#I'm mixed race btw
Black character who is a criminal because they are a theif or gang member: boring
Black character who is a criminal because they just think murder is fun: I'm interested but could still be executed badly
Black character who is a criminal because they murder people who are horrible (think creeps and racist dick heads): the best thing ever
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huskylluvr · 2 years
I'm hearing people say that staff deleted blogs just cause their owners were trans or black. I wonder if thats what happend to mine.
Tumblr deleted my blog.
I sent a support request and they reinstated my blog without any reply other than "oops".
And from that point on, my old blog @huskyluvr stopped showing up in tags.
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batsplat · 3 months
Is Valentino Rossi the best rider in 1vs1 battles?
ehhhhh *shrugs* I mean. the best ever? like. who knows. the best in the field most years he was competing in the sport? maybe, I guess?
this is one of those questions where I don't really like giving definitive answers but am more interested in how you'd even go about assessing it? like, what metrics are you looking at, what are the criteria, can you put numbers to it or do you have to be super holistic about it or what. I think the 1 vs 1 is already an interesting distinctions, because that is a little different from just talking about wheel to wheel skill. they're related skill sets, but it's not the exact same
so. to bring in an example with a sample set of races I imagine most people reading this are pretty familiar with. let's say we're comparing valentino and marc in direct combat with each other. let's say we put the races where they're fighting one-on-one for basically the entire race in one box, so assen 2015 and catalunya 2016. let's say we have races where one of them is working their way through the field - and it's all building towards the confrontation between the two of them, so say a qatar 2013, a qatar 2014, an argentina 2015. let's say you have a very intense fight that doesn't last the whole race, like sepang 2015, or an extended 'duel' that is basically a defensive ride without any actual overtakes, like silverstone 2015. now, you may have noticed that from this list, valentino... kinda wins a lot of these? not qatar 2014, plus sepang 2015 is in the 'this cost both riders too much to have a winner' camp, but except for that? it's a strong record for valentino. however! the moment you take away the '1 vs 1' qualifier, suddenly the record looks way kinder to marc - you have a catalunya 2014, a phillip island 2015 and a phillip island 2017 go in his favour, while only assen 2017 is a multi-rider dogfight that involves both of them where valentino ends up taking the win. I do think when you're considering 'rivalries' and how a particular dynamic develops over time, it's worth looking specifically at what's happening in extended one-on-one combat and differentiating that from dogfights! because it is a different vibe, because it matters if you're just focused on one guy. but of course both categories still matter in assessing direct combat... even if there are also different skills involved in those different types of fights. valentino, even very late in his career, was still particularly adept at challenging and outsmarting individual riders, and it's a specific format he clearly did thrive in. so. yeah. both of these general categories are indicative of w2w ability, even if they're not quite the same - either in terms of the skills required or in terms of narrative implications
here's another issue. valentino tends to win the race-deciding extended confrontations against marc, but obviously that too isn't entirely reflective of what happened when they met each other on-track. this is because during their time together in the premier class, marc was winning a lot more races than valentino and generally had more pace than valentino, so a lot of on-track confrontations that marc came on top of where typically one-and-done type situations. overtake and move on, overtake and move on. so while you still have a misano 2014 (valentino overtakes marc and marc eventually crashes while attempting to keep up) or a brno 2014 (another valentino overtake where he pulls clear), you then also have laguna 2013 (the corkscrew move is the end of that battle), le mans 2014 (a single overtake around halfway through the race after which marc easily pulls clear), indy 2014 (an early tussle that eventually becomes more marc domination), motegi 2016 (similar, except here valentino ends up crashing), thailand 2018 (valentino can't keep up the pace once marc has gotten past)... like, we get to a place where we're risking penalising marc for 'being very fast' and not sticking around once he's gotten the overtake done, which does also feel wrong? it's an odd balance - because, again, when we're talking Actual Rivalries then it does matter who is winning an extended battle, psychologically if nothing else. like if that's the bit that mattered the most to the outcome of your race, if that's the bit people will remember years to come, if you invested a lot into winning that fight, of course it does matter. but that's narrative, not skill... is this really a good way of assessing how good someone is at 1 vs 1 duels?
I picked the example of that specific rivalry not just because it's the one most people are most familiar with or because I love engaging in discourse about that rivalry - but because I think direct rivalry comparisons are probably the most straightforward way you can approach trying to figure out who is 'better'... and marc clocks in just behind casey as the one who has the most balanced record against valentino w2w. like, biaggi is basically a walkover, and honestly you don't really have that many extended 1 vs 1 duels except for welkom 2004. and for sete, obviously a great rivalry (and I've always believed you don't need a rivalry of equals for it to be good and fun), but also once you get past that sachsenring 2003 turning point then the balance does go out of the window. I've been thinking about this in relation to a longer ask I've ended up massively overthinking (surely not), but I was kinda startled looking back at just how one-sided valentino's record is against jorge. like, unless I'm forgetting some major battles, the most extended scrap you can point to that jorge won is for his very first premier class win at estoril 2008 - and that's also pretty much settled by around halfway/two thirds through the race. but the actual 1 vs 1's that last much of the race? catalunya 2009? sachsenring 2009? motegi 2010? well.... hm. races that build to a battle like sepang 2010 also go in valentino's favour, and even extended tussles like le mans 2011 and phillip island 2014 are more valentino W's. hell, even various short and sweet battles like jerez and indy 2008, misano 2009, motegi 2015, aragon 2016, sachsenring 2018 generally have valentino come out on top - though in this category there's some exceptions, like qatar 2008, indy 2009 and jerez 2010 that all involved jorge besting valentino in a short direct fight
which raises another problem... we do need to in some way acknowledge that valentino simply ends up in more of these fights than most of his rivals - and as a direct result ends up winning more of them. like, once jorge clicked into title winning form in 2010, most of his wins became 'shoot off the line and win way ahead of everyone else with metronomic consistency'. I'm not saying all his race wins were like that! and he did win some great duels in his time in the premier class, especially against marc. but of course, he did that kind of dominating races a hell of a lot more than valentino did - whose approach to winning races was more 'qualify wherever, amble off the line, get moving around halfway through the race and figure things out from there'. now, I discussed this point a little bit here in the context of 'was valentino still successfully mind gaming the other aliens' - but just to bring it back, valentino was deliberately approaching his races in ways geared primarily towards being able to fight his opponents, even to the level of how he set up his bike:
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you see this most extremely with something like laguna 2008, where valentino flat out knew he didn't have the outright pace to win - his entire strategy was built around not being the fastest but being able to fuck with casey. in that situation, he's not got the speed, he's building his entire strategy for the win around wheel-to-wheel disruption. and this, plus the regularly mediocre qualifying and starts, does just mean that statistically speaking he's overtaking more riders in his average win than any of the other aliens are. like, if that's your primary metric, then yes! he's clearly very good at w2w! by extension he's also very good at 1 vs 1 duels! if you're looking at riders who have clocked in more than a certain number of wins and do the maths of average overtakes per win, then, yes, I would imagine he tops that metric. does that make him the best? ... well, again... it does feel like you're risking penalising the better qualifiers and starters for being better qualifiers and starters and not ending up in seventh place at the end of every single first lap
so, you've got 'how they measure up against their direct rivals' and 'average numbers of overtakes' as ways to begin considering w2w ability as well as 1 vs 1 track record. then you get into increasingly nebulous waters... here's another potential metric for w2w skill I quite like: efficiency in overtaking. not naming any names, but there are certain riders who, when attempting to work their way through the field, will just. get stuck. even though they have a clear pace advantage over the rider directly in front of them. leading to incredible amounts of faffing about rather than just getting the overtake done. obviously, valentino does like to engage in some faffing about too, but generally speaking he's only doing that when he's in close proximity to the race leader and can realistically get himself to the front of the pack fairly quickly. he's very efficient when he's actually working his way through the field. of course, this is something marc is similarly excellent at, as he has shown plenty of times this year... which. well. this is where we run headfirst into another problem: this sport has changed a lot over the years and some things are simply not at the same difficulty level as they were in past years. so, sticking with those two, which of these is a 'better' comeback? 2006 sachsenring, where valentino starts tenth on the grid after tyre problems in qualifying, at a track he doesn't really love and in serious championship trouble, but works his way to the front before having to fend off the chasing pack that is coming back at him all the way until the chequered flag? or 2024 sachsenring, where marc starts thirteenth on the grid after having been impeded in q1, at his speciality circuit that he's visiting for the first time on a new bike, and works his way up to p2 despite his fractured rib and finger in an era where overtaking is a lot harder than it was in 2006? well, first of all, congrats to both of them, very nicely done. but secondly, that's kind of the problem, right? while I'm sure prime valentino in this era would also regularly be doing that marc/pedro thing where they make the commentators go 'oh ho ho they said overtaking was impossible in motogp these days!!' - at the end of the day his approach involved some built-in faffing about that was also more feasible back in the day. if we're assessing w2w ability, we do need to make some kind of allowance for era - which also affects how often riders are likely to find themselves in 1 vs 1 duels in the first place
here's another plausible metric: last lap battles. this is ALSO something that is super era-dependent. casey in his whole time in the premier class gets involved in like? about four battles that are still going on in the final lap? there's definitely a few I'm forgetting, especially if they weren't for wins/podium places, but it's definitely not a lot. compare and contrast with how the 2017 to 2019 era played out. everything back then was tyre management, tyre management and more tyre management, and dovi in particular was big on the 'eh let's win this race at the slowest possible pace' thing, where everyone crawled around the track as slowly as they could get away with before pulling the pin a few laps before the end. obviously, the characteristics of that era were a) very beneficial to dovi, in that they rewarded both those who knew how to make those specific tyres work (and his decline in 2020 was largely linked to the changes in tyres) and those who were very good at managing last lap duels, but b) inherently were more likely to produce last lap duels than a few other eras. like, in the alien era, which regularly featured gaps of. idk. seven seconds between the front runners, the characteristics of those bikes (as well as those riders) just meant you had very few battles that lasted that long. so inherently, it's harder to judge riders like, say, casey on how good they are in that kind of situation, not least because you are working with such a tiny sample size. and those battles are a big feature of how we remember 1 vs 1 duels!! people love last lap duels!!
now, yes, obviously valentino's record in 1 vs 1 last lap duels is very strong, and there's really only a few he loses over the course of his entire career. dovi is another strong contender in that particular category if we're just limiting ourselves to riders this century (which we are). (unfortunately, those two kinda took turns to be competitive so we didn't really get much of a direct h2h, but off the top of my head I think it's a pleasing 2-2? dovi takes qatar 2008 and le mans 2011, valentino takes qatar 2015 and argentina 2019. I feel like I'm definitely forgetting something.) but again, you do end up in caveat central with this metric. look at marc, who was reliably finding himself in last lap duels specifically at tracks he and/or the honda were quite poor at - again, ragging on that record too much does feel like you're penalising him for managing to get there in the first place. on the other hand, is it really fair to take too much credit away from dovi in handling those situations - surely, at the point where you're arriving in the last lap together, you're at a stage where both riders have a decent chance of winning? on the third hand, it is worth pointing out that dovi is more often than not in the lead going into those last laps, and is fending off a sort of on-the-edge last gasp 'might as well have a go' marc attack. 'last lap battles' is inherently quite a loose term, and how much should who's leading going in be considered a criterion? does it matter if you actually have an overtake or not? does it matter when in the lap the overtake happens? it's obviously quite an arbitrary category... sete makes a mistake headed into the last lap at sachsenring 2005 that gives valentino the lead, while marc makes a mistake on the penultimate lap of catalunya 2016 that essentially ends his victory challenge towards valentino. how do you compare those?
