#I'll go through those in a bit to see if there's anything i can elaborate on
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hiding-under-the-willow · 3 months ago
I am being brave and wandering into your ask box so you can ramble about the ghost au. It looks neat and I'm so curious owo
Okay I'm just gonna try and synthesize all of the random notes I've written in the last few days into something of a vaguely coherent list lol
Grian and Joel are roommates looking for a new flat when they get the call that Grian has inherited a house, they very impulsively and foolishly decide to keep the thing that is way too large and far too run down for the two of them to handle, the house is so incredibly haunted, normal bbc ghosts plot ensues
Grian is the one who almost dies and ends up being able to see ghosts. Mumbo is the one who pushes him out the window. Which is ironic bc Mumbo was very much not pro killing the new inhabitants of the house when the other ghosts were scheming ways to get rid of them.
Okay so ghost facts.
Bdubs is obviously highly based on Robin the caveman, I imagine him being slightly closer to the end of the paleolithic period than Robin. I think he may or may not have had some weird cult stuff going in. Weird cult leader caveman guy worshiping the sun and moon. Yes the cloak is real moss. There's bugs in that thing
Wels and Hels killed eachother in a duel, right on the property line, which now neither of them can cross in death. So now both of them is just stuck on either side of the fence seething about it for the rest of time. I like how ridiculous and arbitrary the ghost property line rules are in ghosts, so I find this incredibly funny. Hels is the guy Black Knight stories are based on
Ren wasn't actually a king, he was some type of noble who tried to declare himself king of a specific area, hence the beheading. Whooooooo let's go treason!!
Cleo was not doing actual witch craft at the time she was accused of it, she was however probably doing other illegal and vaguely fucked stuff. Mayhaps that's why she was accused, someone wanted her out of the way and that was an easy and surefire way to get rid of her
Keralis. My silly silly little guy. Our Kitty stand in. I just thought the idea of him dying from pufferfish poisoning was really funny considering him and XB's whole thing. I wanna have XB around, I can't decide if I want him to be a marine biologist of some kind who drowned on the next property over that keralis talks to over the fence, or if he's just like a grounds keeper who takes care of the lake next door that keralis is parasocially obsessed with lol
Beef. Beef my beloved. Period piece romance novel protagonist looking mf <3 He grew up in a family of butchers, became an impressionist painter instead of joining the family business. Focused a lot on pastoral scenes, especially stuff involving farm animals and especially cows. His family thought his career choice was kind of useless and frivolous, his artist colleagues thought his choice of painting subject was kind of frivolous. That's where he got the nickname 'Beef', now it's all anyone remembers him by, AND the fucking paints killed him 😔
Scar!!! The scammiest fucking traveling salesman on the planet. Death of a Salesman death of the American dream type vibes on that guy. He's gotta pay his medical bills somehow man, can't even really blame him for all the grifting. He probably should've been more careful with who he was scamming though, he maybe pissed off the wrong guy (do not scam mobsters! They will have someone kill you about it!)
Xisuma, given the greatest honor of being my Captian stand in. He was a sharp shooter, until his eye got fucked up and he lost his good aim. They shipped him off to the country side to work in 'intelligence', he takes his job very seriously despite this obviously just being somewhere they put him to not have to deal with him. Seriously enough in fact to discover a spy in their ranks! Just in time for that spy to kill him real bad. Damn.
Joe my absolutely beloved. Pat stand in but not quite. He was a popular radio host, he did a lot of volunteer work as a voice/performer for hire. He gets recruited to do some announcer work for a scouting event. There is, mayhaps, a much more. Uh. DIY. Scouting event happening on the next property over. There is an accident involving some homemade fireworks next door (cubfan. when I get you cubfan.), the fireworks going off scares some kid in the middle of fucking around with a bow, Joe gets shot, you can assume the rest. Cub is ghosting around next door cause of the fireworks accident if it makes you feel any better lol
Mumbo my stupid nervous guy. Ran a large tech startup in the late 90s, should not have been given that kind of power over a company. Accidentally did like. A lot of finance crime. Found out about said finance crime and immediately had a fucking heartattack and died from the panic. My cringe fail businessman I love you
Yeah yeah okay so neighbor ghosts. Cub, Hels, maybe XB, and Gem.
Etho is their weird annoying neighbor, he can also see ghosts, but it'll take awhile for everyone to figure that out.
In the same way Grian can see ghosts bc Mumbo tried to kill him, Etho can see ghosts bc Hels tried to kill him (haven't decided how exactly that went down yet)
I've been thinking about what to do with the basement ghosts and I think I want to put team zits down there.
Uh. Other human cast. Jimmy is around! He kind of fills an Obi type role, silly friend who is just kind of around a lot. I think I wanna have Lizzie as like a local barista Joel has a crush on. The ghosts get in his way every time he tries to make a move on her.
Obviously a lot of the ghosts aren't strict one to one fill ins for the original show's ghosts. Ren and Beef are both kind of drawing elements from both Thomas and Humphrey, Wels and X are both kind of drawing from Fanny and Cap, Scar and Mumbo both kind of combine to make up Julian's character. So on and so forth. All of the stuff with Etho and his property's ghosts is obviously all stuff I just did cause I thought it was fun lol
Oh yeah! Ghost powers! Okay obvious stuff, Bdubs has Robin's ability to fuck with lights, Cleo has the same burning smell as Mary, Mumbo can push stuff like Julian. Non obvious stuff. I want Joe to be able to be heard through like radios and phones and such. Hels has to have something to have almost killed Etho but I've yet to decide what that is. If Hels has something I think it would be funny to then have Wels also have the same power, but like. Weaker. So he can be pissy about it. Obviously.
Uh yeah that's all i can think of off the top of my head
Anyways, yeah!!! That's the basic constructions of this au. I had this idea like 3 days ago and have. Obviously thought about it a lot in that time lmao
You can't put two pieces of media in front of me and not expect me to go insane about it <3
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yandereunsolved · 5 months ago
Yandere Daryl Dixon w/ immune reader— 'we're all infected, why does it matter if you're the cure?'
Yandere Daryl saw your scraggly ass aimlessly wandering through the abandoned pharmacy he needed to raid. Walkers, five of em', and you fought them off bare fisted. Pretty badass, and fucking stupid, if Daryl has anything to say about it. You're bleeding from your neck more than any living person should.
A bite. You're bit.
No wonder you could care less if one of the rotting corpses bites on ya.
He wants to put you down like he should. He lines up his crossbow with your head, and like a deer caught in headlights, you flee.
Goddammit all.
Shouldn't matter anyway. You'll become another walker. At the most you got some gauze.
It had to be months again before he saw you on another run. There you are—banged up and just a lil more than skin n' bones, but there you are alive none the less.
Yandere Daryl admits to himself that it's the first time he's been intrigued by someone in a long while. Maybe that's why he's insisted on going on runs by himself these past few months. Maybe just maybe deep down he wanted to see you again.
It isn't hard to simply surprise you from behind and disarm you. He knocks you out and lowers you to the sidewalk. He doesn't see any walkers near, so he can check your wound out easy.
You still have gauze over it, but it has long since needed a change. It's drenched in fresh blood and covered in old. He unwraps it to see the damn bite. He can't tell if it looks better or worse now.
"Poor sap, what am I gonna do with you? Whats good a cure if there's no docs, only greedy men in this world." He tsks.
Yandere Daryl picks you up and carries you back to the group. He wraps a slightly torn shawl around your neck. It's one he found near the store you collapsed at. There's a reason you have been out here all these months.
You could'a just given up and died.
You could'a found a group.
Instead you found him again.
"Must've been fate, huh?" He chuckles humorlessly.
The way you looked at him. You're runnin' from somethin'. He just has to figure out what.
Yandere Daryl decides you're his to take care of. When he carries you into Alexandria, he doesn't let anyone else get their hands on you. He doesn't answer anyone's questions while he walks in and towards his house. He locks himself in and tells anyone that comes by to piss off.
Screw the rules and whatever the fuck.
You're a mystery that he has to solve.
So he grabs a change of clothes and some food for you. He plops them down on the table and sits in the opposite chair.
He doesn't mind waitin' for a while. It gives him plenty o' time to think. Somethin' in him is just stirrin'. He just can't decide what.
Yandere Daryl calms you down after you wake up. You can barely form words on those pretty lips and tongue of yours. Naturally, you question him and his motives. You're defensive and don't elaborate at first.
It takes just a handful of threats about exposing you and spreading around the fact there is an immune person to unravel your need for secrecy.
You only tell him that you're being hunted by a group you were once with.
"Mind elaborating, hun?" Daryl draws out while looking over your figure for what feels like the thousandth time.
"I'll tell you—but I swear to God if you use this against me I'll stab you through the head a dozen times over."
"Fair nuff."
"They would—If you get bit and are injected with... well, enough of my blood then it acts as a cure..."
They fuckin' what?
Yandere Daryl vouches for you, and you end up in Alexandria. You get no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They assign you to his house. Daryl definitely convinced Rick that since you're a newcomer and you trust him more, he could keep a watchful eye on you. It totally isn't because there's this strange all possessing feeling that keeps latching onto his heart when you're around.
He keeps your secret safe n' sound. He manages to steal enough makeup from rundown stores to keep your healing bite covered up. He makes sure you are eating and getting healthier. He checks up on you before and after he gets done with a run. Hell, he reminds you of shit he forgets about all the time.
This does extend to him killing people to keep you safe. They looked at you wrong. Maybe one of the residents feels suspicious about you. They may even have confronted Daryl and questioned him. Oh, well. Just another one pushed to the biters.
Daryl has never had a strict moral compass. So he doesn't feel bad about murdering people who he is supposed to consider his neighbors.
Of course, those who came with him to Alexandria get the privilege of questionin' you just a bit. He's quick to shut that shit down, though.
Carol is the only one who is close enough to knowing that you are immune. She knows that Daryl has something more than platonic towards you. She also knows that you were injured with something that looked suspiciously like a walker bite mark when Daryl first lugged you in. (She snuck in and looked through your scarf while Daryl wasn't aware.)
She just isn't looking for trouble. She doesn't want to believe it, as it doesn't seem plausible. There have been too many false hopes from the CDC to Eugene.
