#I'll believe it when i see the marriage certificate
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Pairings: Yoongi × y/n
Genre/tags: Arranged marriage
Warning: 🔞🔞 smut, mention of food/eating, cursing, sensual touching, unprotected sex, making out, needy/clingy, Pet name, lies, kinks, Smoking [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 3.0k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Likes and reblogs are much appreciated 🫶🏻
Check pinned post for more
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The sound of the wedding bells and the people cheering for your union are still ringing in your ears. You could also still envision your friends and families' warmest smiles and tearful hugs as they congratulate you. Everyone is so happy. They kept on saying that your wedding is the most magical and happiest they've ever seen.
Yes. Your wedding is the grand. The whole castle like church is filled with the whitest flowers that gives an illusion of the place is floating in clouds. You could also see shiniest silvers and krystals all over the place. It felt unreal.
You requested for a simple wedding but you are given more than that and you love it.
The wedding is also filled with people you both love and cherish. So you feel comfortable and loved all through out the ceremony and the party afterwards.
Yes. The wedding is amazing.
Yes. The wedding is to die for.
Yes. The wedding is like a fantasy.
It's because it is... it is a fantasy and no where near reality.
It is only for show to make people believe that you and the man you married is real.
Little did everyone know, your marriage is just arranged. You were just handpicked by the groom because he had no other option. He didn't like the women his parents are suggesting. So he decided to himself to pick someone from the ground and carry to his world. A world filled with darkness and resentment. A very, very, very cold world.
"Miss..." a voice echoes waking you up from your daydream
You slowly open your eyes to see the barely lit room that you are still in. You get up from leaning onto the edge of the bathtub and see your personal maid near the door. Her head lowered not making eye contact with you. She's holding your towel and bathrobe.
"I'm sorry, Miss. But Master asked for dinner to be served soon...he's on his way home."
You look down at your hands peeking from the warm milky water and then pick up the rose petals floating on it. "He's early today..." you mumble quietly
"I heard that the meeting with his father, Mr. Min finished early..."
"I wonder why..." you got up from the bath. She immidiately rush towards you, handing you the towel and bathrobe to use.
"Mr. Min told Master to go home early... because of you Miss..."
"Ah... really..." there is no hint of excitement in your voice. "You can leave now and help them prepare... I'll get ready myself..." you tell the maid, who is still not having any eye contact with you.
You don't sound happy nor sad. Actually, you do sound like a robot with no feelings when you talk.
You were not like this before. Yes you are a quiet person, an introvert and reserved but never like this. You changed quite a lot after getting married. It's not by choice. You just have to adapt with your surroundings.
Living in a big ass mansion with more than fifty staffs and bodyguards but no one to talk to. You have no one to spend your time but yourself. Your world became, quiet.
Yes you do have a husband. You married him. But the man is never home most of the time. And when he is, he does not even make conversations with you unless it's related to his parents; asking you to do this and that. To be present here and there. Telling you what to say and not to talk about. Basically, he only talks to you when its about your deal. Yes, deal.
Funny isn't? You married bound by a contract but that's it. Just by contract. No love is involved.
You know this since the beginning. You signed the marriage certificate plus the contract. You are aware. But you never thought that this will be the kind of life you will have. Alone. But what choice do you have? He offered your parents a huge amount of money for your hands. A money that could let them live a good life even when they retire early. That's how big it is.
And you agreed to it, not because of the money, but because you thought; that maybe, just maybe this is the universe's doing. Him and you meeting under this circumstances but then in the end, getting to know each other and that Maybe...... maybe learn to love each other. But you're wrong. You and Yoongi have been married for more than a year now and its already had taken a toll on you emotionally and physically.
"Miss... Master is just a few minutes away..."
You pause brushing your hair, staring at yourself through the full body mirror. You are wearing the plain black, fitted halter dress that you received as a gift from him. You like this dress because it emphasizes your figure and shows off a little skin because of the slit. He gifted you this dress during your honeymoon. It's probably the cheapest clothing you have in your closet but for you this is the most valuable.
"Do you want me to fix your hair, Miss?"
You put down your hair brush. "No thank you."
Then you sit down and start to put on your shoes. But instead of heels, you put your white canvas shoes.
"Ahm, no heels today, Miss?" She sounds a bit concern
"No." You stand up to look at yourself one last time before going. "My feet hurts so I'll wear something comfy for now..."
"I understand." She hurriedly puts down the heels she had on hand and runs after me.
It is true that your feet is hurting. You've been wearing heels everyday when you go to work. 'Work' meaning is socializing with your husband's family friends and circle. You represent him for charities and parties he can't and won't attend. It's not everyday but these past few weeks, you've been busy. You were away too most of the days of the week. That's why you also barely saw your husband. He's been away for a week and when he came back you got busy too. And tonight, this is the first time you'll be eating dinner with him.
"Tell him to reschedule... I won't be available tomorrow. I have other plans."
You hear him talking to the phone when you enter the dinning room. He's so focused that he didn't even bat an eye when you sit down across him.
"What do you prefer, Miss?" The male servant asks. "We have tender lamb chops braised in wine. Served with pea puree and then wild sea bass with sautéed smoked bacon, red chicory, runner beans and red wine sauce."
"The latter, please..." You try to give a smile to show appreciation but then you halt as you hear your husband slam his phone on the table. It starlted you a bit.
And also, up to now he still hasn't dared to look at you. He just went on to eating his lamb after his phone call.
You want to watch him eat or even glance at him every now and then, just so you could update his image from your memory. You just want to see him, Even just a tiny bit silhouette of his face behind the boquet of flowers between the two of you.
'Fuck.' You curse in your mind.
You always ask yourself why do you even bother wanting to see him or make conversation with him when you know you don't mean anything to him. For him, you are just one of his staff. The only difference is that he talks to about life when he wants to because its part of your business with him. And to add to that, you're only his 'woman' when he needs to release stress. Meaning you two have sex when he needs it. There is no date or time. When he calls you or he comes to your room unannounced, that's it. Saying no is not an option.
But come to think of it, the last time you two had sex was quite a long time ago. It's been months.
'Does this mean... even in sex... he's not satisfied with me? Did he looked for a different woman to do it with?' You talk to yourself
"Leave us." He orders to the servants.
You didn't dare to glance up. You just kept yourself occupied by poking the fish on your plate.
"Your hair got longer..." he says making you pause
Your eyes goes up and see him looking straight at you."Ah... yes..." You answer before looking back down.
"Why ask for the fish if you're not going to eat it?"
You raise your head up again, "hmm?"
He tosses his one up like it's water. "Someone reported to me that you've been eating less lately."
"My appetite is fine... I'm just...off a bit..."
You put down your fork and try to think before you speak again. You can tell him you're tired because how can you be? You have all the assistant you need and more. Plus you are living a lavish life. You could ask for a massage, a facial or swim in the pool whenever you want. You have everything. Except him.
That. You can't mention. You can't dare ask for his attention. He'll get mad. You know he will. He said it in the very beginning of this relationship. That 'You are just his wife in papers. And never expect something more from him.'
"I'll be fine..."
You look straight back at him. You can finally see him clearly. He slightly moved to the side, giving you an amazing view of his face. He's still look as beautiful as you remember. His long hair, sharp eyes, pinkish lips and the scar.
"How's the auction?" He pulls out a cigarette from the pack he have on the table and lights it off. "You bought a vintage jewelry?"
"I did."
"How much is it?" He puffs smoke. His eyes are still fixated to you.
"It's a bit expensive... I'm sorry." You look down at your knotted fingers. "I got it for 1.5M."
"I tried to intimidate the other wives... but it didn't work..."
"You need to work on that."
"I will."
"But don't worry about the money... it's going to a good cause..." He stands up and puts off his cigarette on his used plate. "My mother liked the the jewelry set. She said, thank you."
Relief fills your heart and made you relax a bit. You are thankful that his mother liked the one you picked.
It's the only one you bought in the auction. The event is for charity and Yoongi gave you the go signal to throw money like dimes. He said you can buy anything you want.
You liked a lot of things there. Everything is grand, beautiful, meaningful and unique. But none of them bring joy to you. You don't need them so your heart can't afford to splurge.
"I'll go and get ready for bed..." he says as he stand by the window, looking outside.
"Ah... okay..." you look down at your plate and pick up your fork, to continue eating.
"When you finish..." he starts to walk towards the door, "Come to my room."
"Hmm?" You blink, confused. "Your... room?"
He stops just as he got outside the door and adds before totally closing the door "Ask the maid to braid your hair..."
'Braid your hair'. That means he wants to have sex.
"Sure..." you answer in a whisper though he's already not in the room.
You are finally walking in the hallway, on the way to his room. Barefoot and naked. Almost naked.
It has been a routine of you to braid your long hair and then just wear a silk robe over to cover your body. He likes it this way. He have particular things he likes and you follow them.
It's almost 9pm. All the staffs are now in their houses. Yoongi asked them to leave earlier so no one could hear and disturb us.
You took a deep breathe before you get ready to knock on his door. But then to your surprise the double door swings open and you see him, in his black jogger pants and a sheer robe over his naked body. "What took you so long?" His brows are furrowed.
"Sorry..." you lower your gaze from his beautiful face to his toned body.
"Get in." He orders, turning his back on you.
You slowly enter the forbiden room. It's like how you imagine it to be; spacious, dark and earth tone colors everywhere. But the things you've never imagined seeing in there are towers of books and comics on the floor. Then there is a gaming area too.
"Do you play?" He asks as he sits down at the corner of his massive bed.
You shake your head, "No... I'm sorry."
He's smoking again. "Come here." He orders as he puff the smoke in betwern his lips. You move closer to him, cautiously. "Why do you look nervous? It's not like it's our first time."
You are now standing in between his legs. "Sorry..."
He rolls his eyes slightly as he puts his cigarette onto the ashtray. "Why do you keep on apologizing?"
"I..." you pause and wait for him to look back at you. "I don't know."
He snorts, "whatever."
He takes off his robe and throws it somewhere behind you. You were about to do the same as his but he stops your hand from untying your robe.
"Are you on birth control?"
You shake your head. "No... we... I mean... you use condom..."
He didn't say anything after that. He just continued; picks up your braided hair thats lying on your chest and pushes it away. Your breathing picks up as you could feel and see him gazing at you. You even felt your body jerk a little when his finger tip brushed over your hard nipple. The sensation is on max. You needed him to touch you. You missed him touching you.
Yes, this relationship may not be real for him but to you, it's something. Plus, we all have our needs. And when it comes to sex, he delivers. More than you can imagine. And you like playing along with his needs.