and at a certain point, you need to get away from the headline numbers and start thinking about what it actually means to be good at 1 vs 1 duels. you get into categories like 'race management' - choosing when best to make your attack, balancing risk and reward, not making risky overtake attempts for no good reason when you could just wait for half a minute longer, making sure not to needlessly fuck your tyres while pushing too hard too early. there's ability to actually execute overtakes, which is a question of race craft, creativity, and also about being able to play the opponent. there's various defensive abilities - somebody like pecco exemplifies this, who is both very hard to initially overtake in part due to his ability on his brakes, but is also adept at immediately re-overtaking (a favourite trick of his mentor too, as it happens). to borrow from another sport's terminology, you can contrast 'conversion' and 'steal' rate - if you have the superior underlying pace at crucial stages of the race, are you actually converting that into your maximum achievable result, or conversely if you have inferior pace, can you steal a result your pace doesn't 'merit'? obviously, you get a massive blot in the copy book every time you fail to convert any kind of result by crashing out or by bagging yourself a severe penalty for your race conduct. what about the psychological dimension? your ability to put pressure on another rider, e.g. by showing them a wheel here or there, to force them into a mistake rather than 'just overtaking' them via pure skill? is reputation and intimidation part of your skill set when it comes to wheel to wheel ability? the off-track 'work' you're doing on the opponent, and the prior weight of their expectations for this fight... your ability to study and analyse riders to pinpoint where they are at their strongest and weakest, while also figuring out where they're going to expect an attack and where they won't - maybe even sucker them into thinking it will come from somewhere differently than it actually does... on sheer weight of his track record, you'd have to say valentino is pretty much peerless in some of these categories. and, yes, some of these skills are weighted quite clearly towards the '1 vs 1' element over the 'multi-rider dogfight' element of w2w skills. they're more about terrorising a specific rival than thriving in the chaos
so. what does all of this mean. what's the actual answer. is valentino the best at 1 vs 1 duels. well. who knows. even if we're ignoring the historical dimension and limiting ourselves just to this century, there's too many confounding factors - from different racing eras within that time span to different individual approaches to racing - to allow us to truly evaluate who the 'best' is. I think the cleanest way to summarise it is... from the great riders this century, valentino is the one who most depends on his 1 vs 1 skills (and w2w skills more broadly). that's his unique selling point in a way you wouldn't say it is for any of the others... the guy who gets closest is dovi - but I still reckon his biggest skill is his tyre management and that was the most important differentiating factor that made him so competitive in 2017-19. his ability to scrap w2w comes second (and is absolutely a constant throughout his career), but really that's the bit that allows him to take advantage of the tyre whispering skills... it lets him finish the job, if you will. whereas with valentino, his brains and cunning broadly speaking and his w2w more specifically - and especially the 1 vs 1 stuff - is like, his x factor. I mean... obviously he's also good at the other things - I called him a mid qualifier but of course it's worth remembering he has 55 career pole positions in the premier class, more than jorge or casey or dani. this is primarily a function of his longevity and all of them are definitely better qualifiers than him, but like. of course he's not slow. it's just that relatively speaking, when compared to the other aliens, he's the one who is winning the least via his actual raw pace. here's one metric for that: in valentino's seven premier class title campaigns, he only has the highest average grid position in only three (and during his super dominant 2002 season, it's joint with biaggi). in three of those title-winning seasons, he's the second best qualifier on average, and in one of them he's only third best. the only other seasons this century where the best qualifier on average doesn't win the title are 2015 (marc just beats jorge, valentino is quite a distant third), 2020 (joan mir icon winning a title with an average grid position of NINE POINT FIVE SEVEN lmaoooooo, only seventh best on the grid), 2022 (fabio is a little ahead of martin and then pecco) and... that's it
which kinda means that... can you say valentino's objectively better at 1 vs 1 battles than the other aliens? well, no. I mean, sure, I do feel fairly happy to say he's better than jorge and especially dani, more *wiggles hand* about casey and marc - because with those two there's enough confounding factors in comparing them to valentino and they've also challenged valentino often enough directly that you can make the alternative case. in the end you do kinda go... well, it's very much a 'all these guys were at their best in very different versions of motogp' thing. what you can say is that for valentino, 1 vs 1 prowess is a bigger part of his game than it is for his fellow aliens. his route to victory both on an individual race level and on a title fight level is built around engaging in a lot of these fights and winning them - and, given how successful he's been, of course you do have to conclude that bit of his game is clearly operating on a high level. so when you compare that to both casey and marc, those two really do have other bits of their games that are more important to their success. fewer of their race victories percentage-wise have been won through 1 vs 1 duels. casey is dominating enough races from the front he's not even doing all that much w2w tussling. marc might be losing plenty of these close duels, but he's relentlessly at the front enough that this consistency is what's giving him titles as much as anything else. whereas valentino's entire approach is tailored towards finding himself in those kinds of direct scraps, winning said scraps, and then using those scraps as a way to demoralise the opposition... unsurprisingly, he's got the biggest sample size of that style of battle and has a very high success rate. who knows if he's the best, but he is the most dependent on that specific skill. and he sure has had a lot of practise at those duels, which I imagine will have gotten him just a little closer to being perfect
#anon: who's the best at 1vs1 battles#me: well what does the word 'best' really mean you know... what does it mean to be good at anything#dude why is this so long. i blacked out when i wrote this#i do love athletes whose brains are their usp#though it's quite easy to... go too far in that direction. like valentino wasn't just mind beaming his way to all his wins#that being said. i did see that valentino only had ONE race in his career where he had all three of pole/fastest lap/every lap led#one!!!! pecco apparently has like? five???? casey has NINE#I worked out the percentages for this based on the numbers people were floating as % of total premier class wins#vale is at 1.12% jorge at 10.64% marc at 13.56% pecco at 22.73% and casey 23.68% likeeeeeeeee the gulf is CRAZY#pecco and casey relatively speaking of those names have had their primes in the worst eras for racing but#HOW do you only completely dominate one race out of eighty nine wins. how does that happen. what a scammer#and the funniest bit is the one time vale did it... was jerez 2016. first race in spain that year. like wow is THAT how we motivate you#seventeenth season in the premier class and that's what it took. one of the purest spite rides this world has ever seen#//#brr brr#batsplat responds#heretic tag#this is all incredible cowardice btw obviously i've ranked all the aliens in my notes by basically every imaginable metric#from qualifying to starts to w2w to mixed conditions to wet weather prowess etc etc etc. like i do also do it i just don't stand by it#realistically one of vale or dovi do kinda have the strongest case this century. like if we're going sample size x success rate it's them#anyways. too much 'oh if only casey hadn't retired' this 'couldn't he have stayed for longer' that#all i'm asking for is to re-run those years with a sensible engine capacity lemme see something#i feel like if you upped the sample size casey's w2w would get respected way more but his achilles heel would be red mist#like in retrospect it didn't matter but sachsenring 2012 genuinely could have cost him the title. brother what are you doing#mugello 2012 right after that like girl......#if he hadn't injured himself at indy people would have Serious Conversations about that duo of races lbr. now everyone's forgotten#this is some of the world's most niche discourse truly#idol tag
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sigchimera · 3 months
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Era, one of my sonas (and the last one)
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stromblessed · 10 months
Mizu, femininity, and fallen sparrows
In my last post about Mizu and Akemi, I feel like I came across as overly critical of Mizu given that Mizu is a woman who - in her own words - has to live as a man in order to go down the path of revenge.
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If she is ever discovered to be female by the wrong person, she will not only be unable to complete her quest, but there's a good chance that she'll be arrested or killed.
So it makes complete sense for Mizu to distance herself as much as possible from any behavior that she feels like would make someone question her sex.
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I felt so indignant toward Mizu on my first couple watchthroughs for this moment. Why couldn't Mizu bribe the woman and her child's way into the city too? If Mizu is presenting as a man, couldn't she claim to be the woman's escort?
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However, this moment makes things pretty clear. Mizu knows all too well the plight of women in her society. She knows it so well that she cannot risk ever finding herself back in their position again. She helps in what little way she can - without drawing attention to herself.
Mizu is not a hero and she is not one to make of herself a martyr - she will not set herself on fire to keep others warm. There's room to argue that Mizu shouldn't prioritize her quest over people's lives, but given the collateral damage Mizu can live with in almost every episode of season 1, Mizu is simply not operating under that kind of morality at this point. ("You don't know what I've done to reach you," Mizu tells Fowler.)
And while I still feel like Mizu has an obvious and established blind spot when it comes to Akemi because of their differences in station, such that Mizu's judgment of Akemi and actions in episode 5 are the result of prejudice rather than the result of Mizu's caution, I also want to establish that Mizu is just as caged as Akemi is, despite her technically having more freedom while living as a man.
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Mizu can hide her mixed race identity some of the time, and she can hide her sex almost all of the time, but being able to operate outside of her society's strict rules for women does not mean she cannot see their plight.
It does not mean she doesn't hurt for them.
Back to Mizu and collateral damage, remember that sparrow?
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While Mizu is breaking into Boss Hamata's manse, she gets startled by a bird and kills it on reflex. She then cradles it in her hands - much more tenderly than we've seen Mizu treat almost anything up to this point in the season:
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She then puts it in its nest, with its unhatched eggs. Almost like she's trying to make the death look natural. Or like an accident.
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You see where I'm going with this.
When Mizu kills Kinuyo, Mizu lingers in the moment, holding the body tenderly:
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And btw a lot of stuff about this show hit me hard, but this remains the biggest gut punch of them all for me, Mizu holding that poor girl's body close, GOD
When Mizu arranges the "scene of the crime," Kinuyo's body is delicate, birdlike. And Mizu is so shaken afterward that she gets sloppy. She's horrified at this kill to the point that she can't bring herself to take another innocent life - the boy who rats her out.
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No wonder Mizu is as stoic and cold as she is.
And no wonder Mizu has no patience for Akemi whatsoever right before the terrible reveal and the fight breaks out:
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Speaking of Akemi - guess who else is compared to a bird!
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The plumage is more colorful, a bit flashier. But a bird is a bird.
And, uh
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I like to think that Mizu killing the sparrow is not only foreshadowing for what she must do to Kinuyo, but is also a representation of the choice she makes on Akemi's behalf. She decides to cage the bird because she believes the bird is "better off." Better off caged than... dead.
But because Mizu doesn't know Akemi or her situation, she of course doesn't realize that the bird is fated to die if it is caged and sent back home.
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Mizu is clearly not happy, or pleased, or satisfied by allowing Akemi to be dragged back to her father:
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But softness and mercy haven't gotten Mizu anywhere good, recently.
There is so much tragedy layered into Mizu's character, and it includes the things she has to witness and the choices she makes - or believes she has to make - involving women, when she herself can skirt around a lot of what her society throws at women. Although, I do believe that it comes at the cost of a part of Mizu's soul.
After all, I'm gonna be haunted for the rest of this show by Mizu's very first prayer in episode 1:
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"LET" her die. Because as Ringo points out, she doesn't "know how" to die.
Kind of like another bird in this show:
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
hiii bunny! could I have a blueberry muffin with a milkshake served by oscar piastri please? thank youuuu (the bakery theme is such an adorable concept btw)
bakery menu
thank you for the request, anon! i love your mind about size kink oscar! like those big ol' hands what the fuck! if you'd like to submit your own order, please check out the menu!! i love receiving requests, they give me something to work on throughout the day! so please keep 'em coming! <3
blueberry muffin ("i don't think it'll fit.") + milkshake (size kink) served by oscar piastri (formula one)!
cw: smut/pwp, size difference/kink, filming, fingering, missionary position, sweet sex
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you felt a little nervous with the phone propped up on the desk near the bed. you felt so vulnerable under the gaze of the camera. this was so stupid, but oscar was going be away from you for a few weeks and he wanted something to remind him of you.
so there you were, seated with your legs crossed and your shoulders back as you watched oscar undress. even the amount of times you've seen him naked, you were still amazed by him.
his gaze lingered on you and you leaned back on your arms. he chuckled at the sight of you, he could feel his heartbeat race because of you. he took off his briefs and stood there naked with his arms crossed. his cock twitched with need.
you looked up at him and licked your lips, "look at you, mister piastri." your gaze flickered to the camera for a moment, "you could've just video called me, no need to film it."
oscar shook his head as he got onto the bed next to you. he took you by the face and pulled you into a sweet kiss, "no, no. because i'm staying in the motor home. and even at night there would be too many eyes. and this." he gestured his head to you, "is mine."
"i don't think it'll fit." you responded as you gestured to his cock with your chin. you yelped when you were laid out on your back and your lover as close as he could get.
his fingers grazed along your slit, even his fingers were painfully big. everything about oscar was big in a good way. the kind that left a fire in your belly when he touched you. it was almost a protective feeling as he slipped his fingers into you.
you and oscar had some instances where it took a bit of work for him to fit inside of you. one time on a break between races, you flew out to see him. and he spent an hour fingering you until he pulled enough orgasms out of you before he was able to slip into you with ease.