So she let's Daryl foster his feelings towards you while watching out for you both. If Daryl ever oversteps a boundary with you, Carol will be there to knock him up side the head, call him a stupid redneck, and threaten him in the most motherly way possible. 
Yandere Daryl never saw you have so much terror in the eyes as the day he mentioned The Saviors. It clicked in his mind immediately. He has only felt that rage one other time in his life: when he learned Meryl had been handcuffed to the roof and left for dead.
He didn't think, but he acted. He held you and refused to let go. It's just so fuckin' unfair. He loses everyone that has a semblance of importance to him. Not you. Not this time.
His only thought was that he was going to burn every one of those fuckers to the ground—innocent or not.
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cloudnineminusnine · 5 months ago
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dear anon, we're on the same boat 😮‍💨
i hope you're doing good! 💖
better late than never, so here we go.
sun wukong
"wait, wait! no need to hide from me!" he gives you a roguish smile as both his hands draw your wobbling knees away from each other preventing you from hiding yourself, curious eyes darting directly to your drenched aching core, where your fingers incessantly deepen despite the embarrassment"it's all to me, ain't it? then don't hide it, love." he makes sure that you're aware of the effect your little show has on him, rutting his hardening clothed cock against the velvety skin of your trembling thigh, prodding insistently.
there's a wildness to his thirsty eyes that hits it just right for you, nearly animalistic, blowing intense shivers all over your heated body. a promiscuous cry elapse through your swollen glistening lips as you can only thrust further between your slicked folds. his grip on your bent knees open you up even more, making it easier for your soaked fingers to dig themselves into your core. you're no longer the reasoned, composed being that he's used to have beside him, no, now you're just a tantalizing mess and you need him to see just how broken he made you to be, pleading for a pleasure only him can concede you.
witnessing the power he holds over you, he feels more than delighted, flattered at how lewd your body becomes at the mere thought of him touching you "moaning my name out like that? you're so filthy..." your teary eyes goes straight to his complacent face, fingers sinking deeper when his tongue drags slowly over his pointy teeth"i bet those tiny fingers can't reach the places i will" clumsily he takes his erection out of it's confinement, thrusting into the tightness of his own calloused hand so you have a clear proof of how much trouble you're causing him "i can do it so much better, all you gotta do is beg me to" he inhales strongly once your eyes meet, biting down his thin lip, submerged by the vicious symphony caused by your candy-like groaning in unison with the wet noises of your desperate hand drowning into your greedy hole.
"wukong!" his turgid red tip drips in desire at your pain filled call, throbbing fueled by fury when you moan wantonly "please, put it inside...- need you inside me, pretty please!" you drag your fingers out and spread your juices all over the puffy lips, opening your pussy with no shame for him to see, smiling slyly in between a lip bite while he surrenders himself promptly, rubbing his thickness at your deprived entrance. he's so big and it feels so overwhelmingly hot as the tip kisses teasingly your gaping soaked cunt.
his half lidded eyes squint a bit as he suppresses a growl "thinking about it..." faking an elaborated thought, he clears his throat "first i want you to cum from your fingers alone," he warns harshly as the swollen head slides a little inside, enough to earn a helpless sob from you "then i'll put it inside you and make you cum again, harder, filling you up so good that you'll never want anything other than my cock inside that pathetic needy cunt of yours." with a mouth full he spits his ill intentions, savoring the sight of your lovely eyes shedding fat tears as you plead him religiously to fuck you.
you're so pitiful that the mere suggestion of what he's going to do makes you cum on point, spine arching as your breath get caught, toes curling to knots, whole body vibrating as you go higher than ever, sucking in the moisty tip while you're middle orgasm, barely able to keep your legs open for him to watch you being washed by immense waves of pleasure.
hovering over your partially nude body he kisses your mouth lecherously through your orgasm, sloppy and wet, tongue all over the place as he fed his ego on your frustrated adorable whines "so obedient..." his furry hands dive into your body going straight do your silky chest so he can give a little attention to your neglected nips, until your slutty waist begs him to hold you still in place so that your hips relax. he drags his hard rock member among your folds, going back and forth in a torturing pace, mixing your fluids altogether while hitting your sensitive clit aimfully "you're ruining me, you know that?"
destined one
"keep going..." comes a plead muffled by your neck, quietly in a way that makes you twitch in desire — juices dripping all over your bottom as your hand keep going."are you feeling good, hm?" he clasps your nipples enthusiastically between the rough fingertips, planting smooches in every hickey caused to your neck by his famine mouth, almost out of his mind, messy and desperate do feel more of you, to see more of your lewd behavior.
as he presses his sturdy body against your back you can feel his hardness throbbing at the end of your spine, begging for attention. "want you inside me..." you purr mellowly, looking down to where your fingers work their way in and out of you, sloshing wet sounds growing louder just like your tender voice"it's so greedy... my fingers aren't enough to reach deeper inside, babe" his hands snakes anxiously under the fabric of your clothes, finding their way to your exposed inner thighs, separating them furthermore and exposing you completely. you mewl in surprise, fidgeting between his well built hairy arms as he kneads your ass hungrily.
"you were calling my name so beautifully..." his heavy breath fan over your ear shell, spreading chills down your back as his sharp nails scratch your sweat-glimmering skin, fingers digging against it, leaving fresh traces of his possessiveness. his voice takes over your clouded mind, coming hot against your exposed shoulder "wanna see you pleasuring yourself." there's a pout on his lips, you can tell by the spoiled tone he's using against you.
slowly scissoring your hot cave open, you mumble "you're so mean to me." turning your head to the side your moist lips brush right against his sensitive reddish ear, earning a aroused whine from him that makes your legs wobble and your digits drown further inside you. as much alluring as it is, you will have to break that bratty attitude of him."look at how wet i am... and that's all your fault." when a third finger join in with the other two he bite down on your shoulder repressing a guttural moan, the combination making your eyes roll back in pleasure. "hng... i- i can't stop thinking about you pounding me hard and deep." in between angustiated sobs you blurt out, hopeful that he would tear your remaining clothes apart and fuck you senseless against any tree.
two can play a game and he knows very well what you're setting up to him. he refuses to bite the bait, suddenly fueled by the ferocious urge to see you crying loud and clear for him as you can only try to relieve yourself by playing with you thirsty cunt. "you sly little thing, you almost got me." he whispers, licking behind your ear, bringing one of his hands to your face as his tail takes it's place wrapping around your raised thigh. he sounds much more demanding, as if something snapped inside him.
before you can fight back, two girthy fingers invade your lips, toying with your tongue and vibrating instantly as you moan shamelessly around them. at the same time he starts moving behind you, rubbing himself deliberately so you know how close he is to losing his remaining sanity. "be good to me and i shall give you what you want."
his voice shifting from soft spoken and almost bashful to that dark lust-filled tone was dangerously interesting, your pussy agrees as it grips crazily around your shaky fingers, sucking them deeper to remind you that you're on your own, that they're unable to bring more than a crescent frustration while failing at hitting your sensitive spot. you're on the verge of crying as you hopelessly suck his fingers soaked, saliva dripping from the corners of your swollen lips.
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slayfics · 2 years ago
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You and Muichiro find it hard to sleep during a thunderstorm.
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A flash of lightning lit up your room followed by a loud rumble of thunder. You awoke in a startle. The storm had been going for some time but was now passing straight over the mansion. You tried to pull the covers over your eyes but the pounding of the rain and randomness of the rumbles of thunder made it impossible to get back to sleep.   
You weren’t exactly scared of the noise but since being a demon slayer you learned to be a light sleeper to always be aware of approaching demons. The sounds and smells of the storm made it harder on your senses to recognize anything else that might be approaching and as such didn’t allow you to fall back asleep.  
You decided to give up on sleeping the rest of the night and walked out to the common area of the mansion where there was a big window. You watched the lightning strike along the mountain and the rain cascade down the window. You knew this meant you’d be tired tomorrow at training with Master Tokito and thought maybe he would understand given the storm. But knowing Master Tokito he'd say something like you must be prepared for any type of weather and conditions out on missions, this is good training. You giggled to yourself at the thought just when you were startled by a voice behind you. 
"You look like a cat." Muichiro said. You turned around still taken by surprise by his presence. As a Hashira he was still able to sneak up on you and you hated it.  
“A cat?” You questioned.
“Yes, a cat staring out a window.” He elaborated. “I snuck up on you. You didn’t notice me coming, again.” 
"Give me a break there is a big storm and I'm tired." 
"This storm could strike when you are out hunting a demon on no sleep as well. No excuses. Pay better attention." He said 
"Mhm.." You said rolling your eyes hearing him say the exact words you knew he would. You looked back out the window and Muichiro sat down next to you. 
"Why are you down here then?" You asked. 
"I cannot sleep." He said simply. 
"Oh Mr. Big Hashira can't sleep in a storm either?" You teased, but Muichiro took no notice of the playful tone in your voice. 
"Storms are good times for demons to strike, and they know that. It inhibits our ability to smell and sense all our surroundings, and my Tsuguko is here. What a sad excuse for a Hashira I would be if a demon attacked during a storm and hurt you while you slept. This is why I cannot sleep." He replied. You felt a bit flustered but knew his words were strictly due to following his role as a Hashira and not because he wanted to protect you personally. Even still, thinking of Muichiro not sleeping because he felt the need to protect you made your stomach flutter. 
“Well, I'm awake so you can sleep." You said but yawned right after. 
"Hmm..." Was the only reply he gave as he zoned out watching the rain. 
You watched the rain with him in silence for some time. Due to his presence you no longer felt the fear of a demon catching you off guard and your eyes began to get heavy. You caught yourself taking longer blinks and the weight of her head started to sway. You shook your head a few times to keep awake but the sleep was still winning. 
"Stop fighting your sleep. You need rest for our training tomorrow, go back up to bed." Muichiro said.  
"No. If you are awake I'll stay awake." You said stubbornly. 
"Those are direct orders from me as your higher up." He stated and turned to look at you furiously only to see you had indeed fallen asleep. The weight of your head swayed again until it rested on his shoulder. 
Muichiro’s eyes widened for a second as he wasn't sure how to handle this situation. He let out a sigh and decided you were indeed like a cat, and when a cat falls asleep it is rude to disturb it. Muichiro stayed very still throughout the rest of the night to not disturb you. He watched as your breathing changed through your sleep and found himself proud that even through your dreams you kept up your total concentration breathing.  
