an important artery.
Luckily for you, the surgery was a success and now the rehabilitation depended on you.) "I can't do much, I can't carry weight, run or beat up any Imperialist" you think with a yellow face, a little break from the Rebellion it wasn't that bad per say, but it felt more like a forced withdrawal, not because she wanted to take time off, but because her doctor said she needed time off. She felt a little helpless because she couldn't do much to help the galaxy out there, being useful was what would do him good at that moment, so at the very least she was filling gaps in that base, little things, like checking the security of the base or helping a lost cadet, nothing grand perhaps. Well, Y/N noticed that the stitches healed with flying colors due to the effectiveness of the bacta applied as a bandage. Yes, everything was fine and you knew that your heart beats in a healthy way, because someone made it beat in a perfect rhythm: when you turn around, you come across the figure of the lasat that you like so much, right behind you.
- I hope I didn't scare that heart.
As Garazeb advanced to the post, he observed you with your back resting on the table, "probably checking a message" he laughed quietly, he would keep an eye on her, yes, but not in the sense that Hera had asked, because Y/N, despite being sweet, she was tough when falling and knew how to take care of herself very well. At least being close to her would be a relief during Ghost's absence. Without asking for permission, the humanoid was positioned behind and Y/N seemed to have noticed Zeb approaching behind her, making her turn and smile in front of the tall figure. :
-I hope I didn't scare that heart. - Zeb says smiling - How are you, girl? -. You respond vehemently:
-Scare ? pff- laughed- remember that I'm very much alive and my heart beats well, very well and thank you- you cross your arms below your chest, making them raise them a little. Zeb still continues looking into her eyes and says:
You scared all of us in that medical tent, you know? You were very strong there.- Lasat praised.- But I confess that I thought I would go crazy if the doctors didn't do something for you that night- He spoke worriedly, placing his hand on his bald head. You stand on tiptoe to counter Zeb:
Well, guess what: The empire will need to do better to get rid of me, do they think I'm that easy to get rid of? - You say confidently.
Look, I trust you, the strength of your wrist and what you do against the empire, true, but do me a favor. - Zeb asks.
Say it…- you consent without delay, smiling. With his enormous size, Zeb holds your small hips with both hands without any difficulty and lifts you up, making your body give a slight spasm due to the sudden action, he has just placed you sitting on the table so that you are equal to Facing him, you lean back a little on impulse. Then he asks with his arms crossed and leaning in front of you:
Make sure you don't leave this team, ok? and don't leave me, otherwise I'll be very upset with you Y/N.- He said hoarsely, pretending to be upset. You look at him and at the same time hold on to the table, despite feeling sure of yourself, it wasn't what your heartbeat said about you, Zeb has always been your beloved lasat from Ghost and mission partner and always the reason for being ready for whatever comes and comes and someone who enjoys fighting alongside. Despite him messing with you, you respond sweetly and firmly:
Can I do it, I won't and I would hate to see you upset at my funeral…
Don't play with me like that, girl, I'm serious. - Zeb grunted - You're too young for this wake nonsense, and you're the one who's going to bury me…
Zeb, why is that? - you want to know and bite your left lip - is it because of your age? - Zeb reacts a little dumbfounded:
And what does my age have to do with Y/N?
I don't know, Zeb, you tell me, with this talk that I'm going to bury you first… I don't know, you talk as if I were too young to die…
But you are Y/N - Zeb says vehemently - You got into all this too soon - Zeb opens his arms referring to The Cause.
Okay, but what about Sabine? - you argue
I'm not talking about Sabine, I'm talking about you, girl- Zeb says seriously
Okay again. And Sabine? Don't you think she got into it either… - you also open your arms - too soon? and it's been 3 years Garazeb, we're growing in this, you know? So we kind of have the maturity to take risks…
Once again, I'm talking about you, you matter to me, understand? I don't know what's going to happen in an hour, because in a war you expect everything to happen at all times, but I wouldn't want something to happen to you…
Okay Zeb, but you speak as if you deserve to perish on the way - you say, raising an eyebrow and rolling your eyes from right to left, like a clock's pendulum.
You have your life ahead of you, you will definitely make plans when this is over…- He insists, you didn't like how that conversation was going. wasn't appreciating the fact that he didn't think his life mattered and that he didn't prioritize himself. You took Zeb's hand and left it to yourself:
And you do too, Zeb, just because of the pathetic fact that you're someone… - you don't want to involve his age group and you just say - vivid and experienced, doesn't mean that you don't have anything else to do after all that. Not everything revolves around the navel of this war and… if you let me tell you, you are in my "After the War".- You guide the lasat's hand to your chest where your heart organ is located.- … Garazeb Orrelios.- You conclude by delicately speaking every word of his name. the Humanoid looking and reacting to the dialogue, touched, even though it wasn't very clear to his ears, these words moved deep within his soul, Zeb didn't understand much about matters of the heart and it wasn't about the cardiorespiratory system but something related to affection, love. Zeb was usually embarrassed about matters of love, but at this time he felt uninhibited with discomfort. Y/N still holds his hand and press against her chest, he looks at his hand and feels Y/N's heartbeats and they weren't slow, they were fast and capable of pumping feelings. He finally says something:
I think I understand this time…- making you smile, looking at him warmly.