"my pretty girl." he said softly, as he fingered you nice and slowly. opening you up enough to take his cock with ease. he could feel how wet you were. it made him harder. his cock leaked pre cum as he played with your sweet pussy.
"shit, oscar." you panted as you reached for him, hands on his shoulders as he added a second finger, then a third. you arched your back and felt the pleasure criss-cross in your body as he pleasured you.
"that's it. fuck, you're so beautiful. i missed you while i was gone. that's why i wanted this video. so i can keep you on my mind all the time." his pulse quickened as he felt your sweet pussy grow more wet.
the sounds of his fingers inside of you were mixed with both of your heavy breathing and your soft moans. he brushed his thumb up against your clit and for you it was like a live wire.
"that's it." he purred, "that's my perfect, angel. you take me so well." his voice was molasses on your brain, making you feel warm all over, "i know that it's always a bit of a tight fit. but you take me so well."
you squirmed and whined a little. you felt hot all over. you panted, "please, oscar." you clawed at his shoulders and arched your back against him.
he could feel your gummy walls get looser for him and soon pulled his fingers out. he licked the digits free of your wetness and he felt something warm in his body. he got up between your legs, seated on his knees and looked down at you.
your legs splayed open, your pussy gleamed with wetness. you were just the most perfect thing ever.
he chuckled as he wrapped your legs around him. he said softly, "do you have anything to say to future oscar?"
you shifted a little on the bed to get more comfortable as you let yourself be moved, "i hope he wins the upcoming race. i want to see that trophy in person." you giggled, "i want the world to see how much of a superstar he is."
he pushed his cock into you. the feeling was euphoric. he was always a little self conscious about his size, but you took him so well. you were a perfect fit for him as he sank in all the way. he held onto your hips and loomed over you as you started to move up against him.
he could feel his heartbeat in the back of his head as he started to rock his cock up against you. the sweat started on his neck from your warmth as you two moved together. you were just so erotic under him.
"my beautiful girl." he said softly, "you don't realize how beautiful you are. i always think about you, those pretty eyes. your soft skin. how you look when you're focusing on something. you drive me wild." he began to pick up a little speed, "so small under me."
"not my fault you have such big ass shoulders."
oscar chuckled and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. he continued his strokes. he groaned against your lips as he rocked against you. he was so blessed to be able to fuck you. to be so close to you.
"i'm going to miss you on the road, but i'll bring it all home for you. you deserve it. you've always been there for me." his kisses got heavier, sloppier the more he fucked you.
the bed squeaked a little under your movements and you made sweet noises against him. the feeling was a rush in your ears as the two of you made love on the bed you shared.
the filming continued, and you felt the gaze of the lens less and less, the further you were pulled into hot lust for your boyfriend. you whimpered against his lips and held onto his shoulders.
soon the two of you were chest to chest and he was fucking you at a angle that the pleasure swarmed your brain. you let out a string of soft noises as he moved against you.
you panted heavily as his motions continued. you knew you weren't going to last long as you clung to your lover.
"you're perfect." he said, "and all mine."
"and you are mine too, oscar." you two kissed once more, the heat of everything thumped in the back of your mind and kept you feeling light all over.
he whispered sweet nothings against your lips as he moved. the pleasure was in his bones.
you soon climaxed and dug your fingers into his shoulders. you grazed your nails across the skin as you arched your back against him. you panted heavily as you felt yourself reach that peak. you tensed up for a moment then relaxed.
oscar continued to thrust up into you. he held onto your hips and bullied his cock up against your sweet pussy. he remained hunched over you, the camera captured your beauty. this would be a great video for his little collection.
for his viewing eyes only. sorry lando. he knew it wasn't as good at the real thing, but it would get him relaxed enough to do his best on the track. and he'd bring him that trophy for you.
a few more heavy strokes and he felt the pleasure curl up in his gut. he panted heavily and groaned when he shoved his entire length into you and climaxed. he shuddered at the feeling, the tight wet heat around his cock.
it was perfect. you were perfect.
he pressed his forehead up against yours for a moment as he tried to regain his composure. after a few moments, he pulled away and grabbed the phone from the desk. he leaned in to kiss you on the lips as the camera was closer to your faces.
"my love." he said softly.
"my oscar." you giggled before you kissed him once more.
oscar was your big handsome man. and you knew that the video would be well loved while he was on the road. he kissed you once more before he shut off the video and pulled you into is arms. with legs tangled up with one another.
you laid together in utter peace. oscar's heartbeat was comforting as you felt yourself start to doze off. in love and forever happy. <3
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cosmicflw3rr · 6 months
cash in.
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: you cash in at wrestlemania.
A/N: this is inspired by damian’s cash in, just something to put out while I work on my other things! btw pls request stuff I need to unleash my creativity 😈😈
btw in this short fic, for the inst post at the end im using pics from liv’s cash in, and a pic of bianca and montez but you can imagine yourself however you want it’s just pics i chose for the post :)
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your nerves were jumbled up as you watched bayley and iyo sky fight for the title. their feud had been going on for a while now and was finally going to be resolved at the grandest stage of them all.
what they didn’t know was that tonight you’d finally cash in the money in the bank contract you'd been clutching for months. you had never found the perfect moment to make your move. yet, something in the air felt different, electric. today was the day you'd cash it in; you could just feel it.
you had to look away from the screen at the amount of close calls the match had, you moved away from the monitor sitting down on the couch in the little spot the tv crew had for the judgement day. damian, finn, jd and rhea also watched the match intently.
you held your head with your hands, sighing. your leg bouncing up and down anxiously. dominik, your boyfriend sat down next to you placing his hand on your knee to stop it from bouncing.
as soon as dom's hand touched your knee, you paused and locked eyes with him. "hermosa, talk to me," he urged, understanding the weight of the evening on your shoulders, yet not wanting you to be overwhelmed by stress.
leaning back, you let out a groan, the frustration clear in your voice. "what if it doesn’t work? what if I can't cash in the contract?" you shared your fears, the pressure mounting. "I might not get a chance like this ever again." the uncertainty of it all was eating at you.
you were convinced this was a once-in-a-lifetime shot, but dom saw things differently. he knew just how incredible you were in the ring, how you owned every match you fought and put your heart into everything you did. so to hear you think you weren’t ever going to get an opportunity like that again hurt, because he knew you would.
“listen amor.” when you wouldn't meet his gaze, he gently tilted your chin up, eyes meeting yours, and saw the worry glistening there. with a soft, reassuring smile, he whispered, "amor, don't worry. you've got this. you're one of the best wrestlers out there, and no matter what happens, there will be more chances. believe in yourself like I believe in you." his words were the comfort you didn't know you needed.
you eyes met dom’s as you nodded, understanding flickering between you. suddenly, the bell echoed, one, two, three times. your head whipped around to the screen, and there it was—bayley's victory. the members from your faction turned to you, their faces a mix of surprise and disbelief.
aithout a second thought, you grabbed your briefcase and bolted towards the gorilla, heart racing. "I'm cashing in! I'm cashing in!" you shouted at the top of your lungs. the production crew exchanged quick glances, barely able to process your words as you grabbed a referee by his shirt and charged onto the stage, adrenaline fueling your every step.
running down the ramp as your theme blared through the arena, the crowd erupted in cheers, instantly recognizing the moment unfolding. You reached the ring sliding into it with the referee on your heels. you turned thrusting the briefcase into his hands, “I’m cashing in!” you yelled.
he looked down at the briefcase his voice tinged with uncertainty, "are you sure?"
without hesitation, you shouted back, "yes, I'm cashing in, do it!" your hand came down hard on the briefcase, affirming your decision. the buzz from the crowd surged through you, adrenaline coursing wildly through your veins.
bayley staggered to her feet, unsteady. you bounced on the balls of your feet, ready, and as the bell chimed for the third time, you quickly delivered your finisher, the ripcord flatliner.
she hit the mat, motionless. yet, the roar of the crowd told you to keep going. you quickly pulled her to the ring's center, seizing her legs and cinching in a figure four lock, the cheers growing impossibly louder.
the excitement from the crowd was electric and the adrenaline in your body was hard to contain.
with the figure four perfectly locked in, bayley was trapped, dead center of the ring with no hope of grabbing the ropes. you yelled, teeth gritted, tightening the hold. then, the moment came—bayley tapped out, the bell sounding three times.
your music blared out as you released her, you scooted back, your spine meeting the ropes, shock written on your face. your hands flew to cover your eyes, tears leaving paths down your cheeks as you sobbed, the crowd's roar drowning your thoughts, the reality of the moment not quite sinking in.
wiping your tears, you turned to the referee, who held the championship title towards you. grabbing it from, you sat there dazed, just gazing at the title, a fresh wave of tears blurring in your eyes as pride swelled within you.
you got to your feet, lifting your arm, and the cheers from the crowd grew even wilder. you let out a smile, wiping away those involuntary tears. just then, at the top of the ramp, you noticed the judgement day coming out, cheering you on.
without missing a beat, you slipped out of the ring and bolted up the ramp. reaching the top, you found dominik first, waiting for you. the two of you collided into a tight embrace, him lifting and twirling you off the ground.
when your feet touched solid ground, you stepped back, locking eyes with him briefly, then sharing a tender kiss. after the kiss, you both melted into another warm hug, your arms around his neck and his on your waist.
“I’m so proud of you baby. I told you everything would work out.” he whispered, stirring fresh tears in your eyes. you nodded against his shoulder.
"I love you so much," you choked out, voice trembling, tears streaming down. breaking from the embrace, he tenderly held your face, wiping away the tears, then kissed you once more.
a smile broke through as he stepped aside, revealing the judgement day, all hyped up. In an instant, they swept you and dom up in a massive group hug.
you all erupted in cheers, bouncing around with excitement as each one expressed their pride in you, bringing a beam to your face. the group hug ended, and everyone turned towards the ring.
in a swift move, dom and damian hoisted you onto their shoulders, your hands clutching the title as you raised it high, pyro blazing in the background.
with a joyful shout, you took in the cheering crowd. after soaking in the moment, they carefully lowered you back down. you lifted your hand in triumph one last time before Dom draped his arm over your shoulder.
backstage, away from the roaring crowd, the intimacy of the moment enveloped you and dom as the judgment day trailed behind. you wrapped your arms around dom once more, this hug deeper, more personal.
tears freely flowed as the weight of your victory hit you, and dom was there, a comforting presence, rubbing your back gently. "I am so, so proud of you, amor. you've earned this and so much more," he whispered, his words a soothing balm to your overwhelmed emotions.
pulling back from the embrace, you brushed away the lingering tears, offering him a tender kiss. "thank you, babe. for everything," you murmured with heartfelt gratitude.
"this was all you," he replied, his pride in you evident.
"maybe, but your support has been my rock, the thing that's kept me pushing forward," you said, your voice laced with appreciation. his smile then met yours, and he leaned in to seal your shared moment with another kiss.
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y/n: and your new…
tagged: dominik_35
dominik_35: so proud of you amor❤️
y/n: ❤️❤️❤️
rhearipley_wwe: all rise!!
y/n: judgement day is ALWAYS on top!!💜⚖️
yaonlylivonce: so happy for you! you deserve it!! 🥹❤️❤️
y/n: thank you so much liv! I love you so much!!🤍
archerofinfamy: proud of you chiquita💜
y/n: 💜
samanthairvinwwe: by far my fav name to call out tonight! congrats girl! you deserve it!! 👏💗
y/n: shhhh🤫 don’t let them know you have favorites😏
wwelover: was in sm shock watching! congratulations!!
y/n.vsp: the edits I alr have lined up for this😝
wrestlingstan: I KNEW SHED CASH IN! OMG!
WWE: your new women’s champion!
y/n: thank you to all of you who gave me the opportunity❤️.
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tocomplainfriend · 9 months
I am mad
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Bro shut up, she is white - being Latina is not a race, is an not the same as color skin. And she is a second generation immigrant too. So like... this isn't like a Salvadorian person doing a cartoon, is a daughter of Salvadorians... That grew in the USA. Being Latino doesn't mean you aren't white, you can be any race and Latino. Still wouldn't make up for the lack of representation or the existing racism. In the piece of media that's "diverse".