Once the sun began to show on the mountain, he felt exhaustion hit him and he fell asleep resting his head on yours. Maybe it would be ok if training started a little later today... but just a little. 
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fearcutsdeeper · 13 days ago
Hi, I’ve really been enjoying your Temeraire posting! I saw in the tags of one of your posts recently (I think the one about the Laurence+Rankin friendship era in book one) that you read Laurence as autistic and the idea really tickled my brain! I’m a new fan of the series and I haven’t thought of him that way before, but now that you pointed it out it makes so much sense. I was wondering if you’d be willing to elaborate a bit on that reading of his character? It’s a super interesting idea and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts if you feel like sharing!
Absolutely!!! The first time I read the books I was really flying through them and too caught up in the character arc I could feel taking shape before my eyes to really dwell on the character as he is, if that makes sense. I'm reading more slowly this time and really considering his thoughts and actions in context, and they feel... like, very relatable to me in a specific way.
(Disclaimer: this is a personal reading, not trying to claim this is an objective truth about the character or anything, etc)
One thing about the way a lot of people discuss autistic or perceived-as-autistic characters is that they'll recognize them as autistic based on straightforward expression of symptoms/traits that you might read off a list. This isn't doing it wrong or anything, and the characters in question can easily be read as autistic! But those aren't usually the characters I see myself in.
I'll pretty often start seeing a character as autistic not because they're outwardly showing symptoms, but because their behavior strikes me as learned compensation for symptoms. Data from Star Trek is very frequently seen as autistic coded not just because of his frequently expressed lack of understanding for social conventions but also because he then explicitly writes himself new subroutines to account for what he learns. A lot of autistic people (including myself) go through their lives kind of accumulating "scripts" – like, oh, I seem to have missed that X was a signal, but the person's reaction tells me that the appropriate response would have been Y. Next time I encounter X, I will do Y.
Now, Will Laurence builds his ENTIRE LIFE around the elaborate rules of British propriety and honor and duty. He tells us that he enjoys Society – "conversation, dancing, and friendly whist were his favorite pursuits". All three things listed are, in Georgian wealthy society, things with a strict and learnable structure and rules – he likes when what he's supposed to do is clearly laid out for him! He's in I think his late thirties when the series starts. I'm basically reading him as an autistic man who realized that people didn't make sense to him the way they did to other children and then spent his entire life Learning The Rules so no one would notice.
Every time he's engaging with propriety and Proper Behavior, he's thinking very consciously about it. And when someone else violates his understanding of the rules, he's internally scrambling for the proper response, because his script has been disrupted. (My personal favorite it when he'll go "the only satisfactory response would be a challenge to duel but I'm not allowed anymore")
So, he's been doing this all his life, he's learned all the rules for the life track he's put himself on (which is a highly structured one!), and then, boom, the plot hits.
The Rules of aviator society are totally different. Laurence is affronted and scrambling. I find it notable that Berkley basically plows right through Laurence's attempts at propriety and immediately starts talking to him like he would any other aviator, and it WORKS. Laurence is kind of taken aback, because his rules would interpret the way he's being spoken to as an insult, but Berkley certainly isn't acting like he means to give insult, so Laurence doesn't respond like he's received one. There's also the bit where he notes that the woman serving him has violated protocol by greeting him instead of being silent – but he returns the greeting and isn't offended.
He's mirroring like hell! (This is a common autistic trait.) He's working out what the expected behavior is and returning it as much as he can manage. And when he's with Rankin, he reverts to his society scripts, with so much relief that he ignores some warning signs.
And this makes his whole arc of disillusionment with the British Government SO interesting, because Laurence, I think anyone would agree, takes the honor that the government pays lip service to dramatically more seriously than most members of the government and Admiralty. And, until he gets the truth shoved in his face, he has enormous trouble conceiving of that. It really reads as autistic to me – like, what do you MEAN the elaborate system of morals you told me to structure my personality around is only window dressing to you? It's sure as hell not window dressing to me!
In this reading, in addition to all the other incredible things that his story is about, it's also about an autistic guy becoming increasingly uncomfortably aware that the systems of rules and parameters which he painstakingly learned and have successfully guided him through most of his life are fundamentally in conflict with each other, and eventually being forced at gunpoint to decide which of those rules really truly matter, throw out the rest, and rebuild from scratch.
Which is to say: my man is in hell. At least he has a dragon?
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distorted59 · 1 year ago
please elaborate on the dracula monster rp you mentioned in your kirk headcanons…PLEASE!!
this idea has been FEEDING my vampire kirk brain rot so well, esp those fanarts on insta👹👹 really check out @ fuzzsux on insta CAUSE THE ART IS SO GOOD!!!
anyways..... HERE'S MY IDEA FOR IT (any era works tbh)
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Bite me please
summary: Kirk wants to play dracula and he wants you to play his bride...
pairing: '93!kirk x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw/smut, biting, roleplay, use of safe words,
word count: 1158
A/N: i was debating wether to make this really kinky or nah.
you'd always known Kirk's favorite monster were vampires. especially Dracula and it's whole story arc. he's a hopeless romantic with a dark kinky side. which you don't mind at all, of course.
he loves the idea of him being a powerful, mind infiltrating, seductive, blood sucking creature. who would stalk you, love you, claim you, and mark you as his bride.
it would start with him biting your neck for fun, not real harshly or anything. just some playful bites. and you seem to like them. he would get all excited and wanted to ask you right away, because this has been on his mind for a while now.
but, he still sorta backs out. you see he wants to ask you something, so you do it first.
"baby? what's wrong?" you slide your hand over his back. "Something on your mind?"
"yeah, actually." he has a wide smile on his face, which slowly turns into a smirk. "would you be interested in... uhh... roleplay?"
your eyes widen a bit and your breath hitches. you have a puzzled look on your face and let out a short giggle.
"what'd you have in mind?" you grin back.
"what do you think?" he leans down and bites your neck again, harder this time.
"do you want to drain me from my blood, Count Dracula?" you say in a bad, sensual transylvanian accent.
"oh..." Kirk groans and lets out a breathy chuckle against your neck. "i'd like to drain you from something else too."
you moan softly as he places more sloppy kisses on your neck, going up to your jaw and eventually kisses your lips.
"i'll take that as a yes, hm?" his eyes show a dark gaze, you can see the passion and lust in them.
you're walking around the house, wearing some leathery outfit. which Kirk had picked out for you. along with a tight, blood red corset that is hugging your figure.
"so much for classic." you mumble to yourself. the house is dark and to be honest, you feel a little.... scared.
you don't know if it's the excitement bubbling in your lower belly or the actual thought of being haunted by your boyfriend...
"Kirk?" you call out faintly, looking around for him. "are you gonna jump out and attack me or something?" you say jokingly.
"that all depends, my love." Kirk's dark voice whispers to you, you can feel his breath against your neck.
you turn around and he immediately grabs you and slams you against the wall. he starts kissing your neck and leaving a few bites here and there. he moves down and starts biting on your collarbone, he looks up at you through his eyelashes.
he's wearing a ruffled blouse and a pair of black dress pants you've never seen him wear before. His chest glistens through the low cut shirt, a few faint love bites visible.
"color?" he whispers.
"green..." you breathe out.
"I'm going to drain you and make you mine." he growls. then, he drags you by your arm and pulls you into your shared bedroom. he pushes you on the bed and you scramble back against the headboard.
"w-what are you going to do to me?" you try to sound scared and get into your role as the 'victim'.
"look at you, scared little thing." he tuts and crawls over to you. "you're going to be my bride." his eyes shine with passion and power. you actually feel thrilled.
"are you going to hurt me?" you look into his eyes.
"just for a bit, darling." he tugs on the laces of your corset. "i'll make you think of something else."
Kirk nuzzles his face in your neck and drags his nose slowly down your collar bone and towards your breasts.
"you smell so fucking good." he groans.
you can only respond with a moan and your hands make way through his hair.
"hmm, are you ready, my love?" he kisses your jaw.
"please." you nod.
he pulls down your pants along with your panties and he's taking his sweet time with it too. he grins teasingly at you and slowly slides his hands up your legs and thighs.
"Kirk..." you whine.
"gonna mark you, my love"
he pulls down his pants and boxers and pumps his throbbing cock slowly, he slides it between your pussy lips and the both of you moan and shiver with pleasure.
"you're already wet enough for me, love." he decides to pull back and slide his fingers inside of your dripping cunt first. "and i didn't even really touch you yet..."
"k-kirk!" you moan as he stretches you out by adding a second finger. he curls them up and you gasp, letting your head fall back.
"there, all ready for me." he groans and lines himself up with your cunt.
he slides in and starts biting your neck harshly, you let out a moan that's mixed with pain and pleasure. you're positive you'll have a bruised neck with bite marks in the morning.
normally he's quite the one to talk, but he's too busy fucking and sinking his teeth into you. too pussy drunk to function.
Kirk's hips slam against yours, his moans muffled by your skin as yours are the only ones that fills the room. your whines drive him insane and he bites you harder.
"color?" he growls, his sweet intention gives you butterflies. but his cock pumping into you make them flutter away.
"nghh- gr-green!" the biting hurts but you like it. you swear if he keeps going, he might draw blood.
he bites different spots and sucks on them too, it drives you fucking insane and pushes you over the edge.
he keeps up a steady rhythm and feels you squeeze around him, he stops biting you and kisses you passionately.
"are you going to cum?" he grins, his lips red from marking you up.
you nod as tears stream down your face, the pleasure becoming too much for you.
"cum for me, my love."
you moan his name as your orgasm washes over you, Kirk keeps pumping into you like a wild dog in rut. he moans and grits his teeth, needing to bite on something.
"use me, bite me." you whine.
he bites down on the other side of your neck and cums inside of you, you can feel it shooting up inside you and he twitches like crazy.
he lets go of your neck and falls on top of you. he takes a few breaths and rolls over on his back, pulling you on top of him.
the two of you lay in each others arms and try to calm down.
"that was fucking amazing." he breathes out. "i love you so much, baby." he kisses your temple.
"was.. so good.." you murmur, feeling absolutely exhausted.
"it was." he grins.
he slides his fingers over the bite marks carefully, and smirks proudly.
you feel yourself drifting off, feeling safe in the arms of your monster-loving boyfriend.
