#I'm sure you all know which text I mean even without the full name
eri-pl · 3 months
Still watching the lectures. Nobody told me how um... direct? is the "something of Finrod and A-what's-her-name". It is a very, erm, unique text.
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borathae · 11 months
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"If there is one thing you love to do, it is to pamper your boyfriend. So when Yoongi has been feeling especially stressed lately, you decide that it is time to treat him like the precious prince he is."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, domestic Fluff, Smut
Warnings: a stressed!Yoongi, she pampers him, casual nudity, this story consists of two parts: one fluffy and one smutty, the next warnings are for the smutty part, morning cuddles which lead to sex, sleepy & subby!Yoongi, service Dom!Reader, handjob in spooning position, little spoon!Yoongi heheh, neck kisses, gentle choking, praise, loving dirty talk, nipple play, blowjob, cum licking, overstimulation, a lil bit of gentle CBT, he is a painslut so he loves it, multiple orgasms for him, hand holding, he is sensitive & loves being touched <3
Wordcount: 10.4K
a/n: istfg i love men jfasjdfja okay that is a lie, i love men like mv!boongie <3 my precious prince <3 also lmao if someone tries to look up the definition of oral fixation, my name would show up ajdjfa like. can i write something other than oral sex? i don't fucking think so ahahah i'm telling you this stems from my childhood addiction of sucking my own thumb every chance i got until i was thirteen ahaha that shit shaped my frontal cortex or whatever part of the brain is in charge of kink development jsjdf
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You like trying out new things. Especially when those new things involve surprising your amazing, wonderful, lovely boyfriend Yoongi.
Today, you left a little something in his wing to find. A letter, telling him of how much you wanted to be with him tonight including a very detailed description of your plans and your location shall he want the same.
Yoongi should be out for most of the day, training with Jungkook and later meeting up with some of his creations in town to go over future plans of strengthening the vampire community. With Namjoon’s followers mostly gone and their Creator hidden from the world, the community has been brittle. Attacks on peaceful vampire communities by hostile werewolves or witches became way too common in cities where peace was already brittle to begin with. Yoongi and his followers are currently creating strategies which will ensure the peace without cities breaking into a full supernatural civil war. Which means that he is a very busy man lately, coming home later than usual and with little energy left to cook. He feels really bad about it, even if you keep ensuring him that it was never his responsibility to feed you and that you can cook for yourself while he relaxed.
It worked for a little while until he began stressing out over not being able to cook on top of all the other stress he is currently experiencing. Truly, if he didn’t posses supernatural healing you are sure that he would have already greyed by now from all the stressing he has been doing these past few weeks.
But you want to change that tonight. You want him to feel so relaxed that stress ceases to be part of his vocabulary. 
By now, it’s already way past eight. Yoongi should have been home for at least thirty minutes. You want to check on him, but are scared to ruin the letter surprise this way. So you take out your phone and text Jungkook instead.
He answers you ten minutes later.
-          Baby ♡: I don’t know if he’s home yet. I’ve been home since six ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: I’m sorry baby ♡♡♡
-          You: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: Are you scared that something happened? ♡♡♡
-          You: No, but I have a surprise for him ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: ooooooh *o* a surprise *O*
-          You: yeah… :D I wrote him a letter telling him to come to my wing if he wanted to have a spa day ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: wowie *^* spa days are so nice ♡♡♡ I’m sure he’ll be home soon heh ♡♡♡
-          You: yeah probably ♡♡♡
-          Baby ♡: hehe ♡♡♡♡
You send him one more round of hearts and then place the phone aside, turning your attention back to the task at hand. The surprise has been prepared, which means that you have free time and what better way to use said free time than to do some gardening in the greenhouse.
Only easy tasks like pruning the roses and picking off dead leaves from your wisteria. You don’t want to get too dirty in case Yoongi comes home.
The man of the hour comes home only a few moments after you texted Jungkook. You are currently in the back of the greenhouse, looking at the perfectly pruned roses when he calls out for you.
Your heart flutters. He is here. Hopefully he read the letter first before coming here. It would make the surprise all the more exciting.
“My love, are you here?”
“I’m coming!”
You meet him in the middle. Right where you shared so many breakfasts together. 
Like always lately, the heaviness of a long and stressful day drags down his shoulders. It is so obvious to you these days, now that you know him so well. 
“Hello there, my prince”, you greet him, opening your arms. 
“Hey”, he says, falling into the hug gladly. He even buries his face in the crook of your neck and releases a loud sigh. It was the kind of sigh which sheds the heart of sorrow.
“Did you have a good day?”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. Lots of stress?”
“Yeah”, he murmurs into you, tickling your skin with the timbre of his voice, “did you eat already?”
“I did. Don’t worry.”
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t cook. I promise I’ll make time on the weekend. I just have so much to do and I just”, he stops talking to sigh instead, pressing himself closer to you, “I’m tired”, he confesses in a whisper.
“Don’t worry about it, my love. I don’t want you to think that feeding me is your job. I can cook for myself, okay?”
“I guess.”
“Well, I can”, you assure him and squeeze him gently, “did you get my letter?" 
“Yes, I left it on your bed.”
“No, I wasn’t in my wing yet. I came straight to you.”
“Oh okay. Mhm sad, I wanted to surprise you.”
“I can go right now. I’m sorry, I have so much to do. I didn’t have time yet and I-”
“Hush, it’s okay”, you stop him, massaging his scalp gently.
Yoongi lets out a sound of defeat and murmurs into your neck, “I’m gonna cry. I don’t know for how long I can still do this.”
“Oh Yoongi, I’m sorry you feel this way”, you say and give him a squeeze, “do you have to work again tomorrow?”
“No, they’ll be gone till next week. But I have to do so much work at home. There’s so much shit to go through and, and people to call and I don’t wanna.”
“Okay, I see. At least you can plan your time how you want to tomorrow. Yeah?” 
“I guess.”
He doesn’t sound convinced, which you can’t blame him for.
“I prepared a few things for you if you want to. I promise it will relax you.”
“What do you mean?” he lifts his head, staring at you with bloodshot eyes, “why did you prepare something?”
“Because you’re stressed and I wanna spoil you.”
“What do you mean why? Because I want to and you deserve it.”
“Mh-hm, now come along. I’ll give you the best spa night ever.” 
“Really?” he gets out, stumbling after you. 
“Yes, really.”
“But why me?”
“Because you’re my love.”
You lead him to your bathroom. You talk as you walk. 
“It would make a lot more sense if you read my letter. I was being really cheesy in it and talked all about how I’ll make you feel like a king.”
“Oh. Okay”, he is shy. You know that he is.
“Yeah and then I told you to come find me in my wing. Which is why I asked you if you read my letter.”
“Sorry. I wanted to see you first."
“That’s okay. I should have figured. I’m just glad that you’re home safe”, you tell him and turn. You have reached your closed bathroom door, “close your eyes.”
“Okay?” Yoongi says and follows. 
“Don’t peek.”
“I won’t.”
You open the door and take both his hands afterwards. You guide him into the room. Yoongi sniffles instantly.
“It smells good.”
“Don’t look yet. Okay?”
“I’m not. I’m just saying.” 
You place him just a little away from the door so you could close it. Then you snap your fingers, lighting the dozens and dozens of candles in the room. Being a witch fucking rocks. You don’t even have to work for romantic lighting, you just have to snap your fingers. With a another snap of your fingers the record player starts playing Yoongi’s favourite album for relaxation. His lips curls into a smile. 
“I know that song”, he says with happiness in his voice.
“Yeah, definitely. Don’t peek.”
“For how long? What are you doing?”
“You’re making it so suspenseful.”
One last snap of your fingers to turn off the main lights. 
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
Yoongi follows, looking around the warmly lit room. You filled the bathtub with water and rose petals, mixing in your most relaxing bathing oils. On the side table, a glass of his favourite whiskey cocktail is waiting and you prepared his most comfortable pyjamas to wear. You also created a big bouquet of flowers, which he knows for a fact you will want him to keep in his wing. You love getting him flowers and he loves receiving them even he gets incredibly shy because of it.
“Princess”, he gets out, looking at you with sparkly eyes. They look so close to tearing up.
“Surprise”, you say, stretching your arms above your head, “it was pretty obvious what I’ll do in the bathroom, but surprise.”
Yoongi looks away and at the room again, touching his own tummy as he does. His eyes sparkle in the candlelight.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes. Thank you so much”, he says and nods his head.
You close the distance and hug him. Yoongi hugs you back instantly, hiding his face in your neck like always. 
“I’m happy that you love it. I have a lot more prepared. So I hope that you’re ready.”
“I am”, he mumbles, “thank you so much.”
“Hm”, you hum and pat his butt, “you have to get naked for the bath.”
“I know. Can I do it alone?”
“Of course. I’ll be by the sink preparing the facial.”
“What did you prepare?”
“Just something nice. I looked up a tutorial. Trust me, I’m a professional skincarer now.” 
“Skincarer isn’t even an actual word”, Yoongi says in a laugh as he is slowly getting naked. 
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll give you the best facial ever.”
“You’re aware of how that sounds, right?”
“Oh, I know. If you had read my letter, you would know that I have prepared a spicy section too if you are still awake after my super duper king spa treatment special.”
Yoongi chuckles, “okay, I’ll try to stay awake.”
“No pressure though. Tonight’s about you. I can do it tomorrow too or whenever you’re in the mood.”
“Okay. Ah shit.”
You turn, “what happened?”
He is by the bath, buttnaked and with his toe wet.
“The water’s cold”, he says.
“I know. I didn’t know when you’d be back, so I filled it with cold water. Don’t worry, I’ll warm it up”, you say and hurry to him. You stick your right hand into the water and mumble the magical words. Your eyes glow golden for just a moment before your hand gets a fiery shine to it. The water warms up slowly and you only stop once it is giving of a gentle steam.
“Test it now”, you tell him.
Yoongi lifts his foot and lowers it into the water, “good”, he says and steps inside the bathtub. He lowers himself, pushing the water aside. It reaches him just a little over his nipples once he is submerged entirely.
“There we go. Are you comfy?” you ask him.
He is looking up at you with his knees pulled to his chest and his arms hugging them, “can I have it a little warmer, please?” he asks shyly.
“Of course”, you say, sticking your hand back into the water, “I’ll go slow, so tell me once it’s good for you.”
Your eyes glow, your hand shines and soon the water begins warming up more and more. The relaxing oils activate with the magical heat, tainting the water milky and filling Yoongi’s nose with a wonderful smell. He feels droopy and oh so relaxed because of it. Yoongi lets you warm the water for a few moments, staring at your face with a fluttering tummy. He is so, so happy about the surprise and he loves it so much. Even if he is too tired to show his true excitement, he is bursting in it. Truly, he feels so lucky to be with you.
“Okay, stop”, he says.
“Got it.”
You stand up and dry your hand on the towel you laid out for Yoongi. Then you hurry to the back of him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Lean back.”
He does so without resistance, letting out a surprised gasp when his head sinks into a soft cushion. The water reaches him a little under his neck now.
“Huh?” he sneaks a glance at the pillow..
“Is it comfy?”
“Yeah, really. Where did you get that?”
“Internet. I purchased it a few weeks ago, but never got to using it. Do you like it?”
“Yeah”, he says and relaxes his entire body. He even stretches out his legs and closes his eyes, “thank you for this”, he whispers.
“Don’t thank me too soon. Are you ready for your super duper king special treatment facial?”
“Nice, just tell me if you need anything else. Your favourite cocktail’s on the table.”
“Yeah, thank you”, he says and reaches for it. He spills some water on the ground, but that doesn’t matter right now. He drinks his cocktail while you gather the skincare products. “it tastes good”, he tells you.
“Yeah? That’s good to hear.”
Yoongi places it aside and submerges his arm back in the warm water. Then he lets his head fall into the cushion, looking up at you that way. You place your hand on his forehead so you could brush his hair out of his face. You secure a headband around his head, making sure to reveal his entire forehead to you. His eyes fall closed instantly, his lips part as a relaxed sigh leaves him.
“I’ll get started now, yeah?”
“Just do whatever, as long as I don’t gotta talk.”
“Don’t worry, no more talking”, you assure him and smooch his forehead, “relax my love, I’m getting started.”
You start off the treatment by cleaning off the day with a gentle oil cleanser.
“Are you putting oil on my face?” he asks, trying to move away at the unfamiliar feeling, but you stop him with a firm hand on his forehead.
“Yes, it’s called double cleansing. Trust me.”
“Trust me.”
“I am, just feels weird”, he mumbles as he relaxes again.
“It’ll help.”
Once you washed off the oil, you use a soft smelling foam cleanser. Yoongi sniffles vividly as you spread it on his face, voicing his liking for it with a low hum. You wipe the foam away with a warm towel, making sure to be extra careful around the eyes. 
Once he is clean and patted dry, you begin with the true treatment. You spread a soothing toner with a cotton pad on his face and follow it up with a serum. You know that physically it is impossible for his skin to show signs of exhaustion, age or stress. Hell, he can’t even get impurities because his healing powers prevent him from getting them. But you still believe that a good calming serum will do his skin good. Even if it’s just to help relax his mind. 
After the serum, a sheet mask follows. 
“Ah, hey”, he gasps and opens his eyes, “that’s wet”, he complains, trying to move away again.
“It’s a sheet mask. Close your eyes and stop moving.”
“Does all of that even do anything?”
“Yes, it’ll relax you and make your face glow. Close your eyes.”
Yoongi follows, even if hesitant at first, but begins to relax again when you run your fingers over his face in order to smooth out the mask. It tingles so nicely.
“Okay, that’ll have to stay on your face for twenty minutes. Do you want a head massage in the mean-”
“Yes”, Yoongi interrupts you.
You chuckle, “I take this as a clear yes”, you say and wash your fingers in the bath water. You dry them on the towel and then return to your spot behind him. 
You start off by opening the headband and keeping his hair off his forehead with a warm hand on his head. 
“I watched a lot of tutorials on head massages, so get ready for the best massage ever.” 
And so they begin. The most amazing and wonderful and perfect twenty minutes of Yoongi’s life. You weren’t lying when you told him that he will experience the best head massage ever, because he does. He really, really does. You not only pay attention to his entire scalp, you also make sure to massage his tense jaw muscles behind his ear and to loosen the knots in his tight neck muscles. By the time those twenty minutes are over, Yoongi hasn’t closed his mouth in ten minutes and he doesn’t even know that his mouth is open. He is entirely and completely relaxed.
You take off his mask without talking, placing it on the table for now. You waste no time, using the excess serum to massage his face as well. Starting off at his forehead and brows, you guide your skilled finger along his temples, massage his jaw muscles and tense tongue muscle along his throat and you make sure to target every single inch of his face. You even incorporate a gentle massage on the more tender spots, meant to soothe and not to relax tensions, and Yoongi is in heaven. He really is. This is more than heaven. This is his personal paradise, the reason why he exists. It feels so good. His body can’t stop tingling and he swears that he actually feels as if he is floating. He was so stressed, but he isn’t anymore. It soothes him so much to be so pampered. 
Once the serum has been massaged into his skin thoroughly, you begin putting on moisturiser, giving him a softer massage in order not to stress out his skin barrier. You go especially gently on his eyelids, kissing each of them after you finished spreading the cream. 
Once his face glows from being pampered, you spread a thin layer of scalp serum on your palms for one last round of a deep and relaxing scalp massage. 
By now, Yoongi is sleeping. There is no sugar coating the truth. Your once stressed boyfriend is slumbering peacefully with his lips apart and his face entirely slack in relaxation. He looks so adorable like this. 
You give his shoulders a thorough massage as well, ending it off by caressing his chest and then your massage is officially finished. Face glowing, scalp nourished and muscles relaxed he is sleeping in the bathtub while you gaze at him with fond eyes.
That’s what you wanted to happen. He finally looks relaxed.
You play with the thought of waking him for a moment. You really have to, don’t you?
You decide to clean up first. He should sleep as much as he can before you have to cruelly wake him again. You turn off the record player and even take a quick shower so you can change into your pyjamas. Afterwards you do your own skincare and brush your teeth. Yoongi is sleeping through all of it. 
Only then – and once you extinguished the candles – you return to him, cupping his cheeks to shake him awake.
“My love”, you whisper with a heavy heart, “my love, wake up.”
Yoongi begins responding after a few moments. First he huffs out air, then he whines and shakes his head until he finally opens his eyes.
He looks just slightly mad to be woken like this, but most of all, way too sleepy for his own good.
“I know. I’m sorry for waking you, but I need to get you outta the water and into your pjs”, you whisper. 
Yoongi makes a small sound and moves. It looks and feels robotic. You know that he is barely conscious and only really does what his muscles remember to do. 
