#I'm a sucker in general btw
tinyglitterrose · 2 years
tags 😊 (and new fic being worked on when i'm already posting!)
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dan-crimes · 1 year
I hate the creativity my dream mind has because I rarely have dreams and my dreams tend to be the most thought out creative things I've seen myself create just fully functioning game ideas or murder mystery type deals or just complex storylines or even just fully self indulgent crossovers with cartoon characters lmao and it makes me UPSET bcuz I can never think of that stuff while I'm AWAKE so I think my dreams are sucking up all my creativity
#my dreams rarely don't make sense they are usually very coherent#and even if there are the rare inconsistency within my dream the overall plot still tends to be really good#but seriously my brain makes up a full ass cartoon show for the BACKGROUND of one of my dreams#like my brain rn I just woke up made a whole ass game that I was playing or watching someone else play idk#and THEN my Mom started watching someone play it and there was an update to the game so I was telling my Mom all the changes#everytime I saw one and there was even AI generated voice lines cuz they couldn't get the voice actor to come back to fill them in#I think THAT was inspired by a mobile game I got somewhat recently a story game which surprisingly had voice acting#but one of them is very obviously AI voice AND one of the best voice actors in the game had a few AI voice lines put in#bcuz I'm guessing they added voice lines in with the character and didn't wanna bother getting the VA back#back to the game from my dream tho lmao#the game was also about like a guy narrating his life experiences but it was displayed by like visual metaphors or smth#and he was talking abt his daughter and how the ''river had dried up'' bcuz she stopped letting emotions through or smth#and it had like an actual river dried up man I wish I could remember more of it lmao#it's def the kinda game you'd play like one time before ur like Yeah I get the message just a lotta stories and stuff#but finding out the background of all of it was cool too ig lol#my dream mind just casually made up a whole mans life for me to play in a game lol#and that was only part of the dream btw the graphics were really good in the game as well the sound design mwah mwah#but tbf I'm always a sucker for some good lookin water and water sounds and just water in general
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katiefrog217 · 5 months
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Walks with Aziraphale were always so amusing, especially when he took one of his different forms. Tonight, Crowley took note of a few different reactions:
1. Much to his bemusement, quite a few people crossed the road entirely just to avoid him (he didn't know why, he thought this particular form was very charming).
2. Those who didn't avoid them either didn't notice at all, or cooed adoringly at his companion. A few snake enthusiasts tried their best to impart advice upon him (Yes, he was aware it was a chilly night to have a python outside. Yes, he was aware that he had a few extra rolls on him, and he would appreciate it if they didn't body shame him, please and thank you).
3. He had a particularly interesting encounter with a stranger who tried his best to buy Aziraphale from him (he didn't know whether to laugh or be offended on his companion's behalf when the person subsequently dropped their price offering upon learning he was male. He turned them down, of course).
This just in: local vampire hunter tries his hardest to look cool in front of his crush.
I said soon and I guess I meant now haha.
I could help but draw Crowley and Aziraphale from @mrghostrat 's new Vampire AU (thanks for the permission btw!!) and I'll be damned if I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw Ball Python Azi after being deeply entrenched in Ball python morphs and drawing them for the past few years.
I'm also a big sucker (har har) for any kind of vampire au, so I was incredibly excited to draw this!! I'm still not confident in my ability to draw Crowley (or jackets oof) but I tried.
On that, while I have ya'll here, a few fun facts about Ball Pythons and Morphs:
Azi looks to me to be based on a Blue Eyed Lucy (Leucistic) ball python. Leucistic is different from Albino - both lack pigment, but Leucistics only lack pigments in parts, rather than entirely like with Albinism. The fastest way to tell the difference is the eye color.
Blue Eyed Lucies have eye colors that range from Black to Blue - blue obviously being the more popular eye color.
The whiter the snake, the more sought after it is (not all Lucies are pure white, depends on the morph combo)
Unlike a majority of ball python morphs, Blue Eyed Lucies don't have a distinct gene combo that defines them. Generally, their morphs included Mocha, Mojave, Lesser, Butter, etc. The combos are generally endless. A Super Mojave (Mojave bred to Mojave) will produce a fairly grey/white snake, but their heads tend to be a very dusty grey, and isn't an ideal combo for a Lucy.
A snake that seems incredibly white when hatched may change color as it ages and become less white. This is common for all morphs, and their patterns define themselves and get stronger with age.
In breeding, males are generally less desired than females, and run at a lower price generally. This is because a single male can breed multiple females, so it's less effective to have more males in a clutch than females.
Obesity in snakes IS a real thing, and generally hard to manage if you do have an obese snake. Snakes tend to retain weight well, so exercise is really the only method to help bring their weight down (plus smaller meals). Good luck if you have an obese snake that isn't particularly inclined to be active.
Ball Pythons generally tend to have what's called a 1,000 gram wall - in which a snake that hits 1k grams stops eating and will not gain more weight. No one is 100% sure why this phenomena happens, but it's incredibly common.
Not a fact but opinion: Paradox ball Pythons are my favorite morph. If you want to see some incredibly interesting genetics, look them up.
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chiscaralight · 13 days
so uh 😁 do you write omegaverse...
IF YOU DO could you write about omega!reader who's been hiding it from scara the whole time and pretending she's a beta and everything cause he doesn't like omegas until one day she goes into heat around him unknowingly and he knows cause he can smell it and he's like "holy shit but I love this omega ig" and they breed 😁😁 alpha scara btw
i’ve never written omegaverse this feels like a sin😭was deadass looking up omegaverse terms and everything. i changed it up a little bit bc it sounded better that he found her in heat rather than she unknowingly went? I'm a sucker for properly streamlined events, hope you don't mind😖
nsfw, breeding,
you’ve never understood the hate people have for omegas. sure they’re usually much weaker and stronger scented, but that’s not enough cause to actively hate on your kind?
it’s also why you’re not really telling people you are one. especially scaramouche. its generally easy to hide, all you have to do is say you aren't one, right? wrong. because if it was that easy, you wouldn't be cooped up in your room for a week, grinding against your pillow like a bitch in heat. oh wait.
and even with how mean scara is to most things, he's not very mean to you. he's been standing outside your door for ten minutes now? no response from you. he's called, texted, and banged on the door a couple of times. he glances around before sliding open the window and worming his way through. he's not breaking and entering, I swear! it's just a little concerning that you've gone off the radar for the last few days.
once his feet hit the ground, he's hit with that heavy stench that's making his mouth involuntarily water. what the fuck? it's coming straight from your room and he's wasting no time to get there. you're almost flying out of bed once your door slams open and your eyes are widening when they meet his.
"you fuckin' liar. you've been lying to me all this time?"
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry! you just said you hate omegas so much, I didn't want you to hate me too.."
he's quiet. scaramouche is pissed, rightfully so. you've been keeping this from him for what, months now? but he can't necessarily find a way to direct the anger at you.
"do you want me to help you?"
"i'm not going to ask twice."
for as much hate that he claims to have for your kind, he's fucking you real good. his grip is tight behind your knees, pace devilish as he turns your brain to mush. it's been so long since you've had someone fuck you in your heat rather than just whine in your nest for the whole dreadful seven days; you're not going to let this opportunity slip past you like that.
you have to pry his fingers off your leg to intertwine them with yours. he's quick to respond, pushing both your hands down into the sheets but he doesn't let go.
he's so calculated in his thrusts too, watching your every move as he brushes just the right spots to make you twitch. when his lips brush against yours breath hot as he tells you how he's going to breed you full, how you're going to give him such a big litter when he's done with you has you rolling, clenching so tight around him it's getting hard to move.
and when he finally does cum, teeth sinking into your shoulder, you're screaming, begging for him to fuck it all into you. he can't tell you no, and your scent is so strong he's already getting hard again! so much to your disappointment, he pulls out. only to grab your face, turning your head towards his, just before slamming right back in.
