#I'm afraid it will regress tho
cosmermaid · 2 years
That protagonist would be a woman if the writers weren't cowards.
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nothorses · 1 year
Sometimes I’m scared of becoming a toxic asshole for thinking these things, but when I saw the transmasc separatist dude, some of the things called for were things I already wanted to do. Like, seeking out transmasc authors and read their books, or transmasc musicians and listening to their music, or only dating other transmascs, or sticking to transmasc spaces. But I don’t want to do this because I think non-transmascs are incapable of not being transandrophobic. I want this because I’ve been hurt and all this feels like a way to give me some room to breathe and heal. And it’s frustrating cause the separatist stuff feels like it’s inviting me in for that but I don’t think it will help but I’m scared of others telling me I’m no better than them for needing space. I don’t know. Maybe I just suck at unity. Hate to think that tho.
I think there's a big difference between, like, "it feels good to discuss common experiences with people who understand them" (extremely normal and fine), and "it is only safe to interact with people just like me and everyone else is trying to hurt me" (unhealthy and counterproductive).
Everyone wants to see themselves in the things they read and watch. Everyone wants to relate to other people.
And I mean, I created a discord server for Transmascs for this reason; there weren't really any spaces where transmascs could talk about transmasc experiences with each other, and the lack of any kind of transmasc "community" was very sorely felt. I guess you don't see it as much lately, and I'm so incredibly grateful for why that is- but a lot of the early conversations around this stuff talked about how being transmasc was considered shameful or regressive; it wasn't something we were supposed to find joy or pride in, and it wasn't something you were supposed to connect with other people about. And that did so much damage to transmascs! It made us isolated and lonely, and it made it so hard to talk about anything we were going through that we often bought into the lie that none of it was real, or important enough to discuss. Not to mention the impact on our ability to share and get relevant information or resources.
There's nothing wrong with needing some space to talk about shared experiences with people who get it- and I'd argue that this kind of space is deeply necessary. We don't need to give that up. That's not what unity is.
Unity is recognizing that other transmascs are not the only people we share common experiences with. We're not the only safe people, or the only people with talking to, or the only people we need to be fighting for.
It's good to connect to your community! Keep doing that! Take the time to grow your identity, connect to that part of yourself, and work to heal the ways in which that lack of connection has impacted you.
Just don't do it out of fear of the people who aren't just like you, and try not to limit yourself to one community, or one type of person, exclusively.
You are a multifaceted person, and even the trans community itself is incredibly diverse; you will likely find, if you take the time to listen, that a lot of transfems and unaligned nb folks share a lot of the same experiences, too! Even ones connected to manhood, masculinity, or our perceived inability to be autonomous.
And honestly, it sounds like you know all this already- and like you're maybe afraid you have the wrong intentions, or you might mess up, even if you're honestly just trying your best.
Feel free to disregard this bit if I'm wrong, but if I'm not: trust yourself. Trust that you do not have secret, evil intentions or hatred hidden even from yourself. Trust that if you mess up, you will do your best to correct it when you find out about it. You're doing fine, anon, you don't need to be hypervigilant about your own thoughts and feelings. And maybe you'll find that if you can work towards that goal, you'll start to worry a lot less about Becoming A Toxic Asshole for, like, correctly identifying the kernel of reasonable motivation that lead to someone else's wrong conclusion.
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
Hey…as someone who has been in a similar position I truly believe you have to give it time and sad to say…cease contact for while. I know dude…it seems impossible it seems scary probably gut wrenching, but your health comes first. If you’re worried about time honestly fuck time. Everyone heals in their own way not everyone bounces back immediately. Not everyone handles situations the same and that’s okay.
You don’t even have to go cold turkey on communication. I always say to myself work with the issues instead of against it. Slowly kind of weening off also is a valid option.
I know the fact that it feels like it’s hurting you more than him and yeah that shit stings man. But again you have to take care of yourself. Even if you’re shitting crying and shaking it will become more bearable. Yes you will have these days and again THATS OKAY!! Regressing is part of the process of healing just try your hardest not to dwell and stay active.
It took me almost a year or two to get over that bond I had with my ex, attachment as well. Even though the thought of him moving on still kinda makes me feel a way, but I’ve realized it’s more so I’m afraid of being left behind stuck in the same place while possibly he flourishes in life. There are differences in our situation so I can only speak so much, but a lot of what you’re going through emotionally wise I get it man.
Like rn it’s hard for me to be social and have relationships with people because I’m scared honestly lol. Even platonically. At this point, I’m just taking this time to get to know myself and pay more attention to my hobbies. I’m also trying to force myself to do more things alone and volunteer places like community gardens and pantries. I’m not even there to make connection with people. if I do, cool, but It’s more so exposure therapy for me lol.
You got this man. Always give yourself, patience, grace and kindness. That’s my mantra lately lol.
I know I’m just a stranger but I do care. I don’t ever want anyone to feel this way.
Stay well and busy chief 🫡
Not talking to him at all has been difficult and I haven't managed to do it except for one day so far. I've been going up and down so much and just cannot accept that it's over. I honestly don't know where to go from here. I never thought we would ever break up so it's fucking hard. I do worry if I dont give him space and stop messaging that I'm going to push him away tho. The only way to stop that from happening is to focus on me which I'm trying so so hard to do, but none of it seems worth it which I've said before. I feel stupid cause I've said all of this before and I can't stop going on a loop at this point.
