#I'm scared to say who and what i liked cause I'm scared that they'll fuck it up next ep or something
rapidhighway · 3 months
I'm SO surprised by the first episode of 13th doctor. I really loved it
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
I don't get why there are no resources for healthy expressions of anger. Are we as a society fundamentally opposed to people feeling anger? Are we afraid that if people get angry they're going to cause destruction so as an alternative we want anger to just not exist? Anger will go somewhere regardless of whether we want it to exist or not, and if a person who has good reasons to be angry, is not allowed to feel angry, they'll get eaten by self hatred and depression because that's what internalizing anger does.
It's also interesting that when abusers and people in power are angry, they can pretty much do whatever they like. Say no to them, they're having crazy revenges, they're tearing apart your stuff, they're starting wars, they're telling you how they're going to kill you in detail, no self restraint, no consequences, nothing. Anger is theirs to do as they please with and in response the society is just, too scared to do anything, so they assume that this specific anger is 'justified' and 'cannot be helped'. However when victims of something are angry, then they're labelled as 'unreasonable' and 'dangerous' and 'unable to move on from things'. Their anger is a problem that needs to be squashed, erased, there's apparently no justifications for these people to be angry, nothing that is reasonable or okay for them to do about it, they just get demonized and shamed for having a completely rational response to injustice.
Is that it then? Those who are able to act out on their anger, get justifications and obedience, but those who are helpless but angry for very good reasons, are just to be suffocated? Anger is allowed only for some parts of human society and it's the most violent, destructive and dangerous part of it too? Where is this getting us? Is the amount of injustice ever going to decrease if we defend injustice, and fight for it to keep going on?
If I look up ways to express anger, I get stuff like 'anger management steps', and 'letting go and moving on from anger', like excuse me. I didn't even get to express 1% of my anger and I need anger management? I have never had problems with controlling my anger, the struggle is to get it out at all! To integrate it into my personality, to hold people accountable without having to think about it, to show resistance when I'm being stepped on! What anger management? Why am I pushed to move away from anger, I haven't even arrived to anger!
Why is it assumed that every person who struggles with expressing anger is a maniac breaking things, enacting revenges, trying to injure or murder people, lashing out and doing harm to everyone around themselves. I can guess why. Because all of the resources are created for people who are letting their anger run wild without a cap and who use anger to get their way. The world is adjusted for people who are allowed to be angry, who were never pushed to the point where getting angry meant loss of survival, where expressions of anger would lead to torture. I am apparently not even considered to exist. I'm either a maniac or not a target audience for anger resources.
If someone's been traumatized out of being able to feel angry, people don't think it's worth having this person angry. It's very obvious this person has giant reasons for anger, so if we let them feel it, they could become 'dangerous', or 'just like their abuser'. You know, being angry at the abuser does not make anyone like the abuser, it makes them Normal. Rational. Having Self Worth. Human. Logical. Reasonable. Engaging in everyone's best fucking interest because you know that abuser is going wreck havoc forever and if nobody is even angry at them, it's giving them an even easier time. Anger is scary when it's in hands of abusers, in the hands of victims it is liberating, just, it puts things into perspective and back where they belong.
Now give me the fucking resources to get angry. I'm sick and tired of hating myself.
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vanesycho · 12 days
would you ever consider writing horror/thriller with jaehyun 👀
I've never tried writing horror, but i hope it was something you wanted🥹🤍🤍
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I really like the movie Scream so I got inspired by this <3
Warning:Violence, horror(?)
“I missed you Y/n.” You smiled at what you heard from your boyfriend and leaned against the counter. "I missed you too, I want to see you again soon." You took a deep breath, he couldn't spare much time for you because of his work. "Don't worry my love, we will spend the whole day together tomorrow." You smiled slightly, distracted by the sound coming from the TV.
'The recent horrific events in the city have caused widespread coverage. Authorities have announced that a person has gained a reputation as an extremely dangerous and obsessive criminal. This person has caused several kidnappings and has caused great concern among the public. Police are warning that this person could be in the area at any time. Citizens are asked to lock their doors and windows tightly, be careful when they are alone at home, and report any suspicious situations to the authorities immediately. For your safety, please pay attention to these warnings and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. We will share any new developments with you as they occur.'
You rolled your eyes and talked to yourself as you changed the channel. "This stupid news again, this is all I've seen for 2 weeks." A deep breathing sound came from the phone. "Be careful though Y/n, you're in the killer's place, I'm worried about you." Your hand went to the popcorn you had just prepared and you popped a few into your mouth. "Don't worry, this is nothing but nonsense, I'm sure they'll catch them soon. And never mind that, haven't you gotten home yet?"
"No, not yet." "I told you to take a taxi, why do you insist on walking?" There was no sound from your boyfriend. You frowned. “Hello?” After a while he spoke again "Yes I'm here, god someone just standing there in a weird outfit." You chuckled. "What? Are you scared? Don't worry, Halloween is coming up, everyone has already started getting ready." You sat on the couch and started looking for a movie to watch. "Hey babe, I have to hang up now, let me know when you get home okay?" There was no sound again. You rolled your eyes. "Look, don't make those jokes on me, okay? You know I don't like it." There was no sound again, the next thing that came was the sound of the phone closing.
You just stared at your phone screen, thinking there was no signal there, you called again but he didn't answer, you waited for a while, this time when you got a call from your boyfriend, you quickly answered it. "I think the signal went out-" The groaning sounds in pain behind didn't let you finish your sentence, you called out your boyfriend's name in a familiar voice. Another voice answered you, a strange, unfamiliar voice. “Hello Y/n.” It made you stand up quickly, you swallowed hard. “Look... If this is a joke, it’s not funny at all.”
The person on the other end of the phone laughed, "Oh honey, if you saw your boyfriend writhing in pain on the floor you wouldn't call this a joke." Your breathing quickened, your heart beating with fear as you started dialing the police number. "If you call the police, I will stab you until I take out all your guts." Your hand started shaking, you just stood there doing nothing, you brought the phone back to your ear, your voice came out shaky "W-what did you d-do to him?"
"Oh him? Don't worry I haven't done anything yet honey, but if you don't do what I say I don't think he'll live very long, right?" he brought the phone closer to your boyfriend, his groaning in pain caused tears to flow, the strange-voiced person who heard your cry laughed "Are you crying? And just now you were talking about how nonsense this is?"
"What the fuck do you want?" Your voice came out a little harsh despite your crying, you heard the other person hummed. "You." You swallowed hard. “What?” “You heard me, Y/n. No time to play dumb. Now answer my question, do you think your boyfriend would suffer more if I cut him in half or if I tore his limbs off?" Your tears started to flow faster, you covered your mouth with your hand to suppress your sound. "Please..." There was no answer, and after a while you threw the phone down in fear when you heard your boyfriend screaming in pain, even though the sound was still echoing in your ears. You didn't know what to do out of shock and fear, your whole body was shaking, you were frozen. "Answer me, Y/n. Do you think he's suffered enough? He still doesn't seem to have enough organs out, hm?"
"Fuck you! You're going to rot in hell you piece of shit!! You think you're going to get away with this?" He just laughed, you hated it when you heard his laugh, you hated everything, you couldn't do anything while your boyfriend was there in pain taking his last breaths. "Come on darling, don't cry. Now I have one more question for you." you stayed silent. “Do you think...I would enter from the back entrance of the house or from your open window in your room?” You opened your eyes in shock, felt your heart stop for a moment and quickly ran to the kitchen, took out a knife and held it tightly in your hand. "I'll be the one to cut out all your organs." a small laugh was heard, when you heard the sound of the hardwood floors, you took a few steps back, the steps echoed in the house. “How cute, a knife suits your hand Y/n. Oh, we would make great partners.” and another footstep "But don't worry, if you'll be a good girl I won't have to kill you and we can do this together. I'm sure you'll have fun."
A tiny scream escaped your mouth when the power went out in the house, with that your phone fell out of your hand, you looked around in fear. You froze in place when a man in a mask and black clothes entered your field of vision. “You see, Y/n.” When he took off the mask, you opened your mouth in surprise, the faint lines of his face visible under the moonlight made your heart race. "This is a two-player game and I'm about to win." That was the last thing you heard from your ex, Jaehyun.
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firesnap · 7 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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astyrial · 1 year
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little lamb spencer reid x fem!reader (angst) synopsis: you are kidnapped by an unsub word count: 1.5k warnings: blood, kidnapping, torture, hurt/comfort masterlist | requests are open
    a finger slowly and steadily hovers above your skin, running from your chin to your collarbone. your hair stands on edge as he looks down towards you. the man has a wicked smile on his face, his lips curl only a little as he sees the fear resting in your eyes. 
  "pretty little lamb, tricked so easily by a wolf in sheep's clothing. couldn't you, of all people, see that i very clearly brought you into my trap? shouldn't the fbi be the best of the best? and yet you follow like sheep," he brutally laughs, the thick mucus building up in his throat quickly regurgitating. 
  your eyes look up at the man, meeting his own. he has rich brown eyes, nearly black, as the light fades from them. "oh, but obviously i chose you for a reason, can't you see? i chose you because they'd do anything to keep you safe. that spencer kid, yeah, i'm sure he's loving this."
  spencer... your lip quivers a little as you attempt to hold back any tears. your mind begins to race as to what he had said about the unsub. that he thrives on fear, he enjoys someone who fears him. that the man also has to have a military background, probably a father figure who served. 
  "you're a sick bastard," your jaw tightens in his direction, your lips no longer moving, your eyes attempting to hide the very real fear hidden within. 
  he laughs, raising his hand up to his forehead, "isn't that just great, you're trying to act like you're not scared? have i not put on enough theatrics for you people? not enough risk?"
  just out of your line of sight, the man grabs something. it doesn't leave much room for imagination as it sticks into your upper arm, a knife. it's a few inches deep into the skin and yet he feels the need to push it in a little farther. like the man yearns for the feeling of ending someone's life, like he is draining their life force.
  despite the strong will inside, an exasperated cry for help reverberates deep from your lungs. a laugh rings through your head, a rich and annoying laugh that imbeds itself. he pulls the knife out and watches as the blood seeps down your blouse. "are you finally getting it? that you can't hide your fear as well as you think you can."
  "fuck off," you swallow whatever phlegm built up in your mouth, your eyes meeting his. 
  a little spit hits his cheek, his eyes wide in amusement. everything you do can't stop the vile things he is already planning out in his head. "really? stupid little lamb. none of your friends? coworkers? what do you consider them? because if it's anything closer than coworkers, i'm sure they'll be crying at your funeral."
  no amount of training can prepare you for the expression on his face. no amount of an agent shouting at you that this moment is the moment that matters. no amount of textbooks that spencer sends to your office can prepare you for the feeling of a knife running along your thigh. 