He pulls the string keeping your robe on you and just watch it fall off your skin like feather.
You feel your cheeks heat up. You are exposed. He can see that you are already turned on. Your breast giving it all away.
"Come closer..." he orders and you follow.
His hands slides over your hips then goes up to your torso, for him to hold on to you. Hug you. He begins to suck one of your boobs like a baby. His eyes are fully close and his grasping onto your skin like he had been so hungry for so long. He's really enjoying it.
You as well.
"Ahh..." you exhale as you throw your head back. His tongue doing all the works and tickling your insides by just playing at your tip.
After a few more seconds, he stops and looks up at you. And you looking down at him.
"You're so beautiful..." you whisper to him as you run your fingertips over the scar on his face.
You lower your head to meet his lips. He welcomed your kiss like it was meant to be there five minute ago overdue. He is into it more than usual.
He finally gets naked like you. His length is hard and up. It's already leaking and looked very inviting for you to sit on. But you're too shy to make the first move.
You did try to sit on his lap though, legs spread out and core is so wet and ready; just a few inches away for his throbbing length. Then his hand goes in between and starts to rub you in the most sensual way possible.
"Holy shit!" You gasps breaking off from the kiss for a second just to take it all in.
A smug on his face can be seen catching you off guard. He had never reacted to you reacting to his touches like this before.
Your hips begin to rock just to feel his fingers on you.
"Y/n..." You look at him after hearing him say your name. "No condom today."
"Make me feel good." He says softly but sturn, pulling you close to his length.
The tip touching your opening already made you roll your eyes. He's so warm and big.
"F-fuck!" You cry as he eases himself into you. "Holy shit! Ugh!"
You start to move slowly, feeling it all in you, finding the pace and ryth. you think you could do all night but at the same time make him satisfied.
"You got tighter." He grunts as you go up and down on him while holding on to his shoulder for balance support.
"Holy fuck!" Your eyes starts to get filled with tears. You found your spot and his length is hitting it perfectly. "Fuck!"
You watch him close his eyes and his face showing how good you're making him feel. His broes is furrowed and his mouth open and hissing tiny breathes with you.
You can't believe it. Someone like you who was inexperience with sex, is now married and making your man look so damn sexy moaning.
"I'm gonna come." He hugs you tigh and begins to kiss you again. "I want to come in you." He opens his eyes and meets yours.
"Fucking come in me." You say
He then carries you as he stands up, changing your positions. Now you're the one on the bed and he's on top of you.
"I will rip you apart." He snarls.
Every fucking thrust is mean and yet satisfying. You feel like your insides shuffled from every hit. But it's not pain. It's heaven.
"Fuck!" He hisses as he climaxes with you.
The warmth inside you feels like a warm blanket during winter. It's felt relaxing.
He is breathing heavily, your hands are intertwined and his still on top and inside of you.
"Yoongi..." you say breathlessly as you admire him over you.
He moves in for a kiss. A soft gentle kiss. "Stay with me tonight..."
Part 2
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
Take a Chance with Me || fifteen (finale)
ib Daytime Star
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~2 years later~
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of course she was upset that cheol's schedule had been so hectic lately, but she too had been drowning in work. sure it was their careers... but their schedules had ruined not only their first relationship anniversary but also their get-back-together anniversary! they were not even in the same country for BOTH of those dates. it was a bit painful but she had to deal with it.
the greetings for the fan meet went really well with her performance being almost perfect (except for her small wardrobe malfunction when her ripped jeans ripped even more than they should) but fans all got even more excited when they saw her in a much more flattering dress.
some of her celebrity friends came to visit her and of course, pretended to be die-hard fans. even the twitter fans @ yn_hrts and others were also present. this was the happiness of being an idol that she remembered.
it was coming to the end of the fan meet. the stack of gifts she had received were all behind her and she was focused on drawing something on a fan's notebook.
when that fan had moved on, she greeted the next person without looking up. "hi! thank you for waiting and thanks for coming! shall i sign something?"
"yea. could you sign this?" the paper before her was filled with text in black and white. without reading the contents she looked up at the person in front of her.
"hello my love."
"what the hell r u doing here?"
"yn, my dear, please read the paper."
she finally looked down.
"oh my god."
it was a marriage certificate.
the whole room was screaming and she looked to her right.
choi seungcheol, the alpha of kpop and the leader of seventeen, her boyfriend, was on one knee holding a small box with the most beautifully intricate ring she'd ever seen.
"oh my god."
"The first day we met, you tripped and fell into me. But it ended up being me who fell for you first. Your laughter, your kindness, and the way you make every day brighter – it all captured my heart. We've been through so much together, shared our dreams, and faced challenges hand in hand. And through it all, my love for you has only deepened. We had our problems and we had our happiness. And now, I only want to bring you tears of joy and not sorrow. Not now, not ever. Those 3 years of distance from you were our darkest times. Now, I want to be happy together. Yn Ln, my love, my happiness, will you take a chance and marry me?"
she was crying. she couldn't believe it. he was proposing? here?
"yes. yes i'll marry you, my cheolie." and she signed the certificate.
"SHE SAID YES!" - hoshi
"oh my god hoshi not so loud!" - seungkwan
seungcheol had planned to be the last "fan" for the day, but in his haste, he had accidentally started queuing too early. so yn had to continue the fan meet for the rest of the fans with him sitting beside her.
"congrats on your engagement, yn-noona and seungcheol-oppa!!"
"thank you."
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"oh my god i'm so nervous. bn do i look okay? oh my god." - yn
"yn you look great. don't worry so much" - bn
"yn your hair is out of place at the back." - jae
"thank you jae. see, bn, i don't look great." - jae
"oh my god don't do this right now." - bn
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"jeonghan where are the rings oh my god." - seungcheol
"i've told you five times, they are with dino." - jeonghan
"do i look okay? oh my god, i see her dad." - seungcheol
"you've seen her dad so many times..." - wonwoo
"hyung, stop freaking out." - vernon
"i'm getting married, how can i not be nervous?" - seungcheol
"it'd better not be cold feet..." - hoshi
"it's not. i'm just scared that something will go wrong. I want to marry her so badly but what if something goes wrong?" - seungcheol
"we'll be there to sort it out, hyung." - dino
"you're getting married today in the best wedding possible. end of story. stop freaking out." - jeonghan
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of course, the wedding went smoothly. cheol's vows made yn cry and yn's vows made seventeen cry. seungcheol was surprisingly very teary when yn put his ring on and he almost burst into tears after their first kiss as a married couple.
the dispatch photographer took so many photos that they had to dedicate almost 10 posts just to this wedding.
when it came to the bouquet toss... who knew that it'd be wonwoo to catch it, leaving mingyu a bright red mess. (luckily the dispatch photographer had left)
they were finally married.
"i'm glad you decided to take a chance with me, seungcheol. because this love we have, you can't find it with anyone else. thank you for loving me, choi seungcheol. today is the day i become choi yn. i've never been happier to be yours."
"thank you, yn, my love, for allowing me to take a chance with you. because you are the one thing i can't lose. i look into your eyes and i see forever. i'm forever yours. i'd be ln seungcheol if you insisted, but seeing how you're so happy to be my mrs choi, i'm so happy i get to call you mine."
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a/n thank you to those who always commented/reblogged my posts. yall have a special place in my heart!! we are finally at the official end of "Take a Chance with Me" and i hope y'all enjoyed it! do stay tuned for my other smaus!!!!
note to my taglist: please reblog and comment abt the chpt so i know that you're actually reading my stuff.
summary: 3 years after your breakup with seungcheol, you release an album to cope with your still-broken heart. you didn't expose his name but quickly, your fans and fans of svt begin to connect the dots to the past you wish you could relive. little did you know, the man you loved so desperately would begin to chase you back with the same desperation you so very much desired
inspired by: take a chance with me
pairing: idol!choi seungcheol × fem!idol!reader
genre: past relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!booseoksoon, smau, miscommunication, pining, 2nd chance
warnings: implied self harm/depression, hate comments, updates irregular but will finish because i cried when i thought abt this idea
started: 13.12.23 ended: 28.12.23
taglist: fill out the form in my pinned post to be added to the taglist (specify this smau in the pw section)
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
it's April 1st
you know what that means
April Fools' At SOLDIER
ANGEAL: He leaves a baking tray with tinfoil over it in the break room and writing "Brownies" on it. Sephiroth was the first to excitedly uncover it only to find dozens of brown letter E's inside. He stood over the baking dish, staring into it for an hour. *Zack walks by the break room and sees this* Zack: You okay buddy? Sephiroth: Existence is of little value and our happiest moments are but fleeting shadows that veil us from the true, cold nature of reality. Zack: I'll go get the tranquilizer gun.
ZACK: He got Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Kunsel, Cloud and other SOLDIERs to sneak into Lazard's office while he's in there having a nap. They all dressed in funeral attire and organized candles and flowers around him. When Lazard woke up, Genesis was reading his eulogy while the rest of them cried hysterically and pretended Lazard was dead. Zack, sobbing: HOW COULD HE LEAVE US SO SOON?? Angeal, sobbing: HE WAS SO YOUNG! Sephiroth, shedding an elegant tear: I will miss him dearly. Lazard: Ah, I've seen to have died. I wonder if I'll go to heaven or hell. Genesis: In his honor, I will now be doing a dramatic reading of Loveless, the two hour version. Lazard: I'm in hell.
SEPHIROTH: Asides from the greatest prank he's ever pulled, Sephiroth got everyone to agree on pretending Genesis was invisible for a few hours. He ignored his petty provocations and remained poker faced when Genesis began screaming on his ear. The cherry on top of the cake came when Sephiroth started reciting Loveless only to be met with a round of applause and praise. Zack: Wow! Genesis could never quote it like that! *Genesis has a nervous breakdown and starts eating his own book*
GENESIS: He's big on shock factor, so for his heart attack prank, Genesis decides to frame a fake marriage certificate in his office and wait for chaos to unfold. *Sephiroth and Angeal notice* Angeal: You're married to CLOUD STRIFE? Sephiroth: SINCE WHEN? Genesis: Since this morning! *Cloud comes in* Sephiroth: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? Cloud: There's tax benefits, he has health insurance, and he's rich. Why wouldn't I accept his proposal? Angeal: This is insane. I refuse to believe this is real. Genesis: Oh it's very real. Here, let me show you our honeymoon pictures in Costa Del Sol. *Sephiroth violently passes out*
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vacantgodling · 5 months
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a guide to: hyacinthus shrapnel
thank you to anyone who's expressed interest in my favorite asshole man--at some point i'll do this for more ocs, but i am not immune to favoritism. gently tagging those who i think would wanna see this:
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes @outpost51 @void-botanist @jezifster @mjjune @sergeantnarwhalwrites @ink-flavored @astral-runic @calicohyde @kk7-rbs @foxys-fantasy-tales @inadequatecowboy @sarahlizziewrites @multi-lefaiye
transposed under the cut!