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moons-of-dewclan · 8 months
(another case of 'one person asked, i deliver) ok first, you sort of can't. YOU GOTTA RESTART with a 'new' clan and transfer! SECONDLY, this may be more complicated than it needs to be bc i don't know how to do things simply. i'm trying my best tho. THIS IS HOW I'VE DONE IT. i recommend watching videos or reading up on how to 'edit files' bc this isn't exhaustive. IT REALLY HELPS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO MESS WITH THE FILES. this is SUPPLEMENTAL KNOWLEDGE FIRST!! save a backup of your clan files (The JSON FILE, AND CLAN FOLDER) in case you make a whoopsie and destroy your code. READ THIS ALL BEFORE TRYING. i'll be noting some things that are MAKE OR BREAK. literally. make ur code or break your code IN THIS EXAMPLE, i'm going back to moon 15 for Dewclan from moon 50, and I'm going to pretend there are only 4 cats- Lyre, Vanilla, Nettle and Spark. I'll refer the clan you want to set back as the 'Canon' clan, and the one you're going to be rewinding to as the 'Rewound' clan! THEN HERE WE GOOOOO FIRST, NEW CLAN. pick the same mode as the clan you're trying to 'Rewind'.
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NAME IT WHATEVER. you'll change it later..
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Pick those cats. i like to pick the minimum necessary. but it doesn't really matter, as you're going to more or less be copypasting your old cats into this 'Rewound' clan.
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START IN THE SAME PLACE. and in the same SEASON that your Canon clan started in. I started Dewclan in Leafbare. do not choose the season that's taking place on the moon you want to rewind to. the one you STaRted on. (you're going to choose what moon you're on later in settings. this keeps the progression consistent. if you started in leafbare, but choose greenleaf for the Rewound clan, 15 moons in, you'll be on a different season than your Canon clan would be bc your starting point was different. even if i'm not explaining that well just do it i promise LAKSNNDKS)
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WOW THESE AREN'T MY BABIES. ok time to kill or delete three of these suckers bc i only need four cats. BYE GUYS
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also go into your settings. MAKE EVERYTHING HOW YOU WANT IT. general, role, etc. AND THEN CLICK THAT 'OPEN DATA DIRECTORY'. this is where stuff gets GOING
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click here.. saves
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NOW, BELOW!! the folders, it'll have a JSON file with your Rewound clan name. THIS IS IMPORTANT. there are things in here that you need to change. some require you to peek at your cats, and some don't. We'll get to it later! FOR NOW, click the folder above this that says your Rewound clan name! mine is 'DewAGAIN'
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CLICK CLAN CATS. AND LOOK BELLLOOOW. we're gonna transfer our beloved babies over. i recommend you copy from "name_prefix" to "favourite": false in the Canon clan (keep their ID number from this Rewound clan the same. don't replace it with their ID number from the Canon clan), then select all that info in the Rewound clan and paste it to overwrite. and then adjust what you need to. AND YOU WILL NEED TO ADJUST I HIIIGHLY recommend leaving the ID numbers and pasting Canon leader info into Rewound leader info. med cat into med cat. deputy into deputy. Rewound clan leader is ID 20? paste your Canon clan leader info info 20. keep Canon clan's number as 20.
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SOME OF THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT. 1. ID NUMBER. if your cat has any relationships, like parents or mates, you need these numbers to match those cats. ALSO if your cat has a specific role, like medicine cat, leader, mediator or deputy, their number needs to match the number designated in the CLAN JSON info shown in the next image. FOR NOW I CONTINUE. 2. IMPORTANT NUMBERS. Sparkplug (her name isn't rly sparkplug btw)'s parent is Lyrestar. Lyre's ID number is 1. if that ID number doesn't match or doesn't exist in this game, you'll get an error! Same goes for mentors and mates. at moon 15, Spark wouldn't have these. But if i transferred her from moon 50 where she did, I'll have to replace the mate/mentor/whatever will 'null', etc, shown here. make sure everything here is relevant to moon 15, and not moon 50! 3. IF your cat was dead when you copypasted, change that! Dead?? FALSE. from dead 'true'.. ... where did 4 and 5 go..- ANYWAY 6. EXPERIENCE. make sure you drop this back to where it was at that moon. lest your kit graduate to warrior bc they have 3000 experience. 7. FALLS INTO 2. do they have an apprentice in the Canon clan that they wouldn't have in the rewound clan? gET RID OF EM. (you can copypaste that portion from a cat without an apprentice or just rewrite it as 'null', but sometimes i type things wrong and get errors so.. i copypaste. just make sure you're copying and pasting from the right start and end point.) IF YOUR CAT HAD AN APPRENTICE IN MOON 15, AND NOT 50.. you can either just set them as mentor and apprentice ingame manually, or write it into the code. i would do it manually tho bc i'm easily confused
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ABOVE ARE MARKED, IMPORTANT THINGS. some will break the game if you don't do it right. SO 1. Name. You can change this later, to your Canon clan name. You need to also change the FOLDER name to match. The folder that you click to get to your 'Clan Cats' files and stuff. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR CANON CLAN FOLDER NAME AND FILE NAME TO SOMETHING ELSE or it'll corrupt! 2. HERE you change to the moon you want to rewind to. I'd change mine, to 15! season changes along with the moon number automatically. 3. INSTRUCTOR. this is the cat that leads your cats to starclan. predead. dw about it, unless you've messed with the dead cat and want to change it to your old starclan guide. then change the number, to your guide's ID number. You'll see it in the Clan Cats folder! LEADER. you need to change this to your clan leader's number or the files get confused. this is why i recommend replacing Rewound leaders with leaders, deputies with deputies, etc, and not also pasting the old numbers. the numbers are already set. ALSO this is where the leader's lives are dictated! DEPUTY. same as above! MED CAT.... SAME. but also, if you have multiple, add multiple! 4. You can change these names to the Canon names. if you had more or less other clans, you can delete or add more. just make sure to have the same number of clans as 'relations' and 'temperaments'! four clans, for traits and temperaments. 5 clans, 5 traits and temperaments. FINAL PAIN IN THE ARSE is.. having to adjust relationships. bc your 'new' clan won't have established relationships. you gotta go in and adjust the values. it sucks big ass but i don't know a better way to do it snff..
QUICK TIP if you absolutely don't want romance between two unrelated cats bc it would be weird for story reasons, you can change their status in the relationships file change family: false, to family: true. the game thinks they're related and romance won't happen HAHAHAAAAA .. at least in my experience. if this is wrong i'll cry
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mixes-archive · 2 years
OK SO I SAW UR POST ON KÖNIG and i was wondering if you could right headcannons on cuddling with him (you don't have to btw im just excited he's getting attention😌)
Cuddling with König HCs
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I love cute requests like these <3 I am a sucker for fluff at heart
Pretty sure I mentioned this in my general headcanons, but this man loves cuddling!!
It's literally his favorite thing to do
Fuck hobbies, warmth is all König needs
In the beginning of your relationship, he was really shy about it too, constantly asking if he could hug you. Those hugs ended up getting longer and longer and it got to a point where he carried you to the couch to full on cuddle.
