#I'm not sure if this needs tw?
pigswithwings · 1 year
this'll be the last oceanblr post. promise. is everyone here familiar with niche aquatic events btw
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🐋 simplecetacean Follow
haha might fuck around and let my body become an unidentifiable mass that washes up on several shores and won't decay and will be mysterious to scientists for years upon years
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and bite off a man's leg but leave the rest of him alive, kickstarting a violent and all-consuming battle between us
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and absolutely troll this guy named jonah
18.2K notes 🔁❤
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🦑 strawberry-squidz Follow
Squids that destroy ships and squids that have never seen a ship shouldn't be fighting. They should be kissing. That's why this pride month,
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🌑 greatbitesharkof87-deactivated Follow
lol im floating by this sandbar and theres sooo many humans gathered near the shore. looked out of the water earlier and theres a big old whale body just sitting on the beach, hope nothing bad happens lmaooo
🎣 marlingardens-deactivated Follow
top ten posts that make you feel like it's the 1970s in Florence, Oregon
🐙 ask-an-argonaut Follow
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🌿 misc-manatee-mutters Follow
pacific ocean superiority this & indian ocean superiority that. when will you guys focus on the real problem, the blood ocean
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🔍ms-magnap1nna Follow
Made a new friend today. Everyone better cheer and clap or I'm dragging you into the hadal zone
🐌 justasnailfish Follow
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🌙 fishoftheabyss Follow
What do Epipelagic Zoners even do? Like it sounds ridiculous up there. Ooh, there's rain! Wow, a coral reef! I might even hop out of the waves a couple of times for funsies! Tf do you even have over Abyssopelagic Zoners. Go to shell
🌱 kelps-forests43 Follow
cranky because you've never seen the sun huh
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
So i headcanon that demons have more than 1 hearts…
Imagine, one day your demon darling invite you out for dinner. And you guys are talking and waiting for ur meals then suddenly the waiter placed down a plate with a cooked demon’s heart on it and it’s not just any demon’s heart it’s ur lover’s heart.
Apparently, demons do that to express love to their mates, and it’s one of the most intimate ways to show love.
I need more contents of the boys actually being demon 😔
Okay, I love love this idea, anon, but oh man the idea of having to actually eat the heart is stressing me out lol. Like if they cook it and season it and make it tasty, then sure I'll eat my demon lover's heart, serve it up! But if it's like... barely cooked and still kinda slimy and very recognizable as a heart...?
Also this is definitely something I'd only do to respect said demon's culture... like oh okay this is how they show love! It's a little weird to me, a human with but one heart, but I'm willing to try out new things!
Like yes, I ate your heart for real and now you are a part of me forever~ that's... weirdly romantic...
But I can't reciprocate and that makes me sad. OH. I would probably get Barb or Simeon to help me make a realistically heart-shaped cake alkdjfljkdf. Like! I can't give you the real one, so please accept this substitute~
Yes yes, I love everything about this! I want there to be more unique cultural exchange between MC and the demons! And of course having it be something like eating an actual heart is perfect!
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star S4 E14 | The Case of the Stolen Pudding Cup -> The Crime Exposed
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
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—> Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (2022): Visual styles
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thebramblewood · 4 months
I thought it might be fun to do a little behind the scenes for the last story post! You guys might be surprised how little actual editing was involved. I mainly just crop, add brightness and saturation, clean up any small bits of clipping or weirdness that bother me, and then add captions! Do you want to know what actually took me the longest?
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This hair had some problem areas that showed up in live mode but not CAS. It's such a tiny thing, but it annoyed me, so I had to touch it up in nearly every screenshot. Luckily, the darkness of her hair means I didn't have to do a perfect job.
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The effects were all done in-game. Lilith has the alluring visage vampire perk, which creates the red haze and mind control spiral. Unfortunately, Helena crossed her path too closely, and rather than set the shot up again I used the clone brush in Photoshop to edit out the effects around her head (vampires who can successfully do mind control on other vampires are exceedingly rare). By the way, I later figured out a quick and dirty method for dispelling unwanted visual effects on a Sim is to remove buffs in MCCC.
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As I've mentioned, I had to shoot the attack scene twice. The first attempt was too dark, the location wasn't very visually interesting, I was in an area of San My where I had less camera control, and I used the Effects Player, which ended up being less eye-catching (hey, sometimes vanilla is the best option!). They would have worked to get the point across, but I think you can really see how I learned and improved upon my vision!
These comparison shots are all uncropped and unedited, by the way. Reshade/Relight truly does the heavy lifting. I've also gotten better at finding an angle I like and sticking with it, even if that's only because I don't want to adjust Relight all over again, lol! Speaking of angles, that last shot was done using the Dutch angle trick I learned in this tutorial by @surely-sims! First-person camera is actually super useful for storytelling. If you don't already know about this head-turning trick, it'll change your life. It comes in clutch for changing the eye line of a posed Sim since I'm not always great at getting that right in Blender.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone will find this super helpful or interesting, but I'm always open to questions about taking and editing screenshots, even though I feel like most of what I know has just been absorbed through osmosis and trial and error!