SLIDE 1: A GUIDE TO HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL -- the meanest, prettiest, and most emotionally constipated man ever. by @vacantgodling, yours truly
FULL NAME: HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL (nicknames: HYA (by amon), CINTHY (by aloe, lovingly, and tagetes, degradingly), CINTH (by narci))
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: he hates talking about his birthday, so you won’t get the exact date. just know that it falls during the galerian form of “christmas” which is the two weeks of may 12th — may 24th. its somewhere in there :)
the galerian equivalent to our nonbinary; an entirely separate gender denomination that blurs the line between masculine and feminine; encompassing everything inbetween, nothing at all, or outside of a binary frame altogether. its considered a ‘third gender’ by the galerian people, and has been observed in galerian history for centuries. old galerian even features multiple pronoun sets, but they have been lost in the modern age. nowadays, those who present as troibemme usually use “they” “he” or “she” but this does not negate their troibemme status. gender =/= pronouns etc.
husband and wife refer to the specific social hierarchy in galere. “wife” and “husband” respectively refer to the role of being a breadwinner and connection maker (husband) versus the manager of the house and finances (wife). wives do occasionally lead the way in organizing at home balls. child rearing (in upper society) is usually left to maids and nanny’s—not a responsibility of either parent. traditionalists believe wives should take on this task as children are part of the “home”, but in actual valerian society children are usually pawned off. all of the gunn clan, sans aloe (as he is part of the clergy) are wives.
a family tree that showcases the main gunn family tree. lonicera gunn and clematis gunn are crossed out because they are deceased. they were wed first and had 3 children, tagetes gunn de beneaux (40, they/them), iberis winch (36, he/him) and narcissus spokes (33, she/her). while it is not indicated by the chart, clematis had a relationship with moxie shrapnel in lonicera's twilight years, giving birth to hyacinthus shrapnel (31, he/him) and his name is in bold lettering. then, clematis finally married belladonna anvil (who hyphenated her name to anvil-gunn) and had 2 children, lavendula caldern (28, she/her) and aloe anvil-gunn (24, he/him).
SOCIAL STATUS: aside from a wife, hya is also a BASTARD. this is not a well kept secret.
bastards, as per the definition, are illegitimate heirs. hyacinthus is the 4th child of the dodgy businessman, CLEMATIS GUNN, who had an affair with a prostitute, MOXIE SHRAPNEL (where hya gets his surname), during his first wife’s decline in health. 
bastards have no claim to family fortunes, so when clematis passed, hya would’ve been shit out of luck if he wasn’t essentially adopted by tagetes. hya has also never met his mother to his own knowledge as she fled the situation when clematis started getting more abusive.
in order to marry the keeper, tagetes had birth certificates forged. whether or not the keeper knows of this deceit is questionable; but the large dowry tagetes paid to facilitate the marriage has seemed to placate them enough not to question it.
MISC LIKES: coffee (misted ivory geisha is his favorite in universe blend—its imported from the northeast country i have yet to name), fashion (dresses, shoulder pads, and embroidery are his favorite things), gold & white (for jewelry, dress, and aesthetically), MONEY (he’s extremely materialistic), reading & literature (he’s very critical however—in a modern au he would probably be a pretty well renowned critic).
in general however, hya is easily annoyed.
SLIDE 5: what annoys hya, you may ask? FUCKING EVERYTHING. thank you for being polite because he's not :D
HEIGHT: 5’11” (~180cm)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: black, with hime bangs (square bangs in the front with short, square cut side bangs that frame the face and chin), and long hair that reaches to his mid back.
BUILD: broad, girthy👀, and imposing. when he finds time to work out is a mystery to most, but his physique shows he clearly does.
there are 2 photos of hyacinthus to display his looks; a broad shouldered, dark brown skinned man with fox-shaped and narrow eyes, multiple piercings (nose, ears, and lip), and two beauty marks under his left eye. he is wearing an intricate white and gold outfit in the picture on the right. in the one on the left he is wearing an intricate white and gold choker. there are 2 thought bubbles over each. one says "RBF STRONG AF". the other says "even though hya is so well manicured he hates showers bc #childhoodtrauma. he does take baths though!"
SLIDE 7: everything on hya glitters like gold -> here’s a map of hya’s piercings and notable features
the picture shows various arrows pointing to hyacinthus (who has his mouth open to reveal that his canine teeth on his upper row of teeth have been replaced by sharp, solid gold). they point to his beauty marks, canines, and various piercings.
as an aside, hya didn’t have friends growing up because he literally wasn’t allowed to leave the estate his father trapped him in until he was 19… and that was bc his dad died and tagetes ‘adopted’ him.
TAGETES ⟶ despite the fact that tagetes basically raised hya, the two of them hardly see eye to eye. tagetes views, treats, and exploits hya (as they do everyone) as a means to their end goals—though what those goals are is anyone’s guess. hya doesn’t trust tagetes as far as he could throw them. yet, at the same time, they have a strange sense of obligation and “care” (if it can be called that) towards one another. tagetes was definitely the main influence into why hya is Like That.
ALOE ⟶ since aloe turned 10 and learned that he had an older brother whom he hadn’t met yet, he began to try and write letters getting to know hya. despite being generally brash, crass, and a pain in the ass, hya really cherishes aloe’s letters and companionship, and they actually meet for the first time in person during the events of paramour. 
AMON ⟶ y’all knew it was coming. i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one they are obsessed with each other in the most toxic of ways lmao. amon infuriates hya down to a molecular level, yet he is also the only man—only person—hya has ever been attracted to. (and he will not EVER admit that)
… Narcissus ⟶ she annoys him and he can’t understand why she’s so obsessed with trying to ‘fit in’ with other people. also he wished she wouldn’t try to talk his ear off every time she saw him.
… Iberis ⟶ he literally doesn’t have one. the two of them avoid each other like the plague.
… Lavendula ⟶ avoids her like the plague if he can help it, but she actually looks up to him in a way, especially based on the things aloe has told her about him. they aren’t close and don’t really speak until her book but that’s a whole other thing.
… Clematis ⟶ #daddyissues. hates the man’s guts and is glad he’s dead.
… Lonicera ⟶ she died before he was born, but even if she lived, he would’ve never met her regardless. no opinion.
… Moxie ⟶ he’s never met his mother to his knowledge, so he has no opinion of her. she loves him very much and there’s more to that story that we won’t hear about until empire (tagetes’s book)
… Belladonna ⟶ the loathing is mutual
… Erecia ⟶ he doesn’t gain an opinion of her until lavendula’s book, and even then it’s mostly just “that’s amon’s friend” territory
… Viola, Barbatus, & Rumex ⟶ he’s not good with kids so he tries not to interact if he can avoid it
… Helianthus ⟶ finds him EXTREMELY obnoxious
… Terian ⟶ no opinion, they’ve never met.
… Miss Shanin ⟶ she’s always in his way and he’s generally annoyed by and suspicious of her
… Vira, Tamhas, Asahel ⟶ no opinion at all. they’re just servants.
… The Keeper & The Bishop ⟶ finds them genuinely disturbing. distrusts them HEAVILY.
alcoholic drink: white russian
food: steak bechamel
colors: white & gold
flower: yellow hyacinths
animal: leopard
zodiac: taurus
tarot: six of swords
song: lyin’ to myself — todrick hall
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myrmyrtheorca · 5 months
(making this post for the second time because I done goofed and posted it instead of saving it as a draft)
I'll take the occasion to thank everyone for your support for Anemone's character sheet!
...aaaand it has come to my attention that so far she's received 4 different marriage proposals, so. I'm afraid you guys will have to form a line or something
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Now, onto answering your questions! I thought to group them all here as to not flood anyone's dashboard ->
@lixenn asks the following:
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• Actually, astigmatism! Caligari offered her corrective surgery multiple times, but she never really followed through with it. Also, she likes to wear them for fashion and has multiple frames for any occasion.
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• I'd say she's directly managing around 10 people. She's been selecting the researchers herself. As for the personal assistant, I have yet to assign her one, so thanks for the heads-up as always Lix. 🩵
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• Your assumption is correct. Caligari Is a medical doctor, but his knowledge seems to be... uncomfortably vast. He taught Anemone everything needed to take the place of the late Dr. Argenti. She specializes in genetics, because it's believed that the Pallid Flame's origin lies in the genetic history of the Cavalieri.
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• Technically no, she doesn't have one and can't get one. The academic career of a Cavalieri, no matter the field, is limited to the family's context. External professionals that choose to cooperate with the Cavalieri (for example, Argenti) are also advised to keep their public presence to the bare minimum, and are constantly kept in check. They have nothing that can officially attest their level of knowledge in public institutions - hell, some of them don't even have a birth certificate to their name.
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• fortunately not They met during routine blood work, while Anemone was still studying to become a researcher (and before her transition). Myr commented something nice about her painted nails, she was still an awkward little nerd at the time so that gesture was really appreciated. With time, Anemone got inspired by Myr's confidence and refusal of the family's ways.
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• She likes to practice nail art! It's not uncommon for Lidija to get a call from her asking her to come over so Anemone can let the stress out by panting Lidija's nails. Myr refuses to participate
@einsatzzz asks the following:
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• Yes! Or at least, they try to be. Anemone is super busy with managing the whole Second Branch, so sometimes they won't see her for weeks. Also, it's kinda risky for her to be seen with Myr often, given she's seen as a troublemaker, but she tries her best to be there (even though it's a really cat Vs dog relationship). Since Myr is often not allowed in recreational spaces, they like to spend their time outside doing mostly things that Myr doesn't get to do due to her restrictions (ex. Picnics, keeping Myr's appearance in check, walks, board games that Lidija sneaks out/Myr steals from the break rooms...)
@ravensilversea asks the following:
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• I chose to keep this one for Anemone, since I was already working on her sheet when it arrived. She's a really pragmatic person, and so typically tries to be rational about things. When she does need to wind down or stop her brain from spiraling, she likes to read books. She's really into anthropology, and...bunnies. Manuals, studies, photo books. She's always wanted to keep one, but never felt truly ready.
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gabrielx-wolf · 4 months
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Name: Gabriel Marinano Age: 33 Species: Werewolf Pack: MACLACHLAN
Gabriel grew up in Suffern, NY. It's a small town in upstate NY. When he was around 13 years old he moved to Brooklyn, NY. His family owned a house and an apartment. He would frequently travel back to Suffern for the full moon with his family.