Still asks, but doesn't really wait for your answer lmao
"Hey can I hug you? Great thanks" "Wait I didn't say y-" "Ohhh is this a new blanket? Es is' so flauschig!"
If you live in Austria and it's any season other than summer, he wants cuddles and he wants them now.
Chances are you aren't used to the cold, so a good hug from this massive man can really warm you up!
Could cuddle with you for hours on end, literally would do it all day if you let him
His favorite position is sitting you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder, maybe wrapping you both in a few blankets too
If you have fluffy clothes, he will BEG you to wear them when cuddling, man's is weak to fluff <3
"Schatz, kannst du bitte deinen flauschigen Pulli anziehen?" "Honey, it's in the wash...I'm sorry" *sad puppy noise*
LOVES reading you books from his childhood in german <3 (Just ask him to not pick Max and Moritz again, trust me)
Has read you to sleep while cuddling multiple times, and would do it again goddamnit
He's so calm that he often forgets to speak in english, best to just learn german if you want to cuddle lmao
Sometimes, he even slips into austrian so good luck understanding him if he mufflers into your shoulder!
Whether you have booba or not, he will cuddle into your chest at any given chance
PLEASE massage his shoulders omg
Absolutely melts into your touch
If you have a bed full of stuffies, that is your designated cuddling spot now and your SHARED collection of stuffed animals <3
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hollowtones · 3 months
what'd you think about jade shadows?
I put it under a read-more because I don't know how to talk about this without talking about spoiler stuff. The tl;dr is "I liked it but I wish there was a little bit more."
One of the things I didn't like isn't even really part of the quest itself, but I saw a mutual bring it up a few days ago & it's been on my mind since: it feels a little odd to have a content warning before your sidequest, and then not give you any way to skip the quest if it's content you don't think you'd be able to handle. Especially given there's a whole event & rewards that only unlock afterwards!!
OK on to the contents of the quest itself. There's a lot of themes of love and connection and empathy in the face of systemic cruelty or indifference, in this game in general, and a lot of how that manifests is stories about characters fighting for self-determination and agency (the Ostrons trying to stay free of the Grineer, the Solaris trying to destroy the systems that keep them in debt & deny them bodily autonomy, Umbra, the Tenno, the Lotus, etc etc).
I think it's interesting to try and explore a tragedy where we aren't able to help someone in time, where the powers that be have brutalized someone and we as individuals aren't able to get there in the nick of time & help them claw their agency back. I think it's an interesting thematic & emotional through-line (with very strong parallels to Ordis... very smart choice to make him the event vendor / narrator, I'm feasting good on all the new dialogue LOL), and I think there have been enough well-written woman characters in the game that don't get written out or killed for the sake of some man's tragedy or growth that I don't immediately roll my eyes about them trying a So Sad The Woman Dies story.
I do also think this would have hit harder if we got more information about Jade herself!! I realize "this woman broke a law and was completely dehumanized / made into a Thing by the empire, stripping her of herself to suit their ends" is Kind Of The Point, and they make enough of a fuss about "wow there's a lot that's redacted about her history, huh!" that I assume this is a plot thread they're leaving hanging for later. But I feel like the big moment would have resonated better if they gave us a little more info to establish this character, other than "she was heterosexual" and "the Orokin were fucked up, don't forget" haha.
(I do find it funny that the storyline about Ballas, who got Divorced So Badly that he Caused Nearly All Of Today's Problems, is all wrapped up, but the story keeps going "no no, don't worry, there's still plenty of opportunity to remind you how fucked the Orokin were." Here's these two people that broke some insipid law about conceiving a child & so their bosses and leaders broke their brains and turned them into bio-weapon lapdogs as punishment. Every time they go "BTW Something Was Deeply Wrong With The Orokin & We Still Feel The Aftershock Of That Today" I clap my hands like a seal.)
Warframe Babies Are Born!!!!! This little tyke is fuckin weird. What's their problem. I think it's weird and cool. I don't really feel much about "this character is a parent now!" type of storylines. (I did pop off when Stalker got to do his shithead honourable samurai defending a child with one arm thing. I'm a sucker for that & they made it coooooool. It feels like they're setting up some kind of "Lone Wolf and Cub" situation. The scythe being juiced up with BabysPower was also funny.) The baby thing is neat to me from the perspective of, like... This is something weird and new that's never happened before in this universe. That's exciting and kind of scary! I'm interested to see where they go with that. (Presumably in a year or two. Very funny to drop this on us when a completely different major story arc is right around the corner with 1999.)
Gianni's delivery was fuckin killer. I'm excited for whatever next arc they do with Stalker if it means they're gonna pay my boy to grunt and yell and scream more. It feels very strange to be acquainted with two people who've done voice acting in "Warframe" now. Me next? ^_^
I like our new Corpus weirdo. I hope she comes back. Fun to get more stuff with the Sisters of Parvos & with Mr. Granum himself. But I liked her a lot. It got a fuckin laugh out of me to have her through all the quest excited about her big promotion that she's going to get & resolving that with "Is that a fuckin baby??? Fuuuuuck! They don't pay me enough to shoot a baby with a gatling gun!" I wish her ending scene was a little more than just stoically standing aside but literally anything else I can think of feels way too cheesy or on-the-nose.
The facial animations on the Operator were really fuckin weird. I just remembered that. I thought that was just a thing on my end but I watched someone else play & the faces looked weird for them too.
Hunhow's a good inclusion. I like him seeing the Stalker stewing in his own misery because he hates the only people that could offer him help & going "aw man, c'mon buster, don't be like me now." I like his signature that he puts in his emails. I like that he's still an emotionally constipated weirdo that hates us but is still endeared to us in some way. (They make nods to The New Strange in his ending email, which makes sense given that this also feels like a quest setting up More Weird Shit In The Future, but I do get a laugh that it also reads as "JADE WAS PREGNANT? OKAY... WELL. DON'T FORGET THAT I HAVE A WOMB TOO, KID." Thanks Grandpa. Love you too Grandpa. Thanks for the sweeties Grandpa.)
The event quest feels like a nice bow on top. I like the parallels between Jade and Ordis. Wanting to afford her the dignity in death he could never be given. Acknowledgement of Ordan Karris is fun!!! (The line about him being conflicted with the thought of Granum un-cephalon'ing him has me rubbing my hands together.) I'm excited that we're getting so much of Parvos Granum lately. What a shit head. It's funny to see him so hyped up about Ordan. "Duuuude! Your history's famous killer!! That's awesome? Do you wanna work for me? C'monnnnn we both hate the legacy of the Orokin. Wouldn't it be awesome if MY rule was the one dehumanizing you and wielding you as a weapon instead?" This is something they've been establishing as early as "Parvos and Ballas in bed with one another doing shady back-room deals over a Warframe bodyguard and specter particle research" but it's fun whenever they sow the seeds of Parvos being so much like the Orokin he hated.
I wrote more than I thought I was going to!!! I like the thematic through-line idea of this quest but I wish they executed on it better. I like the stuff this is presumably establishing for the future. I really like the event quest as... not quite an epilogue, I guess, but as an addition. Other than that I thought it was okay! I wasn't expecting anywhere near the level of Whispers in the Walls, but that quest being such a high bar makes a "pretty okay" quest stick out to me a little, haha.
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unhinged-romione · 7 months
what is your favorite romione fics and what are the ones you’ve written you like the most 👀👀👀👀👀 finding fics on archive have been impossible and a girl is desperate 🌞
Oooh chileeee *rolls up sleeves*
Okay, so I'm listing my all-time favorites below (mostly on FFN since it's been YEARS since I've been plugged into this fandom).