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Salvadorian is not a race, LMAO. That's crazy- you think someone from Argentina who is white, is not white cause of their nationality??? Being Latino and having that culture does not equal a race. It's in itself a racist thing. This Latino = Race is terrible, It also comes from the idea of the "You are not Latino because you are not brown", assuming all people from Latino America are brown by default. You know how much has that happen to me? -AND MANY OTHER PEOPLE.
(I'm Latino btw)
I already have an older post about it, but - you can really see the lack of diversity in the show a lot. (Will talk about it even more other day).
Again the main thing you get is MEN, hypersexual skinny queer men (cis). You won't get to see female characters being well written, thought all the season 1 and all the episodes we got rn of season 2. All characters are skinny and similar body types and repetitive design choices. Funny enough, shows that lack of human characters still have better race-coding that helluva. (and well in hazbin you'll get POC characters that are gray, lack all ethic features... even when they are humanoid. So that is great.)
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Bro you could, you imagine a character being black and having different textured hair, and you go to hell... AND EVEN THO YOU ARE HUMANOID- your hair became straight and spiky, and you are now a light gray? If you build a world like that... it just seems like the perfect racist excuse to delete ethic features out a POC character because you don't want to draw them. "Not going to a single hint of their race/culture unless it revolves on their death"... If the character became a fucking coin with dot eyes, maybe (not really, shows with no human/humanoid characters still are capable to race-code their characters). But all of these characters are humanoid- why do none of them have their different characteristics? Also, this is about a real person in the real world choosing how to design a character.
This tweet also implies that a black character when they were a life they had ethic features, but lose them when they go to hell. Which is even more fucking stupid.
If a white person with straight hair goes to hell, and their hair remains straight (assuming it has nothing to do with their death), why wouldn't there be black people with textured hair? This is dumb. This goes back to the fucking thing of "No black people in fantasy media", In the same way, it's stupid for fantasy stories to revolve around white people characteristics in fictional species and people in that world- not including all the rest of diverse human characteristics POC people have it's crazy. The biggest problem here is why the fuck all Viv's sinners characters (main characters designed by her) that are supposed to black (or mixed like Alastor) have 0 characteristic. THEY ARE HUMANOID, THEY AREN'T EVEN ABSTRACT OR AN ANIMAL OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. She didn't want to draw that nor change designs, and wanted to justify the whole concept of Alastor even using Voodou.
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Bro, you know this whole thing of people with textured hair have to forcefully straighten their hair or wear wogs to a job... because people consider it ""Unprofessional"" cause racism? The erasure and discrimination of POC people and their features is a problem. That's why it is important to people represent all of those things:
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(Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
The only reason of why Alas tor is even mixed is purely cause Viv used the Voodou symbols because she thought they were creepy and edgy. It's sucks that all the angels and sinners that are supposed to be black have nothing.
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
can i request a logan x reader: reader sees his ex at the paddock one day and gets insecure thinking he invited her and leaves but it turns out the ex is now dating a mechanic from another team or something like that…
just a silly idea i had and it’s totally ok if u don’t feel 100% comfortable doing it! and btw i love your writing sm
my ride or die (ls2)
✦ pairing - logan sargeant x female!reader
✦ genre - comfort, tears, angst
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The paddock buzzed with the usual pre-race excitement as Y/N made her way toward Logan's garage. She spotted Logan talking with his team, a confident smile on his face. Just as she was about to call out to him, her eyes landed on a familiar figure – Emily, Logan's ex, standing a few feet away, chatting and laughing with some team members.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Why is she here?" she muttered under her breath, feeling a surge of confusion and anxiety. She approached Logan, her voice slightly shaky. "Logan, look who's here," she said, pointing discreetly toward Emily.
Logan, engrossed in a conversation with his engineer, glanced in the direction she pointed and, without really paying attention, smiled and nodded. "Yeah, great," he said absentmindedly, turning back to his discussion.
Y/N's stomach dropped. His casual reaction felt like a confirmation. She took a step back, her mind racing with thoughts. "He invited her," she whispered to herself, feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal. She turned on her heel and started walking quickly toward the exit, her emotions swirling.
Logan finished his conversation and turned to look for Y/N, but she was already gone. His heart rate quickened as he realized something was wrong. He began to search the paddock, asking people if they had seen her.
"Hey, have you seen Y/N?" Logan asked one of the engineers.
"No, man, not for a while," the engineer replied, shaking his head.
Logan's worry deepened. He pulled out his phone and tried calling her, but it went straight to voicemail. He ran towards the parking area, hoping to catch her before she drove off.
Y/N stormed out of the paddock, muttering to herself as she headed toward her car. "Of course she'd show up… flaunting herself around… why did he have to invite her?" She tried to keep her tears at bay, but her eyes were already glossy with emotion.
As she reached for her car door, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She turned around to see Logan, his face etched with concern. "Y/N, what's going on? Why are you leaving?"
Y/N pulled her hand away, her voice trembling with anger and sadness. "Logan, did you invite her? Did you invite Emily here?"
Logan's eyes widened in shock. "What? No, I didn't invite her. Why would you think that?"
Tears finally spilled over as Y/N looked at him, her voice breaking. "Because she's here, Logan! And she's a model, she's perfect, and she always flirted with you even after you two broke up. How am I supposed to feel?"
Logan stepped closer, reaching out to hold her shoulders gently. "Y/N, listen to me. Emily is not here for me. She's here because she's dating a mechanic from Haas. I swear, I didn't even know she was coming."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with doubt and insecurity. "But she's so… perfect. How can I compete with that? She's glamorous and confident, and I'm just… me."
Logan's expression softened, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "Y/N, you don't have to compete with anyone. You are more than enough for me. I love you for who you are, not because of what you look like or what you do."
She buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking his shirt. "It's just hard, Logan. She made me feel so small, like I wasn't good enough for you."
Logan held her even tighter, his voice gentle but firm. "You are more than good enough, Y/N. Emily is in the past. She doesn't matter to me. You do. I love you, and I want to be with you. Not her, not anyone else. You."
Y/N sniffled, lifting her head to look into his eyes. "You really mean that?"
Logan nodded, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I really mean that. You are the one I want to be with. Forever."
She let out a shaky breath, a small smile forming on her lips. "I'm sorry I doubted you. It's just… seeing her brought back all those old insecurities."
"I understand baby," Logan said softly. "But I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. You're the only one for me."
Y/N nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you, Logan. I love you."
"I love you too," he replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Now, let's go back and enjoy the rest of the weekend together, okay?"
"Alrighty american boy, lead the way." she agreed, feeling the warmth of his love and reassurance.
time skip
Logan had an incredible qualifying session, securing a spot on the front row. The team was ecstatic, and he was feeling on top of the world as he made his way back to the garage. As he walked in, he saw Y/N waiting for him, a mixture of pride and guilt written all over her face.
"Logan!" Y/N called out, running towards him. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, burying her face in his chest. "You did amazing!"
Logan hugged her back, smiling. "Thanks, Y/N. I'm really happy with how it went."
Y/N pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Logan, I need to apologize again. I feel so ridiculously guilty about earlier. I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm so sorry."
Logan's expression softened as he cupped her face in his hands. "Y/N, it's okay. You don't have to keep apologizing. I understand why you felt the way you did."
"But I overreacted," Y/N insisted, her voice trembling. "I should have trusted you. I let my insecurities get the best of me, and I hurt you in the process. I'm really, really sorry."
Logan shook his head, feeling a pang of sadness for how upset she was. "Hey, don't do this to yourself. I love you, and I understand why you felt insecure. It was a tough situation, but we worked through it together. That's what matters."
Y/N sniffled, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just hate that I made you worry and feel bad before such an important session. You deserve to be happy and focused, not dealing with my doubts."
Logan pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers. "Y/N, your feelings are important to me. We dealt with it, and I still had a great qualifying. Please, don't beat yourself up over this. We're stronger together."
Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Thank you for being so understanding. I promise I'll work on my insecurities. I don't want to make you feel like this again."
Logan kissed her gently, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. "We all have insecurities, Y/N. What's important is that we talk about them and support each other. I love you, and nothing's going to change that."
"I love you too, Logan," Y/N whispered, finally allowing herself to smile. "And I'm so proud of you. You're going to do great tomorrow."
Logan grinned, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude. "With you by my side, I know I will. Now, let's go celebrate this qualifying session and enjoy the rest of the day together, okay?"
"Okay," Y/N agreed, feeling a sense of relief and happiness. "Let's do that."
As the evening settled in and the celebration for his successful qualifying session began to wind down, Logan found himself quietly observing Y/N. She was laughing with some of the team members, her eyes sparkling with genuine happiness. Her smile was radiant, and the way she effortlessly brought joy to those around her made Logan's heart swell with love.
He took a moment to step back, leaning against the wall, and simply watched her. Every gesture, every laugh, every glance – it all reminded him of how lucky he was to have her in his life. She was his rock, his support, the person who believed in him even when he had doubts about himself. Her vulnerability, her strength, her love – it all made him fall deeper in love with her every day.
Logan felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over him. Despite the challenges, despite the moments of insecurity and doubt, they had come out stronger. He realized that her presence in his life was a blessing he never wanted to take for granted. She was more than just his girlfriend; she was his partner, his confidante, his everything.
In that quiet moment, Logan made a silent promise to himself – to always cherish her, to always support her, and to always remind her just how much she meant to him. As he watched Y/N continue to light up the room with her presence, Logan knew that he had found something truly special. And he was determined to hold onto it with all his heart.
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bloodreinasbathwater · 4 months
On Thin Ice
Jack Hughes X Reader
best friends brother au!
a;n I haven't touched this fic in so long because I thought u guys didn't like it, but when I checked the notes, it actually did pretty good. I have so much work to put out that I'm excited for you guys to read. This chapter is pretty short btw. Happy reading.
warnings: flirting, not proofread, fuckboy jack, forced proximity
masterlist link
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previous chapter here :)
word count - 3295
The apartment was enveloped in an eerie calm as y/n trotted through the hallways, her footsteps echoing softly against the hardwood floor. She had been staying in Luke's apartment for the past two days, the slow, eventful weekend rolling by, and it was now Sunday.
As she made her way through the living room, she huffed in annoyance, kicking away a stray pair of socks left carelessly on the floor. "fuckin Luke," she grumbled, making a mental note to throw the socks in the laundry bin on her way back to the guest room.
Y/n rounded the corner and entered the kitchen, the sound of a movie playing on the TV catching her attention. She glanced over at the couch, where Jack sat with his arms relaxed on the top of the pillows, his neck craned to watch her, a contemplative look on his face.
"Hi, stranger," Jack called out, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Hi, Jackie," y/n replied, returning his smile with a small one of her own. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing home, Luke hadn't mentioned anything about Jack skipping practice earlier.
As if reading her thoughts, Jack patted the seat next to him, his eyes glinting with an unspoken invitation. "Come sit with me?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting, a gentle smile playing on his lips.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her heart skipping a beat at the prospect of being alone with Jack. She couldn't deny the attraction that had been growing between them, the subtle flirtations and lingering glances that had become more frequent over the past few days.
She glanced around the room, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, her fingers fidgeting slightly as she made her decision.
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Y/n made her way over to the couch, her steps slow and deliberate. She could feel Jack's gaze following her every movement, adding to the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
As she sank into the plush cushions beside him, the warmth radiating from his body enveloped her, and the faint, intoxicating scent of his cologne filled her senses, making her head swim slightly.
"What are you watching?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady as she gestured towards the TV. Her heart raced, and she hoped he couldn't hear it pounding in her chest.
Jack shrugged, his gaze never leaving her face. "Some old movie my mom used to watch. I wasn't really paying attention," he replied, a playful glint in his eyes.
Y/n nodded, suddenly hyperaware of how close they were sitting, their thighs nearly touching. The proximity made her skin tingle, and she felt a blush creeping up her neck. As if sensing her nerves, Jack draped his arm across the back of the couch, his fingers gently brushing against her shoulder. The touch sent a shiver down her spine, and she instinctively leaned slightly into him, seeking more of his warmth.
"Relax," he murmured, his voice low and soothing, like a velvet promise. "I don't bite... unless you want me to."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat, her cheeks flushing at the implication of his words. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his, and in that moment, she knew that whatever was happening between them was far from over.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
"Can I ask you something?"
Y/n nodded, a bit taken aback by his demeanor. "Sure, what's up?" she replied, her voice soft with curiosity.