His mother is a Maclachlan. She married a first-born son who would inherit Marinano pack. She never actively denounced her original pack, but favored Marinano pack more due to marriage. Gabriel in turn was/is a part of the Marinano pack.
Nasty politics and fights were common among the elder siblings in the Marinano Pack (regarding Gabriel's father and his aunts/uncles). His father loved Gabriel. However, had a slow growing disdain for Gabe's mother. Mainly because she wasn't part of the original pack and it gave the siblings ammunition to try to claim Alpha. This was the reason Gabriel and his mother would move to Brooklyn, NY.
When Gabriel was 19 years old tragedy struck. His father died fighting for the title of Alpha. One of Gabe's Aunt's assumed the role. In a fit of rage Gabriel denouced his pack and swore he would kill his Aunt and assume his rightful place as Alpha- like his father should've done. In doing so he started a war with his old pack. It caused his mom to go into hiding, as they now wanted her dead, and made Gabriel packless.
Now that Gabe was a lone wolf. He spent most of his twenties in NYC. He didn't get a college education. Instead, he opted to join the workforce early. He jumped around a lot of entry-level jobs. Most of them made him too irate to continue to work. It didn't help he was grieving and had a lot of pent-up rage.
The only schooling he had ever done was a bartending school that lasted about 2 weeks. The school set him up with jobs and a bogus certification that helped get his foot in the door.
Gabriel is good at his job. He was easy on the eyes and knew how to talk to people. His reflexes made him able to be a flair bartender earning extra tips and gaining a lot of experience, really quickly.
Around the age of 23 he met Sabine. She was a vampire from Louisiana. She was an African Creole. Her father was a slave owner and mother was an educated slave. Sabine's actual age was around 1,000 years old. Gabriel and Sabine hit it off immediately. Despite the obvious differences (regarding species).
The two were in a serious relationship for 5 years living in New York City.
One day, after returning home from a full moon, Gabriel found his apartment destroyed. The house looked like a crime scene. There was blood everywhere. Anything that could've been destroyed had been. Sabine was nowhere to be found. Gabriel searched for her, for months, sending him into a stupor. Until he had to admit to himself after 6 months she was gone. He had never found a body, a note, or who could've done this. All his searching was in vain.
He believed the Marinano Pack was the one who had killed Sabine (it was the only possible idea).
After a few years, of barely living, Gabriel decided he needed to leave NYC. He moved to Hexmore for a new start.
He applied to be a part of the Machlachlan Pack. Partly to not be a lone wolf anymore, and garner allies for when he decided to take down Marinano Pack. The Alpha or any elders are aware that Gabe is trying to bolster an army.
Sabine: As it stands Gabriel will assume she's dead. Her name, personality, and backstory can change. I don't like boxing people in on wanted connections. I would prefer her African Creole is kept. This could generate angst and does not have to lead/begin/end with these two as a couple. As long as they keep the past relationship canon I'm content!
Mother: I'll keep her versatile to whatever someone wants her to be. The biggest thing is keeping the backstory the somewhat the same. But there's at least 10+ years from Gabe and her seeing each other so you can be as creative as you want from it.
Old Pack mate/Person from NYC
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roseofdarkness0 · 2 years
Just snippets and random incorrect quotes that been stuck in my head and I had to take them out Sooooooo enjoy? I will have small snippet explain au as a context clue bc I'm not that evil yet.
Edit: Forgot to link it earlier but Poly Ship Au incorrect quotes Au
Married au: Gov and Cali are secretly married and no one knows but them.
Cali: I want a divorce
Gov: And I want those meetings to not derail into chaos but here we are
Utah: the only one who heard them and questioning his life rn
Cali: Have you seen our marriage certificate I nee-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!
Gov: currently setting the certificate on fire GOOD LUCK RETURNING ME WITHOUT A RECEIPT
Utah, who just wanted to go out to his car:
Utah: shuffles back inside
Gov: casually taking four stairs at a time
Cali: falling behind, taking two stairs at a time Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fu-
after their old rings either get lost or damaged
Cali: I made this wedding band for you.
Gov: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Cali: You don’t have to wear it...
Gov: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Cali: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Gov: ...We're on the ground floor.
Cali: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Utah, who just wanted to finish the meeting with gov and go to his wife:
Cali: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Gov: How can you still say that?
Cali: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
After Penn and Virginia accidentally find the two making out in gov office
Cali: Are you mad?
Gov: No.
Cali: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Cali: You saved me! Why?
Gov: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
Gov: holds a gun out to Cali
Cali: I-I don't believe in guns.
Gov: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Gov: Who hurt you?
Cali: snorting What, do you want a list?
Gov: ...Yes, actually.
Second a meeting with all the states finishes
Cali: I’m going to hell.
Gov: Probably.
Cali: I'll pick you up?
Gov: nodding Carpool.
States: ????????
Utah: I fReAkinG KnEw IT
Nevada blinked and watched with increasingly worried expression as Utah muttered to himself, staring at the wall in his office that was covered with scribbled on pages, some photos and a lot of red string.
"Utah??? You good there?"
"Whole week!"
"...w-whole week what?" Nevada flinched as dishevelled and frankly crazy looking Utah turned towards him, pinning him to the spot with just his crazied gaze alone.
"I had to suffer through two of them setting lawns on fire, flirting right in front of me instead of finishing the meetings and Gov mysteriously coming back covered in red substance back to the statehouse in the middle of the night. Heck!!!! WE ALL HEARD THEM FLIRT AN HOUR AGO IN THE MEETING ROOM!" Utah turned back to his conspiracy wall, shaking with what seemed to be explosive cocktail of tiredness and anger "AND YET EVERYONE DISMISSED IT?!"
"W-well to be fair it's hard to imagine-"
"They could have been joking?"
"WHY THE F U C K WOULD THEY JOKE ABOUT THAT?!" Utah look ready to commit murder and Nevada didn't really want to give him ideas on who to murder considering there was only two of them in the room right now.
"Right, you may be right but look at it that way, you are sleep deprived and twitchy enough your wife would replace you wit-" he stopped the joke seeing Utah eyelids twitch violently"-nevermind, point is how about I drive you back to your houses you can relax and nap there instead of being stuck here going a bit cray cray?"
Utah seemed to be considering Nevada offer for a bit before stiffly nodding. Without another word he shoved most of his stuff into his bag and approached Nevada jerkily nodding at him to lead the way.
Cheering oh the inside for the small victory. Nevada confidently strolled out of Utah office just to stop in his track and blink rapidly at
"California? What the fuck are you wearing?"
"Hm? Oh this old thing? I thought the red dress may go well with those shoes and because it's a dinner I matched it with that fancy-"
"Not what I meant-but good pairing, I would have went with different eyeliner but it does work for you-I meant more like why?"
"Oh that's easy, diner with husband"
Nevada didn't need to turn around to be able to know that Utah looks 5 seconds away from either murder or complete break down.
"Uh huh like husband as in friend and their husband or?"
".. I mean like my husband, I haven't spent half my salary on making our rings for nothing you know?"
Nevada blinked as he finally spotted the wedding ring adoring California finger. Before he could question California or himself further there was loud honk coming from outside.
"That must be Gov! I see you two tomorrow!" California winked and went off downstairs, not one to miss the drama Nevada dragged poor Utah after him with one hand whilst in the other he brandished his phone just in time to film Florida do a spit take at Texas face who didn't even acknowledge the scalding coffee as he seemed to have several personal revelations about himself at once.
Louisiana was halfway through drinking to avoid responsibility but choked on his daiquiri when the door opened to reveal handsomely dressed Gov who just looked unimpressed by the chaos happening in front of him. He looked ready to reprimand them but was successfully distracted by California planting a kiss on his cheek which seemed to set of another round of chocked noises, wheezes and rapid slams to the back.
"Cmon we have reservation to get to and I'm not wasting the hours I spend putting the outfit together" Cali tugged on Gov tie to get him back outside.
"If we miss it I will pull few strings-"
"Nope, no string pulling cmon off we go, bye guys!" with a quick wink and a wave California managed to drag Gov outside and towards the car.
". . ."
Louisiana coughs again, clearing his throat and wincing at the daiquiri he had wasted, patting Florida when he came over and buried his flaming red face into Louisiana shoulder.
Utah just looked very smug and vindicated. Without another word he went to his car to finally get back to his home.
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ihateliterature · 1 year
The hardest thing about living in Romania (an eastern european country with a romantic language) is that we have no history and we have no language of our own
We did not have the time for a sexual revolution, for a feminist movement, not when the president was treating our country like his little dollhouse and the party masqueraded more servitude as equality. We simply did not have the space to breathe. No one did. Not unless you were part of the party or had a well paying job. Homosexuality was criminalized and people assigned female at birth were everything short of state sanctioned incubators. We were cut off from the world, everything was rationalized for a decade, television was not allowed after 8 pm so ppl would go to sleep earlier and work better the next day
We have queer elders, they are few and far between, and I had the joy of meeting some of them, their existence gives me strength
There are no gender neutral pronouns, everything is gendered from people, to animals, to objects, to ideas, you can't even express how tired you are in the company of certain people without putting yourself in danger. So we have to adapt. Non-binary people have to choose between 2 sets of pronouns that are equally wrong
We have to use queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, non-binary, asexual and other borrowed terms, because we have nothing else. Just like we did at every step in our history we fell behind the west and now we are trying desperately to catch up by taking everything we can from them and trying to make it ours
Sometimes it feels like we have no past and no future, like it's not worth fighting. Sometimes I think about how much our elders have suffered hiding away? How many have died because of Ceausescu's draconian abortion laws, how many had their deaths reported as something else to cover up the Government's shame, how many didn't have their deaths reported at all? How many stayed in hiding, received their heroine certificates and never spoke their truth to a single soul? How many left elsewhere and never came back home? Seeing how many leave now and come back, fighting the state to recognize their marriages with the weight of the EU behind them but still have to watch the state dragging it's feet, probably a lot
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, to try to fight for a change I'll never see in my lifetime. It's slightly better now, not by a lot. I want to believe it can be better, but idk if I have the strength to
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idealisticrealism · 2 years
Do you think the Arman-Nadia "reconciliation" is supposed to be temporary or is it meant to represent a rekindling of their relationship? With Arman's long face, it seems like he feels like he is now stuck or obligated again? And the way he keeps defending his wife Nadia. Where do you think his head is at? The marriage certif bomb shell should be interesting!