As for my stuff *buries head* this ridiculous ass fic that I wrote when I was FOURTEEN is my main claim to fame (it's trash but also still kinda slaps?). BUT I'VE BEEN WORKING ON A TON OF NEW STUFF. I have six fics coming out this month through the @romione-trope-fest (btw the best active Romione writers are participating in that fest, so you should definitely follow it if you haven't been already! Here's the AO3 collection for the fest.).
ALSO I saw that you are a Renaissance fan. I have one that's 50% done called "Virgo's Groove" (EDIT: it's here!) and it takes place in the seventh book when Lupin announces Teddy's birth. I can share a snippet tomorrow if you'd like 🙂
Okay enough self promo lol. On to my recs!
Seven Simple Years by HalfASlug (FFN): Best Romione missing moments series ever. I think HalfASlug has the best Ron voice. Everything she's ever written for Romione is worth reading.
Moments by Armaysha (FFN): Another missing moments (I'm a sucker for those) that I feel kind of mixed about, even though it's still one of my favs. The writer has a different take on Romione than most of the fandom. It generally works IMO, but some of the choices she made I really didn't understand. But what she did well, she did really, really well.
I Must Not Tell Lies by TMBlue (FFN): I think this is the best one-shot of Romione's first fuck. TMBlue is GREAT at writing Ron and she's like the queen of Romione smut.
Six Foot of Ginger Idiot by Pinky Brown (FFN): This classic is HBP from Ron's perspective. Pinky Brown is another iconic Ron writer. You can't go wrong with anything she's written, but Biscuits (her missing moments series starting in Book 1) starts dragging in the last few chapters IMO.
Australia by MsBinns (FFN): Post-war series, arguably the greatest Romione fic of all time. To be totally honest, I didn't finish it because it does kind of drag. But I'm always meaning to get back into it. Just know that it's heavy.
Love Me Forever by Aloemilk (AO3/FFN): I JUST read this and I can't stop thinking about it. It's a post-war series that has a great mix of angst, trauma, and fluff (lighter than Australia). The slow burn from Romione's first kiss to a full-fledged adult relationship is perfect and the smut is SO GOOD. Reminds me of the time I stumbled upon porn that made me ugly cry (in a good way?)
Not single fics but thesecondself and realmer06 (both on FFN, although realmer06's next gen stuff is also on AO3) are my favorite one-shot writers.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Very much being inspired by and then ▇ rn (which is a really good fic btw and you should read it)
I want a fic where Minato seals Kurama into Kakashi instead of Naruto, then shit happens and he ends up being pretty much forced to abandon the village (maybe he steals Tenzo and they get to be nukenin together?? Could also be his breaking point or smthn)
But like. Just jinchuriki nukenin kid Kakashi having the worst time of his fucking life + Kurama screaming at him in his head
I'm gonna be real w u tho I'm just a sucker in general for any sort of jinchuriki Kakashi. I wish there were more fics for it, I'm p sure I've either seen/read them all by now I'm very sad about it
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
The Dana Terrace Vs Vivienne Medrano, The Great Debate of Two Female Creators
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Hello Starry Knights, This is the lovely Kyoko Cane, The Brown Sugah Queen, & cosplayer who performs and visits numerous cons throughout, while making blogs/vlogs on animated media & entertainment.
as you know or are new to this page, I am an artist who also dedicated my fashion in drag, on all my platforms along my artwork & discussions (be it anime or Western) that can affect real-life even fandoms, with a variety of videos.
the title of the post is about The two proclaimed talked about animators, Dana Terrace & Vivienne Medrano, I'll be critiquing how these two women of animation tackle the industry. This will have strong opinions from recent interview videos I've watched.
(I'll be calling Vivienne VIVI FOR SHORT & letting you know, if I were to watch ones in the future affecting my post come on the comments to ask freely, AND YES ALL PROJECTS AND TOPICS ARE NOT WITHOUT THEIR CRITIQUES, FLAWS IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, CHECK OUT THE DAYSTAR VOYAGE, DON'T HATE, APPRECIATE! )
OK LETS GET STARTED In this 3-part segment
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1. The Different Artstyles That Made Us Love These Shows.
Vivis work (Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
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Now We all know as fans & lovers of animation when we hear a series that's greenlit after viewing on a television screen, in a magazine, or sponsored in commercials, right? As for these two,
The first time I heard of VIVI's work was on a YouTube ad commercial in line & premiered for the pilot, I was fully captivated by its groundbreaking story, from hazbin hotel to the comedy in helluva boss, along with its ghoulish Beetlejuice-inspired art style.
(which I'm a sucker for the niche, indie projects & gothic horror.)
observing her sketchbook on YouTube, I was drawn in by the captivated humanoid shapes she sketches, along with her fluid & flowing style.
the worldbuilding version of heaven & hell drew me in, after watching hazbin hotel. The pilot had a lot to offer from its dreary horrific turns/obstacles from its character debut, story & distorted beauty that there was a lot to tune Into along my first episode of Helluva Boss,
Now we are gonna get down to lore storytelling and character growth.
(and im fully aware of how the fandom treats the rest of the main & supporting cast not letting them flesh out including the females, btw)
Vivi has so much to offer, after watching the latest episode of Helluva Boss and finishing Hazbin Hotel, I see she has the potential to make a good show on drama & sell it, however with her controversy coming through I feel she needs to learn on how to perceive herself online, so makes it hard for me not to hate her series, be it art and her work.
(its truly good when it wants to be as for the writing ima get to that later. with the stolitz & lumity discourse on part 2)
The owl House by Dana terrace
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Now you all know by now, I am a full-on Owl House fan regardless of its show ending early, and my many critics on Dana Terrace drew me in with her macabre art and full-on passionate skeletal pieces after looking at her socials and sketchbook online, as a debut showrunner who made her great stance on lgbt representation she has cemented herself as an acclaimed cartoon creator.
However, she does have her flaws ever since rewatching the series, and a lot to learn about the business, after rewatching The Show and yes I have notes written to prove them,
To add I felt if alex Hirsch wasn't on the project, everyone wouldn't watch that show since yall want it to be the next GRAVITY FALLS,
I love the fandoms that discuss the errors of these creators cause it give more insight on how to portray yourselves on in the real world, cause lemme tell you, it was all watered down I'm get to that in a minute
one problem i have with particularly since she's a good artist & creator is her depending on certain tropes to carry out her cast, cause some may be harmful & the writing be generic.
She needs work on being a better showrunner cause those skills need Cleaning up including writing certain characters on who gets the spotlight.
2. The Good, Great, Bad & Ugly in Fandom Discourse,
Vivis Work (Wow Yall can be Wow)
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Vivienne Has made her mark in the YouTube market ever since making her pilot debut on Kesha video & hazbin hotel pilot,
I'm so glad for her contributions towards the indie market making her way to showing great representation in the general audience for an adult show, yes an adult show and that's not without its controversy,
with her grand debate, I feel everyone took this woman's artwork turning it into something ugly, which is so uncool.
and I for one will not stand for the hate trains of now popular shows flip-flopping and then float back to it cause your series is acclaimed now, let's be real she deserves her crowns and laurels Just keeping it real, regardless cause its a fire show
The fandom has shown their love of the show cause it knocked down so many doors in many ways, but let's be real the audience is now geared toward children cause we all know, this generation can be doing some crazy things, cause they all need to tone down the language,
which I feel viv needs to work on the jokes I get, it's an adult show which is concerning and it's a Gen Z world where people have access to computers 247, which contributes to all the nasty discourse and crass behavior not to mention,
viv needs to calm down her fans when it comes down to her work and the way stoliz is perceived.l can be questionable, not to mention how the females are written which I do know the key word for this below.
cause i rarely do find the females are compelling, but yet to fleshed out like the rest of the male characters so misogynist comes into mind in this show and how it sells
there some moments it only aims to the infamous ship Stolitz (and doesn't let other characters breathe (this is a problem with the owl house which ill get to right now cause the pacing is wow smh)
(next to the owl house which I'll get to cause OMG)
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THE OWL HOUSE FANDOM (GRRRR) lemme calm down
If you haven't seen my posts, including the bashing and discourse there's also a list I swear lemme quote
in the words of Biggie Small - if you don't know now ya know.
