#I’ve been looking on Etsy but I’m open to suggestions for artists
imthebird · 2 years
I’ve decided I NEED a ref sheet for fursonas I barely have.
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morganski-19 · 21 days
The One Where Eddie Gets Another Job
Steve and Robin walk into the coffee house after work. Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle already sitting in their spot. Robin sits next to Nancy on the couch while Steve flops into the armchair.
“How was the first day of school,” Nancy asks Steve.
Steve groans. “I have three Gabriels in my class and all of them want to be called Gabe. And two of them have a last name that starts with H. Then the fire alarm went off because Beverly decided that popcorn was the perfect lunchtime snack. Three moms tried to hit on me when I was doing car line, and I think one of the kids was sick. So that’s about to be spread around my classroom.”
“That’s,” she starts, trying to find something positive to say. “I have nothing, that sounds like shit.”
“I could never be a teacher,” Robin sighs into the couch. “I didn’t like kids that much to begin with. And after the things you tell me, never.”
“I don’t know,” Argyle pipes in. “It could be fun. And very rewarding.”
“I could totally see you being a kindergarten teacher,” Steve suggests.
The group does a vague nod in agreement.
“For anyone wondering how my day was,” Robin perks up. “I had a very nice conversation with this Italian man. He’s opening up a small bakery with his wife and wanted someone to go over the contracts with him. He’s bringing me some pastries as a thank you when they get up and running.”
The conversation about work continues for a bit, each of them sharing how their day was and destressing.
“Where’s Eddie,” Steve eventually asks. He’s normally here by this point.
Nancy starts laughing. “Oh just wait.”
“What,” Jonathan looks up from his laptop. “Did we miss something?”
“Like I said,” Nancy continues to laugh over her coffee. “Just you wait.”
Like speaking of him suddenly made him appear, Eddie walks out of the backroom of the coffee house. With an apron tied around his waist and a pencil behind his ear. He heads over to an empty table with a wet rag, wiping it down.
“Oh my god,” Robin whispers with surprise.
“Is that Eddie, working?” Argyle questions. “Here?”
Nancy nods, her laughter getting louder. “Yes.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Eddie working,” Robin comments. “It’s like watching an animal out in the wild.”
“I can hear you, you know,” Eddie groans. Shoving the rag in his apron pocket and walking over.
Robin smiles. “I meant you to.”
“How long have you been working here?” Steve asks.
Eddie shrugs. “A few days now.”
“I thought you were working on being a tattoo artist,” Jonathan says. Taking a break from editing photos on his laptop to invest in this conversation.
“That I am. But I needed to shut down my Etsy page for art commissions, because people were being a bunch of dicks, so now I’m down one job. So I got another. Because rent is fucking expensive.”
Nancy makes a gesture with her hand. “And that’s with it rent controlled.”
Eddie makes a gesture toward her. “Also, I blew all of my savings moving out here, so I am trying to build those back up.”
“Aw, look at you being financially responsible,” Robin teases. Poking Eddie’s arm.
“You’re growing up,” Nancy eggs on. Feigning wiping away tears.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “You guys are the worst. I knew it was a bad idea getting a job here.”
“I don’t think I ever envisioned you being a barista,” Argyle notes. “Bartender, yes. Barista, no.”
“Well, I work the late shift too. So I am both of those things.”
“Oo,” Robin turns around on the couch. Standing on her knees to see him better. “Do you get a discount? Can we abuse it?”
Eddie shakes off her hand. “Yes, I get a discount, no you cannot abuse it. I sort of need this job, so I’d rather not get fired. It says strictly in the rules that I cannot use it for friends.”
Robin falls back down, defeated. “Boo, you’re no fun.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Eddie walks away behind the counter. Cleaning off the counter and starting to make someone’s order.
“I’m going to go get something to drink,” Steve says, standing up. “You want anything, Rob?”
“Just a green tea. Not feeling coffee right now.”
Steve nods while going over to the counter. Sitting down at one of the stools. “So, you work here now.”
“I thought that was already established.” Eddie hands off the drink he was making to the girl further down. Coming to stand in front of Steve.
“Is that why you couldn’t come over last night? You could have said that.”
Eddie shrugs. “I didn’t want you to know, quite yet. Thought you wouldn’t really like how much I bounce around jobs.”
“You’re not though. You have a job, you just needed a second one. No shame in that.” Steve leans further across the bar. “It also helps that I find bartenders to be really hot.”
“Steven,” Eddie gasps. “I am at work.”
Steve smirks. “I know.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Did you want anything, or are you just here to flirt with me?”
“Only if flirting with you gets me a discount. Otherwise, I’ll just take my business elsewhere.”
“Is that really all I am to you?” Eddie starts making Steve’s usual drink order. Waiting for the espresso to brew.
“And Rob wanted a green tea.”
Eddie nods, pouring some hot water into a glass and adding a tea bag. “How was work?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Don’t even get me started. The first day is always hard.”
“Oh, I bet.” Eddie steams the milk, adding it to the top of the espresso and drizzling it with caramel.
“And I just can’t wait until I get to hear all of the single, and not so single, PTA moms throwing their cheap pick-up lines at me.” Steve says that with a leading tone. Hoping that Eddie takes that in the direction he wants it to.
Eddie slides the drinks across the bar. “That something they do,” he says, with a lilt of jealousy.
“Every year. Without fail.”
“Any way I can help with that?”
“Come over later and find out.” Steve gives him a flirtatious smile. “What do I owe you?”
Eddie waves his hand. “It’s on the house.”
“I was joking before. Seriously, what so I owe you.”
“And now I’m being serious. I get a free drink a day that I can give out to a friend, so consider that covering Rob’s, and then I am personally paying for yours.”
“What was it about needing to save up money?”
“That doesn’t apply to you, sweetheart.” Eddie leans over the bar a little bit, palms pressed into the edge of the counter.
“Steve,” Robin yells from the couch. “I thought you were getting us drinks.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I’m paying next time, no arguments.”
“Whatever you say so.”
He walks back over to the group and hands Robin her tea.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
@croatoan-like-its-hot, @dreamercec, @dreamy-jeans137
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thegreenwolf · 4 years
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(This post was originally posted on my blog at https://thegreenwolf.com/its-okay-to-not-hustle/)
There’s this meme going around Facebook right now, saying “If you don’t come out of this quarantine with a new skill, your side hustle started, or more knowledge, you never lacked time. You lacked discipline.” Thankfully multiple people have already skewered it, but it continues to be shared around by the sort of person who is trying to one-up everyone else, or who’s just plain clueless–or, for that matter, just trying to guilt you into buying whatever they’re selling.
Now, there’s not a damned thing wrong with self-promotion. That’s how indie artists, authors, and other self-employed folks get the word out. You have to be able to talk good talk in order to get people’s attention. But leading with this meme? Guilting people for not leaping from sudden unemployment straight into the thick of the ever-shifting gig economy? That ain’t gonna fly, Brocephus.
You Have Good Reasons to Slack
Excuse me while I dust off my counseling psych degree a sec, here. *ahem* We are in a very sensitive, turbulent time right now. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a century in the Western world. We are in a hugely traumatizing situation here. Not just for the financial losses, but the fact that COVID-19 has killed thousands of people and left many more with permanent lung damage. We still haven’t gotten a handle yet on exactly how contagious this thing is, how long you’re contagious for, or whether you’re immune once you’ve had it, assuming you survive. We don’t have adequate testing, emergency rooms estimate that for every positive test there are 10-20 people out there infected and untested, and everyone with a cough is suddenly Schroedinger’s COVID case. Governments worldwide are slow to react in spite of the rising death toll. People have had friends and family die horribly from this thing in a short period of time. Even people who didn’t already have issues with anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses are feeling stressed, strained and scared–and, yes, traumatized. This image is guilt-tripping people who are actively being traumatized.
So we’re already starting with a populace that is dealing with this collective trauma, as well as whatever personal trauma each individual is experiencing. Not always easy to seize the day when you’re going through that. And I can think of a few other reasons that might further complicate this whole “Just get a side gig!” thing:
–They’re a parent who suddenly has all their kids at home, all the time, demanding time and attention and food, AND they still have to work eight hours a day from home, or maybe even more if their S.O. is unemployed/sick/etc. By the way, if someone trots out Isaac Newton or William Shakespeare or some other historical guy who managed to do epic things during a pandemic, remember that they usually had wives or servants to do all the laundry and cooking and cleaning and (if applicable) childcare for them.
–They’re disabled or chronically ill, and don’t have the ability/energy/etc. to just go and make something happen, just like that. Imagine if you just randomly got the fatigue from a really bad flu, and you never knew whether it was going to last a day or a month. And if you tried exerting yourself when you were feeling better, chances are you’d slip back into fatigue-land. That’s what a lot of my chronically ill/etc. friends have to deal with, to say nothing of issues with accessibility of resources for starting a side gig.
–They don’t have any money for the supplies needed to start a side hustle, or the supplies have been hoarded by hobbyists preparing for a Pandemic Staycation.
–They don’t have the skills for something that just requires what they already have (like, for example, writing on a laptop you already happen to own). Often these skills are things that can’t be perfected in a few weeks at home, but may take years to develop before they’re really marketable–like, for example, the skill to make a decent living on side hustles.
–They have anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions that make it hard to function even in the best of times, but even moreso in this…well…mess. Even people who were mentally healthy before are going to be developing diagnosable anxiety and depression disorders before all’s said and done. And speaking from personal experience, those of us who look successful on the outside can still be internally hamstrung by these conditions at times.
–Plus there’s the fact that we’re not supposed to, you know, leave our homes, which narrows down the field of potential side gigs by a lot.
Even doing something less financially-wrought like learning a new skill or subject takes time, energy, and sometimes money, any or all of which may be scarce for the reasons above and more.
Comparison is the Thief of Joy
I am saying all of this as someone who is arguably an expert on the side gig. I have spent the past eight and a half years 100% self-employed (and a lot longer doing it part-time) as an author and artist, able to cover all my bills and expenses, and for a time I was the primary breadwinner of a multi-person household. I have like ten different things I was doing for a living before this all hit, a pretty diverse set of streams of income, even if most of them just up and evaporated in the past few weeks. And while I’m definitely a hell of a lot leaner now than I was a month ago, I still have my head above water for the moment. So I think I know side gigs.
I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m overall healthy. I have a dog who is a lot less demanding of my time than kids would be. I have my own space where I can focus more or less without interruption. More importantly, I have the skills, the knowhow, the drive and the personality to go out and seek new opportunities. And I’m used to fluctuations in income, though admittedly this one’s unprecedented. Don’t gauge yourself by where I am now. I’ve spent twenty-two years building up my art business, my first book came out in 2006, and I’ve had a series of really good opportunities come my way that I had the privilege to be able to make the most of. I am not your measuring stick, so don’t say “Well, if she can do it why can’t I? I must suck!”
If you’re feeling crappy because you aren’t hopping to it and carpeing the diem and getting everything done, here’s what I have to say to you: Look, you just had your world turned upside-down. Job loss, scarce commodities, sudden lack of outside childcare, restricted movement and inability to be around much of your support system, and did I mention a pandemic is happening, too? Any single one of those things would be difficult for just about anyone to deal with, never mind all at once. And I don’t even know what all else has already been going on in your life–unstable or unsafe living situation, other health issues, breakups and other losses, interpersonal conflicts. You know, normal life stuff.