"i want to really taste you next time."
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sombra-conlangs · 19 days ago
Conlang year 2025 · Day 1 - 4
I decided to try out @quothalinguist's conlang year, it is basically a series of daily prompts that guide you through the process of creating a new language, by the end of the year you will end up with a conlang that is developed enough to participate in relays and lexember, you can find it on quothalinguist.com
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It looks like conlang year is mostly geared towards creating languages that are naturalistic and evolved from a proto-language, and the concept I have for this is not going to really fit into that, you'll see why once I start describing it, but I don't imagine that'll be too much of an issue, it's still useful to have a guide for the different aspects of the language I should focus on. I'll try to adapt the prompts to work with my idea and I guess I'll skip the ones that I can't figure out how to adapt.
I'll be combining many prompts together into single posts for convenience, I'll tag these posts as both #Conlang year and #Conlang year 2025 so you can search those in my blog to see them all if you want (once I name the language I will also add it to the tags, but the language doesn't have a name yet).
If you want to see all of the information from these posts compiled into one place I will be adding all of the information about the conlang I create on my website: tekseni.bearblog.dev
Day 1: Set an intention for your language
(warning: this gets a bit heavy, but I try not to make it too dour)
I haven't been feeling great lately, I won't go into details, I'll just say that it can be difficult to manage your emotions when the world seems to be in such a terrible state, living through historical events is not easy.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I know there's some people who say you have to be constantly staying informed on every bit of news because if you don't you're a bad person, but that's not a sustainable way to live. It's important for us to keep ourselves sane, if you're going to help others through turbulent times you have to make sure you have your own feet on firm ground. I won't be of much help if I'm having a crisis, so taking care of my own mental health is important, and for many of us that can include a bit of escapism and using art as an outlet, using art as motivation to keep going and enjoy life despite the circumstances. This conlang is my escapism.
With all of that being said, here's my 2 main goals for this conlang:
1: I want this language to make me smile
I want to create something that helps me to find some beauty and hope in the world, I want the choices I make with the language to make me smile, and I want to be able to have fun while working on it, without having to worry too much about how naturalistic it is or anything like that, so ideally I'd also avoid comparing this to other conlangs.
If we compare this to visual art, I'd say this is less like trying to create an awesome painting with perfect perspective, colors and composition, and it's more like me doodling in a sketchbook that is meant primarily for me, but I also want to share it with others in case they find it to be at least mildly interesting or it helps inspire them in some way.
It's not like my other conlangs don't bring me joy, I guess what I'm trying to say is that this time I will try to design the language without worrying about things like naturalism or trying too hard to make my worldbuilding interesting or deep, it's just a canvas where I can throw paint and let myself go wild, trying out things I normally wouldn't, and making choices based on my personal preferences instead of what I think I "should" do, so I guess that makes this is a personal language.
2: This is going to be a surrealistic conlang
I have already decided who the speakers of my language will be, I'll elaborate more in the following prompts but I currently call them "dream angels" because they're basically benevolent beings that exist in the world of dreams, and because of this I want to try my hand at making a surrealistic conlang, @dedalvs wrote an essay on fiat lingua about what such a language might look like, and I keep coming back to it every now and then because I love the concept.
Even before that essay was posted I remember thinking of what conlangs might look like if they were inspired by different art movements, and a surrealistic one fits particularly well into the dream world idea, it will also allow me to fulfill my first goal fairly easily; making something that makes me smile without having to worry about naturalism and letting myself experiment. I've always been drawn to surrealism for one reason or another, not entirely sure why but I know this is something I'm excited to work on.
I'm not expecting this to be the best surrealistic conlang out there, but it doesn't have to be, it just has to be fun for me, and it will work as a learning experience regardless, so if I want to try again at some point I will have a better idea of how to approach it. I'm sure someone out there will make an amazing surrealistic conlang one day and I'll be excited to see it when it happens.
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Day 2: Set an intention for sharing your language
Basically the main audience is me, I hope that future me will be able to look at all the different translations, grammar choices and vocabulary I made and feel like it's a fun language that still brings me some joy in some way or another, even if I don't keep working on it for much longer after the conlang year has ended at least I hope it was a positive experience.
I also want to share the language online (on this blog and on my conlang website) mostly because I'm hoping that at least one person is going to look at my conlang and feel inspired, or maybe it will make them smile too, so I'm going to try to describe all the features in a way that is understandable for other conlangers.
Day 3: Determine your speakers and conworld
The basic idea is that there is another plane of existence, one we can't see when we're awake, and the world where dreams exist is connected to this other realm, so when we dream we sometimes come into contact with the ethereal beings that speak this language, and they are kind and loving.
The dream angels usually don't interfere with human affairs too much, but they sometimes help us by making nightmares go away and soothing the people they see, at least while the people are asleep (since they can't interact with us outside of dreams).
They also shift the way they speak to be a bit more familiar to the person they're encountering, so I imagine the phonology of their language might shift a bit from its default form depending on what your native language is, the language would still be unintelligible to you but it would sound a bit like someone speaking your L1 in a weird way (which also means that it will be easier for you to pronounce the language if you are able to speak back at them because you will at least get to use sounds you already know how to pronounce, though you're welcome to pronounce it in its original form).
These beings are very surreal in their appearance, there's probably different types of dream angels but the ones I'll be working with are kind of like a mix of various sea creatures, drifting through space peacefully, building all sorts of things and admiring the nature that exists in their world.
I imagine their settlements are built on floating islands full of all sorts of critters and nature, and their world as a whole is probably a bit weird and doesn't always seem to follow logical rules, in keeping with the kind of things you see in dreams, so they might look a bit like something you'd see in an M.C. Escher artwork, where you're not exactly sure what you're looking at, but it has a certain beauty to it.
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Day 4: Describe (or design) your speakers
And finally here's a picture I drew of a prototypical dream angel:
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They might look a bit intimidating or scary to you, but I chose to take inspiration mostly from various sea creatures because they help to convey this kind of ethereal and weirdly beautiful aesthetic, when I look at jellyfish I often wonder how those are living beings that exist in our world, they look more like they're inanimate objects drifting in the water and yet they're alive, and they're so mesmerizing and fascinating, like a living nebula.
I imagine different dream angels would have different characteristics, but in general they're basically like some sort of jellyfish with 3 main tentacle-like appendages, many thin tendrils, 6 insect-like arms, 6 little wings (because it makes them look a bit more angelic lol) and they have one eye, but no human has ever seen their eyes because it is always covered by something, in this case it's a butterfly, but whatever is covering their eye it does not prevent them from seeing, this is the dream world after all.
I think there might be other types of dream angels, and they're all able to speak a human-like language because they don't need a mouth to speak, they just telepathically send sounds to other beings, so the speakers of my language will be characterized by being similar to sea creatures, perhaps there's other dream angels that are more similar to other types of animals, or inanimate objects, maybe some are just completely out there and don't even look like anything we're familiar with as humans. By the way if you feel inspired to design your own dream angels go ahead! I think it'd be nice if I was able to inspire creativity in others with my work.
I'm also choosing to use a human-pronounceable phonology because I enjoy pronouncing the words and sentences of my conlangs, but perhaps at some other point I will make a different register of the language that uses different noises as phonemes, maybe sounds of water and nature, or maybe something like one of those really peaceful synths, after all their phonology is not limited by their physiology or even things like logic.
But anyway that's it for now, I feel a bit vulnerable putting myself out there so much, this feels a bit more personal than my other conlangs I've shared, it's not like a regular fantasy worldbuilding project or a fanlang or an a posteriori language, this one is very out there and weird, but again I want to share it in case other people find it interesting, and hey, we need more examples of surrealistic conlangs, so I'm more than happy to contribute to that.
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tatertato · 1 year ago
Can we have a small little list of everyone’s roles/parts in the circus? (My peanut brain is getting a little lost)
cirque de la vie AU powers/roles list!
i did a poll on the gem and pearl post on whether or not i should release a full list, and guess which option won!
the results came out really close, so if you want to wait for the comics to drop, i advise you to simply ✨look away✨
this list is going to be formatted as: Name - Circus Act/Role - Power
some will be on this list without their powers, or with ambiguous descriptions of their powers until i finish their backstory comics because i really do want those ones to be a surprise, so look out for the update!
some of them i am still on the fence about as well, so the comic may not always line up with this list in the future, but i'll do my best to keep it up to date.
with all that out of the way, let's get into it!
martyn - manager/organizer - enhanced hearing
ren - $the funding$ - none he's just rich (some form of smaller nobility)
The Performers
cleo - knife thrower - doesn't have magic, but alive somehow??? (hint: it has something to do with bdubs...)
etho - magician - has magic but hates using it (rumor has it that only bdubs knows what he's hiding)
bdubs - doubles as knife thrower and magician's assistant - something to do with time. no one knows exactly what, but sometimes he disappears for weeks on end. scar usually steps in as the replacement.
jimmy - aerial acrobat - wings/flight
grian - aerial acrobat - same as jimmy, but sometimes scar says his vision is uncanny
scar - ringmaster - jedi mind trick (he can convince anyone of anything depending on how strong their mind is)
lizzie - underwater escape artist - don't tell anyone, but she can definitely breathe underwater. the escapes are still pretty impressive tho
joel - stilts (11 foot joel is canon) - no power, he's just lizzie's supportive husband (more kenergy than jimmy)
gem - happy clown - deer traits, mostly enhanced agility
pearl - sad clown - doesn't like elaborating, but she disappears during full moons...
scott - tightrope walker - read the comic when it comes out lmao
impulse - juggler - power still very much in development, but he can talk to/see/control ghosts to a degree (inspired by the phasmo streams)
skizz - strongman - enhanced healing
tango - fire breather - literally breathes fire. very high internal temperature, good for winters.
The Production Team
mumbo - lighting (it's still the late 1800s-ish so the lighting is very rudimentary- that said, mumbo is a bit of a genius, so the shows still look pretty amazing) - is almost an unlimited source of electricity (he's a little eccentric, makes a big deal about how much of a human he is, which has sparked curiosity, but never enough for anyone to pry into. grian seems to know something.)
bigb- concessions (he sells cookies!) - everything he bakes tastes amazing! (he swears that's his only power, but he has a habit of leaving rooms through doors that weren't there before...)
pearl (again) - sets and props, she decorates the stage!
joel (again) - makes the boxes and tanks for lizzie to escape from
and that is all! i might have some hermits or empires folks make cameos every so often, but this is the main cast!