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channydraws · 7 months
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 month
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Just a reminder that the first volume of Nanao Tomo's The Hachioji Speciality: Tengu's Love comes out in English from Yen Press this week. I already double-dipped on the Japanese volumes, but I'm going back for more with the English volume too.
While a lot of series captivate me with their plot, Hachioji Meibutsu: Tengu no Koi grabbed my attention with its beautiful retro-tinged art and has continued to hold my interest with its atmosphere.
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So why is this series such a highlight in the current ASUKA magazine lineup? I've tried to breakdown my thoughts (albeit sleepily) on why I like this title and why other readers might be keen to give it a shot now that it's enjoying an English-language release.
The series description from Yen Press describes the series as follows:
"Can a determined tengu bride change a lonesome bachelor’s ways? Well, it’s not like he’s got much of a choice— ’cos she’s already moving in! Young systems engineer Kotarou has had to make his own way in life. Nothing remains of his early childhood before he was orphaned—nothing except his grandparents’ antique house in Hachioji and memories of Hime, the winged spirit girl he’s come to dismiss as a youthful flight of fancy. But after his return to Hachioji and reunion with Hime, it becomes impossible to deny the existence of his fine, feathery friend—especially given that she’s declared they’re getting married at second sight!"
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Which makes it sound like you're signing up for a typical 90s-style magical girlfriend series and, well, to an extent you are. Hime is beautiful, powerful and innocent in the ways of the human world. Kotarou on the other hand is somewhat average, cynical human who now finds himself saddled with an otherworldly bride. Hijinks ensue!
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What I think helps Tenkoi differentiate itself from other series with similar setups (aside from the stunning art) is that it gives both the reader and the characters time to breathe, to be in each other's company, and exist without needing constant jokes. There's this ancient peace to Hime's village and a gentleness in her exchanges with Kotarou, even as a gaggle of her relatives argues around them.
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Even the gag moments have a beauty and sense of pacing about them that's hard to find these days. We actually get the space to see Hime interact with the vacuum, for example. What so many titles might have condensed into 3 panels at best is expanded here, allowed to sit, presented to us for enjoyment. I just love that about Tenkoi, there is no real rush even when the series is moving Hime and Kotarou's relationship forward.
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There's a willingness in Tenkoi to sit with difficult moments, mundane moments, humorous moments and moments of affection. To let each have its time to unfurl, to let us savour them all.
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There's also an appreciation of the Hachioji region and the way the local population interact with the natural and spiritual world despite being in a suburban location (though this comes up a bit more by the second volume).
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Another thing I like is that while there are a few gags about Kotarou being entranced by and touching Hime's wings (which she says are off-limits) overall Kotarou is a decent guy. While initially unsure about the situation he supports Hime in leaving the village for her own sake, aiming to empower her rather than to score himself a tengu bride. While at one point in the first volume he gets frustrated by just how hard it is to hide a lively tengu from the world, he soon sees the error in his ways and again pledges to support Hime in whatever she chooses to do.
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It's just nice to see a male lead who can be wrong, admit he was wrong, and strive to make things right with the people around him in such a mature way? He sleeps on it and is like fuck, I was an asshole my life is better with her in it and immediately gets his shit together. Some leads can go dozens of volumes without figuring out that much so it was nice to see that corner turned early on in the series.
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I should mention that food is an important part of how love is expressed in this series and a big part of how Hime begins to learn about the human world, so if food is a major trigger for you then Tenkoi might be best avoided. However, there are minimal other warnings I can think of for those considering starting the series (aside from consent being established regarding Hime's wings).
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Tenkoi is still ongoing in ASUKA (which is published bi-monthly these days) so there's only two print volumes right now. There's enough little moments in this lushly rendered and atmospheric supernatural love story that it could go for many years at its current clip, but whether that happens remains to be seen.
Right now though I enjoy Tenkoi for being a simple story told well and with heart. If you're not looking for major plot innovation and are happy to just spend time in the presence of these characters experiencing simple joys in Hachioji, then this is a title I recommend.
(Also Hime is super cute, I adore her.)
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doctor-octiddius · 1 year
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Rewatching "Our Man Bashir" and completely forgot about this. WHO DID THIS AND WHY.
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So I know I’ve made a bunch of points already but this one just occurred to me. At the end of season 1 (mentioned by Nancy is season 2) after the teens fight the Demogorgan, Nancy says she waits for Jonathan, and when he doesn’t give any indication she should be, Steve is there and they reconcile and get back together.
Now something about that I didn’t notice back when I first saw season 2 and am really putting together now— Jonathan is annoyed that Nancy didn’t wait for him when he needed time with his family after Will was saved. And it’s understandable that the Byers needed time after all that they went through in season 1, but Jonathan is annoyed with Nancy when she tells him she waited for him, “Yeah, like a month.” Meanwhile….. Nancy lost and is still mourning Barb! And Jonathan doesn’t acknowledge that at all when he complains about Nancy not waiting longer before getting back together with Steve.
But Steve was there for Nancy as much as he could be after they reconciled with Barb’s death. He obviously messed up by being unwilling to break the NDA they signed to tell the Hollands what happened to Barb and from Nancy’s perspective and place in mourning feels unsupported by him because of this but let’s rewind a little.