You’re Not Lazy, or Screwing Up, or (Gods Forbid) Undisciplined
It is totally okay if all you’re doing right now is surviving. It’s okay if you feel like you’re drowning, overwhelmed by all that’s happening both on a global level and more personally. It’s okay if all you can manage right now is to get out of bed and stumble through each day a moment at a time, struggling with a tidal wave of emotions. It’s okay if you’re just trying to keep your kids busy, dealing with a crowded home every single day, or trying to keep COVID-19 at bay. It’s okay if, instead of firing up DuoLingo or opening an Etsy shop, you spend your evenings vegging to Netflix or reading a book or playing hours and hours of Animal Crossing.
Not every moment in your life has to be about being productive even in the best of circumstances, and that goes exponentially so right now. Be patient with yourself, and be kind. You may be one of those folks who literally has to spend all their time scrabbling to try to cover the bills or get some leeway from bill collectors, and you have to dedicate your waking time hunting for resources just to try to get through this week. Believe me, I feel for you, I have a lot of friends in that situation right now, and I hope all of you can find some relief and assistance.
May I suggest something? If you have the energy for something more than the bare essentials of getting by, put that energy toward self-care, whatever you can manage under the circumstances. You can use it to recuperate, to rebuild your emotional and physical resilience. That way if things get rough again in the future, you have more internal reserves to build on. If your usual methods don’t work or aren’t accessible due to lockdown, ask others what they’re doing to keep themselves grounded in this trying time.
Just because you have more time doesn’t mean you don’t have to throw yourself right into something productive! Don’t feel pressured to just go-go-go the moment you have a little freedom to move. If you do decide you want to try a side gig, or a new skill, or learn all about some specialized topic of interest, go for it! If you have the energy and attention and opportunity to pursue something new, it can be a great coping skill during this traumatic time. Just don’t pressure yourself; keep it fun.
One last thing: I want you to save the image I have at the top of this post. And then if you see someone post that meme, saying “Come on, you lazy bums, get up and make that side gig happen! Learn new stuff! Do all the things! No excuses!” you pull out this version, and you look at the edits, you remember that it’s okay to be where you are, and you get back to doing things at your own pace no matter what someone else says. (I find visualizing stapling a printout of the edited version to the offender’s forehead to also be therapeutic, but that may just be me.)
Hang in there, okay? It’s going to be a rough time, but you’re not alone, and what you’re feeling right now is shared by so many people. So just let yourself be where you are in this moment, and we’ll see what hope tomorrow brings. And remember that whatever you’re capable of in this moment: it’s enough.
Did you enjoy this post? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon, buying my books here on my website, buying my art and books on Etsy, or tipping me at Ko-fi!
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winchester-reload · 4 years
Hi, sorry to bother you but i was wondering how you price your commissions? I'm not the best artist, at all, but i really want to give it a try. So what do you recomend, and what do you think is a good payment method that doesn't require paypal? Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful day.
Hi Nonny! I’ve been asked this a couple times over the years so I can suggest giving this post or this post a once-over to see if it has any of the pricing info you’re looking for.
As far as payments go, I have always primarily used Paypal. I like it because it lets me send invoices and keep track of commission information, as well as fast payment and refund abilities. However, I can also suggest opening a shop on Etsy. It does allow for other payment options (in addition to Paypal??) and lets people contact you to request custom items (ie: a commission), but do your research and make sure the platform and all the associated fees are right for you before you dive into it. 
I’m sure there are others but I haven’t used them. If you use anything, make sure it’s something that accurately tracks all invoices and payments so you can easily refer back if/when needed.
I wish you buckets of luck on your commission journey!!! Happy arting, friend!!!
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elleleh · 5 years
Hey guys, I recently got some Christmas gifts from my bestie and I’d like to show them off! Also this is totally a shameless plug for her because:
1. Her work is quality stuff
2. They’re gorgeous pieces
3. Some of you will likely be interested in commissioning her.
Okay so let’s dive into it!
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This was a Halloween themed mug she did for October-November ceramic sales. I visited her stream on twitch, saw her doing pumpkin and cauldron mugs, and suggested the phrase as a joke, but like all good artists she ran with the ridiculous and now it’s my fabulous fave!! I love the feel of it in my hands, the weight, and it’s inspiring message reminds me to keep it witch all year round 🎃
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This is her standard noodle bowl. *Note the chopstick rest* and this is a recent glaze she’s been working with that makes it resemble the color of ocean glass! I’m so excited to make noodles just so I can use them!! ٩( ᐛ )و They’re a good size, too, but if you’d like larger she can throw big bowls as well.
These pictures don’t do her work justice honestly, and she does much MUCH more than just what I’ve shown. She’s a good soul, my best friend, my maid of honor huehue, and a talented as hell young lady. So I’m sorry, but I have to brag about her now and again.
If you’d like to look at her store on Etsy, her shop is called “PotteryByKelsey”. Her shop is currently closed for the holidays and won’t open until 2020, but if you look at her store I’m positive you’ll find at least one thing youll fall in love with 💜
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designsfromtime · 5 years
When It All Goes South: A Designer’s Nightmare
Back in 2013 a client named “Nicole” contacted me.  She had been searching for a designer to work with for several years and wasn’t satisfied with the “talent” she had found thus far. She stumbled across my website, found my contact information and gave me a call. She had a stash of fabrics and some basic ideas and we spoke on the phone at length . . . A conversation that lasted over an hour. 
I had been a seamstress since I was a pre-teen. My grandmother began teaching me to sew when I was a child and I sort of “fell” into historical costuming by happenstance in 2001. That happenstance being my 16 year old daughter wanting to join RenFaire with her friends and had to have a parent join with her.  I used my experience as a seamstress and began dabbling in historical clothing. I made our garb and it was “passable” - barely! LOL Of course I’m judging myself by my current abilities, but hey...we all start somewhere. 
Fast forward to 2012. My husband had died from on-the-job injuries sustained in his position as a law enforcement officer and the kids and I relocated to Bonney Lake, Washington. My husband’s death provided me and my adult kids with a generous retirement, so when we relocated to Washington State I was fortunate enough to retire as a Medical Transcriptionist and pursue my costuming full-time. 
Enter “Nicole.”
One of my biggest faults, if you can classify it as a fault, is that I am generous. Generous with my time. Generous with my talent. Generous with my friendship. And generous with my trust. This generosity gets me in trouble. It has for my entire adult life, and more especially since taking my talents public and opening my website and Etsy store. But it also has affected my personal relationships. I am a Leo. Astrology likes to paint us Leos with broad strokes. So, for the record, I’m not the attention seeking, spotlight loving, glory hog people may associate with being Leo, but I have a big old fluffy lion heart and I’m driven. 
Another factoid: I’m very intuitive. I won’t go into the “I see dead people” stories or the dreams that come true. That’s a story for another time. I’ve used that intuition as a designer. In most cases I can tune in with my clients and get a real ‘read’ on their tastes and have pulled off some pretty awesome costumes as a result. It’s why I like it when a client gives me the freedom to follow my creative inspiration rather than constrict me to follow “their” vision to the exclusion of my creative input. That’s the one time I will own my Leo-ness. I work best when I can take the lead as a designer, but I’m VERY sensitive to my client’s input. So my process is usually a 60/40 mix. 
After that long conversation, I didn’t hear back from Nicole until 2016. She’d relocated from New York to California and was now “ready” to proceed with a gown commission. Great! She sent me a huge box of fabrics and trims she had been collecting for over a decade. She had some great fabrics that I was itching to get my hands on, but she wanted her first commission to be made out of a blue “patterned” upholstery weight velvet she had in her stash. Not my recommendation to use upholstery weight velvet, but I will make do with what my client’s have - unless it’s simply too hideous or won’t drape properly.
I sketched out the gown she communicated she wanted, and pitched my ideas for embroidery, sleeves, and such. I took her deposit and when her reservation rolled around I began working. As I was in the process of embroidering the gown pieces, she called and pitched me the idea of me using a reproduction of an Elizabethan embroidery pattern used on waistcoats of that time period. She wanted her forepart “completely” filled with that pattern. I gulped, and agreed - even though I knew it would be extremely time consuming.  Now, mind you - - If I charged FULL PRICE for such a piece, using the standard fee scale for commercial embroiderers, it would have cost in the range of about $1000 or more!  But, I was more concerned with making “her” vision a reality and enjoying the creative process and I DIDN’T CHARGE HER extra! (Oh my god, what the hell was I thinking?). There’s that generosity getting in my own way again. 
We had continued to communicate over a period of time even after her commission was complete because I “thought” we had built a friendship. We had quite a lot in common - aside from our love of costume and RenFaire. What I was to learn later (at the beginning of 2019) was that she was my friend so long as she was getting something out of that relationship. Stay tuned, I’ll get there in the telling of this story.
So, I designed the blue gown you see in the link at the end of this page and shipped it to her. She was ecstatic with my work and immediately we began planning a “peacock” themed gown. As part of my process as a designer, I generally ask my clients to send me three pictures of their favorite gowns they’ve seen. There were no pictures she could send me for “reference” as this was her dream gown. I sketched out a gown, incorporating designs from a picture I had seen, and she LOVED IT. The only issue was the embroidery pattern. Did she want this Elizabethan style gown to be more “literal” in theme with peacock feathers and a full peacock, or just “touches” of a peacock theme such as the color of the gown. So, I began to scour the internet and vendors for anything to do with Peacocks. 
While I strive for authenticity in the cut of my design, my challenge as a designer is to meld the "historical purist" with my client's vision or "fantasy" and produce beautiful and functional ensembles that hit as many points as possible; and offer the public a vignette into each respective time period. While I adore projects that strive for more historical accuracy, what's more important to me as a designer is pleasing my clients, working within their budget, and encouraging their love and knowledge of clothing from bygone eras. So, while peacocks were not a historical theme for the 16th Century, I was game.
The gown went through several iterations in terms of embroidery patterns. Whenever I thought we had nailed down a concept (for the embroidery), she would call me or send me pictures and pitch more ideas for this gown. I’m always open to my client’s input, but the process just kept going...and going...until finally we had reached the date of her reservation!  She hadn’t even purchased her fabrics yet! The fabrics were actually the easiest part of the process. We knew what colors we were to use but she hadn’t purchased the yardage we had discussed. With time running short, and the fact that I generally have a very full commission schedule on my calendar, I rescheduled her peacock gown to my next available opening and pitched the idea of using some of her other fabrics and use the time I had to design something else. (See the Red Pomegranate Gown in the link at the bottom of the page). That brought us to about April of 2018.
Over the ensuing months, we continued to discuss the peacock themed gown and she could not settle on an embroidery pattern. I kept sketching, and keeping notes on her feedback, and searching for patterns that might work. She finally came to the decision that she didn’t want it to be too “literal” with peacock feathers AND a peacock portrait - which she had decided that’s what she wanted (a portrait). So, I began researching and sent her pattern after pattern after pattern. She finally came to a decision, and I breathed a sigh of relief. We had discussed this damn gown ad nauseam and I was ready to just get on with actually building it rather than to talk it to death.
With a final concept in mind - or so I thought - she went to the website where I purchase my silks and attempted to order the fabric in the colors we had previously chosen. However, the fabric we were planning to use was now out of stock. So, the gown was postponed ONCE AGAIN.