The owl house fandom i was on ride or die for the lumity however we all know how that ship got it start and built up cause they expected it to be this thing to say F you to Disney which is good cause disney had it coming howver, after the show ended
Yall have become the most foulest ugliest & disrespectful fandom ever since the Steven Universe, Voltron and miraculous incidents,
its sad to see how these two franchises fell into the worse cases, the two creators may come across not caring of there fandom acts cause there's a saying
The captain always goes down with his ship MEANING
A captain should not have to sacrifice their life simply because the vessel they are in control of is in distress
There’s two fandoms such as Steven universe & voltron fell from grace into toxicity down below that are prime examples
The Owl House fandom has got to be some of the most entitled, uppity if not (racist) fans!
yall clearly have not listened to other fans or can't take criticism, yes the show did make very feminist undertones and the male characters didn't shine at all in their titular episodes or moments, which doesn't help at all.
Since Dana drew inspiration from Powerpuff Girls
(which comes on and the writers being all female, is gonna have damaging effects)
Cause stifled the male characters in a way where there not as prominent or impactful,
So this word MISANDRY comes to mind
The fandom has gone down to the point of no return, I mean,
one fan from a webcam interview WANTED DANA's ADDRESS EWWW!
its not that the Disney drama was too blame for the project, (to an extent) which I'm proud for the fandom for banding together on animation, but need to take off the lgbt glasses cause boy the show's writing was pushed in favor of that.
CONGRATS You did at the cause of Harassment and bad behavior in fandoms,
3. Make The Business Makes Sense & epilogue
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Dana Terrace has the makings of doing good shows however when it comes down to an audience to kid she has some major damage control on how the fandom will come across,
i mean have we not learned from the Lilith and Camilla toxic issues, you can tell the show likes to demonize the adults which is unacceptable, and can damage storytelling and characters.
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the truth i feel there needs to be proper staff on how to write POC, and ethnic and cultural representation In the show, Amphibia, Molly mcgee, Haileys on it and other break-out shows did it better,
hell yo had Amphibia doing those dishes in Frogworld, can you imagine the boiling isles taking on Hispanic cuisine.
Which i felt could've hit a mark on luz home life and culture if written & fleshed out,
Like the staff didn't know how to write those topics, they've coulda gone so far with it but unfortunately fail flat not to mention the fashion. UGH
ViVI WORKS ( i try not to make this quick but e can discuss more on comments be NICE)
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Vivienne Medrano has good fashion and business sense
its important to have that cause having a Cloud Nine franchise coming from nothing can do wonders for how you are perceived as an artist,
The discourse has come due to her take on the controversy on platforms talking on her many harsh topics
(in my opinions she too needs to work on controlling scenarios & damage control that can affect her
So tried but yeah
vivi is a dominant artist who takes her business seriously so I am glad to have her flourish in Spindlehorse,
butt just i wish i cant help but fall outta love with her work, knowing of the problems in today's animation comes certain things you can say even snowflakes can break under if heard by there favorite creators.
lets be honest these two can learn from each other. and vivi does sure know angles and promoting
very glad to get this written so I put some thought into this
i wish nothing for the best for these awesome artists and creators thank you all for coming so far and have a wonderful voyage thanks.
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faelapis · 1 year
yknow i was actually wary of the SU movie before it came out? i just don't have much faith in a series turning into "the movie", especially something as sprawling and nuanced as SU. but omg the animated musical SERVE <3 i'm such a sucker for the whole "10 new songs in 90 minutes" thing (when the songs are good, of course). i miss 2d animated musicals so bad </3
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like, i get people wanting toh/spop/etc to have their own movies, just to explore those worlds more... but more than that, irrespective of it being a property i know or care about, i just want more 2d musicals. animation has such a unique chance to make movie musicals work, they inherently have that wonderful stylization that clicks so well with a world in which emotion can be poured out in song.
this is also just a stealth post about how i want more animated musicals in general, btw. whether its a show or movie. like we are going through what many people feel is this new "golden age of animation," and i'm just sitting here like. where are the musicals!!! where are the big feelings that just cannot be expressed with words alone!! where are the dreamlike scenes that float between imagination and reality where you can show who you truly are!!!
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moongothic · 10 months
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In reference to this post; I was gonna reply in the comments but once again, it got too long, and I figured I might as well make a brief post about this because shit's interesting but the OG post was getting so long I didn't want to extend it any further. So. New post.
But I'm also going to make this a lowkey follow-up to this post, where I briefly talked about whether or not Crocodile is worthy of a redemption. Because I did have multiple people reply to it, mentioning they don't think Crocodile needs a redemption, which isn't wrong. Villian redemptions come down to personal preference (some people like them more than others generally speaking), and the specific circumstances of a character and the story they go through. (Personally, I am a fucking sucker for a good redemption story, and One Piece? Has how many redeemed villians? Kuma, Hatchan and Bon-chan? Perona too? Buggy and Mr 3 if we're generous??? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but the ratio is quite low is my point) The reason I want to bring that up again, is that depending on what Crocodile's trauma really boils down to (**since we don't know for sure what it is**), it could go against the very core messages of One Piece if he just dies without that trauma being resolved. And at the same time, if his trauma is what I think it is, then he can not heal from it without being redeemed. And the opposite is true as well, if his trauma isn't what I think it is, then he doesn't need to heal from it, and he doesn't need to be redeemed. I do have a whole separate post slow cooking in my drafts right now so I don't want to go too deep into that subject here and now. But the point is. If we want Crocodile to open up and be vunerable and heal from his shit, it means he's either getting a redemption arc or redemption in death. The latter is way fucking sadder, but again, a whole separate post.
BTW quick apology but I figured since there's a bunch of shit in this post that I've written about separately before, I might as well link to those posts for like context, so people can get where I'm coming from with my nonsense while keeping this post brief-ish
BUT ONTO THE ACTUAL SUBJECT As I have kind of mentioned before, I do think Crocodile probably has multiple layers of trauma going for him
We know losing to Whitebeard Did Things to his psyche for certain
I think it's very plausible he might've been betrayed by his former crew if he ever had one
I think it's likely Dragon didn't take too well to him transitioning
And between that and Crocodile already having tried to kill Luffy multiple times, he probably believes his son would never accept him as his other dad, especially since he already hates him.
(And I do think it's likely he might have some additional early childhood trauma based on how Oda writes these things normally but whatever that could be is an absolute mystery)
And if I'm right and those are (some of) the different layers of his trauma, then for Crocodile to open up and heal from it you'd need to do it step-by-step, layer by layer
I think Luffy accepting Crocodile would be the most important thing, above all else. Because if Crocodile loving and caring about his son is the only shred of humanity left in him, if Luffy is the only thing Crocodile cares about anymore while believing no one else will ever do so for him, then having that feeling returned is the key to getting Crocodile to just start to heal. If his son can't accept and forgive him then what would it matter what anyone else thinks? In my mind, Luffy is The Sledgehammer that can break Crocodile's walls.