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hrodvitnon · 7 months ago
SIGNALIS Big Teef Fic Preview!
Did anybody want a fic with the Big Teef? No? Well, too bad, you're getting one anyway. Have a taste!
"Hey, when were you going to tell me you have fangs?"
Elster pauses, having just gotten engrossed in a scene of tense questioning.  "Excuse me?"
Ariane sits beside her at the table, lays down the Replika overview, leans her elbows on it and rests her chin on folded hands, giving the Replika a look that to any Gestalt would be similar to a parent wanting to know why their kids didn't do what was asked of them – or rather, like she's taken on the role of detective in the midst of questioning.  Elster lifts her eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
Ariane elaborates as if telling an anecdote from her Rotfront years.  "I looked through the Replika overview again to see if there was anything I could pick up to help you out, or do something for you, when... in the corner of my little eye, I spy... a schematic.  A schematic, El Bell.  Of retractable canine teeth.  Which you are in possession of, and neglected to inform me."
Elster closes her eyes, knowing where this is going.
"Now, I don't ask the time of day from a clock..."
"But I'm not shy about how hot I am for nibbles and love bites..."
"Light of my life."
"And you didn't think to tell me?  When were you going to tell me?"
"Settle down, dramatic.  They're for self-defense, not for sexy time.  Besides, it's not even unique to LSTRs – all Replikas have them."
Ariane blinks in surprise.  "Wait, seriously?  Even Eules?"  Having such teeth makes sense for a Storch or Star, but an Eule?
"Absolutely.  I once heard that a secretary unit back at headquarters almost bit the fingers off an untrained Storch who got too ugly with her.  Not sure how it ended, but I like to think Frau Beißer got off with a warning and the Storch never lived it down.  Self-defense, like I said.  With combat units it's a last resort in case one runs out of ammunition or doesn't have a melee weapon ready."
Ariane's eyes widen.  Eules always looked so delicate to her with how lightly they carried themselves, but it seems even those domestic units are made of sterner stuff than expected.  Her eyes lower to Elster's mouth.  Elster gives her a knowing look.
"I didn't say anything!"
"You have that 'in the interest of science' look on your face."
"I just want to see them for myself!  There's nothing wrong with that!  Show me, please?  It's not like I'll ever see them in a combat situation, unless we get picked up by aliens or something."
Elster stares.  Ariane stares back, pleading and doe-eyed, just seconds away from deploying the dreaded pouty bottom lip.  Elster gives in, of course.  She can never really refuse humoring her love, so she teasingly grouses like it's such a chore.
"Ach, fine."
Ariane tries not to drum her fingers happily while Elster pops the mandibles in her jaw, mouth opening.  Nothing out of the ordinary, just 28 white teeth – go figure Replikas aren't manufactured with wisdom teeth – and then Elster curls her lips back wolfishly, her canines extending with an audible click.
There is, of course, the knee-jerk flicker of saucy fascination since Ariane does so love when Elster bites her, but in the moment it's also tempered by actual scientific curiosity.  Elster's lengthened teeth are only sharp at the very tips, as Ariane knows from experience, so while they probably can pierce through flesh or biomechanical components they must be intended for crushing and tearing, clamping down and keeping a steady grip thanks to powerful jaws.
A rather specific detail from the Replika overview comes to mind: the LSTR unit has a bite force of 1250 PSI at minimum.  Ariane's heard of certain Vinetan animals having a comparable bite, capable of piercing through the skulls of their prey.  The knowledge of this results in a revelatory daydream of hostile alien forces intercepting their little ship and abducting Ariane, causing Elster to crush an extraterrestrial skull or spine between her teeth as she goes in a rampaging rescue...
"Ari," Elster drawls.  The extended fangs seem to mess with her speech, an added lisp causing her accent to border on nonsensical.  "Ye hab dat look."
Ariane shakes her head.  "I wasn't thinking of anything sexy this time, honest!"
"Uh-huh.  Cad I pud dese away now?  Iz hahd to talk."
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haliteatiger · 7 months ago
I’m only just now seeing the dogblud stuff so I’m a bit late, but I just wanted to say that WOW firstly I am so sorry you went through that. And secondly I am autistic + ADHD and struggle with very severe meltdowns at times. I also have other mental stuff goin on that worsens them. but not even in my worst episodes or meltdowns have i EVER felt like it’s been ok or appropriate to speak to someone the way dogblud spoke to you, threatening suicide and so totally demeaning and subduing you. Actually appalling. Being autistic never gives us the right to treat someone like that. damn. I hope you have much better and more positive, healing, and enjoyable collaborative experiences going forward ❤️
Thank you so much for the reassurances, I really appreciate it!! I'm already well on my way to healing thanks to the new friends I've made through this, which I'm only sorry had to be through *this* at all. At the same time it's also making me realize the true extent of the damage as, despite my best efforts, I've been very anxious about collaborating with anyone, especially with regard to werewolves. I'm trying my best to avoid expectations of failure, disappointment, or worries of deceit, and carry on like I might have otherwise, but it's a struggle some days and carries a very similar tone to an earlier period in my life, so at least I know I will eventually grow beyond it provided I don't allow myself to be drawn into a similar situation. Healing, learning to function again in a similar space after what happened, isn't supposed to be easy, I suppose. For now, I'm more than happy to support and elaborate on others' projects and characters, and I know that, in the end, the biggest fuck you I can offer to Dog would be to complete and publish something. Bonus points if it's anything like what we had been working on together at the time. As it is, I can hardly bring myself to draw my own OCs from that period any more. I'll know I'll have made it when I can. In the meantime, I'm very grateful for the support folks like yourself have shown me after posting my story. It makes me physically ill looking at those screenshots. At one point in time, I would have become more angry than scared. I really, really wish I had just gone with my first impulse and pushed back a lot harder than what I did. All I kept thinking at the time, however, was "This is bad. Don't make it worse". lol I think Jackal and Rex handled things so much better than what I did, and admire their strength. I'm incredibly flattered that Jackal has asked to collaborate with me whenever I'm ready, too. I think, together, we'll make something wonderful that will more than make up for whatever we might have lost beforehand.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Hello, it's 🍀 anon, can I get a base concept of Cassidy, just him
Sure! Here you go!
Yandere! Cole Cassidy Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Murder mentioned but doesn't happen, Kidnapping, Somewhat lucid yandere, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Cole Cassidy is a drifter, a vigilante who left Overwatch after the infighting between Overwatch and Blackwatch.
He lays low but stops problems when he can.
You two no doubt met by chance.
Maybe you met at a bar... maybe he saved you from a Talon/Null Sector attack.
He comes off as very charming.
He's easy to talk to and be around, perhaps even a bit of a flirt.
He is a vigilante doing work to atone for the crimes he's done, both in the Deadlock gang and Blackwatch.
You have no clue of his past, which allows you to trust him more.
I feel Cassidy tries to do the right thing for the most part.
Especially when dealing with you.
Cassidy is charming no matter his intentions but he is more flirtatious in the romantic sense, obviously.
He feels he and his obsession have good chemistry when you start talking, he doesn't want to mess that up.
That doesn't stop his stranger behavior though.
Since this is a general concept there isn't much plot, I'll just talk about his behavior.
Cassidy would stalk you from afar.
He sees it more as "watching over you" like a heroic vigilante, but it's obvious what he's doing.
You don't need protecting in your own home... do you?
He really doesn't need to watch you through your window...
Yet he still does.
Anything can happen, right?
That's what he tells himself-
Cassidy probably tries to rationalize his obsession and creepy behavior.
Part of him most likely knows it's bad but he really does try to ignore that.
Cassidy would no doubt give you gifts.
They can be small or elaborate, he likes showing he cares.
Cassidy is someone who'd be jealous.
He borders on possessive but ends up masking it as him being concerned for your safety.
Cassidy is capable of killing and using violence when it comes to isolating his obsession.
In fact he's even capable of kidnapping.
He just... prefers not to.
He wants to keep your bond as genuine as possible.
Those ideas pop into his mind at times... but he does his best to ignore them.
Somebody like you doesn't deserve him being all creepy.
Cassidy is more someone who slowly manipulates you to himself.
Yet if pushed... he may snap and take you away.
He'd tie you up with a rope and take you home if he had to.
Hopefully... such a thing won't happen.
He wants to atone for his past but his fascination with you certainly makes it difficult.
He tries his best to get over it, to fix himself.
Yet he finds himself drawn back to you.
Cassidy would be both the verbal and physically affectionate type.
He compliments and praises you.
If you allow physical affection then he takes hugs, an arm around your shoulder...
Or if you're more intimate, an arm around the waist and perhaps even a kiss or two.
He prioritizes making you feel wanted in his obsession.
He may try to smother his feelings... yet they always bubble up when he sees you.
Soon, after holding himself back, he may not last much longer.
Soon he may just decide to take what he wants...
Even if it includes force.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 1 year ago
Several Missed Calls and a Sprained Ankle || Jay Halstead x Halstead Sister one shot
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
Also appearing Will and Connor Rhodes because I miss him.
I'm not a doctor, medical topics are vague.
Friendly reminder that Becca is Halstead sister.
The Intelligence squad had just came back to the bullpen with a suspect in custody when Sergeant Platt came inside to interrupt whatever they were having.
-"Hey, Halstead! I've been receiving calls from your sister's school all day. They said they called your father, but didn't answer, so she asked them to look for you, but your phone was off".
-"I was in a UC run, I always turn the personal off...". He tried to explain himself with guilt.
-"That's what I tried to explain to them. Apparently she's injured and needs to be picked up as soon as possible".
-"Wh-what happened?" He hadn't even finished taking off his jacket and now he was hastily putting it back on.
-"They didn't elaborate on the matter, but they've been calling like crazy every half hour. I even volunteered to go and bring her here, but they did say it would be impossible if I'm not in the list". She pulled a face with that last statement. -"Can you believe that?"
Everybody settled in at the bullpen, all detectives listening to the conversation.
-"Boss..." Jay looked at Voight.
-"Sure, go. What are you waiting for?". He ordered with his arms crossed. -"We can take care of this".