What we are left to infer between seasons 1 and 2 is:
Nancy AND Steve are having regular dinners with the Hollands
Although Steve is somewhat reluctant, he still goes and is a polite and pleasant dinner guest
Nancy and Steve seemed to have an overall good relationship until the anniversary of Barb’s death was creeping up
They were planning couples costumes, going to dinner with the Hollands, Steve spends Christmas at the Wheelers house, they drive to school together, Nancy has been helping Steve with his admissions essay, they’ve been talking about their future, etc.
And when I was thinking about all that they’d done together after season 1, I considered how it might’ve gone if Jon was in Steve’s place.
Would he have gone to regular dinners with the Hollands? Would he have wanted to expose the Lab and everything with the Upside Down if Will hadn’t gotten pulled back in?
Just how annoyed he was when he said she only waited a month for him— while he was reconciling with his lost brother…. And Nancy and the Hollands were still mourning Barb who had died?
I’m not faulting Jonathan for needing time with his family after everything that happened, of course he did.
And I’m not saying Steve was #1 Boyfriend of the year just because he went to dinner at the Hollands' with Nancy
But I am saying that Jon gave next to no thought about how badly Nancy was doing after they fought the Demogorgan in season 1. And while she was mourning and needed someone by her side to face the Hollands and lie to them while mourning with them, Steve was there while Jon wasn’t and I think Jon probably wouldn’t have been if Nance had waited longer for him.
It’s a theme you see throughout this show, a little bit before but especially after Nancy finally blows up and gives Steve the “thump on his head” that he later thanks her for— Steve is there, Jon isn’t.
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beastwhimsy · 9 months
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exam season (digital, 2023)
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cerise-on-top · 15 days
Hello, how was your week? I hope you’re doing well! And it’s completely okay if not because it is a sensitive topic, but could you please write ghost with a S/O who has a drug addiction?
Hey there! I had an interesting week, to say the least! Not bad, though! It's been very freeing! Thank you!
Ghost with a Drug Addict S/O
If we go off of canon, then Ghost has had a drug addict in his life before, his brother Tommy. Canonically speaking, he did help his brother out and did support him, so why wouldn’t he do the same for you? Sure, he won’t be particularly happy about it, but he’ll support you. He’ll calmly talk to you about it, ask you what you want to do and where you see yourself in the future. If you’re already aware you have a problem? Good, then that doesn’t need to be addressed. Ghost is patient, if he needs to talk to you about it several times to make you realize you have a problem, he will. He won’t judge you in the slightest, he won’t give you unsolicited advice either, but he will make the suggestion that you might want to try rehab. You’re probably aware that drugs aren’t good for you and he’ll support you through it. Yes, he’ll even fund your rehab, but he’s going to be sort of controlling about it to make sure he’s not funding your addiction. However, he will make his boundaries clear: He’s likely not going to cover for you too many times if you miss work or school. If he did then he’d be shielding you from the consequences, making you feel as though there aren’t any. You’re more than welcome to ask him for help, he’ll do what he can to be of use to you, but he’ll also be firm. He’s well aware that your addiction likely stems from something. Maybe a mental health problem or maybe you were around the wrong crowd. Either way, he’ll be addressing those problems alongside your drug addiction. If he didn’t then you’d likely just fall back into old, bad habits. He won’t be mad at you or be disappointed if you relapse, it’s not that unlikely, after all, but he’ll try his best to get back on track. The most important part is that you need to talk to him. You need to want to get better or else he can’t help you. He’s not going to abandon you because he loves you and knows that an addiction is always hard to overcome, but please take his hand. He just wants to help you. Please communicate with him whatever it is you may need him to do. Another thing he’s going to do is find a bunch of new hobbies for you. You wanna go to the gym with him? You wanna take up knitting? You wanna get into baking? He’s gonna be with you during those times as well. He’s well aware you need something non-triggering to distract yourself with, and he’s more than happy to find something nice and calming for you to engage in. And I do also believe that he would try to reinforce positive behavior by rewarding you as well. Overall, he’d be a very supportive partner to have.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 3 months
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Here's my new Magolor AU!
Necromancy Magolor! 💛🩸
He has every disease! ^w^
Feel free to bully the ever loving shit out of this one!!
All AU info is in the pic!
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yesloulou · 2 years
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ratpyramid · 9 months
Re-reading October 3rd and they just leave Renfield to die. Alone, in the cell he has spent an unclarified but presumably lengthy amount of time in. He dies alone and trapped, just like he spends the whole of the book.
His death is tragic, just as so many in the book are, but is focused on so little. He's just forgotten as soon as he's no longer relevant.
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chamaleonsoul · 9 months
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We'd fall from grace, we're falling
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
tmw you start overthinking everything you've ever done and every person you've ever spoken to and suddenly you remember how many people despise you and you start to wonder how long it'll take before you realise you're being annoying and you stop before everyone gets tired of you agiannnn and grahh i'm being wayyy too self-pitying again i'm sorry i should gooo
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