But that's the first layer, the first step to getting Crocodile to become vunerable
If he does have that betrayal-based trauma, then I think finding people who would actually follow him and be loyal to him would help him heal on that front. And... This probably sounds strange, but I think Mihawk is the best candidate for it. Not just because he could be to Croc what Zoro is to Luffy (in many ways), and not just because of the Romancing SaGa 2 comparisons, but because Crocodile does already seem to respect Mihawk on some level. Like he specifically invited Mihawk to start Cross Guild with. IDK if they have like shared history before or if it's just because they're Fellow Former Warlords or simply because he knows Mihawk is strong and in a vunerable position (after losing his Shichibukai Rights) or what, but despite Crocodile saying he doesn't trust people, he seems to trust Mihawk enough to invite him. And he seems to respect Mihawk's opinions on things, like he might view themselves as equals. So if Mihawk, The Greatest Swordsman In The World of all people, genuinely expressed faith and loyalty to Crocodile... Yeah, I think that would do a lot for Croc. Especially if Mihawk found out about Crocodile's baggage and chose to follow him despite/because of it.
But if we want Crocodile to Heal ALL THE WAY. He and Dragon need to have a talk.
Which will not be easy, considdering like.
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Look at that fucking expression on the panel on the right. Dragon is more than likely beyond furious with Crocodile over what he did in Alabasta. And for good reason. And frankly, I can't tell if they can ever come back from that.
(Sidenote, but this page these panels are from (from Chapter 1058) follows immidiately after the page where Buggy introduces Crocodile and Mihawk to Cross Guild, Dragon's placement on the bottom right of this page matching perfectly where Crocodile was placed in the previous page. So considdering what Dragon says and the expression he makes... Man, if there ever was a way for Oda to tell us what Dragon thinks of Crocodile without explicitly having him say it, yeah, this would be it)
And I'm sure that even if Crocodile got over whatever heartbreak might've happened between him and Dragon and just moved on... The fact that Dragon never called Crocodile and warned him about their son being a pirate, with a bounty, who might be on his way to the Grand Line, where he could stumble his way to Alabasta, where Crocodile was famous for his Pirate Crushing Heroics mind you... Yeah. Crocodile would have a perfectly understandable reason to be furious at Dragon too. He almost killed their son without knowing because Dragon never warned him, never told their son's name to him, never told his OWN full name to Crocodile.
So needless to say.
They have a lot of differences to overcome. Things they've done that they'd both need to look past, forgive and forget. Somehow. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'd find it damn near impossible to happen.
But can you imagine, if despite everything, Dragon still loved him? And was sorry about whatever the fuck happened 19 years ago? And didn't want to lose him again?
I think that would be the thing that would help Crocodile heal all the way in the end.
If Luffy is the first step, then Dragon is the last.
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vimbry · 8 months
picking top 10 tmbg songs is still hard, but I do think "I love you for psychological reasons" Has to be up there. I loveee these descriptions of trying to rationalise the concept of attraction, I was completely into it from the opening lines of "lately I've taken to vacantly making repetitive movements, mistakenly seen as improvements," the rhymes in general are extremely satisfying, and I'm a hugeee sucker for love and romance and such being approached in this more subtle, slightly repressed, scientifically-minded manner.
I love that it's a take on the song "I love you for sentimental reasons" (nat king cole best version btw), which was written about the surface emotion of being in love, while this tries to dig into the chemical reasons of - why? why do our brains fall in love the way that they do? but at the same time, it seems as though narrator doesn't want to overanalyse the experience too much and almost spoil the magic of affection. that's why they don't want to get into the reasons. maybe they're afraid that if they pick it apart too much, they'll lose that attraction, so they pull back.
in some ways, it feels like a counterpart to the insecurity of "she's an angel," whose neurotic narrator sounds like they're in a perpetual state of waiting for the other shoe to drop in a good relationship, because their partner is just too damn perfect to the point of deifying them. like, how could she Possibly be with Me?? this woman's an angel?? is this a mistake, do they know she's missing? also god I just now realised as I was writing this - that song's entire theme is a deconstruction of sappy pick-up lines like "did it hurt when you fell from heaven / heaven must be missing an angel" isn't it. sorry, talking about "psychological reasons" kinda got away from me here.
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prince-liest · 4 months
Do you have any ideas for what Trans!Vox’ name could have been when he was alive? I was thinking Vanessa, it would explain the whole V thing. I bet he was a badass when he was alive.
Also what do you think is Alastors opinion on the Vees in general and the specific characters?
Happy birthday way too late btw.
I deliberately have never picked an actual deadname for Vox, but I do like to think that it started with V. Valerie, Vanessa, Violet, Victoria, Vivian. Veronica is kind of a fun option because I'm a sucker for Heathers references. They're all fair game and I don't currently have plans to canonize any one in particular.
MissDove's Vox backstory spinoff Casting Call 666, Now Auditioning For: Hell's Newest Overlord! (which is amazing, by the way, I really recommend giving it a read!) did a clever thing I thought was very neat in deadnaming him Valerie Fox, which got bastardized to Vox when he glitched out in communicating his name. (It's also fun because it also shortens to 'Val' and I can't wait to see if that comes up in the fic when he meets Valentino!)
As for Alastor's perspective of the other Vees...I feel like he largely finds them generally distasteful both for reasons of their careers and also their general personalities. They're all domineering people who demand attention, which clashes with Alastor's need to be a domineering person who demands attention, hahaha, especially since it's in a very irreverent, modernistic fashion. I do have him be comparatively more fond of Velvette in Once Bitten, Back For More, but that's largely a matter of the context of that particular fic. I don't think a non-AU Alastor would give her all that much leeway just because she's a lady. That said, from what I can tell, I don't think he cares that much about either Velvette or Valentino outside of the context of them being Vox's coworkers, so I suspect he largely just goes about his life ignoring them.
And thank you so much for the well wishes! :D <3
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
Tell me about YOUR favourite historical figure and what it is you like about them the most 😄 (also any images are added bonus 🙏🙏)
Bullet points on why I love Felix Yusupov so much, because otherwise I'd be here all night:
Oddly enough not the "killing Rasputin" thing, though he did do that
His general incompetence over anything and everything.
He did drag and crossdressing when he was younger and did performances. His exact gender identity is unknown, mainly due to lack of terminology during the time, but he was gender-spicy for certain.
Raging bisexual and considerably open about it in his memoirs for the time period.
Loves his wife. Turns into a bumbling mess whenever he writes about her. She was a badass btw. I can't blame him.
Killed Rasputin WITH the help of his lover, Dmitri. Pretty sure those two shacked up afterwards.... but you know.
He actually planned to do a lot of charitable work with his family's money and estates, including opening museums and restoring wetlands and such, but the other nobles hated the fuck out of this idea and also the revolution kind of forced him out of the country before he could try.
Pathetic. Absolute fool.
According to his own accounts of the assasination, he passed out and fell down the stairs after killing rasputin. This is why he wasn't there when they disposed of the body. All adaptations omit this event.
His memoir Lost Splendor is marketed as "the amazing memoirs of the man who killed rasputin" but it is only 20% about rasputin and 80% random shit he pulled as a kid. Tom Sawyer type shit. This book is genuinely one of the most entertaining things I think I have ever read. One day I might make a comic adaptation.
Pretty sure this man had ADHD. The symptoms are all there...