  "you know how this goes, you've seen the tapes. how about you look up and give your last words. and makes sure they're nice, your boyfriend will be watching," he smiles, shrugging his shoulders as he adjusts a shoddy camera hooked up to a laptop. 
  of course you've thought of your last words, you're an fbi agent. you've been in comprising situations. however, you never thought it would realistically come. it never has and you thought retirement would've come quicker. "no," you shake your head, no long winded speech about justice, just no.
  "no? what do you mean no? you really have nothing to say to me? your friends? family? don't you wanna say anything?" he yells, the knife falling with his hand until it grazes your knee, taking a piece of skin with it. 
  you double over in the chair, your arms restricting you from moving forward much. your teeth clench hard against your lips and cause a little blood to fall. the unsub looks to you, his knife bloodied and dangerous. without much foresight, he hits the backend of it against your nose. 
  with the same hand, he uses his knuckle to hit your eye and eyebrow. the knife slicing your forehead as he does so. "you're all so stubborn. you know that?" the unsub breaths heavily, parts of his face twitching as he glared at you. "maybe this'll be the tape, i don't need you give some sob story."
  "yes you do," you cough up, ensuring that your word count stay small, "you need me to." 
  was goading the unsub your best choice? probably not. but from what you can remember is that this unsub is repetitive. he has traits similar to that of someone with obsessive compulsive disorder. he needs you to give a grand speech because that's what he's been taught. 
  "i do, little lamb? and how would you know, because some of your profiler friends know? they don't know me, but since you think they do, then tell me. how well do they know me?" he smiles, believing he had somehow tricked you into believing that this doesn't count.
  but every long winded speech counts. he just can't recognize it. "you're right, they don't know you," your eyebrows lower, your forehead creasing as you wait and watch as the unsub sighs. his thumb running along the edge of the knife's handle.
  he leans towards you, his eyes inches from yours, and truly it's the first time you've seen such lifeless eyes from a living person. the unsub takes the knife and plunges it into your stomach, your body lurching forwards at the impact. however, it doesn't do much but makes the wound feel even worse.
  the knife twists a little as he continues to stare right at your eyes, waiting for something. but the only thing the two of you can hear is a loud crashing noise. the man quickly pulls the knife out, causing blood to quickly pour from the spot. 
  "fbi! raise your hands mr. sanchez and drop the knife!" derek's voice coats your mind and released a wave of serotonin. suddenly adrenaline is not the only thing keeping you running. 
  "i'm in here!" you attempt to scream, however, it mainly comes out as a croak. your voice scratchy and losing most of its shape and tone. 
  the one and only person you wanted to see the most runs through the doorway. his fbi vest covers a sweater vest, his hands raised with a finger wrapped around the trigger of a gun. spencer.. your face instantly falls, tears piling up by your eyes, "spence."
  he lowers the gun, stuffing it into his holster as he runs over to you. spencer raises his hands up to your face, his fingers lingering by your eyes. his thumb runs along your cheeks as tears run down his own face. especially when he notices the blood covering your blouse and jeans. 
  "what happened? we have an ambulance here, an emt is making his way up as we speak. i should've been there with you, should've stopped him," spencer's eyes search the wounds on your body, making sure to unbound your hands. 
  you shake your head, your lip shaking as you can't find the words to answer his questions. a shiver runs along your arms, sending goosebumps down your body as spencer's hands press against your stomach. you wait for seconds, watching until the emt finally arrived. 
  "i'm jake, the emt. where have you been hurt?" he immediately opens his bag, his eyes looking between you and spencer. 
  spencer starts instructing him of the places he could find that seemed to have surpassed the skin. "thank you," you whisper to him as the emt patches up your stomach. the stitches running through your skin causes you hold onto spencer's hand, making sure to hold it tightly. 
  "you'll be okay, because i know you. you're strong, y/n. you survived this, that's what matters," spencer reaches his hands up to your cheeks again, smearing a little blood onto one of them. he stands up and kissing the top of your forehead. his lips are soft, yet slightly cracked from possible dehydration. 
  you look up at him, your head pounding from the loss of blood. and yet, the only thing you can think of is spencer. it's the best time to have your mind sidetracked, enamored with the love of your life instead of with the hasty stitches in your stomach. 
  "are you coming with to the hospital?" you question, your hand grabbing his, your eyes closing slowly as you start to feel the pain that the adrenaline can no longer hide. 
  "of course y/n, i would go to the ends of the earth with you. what's one hospital?" spencer smiles, bringing a little warmth to your evening. it may be to help you not realize just how freaked out he is, either way, his smile is exactly what you would've wanted to see last before passing out.
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sparkbeast20 · 11 days
Thoughts on Glasyalabolas' H scene: Kiss a Corpse (Pt3)
Note, I'll be saying my thoughts here so (MDNI) and Spoilers
(Sorry for the late post for this... Its was a busy month for me :3)
I'm skipping showing the dialogs with the CG cause Tumblr is scared of anime tits yet, allows porn bots on main search.
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Lord have mercy on my tiny throat.
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SIR!!!! You're Dangerous!!
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And that's what make this whole thing fun!!!
Like, in fiction this is amazing!!! One of the reason I love red flag characters is because they bring a sense of thrill with each interaction. The moment Glasyalabolas, or Leviathan threaten MC. I knew that they'll be won over cause one this is a Otome game so of course, but mostly. There's this satisfaction of a dangerous lover who can kill you, but won't.
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I wasn't really expecting Glasyalabolas of all character to have praise in his H scene and yet here we are.
This make this whole H scene even more good for me.
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(Don't at me for the context of these panels, I just had this vibe when I saw this line)
Bruh!!!!! This reminds me of Mammon's attacker card story!!!
This fucking turns me on so much!! The leg pulling while you 'try to back away or crawl away'
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Tia: Hehehehe..... HAHAHAHA!!!!!
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That's it for now, again. I'm Bias as fuck so...
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
What would Vesper do if his queen were to suddenly, I don't know, disappear for a few days because she's off having "fun"?
Btw, I love the stories and the individual characters! I constantly reread them cause they're so amazing!
[I'm assuming "fun" means you're fucking around in the streets of Lust? If not, then I'm sorry, I can't really guess. Thenk you!! <3 That's super sweet of you.]
Putting aside the massive scare he gets when he realizes you're missing, he's about ready to crack Lacai's spine like fucking bubble wrapper for letting you just waltz off when the imp is able to get a desperate breath in and explain why he didn't intervene.
You were out getting "acquainted" with the denizens of the Ring.
The first thing he feels is absurd disappointment. That he wasn't invited. Really now, you could have told him about your sudden burst of hunger, Vesper would help arrange something fun!
It's safe to say the King will slide most non-priority tasks of the day into a shelf and follow after your trail outside. And believe him, it won't take long to find you. Because having the Queen of Lust just stroll around in the open definitely draws a sizable, loud crowd... He's farily confident that you wouldn't get hurt- Not only would the twats that hurt you be fated to something worse than death by his hands, the Ring loves you dearly. It's much more likely you're getting followed by demons begging you to fuck them or trying to show off with each other.
Vesper nearly shudders when he senses so much sexual energy condensed in one location, it's like a hit of dopamine snorted up his nose and rattling directly across his brain cells. He finds you in the state he expected to, honestly. Babbling, dripping slick and cum, too fried on pheromones to tell left from right but still coherent enough to beckon the next horny fool into one of your holes.
Such pride he feels in you.
However, he's not too keen on you getting overwhelmed enough to risk damage. As is, you're likely already going to be out of it for a week or so, raised libido, accelerated metabolism, emotional swings- The whole nine yards he'll have to prepare for.
Vesper cuts through the crowd and collects you from the mass of horny bodies delighting themselves with yours, creating a balance as he chooses to take care of most, and gradually decreases the number of partners you take at once, sometimes snarling at them viciously to stall their intensity. If someone disrespects his orders (probably due to rampant excitement at getting to fuck the Queen), then they'll be broken in two and tossed aside. You're likely too fucked out too notice or care.
At some point, you're no longer having sex but being lovingly fondled and soothed by the more self-controlled demons of the Ring, who are getting their rocks off just from seeing the state you're in.
Vesper decides when you've had enough and gives you a sweet, longing kiss before summoning Lacai and some guards to remove you from the premises, back to home where you will be bathed and properly grounded after such a fuckfest. The demonlord plans to lightly chastise you about the dangers of tossing yourself to the streets without caution. You are human, and even if his power flows through your organism, these things need to be eased into.
Vesper remains outside however, never afraid to sate his residents and take everything they toss at him. It's likely he'll overeat and toss himself into a rut, which his subjects are all too happy to deal with.
By the time he comes back, truly spent, the King just wants to faceplant on his bed with you.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Headcannons
Your Ex Returns To Start Trouble
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So this was originally an anon request in my inbox, but then it disappeared from my inbox before i could answer it. I hope this is what you wanted anon, i couldnt remember exactly how u worded the request.
Swear the little pictures i use for these get stupider every time.
🌿Isnt worried about you going back to them but he is pissed off at the audacity of the young man whose just walked up to you as if hes expecting you to fall straight at his feet
🌿Holds himself back at first, for your sake. He doesnt want to embarrass you by causing a scene at this party. Not when you're dressed up so beautifully, you look classy, like a real sophisticated young lady...
🌿He was watching the encounter from the other side of the room but when he sees your ex approach you, he cuts across the room to your side as if its a race to you.
🌿 "Everything alright angel?" he comes to stand behind you, one hand taking yours. The other holding his drink. He keeps your back pressed against his chest. Holding you very close, very possessive.
🌿You can't see the look hes giving your ex but your ex has just paled. Its the "This is my girl and you're lucky i havent taken your eyes just for looking at her..." look
🌿 You like how possesive Tommys being, you lean back against him, enjoying how safe you feel with him standing with you.
🌿He won't say anything to warn the lad away, the look in his eyes and the fact that hes Tommy Fucking Shelby, should be enough.
🌿"Everythings fine Tommy, i was just telling (your ex's name) about the donation we're making to the local school..." youve given Tommy the name on purpose, letting him know that its your ex... As if he didnt already know. Because your ex isn't the nicest lad and he makes you unconfortable.
🌿"Oh aye, we're going to build them a new gym..." hes making polite conversation but he can't wait to cut in and take you away from him, "now if you don't mind i need to borrow my wife for a moment, dont worry she won't be long..." but youre not his wife and hes going to keep you away from your ex for the rest of the evening. Lets the rest of the peaky boys so know who he is and instructs them to make sure youre not left on your own for the rest of the night.
🌿For the most psrt he'll be the one standing with you, dancing with you, keeping his hands on you at all time so that you know hes there, that youre safe, that youre his.
