#I'm just always thinking about tarsus
2063april5 · 1 month
Every time snw producers say they're gonna do something completely new that has never been done in trek before I think "like address the Tarsus thing?" and I remain hopeful to this day
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sleepymccoy · 8 months
Still thinking about a Star trek TOS Firefly au. So I'm gonna have fun writing it out.
I love the dynamic between Mal, Zoe, and Wash, so that's certainly becoming the triumvirate. Mal > Jim, Zoe > Spock, Wash > Bones. However Wash's job doesn't make sense for Bones so he's going to change to doctor.
Jim was on Tarsus 4 and suffered the same as in canon, famine leads to who lives lottery and he wasn't chosen but survived anyway. I think that makes perfect sense in the Firefly universe too, but I think unlike in trek Kodos is celebrated by the federation in Firefly for making tough choices and leading in a strong way. So he's not on the run, he's a constant background side threat who's still in power. The face of the federation in this version, but not the head of it. You feel me
After Tarsus, Jim and Bones met and became mates. I think Bones moved to a big fancy planet for his wife and child after a bit. In the meant time, we have Spock!
This got massive, have a readmore
Spock is the result of eugenic experiments (there's no aliens in Firefly 😢) like the serenity thing that the og story is about (but generational eugenics not brain poking)(because I want there to be many others, just also in hiding and with their own political factions and opinions) but his resulted in Vulcan-like stuff. I think he's still got the pointy ears and has excessively strong emotions that he's learnt to hide completely cos he was raised in a medical facility by cold scientists instead of parents and love. There's schools of thought about them, some want to integrate, some want them exterminated, some want them to form their own society. The federation stance is these eugenic things don't exist and if you see one kill it because it officially doesn't exist. So Spock is forced into hiding and hasn't really had a chance to form his broader opinion, cos it's academic anyway. They're all hiding now.
So, Spock's escaped (more on that later) and in hiding. He meets Jim and they click, probably meeting in some silly battle. I reckon Spock has ways to get away from the feds that Jim wants to learn, so Jim pushes for them to team up. They spend some time together either on someone else's ship or on a smaller ship just them two.
After a while that comes to an end and they put together a crew and buy a ship together. They hire Sulu and Chekhov who are a criminal team who need to get off this rock very fast please. Chekhov can fly wonderfully and has enough engineering knowledge that they're like hey we maybe don't need someone in the engine room!
Sulu is a jack of all trades. It takes a few months for them to realise how useful he is, he always has a skill they need and always knows someone who'll play as a contact. Absolutely invaluable.
Eventually the engine breaks beyond Chekhov's skill to fix and they've all heard of Scotty. Everyone knows about Scotty. I think this would make a good episode one.
They work Sulu's contacts and find Scotty who is, lo and behold, having a drink with his mate disgraced Doctor McCoy. Spock, immediate dislike, this guy is a doctor. Jim, holy shit! Bones! Why the fuck aren't you emailing me back!?
Turns out Bones has gotten divorced and threw a bit of a fit in a hospital and can't work on a core planet anymore. He agrees to join the crew and Scotty has some issue that forms most of the episode plot and joins too cos hey, crims gotta keep moving
The ep ends with meeting Uhura, who manages a lot of the residual resistance movement's comms. She's the most political of the bunch, but Jim is absolutely in agreement and so chuffed to meet her even tho he's never been too war-y before. Scotty and Sulu already know her. She takes a kind of Inara role on the ship, but she's not companioning, she's boosted the comms in the shuttle and is continuing this work. It's great for her cos she gets to move around and be hard to catch, and it's great for the ship cos it gives them access to loads of underground people who aren't the hated federation
I also think she helped Spock break out back in the day. I'm not sure if she was part of it and they've met, or if she helped run things so she knows Spock but he doesn't know her. She's gonna be their reason for getting accidentally involved in larger things in the story and why they get more altruistic with their jobs. Spock also pulls them into some of the eugenic stuff
I reckon episode two needs some Spock eugenic stuff to happen so that Bones can solidify himself as on team Spock in action even if he has a go at Spock. Cos everyone else follows Jim's orders and Jim is team Spock, so I think Bones needs a chance to prove it. To great danger to himself ofc.
Repeat characters (like in Firefly they have Badger and Saffron who rock up as major non crew characters) are Chapel and Rand. I think Chapel is still on a core planet as a nurse. I would have her join the crew in season two, to look for her missing husband. But in season one she can be an insider informant for the hospital heist episode, which they do mainly for the medical equipment cos Bones has like nothing to treat people with. And maybe Spock has some additional medical needs that Bones needs to learn (Spock hates this)
Rand is like a bit of Saffron energy but less totally untrustworthy. I think she works them for her benefit but in a way where when they meet again they're like hey Janice you're not allowed on the ship but it's great to see you! Like, maybe she hijacks them to get her somewhere or stows away super inconveniently. Or maybe she just steals from them old school style and has a very all's fair in love and war vibe about it. She just doesn't hold any resentment, so it's hard to resent her
If I were to cast this show I'd cast Bones and Jim and women because I think it needs more women, might as well put them in positions of power, and honestly I think Spock's character with the emotional repression and all would change being cast as a woman whereas the others wouldn't. Spock's character in this is gonna be playing into stereotypes and expectation to stay in hiding, and those change as a woman
I've definitely got less tension on board than Firefly. There's no Jayne equivalent making life hard for everyone, but you could write an arc in for Chekhov like that if you wanted to. He could go from disliking the danger Spock and Uhura bring to absolutely admiring them over like two seasons. Could be interesting, but it's not got much to do with trek really
There's no shipboard romance here either. There could be something cool in the Scotty/Uhura that happened later in trek canon. Maybe they've got romantic history, so when she joins the ship there's tension and they just fall into bed together pretty quickly. But I'd only put that in if it added something else to the story, which it might! I'm not actually writing, I'm brainstorming
And similar to what the did in Firefly I think Spock/Bones makes the most sense. Cos we don't need proof that Spock and Jim understand each other, they're captain and first officer. They have each other's back absolutely. And similarly with Jim and Bones, they'd have old loyalty and friendship to draw on. And I think they also just obviously get along. But Spock and Bones could do with some plot prodding along, so I'd do something like the Simon/Kaylee romance where there's tension and clear desire but they're bad at making it happen. There's too much in the way. But it adds reason for Bones to have Spock's back (cos we're coming at at the start of their friendship, not years into their five years mission) and you can occasionally see Spock relaxing the emotional wall with someone other than Jim as he develops more serious a crush
I want to see! The Niska episode where Jim and Spock get nicked and tortured, and Bones goes in to trade for them back. He can only afford one but true to the Empath ep he just trades himself and volunteers for the torture.
I also want to see a Jaynestown style ep where Scotty or Sulu are the hero. I think probably Scotty. He'd be easy to write as selfish in a he only cares about tech kinda way and then to find that he accidentally did this would be funny. He also likes to keep a low profile generally so it's extra hilarious
Hospital heist ep, with Chapel cameo. I don't think anyone's handing Spock over to the feds, but maybe they get caught and Chekhov tries to trade Spock for their freedom? Not in a pre planned malicious, but more that he just doesn't prioritise Spock's safety over everyone else's. He sees it as a last ditch leverage effort, for the greater good. Could be good drama
Saffron style ep with Rand but she steals from them. I do think that's hilarious, showing them be the mark. And I'd let her win, leave them stranded without whatever thing it is she fleeced and having to find a new magical tech engine bit. But hey she left some booze as an apology and made out with Jim so it's not too bad
I really like Firefly
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muirmarie · 6 months
mcspirk month mYEAR planning post
idk if anyone likes these (these being planning posts), but here, it feels weird to have it tucked away in my notes when my BTHB and mcspirk bingo planning posts are on here, so. anywho. you know the drill: this is just me rambling, feel free to ignore!!
the bolded are those i still don't have a plan for <3 - as per my usual these are all tos unless otherwise noted
Day 1: Forced Proximity (“this isn’t a blessing,” mccoy hisses. “one day,” the king says, “you’ll see that is it.” - the one where spock and kirk cannot get more than an arm's length away from mccoy for 30 days w/o causing him debilitating pain)
Day 2: Touch-starved (spock and kirk cuddle mccoy out of touch starvation - this is like 75% done, I just need to finish it)
Day 3: Only One Bed (established mckirk to mcspirk. um. very nsfw. by far the most nsfw i’ve ever even considered writing lmao. currently sitting at almost 12k, probably will be around 15-17k all told. i don't even know how to describe this. kirk aggressively helping spock play gay chicken with mccoy until mccoy finally believes spock wants both of them, idk.)
Day 4: Hand Holding (maybe the one where spock & kirk slowly gaslight mccoy into holding hands with them - yes the tags are spones but i am very certain kirk would be very happy to gaslight mccoy into hand-holding as well)
Day 5: [hurt comfort or against a wall (no story planned)]
Day 6: Protective McCoy (no story planned *eta - actually i think i am going to take the one elian assigned me w/o even asking me lmao, where mccoy drinks the poison meant for kirk, but don't tell him that)
Day 7: Hand Kink (the one where spock is cucked w/ hand sex lmao)
Day 8: Public Display of Affection (would you still love and/or employ me if i was a worm?)
Day 9: Spock is a Hopeless Romantic (the flirty spock one probably?)
Day 10: [Hands or a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 11: Fuck or Die (vulcan sex magic hanahaki, this is, like. I have elements of it, but it’s not nailed down yet quite how it works. it's a vulcan disease but naturally mccoy's the one who gets it.)
Day 12: Aliens Made them Do It (the plato’s stepchildren one - i've been poking at this one since. like. january lmao. it's maybe 30% done, but it's not gonna be super long, i'm just slow with it. it is. hm. not a fluffy story. the platonians decide that mccoy simply needs to learn to say yes to them. how helpful they have spock and kirk around to help underscore the point.)
Day 13: [time loop or sex in a three way body swap or a bonus (no story planned, BUT do I really wanna write another time loop fic and/or can I really handle writing another smut fic lmao. If I did do time loop tho it would be the one where Kirk refuses to leave the time loop until he can solve the no-win scenario, i just don’t know how that goes yet. The sex in a three way body swap would be the AOS mcspirkura one, probably. Or the tos spones to mcspirk one. idk idk.)]
Day 14: Tarsus IV (kirk: i always knew i’d die alone. this is....jim character study, i think? I do need to come up w/ a happy (or at least: not sad) ending for it tho. So I’m still Thinking about this one.)
Day 15: Fake Dating (the one where the royal is trying to marry mccoy in order to keep him, and spock and kirk independently decide to fake date him to save him. also sarek loves trashy romance books. background uhura/scotty.)
Day 16: Lost the Ability to Speak (bones and uhura signing in federation common sign language - yes that's vague but all i need is something to center around tbh)
Day 17: McCoy Hurt w/ Spock & Kirk Comfort (this is like 95% of what i write lmao but i don’t have a specific plot yet)
Day 18: [Jealous Bones OR Oral Fixation (no story planned but it it’s jealousy it’s not gonna be traditional jealousy, bc I’m generally not a fan of jealousy storylines (unless all parties are unaware that they’re jealous - those I find VERY funny)]
Day 19: [Kirk is Missing, Presumed Dead or a bonus - probably a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 20: Accidental Voyeurism (okay the one where mccoy wakes up and his arm is trapped underneath kirk’s head and spock’s holding that hand as he’s laying on top of kirk and making out with him. I will have to find a plot tho. a reason. a Reason. It’s not established spirk either)
Day 21: Bondage (heh established spirk discovering mccoy’s penchant for getting tied up and/or tying others up and then literally not able to shut up about their platonic friends private habits for like a solid three months. they only care platonically of course. you don’t need those other ppl to tie you up bones you’ve got us. this one’s about 10% started.)
Day 22: Mirrorverse (mirrorverse katra sharing, it’s a whole thing, this is out of my wheelhouse but i have some Ideas, but this one isn’t going to be anytime soon)
Day 23: [reunion or teasing or a bonus (no story planned) - *eta actually for teasing i could maybe do the one where spock conducts an "experiment" in a private lab where he has mccoy & kirk work on a project for him while he gets extremely handsy w/ them - he's doing a study ("study" - they're all aware this is just spock's ideal version of foreplay) about human arousal in a working environment, and they're supposed to not let him distract them*]
Day 24: Temporary Blindness (this is going to be such a long messy mccoy whump story tbh. orpheus and eurydice part two. before i can even really start it tho i have to decide on pov, because that….really affects things for this one. but i mostly know how the story goes. also not anytime soon tho, maybe not even this year)
Day 25: Praise Kink (i COULD go temporary awkward ability if i don’t want to write anything too sexy, but the planned version is, like, kirk blossoms like a bashful babe and spock is genuinely moved when it comes to praise, but mccoy turns bright red and wants them to stop? BUT they like so much the way he flushes and struggles to accept the praise that they ask him to be good for them because THEY like it, and so he’s absolutely mortified but still? allows it for them? and they of course like it because they want to make him accept it.)
Day 26: Expectations vs Reality (counseling fic! The one where spock and kirk are dating but still somehow drag mccoy to their relationship counseling.)
Day 27: Vacation Gone Awry (no story planned) (*eta actually i think i'm changing this to Voyeurism and stretching that to make it work for the spirk - they keep coming up w/ weird sex injuries until they can finally convince mccoy to come over to help them figure out what they're doing wrong....he probably needs to watch....actually maybe hands on is better....actually maybe he just needs to stay forever*)
Day 28: Awkward Spock (checking for pulse over the liver instead of the wrist because he forgets where human hearts are when jim or leonard is hurt)
Day 29: Getting Interrupted (mcspirk sexy 3d chess - that’s right they’re interrupting mccoy’s WORK lmao)
Day 30: Desperate Measures (the enemy within one that’s 80% finished where kirk’s wolf and sheep sides both have to have sex w/ mccoy while spock melds with them both, all for very important science reasons - don’t worry about it.)
Day 31: Insecurity (*eta - mccoy gets out of a LDR and is bummed, and kirk tries to cheer him up by putting his name up for the underground "sexiest starfleet officer" bracket that scotty & uhura are running, to prove to mccoy that ppl find him attractive. unfortunately it turns out the crew finds him VERY attractive, kirk is having some jealously-related revelations, spock is gonna kill jim if he has to watch mccoy get asked out one more time, and mcco is yay close to having a nervous breakdown from being turned into a sex symbol*)
Bonus 1: nightmares (look this is fucked, just trust me this is a very messy thing and it is very fucked and i have to make all my maths fit together before i write it or it will feel too flimsy and fall apart, but. kirk's trapped in a nightmare by a parasite that bleeds into the waking world (there are reasons for it) that cause physical damage to mccoy. spock melds w/ kirk to try to change the dream. this has unexpected side effects. - this one WILL be written for mcspirk month i just don't know what day i'm replacing yet.)
Bonus 2: pet names (i think i might be able to fit the kiss me/fuck me fic into this prompt but i’m not 100% sure yet - aka the one where mccoy & kirk use “kiss me” as a SFW swear for “fuck me” and “don’t make me kiss you” as a SFW swear for “fuck you” and annoy everyone around them w/ this silly in joke until one time mccoy says “kiss me” w/o thinking to spock, and spock’s just. hmm. don’t mind if i do. and kirk thinks it’s so funny he starts kissing mccoy all the time as WELL. very pre-them even realizing they want a relationship (except for spock, spock has Plans, thank you). this will be written at SOME point, it depends if i need another bonus/if it fits the prompt enough.)
Other bonuses i’d consider if i need them, but no stories planned: blindfolds, misuse of the bond, uhura helps them out.
Other vague stories i have that i could rotate until they might fit a prompt: pacific rim au, space forgetties, [number]+1 of mccoy getting kissed awake/the +1 getting kissed to shut him up, spock going through the wringer re: mccoy getting hurt (that was written spones but could easily by mcspirk), empath era katra au, post-empath spock won't stop touching mccoy, katra transfer requires a kiss, this isn’t even all of them, it genuinely is absurd how many tag spirals i’ve written like this lmaoooo /sigh 
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thegeminisage · 5 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME!!! thursday we watched tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" (honorific)
emergence (tng):
I HATE HOLODECK EPISODES. i wanted season 7 to go out on a high note. nostalgia and time would have made me forget so many of tng's sins if it had gone out on a high note
girl, the enterprise CAME TO LIFE, had a baby, and then died, and nobody had anything to say about that except "ok let the baby fly into space hope it has a good life!"
the enterprise and moya from farscape could have raised their children together communally. like feral cats.
if kirk had been captain when the enterprise came to life he would NOT have let that baby fly into space. he would have gotten one of those little toddler leashes. he would have paid child support. he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up
i honestly don't remember what else happened here because the following episode blew my tits clean off
oh yeah wait i think it was racist to make worf shovel the coal. shame on them. data's way stronger than worf he should have been doing it he would have been like yay i love a novel experience :) i can add this to my file on coal shoveling :)
crossover (ds9):
no, i'm just going to abandon my bullet points. where do i even begin...you know, actually, let's begin at the beginning, which is the tos mirrorverse episode. i have a wider meta on this in me somewhre i bet but it wasn't always this way! i like, initially watched this, went, "huh! that was neat," and thought no more about it until i read a fanfic (don't ask for it i'm not telling, it was more like 2-3 fanfics honestly) and then i was like WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND. see, my fascination with mirrorverse comes primarily from the following hypothesis:
everyone always says that bones in mirrorverse and bones in the prime universe are the same guy and that makes him god's specialest princess, which i don't disagree with! but i think, deep down, EVERYONE is the same. i think mirrorverse (quite accidentally) provides a pretty compelling commentary on both nature vs nurture and the cycle of violence. kirk, who undoubtedly went to a much worse version of tarsus iv in the mirrorverse, becomes a guy slaughtering colonists by the thousands, because in his mind that's what power looks like and being powerful means being safe. spock, who is brought up to believe violence is logical instead of pacifism, follows that doctrine just as strictly as he sticks to his morals in the prime universe, and indulges in his emotions just as rarely, because in either case he is punished just as much, if not more, for going against vulcan and human social norms.
put the same guys in the opposite situation (ie a mirror) and they will turn out as their own twisted reflections every time. mirror kirk is just as driven to succeed, just at a different game. he has just as much of a temper, but without the apologies that come afterward. he's just and dangerous and as handy in a fight as prime kirk, but without the moral compass that has him pulling punches instead of a knife. he has that same desire for power, though it's to protect himself rather than to protect other people. mirror spock is just as sharp and calculating, he's just running different numbers, after different results. he's just as good at sussing out emotional motives because of his forced distance from them, but he has spent a lifetime being rewarded for exploiting the emotions of others instead of trying to understand them. he even shares the same preference for being the first officer instead of in command, though the two spocks have differing reasons for this. you could even argue that he has the same capacity for loyalty, inasmuch as it's safe or possible to be loyal in the mirrorverse; he avoids trying to kill kirk as much as he possibly can, and when he finds out "his" kirk is gone, immediately does everything in his power to see to getting him back where he belongs. the mirror characters aren't opposites; they're reflections, inversions. they started out as the same base thing. they were made ugly and evil by their circumstances.
we didn't get to see much of mirror kirk and none of mirror bones (to my eternal woe), but knowing mirror spock DID ultimately take action towards pacifism and reform is extremely damning evidence for this hypothesis, at least in my mind palace. our own spock is defined by his compassion and selflessness; he gave his life in the warp core because the needs of the many outweighed his own needs. mirror spock is running the calculation in the other direction; he is thinking of his own needs. yet he comes to the SAME CONCLUSION - it is important for people to be safe, because logically nothing else can hold.
i notice that they carefully avoided saying whether or not spock ACTUALLY killed kirk, and i love that, because i loved the open-ended nature of the original mirrorverse episode - i loved that we could imagine anything happening. kirk dying or becoming a better person or becoming a worse person. i'm a little sad to have finally lost that, but i love that we can still just as gleefully imagine spock shoving a pole through kirk's ribs (in the horny way) or them being little rebels with bones and fighting the system together. ooooh and you better BELIEVE i had to pause the episode and cover my face and take a moment to have my hysterics when they implied mirror spock may have killed mirror kirk bc our kirk asking mirror spock to kill his other self was one of the horniest things tos ever did, up there with amok time and that stupid bondage harness.
speaking of horny, let's get into the actual episode. this episode was so abjectly fucking horny it's ASTOUNDING. it's mind-blowing. i think lesbian kira-on-kira was ABSOLUTELY the way to go as far as introductions. and kira-on-kira PROVES MY HYPOTHESIS!!! mirror kira has the same sympathy for her human laborers (the downtrodden), just not extended further than she extends sympathy for herself. she is also, like our kira, into girls. AND she is seduced by the idea of giving power to a weak bajor. kira's love affair with herself was probably the best part of this episode, number one because women and number two because they understood each other SO well except mirror kira was just unstable enough to be scary. and kira being like a little scared of her and them still being gay was really problematic and horny of them. fun. god. like, BATH SCENE?? HELLO??? i hope nana visitor had the time of her fucking life
mirror garak is also basically the same guy. this is just pre-exile garak. he's so conniving and gay. he didn't even do any of that seductive shit to our kira. why? he's not into girls!
i'm so sorry odo and quark didn't get a better lot in this verse. they don't come back either i checked :( odo was kind of boring, unfortunately, except for3 points: firstly, him slapping julian like 3 times was also problematic but horny. secondly, the goop he exploded into. rip king. (and kira moruning him!! otp.) thirdly, this is odo's disdain and lack of understanding for humanity (humanoidanity?) multiplied by 1000x. this is not an odo who was forced to get to know us and saw that some of us needed the protection he had to live without and now had the power to give, this is an odo who was experimented on and probably killed dr mora on his way out of the facility, and is looking to dish some out instead of take it. FUN. our odo makes hands to touch people with. this odo makes hands to slap people with. rip to that guy and i was absolutely shocked that a do-no-harm DOCTOR killed him but honestly there's probably a net good in that for our julian.
quark running the metaphorical underground railroad out here also seems to echo him selling food to bajorans...also, his, outfit? it made him look like a good person. it's a wonder it took them so long to catch him. our quark is selfish because he sees it as a path to a good life. their quark is selfLESS for the same reason, see? also SCREAM that our kira was like yes we're BESTIES on the other side when she often tells him how much she despises him lmao
o'brien!!! god i wish we had seen more of him but i LOVED him and julian being besties here too. he was like youre NOT my friend and then 20 minutes later helping him escape. it's like he was a sleeper agent, he got one whiff or someone who could afford to have a moral compass and instantly he was like actually yeah humans deserve better than this! i love that julian was just gonna take him back and have two obrien besties and fuck starfleet if they didn't like it lol. obrien secretly also the same, and i'm really glad he got to at least escape w sisko to become a pirate or whatever.