He gets out of the bath with your help and plops down on the edge of the tub. You open the drain and just about manage to wrap the towel around him because then he is already falling against you, barely awake and so terribly sleepy. 
“-eepy”, he mumbles quietly, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder.
“Almost done, my love. We just gotta get you dry and into your pjs, yeah? Can you work with me? Please?”
Yoongi nods his head and somehow manages to get up and follow you to the pyjamas. He manages to put them on, even if his eyes were closed through the entirety of it. And then he stumbles into the bedroom with your hand tightly in his’ and his trust fully put into you. He doesn’t open his eyes even once, only when you tell him to get into bed.  
He sinks into the pillow, letting out a sleepy sound of relaxation.
You tug him in and get under your blanket. 
“Is nice”, he mumbles, reaching for you.
“Mhm, that’s good to hear”, you say before giving him a kiss on his temple. Afterwards, you roll over to turn off the bedside lamp. Now hued into darkness, you return to him and place your hand on his cheek to caress it softly, “sleep tight, my love”, you whisper and the last thing Yoongi does before he truly falls back to sleep is seek you out for nightly cuddles.
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And if one thought that this warm, little snippet of your wonderful life together was over, one was mistaken. As the next part of this warm, little snippet is entirely dedicated to how you woke up with Yoongi as your little spoon the next day and how you made good of the promise you gave him last night. Shall one wish to live in negligence, one can stop reading now. However, shall one find themselves with a certain desire for Yoongi’s blissful morning hours, one shall continue to indulge in this warm, little snippet a little longer. Whatever path one might choose, one shall always know that Yoongi is truly and soul-consumingly happy ever since he is yours and he will continue to be truly and soul-consumingly happy for as long as he is by your side. 
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Although you fell asleep later than Yoongi, you wake first. You don’t feel tired, as a matter of fact, you feel so well rested that you could definitely start off your day by running around. You know that it is because Yoongi radiated so much tranquillity throughout the night, which in return helped you rest as well. 
Smiling because you are so happy that last night’s plan worked, you pull him tighter against your chest and drape your leg over his hips. Now he can’t escape and you can get lost in the amazing feeling of holding him. He fits so perfectly into your arms and he is so warm and smells heavenly too. You nuzzle your nose deep into his hair and kiss the nape of his neck this way.
Yoongi cut his hair again. Not as short as he had it when you first met him, but it had grown to a length where he disliked it. So he cut it again and thinned it out at the back. Not that thinning out did a lot for him. He has the thickest hair even. Even all the thinning left behind enough to grab and hold and play with him. And also enough to get lost in. He seriously smells so, so good. 
You hug him tighter and inhale deeply, waking him with it. He makes himself known by letting out a deep and quiet hum. 
“Mhm, morning”, you answer him, rubbing his tummy. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi purrs. 
Nothing more is exchanged between the two of you. You continue to smell his soft hair and kiss whatever part of his head you can reach, while Yoongi travels between the world of the awake and the dreaming. He ends up staying in his dream world. You prop yourself up on your elbow and glance at his face. You have to remove your leg from his hip, but you don’t mind because you can feel his butt against your crotch this way. His head rests on your lower arm and his hand is mere inches away from holding your wrist. His fingers twitch as he very obviously dreams and it makes you wonder if he is currently dreaming about holding your hand. It would be so cute if he did. 
You move the arm you have draped around him so you could touch his hand. His fingers, knuckles and veins. He has the most beautiful hands. You caress his wrist for a little and then move to trace his face, using the back of your hand for it. His cheeks are so soft, his skin feels so healthy. You also think that it is glowing especially prettily this morning and you know for a fact that it is because of last night’s spa treatment.  
You were so happy last night because he took the surprise with so much enthusiasm. Truly, you have the best boyfriend ever. 
You lean down and kiss his cheek. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi wakes because of it, sounding a lot more energized than last time. Forty minutes had passed since then. Yoongi chases your kiss by moving his head so he could look at you, “morn’in.”
“Good morning”, you tell him and kiss his lips. 
He kisses you back, which means that he was actually awake this time around. He smiles sleepily as you break the kiss and rolls his head back into a more comfortable position. You rest back into the pillow, snuggling into him happily.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, really well”, he says, “you?”
“I did, yeah. You felt so calm in my arms tonight, so I feel really refreshed.”
“I slept so well”, he says. His voice is deep and raspy from sleep. “I haven’t slept that well in ages. I kept dreaming about all the stuff I gotta do, but tonight I didn’t dream of anything.” 
“Yes? That’s so good to hear. You deserved it, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums and wiggles his butt so he was closer to you, “thank you for last night.” 
You smile and kiss the nape of his neck. His hair feels so soft there. You love the feeling of it against your lips. Yes, you are obsessed enough with him to love having hair on your lips. Oh truly, this man consumes your every fiber. 
“I didn’t know I needed it, but I really did. Thank you.”
“I’m just happy that I could help you relax, my love.”
“You did. I was so relaxed and it felt so good. I never experienced something like this before and I loved it so much.”
“Last night was your first time?”
“Oh Yoongi, you shouldn’t have told me that. Now I gotta start planning monthly super duper special king treatment spa days to make up for all the lost times.”
He chuckles sleepily, “I won’t stop you.”
“Okay, good”, you say and snicker, “just you wait, I’ll be the best skincarer ever.”
“This is so stupid”, he says in a laugh. The kind of laugh which shakes his shoulders and sounds like little squeaks for air. You love this kind of laugh. 
It always makes you laugh and smile with him. You end up smooching his neck as well, doing so happily. 
“You gotta admit, it has a ring to it.”
“Yeah, I guess”, he says and ends his giggles with a content sigh. He reaches for your hand and grabs it tightly to guide it to his lips. They feel soft as he kisses your knuckles. Once. Twice. Three and four times. Then a stub with his button nose, “thank you so much for this”, he says. 
“I know I didn’t show it last night, but I was really moved by it and I was happy. Yeah. I was really happy. I’m sorry for sucking so much at showing it.” 
“Don’t apologise, my love. I knew that you loved it.”
“Good, that’s good. My love”, he says and pulls your arm tighter around him. 
You nuzzle into him, tightening your arm around him. 
“You’re so warm”, he sighs dreamily.
“And you’re soft”, you tell him, slipping your hand to his tummy to rub it softly. He loves tummy rubs. Only a few seconds of them and he vibrates in soft purrs. 
Today is no different. Rhythmic and terribly sleepy, he fills the silence with his happy purrs. You love that this is just part of him. It’s so relaxing to hear him purr. 
Only a few minutes later and he takes your hand to stick it under his shirt. You glance at him, he meets your eyes shyly.
“I like that”, he whispers, “don’t judge me.”
“I’m not”, you assure him, nuzzling your cheek against him, “I like it too”, you tell him and begin to caress his tummy.
It’s so incredibly soft. Not only because his skin is silken and perfect, but also because he has just enough tummy that he is soft. He is just grab-able enough that you can squish him. You like that because of how perfect he is to pet that way. And Yoongi likes it because he has the most sensitive tummy and when you rub it, he feels at peace. 
This morning however, he also can’t deny the other effects your loving touch has on him. He was way too exhausted to think about sex last night, but he feels rested today. Which means that your touches leave behind just a small tingle of desire in his tummy. Paired with your neck kisses and the incredible softness of your body behind him and Yoongi can’t deny it anymore. This is making him needy. 
The concept of being needy was entirely foreign and rather undesirable for Yoongi before he met you, but with you he really enjoys that feeling. Except for the aching boners he gets as a side effect. He doesn’t like them. Not at all. 
He tries to ignore it at first. You aren’t making any moves and the current situation is so comfy that he doesn’t want to ruin it by asking for more. But then you begin slipping your fingers under the waistband of his pants every so often and Yoongi is spiralling. 
He is aware that you are only doing it because his lower tummy is the softest and you enjoy the feeling of his happy trail under your fingertips. But it’s getting so unbearable to stay calm. You are so close to where he aches and yet you feel too far away. 
You are in the midst of running your hand up his tummy when he snaps. He grabs it, making you gasp in surprise because of how passionately he made contact. 
You lift your head from his neck, studying his face. 
Yoongi acts fast. In one swift movement he has your hand tugged to his cock. He presses you close, making you feel every single inch of his hard length. 
“Please”, he gets out in a whisper, grinding his hips into your hand. 
“Oh my god, Yoongi. Did this make you hard?” you gasp.
He glances at you, meeting your amused yet very excited expression. 
He nods his head and squeezes his cock with your hand in between.
“What do you need?” you ask, knowing very well what he needs.
“Your hand.”
“You’re holding my hand.”
“No”, he is pouting. It makes you smile, because it’s adorable, “I want it there”, he says and rubs his cock against your palm, “like this”, he says breathily, “touching me”, he sighs even breathier and with his fingers squeezing your hand. 
Your stomach clenches in arousal. He is so sexy when he is like this. Especially when he explicitly asks to be touched.
“Mhm Yoongi, you’re so hot like this”, you purr and give his cock a gentle squeeze.
He lets out a quiet sigh, rolling his hips into your hand.
“Do you want it like this?”
“Wanna take off my pants.” 
“Okay, do it”, you say, giving him space.
He manages to take them off until they sit around one of his ankles and then he gives up. That’s good enough. He needs to be with you again, feel your warmth and experience your touch. You fucking made him obsessed with it and now he can’t get enough of it. 
He returns to the previous position, wiggling his butt against you and giving you a boyish look over his shoulder. It makes you giggle and hug him tight.
“Comfy?” you ask after smooching his cheek.
“Yeah, comfy”, he says and looks at your lips, “kiss me.” 
He barely manages to finish his request and then he is already gasping as you use a bundle of his hair to tilt his head into a kiss. It is rough and passionate. Yoongi didn’t expect it, which results in his head to get dizzy with the first contact. His tummy also did a really, really intense clench. It was the most amazing feeling ever, even if it resulted in his cock to grow even harder. 
You moan into the hot kiss, feeling entirely consumed by him. His exposed butt is pressing into your crotch, his naked legs rub against yours and his hard cock begs for attention. He is so close to you. So utterly and entirely engrossed in your presence and now you can feel him up with all the time in the world. Oh, you are so desperate for him.
It gets too much. You can’t control yourself anymore. Without warning, you take his cock between your fingers and pick up an almost punishing speed. 
Yoongi reacts accordingly. He breaks the kiss to squeak in surprise. His body flinches and his legs press together. 
“Wait”, he gets out, looking up at you with widened eyes and his lips parting in a gasp. 
“You’re so hard, holy fuck”, you whisper seductively as your hand pumps his heavy cock. Fast. Rough. With the intent to make him shake. 
“It’s t-too much”, he gets out and gasps, arching his back which results in your contact to break. 
Not with you. You pull him back against your chest, sliding your hand to his throat afterwards. Like this, his head is on your upper arm while his throat gains a new necklace in the shape of your hand. 
You press your lips to his ear, keeping your voice in this one specific register which will always make him weak. 
“Is this too much, mhm? Should I slow down?” you ask as your hand around his cock punishes him quickly. He needs no punishment and yet you can’t stop. He is so fucking perfect when he writhes in forced stimulation. 
“Slow, yeah, slow please”, Yoongi begs.
“Okay. I’ll slow down. Like this?” you ask and stop your movements so you could massage him instead. You keep your hand around his tip, massaging him in smooth pulses and gentle squeezes.
Yoongi presses back against you, tilting his head to reveal more of his neck. You squeeze down on his veins, watching hungrily as he rolls his eyes back in bliss. They flutter closed a second later.
“Yes”, he sighs, following it up with a quiet, “holy shit ___, that feels so good.” 
“Yeah, you just keep sighing my name. Your voice sounds so pretty when you do.”
“___”, Yoongi sighs, placing his hands on your lower arm to squeeze. His fingers are just a little clammy, his touch is filled with no strength. He wants to simply feel you, make sure that you are real and that he is actually experiencing the pleasure you make him feel.
“That’s it. Keep moaning my name”, you encourage him, moving his head with your hand on his throat. Like this, you can kiss his cheek. It makes you so happy because you can feel how Yoongi actively chases your kisses by tilting his head closer. 
“___, ah.”
“My handsome love”, you whisper, “my pretty prince.”
Yoongi likes the praise so much that he moans your name again. Quietly. Like a breathy whisper. He is so far gone in this warm bubble of pleasure, comfort and safety that he can’t do much more than whisper. This is the best morning ever. He is so safe, so warm and so well-touched. Yoongi presses himself closer against you and sighs your name.
You abandon his tip for just a moment because you want to feel him up entirely. You go slow, pressing his cock against his tummy to run your hand up and down the underside of it. His skin is so soft, while his cock is so hard. The contrast of it feeds your obsession for him inch by fucking inch. With every second you touch him, the feelings you have for him get easier to bear. Not much, but at least you don’t feel like suffocating anymore.
Yoongi runs his hands up and down your lower arm, following it with his head turning as he tries to kiss you. His lips are parted, giving you a little sigh.
“Feels good?” you whisper.
“Yeah, feels…good…ah kiss me, p-please.”
“My beautiful Yoongi”, you whisper and kiss him, swallowing the happy sound he makes. He doesn’t really know how to kiss you at first. As if he forgot everything he ever learned because you are touching him so good that his brain turned into mush. You know that this is what is happening right now. 
It’s not often that Yoongi asks to be touched. So whenever he does, it means that he wants to be turned into a dumb, pleasure-drunk mess. No wonder he kisses messily at first, you’ve got him ruined. You slide your hand from his throat to rub his chest instead. It rumbles in deep purrs of enjoyment and his lips soon after find your rhythm. Slow, loving tongue kisses. The kind which leaves both of you so, so lightheaded.
Somewhere in the maze of loving kisses, you allow your hand to change course. You wrap your fingers around his length again and pick up a steady pace, jerking him off with the help of all the excitement he leaks. Of course he’s wet. Yoongi’s so easy to pleasure once he trusts you. He gets wet so easily.
The kiss breaks because Yoongi needed to gasp. Your eyes flutter open, meeting his gaze. It is hazy, blurry and filled with devoted submission. He can’t stop staring, even when so close to your face. His eyes keep switching between your left eye down to your lips and up to your right eye before repeating the route again and again and again. He is so obviously in love, which makes you want to never look away.
You haven’t noticed it yet, but you are mimicking his feelings. Your eyes can’t stop racing between his eyes and his lips and if it was physically possible, Yoongi is sure that your pupils would have turned into little hearts by now.
“Closer please”, he whispers and you hug him against you, placing your hand on his waist to keep him close. Yoongi has to moan at the contact, fluttering his eyelids for just a second before he begins drawing little triangles on your face again.
You are enjoying this moment with intense pleasure bubbling in your tummy. Truly, you don’t even need to be touched to feel satisfied. This is making you feel so fulfilled. And it is filling you with this warm desire to make him feel in paradise. You pick up your pace, watching in delight how Yoongi reacts.
He closes his eyes and scrunches his nose up, letting a quiet, “fuck” slip from his lips.
“Yoongi”, you press out, hugging him tighter. You lower your lips to his face, spreading soft kisses on every inch you can reach.
“I can’t hold it for much longer”, he confesses, pressing back into you to get as close as possible. Truly one may think that it wouldn’t be possible to be closer, but somehow Yoongi manages to merge even deeper with you. Warm back against warm chest, his hands holding your arm while you hold him and with your legs tangled into a mess which makes sense to you and him. You are so close in fact that you can actually feel how his body prepares for his high. He is tensing his muscles more and more and gains so much more warmth to his body.
“Did, did you hear me?” he tries with his voice just slightly higher than usual. Not much, but it is clear that he is struggling. He is breathing so heavily and his butt keeps rubbing against you as he squirms.
“I heard you”, you assure him, kissing his cheek, “does it feel good for you or should I change something?”
“More on the tip, please.”
“Okay. Like this?” you say, massaging his velvety cockhead.
“Yeah….” he gets out and rolls his head away to bury it in the pillow, “ah”, his voice is muffled by it, “ah god, ah.”
It goes on for about five strokes and then Yoongi gasps and turns his head again, looking up at you with so obviously faded eyes. He is so far gone.
“I know, you’re doing so well”, you praise him, caressing the side of his ribs slowly.
“Tell me that you….ahmhm”, he gulps and tries to continue talking, doing so with his eyes glued to your lips, “that you love, ah, love me.”
Your heart flutters.
“I love you, Min Yoongi.”
“I love you too”, he chokes out and scrunches his face up as his high hits him. This is all it took. To watch your lips form his favourite words paired with your closeness and skilled touch, is all it took. He reaches up and pulls you close with his trembling hands gripping whatever part of your head they could reach. Your nose collides with his cheek and soon you feel his lips attempting to kiss, but failing miserably. You’ve got him climaxing so hard that it is impossible for him to do much more than keen quietly and fight for air.