🌿If that look wasn't enough to deter the prick whose got his eyes on you Tommy will probably approach him later, after the party, they'll have a "quiet word" man to man and well, honestly, I'd be surprised if you ever see your ex again
🌿He wouldnt kill him... Just scare him away, for good.... Unless the stupid bastards feeling brave
🌿If the stupid bastards feeling brave he might end up dead.
🌿Also, if Tommy knows your ex didn't treat you good, if he knows he hurt you in any way at all, he won't be so civil. From the get go there will be threats. The second he sees the man enter the room.
🌿Your ex won't get a chance to speak to you, before he can even get close to you Tommy will have cut in, made no attempt to hide his hatred.
🌿"No, fuckin no..." He'll have grabbed him by the collar, dragged your ex out into the corridor, or maybe even outside into the street, shoved him up against the wall, completely merciless.
🌿"You think I'm a generous man mr (your ex's last name), is that what you've heard? You think I'm generous eh?" "If you can give me one single reason why i shouldn't cut you just for setting foot in the same fuckin city as my girl, i might consider letting you go..."
🌿 His brothers will have come outside to see what the fuss is and if they know who your ex is and what hes done in the past they'll all delight in fucking with him, messing him up.
🌿If they dont kill him, you certainly won't be hearing from him again.
🌿Tommy will be gentle with you inside the party, he'll come back to check that you're alright and reassure you that your ex won't be back.
🌿 "Never have to worry about him again angel, thats a promise..."
🌿Then later, riled up and feeling extra territorial and possesive he'll take you kind of rough, it'll be loving and intense, but rough.
🌿"Whose girl are you y/n?" "Yours Tommy, only yours," "only mine, good girl,"
🐻 You being somewhat younger and him being well, an old, injured man with less stamina than he would once have had in his youth, Alfie might feel a little threatened by the sudden presence of your ex boyfriend.
🐻 You haven't been with many men and actually Alfie is the only one you've ever slept with, so hes concerned you might find yourself wondering what ifs...
🐻 But lets face it, hes got eyes and ears all over Camden Town and he probably knows about your ex being back before you do.
🐻 So what he does is this... He invites your ex boyfriend to visit him in his office, he offers him some bread, is overly hospitable... Your ex doesnt really know who he is or what hes walking into, but he gets a drunk with Alfie in his office and then after a little while of Alfie doing small talk and telling him stories Alfie stops.
🐻 He puts his glass down and the atmosphere changes immediately...
🐻 "Lets get down to business then, enough small talk right, cause somethin ive heard about you yeah treacle... Is that you..." pointing at him across the table with a mean glint in his eyes, "you, are a bit of a cunt..."
🐻 Alfie knows this boy didnt treat you good in the past and actually hes always wished he could teach the selfish bastard a lesson... One about respecting women.
🐻 "See me and you yeah we have somethin in common? Me and you, yeah, we have a mutual... Lets call her a friend yeah, me and you we have a mutual friend, pretty funny that aint it... An old man like me, and a little fuckin boy like you having a mutual friend, yeah i think thats pretty fuckin funny treacle, dont you?"
🐻 Your ex is getting more and more nervous by the second, hes starting to worry hes gotten himself in trouble here, what once appeared to be a friendly business man trying to sell his bread on the street, now appears to be a slightly unhinged, angry potentially violent man...
🐻 "You remember y/n do you? And be careful right treacle be very fuckin careful yeah because if I hear you say her name... If i even think youre about to say her fuckin name... Ive got a gun in my drawer right and i will fuckin kill you yeah, i will, I'll shoot you in the head and all your brains or what little of them youve got anyway, will go splattering up that wall and you know what, it'll make an absolutely horrible mess right... And the smell... The fuckin smell... Course treacle you wont need to worry about the smell will you, you wont have a fuckin nose... "
🐻Alfies going to give him one big speech about how you ought to treat women and then what hes going to do, is reach into his drawer and offer your ex a deal or death.
🐻" My offer to you treacle, and i think its a generous one right, you tell me if you dont think it is but i think you'll probably agree with me yeah cause i really am being very generous," "my offer is this right, you can keep your brains and your nose and your pretty blue eyes treacle and you can fuck off yeah, out of this city, maybe i dont know, maybe go to fuckin wales or somethin i dont know, go join the sheepshaggers in the valleys yeah? But you don't ever set foot in this city ever again... Thats it thats the deal alright? Fuck off, or you die, pretty simple pretty generous i reckon you'll agree..."
🐻 Your ex takes the deal, alfie thinks hes a fucking coward, but your ex takes the deal.
🐻"Oh and one more thing right treacle," just as your ex is about to leave, "if my little girl ever fancies holidaying in Wales yeah, taking a little stroll through those green, green fucking valleys... Well, you'll have to pull your knob out them fuckin sheep and find some other shithole to hide in alright,"
🐻Your ex is trembling, clearly petrified and utterly convinced he's about to die...
🐻 But Alfie isnt a generous man. Hes a jealous one and before he lets your ex go he shoots him in the leg three times.
🐻 Just in case he ever thinks about trying to fuck other pretty girls like you.
🐻"Oh sorry mate sorry, i must have slipped musnt i,"
🐻 When he goes home to you that evening hes brought you flowers and hes feeling extra romantic and soft. "Come here ziskeit, come sit in your old mans lap and tell him how much you love him... Promise you'll never leave him yeah, ever..."
🍂 Idk bestie you might want to try holding your man back
🍂 He's going to be jealous, full of hatred, violent...
🍂 Doesnt really matter whether your ex was a bad guy or not... Only really matters that hes your ex and hes back and arthur fucking hates him.
🍂 Makes it worse that your ex has walked right into the betting shop about to place his bets when he sees you and shoots you a wink.
🍂 "y/n love its been awhile, what're you doin in here? Surely a pretty girl like you can do a bit better than a shithole like this?" neither of you had noticed Arthur until he speaks, one hand on your ex's shoulder. He seems calm for a brief second.
🍂 "watch where youre callin a shithole mate?"
🍂 Your ex turns around slowly to come face to face with a man he wishes he didny recognise. He knows Arthur, everyone in small heath knows arthur.
🍂 "S... Sorry mr Shelby..." he starts but the problem is Arthur had been looking for a reason to smack him since he first saw him walk in...
🍂 "Arthur love he aint worth it, just kick him out of the and be done with it?" you ask knowing that's not whats going to happen... Maybe you are a little scared for your ex?
🍂 When your ex puts two and two together and realises that Arthur is your new man, well he knows he's fucked. He turns to you, tries to plead but that just gives you the ick?
🍂 "Oh grow up (your ex's name), youre a man arent ye?" you turn your back on him then, ignore his cries for help as Arthur and John drag him out of the shop.
🍂 Arthur doesnt kill him but only because his brothers manage to stop him. Hes all fired up though and he wont be calming down any time soon...
🍂 Unless you go to him that is...
🍂 You slip away from your desk and go to him in the street. You see the blood left by your ex and you see the blood on Arthur...
🍂 "Arthur my love come now, lets take you home and get you washed yeah?" you say as you run your hands through his hair.
🍂Hes doing that heavy breathing and when you hug him, combing your fingers through his hair you can hear his heart beat going a million miles an hour.
🍂 So you take him home and you run him a bath and you strip slowly before climbing in with him. You massage him, wrap your legs around him from behind and let your hands soap his body intimately. Then you take his cock in your hand and begin to jerk him slowly, teasing him, kissing all over his neck, humming to him
🍂 Youre calming him down but youre getting him all worked up too.
🍂 You're talking to him in a low, soft voice, telling him how much you love him, how you only have eyes for you, how youre his girl, his woman, telling him you want to make him feel good.
🍂 "good girl, fuckin my girl y/n my fuckin girl," "I'm all yours arthur shelby, all yours..."
🍂 Riding his cock in the bath, splashing water everywhere, him taking all his anger, jealousy and adrenaline out on you.
🍂 And yeah, you don't hear from your ex again but you find out through a friend that he packed up and left town... Once he got out of hospital that is.
🌼 Too confident that you love him and that there isnt anyone better than him, to ever feel jealous or to worry that you might go back to your ex
🌼 "If he wants to humiliate himself let him humiliate himself,"
🌼 Enjoys watching you reject your ex in public, at the Garrisson when he tries to make a pass at you.
🌼 "I've moved on, got myself a real man..." "Oh yeah who?"
🌼 Thats when John will make an appearance, he'll probably walk right up to you and kiss you deeply, hands on your arse squeezing you close to him right in front of your ex. Who just has to stand there and accept it... They're embarrassed thats for sure...
🌼 "Oh sorry mate are you a friend of y/n's, I'm John, John Shelby..." Johns grinning like a teenage boy, delighting in humiliating this poor lad.
🌼 But this poor lad cheated on you once and thats why you ended things with him, so you dont feel bad for it and John isnt going to feel guilty.
🌼 He will steer you away from the lad without letting you say goodbye, probably lifting you up off your feet and carrying you away, taking you to a back room for a quickie...
🌼 Just because he can, and because he wants that lad to know exactly whats going on. Hes going to mess you up, your hair will be a mess, your lipstick a little smudged, he might even leave a love bite and then hes gonna pat you on the bum and send you back out into the bar so that your ex can see youre freshly fucked.
🌼 Hes more interested in showering you with love and affection than he is fucking up your ex. But if your ex was particularly horrible to you then John might send Isaiah after him to give him a scare.
🌼 He'll be too busy with you though to be wanting to waste time kicking the lads head in. He'll be feeling possessive, wont be able to keep his hands off you all night.
🌼 But if your ex doesnt take the hint and clear off, if john happens to see him lingering around a few days later, he might just snap
🌼 Because he doesnt like him and he'll be pissed to see that your ex hasn't taken the fucking hint.
🌼 "Do you really need telling twice eh? You gonna keep your fuckin distance or am i gonna have to take your fuckin eyes?"
🌼 He hadn't seen the point in getting violent, completely confident that there was no greater pain he could cause your ex than the pain of knowing that you had moved on, that you were fucking a Peaky Blinder and you were being completely satisfied...
🌼 But if your ex isn't careful he's going to find out that John Shelby can live up to his violent reputation. That he also has a tendency to outdo himself every time too.
🌼If he finds out after the fact from you that your ex was much worse than he first realised, if you open up to him about how your ex hit you or hurt you in anyway... A switch will flip in his head
🌼 He'll hunt the lad back down. "Realised i wasn't actually fuckin finished with you mate," if your ex hurt you John will kill him no questions asked. No one gets away with hurting his flower.
🌼 When he comes back to you he'll be sweet and loving and well, still possesive.