I appreciate the message and I will try and keep it in mind. I know I'll move on eventually but right now it's not what i want. All I think about is mending it and being with him again but I think its hurting me more than I'd like to admit. No matter how many times people and family tell me I need to accept it I just can't. And I know it takes effort to focus on the good and time and space to make it happen but I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. I have no friends to hang out with to take my mind off it, no job to go to every day, and as much as I'd like to get a job I have struggled so hard with my anxiety it just seems impossible. Anyway thank you again I appreciate it♡♡
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vhs-system · 2 months
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🖌️⠀◡⠀꒰ঌ⠀⭒⠀┈⠀ *𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐*⠀⊹⠀໒꒱⠀ 𓂋
⠀˓⠀*Name : Ink*
⠀˓⠀*Age : 17 - 26 (Age slides & Regresses)*
⠀˓⠀*Gender : Demiboy*
⠀˓⠀*Sexuality : AroAce*
⠀˓⠀*Pronouns : He / They / Sketch*
💛⠀◡⠀꒰ঌ⠀⭒⠀┈⠀ *𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐*⠀⊹⠀໒꒱⠀ 𓂋
⠀˓⠀*Nicknames : Inky/Spot*
⠀˓⠀*Species : Ink Skeleton*
⠀˓⠀*16 Personalities : ENFP-T*
⠀˓⠀*Likes : Drawing, Music (will link) Roleplay, Painting*
📔⠀◡⠀꒰ঌ⠀⭒⠀┈⠀ *𝒔𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒎 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐*⠀⊹⠀໒꒱⠀ 𓂋
⠀˓⠀*Fronting Activity : Often*
⠀˓⠀*Formed : 2022*
✒️⠀◡⠀꒰ঌ⠀⭒⠀┈⠀ *𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔*⠀⊹⠀໒꒱⠀ ���
⠀˓⠀*No sexual remarks/sexual jokes*
> Hello! I'm Ink! Im one of our hosts / old hosts! I like to do art and indulge in media. Im a huge symptom holder of about everything we have and all that. I am not comfortable with sexual stuff so no to that ew ucky. I will avoid source mates as im healing and STILL am working on separation. I am happily taken and with a few of our partner system, love them all to death <33 I love to paint and talk with people, just get nervous but am willing to meet people :) I dont run this account lol but am not afraid to use it, It's Donnie's tho smh. Buuuut yeaaaaah love uuuuu and nice to meet you guyssss, hopefully Fresh will make one too :) (best friend)
> Playlist!
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pumpkzsafeplace · 11 months
Tw: vent?
I recently became really hyperfixated on creepypasta again. Creepypasta has been my special interest for years now but recently I came back to the old stories I used to listen to when I was younger which brought back some memories from that time. As much as I was capable of coming to terms with my trauma these memories keep making me uncomfortable for some reason. Don't get me wrong it's not the creepypasta itself because it brings me more comfort than fear even though I know it sounds weird because creepypastas are supposed to scare you. I used to listen to them A LOT with my friends. We all were scouts at that time and often we were away from home together. That made me feel safe. I felt really loved and understood when I was with them so I think that's why subconsciously creepypasta stayed in my head as something positive. I still tho have this feeling derealization, like I slip back to these times expect now I don't feel as safe as I felt with the scouts... I don't know it just feels really weird. Even though I was a very timid child and I was afraid of staying in unfamiliar places like a camp for example I felt that they gave me the piece of childhood I hardly ever experienced at home. I wish they were still here. These old stories bring back some of the traumatic memories the scouts allowed me to escape from from time to time and these traumatic memories are what makes me feel so uncomfortable. Tho still the creepypastas make me feel like my friends are still here and like I could escape it all again. I know it's really weird and complicated. Nevermind anyways.
(I'm really sorry for such a long ask and for venting like that's it's just been on my mind for some time now)
- 🐅
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to vent to me, it means a lot <3.
now, regarding your vent- i'm sorry to hear that you're struggling :<
somtimes we tend to regress to a easier time when life gets a little hard. i know i do- i end up deep diving into fan fiction to remind me of when i was younger and things were easy and good <3
but just know that you're not alone okay? i know things haven't been easy for you lately :< n'it's breaking my heart <3 we are all here for you, always <3 i hope you begin to feel a little better soon <3 let me know if there is anything I can do to help <3
big hugs 🫂 & i hope you feel better soon <3
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Ohh totally the writers regressed Steve's entire development to be solely Nancy's love interest again. His other relationships suffered so much, especially the one with Dustin. He seemed so angry with being paired up with him it was so ooc. Like it's actually criminal that we got a Eddie and Dustin hug before Steve and Dustin, like wth.
Even his relationship with Robin was watered down to push for Stancy. I still stand by the fact that Robin should have been the one who jumped in first to save Steve, but then Eddie wouldn't have given his true love speech to Steve later. And Robin actually pushing Nancy to persue Steve, while being Steve's bestie and probably knowing how fucked up he was after the breakup. The writers don't see heaven for this I'm afraid. Robin needs to talk some sense into him, like please.