“Good boy, you’re doing so well”, you talk him through it with loving whispers and little pecks on his pouty lips. And Yoongi swears his entire world lights up because of it.
He comes down way too soon for your taste, now merely shivering in your arms while his cock softens in your hand rapidly fast.
“Princess”, he gets out, hooking his arms behind your head to pull you into a kiss. It is sloppy and filled with gratitude. You love it so much, but you want so much more. You break the kiss, making him beg for more. You have to ignore him, even if you want to keep kissing him. He isn’t done yet. One wasn’t enough.
You roll him to his back and claim the emptiness between his legs. They are still wobbly from the intense orgasm you gave him, making it easy for you to pick them up and slide off his pants completely. You throw them to the side and lean down, picking up his softened cock to put him into your mouth.
Yoongi’s hips shoot up, his legs close around you and a surprised mewl rolls off his lips.
“What are you doing?” he keens, placing his hands on your head to tug you away.
You hum around him, licking and sucking off the sweet tasting cum coating his cock. The vibrations feel intense around his length, forcing his hips to lift again.
Oh how heavily he is breathing, how much he squirms.
“Please”, he gets out and mewls, “please, sensitive, please”, he pleads, trying to tug you off of him, which only ends in you taking his hands and pinning them into the sheets besides his hips. You put your weight on them, making it impossible for him to flee (one has to remember that he could easily lift a truck if he wanted to, he could very well flee but he doesn’t want to).
“Please, sensitive. Hurts, please”, he begs, coughing out a squeaky moan as his soft, little dick gets sucked clean by your hungry mouth. He is still so delirious from his first high and being brought over the edge in such an intimate, safe way and now he has you forcing his cock to remember what pleasure feels like. Yoongi was so ready to fall into the afterglow, but you are keeping him burning. It feels hot, fiery and torturous.
“Sensitive”, he gets out, wiggling his hands even if you pin them down with your fingers squeezing around his wrists, “holy shit, why do you wanna torture me?” he keens, kicking the sheets with weak legs.
You are high. You seriously are. This is the best feeling ever and he tastes so good that you wish to taste nothing but him from now on. His soft cock feels so good in your mouth. So fragile and sensitive and made to be ruined by you. He fits so perfectly in your mouth like this. So well in fact that he can fill you out comfortably while your tongue explores the softness of his balls.
“Oh god, please”, he is begging, squirming away and fighting your grip as best as his shaky arms allow him to. And despite all of that, he is starting to grow hard again. Rapidly if one may add. So quickly in fact, that after a few hungry flicks of your tongue against his balls, he is filling out your mouth so well that you can’t reach them anymore. You cup them in your right hand instead, using your left hand to caress his tensing tummy. It is so sticky and wet from his first orgasm. His hands reach for your head instantly, making you chuckle because it was so predictable.
“Nuh-uh”, you hum around his cock, pinning his hands into the sheets. He grabs your hands, squeezes them as tightly as possible and then lets out a high-pitched mewl.
“Please, this is too much”, he gets out, arching his back, “fuck, please.”
You moan around him, grinding your tongue against his cock as you bob your head up and down. He is almost completely hard again. Of course he is, because he loves it. You know your boyfriend. He might whine, but he loves being overstimulated.
You must admit that you never did it with your mouth before, at least not like this, but there is always a first for everything. After all, you love trying out new things with him.
Now swollen and hard in your mouth, it is difficult to fit him down your throat entirely. Especially in this position. You concentrate your attention on his first two inches. They are the most sensitive after all and you love having them in your mouth.
“A-ah”, Yoongi lets out, dropping your hands to instead twist the sheets. His hips are lifting off the mattress again, but this time around it wasn’t from overstimulation but pleasure. You got him hooked again. Even if his legs close around you and you have to push them apart.
“Mhm”, you hum and giggle, looking up at him with sparkly eyes and his cockhead on your tongue.
He is looking at you with his lids heavy and his cheeks flushed. His hair is a total mess, sticking to parts of his face.
“You’re hard again”, you say and lick him hungrily.
“It’s, it’s ‘cause you f-forced me to, to get hard”, he is stuttering, barely getting the words out.  
“I’m sorry, kitten. You’re so yummy that I can’t help myself”, you rasp and take him back inside, granting him one more second of eye contact before the position naturally breaks it. You close your eyes, sucking his tip and swirling your tongue as you move your head up and down slowly. He should really bask in those sensations.
“Fuck”, he gets out and moans shakily, dropping his head back in the pillow, “what did I do to deserve this?” he whispers and makes yet another sound of pleasure, sounding so good doing it that you have to look at him for a moment. You jerk off his cock as you do, pressing the thumb of your right hand down between his balls to give him just a small hint of pleasurable pain.
“Ngng”, Yoongi lets out, arching his back, “ah, a-ah, hah. Ah.”
“You deserve this because you’re my beloved, pretty kitten”, you tell him, increasing the pressure.
“Ah. Ah, ah hah, ah, a-ah”, Yoongi can’t stop making noises. What a total difference from the once reserved and quiet reactions he gave you during the handjob. You are soaking up those reactions like a woman starved.
“And because you’re my pretty kitten, you deserve to cum over and over again. Are we clear?”
“Thank you”, he mewls, because he doesn’t know what else to say. He feels so good. All he wants to do is thank you for making him feel that way.
Your heart flutters. He is adorable. And he looks so wet. His pink, velvety cockhead is covered in it. You have to taste him again.
You lower yourself back to his cock with the intention of not lifting yourself again until you have him creaming your mouth.
“Thank you…ah”, Yoongi moans, dropping his back in the sheets as his hands naturally reach for you again. Both of them. It’s so cute that he gets so touchy when he is being sucked off. He holds your head gently, but never once uses the grip to guide you. No, he merely wants to hold you because sometimes he doesn’t believe that the pleasure you make him feel is real and he has to make sure that it is.
Your mouth is so warm and soft, your tongue is even softer and so, so wet and your fingers know exactly where to squeeze and touch. You have also grown so confident in your skills.
Bear in mind, Yoongi always thought that your head game was amazing, but he can really tell that you are confident in it these days. Back when you started out, you only really dared to go further than his first two inches when you were drunk, but these days it seems to happen naturally. One minute, he has your tender lips kissing and sucking his cockhead and the next he is hitting the back of your throat while a deep moan vibrates in your chest. You don’t need to be drunk anymore to deepthroat him, it happens naturally.
And Yoongi hasn’t decided yet if he hates it because of how utterly ruined it leaves him or if he loves it because of how entirely blissed out it makes him feel. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Oh god, princess”, he moans, closing his legs again as hot pleasure shoots through them.
You chuckle around him before slipping off. You push his legs apart again, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
“Stop closing your legs”, you tell him, following it up with your lips nibbling at his tip slowly. Every now and then you dart out your tongue, giving him a glimpse of warm, wet heaven.
“Sensitive, I can’t help it”, he says, eliciting a happy giggle from you.
“You always are”, you are teasing, “what’s with you?”
“It’s ‘cause you feel good”, he says and thrusts his hips, “more please.”
“Mhm ‘kay, but only if you don’t close your legs again”, you say, taking him back inside.
Yoongi rests his head back in the pillow, throwing his arm over his eyes as a breathy laugh slips past his lips.
“You feel so good”, he gets out and moans with a smile on his face, “fuck.”
He drops his legs on the mattress and wiggles his toes, meeting your warmth with a soft roll of his hips.
“Yeah, that definitely tops everything”, he whispers, placing his right hand on the back of your head to caress it.
You love how warm his touch feels and how gentle his thumb runs over your head. It makes you want to perform even better for him, go deeper and make him feel a thousand times more ruined. You slide your hand to his balls and begin massaging them as your mouth slowly but surely sinks down on his length.
“Yes, god”, he gets out, rubbing his legs against your body, “fuck baby, I’m sensitive.”
“Mhm”, you purr around him, which doesn’t help him at all. He just ends up twitching in your mouth while his legs rub against you in a desperate squirm.
“You don’t give a shit, do you?”
You shake your head, wiggling his cock down your throat that way. You hum when he is oh so deep inside you, sending a jolt through his legs. His fingers twitch on your head, trying their hardest not to push you down further.
“Fuck, you’re torturing me”, he gets out and laughs, arching his back.
You love when he is like this. When he feels so good and safe with you that he laughs during sex. To think about how he started off and how it’s going these days. You love this development, having to moan around him as your left hand slides under his shirt. You walk your fingers up his tummy and ribs, stretching them out on his pecs so you can rub his nipple.
His laughter stops, a loud gasp for air replaces them. He chases your touch, sliding his arm from his eyes to instead hold your hand through his shirt. He squeezes it gently, rubbing his legs against you needily.
There was no ounce of amusement or laughter in this word. Just desperate pleasure and the disbelief that something so amazing is actually happening to him.
“Yeah, god…that’s….fuck, princess.”
Maybe you like this kind of voice just a little more. Don’t misunderstand, you love when he laughs during sex. But when your touch hits just right that he feels so good that he can’t even find it in himself to laugh anymore to instead moan, definitely feels extra special. He spills his pleasure on your tongue with a throb of his cock. His taste is amazing.
You glide off of him until you can suck on his tip. Your lips fit so nicely around it. Like his cock was made to be sucked by you. He rewards your eagerness with new droplets of his sweetness. Truly, he tastes so good. You hum around him, sucking harder.
“___”, he moans, following it up with a roll of his hips, “___ baby…love, this is…fuck.”
You love that he just can’t stay still. He is an expert in lounging. Sometimes when you and he cuddle, you have to check on him because of how still he can get. And now he just can’t stop squirming and touching and rubbing himself against you. It’s so incredibly adorable to witness. 
You slurp up the saliva which has began running down his length and swallow it hungrily. There is just a little bit of his taste in it. Not enough for your liking and so you take his cock between your fingers and apply pressure on his swollen vein. You know just how to squeeze and rub that he leaks onto your tongue. 
Sweet like honey. There must be something magical in his taste because you get so needy for it that it gets hard to breathe. 
You slip your lips off of him, staring at his tip. It is deep red in colour, courtesy of you sucking his soul out of his cock. Your fingers glide to it and begin squeezing just right to milk him of his translucent goodness. 
“Fuck, jesus, you gotta- hrng”, he gets out and lets out a deep growl, throwing his head back as best as the position allows him to, “honey, fuck.” 
“You’re so wet for me”, you taunt and squeeze more out of him. You love how his cock looks when he leaks for you. So pretty and wet. How wonderful. 
And while he growls and gasps, you let out a chuckle. It is heavy in crazed pleasure. 
“You’re such a wet kitten”, you rasp and finally connect your tongue with his cock. You grind the flat of it over his slickened tip, ending it with a throaty moan and a flick of your tongue. You flutter your eyes at him, even if he isn’t looking, “you’re my fucking addiction”, you lull and sink him into your mouth as far as you can take him. 
Only once he is deep as you can go, you begin moving. Fast and harsh. You drool all over him, spill tears instantly and find it just a little harder to breathe but it’s so fucking worth it. 
Yoongi moans and he moans loudly. So fucking loudly. His hips roll off the mattress, his hands reach for his own thighs and squeeze hard to prevent them from falling closed. 
“Holy shit, holy fuck. Princess love. Fuck. Ah! Aha baby ah.”
Your left hand is working hard on keeping his nipples as sensitive as possible while your right hand holds his throbbing cock in place. If you wouldn’t, it would just be way too hard to keep the rhythm going.
“You have to stop or, or else I’ll- ah”, Yoongi throws his head back, arching off the mattress, “I’ll cum down your throat, please stop.” 
He is so polite. Even now when you are so clearly derailed in pleasure, he is trying to warn you. He is such a gentleman. Oh how you need this man to literally pump your stomach full of cum. Yeah, you are really derailed. 
You pinch his right nipple, keeping it between your fingers to massage it harshly. The pleasure swirls down his body and goes straight to his cock. 
“Please I have to cum, I don’t- ah”, Yoongi shudders and arches his back, “can I cum in your mouth?”
The switch up is so fucking hot. To have him go from begging you for a break to begging you for the chance to climax down your throat, it’s so hot.
You hum around him, nodding your head. 
“Really? Please. Ah- fuck, ___ please.”
You moan and go deeper, nodding your head with more vigour. 
“Thank you”, Yoongi croaks and drops into the sheets. A second later, you feel his seed shoot down your throat and his cock throb in your mouth, “holy fuck yes.”
You wanted to swallow everything, but didn’t take into account just how hard your boyfriend cums. It ends up spilling out of your mouth and you working quickly to try and slurp all of it up. You love every second of it, feasting on his taste with a pounding head. 
Yoongi pulls you off of his cock once overstimulation sets on.
“No more. Serious”, he chokes out, following it up with a breathless, “you’re fucking insane. What the fuck.”
You are so dizzy, nuzzling your nose into his soft inner thigh. 
“Fuck Yoongi, you taste amazing”, you lull in a raspy voice. Your throat hurts just a little from getting it creamed so good.
“I’m dizzy”, he confesses, rolling his head to the side, “princess…”
You kiss your way up his body, staying at his neck to cover it in gentle love bites. His taste still lingers on your tongue, making you dizzy. Yoongi purrs and rolls his head to the side, nudging your temple with his nose. A kiss follows.
“This was amazing”, he lulls, smiling against your skin, “you’re the best, my love.”
“Yeah?” you giggle, lying down beside him with your leg draped over his waist and his arm under you. He closes it around you, running his hand up and down your back. You can look at each other so well like this.
“Mhm, yeah”, he says, staring at your lips. He reaches up and swipes his thumb over your lower lip, “you got a little something there”, he says.
“Oh? Oops. Thank you”, you say.
“Mhm”, he hums and guides his thumb to his mouth to lick it clean.
“Hot”, you mumble.
Yoongi lifts his brows at you playfully and slips his thumb free with a bop of his lips.
“It’s the least I can do”, he says, giving you a lopsided smirk. He is so good at doing them.
You nudge his chest, letting out a very ungraceful snort. Yoongi thinks it’s the most beautiful sound you ever made, soaking it up happily.
“You’re dumb.”
“Why?” he asks in a chuckle.
“Because you’re being flirty, you know exactly what this does to me.”
“What? You gonna suck my cock again?” he jokes, making you snort again.
“God”, you fluster, dropping your head in the crook of his neck. You rub yourself against him like a cuddly cat, “Yoongi”, you giggle.
He chuckles deeply, sliding his hand to your lower back so he can press you closer to him. You feel so warm between your legs. He loves the feeling of it against his naked thigh.
“You know what we should do today?” he asks.
“Wait. I wanna guess.”
“Do it.”
“You’re gonna say cook together, eventhough I literally told your stubborn butt last night that you don’t gotta cook for me all the time.”
He laughs. Wholeheartedly and loudly. You join him, lifting your head so you can look at his happy expression. He laughs with his mouth open and his eyes squeezed shut. You love this kind of laugh on him.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” you stress, nudging his moving chest. It rumbles in his laughter.
“Yeah”, he says, nodding his head, “fuck”, he ends his laughter with a deep chuckle and a shake of his head, “why do you know me so well?”
“Because being loved means being known and I love you, which means I know you”, you say, grinning when he rolls his eyes at you.
“You’re so cheesy”, he says.
“And you love it, so stop rolling those eyes at me.”
He smiles, “sorry, you’re right”, he says and runs the back of his hand down your cheek, “my love”, he whispers and smiles, cupping your cheek.
You smile, leaning into his palm, “you’re my love too.”
He studies your face with lovedrunk eyes. A soft smile curls his lips. 
“Do you want me to return the favour?” he asks. 
“Mhm later, as a little break between work, yeah? I’m so hungry you have no idea.”
“I just fed you.”
You laugh. He laughs too. 
“I hate you for making me laugh.” 
“You loved it.”
“Yeah sadly”, you say and study his face. Especially his pretty lips, “okay actually. Can you give me one orgasm?”
He smirks. Fuck, he is so hot doing that. His eyes lower playfully.
“Of course I can, princess. Let me take care of you”, he says, picking you up to fix your positions.