It was going to be some time before the fabric we had chosen would be in stock again, and because of that delay I had to give her reservation away to another client. I mean, this IS my bread and butter! And I had broken a hard and fast rule and hadn’t asked her for a deposit. How the hell could I when she kept changing the damn gown!  I charge by the pattern piece - Every piece I physically sew together, but the embroidery is factored into my estimates. The intricacy of the embroidery would affect my fees, so I couldn’t really nail down an exact number - other than the basic estimate I had worked up months earlier.
In the meantime, she had more fabric waiting to be used and I had an concept I thought would be beautiful: pairing a pale gold and cream damask brocade with a blueish-lavender silk and embroidering it with blackberries. I had my digital artist digitize the patterns: realistic looking blackberry clusters with multicolored leaves and glass beads to create the actual berries. So, when her reservation date arrived ONCE AGAIN, I was all set to start the embroidery process. But wait! NOW, she decided at the last minute that she already had a gold colored gown she had purchased years ago, and she really wanted to revisit the peacock gown. So, once again, we were back to discussing embroidery.
She kept pitching me wild ideas such as a peacock head and body on the bodice stomacher with the tail extending into the forepart. Huh?? Is this an Elizabethan gown or a Charles Worth gown? I mean, come on! I’m good but that wasn’t an idea that would translate into an actual finished gown, at least not an Elizabethan style gown. So, following her EXPRESSED desire not to over do the peacock theme I found a pattern that was beautiful and suggested we use it on the stomacher of the bodice and a mirror image at the bottom of her forepart. I sketched up the concept, and found a beautiful filigree embroidery pattern for the skirt facings - a style SHE had suggested. She had previously expressed she didn’t want to over do the peacock theme by adding peacock feathers, but now, once again, she was changing her mind. Now she DID want peacock feathers on the forepart and sleeves. OK!  We’re making some headway - so I thought.
She was in a car accident and suffered a head trauma. It wasn’t serious but it rang her bell pretty good but she had to have major dental work as a result, and then her son had to have surgery and she postponed the gown due to financial constraints.
When she was ready, we picked up where we left off a few months prior. With the main “peacock” for the bodice front chosen (or so I thought) I waited for her to send me her fabrics. I waited - and waited - and waited. Come to find out, the dye lot of the color she had chosen for the main color of her gown was MUCH different from the original swatch and she HATED the new color. So, now we were back to purchasing ALL NEW fabric swatches and deciding on what colors to use. FINALLY, after weeks of debate and more phone conversations, she decided on her colors. So, she purchased her fabric, and we were all set to proceed - so I thought.
It had been several months since we had discussed her final embroidery choices, so with her swatches and my sketch I created a design board showing all the concepts, colors, embroidery patterns, etc., that she had agreed to use. I then told her in order to proceed I would need her deposit. Now, keep in mind, I’d lost thousands of dollars already by giving her multiple reservations - turning away multiple commission requests in order to accommodate her. But she was my friend....right?
After receiving my design board she decided she did’t like the embroidery pattern that SHE HAD AGREED TO USE months earlier, and was now back to searching for a better peacock. I took a deep breath, and I drew on my professionalism, and said, “Ok. . . You tell me what you want to use.” She then sent me a drawing she had done years before - which she previously nixed because she had decided against peacock feathers and a peacock portrait! ARRRGHHHH! You feel my frustration yet?
During these two years my brother - my ONLY brother - fell ill. He was a renowned physician who was revolutionizing orthopedic medicine using stem cells to regrow cartilage and other ground breaking treatments that were changing lives. He traveled all over the world teaching, and treating patients, as well as keeping a full patient load in his Bellevue, Washington practice. He kept his diagnosis secret - even from me. Turns out, he had pancreatic cancer.
Approaching January 2019 he had lost so much weight he was flesh draped over skeleton. I knew he was sick. I knew it was serious. My intuition kept telling me it was pancreatic cancer, though he had not confirmed my suspicions. I’d watched our grandmother succumb to the same disease. But stubborn man that he was, and dedicated to healing people, he refused to accept his mortality. He suffered two years WITHOUT PAIN MEDS in order to be able to legally treat his patients. Can you imagine? He would writhe in pain, screaming while his daughter held his hand all night, then get up in the morning and treat patients -  lying down in between appointments just to make it through the day. That was dedication! That is the kind of integrity he had. That was my beautiful brother. I like to count myself cut from the same cloth in terms of work ethic, but I pale in comparison to this man. He was a genius. I’m not fricking exaggerating out of familial bias. He wasn’t content just to understand bio-mechanics and the physiology relating to orthopedics. He wanted to understand the whole body - and he DID. He was hands down the BEST diagnostician I had ever seen in my 20 years working for multiple doctors as a transcriptionist.
Towards the end of January 2019, he called me and asked the kids and I to gather together so he could talk to us. “I have pancreatic cancer.” He admitted, “But I’m not giving up!” He rattled off the treatments he was still trying, and apologized when I began to cry. I cried like I hadn’t cried since my husband died. Three days later, we got a call from my niece telling us he was in the hospital and we’d better hurry. I sat by my brother’s bedside for about 12 hours - along with his wife, son, daughter, my kids, and a select few family and friends - and watched him slip away. That brilliant mind that had saved so many lives was riddled with toxins and infection and he was now septic. He kept shaking his head, trying to clear the fog that infected his brain - all the while stating, “I think I can beat this!”  He passed away that night around 10 pm. And I was now alone in this world without my brother.
Over the following couple of days, my assistant, Lalana, began fielding all my calls and commission requests. I was numb with grief. I worked just to keep from collapsing in on myself but I wasn’t functioning very well. My brother was the only sibling I had left in my life. His death took me back to the day my husband died, and it was all I could do to keep moving. We come from sturdy Scottish stock. My grandparents were farmers, and southerners who had survived the depression. I’m tough, but I know when to say “Uncle.”
To others I looked like I was functioning fine. But inside, i was hanging on by a gossamer thread so when Nicole contacted me TWO DAYS after he died and left a voice message about wanting to discuss her Peacock gown, I wanted to just run away and hide. I sent her a text message and explained to her that my brother had just died and that I was in a very bad place. She being a therapist I thought she would understand and could empathize. Instead, she said “I just need ten minutes of your time.” I read the text, took a deep breath and reiterated that I had just WATCHED my brother die and that I was depressed and grieving and that I couldn’t discuss her gown right now. I asked her to give me a couple of weeks to right myself and we’d pick it back up then. She’s a THERAPIST she’ll understand and respect that boundary, won’t she? -  I was wrong. 
Over the following two days, she continued to insist that she just needed ten minutes of my time, just TEN MINUTES and couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t talk to her.  I gaped as i read her messages. “Jesus Christ, why isn’t she getting it?” I thought. I took a deep breath, and tried again, this time a bit more strongly. I told her I was grieving, I was sad, I was depressed, I was crying intermittently, and that I simply didn’t have the energy to discuss her gown RIGHT NOW. Surely, that will get the message across? NOPE. She continued to harass me, stating she just needed to talk to me on the phone for ten minutes and then she would leave me alone to grieve. WTAF?
 I tried again to assert my boundary, clinging to my professionalism, but mostly trying to salvage what I thought was a meaningful friendship. I repeated that I wasn’t going to talk to her on the phone but if she wanted to send me a message by Marco Polo I would listen to it when I felt a bit better. NO! She insisted I discuss her peacock gown on the phone as she didn’t communicate well in text messages or emails, but that she just needed ten minutes. Reality?  There has NEVER been an occasion where this women only talked for ten damn minutes! I knew that! - And I wasn’t going to give in to her bullying. Once more, I wrote back that I could not talk to her about her gown, that it was the farthest thing from my mind at the moment. That’s when she did a 180% turn and I realized this woman is not my friend. A friend wouldn’t DARE ask me to set aside my grief to hear her ideas for a gown that had been DISCUSSED ad nauseam. She fired back in a vicious diatribe during which she claimed that she NEVER agreed to the embroidery pattern that I had used in my design board and that I was being unreasonable. “I” was being unreasonable?  Are you frigging kidding me?  
The more she pushed, and bullied, and accused, and attacked, the more I stood my ground and she went NUTS!  I realized then that I was dealing with a true narcissist. I’d been raised by a malignant narcissist so I knew what I was dealing with now that her sheets had been pulled. What shocked me out of my socks was that she was a THERAPIST?  My god!!!  How insensitive and selfish can you be? It wasn’t bad enough that I just lost my beautiful brother, but I was also facing the reality that the person I had confided some of my darkest, most painful moments - someone I thought was a friend - turned out to be using me. So long as she got her way, we were great pals. The SECOND she didn’t get her way she turned VICIOUS and turned on me. At that realization, I invited her to find another designer and that it was clear to me that we weren’t friends after all.
She continued to harass me and sunk to passive aggressive comments such as “I thought we were friends,” stooping so low as to contact another designer who had made her a Victorian gown (which she complained to me about in regard to the quality of her work) and proceeded to trash talk me to this woman. I know because she accidentally shared the conversation with me on Facebook messenger thinking I was this other woman. I got to see who she REALLY WAS - and yes, I called her out on it.  
Did I mention how much I abhor drama? 
She went on the Elizabethan Costuming page and posted a picture of the blue gown I made her and claimed it was “her design.” She stated that her previous designer had retired due to “arthritis” and that she was looking for a new designer to work with her. Pictures of my work are all over the internet, ya’ll! People on that page recognized it as my work and were outraged that she was accepting accolades for a gown she had not “designed” or constructed. Her only input had been providing the fabrics and telling me what pattern she wanted on her forepart embroidery. I then began receiving alarmed messages on Facebook asking me if I was no longer accepting commissions, and then in my Etsy store informing me that someone named “Nicole” was claiming she had made a gown that they knew was mine. When she was called out by people who knew my work, she began to bad mouth me and my integrity. She contacted the moderators of the Elizabethan Costume page on Facebook and portrayed herself as a victim - which they swallowed hook, line and sinker, portraying herself as professional and a therapist!  Eee Gods! *rolls eyes* They banned me AND anyone who called attention to her lies. Meh, so what. I wasn’t broken up about it. I banned her from my page, blocked her number and ended up having to SPAM her contact info on Etsy as she proceeded to bully and attack me for days following trying to elicit a reaction from me or engage me. The worst thing you can do to a narcissist is to ignore them. So, I did. 
So, what’s the moral of this story you may ask?  Well, I will tell you.
For all those who are self-employed, or are designers, I have this sage advice:
First, never, ever assume that friendly people are your friends. To quote a very old Scottish proverb: Bees with honey in their mouths, still have a sting in their tails.
Second, separate your business from your so-called friendships. I don’t care if it’s your BFF!  ASK for a deposit NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE! - And don’t put them on your calendar until they do.
Third, set boundaries for your time from the JUMP! Don’t accept calls when you’re off the clock - or sick, or your brother just died! Don’t make allowances for bad behavior because you are friends. Keep your business separate, that way your friendships stay CLEAN - - or, you’ll find out whether or not they really are your friends.
Fourth, anyone who tries to bully through your boundaries - even if they claim to be your friend or they’re a family member - should not be allowed to win by attrition.
Fifth, don’t take a difficult client because you “need” the money - it can, and often will, come back to bite you in the arse!!