🌼 "Y/N flower come here, come here right now..." he'll hokd your face in his hands, have you standing as close to him as he can get you, "i fuckin love you alright, i love you so fuckin much and i promise you... No slimy fuckin bastard like that, is ever getting his hands on you again alright, no ones gonna hurt you,"
🌼 He'll be more territorial around you i public too, he'll make sure everyone knows that youre his. He'll hold your hand, have his arm around you. He struggles to keep his hands off you at the best of times anyway but it will be much worse (better) after this whole affair.
🌼 Will come home with flowers and expensive gifts for you...
🌼 "Whats the matter john, he remind you you might still have competition or somet?"
🌼 "Nah love, not worried about that, know youre my flower... Just wanted to make sure you know it..." "I treasure you just as much today as i did the first day i met you and every day since..."
🍀 Bonnie doesn't have any exes. Youre the only person he's ever had eyes for, ever since you were both wee and so
🍀 When another family joins yours and his travelling through the midland countryside... And that family happens to be your ex's family... Which puts you and your ex in close proximity again
🍀Bonnie is a little unhappy with that.
🍀He's not insecure, he knows youre his girl and honestly, he knows hes a better catch than your ex...
🍀Hes going to be the most famous boxer in the world... Hes going to give you the whole world one day... Obviously hes a better catch than some Buckland lad you never even slept with..
🍀But he still feels possessive of you, still feels protective. Especially when your ex is being a little bit too familiar with you at the camp. When Bonnie sees your ex putting a blanket around your shoulder and sitting next to you by the fire, bringing your bowl of stew to you so you dont habe to get up... It pisses Bonnie off because he feels like the lads crossing some kind of line.
🍀 But he tries to keep the peace for your sake. His dad reminds him that they may only be around a week or so... But Bonnies getting more annoyed by the day.
🍀 He does stuff to mark his territory, slips under your blanket with you when youre sitting by the fire, kisses you on the cheek on the forehead whenever he sees you.
☘️ Holds your hand at every opportunity. Lets you fall asleep on him by the fire, takes you away from the camp on long long walks so he can get you alone.
🍀 "Know you don't like him Bon... And just so you know i don't like him either... Wish he was gone twice as mucn as you do believe me..." one night you feel guilty, feel like youre keeping secrets from him so you decide to open up and tell him about why you really broke up with your ex.
🍀 "Not a nice lad really Bon, used to get dead jealous like, said me and you were too close but that was when me and you were just friends right... This one time, and it really was just one time i promise... This one time he got so mad when we were arguing about it that he..." Bonnies listening to you carefully, trying to control his emotions cause he doesn't want to upset you when he can already see youre getting upset. When you trail off he swallows a lump in his throat, he actually think he knows what youre going to say before you say it...
🍀 "You remember when i fell out of that tree?" "You came back to us with that great big bruise on your cheek and blood in your hair..." "Didnt fall out of no tree Bon..." you say with a sad smile.
🍀 Before he does anything else he throws his arms around you and pulls you into the tightest bear hug, holds your head to his chest and closes his whole embrace around you protectively, hes veru quiet, concentrating on his breathing, his hearts racing but he knows he can't get angry now... Not when his dove needs comforting.
🍀"Dove you shoulda told me sweetheart, wouldn't have let him anywhere near you if I'd known," "Wish you'd told us when it was had happened, little cunt would have..."
🍀"Bonnie please don't, it was only once, he never did it again..." "Once is once too many little dove, men don't hit women, it ain't right..."
🍀 But when he can see youre getting upset he forces himself to calm down, kisses your temple, your hair, your forehead, kisses your nose and your eyes, is so soft and gentle with you.
🍀"If you don't want me to hit him i won't hit him alright, promise..." "thanks Bonnie," "but I'm also promising you this alright, youre not gonna have to talk to him ever again, not gonna let him anywhere near you, you stay close to me for the rest of the week an i won't leave you alone at all..."
🍀And he doesnt, he stays by your side the whole time, holding your hand, holding your waist, flirting with you whenever he can, doing his best to make you laugh and smile. When youre trying to hang washing up or get on with work he's trying to distract you.
🍀And your ex is frustrated to see it. He never liked Bonnie Gold, probably because he always knew deep down that it was Bonnie your heart belonged to, even if back then you didnt know it. He's getting jealous and maybe even a little angry.
🍀But he doesnt do anything cause he knows Bonnies the best fighter, probably in the whole country? And hes a bit of a coward.
🍀So instead of challenging Bonnie, he starts making snide comments about you. Just little things, cruel things. "So i was right then was I... You and Bonnie, always fuckin said it would happen..." youre doing your best to ignore him, and you dont tell bonnie about whats been said because you know it would only cause trouble.
🍀But then this lad gets himself into trouble, calls you "whore" and Bonnie overhears him.
🍀 "What did you fuckin say?" Bonnie stands up immediately, he knows he promised he wouldnt hit the lad for what was in the past but he's not going to let him get away with bullying you now.
🍀Theres tension, the lad debates whether or not to repeat himself. He backs down but Bonnie isnt about to let him get away with being a coward and a bully... So he grabs him by his braces, lifts him a little off his feet and gets right in his face.. He is a peaky boy after all..
🍀 "You're lucky i made a promise not to fuckin hit you dinlow, but if you ever speak to my girl ever again i wont just fuckin hit you alright?"
🍀He keeps his promise to you, doesnt hurt the lad. And when he returns to your side hes so loving and kind. "Come here little dove, are you alright, don't let him upset you eh, youre my girl now flower, youre so fucking loved."
🐀 First things fucking first, if this ex happens to be someone who hurt you in the past, Isaiah will take his eyes, he shouldnt, but he will. He'll do it without even thinking about it, right there in the street.
🐀For all that hes cocky and over confident on the outside he is a little threatened when your ex turns up.
🐀The guys pretty good looking and Isaiah knows that the two of you were fucking.
🐀When he sees you talking to your ex at the bar he gets mad, he comes over to you immediately but he doesnt say anything. Just presses his body against yours and slips his fingers into the waistband of your skirt.
🐀The actions subtle enough that no one else notices but you do. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties and tugs them up just a little causing them to rub against you.
🐀The action shocks you enough that you start to choke on your drink... Which was Isaiahs intention all along. The minute you start to cough he tucks you away under his arm.
🐀"Alright sweetheart, looks like someones had too much, its alright I've got you girl, ive got you..." patting your back making a scene of stealing you away from your ex and taking you home.
🐀"What was all that about?" you ask innocently, you genuinely dont understand what he was doing... But Isaiah just holds your hand tight and drags you home.
🐀"You playing games with me girl? You forget who you belong to eh?" "Ohhh," you realise giggling when you understand what's going on, "and did you bring me home to remind me who i belong to yeah? You jealous?"
🐀"No, im not fuckin jealous, you just seemed pretty fuckin forgetful is all... Thought id do you a favour, bring you home before you could get yourself in trouble..." "And am i in trouble?" You're being provocative, trying to get yourself into trouble because Isaiah is even better at fucking you when he's a little angry.
🐀Youre in the mood for it rough and posessive and so you push his buttons taking little digs at his ego until he bends you over the dresser, makes you look at yourself in the mirror...
🐀Makes you watch him fucking you from behind, holds you by the hair so he can keep your head up.
🐀"Look at that pretty girl there eh, who does she belong to y/n? Tell me who she fucking belongs to?" you shake your head and refuse trying to tip him over the edge so that he'll fuck you really animalistic and hard.
🐀By the time hes done with you youre exhausted but hes all fired up. He leaves you in bed, tells you to wait there until he comes back, maybe even ties you to the bed frame if he feels its safe to leave you alone like that.
🐀He goes out to hunt your ex man down, he's feeling riled up and in the mood for a fight. Can't believe the cunt had the audacity to flirt with you... He gets the lads involved, Finn and Michael, and they find the lad back at the bar.
🐀Hes drunk now, hes already forgotten who Isaiah is and when he reminds him the stupid boy laughs and shakes his head.
🐀"Nah, no way y/n would go with you mate you must be having a laugh..."
🐀"Oh yeah, whys that mate?"
🐀"Fuckin look at you eh, ugly fuckin bastard..."
🐀But thats as far as he gets before Isaiah starts kicking into him, one boot to the groin has the lad keeled over and choking, but the boys arent going to show him any mercy. They kick and punch and beat him right against the bar.
🐀The other punters clear out, knowing how this fights going to end... They know these Peaky Boys won't stand for being insulted in their own bar...
🐀Doesn't kill him, shoots him in the cock.
🐀"Doin you a favour really, world doesnt need an ugly bastard like you brining babies into the world... Doing the whole world a favour stopping you fuckin..."
🐀When he returns to you hes fired up and high with the adrenaline that hes ready to go with you again, but this time hes more intense about it, not so rough and fast. This time hes going to take the time to make you cum for him over and over again.
🐀Makes you watch yourself in the mirror as he fingers you and makes you cum, tells you to keep your eyes open.
🐀"See love, see how fuckin good i am to you, see how much you fuckin love the things i do for you... No one else is gonna treat you this good, fuckin no one..."
🐀Won't let you rest until youre totally out of your mind with pleasure barely able to get your words out when he asks you who loves you, who makes you feel good, who do you belong to?
🐀Will buy you an expensive locket with his initials engraved into it that he tells you to wear all the time. Just in case you forget who you belong to again.
☘️When John Lennon wrote jealous guy... Just kidding but no really...
☘️Michaels so jealous, he actually tries to pretend that you were a virgin before you met him, that youd never been with another man before him
☘️So when your ex turns up and starts ruining his little fantasy, his presence in town remindkng Michael every day that you had a life before you met him... He can't stand it.
☘️When he realises your ex is in town he basically keeps you shut up inside. He doesnt want that man to see you or get the opportunity to speak to you
☘️This pisses you off, naturally, so you sneak out, youre being reckless, and you know what could happen if you get caught, but you do it anyway just to show Michael he cant control you...
☘️You go to visit your ex, you do it publicly so that people can see, so that peaky men see you go into your ex's house.
☘️You don't do anything with him, you just make a 10 minute call, long enough for tea and a quick catch up or long enough for a quick catch up
☘️ When you leave you go out to a bar which is where Michael eventually finds you. Youre in trouble but not as much trouble as your ex.
☘️Before Michael came to pick you up from the bar he made a quick house call. He didnt make it a long one. Long enough to shoot a man dead or scare him out of town...
☘️He didnt want to labour over it, better to just get rid of the bastard and then return to you.
☘️Hes takes you straight home but your telling off begins the second he gets you in the back of that cab.
☘️"The fuck do you think youre playing at love?" hes going to teach you a thing or two about defying your man.
☘️When he gets you home he makes you strip, makes you lie over his lap, arse in the air so that he can spank you until youve tears in your eyes and youre saying sorry over and over again.