Haha oh boy. Ain't that the question of the week, Anon.
I'm most likely going to go into this in more depth in my recap, and I'll address Arman's mindset there as well, but for now but here's a (somewhat) condensed version of the reconciliation situation lol:
So I do think that Thony and Arman have both (very unwillingly) accepted that this 'reconciliation' means that what's between the two of them can never go any further-- because let's be real here, to have him go profess love and devotion to Nadia and then drop her the moment he got what he was after would be an absolute dick move, and both he and Thony have far too much honour and respect/regard for Nadia to ever do that; which means they're now both angsting hard, believing that they can never be together (since they'd both secretly seen it as a brief shining possibility after Nadia rightly dumped his ass), but they're also convincing themselves that they can still continue to be around one another as platonic who-knows-whats ('friends' just doesn't quite seem to cut it in this scenario) without overstepping any boundaries...
And hmmm, why does this sound familiar??
Oh that's right, because we've been here before! Literally at the start of this very season, when they had to take several steps back from one another due to the dire circumstances that Arman and Nadia found themselves in.... except then what happened? Arman did such a terrible job at Not Being In Love With Thony that Nadia legit said 'fuck this' and left him for it (again: completely valid move on her part, bc she is a queen and deserves better).
But so honestly, how long do we think it's going to take this time, when he has only fallen deeper for Thony in the weeks since his release from prison?? And then add in the marriage certificate reveal, and the extremely high likelihood that Nadia will find out what he did with the keycard (how else could he have found the certificate?), and we literally end up with an atom-bomb level of relationship destruction, the kind you simply do not recover from.
Which means that not only will this reconciliation be very temporary, but we sure as hell won't be seeing another.
And that, friends, is just one of the many reasons why I fucking loved this episode.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Ruby tricks Jaune to marry her part 3
Jaune was lucky, at least Glynda, Port and Oobleck were on his side and fight of Tai and Qrow.
On a bad note. Both of them someone managed to turn Ozpin to support Ruby's marriage. It was simple Marriage -> familiy -> sex -> silver eyed warriors with powerful auras
Now Jaune has to deal not only with Ruby taking her "wife privelages" way too far, he also need to deal with Ozpin using absolutely dumbest thing as good execuse to set them up on their honeymoon. He once set them up to have their own private dorm just because they were first students present in Prof. Port class!
After hearing Jaune's cries for help. He was saved by Prof. Goodwitch, Prof. Port, and Dr Oobleck. Prof. Port has Qrow in a headlock while Dr. Oobleck has Tai tied up.
Glynda: I can't believe you two almost hit one of my students! Why would you guys do something like that?!
Tai: Because he wants to annul the marriage with my daughter. That's why I wanted to punch him.
Jaune: *Behind Goodwitch* I already told you that she tricked me into signing that certificate! I don't want to get married like this!
Qrow: You should be happy that she did that! You won't find a girl like her anywhere!
Glynda: You keep quiet! Tai you should understand better than all of us that a marriage that starts that way will not last long. I remind you that your ex-wife did the same to you. After a while she left you.
Tai: But Ruby is different, she would never leave.
Glynda: Maybe yes, but do you think Jaune could be happy in a marriage where he had no word on the matter? You think he would see your daughter's marriage as a good thing.
Tai: But...
Glynda: Jaune and Ruby are good kids. But Ruby's actions will only bring misfortune.
Tai: You... You're right. I want my daughter to get married, but not like this. I'm sorry Jaune.
Jaune: It's fine.
Glynda: Dr. Oobleck you can set him free.
Oobleck nods and releases Tai.
Qrow: What about me?!
Glynda: You have been violent from the beginning, there is no way I will let you go.
Qrow: *Quietly* Ugly bitch
Glynda: *Angry* Excuse me!!
Jaune: Sorry, but can someone help me annul my marriage, please.
Glynda: Right, don't worry. I'll talk to Ozpin to help you.
Glynda: I think that's him.
The elevator door opens.
Ozpin: *Smiles* Mr. Arc you still alive, impressive.
Glynda: Prof. Ozpin, we need your help to annul the marriage of Mr. Arc.
Ozpin: I understand. Just let me make a few calls. *He pulls out his scroll*
Jaune: Thank you, Profesor.
Ozpin: You're welcome.
While Ozpin dials one of his contacts by phone. Tai gets up but looks depressed.
Ozpin: Tai, are you ok?
Tai: I'm fine, it's just that…
Ozpin: Yes?
Tai: I feel a little depressed that I will have to wait longer for grandchildren.
Jaune: Grandchildren?!!!
Ozpin: Mr. Arc, please don't scream in my office.
Jaune: *Embarrass* Sorry
Ozpin: It's fine. Glynda can you take Mr. Arc back to his room, please. Mr Arc, I will let you know when I have new about your situation.
Jaune: Thank you.
Glynda: Please come with me Mr Arc.
Jaune: Sure.
They both enter the elevator and left the office.
Ozpin: And Tai, don't worry. When the time is right you will have your grandchildren.
Tai: You are right, I must be patient. I can't wait for the moment to pamper those beautiful babies. Just picturing them with Ruby's silver eyes makes me feel so happy.
Ozpin: Oh yes, they would be lovely silver-eyed babies.
Tai: Yeah....
Phone: Good morning County Clerk's Office, how can we help you?
Ozpin: Oh yes, you can put me through to Mrs. Smith. Need help annul a marriag-SILVER-EYED BABIES!!!
Phone: Sir?!
Ozpin: *Hangs up and holds Tai by his shoulders* Did you say silver-eyed babies?!
Tai: Yes?
Ozpin: My oum! Do you know what this mean?!!!
Tai: Cute babies?
Ozpin: No, you fool! It means more warriors with silver eyes! But that is not all!!
Tai: Is not?
Ozpin: Mr. Arc has an amount of Aura that I have never seen before! If his children have the same amount of Aura or more, those children would be unstoppable!!!!!
Tai: Soooo...
Ozpin: So, we have to make sure those two stay together and have babies.
Tai: How many babies?
Ozpin: As many as you want, grandpa.
Tai: *Excited*
Port: *Ahem*
Ozpin and Tai turned to see the other three people who were still in the room, looking at them with worried faces
Qrow: You guys are crazy…. I'm in.
Later that day.
Ozpin and Jaune are walking down the hall
Jaune: So while my marriage is annulled I have to stay in another room?
Ozpin: Correct, since in the eyes of the law you are married, you can no longer sleep in a shared room with your team.
Jaune: But why exactly? I don't understand why I have to-
Ozpin: Do you want to go to jail, Mr Arc?
Jaune: No, but-
Ozpin: Then please follow my instructions.
Jaune: *Gives up* Ok
Ozpin: Great! *Stops* We have arrived at your room. All your things are already inside. If you need anything else, please speak to Professor Goodwitch.
Jaune: Ok, thank you.
Ozpin: *quietly* I should be the one thanking you.
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Ozpin: Well, it's almost time for bed. It was a pleasure talking to you Mr Arc. Have a good time tonight and remember not to use protection.
Jaune: Wait what?
Ozpin: *Push him inside the room* Have fun! *and shuts the door*
Jaune: What's wrong with him?
Ruby: Jaune...
Jaune: Ruby? Where are you? It's dark in here
Suddenly the nightstand lamp turns on, showing a shy Ruby wearing only her underwear and hiding her body as much as possible with a pillow that says YES.
Jaune: *Blushing* R-Ruby?
Ruby: I know I have no experience in this so… *Hugs the pillow tight* Please be gentle.
Jaune: *Blushing* Um, J-Just let me get something first, ok?
He goes to the door but realizes that it is locked.
Jaune: What the?
Suddenly he feels that Ruby hugs him from behind.
Ruby: Don't worry Jaune, no one will bother us tonight. Is only you and me~
Jaune: I-I don't think this is a good idea?
Ruby: Of course it's a good idea. After all, I'm your wife~
Jaune: B-But-
Ruby: No buts, now take me and put a baby in me, Darling~ *Pulls him to the bed*
Jaune: Wait!!!
Ozpin: *Smiling and with his ear at the door* Everything is going as planned.
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theladyofdeath · 2 years
The Viscount Who Loved Me {Sixteen}
TVWLM Masterlist
An A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfiction, inspired by the first 2 seasons of Bridgerton.
Written alongside @snelbz
Ships: Nesta x Cassian x Elain - Feyre x Rhysand - Elain x Azriel x Gwyn
Summary: (see TVWLM masterlist!)
A/N: Thank you for reading! From now until the end, I'll be posting a chapter every night at 7pm EST! I cannot believe we are almost done posting this story. We hope you've been enjoying reading it as much as we've been enjoying writing it! x
ps this chapter includes two of my favorite scenes from the show...
Tag list is at the end. If you’d like to be added, please comment below or submit an ask. :)
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Dear Readers,
Although I do love being a fly on the wall at all social events of the season, I have found that the best scandal can be found during an afternoon promenade. When in small groups, the people of the ton tend to speak more freely, not bothering to remember that others are just a few steps away.
It pleases me deeply.
Let us see what good gossip I come across today.
The Suriel
Summer had well and truly settled in Velaris, Elain decided, fanning herself as she and Cassian walked along the Sidra. Rhysand and Feyre had broken off on a stroll of their own and she hadn’t seen Azriel since they’d returned from Rhysand’s country home. Nesta was just a few paces back, her presence a balm to Elain, but something was still off about her older sister. She’d been acting strange ever since she and Cassian had announced their engagement and Elain idly wondered if it had to do with the fact that soon, she would be gone.
Once she and Cassian were wed, she would no longer live in Archeron house, with her sisters, as she always had. She would live with her husband, move into his home, an idea that thrilled her.
And terrified her at the same time.
As she tried to sneak a glance at Cassian, the sun blinded her. She squinted her eyes, staring up into the sky.
“I know it’s beautiful outside, but it’s unbearably hot during the day,” she said, fanning herself again. “I know we talked about having the ceremony in the gardens, but I fear the guests would overheat.”
Things were falling into place for the wedding, quicker than Elain had expected. Cassian, it turned out, had petitioned for an expedited marriage certificate.
The Queen herself had approved it.
In three days, she would be a wife.
In three days, she would Baroness Elain Nazari.
“We will make sure that no one overheats,” he promised her, strolling alongside her as the breeze from the Sidra cools them. “You will look lovely walking through the gardens in your wedding dress. I’ll have it no other way.”
Nesta let out a deep breath behind them.
Cassian’s shoulders tensed but they soon relaxed.
“I know you’ve been working hard to see that all is in order,” she assured him with a smile. “These next few days will pass too slowly.”