I thought the loth cat had eaten your tongue, Big Guy… - When both discovered that could dare at that moment…
Captain Orrelios.-a rebel officer from Alderaan appears at the command post, making you stop immediately, Zeb moves away from you and you immediately get down from the holo messages table, you can hear a "karabarst" followed by a snort Coming from Zeb, he was certainly upset, but they knew the officer wasn't to blame, after you pretended to fix your hair and dust off your shirt and Zeb cleared his throat, the official question:
Am I in the way, Captain? - Zeb and Y/N look at each other and then pretend that nothing happened, Orrelios composes himself and responds formally:
no way .Something wrong with that ?
You were informed that a supposed comet had damaged the equipment that repels the giant spiders, despite the soldier offering to check, Zeb himself was ready to go to the location. You who until now listened, on your own, you set yourself the task:
Zeb, prepare the car, let's go take a look.
And who said you were going? - he asks, making you look at him reproachfully. - I don't know if it would be a good idea for you to come…
And why not ? It's just a broken device.
Because…- Zeb starts but is interrupted by you:
If you dare say it's because I'm having surgery, the weather is getting dark, I'm warning you. - Zeb makes a face, because that's exactly what he was going to say.
To begin with, it's because of that, I don't know if it's a good idea to take this road and secondly, we don't know for sure if it really was a comet that damaged our equipment… -Zeb, what is it? This doesn't even compare to what we did in the open field fighting, it's just a silly check up and besides you might need me…
Y/N for ASHLA - pleads Zeb with a dizzy expression - I know you're very big but Hera gave me direct orders that you can't suffer strong emotions, nor get stressed, and if a spider appears…?
Zeb, stop, you said I can't stress but you're already irritating me, those damn spiders are the biggest thing around here and… since when are you going to give me orders?
Let me see… since I was put in command?- The lasat speaks with his pseudo-eyebrows furrowed looking at you.
Zeb… leave it, leave it, leave it… - You ask, grabbing his biceps. Zeb looked at you a little fearfully and then looked down at your surgical stitches, deciding whether it was worth letting you go or not, she had been discharged for days and even though you were reacting well to the bacta, he didn't want to lose her. Why was he being so silly? He thought about why this exaggerated concern, did you know the risks every day and why has it changed now? "These things about the heart are really complicated…" he made a brief reflection, sighing loudly, "even more complicated for someone who isn't even the right size…". His daydreams fell apart with you asking:
Are you cool? - but he got no response, as the inventory droid AP5 and Chopper appeared discussing the subject of counting crates. Zeb, who still didn't give him satisfaction, simply summoned the astromech for the task, which he denied with serious "beeps". You were upset and replied: -Wait, is he going? and I dont ?? you are kidding…
It can, because if this unfortunate thing breaks, it can be fixed.- The lasat argued, making Chopper beep desperately, at that moment he said - Hey, I didn't say something is going to happen to you…- and Chopper beeps more and more, but then he jokes, smiling Machiavellianly - still… - Chopper spun around and was shouting, showing that he was irritated with the humanoid, Zeb slapped the droid's bodywork - Stop complaining, wheelie bin and let's go… or you Would you prefer to join AP5 in the arsenal? - Zeb suggested looking at AP who seemed to want company for his inventory, making Chopper quickly change his mind, Garazeb laugh - that's what I thought. - But there was still one thing missing: what about you? you pestered Zeb to join the mission:
Are you going to leave me here? with…- points to AP 5- him?, nothing against him and not counting crates but I would really prefer something more outdoors.- unfortunately for you, AP 5 sees you and seems happy:
Thank the Creator, I found you Y/N, and the heart? How are you? - he approaches with quick droid steps, making Zeb roll his eyes, you, somewhat cornered, respond:
Ah…it's going well, I feel better every day.- You respond with a silly smile
Good, do you know what would be good for you?
No AP, I don't know what would make me better…
Help me with the inventory of loads that are in stock.
Oh, I don't even know if I'm suitable, you know… - you divert - I'm a bit of a loser when it comes to these things, I'm human, not AP, you know… - You give Zeb a 'help' expression, but the same gives a few muffled laughs.
