nintenka · 2 months
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so i was making a comic between two of my sky ocs…. and then i got bored and doodled cahara…. and then was like “ah i should practice drawing bodies again ill draw the prophecy guide!” and got extremely sidetracked so the canvas devolved into this LMAOO
i still have the comic..,, on a hidden layer underneath LMAOO
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I redrew that one drawing of child elders, with much more effort lolz
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(click for better quality)
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the-mislead · 1 year
Can’t present me a grandpa and twins without me giving them a father/child dynamic
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goob1enerd11 · 1 year
oh yeh also. artstyle test
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hallofharmony · 2 years
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finally got around to drawing valley elders (or vaneigh elders) ponies ^-^ thinking about doing the rest of the elders but probably won't get around to it
blank background version undercut if this is a little busy
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felix-krain · 3 months
I love the Elders
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colosutheseamonster · 9 months
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The incident
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pscicicdragon001 · 5 months
Lil drawing based on my friend's sketch of what young Sahmekh looked like
Like, we're talking young young, freshly emerged from the earth and experiencing the world for the first time ((also yes I realize now that Sah's hand is bein weird hdjddjdbdb))
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They were smol and they stuck very close to each other when they were freshly new :3
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sahmekh · 7 months
omg i finally have a separate art blog....
i mostly draw yttd (i am insane about it) and have a bunch of aus i might post about too...
feel free to send drawing requests or any asks 💯💯
sugar-crash -> sahmekh
organisation and the like under cut
au tags:
#kanna goes outside
#ryoko's turn to die
@ryokosturntodie <- my yttd roleswap au
general tags:
#my art🧃
#rb 🐞
#asks 🪷
#crash talks 💥
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dragonlikeleaves · 2 years
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i know by all technicalities this isn't possible but imagine if it was
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nintenka · 3 months
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i did a magma board with my friend some days ago
….im the orange one………. yes i took up like more than 2/3 of the board….my friend barely wanted to draw…..
feat. my ocs‼️ and the valley elders…… and the performance guide (theyre really tiny good luck finding them) and MEEE 😍
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Shouldn't have fed them
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theballadofdrjekyll · 2 years
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My I’m back gift is this
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Mek! Sah is coming! Oh my god they have headphones on! THEY CANT HEAR US.
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opal-owl-flight · 3 years
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No thoughts, brain empty, only Skater Sah.
Where are you Sahmekh simps
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hallofharmony · 1 year
ok i've been meaning to make this post for a while bc i haven't seen anyone else do this but
sky: cotl terminology!
sky fandom has a lot of terminology that could be confusing if you're a new player or just don't interact with the fandom that much. below is a list of words you might see around and what they mean. let me know if i missed anything ^-^
Sky kid/skid: the little guy you're playing as.
Moth: New players in sky. usually rock the default look. they're called this because the brown cape kinda makes them look like real moths :3
Butterfly: An advanced moth. usually wear base game cosmetics like plain capes and masks. have figured out the general mechanics but not enough to be considered an advanced player.
Veteran: Someone who's been playing for a while. you "officially" become a vet if a spirit from your first season comes back as a TS.
Chibi: player who wears the base game mask that makes them small, known as the "chibi mask".
Ikemen: players that are subjectively considered "handsome". Usually vets that wear rhythm or fire prohet pants, any of the elders' hair and owl hair, among other things. ikejou is the female equivalent.
Ts/traveling spirit: a spirit from a past season returning after a lengthy period of time (at least a year) where you're able to buy their cosmetics for regular candles while they're at home for 4 days.
Sc/season candles: orange candles that are strictly used to buy seasonal cosmetics from current season spirits. you obtain them from doing dailies during season, as well as getting them from candles scattered around the realm
Cr/candle run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting candles
wl/winged light: The little glowy guys that give you wings, increasing your stars
wl run/winged light run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting winged light
wedges/stars: the pattern on your cape that indicates how many winged lights you have
Owl hair: hair that has 2 tuffs that resemble an owl. like the season of rhythm ult hair or the season of performance ult hair
Ult/Ultimate reward: Cosmetics you receive from the season guide when you buy the season pass. Ults are the only cosmetics that don't return after a season ends.
Chibi fall: A glitch utilizing chibi mask. here's how to do it.
Oob/out of bounds: referring to going outside the wind walls and outside the borders. oobing is a big part of sky culture :)
Piggy rocket: a glitch utilizing the piggyback friendship emote, where when 2 players press the piggyback icon on each other at the same time they shoot in the sky, never seeming to stop.
Wind walls: invisible walls made of wind that prevent players from going outside the level to places they shouldn't be.
Krills: fan given name for the big scary dark creatures that roam in wasteland. As far as im aware, they're only ever strictly referred to as "dark dragons" in game and never as "krill" officially
Tgc/thatgamecompany: the developers behind sky.
sky: The Light Awaits: The beta of sky (before the current beta) where tgc allowed a handful of people on to test the game. thought to include this one as i was confused to what it was when i started playing :)
Elder names: again including these because i was also hella confused about them as a new player. but you might see some people use these names to refer to the elders, all of them being from concept art
Daleth: Isle elder
Ayin: Prarie elder
Teth: Forest elder
Sahmekh: Valley elders (sah being the spiky haired twin and mekh being the other one)
Tsadi: Wasteland elder
Lamed: Vault elder
Alef/Resh: Eden Elder/ The king
that last few are spoilers for the end game.
Ac/ ascended candles: candles you obtain after giving winged light to statues in eden. for every 4 statues you get 1 AC
Orbit: the place you end up in after you die in eden, where you go to be reborn.
Megabird: Giant star swirl thing you see at the end credits and hinted at throughout the game. called "megabird" in concept art and made out to be a god. more info
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