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Northsore contained is an interactive and immersive experience that engages users by allowing them a chance to walk through the history of Northshore across three key stages, the exhibit will house an indigenous forest, a maritime port and an artistic abstraction all within shipping containers at the site workshops district.
image created using photos from聽
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Five jobs needed at the site
Video recording and editing skills
Sound recording and mixing skills
Understanding of projection technology
Historical interpretation
Visual art design
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For the sake of this budget guide I have assumed that all workers have done 10 8 hour days of work, I will also be using the average rate charged by people in each industry. for consultation I聽have assumed a day to be enough.聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽
Art/design: footage creation and sound creation for the project, painting and repurposing of existing and new materials such as the mini shipping containers and industrial materials already present at the site.
Cost: videographer- $2,400, 2 x painter- $6,148
-videographer ( https://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Industry=Video_Production/Hourly_Rate )
聽 Materials: projectors and speakers are the main aspect of the materials that will account for material costs, I have excluded a lot of physical materials from the projects budget as they are already present at the site.
Cost: 4 x projectors - $35,596 3 x speakers - $1,587 100 toy plastic shipping containers - $330
- projector https://www.mwave.com.au/product/benq-lk936st-4k-shortthrow-bluecore-laser-projector-ac61282
- Speakers
聽Fabrication: the project does not require much in the way of physical labour however an electrician will need to be hired to install all the wiring necessary for the digital components as well as an A/V professional to set up the speakers and projectors.
Cost: AV - $2,400 electrician-$7,440, assorted work to be done on site - $2,400
- Av
- electrician
聽Professional consultancy fees: consultancy will need to be arranged between indigenous elders to make sure the indigenous forest portion of the project is abiding with the wide range of traditional customs. The project also requires input from a historian with a strong understanding of the specifics of Northshore鈥檚 history.
Cost: historian - $768 indigenous consultant -$1,150
- historian
-indeginous consultation
聽Total estimated cost: $60,218
聽Ongoing maintenance costs
聽Technological upkeep
Security while exhibit is open
Replacing materials if they become obsolete or damaged
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Features of each container.
-聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Indigenous forest
. immersive soundscape featuring native Australian wildlife, especially fauna commonly seen in Turrbal and Yaegara country. Soundscape will also include recordings of first nations people speaking in native tongue.
. replicas of native Australian flora littered throughout.
. projections of first nations people walking through the forest, along the walls of the shipping container
-聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Maritime port
. sounds of waves crashing as well as the frantic chatter and verbal movement of all those working at the port. The soundscape will also feature an occasional all encompassing boat horn to capture the impact that sound would鈥檝e held over the site in its maritime past
. repurposed materials on site that capture the maritime history refurbished and put inside of the container
. projections of the Northshore port while in its bustling heyday shown on the walls. ( if no video exists images can be used as well as recordings done in the modern day edited to look like they are from the sites era. Also room to use existing video from other ports in conjunction with the existing images from the site)
-聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Northshore鈥檚 future
. the walls of this container will be brightly coloured and feature artwork in a similar style to work already at the northshore sight (especially those on and around the maritime green)
. dangling from the ceiling will be painted scaled down shipping containers there to represent the successful eat street markets.
. as these installation is a little bit more vague and intangible the soundscape doesn鈥檛 have a clear path to take however I believe a slow tempo electronic ambient soundtrack would help capture the feeling that this activation is aiming to create.
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Talking about demographics
The question of who the project is for is quite a difficult one with the exhibit theoretically being accesible to everyone however when looking at developing the project i believe it is important to keep a key target demographic in mind and for this project especially in the location it is in that demographic should be young families (25-35, 5-15), as well as young adults(17-22). This decision comes from looking at the people who are already attending the site, mainly at the eat street markets as well as the growing family population at the site. This means that the exhibit will enhance the experience of those already attending the area for eat street as well as appeal to locals at the site. This demographic is also very important for activation as they are constantly looking for new experiences for a family day out or first date. The sites digitally immersive experience is also one that will appeal to this demographic as it reflects the technologically advanced world that these demographics are growing up with and into.