I'm so mad at the writers, I hope they look through fan reactions and see that 80% of the fandom doesn't want this kinda shit. Plus it's so fucking unfair to both characters. Steve got rejected twice there at the end and he was clearly hurt, if he takes her back after all the shit Nancy put him through (cheating, calling him bs and making him insecure about his intelligence) what kinda message is this for his character? Like does he really feel so insecure about himself, so worthless that he doesn't think he deserves better??? Or worse if the writers kill him off for Nancy I'm gonna commit a crime if they do that.
And Nancy deserves an arc that isn't centered around guys, let her be single and move away to persue her dream career. Nancy won't ever be the perfect woman for Steve to carry his 6 kids, she said herself in season one. I fucking hate how they ended s4 with setting up Nancy cheating on Jonathan in s5 like she did with Steve in s2. Plus most likely not even facing any repercussions for her behavior because the show excuses any mistake so idk she gets a fee pass for anything really. I tried to like her but after s2 I just can't bring myself, the only scenes where I truly started to appreciate her more were the ones with Robin tbh.
My dream dynamics or hope for s5. Steve and Robin plus party all together fighting evil monsters. We deserve Steve and El interactions, Steve comforting Dustin and Lucas. Plus for once let him actually display feelings, I want to see him grieve Max and feeling guilty for not being the protector like he thought he was. Plus the arc I hoped for s4, realizing he doesn't need romantic love, he already has a family rn and that friendships can make you just as happy. Like I really thought for vol2 he would finally move on and come to that realization but instead we got a love confession.
Nancy and Jonathan can do their investigation shit, stay far away from the group like they always do every season and talk about their feelings like mature adults they claim to be. Like the Duffers talked about s1 pairings definitely Jancy was together for 80% of the time despite Nancy dating Steve so please just go back to that lol.
Sorry this was kinda long, but every time I see Stancy content or discussions I get once again so angry at like everything. We could have so much better but nope.
Obx anon
oh my gosh! it's great to see you again obx anon! how have you been lovely?
i agree with you full-heartedly! i loved nancy in season one and (a little less bc of the steve situation) in season 2, but in season 3 i liked her again because her storylines were something other than conflicted feelings for a boy. in season one, the writers were laying the seeds for nancy and jonathan (even tho they had jonathan take pictures of her???) so they had her dating steve as a way for her to break free of the good girl in the suburbs mentality. this is seen with her losing her virginity, going to the party, shotgunning, etc. they used the relationship with steve to give her character depth and create a change within her.
then in season 2 she ruined steve which allowed for steve's character growth. this growth had the kids involved with it. steve went from king steve to momma steve and that was because of the kids. even in season 3 when he only had dustin and erica with him, he was still momma steve. then he started chucking fireworks at the mind flayer and he was momma steve saving el because he had the kids.
there was no momma steve content in season 4. it was annoyed and borderline king steve content. i hated that scene where he tried to go with nancy and he was visibly annoyed that he had to go with dustin. like i was excited for some steve and dustin content - i look forward to steve and dustin content. on top of that, there was no robin and steve.
everything with steve was so ooc in season 4. i also hate how it seems like they are trying to make the viewers hate nancy. she doesn't seem to be someone who it whishy-washy, yet, every other season she is unsure of her relationship.
but, i did read natalia agreed that robin and nancy would be a good pair and that it would be cool to see that relationship. i feel like that would also explain why nancy seems to jump between steve and jonathan. she seems to be drawn to any guy that is showing any form of affection/romantic interest to her regardless of her relationship status. so, maybe (and i am just brainstorming here), what if she doesn't have romantic feelings towards steve or jonathan? what if she feels like because they like her and she is a girl and they are boys, she should like them and date them?
but, back to canon. i was also upset that there seemed to be no resolution in the two-day jump of any of this. nancy can break up with jonathan if she wants, but steve and her better stay friends. there was also no steve/dustin dynamic. or steve/robin dynamic other than steve seeing her talking to vickie. but i think seeing this shift proves how nancy and steve wouldn't work. (a) they want two completely different things in life like you pointed out and (b) they bring out the worst in each other.
tik tok seems to love stancy and i've had to hit not interested so many times bc it keeps showing me stancy content and i hate it. i feel much better on tumblr where there are so many people who agree with me about this. also, i saw someone on here say that hopefully steve admitting he saw nancy having his six-kids for the longest time was steve's way of saying 'i am finally getting over you and moving on and being happy'. but we really won't know until season 5 comes out (which i hope isn't long from now).
and don't worry lovely! i hate stancy so much too. it fills me with rage that people cannot seem to realize how bad they are for each other. i am also mad that they ruined steve's character (slightly) in this season and i hope they don't ruin it further.