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sfstranslations · 5 months
how hard(?) would you say it is to translate? Ive been kinda curious about that, like does anything get lost in translation/ just not make that much sense without knowing the og language? or anything like that? 🤔
Hm, maybe 7 or 8 on a scale of 10? Though it can easily go higher at times, haha. (Always when Sung Hyunjae is in a scene because his name is a misspelling and it pisses me off.* This is a joke. Only half, though.) Basic word-by-word dictionary lookup is simple, which is why machine translators can do it well enough. But then you have to string all of it together in a sentence where you:
figure out and find a way to convey any difference in connotation between this specific chosen word and other words that mean the same thing (think the connotations of "regal" VS "royal" in English), and
do the same as above, but on a sentence-wide level translating the nuance of a particular grammar/sentence structure (thousand and one sentence endings in Korean, I swear -_-), and
make sure distinct character voices are retained or translated from the original Korean (think Song Taewon's stiff formality VS Han Yoojin's more casual speech VS Sung Hyunjae's middle-aged rich guy-type speech), and
make sure this sentence flows with the overall paragraph/chapter.
All those priorities have to be juggled throughout the chapter and add up to make it a fairly hard task. It definitely gets easier with practice once you're more familiar with the language (especially the nuance/connotation stuff), though, and I did get lucky in that my native language shares some aspects with Korean so the grammar is easier to intuitively grasp. Of course, I'm still learning, so I do have times I need to call in more experienced speakers for help.
(I definitely wouldn't say I'm good with the language period. Recently I've tentatively picked up a new novel—people following my personal blog will know which one—and it turns out I'm familiar with the way Geunseo talks and familiar with the vocabulary typical to dungeon fantasy novels, but kind of. Majorly hopeless when it comes to other stuff. The phrasing is juuust off enough that I keep getting tripped up and taking thrice as long to understand what's being said.)
There's definitely stuff that wouldn't make sense in English—certain idioms, cultural stuff, and all that, but that's why I try to localize wherever possible and add footnotes with relevant info/links if not. And there is stuff that gets lost in translation—you can look at the chapter titles from 302–307 for an example of that, where the joke is much more immediately obvious in Korean but had to be translated differently as chapter title VS in-chapter text messages and lost the clear parallel. I also remember being grumpy back during the virtual reality dungeon arc because Yoohyun would use 네놈 (ne-nom but typically pronounced ni-nom, a derogatory way to say "you", LMAO) towards Sigma and there was no concise way to get that across in English except having him be aggressive and direct. Especially since he isn't the type to swear by word of god, so I couldn't have him addressing him with "asshole" or "jerk" to convey it.
TL;DR: Fairly hard to translate, but gets easier with time, and there is stuff that's lost or difficult to understand, but I do what I can to make it understandable in English!
* Sung Hyunjae uses "ae" at the end, but that implies it's 성현재, which is wrong—the correct spelling is 성현제, which should be "Sung Hyunje". (If you wanted to go the full Revised Romanization route, it'd be Seong Hyeonje, but I've weathered my share of name changes and that's a step too far even for me.) I've been meaning to make a poll about changing it like with the Lauchitas spelling, but I keep forgetting.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Professional protector (Aaron Hotchner x nanny! male reader)
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It's become a slight problem. Most nights it Hotch was late. Some he wasn't home at all and babysitters were only so reliable.
"You're really using Garica to get a other new babysitter?"
"I'm not trust random teens with my boy."
Emily rolls her eyes and pulls away the file of potential names.
"Can't you just hire a full time?"
Hotch groans.
"Same problem."
"Well it's either a once time issue or a till-jack-is-grown issue so make up you mind."
She's right of course, he needs to just bite the bullet.
After nearly an hour of barely scrapable options Hotch's attention was caught by a face.
Young, clean cut, handsome and with a bakround in child care. He gives Hocth a strange stomach twist, the kind he felt in high-school when he meet Harley. That same at once connection.
"Is he free?"
"Looks like it. Says on his employee web page he is open for full weekdays."
"Send that to me would you?"
Garcia can't help the small grin that crosses her lips.
"At once my lord."
From his nightstand the buzz of that familiar notification sounds him awake.
He checks the profile his boss Diane always sends but this one is different than normal. He is used to business men who don't have time for their children but the man is an FBI agent and high in ranks too.
Doesn't look half bad either.
"How much is the pay?
"60 an hour."
He stops dead in his track.
"60? For one child and house sitting?"
"Ahuh. He asked me if that was too low."
"Too low?!"
She smiled at him with a gleam I her eyes.
"He really wanted you specifically."
Hotch keep glancing at his watch. He wasn't late but Hotch was nervous he might be.
"Excuse are you Mr. Hotchner?"
He's pretty in person Hotch thinks. More real. More warm. He's bright-looking but not cocky. Fair featured but no vain. He could reach out his hand and Hotch would near before him to kiss it without even thinking.
"Yes, you must be the nanny."
"Ahuh. Would you like to go over the details of what you need me to do while your away?"
Hotch smiles. He has no clue why but it feels natural.
"Of course."
Hotch leads him through the house explain everything he needs from the house care side of things.
"-and if you can't try to fold the blankets to fit in properly I'd be really thankful."
"Of course. What about your son?"
"Jack spends most of the day at school. He still in k-8 and does sometimes need homework help. He can make his own food but often prefers it made. He has 2-3 hours of screen time weekdays and 4 on weekends. He'll want to call me when I'm out of town which you can also do if you need anything."
He nods. Simple kid.
"He always wants to come along on grocery trips and basically anytime you leave the house."
Hotch hands him the house keys.
"And most importantly he'll ask for want he wants and his bedtime is 8:30."
"Got it. I call you at night if I have questions."
The two turn to see a sleepy toddler standing in door way. His spider-man pj's frumbled from napping.
"Hey Jack buddy, this is your new babysitter. He'll be here all day till I come back in the evenings so you don't have to be alone at home."
Jack looks up. Hotch feels the two smiling at eachother. His heart is aching know Jack is already bonding with the nanny. This have been a good idea.
"I have to go home today Jack but I'll see you again tomorrow ok?"
"Ok! Can we play with my Lego pirates."
"We can play whatever you want to Jack."
Hotch loves that smile on Jack. The innocent love. His boy is safe.
"Hotch? We have an emergency."
"What is it J.J.?"
"Ten victims all male in their 20s and the unsub is moving."
"I'll be there in ten mintues."
Hotch's body knows the routine of his morning work runs so well it work on autopilot.
Lastly he kisses Jack's sleeping head and text his new nanny 8 words.
"Flying for work for at least a week."
He'll get what I mean Hotch thinks before he stops himself. Why is he so sure? He doesn't even know the guy and he is trusting him like an old friend already. That's not good but Hotch can't seem to stop himself. He doesn't trust easily but something about him is so safe. So at home at ease. Hotch hates how his walls are just gone the moment he met a pretty man who takes care of his son. Hotch hopes he'll stay.
"He's targeting men who seem successful in love. Men with kids and partners and well paying jobs. Young man living how he wants to live. And he does it through robbery and hold ups. He is choosing targets on the fly."
"Where do we thinking he is making his way to?"
"Maybe his home or his get away car. I don't think he can keep this up for too long and I know he thinks that too."
At the hotel Hotch picks up his nightly call.
"How's your nanny been buddy?"
"I love daddy! He is super smart and he knew all about the history for my test on Tuesday and he makes such good pasta and he read me all the books I have trouble with!"
Hotch feel his stomach twist again. Just like a dad.
"That's great buddy. I'm glad you like him so much."
"He is gonna be my new best friend."
"I'm sure he will sweets now you need to good to bed."
"Ok, Goodnight daddy."
"Sleepwell Buddy. I love you."
"Love you too!"
He's safe. He's for the first time Hotch feels confident in thinking that Jack is really safe and happy. He sleeps better that night then he has in a while.
"Unsub is now in Virginia and he's getting risky. Going straight for our home now. He might even be there at this moment."
"So we came out here just to go home?"
"No, we came out here to know for certain he is home. Let's go."
Jack had asked to come along to the Cafe. He had followed his nanny to the counter and was rewarded with a small pink lemonade.
"Have you ever tried limeade or just lemon?"
He shakes his head no.
"Never liked lime. Too sour."
He chuckles.
"I like a lot of sour things especially ones that have some sweet in them."
"Everyone get on the floor! This is a hold up and if everyone behaves no one will get hurt."
Jack looks up confused and then frighten.
"Comere Jack. Everything will be alright."
"We've tracked him to a Cafe he's holding up. Swat is on their way but we don't time on our side."
"How fast can we get there?"
"20 is not fast enough."
"You, with the blonde kid. Move up here."
His arms wrap around Jack and gently lead them both to the front.
"Give him to me."
His breathing hitches.
"I'm not letting you near him. You'll have to take me first."
The click of the handriffle echoed in his ears before he felt the the world go black.
When the room came back into focus he realized he was in the ER. His chest was burning. He could feel the dizziness bringing him in and out of blurry awareness.
"Hey, just rest, you're really injured."
"Jack.. what about Jack?"
"He's safe with his father."
A knock at the door interrupts them.
"Hello Doctor is it OK for me to see him?"
"Mr. Hotch? Is that you?"
Hotch leans over the hospital bed brush some hair.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been worse."
"Worse than shot?"
He giggled even though it hurt.
"Yeah. I'm better knowing Jack is safe."
"He was really scared for you, so was I. You don't know how much it means to me that you put yourself in such danger for my boy."
"I'd do it again."
Hotch felt strange. On one hand he was deeply relieved that he was safe but such a close call had his nerves in a twist. It was like a weight had been added to his psyche. Hotch couldn't let anything happen to him. He felt protective.
"How is he?"
"Exhausted but ok."
"Hotch I know he is just your nanny but you seem pretty worried."
"I can't help but be. He nearly died keeping Jack safe. I don't know what could've happened if I hired someone less bare. This whole time I've felt so.... connected with him. Like he is someone who I can trust."
"Does Agent Aaron Hotchner have a slight crush."
Oh no.
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mabelstone · 9 months
hello babie
little angst fic in light of the new matt pics? gruffy stubborn horknee matt? a little christmas miracle?
love u miss u
hi sugarpie miss u more
hope this suffices <3 i couldn't think of a 'christmas miracle' i am sorry xx maybe i'll write a soft christmas fic after this
18+ ofc, you know me by now
Nobody Compares to You
matt stone x reader
word count: 2.1k
Being with a prolific near-billionaire with a ridiculously successful TV show and a close-to cult following has its downsides. The copious amounts of groupies, stalkers, etc, etc. Not to mention that he's the textbook definition of a workaholic, which often meant you would go days without seeing each other due to your conflicting work schedules, despite sharing the same bed each night.
You knew this going into your relationship with him and you swore you wouldn't have it any other way.
That was until you found out about the new hire at South Park Studios. A painfully beautiful, bubbly young woman around your age, funny and oh, so intelligent. To your dismay, everyone in the studio had grown very fond of her, including your beloved boyfriend. The part he failed to mention was that she was now his personal assistant, hence why she would text him at inappropriate hours and was practically glued to him each time you visited him at work on one of your days off.
You could look past the groupies and die hard fans as you knew they wouldn't ever stand a chance. But a young woman so full of life, someone who made Matt cackle the way only you and his friends could unearthed something deep inside you. An unmistakable hatred for this girl, though she hadn't done anything wrong, per se. This created a rift in your relationship with him, and though you wanted to blame her, it was painfully clear that it was your doing.
One day you'd surprised him with lunch, taking in a container of his absolute favourite meal that you'd slaved over all morning.
"Oh, thank you, gorgeous," he'd kissed you tenderly, though his words to follow suggested he wouldn't be eating it any time soon. "I wish you'd called... Belle and I just got Chinese, I'm stuffed."
Your smile faltered, peering over at the twiggy blonde tapping away at her laptop with her long, neon orange nails. "I wanted to surprise you. My mistake."
Belle looked up intermittently with an unreadable expression, "yeah, so sorry. What was your name, again?"
"Y/N," you shot her a fake smile that was about as friendly as a kick to the jaw. He mustn't talk about me often. "Ah," was all you could muster, a pang of disappointment flooding your veins.
"I'm sorry," he frowned lightly, a gentle hand taking yours. "I'll have it for dinner! You know me so well."
"So you'll be staying late again?"
"At this rate, it's a safe bet," he smiled sympathetically. He looked tired, no surprise. You sometimes selfishly wished that he'd get a bad cold or something so he'd be forced to stay home with you. "I'm really sorry."
"Meeting in five, Matt," Belle spoke up, her tone a lot friendlier than it was with you.
"I'll get out of your hair then." You didn't say bye, instead speed walked to your car, fuelled by your rage toward his assistant.
Matt: Not even going to say goodbye to me?
Matt: This isn't my fault
You: i just didn't know you were having lunch dates with your assistant
You cursed yourself straight after your message sent, realising just how ridiculous you sounded. Like a jealous teenage girl.
Matt: Lunch date? You mean having lunch with your coworker is now considered a date?
You: does she even know you have a girlfriend?
Matt: Do I really have to share my personal life with my assistant? She does, yes. What has gotten into you?
You: she gets to spend every minute of every day with you
Matt: So this is about her? Don't be so jealous, this is a work relationship.
Matt: Gotta go.
Your eyes blurred with tears as you drove home in silence, your jaw ticking in frustration. You couldn't help but wonder if you were in the wrong. Surely he would have had to pick her as his assistant, right? Why couldn't he have picked a man. Or, as awful as it sounds, a girl who wasn't so attractive. Or maybe a girl who wouldn't have graduated the same year as you.
He got home at 11pm, a bit earlier than you had anticipated. You couldn't sleep though, your mind running wild at the possibilities. With all the time spent with her and away from you, would he fall for her? Would he stop loving you? Was she planning to whisk him away from you? Was your little argument today just pushing him further into her arms?
He walked into your bedroom and didn't say a word. He walked straight into the ensuite and locked the door before you had a chance to speak, closing your mouth immediately.
When he came out, he looked visibly more relaxed, newly grown out curls dripping beads of water onto his skin. He sat in front of you on the bed, only a towel keeping him decent.
"Care to tell me what that was earlier?" His voice was stern, eyebrows slightly raised.
"You tell me," you tone was unwavering as well, arms folded across your chest.
"I wish I could," he huffed, the frustration clearly creeping back. "I can see that you're jealous. But I think theres a bit more to it, isn't there?"
"I miss you."
"Of course I miss you too. But I have to go to work. I can't control the hours!" He raised his voice slightly. Maybe there was more to this for him, too.
"We haven't had sex in two weeks, Matt," you sighed, looking toward the ceiling as that awful, sad feeling reared its ugly head again. "You used to want it- need it, every second day, at least."
"We haven't had time!" He sighed now, running a hand over his face. "I've had to... deal with it myself."
"Does your assistant have to be there for that too? Does she add it into your calendar?" You bit, meeting his eyeline again, that now had narrowed on you, angry brows knotted together.
"You are a brat, you know that?" He spat, appearing as if he were about to double over in anger.
"I'm a brat, huh?" You laughed humourlessly, shaking your head at him. "I spent all morning cooking for you. Every day I do all the cleaning after I've been working all day. I iron your clothes for the next day and have them ready for you every night before I even think to do anything for myself. Before I even have dinner!"
He just stared back, not interjecting for a change. His expression softened as he let you get it all out.
"I have done that for you for four years now! Four years! But I'm a brat, huh? All because I miss you and yes, I'm upset that you have a pretty new assistant. I'm upset that she spends all day with you, gets to have lunch and sometimes dinner with you. She gets to eat and laugh with you, all the while I come home to our house alone. I go to sleep alone and wake up alone. Do you know the things I would do to have lunch with you just once a week? The fact that I'm even explaining myself is ridiculous, I-"
Your rambling was cut short but warm lips pressing gently against yours. Your hands instantly found damp curls, fighting the urge to cry at the fact he was finally at your fingertips, and not when he was snoring beside you in the small hours. He was finally there, finally, you had his undivided attention.
His fingers quickly hooked into your panties, pulling them off in one autonomous motion. He wasted no time disconnecting your lips, positioning himself between your thighs. His warm tongue flitting over your clit sent a shockwave of electricity through your body, a sharp gasp from your lips piercing the overwhelming tension in the room. You grabbed a fistful of his hair without a second thought, grinding down onto that beautiful face. The coarseness of his beard scratched your inner thighs, sending a chill down your spine. With your eyes screwed shut, you moaned his name just as you had imagined for nights on end, his own groan vibrating against your core. You opened your eyes when you thought he'd pulled out your vibrator, soon realised it was just his phone buzzing somewhere on the bed spread. He didn't slow his motions, continuing to lick dizzying stripes across your clit. You felt around for his phone, wishing you hadn't when you saw her caller ID on the screen.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Mm, what?" His voice was muffled against you, only pulling away when you pulled your hips away. "Oh, come on. I can't control when she calls me, babe. It's probably something really important."
You realised you weren't angry at him, but absolutely livid with her. You just had a gut feeling about her. You knew girls like her, you could tell from he minute you laid eyes on here. She just wanted to climb the hierarchal ladder that was your beloved boyfriend. Unfortunately he was going to have to figure that out on his own. You couldn't help but give him the cold shoulder that night.