Sixth, if a client contacts you and her name is Nicole F******* and she shows you pictures of MY work and wants you to design something for her. . . RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
BLUE GOWN:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/620394045/womens-plus-sized-spanish-gown-custom?ref=shop_home_active_46&frs=1
POMEGRANATE GOWN:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/605925091/womens-renaissance-dress-elizabethan?ref=shop_home_active_59&frs=1
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dstudiouk · 3 years
Weekly Studio Spotlight - Lucy Michelle
This week we’re talking to the lovely Lucy Michelle. Lucy works in a super cool visual effects role full time AND creates beautiful artwork on the side of that. Our Q&A with Lucy was great, it was so nice chatting about her work, her job & a £10 milk frother... 😁we hope you enjoy it too! 
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What are your biggest inspirations?
What's around me and the experiences I've had, Japanese and East Asian culture and also - plants! I take a lot of inspiration from films, especially with cinematography so phenomenal that you can pause it and the still frame looks like it could be its own work of art. I've always been a huge enthusiast of anything animation; the artistry and skill is incredible and most of the time it moves me to tears - even if it is a happy film!
How did you start your art career?
It's hard to see where the line can be drawn from taking my illustration as a hobby to something that actually generates an income. One day I started drawing a lot and posting it online and suddenly I reached a point where people wanted to pay me to do illustration for them and buy my artwork - it's still hard to believe and I am so grateful for it. It is still my part-time job though as I actually work as a software developer for visual effects (and so the film nerdiness continues).
What is your favourite piece that you have created?
This one (Appa, pictured below) for sure, I am sure dStudio has gotten tired of printing it so much by now! It's my most successful piece by far and a tribute to one of my favourites series. This series is one that has brought me hope and happiness, especially in the year we have had. To have been able to share this artwork with people across the world has been amazing and I have loved how it has brought me closer to so many people who I have never met in person before. It’s also served as a reminder that I can work on things that I love and find success in it as well.
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Credit: Lucy Michelle
Which art tools could you not live without?
My Wacom Cintiq - having a device that I could sketch directly onto was a game changer after a decade of using a tablet. Maybe an iPad and Procreate is next on the cards for me?
What are your biggest challenges with your work?
They say that the great artists must first master the rules in order to be able to break them. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of understanding the rules. My work exists in a fuzz of trying to create images from my mind but still have them tethered to a reality that makes sense, by using a lot of references. I wish I could more easily conjure up pieces in my head and splatter them directly down without being reliant on so much source material. 
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Credit: Lucy Michelle
Would you rather live near a forest or by the sea?
I just spent two weeks in open water sailing off the Ionian Islands of Greece ... so I'm going to have to say sea! I have discovered there is nothing more freeing than floating in clear blue water and gazing up at the sky.
What was the last great movie you watched?
Untouchable, for a second time - still one of my favourite films of all time.
How do you like to relax when you're not working?
I've really gotten into the habit of walking more, it's a great way to move the body and clear the mind.
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Credit: Lucy Michelle
What is the best thing about being an artist?
Here is this blank canvas in front of you, do whatever you want! (it also makes it the scariest thing about being an artist too)
What do you like to watch / listen to when you're working?
It really varies: sometimes it is a series on Netflix of the sort you can easily have running in the background or sometimes it is random suggested videos on Youtube. I should listen to more audiobooks!
What has been one of your biggest achievements in life?
When I was 16 I told people that one day I would work on movies. Fast forward to now I have a few Hollywood films under my belt and my first movie credit was Avengers: Infinity Wars - it still stuns me a bit I can say that.
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Credit: Lucy Michelle
What's the best purchase you've ever made?
I've jokingly said it was the 10 quid handheld milk frother I bought for the specific purpose of whipping up my creamy ice coffees in the morning and not going to lie, I feel like that still holds true.
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Credit: Lucy Michelle
Thank you to Lucy for taking part, supplying us with some of her artwork to show you all & for taking the time to chat with us. Please do go and check out Lucy’s work on her website and socials! 💛 
Lucy Michelle - Website
Lucy Michelle - Instagram
Lucy Michelle - Etsy
Lucy Michelle - Fy
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xnxadultstore · 5 years
Naughty & Sexy Coloring Books for Adults
Yes, that is what you thought the primary time you heard the phrase “Adult Coloring Books” Naughty, Sexy Funny and Kinky describe the listing we have now put collectively for you. We even have a web page of Sexy Men Coloring Books right here for you to peruse.
Racy & Irreverent Books for Grownups
These are a bit racy and irreverent so in case you are simply offended you may wish to skip this part however these appear like nice presents for a few of our buddies this 12 months. Find Cuss Word coloring books right here and humorous political coloring books right here.
Some books are humorous and a few are naughty and a few are for foodies.. this e book managed to seize all three. I completely find it irresistible and was LAUGHING OUT LOUD going via the pages. You will too.
Suck My Cookbook: Clean Recipes for Dirty Minds 
A Coloring Book by Cherrie Poppins (Author),‎ Wild Billy (Illustrator) Suck my Cookbook has all of it. Naughtily intelligent illustrations that match up with the recipes. You not solely have coloring to do, however there are additionally phrase search, crossword puzzles and extra to maintain you busy. This can be a PERFECT White Elephant reward alternate reward in case your group has an excellent humorousness in addition to the foodie in your reward listing. I’m thrilled the writer despatched me a couple of copies, I’ve already discovered houses for them and might’t wait to see what my buddies do with them.
Click to order Amazon US, UK & Canada  or Book Depository
Dirty Little Housewife Coloring Book for Adults Only
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Naughty and Sexy Coloring Books for Adults
Tamara Van Wijk has a couple of actually cute and attractive coloring books for you. The paper shouldn’t be the best however you’ll be able to copy the photographs to card inventory when you prefer to layer your coloured pencils or use artwork markers
Slinky Tarts Volume 1 – Cute and Sexy Girls to Color
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Coloring e book addicts of both intercourse will like this e book.  
I’ve been in love with this enjoyable artist for the reason that first second I noticed one of many illustrations coloured in, Take a glance. Reviews state that the paper high quality isn’t excellent so my suggestion is to repeat them to some good card inventory so you could possibly use your markers.
Slinky Tart – Something Old Something New – The Slinky Tart coloring e book for Adults…and Men, is a coloring e book with cute and traditional Pin-Up cartoon women. Some themed, some plain, however all are attractive in their very own cute means. 24 single-sided  Pages of naughty attractive enjoyable. *Paper is skinny and doesn’t maintain as much as a lot layering.
US     UK     Canada
Grimm Fairy Tales Adult Coloring Book
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Join within the journey and escape by coloring the strains of the world’s most recognizable characters. From Red Riding Hood to Cinderella, Little Mermaid to Robyn Hood, and OZ to Wonderland. Hone your coloring abilities by collaborating with among the finest artists within the comedian e book trade similar to Jamie Tyndall, J. Scott Campbell, Dawn McTigue and extra.
My Review, I am keen on the photographs on this e book sadly the paper is simply terrible in case you are an individual who makes use of coloured pencils for layering. You are going to want to repeat your favourite pictures over to card inventory!
Chrissy the Coloring Book Addict
Order Here US , UK or Canada
The Burlesque Coloring Book
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Click to Order US, UK or Canada
50 Bubble Butts
An Adult Coloring Book for Men – Pinup Girls Risqué Voluptuous Female Figures to Color & Sketch 
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Buy Bubble Butts Here US, UK or Canada
The Kinky Coloring Books by James Courtney
There are four books to this point on this assortment which all characteristic 35 black and white Illustrations of the most well liked Bay Area different fashions, all drawn by artist James Courtney. They are printed on either side of the paper so if you wish to use Copics you’ll want to repeat them over to card inventory. A improbable e book to apply your shading.
Kinky Coloring Book 1
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Kinky Book 1 Click to order US    UK   Canada
Kinky Coloring Book 2
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Kinky Coloring Book 2 Click to order  US    UK   Canada
Kinky Coloring Book three
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Kinky Coloring Book three Click to order  US    UK   Canada
Kinky Coloring Book four
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Kinky Coloring Book four Click to order  US    UK   Canada
Sexy Anime Girls Uncensored Coloring Book for Grown-Ups
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Order Sexy Anime Girls Uncensored US, UK or Canada
Fetish Coloring Book
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Hilarious opinions on this one!
“This was the wrong gift for my mom. IT was also the wrong gift for my 8-year-old cousin. It was absolutely the right gift for the guy with night vision goggles across the street. He no longer spies. Great success!” and one other “Be ready for a really kinky e book! Various fetishes and in case you are not open-minded this e book shouldn’t be for you. It may be very naughty! (Nothing mistaken with naughty!)
You will want a variety of pores and skin tone and pink pencils & Skin tone markers people! This e book ought to be rated X! Such an entertaining e book, that is actually an grownup coloring e book.”
Amazon Reviews
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Boob Coloring Books
PLAY WITH MY BOOBS: A Titstacular Activity Book for Adults –
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Yes.. we stated boobs.. everybody has them…. what a terrific bachelor occasion or gag reward. Creator D.D. Stacks says this. PLAY WITH MY BOOBS options mazes, matching video games, fill-in-the-blanks, phrase searches, coloring pages and far more, all that includes all-new bodacious, busty beauties.
STICKER MY BOOBS. The excellent occasion favor for Bachelorette and Bachelor events. Surprisingly tasteful, these witty books supply hours of intimate enjoyable! Some reviewers discovered it disgusting however most cherished it. Apparently you DO want markers to paint the stickers.
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Bras for the Cause
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Funny Names For Breasts
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Cock Coloring Books
Cocktastic Willies as Art
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The Big Adventures of Tiny Dick
 This e book is nice for bachelorette events, boring Friday nights dwelling alone, or to ship to a (very tiny) ex-boyfriend.
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An X-Rated Coloring Book
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Big Cocks Coloring Book For Adults
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Only for adults, they’re humorous and impolite, soiled and filthy and enjoyable for you to paint. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Big Coloring e book of Co**s
Click to Order US   – UK   – Canada
Vagina Coloring Books
There are a number of forms of VJJ footage which might be accessible on Amazon & from Etsy artists.
The Big Coloring Book of VJJ’s
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(This one jogs my memory of that episode of Sex & the City the place the artist paints Charlotte’s)
Vajayjays: A Fertile Crescent Coloring Book for Adults
Important Parts: A Coloring Book for the Crotch Enthusiast 
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book
Even extra VJJ Coloring Books on Etsy Here.
Sex Position Coloring Book
Click to order US – Amazon UK  – Canada
Fat Ladies in Spaaaaace: a body-positive coloring e book
Amazon reviewer Professor Mom say ” I like, love, love this coloring e book. It’s enjoyable, humorous, and so respectful of girls of all sizes and shapes. It could be only a wee bit mature for some children (it refers to seducing alien girls in one of many captions, has a little bit of cleavage in among the drawings and obliquely acknowledges the truth that people won’t be straight) however any little one with cool mother and father might deal with it and any grownup who believes in celebrating physique variety and likes sci-fi/fantasy will find it irresistible.
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The paper high quality may be very good. The cowl is sturdy and the drawings are clear, crisp and easy sufficient to make for enjoyable coloring. This can be a terrific reward to offer a buddy who may want an antidote to the pervasive societal messages that fats people can’t do wonderful issues.
