#sky elder lore
plutonium-sky · 6 months
Okay so I named this sideblog "plutos-THOUGHTS-and-sketches" so it's time to take up my promise on that
This is gonna be my ancestors, elders, and a little bit of skid, spirits (I'll elaborate on them in another post) and some miscellaneous hcs that should line up together and i hope that it doesn't interfere with any lore. Buckle up this is gonna be a long one
So! Let's start off with ancestors. What are they?
I like to think that they used to be skids but then willingly gave away their light. They're just tired of existing for eternity, you know? So they dropped their eternality (they could still be killed but then would be reborn- like through eden! But there weren't any widespread methods of doing that before and they still got reborn :( ) and became a mortal species we now know as ancestors. They. Well. Reproduced. And forgot their roots. They forgot why they always feel like they're missing a major part of them (their light), and they didn't understand why light healed them and made them feel euphoric. (Note that only some light can properly heal them. Like. They're basically humans. Fire WILL burn. But, say, a manta's light will feel caressing.)
So what's up with Elders, then?
Basically! They're normal ancestors. Except, with a twist: they didn't give away ALL of their light. Only some of it, really. But it's a permanent move anyways. They continue to have limited lifespans, but they're much, much longer than normal ancestors. And some of their skid physiology (is that the right term?) kicks in, letting them grow and grow for as long as they aren't dead. (They can't be reborn, though.) (And does that mean that skids before used to be giant? Yes. Does that also mean that skids who don't eden run get to be taller? Also yes.) so they just get to be the cool guys, who remain to be above the rest, containing the knowledge and power and potential.
And now I'll elaborate a bit on some of the specifics about all of this. Healing is basically relighting another skid, and there is a whole, high paying, high status job that's basically having the right type of light that can heal others instead of burning them. (Without it, all krill attacks would have been lethal. Even then, it's expensive as hell.)
Ancestors have the lifespan of a normal human and elders are basically five times that. Magic (spells) exist and they can only be cast by the most talented, the most full of light ancestors. This means that basically all elders can do spells if they put their mind to it.
Anyways about the thing where i said they always feel like they're missing a part of themselves. So they die, wake up (I'll elaborate on that more in another post that will include my spirit hcs) and go like "wow i feel great" because eden basically inserted some light into them
They all have normal names, but the Elders that we know don't share theirs anymore with normal ancestors because of an.... Event. (This is bordering on my au stuff so we'll skip over that. Let your imagination go wild) Which means that if a skid (i hc that all skids know elder names (search sky cotl elder names if you don't know them, they have names)) suddenly calls one by their name ancestors would be confused and Elders would be flashbanged and wary
Masks are a traditional thing! Some people replace them with face markings instead and some don't wear anything at all (but those are few), which means that some cultures that are disconnected from the norm don't wear masks (like the nine colored deer spirits. Take a look. Feudal lord is the only one with an actual mask and even then you can't convince me that it isn't just giant eyebrows)
Eden exploded (shattering) from darkness corruption overload. How that happened is up to you but I hc that Resh is a skid and was tired of seeing everyone dying so he researched and came up with that solution to make everyone immortal
Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk there Will be a part two
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manuellarts · 8 months
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Mother 🤍
Me posting this with the fact that only myself and two other people in this world are aware of the heart wrenching LORE behind this picture and I'm not okay 😞💔
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black-suns-rim · 2 months
Ethereal Star AU
Daleth - he leads the travelers into the realm of sky and guides them to where they need to go next. The ferryman is the least respected out of the elders since he chooses to live his life among the people of his village.
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Ayin - He strives to collect and harness the vast power of the soul flames. He’s obsessed with their wonders and wants to use their light magic for his own gain. He’s a very powerful light magic user because of his obsession and his knowledge on light magic only rivals that of Lamed.