Things had slightly improved between the two of you. You'd been intimate more frequently, things often getting so steamy that one time he'd bent you over the kitchen counter, resulting in very burnt chicken for dinner.
For the sake of your own sanity, you'd stopped torturing yourself with your imagination over his beautiful assistant. He loved you, he was as faithful as they come.
Matt: I'll be home in 30 xx
He'd messaged you that two hours ago. You were worried you'd have to start calling police stations, but he finally responded to your missed calls with another text.
Matt: Long story. Talk soon.
He returned home an hour later, the door slamming behind him. You startled from where you sitting on the couch, having stress drank through half a bottle of red wine at this stage. He scooped you up from your position on the couch, eliciting a loud squeal of surprise from you, followed by the thunk of your wine glass hitting the carpet, effectively painting the rug crimson.
"Don't worry about it," he breathed against your skin. "Missed you," he trailed kisses along your jaw and neck, your breath hitching when he would hit your sweet spots.
"Mm- what happened at work? Where were you?" You grabbed his jaw in an attempt to slow him to no avail. He continued to carry you to the bedroom, physically in front of you, but mentally somewhere deep between your thighs.
"Don't worry about it," he echoed, placing you down onto the bed. You felt a little worried - he only got like this if something really stressful happened. He was usually great at talking about his feelings, especially when something happened at work.
He continued to kiss down your body, trying to strip your clothes with such haste you could barely keep up.
"Babe- stop. Stop." You huffed, finally getting a grip on his tireless wrists. "What happened? Were you with her?"
Then he came back into his body, eyes narrowing on yours. "We're seriously still on this?" He groaned, sitting back on his knees. "I fired her."
"Fired her?!" You couldn't hide the surprise in your tone, but masked the happiness very well. "Why? I thought she was a hoot, no?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now," he sighed. Catching your expression, he realised you weren't going to let up until you had the full story. "Jesus- okay, she tried to make a move on me. Happy? You were right." He rolled his eyes.
Now you were beaming. You thought you'd be more upset, but his obvious disgust debunked that thought immediately. "Say that last part again."
"You were right," he rolled his eyes again, playfully this time. "Now take off your clothes."
"Yes, sir!" You laughed too, stripping off your clothes so fast, you'd miss it if you blinked. Immediately, he was on top of you, a growing hard on pressing into your thigh.
"Nobody compares to you," he mumbled against your lips, stripping his boxers without taking his eyes off you, drinking you in. "Nobody."
His words warmed you to your core, words you didn't know you needed to hear. Despite the intensity leading up to this moment, he slid himself in slowly, stretching and filling you inch by glorious inch. You arched your back into the feeling, bare chests rubbing against one another.
"I love you," you breathed, grinding gently into him, both of your hips connecting in slow synchronicity. His warm arms surrounding you, pulling you impossibly closer.
"I love you," he kissed you slowly, "so, so much."
You felt more connected than you had in weeks, months, even. And in that moment, you too though, nobody compares to you.
you know me by now. no proof reading sozzy and this ending sucks balls... but its dry out here
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
A/N: I got the inspiration for this piece during my own spanish class this week, I was supposed to be paying attention but I was thinking of him and my upcoming test and got distracted. Also, it's worth to mention that reader studies Spanish in a language school that teaches adults foreign languages just like I do in real life (and I'm 26) which means there's NOTHING to do with highschool or underage reader at all. If this kind of school isn't a thing in your country then it's too bad, lol!
Summary: Pedro helps you study and get your Spanish essay done on time but you get distracted by your personal tutor at home
Warnings: fluff, sweet boyfriend Pedro and a tiny bit of smut towards the end
1.2k words
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It was about your third or fourth sigh that caught Pedro's attention. He knew you were having your moment of studying and he always made sure to give you your space, so you could focus, do your tasks, spread all your pens and papers with endless notes across the table and finish everything on time.
However, this time he could tell by the times you ripped pages off your notebook and crumpled it things weren't going so smoothly. He'd borrowed one of your highlighters to highlight his lines in the new script he was engaging into, being comfortable in the living room when he heard you mumbling something about 'fucking that shit'
He frowned curiously as he knew you absolutely adored studying Spanish, you enjoyed it so much you often spent hours making cute and colorful vocabulary summaries you'd learned in class, and you were nerdy to the point of writing essays without the teacher requesting them, just for fun, writing about random topics you enjoyed.
And Pedro was also aware you didn't study Spanish because of him. You'd been studying it for at least a year before you two met, knowing it had to do with the possibility of getting a better position, or a new job, or a nice trip abroad or even understanding movies and series. As he knew, you loved studying languages and that was one of the things he loved about you. And also the fact he could practice it at home with you, enjoying the fact you very often got his internal jokes or pet names you called each other.
In reality, he knew he wasn't the reason why you started learning Spanish, but he knew he was the reason why you kept studying it and made sure to get good results. And he loved it.
One thing you really enjoyed about Pedro was that he never intruded in your business. He knew you were smart enough to learn it by yourself and only if you needed help he would offer some. You avoided asking him for help as much as you could, you just wanted to do things on your own and you also loved his proud face when you were able to carry full conversations on different topics or understand a whole movie without having to rely on subtitles. But that essay was driving you insane.
Your test was coming up and it made you nervous. For the first time, you began feeling the difficulties in the language as the grammar was becoming harder and harder and you didn't know what else you could do to memorize that. Your essay, or composición as your boyfriend would say, was stressing you out, as nothing seemed good enough, you've written better, hell, even Pedro had told you many times how good your writing was and he wouldn't lie to you, that's for sure. But yet, you weren't convinced and when you finished that piece of shit you called a text you were already exhausted.
You began collecting your pens and pencils and organizing them back into the case and cleaning up the table when Pedro walked towards you. He had a sweet smile on his face and gently stroked your cheek, his curious brown eyes scanned the place until they fell onto your work.
"¿Qué pasa mi amor?" He asked in his beautiful, sexy accent and pulled a chair, sitting next to you. "I know you can do everything, but if you want, I can help you" he offered gently, not really thinking you'd agree with it, but when you handed him your text he grabbed his reading glasses, those black ones you loved and that always distracted you. At that point, you didn't give one single shit about tests, grades or evaluations, you would love to climb his lap and ride your handsome boyfriend while he dirty talked in spanish into your ear until exhaustion.
You barely noticed him talking to you, you were too busy looking at him, his tight sweater looking great on him, his messy soft hair, the way he softly bit his lips unconsciously when he focused on reading and those damn glasses.
"Y/N? Princesa? Are you listening to me?" He raised his brow and stared at you, waiting for you to reply. You swallowed hard and looked at him, feeling your cheeks flushing as you were caught fantasizing about your boyfriend.
"Y-yeah, I am, sorry cariño, I was just thinking of the test" you lied and looked at what he was pointing out in the paper. Pedro had taken a red pen and circled some words, you had either misspelled those or just put them in the wrong place, but overall your text was pretty decent. He gently explained you what you got wrong and how you could fix it better, though he could also tell you weren't really caring about that at the moment and knowing his sweet little puta very well, he knew whatever was on your mind had nothing to do with tests or school.
"Are you having wet dreams about your Spanish teacher, Y/N?" He folded his arms and looked at you "because I can just tell your mind is miles away from your studies and by the way you are clenching your thighs together you are probably very wet now" he smirked and loved how red you got. You knew there was no way you could fight that and lying would be just stupid. You bit your lips and chuckled, placing your hand on his thigh "I would have these if they fired that annoying cunt and hired you instead, though I can't complain about my private tutor" you whispered and leaned into his body, kissing his exposed neck gently and before he had any other action, you got up and immediately sat on his lap, facing him and pecking his soft lips gently, feeling his facial hair tickling you. His hands immediately wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, at the same time you raised your ass lifting your skirt up and feeling the contact of his rough jeans against your thin panties, moving your hips slowly against his, the friction on your core sending shivers down your spine just as Pedro felt his pants tightening at how hard he got.
"I know you want to help me, but we both agree this isn't my best work, so I can even rewrite it later if you want, but now…" you kissed him deeper this time and you felt how Pedro bucked his hips against yours, looking for more touch, more exposure of your skin on his.
"Y/N… you're teasing me" he groaned and only got a smirk as a reply
"Lo que quiero decir és que podríamos hacer otras cosas ahora, papi… ¿Qué te parece?" You whispered against his ear knowing it drove him insane when you spoke with him like that.
Pedro pulled your panties to the side and ran his thumb up and down your hard clit, feeling how wet you were and nodded.
"Sí, pero si no te vayas bien and la prueba, voy a darte un castigo" he whispered back against your lips and slapped your ass hard, making you whimper and feel your cheek burn, as you definitely knew what kind of punishment he'd give you.
A/N: this is my first one shot after years of not writing. I hope it wasn't so bad and there might be a second part to it because I still have many Spanish tasks to carry out which means there might be more ideas, hopefully a little bit more smut this time. Also I posted it through the app and it somehow got worse when it comes to editing posts 🤌
Anyway, feedback = life
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veryredd · 7 months
Tim Drake x reader
A/n: it's been so long since I last posted so here :P. And by long I mean like two years. Idk if i should start making a masterlist. mayb i should, idk. oh and if this hc sucks it's probably cuz it's been sitting in my drafts for 2 years. like fr
You remembered when you first dated Tim Drake.
It was amazing. Sure you two were unsure but at least you were in this together.
You don't text often since it's not quite your style.
It didn't help that you lived so far from each other.
As time went on, it became difficult to maintain your relationship
From your point of view at least
"say Tim....what if I chose to go overseas to study instead of coming to Gotham academy.... I wouldn't have met you no?"
"Mm I guess not n/n. Where is this coming from anyways?"
"I was just wondering."
It pretty much went down hill from there.
Your insecurities were getting to your head
It didn't help that you saw Tim talking to another girl
You know it's nothing that it was just a short chat, no flirting but it didn't help that she was pretty.
I mean look at yourself and look at her.
Tim could easily find someone better like her.
And so after a long consideration
You decided for him
You texted him.
Y/n: hey tim. I just wanted to say firstly it's not your fault. I considered for a long time before deciding. I think it's better if we broke up. It's not you, it's me. I wish you nothing but the best and truly hope you find someone better. Thank you for the memories and for everything.
You blocked him after.
Packing your bags, you left for Keystone city.
To say Tim was shock was an understatement
He was in disbelief. The love of his life slipping right through his fingers
He searched for you.
High and low.
Even asking the batfam for help which says a lot.
After four months, you settled well in keystone city, made some new friends.
You met Wally West and Artemis Crock
A fellow gothamite. You hit it off instantly
They help you settle in
One day Wally was going to meet an old friend and invited to tag along because in Artemis's words, 'he is really friendly, you'll love him'
Reluctantly, after much persuasion, you agreed and followed Wally.
He never really told you the name of his friend and you kinda wish he did now
"Dick! Hey I want you to meet someone. This is Y/n L/n. Y/n, meet the famous Dick Grayson."
You froze up
What are the chances, Wally's best friend was Dick Grayson aka Tim's brother
You gave a polite smile
"Hi I'm Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick."
"Y/n... Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you."
Throughout the hangout was awkward
Wally ditched left you guys alone
He wanted to set you two up. (Trying to be a good friend)
"so... Why did you leave?"
"i don't know what you're talking about. We only just met"
"Don't play dumb with me. Tim searched high and low for you. He loves you with all his heart. He was utterly heartbroken when you disappeared"
You bit your lips, looking away.
Your door bell rang
Opening your door, You weren't expecting him to show up at your door at 11pm
"You gonna let me in?"
You snapped back to reality and you moved aside to let him in
"You want anything? Coffee, tea?"
"we need to talk"
You kept quiet, staring to the ground
"N/n why? Why did you leave?"
"You deserve better...."
"Who told you that? Who gave you that idea?"
You avoided eye contact
"I love you. I love you. You are the love of my life. I can't just let you go. Not without a fight. That little voice in your head, it's wrong. And I'll prove it wrong". He said with a determined expression.
You had expression full of doubt.
"Tim... you deserve better..... I mean you are the heir of Drake Industries and the son of Bruce freaking Wayne... I... I can't... There are other girls that are better for you..."
Tim's expression twisted into one of confusion before his face dropped
He reached forward and grasp your hand
"I love you Y/n, nothing... nothing will change that. Let me show you... please"
You hesitated before nodding
"I.... ok... ok"
Tim's face brightened up as he wrapped his arms around you
"Thank you. I love you, Always"
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lucy90712 · 7 months
Road to recovery- part 7
This morning Pablo told me when he was going to come and pick me up and by him I mean him and Pedri as he still can't drive yet after the surgery. Going with Pedri means we are leaving quite early as Pedri has to arrive a while before the game but that's fine by me as it gives me time to get used to the environment and feel a bit less anxious. I suppose in that time I'll also get to meet the rest of the team but I'm trying not to think too much about that or else I start overthinking everything. 
When it was time to get ready my job was made quite easy as earlier this week Pablo gave me one of his shirts and not just any shirt with his name on the back one of his actual shirts that he had for a game. I felt so special having the shirt as not many people will ever get one of these yet here I am wearing one while waiting to go to a game with Pablo himself. With the shirt I just wore some comfortable trousers that I can easily get over my brace as I like to hide it when I can especially when out in public. Seeing as my outfit was relatively simple I did my hair all nice and put on a bit of makeup so that I don't look like someone who hardly sleeps every night.
Pretty much as soon as I was ready Pablo text to say him and Pedri were outside so I made my way down to be greeted by both of them waiting for me outside Pedri's car. I gave them both a quick hug and Pablo kissed my cheek which apparently is our thing now even though it makes me blush every time. Pedri helped me get into the backseat before him and Pablo got into the front which was fine by me as I'd rather no one knew I was with them in the car. As we got closer to the stadium there was more and more fans every corner we turned all of them had their phones out filming and taking pictures leaning right against the windows of the car. Luckily the back windows were tinted but I still slid down in my seat to hide as much as possible as I could do without the tirade of abuse I know I'd get if I am ever seen with Pablo or even Pedri. 
Once we made it into the parking lot everything was a lot calmer so I was able to get my heart rate back to an acceptable pace. Just as I was getting my nerves under control the car stopped and before we could even get out I heard Fermin calling Pablo's game. I have met Fermin countless times so it was nice to see him but him being there reminded me that half the reason I'm here is to meet everyone else. Don't get me wrong I'm sure they are all lovely people and that they won't judge me at all but I can't help but be super anxious. We all walked in together and somehow we didn't see anyone else along the way although as we got to the locker room all I could hear was everyone inside talking and laughing. Knowing that everyone was just behind that door really made all of this feel real. I was on the verge of spiralling into a full blown panic attack but before I could go beyond the point of no return I felt someone grab my hand. It didn't take long for me to realise that it was Pablo's hand in mine, he squeezed it a few times before offering me a comforting smile which calmed me down a bit. 
I was able to take one more deep breath before we went into the locker room as we went through the door Pablo's hand dropped out of mine but he stayed close to me and put one hand gently on my lower back once we were inside. Everyone was talking until they noticed us stood there and it felt like the room was dead silent for hours but it was probably only a few seconds. When the silence finally ended all of the boys seemed to stand up and once to rush over to Pablo. Despite my nerves it put a smile on my face seeing Pablo's teammates give him the love he deserves he makes it clear just how much he loves this team and it's nice to see him getting some of that love back. 
"So who's this you've brought with you?" An older man who I have learnt is Lewandowski asked 
"This is Lola she's the girl I mentioned that I met in the hospital I brought her to watch her first ever football match" Pablo said 
"It's good to meet you Lola hopefully we can make your first game enjoyable" Lewandowski said 
"Tell us about yourself Lola Pablito here refused to give us any details when he mentioned you" Balde said 
"There's not much to say I'm 19 I'm a gymnast and I'm studying sports psychology at university" I said 
"You're not just a gymnast she was supposed to go to the Olympics in the summer she already qualified for the squad" Pablo said 
"Wow that's amazing" a few of the guys said at once 
"That's an incredible achievement" Fermin said 
"Thanks guys but it doesn't really matter as I'm not going now anyway" I said 
"It's still an incredible achievement remember we're both going to come back stronger" Pablo said 
The boys kept asking questions and I learnt a bit about all of them too as I only knew what Pablo had told me and what I'd learnt from watching the last few games. All of them were so sweet and they actually seemed to care about what I had to say which felt good as I did wonder if they would just pretend to listen and care but they seem to actually be interested in my life. Once I relaxed a bit it became so much easier to talk to them all and it didn't feel so daunting anymore it just felt like I was talking to some friends. Eventually we had to leave as they all needed to prepare for the game but I left the locker room feeling a lot happier and more relaxed than when I went in. 