Jack leaned forward slightly, his eyes searching hers, a mix of earnestness and hesitance in his gaze. "Why didn't you want to give me your number that night at the bar, but you became friends with Luke?"
Y/n sighed, feeling a weight settle in her chest. She knew this conversation was bound to happen sooner or later. She glanced around Jack's living room, taking in the cozy yet modern décor.
The soft light from a floor lamp cast a warm glow over the room, highlighting the sleek lines of the furniture and the muted colors of the decor. The TV played an old black-and-white movie in the background, its dialogue barely audible over the quiet hum of their conversation.
"Look, Jack," she began, turning back to him, her expression sincere. "I know about your reputation as a hockey player. I didn't want to be just another name on your list." Her eyes flicked to his, gauging his reaction.
Jack was visibly taken aback by her words, his eyebrows raising slightly in surprise. But a small, rueful smile played on his lips as he nodded, understanding her perspective. "Fair enough," he said, his voice softening. "But you should know, I'm not like that. That's just what the media wants me to be."
Y/n studied him for a moment, her eyes tracing the lines of his face, noticing the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. He looked almost boyish, his usual confident demeanor softened by the sincerity in his expression. The flickering light from the movie danced across his features, adding depth to the moment.
Before she could respond, Jack gestured towards the living room, his smile turning playful yet reassuring. "Let’s just watch the movie, yeah? I promise I'll be on my best behavior."
Y/n felt a smile tugging at her lips as she nodded, relaxing a bit. "Alright, Jack. Let's watch the movie." She settled back into the couch, feeling the tension ease from her shoulders.
Jack’s arm remained draped across the back of the couch, his fingers gently brushing her shoulder from time to time, a comforting presence.
They both turned their attention to the screen, where the classic film played out in black and white. The soft murmur of the movie's dialogue blended with the ambient sounds of the living room, creating a peaceful backdrop for the moment they shared.
About thirty minutes into the film, the sound of the apartment door opening caught their attention. The door creaked open, and Luke walked in, juggling several grocery bags.
He paused in the doorway, a wide grin spreading across his face as he noticed Y/n and Jack sitting together on the couch. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Luke teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You two alone together again?"
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up, a blush spreading rapidly as she quickly stood up from the couch, her heart racing. "I was just waiting for you to get home… to start cooking dinner," she explained hurriedly, moving over to the table where Luke had set down the groceries. She could feel the heat in her face intensify, aware of how her voice sounded a bit too high-pitched in her effort to sound nonchalant.
Luke chuckled, shaking his head with amusement. "Sure, sure," he said, winking at Y/n. "Looks like you two were getting pretty cozy."
Y/n busied herself with unpacking the groceries, her hands moving swiftly to organize the items. She couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and excitement at being caught alone with Jack once more.
The memory of his closeness, his touch, lingered in her mind, making it hard to concentrate on the task at hand. She could feel the weight of Jack's gaze on her, intense and unyielding, from his spot on the couch.
Jack stretched, his movements casual but his eyes never leaving Y/n. He leaned back, his arm draped over the back of the couch, a small, knowing smile playing on his lips. "Don't mind Luke," he called out, his tone light and teasing. "He's just jealous."
Luke laughed as he joined Y/n in the kitchen, helping her unpack the groceries. "Jealous? Of what?" he retorted, glancing between the two of them. "You two are the ones having a movie night without me…Again."
Y/n smiled, shaking her head as she started preparing the ingredients for dinner. The kitchen filled with the sounds of chopping vegetables and the clinking of utensils, a domestic rhythm that contrasted with the earlier tension. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of Jack's eyes on her, watching her every move with a mix of curiosity and admiration.
As she worked, she stole a glance at Jack, who was now fully engrossed in the movie but still wore that small, enigmatic smile. The flickering light from the TV cast shadows across his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his jaw and the softness of his expression whenever he looked her way.
It made her heart flutter, knowing that despite the interruption, the connection between them was undeniable and growing stronger with each passing moment.
Luke, noticing the subtle exchanges, shook his head with a knowing smile. "Alright, let's get this dinner started. I'm starving," he said, breaking the silence and adding a bit of normalcy to the evening. "And maybe after, you two can tell me all about this movie you were definitely watching."
Y/n laughed, the sound light and genuine, as she continued preparing dinner, feeling a sense of anticipation for what the rest of the evening might bring.
After dinner, the conversation shifted as Luke brought up his recent date. "So, Y/n, what do you think about me going on that second date with Sophie?" he asked, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms above his head, a satisfied groan escaping his lips. The remnants of a hearty meal lay scattered across the table, a testament to Y/n's culinary skills.
Y/n shook her head, a playful yet concerned look on her face. "Honestly, Luke, I don't think it's a good idea," she said, beginning to gather the empty plates. "She seems nice, but I have a feeling she's not really your type."
Luke raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? And why's that?" he asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
"Well, for starters," Y/n began, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she explained, "she barely laughed at your jokes, and we all know that's a red flag. Plus, she kept checking her phone during dinner, she said she didn’t want anything serious with you, the list could go on."
As Y/n spoke, Jack found himself unable to look away. Her animated gestures, the way her eyes lit up when she was passionate about something, the subtle smile playing on her lips—it all captivated him. He didn't realize he was staring until Luke's voice broke through his thoughts.
"Hey, earth to Jack," Luke called out, smirking. "You good, man? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Y/n glanced over, catching Jack's gaze and laughing. "Yeah, Jack, you okay over there?" she teased, her foot reaching out under the table to gently caress his leg in a playful manner.
Jack's cheeks turned a shade of red that matched the intensity of his smile. He stammered slightly, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just... lost in thought."
Luke chuckled, shaking his head. "Okay, now that we've thoroughly embarrassed Jack, let's go play a game," he said, pushing himself up from the chair and patting Jack on the shoulder.
Jack, still flustered but smiling, nodded. "You're on, little brother," he replied, his competitive nature instantly piqued.
The two men made their way to the living room, their banter filling the air as they set up the Xbox. Y/n could hear the familiar sounds of the NHL game starting up, the commentators' voices blaring through the speakers. She lingered for a moment, watching them, a smile playing on her lips.
Y/n found herself alone in the kitchen, elbow-deep in soapy water as she tackled the dishes. The sound of the boys' laughter and the clashing of virtual hockey sticks drifted in from the living room, but she paid them no mind, focusing instead on the plates and glasses before her.
she stood at the sink, humming a gentle melody to herself. The warm water and suds caressed her hands, and she found a certain peace in the mundane task.
So engrossed was she in her task that she failed to notice the quiet footsteps approaching from behind. It wasn't until a solid form brushed against her back that she realized she was no longer alone.
Before she could react, a pair of strong arms reached around her, grabbing a clean dish towel from the counter. Startled, y/n gasped, spinning around to find herself face to face with Jack.
"Jack!" she exclaimed, her heart racing from the unexpected contact. "You scared me."
A smirk played on Jack's lips as he closed the distance between them, his body mere inches from hers. "Need some help?” he murmured, his voice low and sultry.
Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat as Jack reached out, gently tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered, trailing along her jawline before cupping her cheek. The roughness of his palm contrasted with the softness of his touch, sending a shiver down her spine.
"I... I've got it, thanks," she managed to say, her voice slightly shaky.
"I couldn't help but notice," he whispered, his thumb gently caressing her skin, "how beautiful you look when you're concentrating like that."
Y/n's heart hammered in her chest, her words caught in her throat. "I... I was just... doing the dishes," she managed to stammer, her cheeks flushing under his intense gaze.
Jack's smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "And you do it so well," he teased, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through her body.
He leaned in closer, his lips hovering just a breath away from hers. Y/n's eyes fluttered closed, her body trembling with anticipation. She could feel the warmth radiating from his skin, the faint scent of his cologne filling her senses. Her mind raced, wondering if he would close the distance, if he would finally kiss her like she had imagined countless times before.
But just as she thought she couldn't take the tension any longer, Jack pulled away, a playful smirk on his face. He reached past her, grabbing a clean glass from the rack, and filled it with water from the tap. "I should probably get back to the game," he whispered, his voice low and teasing. "Luke's waiting for me to beat him again."
"Thanks for taking care of the dishes," he said, his tone light and teasing. "You're a real lifesaver."
With a wink, he sauntered back into the living room, leaving y/n breathless and flustered. She braced herself against the counter, her knees weak and her heart pounding. She couldn't help but wonder if Jack knew the effect he had on her, if he reveled in the power he held over her emotions.
Taking a deep breath, y/n tried to compose herself, but the memory of Jack's touch, his closeness, and the unspoken desire between them lingered, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The apartment was shrouded in a quiet calm, the only sounds being the faint hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of settling wood. Y/n had just finished washing up and was stepping out of the guest room, feeling the need for a late-night snack.
She padded softly down the hallway, her footsteps almost silent against the cool wooden floor. The smooth surface beneath her feet sent a gentle chill through her body, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.
As she neared the kitchen, she noticed a shadow moving in the dim light. She paused, heart quickening, and realized it was Jack, standing in the hallway with his phone pressed to his ear. His voice was low, a hushed whisper, as if he didn't want to be overheard.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she watched him, his silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of his phone screen. She couldn't help but admire the way his broad shoulders filled out his t-shirt, the fabric stretching taut across his muscular back.
"No, I told you, it's not like that," Jack murmured into the phone, his tone serious yet soft. "I just need some time to figure things out."
Y/n felt a pang of curiosity but decided against eavesdropping. She quietly slipped into the kitchen, the cool air from the fridge hitting her as she opened the door and began rummaging through the contents. The chill sent a shiver down her spine, and she rubbed her arms to ward off the goosebumps.
As she searched for something to satisfy her late-night cravings, her mind drifted back to the earlier teasing moments with Jack and Luke. A small smile played on her lips as she remembered the playful banter and the way Jack's eyes had lingered on her just a little too long.
Suddenly, the kitchen lights flickered on, and a presence loomed behind her. Startled, she screeched, clutching her chest as she whirled around to see Jack standing there, a mischievous grin on his face.
Her heart raced, pounding against her ribcage as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn't help but notice how close he was, the heat from his body radiating towards her in the small space of the kitchen.
"Damn it, Jack," she gasped, swatting at his chest playfully. "You scared me again today!" Her fingertips brushed against the firm muscles of his chest, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way her skin tingled at his touch.
Jack chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Sorry, Y/n. Couldn't resist," he said, his voice a low, comforting rumble. He stepped closer, his presence enveloping her. "What are you doing up so late?"
"Just needed a snack," she replied, trying to steady her breathing. "Couldn't sleep."
Jack leaned against the counter, his gaze never leaving her face. "Me neither. Want some company?"
Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Sure, why not," she said, pulling out some leftovers and setting them on the counter. She grabbed a couple of plates and handed one to Jack.
They stood there in comfortable silence, the only sound being the clinking of cutlery as they ate. Jack's eyes kept drifting to Y/n, admiring the way the soft kitchen light played on her features. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken words, the air charged with a flirty tension.
After a few moments, Y/n sighed, breaking the silence. "Jack, can I ask you something now?" she began, her tone more serious now.
"Of course," Jack replied, setting his plate down and giving her his full attention.
"Why do you keep playing these games with me?" she asked, her eyes searching his. "One minute you're all flirty and sweet, and the next you're distant. If you keep joking around like this, you're gonna be on some thin ice."
Jack's expression softened, a small smile tugging at his lips. He stepped closer, their bodies nearly touching. "I'll take that as a challenge," he said, his voice a low whisper, his breath warm against her skin. "I'm not playing games, Y/n. I just... I like being around you. Maybe I don't always know the right way to show it."
Y/n studied his face, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. But the tension between them was palpable, a mix of frustration and undeniable attraction. "Well, if you're serious, then show me. Because I won't put up with any more nonsense."
Jack's smile widened, and he nodded. "Challenge accepted," he murmured, his eyes lingering on her lips for a moment before he took a step back. "Goodnight, Y/n."
As he walked away, Y/n felt a mix of emotions—excitement, confusion, and a touch of annoyance. Jack had a way of getting under her skin, but she couldn't deny the spark between them. She watched him disappear down the hallway, her heart racing, and wondered what tomorrow would bring.