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juststayquiete · 25 days
I'm halfway through season 2 and I loveeeee Rue's regression arc!!!!! In season 1 she's the character that is sympathetic - you can tell she's not happy about her drug addiction, she feels guilty about Gia, she wants to stay clean because she's afraid of losing Jules. In season 2 tho!!! She's starting her way to the rock bottom. Her behavior is a true drug addict's behavior, she is preparing the lies for Gia, she is lying to Jules, she's making deals with drug dealers. She doesn't care anymore, she loses her humanity. And I love that the creators didn't go for the power of love or something and she shows the true colors of the addict. I love my problematic female characters🤩🤩🤩
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nobuouematsu · 1 year
first day of work was today, well, orientation, but same thing. anyways it went pretty well! i only had really bad anxiety about 3 times during the day but i pushed through them all. worried about tomorrow bc i was afraid when we were doing the tour i was gonna pass out LMAOO. it's been such a strange week, this is probably the worst anxiety i've had in a LONG time. i'm really scared that i'm regressing and these next few months will be hell. like, i know i'll make it through bc i'm brave as shit and a badass but i just hate these psychosomatic symptoms anxiety gives me! can barely eat, feel like i'm on the verge of tears, nothing interests me, i feel like i'm gonna throw up 24/7, my mind is attacking me, and i'm so TIRED....and the stupidest thing is that my fears are so irrational and embarrassing that it causes even more anxiety bc it's just my brain yelling at me like "why are you so scared lol big baby weird little shitbrain what is wrong with you why can't you be normal".
i think the biggest thing tho is that i KNOW in my heart of hearts that it's all false and i'm gonna be okay and it's all gonna be good and by this time next week i won't have any anxiety at all, but it's EXHAUSTING and i'm so over it. thank god i'm medicated so i have some peace every now and then and some realization that i am in fact, okay, but these psychosomatic symptoms bruh......killing me.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Hello! Thanks for running this blog, I can't tell how helpful it has been.
I wonder if you have any thoughts or experience to address lack of resilience: after years of therapy and solid economic independence, I'm quite OK most days... But then something happens that requires me to act outside my fragile equilibrium (e g. a cancer diagnosis), and I regress to thinking I'm a good for nothing who should as well kill herself and save everyone the bother. And I factually know I'm not, and I shouldn't. Are there any coping strategies for the long shadow of abuse?
In the same vein, thoughts on how a grown abused child can somehow let herself consider the idea of a romantic relationship, when that would be outside the above-mentioned fragile balance and definitely contrary to years of "trust no one" learned ingrained behavior?
I don't think this is resilience you're lacking, any person would go to their darkest place after hearing something as serious and shocking as a cancer diagnosis. What you're describing sounds a lot like spiraling, catastrophizing, and self berating, and it's something I used to do a lot!
I learned from reading Complex PTSD, how to recognize when your thoughts are going down that road, and how to stop it, I'm going to try to describe in shortly I figured it out:
It seems that regardless of what kind of life we lead, when we spiral we all go to the exact same place; we're burdens, we deserve to die, we don't deserve love, we only do damage, we're not worthy of anything. This same pattern repeats for everyone who is in their self-berating place. Even if this person is actually incredibly helpful, has a lot of friends and loved ones, people who support them, people who need them, they still go to that exact same pattern of thoughts that possibly was something we were taught in childhood or concluded based on neglect and that nobody actually treated us like we matter or like our life has any value.
It helped me a lot to see how even people whose value I could clearly see would spiral down into the same feelings as I did, because it was clearly not the truth, it was a disaster scenario we are all the most afraid of. The way to stop thinking this is first to be aware it's an illusion that was planted into us in order to make us terrified, subservient, trying like crazy to be useful, obedient, ashamed, guilty. It was built into our brains in order to control us. It's sometimes necessary to get angry about this, and to dispute these lies with rage that something so ridiculous and wrong would ever be said to us or planted into our mindsets.
And then, you have to realize whenever your brain is starting to go down that road, and say 'no, we don't do that anymore. we don't spiral into self hatred and self berating anymore'. For me, after I stopped it a few times, it became easy to stop it again, and after a few months, my brain didn't even try to sink into the catastrophizing anymore, and I could develop a healthier mindset.
It's the toughest to realize how untrue and imaginary all these statements are, once you do, it will slowly become clear that breaking down over them is no longer necessary. Ah but if you do fall down into it, also know it's not your fault! These things that are programmed into our brains in order for us to be controlled, aren't easy to get out of, and they do become stronger with any kind of trigger, so don't think you're not resilient due to it, being triggered is like being forced back into your place of torture, and nobody could stay indifferent or controlled during that, it's the worst.
Now about your second question, I am none the wiser, because I trust no one, and all my cautious attempts at relationships fail miserably, you might want to look up 'Crappy Childhood Fairy' on youtube, she talks a lot about relationships after trauma, and how to safely indulge (tho I don't necessarily agree with most of things said there, I just hope it could be a resource to you).
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littlepadika · 3 years
I have a lot of thoughts about Soft!Daddy Frankie that I would like to share, so here we go:
Like, because of his past he wouldn't be too mean with punishments, but you best believe he'd be stern. Like, if he tells you to do something and you're being bratty, all he has to do is cross his arms and give you "the look" and you're like "otay Daddy 🥺".
