#I’m tired of feeling paranoid about my friends I’m tired of feeling like I done something wrong I’m tired of being shit talk behind my back
boinky-spoinky · 3 months
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Hello SmilingCritters community
I quit
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lizardaggro · 11 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) part 4
sorry this didn't get out sooner; my sleep issues are really upset (might be daylight savings?) and i spent most of the past few days feeling like a zombie. i'm better now though! it's also a bit shorter than i'd like, but i didn't want to leave you guys hanging. also two fics? in one day?? crazy!
part 1 part 2 part 3 genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, yandere has officially escalated word count: 897
“Child of man,” Malleus said. Even his voice felt suffocating. “Lilia has informed me that some… pests have been bothering you as of late.” He must mean the others. Did he really not know? Well, you supposed it wasn’t too farfetched, since he didn’t have any friends and everyone was afraid of him, especially after his Overblot. “You need only have let me know and I would have… taken care of them. But worry not. You’ll be safe here, where no one would dare to harm you.”
Oh no. Oh no no no. It was finally happening. Malleus had lost his mind. It felt a little nice, you’d admit, knowing that at least one person still cared for you. But that didn’t mean you could accept being trapped here for who knows how long. You still had to take care of Grim and attend classes. Not to mention you hated feeling trapped.
You knew you couldn’t count on anyone to save you. Lilia was the only one who might be able to make him see reason, but he seemed to be fully complicit in the matter. The dorm leaders might be somewhat capable if they worked together, but they’d have no motive for that, other than to torment you further.
Getting angry and yelling wouldn’t solve anything here. You had to be smart about it. “Tsunotarou, I can’t stay here. You know that,” you reasoned. “I have responsibilities to take care of. Besides, wouldn’t you grow tired of me? Everyone else did, after all.” You surprised yourself with how true your sentiments were. Maybe you harbored more negative feelings about all of this than you’d realized.
Naturally you were pissed that everyone turned on you, but you’d never really stopped to think about how lonely you’d been. Even your professors would hardly give you the time of day. You didn’t even know what you possibly could’ve done to set them off. Grim and the ghosts were the only ones whose attitudes never changed; but it wasn’t the same.
Malleus was pouting; there was simply no other way to describe the look on his face. “Surely you don’t mean that; not after everything they’ve done,” he quipped. Was he serious? In what way did he think you’d enjoy being trapped inside one tiny room for who knows how long?
“Yes. I do. And I don’t appreciate you taking away my freedom like this. If you really cared about me, you’d respect my wishes.” You hoped appealing to his emotions would work, no, you needed it to work. If it didn’t, you weren’t sure how long your sanity would last.
“I do care about you, Child of Man,” he objected. “Can’t you see that’s why I’m doing this? It isn’t safe out there. You’ll get hurt by those vile beings you once called friends.” He spat out that last word, like they were undeserving of the title. You didn’t know how to feel about that.
There was one thing you did know, however: this man was delusional. He’d gone paranoid with worries for your safety, even though he knew nothing just hours ago and was fine. He’d always been a little possessive, you’d noticed, but you’d brushed it off as him being afraid of losing his one and only friend. Now this? This was a whole new level.
Ah, but then you remembered. Malleus knew about most of the bullying, but not all of it. You doubted Lilia would’ve tattled on his own dorm members. You smiled, catching him off guard. “But am I any safer in here? I bet you don’t know, after all. You don’t know how Sebek would beat me in the halls, how Silver watches me everywhere I go. It’s creepy; I don’t like it. And I’m sure Lilia didn’t tell you how he tries to poison me with his cooking,” you listed calmly, as if you were having an ordinary conversation.
“They WHAT?!” Malleus shouted. “LILIA! SILVER! SEBEK! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT!” You flinched; he was usually so calm, you didn’t expect him to suddenly yell like that. It was good that he believed you, not that you were lying. You didn’t have a backup plan.
As the unfortunate trio entered the room, you made your way over to the door. You thought you’d managed to slip out unnoticed, but Lilia shot you a wink. Did that mean he’d keep his mouth shut about your escape? You could only hope.
You ran through the halls, Malleus’s shouting covering up the sounds of your footfalls. You knew this place like the back of your hand, so you weren’t at risk of getting lost. The only question was how long the lecture would last. If you were lucky, Lilia would buy you some time, but you wouldn’t count on it.
And then, at last, you were safe, on the other side of the portal. You were totally winded, after having had the run of your life. Everything seemed great, but then you heard a voice.
“Oya? What do we have here? What were you doing in Diasomnia, prefect?” Jade asked with a definitely fake smile like he didn’t know exactly what you were doing in Diasomnia. Oh, great. Azul was with him too. How… lovely. Staying with Malleus was starting to sound like it wasn’t so bad after all. No, nevermind. It was definitely worse.
taglist (CLOSED): @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx @trashlanternfish360 @probablynoposts @d3sperate-enuf @mono273 @help-whatdoimakemyusername @justuraverageeverydaydegenerate @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
You Know You Ain’t Gettin Your Bitch Back~
Chad Meeks Martin x fem!reader
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Synopsis: After attending a frat Party with your (soon to be ex-) bf, his behavior leads to a fight between y’all. Good thing Chad is there to comfort you…
Warnings: none for now (maybe in a part two) some angst, some fluff, slightly suggestive ending but not really, Chad being a girlfriend stealing charmer
Series: Pt.1 , Pt.2
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You can’t even remember why you agreed to come to this stupid party. And then you feel a familiar hand on your back, your boyfriend Derek had dragged you here… of course. And that’s not to say you didn’t love your boyfriend, of course you did! He could just be… pushy, sometimes is all. He never got physical with you but he sure was stubborn, and didn’t seem very good at listening to you when you said you “weren’t the constantly going out type” which was true. You enjoyed a good party as much as the next girl but, this was like the fourth one had brought you to this week, and it was literally only Thursday! You didn’t seem to understand how he got the energy for all this.
All of a sudden you’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Derek’s voice calling your name. “Y/N, hellooo, you okay there babe?” He was looking at you as you came out of your zoned out state, haphazardly waving his drink in front of your face. You hated when he did that, acting like you were some space case in front of your shared friends. “Yea I’m fine, was just thinking is all.” You answered him semi-sheepishly, already slightly tired from the amount of social interaction you had done so far.
“Well don’t hurt yourself pretty, can’t have that gorgeous skin of yours forming premature wrinkles!” He said that to the other guys with a chuckle. But you didn’t find it very funny. In fact it was pretty damn rude, maybe even the rudest you had ever heard him be towards you. You quickly spun around to face him. “Okay first of all, don’t know where the fuck that came from, and second, what the hell! Is that really how you think you should be speaking to me? In front of our friends no less??” You were mad, and the volume of your voice showed it. Any louder and you would’ve caused a huge scene, which was definitely the last thing you wanted. Derek could only look at you with a shocked smile on his face. “Babe calm down okay? It was just a joke you know that.”
You couldn’t believe he actually had the nerve to say that instead of apologizing. “Well it sure didn’t fucking sound like one! And even if it did, I clearly wasn’t laughing was I?” Your voice was definitely getting a bit louder now, you even felt your face getting hot. And this douchebag still wasn’t taking you seriously. “Woah Woah Woah, where is all this coming from? Are you okay, I mean are- are we okay cause this feels like a fight babe.” He was slightly laughing as he looked around the living room you were in. It seemed like he was just as paranoid about causing a scene as you were.