HEY. BY THE WAY. PIRATE SISKO. SO FUN AND EDGY. he was really unhinged and kind of like a lunatic. cw for discussion of rape the rest of this paragraph. so i think there was a light implication via his body language and also "you charmed your way out of the mines" that he was NOT enjoying/consenting to the sex he was having with mirror kira, but very much enjoyed the opportunity to menace her counterpart, and other people, like obrien. again, like odo, he is tired of taking it and itching to dish soem out. UNLIKE odo, we see that he has people he loves! he says "i made the best of a bad life for my crew" and even shakes his head at one of his crew members who is about to do something that will get them hurt - he's also happy enough to take obrien, former target, under his wing on the way out, when he sees something worthy there. JUST LIKE OUR SISKO, he IS protective and he DOES value his people! i loved seeing that core of him, even though his outside was deranged in a fun evil way.
ok, to finally wrap this up, bashir giving away his plate of mush at mealtime because he's gonna get to go back to a nice cozy universe soon (or die) and these people won't is soooo. god. he's SO COMPASSIONATE......like i knew that objectively but we haven't really seen it in action much up until now. it fucking kills me. his compassion, inherent Good Universe vibes, has such a profound impact on mirror obrien in such a short time, but ultimately you CAN'T change this universe. you can affect single people in it, the way kirk got mirror spock, but the point of the mirrorverse is to be evil and edgy (and horny), so no matter WHAT the characters in it do, it is a LAW OF THAT UNIVERSE that powers beyond their comprehension will always reset the status quo to STAY evil and edgy (and horny). like at first i was like oh shit kirk really stepped in it nice job breaking it hero but like it simply CAN'T be fixed. if you try, you will fail. determinism in star trek. wild.
also, wait, sorry, julian coming back filthy head to toe and kira coming back in a ballgown when our sisko has been having kittens trying to locate his people.....iconic. mister privileged having to process ore like kira used to do and kira former ore processor wearing a fancy luxurious evening gown. talk about swapping places.
TONIGHT: tng's "preemptive strike" and ds9's "the collaborator." last non-finale episode of tng!!!
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
TOS rewatch - Conscience of the King
Jim is SO certain that Kodos is dead, isn't he? Or at least, in utter denial that he could be anything else. Ohhhhh.
Gosh, the complete CONTROL he's maintaining as he looks up the information, only stroking his hands anxiously.
"Stop." I spoke too soon - he can't allow the computer to continue to say about the massacre. MY HEART IS ALREADY TOO MUCH.
Jim's description of Tom as "with a very long memory". How much of this has Jim blocked out of *his* memory? He appears to have no recognition of Kodos, which I've never really thought about too much before, but how deep is that memory buried?
(Alternatively - and I have no idea if this would track at all with any other episodes - but aphantasic Kirk?)
The way he smiles at Lenore definitely would add to his reputation if it wasn't obviously a ploy to get to the bottom of this.
I've never thought about the fact that Lenore IS Lady Macbeth, either, killing Kodos' "rivals" for him so that his future is clear. I really feel like I ought to have 😅
OH, and SHE'S like the cat who's got the cream when he suggests they leave, because it's like he's handing himself straight to her - far easier than I imagine she'd have thought it would be to trap a Starship Captain!
"At the party you were such a brash young man" He's more than ten years your senior, Lenore. You've been playing Lady Macbeth too much.
Why did she let him take her so close to her murder? Did she just not realise what direction they had come in until it was too late and then was trying to distract him with a kiss once she realised? I guess she is not exactly a professional with this...
Oh, Jim. It always strikes me how Tom is an actual friend to him, still - he clearly knows Martha, and she knows him.
Jim delighting even at this time in making Spock confused about knowing about the pick-up 🤣❤️
Oh, he has really played her so well, even without knowing that *she's* behind the killing - she totally believes he's just a charming captain who has quite fallen for her charm.... Although I guess he's the same, thinking that she's just Kodos' innocent daughter who's fallen for *his* charm.
And again, his startled-ness at Kevin Riley. I guess there's technically no *reason* why he should have known the other survivors who had seen Kodos? With 4000 survivors, I guess it could have been quite random which ones of them saw Kodos.
Okay, with his orders to Spock to send Kevin back to engineering, Jim has definitely entered "fight" mode, and as tactical as he can be he's not thinking with his whole brain here.
"Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?" "It occurred. I dismissed it." "You would." I don't know what this is but Bones, Spock, I love you.
I'm guessing Bones isn't worried only because he hasn't been snapped at by Kirk.
Bones really feels like he's trying to avoid this conversation here - either hecan guess the conclusion Spock's coming to and doesn't want to hear it, or he already knows and is trying to protect himself privacy.
Spock reaches out for Leonard's arm! "Over 4000 people" and he has to reach out to TOUCH Bones. SPOCK 💔💔💔
Oh yeah, I think Bones totally knew already about Tarsus. He didn't know the Karidian connection, definitely, and he maybe didn't know about Riley, but I really think he knew about Jim. He barely reacts to Spock saying Jim's name, already steeling himself not to give away that he knew.
Oh, Riley. "Someone talk to me!" Ohhh, bless.
"Something to reassure me I'm not the only living thing next in the universe." He's so melodramatic I love him XD
The disinfectant into the milk is so jarring!
The way you think he might not drink the milk but then he does! Aghhh. The drama!
Spock needing to physically protect Jim by making him completely informed Vs Bones needing to emotionally protect Jim by letting him have a little longer in ignorance.
Bones backing Spock up - "he's doing his job!"
Spock and Jim telling each other to get out and go! And Spock of course coming back after doing orders.
Well that did seem like a murder attempt for sure.
Kodos barely reacting. I guess he knows the name James Kirk, knows this might have been coming.
The fact that Kodos barely looks at the paper but still keeps up the charade afterwards. Argues with Jim about Kodos' motives but pretends Kodos is another man. And it shouldn't work too dissuade Jim yet it does because Jim has to be *surer* then sure, he can have no room for doubt 💔💔
Seriously, Bones, recording your medical log with such sensitive information out in the open like that?!
I guess being raised by a secretive af Shakespeare actor probably screws up your childhood a whole lot. This Lenore and Karidian scene is so chilling.
Her insistence in finishing the play. Her quoting of Shakespeare over her father's body. It's like Shakespeare was the more real world to her.
How long does it take him to process that Kodos saved his life and died for him. Because fucking hell that is a HELL of a lot.
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wisteriawyvern · 1 month
24 & 16 for the Star Trek ask game : 3
Sorry it took me a minute to answer this, my last couple of days were busy busy!! Thank you so very very much for the ask!
24. What should have happened in Star Trek, but didn't? 🎷
In my honest opinion (aside from Kirk, McCoy, and Spock getting together at some point, especially by the end of the 5th movie) I genuinely think closure from a few things that happened in the series needed to happen but never did. Like Bones practically resigning to die and actively putting his life on the line and worrying Jim (and Spock) to the point of near breaking, just to be like "oh shucks, another day on the Enterprise!" by the end of it with us not seeing any real emotional closure. Or the times when Jim and Spock saw some seriously fucked up shit™️ and they were mega affected during the episode, but then it's never brought up again. The episodic nature of the show prevented a lot of major closure sure, but even just a tiny bit more than what we got, I feel, is something that would have fully benefitted everything, especially later episodes and then the plots in the movies.
Further closure and information on Jim's time on Tarsus would also be hugely helpful and never happened, and I feel that is part of this contextually as well!
16. Your favourite ship? 👬
I'm seriously a die-hard McSpirk shipper! I love the other branch ships I've come across: Spirk (of course), Spones, and recently I discovered Scones and I adore the grumpy drunk men dynamic, but I will always fall back to my little thruple that are so made to fit together like puzzle pieces for the heart mind and soul. I could prattle on about their whole dynamic for hours literally 💜
Thank you so much again for the ask! You're so sweet, and thank you for the game as well!
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according2thelore · 14 days
📝pssst Lizzy I saw that you listed the AOS in some of your favorite movies! I loved them too but it seems like that fandom was kind of a flash in the pan. I miss it!
I have a deep abiding love for Kirk/McCoy from the reboot but only in the reboot! I agree Kirk/Spock is the choice for the original series. Something about Pine and Urban’s chemistry. They were so good together!
No worries if you’ve never really hopped into fandom for this and just enjoy the movies but if you do, do you have a ship there?
hello!! <3
the AOS fandom in it's heyday was FANTASTIC!!! i discuss this lower down, lol!
for those unfamiliar with star trek, the original 60s TV show ("the original series"/TOS) and the movies with chris pine ("the alternate original series"/AOS) are based on the same characters, while other "generations"/shows/iterations (like "the next generation" with picard, etc.) have different crews and ships (literal physical spaceships).
the whole movie series (AOS) wasn't "oh let's make TOS again," it was "what would TOS look like if one detail was changed," and this detail was the premature death of kirk's father (played by a pre-fame chris hemsworth, which is pretty fun!). by changing this, the whole thing shifts, and the trajectory of the lives of all of the characters changes pretty dramatically. it's quite literally an AU fanfic!!!! which is SUCH a fun concept i wish more reboots did!!!
i LOVE the AOS for so many reasons, but i think i kind of fall into the "love what it almost was/could've been" rather than strictly "what is on screen/what it is"
one of the main reasons i love AOS so much (particularly "into darkness") is its thematic shift from the TOS.
it makes sense why kirk would be on tarsus iv after the death of his father, it makes sense that spock has a bit of an identity crisis after the death of his mother, it makes sense that bones is so jaded after his divorce moved his daughter away, it's just delicious!
while one of the main incredible things about TOS was its earnestness and ownership of its hamminess (or shall i say, camp), i think some of it was to the disservice of its characters.
finding out about tarsus and the tarsus nine during a full-out shakespeare production? and it never really being mentioned again? strange. like...they fully had to eat people to survive (or if not, they had to do other impossible frightening tasks)...and kirk was a CHILD fighting to protect other CHILDREN. also SAM DIES? and kirk never really talks about him again after that.
so the AOS engaging more with the characters being scarred/traumatized was fun as an angst, H/C, and whump lover, lol!
i (unfortunately or fortunately, depends on who you are) am a spock/kirk diehard truther. any version of these characters are deeply in love/intwined in my head!
i particularly enjoyed pine's/quinto's chemistry (not to mention the fact they always talk like they're trying to smell what mouthwash the other used that morning)
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while i tend to shy away from enemies/lovers (just not my particular cup of tea, usually), i think it's really fun that they explicitly placed them as adversaries that have to earn each other's respect and trust.
i think the closest we get to canon spock & kirk & bones dynamic is ST:ID, which is why it's my favourite. kirk is like "yes <3 i will break the rules <3" and spock says "...i'm calling the police" and bones says "i am breaking his phone in half bc we HAVE to break the rules here, jackass"
and i personally think it's so fun that they changed the death of spock to the death of kirk in ST:ID, and then proceeded to have spock try to beat a man to death with his bare hands--an act of grief and self-harm and revenge, given what we know about vulcan hands.
(also, while kirk is dying, "you had to know why i went back for you" and the ta'al kiss through the glass???? launch me into the SUN!!!!!!!!)
(small note, but i also think it's so interesting the default emotion for TOS spock is anguish (when it's forced upon him), but the default emotion for AOS spock is fury...like yes...tell me more, thematically...)
it's SO true that karl urban just has INSANE chemistry with all of his castmates. the spock & bones corporate bonding retreat in ST: Beyond was delightful start to finish.
urban's mccoy is one for the HISTORY books, truly! grumpy and loveable and dickish. i want to kiss him on the mouth; who said that?? that was weird. anyway,
the entire cast was just FANTASTIC. i especially adore zoe saldana as nyota uhura. john cho and anton yelchin were incredible choices for sulu and chekov, and simon pegg as scott was INSPIRED. even relatively background characters like winona rider as amanda greyson, indeed!! yes!! thank you!!
are there issues with the AOS? OH YES. YES INDEED. but the potential was there and fun and campy and angsty and i shovel it with a spoon into my greedy little writer hands. this movie series was like if they caught lightning in a bottle and then got scared that they did something so awesome and gently placed it on the ground (wow i guess i have a media type...spn is just...that as well...). it was still incredible, but i wanted more!
i deeply adore bones & kirk as best friends, and think their dynamic in the AOS is so inherently relatable and tender. i can definitely understand and respect your shipping of them! like...oh my god...they were roommates...(and also will do anything for each other, and have a deep, abiding respect and care for each other that is not akin to any other relationship they have)
i mentioned this once briefly a bit ago, but i have another account where i write all of my non-spn fanfic, and have a pretty well-loved AOS spirk fic over there. (some of the people in my real life follow that account and it'll change my life for the worse if they find our wincest blog, unfortunately.) i've been occasionally opening another spirk fic i've been working on laboriously for a year to lovingly look at the screen before being hit with another psychic blast of These Brothers That Want To Kiss and end up writing a hanahaki fic instead, lol!
some of the best fanfiction i have ever read--period!--comes from the AOS and the incredible writers there. these fics are spirk, so if that's not your particular cup of tea, i totally get it! but i thought i'd recommend some anyway for stray spock/kirk fans wandering through here!
shine like the sun --> imo THEEE AOS spirk fanfic; spock gets amnesia and the last thing he remembers is turning kirk in for the kobayashi maru
anything --> morally dubious spock tries to find comfort after kirk dies!!! yes!!!!
the bond --> A CLASSIC!!!! spock gets amnesia and assumes he and kirk are together...kirk doesn't correct him
please don't touch the vulcans --> christmas! and tarsus! yummy!
the Proposal AU one!!!
(if you want more of these PLEASE ask i have SO many recommendations, lol!)
i am so sorry!! this was so long!!!! THANK you for asking!! this was so long and i have no idea if i actually answered your question! i hope this was fun to read! (i spent like an hour responding and then editing my answers bc this was originally An Essay, haha!)
asking a girl about one of her hyperfixations will get her yapping (i once explained the entire series to charlotte on our kitchen floor at like 3 AM).
i am now going to go rewatch ST:ID, lol! <3
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zanniscaramouche · 8 months
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Zanni WIPs of 2024
See what I'm working on under the cut ♡
Star Trek
❄️️ Fathom - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock + Jim Kirk/Bones
Jim raises his head and tries to stay on track of the conversation. “Always?”  And what he means is, ‘In every reality?’ Spock inclines his head in a subdued nod. “All that is, is yours.”  Est. 30k
❄️️ Wonderful Boy - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock + Jim Kirk/Bones
Jim wakes up in the new version of reality and he’s trying to find his place. Meanwhile, his relationships with Bones and Spock are strained as he works to reconcile the shift in status quo. Bones doesn’t stroke his hair back at night just to see his eyes better. Spock stands a little too close and keeps making abortive movements like he’s about to reach out. Jim can sympathise, but it’s still weird to have affection cut off from everyone but the one person who’s always given him a cold shoulder. OR AOS Jim wakes up in a world where his father didn't die on the Kelvin, his crew are polite but not personal, and he's never stepped foot on Tarsus IV. Oh, and he's got the wrong size science blues hanging up next to his gold shirts. Est. 60k
❄️️ Untitled - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock
A military AU set throughout the Bell Riots, Second Civil War, Eugenics War, and WWIII. Est. 200k
One Direction
❄️️ Cherry - One Direction- OT5 (starts off Nouis-centric) - ABO
Louis Tomlinson is probably the bureau's least impressive employee (and that's including janitor Stan 'the Man') but when an anonymous hook-up leaves him the best person to infiltrate a crime ring, he's forced into the field with a fake identity. Can he seduce the members of The Pack well enough to bring them down? And by the time he uncovers more than just their secrets, will he want to? Est. 45k
❄️️ If I Could Fly- Larry - Spiderman!Louis + Uni AU
Louis is busy coming to terms with being a superhero, but that doesn’t mean all the other responsibilities that come with being human are suddenly put on hold. The sanctuary of the education system won't last forever, and with Harry-- his lovely, beautiful, sex-god of a boyfriend-- a week from graduating with Masters, it's time to start thinking about the future. Their future. If only Louis could get his past to stay in the past. How long can Louis keep spinning lies until he’s caught in his own web? He's hoping at least a week. Est. 25k
❄️️ The Goodbye Scene- Larry - Authors AU + Enemies to Lovers
Louis and Harry are in the midst of co-writing a novel. Everything is fine, except for how they kind of can’t stand each other right now. Harry’s a romantic, wants everything to be perfect with the glossy sheen of pornography. Louis hates that. Things aren’t always perfect, and he wants to show how sex in reality can actually be kind of lack luster and awkward. He might be a bit sour since he’s still getting over his ex, but so sue him. He’s right on this, okay? It culminates in a heated debate as Harry insists the extravagant can be sexy and romantic when done right. Louis doesn’t believe him, and he’s not putting it in the book until Harry proves it to him. Which means Harry decides to prove it. Thus begins their trials to see who’s right: can sex be just as sexy and lust filled as the most harlequin romance novel out there, or will these grand ideas fall flat and lead more to injury than ecstacy? Est. 20k
❄️️ Black Silk - One Direction - Larry - ABO + Crime Thriller
Louis is a drug mule for designer narcotics that gets caught in a messy drop-off that leaves him on the wrong side of a corrupt deal. With nowhere to go and a city full of gang-lords and millionaires on his tail for the lost product, Louis seeks haven with the last person he even remembers having a conversation with. Only Niall the friendly omega is out of town, and in his place is a grumpy cat-sitter who doesn’t appreciate convicts bleeding on the rug. Est. 30k
❄️️ Ride or Die, Sweetheart - Larry - Bike Racer AU + Exes to Lovers
Harry bleeds diesel. He exhales red desert dirt and sweats motor oil. After twenty-six years he’s discovered two truths of life: He was born to race. He will love Louis Tomlinson until the day he dies. A case could be made to say there's a third fact: Louis’s hate for him burns hotter than an engine in the sun Est. 40k
❄️️ Who Hung the Moon - Larry - Time Travel + Exes to Lovers
After the second worst day of his life, Harry is sent back in time to the most horrible-terrible-no-good-very-bad week of his existence: The week Louis Tomlinson shattered every dream he had and broke his heart. Est. 25k
❄️️ Broken Wishbones - Larry + Narry - ABO + Accidental Bonding
It was Louis who spent Christmas morning with Harry, and it was Louis who received birthday blowjobs, and it was always going to be Louis who got on one knee with a ring. Niall didn’t have a part in any of that. Which is why it’s so fucked up that the teeth marks on Harry’s neck don’t match Louis’s mouth. Est. 20k
❄️️ Honeybee - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll during glamorous 70's. Est. 200k
Teen Wolf
❄️️ Hope You Get This Message - Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Had anyone actually seen him recently? When was the last time you spoke to him? Did any of us really know him?  When the man known as Peter Hale disappears, Stiles is just one of a group of strangers that come together during the investigation. Pretty quickly it's clear that things don't quite match up to what everyone thought they knew about him. The one thing they can agree on is that everything they know about Peter might have been false, but there’s no way he’s guilty of what he’s being accused of. Right? The longer the case goes on, the more apparent it is that Peter wasn’t the only one with secrets. Est. 60k
See something you like? Want to read it sooner? Please send all encouragements and inquiries to my ask box! ♡ xoxo
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
"thank you anon for starting it"
Your welcome! I'd just wanted to get my problems with how others didn't get redemption off my chest! I'm so glad it resonated!
Another thought I have on redemption: The process of redemption is in essence the the process of the old person being destroyed and constructing a new person in its place. This means though that a redemption needs to sell you on the person essentially destroying their old self and accepting another. This means that it either needs time or intensity.
A good example of the former is Dinobot from Beast Wars. He's basically forced to join the heroes and is a violent jerk at the beginning, only slowly becoming a better person until by the end he's 100% on the hero's side. This one lends itself well to the trope of the villain trying to take up their old habits again only to realize they aren't that person anymore.
For fast redemptions, intensity is needed to sell a person changing their entire allegiance in mere minutes. For instance, Saul of Tarsus was a religious fanatic who changed on the spot because he saw a vision from God Himself. Also Vader, who embraced the light despite thinking it was too late for him after seeing his son being brutally electrocuted while begging for his father to help him. Bad fast redemptions are almost always ones where the experience was not intense nor meaningful enough to sell a person turning that fast. They also usually require a very simple and straightforward choice in the moment. (Don't arrest the Christians/throw the evil emperor down the shaft)
It resonated VERY well.
And I think this is a good point. Redemption is (not necessarily in a religious sense) a conversion - the character's self is converted from one form into another. Which means you need to BELIEVE that the cause was enough to shake the foundations of whatever part of themselves has been destroyed/transformed.
Sometimes it can be a gradual buildup of force, like an erosion. The characters' beliefs, convictions, commitments or attachments can be gradually undermined by exposure to something better, until the counter-force has built up enough to make them go against their past self.
Sometimes, as you say, its a catastrophic shakeup. I think even in that case, though, it does have to appeal to something already in them? It can only happen if there's another, deeper allegiance they didn't understand themselves: to use your examples, St. Paul was already extremely dedicated to serving God and was forced by direct encounter to know that Christ WAS God (he didn't stop being a religious fanatic so much as he just course-corrected his drive), and Vader's love for family had been a deep-rooted part of his character all along, just twisted and suffocated into a motivation for evil instead of good.
I don't know if I have a point here - I'm just riffing in response to your good thoughts - but I think it might be that fast redemptions have to appeal to good that's already in the redeemed? To be believable to the audience, we have to see that there is something about the good of the redemption that they already, consciously or unconsciously, desired.
(And yes, it coming with an immediate clear choice for them to make helps a lot because it means commitment on their part. We know they're not just thinking about changing, or just doing what's convenient at the moment.)
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Starlight Glimmer was quite cheery as she made the final preparations for the next lesson. She felt more confident than ever that she was succeeding in helping Chrysalis turn a corner. While in every previous lesson had one thing or another she was worried about. 
Whether that was Pinkie's shrillness, Cheese Sandwich being just as off putting as his marefriend sometimes, and the know-it-all attitude of Mud Briar in the Laughter lesson. 
Or a reunion with Cadence and Shining Armor getting too heated, then there was the spoiled Flurry Heart thinking she can change Chrysalis just by looking cute... and that's not even getting into how Discord almost drew all her progress back into the negatives during the Kindness lesson. 
She also wasn't sure how the one-on-one talk with Thorax would go, though the Changeling king felt it was an important step. Starlight's just thankful she had Ocellus there to help balance out Chrysalis.
And the egos in the room that were a part of the Loyalty lesson had her wondering if they'd even mix. Though luckily, those turned out to be the types Chrysalis could vibe with the most.
But now that she's onto Honesty, there were little-to-no worries this time. Well, maybe just a tad about Pharynx when he shows up. Maybe also a little if the subject of Tarsus is brought up too. But even those seemed tiny compared to how devastated she felt the moment Discord decided to step in all of a sudden. Starlight couldn't see anything going wrong on that level when they have all the good hearts they’re bringing in today.
The Apple Family had not too long ago finished their annual harvest and the ponies (Along with a certain yak) that Starlight approached about showing up for this lesson were more than happy to assist anyway they can. They standby waiting for Starlight to give them the signal from outside the portal. Starlight jumps through the portal and approaches Chrysalis' large barrier cell with a confident, excitable smile.
Starlight: Good afternoon, Chrysalis!
Going into this lesson, Chrysalis was actually… feeling good. She was even looking forward to the lessons now. Though her pride would keep herself in check. She was only doing this for freedom! For her personal goals, definitely not because she came to see Starlight as a friend. At least, that's what she was telling herself. But the truth was that even if Chrysalis didn't want to say it out loud, Starlight was helping her in ways she never thought possible. 
She'd kept her family life to herself until Starlight had chipped away at her defenses. And now, Chrysalis had been willingly sharing her history with her… it was a change that still scared her… but at the same time, it gave her hope. Maybe things can be better. When Starlight approached her cell, she had a noticeable smile for Starlight. And the wings on her back looked shinier than they were at the end of the Loyalty lesson.
Chrysalis: Heh, is it that time already? And so soon after the last one? Not that I mind, I highly doubt we have much concern for today. I know Applejack will be coming along and besides a potential sour look, I'm sure this lesson will be a breeze.
She sounded quite confident, but considering the lesson is about honesty, Chrysalis may have more difficulty than she thinks.