Tag list <3
@rebelatbay @bunbunbl0gs, @ru-kru
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natailiatulls07 · 3 months
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - A random mix of smau based on the requests above xx
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Twenty-one and still our spoilt princess but we wouldn't have it any other way
Tagged: yourusername
Liked by mclaren and 81,731 others
username I aspire to be like her in life
username Looking gorggg Y/n!!
mclaren Happy Birthday our favourite Norris xx
= yourusername Thank you admin xx
username The hottest Norris siblingg
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Another trip around the sun :3
Liked by flonorris1 and 67,916 others
username Everything about these pics is just perfect omfg
flonorris1 Mila is very excited to give you the present she made for you
= yourusername Aww I'm excited to see my favourite girlll
= username I need Mila and Y/n content 100%
yourfriendsusername Happy Birthday girlie <3
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Holiday with babe but he/she/they didn't want to be in any photos lol
Tagged: yourpartnersusername
Liked by landonorris and 76,169 others
username Gorgeous beautiful women
username I wish I was this beautiful god
username We miss you on the trackkkk :(
= lilyzneimer I'm miss my bestieeeee
= yourusername I miss you too, I'll be back soon I promise xx
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Back on the race track in Silverstone x
Tagged: landonorris lilyzneimer mclaren
Liked by oscarpiastri and 96,873 others
username It was so nice to meet you btw
username When sky f1 showed you, I screamed oops!!
lilyzneimer Back together at last ;)
= yourusername :333
username I love you Y/n!!!
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Spotted: Y/n Norris and Flo Norris seen climbing into their big brothers private plane after his win in Silverstone, we think they're heading back to Monaco
Tagged: yourusername landonorris
Liked by username and 6,723 others
username She ALWAYS slays
username I love her travel fittt
username Can't wait to watch her silverstone vlog honestly
= username Apparently she's thinking of doing like daily vlogs lol
= username Yesss I love her content sm!! Espercially with Landooo
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thisonehere · 4 days
Can you write about Smoke and female reader going on a date and some creep (maybe black or red dragon) walks up to the reader and tries to hit on her and even went far as smacking her butt really hard and Tomas loses his patience overall and beats the crap out of the creep?
My Hero
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Tomas x reader
A/n: Okay, love this idea. I love writing Tomas in such a protective position. Btw, sorry to all the Rachel’s out there. Had to think of some name lol
C/w: Sexual harassment, S/a, mention of blood and violence
Tonight wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just supposed to be a fun little night for you and Tomas to unwind and spend some time together. Madame Bo's seemed like the perfect place to do it. The place as a whole had a really nice vibe always you feel at home . "I'm going to go get us a table." Tomas said to you. You just nodded as you took in the place. The smell of delicious food filled the air as restaurant staff and the distant sound of Bo berating someone. You smiled at it, you haven't been here for so long. "Pick the one with the nicest view." You ask Tomas as you dodged out of the way of a busy waitress with a tray full of food, the sight of it making you more hungry. "You're my nicest view." Tomas said with an abashed smile. You let a light chuckle at this. "Tomas! Really? Go!" You said with a smile.
You watched Tomas's giant figure disappear in the crowd. You waited at the entrance, your eyes wandered around and eventually found their way to the sky as you admired the stars above. It felt so nice to be out with Tomas, it was just him and you, just how you liked it. "Well, hello there." You heard a voice suddenly spoke to you. You looked down to find a stranger in front of you. He wore all black and small like a mix of alcohol and urine. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal a tattoo on his forearm, a clan marking. You narrowed your eyes as you immediately recognized, a black dragon marking. You didn't know the difference, but you did realize just how dangerous this could potentially be. He flashes you crooked smile, making your stomach churn in discomfort. Out of politeness you forced a smile into your face in return. "Um, hi."
"What's your name?" His eyes bounce up and down your body, eyeing specific parts of, you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Um, Rachel." You lie, your eyes dart desperately inside, hoping that Tomas will come back right now to save you. "Rachel, huh?" He seems to bite his lip just a little. "Not bad for a Rachel..." He mumbles under his breath, causing you to feel more uncomfortable. You didn't like the way he was looking at you, you felt something horrible in your gut as you avoided eye contact.
"You come here often?" At this second you saw an opportunity. "Yes, I came here tonight with my boyfriend." You say, making sure to emphasize the boyfriend part. Hoping that this'll cause him to leave you alone. But he just shrugs at this. "Your boyfriend isn't here right now, is he? It's just you and me." His lips curl as you panic internally. "You know, me and my boys, we come here all the time. We go wherever we want actually, different states, different countries." his eyes gleamed at you expecting you to be impressed with his flex. "Uh, cool." You say awkwardly, trying to think of a way to escape from him. "What's your number? I could take you with me...if you are a good a good girl for me." You smile wanes at this. "Uh, excuse me, I have to go-" You try to quickly walk away, but he side steps you and blocks your path, that gross grin still on his face. "Hey, where you going?"
"Uh, M-My boyfriend's probably wondering where I am. So, I should go." You feel your heart begin to race as you try to get past him. But he's adamant about blocking you. "What's the rush? I'm sure he can wait." He stared at you up and down, the grin still on his face. "Come on, give a chance. I'm a nice guy." At that second, you see Tomas in the distance. His smile slowly fades as he sees the black dragon standing in front of you and the distressed look on your face, causing him to speed up. You drowned the man out as Tomas approached, you felt your heart beat against your chest as Tomas desperately made his way through the crowd of people. You were pretty sure the man asked for your number, he tried to ask what your sign was, he asked if you were even listening.
"Y/n! " Tomas called as he finally made it you. The black dragon looks over his shoulder, his narrowed eyes stretch at the sight of Tomas. He clears his throat and puffs up his chest. "Excuse me? Listen, I don't know who this 'Y/n is, but me and Rachel are having a conversation. Fuck off." He tried to make his voice sound deeper as his eyes darted all over Tomas's large figure.
Tomas steps in front of you, getting in the man's way. "Okay, feel free to talk to this 'Rachel', while me and Y/n excuse ourselves." If you could see his face, the man no doubt was confused. "Wait, what-" but Tomas interiors him, "Excuse us." Tomas gently takes your hand, "Come one." He softly whispers to you as you. "So it's like that 'Y/n', huh?". You avoid eye contact as you pass by him. "Alright then, let me know when you want a real man. I'll be sure to remember that sweet ass of yours?"
You gasp as you feel the sting of his hand slap your butt. Immediately, Tomas spins on his heels to face the Black dragon, who eagerly meets his face with a smirk. "What?". You were in too much shock to speak, you just stared at the two as they stared at each other. "Listen, you better run off before I-" but before he can finish his sentence, Tomas's fist slam into the man's face at lightning fast speed. The man slams onto the ground, a surprised look on his face as he clenches his broken nose. Many people inside stopped what they were doing to peer outside and see what was going on. "Fuckin' bastard, I'll-I'll kill you! And then I'll grab you bitch and-" he doesn't have a chance to finish, Tomas grabs him by the throat and begins to pummel him. You stood there and watched, slightly scared, you never saw this part of Tomas before. You knew he was Lin Kuei, but you never anticipated he could be this brutal.
After a few more hits, Tomas stops stares down at his work. The Black dragon laid unresponsive, his blood painted all over Tomas's fist. He looks at you as if he forgot you were there, a mortified look forms into his face. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...in-in front of you-I-I" he lowers his head in embarrassment, he didn't mean to get so violent in front of you. But the moment the man touched you, everything went red for Tomas. "A-Are you okay?" He finally found the courage to speak. You looked at the Black Dragon and then back at Tomas, "I-I am...Thank you."
You offered your hand to Tomas. Your lips curl a little into a small but grateful smile. Tomas turned your smile and took your hand, and you both went back into the building, leaving the Black Dragon unconscious on the ground outside.
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Ok but, how cool would it be if there was a click & point adventure game and dating sim based around The Beasts
Like, imagine you, the player, woke up in a dark, unknown forest. You don't know how, or why, you got there, but one thing's for sure, you don't want to stay for long, who knows what kind of horrors could be lurking in the darkness. . ? Quickly you make use of the environment, gathering wood & making a fire (via a minigame) in hopes it'll alert some cookies to your location, and while it doesn't work at first, it does give a certain someone, or something, a beacon to your location. . .
As you sit before the fire you just built, you begin to notice something was off. . . the forest you were in, it was quiet, eerily quiet, normally at night, many forest would be bustling with some sort of life: the sounds of night beasts, owls in the night, maybe the occasional cricket, but there was nothing. What only adds to this uncanny wood were its lack of creatures, not once did you encounter any sort of beasts on your journey. . . both these factors alone made you question what was really happening, is this all a dream? were you going crazy? questions were racing through your head, till finally, something snaps you out of it. . .
"Ooooooh!~ What do we have here?~"
"Has a little cookie come by to give me a visit?~"
A voice from the darkness pulls you out of your thoughts, jolting you onto your feet. Hearing that so suddenly within such a vacant space, you could've sworn you were alone. . ! You frantically look around, desperately trying to find the source of the voice, but the thing only laughs at you. . .
"W-Who's there?! show yourself!!"
"*Ehehe he he he HE HE HE HE!*"
"Try looking up here, darling~"
Your attention was slowly drawn to a tree behind you. On one of the branches, two heterochrome eyes staired at your from below, taking you off-guard, was that. . . a cookie? The creature made zero attempts to hide themselves as he jumps off the tree branch, over your fire. Light from the flames revealed their figure, they appeared to be some sort of jester, its figure & face making them resemble that of a cat. They do a bow before finally introducing themselves
"Shadow Milk Cookie, the world's favorite trickster~"
"Pleasure to meet you!"
In this scenario, the player is given two options, each of course having a different outcome:
Run Away
Sprinting away in fear will, of course, cause Shadow Milk to chase, eventually getting caught, though this does increase his interest in you
"*heh he he HE HE HE!* where are you going you silly little thing?!~"
"That was so much fun!~ I think I'm starting to like you already!~"
Standing Your Ground & Ask Questions
Respectably, you don't anything regarding the fallen heroes, but asking more questions does leave Shadow Milk upset
"H-How could you not know who I am?!"
"Shadow Milk Cookie, actor, playwright, dictator, does that not right a bell?!"
This's basically how the story starts. The player is isekaied into this strange world and are quickly met with the Fallen Heroes, who all woo the player with their charm & status in an attempt to find out how they got in, so they can do the same to get out. . . whatever that means. But one thing leads to another, and they all fall in love with the player, fighting over them. As for the player, they transverse through the strange world, learning of it and its secrets via minigames, hidden secrets, and puzzles, all while learning about the fallen heroes and their backstories. . .
I picture the game itself being a mix between one of those disturbing click & point adventure games (i.e. Sally Face, Fran Bow, and Little Misfortune) and a dating sim (i.e. Obey Me) which by itself, would cause major emotional whiplash, cause imagine going from seeing the most messed up sh*t to smooching your jester bf. For reference, think of the game as "Little Goody Two Shoes" something you should play btw!
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pablitosgf · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! — oscar piastri x fem!reader
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ! — in which you and oscar bake some cookies only for it to end up burnt.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ! — none. only fluff!! jk maybe some grammar mistakes and other things, but thats it. i didn't proofread so lmk if you spot other mistakes!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! — I LOVE this dancing in the kitchen. its so good! i would say the dancing bit is okay but i love the rest. btw, requests are open! please make sure to check my guidelines for my request rules. ty <3
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ! — writing
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You were currently wrapped in Oscar’s arms, playing with his light brown hair, his face stuffed in your neck. You both could feel the heartbeats of one another and the warmth the two of you produced with your bodies. Your breathing synced with his, and your arm snaked around his waist.
“Do you wanna do something else?” you asked, Oscar, who was once hidden in your neck now looked up at you. Looking at his moles, he had quite a lot. Every time the both of you cuddled you couldn't help but kiss the moles on his face. A habit you picked up ever since you guys started dating.
He scrunched his eyebrows, “What do you wanna do? I'm up for anything.” many ideas raced in your mind, suddenly you had an idea. It was as if a lightbulb had lit up.
“Maybe we could bake something. Like cookies,” you said, knowing that chocolate chip cookies were your favorite dessert ever. Oscar knew that. Any time you guys went to a bakery your #1 pick was always chocolate chip cookies, they always brought a smile to your face.