Jay nodded his head as saying "thank you" and walked himself down to the parking lot trying to look chill, although on the inside he was really unsettled for whatever had happened to his little sister. He couldn't avoid being the overprotective big brother, it ran through his veins.
-"Hey, Detective. Make sure you put my name in that freakin' list!". Platt yelled before he crossed the door. -"I don't want to feel so humiliated again". She said in her usual exaggerated way. Then she muttered to herself: I'm a CPD Sergeant, who dares to say 'no' to me like that?
The long road to Becca's school in Canaryville wasn't helpful to ease Jay's mind. He was also feeling abashed for not being able to answer the call on time, although he was not responsible for attending those emergencies, therefore he was not aware of them. And where the hell was his father? Why didn't he answer those calls from school? He cursed him. This wasn't the first time something like this happened.
-"I'm here to pick my sister, Becca Halstead".
-"Oh, sure. We've been calling you for hours. Literally hours". The secretary gave him a judging look, which Jay tried to ignore. -"She's upstairs, the nurse is accompanying her. I'll notify her you're here. Follow me".
Jay followed the woman through the halls of the school until they went outside to the back yard. From the second floor of the building in front of them, he recognized Becca's ginger blonde hair. She was leaning on someone else to walk, looked like she couldn't do it by herself and there was some pain in her tiny face.
-"What happened?" Jay asked without taking his eyes off her.
-"She sprained her foot on the stairs, she didn't roll or hit her head, so there was no need to call an ambulance. It was an accident, some kids were playing around and pushed her unintentionally. We already took action on the matter, don't worry about that".
He walked upstairs to help his sister. As soon as he was able to entirely see her, he noticed how her foot was in the air, shoe untied.
-"Jay!" Becca said with relief.
-"It's all right". The secretary told the nurse. -"Her brother will handle it from here".
-"Is it your ankle? You can't put your foot down at all?"
-"No, it really hurts". Becca moved her head from one side to another.
-"It's a little bit swollen". The nurse talked. -"I applied ointment and ice for the pain, but I can't really do anything else in here. I think it's just a sprain, but she should be checked at the hospital".
-"Yes, I'll take her straight to The Med. Thank you!"
Jay took his badge and gun from his hips and placed them somewhere else in his jeans.
-"Sorry". He said, feeling the alarmed gaze of the two women. Then, he took the girl's backpack and put it on his shoulder. -"All right, Becs. Come here".
Jay hugged Becca and lifted her to carry her down the stairs. It was very easy for him, light weight, the girl was smaller than an average 10 years old. She placed her arms around her brother's shoulder.
-"Take care, Beckie". The nurse waved goodbye as she was taken by the detective.
-"This is so embarrassing". She said looking around to check if somebody was watching them, but the yard was empty, everyone was inside of the classrooms. Jay couldn't resist to laugh a bit. It was a cute funny scene: a big, tall, muscular man with a girly purple backpack hanging from his shoulder and a girl with an embarrassed face in his arms.
He didn't put her down until they were back to the office, where he had to sign some papers before leaving.
-"Is that all?" Jay asked.
-"Yes, you can take her now".
-"Oh! Before I forget". He said turning around one more time to the reception. -"I want to add another person to the list of people who can pick her up".
-"Sure. She does need that". She didn't miss the chance to look at him with a judgy face. -"What's the name of the one?".
-"Trudy Platt". He smirked. Becca just gave him a look.
At the truck, Jay placed her in the co-pilot seat and then opened the back door to put the backpack away.
-"What do you carry in this? Rocks?" He freed his shoulder from the weight.
Becca wasn't a talkative girl, but still she was unusually quiet during the road to the hospital. She only broke the silence to groan in pain, that's when he noticed her teary eyes.
-"Does it hurt?" Jay asked, knowing the answer.
-"Yes. I think it's getting worse".
-"We're almost there, just hang up a little bit".
He wanted to ask Becca about how she had fallen, since his detective instincts knew that it was due to something more than an accident. He opened his mouth to say something he had been holding up, but an incoming call interrupted his intentions.
-"It says Hailey Upton". Becca announced, grabbing his phone.
-"Gotta answer that". He sighed. -"Would you put it in the speaker for me, please?".
Both siblings knew each other quite well. Becca knew how Jay noticed something strange was going on, but she didn't want to be interrogated. And Jay knew how Becca was aware of that and was reluctant to speak.
-"Soooooo...Is Sergeant Platt coming to pick me now if I get sick?" She changed the conversation as soon as the call ended.
-"Is that a problem?" Jay laughed out loud.
-"Well, it's kinda scary".
-"She told me to put her name in the list, I don't know if it was true, though. The thing is that today I was on the streets working a case when all this happened. I didn't have my phone with me, that's why I didn't answer".
-"I imagined that. That's why I told them to call directly to the 21st".
-"Which was very clever of you. I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier, I should have".
-"You don't have to be sorry, I'm not blaming you for anything. You are not even supposed to be responsible for me, anyway".
She had this sort of way to make claims to his father and mother without even realizing it. That last statement made the rest of the road extremely quiet.
The moment Becca crossed the entrance door sitting in a wheelchair, she realized she had never been at The Med as a patient before. Maggie was pushing her to the ER where Will was waiting for his siblings. Due to the type of injury, Dr. Rhodes was assigned to Becca's case.
-"This is too swollen". Connor said while checking her foot. -"On a scale from 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?"
-"Uh, I don't know. Maybe 5?"
Both of her big brothers stared at her teary eyes and her sick gesture, not believing her answer. She was trying so hard not to cry.
-"Are you sure?" The doctor gave her a warm smile. -"I was expecting you to say 10 or maybe even beyond 10".
Becca remained silent, pressing her lips.
-"Ok. We'll do an X-Ray just to make sure it isn't more than a sprain. Meanwhile, the nurse will administer you some pain killers".
He went out of the room to order the studios and made a sign for the siblings to follow him outside, leaving their sister alone with the technicians for a few minutes.
-"What do you think?" Dr. Halstead asked.
-"I don't think she just simply twisted her ankle. For the damage, it must have been a harder impact".
-"Is it bad?" Jay asked with concern.
-"Can't tell until I see the X-Ray. What worries me the most right now is how hard she's trying to take the pain".
-"Yeah, that's something she does". Jay sighed. -"Not only with physical pain".
When the three men entered back to the room, Becca was silently crying, wiping her tears away. Jay was the one that approached to hold her. Her bruised and swollen ankle was a standout in the room.
-"Becca, you have what we call a severe grade 2 sprain and I'm pretty sure it hurts more than a lot right now. Why don't you say anything? You can complain about the pain, that's what hospitals are for".
-"I don't want to be a bother". The girl answered quietly, tears still dropping from her eyes.
-"What are you talking about?" Will walked to be close to the bed.
-"Becca...". Jay sat next to her and bent to be face to face. -"You are not a bother and you will never be".
-"It's just...I'm scared you'll stop answering the phone calls too".
In that moment, everything fell into place and Jay's heart dropped. The conversation suddenly closed to just the two of them, although everyone could hear their words.
-"Bec...I will never stop caring for you. I won't lie, sometimes it gets hard with my work, but I will do what is necessary so that something like today does not happen again. I promise".
-"But you shouldn't, like, you shouldn't be the one in charge of me. I'm a burden".
-"I know what you mean, and I know how you feel about dad, but believe me when I tell you how much it makes me happy to be here for you. I'm your big brother, it actually is my job to protect you. I love you, silly. I would never forgive myself if something happens to you. I wouldn't forgive myself if you didn't have the confidence to call me either".
With all being said and those emotions off her chest, her crying increased in tears and sound.
-"It's a 20. The pain is a 20" She managed to say in what seemed to be overacted, although it was only the natural response to having endured so much physical and emotional pain in such a short time.
-"Let's apply more pain killers". Connor talked to the nurses. -"And let's finish this up". He smiled at the little girl.
Jay found her reaction a little bit cute and couldn't resist smiling a bit when she jumped into her arms.
-"You will have to use the walking boot for at least 4 weeks". Dr. Rhodes informed when he finished. -"That if everything goes well".
-"What about dance lessons?"
-I'm sorry, Becs". -Dr. Halstead got into the conversation. -"That's going to be impossible. You need to give it a rest".
-"Not to mention the pain that would cause you".
-"Is she going to be able to be back when her ankle heals?"
-"If she listens to my recommendations in the letter, I don't see why not". Connor then turned to Becca: "I know this thing is very uncomfortable, but is necessary. You might start feeling as if you don't need it before the set time, but it is important that you do not take it off until I say so. If you trust me and you do this, You'll be fine and back to dancing soon".
Becca nodded sadly.
-"I understand this is very important to you, Becca. I can arrange to see you each week instead of two weeks to check how it is going".
-"Thank you, Connor''. His colleague said.
Becca yawned more than once on their way back to the Bullpen. She was discharged from the hospital, so she couldn't stay there and there wasn't any other place Jay could leave her. She was tired, her stressed body only wanting to rest.
-"Look at that!" Platt exclaimed when she spotted both Halsteads crossing the front door. -"It is my favorite Halstead!"
-"I'm glad to hear she's your favorite, because you are in the list now, Serge".
The Desk Sergeant smirked at the news.
-"I take this honor responsible".
-'All right, girl". Jay said, bending in front of the stairs. -"Let's do this again".
Becca hopped into her brother's back and he carried her upstairs, where all the squad greeted her with enthusiasm and good wishes. She sat in the coffee room waiting for him.
-"The punk confessed. We have enough evidence. It was an easy case, we're done for now". Voight informed Detective Halstead.
-"I'm sorry I wasn't here for interrogation, Serge. There was no one to take care of her...".
-"There's nothing to be sorry about''. Hank waved his hand from one side to another. -"Besides, you did your job, a good job capturing him. Now, you all are dismissed. You should take your sister to rest".
Detectives were able to go back home relatively early that day. The bullpen was empty when Jay went out of Hank Voight's office. There was only a blonde woman sitting at the desk in front of him.
-"Why are you still here?"
-"Your sister fell asleep on the couch. It didn't feel good to leave her alone in her condition". Hailey answered.
-"Thank you for that". He said honestly.
-"The same thing happened to me when I was a little bit older than her. I know it hurts like hell".
-"Yeah, she had a bad time. She's tired and drugged in pain killers, I should take her home".