Starlight nods, and gives a warm smile
Starlight: Yeah, I'm positive this lesson will go pretty smoothly. Maybe there will be some tension for when it's time to call down Pharynx... as no doubt with having seen Ocellus and Thorax again. It's about time you spoke with him too.
Though I will say, things will be pretty different this time around. You won't need to answer a question on when you've been more honest. Nor come clean to how many times you lied, as a changeling queen who's a master of deception. I assume there'd be way too many to count.
This gave Chrysalis some pause.
Chrysalis: Ah… yes, Pharynx… I've no doubt he has some choice words for me... He was always so loyal to the hive. I kind of expected to see him in the previous lesson… but given his tendency to speak his mind without filter, it's fitting you chose him for this lesson.
And hmmph… you dare to assume that I've not been honest! Oh the audacity! I've been a paragon of… pffft, I cannot even make that bold faced of a lie. But you do make a blunt although fair point. If we were to catalog every lie I've ever told, we'd need a multitude of books to fill them!
She seemed almost proud of that statement. But it was clear that Chrysalis had become much more comfortable with joking around with Starlight.
Starlight chuckles a little before her face turns more serious
Starlight: To be frank, today's lesson will be more about us being honest with you... there are many things I withheld talking about until now. Crucial information that has come out in the time you've been gone. But I promise there was a reason for it, I'm not sure any of the previous lessons could have been as cleanly done if I had told you what we'll delve into today from the very start.
But before I talk about this, we are also bringing in our first few guests near immediately. Especially Applejack, who as the Element of Honesty. She will help assure you that everything we're going to say today... is the truth. 
Chrysalis: What do you mean that you'll be honest with me? What sort of information have you been withholding, Starlight Glimmer?
Chrysalis tilts her head, looking much more serious. But given the information that had come about during her time away, she assumes it was withheld so as to not overwhelm her with it. 
Chrysalis: Well, Applejack is honest to a fault, I know that much. If anypony lies, she'll be able to call it out… so fine, bring her and the assortment of others in. I'm sure it'll be an interesting bit of discussion.
Starlight prepares a pair of gum. Though in this case, she pulls out two at once. In order to have enough gum to make a larger bubble for the portal.
Starlight: Just a heads up that one of our guests has grown quite big. But as huge as they are, they have a big heart... in both a metaphorical sense, and also literally given a yak's anatomy.
Starlight chews the two packs of gum and begins to blow a large bubble. A big loud pop is heard as a portal is opened into the chamber.
The first one to step in is in fact the large guest that Starlight was referring to. It was none other than Yona, who beams a smile as she arrives at the scene. Her excitable footsteps enough to make small tremors in the underground chamber.
Yona: Yona Yak has arrived! Yona excited to meet friend Ocellus' mother!
Next to go through the portal is a yellow pony with red hair, and a big bow. The 3rd and final member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom. Behind her is a cart she drags in that has many bottles of what seems to be some kind of drink. With an aptly named Applebrew's logo on both sides of the cart.
Apple Bloom: Howdy, Chrysalis! Ah heard from the other crusaders y’all been meetin’ up wit’ them during ya lessons and also getting t’ know their tricks o’ the trade. So ah hope ya don't mind that ah brought some special drinks! Ah'm sure ya'll like em! They are made with love after all!
Chrysalis looks a bit surprised by some of the guests, she obviously recognizes Applejack and by extension, Apple Bloom, but the others all seem new to her. The yak, Yona, whom Chrysalis could gather was Ocellus' friend. Though the other pony that comes in alongside Applejack, she has no frame of reference for. She sees her cutie mark, a star with musical notes on it, but it doesn't ring a bell. 
Coloratura: Wow… so you're the Queen of the Changelings. Uh, I'm Coloratura. Though friends call me Rara. It's nice to meet you.
She seemed a bit more reserved than the others, Though Chrysalis can taste a very distinct flavor of love coming from her… and it was directed at Applejack!
Chrysalis: Well now… this is certainly an interesting assortment...
As Applejack walks forward, she seems to stare down Chrysalis a bit. Given how Chrysalis' whole style of villainy includes lying as much as possible. No one would fault Applejack for still holding some mistrust of the Queen. But as much as Chrysalis can feel the air of judgment by the strong farmer. Applejack also trusts Starlight enough to know she's doing the right thing. After all, this is hardly her first rodeo when it comes to other villains that have turned good and/or have had a chance to turn a corner since.
Applejack: Howdy there, Chrysalis. Ah'll admit it's not all that easy t' know what t' say t' ya fo’ the first time in ah long while. But ah have heard Starlight has made progress wit' ya. And ah didn't detect any lies from her mouth. But ah'm here t' make sure y'all haven't been usin’ ya dirty tricks t' deceive her... Y'all got that? 
Chrysalis walked up to the edge of her cell, looking down at Applejack with a smirk.
Chrysalis: Oh believe me, Applejack, this whole experience has been an odd one for me as well. I may have managed to fool even you the first time we met when I posed as Cadence, but I'm not foolish enough to try and lie while in the situation I'm in. Last thing I desire is to be turned to stone once more. I will earn my freedom, and you can judge any way you want. I'm sure you've spoken to your other friends who've had their time with me. Did it seem like ah've tricked them?
Applejack nods
Applejack: Yea... ah've talked with Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow about how each o' their sessions went. Ah was surprised Dash seemed t' have the most glowing thoughts about their session. Not that the others didn't have good things t' say. But somehow Rainbow was happier about the session then Pinkie was fo' hers. Which is odd, because if ah recall correctly... Rainbow Dash lost, but Pinkie won against you in different competitions.
Chrysalis: See? Glowing reviews for the Queen! But I'm hardly surprised, perhaps you'll be singing a different tune by the end of the day, hmm?
Applejack: Though... another thing... Fluttershy oddly seemed ah bit mo' reserved, but also giggly as if she was hiding somethin’. Fluttershy bein' reserved would have been normal ah long while ago, but she's taken quite ah bit o’ strides since then. Given Fluttershy was happy, ah can't imagine it was somethin' bad. But it does make me curious o’ what she did during her session with y’all that left her that way…
Starlight: That does sound like strange behavior for Fluttershy... maybe I'll have to go see her sometime soon. But we'll get this session done first.
Chrysalis was a bit confused by the mention of Fluttershy's strange behavior. She didn't recall that lesson ending on the highest note.
Chrysalis: Odd, I have no clue why she would have had that reaction considering... well, an uninvited guest...
Chrysalis snarled for a moment before taking a deep breath.
Chrysalis: It doesn't really matter though.
Starlight: Anyway... Chrysalis. Obviously, you know Applejack relatively enough, and you have seen her little sister Apple Bloom before. Though naturally, she's since become a hard worker at the farm like most other Apple family members. She’s become a very skilled tea and potion brewer after many years of friendship with a nearby zebra named Zecora. As she mentioned, she's brought many of her most popular drinks on the cart. If you're thirsty, feel free to ask me to teleport a drink into your cell.
Our big friendly yak here is Yona, she took over as the Teacher of Honesty at the School of Friendship once Applejack stepped down. Like Silverstream, Sandbar, and Smolder from earlier sessions. She's another of your daughter's closest friends.
Yona: Ocellus always says yak love is filling! Cause Yak have best and biggest hearts in the world! 
Starlight: And lastly, the pony you're probably least familiar with is none other than Coloratura. She's a world renowned pop star in Equestria who was a close childhood friend of Applejack's. She's also Sweetie Belle's manager... and as I'm sure you can tell already... but her and Applejack's friendship blossomed into something more in the time you've been gone.
Applejack blushes and looks at her famous marefriend with a warm smile as Starlight tells Chrysalis of their status. Wrapping a hoof for a hug around her lover's neck.
She looks at the others there as Starlight gives them all a more proper introduction. Apple Bloom looked quite proud of her accomplishments especially.
Apple Bloom: Ah'm sure ah've got somethin' that'll wet ya whistle! Plenty o’ flavors t' go around too! 
Coloratura also blushed and hugged Applejack back before looking at Chrysalis
Coloratura: I don't suppose you may have heard some of my music?
Chrysalis looked at the group with a curious look. It was clear why Coloratura was there now, the taste of her and Applejack's love was palpable. With Applebloom it was quite obvious as well, being Applejack's sister and all. But with Yona, Chrysalis could taste something… familiar. It caused her to smirk.
Chrysalis: I will certainly take you up on one of the drinks, I could use it, given the flavors of love I'm tasting right now. And Applejack, I'm delighted to get such a flavor of love between you and your famous marefriend. It’s like a fine wine… it certainly was good on its own when it was fresh… Starlight mentioning you two were close friends as children certainly makes sense with that in mind… but I’m sure it was nothing compared to what it is now. I congratulate you on finding true love… 
And speaking of which, Yona was it? Yes… I recognize the love coming from you… I tasted it weeks ago from Sandbar… yes, it's clear now. Interesting~
As for Coloratura's music... I cannot recall specifically… perhaps if you played music from that time frame, I MIGHT recognize it. 
In reality, Chrysalis had heard some of Coloratura's songs but it was back when she was going around as the Countess. Her minions bringing back some loot from their raids of pony homes that included records and music players.
Yona blushed at the mention of Sandbar
Yona: Sandbar... best pony Yona has ever met. So kind... so smart... if only pony spines weren't too brittle for yak strength. Yona would hug Sandbar tighter than anything in this world!
Chrysalis chuckled
Chrysalis: Well that's one thing we can agree on in a sense. Pony bodies certainly are fragile.
Starlight walks on over to Applebloom's cart and looks through the flavors. She doesn't know Chrysalis taste buds enough to know what flavors she'd particularly move toward. But she decides on just picking what she knows is one of Applebloom's most popular. A tea that's made out of the freshest apples of the Ponyville orchard, as well as fresh Pears from the old Pear family orchard. With the rivalry now just about fully healed, the Pear family works hoof-in-hoof with the Apple family. It's most certainly what Pear Butter and Bright Mac had always wanted.
Starlight: Here Chrysalis, try this apple-pear mixed flavor tea. There are other flavors to pick from, but this one I think is the flavor Applebloom is most proud of for a multitude of reasons.
Chrysalis takes the tea that Starlight teleported in. Applebloom looks on expectantly, hoping that Chrysalis will enjoy the product. She put a ton of effort into making every single drink and potion after all. Chrysalis took an initial sip and seemed pleasantly surprised. Of course apples were the apple family's namesake, but the addition of the pear flavor really made this tea shine. While not as good as love was to Chrysalis, she can appreciate the flavors here. Not too tart or sweet, it was just right.
Chrysalis: Not bad… not bad at all… I can see why it's popular among you ponies.
Applebloom: Haha! It's ah best seller fer ah reason! Mixin’ mah ma and pa's specialty o’ apples n’ pears!
The mention of parents did make Chrysalis flinch a bit but she just kept drinking the tea to avoid saying anything in regards to it.
Applejack hugs her grown-up younger sister
Applejack: Them brews y'all learned from Zecora has certainly started our family's newest tradition! It's too bad Granny and Grand Pear passed befo' they could ever get the chance t' try this mix. Goldie Delicious probably would have loved it too.
Chrysalis hadn't paid much attention to the guest's attire. But when Applejack mentioned the old ponies that have since passed away since she had been in stone. She noticed both Applejack and Apple Bloom reflexively touched the colored shawls around their necks. Chrysalis could tell that this meant the two sisters were wearing what had once been their deceased family member's heirloom. She could feel a tinge of what sadness does to a flavor of familial love, although oddly it didn't feel as if they've been dead for years and they miss them. Chrysalis initially just dismisses this as the two having gotten over their grief enough not to show too much. It's still hard to see any family members pass, but those who lived full lives and died relatively peacefully she imagines is an easier pill to swallow... especially considering what Chrysalis herself has gone through with her family. 
Applebloom: She's been ah great teacher fo' sure! And ah know they would've loved t’ try it... but they know o’ our efforts! They're always with us after all!
Chrysalis looked somber, noticing not only Applejack and Applebloom's attire but the sadness tinged love as well. There wasn't a snarky comment or some snide remark given at the mention of the family they've lost. After all, she too had been mourning for those she's lost more openly as of late. She took the comment about their family always being with them as a more figurative phrase rather than literal. She looked to Starlight and whispers, actually being courteous to give the sisters their moment.
Chrysalis: ...Can we just get to the lesson first before… whatever this is over here?
Starlight: Certainly, Chrysalis. Alright everyone, it's time to te-
Suddenly the door into the chamber is slammed open, Starlight's head turns fast to see who's barging in. It's Pharynx, with a very noticeable scowl on his face.
Starlight: Oh, hi Pharynx... you're here early. I was going to call you down a little later after I've informed Chrysalis about a few important things. But if you want to speak with her now, I won't stop you...
Pharynx: This was not going to wait, I'm done with waiting! I've been patient long enough and she needs to hear what I have to say!
Chrysalis grimaced when Pharynx barged in. She knew he'd be showing up, she just didn't think it would be so soon. He was her clear favorite back when she was in charge. But now… this seemed like he was ready to rip her a new one. While Chrysalis had become more accustomed to the changelings' new looks. Seeing Pharynx look somewhat similar to Thorax in his new form still took her by some surprise. But she found it interesting he still had a much darker color scheme compared to the others.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, it's... been some time since we last-
Pharynx: No, you will not speak! You will just listen to what I have to say! I've held my tongue because I trust my brother and Starlight. But you... you turned your back on us, on the hive! And we grew without you...
Applejack just about grimaced with Phayrnx's sudden entrance. She whispers over to Starlight
Applejack: Best give Pharynx his space to' say his beef wit' his Ma.
Starlight nodded as she whispered back
Starlight: Exactly what I was going to do...
Starlight walked back by the others side
Starlight: Pharynx, shall we leave you alone to discuss things over? Both your brother and Ocellus had their chance to have a 1-on-1 conversation with Chrysalis. It'll be only fair if you'd like us to do the same.
Pharynx nods but keeps his eyes locked on Chrysalis as the group gives the two some space. Once they were alone, Pharynx paced back and forth, almost expecting some kind of quip or snarky comment from Chrysalis… but she was actually staying quiet, willing to listen to what he had to say.
Pharynx: Hmph… got nothing else to say? You may have the others fooled, but not me. There's no way you actually want to turn over a new leaf. You were so willing to toss us all aside… you were willing to use us, not for the hive, but for your own means! There's no possible way you want to just… change! All you once taught me, about the glory of the hive, how changelings could be strong.... was it all a lie?! Tell me!
He was clearly and understandably angry. His drive had always been striving towards protecting the hive, whether he was the older style of changeling or the current form, that part rang true no matter what. Chrysalis looked down and sighed.
Chrysalis: I did use you all for my own gain, yes. Pharynx... look at me, you'd know if I was lying. I… I don't know what I ultimately want, but I want my freedom, and I don't wish for any harm to befall the hive. But I still firmly believe in the strength of the hive… now more than ever. I can see how much I was holding you all back as much as I hate to admit. I'm not asking for forgiveness...
Pharynx: Good, cause I'm not looking to forgive… you… you broke our hearts! You may have thought we abandoned you, but you abandoned us! Even after a majority of the hive transformed, some of us remained. We believed in you! S-so… don't… don't give me hope… don't you start acting like a mother now… You always criticized Thorax for being a traitor… but you were the one who betrayed us! YOU DID, NOT HIM!
Chrysalis looked down, Pharynx wasn't wrong. Chrysalis had done those things, she trampled on the hopes and dreams of her most loyal changelings for her own gain.
But she felt something, Pharynx's love for the hive… but there was more there, perhaps he may have still had a shred of hope for Chrysalis? But it was something he didn't want to believe to keep himself from being hurt again? It was like what she'd been doing in avoiding her own past family issues.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I cannot deny what you've said… and this doesn't leave this conversation, but… I'm trying… I want what's best for the hive, still… it's why when I get free, I will not ask for an immediate return to a position of power. I merely want to live… and perhaps… be in your lives if you'll allow...
She was letting herself be vulnerable with him. It felt like an inverse of the conversation she had with Thorax.
Outside the chamber doors, Starlight meditated internally. In some ways, Phayrnx's time with Chrysalis allows her to prepare herself to tell the queen all the truths of the world that have changed how all lifeforms on the planet look at life itself since Chrysalis was imprisoned in stone. She knows it's all going to be hard to take in for her, but this is one of the most important discussions to have if Chrysalis is to be walking around freely again.
Applejack meanwhile just bides her time, she knows the Changeling royals have a lot of family drama to get over. She's lucky that outside the rivalry with the Pears, there hasn't been too much infighting in her own family. She's been over protective of Apple Bloom, but they hardly argued compared to how Rarity and Sweetie would sometimes get. And that's not even getting into what was learned from Rainbow's session about Chrysalis' old hive.
Yona: Hey Apple Bloom, Yona is thirsty. mind if Yona grabs a bottle or 2 of tea from your cart?
The large yak asks for a brief moment of levity during the current situation.
It was quite a tense situation for all involved. Applebloom nodded to Yona and let her have any choice of drink. In fact, she gave everypony there a freebie.
Applebloom: Ah can't imagine what it must be like t' have such anger towards another family member. Ah mean, AJ and ah have had our squabbles in the' past, but nothing like… well that.
She looked to her older sister.
Applebloom: Ya think they'll really be able t' resolve their problems?
Applejack shook her head
Applejack: Ah wouldn't be mah honest self if ah said ah was confident in this working out smoothly. The royal changeling's family issues are far above any pony's family issues ah know about. Chrysalis lost just about her entire family in that strange sinkin' island disaster. And her new family is full o' complicated issues that stem from Chrysalis' attempts t' make sure what happened t' the old hive never happens again... surprisingly, ah can kind o' relate... ah never wanted anything like what happened t' Ma n' Pa again... it's why ah babied ya so much before ya dared going t' that cursed fire swamp when y'all were still little... 
Ah suppose it's different that Chrysalis actually had ah target t’ be mad at,  some pony that we don't know, whereas... with mah folks... it was ah freak natural disaster that ah couldn't have stopped. Ah still think Chrysalis went too far with tryin' t' take over Equestria over it. But ah won't lie that she's ah lot mo’ relatable then ah'll give her credit fo'
Applebloom chuckled a bit.
Applebloom: And ah fully understand why ya did what ya did… And ah'm glad t' have somepony like you t' always look out fo’ me, AJ. Still… ah know she was once our enemy, but ah can't help feelin ah bit sorry fo’ Chrysalis. From what the crusaders have told me, she's… really tryin’, at least in her own way."
Meanwhile back on Chrysalis and Pharynx's end. Pharynx was still letting every bit up pent up emotion out at his mother.
Pharynx: How am I supposed to be so sure you won't turn tail and run once you're free!? You wanna live in isolation again!?
Chrysalis: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT, OKAY!? I know already that I'm not meant to be the sole ruler anymore… my time is long past. I just… I want to see what the future holds! But that thought also scares me! But let me tell you one thing, I'm not running! If I wanted to, I could have already tried! But I'm doing this not just for myself, but for you and your siblings along with the rest of the hive!"
Pharynx seemed stunned by this revelation. He knew she wasn't lying.
Pharynx: You… you still think of what could be best for the hive?
Chrysalis: I never stopped thinking about the hive! Yes, I will admit I was too prideful, and let my ambitions get the better of me. I do still want my revenge for what happened to my original hive years ago. 
HOWEVER, those… stupid… nonsensical… annoying ponies… they… they're letting me see things I didn't think possible… I want to keep going, Pharynx. And I want you to be there, too. I told Ocellus the same essentially. I don't expect us to be in a happy mother-son relationship whe… I mean if I get out of here… but… I would like to see how much you've grown as a leader....
Pharynx paused for a moment to process what she just told him. He gives her an odd look.
Pharynx: Wait a moment… why would you tell this to Ocellus? What does she have to do with any of this?
Chrysalis flinched, she didn't realize Pharynx had been kept in the dark. She assumed either Thorax or Starlight may have filled him in.
Chrysalis: (Oh of all the... great, just great...well I'm already in this deep, no going back now.)
Pharynx, as a royal changeling you should know… Ocellus is one of us. She too is a royal changeling. She was to become my heir… at least… that was the original plan...
Pharynx was stunned, he thought he'd been aware of everything going on in the hive. To have this bombshell dropped on him was no small thing.
Pharynx: WHAT!? All this time, she's… she's supposed to be a… a queen?! And you only tell me this now?! I was one of your most trusted changelings! Don't think you can pull this kind of stunt! Why hide it at all? Of all the lies you've told, that's rich even for...
Chrysalis looks at him with a very serious gaze.
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I've lied about many things withheld much from all of you… but I'm not lying right now. Ocellus was meant to become the new queen of the hive. And should she choose to accept this role, that’s still the plan.
Pharynx: You… you can't be serious. Does she know?! Is she aware!? Does Thorax know!? Why… why was I not made privy to this information!?
He slammed his hooves to the ground.
Chrysalis: ...They've been made aware recently, yes. I've kept this information because it was to ultimately protect the hive!
You may not believe me, Pharynx. But my heart has been and always will be with this hive. I will always want to see my changelings thriving!
Pharynx looked shocked by this. He knew she was being genuine but he also felt angry that he wasn't made aware of any of this sooner. 
Pharynx: Why… why didn't you just tell us this from the beginning, why did you turn your back on us.... why didn't you...
Pharynx: What do you mean by again!? Stop beating around the bush and just tell me!
Chrysalis sighed...
Chrysalis: Fine… let's start from the beginning.
She then began to tell him the history of her family and the original hive… at least from what she knew.
Chrysalis: …And that’s just about all I’ve told Thorax and Ocellus. Although, if I may add… there is one factoid that I have not told them yet, that I can reveal to you first… I hope this somewhat makes up for not sharing this information with you sooner, the identity of the mass-murdering pony that has fueled my desire for revenge…
Pharynx nods Pharynx: Alright… who was this pony? Just thinking about this pony’s name is enough to make Chrysalis involuntarily growl, as there was no one, not even Discord. That Chrysalis wishes nothing but pain and suffering on. Even as Starlight has slowly gotten Chrysalis to be more comfortable around ponies she used to regard as enemies, she feels she’ll never get over her hatred of this particular one.
Chrysalis: Her name… was Sunset Shimmer… Celestia’s protege before Sparkle came along. I witnessed her kill your great Uncle Tarsus, and ran away as she left my family to die in flames! I also suspect she was responsible for the deaths of your grandparents, I can’t say for certainty… but if she would do what happened at Mt. Thrace… poisoning my parents hardly seems below her.
Pharynx looked very conflicted by this information. He wanted to call Chrysalis out especially in regards to whom she saw as her true enemy, Sunset Shimmer… but he also could tell she wasn't lying and that made no sense to him. 
Pharynx: (This… this is so much to take in… she's been having this over her head this entire time? This is why she drove us so hard? 
But I don't understand, Starlight has brought her mother to see us before, she doesn't strike me as the type to have done such vile actions. 
If she did, she wouldn't be a spirit right now… but wait… she doesn't know any of that… and I've never seen her look so sad about family… heck, I don't think I've ever seen her look sad before, she's never shown this kind of emotion to any of us. Perhaps Starlight really is changing her slowly…)
After a moment to think, he looked at Chrysalis with some understanding.
Pharynx: I think I get it now… why you made the choices that got us to this point... I still don't forgive you for turning tail and running, and also what you tried to do to all of us in your anger when you partnered with Tirek and Cozy Glow… but I get it now...
Chrysalis: Pharynx, I'm still sorry you were the last to find out. But I...
He held a hoof up to stop her.
Pharynx: I just need time to process all of this. But… maybe, MAYBE I'll give you a chance when you're freed.