“Yes this is a fight Derek! I mean my god, I knew I was smarter than you but come on! A cucumber could put that together!” It felt really good to yell at him, probably too good if you were being really honest with yourself. But you were fed up of all the little building instances of disrespect, so this was definitely necessary. “I seriously don’t know what I did wrong, I mean it was just a joke! It was supposed to funny!” Wow was this man clueless, were your standards really that low? “It’s not just about that one “joke” Derek! It’s about all the little stupid and honestly disrespectful things that you keep doing! Like consistently dragging me to these parties, that I keep telling you I don’t want to come to!” Man did it feel good to get that off your chest, however your boyfriend didn’t look too happy about it.
“What are we even doing right now babe, like what is this? Are we breaking up?” He kinda looked sad now, which is why you felt slightly bad for what you were about to say. “Ya know what Derek yes! We’re breaking up because I simply cannot deal with you anymore!” You said, or rather yelled, that in his face before storming off to the kitchen. Hoping to drown your anger in alcohol and maybe some pop tarts or something. Upon making your way to the counter you grab the first bottle of cheap vodka you see and go to start chugging, when a strong hand on your arm stops you. “Woah careful there tiger, you can’t just go chugging random bottles that could be roofied!” The man spoke as he grabbed the bottle from your hand to lower it back down onto the kitchen counter. You spoke fast without even looking up at him. “Well after my last ten minutes spent here, I really don’t care if I do get roofied, or alcohol poisoned, or blackout drunk or whatever! In fact that’s kind of the goal right now so, move along.” You sajd as you made a shooing motion with your hands towards the man before coming face to face with his abs, and then his face. Holy shit he was attractive. Way more so than your now ex-boyfriend Derek…
Your borderline unethical thoughts were interrupted by his voice yet again. “Well I’m Chad, and I gotta ask, what exactly was so bad about the last ten minutes that made you want to completely disregard your safety? Just curious.” He asked you with an air of sarcastic humor, but he honestly seemed pretty sincere and truth be told, you kinda wanted someone to talk to. “Just broke up with my boyfriend that I came here with. Well he actually sorta made me come here because I didn’t really want to, but that’s not important. Point is he was acting like a dick to me in front of our friends then acted totally clueless when I confronted him about, which made me realize that he’s kinda always been a dick soooo yea. That’s how my night’s going.” You finished your ramblings as you slumped yourself against the counter. You felt relieved to be able to say all of that out loud.
Chad just looked at you for a second, mouth slightly agape from your info-dump. “Well, he sounds like he sucks, and you seem pretty cool so, good on you for getting rid of him!” He somewhat awkwardly raised his hand for a high five, which you reluctantly met. You felt bad for being so unenthusiastic about talking to him, I mean he was being so bubbly and outgoing, letting a complete stranger vent about her relationship problems. “Yea he did suck, and thanks for letting me ramble, I’m y/n by the way.” You finally formally introduced yourself as you went to shake his hand, a habit you had picked up while you were learning to be more polite as a kid. “Ah no problem y/n, and I like the handshake it’s very- gentlewomanly.” You chuckled a little at the phrase. This guy was actually pretty charming, and it definitely helped that he was insanely good looking.
“Ya know you’re actually pretty funny and nice for a guy at a frat party. You don’t really see that a lot ya know?” You were making full eye contact with him now, genuinely enjoying your conversation. “Ah yea I get that a lot, guys kinda hate it cause it means I get a lot of attention from woman and it makes them jealous, but I don’t really care. Half of the guys at this party don’t know how to treat women anyway.” He sounded kinda cocky, but truthfully he was right. College guys were dicks, especially ones who came to frat parties. “Sounded to me like your boyfriend was one of them.”
Okay you were not expecting that. But once again, the gorgeous man in front of you wasn’t wrong. You made sure to look in his eyes as you spoke next, noticing something that you didn’t think was there before. “Yea you’re definitely right about that, looking back I have no idea how I even ended up giving him a chance.” Chad seemed to like that answer, which was good because it was true. Derek wasn’t even really your type. The man that was standing in front of you now was, and you had never been more happy to be a single woman. “I mean I don’t even know you all that well yet but I will say that, you’re absolutely gorgeous, so I’m pretty sure any man in here would be no where near your league.”
And there it was, your opportunity. “Oh yea? You think that includes you Chad?” You framed it as a genuine question, but you already knew the answer. You watched as his eyes flicked to your lips for a second, biting the corner of his lip ever so slightly as he spoke. “I mean, that’s all up to you y/n. I can’t speak for you after all.” And with that you had already decided on your next move, you only had to see if he would take the bait. “Yea I guess you’re right… Anyway I kinda don’t wanna be at this party anymore so I’m gonna walk back to my dorm!” You said as you quickly turned heel to start leaving the kitchen, but not before you said one last thing. “You can walk me back if you’d like, ya know since I don’t have Derek to do it anymore.” You watched as Chad stood up straight with a smirk on his face and walked towards you, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
“Oh I can definitely do that.”
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A/N: oh this one was funnnn~ I seriously love writing for Chad I just NEED MORE IDEAS!! So seriously send me asks I’m lowkey begging 🙏 but anyway thanks for reading and if y’all want I will def do a part two! Y’all’s wish is my command and all that
-With love, from Miss Grace<3
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bluekidchaos · 2 months
toxic!mark hoffman x reader
this is ass btw
Pairings: Mark Hoffman x reader (no pronouns i think but envisioned as fem)
Warnings: 18+, manipulation, panic attacks, trauma, reader was in a saw game but no actual details are there, age gap (not actually mentioned but i envisioned it so in my head and i think it adds another spicy layer to the toxicness hihi), i guess kinda dub-con bc she’s only attracted to him bc trauma and manipulation so idk
Words: 1.5k
Can also be read on AO3!
Back to masterlist.
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mark isn’t handling your case directly but he sees you at the station after you had won your game and he’s mesmerized as he sees you again
he approaches you and makes sure you are ok and don't need anything
when you’re at the hospital he visits you as much as possible, offering a shoulder to cry on and to listen when you talk about what happened (or anything really) 
he sneaks you non-hospital food and drinks and keeps you comfortable
when you get released he gives you his personal phone number and tells you to call or text whenever and he’ll respond as soon as you can
you’re a bit hesitant at first, i mean he’s already done so much for you and now he’s letting you bother him off the clock?
but he insists that it’s ok, the first text comes late that night, just a small thank you for everything
the next few calls and texts are few and far between but as he keeps reassuring you it's okay you feel comfortable calling him more, sometimes just to chat about random stuff
you’d consider him a friend at this point and you meet up a month later for coffee, you mention feeling paranoid in your apartment, it’s where you were taken after all and he tells you there's nothing to worry about but to call if anything happens
a night or so after the meet you call him in the middle of the night, he can tell you’ve been crying by your hoarse voice and the sniffles coming through the phone
“what’s wrong?” he fakes a tired voice. “i’m s-sorry, did i- did i wake you?” you almost sob out. “no, not at all, are you okay?” worry clear in his tone, “i can’t stay here, i keep seeing shadows move in every corner and i constantly feel like someones watching me.” you blurt it all out in one breath. 
mark tries his best not to let the smirk betray his voice, “alright, you’re alright. i..” he pauses “i might have a suggestion but please tell me if i'm crossing a boundary here.” he knows you won’t say no but he’s gotta keep up the act a bit longer
“please, anything, i don't know what to do anymore, i haven’t slept in days.” you sound so desperate for his help and he has to stop himself from groaning into the phone, “you can sleep at mine tonight, i’ll take the couch and then i’ll help you find a new place okay?” 
your heart misses a beat, and you wanna take the offer the second it leaves his lips but the thought of putting him on the couch in his own home stops you, “i can’t do that, i mean you shouldn’t have to do that”
“it’s fine, it won't be forever” he gives a little laugh that reassures you, “just until we find you a new place ok?”