But I'll help you, girl - The droid proposed, motivated to teach you. You speak kind of stuttering:
Ah… errr… but I…
Perfect ! I'm going to get the clipboard - Without letting you speak, he walks away, leaving you helpless and making you sigh in frustration:
Arrgh but I didn't want to, I said I'm human.- Zeb ironically, says with his hands on his hips:
And then I'm the one who doesn't know how to count.- and he looks at you with a frown, feigning humor:
Ha, ha, ha, wow, I'm just laughing here… you're bad, you're going to abandon me here, right? - You ask with a pout, Zeb still with one hand on his hip, puts the other on his temple and snorts, Without a choice he takes her holding her hand:
Karabarst, and I think it's good for you to take care of yourself, to be well? I'm not your babysitter…- and together they go to the car.
Of course it's not, Uncle Zeb, you can let me know that I won't do anything that could kill me…
Uncle!? - he exclaims intrigued - I don't believe I lived to hear that… - Zeb groans in disgust -Wow, he's feeling it…- you say with a little pity.
Please don't repeat that… -Uncle?
Stop. - Zeb says smugly - Do you want to go back? - He squeezes your wrist a little, making you laugh.
Okay, okay, I stopped, I stopped- But you repeat the word, just moving your lips and laughing. He hears you laughing he says:
What you are doing, you better stop.
By God and who said I was making fun of you?
You know what… your mind is a devilish child… and thinking about it, I don't just think you suffer at the hands of AP 5, he's very talkative… - Zeb opens the car door for you to get in - Get in quickly There, go- and Chopper gets in the back seat.
He's not bad at all, he's just a little chatty and sometimes says a lot about what he thinks about other people… - you settle into the seat.
Only sometimes? - Zeb asks with sarcasm on his face, as he adjusts the driver's seat, since he was a very spacious creature, and starts the car.
Ah, go easy on him… - you put on your seat belt.
Karabarst, No comments..
So let's go quickly before he comes back and you'll hear a lot, but a lot, a lot.
Okay, sure there, girl.- And finally, the vehicle comes to life, steering and gradually moving away from the base. ***
Really Zeb, you're really old-school, right? - You were on the arid road to Attolon, the car radio was tuned to the channel chosen by Zeb, Joe Cocker's "Unchain my heart" was playing, it was a lively melody despite the artist's voice sounding hoarse and dramatic.
What can I say, I'm from the golden age, I was a giant child when I played on the radio in Lasan.
Were you born more than 50 years ago? - You ask, smiling - Because that's about how old this song must be… - Zeb, with his hands on the steering wheel, looks at you with a frown and a smile on the side of his mouth and then rolls his eyes:
Spare me Y/N… and enjoy the trip and the quality sound - Chopper in the back seat beeps mockingly, making the lasat notice - And you shut up, it's quality. - Against your will, the droid remains silent. With your hair blowing in the wind as the vehicle travels along the path, you notice the lyrics:
"Free my heart, darling, let me go, free my heart, because you don't love me anymore"
"God, what a sad song, but the instruments are so festive and happy, it's not even my style" you criticize. But a few seconds later you are approached with a deep, hoarse voice:
you sewed me up like a pillowcase, but you let my love go to waste, you unchained… my heart, you set me free… - Was that Zeb singing? Until the moment you were looking at the scenery, now you focus your gaze on him and you realize that he is excited when you see him with one hand on the tiller and the other on the side of the car, drumming his fingers to every jazz beat . It's funny that you were used to seeing him enjoy his flashback songs, but you'd never seen him sing with so much emotion, well, there's always a first time, as they say. And he didn't stop:
…Oh, set me free. Oh woman, why don't you do this for me. You do not care. wont you let me go…- He practically gave himself away in this part, "Aaaww how cute, he singing as if he was suffering" you reflect affectionately and the interesting thing is that he was singing shamelessly, without knowing how you are reacting, if Whether you think it's ridiculous or not, nothing like that, everything you've seen so far has been very cute and he even has a beautiful voice, even if it's deep, it would serve him well in this song. Unfortunately, the song was ending and he ended with emotion in his voice: -Oh.. you don't care…please…set me free..- when singing, Zeb made an expression of satisfaction, relaxed, his eyes drooping in tranquility and the song ended in a chorus. When it was over, his ears moved as he reacted to her frantic applause and he looked at her smiling - Did you like that?
Clear! a singer among us, ladies and gentlemen- you keep applauding.
It's not bad to see you flatter me.- Zeb says, giving a slight turn with the steering wheel.
silly. - you laugh.- I didn't know you liked singing. -Well, he he, now you know, sweetheart.- Zeb says laughing with his eyes on the road feeling the soft breeze hitting his face. After a few seconds of silence you lean forward to where the radio is located:
now it's my turn… - when pressing the button, a frantic pop melody plays, Zeb shrinking his eyes always looking at the radio monitor and asks:
Tate Mcrae…?