Click to Order Amazon  US, UK or Canada
The Llama Sutra: An Off-Colour Adult Colouring Book: Lecherous Llamas
Suggestive Sloths & Uncouth Unicorns In Flagrante Delicto For Adults Only!For these with a naughty humorousness
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Order Here
We totally researched opinions on these, there are others within the style however a lot of them have horrible opinions so please be certain and browse these earlier than ordering.
UK Only Sexy Colouring Books
Colouring for Grown-Ups – Adult Activity Book
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The Big Adventures of Tiny Dick
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Penis Coloring Book For Adults Midnight Edition
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Cock Coloring Book For Adults – Funny Cocks Coloring Book for Adults that includes 30 Sweary and Naughty names for Cock crammed with Henna, Paisley and Mandala Patterns
Secret Beneath the Leaves Sensual Coloring Book for Adults
Secrets Beneath the Leaves by Vivid Owl Coloring takes the coloring artist on a journey via a sensual, whimsical backyard, stuffed with lush leaves, unique flowers, curious critters, and sensual delights. This grownup coloring e book invitations you to discover 30 absolutely hand-illustrated designs, impressed by the fantastic thing about nature and the human physique and gives hours and hours of coloring pleasure.
This was such a enjoyable coloring e book to obtain from Vivid Owl if you first have a look you simply see intricately tangled gardens however you begin to do a double-take when entwined within the leaves you see lovers embracing in several positions. The cowl is luscious thick waxy paper and the pages inside are one-sided so that you marker people will love this one. Don’t overlook to place a chunk of paper behind your work. This shipped to us all the way in which from Sweden and we’re so glad it did.
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 Click to Order Amazon US    UK    Canada
Canadian’s Only. Naughty Coloring Books
Karleigh Sue’s Coloring Book – Sexy Pinup Girls to paint in
Japanese Erotica: A Sexy Adult Coloring Book
Sexy Adult Coloring Books in Canada
Looking for Swear Word Coloring books? There have been so many we determined they wanted their very own web page. Click Here.
Sexy Coloring Books & Pages from Etsy
Naughty Santa Coloring Book
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Click to Order your instantaneous obtain on Etsy
Pin-Up Girls Colouring Book PDF Printable version (Instant gratification) Pin-Up Girls Coloring Book
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Sexy Coloring Book Supplies you will want embrace:
Also, take a look at our curated listing of Best Swear Word Coloring Books, Best Funny Coloring Books, Sexy Hot Men Coloring for Adults and Best Political Coloring Books. Lots of snickers available there.
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The post Naughty & Sexy Coloring Books for Adults appeared first on XNX Adult Store.
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nyerus · 7 years
A Beginner’s Guide to Anime Merchandise
Hey guys! So a few of my friends have asked me where I get all my YoI merch and I figured I’d make a post so anyone who’s kinda new to buying anime merch in general knows where to start.
This isn’t too comprehensive and meant to be a just quick-start guide of sorts, but if anyone has things they’d like to add to this, please feel free.
 The Basics
There are some great websites dedicated to procuring anime goods from Japan for folks outside of the country and work like any other online shop basically. Some are better than others in various aspects and I’ll cover the most well-known/used ones.
AmiAmi: This one is first because it has a wide range of goods available from basically every anime, and also because it often has steep discounts on most items. They’re pretty fast to add new things as well—usually within a day of it being announced. It’s easy to use and has the option of monthly shipments, in which every purchase you’ve made for a specific month is consolidated into one big package. This saves big on shipping, if you’re willing to be patient. This also means that you will receive an invoice for that month’s full order rather than paying per-item/order individually—which can be either good or bad depending on the $$$$, haha! Apart from flexibility in shipping methods, it has an easy-to-understand points system (100yen=1point). The main downside to AmiAmi is that sometimes it doesn’t have certain items, and there seems to be no real rhyme or rhythm to that. Thankfully it’s only a few items.
CDJapan: I mainly use this as an alternative to AmiAmi, especially in regards to wanting those aforementioned certain items. However, it’s quite similar to AmiAmi in terms of providing decent discounts (though often not as steep as AmiAmi) and also has a similar point system.
*NOTE: neither AmiAmi nor CDJapan ship certain goods out of Japan such as the Yuri!!! on Ice dvds/blu-rays and soundtracks. (You can blame Avex for that.)
Mandarake: This site is a geared more towards secondhand goods and doujinshi but you can also find some amazing deals on new items if you’re willing to be very patient and thoroughly look. Their search system (and UI in general) isn’t great and leaves much to be desired, but usually gets the job done when you know what you’re looking for. (It may help if you search in Japanese.) They have multiple shopfronts you can buy from so you may wish to check that all your items are coming from the same one to save on shipping. Mandarake’s packaging is excellent, however, and others should take notes!!! One minor warning would also be that they no longer seem to accept Debit Cards, even through paypal, so you may wish to arrange another method of payment.
AitaiKuji: This site is great for getting limited edition items that you usually can’t find in other stores, such as the Yuri!!! on Museum goods or collaboration goods. It has a nice UI and it’s easy to find the items you’re searching for. However, AitaiKuji’s customer service is notorious for being slow to respond and also their shipping rates tend to be somewhat exorbitant, especially for the lackluster quality of packing. Their markups aren’t too bad on most items, but the shipping rates are what’ll get ya. However, AitaiKuji is one of the only places to get individuals items that normally come in a set OR to get opened blind packs. I usually only use them as a last resort, when I can’t get certain goods elsewhere and I don’t feel like hunting in auctions.
YesAsia: While this site doesn’t have a wide range of items available, it DOES offer free international shipping on certain orders! Additionally, it does sell the dvd/blu-rays and soundtracks outside of Japan. (The site overall is quite good for buying music/movies/etc from Asia.) However it has heavy markups on certain items, so you may want to price-check with other sites.
Yamnillion: I’ve never used this tictail-based service before and it’s not a full-fledged company I don’t think, but if you’re really desperate for a certain individual item from a set and don’t mind paying a premium for it + shipping, this is an option. However they have a very limited range of items and they seem to run out of stock quite fast, so you’ll have to be quick!
 Using Proxies
Besides the English sites provided above, there is another option for people hunting for either very specific things/limited edition goods/out-of-print items OR hunting for the best deals: Japanese sites. Yahoo Japan Auctions, Otamart, and other such sites (including Amazon Japan and Rakuten!) can be a great place to snag merch you really want and can’t find elsewhere. However, to use these sites you run into the basic problem of a language barrier. Additionally, most of these places do not ship outside of Japan anyway. So there’s where a proxy service comes in. There are two different types of proxy services that exist (many current services function as both, though!):
ones that act as a mail-forwarding service
ones that actually buy the items for you
The first type of proxies still have the problem of you having to navigate a site in a foreign language and manage to buy the desired item and input the proxy’s address, etc. This is probably really overwhelming to people like me who have little understanding of Japanese! Hence why it would be more prudent to use the second type of proxy and let them act as your middleman. Using a proxy seems daunting at first, but it’s really not too bad once you jump into it.
*NOTE: Some proxies don’t deal with R-18+ goods so if you are looking for certain items, do your research!
Because I don’t have too much experience with proxies, I can’t really give any reviews on them (though I’m sure you can use a little google-fu for that), but here are the ones I know people have used before successfully:
ZenMarket: This is the only proxy site I’ve used thus far, and so far so good. Speedy customer service, easy-to-use interface, and also seems to have fairly low fees.
Buyee: Fees are a little higher, but has a more polished look and is a little faster than ZenMarket from what I hear.
WhiteRabbitExpress: Probably the most popular one I’ve heard of so far, however the fees are higher.
BuySmartJapan: This has a partnership with Toranoana, a famous Japanese doujinshi store where basically everyone and their mothers get their sweet, sweet doujin from. (Though you can use any proxy for that, really.) But it’s also great for buying general goods as well.
FromJapan: This has a partnership with Otamart, which is like a flea market for otakus. Again, you can use it for more than just this purpose.
Jpn-Depot: This proxy is simple to use and has low fees, but seems to work better as mail forwarding service. Their buying service seems to be sort of lacking from what friends have said.
*NOTE: When using these sites, if they offer an in-built search function, it’s better to search in Japanese rather than English. Additionally, keep in mind that some sellers (i.e. from Yahoo Japan Auctions and Otamart) may not wish to deal with proxies, for whatever reason.
 Special Mentions
MyFigureCollection is a great way to keep track of all the official merch you’ve bought. You can also search user listings for an item you’re looking for and with some luck, someone might have it for sale! Also they have a list of partnered sites that essentially serves as a list of alternate shops, though I would encourage price-checking from most of these places (like Play-Asia and GoodsRepublic to name a few), lest you heavily overpay.
I would avoid searching on eBay not only because things on there tend to be super overpriced, but mostly because you will run into many bootlegs/counterfeit items. And sometimes it can be hard to tell whether or not what you’re buying is a fake. A good bet is to buy from sellers not based in China. I’ve bought a few things from Japan and USA-based sellers which were genuine, but I almost bought a few fakes from China before I realized.
Buyfags.moe (a product of 4chan’s /jp/ board) is actually an amazing guide on buying anime goods. Their full guide covers everything from explaining various shipping methods to helping you recognize bootlegs. They have an extensive list of shops/proxies/etc to check out. If you have the time, I highly suggest taking a look!!! 
Fan Merch
Most of my YOI stuff is actually fan merch. Doujins, zines, prints, keychains, etc. However the problem with fan merch is that it is usually very limited and ephemeral. An artist will put up PO’s for an item and once that order is closed, it’s closed for good. You can get lucky and snag it during a second run or something, but many things are one-and-done. The main exception here are Japanese doujinshi—most of which get put on Mandarake and Toranoana (the latter of which will require a proxy to use) for a long sale period or until they run out of stock.
I haven’t been really reblogging much fan merch on here apart from the occasional zine I’ve been personally interested in. For those looking specifically for YOI doujins and zines, my friend @moonphantoma runs an incredibly organized and up-to-date blog here. (Be warned: dangerous to your wallet!)
The best way to know about other fan merch is to follow artists on tumblr/twitter. You can also peruse sites like tictail*, storenvy, etsy, and even kickstarter and see if you find something you’re interested in!
*As for tictail, make sure to use an artist’s storefront instead of going to their store via tictail’s “marketplace” because they will charge the artist a nasty fee for it. :( You can find guides on how to spot/avoid this, but I’ll make it easy by saying you should always buy from a URL that looks like “storename.tictail.com” and not “tictail.com/storename.” You’ll have to manually change the URL yourself, because tictail is tricky….
Good merch hunting, and sorry to anyone’s wallets that I might have hurt!
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comfsy · 5 years
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry
I did my first ever holiday gift guide for travelers a few years ago, which was fun to compile. Readers seemed to enjoy the various items, and I was happy to share some of the products that accompanied me on the road. This year, I wanted to do something a little different. For starters, my life is a little different – something all of you already know. As a result, my own gifts to family and friends aren’t souvenirs from far-away places, but fun things I’ve discovered online. I wanted to share some of them here, especially as many are small businesses like myself.
I completed the resulting creative gift guide later than expected, because I could only type in 20 minute increments. I hope you enjoy this gift guide, one that focuses specifically on art and jewelry. There are so many shops with interesting work out there, and sometimes it’s hard to narrow it down.
The items below are from artists that I have supported, some of whom I’ve actually met, and they are all products I stand behind.