Oscar immediately knew your ideas for baking some chocolate chip cookies. “Do we have the ingredients?”
You quickly nodded, you’d stocked the food supplies a couple of days ago. Swiftly, you took one motion to get up and go to the kitchen, Oscar just right behind. Opening the pantry you grabbed some flour, chocolate chips, and other necessities while Oscar turns on some music.
“Okay let's wash our hands!” you exclaimed, making your way to the sink and of course, do as you said. Oscar followed your words and too washed his hands.
“I’ll do the wet ingredients and you do the dry ones,” you said, knowing that if you left him with the more "complex" one it would instantly contort into complete disarray.
You began microwaving the butter and putting sugar in the bowl while waiting. Mixing up the butter and sugar blend you look over at Oscar who just had to measure and put flour in a bowl. You emit a sigh, he already messed up. A faint of flour was in his hair, fluffing it up to hopefully get rid of it.
“Oscar…” you mutter, trying to stifle a laugh. A huge white patch which was obviously flour on his shirt. You tried your best to wipe the patch off, but there it was still there. Looking up at your boyfriend you could see he was pouting. He could tell you were about to laugh.
“Stop… Baby, don't laugh at me!” he whined, and those exact words made you erupt in laughter. His pout soon contorted into a smile. Your boyfriend enjoyed hearing the sound of your laughs, chuckles, and guffaws. Your laugh with the faint music in the background was perfect for him. As if he was in a movie.
“Babe!” he groaned, he too trying to suppress a laugh. You tried to stop laughing and say something.
“You… Look… Aha! I can't.” you manage to say while laughing. At this point, Oscar was frowning and cracking up at the same time. You then looked at the ground which was all a mess, and your jaw dropped.
“Oscar!” you playfully slapped his arm, most of the flour was now on the floor. Rolling your eyes you look up at him, signaling for him to clean it.
Later, you both finished making the cookie dough and were currently waiting for it to be done baking in the oven. The once messy floor was now cleaned up, looking clean and new. Unexpectedly, you and Oscar’s favorite song played. You looked at him and smiled.
“Shall we dance?” he asked, sticking his hand out for you to grab. The song held so much importance to both of you. It was the song that played when you two first met at a café.
“Of course.” you smiled, taking his hand and whirling into his embrace. Your feet moved along with the slow beat of the music, the sound of steps reflecting off your wood floor. The sound of your heartbeat was fast and you couldn't contain the amount of love you had for Oscar. Resting your head on his shoulder, you could only smile. Young and in love, was what many people said to you. And it was true. The growing infatuation you both had for each other was immense, you were each other's rock, soulmate, and love of course.
Oscar twirled and dipped you as you both danced, a smile playing on each other's lips. And with one single twirl, you were enveloped in his arms. The song soon ended with both of you staring at each other. You couldn't help but connect your lips with his.
“I love you,” he whispered with a toothy smile.
“I love you too,” you whispered back and gave him a peck on the cheek. You stood there in love until realization hit you both…
“Oh shit, the cookies!” you both exclaimed, rushing to the oven.
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iiwaijime · 3 months
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thank u guys so much for 200 followers in such a short period of time 🥹🥹 when i started posting my old PLUS NEW works again here i did NAWT expect to get back most, if not all, my pookies back !!
i saw other ppl ( @afyrian + @causenessus ) doing this and thought i'd like to try it too!! btw check out their ones cs they're amazing writers n congratulate them for their milestones👊💥
therefore formatting and stuff is heavily inspired by them,,,
.. n e ways!! basically u can send requests from the following thru asks!! feel free to mix n match!! anons/repeats are welcome!
-drabbles, short fics (<1000 words), smaus, hcs OK !
-doing characters from genshin, hsr, mha, haikyuu, jjk, bllk !!
- requests format example [🐙 🏪 with choso!] or [🦑💻 smau with kenma!]
fluff 🐙 hurt/comfort 🦑
arranged marriage 💍 artist/muse 🎨 blind date 🕶️ bookstore 📚 childhood friends 💥 coffee shop ☕ dancers 🩰 fake dating 🪩 flower shop 🌹 rockstar 🎸 sibling's best friend 🔥 soulmates 💗 streamer/content creator 💻 street racing 🏎️
one-word prompts
coffee 🏪 cooking 🍳 flowers 💐 hair 💈 pets 🐾 plane ✈️ rain ☂️ run 🐑 shoes 👟 sleep 💤 socks 🧦 sunshine ☀️ tea 🍵 water 🌊 yellow 🧀
"fuck you!" "sure." 🥧 "it's always been you." 🌯 "i can't lose you." 🍄 "is it too late?" 🍚 "it's not a good night unless you're here." 🍕 "i'm still not sorry." 🍰 "maybe we should kiss." "maybe." 🍓 "no matter what, i'll always be yours." 🧃 "you know, you can tell me anything." 🍣 "you're my best friend." 🍪 "you're my happily ever after." 🍺
flowers for the florist (sweets for the sweet) — bokuto kōtarō , 🐙🌹💐
hey lover — toji fushiguro, 🐙🍕
anything — rensuke kunigami, 🦑💗🍄
soft and stupid and smitten — tetsurou kuroo , 🐙🏎️🥧
dense — tobio kageyama , 💥🍚🍪
yes this is a confession — toge inumaki , 🐙💍💐🍺
shameless — rintarō suna , 🐙🍕🔥
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Heyyy I’m the one who req the Instagram ff and I loved it so muchhhhhh and I want to ask for another but where it’s like a mix of an actual ff but also an Instagram ff? So here’s my prompt: Mick and Reader are both going through tough times regarding their dads because Michael isn’t doing well and readers dad passed away when she was in her mid teens. She and him are best friends because of her dads connection to his dad and they grew up in close proximity. She comes to all his races (can u do it so that mick is racing for Mercedes instead of George??????) and she is his biggest supporter. After a lot of time, Mick confesses to reader because he’s liked her for a long time and reader agrees to date and they make like a soft reveal on Instagram! Thank youuuu Elllll
𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔
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➪Interesting plot, I like it!
➪Again, I'm pretty new to instagram fics, so I hope I succeeded in bringing your vision to life.
➪Wasn’t completely sure what you meant by “mix”, but I hope this is what you meant!
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Things to note:
❥I took some inspo from “Daddy Issues“ by TNBHD
❥You’re a famous ballerina, daughter of a famous lawyer and business man, Erik Klum (name is made up btw.)
❥You and Mick are 2 years apart
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Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of daddy issues
Word Count: 4.1k+
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“𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒐.”
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Euripides once said, “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” The saying might've been true, but you never got to experience it for yourself. You never saw him grow old. Your dear father never got to see his sweet little girl grow old either. You missed him every single day.
Your father, Erik Klum, was a famous lawyer, who handled Michael Schumacher’s monetary belongings. That's how you got to meet Mick Schumacher. The famous Formula One driver's son. The two of you practically grew up together. His mother, Corinna, was like a mother to you. Your own died when she gave birth to you. Mick and Gina were like your siblings. They were near your age, so the three of you had no problem getting along.
Your father did his best to provide for you. He funded your dream. Ballet. Your mother was a ballerina who travelled the world to perform. That was how she met your father. He also funded any extracurriculars you had time for along with whatever pampering he believed you needed. He wasn't a mother, so he never really had a clue about what a daughter would want, but he always tried his best. Corinna was there to help him out at times, which you also appreciated more than anything.
When you were coming into your pre-teens, you were sent to a ballet boarding school. Your father had set aside enough cash to get you there, as it was a part of your dream to be just like your mother.
At the airport, everyone came to say goodbye to you. You were moving all the way to France to pursue your ballet. Mick and Gina both cried, but Michael assured them it’d be alright. Your father only cried tears of joy. The way he saw your mother in you made his heart give out. You didn’t think the last thing you’d ever hear him say was,
“You look just like her. I’m so proud of you, my little girl.”
You spent the first couple of years training hard and working your way up the ranks at the academy. The process was halted, however, when you’d gotten a phone call from your father followed by a message.
You couldn’t believe what you were reading. Michael was in a coma. Your father explained it’d happened due to a ski accident. He’d booked you a ticket home so that you could go visit. After all, Michael was like a second father to you.
When you got there, you saw the immense grief etched on everyone’s faces. It happened so suddenly. Nobody had seen it coming. Your heart ached, but you knew it was nothing compared to what Mick and Gina were feeling. The three of you hugged and cried for the most part of that day. You stayed for two more days, grieving with everyone before you inevitably had to go back to France.
You managed to keep your composure whilst at the academy. With the updates you’d get from Mick and Gina, you were reassured. Some time passed, and you’d heard that Michael was out of his coma. It sent a huge wave of relief and helped ease your mind when you were alone. You’d been prone to panic and anxiety attacks.
A couple of more years flew by, and you suddenly got a phone call from Mick. He never really called without texting you first, because he knew you had a strict schedule. Luckily, you had your phone when he called.
“Hello?” You heard from the other end of the line.
“Hey, Mickie, what’s with the sudden call?” You asked.
“You have to get home right now. I’ll explain when you get here. We bought you a ticket, your flight leaves early tomorrow.” You felt anxious. Fear started eating away at your feet, making its way up your legs to your stomach and to your throat.
“Okay,” you croaked. The line disconnected and you immediately ran off to administration to tell them you had a family emergency and had to go home for a while. They gave you two weeks, which in retrospect, wouldn’t be enough for what was to come.
When you came to the airport, you realized your father wasn’t in sight. It was just Corinna, Mick, and Gina. Your heart sank. Had something happened to your father? Your head started pounding.
“Hi darling,” said Corinna and tried to keep her composure.
“My dad… where is he?” You asked with a shaky voice, scared of what her response would be. Much to your dread, your suspicions were confirmed,
“I’m sorry, my sweet girl. I’m so sorry.” She didn’t even have the heart to tell you the words. He was gone. You broke down. Mick and Gina looked absolutely devastated for you. Your only driving force was gone. You were all alone. You couldn’t think straight. All you did on the car ride home was cry out to your father. You couldn’t believe that he was gone. It didn’t seem real to you.
When Corinna pulled into the lot of their place, soon to be yours as well, you got out with the help of Mick. Your head was too cloudy to walk by yourself. You could barely form a coherent sentence.
The funeral was the worst part. You watched as they sank your father’s mahogany coffin into the ground.
“Papa! No! Please don’t leave me, papa!” You screamed as you fell to your knees. You couldn’t take it. You never got to say goodbye to him. You never had the chance to say a few final words to him. He’d been taken from you without warning.
Mick and Gina helped you through the first two weeks, as you had to go back. Since you weren’t an adult yet, your aunt had gained custody of you, and you had to move from Switzerland to Germany. Moving away from all you’d ever known was tough on top of the death of your beloved father.
Years passed by at the academy, and you were a full-fledged Ballerina. You performed in various theatres and at famous events. You’d become somewhat of a household name in ballet. Many called you a prodigy, which you were. Your upbringing was based around ballet.
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You'd still kept in contact with the two Schumacher siblings during all the years you spent in France and Germany. You visited them sometimes for minor holidays, which always lifted your spirits.
Mick had started a career in racing, just like his father. He told you that he'd earned a seat at Mercedes. You had come to his races before. Several times, in fact, when he was with Haas. You were beyond ecstatic when you heard he'd earned a place in a dominant car for the new season. Next to Lewis Hamilton, no less.
You wore one of Mick’s shirts when he came out of the shower. His hair was dripping onto his chest, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey, you should wear one of my new Mercedes shirts to the race today,” suggested Mick. For a while, you’d had growing feelings for Mick, and coming to all his races only made him admire you that much more. He’d come to your performances as well, and it always made you happy to see him amongst the huge audience you normally had.
“Hmm, maybe. Won’t people be suspicious though? I mean, I’d look like your…” you trailed off, hoping he’d finish off.
“No, don’t worry about it! Everyone already knows you’re like a sister to me,” He chuckled and threw you one of his shirts. It had 47 on the back of it. Your heart stung briefly when he said that you were like a sister to him.
The Australian Grand Prix was a strike of luck for you, as your performance was in the same city. You were performing in Her Majesty’s Theatre later that day. You’d practiced ever since you heard about the gig.
“You should wear one of my leotards for my performance tonight. It’s only fair!” You joked, watching as he laughed along with you. Domestic moments like this were what had made you fall in love in the first place. You travelled with him constantly. It was hard to not catch any feelings. You could only wish for him to one day feel the same.