Cassian’s returning smile eased her worry. “Indeed. Are we still set for dinner with your father tonight?”
Lord Isaac Archeron had returned the night before and was set to stay until after the wedding ceremony. Elain was pleased, but it seemed she was the only one.
“Yes, of course,” she answered. “Father is thrilled.”
Cassian bowed his head. “As he should be. We are a good match, you and I.”
Elain opened her mouth to reply, but a man at her back caught her attention.
“Lady Nesta.”
Both Elain and Cassian turned around to find Eris Vanserra standing by Nesta, a sly smile on his mouth.
“Lord Vanserra,” she replied, curtly. “A pleasure to see you again.”
“And you,” he said, rocking on his heels. “You look as lovely as ever. I was hoping to join you on your stroll.”
Elain lifted a brow as Nesta hesitated, and when her older sister caught her eye, she urged Nesta forward.
“Certainly, my lord,” she said, and took his arm.
They continued to walk, Eris and Nesta trailing just behind them. Elain went on about the flower arrangements and her veil, hoping that Cassian was paying attention. Although he smiled and nodded, she feared his focus was elsewhere.
“Would you care for a trip about the lake?” She heard Eris ask. She turned to find Nesta hesitating, yet again, but she gave her a pointed look.
Nesta sighed. “Of course.”
Beside her, Cassian’s jaw ticked.
Elain frowned.  “Are you alright, my lord?”
Cassian’s smile soon returned as if it had never vanished. “Yes, of course. I just realized I have not yet written my vows, is all.” 
Elain gave him a forced smile. Hers had been written since she was thirteen. It didn’t matter who the man was that she would marry, she would make the same promises no matter what. Though, she would likely omit the part she added when she’d expected to be saying them to Graysen, the part about how he held her whole heart and always would.
Funny. He’d left it in pieces when he’d decided to marry Clare.
Lord Cassian was a far better match anyway.
“That’s alright, my Lord,” Elain replied, daring to lean her head against his shoulder. It was the most intimate thing she’d done with him and she worried it may have been too much as he tended again. “I’m sure they’ll come easily to you when you do.”
Eris had swept Nesta away and Elain could see them on the water, their boat milling about with the others in the pond. “Nesta hates the water, I’m glad that she accompanied the lord. I fear she’s lonely too often.”
“Yes,” Cassian murmured, following her gaze, noting how tense Nesta looked. “Why does she not like the water?”
“There was an accident when we were young,” Elain said, eyes shuttering. “We were swimming in a pond at our country home and Feyre swam out too far. Nesta saved her, but she’s never cared for swimming again.”
They were interrupted by more well-wishers before Cassian could ask anymore questions and by the time they made it around the pond again, Eris and Nesta were approaching the dock.
His focus on tying the boat up, Eris hadn’t noticed Nesta’s discomfort as he stood, fumbling with his knots. As the rope slipped for the third time, Nesta cleared her throat and said, “Lord Vanserra, if you don’t mind steadying the boat, I’ll step out so you can—”
“I’m almost done,” he interrupted, giving her a dashing smile.
A hand was suddenly in Nesta’s line of vision and she found Cassian waiting for her in the glaring sun. Her throat bobbed as she took his hand. Helping her out of the boat, his hand lingered after her feet were back on the wooden dock. “Thank you, my Lord.”
“Nazari, shouldn’t you be with your fiancée?” Eris asked, eyes darting to where he’d left her. She was speaking with a few ladies of the ton, all three married within the last few seasons. They’d said they’d give her a few tips of what to expect in the coming weeks, and Cassian couldn’t stand watching Nesta’s unease in the small boat any longer.
He pointedly ignored him.
“Are you alright?” Cassian asked Nesta, quietly.
Cheeks flushed, she nodded. “Yes, quite.” As if realizing her hand was still in his, she snatched it back to her side. Cassian, shocked and cold by the absence of her touch, stumbled back a step to get that distance she so eagerly wanted, and ran right into Eris at the edge of the dock. Unsteady from finishing tying the little rowboat to the dock, Eris fell into the water.
Taking Cassian in with him.
Nesta’s body stilled as she watched them disappear and there was a collective gasp from those that witnessed it.
Elain included. 
When Eris came back up, he shook out his hair and helped himself back on the dock, bidding Nesta a good day as he walked away.
But Cassian came up with far more anger. She wondered if he was embarrassed or simply hated having wet clothes, but Nesta watched his hazel eyes go dark as he mumbled curses under his breath. As he approached the dock, he yanked off his jacket and slapped the wet fabric against the wood. When he pulled himself up, Nesta could see every damn muscle of his flex beneath the thin, soaked white fabric of his shirt. She couldn’t even tell herself not to look, couldn’t even attempt to avert her gaze as he hauled himself onto the dock and ran a hand through his loose, dripping hair. He aggressively untied his cravat and undid the top few buttons of his shirt before he looked up and met her gaze.
He froze, although his eyes did not leave hers as he suppressed a devious grin.
Nesta’s back straightened. Of course he knew what she was thinking, how could he not when he was staring, practically drooling?
Cheeks red, she spun around to stalk away, only to find Elain looking at Cassian with raised brows.
Nesta cleared her throat, snapping her sister’s gaze away from the soaked, nearly half-dressed man.
“It’s not proper to stare, Elain,” Nesta said, trying to keep the snap out of her voice and failing significantly.
Even as she took her sister’s arm, leading her away, Elain still stared. “But he’s my husband-to-be.”
“Exactly,” Nesta snapped, panting. Why was she breathing so heavily? And where the hell was Feyre. “Husband-to-be. You aren’t yet married, so you shouldn’t be…ogling him.”
“Ogling?” Elain’s laugh was sharp as they were back on the path and headed towards their home. “I’ll be looking at him with far less on than some wet clothing in just a few days time, sister.”
The words drew her up short. She turned, Elain clearly not expecting her harsh gaze. “Yes, Elain, in a few days time, you will be his wife. But right now, you are not, and you are still a lady. And it’s not proper to stare.”
Elain’s smile faltered before disappearing completely. Although her arm remained looped through Nesta’s, she said no more as they continued their walk.
Due to her own stupidity, Nesta took one last look over her shoulder and found that she was the one Cassian was staring at.
Her head quickly swiveled back around and she cursed that stupidity of hers, and all the ways her heart was reacting to it.
To him.
Rhysand sat across from Feyre in one of the rowboats on the river.
She had just seen her sisters leave and she wondered if something had happened to make them forget she had accompanied them to the park. Hopefully Rhysand would walk her home. She had no doubt that he would.
“Are you alright, Feyre darling?” He asked, and her eyes trailed back to his. “You haven’t spoken in quite some time.”
Feyre smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yes, of course.”
His frown deepend as he nodded, but he didn’t let it go. “If something is the matter, you may speak to me.”
She nodded, but she was still trying to sort her emotions. She had been so excited to see him that morning, but with everything going on, she just felt…like something wasn’t right.
“We are hosting dinner for Lord Cassian tonight,” Feyre said, looking at the couples who walked together on the banks of the river. “To celebrate he and Elain’s upcoming marriage.”
There it was, that little thing that had been weighing her down that morning. Marriage. The season would soon be coming to an end and that word, marriage, haunted her the closer the wedding of her sister and Lord Cassian came. 
She knew she had to find a husband.
Yet, she couldn’t even think about any other man than the one sitting across from her. 
“He did mention that to me,” Rhys said, looking out over the pond and she could have sworn there was hesitance in his tone. As if he knew where her thoughts had gone.
“Would you care to join us?” She immediately regretted the words when his head swiveled back to her, eyes snapping to her own. “I know you aren’t his brother by blood, but you are his family nonetheless. And it is a dinner for our families, after all.”
Rhysand said nothing and that may have been worse than him outright refusing.
As the seconds ticked by, both her anxiety and embarrassment ratcheted up. Gods, she should have just kept her mouth shut.
Finally, he shook his head, averting his gaze from hers. “Thank you, Miss Feyre, but I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
Miss Feyre? Rhysand hadn’t been so formal with her in weeks, not when they were alone. Quickly, she looked around, but there were no other boats anywhere around them. Her eyebrows furrowed. “Why not?”
“Because it is a special dinner to celebrate two families joining, welcoming one another into their lives.” His gaze was set firmly on their surroundings, as if he weren’t even speaking to her. “Because our families will never be joined, Feyre.”
She didn’t know which was worse, the formal way he’d spoken to her a moment before or the way he’d snapped her name just now. The sharp gasp that left her was involuntary.
His jaw ticked and for a moment, she thought she saw regret but it quickly dissipated.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” she said, quietly. “I just thought…”
Her words drifted. She knew of his intentions and he only solidified them when he said, “I am never to marry, Feyre.” His voice was hard. Every word hurt. “You knew this when we began. I cannot sit with your family, with your father, as if I am a serious candidate for a husband.”
Tears welled up in her eyes and she hated herself for it. The last thing she wanted was to make a scene in front of the ton. The last thing she wanted was to cry in front of Rhysand.
She lifted her chin as she said, “Forgive me. I thought something had changed between us in recent weeks, but it seems it has not been as it had seemed.”
She thought she saw him flinch.
“I must have been foolish,” she continued, unable to stop herself. Atop her lap, her hands shook. “To think that you would have wanted to call me your wife.”
His eyes snapped to hers. Something like pain and anger brewed in his dark, violet eyes. “Do not,” he said, and his voice was low, hard. “Do not do that, do not make me feel guilty for not wishing to marry you. I told you before we—“ he stopped, and took a deep breath. “I told you in the beginning how I felt. We both knew how this would end.”
A tear fell and Feyre angrily wiped it away. “That was when we were simply dancing and walking through the park together,” she snapped, and Rhysand’s jaw locked. “You can at least respect me enough to admit that what has gone on between us has gone beyond our damned pact.”
Rhysand quickly looked away.
“Look at me,” she pleaded, knowing another tear fell but she did not wipe this one away.
When Rhysand met her gaze, there was only anger, a storm brewing beneath the surface.
“I will never marry,” he said, at last.
“Why?” She asked, and her voice broke. “Why would it be so awful to marry, Rhys?”
“I cannot marry you,” he said, quietly, as if that was answer enough for all of her questions.
“Why?” She pushed, voice full of pain and heartache. 
“Because I cannot give you children,” he hissed, and she did not know that his voice could hold so much venom. “I cannot marry because my name, my blood, cannot carry on. I cannot give you my name. I cannot have heirs. I cannot bear for my fathers legacy to carry on, for I vowed that it would die with me.”