(And I know when she finds out about spirit summoning… she can see her siblings. Then I along with Thorax and… Ocellus, we can meet them too)
Pharynx walks toward the door, and signals to Starlight and the others they can now return to their session. He thinks for a moment about telling Starlight what Chrysalis told him about Sunset, but he knows for sure it would drive a wedge that won't easily be removed, it'd quickly turn this session into a disaster. 
Perhaps, he also has a feeling that the two will soon debate this for themselves later. A hope that if Chrysalis learns about how only the good or otherwise normal living beings become spirits, maybe she'd wonder if she was mistaken somehow about Sunset's role in what happened to the previous hive. His mother wouldn't question the very judgment of the cosmos themselves... right?
Regardless, he thanks Starlight for the time to talk and proceeds to sit back as the group resumes their session with his mother. Though certainly not without a lot of things swirling through his mind.
Starlight, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Coloratura, and Yona meanwhile all walk back to where they were before Pharynx interrupted. Starlight looks at Chrysalis with a warm and concerned face, only knowing that there was quite a bit of yelling.
Starlight: Are you ok, Chrysalis? If the session with Pharynx was too upsetting, we can leave you alone for a little while before getting into the meat of our session...
Once the others came back in, Chrysalis let out a sigh. She wasn't prepared to deal with Pharynx so early on in the lesson, but if that was the roughest part of her day out of the way, she assumed the rest would go smoothly.
Chrysalis: Don't start worrying about me, I was expecting to have that conversation eventually, just not so soon… still, I will be fine. Let's just continue. You said that this lesson would be mostly about you all telling me truths and showing me honesty, so that'll be rest enough I assume. 
Pharynx stayed in the corner, not wanting to speak up again but he looked to Starlight, hoping she knew what she was doing. 
Applebloom held up another one of her bottles of tea.
Applebloom: M-maybe you'd like another bottle of mah apple n' pear tea? It'd help ease th' nerves...
Chrysalis: ...you know what, sure. Glimmer, teleport it in here… please...
Starlight nods, and floats up another bottle from Apple Bloom's cart and in mere seconds it disappears before immediately reappearing on the floor of Chrysalis cell.
Starlight: Drink as much as you need, because... and I must stress this... what I'm about to tell you, will shake everything you've ever believed about our world and life itself. Though I may at least reassure you that I don't mean it in a bad way, in fact, there's a good part of this that will feel like the best news of your entire life. But regardless, do not be surprised if your brain is absolutely overwhelmed by the information I'm sharing with you today. If you need a breather just to comprehend it all. Feel free to speak up as I go on... ok?
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of the drink. This seemed odd coming from Starlight but she shrugged. Considering all the things she's seen in her life and the things she's already been told, she didn't think there was anything left that could actually shock her.
Chrysalis: Sure, Glimmer. What is this world shattering information you have to tell me? I highly doubt what you have to say is that shocking. But go ahead.
The rest of the group could see how she didn't seem to really believe this, little did she know what Starlight was going to reveal.
Starlight takes a deep breath, she knows Chrysalis is in for quite a ride.
Starlight: I'll begin with a summary at how we began to discover this new information, pardon me if some of this is information I've already mentioned a while ago to you but the context is important. Shortly after well... the defeat of your team up with Tirek and Cozy. Princess Celestia delayed her retirement by a year. It also served to give Equestria a transition year to prepare for the beginning of Twilight's sole reign in Canterlot.
This last year before Twilight succeeded to the throne allowed her some freedom for some special plans in her last year living on a regular basis in Ponyville. However, the special plans found her this time. For a wedding was going to take place in Saddle Arabia, and it was between two friends that live there that Twilight and Spike are close to. Plus, the Royal Family was hosting it at the palace, and giving Twilight full freedom to invite as many guests as she wanted. She quickly got the idea after spreading this news to the other Elements to invite many of the family and friends met across her time in Ponyville for a special Royal Ball prior to the wedding. 
It was a fantastic night all-around, believe it or not many changelings were invited to gather for the atmosphere of a wedding ceremony. And many fantastic Equestrian Talents were put on stage, including Rara here, and well... a rather strange moment where Trixie cramped me and her into a lamp using a strange wish from Twilight. It was even a little emotional for me that night... I was still a little peeved at my father for a spat I had with him in the weeks prior to the ball... He still wouldn't tell me who or what happened to my mother even after all these years I've known him.
Though thankfully, I also had a nice bonding moment with Applejack there. We talked about our families, Applejack's deceased parents. And my own mom, who i didn't know was deceased yet nor did I know anything about. There was still hope at the time my mom was still alive somewhere to find out my true destiny at last. Somehow it all slipped my mind in the years I got to know Twilight, but I didn't once ask for a wish if she could help me find my mother. But that was certainly going to change the morning after.
Chrysalis listened intently. At the start, it just seemed like some standard fare pony business, nothing to do with her. She didn't see how some wedding was going to shake her perception of the world. If anything, her view of weddings was soured ever since her failed attempt in Canterlot to pose as Cadance all those years ago. She started to look a bit bored though she did look a bit bemused when she mentioned being stuffed into a lamp.
Chrysalis: Wait...are you a genie now, too? Is that the shocking revelation? And… your father wouldn't tell you about your mother? I don't see why he would withhold that information. From what you've told me, she was a soldier who died honorably in the line of duty. Why hide that?
She'd gotten invested again, especially with the mention of family. Applebloom and Coloratura hugged Applejack as Starlight continued on. 
Starlight: However, I was not the only one that night that was thinking of a long lost mother... Spike had a plan to visit the bones of his birth mother that were still sitting in a cave somewhere in the desert nearby. The morning after the ball, he, Twilight, Princess Celestia, Malakhar, and the Sultan of Saddle Arabia went together to the spot where Spike's birth mother laid to rest.
He went there to pay his respects, and although he of course expected no response of any kind. He spoke to the skeleton of his mother of how happy he was that he found Twilight. And also softly spoke a desire that he would have liked to meet her while clutching the dragon tear necklace he wears. He didn't think anything would come out of it, but he wished to know who she was and more. Even if it sounded silly.
Chrysalis: So he got to have a moment with his deceased birth mother, good for…
Chrysalis gasps as Starlight interrupts and continues on
Starlight: But that's when a real miracle occurred... a large comet-like entity came down from the sky and into the cave forming a giant sphere before all that witnessed it. It would then shapeshift into none other than a spirit of Spike's dragon birth mother. At that moment, we discovered... that Dragon Tears... when wielded by a dragon... are capable of allowing us to summon, and speak with, the spirits of the deceased... 
Chrysalis reacted understandably with shock and disbelief, spitting out some of the juice she was drinking.
Chrysalis: EXCUSE ME?! Glimmer, I've heard and seen many things over the years, but you cannot just expect me to believe that the dead can be returned to the mortal plane! What you're saying is impossible! ....it has to be...
They could see a flicker of hope in her eyes, as if she wanted them to prove her wrong. Applebloom spoke up.
Applebloom: Ah know it's hard t' believe. But it's the truth. Spike... he's able t’ bring down spirits o’ the deceased… it's how ah... got t' meet mah parents fo’ the first time.
Applejack: Trust me, Chrysalis. Ah hardly believed it either. It sounded way too good t' be true, even when mah folks showed up. Ah denied as hard as ah could, ah didn't want t' get mah hopes up. That changed, when ah truly felt their embrace fo' the first time since ah was ah little filly…
Seeing Applejack confirm this made it much harder for Chrysalis to deny. She knew Applejack was honest to a fault… but she still had some doubts. Or perhaps she didn't want to get her hopes up herself. As her mind went straight to thoughts of seeing Arista, Spur and Tarsus again.
Chrysalis: You're actually serious… I require proof then! Show me… show me… a… spirit...?
Starlight nods
Starlight: Exactly what I planned to do. Chrysalis, we actually have two more surprise guests to introduce you to. Allow me to open up another portal, to see for yourself...
Starlight opens another pack of Portal Gum. Just a pony-sized bubble this time though certainly tall enough for the spirit of a certain stallion.
Starlight: Chrysalis, I would like you to meet... the spirits of Pear Butter and Bright Mac. Otherwise known as Applejack's late parents.
As Starlight introduced them to Chrysalis, transparent hooves poke out of the portal and soon their faces are visible. The spiritual couple walk towards the group side-by-side. Both Applejack and Apple Bloom with big warm smiles. You'd think after a decade they'd be fully used to having their parents capable of being summoned down. But inside their hearts, they'll always cherish that they can see them again despite the tragic fate that fell upon them.
Pear Butter graciously bows for Chrysalis as a courtesy for royalty in the room, despite the imprisoned status Chrysalis still currently has. 
Her eyes widened when she saw Starlight already prepared for this and had portaled in two ponies. Chrysalis could see through their bodies and they had an otherworldly glow to them… interestingly enough she could taste the love they had for each other and their family. On a personal level she was also surprised to see Pear Butter actually respect her royal title. Bright Mac did something similar as he removed his hat and bowed for a moment. Chrysalis was rendered speechless, her eyes twitched. She couldn't process that she was seeing spirits of the dead right in front of her.
Starlight: I'm sure you have many questions. Like how is this possible, if spirits exist where do they go, and what is the purpose of their afterlife, etc. I promise you there are answers for at least most of your questions. If there's a question you have that we don't know yet, it's because this is still generally new to us even after a decade of this being a now worldwide discovery.
It might be a tad easier to just go by the order in which Twilight and Spike learned of how all this worked. It actually wouldn't be long after they summoned Spike's birth mother, that they summoned a more knowledgeable spirit thanks in part to Princess Luna, Somnambula, and Kubuya. With them they were able to summon the first ever genie who had herself return to mortality more than 1000 years ago, and she filled those who were in the cave that day of what's in the afterlife, and we even understand now just what life has been this whole time if you can believe it. You could say... the purpose of life has been discovered, at least for our planet.
I suppose to get ahead of one question I'm sure you may have in your mind... yes, we will gladly summon your most cherished family members. Spike is currently out of reach right now on a diplomatic mission, but I promise he'll be here next time. And you'll get to have the miraculous reunion that the Apple Family had with these two for yourself. We could even set it up for as early as tomorrow morning so you're not waiting for too much longer. 
This was a lot for Chrysalis to take in. She took a seat on the ground, still looking absolutely stunned by this revelation. She never would have imagined there was a way to speak with the dead or that there was an actual afterlife for their planet. 
Chrysalis: ...I think I can see why you waited to tell me about this… I would have just laughed it off and called you insane... I'm seeing those two and I still can't believe it...
This made Bright Mac chuckle as he simply phased through the cell barrier. Chrysalis can now hear the echo in the spirit’s voice for the first time. It sends shivers down her spine.
Bright Mac: Oh believe me, it's still ah tad weird on our end too. But ya get used t' it after ah while. 'sides, ah get t' see mah children again all grown up too!
When Starlight mentioned allowing Chrysalis to see her family again too, she stood up in shock. Some tears about to fall.
Chrysalis: A-AR-ARE YOU SERIOUS, STARLIGHT?! I… I can see them again?
This little outburst took Pharynx by surprise, but it did confirm that she was truly genuine when they had their conversation in regards to their family. He said nothing, but there was a small smile on his face. Chrysalis did take a moment to breathe and while she was a bit upset that it wouldn't happen today, she didn't even think such a thing would've been possible had she not seen proof in front of her.
Chrysalis: They've been gone so long… what's one more day? Arista… Spur… Tarsus... I… I can see them again… talk to them...
Applejack: ...And hug 'em!
Applejack says as she wraps a hoof around her mother for a warm embrace, the spirit mother gladly returning the hug.
Yona sighs
Yona: Yona would like to hug pony ghosts! But yaks can't...
Starlight giggled
Starlight: Yeah, I suppose one of the first things I can mention is only those who were close enough friends with the deceased when they were alive, or related by blood are needed to summon them in the first place. But a bonus perk for those that miss their departed friends and family. Only they can actually touch their spirits. 
Starlight demonstrates by waving a hoof through Pear Butter and Bright Mac and all it is doing is simply phasing through them. If there were any remaining doubts now, the fact that some ponies could physically touch them while others can't proved this wasn't just some hologram trick. The Apple sisters were truly touching their parents, while those who were unrelated could not do so whatsoever. These were indeed magic spirits of some kind, and Chrysalis' eyes shined in a way many of the guests there had never seen up to this point. 
Chrysalis looked baffled, but in a good way with this overload of what was indeed perhaps the best news she’s ever heard.
Chrysalis: Hug them? But they're ghosts… how would you...
She watched as both Applejack and Applebloom actually hugged both Pear Butter and Bright Mac. 
Chrysalis: ...The more I learn, the less I understand... So you're saying that not only can I speak to them, essentially it can be like olden times?
She looked in awe at the sight before her. The taste of the love coming off this group was unlike any of the previous pairings. This was a love that existed across life and death itself. She couldn't describe the flavor but she knew she liked it.
Chrysalis: This is one time I will say… you ponies have truly found a way to amaze me... spirit magic... never in my wildest dreams did I think such a thing was possible. Oh! That reminds me then...
She looked to Starlight
Chrysalis: If this is possible, you must've been able to find the truth out about your mother then, correct? I'm assuming you've spoken to her spirit?"
Starlight nods her head
Starlight: Yep! Indeed, I have. Although, there will be time to tell you all about that soon. There's still some things in particular about our world and the afterlife that you need to know before I get to what it's personally meant for me. I did wonder if maybe my mother should have also been a guest for this session, but I decided maybe that'll be better saved for next time. Applejack's parents serve as a good example of the miracles of Spirit Summoning already. I am certainly looking forward to when you meet her though, once you do... So much about me is going to make a lot more sense!
Chrysalis: Well given your magical power, I'm going to assume you gained it from your mother… so saving her for the next lesson does make sense.
Pharynx let out a silent sigh of relief. Because he was aware that Chrysalis would need some prep time before meeting Sunset. Right now, she needed to be slowly acclimated to the reality of the world and the afterlife.  
Starlight: For now though, before I explain how the afterlife works. There's new facts about our world's astronomy that I must mention that only the deceased spirits could have told us about barring us ever inventing a safe transportation that could reach space prior to the summons we started with a decade ago, cause one thing you should know... is most beings that have ever lived... are actually circling the globe as we speak, and have been doing so ever since life began. 
Chrysalis' face twisted in more disbelief at the reveal that the spirits are circling around the planet at all times.
Chrysalis: What...? How does that even work?! I've never seen literal ghosts flying though the skies, if they're circling the globe, where are they?
Bright Mac: Ah can give ah bit o’ an explanation. See, ya actually do see us up their either as stars or comets shootin cross th' night sky! See, we spirits are part o’ ah soul shield. We're protectin our world and the planet itself! And it ain't just exclusive t' ponies and other sapient creatures, but other animals and plants too!
Chrysalis: Soul shield...? Protecting the world? Uh… it feels like there’s been plenty of saviors… believe me…
Starlight: As oddly convenient as it sounds, for the most part. The soul shield is invisible to us. But as Bright Mac mentioned, we can on occasion see what look like comets orbiting the planet. Though I do believe AJ has some thoughts on this subject that isn't confirmed, but it's our best guess at the moment.
Applejack: Ah don't even know for absolute sure if this is how it works. But there is somethin' o' ah theory ah've brought up with everypony. On nearly every large Apple Family reunion prior t' the first time we summoned Ma and Pa, Ah'd look up at the night sky and there would be these pair o' comets n' the sky. Ah often wondered if in some way, that was mah folks giving the only message they could that they're lookin' over us. Ah may actually have been right in some fashion, the comets may in fact have been them. Although if it was, it's nothin' they did entirely on purpose as they can't recall ever knowing they were being seen.
Anyhow though, the gist o' this theory o' mine is that when certain spirits are being thought about deeply on the planet. Such as ah family reunion, it makes them more likely t' appear in the sky. It's kinda hard t' test something like that however. Especially when it's just easier t' bring them down and have them there fo’ the reunion.
Starlight: Frankly, if every spirit was visible all the time. Night time would barely exist as the sky would be too bright and probably disorientating to look at. Imagine having trillions upon trillions of comets circling the world constantly. It'd certainly be a mess... 
Bright Mac looked to Pear Butter and chuckled.
Bright Mac: Ah gotta say, ah think mah daughter's explanation is quite a fun one. Pear and ah do love it when th' family gets together!
Chrysalis still seemed so lost, the rest of the group was fully aware of how this all worked and she was like a deer in headlights. But she did wonder about the shield itself and who was part of it. She looked at the two spirits before her.
Chrysalis: ...During your time in this... soul shield or whatever...did you see changelings that look somewhat similar to myself there...?
Pear Butter: Of course we caught a glimpse of a great number of changelings in our time up there. Although, I doubt we'd be able to tell easily which ones were those you knew, amongst the many generations that came before them. Up in the soul shield, we generally mingle with our fellow deceased friends and family. Interaction does happen between spirits who never knew each other when we were alive. But it's rather sparse for the more recently dead to converse with everyone. The more ancient the spirit is, the more freely they can travel the shield to speak with others. If a conversation between two spirits that never knew each other is deemed important to do, many former tribal shamans and elders from the days of our cave pony ancestors that have learned about every culture that has come up since their time will arrange it.
The less sentient spirits such as Dinosaurs that are even older than our ancestors just go about anywhere they please. In fact, there's this little raptor pack that would always come by me and Bright Mac. Not gonna lie, I'd have been terrified of them if they had been around when I was alive. But when there's no such threat given well... we're already dead... they're oddly cute!
Pear Butter giggles 
Bright Mac: Oh yeah! Ah can't wait t’ see them again! Kind fellers they are! It's funny, when we're all spirits they seem as docile as any kind o' pet!
Chrysalis looked a bit disappointed. But this made sense. Starlight already said they'd be able to summon her family tomorrow, but she at least would have hoped that she could get some information now if possible. At the very least she felt comforted to know that changelings of the past were not left to the wayside.
Chrysalis: Hm… disappointing… oh well, with literal trillions of apparent souls to go through it makes sense. Hmm, this soul shield… if it contains all the souls of everyone who's passed on and is protecting this world… it must be quite powerful. Maybe it's for the best that neither I nor any other one you all deemed as villains tried to harness it for ourselves.
Her understanding of how the shield worked is a bit off but she was still learning after all.
Starlight: I do have something to say in terms of... villains and this kind of magic in a bit. But I still need to start off with a few more crucial details. Given your dislike of us ponies, you've probably questioned why we're the ones that have the authority to move the sun and moon around. Whether that's Twilight currently, Celestia & Luna before her, and then the Unicorns in the Pre-Equestria era. 
Chrysalis: You actually do bring up a good point, even for as long as I've lived, you ponies were in charge of the sun and moon. While it's something we begrudgingly had to accept, though I am well aware control can easily be ripped away with the right tools. I never did understand why you deemed yourselves worthy to control them…
Starlight continues
Starlight: There was actually a very long period in our planet's history in which no one had control of the Sun and Moon...
And back then... that meant... the sun and moon... did not move at all!
What's more, our planet does not rotate. As such, half the world was a desert scorched by the then eternal sun. And the other half was a frozen nightscape where the only light was from the moon and far away stars. 
She grimaces at the thought of a dry hellscape or a permanent dark & icy tundra as a home and neither sounded like good options. 
Starlight: Most of life and/or civilization having to be in the parts of the world that served as a vertical equator that were in an eternal state of being in between day and night. An eternal twilight and/or sunset you could say. Hehe!
Starlight winks, making something of a pun. Although the mention of the latter word for the transition between day to night makes Chrysalis jump before she calms down, assuming Starlight only meant the word and nothing else.
Starlight: There's a possibility it was once normal for the sun and moon to move on its own, with the planet rotating until a sudden event caused that all to change.  There is however a strong theory about it that has come out in the past decade, this is where I can start elaborating when it comes to soul magic and villains. You may have not noticed this explicit detail, but I said MOST deceased spirits go up into the soul shield... I'm about to tell you what those exceptions are. 
Despite her not liking the fact that ponies control the sun or moon, the idea that they used to move on their own and the planet used to rotate seemed like absolute nonsense. 
Chrysalis: Oh please, I find that theory hard to believe...
(Though to be fair... she's been showing me many things I once thought as impossible so… hmm…)
She looked a bit concerned at the mention of exceptions to the soul shield.
Chrysalis: What kind of exceptions...?
Starlight: To put it simply, evil or otherwise antagonistic beings that never came to regret their actions. When those kinds of beings pass away, they do not go up to the soul shield. In fact, they just about lose all existence and sentience they ever had when they were alive. Transforming into dark magic that does nothing but ravage or weaken the planet.
The most well known example might be the windigos. They were once a rival tribe of our ancestors that centered their culture of hatred and violence in the frozen tundras when the world was split between desert and glaciers. Their spirits in some way stuck around, but they do nothing but feed on hatred and bring the cold winters they once thrived in with them.
And the strong theory I mentioned has only come up recently within the past decade, but the death of Grogar might have been what released enough dark magic to stop the sun and moon from moving naturally, along with the planet's rotation.
This might explain why culturally, Equestria isn't fond of executing our foes.You might bring up that Sombra has been killed on multiple occasions, but he was a special case. He had infused himself with dark magic where he placed a powerful spell that allows him to control himself in a dark magic form, though the catch is he ends up trapping himself in a void should he be defeated by the magic of love and/or friendship. With only powerful feats of magic such as the Crystal Empire's sudden return or well... Discord willing his return to both our chagrin. Some even say he might have secretly allowed himself to be killed by Celestia and Luna, or at least was aware of this as a long term Plan B. 
The reason we don't do executions isn't just because we're naive and friendship-happy, there's actually real consequences that come from the death of those who died evil. So if there's even a sliver of a chance to help turn someone's life around. We take it, otherwise we use petrification for those who were either too far gone to save or just waiting for the perfect opportunity to redeem them. 
Chrysalis' expression sours even more from this information. She seemed to take it almost personally
Chrysalis: Look, if you wanted to just tell me that I won't be going to this soul shield or whatever, you could just say it to my face without beating around the bush… though being trapped in stone or cursed to nonexistence… neither sounds like a suitable end...
She rolled her eyes at the mention of Sombra being an exception
Chrysalis: Oh great, one of the most whiny and pathetic villains to roam Equestria stumbled on technical immortality… Though I suppose he's like the windigo in that regard. They can never be truly destroyed... but now I get why you ponies are so adamant on trying to reform every single one you deem as a villain. And why you turned myself, Tirek, and Cozy Glow into stone...
Starlight: Chrysalis... I wouldn't be saying any of this to you if I didn't think there was hope for you... but I apologize if I made you feel like I was passively-aggressively saying you don't have a chance.
Perhaps a slight change of subject is in order though... the discoveries Twilight and Spike found out while talking with Jinn brought more context onto Spike's dragon tear necklace. The gem on that necklace is made of crystalized soul magic. The same exact stuff that spirits like Pear Butter and Bright Mac here are made out of. Dragons are our largest and longest-lived sentient creatures on the planet, they as such have the most soul magic within them. A dragon tear sometimes showed up when a dragon was about to die, creating excess soul magic that is left by the dragon who passed away. Spike's the only known one to make a dragon tear of his own and live, but that required a traumatic moment where a monster of a pony named Zathir nearly had Twilight kill all her friends and Spike while being brainwashed.
Just a chip of those are powerful enough to transform ponies into what we know are genies. Which gets into another few twists about this. We call the magic that makes up the Dragon Tears and spirits as soul magic, though it's true that actually the souls that are in every living being we know of are also made of that kind of magic. Which gave us 2 major discoveries... one was that magic isn't just power, nor is it just magical spells and/or friendship. All of life itself... is magic too!