Unique Art and Jewelry Gifts for 2019
When searching for a gift for my mum’s birthday this year, I thought I would do something a little different. I looked for an artist who could illustrate our family with a beautiful border and then send her a printed copy for her birthday.
I’ve never commissioned this kind of gift before, and Rebecca – the artist I chose – was patient and kind, and we went back and forth a few times until I was satisfied. She even agreed to make my brother as depicted, wearing his favourite martini t-shirt.
I was waiting on this gift guide until my mum received her gift, and she loved it!
Rebecca’s full shop here, and note that she will do other kinds of designs as well, like Save the Dates for weddings, holiday cards, personalized baby blankets, and more.
I’ve followed Michael Buchino’s whimsical word work for some time on Instagram, as it combines two of my favourite things: learning, and art. His Insta feed, Lexigraphique, is one of those accounts that I send to multiple friends many times a week.
Before this guide went up, I wrote him to ask if he had any holiday items I could include, and lucky for all of us he was just about to launch the hygge cards below.
(c) Michael Buchino 2019
You can buy his prints and these cute holiday cards in his Buchino shop, here.
Anne Connell’s shop is a wonder to behold, chock full of paper goods designed — as she notes on Instagram and on her website — with an “absurd attention to detail” She lists herself as a precisionist, and it’s easy to see why. Her artwork is meticulous, delicately crafted, and very unique.
I found her botanical card series first, and clapped my hands with glee. As someone trying to get out in nature during brief spurts of respite from bedrest, they were a breath of fresh air. Her constellation cards, featuring each of the zodiac signs, are a clear crowd-pleaser. I’ve put those two types of cards below but honestly it’s worth heading to see her full shop.
I realize these are listed as cards, but I think they are frame-worthy all by themselves.
(c) Anne Connell 2019
(c) Anne Connell 2019
Botanical cards here.
Constellation cards here. 
And the full shop here.
Nicola is a long-time Legal Nomads reader, and a fellow lawyer and traveler. She has generously shared bird illustrations and other fun to keep me cheered up when I’ve been down. She’s also a very talented artist, and her cards and other items are rich in puns and joyful artistry. 
Nicola’s work reminds me of the children’s’ books I loved most, with creative characters, maps, and whimsical animals. A talented hand-brush lettering artist, she also includes a lot of drawn typography in her work.
From a grumpy owl to a festive sheep, you’ll be sure to find holiday cards to your tastes. And one of my absolute faves is her wedding card below, “Of all the fish in the sea” — delightful.
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
Nicola’s full shop is here, with specifics from the above illustrations as follows:
Grumpy Owl here
Festive sheep here.
Of all the fish in the sea here.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Jess, the genius behind Birdstrips, in person twice. She’s currently in Montreal, and a friend introduced us just before I re-leaked last summer. Her illustrations have grown a huge following on Instagram due to its relatable messaging, and her captions that accompany the drawings are raw and vulnerable. Together, it’s powerful work that makes almost everyone feel heard.
In Jess’ words, the shop comprises “the existential distress of the flightless through the eyes of the flighted.”
(c) Birdstrips 2019
You can check out her images and pick up mugs, shirts, prints and more, here.
JP and Mike Andrews, two brothers from the UK are an Instagram favourite of mine. I often share their images with my community because their eye is unique, and their pictures compelling. Like me, they absolutely love to travel. Unlike me, they specialize in photographing bizarre, aerial images our planet using drone photography.
Their goal: to share perspectives of the world otherwise unseen, captured from a vantage point most of us miss. A great gift option for those who love to roam.
Here’s one I love from them: Skyline, a drone photograph of a freighter that looks like a cityscape.
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
And this aerial view of a beach made me smile:
Their full gallery shop here.
Jason Markow, aka TEKSTartist is an artist I found a few years ago, and was hooked immediately. His work combines both traditional and digital media, a fusion of techniques that result in elegant yet crisp products. Given that my own products are typographic representations of food, I love that his art includes quotes he’s enjoyed over the years, visually represented in unique ways.
One of my favourites: this flower, “Your Garden, Forever” available here, created by warping and twisting the words from Tennyson’s famous quote – “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.”― Alfred Tennyson
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
And the item below, The Giving Tree, was created by warping/twisting the words from the entire set of text from Shel Silverstein’s iconic book “The Giving Tree”. Buy a copy of the artwork here.
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
Full shop here.
These illustrations of birds with curse words sayings are all the rage on Instagram and Twitter, for good reason: they’re hilarious. Crafted by Aaron Reynolds, they do seem to offend some, but as the name suggests exactly what they are it’s hard for anyone to be upset. Don’t like them? Close the tab. Personally, I find them exactly what I need, each and every day. Clothing, mugs, pins, and more at the link, including a new Effin’ Birds book.
Buy here.
I’m excited to share the new tote bags in the Legal Nomads shop. Previously, I offered a canvas, bull-woven tote of the maps, with the map printed on once side. These new tote bags are black and white – and if people like, I can also swap out the handles to make them red or mustard! – and the design is printed on both sides.*
*If you’d like to swap out the tote bag for a different handle (example here), just send an email to jodi-at-legalnomads.com after you order, and I’ll make sure it happens.
The new tote has sturdy handles and holds up to 44lbs, perfect for errands and/or carrying a laptop without a laptop bag. Food maps of Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Portugal, Italy, and Mexico available.
(c) Jodi Ettenberg 2019
Shop the new totes here. The full shop is here.
These beautiful macrame earrings are courtesy of the Van Riley shop, run by a fellow leaker. I wanted to share her work as I know how it is to worry about making ends meet with a CSF leak. If someone in your life loves macrame, please consider supporting her shop!
Macrame earrings and other items, on the VanRiley shop here.
Given my love of nature, it’s no surprise that I also love jewelry that depicts it in design. I saw these gold leaf earrings recently and ordered a pair as my holiday gift to myself. They’re lightweight — great for anyone with headaches — and they are delicate and just so pretty. I like the contrast of the gold with the emerald green stud in the ear.
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  If leaf earrings aren’t your thing, Mica also has necklaces, rings, and other earrings in a variety of shapes and sizes. They’re lightweight and beautiful, and oh so creative. Her jewelry is hypoallergenic and nickel-free.
Buy the same gold leaf earrings that I love here, with Mica’s full shop here.
Several readers nominated this Etsy shop, and it’s the only one on this list that I haven’t also purchased myself. But when my readers are happy, I’m happy, and I wanted to share what brought them such joy in gift giving.
Chrissy’s shop features personalized, delicate jewelry for those who want to memorialize their care with initials or names. The image below is for the necklace that several readers bought, but her shop is full of other options, including rings, earrings, and pendants.
Personalized initial necklace here. Full shop here.
I’ve saved one of the best for last.
My friend Chantelle started Be., a company that sells bangles – but also much more than simply bangles. Chantelle is one of the most open-hearted, vivacious people I’ve ever met, and thankfully I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her in person years ago. Her company’s bangles work well in conjunction with the lightness and curse words of Effin Birds, two small business enterprises that use curse words to make a valid point. In Chantelle’s case, Be. takes a stand against societal norms. Her work aims to support women and girls in a society that often expects airbrushed perfection.
I received a few Be. bangles as a wonderful 40th birthday gift from Chantelle, and my two faves – that came with me to Florida are:
“I’m mostly peace, love, light, and a little go fuck yourself” – product here, and
“I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, and lit that bitch up myself” – product here.
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I am someone who uses curse words as a form of punctuation, so those two bracelets are perfect. For those with less swear-y tendencies, lots of beautiful options like:
“Be you. The world will adjust.” (here), and
“Speak. Even if your voice shakes.” (here.)
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All of Be.’s products here.
That’s it for 2019!  A big thanks to my friend Reine who helped pull many of the images and upload them for me, so that I could do this guide more easily. It would have been a 2020 gift guide without her. Hopefully there’s something fun in here for someone in your family.
Happy holidays, and thank you as always for all the incredible support.
The post The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide:<br /> Art and Jewelry appeared first on Legal Nomads.
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry published first on https://takebreaktravel.tumblr.com/
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jacobmiltonsmith · 5 years
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Presenting my next color Superhero Pet, Captain Amercia Lab! A few names have been suggested, like Captain Pawmerica (by @_z.e.p.p.y._) and Steve Rovers (by @cpinc_toons) and I've thought of Steve Pawgers, sort of a cross between the two! If anyone else has a clever name suggestion, sound off in the comments!)! I'm always working on getting all the pets I've done so far (excluding commissions) in color with a special emphasis on the superheroes for now, so stay tuned to see them! And if you want a print, I’m looking into setting up an Etsy store or something (I’m open to suggestions if you know a good place to buy/sell!), or if you want a shirt with him on it, you can find him on teepublic or redbubble (links in my bio)! Also, take a look at the second/third image, and let me know if you think a print like that would be cool! If you want to get a special portrait commission of your special pet, just DM me and we can talk about it! #drawing #charcoal #charcoalart #chalk #chalkart #monochromatic #illustration #art #procreate #artwork #traditionalart #artist #utahartist #instaart #instaartist #artistoninstagram #portrait #petportrait #renaissance #renaissancepet #pet #dog #labrador #labsofinstagram #yellowlab #doglover #captainamerica #chrisevans https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7kMVRB6nL/?igshid=1b1xbr7f1ceq9
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blustersquall · 7 years
i wish i could draw. everyone wants drawings of their character. everyone wants to commission people who draw.
i have a skill i taught myself, but it’s not exactly a sellable skill. i thought cute things would sell. but i guess not? i don’t know what else i can do. i taught myself how to make dolls so people might commission me for dolls of their characters. i’m even under charging what i’ve been suggested to charge. but quite a significant amount. but it’s not enough. it’s never enough.
short of selling things for nothing, and paying out of my own pocket for shipping and for people to buy things...
well, that’s just stupid.
i’m complaining. i shouldn’t. i’m lucky enough that a few people have bought from me. and i am grateful to those people. i don’t mean to sound ungrateful. but it’s just difficult. i don’t know what more i can do.
i see artists open their commissions and have to close them a few minutes later because their slots get filled. 
i guess i’d just like to not have to worry about money for once. to have something coming in that i could put aside and it’s there if i need it.
when i told my dad i was looking to sell things, he got so excited. he said it would be a good opportunity, if it took off, to make it a full time thing. i got excited too. and now it’s just disappointing. 
my etsy store didn’t get any interest. tumblr is the only other place i can think of to advertise because it’s active. deviantart is a cesspit. facebook is a waste of space. i guess i’m just doomed to fail. i shouldn’t allow myself to get excited by things. 
i don’t have the confidence to do writing commissions, and i doubt anyone would pay me to write for them any way. 
i’m just being a stupid head and feeling sorry for myself. i’ll shut up. my mood has plummeted and i feel like a waste of space and oxygen right now.
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cambrasine · 8 years
Zine Organization Guide/Tips
There’s been a huuuugee influx of friends and friendly strangers asking me about how to run a zine -- so under the cut is my spiel! 