"I said I'm serious. I tried, but I can't figure it out. I've been next you all night… - Now you were singing Tate McRae's song "Greedy", now it was part of your vibe, surprised Zeb looks at you questioning:
Seriously, now are you going to sing…?
And he realizes that he was ignored when he observes you singing distractedly and agitatedly with your arms raised:
…I would want it myself! baby please believe me! - you sing at the top of your lungs, then you unbutton the belt that kept you safe, Zeb notices:
Hey, what are you doing…?! - And he saw her standing up in the car seat, hoping that chance would protect her while she sang with her hair dancing in the wind and keeping her balance with her arms on her waist, shaking:
I'll put you through hell, just to know me yeah yeah… - You roll to the sound of pop. Garazeb looks at her doing such madness, with his eyes wide open at the scene but keeping control of the driving "Karabarst is really making me get to know her" he reflects watching you from head to toe, but when he remembers that she couldn't take crazy risks, Zeb takes you by the forearm and returns you to the seat, making you sit down hard and emit an "ouch":
Hey ! - you object - it was almost at the best part…
Can you stop ? - He scolds her, looking at the road and you - Yeah, the part where you fall into a moving car? - He grunted.
I was having fun…
Have fun the way you are - It points the indicator to where you were in an "up and down" movement but without losing direction. Your song begins the second part, you continued:
I see you eyein' me down, but you'll never know much past my name… - You shake your shoulders feeling the musical energy and point to your driver who was snorting, realizing that you weren't going to stop singing. -…Or how I running this room around that im still half your age.- You imitate little steps with your two fingers walking through the air and look at him fixedly. Arousing a mocking laugh and a roll of eyes from the lasat, he noticed that you sang beautifully, you had no experience with singing but it was pleasant to his ears and at no point were you out of tune, ironically, he asks:
Are you trying to tell me something or what…?- And he saw that you maintained perfect eye contact without letting your guard down and without any shame with a smile on your face, bringing a slight twist to your stomach, as if you had butterflies inside it. and his mouth was half open. Zeb shakes his head and looks away because he needed to drive and you pointed to your own eyes and his in a playful and feline way:
Yeah you loo, looking at me like I'm some sweet scape. - Zeb felt your figure pointing at him, making him laugh heartily, you touch Zeb's lips with your index finger, making him close his mouth, you slowly descend up to his chin:
Obvious that you want me, but I said I would want myself. Baby please believe me…- you sing happily and see his reaction:
you think you are too much, young lady… - Zeb feels his face being squeezed by her hands:
I'll put you through hell, just to know me yeah yeah…
Hey, slow down, it hurts a little, right?
So sure of yourself, baby don't get greedy - you release him and wave "no" with your finger - That shit won't end well, no, it won't end well… - you conclude, but the song doesn't end yet, with a few more minutes his driver just let himself be carried away by the melody while driving, for him it wasn't a bad song, despite not being to his taste, it was beautiful, fun and danceable, the beats were addictive like sugar and made him start drumming the side of the car following the lyrics, Zeb curiously asks:
Music? - and you creating your own club in the passenger seat responds:
Greedy, from Tate McRae. - biting your lip you wink at him in response.
Do you like being Greedy? - asks Zeb jocular.
And do you like suffering for love, Garazeb suffering Orrelios? - You tease him, reminding him of the previous song. He bluntly responds:
It's not because you sing that, that you're living that…-he looks at her, turning around.
Precisely, my big guy.- You respond and squeeze his swollen biceps, who kept his focus on holding the steering wheel, but focused on her from time to time. Zeb, with just one hand on the steering wheel, allowed the other to lean back on the seat where you were like If he were to surround you and you were involved in the beat, you would continue:
I-Would-Want-Myseeeelf…- You hugged herself while singing.
Yes, you really are the type of woman who likes herself. - He watches her laughing, making a pun.
But not only do I like myself, I care about others besides myself and I care and like you, Zeb. - You smile and he smiles back with his arm resting on your seat, he gives your shoulder a friendly squeeze without hurting it:
I care and like you too Y/N.
I would like myself.- You singing a parody and laugh at him, which he even thinks is cute.
Funny girl. Hey, the music is over. - he says, noticing that there was no sound on the radio.
It's your turn to choose, something in mind?.- you say allowing him to make the choice. Zeb thinks for a few seconds and decides:
Well, would it be okay if we repeat the last song? - He turns a small knob to choose the frequency.
For sure. - You respond excitedly. And the music once again plays starting with the upbeat melody. Who knows, maybe this song will be part of Zeb's flashback playlist now, it really is as addictive as sugar…
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