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.
Chrysalis: What, are you saying that my supposed reformation undoes the things I've done? How would it determine this level of good or evil?
She seemed more curious even though the rules didn't make too much sense to her yet. It was a lot to unload on her. And that only increased as she was told of the nature of the spirits and by extension, genies.
Chrysalis: To think dragons had such power locked within them… this soul magic, it sounds even more powerful than the power pure love would give. Stronger than the power of the most ancient of artifacts...
It almost sounds like Chrysalis is thinking like her villainous self... but...
Chrysalis: It's good we didn't know about its existence then when Tirek, Cozy and I teamed up... it would have been badly abused
Was she... glad that they didn't know about soul magic? Pharynx's eyes widened in surprise, hearing her praise a power and not desire it.
Starlight: As for the other discovery, Genies like Twilight are actually half-spirits. For let's just say... genies and spirits have a few similarities... Pear Butter and Bright Mac, why don't you two demonstrate for yourselves at least one of those.
Pear Butter looks in Bright Mac's eyes before nodding. They soon float themselves in the air, and their lower bodies merge into a waving, curvy tail from the hips on down. Swirling around the chamber in a majestic dance in the air.. 
Chrysalis: If genies are half-spirits, how does that work, you cannot be alive and dead at once... And what other similarities do they have? And if you have these tears, why not make more genies?
She doesn't get an answer to her second question but she does watch the two apple family spirits dance and fly around in a way that makes them look more like genies themselves.
The two spirits fly for a little while longer before coming back down having given a sufficient example of Spirit flight.
Starlight: I could go more into detail about how genies as half-spirits work. But I'm sure you're already quite overwhelmed with what we've already told you. It may be best to save some details for you to learn as you get accustomed to being free again. The most important similarity between Spirits and Genies is they are both able to grant wishes. However, that in itself has a big difference in genies are capable of granting the wishes of the living. Whereas spirits only attend to the planet's wishes.
...Which yes, that means our planet is in a way, alive on its own. Although more akin to a plant-like soul that can't speak. But just like how earth ponies can feel out what plants need, spirits can do the same for the planet. And that's how the soul shield was formed, as the planet's desire is for itself to be protected and that as much life as possible lives happy so that the day comes when more living beings pass they add strength to the shield rather than damage the planet. What the shield protects the planet from are stuff like stray meteors or a solar flare burning through our atmosphere.
We don't know if there are other planets out there that work like ours. Maybe there's other planets that have their own soul shield. Or maybe we're some outlier where we're the only planet where magic has evolved this far, and quickly enough to the point that life itself is synonymous with magic. But either way, every living being has a soul that makes them as magic as any other. The way they live their lives affect whether they add strength to the soul shield, or unfortunately transform into dark magic.
As long as they have some form of love in their hearts, they'll always have a chance of being among the trillions of souls before us. And you shouldn't underestimate yourself, Chrysalis. The soul shield does not judge based on past actions, what's more important is where you are when your time comes. You've done evil deeds, but so have I. It would be cruel if one terrible action defined your fate.
Maybe forcing ponies into cocoons for your changelings to drink their love dry is still a dastardly act. But you never went so low as to end a pony's life. That's still a moral compass that we can build off of. There's a big difference between you with more unrepentant evil like Zathir, who as I mentioned before nearly killed Spike in front of Twilight's eyes... or Cozy Glow... who along with her family... had a role in the death of my mother...
Chrysalis once again felt lost within most of the explanation, looking very much like a student who didn't study for a test. While she picked up on some key details, the talk about the wishes of the planet and the idea of going beyond their own seemed to go right over her head. However the talk of how the shield judges those who pass on does hold more of her attention. Starlight makes a valid point that she too used to walk a villainous path. Of course looking at her now, no one would believe that. But it did mean Chrysalis had a chance should she take her redemption seriously. 
Chrysalis: So it's forgiving to an extent...
She smirked
Chrysalis: To be fair, I didn't kill anypony but it wasn't from a lack of trying! But I also cannot extract love from a corpse so... there's that.
She said trying to bring some levity in her own morbid way. It was clear this talk of potential death and what may happen to her actually got her a bit nervous. Seeing proof that there is something of an afterlife does make her worried for where she ends up when her time comes. 
Chrysalis: You speak of those who would cross all lines then... So that wretched demon who killed my family and most of my original hive would be among that list as well. Hmph, good riddance then.
Starlight: Most likely, yeah. But... how about we get to a happier conversation. I can start getting into what spirit summoning's done for us. The first summoning outside of Spike's mother and Jinn were in fact Pear Butter and Bright Mac themselves. Twilight felt it the best way to begin spreading the miracles of spirit summoning to reunite two parents who died way too soon with their much older children.
Others that have reunited included Celestia and Luna's generations of their most loyal staffers and guards, Twilight's friend Malakhar with his grandfather, Pinkie's family with Granny Pie, and all sorts of others.
Pear Butter: Speaking of Pinkie, I don't think we mentioned yet a certain discovery within our family to Chrysalis yet that wouldn't have been possible without spirit summoning!
Applejack: Oh yeah! Ah almost forgot, y'all not going t’ believe this Chrysalis. There was this one time Pinkie joined mah family on ah road trip because she found some sort o' blurry family tree book that might have confirmed we were related. In the end, Goldie Delicious' family records ended up being too smudged t' find out the answer fo' absolute certain. But we would find out later thanks t' all this spirit stuff. Granted, it's ah little distant still. But mah grandma on the pear side o' mah family was Pinkie's grandma's sister. Which means me and mah siblings have been second cousins with Pinkie and her sisters the whole time!
Starlight chuckles
Starlight: Honestly, all you're going to do is confuse Chrysalis about pony genetics even further. She was already puzzled that Maud and Pinkie were sisters, let alone this! But... I suppose I'm not so different. My mother had a pretty bright color scheme all things considered, I think most of my coloring came from my father's side!
Speaking of which, I am eager to tell Chrysalis about the day I reunited with my mother's spirit... but are there any last questions you have about spirits, soul magic, and/or spirit summoning before we move on?
The talk of reunions and spirit summoning does put a gleam in Chrysalis' eye, the group can see how hopeful she is to see her own family… tomorrow.
Chrysalis: You speak of all these reunions… you'd best follow through on your promise. I… I want to see my siblings.
She tilts her head at the mention of the apple family's extended roots.
Applebloom: Aw yeah, that was a fun trip, sure we almost met our untimely demise at the bottom o’ ah waterfall, but we got some great pics out o’ it! Plus, we've made that dangerous route ah bit o’ ah tradition!
Upon learning that Pinkie is indeed related to the apples, Chrysalis sighed and shook her head.
Chrysalis: My condolences, your family tree is now a hodgepodge of absolute insanity. You have my sympathy… pfft, pony genetics are just an absolute nightmare... I pity anyone foolish enough to try and figure it out.
She spoke with a heavy amount of sarcasm. When Starlight brought up herself into the conversation and her own family.
Chrysalis: I feel if I try to figure out anymore about the soul magic, spirits or what have you, my head is going to burst. Why don't we stick to something a little more… grounded. So the day you reunited with your hero soldier of a mother. That must have been a shock for her to hear you went down a villainous path… not that I'm interested but… how did that all go...?
Starlight paused for a moment, though smiled still
Starlight: She... did scold me a little. But I fully explained to her why her untimely death was the first domino to fall in a long string of events that I didn't have too much control over. Maybe I could have chosen to ignore things such as the manifesto about equality. But I was still too upset about Sunburst leaving. And then fate had the audacity to actually give me my cutie mark after trying out my mother's spellbook, as if destiny was laughing in my face to give me a cutie mark just as I was being convinced by the manifesto to hate them.
I had a lot of pent up emotion when I came clean to my mom. It was probably the longest time I cried since I was only a filly....
And all my mother did, was just what good mothers do. Hug, and comfort me in my worst moment...
Admittedly, I feel like all you'll do is laugh at me that a grown pony like me still needed the comfort of my mother. I'd even understand it if you mock me for it.. but... I never felt what a mother's comfort was like for my entire childhood... it was a lot more crucial to my development than I ever thought possible. Twilight filling in as a surrogate older sister filled in a void, but when I got to speak with my actual birth mother... everything just flowed out... all the tears... all the memories... everything that had led me to the life I lived up to that point...  everything had finally come full circle in my life. It was an emotional moment, but it was a needed one. I know myself more than ever now, and I know my mother will always be proud of me.
My mother was the angel I needed to set me on the path I'm on today. And I'm excited for when you get to meet her tomorrow!
Chrysalis listened intently, the whole group could see that despite what she said about not caring, she clearly did. But not only that, Chrysalis was thinking on how she'd talk about the things she's done to her siblings, specifically Arista and Spur. Tarsus.. he wasn't one for mushy emotions. Though the mention of her mother doing what 'good mothers do'... it made Chrysalis feel… guilty. She looked to Pharynx and then looked away as their eyes met. She was not going to be winning mother of the year anytime soon but… perhaps it's something to work on. 
Chrysalis: ...No, I won't laugh... I… I kind of get it. Though in my case… I don't need my parents, though I still long to see them again, but it's my siblings, they were to me what your mother is to you in terms of that needed support. Heh, I will laugh somewhat at taking in Sparkle as a sister. But coming from someone who had siblings to one who doesn't? I do not know if you have biological siblings. 
But perhaps I shouldn't judge too harshly. And yes, I too look forward to meeting this hero mother of yours. I may not have respected ponies during her time, I can however respect a soldier who was at their most powerful. Besides, much like our exercise with Cadence and Shining Armor to laugh at Sombra. Perhaps your mother and I can exchange barbs at Cozy's expense!
Applejack places a hoof on Starlight's shoulder.
Applejack: Ain't nothin' wrong 'bout sharin' ya feelings 'bout family... the loss o' my folks early in mah childhood had ah tremendous effect on me as well... Ah nearly quit Apple farmin’ altogether and attempted t’' try living wit’ mah aunts and uncles in the Orange families in Manehattan just t’ try if ah change o’ scenery could help me wit’ mah grief... but that only added homesickness t' so many emotions swirling in mah mind. Ah rainbow would eventually give me ah sign that ah should go back home. Realizing that wherever ma and pa were, they'd want t' see me happy back at the humble barns o’ Sweet Apple Acres.
It's thanks t' Granny, Big Mac, and the sudden importance o’ needing t’ step up fo' Apple Bloom when she was only ah foal helpin’ drive me forward. Ah never really fully got over mah parents' deaths. Ah freak rare natural disaster that just happened t' ruin mah life out o' nowhere... sometimes the way death can come suddenly can be scarier then some evil perpetrator. Because at least in those cases, ya’ll have something t' blame. Where loved ones just being at the wrong place at the wrong time... just makes it seem like the universe has it out fo' ya. It can make ya paranoid, and overprotective o' those ya still have...
Bright Mac, Coloratura, and Applebloom hold Applejack close.
Applebloom: Ya may have gotten on mah nerves sometimes with ya constant worryin’... but ah'm glad that ah had ya there, AJ.
Bright Mac: We never intended t' leave th' family so woefully unprepared fo’ what happened t’ mahself an Pear… but we couldn't be mo’ proud o’ who ya became.
Hearing about the loss of family members puts Chrysalis in an odd mood. But seeing Applejack be able to reconcile some of her feelings with the spirits of her parents… in a weird way, it gave her some hope for her own family reunion.
Chrysalis was a little afraid to ask her next question, wondering if it could be a touchy subject with spirits. But she figures if it is a sensitive topic, they can change subject quickly enough.
Chrysalis: How exactly did you two die? Gruesome question I know, but… considering how relatively young you look, I cannot imagine it was a natural death.
Pear Butter looked at Bright Mac with a bit of a grim look, but both of them nodded figuring that it was important to tell.
Pear Butter: As Applejack said... it was a rare natural catastrophe... we died at a place called Flame Geyser Swamp. Now even the name of that place already doesn't sound like the most inviting place, but it's a convenient place for all sorts of deliveries and ground routes for travel...
Starlight nods confirming that
Starlight: Me and Trixie once went through that place when we were trying to get to Saddle Arabia together. I actually nearly got burnt by one of the geysers before Trixie saved me. I didn't even know that place held such a dark significance to Applejack. When I learned that's where they died sometime afterward, I felt quite guilty that me and Trixie were singing all happily through that place. Luckily, Applejack wasn't too fussed about it.
Applejack: Despite how dangerous that place looks, over 90% o' ponies goin’ through get out o' there generally unharmed... And even most o' that 10% are grazin’ burns and/or had the first aid necessary t’ get them t’ ah hospital. It's just ah shame mah folks were in the 2% or less that were fatalities…
Pear Butter: We weren't killed by the flames however, it was something far worse that's generally dormant under the swampy floor, and was not watched for by our scientists yet because of how rare the event of such an eruption was: Toxic methane gas
We did try to leave our delivery cart behind to flee from the gas, but the cloud was still too fast. It caught up to Bright Mac first, and without thinking I immediately went back for him. Although, I doubt I would have been able to outrun the cloud anyway. If I was going to suffocate to death, at least it meant me and Bright Mac would have our last moments together... 
Applejack takes off her hat and places it over her chest
Applejack: We wouldn't find out what happened til' 'bout 3 days later. Granny Smith recovered their bodies, and naive lil' me thought they were jus' sleepin'... only fo' reality t' set in like ah thunder bolt as ah felt the cold temperature o' mah mother's hooves... ah brutal way t' learn that those closest t' us aren't promised t' be with ya forever...
Applebloom: Ah even tried t' foolishly go and make ah trip through there bah mahself… and nearly paid the price if it weren't fo’ Applejack. Dang Chimera almost made me lunch.
She looked at Applejack and then at her parents
Applebloom: At th' time Ma and Pa died, ah was jus a baby then. Ah never got t’ really know them till we were able t’ see them with spirit summonin’
Chrysalis looked quite somber about all this.
Chrysalis: Of all ponies… I never would have assumed we had something like this in common. It is… painful to have your loved ones ripped away...
She took a deep breath, even though she'd been telling her history more openly now, it didn't make it easier.
Chrysalis: I too lost my parents suddenly... They were murdered, though we never got true closure on who truly did it. But it's what started my hatred and distrust of ponies. I saw them as infallible, invincible beings… only for reality to quickly dash that thought.
Applejack: Huh, really now... Ah'm sorry t' hear something similar happened t' ya folks too... and ah hope whomever did it got their just desserts one way or another. Doesn't matter if they were ah pony or not, they'd never be ah friend o' ours.
Starlight takes the opportunity while Applejack and Chrysalis talk to note much of what they've gone over today in her notebook.
Yona: Yeah! Historically, murder was crime all yaks rose up to crush evildoer together... although learning about this dark magic stuff... might be why avalanches become common in yak country... but yaks strong, and very hairy, we survived them all!
Pear Butter: I'm sure Spike would gladly allow you to see your mother and father again along with everyone else you miss when you see him soon. I have faith your parents were great if you were able to have children yourself like Ocellus. 
Chrysalis: Oh believe me, Applejack, who I suspect to be my parents' murderer is one whom I’d wish the most terrible fate upon them possible. You may all be trying to redeem me, but that feeling will not change. Starlight may already know this, but while you, Sparkle, and the others may have been a thorn in my side… you do not even come close to the anger I feel for who I blame for everything. I think it’s highly likely my parents' murderer and my hive's murderer are one and the same...
Coloratura: I cannot imagine what that feels like but to hold onto resentment for so long...it leaves you hollow inside... wouldn't you rather face your family with the love you feel over the resentment?
Chrysalis sighs, especially when Ocellus is brought up.
Chrysalis: Who she became is in spite of me, not because of me. She rose to the occasion because I was not there. But… I know my parents and my sister will be thrilled to meet her… and the rest of my lineage.
She looked at Pharynx with a small smile, trying to bridge the gap between them.
Pear Butter turns toward Coloratura
Pear Butter: Sometimes it's not that easy just to get along again with family when there's resentment... especially when that resentment is within the family itself... we've since made up, and I'm glad he's with us in the Soul Shield along with both my mother and my mother-in-law now. But my father about dis-owned me when he learned I chose to marry into the Apple family over moving to Vanhoover with him. He couldn't get over some ridiculous business rivalry over his own daughter's feelings...
I never got to hear a real apology from my father until after I died, and if spirit summoning had never been discovered by Spike. I'd had never found out how much he's changed, and our reunion in the Soul Shield would have been more than awkward, to say the least...
This statement actually worried Chrysalis, she misses her family. But at the same time, she knew their deaths came not long after a nasty argument after years of tension between the four of them. Would the spirits of her family still hold on to that same resentment over their last argument. 
Would they guilt trip her for being the sole surviving royal?
Or maybe worse… one or two of them could be disgusted at what she's done, and what she had become. It makes her wonder for a moment if summoning them would even be worth it, but she shakes her head and realizes even if they say they never want to see her again. That hearing their voices one more time would be enough. 
Bright Mac looked at Pear with some sadness.
Bright Mac: Ah do wish he'd have just accepted us while we were alive… but it does warm mah heart that he did finally change his tune. Heh, he's up there wit’ us now and insists that ah call him Pah Pear. Course he'd never have changed if it weren't fo’ AJ, Big Mac and Applebloom here…
Applebloom smiled up at her father.
Chrysalis: I... I suppose you have some point there. I… I had an argument with my parents before they'd left. Now that I think about it… same went for my sister and my younger brother. I've been so caught up in the thought of seeing them again… what if they don't want to see me?
Chrysalis had intended to keep that thought to herself, it's only after she said it, that she realized it wasn't an internal thought. She was feeling more comfortable being open and hadn't realized it.
Pear Butter: I don't know the extent of how bad your last discussions with your family went, but even if they're still bitter about anything that happened before their deaths. There will be plenty of time to work things out. Sometimes just the reunion itself will supersede any other emotion. You might not even have to worry about apologizing to each other until the dust has settled after a joyful reunion.
Of course, I don't mean to make light of what your argument was about. I imagine as part of a royal family, it was a much more serious affair than the feud my father had with the Apple Family. The family feud my father had with the Apples is one thing, but in the grand scheme of things it only impacts at least two families and at most the agriculture of when Ponyville was still only a small, rural town. In your case... a whole nation, or hive rather, was on you and your families shoulders. Making decisions that impact hundreds if not thousands of your subjects.
Chrysalis: Indeed, both times it was regarding the well being, future direction of the hive, and… erm… debating about waging conflict… hmm...
That gave her some pause now that she thought about it. Every time she got into an argument of how the hive should be run, she lost something. The first time, it was her parents, the second time, her siblings along with 90% or more of her old hive… and then when she was confronted years later, by Starlight and her son… she lost her crown. 
Chrysalis: (No matter how many years pass… I keep making the same mistakes…)
Applejack: Yea... sometimes ah wonder how ponies like Twilight can handle all o' that politics and junk. So many things ya have t' keep in balance t' try t' make everyone happy. When there's inevitably going t' be someone who very vocally hates ya decision no matter what y'all do.
Twilight trying t’ increase relations with other nations through the school o’ friendship got some severe pushback from ponies like Chancellor Neighsay who was adamant that education in Equestria was fo’ Ponies only. Luckily, he changed his tune when Cozy made her move. But ya’ll would think friendship fo' all is somethin' everypony in Equestria agreed wit’ even back then.
Even besides Cozy, it was ah big wake-up call that Equestria needed the School o’ Friendship more than the other nations to be honest. We ain’t teaching friendship t' non-ponies purely fo' the purpose o’ gaining new allies. Even our own country had some things t' learn from other cultures. It wasn't ah one way street when it comes t' knowledge bein’ passed.
Yona nods
Yona: Yona remember well! Chancellor pony thought yaks were too dim-witted for friendship. But Yona proved him wrong! And now yaks like Yona can teach friendship to ponies themselves! 
Coloratura: I've had contractual spats and things like that, and of course Applejack knows the issues I had with my former manager, Svengallop. But I fully agree, we're barely scratching the surface compared to what royal problems are like.
Chrysalis raises an eyebrow when she hears mention of Cozy being a wake-up call for ponies.
Chrysalis: Hmph, I could have told you that. It doesn't surprise me that there are ponies who think themselves superior. You may not have seen it, but what do you think it felt like to be seen as nothing more than monsters? And before you mention the actions I've done, keep in mind the injustices we've had thrown at us by ponies. Yes, the actions I took while being Queen were possibly not the way to go about things… but I speak out of my own experiences. I'm sure even Pharynx would agree.
Pharynx: To an extent, yes. But I know they are not the monsters we've generalized them as either. That too is a two way street, mother. 
Applejack: It is kind o' a wonder why Celestia was never able t' have her own attempts at uniting Equestria with non-pony nations on the level Twilight has. She never seemed like the type o’ leader t’ not even TRY t' make good wit’ those who could have been potential allies. 
Celestia was ah fantastic leader from ah pure domestic point-o’-view, but her foreign relations record seems t’ have been at least ah little spotty in hindsight. She avoided war fo’ the most part, even with threats from the Yaks at one point...
Yona: Heheh... yeah... Prince Ruthorford known for shouting hyperbole as leverage with other nations back then. Almost never actually meant it, but yak's large bodies and tendency to smash very intimidating. Yaks got bigger slice of negotiations through threats... has mellowed out since though. Threats no way to be friends with others after all.
Applejack: ...But otherwise it feels odd that Celestia may have never tried t' reach out t' the species we now covet good relations with. She didn't strike me as one t' be careless about others strifes. Regardless, if they were ah pony or not. Not t' mention somepony like Neighsay being able t' get into such high positions under her nose with the kind o' beliefs he once shared. But ah suppose even Celestia can be fooled. Chrysalis probably knows all about that since Shining and Cadence's wedding.
Chrysalis was silent for a moment, looking down. She spoke in a lower tone.
Chrysalis: Oh, that's where you're wrong. Celestia did try. Of course none of you were even born then… the only exception being the two who are spirits now.
Bright Mac: Wha? Ah don't recall hearin' that, then again, ah was so focused on the farm duties, ah never kept up with the politics and such…
Chrysalis: Blissful ignorance... Well, allow me to inform you. She was well aware of our existence then. There was even a meeting among the leaders of different species' nations at the time. A potential peace treaty that would have begun the process of uniting this world long before Sparkle was even a thought in her mother's mind… unfortunately… two of the leaders were murdered in cold blood by a pony assailant! I'm sure you can imagine why tensions rose and no sort of peace talks were thought of after that. Who wants to sign a peace treaty to a nation that just had an assassination take place?!
Chrysalis slammed her hooves to the ground, huffing. But she took a moment to compose herself.
Chrysalis: And I'm sure you can guess who those leaders were…
Applejack: Oh Celest-
Applejack actually stops herself mid-sentence. Realizing that statement has a bit of another meaning when something of such bad timing ruined the former Princess' own attempt at uniting with other nations.
Applejack: That's just downright awful, we could have been friends the entire time! And some rogue pony dared t' buck it all up… causing other nations t’ wait til' ah new face and new approach was made with Twilight in charge t' try again. Hard t' imagine how different the world would have been had ya parents lived t’ see this union through...
To be frank, it also sounds like ah miracle that didn't outright start ah major war between the Changelings and Equestria. Assassination is no joke. How was ah conflict not ignited from somethin' like that?
Chrysalis: Are you starting to understand now? Why I believed ponies could not be trusted at that time? I had my reservations about my parents going and we argued about it… and that was the last time I ever saw them alive.