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Teth - she’s obsessed with dark stone and harnessing its full potential through inventions she has created. She is an artificer and she will have nothing stand in her way of her goals for a forever lasting machine…
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Samekh - competitors and rivals, the king’s announcers. They spread his propaganda and promises of riches, advanced technologies, arts and a bright future under his rule. Their naive and inexperienced selves are blinded by the king’s empty promises…
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Tsadi - he’s too loyal to his king to see what the kingdom has become. He’s the protector of the oracle, the keeper of the vault. Loyal to protect her and her centuries of knowledge.
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Lamed - she’s an oracle and highly respected amongst the people of all the realms along with the elders and the king. She has the ability to foretell future events, whether they be good or bad. She keeps to herself in the vault and rarely leaves, only venturing out for what she deems as “special” events.
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Prince Alef/King Resh - a child ruler foretold by lamed to have risen out of the four sacred elemental trials. He was orphaned at a young age but taken under the wing of Daleth. A highly gifted child with the weight of high expectations put onto him after he was pulled into the role of ruling over the entire kingdom not by his choice… behind all his ambitious goals, one has remained with him ever since childhood that has pushed him for selfish reasons…
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skykid-nadir · 6 months
You are three years old. Your mother tells you a story about a child who fell from the Sky. You don't understand it yet, but that child was you.
You are six years old. Your parents agreed to take you into town, but only if you stay close to them. You ignore them, wander off and find a group of other kids. Playing with them is the most fun you've ever had. But when your parents find you later, you will never forget the scolding they give.
You are nine years old. The older kids play terrible pranks on you, stealing your mask or trying to snatch away the crystal at your heart. They don't say it to your face, but you know they think you're a freak.
You are twelve years old. The Elder arrives to take you away. He says you're special but you don't believe him. You just want to stay with your parents.
You are fifteen. The Elders argue about your future. Daleth reminds them that you're only a child. Teth counters that no one knows what you are. The others say nothing, but you know they agree with her.
You are eighteen. Your body hasn't aged in years. You hear murmurs in the crowd as you take your place on your throne. The Realm of Eden needs a new Elder, and the others finally agreed that it should be you.
You are twenty one. The pressure is too much. You never wanted this. You never wanted Eden. You feel like you'll never live up to their expectations of you. But you learned long ago to keep your mouth shut about that. You saw what happened to Daleth when he dared suggest that you choose your own path.
You are twenty four. You've finally done it. You've finally found a way to make them proud. If they knew that you could harness the power of Darkstone... Surely that will impress them, right? Maybe you'll finally be enough.
You are twenty five. You were wrong. They hated it. They feared it. You should have known. You will never be enough. How far do you have to go to make them respect you? At night you dream of your family, but you can no longer remember their faces.
Who are you? What are you? What do you have to do to prove yourself? Your inventions have done horrible things. But how can you turn back now? You're so close to changing the world. No matter the lengths, you will make them see that you are good enough.
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forgottenliv · 4 months
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So your ask may have prompted me to finally draw this idea I've had floating around in my head for a long time. And I may have gone a bit over the top with it for, yknow, a palette challenge, but I had a vision dammit
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I imagine Storm (aka Alef etc etc) to be, well, pretty much just a skykid. But being the first one to fall, ever, they would have had the eyes of all the realms on them awaiting the fulfillment of the prophecy from so long ago. And part of that prophecy, according to the cave murals and the one in Eden, is that they would die and be reborn so that their light could save the world. So this child, this little kid who fell from the stars, had a massive amount of pressure on them from the beginning, held up on a pedestal as the savior they were predetermined to be.
I sometimes imagine what it would be like to make that first ascent. What was going through their mind as the kingdom – their kingdom – knelt before them? Did they fear death, or long to return to the Light? Did they believe they could save the world, or know that the task would be impossible alone?
I mean, they were so young. (I'm really happy with how the face turned out so have a close up)
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And with that, the requests are finished!! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted, I had a lot of fun with this challenge!
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twinsoftriumph · 1 year
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I redrew that one drawing of child elders, with much more effort lolz
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(click for better quality)
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niinnyu · 8 months
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Sky kid!
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nexkove · 5 months
[📖] Thoughts on Nesting Guide...