Wait, who are you? Hey! I’m Jennie. I’ve run a couple zines and am working on a couple more. I’ve participated in hmm let’s see one two three four (more?) others, too! Okay, now for the guide.. First off, though It’s incredibly rewarding, don’t underestimate how much time running a zine takes. Most projects I’ve been a part of have run over the course of 3 - 8 months. Admin stuff takes a lot of time day-to-day too - setting up a blog, forms, spreadsheets, store, answering questions you’ve answered 1000 times, assembling, packing, etc. etc. Don’t take this the wrong way - I am a zine enthusiast but just make sure you have enough time to take this on, or team up with a friend or two to multiply the fun and share the workload! :)  ORGANIZATION If you open for applications / submissions then I suggest using google forms. That way everything is in one place and organized in a spreadsheet. Similarly, I suggest google sheets for keeping track of things. For example, we made a google sheet to share with all participants. Next to their username they can fill out things like their e-mail address, how they wanted to be listed in the artist directory, what they will be drawing (to avoid excessive repeats), etc. plus a little box to check off when they complete their piece. You can also make multiple tabs which is fun (For YoI zine we had a cover sheet (explanations of each tab, announcements), participant info, templates, FAQ, timeline, wip share, and bundle sign ups). It’s all in one place makes it easy for the organizer as well as participants to keep track of! For your own sanity MAKE A TEMPLATE for your participants to make their art on — At the correct size (including bleed if you’re printing full bleed), resolution (300 dpi+), and color profile (CYMK) for printing. SOME PEOPLE WILL STILL NOT DO IT CORRECTLY. Mentally prepare yourself LOL  > Make sure to leave room for title page/credits/thank you - whatever!  > Printing goes in multiples of four so be prepared with a back up if someone drops out and screws up your page count! > Leave cushion room around your deadlines. Build in a week after your deadline for people who need extensions because people ALWAYS need extensions! > Making a WIP/check in deadline was really helpful I think > It’s a nice thing to do to offer participants a copy as long as you can afford it. Otherwise there’s not much motivation to participate;; If it’s for profit, give them a cut. DISTRIBUTION DIGITAL As far as distribution, gumroad is a classic for digital downloads, plus they have this nifty ‘pay what you want’ option. They do take some fees though, less if you pay $10 for a month but you have to balance an equation to see if it’s worth it. Since we didn’t know when to set the release date for, we skipped this and will just be emailing the file ourselves, but I have used gumroad in the past. PHYSICAL > I would try out bigcartel - it’s totally free to have 5 items or less. Haven’t tried it myself. > Storenvy is probably best option after that. There’s a 10% fee for purchases made through the marketplace, but you can turn it off and just sell from your custom storefront.  They introduced ‘’'Storenvy fees’'’ where they charge customer an extra fee now (usually .99 I think) which they withdraw from your accounts afterward > Etsy is fine, there’s the .20 listing fee but it’s not very customizable visually... I just don’t love it, ok? lmfao You can give it a go > Tictail is OK (can’t turn off marketplace / 10% fee from marketplace orders, doesn’t integrate with shipping easy easily, can’t make different item groups for shipping, etc.) PRINTING If you’ll be printing, check with local printers. Get quotes. GET A LOT OF QUOTES. Some people will not respond at all. Some will be crazy and not understand how to price books/booklets and try to price you for 1000 prints instead. You just have to look around.  Side note: Hard copy proofs are great! If it’s your first time assembling a zine, I’d highly recommend you get one. Some recommended printers: 
Smart Press US based. Love them!! Good quality, good customer service, usually one of the less expensive options. Solid A grade :) RA Comics Direct/Nations Print California based. Haven’t used them myself, but heard very good things. They'll mail ya a free paper sample booklet if you ask! Pixartprinting Based in Italy. Usually the cheapest option, print quality is good, but not /amazing/ No hard copy proofs.  Catprint NY Based. They only do saddle stitch binding, and I’ve never used them for books but their print quality was great. You can get a paper sample booklet from them too, and they have so many freaking paper options.  PrintNinja China Based. Everyone and their mother seems to love their quality. They have high minimums and very little flexibility on them (250, 500, 750, etc.) but they also have lots of cool options like foil, embossing, debossing, etc. if you’ve got the cashflow. SHIPPING (from US) USPS is pretty much always the cheapest option. Once you know the weight, you can easily calculate on the site how much it will cost to ship. For reference, a 20 page book I made weighed about 5 oz, a 60 page one weighed about 7 oz. Bubble mailers are your best friend! I like the poly ones vs the paper ones bc they’re waterproof. I like these ones a lot, the adhesive is strong!! For shipping the 20 page one, I included a piece of cardboard for rigidity. For the 60 page one, it wasn't necessary and only /one/ out of the 400+ shipped was damaged. The easiest to way to ship through USPS though is to use a service like ShippingEasy. You can do buy postage for 50 packages each month on their free plan but if you ship more than that and want to use them, you'll have to pay $x a month. With ShippingEasy you import your orders, can choose your standard shipping settings, etc. and buy postage online. That way you can do it any time of day, don't have to hand write labels, etc. I also bought these labels so that you just peel and stick them on the package - no tape necessary! If you use Etsy or Storenvy, you can set it up to automatically receive your orders. If you use Tictail, you're going to have to export them to a spreadsheet, then import them - which is a pain and is only available on paid ShippingEasy plans. There's a free month trial tho if you time it right! Also with USPS - if you can safely leave packages outside - you can schedule a pick up online and they'll come pick your packages up at your house! No lugging heavy boxes to the post office! END NOTES Every project is different. You’re bound to hit a few bumps in the road but hopefully the above will help keep those to a minimum!  It’s hard work, but it feels amazing once you have the book in your hands! I’ve met lots of my amazing artist peers this way. It’s great for making connections and even a few friendships! If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask!! Good luck with everything!! <3
OTHER GUIDES: By the lovely Jeanne who co-organized the ML fashion zine and Menons la Danse with me Another and another by artists I admire By May, who ran the Ladybug Charity Zine 
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sugercoatit · 4 years
Lately, I’ve been on the hunt for some low-cost artwork for my office. Artwork? Maybe, calling it something more like decor or wall prints or something would be more accurate. Stuff for the wall, you get the drift. I found a few great, affordable, options during my most recent office makeover and thought I’d share. Plus I’ll share some photos from the office (from before I moved my desk, again).
  A gallery wall has always been something that featured pretty heavily in my office.
  Back in my first home office in the Jasmine house, I used floating shelves. Since we moved here, it was a million and one plaster puppies (actually name, I believe) in the wall opposite my desk. Which, when I started planning the refresh of the office, I planned to scale back. Which, I have done, but well, I’m not sure how long that will last. What can I say, I love being surrounded by beautiful things people have made, that I love and inspire me. I’m just always going to be a gallery wall kind of girl, I think. Here’s where I got my latest stash from.
  Use the things you have
My brother and his partner gave me a Disney calendar from Typo for Christmas last year. The hook was weird and I never really hung it on the wall. But as a Disney fan from way back, I knew I was going to use the images, all of vintage Disney movie posters, as wall art. My first choice was 101 Dalmatians which is my favourite, and I just put the rest of the pages in the frame behind it so I can swap them if I feel like it.
This is the case too with all the magazines I have around. I collect magazines for beautiful covers and to tear ‘inspo’ images out of sometimes. And, that makes them perfect for hanging on your wall. I use a clipboard so I can keep the magazine intact. But you could rip the covers off and frame them or something. Or go full Gigi and blu-tak them to your million dollar apartment bathroom wall. If that’s your thing.
  Print free images
Something I did this time that I’ve been saving photos for forever, was print from my collections on Unsplash. The main A3 photo (the chalkboard print) and the smaller prints you’ll see below (in the box and on the wall) are Unsplash images I loved and had printed online. I won’t say too much about where because the quality isn’t that great. But I wanted to feel okay about replacing them in the future, so it’s good enough. In the end, I printed two posters (for the large frame) and six A5 sized so I’ve got plenty of options now. Not to mention I have heaps more saved that if I wanted to, I could print on my home printer anytime.
  Shop the Big Guys
I picked up this storm print from Kmart but it could have easily come from any of the big home decor stores with larger scale prints and canvases. Places like Target or Ikea. Sure, every man and their dog will own them, but when you want big you can’t go past it. This one is meant to hang vertically, but because I was covering a bunch of existing holes in the wall from my previous setup, after some fiddling around, I rather it horizontal. There’s a very good chance that if I put a gallery shelf on the brick wall, it will end up there. But for now, I’m happy with where this is situated and the stormy background it now gives me while I work.
  Support the Little Guys
There is an endless supply of talented artists online, and when I asked for some suggestions on Instagram you guys came through. I purchased the stunning print you see in the featured image of this post from Jess Hutchison Art. I have two of the Native Floral Prints called the Follow your Heart and In Full Bloom, and Swifty the Swift Parrot. The one in the image is here. Originally I purchased them for the office, but the longer I have them here, the more I want to use them in the house. So, they’re on the move. After I get them some frames.
My recommendation? Ask people you know for suggestions of artists or makers they know. If you don’t see any you like, many artists use community-based platforms to print and sell their work. So, if you’re looking for work from smaller-scale businesses and artists try places like Etsy, Redbubble and Society6. The Do Something Today print in the image is from an Etsy seller YEARS ago. I have stickers from RedBubble on everything I own. And Society6 was the home for some test products back in the day involving a Suger Tee. Don’t ask.
  Take a look at my office (sort of)
Now for a sneak peek into my office makeover including some of the other options I have for prints, wall decor and artwork. As I mentioned, I’ve already moved the desk (despite the power points being on that wall). The sun coming in from the top windows was too much. I’m back working under the camera shelves but who knows how long that will last. Watch this space. Maybe I’m finally at the stage where I need to get some kind of blind. But all that natural light, it’s almost too good to give up. Anyway, this post isn’t about the refresh, it’s about the wall art, let’s take a look, shall we?
  There we go, team. I hope you found an option that you haven’t considered before. What do you use in your home or office to decorate the walls? Are you a prints kind of person? A wall art, canvas print, photos of the fam type? Want to know more about any of the other items you see here, let me know. Most are one-off buys or things I’ve made ages ago; but if I can help, I will. Until then, happy decorating.
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Low-cost artwork for my office makeover Lately, I've been on the hunt for some low-cost artwork for my office. Artwork? Maybe, calling it something more like decor or wall prints or something would be more accurate.
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INTERVIEW: Beth Kweeday
Interviewed by Ella Fradgely
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Beth Kweeday is an artist based in Liverpool studying fine art at Leeds. Her striking digital pieces feature sexual imagery to The Simpsons, and are available to buy as prints or on other items here.