Now it was making sense why Chrysalis was so spiteful towards ponies, even before the destruction of her hive, the pain had existed before that even occurred. 
Chrysalis: And you see, Applejack, had I… or rather had my older brother gotten his way, we would have gone to war. We just needed time… time to heal from the loss, time to reinforce our strength, so that no one would ever harm us again!
Her voice was getting louder as she recalled this.
Chrysalis: And when we were already down… you ponies sought to… exterminate us! Our reinforced hive became our tomb! At least… that’s what I’ve believed…
The room just about falls silent, there's not much anyone could say. They've truly come to understand why Chrysalis' went on to do what she did. But hearing what happened still doesn't make it any easier. The only noise Chrysalis could really hear in the immediate aftermath of her loud statement, was the sound of Starlight's pencil writing in her binder. She's been doing that for quite a while in fact, besides when she chimed in when the discussion was about the Flame Geyser Swamp. 
Perhaps she's just trusting Applejack and the others with conversing with Chrysalis all on their own. Still, it felt odd to Chrysalis that she hasn't been talking as much as she has in the other lessons while Chrysalis recalls what she's telling. She couldn't help but wonder if Starlight was ignoring what she was saying. As for most of this conversation, she had her nose in the binder. The urge to remind Starlight that the traumas of her past are not to be noted down like its homework rises.
Chrysalis is silent along with the rest of the group, but she looks to Starlight who's writing up a storm.
Chrysalis: You're oddly silent for a change, you usually try to stop my anger from boiling over. What, does my plight fascinate you that much, Glimmer? Or are you just ignoring me? In fact, I'm surprised to not hear any follow up questions to the things I've said thus far. Say something!!
Starlight: Oop!
Starlight's head perks up from behind as Chrysalis yells out at her. She bows apologetically
Starlight: I-i'm sorry, didn't mean to make it look like I was ignoring you. I thought I'd let Applejack and her parents handle things while I jot stuff down... although, I suppose... there is one more thing I should own up to...
I... I'm actually aware of much of what you've said today already. In fact, I've known at least some details from even before any of our lessons started...
Applejack gasped in surprise
Applejack: Wait... really, Starlight?! Why didn't ya fill us in on this? What Chrysalis told us was very much new information t' me!
Pharynx: You knew of my family's history and didn't bother to let me know about this!? What about Thorax or Ocellus!? Did you know before them too!?
Starlight: Don't get me wrong, I didn't have ALL the details before the lessons. But... I've known about Chrysalis old hive the entire time, as well as the names of her royal siblings and her parents, and what happened to said hive. Frankly, I didn't expect Chrysalis to even be anywhere close to saying her sister's name up until at the earliest... the loyalty lesson, let alone her other siblings. The fact she mentioned her existence at all during the Kindness lesson seemed like a miracle, and I could tell from that point I was sneakily making great progress with her... even if Discord almost ruined it entirely.
If I had mentioned it earlier, she would have likely been alarmed that I knew so much and demanded how I knew. I can only say that the source of how I got this information... was my mother's spirit. And I couldn't say that until she was made aware of spirits and/or the soul shield. The only other conclusion she might have thought about, is I used a time travel spell to find out about her past.
Applejack: Alright... but that still doesn't explain why y'all didn't tell us!
Starlight: Well... to put it simply, it might have annoyed Chrysalis even more. If she was telling a story, that everypony in the room knew about already. That she wasn't aware they already knew. Best to have someone there to learn it from her.
Yona: Hmm... Yona supposes that’s a good point...
While the group was surprised by this, Chrysalis however was the most stunned by this news.
Chrysalis: Excuse me?! You've known? Beyond the things I've already told you?! How?! How could such information have leaked?! You heard Pharynx! Not even my own children knew of the hive's past! Explain yourself!
As she and everyone else listen to Starlight's explanation. She does make excellent points about keeping it hidden so as to not upset Chrysalis. Which both is logical… but still upsets her anyway. Because she knows Starlight is right... But when she mentioned how she got the information, it did raise a few red flags in her mind.
Chrysalis: I wouldn't have guessed you would use time travel to look into my past. Especially your genuine reaction to the fear of what the potential alternate timelines you'd already created were… but your mother's spirit knew? That information was not readily available, even amongst ponies. I'm aware your mother died a soldier… but how high up was she to be privy to such information? Who was your mother?
Starlight raises a hoof
Starlight: Calm. Down. Both of you... Take a deep breath, and relax... 
Starlight pauses to let the two have a brief breathing exercise. She can tell they're eager for answers, but she needs them to be thinking more logically and open-minded.
Starlight: You have every right to be upset at me for not sharing or at least telling you that I already knew. But once again, I urge you to remember. Chrysalis, you yourself did not want Pharynx to know yet that Ocellus was meant to succeed you one day until you were ready to tell him. 
And Pharynx, we feared telling you too soon would have put the present hive in a difficult situation. Not to mention how you might have interrogated poor Ocellus as if she had been secretly programmed to one day take sole control of the hive just like her mother did. Yes, I knew a lot of what Chrysalis told us. But many changelings here would need to hear it from your mother themselves to confirm that what I said was true. And either Chrysalis was still in stone, or she wasn't quite trusted yet. AKA still a risk of causing the hive to think that she was trying to retake the hive again.
Both Chrysalis and Pharynx grumble in a similar manner. Starlight is making valid points for both of them. Pharynx looked off to the side, trying to protest this while Chrysalis looked away, saying nothing for now.
Pharynx: I… I wouldn't have… I grrr...  I wouldn't have been mad once I assessed she wasn't evil… I wouldn't have yelled… much. But If only someone had told me she was my sister sooner, this wouldn't be an issue!
Chrysalis looked back at him and snarled.
Chrysalis: I did what I thought was best at the time! Had the hive stayed the way it was, you would have learned the truth when the time was right! Plus, if I told you at any given point after my own banishment, would you have believed me!? Would any of you!?
Pharynx quieted immediately. Chrysalis sighed and looked back at Starlight, the latter continued to speak.
Starlight: As for the identity of my mother, I'll get to that. But there's still some things that I haven't told you yet that are very important too. I've mentioned my still living father as far back as the Kindness lesson. But I nor did anypony else mention his name, did they? Before I mention my mother, I should talk about him too, and possibly other details in terms of my own family history.
Chrysalis: But what does your father have to do with this, Glimmer? What, was he a high ranking soldier too? What does he have to do with me?
Starlight shakes her head
Starlight: Nah, my father was as average as a unicorn could be. Any and all magical skill was inherited from my Mother's side. Perhaps that was to his advantage in their relationship, because when my mother married him. She was actually seeking a much more normal lifestyle after the sights she's seen.
His name is Firelight, and he's lived in the humble town of Sire's Hollow for as long as I can remember. Chrysalis gasped as she heard Starlight’s father’s name, not to mention the fact he happened to live in Sire’s Hollow. A dark possibility gets in her head as she looks to the side, she hopes beyond hope that it’s not true. 
Chrysalis: (Firelight?! She can't possibly be... no… it must be a coincidence… Please… let it be just that… otherwise…)
Starlight: My father had fond memories of the simple life shared in that little town. Though that can get a little to his head, because he's often afraid of change. Like any new buildings going to destroy what he loved about the town. He used to clash a lot with Sunburst's mother who was once determined to turn Sire's Hollow to be like a mini-Las Pegasus with resorts, hotels, and keep up to date with all the current trends from technology, fashion, and more.
My mother first met him on a relatively routine assignment. My father was lovestruck the moment she saw her. He approached her carefully from behind... although, all that got him was a suplex as she thought he might have been some criminal trying to mug her.
They'd one day get married, and have a baby all their own. Which grew up to be me, but not too long after I was born. My mother went on her final mission that she hoped would be her last one before retiring for good to live a simple life with my father. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the last thing she did alive…
The worst part about this is my father never found out what happened to her until many years later. He held onto hope that she was still alive even mere seconds before seeing her spirit for the first time. He never told me who she was though, because he was afraid that if I found out who my mother was. I'd end up following in her footsteps, and end up disappearing like she did one day. It annoyed me to no end. You and Pharynx can be mad at me for not disclosing what I knew earlier. But imagine having information hidden from you for longer than your entire childhood. Especially when it turns out that the identity of my mother was key to understanding who I am for the longest time.
Starlight points to Apple Bloom
Starlight: It's thanks to Apple Bloom and her friends that helped show me that my mother's identity was the most important aspect of my life. My cutie mark practically depended on it. And that was why I was only fueled further in my hatred of Cutie Marks. My father would turn out to have perfectly understandable reasons for hiding her identity from me, but... that still angered me more than anything…
Without a clear sign of what my Cutie Mark was, I had to try to interpret it myself. And my best guess, was that I was gifted the magical power to end Cutie Marks all on my own and create the equal society that the manifesto that indoctrinated me at the time beckoned me to make.
I believe I told you earlier that my cutie mark story was similar to Twilight’s, only  in her case she understood what her mark meant. Whereas I had absolutely no clue what mine meant. What was the raw magical power I have meant for and why did I have it? That was a question that has bugged me for most of my life. 
It finally became clear though, the day Spike summoned her for the first time.
My mother was special obviously. But I didn't expect just how special she'd turn out to be... she'd prove to be none other than... one of the most powerful unicorns to ever live.
Chrysalis hoped for any detail that could dispel her worst fear, but unfortunately, nothing Starlight says contradicts with the possibility. And she despairs internally as Starlight described her to be a particularly powerful unicorn.
Chrysalis: You know, you'd mentioned your home before during our kindness lesson… I thought nothing of it then. But… it's strange, the more I thought about it…
I did find it an odd coincidence that you happened to live in the same town my scouts and I used to scour for… a long hated target…
(There's no possible way… her mother couldn't be… no, Starlight would have told me a name by now. We're frien- tch, what am I thinking?  Hmm... not once has she said a name for her mother... and if said mother was able to give her information on the truth of my original hive… no. NO! It's impossible! She couldn't be… I had no data on her having a child… or Starlight being her child! Wait… wait, I’m really afraid to ask her this question… but I need to know the truth… now….)
Chrysalis was listening intently, her face growing more serious and also distraught. The dots were all connecting in her mind but she needed confirmation.
Chrysalis: What was her name… please… don't tell me… it's… it's... Sunset Shimmer…! For all the love and mercy of this world, please tell me that wasn’t her name!
The group could see Chrysalis' anger bubbling, she was clearly trying to hold herself back. But this put Pharynx on edge, he knew what was coming...
Starlight's eyes widened, she is aware Chrysalis probably knew Sunset from before. But she was not expecting such a rise in vitriol in Chrysalis' voice.
Starlight: Why... yes... but... why do you seem to be so upset...?
Then she gasped
Starlight: Wait... you cannot possibly think... that... that she was responsible for what happened?!
Just about the whole room gasps, if Sunset Shimmer is who Chrysalis blames for everything. This session was about to take a turn for the worse, and fast.
Chrysalis was shaking in anger now, her horn started to crackle. She looked both angry… and hurt by this revelation. And the sparkly color of her wings shift all the way back to the way they were before.
She slammed her hooves on the ground before going right to the edge of her barrier. The rest of the group looked very much on edge.
Chrysalis: And you… you've been playing me for the fool this whole time! Oh it must be sooooo funny for you? Tch, I should have known, your magic power, that snark, you're her in every single way!
Everyone else knows where this is going, and some have trouble thinking if there's anything they can at least try.
Applejack: Now hold on t’ ya horses, cain't we all calm down fo' ah moment and discuss this like gentlemar-
Starlight: No.
Starlight angled her eyes as she bluntly interrupted Applejack. Starlight herself stomps the ground and snorts.
Starlight: I will not stand for this absolute SLANDER! If my mother was guilty of what you say, she wouldn't have become a SPIRIT! Have you already forgotten that?!
Phayrnx attempts to whisper something that he hopes calms the situation.
Pharynx: Listen, I know what you told me before, but I've met Sunset’s spirit and she isn't like...
Chrysalis gave Pharynx a look that shut him up immediately.
Chrysalis: And you chose to say NOTHING about that until this exact moment?! Yet you had the gall to yell at me for hiding things. Stay out of this, child. KNOW YOUR PLACE! 
She looked back to Starlight
Chrysalis: Then it seems this universe is just truly in the favor of ponies and far too forgiving... Mass murder is fine if it's against what this world deems as monsters? To think I was trusting you! Your mother is no better than Cozy Glow! You can deny this all you want, but you were not there, you did not see what I saw! I WATCHED AS SHE KILLED MY BROTHER! I WATCHED AS SHE MADE THE VOLCANO DESTROY THE HIVE!
Her tone then got colder.
Chrysalis: And do you know what she did? She ran away… thinking she'd finished the job she started at the summit of world leaders…
The comparison of her mother to Cozy Glow only gets a larger rise of out Starlight. Veins just about popping from her forehead
Starlight: That's it... THAT'S IT! I really wanted to delay mentioning this until you got to see your family's spirits... but obviously, I have no choice but to start hammering home the harsh truth... your older brother, Tarsus... WASN’T the great king you think he was... He manipulated you and the rest of your old hive from the very start, my mother had no plans on harming anyone else when she traveled to Mt. Thrace. She went down there specifically to take him down... SHE WAS DOING YOUR HIVE A FAVOR!
And you know what else my mother told me? Despite Tarsus being her target... she said she tried to save him at the end of their duel as he hung off a cliff... but he didn't WANT to be saved. My mother believes he purposefully flung himself to his death to manipulate you one final time. 
And with what we know about dark magic, Tarsus' soul probably expedited and empowered the eruption into the unstoppable force that would not just flow through all layers of the hive... but also sink the island. And I wouldn't be surprised Tarsus was at least slightly aware that might happen…
Yona hugs Apple Bloom tight as she shivers at the scary sight of the argument between these two. Poor Apple Bloom feeling the large yak's strength, thankfully Apple Bloom has bulked up quite a bit of muscle ever since, not to mention an earth pony's naturally stronger body then the other types.
Yona: Apple Bloom! Y-y-y-y-yona's scared! What can we do to calm pony and bug queen down?!
Applebloom looked terrified, not having felt like this since she was a filly. 
Applebloom: Ah… ah don't know! Ah've never seen Starlight this angry and Chrysalis looks ready to take us all down. B-but that barrier should hold her in, right?
Chrysalis gets an equally angry look as Starlight starts speaking about Tarsus.
Chrysalis: Doing us a favor…? DOING US A FAVOR!? How dare you, Starlight Glimmer!? You and your mother know NOTHING of Tarsus! He only wanted to enhance and reinforce the hive, make us stronger than ever before. Furthermore, he SAVED MY LIFE from your mother! The only reason I am alive now is because of him!
You claim that she tried to save him!? NO! That is the true lie here. I had to watch as she kicked him to his death! SHE PUSHED HIM IN! I SAW IT ALL, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!
Chrysalis slammed herself against the barrier holding her.
Pear Butter looked in Bright Mac's eyes
Pear Butter: Is... is this a look at what our daughters have faced on their adventures?! I'm almost positive we ourselves might have been overprotective of them if we had been around…
Bright Mac looked equally terrified, he and Pear may have been spirits and were technically not going to be harmed but they still felt the fear for everyone else in the room.
Bright Mac: Ah... never imagined this is what they've faced all these years... one sec that Chrysalis was nice in her own way and now... ah don't know what's goin’ t’ happen...
As the argument between the two continues, the power rising from Chrysalis starts to shake the chamber. Getting more and more intense by the second. And there was the beginning of a feeling this wasn't isolated to this room. As Chrysalis' power, much of which she's gotten over the past 4 sessions feels like it's created a fault underneath the hive that begins to endanger the whole thing's structure. Neither Starlight nor Chrysalis realize it yet, but the others certainly do.
Applejack: Gaaah! What in tarnation's happening'?! It feels like this whole place is ‘bout t' collapse! Starlight! Chrysalis! Please whatever ya do, ya gotta calm down! Ya’ll might kill us all!
Mere moments later, both Thorax and Ocellus arrive on the scene obviously distressed with this turn of events.
Ocellus: Mother! Starlight! Professor Applejack! YONA! Why is everything shaking?!
Thorax: Pharynx! Please tell us what's happening! 
Chrysalis continued to stomp and slam against the barrier, her magic crackling the strongest it's been in years. She can't even tell she's shaking the hive, she's so focused on her own anger right now.
Chrysalis: YOU LIED TO ME! Made me think we were connecting! And you didn't even bother to tell me that you were the daughter of my family's KILLER! All because this is just some project to you! SOME WORTHLESS ASSIGNMENT!
Applebloom: Ah… Ah think we need t' get outta here! It ain't safe!!
Coloratura: Aaaah!! Applejack, what do we do!? You're used to fighting villains, how do we stop this!?
The group is shocked to see Thorax and Ocellus but given the circumstances, it makes sense they'd arrive.
Pharynx: You two! It's… it's Chrysa- ...it's our mother! She was told the truth of who Starlight's mother is and just... she's losing her grip on her anger, and it's causing the whole hive to tremble! We need to prioritize saving everyone and the hive itself!
Starlight: Listen here, Chrysalis. I HAVE NOT LIED TO YOU A SINGLE TIME THROUGHOUT ANY OF OUR SESSIONS! And I certainly have not done so today! In fact...
Starlight turns toward Applejack
Starlight: Applejack, have I lied today? You'd tell me if you thought so, right?!
Applejack stood silent for a moment, really more focused on the shaking. But she soon replies
Applejack: Uh... yeah... You  haven't lied one bit. But I think there is more pressing iss-
Starlight: QUIET!
She interrupts in a way that almost mirrors when Starlight herself was still a villain.
Starlight: Now... I need you to tell me if you detected any lies from Chrysalis today...
Applejack side-eyes the shaking chamber and everybody is worried. But the quicker she responds, the quicker she can hope to get Starlight to focus.
Applejack: ...Starlight, Chrysalis has not lied one time today either
Starlight: WHAT?! What are you talking about?! She said such horrible things about my mom. You cannot possibly belie-
Applejack suddenly raises her voice
Applejack: STARLIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH! There's ah big difference between a lie, and ah perception o' the truth! And right now, there's no way t' prove it t' Chrysalis fo' certain' until we show her family’s spirits! 
And if ya'll don't stop this verbal wrasslin' and start helpin'... all o’ us down here, plus ah huge section o’ the hive above will be suddenly joinin' that soul shield!
Applejack finally gets through to Starlight, with this wake-up call of a statement. She shakes her head, and looks around now realizing that yes, the chamber was shaking. And the power emanating from Chrysalis threatened the very structure of the hive.
Starlight: Oh... oh no.... What.... what have I done.... 
Chrysalis only gets angrier as Applejack speaks about Starlight having only told the truth. The hive rumbles.
Pharynx: Mother, stop this! If you continue, you'll..
She grins after hearing Applejack says Chrysalis has also told only the truth.
Chrysalis: You see?! Even she knows, I did not lie! Your mother is a MURDERER! And if you think for a second I will align myself with you any longer, you've got another thing coming! To think I was starting to trust you, believe in you! You would much rather stab a knife in my back just when I look away, right as I fully trust you!
She slams against the barrier, still angry… and heartbroken. Blind to what she was doing. But when she hears Applejack yell about the potential destruction of the hive, she slows down… but is still just as angry.
Chrysalis: This cursed barrier is the only thing protecting you from me... If it wasn't here… I'd... I'd...
Applejack sternly turns towards Chrysalis
Applejack: Now don't y'all start putting words in mah mouth. Ah didn't confirm Sunset was indeed y'all hive's killer. Only that ya truthfully believe that, it's not technically ah lie if that's what yall’ve always believed. But reminder that ah also said Starlight hasn't lied either.  Only one o’ y'all have the real truth, but bringin' down the hive on top o' us isn't goin' t' get the real answer!
Applejack then turns toward Starlight's direction
Applejack: Now, Starlight. Give me ya big pack o’ portal gum. We need t' get most that are down here ah way t' safety.
Starlight's still distraught that the situation has deteriorated this much and this fast. It felt like all of a sudden, all the previous sessions were for nothing, and they were back to square one. Or possibly even WORSE than square one if possible. The worst part is, Starlight too believed Chrysalis was making a change. And suddenly, the identity of her mother and the queen's adamant belief that she killed her family has seemed to reverse everything.
Starlight solemnly nods, says nothing. And gives her whole pack to Applejack. Though Applejack makes sure Starlight keeps one for herself. Applejack brings out a piece of gum and quickly works to create a portal that leads straight to Sweet Apple Acres
Applejack: Apple Bloom, Yona, Rara... get on back home, if the worst case scenario happens, I'd rather neither of you die like this...
Pear Butter: Wait! Applejack... you're... not doing what I think you're doing... are you?!
Applejack just tips her hat solemnly to her mother.
Applejack: Ah'm goin' t' try t' help get as many changelings upstairs t' safety befo’ potentially the whole thing goes down... if... ah end up goin' down wit’ the metaphorical ship... at least we'll be together forever... in the soul shield..
Yona: Wait! Professor Applejack, can't we just get Princess Twilight here with that gum?!
Applejack: Trying t' bring ah force like ah genie t' stop Chrysalis forcefully might speed up her descent into madness. With lives still at stake, Chrysalis may still yet hesitate long enough fo’ enough o’ us t’ get out safely. But tryin' t' take the easy way out is only goin’ t' make Chrysalis want t' inflict some sort o' pain on Equestria, even if that includes her own race in the process... speaking o’ which...
Applejack turns towards the other changeling leaders and/or future leaders. Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus.
Applejack: Y'all get t’ safety too, Ah know ya'll probably want t' help ya subjects upstairs. But if ah recall correctly, the royal changelings are the most important to keep alive to rebuild. Ah don't think ya subjects would blame ya if y'all decided t' seek safety.
The three royals think about it for a moment. Though Pharynx insists that he needs to help their subjects upstairs. Meanwhile, Ocellus shivers a little in fear. Though soon she takes a deep breath, and puts up perhaps the bravest face she's ever shown.
Ocellus: No... I'm not leaving! This isn't who my mother is... Now that I've come to understand her... she's... actually probably counting on me getting to safety... for if she goes with the hive while I survive, then it'll all be up to me to at some point create the next hive. 
But if I refuse and mom still goes through with this, then... as sad as my death would be... it would prove my mother just couldn't let go of her grudge enough to even save me... her own daughter... and her legacy would be she was willing to let her own race die without even attempting to figure out the truth of the matter.
It was a risky bet, but Ocellus was really putting a huge ultimatum on Chrysalis’ shoulders. If Chrysalis goes through with this action, she will not just destroy herself. But potentially put the changelings on the brink of extinction. Will her years-long grudge with the ponies be too much to get over that she'd sacrifice her own race's existence?
Meanwhile, as cracks begin to form on the walls. It becomes obvious to Starlight. That the only thing holding up this chamber will soon be the barrier. And as more of the distress of the current situation gets to her, nearly the entirety of the changeling's existence, Applejack's life, all suddenly endangered by a sudden turn of events. Tears flow from the corner of her eyes, as in her mind. She has only one action she can think of doing... but she waits until more are safe before going on with this.
Applebloom was not having any of this plan, she was clinging to her, trying to convince her to do anything else but stay.
Applebloom: Absolutely not! Ah can't lose you, AJ! Ah… ah cain't take care o' the farm wit' just Big Mac and Sugar Belle! Ah... ah know ya'd be ah spirit but… no! Not yet! It ain't ya time yet!!
Coloratura however knows that determined look, she knew there was no convincing Applejack… but that wouldn't stop her from at least saying her piece.
Coloratura: Applejack... you have to come home… I'll be waiting for you there... 