you resing your hesitation, you’re too exhausted to argue “okay..thank you” mark smiles again, this time not caring as much if it's noticeable “alright, text me your address and i’ll come and pick you up right away, and pack a bag.” 
you hang up and text him the address and start packing as he said
mark already knows where you live of course but you don't need to know that, he waits in his car for the time it would have taken him to drive from his to you before stepping out of the car and going up to your door and pressing the buzzer, “i’ll be right down!” he hears you say through the door phone before it flashes green and he steps inside and waits for you
you come down the stairs fast, he can tell you haven’t slept in a while, the bags under your eyes the biggest indicator
he grabs the bag from you and escorts you to his car before driving the two of you to his place
it’s the first night you sleep through all the way, feeling safe as mark is just outside on the couch and you're surrounded by the smell of him and his things
the next morning you wake up by mark shuffling around in the room clearly trying to be quiet but he notices you stirring and goes still “shit, sorry i was trying not to wake you” you sit up and groggily rub your eyes, “what time is it?” he walks over to his dresser and grabs some sock out of it, you notice now he isn’t wearing a shirt, only some sleep short and you turn your gaze away, a bit flustered, “5.30 am, sorry i’m just getting ready for work. you should go back to sleep.” 
oh, work, right he has a life to live, now you feel extra stupid for taking his offer, depriving him of sleep when he has to get up and work, stupid. but it’s like he can tell what you’re thinking, “hey, you go back to sleep and stay here today alright? you can use my computer to look at apartments if you want.” you nod and lay down again, and you fall asleep before he’s out the door.
that evening when he walked through the door he was met with the most delicious smell as you greeted him from the kitchen, “i thought i’d at least make myself useful while im here so i made dinner” he walked over to the stove and to a deep breath, he probably hadn’t smelt anything this good in years. “wow, it smells really amazing, thank you, darling.”
the name made your stomach flutter, and you blushed at his praise, “oh it’s nothing"
the next 2 months consisted of you and mark living together, you cooked and cleaned while he was at work, making sure he always came home to a warm meal, he would go with you to look at apartments and give his advice and opinion when asked. you really appreciated it, he always knew when an area was unsafe or not and you seemed to be quite unlucky in your search as all the places you found were either in unsafe areas or unsafe apartments, you didn’t really understand that but you trusted marks opinion on your safety and if he didn’t deem it safe for you you didn’t take it. 
you and mark had also gotten closer during this time, he’d care for you through your nightmares and panic attacks, and he’d hold you while you cried yourself to sleep and stay all night in bed with you. you were so lucky to have mark, he really cared for you, he'd seen you at your worst but still cared. he’d kissed you one night while comforting you, it caught you off guard a bit but you craved his affection and touch. it was the first time you had sex. 
you tried your best to go out and be a part of society but it always felt like someone lurked in the shadows, ready to get you at any moment. sometimes you called mark in a panic bc it felt like someone was following you, 
he gladly came to get you every time, lamenting on about how you had to be careful and there were dangerous people out there, he would always bring up some case he was working on as examples, eventually you stopped trying to go out on your own
you had realised one night while looking at places together that you didn’t want to live without mark, couldn’t live without him, the thought alone made your chest squeeze and your breath heavy. he could tell you were having another panic attack and pulled you into his arms immediately soothing you, “hey, hey what’s wrong?” he pushed some hair behind your ear to get a better look at you.
your glazed and teary eyes find his and the look you give him makes him have to bite back a moan, he always loved seeing you like this, panicked, desperate for his comfort, only he could calm you down, “i can’t live without you, i don’t feel safe if you're not around, how am i supposed to be on my own, i need you there!” you practically wail at him in your hysteria, clinging to him like your life depended on it and to you it felt that way
mark only held you closer and ran his hands soothingly up and down your back, “shh, shh, it’ll be alright. you don’t have to move out if you don’t want to, i don’t mind having you here. i’d feel better with you near me too.”
“really?” you barely get the word out between sobs, “yeah, i mean we’re together anyways so moving together officially maybe isn’t that dumb. and it’s a dangerous world out there, how am i supposed to protect you if i'm not with you?”
you nodded in a haze, “thank you, thank you, i’m safe with you” you cried as you buried your face in his chest again and he continued stroking your back
you couldn’t see the smile on his face as he finally had you exactly where he wanted you
paranoid and afraid of the world around you, only trusting of him, your love
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angel-fics · 1 year
no no no i NEED a pt 2 for ‘In The Room Where You Sleep’ it was a work of art 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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It Will Come Back (part II to “In The Room Where You Sleep”)
Summary: After accidentally giving Dalton a free show, you decide to take a step back from your friendship with him. Dalton does not take kindly to that.
Warnings: Dalton being extra creepy, stalking, murderous intent, reader feeling unsafe, reader’s conflicting emotions, unhealthy responses to being caught masturbating, unsafe sex (wrap before you tap, folks), rough sex, penetrative sex, cream pie, implications of a breeding kink, suggestive comments, Reader letting Dalton off too easy for purpose of plot, noise complaints from neighbors, reader has a perversion kink, fluff kinda. THIS IS A NSFW WORK OF FICTION! MINORS DNI! ALL READERS ARE HELD PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR MEDIA INTAKE!
“So, did you sleep well last night?”
Oh fuck.
Did he know?
He couldn’t have…
*Astral Projector* Yes the fuck he could have.
“I slept fine, why?” You narrowed your eyes in false confusion and tried to keep the suspicion from your tone. You knew Dalton could’ve very well seen what you’d been up to last night, but he had told you that he rarely ever projected anymore. And hardly ever on purpose.
As you silently and awkwardly ate your breakfast, you tried to sort out your feelings on how Dalton’s potential peeping had made you feel.
For one, you felt grossed out. You were doing something so private and intimate, it felt like a violation to be watched, unaware and vulnerable. You were also angry at him for those very reasons. You would’ve been grossed out if it was anyone, but it was Dalton. Your friend Dalton, who you trusted and relied on. There was a bit of guilt, too. You were masturbating to pictures of him that he had sent. That was incredibly pervy, and it hadn’t occurred to you to feel guilt until the possibility of him knowing became real. You also felt kind of used, like you were some free, live action porn for him of get his rocks off to.
That’s where the complications started within you, too. There was a part of you that felt electrified when Dalton had first buried his face into that pillow and smirked at you. So knowingly and predatory. Your core clenched at the thought of him finding you like that, desperate and wanton for his touch. You wanted to know how he’d reacted, how much he’d seen. If how he was acting now was any indication, he’d liked what he’d seen.
It made you feel proud and sexy, which wasn’t right. It was gross. He was gross. That’s all you should feel about him and his actions.
Potential actions. You still didn’t actually know how if he had seen or anything. He was acting suspicious, or maybe you just felt that he was because he had grabbed a pillow that was covered in your cum.
“Why are you being so quiet? Is everything all right?” Dalton lifted his head lazily from that damned pillow, his face filled with concern. It amplified your guilt.
That wasn’t the face someone made if they were creeping on you. It was the face a genuinely worried friend made. Maybe more if you weren’t such a paranoid freak.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit tired, I guess,” you replied, trying to sound more alert and upbeat. You took in a deep, calming breath. This was Dalton you were with, he’d never done anything to make you feel unsafe. It was why you had feelings for him in the first place.
“What were you up to when we stopped talking last night? Working up a sweat?” Was he pressing his nose into the pillow and sniffing it?
“You’re wearing workout clothes?” Oh.