After we left the locker room we made our way to our seats which were right at the top of the stadium out the way. Pablo explained that he wanted our seats to be out of view as he doesn't want to be seen going to games as he wants to keep his recovery out of the spotlight. He also knew I wouldn't want to be seen by loads of people so seats in the boxes at the top of the stadium are perfect for us. When we sat down there was still a little while until kick off so we got to sit and talk for a while. Pablo made sure that his teammates were all nice to me and that they didn't embarrass him but the jokes on him as Pedri and Fermin have already told me all sorts of embarrassing stories about him so it's them he should've been worried about. While the team were warming up Pablo explained all of the exercises they were doing and he told me how he thought they should line up to get the best result which meant nothing to me as I'm still trying to learn about all of the positions and everything. 
The second the game started the whole stadium filled with noise it was incredible the atmosphere was like nothing I've ever experienced before and I've been to some big competitions myself as well as some of Alonso's races. I was on the edge of my seat watching as the ball got passed from player to player I never realised how fascinating football was if I had I definitely would've been to a game before. I was loving watching the game but Pablo was stressed as the team had already missed a lot of chances that was until Raphinha finally got the ball in the back of the net just after 30 minutes. If I thought the atmosphere was crazy before it was even wilder after the team scored if I had the ability I would've jumped out of my seat like everyone else but instead Pablo and I just high fived each other. When the other team equalised the whole stadium went quiet apart from the few away fans at one end I could still hear Pablo swearing under his breath though which had me stifling a laugh at how passionate he is. 
Halftime followed not long after the equaliser but as the adrenaline of the first half wore off I realised how cold it was at the top of the stadium. It was supposed to be pretty warm tonight but the temperature has really dropped and it's a little windy so it's definitely chilly up at the top of the stadium. Without thinking too much I rubbed my hands across my arms to try and warm them up a bit as goosebumps were beginning to form. 
"Are you cold?" Pablo asked 
"A bit but I'm fine I'll warm up soon" I replied 
"Here take my jacket" he said taking his jacket off to give it to me 
"But I don't want you to be cold" I said 
"I'll be fine I already have a jumper on just take it I promise it's ok" he said 
"Thanks" I said 
He helped me put the jacket on and once I had it on I was so glad he made me put it on as it was so warm and it smelt like Pablo which made it ever better. The second half was stressful to watch as the same issues the team have been having were persisting but I was warm so that made it better. When the match finally came to an end Barcelona won 3-2 which is a good 3 points for the team but it was very stressful to watch. I'm sure Pablo nearly had a heart attack a few times during the game and the amount of swear words I heard come out his mouth was enough to rival a sailor. He seemed to be glad that the match was over but I was kind of sad I enjoyed the match so much despite the stress that I never wanted it to end. I can see why people love this sport so much if I could go to every match I definitely would but instead I'll just watch on tv. 
Pablo and I stayed sat down until the stands cleared a bit and then we made our way down to the tunnel so we could wait for Pedri as he's driving us both back home. Even though they won most of the players still seemed a bit dejected as they came out but they all still said goodbye to us as they walked past. Pedri was the exact same but he put on a smile and asked if I enjoyed the game, I couldn't help but go on a bit of a tangent about how much I enjoyed the game but it seemed to cheer Pedri up even if Pablo was laughing at my enthusiasm. I wasn't as nervous on the way back home in fact I kind of forgot about the fact that there would be people on the streets but when we reached the first group of people I didn't care I just kept talking. 
It didn't take long before we reached my apartment building, Pablo insisted on coming up with me so we both got out the car and made our way inside. Once we reached my door I realised I was still wearing his jacket so I tried to give it back to him but he told me to keep hold of it until we next see each other. Like always he hugged me and kissed my cheek which again made me blush but luckily I was able to close my door so he didn't see just how red my face turns every time he does that. Once Pablo was gone I realised just how exhausted I was, all of the excitement had worn off and now I was just tired. I did my skincare and got myself ready for bed before crashing into my bed which has never felt so comfortable in the few years I've lived here. I was reminded that the world still exists not too long after as my phone dinged a few times which reminded me that it had been going crazy for the entirety of the second half but I ignored it as I wanted to enjoy myself.
My lock screen had so many notifications on it that I couldn't work out what was going on. First I checked to see if my parents had text me which they hadn't which meant that it wasn't anything horrific. Alonso had sent me a few texts but I chose to ignore him as he's probably just making fun of me or sending me memes. I had loads of Instagram notifications so that's what I was drawn to. I quickly regretted checking Instagram as all I was met with was people tagging me in various posts of a picture of me and Pablo at the game. My instagram which earlier had about 20,000 followers now has nearly 200,000 and my lastest post has been flooded with new comments. I don't know what compelled me to do so but I started scrolling through not only my comments but also the comments on the other posts. It was a stupid decision because of course I didn't like what everyone was saying but once I started I just couldn't stop.
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richea · 2 months
A dive into Hearts R's localization
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I've talked a lot about Hearts R and the way it rips apart the original story and characters, but I haven't really talked much about its localization, which is truly its own can of worms. While I have stronger feelings about the Japanese version being poorly made in just about every regard than I do about its loc being a bit of a mess, I've gotten a lot more into translation and editing the past few years and I figure it's time to at least write something regarding this.
A lot goes into a localization, and that also means there's a lot more to unpack with Hearts R's loc than just the "Kor" rename and the fact that only a small portion of the dialogue matched up with the voice acting (these being the obvious things anyone can pick up on, even without knowing Japanese).
As a translator who has played through the localization numerous times, while also having gone through the game in Japanese and done a deep study on all the terms and their naming conventions, I want to go over some things, discussing characterization as well as what terms were good and which ones make me scratch my head.
There's a lot I won't discuss here simply due to the scale of the game, so don't expect nitty-gritty analyses and all the various examples of blatant mistranslations to be found in the game or anything. This is just to give an overview of some things I find interesting.
Let's start by discussing something that is crucial for characterizing the characters properly: character voice. Each character has their own "language" for how they're written. For instance, in Japanese Shing talks very casually, Kunzite talks very scientifically, Hisui talks like a punk, etc. Essentially the goal is that via reading written dialogue alone, more often than not you should be able to differentiate who is talking without even needing to see their name slapped next to it.
This is something that is not as easy to get across into English, however the skill still exists when localizing dialogue nonetheless. You'll still want to write Shing's dialogue in a laid back manner, and write Kunzite's to be scientific, and make Hisui's very rude.
Overall, I think the loc did a decent job establishing voices. There's definitely some hiccups, but at the end of the day, I'd say the vast majority of the text uses decent character voice for each character. It's far from perfect, but Chalcedony and Kunzite in particular I think were written very well.
However, where I think R fails is that the quips in the game come across very same-y. While the dialogue can be funny, the sass that Shing would say felt very similar to the sass Beryl might say. Beryl's sass is supposed to come more from finding things absurd while Shing's is supposed to be a bit more out of frustration, but the loc didn't differentiate this well. I'm not sure how to better articulate what I mean by this, but trust me that it was a thing.
Also, they would make the characters say quips in dialogue that they weren't really meant to, which sometimes completely changed the feel of a scene. Shing and Hisui got this the worst, and I also think they're the two characters who suffered the most in this loc.
Below I grabbed some examples of character dialogue for each main character so you can see their character voice and what went wrong or what went right. This isn't a full overview of each character but rather just a small selection of lines that stuck with me (Tumblr has an image limit unfortunately, and also there's just a lot of characters I would have to go over).
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Shing definitely suffers from overusing quips when he wouldn't normally, as well as his overall character voice coming off a bit more bratty than he was originally intended to be. I think everyone's aware of "Kor Meteor doesn't try, Kor Meteor DOES," which has... quite a different feel from what gandoko was originally intended to mean (which was just a cute wordplay on saying "let's go all out"). I will admit this is partially due to his rewrites in R in general as this is also an issue with him in Japanese, but the loc did him no favors. That said I don't think all of his dialogue is horrible, as the third image is an example of a line I think they did just fine.
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For the most part, I think Kohaku's character voice is fine. She definitely had some weirdness especially early on ("rapscallion" lives in my head rent free), but she definitely eased out and overall I think anyone who plays the loc gets a perfectly fine idea of the character that is Kohaku (at least her R portrayal).
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Hisui is, erm... well I'll just say the loc team had a lot of fun with him. Maybe too much fun. It feels like only a tiny amount of his lines were intended to be taken seriously, which is really disrespectful to his character when the whole point of his character is that it's hard for him to express himself in words. Why ruin his serious moments by throwing in random goofy quips and making him come off like a full time jerk? He's definitely not a polite character, but the loc just always tried to make everything that came out of his mouth sound back-handed, even when he was actually trying to be nice.
Another huge issue, which you can see in almost every pic here, is that he would say something from the Japanese (fine) and then the loc would add in another sentence below it that is completely original to the loc and also contributes nothing other than to make Hisui sound like a jerk. For instance in the first line, in Japanese he's (seriously and concernedly) saying "Innes is calling for us? Is she hurt and can't move?" so I'm not sure why they felt the need to make it Extra and Funny. There's an infinite amount of examples of this with his dialogue and every time it truly does paint him to be a much more meanspirited character than he really is.
They did some alright things with his character voice (see the last cap, which is fine), but overall, if you see Hisui say something unhinged and incredibly rude and out of pocket, it's probably the loc and not actually what he said.
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Beryl on the other hand is a character who DOES say sassy things a lot, so I think the overall writing for the loc played into her personality a lot better than it did with the above characters. It's all written very extra and over the top, which is exactly how Beryl needs to be written. I think my only gripe with her writing is that they did make her flub up words more than she originally did (especially simple ones...), but other than that I don't have a lot to complain about here.
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Innes is mostly a "no notes to be had, for the most part fine" character as far as her loc portrayal goes. I will say in Japanese she called the party "kids" a lot and the loc changed it to "mules" which, at least to me, gives off a slightly different nuance, but it does fit her character so I may just be nitpicking.
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Kunzite's character voice is very hard to mess up... so much so in fact that I think the loc actually did him justice (you can only hope they didn't mistranslate anything with all that kanji though).
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Like Kunzite, I find myself surprisingly content with how Chalcedony's dialogue was written. They got across his pretentiousness and formality just right with not a ton of hiccups.
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Galando completely falls in the "can never be taken seriously ever" category, except unlike Hisui I think this actually benefits his character. In Japanese, his dialogue and frankly personality are really unremarkable, but in the loc he says a lot of incredibly bizarre and goofy phrases. The loc team had a lot of fun with making him sound ridiculous and it did him a lot of favors when his overall implementation in this story was an absolute trainwreck.
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Richea's dialogue can be a bit hit or miss. Sometimes it's too stiffly worded, sometimes it's too casual. Overall I think her voice is fine though and it never really did her character too many disfavors.
For this section, here's a very useful reference which writes out most terms in the game, comparing the Japanese names (romanized very straightforwardly) to the loc. I will be using my own romanizations for terms below.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Kor. Why did they change his name? It's actually quite simple: Shing is based on kanji. It means 心具 (shingu; heart-tool). Yamamoto stated that among the characters in the game, he's the only one who's not supposed to have a mineral reference in his name. To get around this, they did Kor, which is based on cor which is the Latin word for heart.
I suppose in a vacuum, I get what they were going for. However, the decision fails to make sense for two very simple reasons: recognizability, and the fact that they left the names Hisui and Kohaku in which literally were translated into English in Graces' loc. It comes across as very ironic to me that they were so held up by Shing's name being Japanese wordplay, to the point of changing it entirely, yet ignoring the two party members with Japanese names. Why only Shing? Nobody would know (even Japanese players) that Shing was supposed to be wordplay on anything had Yamamoto not discussed it in an old blog post. Yet they left in the names Hisui and Kohaku, which are very obviously Japanese, and no English player would know what they're supposed to mean, or if they were even mineral references! Maybe their intent was that they're from Norqueen, and Kohaku has cherry blossom aesthetics to her, but this also doesn't make any sense when nobody else from Norqueen had a Japanese name. It's only them.
This isn't me advocating for them doing Jadeite and Amber from Graces' loc (as I think that was a similarly bizarre situation), but if you're going to change Shing, you could at least be consistent and commit to the idea of making everything Easily Understood References, instead of just changing one name to something completely unrecognizable (and frankly a bit dumb sounding) and not the ones that probably warrant it more.
Shing isn't the only character they did this with. For instance, the members of Chen's Corporation weren't intended to have mineral names. Their names are references to marine life in various languages. Chen's last name is Corallo, which is Italian for coral. Sango means coral in Japanese. Ecaille means scale/shell in French (with her real name being Mica, which is actually a mineral and the loc did keep). In the localization, they were translated to... Ultra Marine, Aqua Marine, and Coral respectively. While I don't think Chen and Sango's name changes were horrible, I still think they could have just kept them as is with no issue at all. "Coral" just feels disrespectful though. Why would you name her what Chen and Sango's names were SUPPOSED to be? Her real last name was changed too, from Zimmer to Zinnwald, which is really just pointless more than anything.
A lot of what the loc did can kind of just be boiled down to pointless. Here's some other pointless name changes for NPCs:
Isaac->Azide (is this even a mineral term?)
Pearl->Perl (?????????????? this one I genuinely don't get because pearl WAS a mineral to start)
Dona, Zektz->Kardia, Sydan (both were mineral names changed to heart terms to match with Shing, but really this is a pointless change. Iola's name wasn't turned to Japanese to match Kohaku and Hisui? Make it consistent if you're going to do these things?)
Sinhala->Benston (sinhalite is a mineral. I don't even know anymore)
Spin, Nel->Ward, Hope (spinel is a mineral...)
This isn't even all of them, but these are the most egregious. For a game really insistent on making everything a specific reference, it's almost hilarious how much the localization made things inconsistent with its own decisions, and how it broke things that would have worked perfectly fine had they just translated it literally. No Tales game has changed so many names arbitrarily and made them so unrecognizable with name alone if you compare to the Japanese names.
It's unfortunately not just the character names, as the location names suffered a bit from this too.
While character names are (mostly) based on minerals, the locations were based on fairy tale references. Most location names in Japanese were portmanteau of terms, whether it be author names, location names from fairy tales, titles, you name it. You can read all about this here, and these observations were made by Japanese fans as well. This stuff is about as common knowledge as the Shing naming convention among Hearts communities, so I would be willing to bet the localizers knew about it too.
Anyway, some of the loc ones I think were fine. For instance, a number of those terms just come across as awkward in English (such as シーブル, which I don't really have huge issues with them just going for Seaville). Yuraio needed to be changed anyway, as it's Japanese worldplay (though I can think of many better alternatives than just "Lion Park" if they wanted to keep the fairy tale reference).
However, I do take issue with some that completely change the reading for the name. "Dronning" and "Norqueen" (however you choose to romanize it) sound nothing alike. "Wonderidell" is a fairly straightforward romanization, and "Cind'rella" makes very little sense when in Japanese, Cinderella was the name reference for the Winged Whale ("Cendrillon" in Japanese, "Mysticete" in the loc). I also think Celland and Quartzia were absolutely fine and conveyed their meaning perfectly fine to English speakers, while I will admit it took me a while to figure out that Organica and Minera were supposed to be based on the words organic and mineral.
As for regular terminology, I don't have a ton of nitpicks. My biggest is that I don't really like the term "Spiria Nexus" as a translation for Spirmaze. The game already uses "Spiria Core" (for Spirune), and the words nexus and core are... very similar in meaning! I would probably opt for something like Spiria Labyrinth (and honestly, Spiria Maze works fine as is). Spirune is a bit of a hard one, because in the context of the story, it refers to both the whole and broken pieces of it, so I feel like they could have opted for "Spiria Shard/Fragment" for the broken pieces and "Spiria Core" and "Spiria Shard/Fragment" could have worked hand in hand. This might just be me nitpicking though.
For positives, I really like the terms "calcification," "Will Artes" and "synthetic Spiria". I'm also surprised "despir" (bungle of katakana) stayed intact given every other naming convention they went for (furuere got changed to Will Wisps, when the terms are similar in structure).
Artes are infamously something Tales is very inconsistent about, and how did Hearts R's loc fair?
To start, each character has their own "theme" to their artes. Shing's are light based and reference astronomy terms, Kohaku's are fire and cherry blossom based, Hisui's are all bird terms, Beryl's are artist babble, Innes' are French marine terminology, Kunzite's are dark based and a bit grim, Chalcedony's are aerial/holy based, and Galando's are... well all over the place. Shing, Kohaku, Kunzite, Chalcedony and Galando are all based on typical artes (and if not, their naming conventions, or are typical artes just a little to the left), while Hisui, Beryl and Innes have entirely unique kits.