☘️But after that hes going to lift you up, take you up to bed, be ever so tender and sweet to you...
☘️ "I know its sore sweetheart, Im sorry love but i had to teach you a lesson eh? You disobey me, you have to learn don't you, you know the rules..." "But its alright now love, Michael forgives you eh, know youre my sweet girl, wouldnt dream of going off with other men..."
☘️ "Im yours and only yours Michael," "Im your girl no one elses, im sorry, we never did nothing..." "I know sweetheart, know youre a good girl really..."
☘️ Hes going to be gentle with you, touching you, kissing you, smothering you with love, he'll tease you and edge you for the rest of the evening, showing you hes the best man for you, that only he knows how to bring you this much pleasure.
☘️ If you want to cum hes going to make you recite your wedding vows to him, no mistakes... Thats the only way he'll let you cum.
☘️ Say your ex was a lying, cheating, abusive cunt who had abandoned you, hurt you, left you up shit creek without a paddle and fucked you over...
☘️ Then Michaels a bitter man with a very strong moral code (one he applies liberally to say the least)
☘️ Hes been waiting for the day your ex dares show his face around town again...
☘️ He takes Isaiah, Bonnie and Finn with him, tells them all the ways in which your ex was a good for nothing, not worth the air he breathes, piece of shit, about all the horrid things he did to you, and they are all in agreement that he needs justice served to him.
☘️ Michael does all the talking when they find him, hes been drinking in a bar, flirting or harrassing local women. Some of them women that the lads are friends with...
☘️ Isaiah and Finn grab the lad by the arms, drag him out the bar into the street, Bonnie is behind him, pressing his knife to the lads throat, and Michael does all the talking.
☘️ "Heard you used to date my lovely y/n... Heard you used to hurt her, is that right? Don't bother lying to me lad, y/n's a good girl aint she, shes honest... Wouldnt lie about somet like that..."
☘️ "Make you feel like a man does it? Hittin women? Make you feel good?"
☘️ He'll hurt him, he'll really lay into him, show him no mercy. The boys will make him beg for his life but in the end Bonnie will slit his throat all the same and then they'll leave him for dead.
☘️"Evil bastards like that don't deserve to walk the same earth as girls like y/n"
☘️ He'll be so loving and gentle to you when he comes home. He won't tell you what hes done because he wont want to upset you, and he knows it will upset you.
☘️But he'll sleep easier knowing the bastard will never get to hurt his girl ever again
☘️And youll enjoy all the pretty new dresses and jewelery thst Michael will buy you because he feels lucky to have you and wants to treasure you.
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cosmicseafoam · 2 months
Randy Moore on the Sunken Teeth Co live part2
part 1 about the drop here
These wont be super in order as I'm gonna try to group them
Dividers by @wrathofrats
He's in the middle of making a record so new music soon-ish
It's not a new band, he says this is a "Randy record"
It's being produced by his friend Henry Chadwick
They'll be in the studio this weekend to record more stuff
Someone said "I hope you're taking care of the Mothman enamel pin I gave you" and he said he transferred it from his jacket to a pin board in his room to keep it safe so he doesn't lose it
"Do you still have the Sunken Teeth Bracelet I gave you at the SLC show?" he said "Yes I do! Anything that anybody has ever given me, I still have and I cherish cherish cherish everything that people take the time to hand me and make. 🙏🏻 I'm very appreciative. You guys are awesome"
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He was fucking around a bit with a delay to make voice effects and said "I'm just trying to add some production value, y'know, just a little something, know what I'm saying?"
At one point he did something with the delay pedal and then said "never mind that was dumb and I've embarrassed myself"
He's excited to see the new Nosferatu
He doesn't have a dog but wishes he did
He's from the Bay Area
He drinks sparkling water
He's been watching The Sopranos for the first time (he's on s6)
He hasn't seen Twin Peaks
He hasn't gone to Spirit Halloween yet because he thinks he should wait for Lucy to get back from tour so they can go together
He hasn't watched Longlegs because he's "been busy doing stuff"
He's playing with Sweet Gloom in Santa Ana and San Diego on the 9th and 10th of August
He hasn't watched Over The Garden Wall
He really liked the Danzig dance scene in Abigail
If he was to get a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo it would be of the masks that the three kids wear to represent him and his siblings
Someone said bring the 'stash back, he said "I don't think so"
He hasn't been to a Rocky Horror shadow cast and the thought scares him cause he doesn't want people to touch him while he's watching the movie
Someone asked which chipmunk he is, he said his sister Alyssa dubbed him Simon, herself Alvin, and their brother as Theodore.
He's not doing any overseas gigs any time soon
He said he's trying to recharge creatively and physically
He's an Aries
He uses the Ernie Ball regular slinky 10-46 guitar strings in the green pack
Someone asked if he plays mermaids he said "of course"
If he was a muppet he'd be "The Count. Obviously"
He has not listened to BRAT
He mains Dry Bones on Mario Cart
He likes Halloween because he thinks the weather is nicer, he likes sweater weather
He's never watched Baywatch
He gets scared of walk-through haunted houses
He is not going on the next Alkaline Trio tour
He likes Sisters Of Mercy
He has 10 or 11 guitars
He's been playing guitar since he was 11 or 12.
He takes his coffee with lots of sugar but Lucy drinks hers black which he "could never"
He doesn't know what he's gonna be for Halloween
He's not watching IWTV
He wants to visit Salem and the cemeteries in New Orleans
He has paper bats strung up on his shelf and he said "The bats keep my record collection safe. From... the sun! Idk."
He hasn't watched the new Deadpool movie
He likes The Shining
"I'm a real vampire, it's confirmed"
"I can fit in your pocket. I can get in there, for sure. IIIIIII can get in that pocket"
Someone asked how tall he is and between questions he said "I'm 6 feet tall", "I'm LIKE 6 feet. I don't know what I am, I haven't measured myself since I was 12 so who cares", "I'm like 6ft on a good day. People shrink, fluctuate. Who cares. Who cares about anything", "Yeah I'm like 6 feet on a good day, it's not that big of a deal. 6 feet is like NOT that tall. Maybe? I don't know", "I'm ACTUALLY 7 feet tall. Let that be the takeaway from this." and finally "I'm two bats tall."
Someone in the chat said "Basically 6ft is not 6ft, why do men lie?" and he responded "I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm just a boy"
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Vampire movie: The Lost Boys, he later mentions it was filmed in Santa Cruz which is close to where he lives and he hangs out at the bridge sometimes
Beatles song right now is "I'm looking through you"
Chappell Roan song: Red Wine Supernova
BoyGenius song: "probably Satanist" but he really likes the first EP a lot
The Strokes song: either The Adults Are Talking or Last Nite
Cryptid: Mothman
Newer horror movie: Nope by Jordan Peele
Tattoo of his: ballerina on a tightrope or the crocodile underneath her
He owns a first pressing of Goddammit by Alkaline Trio and it's his favourite record of all time
Someone asked him to rate the 1990s ninja turtle movie out of 100 and he said "It's probably 100, it's maybe my favourite movie"
He can't pick between Creature Of The Black Lagoon and Dracula, they're his two favourites from the Universal monsters
Dogs or cats? "Dogs"
Metallica album: Master Of Puppets
Misfits song: Night Of The Living Dead or "Astro Zombies is always a favourite" and he did specify Danzig Misfits
Spirit World song: ULCER
Dracula: Bela Lugosi
System Of A Down song: Toxicity
Guitar model: Fender Jaguar
Dead Kennedys song: Kill The Poor. He said Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables is his favourite DK record.
He likes MCR, his fav album is Three Cheers and fav song is I'm Not Okay
Fall Out Boy song: Dance Dance
Fav song EVER: Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny
Animal: Bats. No specifics, he said "I like 'em all!"
Alkaline Trio song from the new album: Shake With Me
Halloween candy: the pumpkin reeses cups
Concert: He saw Green Day do a secret show at Gilman Street which is a really small DIY venue
Thing about touring: he likes to see the friends he's made over the years cause he doesn't get to see them often
White Claw: Raspberry. He doesn't like Black Cherry so he gives those to Lucy
Cemetery he's visited: Hollywood Forever
AFI song: Fall Children
Zombie Film: Night Of The Living Dead
Horror movie actor: Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee
Pokemon: he's a Charmander guy
Place to travel: "My bed. I love sleeping"
Food: Pizza. He said he's a pineapple on pizza guy.
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Liv was in the chat and ask for a toy shelf tour
Pee-wee Dracula painted by Matt Skiba, given to Randy as a gift
He has a Green Day tour poster from when Dog Party (his gf Lucy’s band) opened for them and he said “super proud of Lucy, she’s the best”
Funkos: Rivers Cuomo, Dracula (which the lady at walgreens didn't charge him for), and Twenty One pilots but he's trying to get rid of his funko pops
He’s trying not to collect things anymore
Kiss Alive figures
Ozzy bark at the moon werewolf eating a mini brand ball taco
Ninja turtles 1990 movie figures
Fake ninja turtles ice cream
Alkaline trio Campbell soup cans from the my shame is true record
Metallica figurine setup
He thinks he has about 500 records on his shelf
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Someone asked for a tattoo tour and he said "that would take too long" but he did show off his arm and speed run through some of them.
crystal ball
rose through a heart
ballerina + crocodile
His first tattoo was a mermaid on an anchor on his upper arm. Her tail is "seafoam green" which he said is his favourite colour.
Most of his tattoos are in a traditional style, but he said he's "got some crazier ones" on his leg.
Ones he didn't specifically mention but that I've seen from photos:
a broken arrow
an astronaut lady
bats on his collarbones
portrait of a lady on the back of his arm
a few random roses scattered around
a large flower on his elbow
(what looks like) a rose inside a diamond with a straight razor underneath
(what looks like) a mummy/wrapped sarcophogus
dagger and rose
Elvis TCB lightning bolt
a small flower with a smiley face in the center
creature from the black lagoon
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disillusioneddanny · 5 months
The Bats and TTPD Songs
This is just me sharing what songs I think matches each of the bats and why :> i take no criticism /j
Bruce Wayne-- Cassandra
Hear me out okay, the lyrics:
So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst And tried to tell the town So they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say Do you believe me now?
This whole song just reminds me of Bruce and his contingencies, like he's constantly prepared for any situation and he's had people who have gotten mad at him for it before.
Dick Grayson-- Who's Afraid of Little Old Me
God where do I even start? I want to write a whole fucking fic based off of this song and Dick Grayson.
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream "Who's afraid of little old me?" I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth" Who's afraid of little old me? Well, you should be
In this case, he was bright eyed and innocent until his parents were killed in front of him. Then he became Robin, then Nightwing and this man went through fucking hell and he has survived.