“Oh, yeah. Um, no, I didn’t do much after you started doing your homework. Just on my phone,” you said, shrugging nonchalantly. You were feeling very chalant right now, very fucking chalant.
You were wearing workout clothes because they were at the top of your clean clothes pile. The one you hadn’t gotten around to folding yet. After your little self-session last night, you fell asleep without putting your clothes back on, so you’d woken up naked when he started knocking on your door.
Actually, you’d been in such a rush, that you hadn’t even picked up your clothes from last night. You discreetly peered over at where you knew you’d tossed them. The t-shirt was there but your panties weren’t in sight. You knew it was unlikely from how you’d thrown them, but maybe your underwear where under the large shirt?
“Yeah, luckily I managed to turn my assignments in good time. I actually thought about coming over after I was done, but I didn’t want to wake you up,” he informed you sweetly. And he was. So sweet.
But it was so hard to separate what you knew about him from what you suspected he’d done. And it was going to eat away at you until you knew the truth. At the same time, what if you were wrong? Would your relationship with him -platonic or not- survive your accusations?
“I probably was still awake. But it’s all good. You’re here now, right?” You had so been looking forward to spending the weekend with him. You had even planned on telling him how you felt now that you had the opportunity. Now, you just wanted to be alone.
“Yeah, of course. We’re gonna have a great time this weekend.” As his gaze raked up and down your body, there was something so lustful, it can almost be seen as malicious. Your trust in his innocence was withering away.
“I don’t know about great, but it’ll be nice. Just relaxing and hanging out. We can watch movies or read. Order take out and play games,” you replied casually, trying to sound more excited than you were.
“Oh, so we’re going middle school with this sleepover, yeah?” Dalton laughed and rolled over on his back, propping a long leg up and letting the other dangle.
“Big talk for the guy who hates literally every standard college experience. Since we’ve started school, I have not seen you have sex, drink or do drugs. You literally only went to a single frat party because Chris forced you,” you teased, forcing yourself to be more relaxed.
“I don’t hate every college experience, I just prefer being sober,” he corrected, very pointedly leaving out the ‘sex’ part of your list.
You got up to throw the trash from your breakfast away, and made a point of looking like you were freshening up your room. You picked up yesterday’s t-shirt with your toes, noting the lack of panties under them and silently panicked.
Where the fuck did they go? They were right here last night. You were sure of it.
You remembered that Dalton could interact with the physical world while in the Further and slowly turned to him, now thoroughly convinced that he had spent some time in your room last night.
“Hey, Dalton? When you’re projecting, you can move things, right?” You knew he could already. When he had told you about it, he had also shown you how it worked to prove it to you.
“Okay, that was random. Yeah, why?” You don’t know what he saw in your face, but he automatically sat up straight on your bed.
“Did you come in here last night? Like, did you project in here when I couldn’t see or hear you?” Your tone was accusatory and panicked, your voice raising slightly in volume as a result.
A short pause. “Yeah,” he answered, his face losing all humor and friendliness. It looked pleading and defensive.
“How long?”
From the amount of time it took for him to answer the question, you knew that anything that came from his mouth would be a lie.
“Just a second. When I finished my homework, I wanted to see if it was cool for me to come over. I didn’t want to wake you up by calling or texting, so I decided to come check on you. I left as soon as I saw. Even if you weren’t sleeping, I figured you wouldn’t want me to come over when you were like that,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work and you could feel yourself mentally withdrawing from him. It wasn’t just the peeping, it was the lying, and how he only felt badly about it when you seemed uncomfortable with it. Not because he was actually sorry. Actually, no. He hadn’t even apologized, so he wasn’t even fake-sorry.
You took a moment to think on it, keeping your face as neutral as possible. Calling him out on it wouldn’t do anything, neither would sending him away. He could come in whenever he wanted and do anything to you. You swallowed the part of you that was excited by that by reminding yourself that most people found that repulsive.
There was nothing that you could do to keep yourself safe from him, especially if you made him angry. There was also nothing you found yourself wanting to do either, a small voice in your head reminded you.
The thought of him no longer in your life was heartbreaking, devastating even. As upset as you were, your intense feelings for him were still there. But, this wasn’t healthy or what you knew as normal. For that part of yourself, you felt like taking a break from him was what was necessary.
“Okay. Sorry you had to see that,” you chirped after a few moments of fluttering around your room. The fact that you had to apologize to him felt like cement in your mouth with every word.
“No, I’m sorry. It was invasive. I should’ve just texted you or something,” he insisted.
How could someone who sounds so sincere and caring be such a pervert?
The rest of the weekend was tense. Really tense. When you watched a movie, you made sure to sit at the opposite end of the couch from him. You didn’t talk to him as much, and you barely initiated any conversation yourself. The night was the worst part. You couldn’t just offer up Carla’s room to him to sleep in, and you couldn’t send him to the couch because that would make him suspicious.
You did make sure that you weren’t sleeping under the same blanket as him, but that still didn’t relax you enough to sleep. Even if you had made sure to wear your most concealing pajamas. You spent the whole night faking slumber, wondering if he was walking around your dorm like some sort of ghost and watching you. The worst part of it was that you had no way of knowing if he was projecting or not. His chest was rising and falling slowly, and his handsome face was peaceful. You inwardly screamed, not being able to help the invasive thoughts telling you that under different circumstances, you’d be blushing and unable to sleep for an entirely different reason.
If last night hadn’t happened, you’d be wearing your most revealing nightie and eager to cuddle close to him in your bed. You felt guilty for having masturbated at all last night and potentially ruining your friendship for it.
In the morning, you nearly jumped with joy when your roommates informed you that she was returning early after ruining her dad’s birthday by getting drunk and slugging his indoor pet donkey. It was the most ridiculous thing you had ever heard of and you would’ve laughed out loud if you weren’t so relieved.
You were careful to seem very sad and disappointed when you told Dalton the news. He laughed at the excuse and asked if it was real. You showed him the text and he pulled you into a hug while chuckling.
You wanted to melt into him and hug him back. Forty-eight hours ago and you wouldn’t been through the roof with happiness. Instead, you curled your hands into his shirt and tucked your face into his neck so he wouldn’t see your expression of discomfort.
As soon as he left that afternoon, you made special care to lock the door and immediately ran to your room, hiding under your blanket until Carla stumbled through the door, grumpy from her hangover.
Dalton was upset. For many reasons. All different. All relating to you.
He should’ve been ecstatic. That’s how he wanted to feel. That’s how everything in his life was positioned to make him feel.
He got to spend the night with you, even getting to sleep next to you in your bed. He ate with you, watched movies with you, and he laughed with you as he finished getting dressed after his shower. He didn’t imagine the way you admired his bare torso after he toweled his hair dry.
But you barely talked to him. You wouldn’t touch him, and god, he wanted you to. He wanted to touch you, but he could tell that you evaded him on purpose. You let him hug you, squeeze your hand, nudge you with his foot to make sure you were paying attention to the movie. When he woke up in your bed his arm wrapped around your tummy, you looked restful and happy while still asleep.
And after he left because your stupid roommate couldn’t hold her fucking liquor, you texted him a ‘thank you’ with a kiss emoji. A kiss emoji. Just like you had that night. The night you had confronted him about.
He didn’t expect you to be so okay with it. And after the shock wore off, he was flooded with relief and satisfaction. That had to be an invitation, right? You wanted him to. You liked it. You wanted him to do it again, if he wanted to. He knew you noticed your missing underwear. You must have known that he took them. And you had let him keep them.
But you hadn’t been texting him as much.
On average, your texted Dalton a lot more frequently than he texted you. Not because he wasn’t interested or because he was a bad texter. You were just very enthusiastic and had a lot more to say to him. He was as quiet in his messages as he was in real life.