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Analysing originality
The sites digital art concept separates itself from others in Australia such as Imaginaria (Brisbane, Melbourne), Lume (Melbourne) as well as the rotating exhibits at QAGOMA (Brisbane) due to its all encompassing inclusion of the sites history.
The project also separates itself from other exhibits/installations at Northshore due to its focus on the sites indigenous history, something that other pieces along the waterfront don鈥檛 acknowledge, such as the painted steel structures and the eat street markets.
The project utilizes a unique structure such as shipping containers to house its digital installations separating it from other immersive art experiences.
the use of shipping containers is also different to others such as eat street and Nightquarter (sunshine coast) as it uses the industrial material to house art as opposed to primarily being used in the construction of a destination
Borrows similiar technology and approaches from other digital art experiences. (projections, sound)
Utilises similar aesthetics to art installations at Barangaroo by incorporating shipping containers as a housing for art, (the proposal for northshore still separates itself by focusing on an immersive environment as opposed to a focus on the art that acknowledges the history)
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Swot analysis of idea for walk through musuem
It addresses the sites history and future
It's interactive creating a memorable experience
It utilises pre-existing materials and buildings
It's has a few interchangeable elements that can be changed to suit different needs in the future
When looking at placemaking it creates a space that makes everyone feel like they are on the journey that NORTHSHORE currently is on
Is easily visited by stakeholders already going to the NORTHSHORE site as the experience should last about an hour maximum
Doesn't compete with other experiences and activities already at the NORTHSHORE site
Is original in the sense that it's not entirely like anything else in Brisbane however it does borrow from pre existing ideas
Resembles ideas already in the world making it less desirable as the one and only destination for this experience
Relies on a pre-existing interest in the sites history
Use of tech to create an all encompassing experience means potential for repairs in the future.
Relies on a shared effort to keep a respectful manner by the community (no kids yelling and screaming, loud talking, cell calls, flashing photos). These things can almost completely ruin the immersive experience for other users
A non even balance of space for all three spaces
With areas that are more reliant on a digital sensory experience opportunities for different interpretations from different artists to use that space
Potential for an expert from each of the specific fields to do a tour of the site
In maritime district room for a boat race/ competition if incorporating boat pool idea
Could be a very interesting space for a live music showing in all three containers, especially with the av already in place
Creating an experience that can change with the time of the day and replicating how the space might feel throughout a 24 hour period
Could be damaged
Could be too expensive
With so much electrical equipment needed for the site flood impact would be massively severe
Shipping containers would need to be watertight as water would ruin the site
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creative placemaking.
after looking at the week 3 lectures and reading content on creative placemaking i have started to put together the pieces for an idea at the northshore sight. looking to fully incorporate the sites diverse cultural history i wish to develop a walk through interactive exhibit that shows of the sights history in three key stages! highlighting the sites indeginous history, its past as a maritime port as well as its use today as a cultural hub along the brisbane river. the exhibit will aim to use a lot of resources at the site while also being housed within pre existing structures at the sites workshop area.聽
this exhibit will respond to the challenge poised as 1.a
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Field trip photo batch 2
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Batch 1 of shots from field trip
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also taking inspiration from digital forest installations at museums
聽and zoos, often used to recreate a creatures natural habitat!
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After the first week of looking into the site as well as watching the lecture and tutorials it's clear that Northshore is a site with a lot of potential but one that is very clearly missing something. The first idea that pops into my head is exploring the option for some sort of sensory audio visual experience similar to imaginaria in South Brisbane or teamlab planets in Tokyo. I'm hoping this would allow me to incorporate a lot of the sites history in a way that attendees would remember much more vividly then something like a plaque or still art installation. This project would mainly be relevant to the warehouses and less so on the maritime green although budget depending there is potential for a installation on the green.
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