During sexy times he'd be so giving. Eating you out for hours, fucking you so soft and sweet. As your relationship develops and you trust each other more and more, things start to get a more kinky (bondage, sensory deprivation, edging, etc.) For nonsexual punishments (if the look™️ doesn't work) he would use time outs or revoking privileges, he'd only use spankings for when you're really really bad
• Soft!Daddy Frankie with a soft but needy little. Chimken tendies and a milkshake at random moment? Fine, but you better be a good girl and come with. Needing constant reassurance and praise even for the littlest tasks? "Good girl, you brushed your teeth all by yourself!" "Yay, you got all the bad guys in your game!" "I'm so proud of you for eating all your supper."
I also think that he'd be just as much of a koala as his baby, probs even more. Like, cause of his past he's so afraid of losing you that he'd be connected to you almost at all times. Whether that be hand holding or straight up carrying you around the house.
Ugh omg, he'd sing/read his little to sleep every night. (Your preferred jammies are just your undies and one of his shirts) Your favorite song he sings is "You Are My Sunshine" so I feel like he'd call his little Sunshine. "Goodnight sweet Sunshine." "I love you Sunshine." "Good girl Sunshine." etc etc
I could go on forever about Soft!Daddy Frankie.
YES... just yes to all of this... I love it so much thank you so much for sharing!!! 🥺🥰
Warning: DDLG, age regression
I agree that Frankie would not like to physically punish his baby bc he doesn't like hurting anyone. So yes 'the look' would be very effective and also 'the silent treatment'. OMG TIMEOUT how cute would that be tho.
"Go to timeout."
"noooo" you throw yourself on the ground
And he just lifts you up and sets you in the corner that was designated the time out area and you're pouting with your back turned then after a while...
"Do you have anything to say to me?"
"I sowwy daddy for slamming da door."
just Frankie singing 'you are my sunshine, my only sunshine' while i'm snuggled in bed has me needy 🥺
oof and the sexual aspect 🦋
"Let daddy give your princess parts some kissies, too." ❤️
Littlespace taglist: @lafresamilk @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @prettypedros, @marstheplanet @takochansugoi @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @dincrypt, @bac-1, @spacenerdpascal, @cranberrypills @punkerthanpascal
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iknowicanbutwhy · 2 years
you hear someone walking on your ceiling, and suddenly someone crashes down! Oh its berri nvm. SO LIKE,,,,, ANY ART TIPS/TRICKS/WISODM THAT YOU HAVE OH GREAT CAT WITH HANDS???👀👀👀
*catches u and cradles u in my arms* young flower bud, let me endow you with the wisdom of Me.
Lol jk tho i barely draw at ALL believe it or not, but that doesn't mean I'm talented or anything. I just keep a few points in mind, and i hope these points are helpful to anyone who only picks up the pen occasionally, yet passionately;
1) Dont be afraid to take risks and try new things. This can take a lot of your time, and you're not gonna be pleased with the first one or two redraws. It is going to take a LOT of retries. But it's fun if you like a challenge, and can make you feel proud even if it kinda looks sloppy, because hey! Progress is progress, and when you're doing something you've never done before, its a lot easier to see yourself go from zero to something. And in the end? You're learning a lot more than you would from drawing what you already know how to draw.
2) Take the time to look at tutorials. Tutorials for drawing methods, for how to use your art program, for how to reduce distractions in your environment, etc. Even if some or a lot dont work, you may just find a few things that change your entire experience and make things SO much more efficient.
3) If you're drawing for others, draw a lot of it for yourself. When you dont draw that much, you dont keep that much attention. Especially if your blog is mostly reblogs lol. There may not be enough people responding to all the effort you put into your art for them to enjoy, so you have to make sure you yourself enjoyed it. If you're like me and you need a lot of time for your unsteady, unskilled hands to put to use the drawing techniques you just learned from that YT video, it's gonna be. Stressful. Part of making that stress the good kind (because believe it or not, it exists) is looking forward to what you're doing, whether it be the journey or the end result. But, with that in mind...
4) Take breaks, don't overdo it. Slow down. Take a deep breath. Scribble on another drawing you're never gonna show anyone. Stand up, get a drink, sleep- heck, take a day off drawing! If you're worried that your passion is going to fizzle out before you finish your project, just know that doing it all at once can cause burnout, especially for someone who doesnt draw often. Dont just make good art; make art a good experience.
5) Admire your own art. Go on. Go ahead. Let the dopamine flow through your brain at the sight of your masterpiece. You know you wanna (at least when it's fresh). By inspecting your art closely, it gives you the opportunity to see what you like about what you've done, and what couldve gone better. I decided that I rather liked adding stupid lil elbow bumps to my characters, but realized i could make them too bumpish. Also, looking at your art for a while instead of leaving it behind immediately just kinda.. makes all the effort seem more worth it, somehow.
6) You don't always have to try to improve. I dont think i need to explain this one. Just try not to pressure yourself into always improving. Improve when you wanna, regress when you feel like it, and stick to your standards when you're up for it. Again, make art a good experience.