Bright Mac: Darlin’, ah'm proud o’ ya fo’ standin ya ground. but this…
Applejack tips her hat
Applejack: It wouldn't be the first time somepony in our family went far befo’ they should have...
Applejack not so subtly looks on over to the spirits of her parents. She gives Apple Bloom a tight hug, just in case this was the last time both of them were alive. She then approaches her special somepony.
Applejack: If... there's an opportunity at the last second. Ah'll try t' see if ah can make it out just fine. But fo' now...
Applejack moves in for a big, long kiss. With the same purpose as her hug with Apple Bloom.
Applejack: Now get goin' y'all. Just remember… we will see eachother again soon… regardless of what happens here…
Yona: But... but... Yona not sure pony spirit is the method we want when we do meet again....
Yona herself tears up for her old teacher, and whom she succeeded as the teacher of Honesty. Luckily, Applejack has also blown a big enough bubble for Yona to fit. Reluctantly but gradually, Apple Bloom, Rara,  and Yona all cross the portal. Pear Butter and Bright Mac also do so despite no danger to their spirit forms. But there's not a lot they can do here, if their daughter ends up joining the soul shield from this. It would be more bittersweet, they'd be together forever. But they'd also prefer Applejack to have the long life they couldn't have. The portal remains open, the ponies who cross nervously watch as if they're behind a window on the scene.
While the group reluctantly lets Applejack potentially sacrifice herself while saving lives. Thorax, Ocellus, and Pharynx are trying to get Chrysalis to stop her anger or at least calm her down.
Pharynx: Listen! Don't you care what happens to the hive!? To us and especially Ocellus!? You told me your love is for the hive above all else, was that a lie?!
Chrysalis' face twists and contorts, she's angry but she can also see what she's doing… yet the idea that all this time, she was actually bonding with the daughter of her family's perceived killer. It was too much.
Chrysalis: Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! I… I...
Her horn is flaring, she can hear the screams of everyone, not just in the immediate area but in the hive above. Her mind flashes back to the moment she watched her original hive be destroyed. These screams were the same... She looked at Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax. They weren't budging despite all this. The only one damaging the hive right now, was her.
Chrysalis: No... what am I doing...? You… your family has taken everything from me... GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
She slammed her hooves down once more… and stopped. 
Chrysalis: Get out… just… get out...
Nearer to the barrier, the three royal siblings of the changelings stand their ground in front of Chrysalis. Even the once cowardly Thorax, stands tall even on the brink of a potential untimely end. And he sternly stares down his mother. For once, Thorax looked like the leader Chrysalis hoped he would be.
Thorax: Mother, you must realize how foolish this would be to end it all here... you potentially bring us to extinction... when it's pretty clear the ponies aren't our enemy... don't you see Applejack behind us? She's willing to sacrifice her life, a happy life that includes a close sisterly bond and true love…
Let's say you're hypothetically right about Sunset... you'll only prove to show that you're the same as her if you dare bring the hive down right now.
The three stand firm even as Chrysalis tries to urge them to get out, it just means Ocellus is correct. Their presence is allowing Chrysalis to hesitate. And as long as she does, that gives more time to save more of the hive should Chrysalis break down and give in.
Chrysalis stares down at her children, glaring specifically at Thorax from the comparison to Sunset.
She was wavering, the rumbling to the hive was stopped but it was clear that Chrysalis could still go over the edge at any moment...
Pharynx: Then stop this! You'll destroy the hive if you continue! Destroy your legacy! And as you've told all of us now, if we go, the future of the hive dies with us... And we're not going anywhere, mother.
Chrysalis looked like a caged beast… yet there was that level of uncertainty on her face. She didn't want to destroy the hive… but she couldn't hold in these angry feelings any longer. 
Chrysalis: Why don't any of you just listen to me!? Why must you be so stubborn!?
Pharynx: Seems like the apples don’t fall far from the tree.
Though as they continue to stand, Starlight suddenly approaches closer to the barrier. A sad, but somewhat determined look in her eye.
Starlight: Applejack, Ocellus, Thorax, and Pharynx... you're doing well to get through to Chrysalis so far... but... this ultimately comes down to me and me alone... It was I who was entrusted with Chrysalis' care, it was all the previous sessions that gave Chrysalis all the love and power she's using that currently threatens the hive now... you're not the ones who should be laying your lives down...
...I'll ...I'll be right back...
Starlight makes a portal of her own, to an undisclosed location but presumably somewhere around where she lives. Applejack, Thorax, and Ocellus all look worried.
Chrysalis flinches. She then steps back as Starlight approaches the barrier, putting herself in a defensive stance.
Chrysalis: I will not destroy this place, but I will not go down without a fight, Starlight Glimmer! I will not... h-huh!?
Thorax: Huh... what... what is Starlight going to do...?
She was just as confused as everyone else who remained when Starlight portaled away.
Chrysalis: h-Ha! Like mother, like daughter! Run away! Fine... it's… better this way...
It's only just about seconds later when Starlight returns, and she even closes up the portal she created using her magic. In her mouth is a small bag, with a single large pill in it. Tears are flowing from her eyes as she looks back at everyone in the chamber.
Thorax takes a good look at what Starlight brought back. And when he realizes what she's got right there... he gasps.
Thorax: Starlight... no... you... don't have to do this...
Starlight turns her back, tears still streaming from her eyes.
Starlight: I'm afraid I do, Thorax... if... I don't make it... please... tell Twilight and Spike... they can summon my spirit... so I can say… I’m sorry…
Starlight's horn charges up and in a flash. She ends up inside Chrysalis half of the chamber.
Everyone else on the other side of the chamber or watching from a portal all yell out in unison
Applejack/Thorax/Ocellus/Pharynx/Yona/Coloratura/Apple Bloom/Pear Butter/Bright Mac: STARLIGHT, NOOOOOOO!
As soon as Starlight is in the chamber. She quickly opens the small bag and ingests the pill inside. It's bitter tasting and makes Starlight's entire body shiver in an unpleasant feeling. As magical sparks come out of her horn, before they dissipate into nothing.
Starlight then turns around to look Chrysalis in the eyes. Tears still streaming from her face.
This brought Chrysalis into utter confusion, what did Starlight just do? She had to know, She wondered if maybe Starlight was perhaps preparing to take her on in one last duel to the death. But that face did not look like somepony about to challenge her, it looked more like… surrender.
Chrysalis jumped back immediately upon seeing Starlight in her cell. She got in a defensive stance, her horn crackled with a bright green glow.
Chrysalis: GLIMMER! Come to fight me yourself after all!? Fine then! I'll take you down with me!
At first she assumed the pill Starlight swallowed was something to power her up in some way, but the reaction the others gave was not one that made her think that for long. But she still stood ready to fight, even if Starlight wasn't looking the same.
Chrysalis: What was that!? What did you just swallow!?
Starlight paused, taking a deep breath before answering
Starlight: It's... a pill... that temporarily disables all tangible magic... it's... made from the same material that your anti-magic field was made out of. Only we now use it for medical purposes such as when a unicorn's horn was going haywire... I am thus... completely defenseless for the next few hours...
If... you insist... that my mother is the killer you think she is... then please, don't take your frustration out on your own hive and your own family... 
I'm right here... hit me... hit me as hard as you can... even if... even if it kills me... you'll finally have the revenge you’ve craved for so long. You’ll send me to see my mother who won’t be expecting me, you’ll leave Twilight having to find somepony else as her new student, and better yet... you'll still be alive... although... you should probably expect to be turned back to stone... most likely permanently.
If revenge is all you've truly wanted... direct all your power onto me! And no one else! PLEASE!!!!
As Starlight states this, the rest of the group gasps loudly.
Yona just about pokes her head through the portal. Though Apple Bloom and Coloratura use all the earth pony strength they have to pull back the yak. They almost slip, before suddenly they get the help from someone at the farm. None other than Apple Bloom's big brother Big Macintosh. Who combined with Apple Bloom and Coloratura, are able to pull even a yak like Yona from doing something reckless.
Applejack: Starlight...
Applejack shakes her head, all this going in has distracted her from what she set out to do. Try to save the changelings. She uses this time to finally get things straight
Applejack: Pharynx, come with me. We'll save as many as ya kind as we possibly can... Ah don't know what will become o' ya mother and Starlight at this point. But in case things still turn out fo' the worse, we need t' get goin’, pronto!
Thorax: Go ahead, Pharynx. Me and Ocellus will stay down here. We don't know what's going to happen next, we might at any second be together again up in the soul shield. If this is the end of the Changelings, let's take some pride in our last moments.
Ocellus herself has waterworks in her eyes at the present situation
Ocellus: Mother... p-p-please... don't.... don't hurt Starlight! I beg of you! You're better than this! I know you are!
This gesture stunned even Chrysalis, Starlight was just going to...let her do this? A wicked smile comes across her face
Chrysalis: Oh… oh this is just… AHAHAHAHAHA!!! So be it then! I hope you're prepared to take every bit of my wrath I have for your mother… I'd say to tell her I'll see her in Tartarus but well… neither of us will be seeing each other after today!
Something about her laugh sounded off though, it was maniacal but also… kinda forced. As if she was only trying to convince herself. Chrysalis was in too deep now to back down. For a moment, she and Starlight just stare each other down. Pharynx looks back at the two before turning to Applejack.
Pharynx: Curses! How could it have come to this!? This is exactly what I thought she'd do and yet... GRRRRAAAAAAH! I… I can't let this be how things end!!
Chrysalis looks to the others and speaks in a cold tone.
Chrysalis: I have no intention of harming this hive, I do not care what is done to me after this. This world, this universe sees me as a monster, a relic of the past. I do not belong in it, Ocellus. And since she wants to pay the debt her mother owes, then I will gladly inflict it upon her.
She turns back to Starlight and grimaces. Seeing that face, she thinks about the previous lessons, the genuine laughs she's had, the heart to heart moments she's had with the others and Starlight. Was she really going to throw it all away? This felt familiar… like when she chose to align herself with Tarsus over her parents… or her siblings. Starlight could see her hesitate, even start to cry, but her horn still charged up to its max.
And then she fires in Starlight's direction...
Everyone else watching, especially Ocellus and Thorax shout large screams of "No!" as Chrysalis prepares to charge that blast that was meant to end Starlight's life... a loud magical explosion is heard. Everyone averting their eyes as the brightness of the explosion lights up the chamber.
Ocellus: No... Starlight.... Noooooo!
She wraps her hooves around Thorax, crying into her older brother's shoulder presuming she was gone even before the dust clears… 
Though as the smoke of the blast disappears. There's... an image of a lilac pony... still standing where she was.
Starlight closed her eyes, crying, and grimacing as she prepared for the last bit of pain that would send her to the soul shield and reunite her with her mother forever. But after a while when she definitely heard the explosion, she felt no pain. If this is what dying instantly felt like, it felt odd. She dared to open one of her eyes. To see what's happened... Chrysalis used up her blast. But all she did was create one tremendously sized crater. That just manages to avoid even singeing Starlight
Starlight: w-w-w-what? C-ch-ch-Chrysalis... d-did... did you... m-m-miss?
Remarkably, Starlight had been spared. But everyone else watches cautiously, as they don't know yet if that was just a misfire. Chrysalis could still easily go for another attack. How truly cruel would it be for the queen to make it look like she was about to spare her, only to do the coup de grace mere moments later.
Chrysalis is the only one who's expression hadn't changed, it's unclear whether or not Chrysalis will just fire again or… if she's intentionally sparing Starlight. Her horn still had smoke trailing off of it but it didn't spark anymore. She walked right up to Starlight and whispered into her ear.
Chrysalis: While you may have asked for death, I will not give you the satisfaction. I won't be like your mother was to my hive. Now get out, leave me be. I'd much rather die alone… 
Go tell Sparkle you failed, there is no redemption for me. Your failure is the price you pay, not your death. Just… stay out of my life, Starlight Glimmer… Because if I see you again... then I will kill you. Consequences be damned… This whole ordeal… it's just… just...
She looked away, clearly starting to shed some tears.
Shock and awe are on everyone's faces as they hear that Chrysalis won't be going through with it. Not taking down the hive, and not even ending Starlight's life. Ocellus and Thorax feel like saying something, but they just about fear something they could say might make Chrysalis change her mind in a hurry. It does at least give them time to converse with those still watching from the portal to Sweet Apple Acres.
Thorax: Other than teleporting in a small object like a plate of food, this barrier is resistant to changeling magic. We can't teleport inside, nor can we open it. Otherwise, Chrysalis would have easily been able to open it herself once she got enough power. The pill Starlight ate is still going to last for a few hours, and we don't know if Chrysalis could decide to finish Starlight off anyway if she's in there for too long.
We need a unicorn to get her out...
Yona: We... we could try to get Princess Twilight here... now that there's time.
Big Mac: Nnnooooope. Ah have just t' solution.
A moment later, Big Mac brings his wife Sugar Belle to the portal. She walked in, and had been told of the situation as her husband retrieved her. Sugar Belle approaches the barrier, teleporting a whole pony is actually a huge ask for Sugar Belle but at least it won't be for a huge distance. It might take a lot out of her still to try, but she's no less determined to help Starlight get back to safety.
And the meaning of a former Our Town villager saving her is not lost on Starlight as she braces for the teleportation spell.
The baker unicorn charges her horn with all her might. She winces in pain as she attempts a spell that's still a bit far above her skill for frequent use as a burn mark begins to fade at the end of her horn. But this was an emergency that had to be done. Sugar clenches her teeth to try to get through the pain as a glow emanates from Starlight before a bright flash makes Starlight disappear from behind the barrier, and a mere 2 seconds later she's brought back to the safety of being outside the barrier. As soon as Starlight's on the other side again, Sugar Belle almost faints, though her husband catches her. She's breathing heavily as if she had just run a marathon after performing that spell. But it worked, a huge relief on everyone's faces that no one was killed or seriously hurt after all.
Pharynx and Applejack had managed to evacuate nearly all the changelings up top, though they certainly did realize the shaking had stopped. Applejack and Pharynx did hear a large boom, while still looking for lost Changelings. They might have thought that Chrysalis did indeed go ahead with killing Starlight, but when Applejack uses another piece of Portal gum to check. They see that Starlight's relatively unharmed, and Applejack's brother and sister-in-law have arrived.
Applejack: Big Mac! Sugar Belle! What y'all doin' here? This place was in danger o’ crashing down not too long ago!
Sugar Belle: Applejack, it's alright. The crisis is over... for now... Chrysalis has stopped. And she seems to have only fired a warning shot instead of striking Starlight. Big Mac stepped in to help hold in Yona, and I was called over to help teleport Starlight back out. Everyone's going to be ok...
As the others each breathe a deep sigh of relief. Applejack hugging everyone of those watching from Sweet Apple Acres, joyous tears from both Apple Bloom and Coloratura that Applejack won’t have to sacrifice herself after all. Starlight looks across the barrier at the moping Chrysalis.
Starlight: No... there's still one of us... that isn't ok, yet...
The group wonders who Starlight is talking about. And it becomes clear, Starlight was referring to Chrysalis. Despite what she had said and had nearly done, Starlight still considered her one of them. The Queen confused as she ever was, even after threatening her own kind, accusations of the worst kind against her beloved hero mother, and even almost killing Starlight herself. Starlight has not given up on her. She thought about just laughing, and saying how naive Starlight is still once more. But if she does laugh, it feels forced more than ever. And there was this feeling, that Starlight's refusal to give up on her... was actually working. 
Pharynx had rushed in along with Applejack and was just as shocked to see that Starlight and Chrysalis were both still standing. But he could see the smoldering crater next to Starlight, the blast that caused it would have easily killed her. Pharynx was at a loss for words on what to say to Chrysalis. Things were unsettlingly calm… but it was clear the problem hadn't been resolved.
Chrysalis just… stood there, turned away from the rest of the group. Her mind processing her own actions as well. She hated Starlight's mother, and she was so angry at Starlight… so why couldn't she follow through? Why did this hurt more? She tried to laugh as she would when she was in charge, but it sounded forced… fake. Each laugh was followed by a few tears.
Chrysalis: Get out...  get away from me...
The tone of her voice sounds like she’s trying to still sound as cold as ever, but there was a hint of her holding back a very intense despair. She couldn't bring herself to say anything else. Starlight was safe but… this lesson of honesty and potentially any other lesson… was over.
Everyone there agrees it's probably time everyone starts heading home. Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus are going to have their hands full with the changelings who had feared for their very lives. The fact many of them could have been killed all because of Chrysalis' grudge against Starlight's mother is probably going to take a long time for them to forgive their former queen, that is… assuming there is any chance left of redeeming her to a status where she's walking around freely again.
Soon, the only one's still in the chamber besides Chrysalis. Is Starlight and Applejack.
Starlight: Chrysalis, before I go... I need to tell you something.... really important...
Believe it or not, the way you're feeling right now. Is something I've felt too...
After I traveled through time that is... sure... the fact that we found out time travel only creates alternate universes and doesn't change the present from where we traveled lessens this issue. But... that still doesn't excuse what I indirectly did to all those timelines…
You may be feeling terrible right now, but I've technically pulled the trigger multiple times when you think about it... I doomed one Equestria to a lengthy war with Sombra, and others from the rule of Nightmare Moon, Discord, you, Tirek, and worst of all... Cozy Glow. I cherish all the friendships I have back in Equestria, but I know there are other versions of them that are suffering... or even no longer alive/were never born in said universe because of my actions...
I... even nearly threatened to just stay in the past by ripping up the scroll. I felt Twilight could certainly have gotten herself and Spike back to their universe while my punishment is to stay in one of the universes I created forever. I felt Twilight would have been more than justified to punish me in such a way... but instead she decided she wouldn't give up on me that easily.
And I think, this is the time where I must do the same for you... I'm very sorry for hurting you deeply. In this case, it doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right. The emotional impact is all the same, and I've failed as a counselor. I said before that one of the worst things to say to a patient like you is to say "You're wrong" and my anger briefly made me forget all that.
Today, I've failed you as a counselor... and I've also failed you as a friend...
I'm not sure what's to come next... Though I'm going to have a talk with Twilight about how to proceed, I'm going to try my best to speak on your behalf... but if Twilight decides this isn't working out and it'd be safer to put you back in stone for a while longer... then I deeply apologize with all my heart again...
I hope to see you again soon... but... in case we don't... I truly did enjoy the time we spent together before today... I still believe with all my heart that you can still be one of us, I saw plenty of potential for it. But there's still much emotional turmoil to sift through obviously, that I didn't expect... I hope we get another chance.
But for now... Goodbye, Chrysalis... and... thanks... for sparing my life...
Despite everything that happened to this point, Starlight manages to give Chrysalis one more smile. 
Chrysalis just let Starlight say her piece. There was no snarky rebuttal, no angry outburst either. Just silence, Chrysalis could clearly hear her, but she was stuck in her own little world. Holding back any more emotions, not wanting anyone to see her in this way. She'd just thrown away an opportunity to get rid of not only someone she'd just thought of as one of her greatest enemies, she would have in turn killed the daughter of the one whom she hated the most. But she couldn't do it. 
Chrysalis: We're not… we aren't friends... just… just go away. I don't care what happens to me…
(Time travel… going to some alternative universe… sounds better than being here…)
Starlight turns back toward the portal still left open to Sweet Apple Acres. Now the only one left in the chamber was Chrysalis and Applejack. The farmer herself approaches the portal, but before she enters she turns toward Chrysalis' direction
Applejack: By the way, while ya didn't lie at all befo’ or during ya argument wit’ Starlight... ya have lied 3 times since...
The first, when ya said yall'd rather die alone.
The second, when ya said yall'd kill Starlight the next time ya met
The third... what ya said just now... ‘bout ya ain’t bein' Starlight's friend...
Applejack tips her hat one more time, before jumping back into the portal. It soon closes, and Chrysalis is once again left all alone. For how long, she wouldn't know. And an uncertainty comes to mind, where the next time ponies come down to see her, it could mean a return to her stone prison once more.
Applejack's words rang in Chrysalis’ head. She didn't want to believe that...or rather, she was trying to convince herself that it wasn't true. Once Applejack had left through the portal, Chrysalis broke down. Crying to herself as she tried to figure this all out on her own for now.
Time stands still for the next few hours as everyone involved go back to their homes and feel more thankful to be alive after a very tense situation. Those in Ponyville are a bit concerned for the changelings back in the hive, they wonder if there’s a good amount of changelings who even want to go back inside the hive when it was very nearly their tomb. They hope eventually Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus can help calm their subjects.Starlight Glimmer went to her own room in Ponyville’s castle, lying in bed as her magic slowly recovers from not just the effects of the pill. But all the lingering thoughts in her head. She had nearly met the end of her life had Chrysalis not hesitated and fired off a warning shot instead. She almost gave up everything she’s worked for, the School of Friendship, her promising future as a potential Princess, and so much more. She thinks of how upset her father would have been to see her as a spirit. Not to mention what her next conversation with Twilight as a spirit would have been like.
That reminded her, she still needed to see Twilight after what had just happened. She’s sure Twilight will be devastated that anything like that happened without warning. Starlight knows that just because no one was seriously hurt, Twilight’s not going to suddenly think this was no big deal.
Before attempting to go to Canterlot, Starlight reaches for her binder and writes down a major paragraph about what had just happened. She cries as she recalls the argument she had with Chrysalis. Everything seemed like it was going all according to plan, and she felt Chrysalis was really connecting with her. But while she was within her rights to defend her mother from the queen’s accusations. In her anger, she forgot to account for Chrysalis’ feelings. And as long as Chrysalis fervently believes that her mother was responsible for what happened at Mt. Thrace, and that her brother Tarsus was a righteous leader. It’ll remain the last remaining obstacle to finally unlocking Chrysalis’ heart once and for all. 
All they can do now, is hope they can find a way to carefully tell Chrysalis why her recollection of the events is mistaken. Whatever they do, they can’t lose patience with the Queen. It was a very traumatic event for her, and questioning her memory of perhaps the one moment of her life she insists she remembers vividly is only going to make her double down, maybe even just clam up and refuse to talk further.
Starlight just feels frustrated that she let her anger out at the worst time, and in some way feels partly responsible for what happened back there even if Chrysalis is sure to get the brunt of the blame. It was part of why she was willing to sacrifice herself so that no one else would have to lose their lives all because she riled up Chrysalis in defense of her mother’s honor.
However, despite the situation she finds herself in. She still held a belief that there was room for Chrysalis to grow. She understands that will sound crazy to those who were only made aware of what happened at the end of honesty as opposed to everything that came up positively in the previous lessons. But in some ways, she feels that moment where Chrysalis had the option to take her revenge and kill Starlight for the perceived sins of her mother meant something significant. 
Chrysalis couldn’t find it within herself to kill Starlight despite now knowing that she was the daughter of the pony she hates more than anything, even knowing Starlight had described her as a great hero. Chrysalis tried to play it off that she wouldn’t do what Sunset allegedly did to her brother and more indirectly the rest of her old hive. But Starlight remembers another moment that may have very well paralleled what happened.
When back in the Kindness lesson, she had a chance to show how cruel she could still be by doing something to a small creature like Angel Jr. as punishment for Fluttershy and Discord messing with her when Discord interrupted the session. Much like Angel Jr., Starlight managed to endear herself to Chrysalis to avoid being attacked or drained of all their love.
It gave her just enough hope that things can still end for the better. But explaining to Twilight after both her, Applejack, and many others' lives were in danger sounded like it was going to be difficult. Starlight attempts to get herself to move to get ready to portal over to Twilight’s castle. Although it’s likely Applejack still has the pack of portal gum, so she’ll just have t-
Suddenly a flash of magic appears in the room that startles Starlight.