A silly lore post with my day 1 thoughts on our new seasonal guide!
Please don't take anything I say too seriously, this is all for fun!
Share your thoughts, I'm very interested!
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Is this an excuse to make Nesting & Flight guide close friends?... Yes!
Discussing the Whale in the room...
Nesting Guide's ties to the Forest Elder
TL;DR: Nesting guide was a former apprentice of Forest Elder, due to them having a photo framed with the two & seemingly being more powerful than typical ancestors.
Now for typing's sake, I'll be referring to the Forest Elder as Teth.
I couldn't see it clearly in the trailer (nor in beta), but the photo framed of Teth and Nesting got my brain going wild with thoughts.
The first thought I've had is that Nesting was an apprentice of Teth, similar to how Flight was an apprentice of Ayin.
From the first cutscene after we revive them, they already seem more powerful than the other spirits; they're able to lift up seemingly heavy objects with barely any trouble (ESPECIALLY multiple objects at once.)
Nesting also seems to be able to spawn furniture items whenever, whether this is a game mechanic or not I don't know! But it's a fun idea to play around with.
That's basically my day 1 thoughts, I may come back and make more posts similar as the season goes on! 9CD wasn't all that interesting so I'm glad I can finally talk about a season like this again!
Now... Some final notes from me...
I don't think Teth and Nesting are related as iirc Elders and Ancestors are completely separate beings. I barely got to test this season in beta, so I'm fully blind on future quests (besides quest 2,) so some stuff may get debunked, but that's ok!! I'm just very excited to see another Spirit with close ties to an Elder. It makes me wonder if there's any other spirits with close ties. (I have more thoughts on that, that I may put in a separate post.)
Thanks for reading! Don't be shy to share any thoughts you have on this! Just please be civil.
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soysaucepastry · 1 year
Sky: Children of the Light, just like most games, has its very own theme melody. A tune that is heard throughout the game in various events.
For those who aren't familiar with the theme, you may have heard it in the opening of Isle of Dawn or the Orbit scene after completing Eye of Eden.
(Search "Flight" on Vincent Diamente's music compositions, and you may recognise it!)
TGC collabed with famous singer Aurora. If you didn't know, Aurora has been the main vocals for the theme song. Besides the instrumental parts, she sings during Isle of Dawn and Orbit. The beginning and finishing lines of the game.
Relating to Auroras' participation, they released the full song of Sky's theme. Which was called "Constellation." Constellation was noticeably a lot longer, but also had its own lyrics.
Lyrics In a theme song usually relates itself to the subjects lore. This is an excellent opportunity for the Sky Theorist to formulate speculations to Sky's timeline using these lyrics. However, the only problem was...
Sky has a fictional language used in the song. This was already a challenge for us because it required a lot of analysing. To our fortune, the lyrics were actually words taken from existing languages. Each syllable was from different languages, and some just had meaning.
Now, enough talking. Let's begin!
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The first lines were: "Menori eno, foto fola."
Menori: Initially, I believed that "Menori" meant "Memory" since both words were somewhat similar. However, if you split the syllable into 2, it creates a different meaning.
It's difficult to find out what "men" means. Although, I decided that "men" just means person in general. "Ori" is interesting because it translates to "my light."
Mashing the words together, you get: "Person, my light." Otherwise known as "Child of Light"
Eno: "Eno" is the Latin verb of "swim out." However, not everything has to be accurate to its initial meaning. "Swim out" could be a metaphor for" "emerges", " "show," and "appear." I'll get to this later, but hopefully, you get the meaning.
Foto: Foto is an easy word to identify because it's "photo" with extra fancy spelling. In this case, like I've said before, not everything has to mean what it initially represents. Again, Foto could most likely be a kind of conjuction.
Fola: This word translates to "crazy, mad, and foolish." A word that best represents a person or individual. This highly relates itself to a specific character in the sky, too.
So let's squish together all the words.
"Child of light swims out, photograph foolish."