-"Tell me if you need help with anything, I'm here. For real, partner". Detective Upton took her coat and walked herself downstairs.
-"Thanks again, Hails".
-"No problem".
It took him a while to stop staring at the stairs before going into the coffee room. There she was deeply asleep, it looked like she was melting.
-"Becca". He softly called her. -"Becca, it's time to go". But there was no answer, not even when he shaked her.
-"Well, third time's the charm. What could go wrong?" He muttered to himself and took Becca in his arms, this time as if she was a baby.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 10 months ago
Aspec Adrien
I was asked to elaborate on why I view (and always write) Adrien as some flavor of aspec (asexual spectrum) and I am happy to do so! It's part of what drew me to the character in the first place as I am also aspec. This does mean that my read is going to be biased as we tend to treat ourselves as the default, meaning that we're inclined to see similarities that may not be intentional. In fact, I don't think Adrien was intended to be aspec, a topic I'll touch on more at the end. First, let's talk about why I read him as aspec.
There are certain elements that feel more like "vibes" than hard evidence. Things like the fact that Adrien developed his crush after getting to know Ladybug instead of just immediately liking her because she's cute. That's not a uniquely aspec experience. It happens to those who identify as allosexuals too. In fact, I read Marinette as allosexual even though her crush on Adrien also only came about after getting to know him a bit.
The thing that really makes me feel like Adrien is out of character when he's is written as non-aspec is the way the love square's secondary romantic relationships have been handled as well as the writing around their main crushes.
Marinette has several crushes over the course of the show: Luka, Catwalker, Adrien, and Chat Noir. Yes, three of those are the same guy, but she doesn't know that, so we're treating them as separate characters. The Luka and Catwalker crushes are the main ones I want to talk about.
When Marinette meets Luka, we get this:
Anarka: ...could you go and tell Luka that we're waiting for him to start rehearsals? Marinette: Of course. Uh, but who's Luka? And where is he? Anarka: Luka's my son, you'll find him in his cabin. Scene: Below deck in Luka's cabin Marinette: (sees Luka) Uh! (Luka looks up at her) Hey, my name's Ma-ma uh Mamamarinette! Your mom sent me down here. The groove...uh... the group's waiting for you.
In this scene, Marinette starts stuttering and blushing before Luka even says a word. And when Marinette is joined by Catwalker in season four? She's so distracted by this cute new boy that she can't fight properly. Which was a weird choice, but it's what happened so let's run with it.
These are foreign concepts to me. I have never been nervous around a cute boy because - for me - cute is an ascetic thing, not an element of attraction. Before I learned about the ace spectrum, I legitimately thought this sort of thing was something made up by Hollywood as a lazy shortcut for writing romances. This is why I say Marinette reads as allosexual and why Adrien feels distinctly aspec because the writing around him and Kagami could not be more different.
Their first interaction is a fencing match, leading to an akumatization, leading to this:
Adrien: I personally think the point was yours. Kagami: That's not what your friend saw. Adrien: Marinette can get flustered easily. She's kind and means well. She'd never cheat. Today was her first-ever experience with fencing. Kagami:(she looks surprised for a moment, then smiles.) You like her a lot, huh? Adrien: Marinette? Yeah, of course! She's a very good friend, and you'll really like her too, once you get to know her.
There's no blushing or flirting or any of the things that characterize Adrien's behavior when he's in love. This trend continues through all of the Adrigami sub plot. It never feels like he's actually into her even when they're dating. His heart remains fixed on Ladybug who still receives lots of flirting and pet names even though he's off the market. It really reads like he's only dating Kagami out of a want to be loved and not because he actually feels anything for her.
To be clear, he was in the wrong there. He should never have agreed to date Kagami if he wasn't willing to fully commit to their relationship, but I also can't ignore what this implies about his sexuality given that Marinette is such a stark contrast. While I think the writer's actual intent was more, "oh, Adrien was only ever destined for Marinette" or some other BS, the fact that the same cannot be said for Marinette means that this comes across as a difference in sexuality. Marinette can easily crush on people based on pure physical attraction while Adrien either doesn't experience physical attraction or he only experiences it under heavily limited circumstances, two options that are highly characteristic of aspec people.
If Marinette and Adrien were only able to crush on each other, then I wouldn't read into this so much. It would just be your standard romance plot as a lot of romance-focused media avoids complications like love triangles once an endgame couple has been chosen. But that's not what the show gives us. Marinette crushes on many people practically at the drop of a hat while Adrien has a much harder time falling in love. But once he is in love? He's all in! Ride or die!
This was probably done to subvert the gendered stereotype that boys are the thirsty ones and girls are the ones whose hearts remain "true." A stereotype that's bullshit! It was another reason it took me so long to understand the sexuality spectrum. Before I understood the various ways a person could experience attraction, I thought it was just a male vs female thing where guys experienced a thing that girls like me just didn't (my christian upbringing did not help to dispel these notions). Because I've done so much work to get rid of these harmful stereotypes in my own worldview, the stereotype idea didn't even occur to me until late in the game. And even if that was the intent? It doesn't change the fact that sexualities are a thing and Adrien reads super aspec.
I'll end with a brief note as to why I don't think the writers intended to make Adrien read as ace. It's mostly due to the fact that they've claimed Twitter credit for Max being ace and Alix being aro. This means that the writing team is at least aware of the sexuality and romance spectrums, but instead of claiming that Adrien is intended to read aspec - credit I would give them as I don't think rep needs to be explicit to count - they claim rep through two background characters who you could slap almost any label on without contradicting canon because canon never even touches on how these two feel about sex and romance. A lack of expressed interest is not the same as a straight up statement of disinterest. Based on what is in the show, you could write Max and Alix as fully allo and still have them be show loyal. And, to be clear, you're allowed to write these characters with any sexuality you want even if canon says they have a specific type of romantic and/or sexual attraction. They're fictional characters, not real people. This was specifically a discussion of my read on canon and what the writing staff has explicitly confirmed about their intended rep or lack thereof.
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busterswritehand · 11 months ago
You're Timeless To Me
Roughly 180 years after the events of ACOSF, Lucien looks up to find that he is surrounded by strangers. Meanwhile, Nesta realizes she has stayed still while the world around her keeps moving. Misery loves company, but these two can hardly make small talk.
Part 2
Nesta watched that copper-haired male with narrowed eyes. It was a week until Starfall - a week of enduring him when it should be Elain. Elain should be making small talk with Azriel, Gwyn, and Mor - not him.
He was supposed to have turned tail and fucked off when it was apparent Elain wanted nothing to do with him. Instead, he had lied to everyone. He lied to protect the mating bond between Elain and Tamlin, of all people. He lied - and she followed suit. They lied and then they both left. Her gaze steeled into fiery daggers as those thoughts festered in the front of her mind.
"Staring at me like that isn't going to make me drop dead."
Nesta blinked. Lucien was staring back at her - his eye flickered with an impish challenge.
She could feel her face begin to heat up, but Nesta simply huffed and stalked towards a table of appetizers. Wines, cheeses, fruits, meats, nuts, jams, and breads littered the table in an intricate display. She poured herself a glass of sweet red wine from the Spring Court, a present from her dear sister - an apology for not being able to make it.
She could hear the chattering pick up almost instantly, but it wasn't until a moment later that she felt eyes shift away from her. From her peripheral vision, she could see Feyre settle beside her.
"You could try to be cordial with him." Feyre picked around the spread, selecting bits of food and setting them on her plate.
Nesta did not respond. A mixture of pride and embarrassment. The thistles she tried so hard to trim always grew back eventually. A defense to protect herself and her sisters - not that they needed it. They were happy.
"It's not his fault," Feyre pressed.
Nesta knew that on some level. It did not change the fact that Feyre had slowly replaced Elain's presence with anyone but her. Usually, she could ignore it, but this was a slap in the face.
Feyre stared at Nesta, refusing to back down.
"Fine," Nesta sighed, "I'll try."
"Thank you," Feyre nodded graciously before approaching the small group.
Nesta watched from the sidelines as she always did, observing her sister's inner circle. It had grown to encompass her own friends, Gwyn and Emerie. It was not necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't the same as when it was just the three of them. It wasn't hers anymore.
She watched as Amren trickled in, then Emerie, who greeted Mor with a loving kiss on the lips.
They all were like a confusing, elaborate puzzle, and she was a rigid piece that didn't fit.
"Cassian will be here tomorrow," Rhysand announced as he sauntered into the room. Nesta jumped slightly, not at his abrupt entrance, but at the mention of her mate's name.
She could feel that pair of eyes on her again.
"And Nyx?" Feyre reached out a hand to Rhysand. He took it, interlocking their fingers.
"Will be dragged here by his ankles if his uncle has anything to say about it," he sighed. "I swear that boy might as well have been birthed by an Ilyrian war camp."
A pleasant laughter swept through the group. Despite that laughter, Nesta still felt pinned down by prying eyes. When Nesta looked over, Gwyn and Emerie caught her attention. They waved her over. She shook off that gaze with icy steel and walked towards her friends.
The chattering lasted from appetizers well into dinner. It was too much chatter for Nesta's liking. She had always loathed small talk, and as usual, she was surrounded by it. One thing that stayed consistent was the constant blabbering about nothing at group dinners.
She would occasionally pitch in on the conversation at hand -whether for the sake of catching up or giving her opinion - but Nesta never said anything more than she needed to. She wasn't the only one though. Lucien only spoke when addressed directly, though he seemed engaged in the several conversations around him. Like he was trying to feel out of his place in the group. Not that Nesta particularly cared, but it was cathartic, in a way, to see someone else on the outskirts of the tight-knit group.
Soon dinner devolved into a rowdy house party, one last hoorah before Feyre and Rhysand had to be responsible parents again. It was a little much for Nesta who slipped outside for some peace and quiet. The night air was refreshing, and it would have been the perfect spot to relax if someone hadn't beaten her to it.
Lucien sat on one of the steps, peering at the city skyline against the mountains. He set his wine glass down beside him on the step. Gas lights reflected off of his red hair, making his silhouette glow. Nesta stepped back to try and bypass him, but Lucien had turned around before she could even set her foot down.
"Tired of the noise too?" Lucien patted the spot beside him as an invitation.
"I'm fine right here."
"Suit yourself," he shrugged before turning back to look at Velaris.