In mere seconds, Twilight appears with the most concerned look on her face that Starlight’s seen in years.
Twilight: STARLIGHT! Are you OK?! Applejack told me everything!
Starlight probably should have seen this coming, it’s probably even highly likely Applejack herself used the portal gum to reach Twilight first. But at least Starlight doesn’t have to move much, as she’s still a little drowsy from the effects of the pill. Though by now her magic was gradually coming back.
Starlight: Y-Yeah… I’m ok… Twilight…
Twilight: Are you sure?! AJ told me you almost let Chrysalis kill you even though you know she’s wrong about Sunset! What were you thinking?!
Starlight: Now now… I know it sounds bad…
Twilight: That’s because it IS bad! We could have lost you! Even with spirit summoning, death shouldn’t be taken so lightly! Did you think about what your family and friends would think?!
I… I… I clearly overestimated Chrysalis’ progress. Perhaps we should put her back in stone an-
Starlight: No…
Starlight spoke a little too quietly, though Twilight did realize she interrupted her. Twilight: Can you repeat tha-
Starlight: I SAID NO! Don’t put Chrysalis back in stone!
Twilight grimaced
Twilight: Huh?! How can you say we shouldn’t when she not only nearly killed you and Applejack. But also nearly everyone of her own kind?!
Starlight: Twilight, take a deep breath and relax. Before I tell you why, I need you to be in a calmer mood. You don’t freak out as much as you used to, but you are Twilighting a little. Twilight: Does this situation not warrant a little twilighting?! But… I see your point… Twilight does some breathing exercises and tries her best to calm her mind. It’s a little difficult given the great weight of what just happened. But she trusts her student that she’ll have a sufficient answer.
Starlight: Twilight, I need you to think what if you were in Chrysalis shoes.
How would you feel if something happened to your parents, your brother, and almost everypony you knew in Canterlot and Ponyville perished in a horrible event.
And then think about what if you had a suspect of who was responsible. Years ago while you aren’t as sure you also suspect they had something to do with your parents’ sudden deaths. Then at some point, you saw them personally “kill” Shining Armor in front of your eyes. They run away, and hundreds if not thousands die shortly afterward. You’d think this same criminal had something to do with the mass murder event too.
And then years later, you’re imprisoned by those of the same species as this suspected killer, you end up slowly becoming friends with one of them that visits your cell across many weeks. Only to find out that this visitor happens to be the daughter of the suspected killer. And not only is this killer not seen as an unspeakable being, but they are CHEERED as great heroes of modern society and maybe even looked favorably upon by the universe itself. Making it sound like what they did to you and those who perished was somehow justified in a twisted sense to the world.
Now also imagine you’ve gradually been getting stronger before you find out this visitor is related to the killer. You can then use that power to get revenge by striking down the killer’s daughter, her friends, even if that possibly means yet another mass death event happens at the place you’re imprisoned in. including many of your own kind…
Can you imagine… how that would make you feel?
Twilight pauses, thinking over every little bit of detail of an increasingly bleak hypothetical scenario. Twilight: I… I… I guess I would be angry… if… the one who I thought was responsible was revered. Like the universe for some reason decided that myself, my family, and/or many ponies like me aren’t even worthy of value, and more like trash that must be taken out if the suspected mass-murderer is celebrated more than reviled…
I’d… certainly be tempted to seek revenge, or at the very least philosophically wonder why even the universe itself sees us as such lesser beings that those who would want to commit atrocities against us are rewarded…
I’m still not sure I would have done what Chrysalis just did… but… I can kind of get it now…
Starlight smiles, happy that her great friend and mentor understands.
Starlight: Chrysalis is a soul that’s been tortured perhaps more than anyone we’ve ever come across. It doesn’t entirely excuse her actions, but between the relations with her old hive already having been a complicated mess before it all went terribly wrong. She was then pressured on restarting a hive all by herself, adding the struggles that can come from motherhood for multiple children as well as being a sole ruler. All while keeping all of the emotional scars that the sinking of Mt. Thrace she had hidden from everyone. Leaving all her thoughts and feelings locked inside her own mind. 
I have to imagine it was always hard for her to even sleep without thinking of her previous hive. We just need to take a calmer approach, and find a way for Chrysalis to confront the truth of what happened that day. It’ll be difficult, and may even require her to come face to face with the spirit of my mother. Where she’ll be highly defensive, and scared out of her mind on the inside.
I doubt my mother’s words will convince her straight away, there’s no doubt she’ll find any way possible to deny anything she says. But she still does need to hear the story from her point of view, not to mention talk at length with my mom to get a sense of her personality and hope at the very least some seeds of doubt are planted. If we can at least get her to ask herself something like “Is Sunset truly the monster I thought she was?”, we will be getting somewhere.
Admittedly though… that’s pretty optimistic all things considered. There’s also the possibility this still doesn’t work and we’re left with almost no options left… but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try! You’re going to think I’m crazy… but I still have hope in Chrysalis.
I know that giving her a chance to kill me sounds like the kind of impulsive decision I’ve made before… like when I switched Celestia and Luna’s cutie mark all those years ago… but I did actually put some thought into it. Even if I put my own life on the line as the price if I was wrong…
It allowed us to really see if Chrysalis truly can be changed. If I ended up being killed, it would have been a tragedy no doubt… but it would not have been in vain. As it would have meant there was no turning back for Chrysalis after all. Unable to let go of her grudge with us ponies enough to even consider sparing a defenseless pony she was growing close with.
But since she didn’t, it actually provides more proof that these lessons have been working. She wouldn’t have spared me if she found out who my mother was probably as early as before the generosity lesson. I also think that since I was willing to put my life on the line all for her emotions. The fact I’d sacrifice much of the promising future I’d told her about, if it meant that she could finally have some form of satisfactory revenge on my mother… that might have touched a cord in her. 
She got to know me more personally now that we were no longer fighting as hero against villain. What I’ve told her about my own past, reflected much of her own. Chrysalis was just very upset that she had somepony to connect with. Only to find out that I’m related to, and are fond of her “worst enemy”.
I even told her before I left, that the self-loathing she was clearly in was not far off from something I’ve done… and you were there. So you should know very well what that was…
Twilight nodded
Twilight: Yeah… I remember all those nights where I had to reassure you that all those timelines you inadvertently created doesn’t make you a terrible pony…
Starlight: And I needed as many reassurances as you possibly could give me at that time. It didn’t matter how friendly I was with everypony. I’d get back into a rut thinking of how in another universe, I indirectly ruined the pony I just hung out with’s life or might have even gotten them killed. It’s not like those other versions of them would ever find out it was indirectly my fault… but the guilt was still there. I can never thank you enough for supporting me at that time… if you weren’t there… I… I might have… I might…
Twilight: …Carried out what Chrysalis could have done, but only by and to yourself?
Starlight pauses, lowers her head, while tears stream down her face.
Starlight: Y-y-yeah… p-perhaps…
Twilight wastes no time and gives her faithful student a much needed hug with both her hooves and her wings. They sit together saying nothing for a little while. Before Twilight quietly speaks.
Twilight: …Then you should know the next step, upon tomorrow morning. You’ll get your chance to reassure Chrysalis won’t take matters into her own hooves and just decide to end it all for herself in a world she doesn’t feel like she belongs in. We need to tell her that she does in fact belong in this world in any way possible.
Though if I may say something for just the two of us, not as a friend… not as your mentor… but as a potential foster sister…
Please… try not to risk your life like you just did ever again… please… I… wouldn’t be able to take the blame off myself if anything were to happen to you…
Tears stream down from Twilight’s cheek while Starlight gasped
Starlight: Huh? But… it wouldn’t have been your fault at all if Chrysalis had killed me…
Twilight: Maybe not in a direct sense, but I would have still been the one to give you this mission. I might have felt a guilt similar to how you felt about those timelines! You deserve a long life of happiness after all you went through in your early life. And I’m sure your mother would want the same…
Even if in this case it helped us to know where Chrysalis currently stands, I don’t want to see you anywhere close to throwing away your life like that again… please, can you promise me that, Starlight?
Starlight’s eyes flow with tears, and a soft smile as she’s touched that Twilight cares this much about her. She’s always known how much she does care about her, but nonetheless it’s great to once again hear how much she means to the princess. It truly feels like they’re now what they may have once supposed to have been: Foster sisters for as long as they can remember.
Starlight: Of course, Twilight… I don’t intend on going anywhere anytime soon…
They tightly hugged one more time, and would start planning for tomorrow morning. Today turned out to be a more emotional day than anyone ever expected. It would soon be time to bring this all to a head, and show Chrysalis the true magic of friendship at last… before it was too late.
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
Someone asked me in a comment but I'm not gonna let this essay die there so here's why I think Kirk's autistic
1. Though he seems to be able to communicate without issue, that's only because Starfleet has explicit, written rules of how to treat people on the ship. He only knows how to interact with people when he's captain. This is evident post-the-show but pre-the-movies when he's barely kept in touch with anyone from the Enterprise. Without that rigid, familiar structure he doesn't know how to maintain relationships. Which leads to the next point
2. His obsession with the Enterprise and being captain. He essentially never takes breaks from being captain, to the point that Spock felt the need to trick him to get him to take a break. It's mentioned many times by many characters that all he wants to do is be the captain of the Enterprise. When his wife divorced him(again post-show, pre-movies) she told him to get a ship because that's all he really wanted. She even says he wanted it more than her. Meaning he was unable to keep his relationship partially due to his need to be a captain. When he isn't the captain of a ship he's depressed and he feels useless and restless. All of this makes it sound a lot like a special interest to me. He freaks out if he thinks he's lost command. And the only times he doesn't is because of
3. His rigid sense of justice. His ideals are a huge part of his character. Pretty much the entire show is about Kirk and what he feels is right. He disobeys Starfleet frequently over this. The idea that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is brought up frequently throughout the show and movies, and Kirk is always fighting against it. This is largely due to his trauma from Tarsus IV.
Anyways I'm sure I'm leaving things out these are just the big things that I first think of.
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usslakevee · 9 months
I've been reading a lot of fics with post Tarsus IV trauma for Jim. And with that come a lot of fics where Jim doesn't have a good relationship with his mom or his brother. Where they both left. Where he was alone.
And then I read a hanahaki fic. And now I can't stop thinking about the idea of Jim, growing up with lungs full of flowers. His mother's favorite, and his brothers favorite entwined in his lungs.
I'm thinking about him moving to Tarsus IV and feeling like he can breathe for the first time in years. And still coughing up petals every once in a while, but feeling better. And then the blight and the famine and the genocide.
He runs for his life, protects kids as best he can. He doesn't think about his mom or his brother. His lungs are clear, his stomach empty.
And then I'm thinking about Kirk, rescued by starfleet. Kirk all skin and bones, still just beginning his recovery, only to learn that his mom isn't coming. His brother isn't coming, and the flowers are going to kill him. So, the doctors remove them.
The Kirk that came back from Tarsus IV was always going to be a different person than the one who left Iowa, but the Kirk that walks out of surgery, his feelings for those who abandoned him gone. That Kirk is an entirely different beast.
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veggiesforpresident · 2 years
Kirk! For the character ask obvs
Thank you Kris! I'm gonna go with TOS Kirk
Favorite thing about them: How he really believes in equality and treating everyone around him with respect. Also the way he teases his friends. Also the way he's a strategist, always observing and thinking. I'm gonna stop there or I could go on.
Least favorite thing about them: His workaholic tendencies. Cmon man, take a break. You know he’s the kinda guy who’s impossible to have a conversation with bc hes always thinking about work and starfleet and space. And thats if you can even get him alone for 5 minutes when he’s not working.
(as for actual character flaws, I'd have to think about it, tbh)
Favorite line: The Let Me Help monologue ""Let me help." A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over "I love you."
brOTP: Kirk and McCoy! Specifically I enjoy like nebulous/queerplatonic McKirk where they would never actually date but they’re also each other’s emotional rocks/their Person in life
OTP: Kirk/Spock, obvs. I mean, look at them. to me theyre the rare kind of OTP where like, i can’t seriously ship them with anyone else. like how do you approach the Spock Factor when you think about kirk and shipping? and vice versa. you know what i mean?
nOTP: Kirk/Spock/McCoy, I'm sorry, I just don't like it
random headcanon: he fidgets all the time, like with the hem of his shirt or his hair. also hes a totally history nerd.
unpopular opinion: hm. i guess a lot of people dont like Tarsus IV in fic or don't think it was as big as fic writers make it out to be, but i really like it and i think it had a profound impact on him. (im also just a sucker for a good backstory.)
song i associate with them: Oooh. I'll have to think on this one.
favorite picture of them: Any one where he's giving Spock heart eyes, tbh.
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snowyhobbit · 2 years
I'm reading Shakespeare's Pericles Prince of Tyre to help with my If We Were Villains hangover and if you think im dissecting every single line to work out what happened after THAT ending? You're absolutely correct. Let's dive right in.
That whoso ask'd her for his wife,
His riddle told not, lost his life
Right from the beginning, the audience is told that, for someone to win Antiochus' daughter as their love interest, that man must solve a riddle or death would follow. What is James' note to Oliver if not a riddle? More than that, like Pericles, he is reaching out to Oliver, asking him for help. The death that would follow Oliver not solving the riddle would be James Farrow since, even if he does live, he'd remain dead to the world - but of course Oliver notices the hidden message immediately.
So sharp are hunger's teeth, that man
and wife
Draw lots who first shall die to
lengthen life
Here Cleon is lamenting the poverty of Tarsus and he notes how couples are deciding who shall die so the other might live. James made that decision withour Oliver's knowledge but, reading more into the words, we have death being treated as a means to continue living. James was suffering in his despair and he would have thought that the only way he could continue living is as someone else. He chose to let James die but, as an actor, he is practiced at letting one name go before taking up another - thereby lengthening his life.
At the beginning of Act II, Gower returns and remarks:
And he, good prince, having all lost,
By waves from coast to coast is tost:
Till fortune, tired with doing bad,
Threw him ashore, to give him glad
The relevance to James here seems pretty clear. Referring to Pericles as good prince seems notably similar to Oliver calling James worthy prince as they concluded their fateful performance of King Lear. The mention of fortune is also interesting as, in the aftermath of Richard, one way James tries to cope is to give up responsibility and blame fate. It's not inconceivable that James decided to give himself up to fate and let the waves either claim him or throw him onto a new shore to start again.
Then we get to the lines James specifically left for Oliver:
the sea hath cast me on the rocks,
Wash'd me from shore to shore, and left me breath
Nothing to think on but ensuing death:
And have no more of life than may suffice
To give my tongue that heat to ask your help;
Which if you shall refuse, when I am dead,
For that I am a man, pray see me buried.
James is giving Oliver a choice here. After the huge sacrifice Oliver made for him, he wouldn't blame him if he refused this plea for help. If he does, he only requests when I am dead...pray see me buried. James could be asking Oliver to let James Farrow stay dead to the rest of the world - even if he now suspects he may yet live. We can't underestimate the extent of James' guilt when he disappeared - he must have felt he had no right to ask Oliver for anything else whilst simultaneously knowing that he would answer his plea regardless because that's just who Oliver is - always generous to his fellow performers even to own detriment.
This was a goodly person,
Till the disaster that, one mortal night,
Drove him to this.
It is no wonder James returned to this particular play in the years of Oliver's incarceration. Helicanus is lamenting how one mortal night has driven Pericles to the shell he has become. A good man wrecked by a single tragic event. If anyone can relate to that - it's James.
This play is about a tragic figure, who thinks he's lost all, eventually being reuinted with those he loves. These lines are from Pericles' reunion with his wife, Thaisa:
O, come, be buried
A second time within these arms.
We know James has been buried once, lost at sea, and in order to go on I shall be telling myself that he will be buried a second time in Oliver's arms. Pericles Prince of Tyre ends with the joy that comes from a reunion after lovers being separated for years - 14 years to be exact which, if Oliver finds James, will be the same amount of time since the two of them first met at Dellecher.
So if, like me, you've been a little broken by unanswered questions since finishing that last page take heart because I am now more convinced than ever that James and Oliver will be crown'd with joy at last.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. saturday we did voy's "basics part ii" and "flashback," and last night we did voy's "the chute" and "the swarm." not really last night changed bc i am writing this at fuck o clock its going up tmrw w/o me but w/e
basics part ii:
this one was fine. or rather the a-plot of this was boring, the b-plot fucking ruled
like, what do i care about the surface of this planet? ik there's a whole season that happens after this, nobody important is gonna die. even the critter was no that interesting
also, FUCK the baby not really being chakotay's. i was so fucking devastated. i wanted him to have a little guy sooo bad. they gave it to me and then snatched it away. imagine how he must feel...the whole ship in danger to save the kid that wasn't really his, and two people DIED in the process. the a-plot was terrible.
but ohhh the doctor and lon suder taking on the kazons alone. mwah.
first of all, what a match-up. the doctor can't be killed or harmed, not really, not the way suder used to enjoy hurting people. so that puts them on totally even terms
secondly, the fact that suder FINALLY almost overcame his violent impulses and now he has no choice BUT to give into them for a cause greater than his own needs (to have peace with himself)...that's juicy stuff. his struggle when he came back after killing that one guy was absolutely incredible.
finally, i love that out of any two people who could be stuck on voyager, you get the idea that these two people had the best chance of doing what they did. like the doctor is quite literally PART of the computer that runs the ship, and suder has all the violent impulses of his former life now combined with tuvok's methodical nature and his own hard-earned patience. truly a force to be reckoned with. it doesn't really push your suspension of disbelief when he takes out all those guys at once because part of him has been waiting to do that for a looong time
genuinely i'm only disappointed they killed him...a character like this could have EASILY been a regular. i'll miss him so much
the undiscovered country was not my favorite tos movie by far (it ranks near the bottom actually) but i wish i had skimmed it at least before watching this. the movie footage being there was so so fun, and JANICE RAND! i'm always so happy to see her turn up, she deserved so much better, even if most of her tos scenes did annoy me to death
anyway, imagine being in a show and 30 years later they are calling you on the phone asking if you would like to do another episode of the show. star trek really is so unique in that regard, very few franchises have that same kind of staying power. m*rvel who? get the fuck out of here.
i looooooved getting more of tuvok's backstory. i think it's really hilarious that spock's parents almost disowned him when he joined starfleet but after that vulcan parents are like pressuring their kids to join to be more like him. poor spock and poor tuvok i wish they could have met onscreen just once
janeway in the old uniform!!!!!!!! she looked amazing
mixed feelings about janeway's speech about how things were different in the tos era and that's why sometimes they didn't do the prime directive. actually, it's funny because i got a little huffy at her "they were quicker to reach for their phasers" comment like GIRL NO THEY WEREN'T and then like the very next day i watched "taste of armageddon" where kirk did immediately start blasting because the disintegration chambers triggered his tarsus iv trauma and had to reluctantly forgive her
that said. spock mention.
the chute:
something lgbt happened on star trek voyager...i don't ship this couple because i'm still kirby with a gun re: tom paris, but i'm incredibly happy for people who do. i think about how i would have been if this had been chakotay and janeway instead (besdie myself) and i just KNOW the harry/tom shippers were eating
i wish harry kim got more to do...he had a little more this time but his solo scenes didn't have much meat to them, it was his scenes w tom paris that really stood out
and like i didn't hate those scenes, but the "shitty hellhole prison" plot itself also kind of bored me, because we just saw a far superior version of this happen to o'brien on ds9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and to me one half of tom/harry is kinda boring and never gets his chance to shine, and the other is eternally on probation for being too annoying in season 1. so i had a hard time staying invested
that said it was very fun when janeway came down through the hole guns blasting. now who's playing cowboy, captain?
the swarm:
this was another one where the a-plot sucked and the b-plot ruled
i know janeway doesn't wanna add another 15 months, but man, come ON...it was very dumb not to go around. it was even dumber to not go around WHILE YOUR DOCTOR WAS BROKEN. take a few days to fix him and THEN go. also WHAT HAPPENED TO HER IDEALS? the showrunner really needed to keep this shit straight this was wildly out of character for her. that plus constantly brushing off kes...not her finest episode tbqh
the doc losing his memory was great though. kes is SO kind to advocate for him as she does and she and b'elanna were just great in general. kes even gave him a little kissy!! treat him really niceys: the episode
the other doctor hologram was really funny too although his usage of the "it" pronoun made me flash back to my rage when people did that to data during tng
it was actually so true to life how people with dementia act...kes did a great job of keeping him calm until the end :(
and the humming!!! i can't believe they left it there, but i suppose the implication is he gets it all back. and what a breath-taking spot to end it, honestly
TONIGHT: ds9's "apocalypse rising" and voy's "false profits" (i read the summary and good god someone HELP me)
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x06 Trials and Tribble-ations thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [12 Sept ‘23]
My housemates asked me if I was okay when I found out this was the next episode because I yelled so excitedly XD
[HAH - just had a good fit of the giggles looking at the script, and seeing that the investigations people are "Dulmur and Lucsly" - I'd totally missed the anagrams there that without the spellings!]
Darvinis a very good spy, I would totally believe he was human.
Julian and Miles reassuring Worf how he smells XD
"Find someone else. I have my own ways of torturing Worf" XD
The light TOS theme playing as the Enterprise appears. Perfect. My love for this is so strong.
I love how much disdain the temporal investigators have for James T Kirk. 🤣
"I'm a doctor, not a historian." Ohhh the love they have for old Trek <3
Why is Dax in red, though?
I love everything about this episode... Aside from Julian's hair 😅
"Isn't that a medical tricorder?" "Yes, yes it is. I'm a doctor." Well that wasn't actually why he was confused, Julian XD
Julian is so bad at lying, I can't, I love him.
I forgot that Worf would hate tribbles. Incredible, I love it.
And Odo is so amused by this. 😆 "This? A mortal enemy of the Klingon Empire?" Amazing.
"Sisko to Defiant..." but his badge isn't a communicator! XD I am so fond of him, look at his lil 'silly me' laugh as he gets the flip communicator out.
"But if we went we might run into Koloth." "Exactly." Sisko knows you too well, Dax.
"Watley. That was my great-grandmother's name..." I'd forgotten how funny Julian was about this XD
"Not him. Spock." "Let's go!" Again, Sisko knows the trouble Jadzia could cause too well XD
Julian and Miles' outrage at Odo having sat at the bar for three hours 🤣 they are such a fun duo to watch
"Those are Klingons?" Hehehe. Everyone turning to look at Worf
Good move panning to Worf twitching at the insult to the Enterprise!
The three of them standing up and Odo groaning "What are you doing?" xD
Julian fighting and then going "owww", what is he like? 😆
"I lied to Captain Kirk." You sure did, Miles!
How did Jadzia do that calculation?!!
"He had the hands of a surgeon." Sisko is so done XD
Kirk's "This is my chicken sandwich and coffee . I want these things off the ship. I don't care if it takes every man we've got, I want them off the ship." always gets to me. He sounds more than simply vexed, and with his Tarsus backstory it just makes me Feel.
I love the implication with these shots that Sisko and Dax are throwing the stray tribbles out if the storage unit onto Kirk.
The tribble exploding is hilarious. Sorry, tribble.
"And that's when you returned to the present?" "Well... not exactly." Awww I love this bit. Sisko is so lovely.
"However I don't think there was any harm done. Probably would have done the same thing myself." The other agent looks so shocked and disappointed in his colleague XD
Hehehe I do not remember that ending with Quark's being full of tribbles!
Excellent, very, very excellent. I love this episode with my whole heart, guys.
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