Silence. There was so much silence in her head and in her heart. She idly wondered if it may have stopped beating, because she could no longer feel it in her chest. Or maybe that was the numbness sweeping through her. Maybe it was beating and she just couldn’t feel it.
The words were whisper soft as she said, “You mean to tell me that you won’t marry me, won’t let yourself be happy with me, because of how much you hate your father?” Her chil wobbled and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop it. “I thought that your feelings had—”
“It does not matter what I feel for you or how much I care about you,” he interrupted, his voice raising for a split second, before he reigned it back in. “I will always hate my father more.”
Feyre’s throat bobbed as she turned away, blinking quickly, as if she could stave off any more tears. “Take me back to the dock.” He didn’t move, left the oars in the bottom of the boat. He just stared at her. She swallowed roughly meeting his eyes. Wetness coated her cheeks. “Take me back to the dock, your Grace.”
An emotion crossed his face that Feyre couldn’t name, but it was gone before she could study it, and she looked away as well.
Silently, Rhysand picked up the oars and began rowing them towards the dock, the sound of them breaking the water near deafening as the guilt grew. It was like a bubble, waiting to pop. Once it did, things would never be the same.
As soon as they approached the wooden platform, before Rhysand even had a chance to reach for the rope to moor the boat, Feyre called out, “Excuse me, my Lord.”
Head snapping up, Rhys looked to her and then realized she wasn’t speaking to him.
She was speaking to Lord Hybern, who immediately gave Feyre his attention, flashing her a smile that was supposed to be charming.
It made Rhysand’s teeth grind together.
“Would you mind assisting me?” She asked, offering her hand. “I’ve got the worst balance.”
Bullshit, Rhys had nearly spat. Feyre was graceful and light on her feet.
Nonetheless, Lord Hybern took her hand and she stood, taking her time stepping out of the boat and onto the dock. “Of course, my lady.”
Once she was safe, she said, “Thank you, my lord. I am most grateful.” She turned towards Rhysand but did not meet his eye. “Good day, your Grace.”
Lord Hybern offered Feyre his arm and she took it, leaving Rhysand staring after her in the boat, full of anger and guilt.
He didn’t know what he felt worse about: the fact that he had made Feyre cry, or the fact that he had meant every word.
Cassian sat around the table with the Archeron family in their dining room, right across from Nesta. Trying to avoid meeting his eye had been trying, but she had managed to do a decent job of it so far. The main course was about to be served and Nesta prayed to whomever listened that time would move faster.
Her father was thrilled. At last, one of his daughters was not a disappointment. He kept a steady conversation with Cassian, and Cassian replied cordially to everything thrown his way. 
Feyre did not say a word for the entirety of it. Nesta knew that something was wrong, but now was not the time to address it.
There was only a minute of silence before Cassian said, “Not to speak business at the table,” he began, giving a comforting smile to Elain, “but I have yet to receive Elain’s dowry, my lord. Surely I’ll be receiving it before the wedding day.”
The sound of a fork scraping across the fine china filled the space.
For whatever reason, Cassian looked to Nesta first, before even looking at Isaac. Her eyes were firmly on her plate, her grip white knuckled on her fork.
The sight unsettled him.
He turned to Isaac, to his right, who still hadn’t replied. He had a casual smile on his ruddy face, but there was something in his eyes that had Cassian setting his own fork down.
“About Elain’s dowry,” Isaac began, taking a sip from his wine glass. “There was a slight…mishap with one of my ships. I’m expecting a full return after the most recent shipment I sent out is received, but I was hoping you would give me a couple weeks to get the funds together.”
There was no recent shipment. Once that ship went down on the way to Bharat, there was nothing else to send out, nothing else to receive. That had been his one and only ship, with almost their entire fortune amassed in gold, jewels, spices, books loaded down into it.
Now it sat at the bottom of the sea.
Cassian shook his head. “That’s not the agreement we made, Lord Archeron. I was to receive her dowry, in full, before we wed.”
Isaac looked from Cassian to Elain sitting next to him. Her brown eyes were wide with distress, seeing her future slip away.
His smile grew into a grin that resembled a grimace and he clapped a hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “Shouldn’t marrying my beautiful daughter be enough until I can get our funds in order?”
Cassian shifted, causing Isaac to pull hand back.
“With all respect to Miss Elain, I’m afraid not.”
“I could well ask a bride price for you, Lord Nazari,” Isaac replied, sitting back in his chair. “After all, one of my daughters is the Diamond.”
“Father…” Nesta murmured, but quieted down when he shot her a withering glance. She glanced up at Cassian, finding him already watching her, having seen the way her father looked at her.
“Is Elain’s heart not dowry enough?” Isaac asked again, his tone biting now. “Your love for my daughter should supersede money, should it not?”
Turning to look at Elain briefly, not wanting to hurt her, Cassian gave Isaac his attention once more. He hated the words the second they left his lips, but they needed to be said. “I do not love your daughter, Lord Archeron. This has been a business arrangement from the start and we all knew that. I could see myself loving her one day, once I’ve grown to know her more, but as it stands, no, love does not supersede the agreement we made.” He stood, trying to ignore the quiet sobs he heard coming from Elain on his left. Looking Isaac in the eye, he added, “And you’re a bastard for making me admit it out loud.”
Isaac pushed up from his chair, outraged, but Cassian was already striding out the door. He had made it halfway down the hall when he heard footsteps behind him and he spun, anger rising as he prepared to tell Lord Archeron off, but it was Nesta who he saw.
He couldn’t read the emotion on her face, but it didn’t matter because she yanked on his hand and dragged his massive frame into the sitting room. As soon as the door closed after them, she dropped her hand away as if he’d burned her.
For a moment, neither of them said anything. Nesta paced in front of him, and Cassian tracked her every movement, his broad arms crossed across his chest, his jaw locked.
After a moment, Nesta turned to him, and he sensed worry, panic in her eyes. “You cannot be angry with Elain.”
Cassian huffed, shaking his head. “I am not. It is clear she was as surprised by your father’s lack of dowry as I was, his schemes.”
“Schemes?” she repeated, incredulous. “There were no schemes.”
“But there will be no dowry,” Cassian said, quietly, not a question but a statement. Within an hour, everything had changed. He had yet to decide if it was for better or for worse. He probably should not have said what he had, but he felt instigated by Lord Archeron. He had been pushed to his limits and, after his emotions had built up from sitting across the table from Nesta all night, he could not contain the build up any further. 
Nesta scoffed, that incredulous glare of hers growing. “You truly care about a dowry?”
“Clearly I have been misled,” Cassian snapped, “and it is best to call off this doomed engagement before it is the cause of any more strife. Of course I would never desmirch her reputation. We will make a plan—”
“There will be no plan,” Nesta spat through gritted teeth. “I do not understand. Why are you suggesting this?” Cassian started but Nesta did not give him time to reply before she carried on. “All along you have been set on marrying my sister, despite my every objection might I add, and now you intend to cast her aside. Why?” Once again, she gave him no time before she continued, which only made his anger and irritation grow. “And do not talk to me of dowries, sir, for we both know you have no need of it. So tell me, what has she done?”
Cassian waited a moment, thinking she would not give him time to answer again, but she remained silent, breathing heavily, everything she had held within her about to break free. In his silence, Cassian’s arms fell to his sides and he took a step toward her as the truth fell from his tongue. “She has done nothing,” he said, his voice low, surprisingly calm. “It is you. You have made this match impossible.”
Nesta’s back stiffened. She did not deny his implications. “But I am leaving Velaris—”
“And it is not far enough!” Cassian said, that calm facade fading into nothingness. “Do you think that there is a corner of this earth that you could travel to that is far enough away to free me from this torment?” he spat, and Nesta did not move. “I am a gentleman. I was raised by my mother to act with honor but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence.” She swallowed, and he realized that he took a step closer without even thinking about it. His voice lowered. “You are the bane of my existence. And the object of all of my desires.” She trembled, her breaths coming out in heavy, uneven pants. “Night and day I dream of you. And what I…” Swallowing, he took another step closer and he swore that she stopped breathing entirely. He was close enough now that she had to look up to meet his gaze. At her sides, her hands shook. He breathed, “Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced?” Her eyes flared and Cassian longed to reach up, to brush his thumb along her bottom lip. “The things I could teach you.” 
As if she could feel that phantom touch, her lips parted. A shaking breath left her as she stared up at him. “I did not ask for this. To be plagued by these feelings. Hiding from my sister. Being driven to distraction every time you enter the room.”
The silence grew around them, yet somehow the space between them lessened. With every panting breath, Nesta’s chest brushed his.
“Then you agree. It is insupportable.” His words spoke of an end, yet as he leaned his head down, towards Nesta, it seemed like something was beginning.
Her answer was a whisper. “Impossible.”
She could feel Cassian’s breath on her lips, her eyes slipping closed. He took a shuddering inhale and as if on instinct, Nesta did as well. In the short distance between them, Cassian reached up and brushed a loose strand of hair behind Nesta’s ear. She gasped, the touch sending a jolt through her body. 
“If I were to wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.” The words rushed out of him so quickly that he nearly didn’t realize what he was saying, even though every damned word was laden with truth. His lips nearly brushed hers, and he swore her back arched into him, begging for his mouth to be on hers. It was too much, it was all too much, this emotion that welled up inside of him. It was more than want, it was more than desire, it was more than lust. Every inch of his body, every part of his soul, yearned for her. Meeting her gaze, he shook his head and with a humorless laugh, he stepped back, raking a hand through his hair before meeting her gaze, yet again. “Is that the future you want for us?” he asked, voice rasped with conflict, with anguish, with confliction. “For your sister?”
He approached her again and Nesta had not moved, her feet glued to the floor. The emotion in her eyes silenced him, her flushed cheeks and heaving chest calling to him. He stopped in front of her and rested his forehead against hers, her breath warming his lips, yet again. He could smell the wine on her tongue, could feel every ounce of truth that was just spoken between them.
And while it was truth, he had just ruined Elain, and he knew it. While his body was filled with lust and longing and trembling with adoration, guilt lingered in the background, and he remembered where he was, only a corridor away from the dining room, where the others surely still sat. 
Although everything within him urged him not to, he whispered, “I must go.”
Before he could think better of it, he pushed himself away from Nesta and hurried towards the door. She did not move, those shuddering breaths of hers still filling the silence as he threw open the door and strode down the grand staircase and out of the grand foyer. The footmen opened the doors for him then he was out in the cool night air, unable to get far enough away from that woman.
He had meant what he’d said.
She could be on the other side of the world and her soul would still call to his. 