7) Art isn't always in the aesthetic. If you keep that in mind, depending on what you're drawing, you can make your art leagues more interesting by adding other features of art. Interesting facial expressions! Quirky body language! Way too many swirlies everywhere! Ugly angles! Jokes! Symbolism! Things that arent exactly pretty, yet still meaningful. Or maybe something completely meaningless, yet still fun. Etc. In my very humble opinion, ive always preferred jokes within art and clever designs over pretty colors and clean lines. People will love your art for whatever you put in it, so long as you do it with heart and passion. And you'll love your own art more for it, too. (I love laughing as i struggle to keep my lines straight for my joke comics)
8) Finally, don't try to be super original. I'm not saying you should steal other people's ideas, or that even trying to be original is an impossible endeavor. I'm just saying that the point of art was never to be original. I cant say what the point is exactly, because i'm not a real artist lol. I draw to get my ideas across, whether or not theyre cliche and overused. I just wanna share with people. Perhaps others have similar ideas they wanna share, or they have reasons entirely their own to make art. But the point of art is not to be original - so dont stress about it. Think about why you really make art, and how that makes you happy.
There are a billion more contextual pieces of advice i could talk on, but in my limited experience, this is all i can think of so far. Thank you for asking, berri :3c i think it's real cool how you're collecting all the bits of advice you can from everyone.
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
Hey love<3 I'm here to leave a feedback for fs likes n dislikes game.
First of all, thnku sm n I'm glad that my assumptions resonated n u got confirmations abt ur fs thru my reading. Secondly, abt my fs🙂I'm shocked like what the hell is up with WATER man? Everytime every freakin time i get that they love water, oceans,will meet around a water body,man! I'm not saying I hate water,I love it...it actually helps me in cleansing my negativity n all but I'm afraid of deep ocean,seas, rivers etc coz I feel like some kind of creature especially a big fat snake will come n will bite me or will take me away under the water(in my past life regression, I hv been told that I died due to drowning in water by myself (su!c!de) in my past birth, so no wonder why I hate deep seas n all lol). Yk I'm a freaking POTATO! I wonder how my fs gonna like me n will be ready to get married with coz I don't even hv any skin care routine. I hate doing all these things n that person looks so concerned abt their appearance ok🙂🔪 again, I hv got this many times that they hate being in control, they love their freedom which is understandable coz I'm like that only haha. Ok listen up future hubby¿One min you sayin' you love it when people around you are laughing n smiling especially if it's coz of you n the other min you're sayin' you hate it coz you think you are being judged... Like HELLO??? wtf you ok bro-? 😹 Procrastinating is my fav thing to do lol I mean in this case we r almost same. I do feel guilty sometimes but idc I love Procrastinating 😭💔✨ painting and drawing!!!!! Another confirmation. Loves to help others, one more confirmation. They don't like repeating things n hates being questioned (looks like my fs is my mirror self)😹 THEY HATE LIES(Conformations after confirmations) They hate winter, I hate summer🤣 I mean I don't love winter but in comparison to summers, winters r much better(tho I get swelled up hands n foots n my body can't keep up in winters but still I'll prefer winter when it comes to summer) They hates it when they get any pimples or scars!? 😹 Man, I hv many smoll pimples and adult acne n I don't even care, GOSH! at this point I'm concerned abt myself now. How on the earth that person will like me when I'm the full of opposite of that person when it comes to self care. Nevertheless, I loved reading it sooo much.
Thankyou so much for doing it n for ur time n energy. Take care n stay hydrated ✨🤍
Hi, fam! Thank you very much for the long and detailed feedback!! <333 I've had fun reading it, lmfao 😭 Thank you so so much for appreciating my work 🖤I am so thrilled to hear that my reading gave you lots of confirmation about your FS! <3 And man, same. I love water but I fear those deep waters, I've also had a feeling that I died drowning in a past life 😭 And tbh, please don't be concerned about yourself <3 You're already worthy enough and perfect just the way you truly are, and your fs will, no doubt, see that more than anyone 🖤 I've really had fun doing your reading and thank you sm for joining my game! Thank you so much as well for taking your time and energy in writing a feedback, I highly appreciate it, thank you veru much <333 Please take care as well and stay hydrated, fam! 🖤
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clickbait-official · 3 years
So I'm here to request 💖💫
Can I please have Endeavor, Aizawa, Hizashi, Mirai and Hawks with age regressor s/o? 💖💫 It can be eighter HC, or scenario when something bad happens and reader regresses 💖💫 Nobody writes about that and it would be really nice if you did, but I fully understand if you won't want to 💖💫 If you want more info, you can DM me and I would be happy to tell you more about it 💖💫
~ Leiia 💖💫
Imma change this request up a bit and make it so that our darling ~reader~ got hit w/ age regressing quirk (so now the poor thing’s a kid for like a day) 
((i think i got the message thing fixed? Hmu to test it))
(AU where he was a wholesome dad so when i say i stan him i mean in this AU cause he did some crazy shit in canon)
Enji was today years old when there was a knock on the door.
Which was strange because that thing doesn’t happen.
Like, at all.
So he cautiously gets up and opens the door.
There’s a group of officers as well as a kid that looks vaguely like his s/o?
This will be interesting.
“Sir,” One adresses him, “Your s/o here was hit by an age-regressing quirk while [i don’t know what you were doing]”
“I see. How long will this last for?”
“Approximately a half a day, sir.”
“Ah. Good day, then.”
“Good day, sir.”
He brings you inside.
It’s about noon now.
How can I not fuck this up?
You still have your conscious, of course, but you’re stuck with how tired a two-year-old can be.