Everyone sees Dick for his smiles and his kindness but this man should not be crossed by any means. He's fucking lethal and has gone through so much shit in his life and he's just not the same bright eyed, innocent kid he once was. And you should be scared of him.
Jason Todd--Robin
So technically this song is about Christopher Robin from winnie the pooh, but I think it also captures Jason really well.
You have no idea The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness Way to go, Tiger Higher and higher Wilder and lighter For you
I feel like this song focuses a lot on loss of innocence and growing up tbh, like the person this song is aimed at has no idea how hard the world is, how painful things can be but that they'll learn to handle it and bounce back. IDK the first time I heard it, it reminded me of how Jason believed that Robin is magic and maybe even like Bruce or Dick singing this to him knowing what was going to happen to him one day.
Tim Drake -- Clara Bow
okay, so there's not just one lyric that really sticks out to me but the overarching story that this song tells. It's all about being replaced with the next big thing. Taylor Swift is compared to Stevie Nicks who is compared to Clara Bow and one day T. Swift is going to be replaced with something shiny and new and that just reminds me of Tim.
Tim is the third Robin, he replaced Jason who replaced Dick and one day he himself is going to be replaced. There's a lot of HC where he's aware of this fact, that he knows that his role as Robin is not a permanent thing, that one day, he too will be replaced. And eventually, he is.
"You look like Taylor Swift In this light We're loving it. You've got edge she never did The future's bright ... Dazzling."
Cassandra Wayne -- The Albatross
okay Cass was really hard for me at first to pin down what song fit her but then I listened to The Albatross and holy cow.
The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel I'm the life you chose And all this terrible danger So cross your thoughtless heart She's the albatross She is here to destroy you
I don't know quite how to explain how this song makes me think of Cass except for how it just makes me think about how she decided to take her life in her own hands and become her own person. She was pretty much created with one thing in mind and that was all that was expected of her but she's become so much more than that. Now she's strong and powerful but in more ways than just how David Cain made her out to be. She's caring and loving and she's going to destroy the idea that she was ever just a weapon.
Stephanie Brown -- I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
Listen, listen, this woman has been through so freaking much and she has come out on top and with a smile on her face the entire time. She is resilient and she isn't scared to fight Bruce Wayne himself if she needs to.
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did
I know this song is about dealing with a break up but when I hear it, i think of everything that Steph has been through. Her dad who's a rogue, her mom who is struggling with addiction, getting pregnant and giving her baby up for adoption, not being considered good enough to be Robin, the list goes on and on and yet she does it. She rolls with the punches and she swallows it down and she smiles through it all and I just friggen love Stephanie Brown so much.
Duke Thomas -- Florida!!!
Admittedly, I don't know as much about Duke as the others (I'm so sorry, I just haven't gotten there in the comics quite yet, I'm just now getting to the aftermath of the Red Robin run and I haven't read New 52 yet. so this is purely based off of WFA )
Little did you know your home's really only The town you'll get arrested So you pack your life away just to wait out The shitstorm back in Texas
This song just makes me think about Duke because from what I've learned, kid's been through a lot and he's had to move in with the Waynes after what happened to his parents. I think of Florida as a song of starting over, picking up your broken pieces and finding yourself once again and that just feels like Duke.
He's been hurt and he's now having to figure out what to do and where to run. Now he's with the Waynes and he's slowly finding his place with their insanity.
Damian Wayne-- thanK you aIMee
Okay but imagine this song is Damian at Ra's al Ghul okay? Stick with me buddy.
I built a legacy that you can't undo But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you
And maybe you've reframed it And in your mind, you never beat my spirit black and blue I don't think you've changed much
Damian has grown so much since the days he was still with the LOA and he recognizes that not only has he grown but he's done it DESPITE what Ra's did to him and that maybe a part of him is created by Ra's and he has learned to love that part of himself and he recognizes he wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Ra's and his mother being conniving and evil. He's created a name for himself as Robin that goes against so much of what Ra's brainwashed him to believe.
Barbara Gordon-- The Bolter
And I can confirm she made A curious child, ever reviled By everyone except her own father With a quite bewitching face Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless Excellent fun till you get to know her Then she runs like it's a race
This song just gives the brave, strong, independent vibes of Babs. Someone who lives her life to the fullest and embraces who she is. She's just powerful and she knows that she's amazing and she doesn't expect anything less from herself. She has gone through hell and she's come out of it stronger. She rolls with the punches, she doesn't let it stop her from her dreams, her desires.
Alfred Pennyworth-- I Hate it Here
I hate it here so I will go to Secret gardens in my mind People need a key to get to The only one is mine
This song just makes me think of Alfred when Jason died. That time where it's just him and Bruce and he's struggling to take care of his ward and he's also going through his own grief and unable to heal. I think Alfred has his own methods for taking care of himself, I think he's like the world's greatest compartmentalizer.
oh my god that got so freaking long lol. I'm so sorry. Anyway, y'all can listen to these specific songs here
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perspectivestarters · 5 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Tortured Poets Department by Taylor Swift (Part I)
I was supposed to be sent away.
They forgot to come and get me.
I was a functioning alcoholic.
Nobody noticed my new aesthetic.
All of this to say, I hope you're okay.
No one here's to blame.
What about your quiet treason?
For a fortnight there we were forever running.
You're in my backyard turned into good neighbors.
I want to kill her.
All my mornings are Monday stuck in an endless February.
The effects were temporary.
I love you, it's ruining my life.
I touched you for only a fortnight.
My husband is cheating.
I want to kill him.
I call you up but you won't pick up.
Another fortnight lost in America.
Buy the car you want.
You left your typewriter at my apartment.
Who uses typewriters anyway?
You're in self-sabotage mode.
Who else decodes you?
Who's gonna hold you like me?
Who's gonna know you if not me?
We'rе modern idiots.
You smokеd then ate seven bars of chocolate.
I chose this cyclone with you.
Sometimes I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me.
Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be.
Because we're crazy.
That's the closest I've come to my heart exploding.
Here we go again.
You should've seen him when he first got me.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys.
I should've known it was a matter of time.
There was a litany of reasons why we could've playеd for keeps this time.
I know I'm just repeating mysеlf.
He runs because he loves me.
'Cause you should've seen him when he first saw me
I knew too much.
There was danger in the heat of my touch.
He saw forever so he smashed it up.
Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me
He was my best friend.
I felt more when we played pretend.
He took me out of my box, stole my tortured heart
Told me I'm better off, but I'm not.
Did you really beam me up?
Tell me I was the chosen one.
For a moment I knew cosmic love.
Now I'm down bad, crying at the gym.
Everything comes out teenage petulance.
Fuck it if I can't have him
I might just die, it would make no difference.
Come back and pick me up.
Fuck it if I can't have us.
I might just not get up.
I might stay down bad.
Did you take all my old clothes?
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you.
For a moment, I was heavenstruck.
I loved your hostile take-overs.
I'll build you a fort on some planet where they can all understand it.
How dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded?
Cause fuck it, I was in love.
Fuck you if I can't have us.
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
My spine split from carrying us up the hill.
I stopped trying to make him laugh.
How much sad did you think I had?
Did you think I had in me?
You'll find someone.
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out..
I founded the club she's heard great things about.
I left all I knew.
I stopped CPR.
Thе spirit was gone.
We would never come to.
I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.
Two graves, one gun.
I'll find someone.
You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it.
My white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment.
My friends said it isn't right to be scared.
Every breath feels like rarest air.
Just how low did you think I'd go before I'd self implode?
You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof.
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.
I'm just getting color back into my face.
I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place for.
But I'm not the one
I forget how the west was won.
I forget if this was ever fun.
I just learned these people only raise you to cage you.
What a mess.
I just learned these people try and save you 'cause they hate you.
Too high a horse for a simple girl to rise above it.
They slammed the door on my whole world.
But, daddy, I love him.
I'm having his baby.
No, I'm not, but you should see your faces
No, I'm not coming to my senses.
I know it's crazy, but he's the one I want.
Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.
You're this chaos, he was revelry.
Stay away from her.
Lord knows the words we never heard.
I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'.
I'll tell you something 'bout my good name, it's mine along with all the disgrace.
God save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me.
Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see.
You ain't gotta pray for me.
It's just my choice.
There's a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles.
Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer.
We came back when the heat died down.
Went to my parents and they came around.
All the wine moms are still holding out.
Fuck 'em, it's over.
Even my daddy just loves him.
I'm his lady.
Oh my god, you should see your faces.
I know it's crazy but he's the one I love.
I'm running back home to you.
I know who my first call will be to.
He don't understand me.
Handcuffed to the spell I was under.
But it's gonna be alright.
I did my time.
Toss the ashes off the ledge.
I will never lose my baby again.
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it.
Watched me daily disappearing for just one glimpse of his smile.
All those nights you kept me goin'.
Swirled you into all of my poems.
Now we're at the starting line.
No matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway.
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up, now that I know what's at stake here.
You can beat the heat if you beat the charges too.
They said I was a cheat, I guess it must be true.
My friends all smell like weed or little babies.
The city reeks of driving myself crazy.
Your home's really only a town you're just a guest in.
Can I use you up?
I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away.
Well, mе and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.
Yеs, I'm haunted, but I'm feeling just fine.
Well, no one asks any questions here.
So I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
Is that a bad thing to say in a song?
I need to forget.
I've got some regrets.
Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable.
At least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up, Florida
I need to forget, so take me to Florida
What a crash, what a rush.
It's one hell of a drug
Love left me like this.
I don't want to exist.
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I'm so angry, so upset I can hardly think straight. I'd been staying away from the news for a while now because I couldn't take listening to what that tangerine and his cronies were doing next.
And after thinking I'm strong enough to see what I've missed, I hear that the Supreme Court, the right hand of that shitbag in an orange skinsuit, has given the Jan 6th insurrectionists the win they wanted, have overturned YET ANOTHER long standing precedent that now gives the judiciary a giant fucking knife to gut any and all regulations that go against special interests, because they can, AND has now said fuck you to the homeless and have upheld the ban to keep them from sleeping outside even though it's more often their only fucking option when there's no fucking services to give them the help they need.
I'm so angry, so scared, I can't think straight. My heart is in my throat and I'm fucking terrified that with all these assholes telling people not to vote and to throw their vote away because both parties are bad, that it's gonna get A LOT worse come November. If fucking trump gets back into the white house, that's it. The Supreme Court is already unhinged because of what he did during his first 4 years. I'm horrified to think how much worse it can get.
They came for roe v wade. They came for affirmative action. They've made the judiciary into a hammer to break anything they don't like in their way. The majority of the court hates women, people of color, lgbtq+, the poor, and they're gonna come after every one of us just because they can.