The sentence is grammatically incorrect. But that is OK! Since it's made-up language, we have the ability to imagine the sentence in a more grammatically correct and sky-related way. The way I interpret it is quite simple.
"A person of light appears, only to become a foolish king."
Menori could be "Child of Light," or "Person of light." Synonyms are valid.
Eno doesn't necessarily mean "swim out." Again, it's basically like a metaphor for "emerge," "show," and "appear."
Foto could be a word that represents something. Like how a photograph represents something. It's not necessary to include it in the actual sentence!
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The following line is: "Nisoro mahori eh lossora."
Nisoro: Typically, this word was the hardest to translate. It isn't as simple as searching "Nisoro" meaning. However, after a while of digging, I was able to conduct a translation.
"Ni" in Yoruba means "in." And "Soro" in Yoruba means "difficult."
Combining the words would be "In difficult." So, in short, it means: "Difficult times."
Mahori: Mahori is much more different than the rest of the words. In this case, Mahori is an existing word that takes part in human activity.
Mahori is a Thai classical music genre. Played by a group of musicians, performers, and actors for the genre. However, mahori is commonly played in royal courts or royal events. This is very related to Sky Lore. More on this later.
Eh: Most likely a conjuction like: "and."
Lossora: Similar to the previous words, it requires breaking down each syllable.
Los means "the" in Spanish. (According to translator heh..) However, Los also means "Path they took along"
Sora means sky. This word is the smoking gun of this translation. Confirming that we're at least on the right track.
Combining the two, you end up with "Path they took in The Sky" (The Sky= the Sky kingdom. Aka, the main setting in Sky.)
So let's combine the words.
"Difficult times, Royal music and path they took in the sky"
Again, correctly repositioning the words together creates: "It was difficult to play music for our King, so they decided to take another path in The Sky."
Nisoro could also represent the difficulties during the current time.
I included "King" (Our beloved Eden Elder) because of Mahori. Mahori is music for royal subjects.
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The third line is: "Neyo neyoterra, foto men"
(This section of my Translations is much shorter, mainly because I don't have too much to discuss.)
Neyo: An easy word to translate. It simply means "New"
Neyoterra: This word includes the previous word, "Neyo."
This word is still quite easy to understand. "Terra" means: "Earth," "Place," or "World."
So, new (Neyo) + place (Terra) translates to: "New world," "New place," etc!
Foto: As I mentioned before, it means photograph.
Men: The word is harder to crack. However, I concluded that men most likely mean people in general.
All the words together create: "New, new world. Picturing new people."
There isn't much to clarify for this one. It's very simple, but I'm open to any questions.
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The last line is: "Nikolo, nikomo sora."
Nikolo: The word nikolo is a name that means "Victor of People" or "Peoples Champion." However, it could also be a metaphor for people proclaiming victory.
Nikomo: Another word that requires breaking down of syllables.
Niko means smile in Japanese. A friend of mine helped me discover the countless meanings, but I affirmed that this is most likely the best choice. "Smile."
Omo means "short period of time." It's very self-explanatory.
Combining the words, Nikomo translates to "Smile for a short period of time." That's pretty depressing!
Sora: As stated before, Sora translates to "Sky."
The words all together create:
"The people proclaim victory. They smile only for it to be gone in a short period of time. Then creating Sky."
(Slightly unrelated, but this is a major help for Sky Theorists! This is potentially the biggest clue for the Sky War (I'll make a blog about the war too.))
Despite Nikolo meaning "Peoples Champion," which is different from what I translated, please keep in mind that we have the ability to interpret these meanings into something that'll fit for the sake of it fitting.
SO! We have finally translated this bad boy! From what I could tell, this is a MAJOR help for understanding the Sky Lore. Even a major help for giving clues about the Sky War! I was happy to know that these translations mirrored the actual Sky Lore, which really made me excited.
Now, to make this all cinematic and exciting, I prepared a video ~
I am incredibly excited for the future of Sky. I really hope my first blog was understandable, I'm aware it might be a little too long or boring aaaa.