You fall asleep almost immediately after Enji sits on the sofa with you, curled up with him. 
Maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought.
3/12 hours 
You wake up and your boi makes you some nice mac and cheese
(Stan the broken king™ or i take ur damn knees)
4/12 hours 
He takes you to the park to play with other kids.
You don’t.
You stay with him and it warms his heart™.
But soon enough, a bitch™ comes and tries to flirt with your mans.
You can’t let that happen.
Cue the toddler tantrum™ (which is obviously fabricated)
“I love you” You say after bitch™ walks away. (that rhymed :) )
Enji is tired of ur bull.
He takes you back home.
5/12 hours 
~bath time~
At first, you both think you can wash yourself, even in this body, right?
Your small mortal prison cannot even get into the bathtub. 
You're too short for that hunnybun.
Enji has to wash you himself.
He holds in laughs the entire time.
6/12 hours 
Your small lump of flesh body must fall asleep again because I said so.
You fall asleep while Enji watches TV.
Something about the news?
He feels the weight on his arm and looks over.
He smiles.
He picks you up and cuddles you.
8/12 hours 
Enji’s done. He’s had it everyone.
He’s going to bed now.
Babies are exhausting.
He tucks you in bed next to him.
10/12 hours 
You wake up and cry after having a nightmare
I dunno, something bout death?
Enji wakes up too & comforts you.
“Shh, baby that is my s/o. My that’s a weird sentence. Please change back soon bb. I wanna kiss you without it being weird.”
You both fall back asleep.
The next morning you’re in your natural body again. 
Headcanon that Enji is somewhat insecure and afraid of hurting people he cares about again (he is, after all, a broken king™)
Aizawa was taking a nap when the doorbell knocked him out of unconsciousness.
The fools.
He walks tiredly over to the door and opens it.
Well. This was unexpected.
You stand at the door with a group of officers.
You’re a child. That’s strange.
After an explanation from the collective about how you got hit by an age-regressing quirk and how this will only take 12 hours to deplete.
It was noon then.
Aizawa leads you inside. 
2/12 hours 
He takes you to a nearby park.
You play on the far side of the playground, near the darkness.
A villain tries to grab you, knowing that you’re Aizawa’s s/o.
You scream with your little baby lungs.
Aizawa hears this and deals with the villain.
He only relaxes when you go home. 
4/12 hours
Aizawa brings his sleeping bag to the living room.
You are tired as well, and crawl in with him.
You both fall asleep.
6/12 hours
You wake up hungry. So you wake up Aizawa.
He makes you like chicken nuggets or something.
Aizawa eats a little, only because you force-feed him (as well as you can w/ your 2 year old body).
You go back to sleep
12/12 hours 
You’re back in your natural body, and well rested cause you slept for half the time.
(this one was real short, sorry bout that)
Hizashi was going home after shopping.
He looked both ways, crossed the street, then got hit by a submarine because it's 2021.
He was home already when he got hit by a submarine.
(this is really violent. I apologize)
He opened the door to see a very small version s/o with some officiers.
They explain how you got hit with an age-regressing quirk and will be stuck like that for 12 hours.
It was noon then.
He brings child-you inside.
2/12 hours
He grabs you a snack and you both eat it.
Very interesting, I know.
(pls help i’m running out of ideas)
He tells you a stupid joke.
You laugh.
3/12 hours
Hizashi finds a puzzle.
You both end up working on it for a whole hour til it’s finished.
6/12 hours
You fall asleep on him afterwards
He eventually does too.
9/12 hours
He wakes up to you crying in your sleep
You had a nightmare.
He comforts you.
“Shh, darling. You’re alright.”
You go back to sleep.
12/12 hours
You go back to your normal body. Everyone’s happy!
It was noon when there was a knock on the door.
He opens the door, and there are two officers and a miniature s/o there waiting for him.
The officers explain that his s/o got hit with an age-regressing quirk and will take 12 hours to disperse.
Mirai brings you inside. 
2/12 hours
Mirai brings you to a store called “the aery”.
As one might assume, it is, to put it bluntly, a bird store.
And he got you a birb. :) 
3/12 hours
You’re fascinated with the birb.
Mirai is very happy.
He even smiles! :) :)
4/12 hours
Mirai finds some old paints in his closet so now you two are painting.
You paint a hill with flowers.
He paints you.
You two get in a mess of paint.
(well, more like you do)
~bath time~
You thought you would still be able to wash yourself, right?
Hah. You thought. 
Your tiny body cannot even vault itself into the tub. 
So now, Mirai must wash you himself.
And it isn’t awkward at all.
You go to sleep soundly.
Mirai tucks you in.
You wake up and realize you’re in your natural body.
You fall back asleep tho.
(iconic bird-angel man make brain go brr)
Hawks was very tired of me breaking the 4th wall when there was a knock on the door.
He opens it and lo and behold, there are police & his s/o in a two-year-old body.
They explain the situation, going on how you got hit with an age-regressing quirk and how it’ll last for 12 hours before going away. 
It was noon then.
Hawks gets hungry.
He want some chikem™
He grabs you and flies to the nearest KFC for some of that chikem™
You love flying with him.