@mariamuses @photofeesh @the-regal-warrior @gracie-rosee @irisofink @strawberries-and-reveries @zeppelin-and-unicorns @live-the-fangirl-life @cassianscool @clacings @argentumstella @cuppamelia @chillspritecranberry @emilyrose111294 @awesomelena555 @gengen64 @dontbenddontbreak @blueunoias @liliput2203 @sleeping-and-books @kindofawalkingpoem @thebitchydonutcollector @shedoessoshedoes @cretaceous-therapod @emily-gsh @annie-laur @impossiblehistoryofquotes @midnightrose-reader @beanl1 @shniya-hiiragi @towhateverend87 @deezrmuhsheeple @pintas3107 @sarcasm-is-the-best-insult @santkazoya @lady-winter-sunrise @themoonthestarsthesuriel @story-scribbler @swankii-art-teacher @lordof-bloodshed @sv0430 @dreammoutlouddd @katlady13 @lokisllama @mrspettyferr @missannieshay @live-the-fangirl-life @headinclouds48 @secretlycressdarnel @awesomethreedragons @lokisllama @littlehoneyybee @vicioux @cest-la-vieve @lokisllama  @thewinterroza @aching-for-distance
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
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From your fanfiction The Failed Shovel Talk
Okay, but suppose things had then gone like this.
Also suppose Hannah (and Hope) had been there for this part.
CJ: Excuse me, I am twenty-three years old! I'd like to think that marriage and motherhood has matured me, you know! Stop laughing, Zevon!
Hannah: What?
CJ: I said-
Hannah: No, I mean the motherhood! I knew the marriage part, but when did the motherhood happen?
CJ: Four years ago.
Harriet: We told you this already.
Hannah: Well, I was kind of adjusting to seeing my family again and suddenly having a little sister! Maybe I forgot for a second!
Harriet: See, this is what happens when you run away and don't talk to us for years.
CJ: His name is Carter Zoran! He's four years old and he's the cutest little boy in the world-
Hannah: I can't believe it. This feels so weird. I mean, this was a big enough shock for me when you two went and eloped-
Zevon: We didn't elope!
Hannah: You ran away and got married all by yourselves. Isn't that basically the definition of eloping?
Harry: In secret, too! And both of you were sixteen! Yeah, that's definitely eloping.
James: I was seriously considering having the marriage annulled until the two of you were a bit more older and mature.
CJ: What?
James: Neither of you were of age, you lied about your age on legal documents, neither of you did this with parental permission, and CJ only signed her name as CJ instead of Calista Jane. That's grounds for a legal annullment right there.
CJ: And this is why we made copies of the marriage certificate.
Hannah: Anyway! I just can't believe you have kids. Well, one kid.
CJ: Well, you know, dating leads to marriage, marriage leads to children-
Hannah: I'm not five!
Hope from where she's coloring pictures under the table: I am!
That. Is. Hilarious.
I can also see this happening:
Hannah: yeah. Well.. Haul and I have more kids than you lot do!
Haul, who was under the impression they had no kids: we do?
Harry, already seeing where this is going: Your crew mates don't count!
Audrey, wincing: Don't let Uma hear you say that.
Hannah: I made sure Fiona didn't starve to death! I gave Levi baths! I brushed Skelebar's hair and made sure she felt beautiful! I encouraged Jolene and Ike and Craven to be their shelves, and helped take care of them from the moment they were born. AND I change Atlas's diapers!
Harry: But they call you their sister, therefore you aren't their mother!
Hannah: Well tell their parents they owe me and Haul child support for raising their kids! And I'll have you know I'm a wonderful aunt!
Cj: you don't even know them!
Hannah; I may not know your kids but I got heaps of presents from missed birthdays and little poems and stories I wrote for them. AND I'm not only an aunt to y'all's kids but my crews' kids as well. So take that!
Haul: I forgot how petty siblings can make a person....
Also this is starting to look like a reality show.
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weloveapples · 2 years
things that went wrong between us
1. 5 years ago, i met you in december. by january i had already told you i loved you and told my friends that i had finally understood what writers were writing about
2. we were polar opposites. you listened to rap while i was an avid fan of R&B. we could never sing each other's tunes and even if we tried we'd get the lyrics wrong
3. i preferred the sunset but you loved the way the sunrise woke the world up with light and warmth (i always wondered if you knew that was how i felt about you - i was an empty colouring book with one too many lines and numbers but you came charging in with your crayons and pencils and left me beaming with every i love you you coloured in)
4. i believed in promises like they were wedding vows - a marriage between will you promise me this and yes i will, an agreement between two people that will be kept no matter how difficult times may be. (i wondered what it said about me that you were never able to keep to your words but i loved you in the way people signed marriage certificates with their hearts on their sleeves)
5. i could never leave you. every disagreement, every red flag and every lie rang in my head like a fire alarm but i'd gladly go down, burning, if it meant that you'd engulf me in your flames
6. 5 months ago i met a man. i would compare him to you like report cards and man was he kicking your ass on this test. he's the kind of man you'd bring home to your parents and they would say you should bring him by more often, he seems great (why do i miss sneaking out at 2am like you were a secret etched into every fibre of my being?)
7. sometimes i try to write about him. i try to write about how we like the same music. how we have the same obsession with reading. how he keeps to his promises. how he lights up when he talks about our future. how he stands on the side of the traffic when we are walking along the road. how his i love yous sound like i swear to god this is what i've been looking for (i put my pen down after staring at an empty page for hours)
8. i write about you instead. words flow out of me, page after page, like tsunami tides crashing against low-rise houses
9. why am i still writing about you? am i only able to accept love in its ugliest form - with tears and anger and lust and hate? or does it mean that you showed me love in its rawest form wrapped in the best and worst of you and i still loved you with every cell in my body and i could never accept any kind of love that isn't as naked as the one we had?
10. if it isn't already obvious, i still think of you. not all the time. sometimes. when i see you in little things. (when it comes it comes like rain pouring over my head, smudging every goddamn word he's whispered into my skin - words i've tried so hard to replace yours with)
11. sometimes i think i feel guilty for trying to move on. like my body is fighting fervently against loving someone else. like my whole being is screaming for you to come back, come back, come back to me
12. i still remember the day you left
13. bye, you said, i'll never love anyone as much as i loved you
14. i remember staying silent.
15. I think if i said it back i won't have any parts of you with me anymore
(you were always what i loved about myself the most)
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Secrets Chapter 10
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Disturbed by the implicit threat in those hard words, you spun away and walked past him to the window, fighting to get a grip on the turmoil of emotions. He had shocked you very deeply, It had not until that moment struck you that his belief in your infidelity could have inflicted that much damage. Two years back when he had confronted you about Rick, he had been cold, controlled, behaving almost as though he was indifferent to you. By then you had believed that Steve felt very little for you and might even be grateful for a good excuse to end your unhappy alliance. Only now you recognized that you had been naïve to accept that surface show from a male as deep and emotional as he could be.
‘I didn’t have an affair with your brother,’ you muttered heavily, slowly turning back round to face him.
‘And you should know now that my son, Mattie, is your son.’ you added.
‘Is this is a joke?’ Steve demanded with a look of anger.
‘I know that you miscarried before you left me.’
‘We thought I had had a miscarriage,’ you corrected him.
‘I went to see a gynecologist here, she told me that I was pregnant. She suggested that the bleeding I experienced was merely a warning my body gave me, I bled but did not miscarry our baby.’ you continued.
‘I was still very much pregnant when I arrived here and Mattie was born just five months later.’
‘That's not possible.’ Steve denied.
You yanked open a drawer and leafed through several documents to find Mattie’s birth certificate. You were on autopilot not fully aware of what you were doing but subconsciously you didn't know what else to do. Mattie was your husband’s child and that was not something you could lie about, you knew that a time would come when Mattie would want to know about his father. Taking out the certificate, you extended it to Steve.
‘This does not make sense,’ Steve asserted, snatching the piece of paper from you.
‘Well, if you can find some other way of explaining how I managed to give birth to a baby on that date then?’ you challenged.
Steve stared down at the certificate with rage and then glanced up.
‘All this proves is that you must have been pregnant when you walked out on our marriage. It does not automatically make that kid mine.’
‘I know it doesn’t suit you to hear this news now and I really didn’t want to tell you. Too much time has passed since we split up and now we lead separate lives. But the point is, I can’t lie to you about it. Some day Mattie may want to reach out to you.’ You said defeatedly.
Steve studied you with threatening fierceness.
‘If that’s the truth, if that little boy is mine, it was spiteful and selfish of you to leave me in the dark about my child!’ you paled.
‘When I left you I had no idea that I was still pregnant,’ you protested.
‘Two years is a long time, and you never even made any attempt to inform me that I may be a father,’ he said harshly.
‘I want DNA tests to confirm what you said before deciding what I want to do.’ Once again Steve was insulting you with the assumption that you had been an unfaithful wife and that, for that reason, there could be doubt over who had fathered her child.
‘Do whatever you want, I know you are Mattie’s father.’ you told him curtly.
‘I will arrange the tests and see you after I get the results’ Steve drawled.
I'll contact a lawyer and start the divorce proceedings,’ you added in return, you did not want to be in that toxic marriage anymore.
‘We should wait for the DNA results.’ Steve replied
‘No.... I should have started the divorce proceeding the second I left you’ you lashed at him ’
‘Then why didn’t you?’ He challenged.
‘Get out’ you muttered not having the energy to keep arguing with him.
You forgot how angry and frustrated Steve could make you feel with his arrogant need to take charge and do exactly what he wanted, regardless of what others felt.
‘I'll be in touch,’ he replied.
Anger coursing through you, you slammed the door after he left and watched him get into his car and drive away from behind the curtains.
Nothing had changed. Being in the same room again as Steve brought back all the doubts, insecurities, and regrets you had left behind..... When you gave up on being his wife…
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its-moopoint · 4 years
Shippers will ship, "I'll definitely question it’s authenticity. Tbh I think such a certificate doesn’t exist. But even if it does, I believe C is capable of doing a fake marriage and real ceremony, just to kill the last drop of doubt and hope of people who think she’s married to S. But guys, come on…this husband is a ghost husband. No one has ever seen them together all these years and I don’t take seriously the staged pictures and their appearances at public events… Where is Tony after all???"
Yeah no one at all has absolutely seen them together out and about in all these years... except when he was at the marathon and shippers hid it and when he was in Paris and his pic came out, and when he attends all ceremonies and events with C, and when they go to watch tenis, and when she comes out from his place on a picture with friends, or when he's with her during Christmas or Thanksgiving with friends, or when he attends OL's people's concerts, or when fans see him with her in the English countryside.... yeah he's deffo never there.
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