And if you're wondering, you may use this as inspiration for your new sky theories! I don't mind. It would be nice if you gave credit just in case you want to use my Translations word for word, haha.
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whitebookposts · 1 year
Um question
during one of my “endlessly scrolling through tumblr looking at people’s opinions on Sky lore” nights I noticed one of your posts about a Valley Priestess? Several other people had drawn/talked about Valley Priestess and I am incredibly confused as to who she is
Let's go back in time, circa 2017-2018, when Sky was still in development, and was yet to hit the shelves. During that time, TGC presented their pre-release concepts of what was back then known as Sky: Light Awaits, at CAFA GAME ART 2018 exhibition, held at Cetral Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China from september 8 to October 7. In that exhibition, TGC presented the crowd with a bunch of concept art, story directions and ideas, and some world-building of their upcoming game. If you are interested in seeing the exhibits TGC put up, you can check those links:
1. Layout 2. World overview 3. Storyline 4. World Map 5. Character Designs 6. Level designs 7. Interaction and customization 8. Journey comparison 9. Bits and pieces
However, for the specifc question you asked, we need to focus on number 3. Storyline. More specifically, this bit right here:
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You see this? Right here? "Descendants summon and challenge and ancient (priestess)" YUP, THERE SHE IS, RIGHT HERE!! That is one of the first, and frankly, the last times she gets officially mentioned. Why? Because she was replaced by the Valley twins. That is also why the twins share one name: Samekh, because they used to be one elder, to whom this name belonged. How do we know this? Because in the concept art where the twins start to appear, they are both labeled Samekh... Just like in this very little and crunchy concept art:
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You see her? In the corner?
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There she is! As we can see, this singular figure is also labeled Samekh. And since we know that Samekh is the name of the valley elders and the singular Valley elder for the Priestess, we can conclude this is a concept art of her :) if you want to know more about elders' names, you can always check out Grandpa's (@grapeless-seeds) very neat doc right here!
Now, you may be asking: "If she is just a scraped elder that was already replaced by other elders, how did she resurface again?" That is a very good question! And it has a VERY long and VERY interesting history behind it.
Despite her being in the concept art, not many acknowledged her existence, moreover being anyway related to the current Valley elders. Even though many asked themselves the question "Why were there two Valley elders, and why are they so much younger than the rest of them?", a big part of the fandom agreed on the headcanon that the twins were simply two parts of one being who got split. And so, Priestess laid dormant in the discarded concept art. But things were about to change.
Let's jump into the future, circa 2020-2021, when the fandom's love for lore and elders was at it's height. Theories were flowing left and right, and as you know, Sky lore enjoyers often dig through countless concept art for crumbs of lore we usually don't get in the game. And one of said concepts through which a certain group of people dug through was the concept of Priestess. Unconciouslly, her image rooted itself in the minds of elder lore enthusiasts.
In 2020, Grandpa, who was a pretty influential Sky artist and theorist on Skyblr and the western Sky fandom, posted this headcanon on her twitter:
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This, as far as I'm aware, was one of the first instances of the idea that not only the twins aren't just two halves of one being, but that they are actually children of an elder long gone: the Priestess.
Soon enough after it, a sketch by @artificial-radiance Was posted on Skyblr, featuring this idea yet again.
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While the headcanon was still really obscure, it did manage to trickle down into the hearts of some very passionate (and lowkey insane) people, like me. I mean, How could it not! It was a perfect setup for drama, mystery, and the "dead mom" trope! It could finally give a much spicier explanation for the twins being younger than the rest of the elders than the "split theory" we knew beforehand. And a few more fan arts and headcanons started showing up, here are some examples:
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(two old sketches by me, inspired by artificial radiance)
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(a short comic by @dogedepan also inspired by artificial radiance)
As you can see, back then the design for her was really close to the single concept art piece we had - a hooded silhouette with not a lot of unique features.
The awareness of Priestess and the idea of her being the mother of the current Valley elders rooted itself stronger. But you know what really made it bloom?