The first time I kissed a girl was because I was having an autistic info-dumping session on this dude and she thought it was super hot 🔥
Some of my fav pics include:
This goofy cropped one (its one of our discord emojis lmao). His little squint is so funny to me ahshdhshhs
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This photo is just very charming. 10/10. My current computer background. Also a discord emoji.
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These two i just find to be cute ::3 I really love photos of him with his wife, Irina, because again she was a baddie. Also I'm such a sucker for photos of people working.
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This last one I just really like because it's very fun and playful. The boy on right is Felix as a tot, and the other on the left is his brother, Nicholas (I really love Nicholas auuughhh).
The right photo is the original postcard scan, and the left is a version I did as photo restoration practice ::]
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi Petri, I would want to request a Minho x fem! reader where they know each other since before the mazes, when where just some simple tests in wckd, they were really close but were sent out to different mazes, reader's maze was in the edge of a river (who was the maze btw) and she manages to get out and get to the safe haven, and she have this glimpses of her past, dreams of things that happened, memories, but to her they're just stupid dreams, that's until she sees Minho again and everything seems to click cause she knows she knows him, and he has this feeling she's familiar too and then te friendship they had transition to love. (I saw your post about oc's and tried my best to be kinda of creative with this request, hope it went well 😅)
Ooo, I really like the idea of a water-based Maze. I can imagine little floating shacks held up by sticks and a rowing boat needed to traverse the Maze- definitely a good idea.
Also, I'm a sucker for the dream trope in this universe.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic because of the different Mazes.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, awkward teenagers, mention of Newt's suicide attempt, I've made up a monster for your Maze that is the equivalent of the Grievers, some mild suggestive themes, WICKED being WCKD because movie.
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After hearing the experiences of other WCKD Subjects, you're starting to realise that your Maze was a little weird.
There was a Maze full of boys, one full of girls, another with mixed, some with monsters, some without- all nearly impossible to solve.
And yours was full of water.
For a few years, your life was like waking up and forgetting there's not ground beneath your feet, walking off your little wooden platform, and nearly drowning. You disliked the water.
It meant you also has to explore your Maze in a poorly constructed boat and had to deal with a half-metal half-serpent monster that roamed your Maze.
It was terrifying.
But that's not the only thing that strikes you as different to the others.
You remember things. Well, kind of.
Whilst you were in your Maze, you used to have memories- well, dreams -of your life before the Maze.
And most of them consisted of the same boy.
Asian. Dark-haired. Well-built. Taller than you. Handsome. Sarcastic. Passionate. And he cared about you, clearly.
You had dreams of playing card games together, sneaking around a lab, exchanging glances and pulling faces at each other whilst men in lab coats probe you, and staying up late in a cafeteria area when you weren't meant to.
It was all simple and meaningless- none of it ever held any significance. But it meant a lot to you. You didn't understand it, but it feels like you know this boy and that your friends with him.
You used to tell your friends in the Maze about it, and none of then experienced anything similar. So, you're really on your own with this one.
Though, one of your friends- your best friend, actually; a girl called Emmy, said something that stuck with you. And maybe even made you think it's true.
"Maybe WCKD couldn't take away the people we loved the most, no matter how hard they tried."
That doesn't matter, though. The survival rate of the Maze and WCKD in general is low.
But you're not in the Maze, anymore.
You were one of the first groups to be taken away from WCKD and put in the Safe Haven. You pretty much went straight from the Maze to paradise.
It was about sixish months later that the Gladers showed up. They'd been through hell and back, so Vince told everyone to give them space apart from the few people they actually knew.
You didn't really care for new arrivals. There has been a few since you got there, so it kind of became normal. But since Vince is back now, you doubt you'll get anymore.
Because of your simple lack of care, and the assumption the guy in your dreams is dead, it took you an embarrassingly long time to actually notice Minho.
A couple of weeks into the Gladers arrival, you stopped dead in your tracks, causing Emmy to walk straight into the back of you and drop soil absolutely everywhere.
"Bro? What the hell?" Emmy hisses. You don't respond, staring straight ahead. "(Y/N)?"
"It's him," you say.
"What?" She follows your line of sight, her gaze landing on the boy.
"The boy from my dream-memories - that's him."
"Holy shit. Are you sure?"
Minho is sitting at one of the dining tables with Gally, Thomas and Frypan, whilst you stand there like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh, dude," Thomas says to Minho as he takes a swig of the alcohol that Gally's made. Some things never change and the Gladers have got into the habit of finishing their jobs as soon as possible and day drinking to cope. "That girl is totally staring at you."
"Huh?" Minho looks at his friend, who points at you.
And then he looks at you.
"Oh, fuck, he's looking." You immediately avert your gaze. "Shit, Emmy, move. Go, go." You awkwardly push your friend away.
"My soil-"
"We can get more damn soil!" And with that, you flee.
Well, that was probably the most embarrassing thing you've done. That you can remember, at least.
Minho's blood ran cold, however.
You met his eyes for only a couple of seconds and it felt like he'd known you his whole life. You feel... familiar.
Minho didn't experience the same constant dreams you did- mainly because he's plagued by nightmares of Grievers and that day he found Newt out there. But he's had a couple. He can't remember them very well, but the parts he does remember have your face in it.
You go on acting a bit weird. Every chance you have to look at Minho, you take it.
Which also goes on for a couple of weeks.
"Haven't spoken to him, then?"
"'Course I haven't," you grumble to Emmy as you do your work in the garden. "And I'm not going to."
"What? Why not?"
"Because how would I go about that? 'Hey, dude, you don't know me but I've been having dreams about you for as long as I can remember- wanna be pals?'"
She chuckles, shaking her head. "I mean, why not?"
"Why not go and say that to him? I mean, people have probably experienced weirder things 'causea WCKD- and those bastards from Group A had it the worst. I'm sure he'll understand."
"We don't know him," you groan, throwing your head back.
"But you do-"
"No, I don't." You sigh. "Maybe- maybe I used to, but I don't now. This is dumb." You pick up the empty water bucket and start walking backwards. "I'm not gonna speak to him- there's no point-! Shit!"
You back up into someone, the bucket clattering to the floor and the slight splash of water left in spilling out.
"Shit, sorry-" you turn around, meeting Minho's eyes. You blink, steeping back to lengthen the short distance between you. "Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I-I wasn't looking-"
"It's cool. All good," he holds his hands up.
Little did you know, Minho was actually on his way over to talk to you.
You let out a breath of relief, giving him an awkward smiles. "So, who aren't you going to talk to?"
He grins at you, playfully, and you look to Emmy for help. Who simply shrugs.
"Uh, nobody- doesn't matter."
"Alright," he clicks his tongue, "you guys are from a Maze, right? That weird, like, river one?"
"You been asking people about us?" Emmy pipes up and you glare at her.
"Just heard a couple of things," he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking in his heels. He looks at the bucket on the floor. "You need water?"
"Uh, yeah, we use it for the watering can. I was just about to get some more."
"Ah, it's fine," he bends over and picks it up, "I'll get it for ya."
"Oh, uh, don't you have a job to do?"
"I'm already done, besides, can't have a pretty girl wasting her energy, can I?" He smirks at you before turning and walking away, leaving you flustered.
You turn to Emmy, who is grinning from ear to ear.
Minho returns and insists on helping you out on the gardens. Emmy feigns illness to give you some alone time.
That you don't want.
Though, Minho is a shit gardener.
"It's obvious you didn't work with plants in your Maze," you chuckle.
"Really? I thought I was impressing you," he says sarcastically, and you roll your eyes. "I was a Runner, if you're interested."