Anyone who says both parties are the same?? You can all fuck off into a fucking lava pit. I loathe every single one of you who incite people not to vote because they need to have picture perfect fucking candidate that fits EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEIR IDEALS and refuse to compromise to the detriment of the rest of the country.
This is YOUR fault we're where we are. It's YOUR fault that Hillary wasn't voted president, and we got that fucking grease stain for 4 fucking years, that gave us the supreme court we have now, who's tearing up our rights with every ruling. It's YOUR fault that roe v wade was lost, and that women's bodies, which have always been fair game in red states, are now in even more danger than ever. That handmaidens tale universe is getting closer to being a reality with all the shit you dumbass fucks have pulled.
And now you want to continue with your fucking misinformation and encouraging people not to vote because what, because you think your cause is more righteous than everyone else's? You think someone can't condemn what's happening in Gaza what's happening with Palestinians and still vote blue??? You think if I don't want to hand over control of my body to the government, if I don't want to lose my right to vote, to not worry that they'll be coming after me if I'm lgbtq or a minority or anything they don't view as deserving of basic human rights, that I should be like you??? And toss this country into hands that want to take all that away??? Do you really think not voting for biden or any other democrat is gonna help Palestinians??? Really?? Are you that. FUCKING. DUMB???!! I want to shake every single one of you to wake the fuck up because you'll do nothing but make it easier for the Supreme court to keep doing what it's doing, for the party that hates anything not white, not rich, not straight unless it benefits them, to get stronger and stronger until all of us that don't think like them are crushed like fucking ants under their boots.
So fuck you to anyone who spread lies, who tells others not to vote, that a vote for democrats is a vote for genocide, because you know what? You're slowly helping to kill your friends, families, and yes strangers, because of your inaction. You're helping to put people in power that don't give ONE FUCK about Palestine. Don't give ONE FUCK about anything but turning this country into their own personal fucking playground where they can do whatever they want, with impunity.
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'cause i've been here so many times before don't you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor? but where you see weakness I see wit sometimes I fall to pieces just to see what bits of me don't fit 'cause when I stand oh those folks will run and tell the tales of what i've become they'll speak of me, oh in whispered tones and say my name like it shakes their bones 'cause we'll dance together so close we're sharing breath but now i'm leading, doesn't that just scare you to death? 'cause i'm all yours, you're all mine let's dance together, you and I 'cause i'm not trapped, oh with you, you see you're the one who's trapped with me 'cause you are in the earth of me you are in the earth of me my head's not yours it's mine and I'll take my fucking time 'cause I know, I know, I know
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manari-archives · 1 year
emails i can't send fwd: masterlist
note: some of the stories are not inspired by the entire song and only a couple of lines or verses.
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001. emails i can't send | CS55
It's times like these, wish I had a time machine So I could see what you did And thanks to you I, I can't love right I get nice guys and villainize them
002. Vicious | CS55
You're lucky I'm a private person I've quietly carried your burden, and Everyone thinks you're an angel But, shit, I would probably use different wordin'
003. Read your Mind | MV1
To think that we could be casual You're not my friend And, baby, you never were Why the fuss if you say you just wanna be mine?
004. Tornado Warnings | LH44
I'll drive you home ,You drive me crazy But that's not gonna stop me I'll call you out, You call me "baby"
005. because i liked a boy | GR63
Tell me who I am, guess I don't have a choice All because I liked a boy You said I'm too late to be your first love, but I'll always be your favorite
006. Already Over | MS47
We been talkin' for hours 'bout how we shouldn't talk for hours on end Kissing after a conversation 'bout how we'd probably be better off as friends
007. how many things | LS18
I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me I wonder how many things you wanna do you think I'm in-between I feel myself falling further down your priorities And I still make excuses for you constantly
008. bet u wanna | DR3
When you don't have control of who I'm holdin' Is it feeding all your fears? Bet you miss me, bet you're reminiscin' I bet you hate the way that you said goodbye
009. Nonsense | MS47
You said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll Treat me like a queen, now you got me feelin' thrown, oh I think I got an ex, but I forgot him
010. Fast Times | LN4
Couple days in, I call you "baby" Three stories up here contemplatin' But what the fuck is patience Give me a second to forget I ever really meant it
011. skinny dipping | DR3
But both of us, we'll be thinking about how different we are From those scared little kids that had those Arguments in your garage All the ways we sabotaged it What it was and what it wasn't
012. Bad for Business | LH44
We look good in photographs, I like the way you like to laugh At dirty jokes, I know they'll always land Used to get to work on time, but now you're taking up my nights Never been so glad to be so tired
013. decode | MV1
There's a weight off my shoulders now that I don't chase you Being myself, did that emasculate you? Learning from you that I can walk away too
014. opposite | CL16
Oh so you do have a type? And it's not me Oh so you can reply? Just to not me So y'all are in Paris now? Guess it's public Face like that other girl,You're in love with
015. Feather | CL16
Your signals are mixed, You act like a bitch You fit every stereotype, "Send a pic" I got you blocked, Excited to never talk I'm so sorry for your loss
016. Lonesome | GR63
If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me too? Well maybe I believed in all your lies, 'cause I believed in you Why were you somewhere else when you were next to me? I know, you know, it keeps me up
017. things i wish you said | LN4
When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well Without you here I don't know what to do with myself I hope you know it scared me to death The night that your sister said that you got in an accident
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bubble4u · 1 year
I just had a great idea! I want to know how South, Mikey, Hanma, Rindou and Ran would react if their partner asks them for help to remove the menstrual cup since it got stuck! 😅❤️
I'm loving these 🤣🤣🤣 never had this happen but I have been on the end of seeing a friend ask her partner for this same request.
South: I'm gonna say he don't care he's had to take of his Ill mother and who knows what that could've consisted of so this will not phase him at all man's gonna be fingers deep and no he doesn't care if there's blood on his palm he's gonna be focused trying to get the damn out.
Mikey: while yes he has a sister he's gonna internally freak a bit, so be prepared with leg propped up on a toilet and him literally looking under like you're a bike in the shop GOD FORBID SOMEONE WALKS IN he's gonna stay in that bathroom after he's helped you and just.... contemplate life 🤣
Hanma: yeah good luck he loves you and he'll kill for you and by all means he loves fingering you but no IF he does help be prepared to hear snide ass comments along the way "I mean I get it it's stuck babe but why me" "how the fuck does it get stuck?" "Oh fuck why is there blood I thought you said you were done" just be prepared.
Ran and rindou to me are gonna have the same reaction: while they both do not wanna see you in pain or scared they're gonna get those medical gloves a mask and a plastic bag 🤣🤣 they're going in like it's a bomb and if you slightly flinch they're gonna stop and be like "you ok? you sure? Did I hurt you?" While it may take a minute they'll get it out and they'll try to high five you like team work but will retract cause yeah liquids
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darkbluekies · 2 years
☁️ i dont request much cause i dont wanna be too annoying but since nobody requests for jerry... 🤓
what happens if she comes home and encounters several men attempting to kidnap her darling?
In a maze of horror
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Female!mafia!yandere OC x reader
Jerry brings you on a mission and lets her possessiveness get the best of her which results in enemies trying to take you away from her.
Warnings: a lot of violence, blinding someone, slitting throat, blood, obsession, nudity (not nsfw) drugs + weed, one suggestive indication
Word count: 3k
I paired it with this ask⬇️
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Jerry has brought you with her on a mission. She can't take more of your whining about being bored. Your emotions are like a ticking time bomb. Thankfully, this mission isn't dangerous. You're currently in the front seat of a car on a countryside road, going to a farm. On the outside, it looks like a normal farm industry, but hidden underneath those chicken eggs are drugs people can only imagine. It's Jerry's boss who's sent her out here to do the business. Jerry is the only one he trusts since she's his right hand man. Her boss doesn't mind you as long as you're not in the way. Jerry has told her boss that if he ever touches a hair on your head, she's killing him and taking the role of the boss herself. It had made him back off.
"Jerry", you say.
"Yes?" Jerry asks from the driver's seat.
"Will there be real animals there?"
"Why wouldn't there be?"
"If it's just a cover up for drug business … maybe there aren't real animals."
"Maybe you can cuddle a goat while I do the business."
You smile slightly. Your heart is beating loudly in your chest. The entire idea of having to join in on one of Jerry's missions terrifies you. Things can go wrong and then you're in the front line. And what will you do if the cops come? You haven't actually done anything wrong, but they'll not care. You're involved. That's enough.
"I want to go back", you say with a thin voice. "Can't we turn around?"
"Were almost there", Jerry sighs. "It's taken us one hour to get here, I'm not turning the car around."
The panic builds in your chest and you start to hit the seat. Jerry captures your hand in hers.
"Stop that", she demands sternly. 
"I don't want to go!" you shout. "I changed my mind! Jerry, please-"
"You whined about coming with me, you can’t change your mind now. What are you so afraid of?"
"Everything. What happens if that man on the farm decides to kill us?"
"He won't. He needs the money and if he kills us he won't get it. Don't be scared."
Jerry's not unfamiliar to your mood swings. You get easily caught up in your own feelings and they double when you're stressed.
She pulls over to the side of the road and grabs a painful hold of your hand.
"Baby, look at me", she says. 
When you do, you are met by her dark eyes.
"Your sensitivity will be the death of you if you don't control it", she tells you. "Hold it in and everything will be fine. As soon as we get home I'll take care of you."
"Do you promise?"
"No, Y/N, I'm just joking." She rolls her eyes. "Of course I promise!"
You wipe your tears.
"I'm sorry", you whisper. 
You know that Jerry can't stand your emotional outbursts. They annoy her.
"Baby, you should be lucky I love you", Jerry sighs heavily and starts to drive again. "Otherwise I'd gotten rid of you a long time ago."
"I can stay in the car if you're afraid of me embarrassing you."
Jerry glares at you. "No fucking way, you're going to stay by my side. I'm going to handcuff your hand to mine if you continue to talk like that."
"I don't want to ruin anything for you … I know how important this is for you …"
"Oh, Y/N, shut the fuck up already!"
You flinch at her loud voice.
"I'd rather have you weeping like a fucking baby clinging onto my shoulder than have you out of my sight!" Jerry continues. "You shouldn't care about ruining anything for me because in the end, I'm the one that controls the situation. I'll always fix what you mess up because you're mine to care for. I'll always take the blame for the shit you do, so stop worrying about it. All you need to know is that you should stay by my side. Got it?"
You nod quickly.
Jerry drives into the farm's parking lot. She nods at you to get out. She grabs your hand as quickly as she reaches you.
"Now just be quiet and do as I say", Jerry tells you. "If you start to cry again, hide behind me."
You nod. Jerry pulls you with her to a big building made of blurry plastic — most likely a garden.