Eldertwt was a joke roleplay a bunch of sky fans started on Twitter dot com, where each created a profile after an elder or a Sky spirit, interacting and making a bunch of shenanigans. The whole thing was filled with deez nuts and gay jokes, and it really didn't seem to be going anywhere serious...
Until, Grandpa, yet again, dropped a priestess bomb. In a, surprisingly, heartwrenching Eldertwt storyline (no I'm serious, you HAD to be there when it went down), Grandpa introduced Priestess again, finally forever basing Priestess as an existing character and the mother of the twins. With Grandpa drawing her in her style, a change in the way she was drawn was done
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(credit to @grapeless-seeds)
And many who proceeded to draw her for Eldertwt based on Grandpa's design really hammered it down. Here are some examples
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(credit to @dogedepan)
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(credit to @fiomeras)
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(credit to @krillcandles)
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(credit to @thatskymoz)
As you can see, Priestess went from a hooded silhouette in a crunchy concept art into a full-fledged character with hair, face, and personality. With Priestess stopped being an obscured piece of concept art, she found her way into the hearts of many.
Before long, the simple little headcanon grew into a full-fledged fanon, with fanart, theories, ships, and fanfics being produced with priestess as a character in them. And honestly? This perhaps was one of the most favorite things I got to experience in Sky fandom. How a bunch of strangers came together and out of pure love and interest took a piece of concept art and a little text that never made it past development, and turned it into a full, recognizable character. And yes, this fanon might not be the most popular, and most people still go by the "split elder" theory for twins. But Priestess is THERE. She is no longer a forgotten and discarded piece of art. She is a character who holds importance to many, including me.
And you might say "Well, isn't it silly, to turn a character that doesn't even exist in the final game into a full-fledged fanon?" And you would be right, it is silly. But it's fun. And in a game like Sky, where most of what we know is through concept art, is it really a stretch to give importance to a piece of it?
Besides... Once you learn about Priestess...
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You start to notice that perhaps, she isn't gone from the game entirely 😉
Anyway, I hope I answered your question! SOryy for making this SO long, it's just I love this character so so so so much, AND the history behind her is fascinating!!!
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amity206 · 1 year
Random Elder Headcanons
Thinking about the Sky elders and what they would have been like when they were fully alive (I use he/him for Daleth and she/her for Teth based on things the devs have said when talking about them but given the elders canonically don’t have biological genders I just go with some of them decided to use gendered pronouns while others didn’t - everyone is free to their own interpretation of the lore)
Daleth / Isle Elder
Likes solving puzzles
Stargazes and knows the constellations by memory (as the guide / ferryman elder I imagine he would be skilled in navigating by stars)
Takes a really long time to make decisions but usually makes good ones
Very supportive (concept stuff compared him to a kindergarten teacher), knows how to talk to kids (though he can sometimes get overwhelmed by the noise he’s super good with children)
Actually very skilled in both combat and magic. In his old age he’s getting weaker but he can definitely still kick ass
History geek
Blames himself for the King’s corruption. He thinks he could have prevented it, that he didn’t do enough. He still loves the King like a grandchild and wants to make sure he’s okay.
Ayin / Prairie Elder
Really good at cooking, even though the Elders probably had staff to cook for them
Loves baby mantas (baby light creatures of all kinds really)
Likes to make miniature models of things. would really enjoy those several thousand piece Lego sets if spirits had legos
super patient. Almost never mad. Absolutely terrifying when they do get mad
Listens to everyone’s opinions on things, very thoughtful
Gives the best hugs
Very hard worker, incredibly strong. The kind of person who does not procrastinate
its canon that they snore loudly
Very sad over how the light creatures were drained under their watch, filled with guilt about it. Wishes they could have found another way that didn’t involve trapping the King in Eden.