Feyre's words echoed in her mind. Try to be cordial. Nesta sucked in a breath and apprehensively took a seat beside the male. She set her wine glass beside his and looked out at the city with him. They sat there for a moment while she tried to find words.
"I'm sorry for earlier," she said stiffly.
"For the door-slamming or the threatening stares?"
Nesta whipped her head to see a smile creeping across Lucien's face. He was teasing her.
She held her breath as she replied, "Both."
He laughed. She bit her tongue.
"You've never hid your disdain for me, Nesta Archeron."
"I don't hate you," Nesta was stumbling over her words as Lucien raised a sarcastic brow. "I was protective over," He didn't seem convinced. She huffed, "Oh like you were ever that fond of me."
Nesta clenched her jaw in response to his smug grin. This was funny for him - like a fox that had caught a venomous serpent for entertainment. Her cheeks began to heat up. She grabbed her glass and threw back her wine. Except it was not her glass or the sweet red blend she had poured. It was bitter, earthy, like freshly tilled soil. She reflexively spit out the wine all over her skirt. That seemingly broke Lucien, who let out a hysterical cackle.
She pointed a finger at him and opened her mouth to hurl some insult at him. She stopped before a sound ever left her mouth. Lucien's head was thrown back with tears peaking out from the corner of his good eye. He was a far cry from the male that danced on eggshells around Elain for months on end. This side of Lucien was genuine. Nesta knew that she had gotten him all wrong, and it infuriated her.
"I'm going home," she stood up and began to walk down the front stairs.
"Come on. I thought we were having fun," Lucien teased.
"We were not," Nesta cut him off. She stomped down those last few steps.
"Nesta," he called after her. He made no real effort to chase her down or make her stay. Instead, he just kept being coy.
"Goodnight, Vanserra," Nesta warned.
And that was that. She was left to wander home alone in the silent night. His teasing laugh played again and again in her head.
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plutonium-sky · 11 months ago
Okay so I named this sideblog "plutos-THOUGHTS-and-sketches" so it's time to take up my promise on that
This is gonna be my ancestors, elders, and a little bit of skid, spirits (I'll elaborate on them in another post) and some miscellaneous hcs that should line up together and i hope that it doesn't interfere with any lore. Buckle up this is gonna be a long one
So! Let's start off with ancestors. What are they?
I like to think that they used to be skids but then willingly gave away their light. They're just tired of existing for eternity, you know? So they dropped their eternality (they could still be killed but then would be reborn- like through eden! But there weren't any widespread methods of doing that before and they still got reborn :( ) and became a mortal species we now know as ancestors. They. Well. Reproduced. And forgot their roots. They forgot why they always feel like they're missing a major part of them (their light), and they didn't understand why light healed them and made them feel euphoric. (Note that only some light can properly heal them. Like. They're basically humans. Fire WILL burn. But, say, a manta's light will feel caressing.)
So what's up with Elders, then?
Basically! They're normal ancestors. Except, with a twist: they didn't give away ALL of their light. Only some of it, really. But it's a permanent move anyways. They continue to have limited lifespans, but they're much, much longer than normal ancestors. And some of their skid physiology (is that the right term?) kicks in, letting them grow and grow for as long as they aren't dead. (They can't be reborn, though.) (And does that mean that skids before used to be giant? Yes. Does that also mean that skids who don't eden run get to be taller? Also yes.) so they just get to be the cool guys, who remain to be above the rest, containing the knowledge and power and potential.
And now I'll elaborate a bit on some of the specifics about all of this. Healing is basically relighting another skid, and there is a whole, high paying, high status job that's basically having the right type of light that can heal others instead of burning them. (Without it, all krill attacks would have been lethal. Even then, it's expensive as hell.)
Ancestors have the lifespan of a normal human and elders are basically five times that. Magic (spells) exist and they can only be cast by the most talented, the most full of light ancestors. This means that basically all elders can do spells if they put their mind to it.
Anyways about the thing where i said they always feel like they're missing a part of themselves. So they die, wake up (I'll elaborate on that more in another post that will include my spirit hcs) and go like "wow i feel great" because eden basically inserted some light into them
They all have normal names, but the Elders that we know don't share theirs anymore with normal ancestors because of an.... Event. (This is bordering on my au stuff so we'll skip over that. Let your imagination go wild) Which means that if a skid (i hc that all skids know elder names (search sky cotl elder names if you don't know them, they have names)) suddenly calls one by their name ancestors would be confused and Elders would be flashbanged and wary
Masks are a traditional thing! Some people replace them with face markings instead and some don't wear anything at all (but those are few), which means that some cultures that are disconnected from the norm don't wear masks (like the nine colored deer spirits. Take a look. Feudal lord is the only one with an actual mask and even then you can't convince me that it isn't just giant eyebrows)
Eden exploded (shattering) from darkness corruption overload. How that happened is up to you but I hc that Resh is a skid and was tired of seeing everyone dying so he researched and came up with that solution to make everyone immortal
Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk there Will be a part two
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graytrailcam · 1 year ago
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Indie Xenofiction; Data Lion
"Data Lion is a short visual novel about a lion who gets a camera collar put on him by a group of scientists wanting to document his journey. It has choices, 2 love interests, and many alternate endings including bad ends (game overs)!
The idea was inspired by masterpieces like The Lion King and the manga/anime Kimba The White Lion."
Found this game while searching around on Itchio, the game is completely free to download and can be completed within just a few hours. It is described by the author as being unfinished in its current state, but I think it can be played through completely with a feeling of some satisfaction. Here is the link for those interested
More in depth review under the cut featuring spoilers. If you're looking to play I do recommend going in blind, it's fairly simple and the fun is really found in unlocking the CGs, which isn't too hard to do.
This is a short game that reminds me a lot of media I grew up with on dA back in the day, so it was very entertaining. I can definitely tell this takes a lot more inspiration from Kimba than it does TLK with a lot of its story concepts and overall character design. The game itself runs on a seven day cycle so it's fairly short.
I enjoyed the main character's design, he's an intersex, mostly maneless lion that you can name, though the default name that pops up is 'Lion McLionface' (your character was supposedly named via an Internet poll made by the scientists attaching your radio collar)
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You're also able to choose your stats, as this game does have (extremely basic and limited) combat. For my playthrough I named the lion 'Lasaga' to be a bit silly and I dumped all my stats into strength.
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I'm not really sure what the stats of Skill and Speed do for you. I completed the game by getting all the CGs and didn't encounter anything that was explicitly skill or speed required, perhaps it has a factor in combat that I'm unaware of.
You make a series of choices, some meaningful some not as most of them lead to the same exact events playing out. You can acquire the only pickable item, a thorn you can use in combat, in the game earlier on based on where you choose to make your home if you pick the Acacia Tree.
At some point a Safari Car will come by and observe you, if you make the right dialogue choices you can get some exposition on the setting you're in.
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The animals in this particular section of Africa are apparently Bio-Engineered to have heightened, near human intelligence. The author of the game, Caveboy Tup has elaborated in a comment on the game's itchio page which I'll leave below;
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This is definitely something that shows a lot of Kimba inspiration though it goes in a different direction that has some interesting implications. I would have been interested to see this explored in a more elaborate narrative.
The two love interests in this game are Jetsway and Rrred;
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Their routes are very straight forward, I'd say you would have to really go out of your way to not pursue either of them, which makes it easy to pick and choose which one you 'romance', as it's also pretty bare bones in that regard too.
The one most advertised is definitely Rrred the lion who is featured more prominently on the game's page. He's not got a whole lot of depth, you have the choice to fight him or join up with him in a coalition immediately upon meeting him.
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I do like the game's expression work, I find the animals emote in ways that are fun to look at and easy to read.
If you defeat him he will simply retreat and will show up again later to give some brief exposition on Jetsway's character.
Joining up with him starts his short route, which mostly consists of him scaring off crocodiles at the watering hole for you, which you are able to avoid without him regardless (The only time my character got a bad end was when I chose the wrong evasion option at this point in the story) The other portion is an encounter with a clan of hyenas that was pretty comedic, this got a good laugh out of me. It was the only time the game was particularly vulgar.
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You escape the hyenas, as you are outnumbered no matter how high your strength stat is. The rest of the route is pretty uneventful, you travel together and it's implied there's some romantic interest between the two of you.
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I will admit I found Rrred to be the less interesting of the two routes but I can see what appeal they were going for here.
The other route is Jetsway's which I found to have slightly more meat on its bones.
You meet Jetsway first in fact while looking for food but he only says that the radio collar you have on means you aren't one of his 'targets' before sprinting away.
Encountering him later finds him injured in the middle of the night after a fight.
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There's more lore exposition with Jetsway regarding the largely left out bio-engineering aspect. He's some creature part of Glo's work that was created by them, it's specified he has some sort of Tech in his eye that isn't explained very much.
Poking around the dialogue options with him will give you the option of fighting him once he reveals he got these injuries fighting and killing lions, which explains why he specified you weren't a target earlier.
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Upon defeating him, you can kill him here which I found interesting. But you can also choose to stay the night and nurse his wounds until he recovers.
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You are given the option to walk him back home, and doing so will trigger an interaction between you two and Rrred, who calls Jetsway a murderer. Pushing Jetsway for more answers will only get you this in response.
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There is no further elaboration on this plot point after this. I assume given the larger narrative that was mentioned by the creator that he's killing lions that are either human aggressive or resistant/unsuccessful in the Bio Engineering stuff. But that's only an educated guess.
Walking him home will after lead you to Utke town, where he says the humans will give him more medical treatment but that your character cannot stay.
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You're able to stay the night, where you'll find Jetsway gone in the morning, but you are spotted by a Glo operative prior to this who takes this photo of you and Jetsway to 'share on the internet'.
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After these two CG's, the final day is always the same. Your radio collar falls off on the seventh day and the scientists come to retrieve it. You have two options after this, to hide in wait to observe the humans at first, which will lead to you being tranquilized again while they retrieve your collar.
You can also attack the scientists, which will result in you ripping off the arm of one of them, the one named Saito.
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They escape you after this, and leads to the final CG where Saito has been given a replacement prosthetic arm.
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This concludes the game as currently published. I found it very charming to play and a nice way to spend part of an afternoon. It was definitely worth sharing since I haven't seen anyone discuss playing it or knowing it exists.
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