"Sean, you imbecile, where are you?" Jerry shouts.
A man looking higher as a kite sticks his head up between the rows of plants.
"Come on, Sean, did you have to smoke before we came?" Jerry groans.
"It's not my fault that you scare the living crap out of me, Jerry", the man spits back. “I had to do something to relax.”
"I will not only scare the crap out of you if stop fucking around. Hurry up! I don't have all day."
"Fine, fine." The man walks over to her, giving you a look. "Who's that?"
"No one you need to care about. Just give me what I want and then go back to filling your empty head with weed."
The man named Sean rolls his eyes and gestures for the two of you to follow him. Jerry gives you a firm look when you tug at her leather jacket. You sigh and look down at the ground. 
You walk into the chicken house. The sight of the birds causes your heart to swell. Oh how pretty they are. They look so nice. You reach out your hand to touch one that comes walking over to you. 
“Don’t fucking touch it!” the man shouts with a raspy voice. 
You flinch heavily and back away with wide, terrified eyes. Jerry gives you a quick look over her shoulder before she steps in front of you and picks up her gun, directing it towards the high man. You hide behind your human shield. 
“Don’t you dare shout at my baby”, Jerry growls with a warning, steady voice that sends shivers down your spine. She speaks through gritted teeth. “Get down on your knees and apologize. Now.”
The man trembles as he pathetically sinks down on his knees. You peek out from behind Jerry to see him glaring at you while mumbling out an apology.
“Pathetic little shit”, Jerry scoffs at Sean. “My baby wanted to touch a hen, why the fuck would you care, huh? You only use them to hide your filthy business.” She turns her head to you. “Pick up a hen, Y/N.”
You shake your head. 
“Pick up a goddamn hen”, Jerry orders. 
Your shaking hands pick up one of the birds and hold it against your chest. 
“Good girl/boy”, Jerry praises you before turning back to the man with a harsher voice. “See? The world didn’t end. Now give me what I came for before I blow your head up.”
The man collects the small bags of drugs for Jerry as she holds the gun towards him. You cuddle the hen while Jerry does her business. It gives you comfort. The small, living thing in your hands reassures you somehow. It’s little, warm body feels comforting in your arms. 
“Let’s go, Y/N”, Jerry says. “I’m done.”
You sigh as you put down the hen on the floor. Jerry grabs your arm and pulls you out.  
"Go wait in the car, I'll be there soon", Jerry says and pushes you towards the car. "Don't try to run."
"What are you going to do?" you ask.
"I didn't like how he looked at you. I won't be able to feel at ease unless I take care of him."
"Are you going to … to kill him?"
"No. I'm going to make sure he won't be able to see anyone again."
You beg her to reconsider and not do it, but she's already made up her mind. You run over and hug her to prevent her. Tears run down your cheeks and Jerry sighs heavily. She pushes you off of her and you can tell that your emotions once again have annoyed her.
"Car, now", she orders you sternly. "Don't make me fucking repeat myself."
You listen to her this time. You might turn blind too if you're not careful. With a singing feeling in your stomach you drag yourself to the car while Jerry returns to the chicken house. You hide your face and cover your ears to block out the screams of Sean. They echo through the countryside, over acres and fields. 
Jerry returns ten minutes later with bloody hands. You refuse to look at her. Tears run down your cheeks and Jerry does nothing to try to wipe them. 
"There's snacks for you in the hand compartment", she says simply and starts the engine.
Your shaking hands reach out to the handle in front of you, finding a pack of gummy bears. Silently, you start chewing the candy which tastes salty thanks to your tears.
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A few days pass by. You’ve managed to heal from the mess at the farm and Jerry has gone back to being herself. Not too mad, not too nice. You’re no longer allowed to come with her on the missions and you’re unsure that you’d want to. She leaves during the day and comes back late at night. Everything seems to be normal. Or that's what you think.
You’re at home watching TV like any other day. You’ve been binge watching ‘Family Guy’ for the last week and are just about to start season seventeen when a ‘click’ grabs your attention. Confused, you turn the volume down and eventually turn it off.
“Jerry, is that you?” you ask over your shoulder. “Why are you back so early?”
The light turns off. You freeze in your position, carefully hugging yourself.
“Sorry, darling, but we aren’t your mistress.”
You flinch at the strange voice and turn around fully to see three men entering the living room armed with knives. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” you gasp, pressing yourself closer to the couch when they’re moving closer, eventually grabbing your arm. “Don’t touch me!”
“Now be a good girl/boy and stay still.”
The knives glisten in the light. You start to kick and hit, doing everything that Jerry has taught you. She’s known that you’ve had to defend yourself sooner or later. She’s brought you to gyms to train you up, but seeing you drenched in sweat with hair sticking to your forehead turns the fight into another wrestling match that doesn’t teach you anything but how her body works. 
You’re using all of your techniques, combining them into one murderous performance. But they’re not enough for three armed muscular men. They’re getting in hit after hit and swings their knives around. 
Jerry notices that something’s wrong the second she gets off her motorcycle. She finds the front doors off its hinges and the light switched off. She reaches for the knives strapped to her legs. 
A scream catches her attention. Your scream.
"Y/N?" Jerry asks quickly, looking around. "Y/N, where are you?"
"Jerry, help!" you shout. “Help me!”
The panicked tone in your voice is enough for Jerry to be filled with new adrenaline. She follows the sound of thumping and thus, finding you in the living room. Surrounded by three men. You're bruised and blood drips from your nose and lips. Jerry takes a better grip on her knives, feeling how her vision turns red.
"Get the fuck away from them", she says warningly. 
One of the men grabs you and pulls you up against his chest, a knife positioned over your throat. Your eyes glow in fear.
"You blinded our dealer and ruined our chance to get our drugs that we paid dear for", he says. "It's not more than right for us to take something from you. To make up for it. An eye for an eye, to say. If you excuse the pun."
The man above you gives a bloody grin, but Jerry doesn't move a muscle. 
"You're not taking Y/N anywhere", she says in a dark tone you've had the pleasure of never hearing until now. "And if you're so stupid to think that you can take them from me, then I'll make sure you understand."
The following moments are brutal. Jerry throws one knife at the man who’s holding you captive, hitting him in the leg. He drops you and you fall forward. The other two try their best to get you, but Jerry throws one knife into his neck and kicks the other between his legs. She’s quick to grab your arm and throws you behind her. You fall down on the floor by the force and you’re too tired to hold yourself up. She still has two knives left strapped to her leg. With one, she slits the man she kicked in the throat and the other she plunges right into the heart of the man who had held you. With trembling hands, she turns around to look at you with wide eyes. You’re both covered in blood, both bruised and full of adrenaline. You could never have thought that you’d be this similar to Jerry. She embraces you tightly and for once shows her rare emotions. She kisses your forehead and hides your face into her shaking, bloody shoulder with her trembling hands.
"Fucking hell ... oh my ... come, Y/N, let's leave." She pulls you up on your feet. "We can't stay here, they've found out where I live. I'm sorry, I honestly thought you were safe here. I'm so fucking stupid. Come, baby doll, it'll be okay. You can walk, I'm sure. Don't be scared, they're dead."
“I’m so fucking scared, Jerry …”, you whisper.
She runs her shaking hand through your hair. “I know, baby. Don’t be. I’ll always protect you, okay? You don’t have to worry. Come on now, we have to leave before someone notices what’s happened.”
She drags you out to her motorcycle as she fishes up her phone, calling her boss. 
“Boss, I’m in so much shit!” she hisses as he picks up. “So much fucking shit.”
“What have you done?” her boss asks. 
“I might have blinded Sean because he was disrespecting Y/N and his customers found out. They found where I live, boss! They tried to fucking kidnap Y/N! I killed them, but I’m worried there will come more soon.”
“Come to the headquarters. We’ll figure this out.”
“Get a room ready for Y/N. They need to rest.”
Jerry hangs up and turns to you. You’ve sitten down on the asphalt and started to cry. Normally, she would shout at you for being so wimpish, like last time … but this time she can’t blame you. 
“Baby …”, she sighs heavily and lifts you up on your feet. “Come here. You’ll get to sleep soon. They’ll fix a room for you at the headquarters where you’ll get to rest. Jump up on my motorcycle.”
And you do. She forces you to hug her from behind as she drives all the way to the headquarters. You rest your cheek on her shoulder. 
The second she stops, you jump off, already sick to your stomach. Jerry drags you into the headquarters — a building underground. She tells you to keep your eyes shut to avoid seeing something you shouldn’t. She leads you by the arm through dimly lit corridors until she reaches her boss’ office. You open your eyes and look at the man. 
“Jerry!” he breathes out and stands up from behind his desk. “You look like shit!”
He’s about to turn his eyes to you, but Jerry covers you with her body.
“I feel like shit”, she mutters and pushes you forward. “They need a room. And to wash themselves.”
“The showers and a guest room are ready for them. We need to talk about this and see how much shit you’ve put me in.”
“Got it, boss. Let me just get myself cleaned up before I lose my fucking mind. It’s cold.”
She doesn’t wait for a response. You get dragged to a bathroom where Jerry starts to strip. 
“Take off those clothes”, Jerry says over her shoulder. “We’ll burn them.”
You remove your clothes with shaking hands, not wanting to see what your body looks like. Jerry pulls you into a shower and turns on the water. She lets you sit down on the tiled floor with your back against the wall. Jerry washes you before she washes herself. Her actions are soft and gentle, a contrast to her normal personality. She must have gotten really scared tonight. She's stuck in a maze of horror and all she wants is to keep you out of it. She wants to find the exit, but it's always moving, trapping her deeper.
“You’re only mine, you know that, right?” she whispers in your ear. 
“Yeah”, you whisper. 
“And you know that I’ll never let anyone take you from me, right?”
“Yeah …”
Jerry gives your wet lips a deep kiss. She holds you in her arms, running her hand over your back to sooth you. She whispers possessive nothings into your ear, about how you’re hers, only hers, that no one will take you away from her. And somewhere in your manipulated mind, you calm down. 
When you’ve dried yourself and put on a bathrobe, you’re led to a bedroom. Jerry tells you to go to sleep as she’s going to go talk with her boss. 
“Please don’t leave”, you whisper. “I’m scared.”
“There’s nothing to be scared of”, Jerry says. “The door will be locked and I will be the only one with the key. I’ll be back later after my boss kicks my ass. I can tell that he’s not happy. But I don’t regret a damn thing. Sleep well, baby doll.”
With that said, she gives you a slight smirk before closing the door after her. She locks the door and feels the handle twice to make sure you’re going to be safe. After, she braces herself for a scolding so long that it’ll burn into her mind. But Jerry stands by her decision to have blinded Sean. He was looking at something that belonged to her. No one does that. 
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