It was different after the sleepover, though. You were drier, and distant. Instead of actually talking to him, you would simply react to his messages. He hated it. He knew you liked him more than that, so why we’re you acting so weird?
Weeks went by like that. Suddenly, you were always with your classmates, who were your close friends all of the sudden. You wouldn’t call him. You had stopped sending him pictures of yourself in your chat after that first night. He only ever really saw you in person when he followed you around campus.
Dalton’s mood worsened with everyone during that period, and it was damaging everything in his life. Since it was spring, his art teacher wanted him to focus on nature, and creation, and rejuvenation. As if he could care less about that right now, and she noticed. His grades suffered as as result of him taking out his problems on his canvas.
His social life was even more stale than it usually was. He stopped hanging out with the few friends he had, stopped talking to everyone except his mom and Chris. And that was only because both women refused to not talk to him at least twice a day.
But Chris respected herself a lot more than his other friends did, so when he saw you on a date with some other guy and tried to ditch her, she confronted him on his behavior.
“What the fuck is up with you right now, Dolphin? And don’t say nothing, because you almost walked into traffic a second ago!” Her voice was loud and he tugged her to somewhere more dark and quiet.
“Did you see her? With some other guy?! I don’t have a problem, she’s the one with the fucking problem!” He started pacing as he snarled at Chris, glaring venomously into the direction of the restaurant where he could see you sitting across from some douche.
I could fucking…
Fuck, she looks beautiful…
She’s mine! She should be dressing up like that for me!
I should go in there. Fucking bend her over and take her right there…
Make everyone watch as she screams my name. She’d pull me in, too, her pussy would just suck me right in…
She’d kiss me, and I wouldn’t even care about seeing that dumb bastard’s face until she stopped…
Then I’d bash his fucking face into the table…until it was ruined…until no one could recognize him…until he stopped moving…
I’d keep fucking her, too. She’d want it. I saw how she is, she was still playing with herself even after she came. Her greedy cunt would need me to fill it. Fill it up all the way. Make it stick and she’ll be with me forever…
It took Dalton approximately six minutes and twenty-two seconds to realize that Chris was talking to him. And that he was really lucky that it was too dark here they were to see his erection.
“…ook, I’m sorry man. I really thought she was into you. But if this is the reason you’ve been acting so weird lately, then you have got to get a grip. It’s not fair to either of you for you to be acting like this,” Chris chastised all in one breath. She looked like she’d been doing so since the moment he’d zoned out.
“You’re right, and I’m sorry. It’s just, I thought there was a moment when we were going forward. I guess I was wrong. We should go, I think I need to be alone right now,” he apologized sincerely. And that was the truth. He was sorry. Not nearly as sorry as he was angry, but he wasn’t going to take that out on his best friend. He knew better.
He’d take it out on you.
Dalton had been projecting more often since that night. There were multiple instances with spirits, but he wouldn’t be deterred from seeing you. He was getting better at it, too. He was able to make himself visible to others while in his astral form, he tested it on Chris. He was even able to control his body and project while he was awake. He could do his homework while watching you shower.
He even got to see you touch yourself sometimes. He stopped doing it to himself that first time, controlling his body so that when he went back in, he could suck at the crotch of your panties while getting himself off. It was more connected to you that way.
He knew you still loved him, that’s why he was confused as to why you distanced yourself. When you came, it was his name falling from your tongue. When you opened and closed your messages, it was his contact you were constantly checking. You would even type out messages before deleting the words and throwing your phone in frustration.
So now, sitting in his dorm and glaring at the picture of you kneeling in front of the mirror, he debated how he should confront you on your date.
D: “Me and Chris were going for ice cream and saw you at that nice Italian place. You looked pretty. Was the food good?”
He wouldn’t ask about the guy. This wasn’t about that overstepping asshole trying to steal you away from him. It was about you, and whether you would lie to him.
You took a moment to reply and to his complete surprise and joy so strong that he could sing, you also sent a photo. Your lips were stained pink and glossy, wrapped around a thick boba straw. The angle was from above so you were looking up all innocently into the camera as you sucked the brown sugar tapioca pearls into your mouth. Dalton felt himself stiffening and adjusted himself in his seat as he read your message.
You: “Thanks. Honestly, I couldn’t really focus on the food. I was on a date and the guy ordered for me and spent the entire time talking about how much of a man he was. I didn’t even like what he ordered. I would’ve preferred being there with you.”
His heart skipped a beat and he forgot all about how upset he was with you after reading the end of your text. Wished you were with me? Like as a date?
D: “Sounds awful. Please don’t tell me he left you with the check, too.”
He added another mirror picture, this time fully clothed and making a comically inquisitive face at the camera. He still wasn’t sure where you were on this potential reconciliation, but he had high hopes given how long your message has been. You hadn’t been texting him more than one or two lines in ages.
You: “After ORDERING. FOR. ME. he casually mentions how he likes to split the bill to make sure women aren’t using him for his money. Dalton, the main course itself was $40, not including sides and appetizers. I threw my lap towel at him and took off.
You: “This fool expected me to pay for food that I didn’t even fucking order or like, after acting like he was some big shit the entire time. Dick head was lucky I didn’t toss my plate in his lap. Splitting the check? Get the fuck outta my face.”
Dinner date etiquette was a big deal to you. You had very vividly described it to Dalton when he had asked once and it was ingrained in his mind. If you asked someone on a date, then you had to pay for the outing. Exceptions can be made in certain situations, but only once a relationship was established. Askers have to pay on the first date, especially if they planned it out. Dalton empathized greatly with your situation, and was filled with even more hatred for the jackass. Still, were you only talking to him to vent about a bad date? Were you just jerking him around at your own convenience?
Your next photo was of you at your desk, you hand cupping your throat and you making a comically shocked face. Your eyes were rolled to the ceiling, your brows furrowed, and your mouth opened to an ‘o’. Dalton’s pants tightened when he thought of the other ways he could get you to make that face, none of them funny.
D: “Don’t let one experience ruin the restaurant for you. Next time, I’ll take you and you can order every little thing you think you’ll enjoy. My treat.”
As ridiculous as it made him feel, he thought it necessary to lighten the mood and show you that he meant his text as casually as possible. So, his responding photo was of him making what Chris had referred to as the “rizz face”. He made a finger gun across his chin and bit his lip in an enthusiastic and “seductive” smile. He let his head fall loudly onto his desk in embarrassment as he hit send.
You two had gotten food together plenty of times. It wasn’t odd. But you never got food at nice or upscale places like the one Dalton had seen you at. Even the semi-nice corporation chain places, like Olive Garden, it was rare. And usually only if you two were splitting a single meal. College students.
His invitation, while open to rejection, was very clearly set in a less-than-friendly way. At least he thought it was. Dalton assumed you’d see it that way, too, since he’s never once brought up fine dining to you before. This was his chance to get back in your good graces. And hopefully, be more than friends, if you accepted.
You: “That sounds nice, actually. I’d love to. Just not until I can stomach going since that jerk kinda ruined it for me. I didn’t even want to go, but Carla insisted.”
Bro, fuck Carla, man! Your next messaged came in a few seconds later.
You: “Luckily, she felt so bad that she profusely apologized and bought me boba before going to her girlfriend’s. My great suffering has ended.”
Your next picture was of you smiling into the camera with your nose scrunched cutely and your hands inverted under your chin in mock-innocence. You looked adorable. But Dalton was confused. Why the hell would you go out with a guy you didn’t even like when you could’ve been hanging out with him? It made him angry at you all over again.