You help him eat some of that chikem™
V nice.
(if you can’t tell, i'm running out of ideas)
Hawks takes you flying cause his apartment flat is as bare as baby’s bottom.
He lands at a park that has an ice cream stand.
He only has the time to get you one before the press finds him.
He takes off again.
He lands eventually, and you eat your ice cream.
He takes off again
He lands this time on a rooftop. 
The sun is setting.
It’s a beautiful view.
He takes you back home. 
And you both fall asleep.
You wake up next to your bird-brain. It’s time for a new day.
@letskidnapsenpai here you go simp sorry it took all day broski :)
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moonfalls-system · 3 years
Hi! I'm here with ideas about where to keep your paci safe! 💙🧸⭐🍼
I keep my paci in my underwear/sock drawer because i know it is a drawer no one in my family will open or look through. Just incase tho I always bury it at the bottom. I keep my sippy cup there too! you could even go the extra mile and put it inside a pair of folded/balled up socks as well to hide it even more!
if thats not an option I would suggest the bottom of a desk drawer, or anywhere else you hide away all your clutter and extra Stuff that doesnt have a home. Inside a compartment of your personal bag would work too if you have one you always carry, like a backpack or something!
Somebody else fronting right now than the alter who asked - but since I kinda look after him I think it's fine if I reply as well.
That's really helpful! We are just very afraid when we don't notice them coming into our room (which happens sometimes, especially when very focused on something or dissociated) and stuff like that. Or if a little or regressed alter falls asleep with it and they see us the next morning or when the phone rings (it's in our room).
We really aren't sure how to go about this, especially as the family doesn't know we are a system either.
If they knew it probably would be easier to just say it's for the kid alters.
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vaellinn · 3 years
3, 10, 13, 16
What were your top five books of the year? this is difficult because i've only given 4 books 5 stars :^) 1. Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga (non-fiction about the murders/deaths of Indigenous youth in northern Ontario) 2. Bad Blood by John Carreyrou (non-fiction about wild blood/technology scam that you recommended lmao) 3. The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey (adult sci-fi? speculative fiction? also recommended by you) 4. Red Rising by Pierce Brown (adult sci-fi, cheating because this is a re-read) 5. Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick (adult? fantasy - i liked the beginning more than the end but it was fun)
What was your favorite new release of the year? Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick probably?? The beginning was so full of promise, still gonna read the sequel tho (it just came out!!); or The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey but in order to choose something ELSE - Neon Gods by Katee Robert (smut, basically lmao) just because it delivered exactly what it promised and i appreciated that. people don't like it but i think they're just possessive of "hades and persephone" retellings and i don't think it deserves the low rating it has tbh. was it Good? no. but honestly who was expecting Great Literature from this. i'm so tired of people gatekeeping hades and persephone retellings like get a hobby bro. her safe word was "pomegranate." that's exactly what i expected lmfao
What were your least favorite books of the year? :)
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (adult? snoozefest tbh) this was the WINNER for women's fiction and it was The most pretentious thing i read in a long time and i hated it. i feel like people who had their education paid for by their parents would like this book. people who exclusively drink earl grey tea. people who correct others' pronunciation. people who still like harry potter. people who were told they're gifted in second grade and never developed a personality beyond that. you know?
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendricks (adult.... horror???? idk man). This was frankly racist. i'd expect nothing less from this author who is, and I cannot stress enough, a White Man who thinks he understands what women are afraid of. his books are bad and he should feel bad. i'm not convinced he's ever spoken to a woman before (or any non-white person). people love this and they're... wrong lmfao. him and riley sager are both on my shit list
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson (non-fiction) i hate this man
A House at the Bottom of a Lake by Josh Malerman (???????? mystery??????) this should have stayed in the drafts, Josh. My favourite quote: "She thought of James's sperm fanning out, a slow-mo explosion, how cool it looked..." i read this with my own two eyes
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson (adult fantasy? romance? horror technically? idk) the beginning was really good but I didn't like the characterization by the end. very over-hyped
The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L Armentrout - (YA? fantasy/romance) did I expect this to be good? no. i did expect a plot and the author took that as a challenge to write a third book in a series with over 500 pages with absolutely no plot or character development and the most repetitive writing i ever did see. i have no one to blame but myself
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas - this series and the books are Too Long and the characters are....... to put this delicately...... regressing. will i continue? i have no choice, i'm in too deep. miles to go before i sleep.
Still 2 weeks left of the year tho so maybe i'll read something better!!! one hopes :^)
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uhh-the-green-thing · 7 years
becca can sacrifice her life for the squad and it won't be enough to redeem her after all the crap they've pulled with her. I'm a becca fan. I can try to rationalize her ooc antics but I don't think it will work for the players who have never liked becca to begin with. Her character regression stirred up animosity between the fans and I'm afraid the pb team will find a way to cut her out of the story when she graduates /with diamond guest appearances/ to satisfy the overwhelming majority :/
I actually don't know what to say :((( You're kinda right, tho. You're right 😔But please noooo. I hope it doesn't come to that, I love Becca so much. A lot of people can give me shit for this but... I just won't give up on her.(We're fussin' over a game here anon 😂 And I love it 😂)
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