Teth / Forest Elder
Could be bossy or stern sometimes, but actually cares very much about the people around her
She will snap at you for annoyances like handing her a shipment of improperly prepared darkstone. Everyone around her deeply respects her though
Introvert at heart, secretly enjoys cheesy romance novels as well as like. Business / mining manuals
Originally called the shaman ancestor so probably had a deeper connection to Megabird, at least at first
Nothing scares her (at least, that’s what she says)
Inner turmoil about her role in the Fall - knowing she played an instrumental role in the Kingdom’s downfall, but also unwilling to place the blame on herself. Despises the former King
Samekh / Valley Elders
Very focused on maintaining their public image and being seen as great by the Kingdom
Sibling Banter™️ with constantly trying to out-perform each other. Despite this in the face of a threat they fight almost as if they were the same person… or used to be
Former bodyguards of the King, watched him become corrupted. As the youngest Elders they looked up to the King more and didn’t know what to do
Liked to throw massive parties/spectacles
Because of this and their playful/occasionally flirtatious streak, some regarded them as more shallow and less intelligent than the rest of the Elders. Sah and Mek were actually geniuses, though prone to making impulse decisions
they judge you by how well you perform in the races / other tests laid out by them. Very dismissive of those who don’t do well.
Because of the “maintaining public image” thing, even in a dead Kingdom they don’t want to let anything be known about the extent they had to do with the corruption
Tsadi / Wasteland Elder
Got seriously corrupted by darkstone like they did in concept art. Used to be super in control of their emotions, as the corruption took hold they became more short-tempered and angry
Long-term planner, very good at military strategy and also strategy games like the Sky version of chess. Has an amazing poker face. (Ignore that the spirits wear masks okay)
Really needs someone to talk to, finds it hard to open up but has a lot to get off their chest- loss, regret, pain, things they could have done better, people they could have saved. Before the Storm they used to talk to Ayin, but now they can’t anymore
Doesnt talk much. Enjoys the company of Teth because they’re both introverts and Teth also likes strategy games.
Wanted to be seen as a hero, not a monster. Thought they were fighting for the good of the Kingdom
Enjoys books on military history and strategy
Cares a lot about people, bad at expressing it
Feels like the King used them as a weapon, incredibly angry about that
Lamed / Vault Elder
The kind of person who will silently judge you instead of confronting you about something
Always uses inside voice
Knows so many things. Passion is searching for obscure and forgotten history
Doesnt get involved in other people’s drama, would serve as a mediator in debates between Elders. Has never needed to raise their voice because a stern look is enough to get everyone to shut up. No one wants to see them get mad.
Fluent in sign language and several ancient languages
Good friends with Daleth, they have tea and share stories
MASTER at strategy games, better in many of them than Tsadi. Sharp-witted too, good at the occasional pun and knows if you’re hiding something/lying
Feels bad for skykids. Doesn’t know how to tell them they were basically created to die, so does their best to prepare them for the storm instead
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manuellarts · 6 months
Sunshine ☀️
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Kid and Teth 💞
Kid doesn't like to see Teth upset, especially when it rains worse than usual. He thinks that flowers can make her smile 💞
Kid is a character in a series I am working on on Tiktok, called "Awakening", and it is also on Youtube. It's a series based on the lore created with my friends, adapted into a story. Do check it out ! It's still in the works and I promise it's worth it 💞
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black-suns-rim · 2 months
Samekh - Ethereal Star AU
“I’ve been curious… What happened to you?”
“We don’t like to talk about it…”
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skykid-nadir · 6 months
This is likely old news to the lore community, but I'm thinking about the fanon names for the Elders and their Hebrew meaning, and there are some interesting parallels:
Daleth: Gateway to Alef
Ayin: to see
Teth: the serpent
Sahmek: glory
Tsadi: Righteousness
Lamed: Wisdom/teacher
Alef: One with God
Resh: used to denote the grave of a spiritual leader
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thegreatcrowdragon · 7 months
Redemption sm au makes me think a lot like do you think he has claustrophobia. Do you think he has severe separation anxiety. He has nightmares so bad that Elder Faerie has to physically shake him awake and he just holds him while he sobs into his arms. Do yo-
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