D: “Why bother going out with him then? You could’ve just called me, I would’ve brought you something to eat and you would’ve actually had a good time.”
He didn’t send a photo. Neither did you after taking ten minutes to reply.
You: “Wanted an excuse to dress up.”
Dalton nearly crushed his phone in his hand. What the fuck were you doing to him? He was so sick of this chasing bullshit. He was done with your little game. You were his, and he wouldn’t accept you going out with another guy to get compliments on how pretty you were. Especially not when he was willing to spend every waking moment of his life showing you how ethereally beautiful he thought you were. He would kiss the ground you walked on, not order food you didn’t like. He would worship you, not expect you to pay for an overly priced meal. If he were able to, he’d spend entire lifetimes pleasing you and satisfying you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine and that dumb fuck you went out with wouldn’t even be capable of.
Leaving you on read, Dalton grabbed his jacket and his shoes and stormed out of his dorm, nearly sprinting to get to you. Once at your door, he barreled into your dorm, barely noticing that you’d forgotten to lock it again.
Startled at the noise, you jumped from inside the bathroom and glanced between him and your phone multiple times. Dalton then remembered that he stupidly forgot to bring his phone with him when he decided to come over.
“Dalton, what the hell?” You crossed your arms over your chest and Dalton felt his mouth water at the way it made your tits look in the lacy tank top you wore without a bra.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts and reflect on what the hell he was doing, Dalton returned to his clarified anger.
“What the hell is your problem? You’ve barely talked to me in weeks and then I find out you’re going out with some fuckhead that you don’t even like when I’m right here. Begging for your attention and always available when you want or need me. You lead me on and then ignored me for other people, what do I have to do to get to be with me. Because I know you want to, so don’t bother with any of your bullshit because I’ve fucking had it with you!”
As he vented his grievances with you, he stalked over to where you were and grabbed you by your shoulder tightly. He pulled you to him closely enough that your noses were inches from touching. A part of him sang at having you so closely to him but his anger and desperation for you were so strong that his only forms of expression were physical and rough.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?! You break into my house and yell at me, and somehow you’re the victim of my behavior? You know exactly why things changed! You know why I had to go on that date! I didn’t say anything, but I know the truth, Dalton. I know what you did that night,” you confronted him, pushing him away but not actively trying to escape his hold. Dalton’s hands slipped down to your wrists, latching on when you made no move to pull away from him.
“Then why did you not tell me to leave when you found out? Why did you not say anything, tell me the truth that you knew I was lying? You let me sleep in your bed with you, baby, you let me touch you. If you think you’re all that angry about what you think happened, you sure aren’t acting like it,” Dalton hissed, tugging you close and breathing into your hair.
Your body was hot so close to his and your hair was softly tickling his chin and throat as you shook your head in denial.
“No. No, that’s not true. I just knew that saying anything wouldn’t have stopped you from doing it again,” you rebutted, glaring up at him.
You were right, he had continued because you hadn’t said anything. And you hadn’t spoken to him properly in over a month. Still, even if you couldn’t see it, Dalton knew you were lying to yourself.
“If you had said something, I would’ve stopped,” he conceded, pulling away from you. “But you can’t deny that you want me. You invited me in, over and over again. And I came running every single time. Even after seeing you with that prick. What I did isn’t some kind of dealbreaker for you. You can lie to yourself about it, but you can’t lie to me. Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me because I will keep coming back.”
When the distance shrunk between his body and yours, it was you that initiated. You glowered at Dalton smugly.
“And how exactly do you know that, Dalton?” You knew exactly what he had done, and you were goading him to make yourself seem morally superior and him less credible. But moral or not, he was still right.
“The calls are coming from the inside the house, aren’t they, sweetheart? You knew all this time and you were what? Putting on a show for me? You can’t have known which times I would’ve shown up, meaning that you were fucking yourself at every opportunity thinking I was somehow watching you. I bet you were there with your fingers pumping in your pussy wishing I would do something about it,” he accused, stroking light fingers up and down your arms.
When you hardened your glare before looking down at your feet, Dalton knew he was right. He smirked down at your before pulling a hand up and using two fingers to guide your face up to look him in the eyes.
“I can, you know, do something about it now. You just have to admit it.”
Your response was a bit more defensive than he would’ve hoped. “Admit what?”
“I want to know how you feel about me. If I hadn’t made it clear by now, I’m hopelessly in love with you. I’d do anything for you and I absolutely hate that this is the way you’re finding out about it. I’d have rather taken you out on a date and showered you with gifts and made you feel loved before actually telling you. But I get I’ll have to settle for making you angry and then fucking all of it out of you. Would you like that?”
Dalton would always remember his first kiss. It was sudden and rushed and he didn’t have enough time to actually kiss back, not that he’d wanted to. He appreciates that it’s something that he and Chris don’t talk about. It makes it all the more sweeter to think about his first actually kiss being with you.
You brought his head in slowly but lost all control when your lips met his. Dalton’s eyes squeezed shut as he grabbed the sides of your face to pull you in even closer. He gasped into your mouth, using the opportunity to lick the seam of your lips with his tongue. He had never kissed anyone, period, much less using his tongue. Everything he was doing was the result of instinct, movies, and the attempts you and Chris have made to verbally teach him how to please a woman.
You pull your mouth away from his but Dalton can’t take his lips from your body now that he’s had a taste. His lips burn their way down your throat, his kisses open-mouthed and desperate. Dalton is eating up your moans, using them to fuel and guide his actions.
“I adore you,” you gasp, fisting handfuls of his hair to keep him on you. You couldn’t have separated him from you if you tried. “I couldn’t separate what I thought was right from what I actually wanted and I’m so sick of being away from you. I wanna be with you, Dalton. I just want you, all of you.”
Dalton shoved you into the wall, pinning you there with the length of his own body. His cold fingers crawled along your ribcage, digging into the plump flesh there harshly. One of his knees shoved itself between your legs and he used his grip on your sides to settle you on his thigh.
“You’re going to feel all of me. I’ve been waiting far too long for this, so you are going to take it. You hear me? Be a good girl and enjoy it,” he hissed in your ear as he left a biting kiss on your lips, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
The little sounds escaping your mouth drive him nuts and he didn’t even bother trying to restrain himself from grinding his erection against the crotch of your sleep shorts. They barely covered anything anyway, but he still wanted to feel you bare. You rode his thigh with no shame, leaning in to kiss him again.
Dalton still didn’t know much about kissing so he didn’t protest your taking control of his lips. He accepted anything you gave him and moaned when your tongue slid into his mouth to taste him. Your hips jerked harder on him when he did and he grinned wickedly at uncovering one of your kinks.
Your hands pulled at his shirt and as he yanked it over his head, Dalton began walking backwards to your bedroom. When the backs of his knees hit your bed, he let himself fall into a sitting position, hauling you into his lap. His hands found your hips and guided you to start grinding against him again. Your hands went to your own shirt and as soon as you or chest was uncovered, Dalton was lowering his head to softly kiss and lick your breasts. One of your hands went to his hair and tugged at the roots . He moaned and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, circling his tongue around the peak.
“Dalton…shit,” you sighed, rolling your hips down on him. His erection was sliding against all of the right places, but you needed more.
He pulled off you with a pop and started aggressively biting and sucking marks across your chest at random. His hand tracked from your hip to the back of your head. He gather some hair in his hands and used it to yank your head back, forcing you to arch into him and push your breasts closer to his face.
Dalton could feel your arousal soaking through your panties and shorts and into his sweatpants. His tongue traced broad lines down your belly until he was laying back onto your bed and sliding you along his stomach and chest until your pussy was hovering above his face.