Shing: My only complaint is the loc overused the word "meteoric," sadly including Crazy Comet (which I really wish they had left as is, since it's so iconic). So many celestial terms exist!
Kohaku: I just think Scarlet Halo is a bit messy, since it was already localized as Crimson Disc in Graces. Did they forget Graces loc ever happened?
Hisui: It's actually hilarious how bad his got mangled when his are some of the most straightforwardly translated artes in Tales. All of his arte names are just "[bird] [thing]" and if you translate them 1:1, you get a perfectly fine Tales arte name with no work needed. Yet somehow, they messed this up? An arte named wild-hawk got translated to Mosquito Hawk. What? Another one is kite-rain, which got translated to Rainbird. scatter-heron is Cuckoo's Egg. god-shot-chicken is Bird of Paradise. His artes are just very bizarre, because some are translated literally, and the other half just have completely random naming conventions. It makes for a really inconsistent kit of artes, not to mention each arte had a very specific bird associated with it, and the loc just mangled this. His artes really make me scratch my head at what they were thinking.
Beryl: Flying Colors (originally Slashing Colors) is the only arte of hers that's even remotely close what the Japanese had. This isn't really a complaint as I think changing the names is fine, more just an observation since the game didn't get dubbed and her arte names are actual spoken words and not strings of kanji.
Innes: The loc took hers which were two word structured and made them grammatically correct French. Don't really have any other notes here.
Kunzite: His artes are the most consistent to its own conventions, though I would probably change some to more clearly reference what the arte takes inspiration from.
Chalcedony and Galando I don't have any commentary on other than what I said for Kunzite. They're fine.
Closing thoughts
There's of course a lot I didn't cover in this post. For instance, I feel like skits were overall translated better than the story was, and there's a lot of nitty gritty things like titles and flavor text that I didn't touch upon. (Here's a very funny example of the loc team not picking up on a fairly obvious Abyss reference. Nobody knew this was supposed to be about Mieu)
But, I would say my main thoughts on the loc are that in some regards it was fine, and in some ways was highly disrespectful.
For the story dialogue, it feels like someone translated it roughly (and I will note that there are some lines that are just blatantly inaccurate to what was said, even removing the editing fluff, so I assume this was a rushed job), and then an editor came in and edited the lines without hearing any of the voice work attached to it. It's very rough around the edges, to say the least. I do think the game would have worked better if it was dubbed (like the script feels like it was intended for), even if the mischaracterization would still sadly persist.
To add a very personal comment here, Hisui is my favorite Tales character and it hurts that the only way the English fandom has to experience him is at the hands of his incredibly disrespectful localization writing. While I think his dialogue in it can be funny at times, it's not the kind of writing I want to see in very serious scenes. It's not good when a character can never be taken seriously, when that's not at all how they are intended to be viewed.
I will also add, as someone who plays games in Japanese and is heavily involved in fan translation, whenever I play Hearts R's localization, I just translate the dialogue in my head as I listen to the acting, then I read the translation on my screen and kind of laugh at how far it is from how I would have translated it. Not only is it a disservice to English speaking fans, but it is hilariously obvious to anyone who knows both languages how inaccurate it is, which is not how a localization is supposed to read.
(As a final disclaimer, the rants in this post are only intended to discuss Hearts R's localization. I support the localization practice in general, but I am allowed to nitpick when one was so obviously rushed out the door with poor communication. Please read this article to understand the ways in which I approached writing this post. I do not support the witchhunt on localizations that fandom is so currently obsessed with. All of my speaking points have come from someone who has studied Tales localization practices as well as Hearts specifically in depth, and who has aimed for putting out high-quality translation work myself.)
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
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I'm smart
South Terano x fem! Bimbo reader
Summary: Youre the young sister of the Haitani's with an aspiring career in a girl group, whose name is gaining fame almost over night, but you're careless actions of getting into relationships with people you should have dire consequences.
Warnings: Adult language, Mature themes, Inappropriate language, Toxic relationship, Bimbo reader, Manipulation, Smut, Sextape
Text in this font indicates messages between you and south
Text in this font indicate the sextape video which is being played
All characters are aged up!
So this was a request by @lovelygeniegirl1012
Part 1
You had to admit that your life was extremely sheltered more sheltered than most, from having whatever you wanted whenever you wanted it without having to put in any effort necessary - and the people you could blame for this lifestyle was none other than your old brothers Ran and Rindou Haitani.
The brothers who basically owned Roppongi, they had copious amounts of money and to them it would be only fair if they spoiled their youngest sibling with their wealth, allowing her to flaunt the latest clothes from YSL, Chanel, Versace or whatever brand her mind would come up with. But besides there spending of large amounts of money on you, they also tended to have everything done for her from having someone pour cereal into a bowel for her to someone helping her put her shoes on.
All this spoiling of the pampered soft life would be a dream to most but as everything has a positive it came with a negative as well, unlike most people your extreme sheltered life left you clueless at most things. You had no idea how to fry an egg or how to make sure all the buttons on your shirts were aligned properly, and worst of all you were clueless to people; not knowing whether peoples intentions with you were pure or not - as all your life you were surrounded with people who said exactly what you wanted to hear when you wanted to hear it.
But for most your life you had to not worry for such issues that was until the Tenjiku incident.
You remember it so clearly, Ran had said he and Rindou were needed by Izana for some gang related work, and you never questioned any of it, simply agreeing and wishing them well.
But that cold summer evening you waited and waited and waited for them to return. To come entering the apartment, with bruises and scratches that they would tell you not to worry about. But they never came and you never slept that night.
They hadn't appeared the next day or the day after, for a the full week there had not been a trace of their existence in the whole of Roppongi.
That was until you got a phone call.
"You have received a phone call from Tokyo Juvenile Correction Facility. Press 1 if you would like to proceed with the call" the robotic voice on the phone said.
And without a moments hesitation you clicked one.
"All calls are recorded, you are now being connected"
"Hey (Y/N)-chan, it's Ran" you brother spoke sounding tired, as if he had been locked away and forced to stay awake.
"Ran-nie! Where are you? Why aren't you and Rinnie here?" You asked with tears starting to form in your lashline.
"We're in a bit of a situation, Princess. You're going to be on your own for awhile"
As soon as those words left Ran's lips your heart sank, and you couldn't believe it. You were to be alone, all by yourself with no one to help you or guide you or tell you what to do.
"No! What do you mean?" You cried out through the phone, as fat tears fell from your doe eyes.
"No baby don't cry, it's just for awhile princess. Then you'll see me and Rin soon" Ran said soothingly trying to comfort you through the phone.
"You promise" you said softly through the phone.
"I promise, Princess"
For nearly six months you were almost on your own, you almost had to think for yourself and you almost had to learn how to do things on your own; but luckily for you while you were in Harajuku trying to buy a new dress to lighten up your dull mood after finding out you would be without your brothers, a man came up to you as you struggled to purchase your dress.
You were use to men coming up to you, and doting after you. Rindou use to say it's because they just wanted to touch your Princess parts and that you had to be careful, but that's why he was there to beat them up but alas Rindou was not going to be there for awhile.
So you allowed the man to approach you.
"Hi there, do you need help" he asked, looking as you struggled to count the yens in your hand.
"I don't understand how this works" you said holding back a sniffle.
"It's so complicated, I wish Rannie and Rinnie was here" you said frustratedly.
"Hey don't get upset, I'll get it for you, okay"
And within a blink of an eye he paid for your dress and even carried it out of the stuffy shop for you, only handing it over once you both reached the outside.
"There we go" he said as he placed the bag into your hand.
"Thank you" you said with a closed eye smile.
"See how much cuter you look when you're happy, Princess"
"You know you, you need to be looked after. The streets of Tokyo aren't safe these days" the man said, and it was only when he said that had you realized that Ran and Rindou had been protecting you from these streets, and suddenly you were sad and again realizing you had to fend for yourself.
"Aww don't get sad. How about I look after you. I'm kind of this producer and I'm creating this girl group called Sakura. If you joined I could look after you all day and night"
And without even hesitating you agreed, not even thinking about what his offer came with and even if he was a man to be trusted.
Joining the girl group Sakura wasn't as hard as you thought, the man who had offered you position - whose name you learnt was Takumi, was true to his word. He cared for making sure your clothes were cleaned and that you were given the easiest job in the group, being the maknae as well as the visual. It was only now and then that Takumi would make you take your shirt off for him in return for all his hard work of looking after you.
But soon enough he was released from looking after you, as the six months without your brother were now over and they were back.
Back to looking after their younger sister.
"We go to Juvie for six months and we come back and you're in one of the most famous girl groups in all of Japan" Rindou said with a smile as he sat on the couch besides you, still not fully believing what you had accomplished in such short time.
"Well I guess (Y/N) - chan, is going to be the famous one between the three of us, and I always thought it would be me" Ran said with just as much enthusiasm as Rindou.
"Yeah I'm a big girl now, I can do alot of things on my own now. You should see when I sing and dance and when -"
Your sentence was cut off as a loud knock was heard on your shared apartment door.
Ran's once cheerful mood was quickly soured.
"Its probably him" said Rindou as he got up to open the door.
"The fucker can't give us a break. We all just got out and his already on his shit. His lucky that his so fucking gigantic" Ran said irritatedly as he began fidgeting on the couch, waiting for whoever Rindou had opened the door for.
You had never seen your brother's like this before, they were always cool, calm and collected but now they seemed unhinged like an animal ready to attack.
You waited for Rindou to come back to the living room, and following behind him was the tallest man on earth you had ever seen.
"Hi South" Ran greeted lacklusterly, while your eyes became as wide as saucers as you starred the massive man named South up and down.
Your burning gaze had not gone unnoticed, as South soon asked who was the girl in pink short dress that was lounging about in the Haitani apartment.
"This one of your whores Haitani"
"No this is our younger sister (Y/N)" Ran said as he introduced you to the tall strong muscular man.
"My apologies (Y/N), I never knew use had a sister"
And from that moment his apology left his lips you became drawn to him like a moth to light.
It started off as small things, like always being around the living room when South came over, and then it came to you going to every Rokuhara Tendai meeting and quickly after that you were spending time alone with South in his own apartment.
Your brothers weren't thrilled when you started becoming so fond of their leader, but nevertheless they had no say in the matter, as South would have their heads if they disagreed with him.
The more time you spent with South the more you learned about him, you learnt his full name is South Terano, and that he grew up in Brazil hence the accent you heard him speak with when you first met, you learnt that his life was hard and he had many struggles such as killing the man he deemed to be like a father to him, and even though South had this hard exterior he was still somehow still so nice to you and that made you like him even more.
And South came to know everything about you too, he knew you were the younger sister of the Haitani's, Haitani (Y/N), he knew you were in the girl group Sakura, and he knew that you were an absolute bimbo. He realized that soon when you struggled to understand simply things and responded well to taking your clothes off when he asked, and he loved it, he loved you.
You were perfect for South, he would make a mistake, pretend to apologize and then ask you to lift you already short skirt up.
And you would never deny him, not when he was being so nice to you, you didn't deny him when he nearly beat Rindou to a pulp, you didn't deny him when he got aggressive and manipulative, and you definitely didn't deny him when he said he'd start recording your intimate moments together.
But slowly the novelty of South wore out, and the once gigantic man who you'd moan over was now like a massive tyrant.
And his slip ups became to much, even for you, a girl who was clueless to everything.
"Come over" South said as he spoke to you through the phone.
"No I don't wanna" you said with a pout.
"Get over here now"
"No! You were mean, you said my hair looked like clowns and you've been coming home late every night" you said angrily at him for the fifteenth time that week alone.
"Come on Princess, I'm sorry. Okay, now come back to me" South said with that sooth calming voice that had you doing whatever he pleased.
And for a moment it worked, you considered going back to his apartment, thinking that your out burst was unnecessary but then you remembered how it always went with him. He'd say some nice words and then go back to being a jerk.
"No!" You shouted through the phone, abruptly ending the call before anymore words could be said by South.
Just as you had ended the call a notification appeared on your screen, it was a message from the man you were dreading the most - South.
'Did you just fucking put the phone down'
You read the message, opting not to reply to further show him of your rebellion.
'Hey fucking answer me (Y/N)'
Still you did not reply choosing to once again leave him on read.
1 new attachment
You quickly clicked onto the attachment he sent, it was a video.
A video of you and South.
A video where your legs was spread and South was balls deep inside your cunt.
"Aww shit baby you're so wet" South said on the video.
"Look at that white ring around my cock, it's all from you baby" South said as he continued thrusting into you.
You watched the video as you face became paler with each passing second.
"Oh South, yes ple-ease, fuck me" you pleaded out as South now moved his dick from left to right while he remained buried deep inside your cunt, that devoured him.
"Yes take my cock baby" South moaned out, as he began to thrust deep into, barely pulling his massive cock out as your hands grabbed at the sheets beneath you while your tits bounced with each thrust.
"You gonna cum baby" South teased watching as your face contorted with pleasure.
"Ye-s" you moaned out begging him to let you cum.
South began thrusting erratically into your pussy, the camera going from your face painted with pleasure to your pussy that was foaming with white cream as South fucked you.
The camera remained on your pussy as a loud shout of Souths name was heard, and then your pussy was clamping down on Souths cock as clear liquid dripped down his shaft.
"Aww yeah, princess, squeeze my cock"
You continued watching as South pulled out of you pussy that began clenching around nothing. South then began gave his cock two hard pulls before white liquid shot out of his red tipped cock head. His cum being shot on your tummy, only for you to quickly move onto your knees so that your face was now infront of his cock.
"Cum on my face Southie" you begged out.
"Anything for you Princess"
And in the next second South pulled his cock again releasing whatever cum was left all over your face, painting your lips and cheeks, and then the video ends.
All life was now drained from your face after watching that video, that video that you had created with South.
And to make the feeling of dread worst, South messaged you immediately after the video had finished playing.
'Get over here unless you'd like your little girl group to have the reputation of sluts in disguise''
'Come back now (Y/N)'
I hope you like this 💗
All rights reserved @rinrinx2
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
>Pride month includes trans pride, and who’s deemed canonically trans by the Huss? THAT’S RIGHT! HOPE YOU LIKE SEEING JUNE EGBERT ON YOUR DASH A WHOOOOOOOOLE LOT AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MONTH!
(hopefully this formats the text right i dont use tumblr a lot and i usually only lurk)
Listen anon, this shit aint gonna work. June Egbert is not canon and she wont be, it doesnt matter if she appears on HSBC because let me tell you, its already on its name: BEYOND CANON.
You are not owning transphobes or helping trans people by screaming that June is canon everywhere you go, all you do is annoy people who arent trans and help make those trans stereotype become even worse and that just makes everything more awful than it already is. What you are doing is not helping ANYONE and it just makes you look like an asshole.
In fact Homestuck trans rep sucks as a whole. Vriska sucks in general and people like Kate will use her being "canonically" trans as an excuse when like I said all that does it make things WORSE. June is forced and people like you usually try to force people that its canon when its not and the Roxy one from HSBC is the same thing but nobody gives a shit about one so people usually dont talk about it.
And no just because Hussie said it doesnt mean its true (ie. Andrew Hussie Formstring) and sure the circumstances are different but the webcomic is done, its like if George Lucas claimed Luke Skywalker was actually a trans girl in secret all this time or some shit, it would be nonsensical to suddenly say that when theres never evidence for it + the main material having ended years ago. It has already ended and HSBC is just a non-canonical continuation.
And I don't know how much it "being planned from the beggining" means but I'm pretty sure its about being planned since the epilogues or something and not since the Homestuck Beta from april 10th, look at me in my invisible eyes and tell me that the Hussie from that era was thinking about transgender rights and not about his next webcomic and i dont fucking know that creepy puppet he had as a kid or horses.
AND before you assume Im transphobic, Im not and support trans people because i know how gender dysphoria feels [even though i do feel like some people online are faking it for attention or are there not for support but because they have some fetish which is pretty fucking bad (and Im unsure if fit the label or if I want to fit it considering I dont tell anyone about it at all and everyone online nowdays seems to suck overall and I also dont want to go around telling online strangers on a public profile about it)], so please understand this. June Egbert is not canon and is not a good rep, if you like it then keep it on the parts of the community that like it and stop trying to force "dubiously canon" on everyone. You are causing more harm than good, in fact I think that you are doing might not be doing any good at all.
And because I feel like I didnt let enough steam off Im gonna say this
Fuck June. Fuck her stupid fucking name. Fuck her rep. Fuck Post-Canon. And she and other shit reps deserve to be forced to take a permanent vacation straight to Hell.