"A Runner?" You lean on a plant support beam as Minho picks at some vegetables.
"Yeah, exactly what it says in the tin- I ran the Maze. Day in, day out. I was Keeper- uh, Leader of the Runners."
"Wow, musta been pretty good at it."
"I wasn't half bad," he chuckles. "What did you do? You have a job in your Maze?"
You shake your head. "Everyone kinda did a bit of everything. We worked on rotation since groups had to go out in boats, exploring the Maze was hard- so we all took it in turns. Fresh eyes also meant someone could spot something we didn't. Everyone was on the same field in my home."
"You didn't have a Leader?"
"Well, we all just respected the first guy that got there, but I wouldn't say he was in charge."
"So, you had guys and girls in your Maze?"
"Mhm, you didn't? Oh, shit yeah, you're Group A." You recall Emmy saying.
"Mhm- just dudes."
"Must've sucked. I can't imagine being stuck with just a buncha guys- gross."
He barks a laugh, standing up and shaking his had. "We had one girl- she was only there for a couple of days. But I'm pretty sure we did gross her out the brief time she was there."
"What was she like?"
"Total bitch-"
"Hey," you snap, "watch your mouth, man, you shouldn't talk about women like that."
He holds his hands up again. "Sorry. I just mean..." He trails off, the memory clearly becoming painful. "She betrayed us. Told WCKD our location and had me- well she- I was... shuck it."
"You don't have to tell me about it," you reassure him, "shit happens; I'm not entitled to know about it."
"No, uh," he hesitates. "It's weird, I wanna tell you. Kinda feels like I know you."
"We've never spoken before-" you try to brush off the comment, not wanting this awkward conversation. You figured once you came here, awkward conversations and relationship drama would be over.
"That's not what I mean," he sighs. "I know it's forward, but there are a lot of people I wish I woulda told klunk to before I lost 'em. So, I'm just sayin' it. You feel familiar. Like I know you before I lost my memories. You feel it too, right?"
You pause, but nod. "Yeah, I know you."
"Then we should be friends, right? If we know each other?"
You smile, feeling butterflies in your stomach. "Yeah, I'd like that."
And from then on, you became friends with Minho.
You eat with him, stay up late talking to him, get introduced to the Gladers, drink with them, and just generally have fun with him and his friends. Even Emmy joins in- and you're pretty sure she has a thing for Frypan.
But the problem is that you have a thing for Minho. He's effortlessly attractive, and he's funny and attentive. He makes it known he cares about you and likes making you laugh.
And it's starting to make your heart skip a beat, especially when he jokingly flirts with you. It did start off as a dumb inside joke, but now you're starting to hope it's genuine.
Your friendship grows closers and your wants grow bigger.
"What the hell are you doing?" You shout as you watch the Gladers splash water at each other and frolic in the ocean under the moonlight. They've all stripped down into their underwear in what was originally a dare from Emmy, but now they're enjoying it.
"Come on!" Minho shouts, standing up straight as he waves you towards him. You swallow as you watch salt water dribble down his abs.
Yanno, if he wasn't so fine, this crush would be less of a problem.
"The water feels shuckin' great! Aha! Oi! Gally! Stop it! You goddamn slinthead!" He shouts as he gets attacked.
"C'mon, (Y/N), it'll be fun." Emmy giggles, kicking her shoes off and walking towards the water.
Then she freezes. Just before her toes hit the water.
Due to the nature of your Maze, most people got attacked by the fresh-water monster you called the Serpent. You only had the one, but it's shadow lurked under the boat and it's full form was never seen because of it's size.
Either you got bit when it jumped out the water and it dragged you with it until you drowned, or it injected you with venom. It wouldn't kill you, but it left you seething with agony for days.
You got biten twice. Emmy three times.
You don't like big bodies of water now- especially when you can't see the bottom.
"Emmy?" You step towards your friend, putting your hand on her shoulder.
"I-I can't- what if something's in there?"
"There's nothing in there; we're safe here. But you don't have to go in. I'm not."
"C-can we get a drink?"
"Sure," you give her a soft smile. "Hey, guys!" You shout, getting the boys' attention. "We're calling it a night- see you tomorrow."
They group hollars their goodbyes and you both leave to have a couple of drinks before bed.
You watch Emmy sleep, hands in your pockets as she lightly snores in her pocket.
"Hey," Minho makes you jump and you immediately shush him. "Hey," he repeats, in a whisper this time. "You okay? You kinda ran off before."
He's fully clothed now, but his hair's still damp.
"Yeah," you clear your throat, "just... Maze shit, you know?"
He raises his head up a bit. "Dare I ask?"
You sigh, nodding for him to follow you. He does as you sit on once of the benches on the sand.
He gingerly sits next to you.
"You ever wonder why Emmy and I don't really talk to anyone else?"
"Kinda, just figured you didn't like many people."
"It's because we're the only two people that survived our Maze." He shifts slightly, his jaw tensing. "You had your Grievers, we had our Serpent. It was Lovecraftian big, and we had to get through the last part of our Maze on foot because getting the boats over the circular doorframes was taking too long. It was a bloodbath- let that thing pick us off one by one until me and Emmy were the last men standing. She doesn't like- we don't like water anymore." You pause.
"I always think the Serpent is going to dive out and drag me under or tear me shreds." You look at him. "I know it's dumb and we're safe here but I-" your voice breaks. "I can't- I lost everyone, I can't-"
"Hey, hey," he throws his arm around you, pulling you into a hug. "It's okay, I get it. You know, whenever anyone's building anything around here with those tools we stole from WCKD, I can't be anywhere near it. It sounds exactly like the noises the Grievers used to make- I don't know how Gally works with that klunk all day."
"We're fucked up, huh?" You chuckle between sniffs and he grins at you.
"Yeah, we are. Thanks WCKD."
You both chuckle. But you stop when your eyes land on his lips, flickering up to his eyes and his lips again.
"What do you think we used to be? Before the Maze?" You mumble.
He smiles faintly. "What do you mean?"
Maybe it's the buzz from the alcohol from your drinking game that's making you so bold, or maybe it's how close he is. It doesn't matter- you're drunk in some sense.
"Well, we know each other, do you reckon we were just friends or..?"
He tilts his head. "Why? What did you want us to be?"
"I used to have dreams about you- in the Maze. All the time. Emmy used to tease me about my 'old boyfriend'," you smile fondly, "it was so dumb, but... I don't know."
"Do you wonder if she was right?"
You don't speak, just giving a simple nod. "Do you want her to be?"
"Do you?"
You lock eyes with him. His eyelids are heavy and his body is now completely facing you. "Shuck it," he mumbles, leaning in a kissing you.
You gasp into his lips for a second, and it feels like something bursts in your chest.
You kiss him back immediately, fire sparking along your skin and the world feeling lighter. You run your fingers through his hair, his pulling you closer by your waist.
He pulls away, sucking in air. He goes to speak but as his eyes flicker open, it's like something overwhelms him and he kisses you again, deeper this time. His tongue brushes over your lower lip and he pulls on the belt straps of your jeans.
You hum into his mouth, egging him on further. But he suddenly breaks away.
"I gotta stop," he mumbles, pretty much into you, "or I'm gonna get carried away."
You snicker, the thought making more butterflies form in your stomach.
"Yanno," he continues, breathing laboured. "It doesn't really matter what we used to be- it matters what we are now."
"And?" You raise your eyebrow. "What do you want that to be?"
He grins. "Haven't I made that obvious?" He says before he kisses you again.
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Yo yo, I really liked this one, and I got to be creative with making my own WCKD creation.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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