“Gonna make you cum first. Been looking forward to this for ages. You want me to have a taste, right?” His fingers curled around the waistline of your shorts and was already tugging them down your hips along with your underwear.
Your nails dug into the backs of his hands as you stopped him. “What if I’m too heavy for you?”
Dalton response was to knock your hands away from his, leaving red scratches, and drag your shorts off the rest of the way. Left completely bare, you barely got a word in edgewise before he drew you down onto his mouth. And it seems like he took the term “eating you out” a bit too seriously because he was lapping and swallowing at your lips and clit like a man starved. His tongue started thrusting in your wet heat, his grasp on your thighs threatening to bruise your flesh as he heaved you impossibly closer.
Your hands slapped onto the wall in front of your loudly as you started to ride his nose and tongue. Your head was thrown back and you were cementing out without abandon. Your dorms were bigger than Dalton’s but the walls were just as thin, yet it didn’t occur to either of you to care about your neighbors hearing.
Your release was quickly approaching, and when Dalton began suckling on your clit while simultaneously thrusting two fingers into you without warning, you lost yourself in euphoria. You lost control of your limbs, your body jerking and twitching violently as you came. And Dalton didn’t let up once, moaning around your folds as if he were the one cumming.
“Dalton? Dalton, let up.” He didn’t, smacking your hand away when you tried to push his face away from your pussy.
“I told you that you were gonna take it, and I’m not done yet,” he growled before running his nose up your slit to your clit and thrusting his tongue inside you once more. You yelled at the overstimulation and tried to lift yourself off of him but Dalton’s grip on your thighs tightened even further, refusing to let you move.
Ten minutes of calling out his name and begging, he tossed you aside into your back and climbed on top of you. Dalton dove in for a deep kiss, clearly wanting you to taste yourself on his tongue. You whimpered against his lips and locked your legs around his hood, using your feet to push his pants down his legs.
Dalton lifted his hips just enough to make the fabric go down and kicked off the offending material. He lifted up one of your knees to his ribs and lined himself up with you, all without breaking eye contact. Sealing your consent with a kiss, Dalton swallowed the shout you let out as he thrusted into you slowly.
Dalton knew he wasn’t going to last long but he was determined to give you one last orgasm and set a quick and even pace to build you up again. He buried his face into your neck kissing and biting at the soft skin as he pounded into you. His hands were glued to your shoulder and thigh, pulling your body in thrust for thrust. His head flew back in a roar when your nails raked down his back as you chanted his name over and over again. The sound of flesh slapping against wet flesh, your bed groaning and banging into the wall, and the both of your joined moaning sounded like music to Dalton and he could spend the rest of his life listening to this one melody.
“Oh, fuck, Dalton! I’m so close! I’m gonna cum!” Dalton felt that familiar pressure in his balls when he heard the sound of your whines. He tried to keep up that same steady pace so you wouldn’t lose your orgasm, but as soon as your walls tightened around him, he lost all control of himself.
He started slamming into you wildly, only after his own orgasm now. He was going so roughly that you started hitching up on the bed and had to grip the headboard to keep Dalton from potentially giving you a concussion. His hips pumped into you almost viscously and you knew you had to help him over that blissful edge.
You started kissing up his jaw and bit down on his earlobe, scratching down his chest and abs, before whispering breathily into his ear. “Cum in me Dalton! I want your cum! Give it to me! I want you feel you fill me up!”
For an added good measure, you grabbed one of his hands and spread his palm over your pelvis so that he could feel himself moving inside you.
Without a very loud shout of “Fuck!”, Dalton filled your womb with his seed before collapsing on top of you. You could feel his pushing heartbeat agent yours and wrapped your arms around him to prevent him from rolling off of you.
It took you both a few seconds of heavy panting to realize that there was still a pounding sound echoing throughout your room.
“Can you two shut the FUCK UP ALREADY!”
Both you and Dalton went completely still for a moment before bursting out into crazed laughter. You huddled together in your bed before Dalton clambered up and walked over to your bathroom.
He took just long enough that you were beginning to consider getting up yourself before he came back out again, armed with a damp rag and a bottle of your favorite lotion. He sat beside you and carefully began cleaning you up. You felt yourself blushing when he admired his cum leaking out from your hole. Then he warmed up the lotion in his hands and massaged your sore limbs, leaning over and kissing all of the marks he left with small whispers of “I love you” as his lips trailed down your body.
You dragged him down back next to you you and he positioned your body to be laying halfway on top of his, kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms around you. It didn’t take long for you to begin dozing off when he startled you with a softly spoken question.
“You’re my girlfriend now, right?”
You giggled and kissed his nose with an enthusiastic “Yes,” before allowing yourself to drift off.
Wow, this was probably longer than the first one! Hope y’all like it! Again, the first part and this sequel were both inspired by the Dalton imagine made by @glodessa
Also tagging these people who asked for a part two before I actually posted this
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youss-97 · 17 days
Shattered Promises
You and Jungkook had always been the perfect match, or at least that’s what everyone said. Friends, family, even strangers who saw you together commented on how lucky you were to have found each other. And you believed it too. From the moment you met, there had been a spark, something undeniable that made you think, This is it. This is the person I want to spend my life with.
The two of you had been through so much together. Late-night talks that lasted until the early morning, spontaneous road trips, quiet nights spent in each other’s arms—every moment felt like a piece of a beautiful mosaic that you were carefully crafting together. Jungkook was your everything, and you were his. Or so you thought.
It started with small things, things you dismissed at first. Jungkook had always been busy with his career, but lately, it felt like he was drifting further and further away. There were more missed dates, more last-minute cancellations. He was always tired, always distracted. But whenever you asked him about it, he reassured you with that same soft smile, the one that had always melted your heart.
“I’m just a bit stressed with work,” he would say, pulling you close and kissing your forehead. “But don’t worry, we’re fine. I love you.”
And you believed him. Of course, you did. Why wouldn’t you? Jungkook had never given you a reason to doubt him before.
But then came the late nights. The texts that went unanswered, the calls that went straight to voicemail. You tried to be understanding. You knew how demanding his job was, how much pressure he was under. You told yourself it was just a rough patch, something every couple goes through. But deep down, a nagging feeling started to grow, a cold, creeping doubt that you tried desperately to ignore.
It all came crashing down one night when you decided to surprise him at the studio. It was something you used to do often—bring him dinner, sit with him while he worked, just enjoying each other’s company in the quiet moments between takes. But it had been a while since you’d done that, and you missed him. You missed the way things used to be.
When you arrived, the building was mostly empty, the hallways silent except for the faint sound of music coming from the studio. You smiled to yourself, thinking how happy he’d be to see you, to take a break and eat the dinner you’d carefully prepared.
But as you approached the door to the studio, you heard something that made your heart stop. Laughter. A woman’s laughter, soft and intimate, followed by Jungkook’s voice, low and familiar, but in a way that made your stomach churn with unease.
You paused, your hand hovering over the door handle, a thousand thoughts racing through your mind. You told yourself you were being paranoid, that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. But that doubt, that awful, gnawing doubt, wouldn’t go away.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open. The sight that greeted you shattered your world.
Jungkook was there, sitting on the couch, his arm wrapped around someone else. A woman you recognized, someone he had mentioned in passing as a colleague, nothing more. But the way they were looking at each other, the way his fingers were gently brushing her hair away from her face, told you everything you needed to know.
Your heart felt like it had been ripped from your chest, the pain so intense you could hardly breathe. “Jungkook?” you managed to choke out, your voice trembling with disbelief.