“You’re coming to my dad’s 50th birthday luncheon next week, right? Gina said she’d come. Corinna too,” you asked. There was no race the following weekend, so he agreed to come with no hesitation. You always baked a cake on your father’s birthdays to celebrate for yourself. Sometimes Mick was there to join you. This time was different. It wasn’t just baking a cake and singing a gentle birthday song for your father. You wanted to go all in. He deserved it.
“Klum… I don’t want you to overwork yourself with the luncheon, okay? Let me help you.” Mick was always really considerate of you, which was enough to make your heart melt into a bowl of soup. You wanted nothing more than to spend every single birthday of your dad’s with him.
“Mickie… you know how much it means to me. 50 is a special number. That’s you know… halfway.” You mumbled the last part, but it was loud enough for Mick to hear it.
“I know, I know. If you really think you can do it on your own, of course, I’ll let you. I’m just saying, if you need help; I’m here for you.” You nodded and smiled at him. He gave you a warm smile back. It felt like it hugged you.
“We should probably hurry up, though. We have to be there in time.” Mick quickly found some boxers and other articles of clothes to wear for the day. The two of you were used to seeing each other without any clothes on. It felt natural. Yet, your cheeks were still dusted pink. Whilst he got into his clothes, you found a skirt to go with his shirt. It was barely visible due to the oversized shirt, but you wore it anyway. With the outfit, you wore a pair of white satin high heels you’d been gifted by Jimmy Choo. Because you were wearing his shirt, Mick had coordinated his outfit to match yours. You knew the media would try to gossip about it, but in all honesty— you wanted them to.
When the two of you arrived at the paddock, cameras were already everywhere and ready to snap photos of you and Mick in matching outfits. The paparazzi were ruthless. Anything to get the latest inside scoop. Even though you were used to the attention, you hated having your private life revealed. It was the main reason you never told a soul where you lived. Only the Schumachers, your aunt, and some of the drivers knew. You had a long-time friend from the academy who also knew because she often came over to your place to take care of it whilst you were gone.
Luckily, behind you was Lewis. He got all of the attention with his fashion statement. You adored his sense of fashion, and so did the media.
“Viel Glück, Mickie,” you said when Mick got into the car. You gave him a hug and stepped aside for the engineers and strategists. You were incredibly proud of Mick for landing a place with the silver arrows.
It was lights out and you saw all the cars race almost as if they were synchronized. It reminded you of some of the dances you’d done in the past. Before you mostly did solos, anyway.
You watched as Mick went from P13 and worked his way up to P1. You couldn’t even believe your eyes. It was incredible. With only a few laps left, he was able to fend off the driver behind him and go on to finish on pole. Everyone went to the celebration and when Mick came over to hug all his coworkers, he saw you in the midst and pulled you in for a big hug.
“This is for Erik and my dad. I did it!” Out of excitement, he kissed your forehead harshly and went on to hug the rest of the crew. Though the kiss didn’t have any meaning other than that of Mick’s elated state, it meant the world to you.
The interviewer was none other than Nico Rosberg. He came up to Mick and asked a couple of questions about the competition and whatnot, before moving on to ask about you. Mick was a bit surprised, but he answered with what media training he’d been through.
“I think Klum and I both have a lot in common and we grew up together, so I see her as a little sister. She’s very supportive of me.” It was a perfect response in his mind.
“This is your first win, you must be very excited!” Said Rosberg.
“Naturally. I’m dedicating it to Erik Klum and my father. They are both such important people to me and have shaped me into becoming the man I am today. Well, the man who just won this race.” It was sentimental and all the tabloids would be sure to latch onto that.
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A week later, you were out shopping for ingredients with Mick. You'd spent the night before decorating your house. Apparently, you hadn't been discreet enough.
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sportsgossipc Ballerina Y/n Klum spotted grocery shopping with Formula One driver Mick for Erik Klum’s death anniversary. Are they cosying up together with a celebration?
user1 Is it just me or is this sort of disrespectful to “gossip about”
user2I was about to say the same thing…
user3 This is wrong… Erik died in January. It's for his birthday probably
user4 Leave them alone lol they already got so much shit to handle
user5 First of all: it’s Erik’s birthday. Second of all: If it were his death anniversary, why would you make it into a gossip story??? Third of all: “cosying up together with a celebration”? What is that supposed to mean?
When you came home and went to post a happy birthday post for your dad, you saw a dm from your friend. It showed you and Mick shopping. The photo itself wasn't upsetting in particular. No, the caption is what got you. Mick walked up behind you to see what you were doing. When his eyes locked with the screen, he was shocked.
“They have no right,” said Mick and hugged your waist. You tried to not let it bother you too much and instead posted a story about it, followed by a birthday post for your father.
y/nklum posted a new story, mickschumacher posted a new story
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Liked by mickschumacher and 233,754 others
y/nklum You would be 50 today. I miss you every day. I know it’s been a while, but I will always mark my calendar on this day. Thank you for everything you’ve sacrificed and done for me, happy birthday papa❤️
mickschumacher Happy birthday, Erik❤️
ginaschumacher ❤️❤️❤️
You put your phone aside and started cooking. Gina and Corinna were going to arrive precisely at noon, so you had a good 3 hours to finish everything. You ended up letting Mick help you, as you realized there were way too many things to do.
As time passed, you got the food ready and the guests arrived. Everyone sat down by the table you had in your dining room. Next to you, you’d placed a nice portrait of your father. Before eating, a birthday song was sung in his honour.
“This is amazing, kids. You know what you’re doing!” Corinna complimented your cooking. Your usual meal was hotel food or restaurant food, but if there was one thing you could do well; it was cook. Your father had taught you from a young age, and the academy also required you to start cooking your own meals as you grew older.
“Thank you so much, Corinna, I’m glad you like it.” You smiled. Corinna was more of a mother to you than your aunt. You barely ever saw her even though you had to move all of your stuff over to her place. You spent most holidays with the Schumachers when you weren’t in France. After France, you got a house close to your second family.
“That reminds me! I found your father’s old wedding band in our storage. I figured you’d want it.” Corinna gave you a small box which contained the ring. You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. It was a beautiful gold ring with a tiny diamond in it. You hugged it and thanked her for it.
After everyone went home, you were left with Mick. He offered to clean everything so that you could take a breather outside on your patio.
After he’d finished cleaning, he met you outside. You sat on a wooden porch swing. Before taking a seat next to you, he admired how the sunset hit your face perfectly. You were beautiful. Your legs were crossed over each other and the way your face lit up when you saw him… he could barely contain his feelings for you.
“He was a great man.” Mick finally took that seat next to you.
“I miss him.”
“It’s only natural. I miss him too,” he replied calmly.
“I want him to know how I’m doing,” you whispered, trying not to cry any more than you’d already done.
“He knows. Trust me, he does.”
“Do you think he’s disappointed? Because I can’t sleep alone? Because I can’t sleep without having nightmares of him?” You leaned into Mick’s chest, hearing his heartbeat.
“Not at all. I think he’s proud of the incredible woman you’ve grown up to be.” He rubbed your back and pulled you closer to him.
“Will you stay with me forever?” You asked.
“Of course, Schatz.” Your heart started beating fast. It was the first time he’d ever called you a pet name. Usually, he resorted to your name, a nickname, or your last name. You acted as if you hadn’t heard it so that it wouldn’t create any embarrassing tension between you.
“I’m sorry. I’m being clingy and needy, aren’t I?” You sighed and looked up at the setting sun.
“Never, Liebling. I know that you’ve got daddy issues because I do too.” Hearing him say the actual term out loud made you want to bury your face in his chest and cry until you no longer had any tears left.
“My dad is still… well, you know.”
“Yeah… it must be horrible. I don’t know how it feels, but I’m always here for you.” You snuggled into him.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost him that day. You’re really strong. You should know that. I will always be by your side,” Mick spoke softly.
“If you were mine, I would run away and hide from all of this fame and attention with you. We could enjoy our lives to the fullest extent.” You felt like your heart had stopped. You pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes,
“If I was yours?”
“I tried to keep it to myself… I know you probably don’t feel the same way. I’m an older brother to you, right?” He said with a hint of regret in his voice. You immediately cupped his face with both of your hands,
“You have no idea how happy I am right now.”
“You feel the same way?”
“Of course, I do! I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” You smiled.
“I’ve loved you since you first took off to the academy. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you.” He pulled you over his lap and hugged you tightly as if you were a fragile little thing.
“I love you, Schatz.”
“I love you too, Mickie.”
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A few months had passed before the two of you agreed to go public with your relationship. The timing was perfect because you attended the last race of the season. The two of you still had your reservations about going public, so you played a little game with your fans to see if they could figure it out from subtle pictures. Of course, many of the drivers knew a few weeks after it’d happened, but you’d asked them not to tell.
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Liked by mickschumacherand 355,860 others
y/nklum Came to the show with flowers and carried my heels home for me after❤️
lewishamilton Show was great, keep it up!
landonorris I fell asleep but the parts I saw were amazing👍
y/nklum Why am I not surprised😒
charlesleclerc I know, I'm such a gentleman
y/nklum Hmmm🤔
user2 crying rn
user3 my parasocial relationship is quaking💔
user4 It's Charles😭👍
user5 How do you know?
user4 Didn't you see the comment he made? It's definitely him💀
user5 Oh💀😭
user6 what in the soft launch-
user8 What abt Mick😭💔
user9 He said several times he sees her as a sister💀
user8 Could be lying🤷
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Liked by y/nklum and 538,924 others
mickschumacher Watched another amazing performance❤️ Had to leave early to prepare for a date though…
charlesleclerc Cool, wish I was that flexible😅
y/nklum Thanks💖
user1 Mick???? Soft launching???? Under a y/n post???? This makes no sense
user2 Wait is he referring to y/n or someone else wtf
user3 I thought y/n was dating Charles💀
user4 Bro everyone thought that
user3 Isn’t she though?
user4 Personally I think she is but idk
user5 Why is Mick soft launching at the same time as y/n😭
user6 Lmao he went to a friend’s performance and ditched it for a date💀
user7 rip y/n
user8 Charles is there for her though🥹❤️
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Liked by mickschumacherand 379,688 others
y/nklum Thank you to the random stranger who offered to take a picture of me and him together❤️
landonorris That random stranger was me🙄
y/nklum No, you were the third wheel
user1 Nah that definitely doesn’t look like Charles
user2 Nvm that ain’t Charles unless he dyed his hair💀
user3 isn’t that Mick😭
user4 It looks a lot like Mick. I think it is him…
user5 But didn’t Mick say that he left her performance to go on a date?
user4 No, he said he left early to go PREPARE for a date. It could’ve been a date with her.
user6 I love the subtle Lando slander for no reason😭🙏
user7 If Mick posts something like this, we’ll know what’s going on and who’s dating who💀
mickschumacher and y/nklum
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Liked by landonorrisand 836,190 others
y/nvettel Spending our 6-month anniversary skiing ⛷️ Happy 6 months, Mickie❤️❤️❤️
mickschumacher Happy 6 months, Liebling, I love you❤️
y/nklum I love you more❤️
landonorris Should’ve invited me when I actually wanted to third wheel smh
y/nklum Go skiing with Carlos
charlesleclerc Finally I don’t have to keep quiet about it anymore
y/nklum You came close to revealing it one too many times
lewishamilton Enjoy your vacation guys, congrats🙌
user2 Jeez okay we get it💀
user3 I really thought it was Charles lmao
user4 I always thought they looked good together🙏
user5 childhood friends and now dating? This is the sweetest🥹❤️
user6 I can’t wait for the wedding pics
user7 They better get married
user8 Lando in the comments again😭😭😭
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You thought back to when it all started, as you sat in the ski resort’s outdoor hot tub. It was just you and Mick in a hotel room, both hoping the other felt the same way.
You knew that your father would be proud. You’d fallen in love with a respectable man. A man that he got to meet and know before he passed. A man that you could call home because you could be in any hotel and still feel at home as long as you were with him. With Mick.
You also knew that if you ever were to have children, you and Mick would be sure to tell them all about their grandfathers. How one was a former world champion, and how the other was an unbeatable lawyer. They were both heroes. You’d convinced yourself. You could convince a couple of toddlers.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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