Oh and davekat-sucks please keep existing and dont let these people put you down, you are one of the few people in this community nowdays that seems to not be overly aggressive and you allow people to show their opinions without having to fear getting harassed on or getting dragged on a full blown warzone just for not thinking like most people on the community do. Your blog means a lot for fans like us and remember, just because a lot of people seem to disagree with you it doesnt mean you are wrong! ^U^
Thank you for the kind words, Anon. And thank you for this amazing post here too. ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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catinheadlights · 9 months
PSA: The pet game Sylestia uses AI generated "art".
Sylestia has been using AI generated assets for a long while now, and I decided to write this up because I'm not sure how well known this is among the remaining playerbase (not that I think many of them are gonna read this but I guess it's here now if they care to). Krinadon (site owner/admin) has explicitly said this in a mass PM before, screenshot and examples below context.
Context: This was a mass PM from late 2022 sent to a large section of the playerbase with a long list of allegations against different users. Some of the claims were blatantly petty and others were seemingly serious but in reality extremely shaky. Some players receiving the PM had no involvement in any of the perceived antagonism, and not everyone receiving it was in some kind of clique like the wording in the Glaselk section would suggest. Krin was largely complaining that people were criticizing him and Faiona (other owner/admin) in a private discord server, of which a handful of people sent him screenshots. For transparency, I committed two apparent crimes: one was assuming the AI assets were made by people, and in a private discord server, criticizing the decision to update them over focusing on more important parts of the site. The second was complaining about the shitty stereotypical "Pow Wow Costume" (since renamed but otherwise unaltered) and associated clothing items in its set, as well as the name of the "Wild Wendigo Morkko" theme. As far as Krin complaining that people think he was giving Glas special treatment... well, if you know, you know. No clue if they even play anymore, but you all know that harassment is bad already, so don't do that. I didn't edit that section out of the screenshot because idk if that'd be seen as suspicious or something.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a private message from Krinadon on Sylestia titled "Official Player Conduct Warning (1 of 2)". The last section of the message says the following: Experience Orb and Magical Pie Art: No, no artist time was spent nor wasted on these assets. No, we did not divert any site resources to the specific creation of these assets. We were learning and testing with artwork created by AI and these were our initial test projects. The end results actually ended up being pretty decent, so we decided to use them. No, we are not going to replace any artists with AI artwork. However, we most definitely are looking to supplement where we can so that our artists can continue working full time on more important projects. I think that we are aware of how to properly budget our time and resources. We have been doing this for a decade now. And yes, our artists are aware that we are using AI artwork. /.End ID]
Now, I think the first thing I should point out is that the artists knowing the site uses AI doesn't necessarily mean that they like the decision. I don't know the artists personally, but I do know that at least one of them has, unsurprisingly, posted about not liking AI art.
Secondly, it wouldn't be fine even if the site artists loved AI, because as it is, it's unethical to use regardless. The training data is artwork scraped from the internet without consent from the creators. No amount of promising that you won't replace human artists will erase that. Informing the site artists that you're using AI won't erase that.
Here are the confirmed AI official assets (descriptions in alt text):
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(The orb pic is comically large because they kept it at >500x500 for a while and I saved it)
Additionally, there are background items that are almost definitely AI generated:
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Some have glaring issues while others may be less obvious, but when comparing them to the art styles in other items, the difference is apparent, and is not explained by having multiple artists and the seeming lack of a style guide.
There were also several coloring contests with obviously AI generated lineart:
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And also official threads where players were to design pets based off of AI generated images. These ones were from the faelora design raffle during the 2023 spring festival:
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If you're not convinced they're AI, the images on the thread were hosted by Sylestia's server's and reverse image searching didn't turn up any matches. They would never commission these, and they didn't just take them from another site. They were generated for the raffle.
Do not support this site. The are so, so many games made by people that actually respect artists.
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Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I was looking at your fics, which are really good, and I came across something that I see in a lot of other fanfics and I don't know how to do it. How did you manage to set it indented?
hello! thank you for reading my fics, it means a lot!
I need to know what you mean by "indented." do you mean something like this summary?
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tumblr editor calls this "indented" for some reason, but what it's really called are "blockquotes." you don't need fancy css for this since it's available with just html. you can code it using the blockquote tag.
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on the other hand, maybe you mean indenting as in adding spacing like in this chat?
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in this case, then yes you do need to add css to your workskin. here are the relevant parts of the code.
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so the important things here are:
put your elements inside a container with the .chat class (or any other class name of your choosing)
make sure .chat has margin set to auto and width set to less than 100%.
I hope I was able to answer your question! I'm not sure if there are other examples of indenting that I used in fics; if you meant something else, just let me know so I can answer the question properly! 🙇🏻
the rest of my workskin code is always available to use as a reference (copy paste if you want): AO3 demo, html code, css code.
something extra under the cut:
the above is a modified version of what I'm doing. I actually combined both methods in one, but that gets a little bit more complicated and it's probably more than what you need. I'll add the full code here under the cut if anyone's interested.
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to note:
notice that I replaced the div containers with blockquote in the html. however, with workskins turned on, you won't see it! that's because I'm hiding it specifically when workskin is turned on.
but if someone reads my fic with workskins turned off (the "hide creator's style" button AO3 provides at the top of the fic), then none of my styling will show up. I still want to make the grouping of the chat text and timestamp clear though, so I put them in blockquotes for this purpose.
here's how it looks like with and without workskins. I want to make sure that my fics are readable even if someone turns off workskins, or if they download my fic as an epub/pdf (which IIRC removes all the css styling as well).
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024.
How have you been doing? I'm a little worn out from volunteering, but otherwise, I've been doing well. Cassie was telling me that I need to stay for a full day sometime, that way I can understand what they mean about the nonsense that goes on in the evenings. Basically, over the past few months, the time they actually get off work has been pushed farther and farther back. They're supposed to get off at 5pm, but Alex said the other day that she didn't get off until 6pm (and she already comes in ~30 minutes early). There also seems to be some growing animosity/resentment between the dog & cat people. Dog people are allegedly the hold-up. I'm not sure what changed, but it wasn't like this last summer. Cattery is usually finished early, often expected to help with the dog stuff; but when they ask for the final check to be done so they can go home, they're typically left for last.
I feel like that's eventually what will drive Cassie to quit. She had somewhere she had to be last night and they dragged things out until she was like, Yeah, I need to leave. She said it was "fine" in that situation; but in the future, when she has cheer practice, she's not going to be able to wait around for them because cheer won't take work as an excuse for being late. Also, I was told that Lucy might be looking for another job. Lucy told Cassie she wasn't going to quit until she found one, but after her absence last weekend, she might have just decided to go for it.
I know I'm essentially backseat managing here, lmao, but they really need to get ahead of this turnover issue. Since I started volunteering again last summer, they've lost something like 15 employees.
Anything you're looking forward to? Hopefully going for a picnic at the Mountain Park tomorrow. I haven't been there since last autumn, which is way too long. There's a certain rock in a certain stream that I just need to lie down on for a while.
Do you or anyone you know play the violin? No.
Do you have a nice view out of the closest window? It's just a view of some houses. And today, some construction. They're doing idk what on the corner diagonal from us.
What is one of your favorite breakup songs? I don't think I'm really a fan of any breakup songs.
Do you know anyone named Georgia or George? No.
What age did you learn how to ride a bike? Without training wheels? I think I was around 6 years old.
Are you currently listening to music or watching TV? I'm not. Sometimes I will listen to music while taking surveys, but it just feels like a bit much atm.
What is your morning routine? On volunteer days: depending on the day, get up somewhere between 5:15-5:45am. I'm usually awake a bit before that, though, so I just lie in bed and listen to something on YouTube. Shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, gather the remainder of my things, talk with my dad for a bit. Then, depending on the day, leave somewhere between 6:20-6:45am.
On Wednesday: wake up, brush my teeth, make myself presentable, go grocery shopping, then come home and eat breakfast.
On Saturday: wake up whenever I feel like it, make breakfast, clean my bedroom, and make some art.
Are you someone who gets easily agitated by hearing someone chewing? No. It doesn't tend to bother me.
What was the last text you sent? It was a text to my mom. We might be going to see Despicable Me 4 on Saturday, and I was like, "I'll finally find out what all those little yellow minions are about."
What did you last have to eat? Some mixed veggies with sriracha sauce and a cheese and jalapeno sandwich.
What's your favorite kind of oatmeal/porridge? If we're talking about the flavored pouches, then probably brown sugar, birthday cake, strawberry, or peach. However, I typically use plain oatmeal as my base and use fruit, peanut butter, etc, to flavor it from there.
Have you ever ate a whole pizza in one sitting? I don't think so…maybe a half, though…? In elemntary school, we used to have pizza days on Friday (was it weekly? monthly? I can't recall); if you didn't "flip a card" (their disciplinary system), then you could pay some small $ amount that I no longer recall and get a half/full pizza, a cookie, and drinks.
What are some things you are grateful for? Volunteering. Even with all the drama, I can't imagine giving it up. I feel like it's a good exercise in detachment (not that I'm so detached, lmao; I'm obviously here dishing the constant tea). Like, if you ever just want to be an observer without any real expectations or responsibility for the system as a whole, go volunteer somewhere. It's an interesting experience… It's helping me learn to step back, stop trying to control everything, and just sort of let everything play out the way it will. It's not that I've given up all autonomy to the flow, but seriously, sometimes it helps to really see just how little of this teeming, chaotic world has anything to do with me. Thought I was going to make a difference; instead, found out what a cosmic speck I am. Maybe not what I wanted, but definitely what I needed. Still a speck, but now a free speck.
What's the last thing you done while outside? Drive, I guess.
How often do you do laundry? Every few days. It just depends on how quickly it piles up.
Have you already had your birthday this year? Yes, back in March. Which feels like forever ago. June 1st feels like it was last week, but March feels like it was last year.
Last thing you done before this survey? Vacuum the living room and dining room.
Do you like sleeping with multiple pillows? I have multiple pillows on my bed, but I only sleep with one.
How many candles do you have in your bedroom? A couple.
What emojis have you used the most here recently? D; and :')
What color is your favorite shirt? I don't have a favorite shirt, but my favorite hoodie is black.
Do you currently smell food cooking? No. Oh, but at the shelter earlier, I walked out of cattery to go to the bathroom and it smelled like someone was cooking hot dogs with ketchup or something. Come to find out it was ant killer. What a wild smell for such a thing…like luring them to a picnic or something…
If you were given $1,000 to spend at one store. What's your store of choice? Walmart (groceries).
How much sugar do you consume on a daily basis? Idk.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? Yeah. Well, it's custard, but same basic deal. It's from Culver's. Strawberry cheesecake and mint choco-chip.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "chaos"? Chaos theory, chaos magicians…etc.
Do you own anything that has an animated character on it? Somewhere.
Have you used a microwave today? Yeah.
What's the last book you read? Still in the midst of the third Dune book. I haven't picked it up in a while, though. I just haven't felt much like reading lately.
What's something that always makes you cringe? Idk.
What's a word or phrase you say a lot? My toxic trait is that I'm blind to my own annoying catchphrases.
What's something that always makes you emotional? Music. Not always in a good/cathartic way. Sometimes in an overwhelming/spiraling way.
How many times have you changed clothes today? Twice. From pajamas to volunteer clothes and back to pajamas.
What's on your mind currently? Just how busy this next week-ish feels. I hope I don't get a migraine…
In what ways have you changed over the past year? So many ways.
Do you really care about others opinions of you? Ehhhhh. Much less than I used to, but still to some extent.
What's your favorite pasta? Spirals, bowties, macaroni elbows.
Do you currently see anything yellow? Some watercolor flowers I painted.
What did you last try to do and failed? Not sure.
Does your bathroom have a certain theme or color scheme? Not really.
If you have Netflix or any streaming service.. what's your favorite shows to stream? N/a.
Are you currently wearing anything red? No.
What was the last thing that caught your eye while shopping? I'm not sure.
What's a social media site you have no interest in? Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok…I don't even know what's out there these days because I don't keep up.
Have you ever tripped and fallen in a public place? Yeah.
When did you last buy a dairy product? Last Wednesday.
What's the last song you sang out loud? I'm not sure.
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foster-the-world · 8 months
Jury Duty
My husband's colleague is on the jury case for the NRA guy. My friend was on the selection for the Donald Trump case. She was not selected. How are they going to find anyone in NYC who doesn't hate Trump? How?
More PTA drama. More cussing. This time it was ALL CAPS texting about the person being a common thief. I'm staying out of it. The texting is totally unhinged. Yet, the person did do something stupid/wrong. Def not stealing but not smart either. The person getting yelled at is my friend. Its puts me in an awkward position of feeling bad I am not defending her while also thinking she is in the wrong. It's all happening over text. If it was in person I think it would be easier to jump in and ask them to discuss in a less hostile way. Anyway, messy in a way I want to avoid. I want to help my kids sweet little school not participate in adult drama.
The same friend offered one of our kids classmates mom a place to stay this weekend. The mom is a recent immigrant, single mom of three. The city is currently making people get out of their shelter and reapply every sixty days. I'm not sure if that rule applies to everyone or only recent immigrants. Certainly its an attempt to make them leave. Of course, if you have nowhere to go that's not going to happen. It also means all of the intake centers, which were already extremely overburdened, even more chaotic. I know our former fosters mom sat 9 hours a day for three days (with her three kids in tow) waiting to get a spot. Anyway, my friend told the immigrant mom if they don't give you a place you can stay with us. They have a very small two bedroom apt and two children. Def no extra beds. She apparently forgot she already told her neighbor (???) she could also stay this weekend. What? Who offers four people a place to stay in your very small apt without remembering you already had another houseguest? Anyway, she asked if we would be the back up until Sunday. Somewhat reluctantly, we said yes but Sunday was all we could offer. Four extra people in our apt feels like a lot. This is NYC apt not a spacious home. We have one bathroom. We have one full bed and a packn'play to offer - which is admittedly very lucky in NYC. My friend didn't even know the children's name. So it is not like it was a close friend that she had to offer a place to stay. I know the daughter is in my daughter's class but don't even know which child it is. I've met all of the Mom's but am not sure which one it is. Anyway, I'm thinking they will get her a place before then so it won't really happen. Our school's Parent Coordinator is working on it. She's a miracle worker and has a very generous and connected in the community church. If not, we will make a party out of it. The kids will love the guests. The family should also have the free pass our school offers to go to children's museums, etc. So will do all of that stuff. Order pizza. Watch movies. It's really baby boy's thats the problem. Extra stimuli make him extra stimulated - as expected. Will figure it out if it even happens. Hopefully the human connection will be nice especially when the world is such a mess.
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starfragment1979 · 1 month
Before I got sick, I was very much an outdoorsy person, which is one reason that becoming housebound had been so hard for me. A week or two ago I was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil and a dragonfly happened to zip past the window, and I realized with a start, holy shit, I have not seen a dragonfly all summer. Because I'm just not outside. Which just fucking kills me, it really does.
But before I got sick, I spent years and years trying to learn about the plants and bugs and birds and everything around me. The city I live in is full of trails and parks and wilderness, and there's a lot of nature within walking or biking or public transit distance from anywhere in the city, and I was out in it as often as possible, and god I just miss the outside world so much.
Anyway, a lot of that knowledge is still in my head, and a lot of my learning was focused on urban nature, because as someone who's never gotten their driver's license, that was all that was available to me most of the time. But there's still a lot of nature in the city! Even without going off into the trails and parks. You just need to know where to look for it.
The problem is that a lot of wildflower field guides focus on the rare and showy and ornate flowers--because they make for pretty pictures and people buy books with pretty pictures. But that means that the growing-through-cracks-in-the-sidewalk weeds are often harder to identify, even though those are the kind of wildflower that people are more likely to see every day, because they're written off as too common to be worthy of notice or because they grow in abandoned lots or along the overgrown edges of alleyways or some other unseemly location.
So my point is, at some point in the past two decades I had misidentified this little flower as deptford pink (Dianthus armeria) and the ID just stuck in my head. But when I was writing out the alt text for my last post I realized that was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it actually was. And it bothered me that I couldn't figure it out, that there's this super common weedy flower that I've been calling wild pinks for years and they're not wild pinks but wtf are they and am I really so out of touch with the outside world that I can't figure this out etc etc etc spiraling into gloom.
But this morning during my daily morning bed flop, I brought a bunch of my wildflower books up with me and did some better research, and I did have to make one wobbly trip down the stairs and back outside to go touch the stems to make sure they're sticky, but now I have successfully (I think) ID'ed it as dwarf sweet william catchfly (scientific name is either Silene armeria or Atocion armeria).
And like it feels so good that I was able to figure this out, that I can still learn new things even when I'm stuck at home or in bed so much of the time and that I can still make new plant friends.
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