How would you describe your art practice / yourself as an artist? My art practice is definitely digital art, I used to hate digital pieces because I used to not be able to see much of an artistic element to it and found that it wasn’t a good way of working. I had a graphics tablet sat in my drawer for months before I decided to try it out, and even when I did I hated it because I didn’t understand it! I’m so happy I stuck with it though because it’s been the best outcome possible. To describe myself as an artist I would definitely have to say I’m a stubborn artist, I do things how I want to and very much sculpt my work to how I see best (which is probably why I don’t do uni work very well). I know what I like and how I like it done! How did you find your focus on sex based illustrations? It’s amazing to see artwork celebrating sex work and sexuality! Thank you! I’ve always been a big fan of sexual art, I was always drawn to works by Elizabeth Isley and various tattoo artists like Curt Montgomery and Sewp who use a lot of sexual imagery and knew that was the path I wanted to go down. It took a long time for me to find the confidence to, and it wasn’t something I started doing until my second year of uni despite doing art for years before. I had no idea it would do as well as it did, and I’m so happy that it has become such a huge part of my brand as an artist. It’s so important to me to be able to show my respect for these women who inspire my art so much through my illustrations, as a lot of my pieces are based on women in the sex industry. How have you found the response to your work by tutors and peers? Me and my tutors have butt heads a lot over my work, with me doing a fine art course I understand that they want me to step outside my comfort zone a bit but I think they need to respect that sometimes that doesn’t always work well with certain things. For example, I ended up withdrawing from my interim show because a tutor suggested I blow my illustrations up to a large scale and then lay them out on the floor. And given the basis of my work, it just didn’t sit right with me. I found it really rude, in a way? I don’t know, maybe it was just my stubborn side coming out again. My peers have always been so, so supportive. My course-mates were equally as shocked as I was when I told them about someone suggesting my work be on the floor! I receive a lot of love from everyone around me when it comes to my work, which is really wholesome and uplifting. My boyfriend is my number one fan and has supported me so much with my work, my shop and even does the occasional post office run for me. I have no complaints! Your colour palette is so gorgeous, so sensual and minimal! It’s amazing how you have build such a recognisable look to your work through it. How did you come to it and would you ever explore other colour palettes? Thank you so much! I used to be absolutely terrified of colour, and on some level I still am! I have always wanted to be a black and white tattoo artist, I’ve always only wanted black ink tattoos myself and until recently that’s all I had. Pink was never my colour either, but I accidentally put a pink background on a piece I was working on when I first started drawing digitally and I fell in love with it. That one happy accident has now turned into a staple piece of my whole brand! Through this lockdown I’ve tried using other colours, I am so inspired by @exotic.cancer on instagram and her use of colour in her works but it just didn’t feel as me as my classic black & pink!
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Your shop is amazing, I especially love your notebooks. Do you have a favourite item on there and how do you find the experience of running it? Thank you so much! I definitely love my phone cases, I never would have thought that I would be doing anything like it a couple years ago. Opening the shop was so scary, the constant “what if it doesn’t do well” and “what if nobody buys anything” kinds thoughts were trying to hold me back but I was really struggling for money and I thought I may as well give it a go. I had no idea it would do so well so soon, it definitely has bad weeks and good weeks in terms of sales but it’s the best thing I ever did. Nothing could have beat the feeling when I got my first international order, I couldn’t believe it! Now every time I get a new order I’m so excited to see where it’s going to. It certainly needs tidying up and updating a little bit, I’m hoping to have my own website within the next couple months instead of doing it via Etsy so that’s pretty cool. One of my favourites of your works are your drawings of shiny leather boots. What software do you use to create your drawings? I use Procreate on my iPad! This came from my goal to be a tattooer, I have a few friends who are tattoo artists and it was all of their recommendation and it’s been the best thing ever. I used to use a graphics tablet with I set up to my laptop with Sketchbook Pro but this has helped me with my drawings techniques a lot better. What’s your favourite drawing of yours? I love my first butterfly pieces that I did, they did really well and what started my trademark butterflies. I love my Simpsons/song lyrics ones too! I definitely want to carry on that series. And I really like my BDSM Is Not An Excuse For Murder piece, I remember reading about what was happening in the Grace Millane murder trial last year and becoming so enraged by what I was reading so I reacted it to it in the only way I knew how and the reaction was overwhelming, in a good way though!
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Does music ever influence your art practice? Yes definitely! Sometimes I’ll be sat doing nothing and a song will come on and there’s my drawing. My Simpsons song/lyrics ones actually came from my petty arse reacting to hearing a girl slag me off in the background of her boyfriends Instagram story saying “Beth makes crazy girls look bad” whatever that’s meant to mean. And it reminded me of Paramore’s I’m Not One of Those Crazy Girls and there it was, and they just kept coming from there! My Girls Girls Girls piece which is actually on my own phone case was inspired by Motley Crüe too. Do you find artwork is a good platform to discuss politics? Oh yes absolutely, I’ve learnt so much through artists discussing their political views via their platforms, such as Florence Given. Plus I love a good anti-Tory artwork, I link it with my own as and where I can! It’s important to remind people of things like this as much as possible, even if it means writing Boris Johnson Shags Crisps in the sky every once in a while. I love your trademark butterflies, have they always been a part of your practice and do they symbolise anything for you? The butterflies where a very spare of the moment thing, I remember I finished a piece and was thinking that it just needed something else and I couldn’t for the life of me think what it was and then I just thought I would give it a go. I think using them within BDSM based work is cool because it’s almost like two opposites, you have something so delicate and fragile resting on something most people (unfortunately) deem as aggressive, and obscene. Kind of saying it’s important not to judge a person on their sexual preferences too, just because someone, particularly a woman, is into this certain thing, doesn’t mean that she is any less of a woman than someone who isn’t. If that makes sense.
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Who are a few artists that inspire you and your work? (Can be artists of any kind not just visual) My main inspirations are digital artists and tattooists, such as ripbambi, skyeknotart, exotic.cancer, chimaera, my good friend Molly (titzandbitzz), the sad amish tattooer, I love Alex May Hughes and her gold plated Simpsons pieces, she was one of the main reasons I started doing my own. Your Simpson’s drawings are so iconic, do you have a favourite that you’ve done and why do you think they get such an incredible response from people? Thank you! I love my Fuck Boris and Fuck the Tories ones, as well as my lyrical pieces too. I just love the Simpsons so much and I started doing those pieces just as a bit of fun and to keep my work a bit different to the more sexualised pieces. I had no idea they would do as well as they have been doing! Bouncing between sex and the Simpsons is my ideal career in art and it’s something I plan on doing for a very long time. Finally, what are some ways we can support you as an independent creative during these difficult times? To be honest, every like/comment/share I get on a piece is to me a huge support. I understand that buying art is not always an option for some people, I try and keep my prices as low as possible as I want to be able to cater for everyone. I am so lucky to have really understanding customers, as this pandemic has been a strain on my shop but everyone’s been so patient and helpful. Instagram is a great way to show support for an artist, I myself try to share as much art as I can. I’ve been introduced to so many amazing artists just by seeing a piece shared on someone else’s story! It helps a lot and it’s so easy to do
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ismael37olson · 6 years
Broadway Pop!
I have fallen in love with Funko Pops figures -- they're so odd but so wonderful. In recent months, Funko has released several Little Shop of Horrors figures, as well as two versions of both Danny and Sandy in Grease, and big collections of figures from Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. But wait, there's more! I was fortunate enough to happen upon Amanda Tang's Broadway Pop store on Etsy, and it was like I had died and gone to musical theatre memorabilia heaven. She has custom Funko Pops for Hamilton, Newsies, Wicked, Book of Mormon, Phantom of the Opera... But it gets even better. You can commission special orders from her! Would anyone really think I could have that information and not act on it? I couldn't help myself. So I asked Amanda to create a trio of figures for me, Billy Crocker, Reno Sweeney, and Moonface Martin, in the original 1934 Anything Goes. See the photo above to see how cool they turned out! Amanda is totally open to suggestions... About the same time, I discovered the very cool work of Brian Reedy, brother to New Line's resident graphic artists, Matt Reedy, who's been designing all the New Line posters since 2006. That family clearly has good artsy genes. Brian's already made a Hamilton woodcut, and an Audrey II linocut, both incredibly cool and both for sale in Brian's Etsy store. Having found both these artists, I've been thinking about all the ways my artist friends could make money creating musical theatre related merchandise. There's already a ton of it on Etsy, though most of that is uninspired. And there's a large, easy-to-target fan base eager for cool stuff like that. That fan base probably skews younger (which is good for the art form!), but it also includes people my age. I started thinking of all the musical theatre characters that would make excellent Funko Pops or linocuts. To work, the character needs a pretty distinctive, iconic look, that translates clearly into these different, necessarily simpler forms. And that made me think about what characters in musical theatre have a look that transcends the original actor who played the role -- or in some cases, characters whose look was set forever by the original actor.
For instance, even with the simple, almost expressionless faces of the Pops, a red sequined dress and red feathered headdress are unmistakably Dolly Levi, at that one specific moment, coming down the stairs of the Harmonia Gardens during the intro to the title song. The same is true of Cassie's red rehearsal clothes, Mame's gold jumpsuit and short haircut, Mrs. Lovett's bizarre side curls... Once I started thinking about this, I couldn't stop. Imagine Pops and/or linocuts, and/or whatever other things we can dream up, depicting... Dolly Levi (in the red dress!)      In a set of three! Carol Channing, Pearl Bailey, and Streisand (in gold)! Maybe also Bette? Lola from Kinky Boots Evan Hanson from Dear Evan Hansen Zaza (and Albin?) from La Cage aux Folles
Ti Moune from Once on This Island
Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof
Don Quixote from Man of La Mancha
Stew from Passing Strange Mame Dennis from Mame (in the gold jumpsuit!)
Cassie from A Chorus Line Princess Winifred from Once Upon a Mattress Charity Hope Valentine from Sweet Charity Pres. Jackson from Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Ethel Merman, as a career-spanning set      Including Reno in Anything Goes, Annie in Annie Get Your Gun, and Rose in Gypsy Chita Rivera, as a career-spanning set      Including Anita in West Side Story, Rosie in Bye Bye Birdie, Velma in Chicago, and the Spider Women in Kiss of the Spider Woman Porgy and Bess from Porgy and Bess Jeremy, Michael, and the Squip from Be More Chill Tracy and Edna Turnblad from Hairsprayy Mother and Coalhouse Walker Jr. from Ragtime Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins from My Fair Lady
Prof. Harold Hill and Marian the Librarian from The Music Man
Rev. Purlie and Lutiebelle from Purlie Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked Hedwig and Yitzhak from Hedwig and the Angry Inch J. Pierpont Finch and JB Biggley (and Rosemary?) from How To Succeed in Business... Sally Bowles and the Emcee (and Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schultz?) from Cabaret      Do two sets -- the original 1966 look AND the 1990s revival look Berger, Claude, and Hud from Hair Laurie, Curly, and Jud from Oklahoma! Anna and the King from The King and I Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart from Chicago Capt. Macheath, and Mr. & Mrs. Peachum from Threepenny      Not sure which version... the original 1928 Berlin production? The famous 1950s off Broadway production? The sexy 1970s Public Theatre production...?
The whole cast of the original Fantasticks The three (four?) Dreamgirls
The whole cast of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee All the leads from Spring Awakening All the leads from In the Heights All seven leads from Rent All the leads from Avenue Q All the leads from Into the Woods I could keep going. For a long time. But I won't. I'm sure by now you have a dozen in your head that you can't believe I left off my list. I feel your pain. But also, I'm thinking, how much would I (and you) LOVE Pops and linocuts of Jason Robert Brown, Stephen Sondheim, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Bill Finn, Pasek and Paul, Joe Iconis, Kander and Ebb, and sure, why not, Rodgers and Hammerstein. Although personally, I'd love to have a Rodgers and Hart set! And while I'm on a roll, also Hal Prince, Tommy Tune, Bob Fosse, George C. Wolfe, Michael Bennett, Susan Stroman, Michael Mayer, Michael Greif, George Abbott, George M. Cohan... Just think of the thousands of dollars I could blow if all of these were available. Maybe this post isn't such a good idea after all... I'll just leave it there for now... But stop by and see Amanda and Brian and their cool work...! Long Live the Musical! Scott from The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre http://newlinetheatre.blogspot.com/2019/01/broadway-pop.html
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