Today in postcards: net venality
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Today in postcards: coal comfort
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Today in postcards: I can’t feel my ACA when I’m with you.
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Today in postcards: What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
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Today in postcards: To err is human; to forgive... is not on the agenda.
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Today in postcards: straight and narrow
Hi, Mike.
Just checking in on the gay conversion. I have yet to notice any progress among my straight friends. I was hoping to be completely surrounded by queer people at this point. What’s the hold-up?
With concern,
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Today in postcards: pennies from heaven
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Today in postcards: You’re screwed, doncha know!
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Today in postcards: You can’t go home again.
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Today in postcards: without a leg to stand on.
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Today in postcards: Let he who is without sin cast the first vote.
Dear Mo,
Regarding your assertion that good people have lower healthcare costs: how admirable of you to call attention to your own moral turpitude. I see that you and you wife have indulged in an extravagant four (4) children. At upwards of $30,000 per birth, not counting pre- and post-natal care, that’s a whopping $120,000+ in healthcare costs.
I’m sure those fees were substantially covered by your health insurance company, using the premiums paid by everyone in your network – including the good people who opted not to incur the expenses of a pregnancy. (Consider the many responsible folks who choose the much cheaper option of an abortion.) You’ve been very reckless, but at least you’re now working to fix the system that encouraged your misdeeds.
All the best, Owen
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Today in postcards: lightweight
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Today in postcards: I’m just a pill.
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Today in postcards: Grab ‘em by the party.
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Today in postcards: white male tears
Dear Representative Snowflake,
Did Minority Leader Hortman hurt your feelings? Maybe politics isn’t for you. --Owen
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Today in postcards: I’m just a shill.
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