He looked up, his eyes widening in shock and guilt. The woman beside him quickly pulled away, her expression shifting to one of discomfort and embarrassment. But you barely noticed her. Your focus was entirely on Jungkook, on the way he suddenly seemed so small, so uncertain, as if he didn’t know what to say, how to explain what you were seeing.
“I can explain,” he started, his voice faltering as he stood up, taking a step toward you. “It’s not what it looks like.”
But you could see the truth in his eyes, the guilt and shame that told you everything you needed to know. He didn’t have to say it. The betrayal was there, plain as day, and it broke you in a way you never thought possible.
“Why?” was all you could manage, your voice barely above a whisper. “Why would you do this?”
Jungkook’s face crumpled, and he reached out to you, but you stepped back, your mind spinning with a mixture of anger, hurt, and disbelief. “I… I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said, his voice desperate. “It just… it just happened. I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry?” you repeated, the word tasting bitter in your mouth. “You’re sorry? After everything we’ve been through, everything we’ve built together, this is how it ends? With an apology?”
He had no words, nothing that could take away the pain he had caused. The room felt like it was closing in on you, the walls too tight, too suffocating. You turned and walked out, ignoring his calls for you to stop, to let him explain.
But what was there to explain? The trust, the love, everything you thought you had—it was all shattered, lying in pieces at your feet. And as you walked away from the studio, from him, you knew there was no going back. The person you loved had betrayed you in the worst possible way, and no apology could ever mend the cracks that had formed in your heart.
As you stepped out into the night, the cold air hitting your face, you realized that the person you had trusted the most was the one who had hurt you the deepest. And that was a wound that would take a long time to heal—if it ever did.
You walked away from the studio, your mind a storm of emotions—anger, sadness, confusion. The city lights blurred as tears welled up in your eyes, but you kept moving forward, desperate to put as much distance between you and Jungkook as possible. Each step felt heavier than the last, like you were sinking into the ground with the weight of your heartbreak.
Jungkook had always been your safe place, the one person who made you feel like everything would be okay no matter what life threw at you. But now, that safety net was gone, ripped away by the very person you had trusted the most. You couldn’t wrap your mind around it. How could he do this? How could he throw away everything you had for… what? A fleeting moment of weakness?
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you ignored it, knowing it was likely him trying to reach you. You couldn’t talk to him right now, couldn’t even think about facing him. All you could do was keep walking, hoping the motion would somehow help you make sense of the chaos in your head.
You ended up at a small park, one you and Jungkook had visited countless times before. The memories of those times felt like salt in an open wound now, but you found yourself drawn to it anyway. You sank onto a bench, the cold metal seeping through your coat, and finally let the tears fall.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, letting the tears flow until your eyes burned and your chest ached from the force of your sobs. Eventually, the tears slowed, leaving you feeling hollow and exhausted. But the pain was still there, a dull, constant ache in your chest that wouldn’t go away.
The thoughts kept circling in your mind—how you had trusted him, how you had believed in him, how you had given him your whole heart. You had been so sure of him, so convinced that what you had was unbreakable. But here you were, shattered and alone, while the man you loved was likely still trying to figure out what to say to you, how to fix something that couldn’t be fixed.
As the night wore on, you realized you couldn’t stay in the park forever. You had to face reality, even if it felt like the hardest thing you’d ever done. You took a deep breath, pulling out your phone. Several missed calls from Jungkook, as expected, and a few texts that you couldn’t bring yourself to read just yet. But there was also a missed call from a friend, one who had always been there for you, no matter what.
Without thinking too much about it, you called them back, and the moment they answered, the sound of their voice broke the dam inside you again. You didn’t even have to explain—just hearing the concern in their voice, the way they immediately offered to come to you, made you feel a little less alone.
You waited on the bench until they arrived, the cold air biting into your skin, but you barely felt it. When they pulled up, you got into the car without a word, and they drove you back to your place, the silence between you heavy but comforting in its own way.
Back at your apartment, your friend didn’t push you to talk, didn’t ask for details. They just sat with you, offering quiet support as you finally let out everything you had been holding in. The anger, the betrayal, the confusion—it all poured out in a torrent of words, each one cutting you open a little more, but somehow also making it easier to breathe.
“I just don’t understand how he could do this,” you said finally, your voice raw from crying. “How could he just throw it all away like that?”
Your friend sighed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I don’t know,” they admitted. “Sometimes people make mistakes, big ones, and they hurt the people they care about. It doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. But you don’t have to figure it all out right now.”
You nodded, leaning into them, feeling a small measure of comfort in their presence. You still felt like you were drowning in the aftermath of what had happened, but at least you weren’t completely alone.
The days that followed were some of the hardest you’d ever experienced. Jungkook kept trying to reach out, sending more texts, leaving voicemails that you couldn’t bring yourself to listen to. Each one felt like a reminder of the wound that had been torn open, a wound that was still too fresh, too raw to even think about healing.
You stayed with your friend for a while, needing the distance from everything that reminded you of him. They were patient, giving you space when you needed it and listening when you wanted to talk. Slowly, you started to piece yourself back together, though the hurt never really went away.
It was a week before you finally agreed to see Jungkook again. He had asked to talk, to explain, and though part of you wanted to refuse, another part of you knew you needed closure, even if it wouldn’t bring the relief you were hoping for.
The meeting was awkward, tense, filled with long silences as he struggled to find the right words. He looked worn out, his eyes shadowed with guilt and regret, but that didn’t soften the anger you still felt, the betrayal that lingered just beneath the surface.
“I messed up,” he said, his voice breaking the silence. “I know that. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I need you to know how sorry I am.”
You nodded, but you didn’t trust yourself to speak, not yet.
“I never meant to hurt you,” he continued, his voice thick with emotion. “I was stupid, and I let things get out of hand. I let my guard down when I shouldn’t have. I know that doesn’t make it better, but I need you to know that it was a mistake, the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
You looked at him, really looked at him, and saw the sincerity in his eyes, the regret that seemed to weigh on him like a physical burden. But even so, the damage was done. The trust that had once been the foundation of your relationship was gone, shattered into pieces that you weren’t sure could ever be put back together.
“I believe that you’re sorry,” you said finally, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you. “But I don’t know if that’s enough. You broke something, Jungkook. You broke us.”
He winced at your words, his head hanging low as he nodded. “I know. And I hate myself for it. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t.”
Silence settled between you again, heavy and suffocating. There were so many things you wanted to say, so many questions you wanted to ask, but none of them seemed to matter anymore. What mattered was that the person you had once trusted with your whole heart had betrayed that trust, and there was no easy way to come back from that.
“I need time,” you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. “Time to figure out where to go from here. I don’t know if I can forgive you, Jungkook. I don’t know if I want to.”
He nodded, his eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored your own. “I understand. Take all the time you need. I’ll be here, waiting, if you ever want to talk.”
With that, you stood up, feeling the weight of your decision settle over you. It wasn’t the closure you had hoped for, but it was something. It was a step forward, even if the path ahead was uncertain.
As you walked away, you felt a strange sense of relief, mingled with the ache that still throbbed in your chest. The road to healing would be long, and you didn’t know if you and Jungkook would ever find your way back to each other. But for now, you were choosing yourself, choosing to put your heart first.
And maybe, someday, that would be enough.
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kafus · 8 days
i’m going to be honest i’ve been suffocating mentally under this horrifically complex and unstoppable force in my brain that keeps telling me i have to constantly be working and i can’t rest. i can’t sleep properly. when i lie down to rest or do something relaxing, i just sit there losing my mind the entire time and feeling guilty and can’t bring myself to chill out. it’s been so constant and never-ending that at this point i’m paranoid i’ll never be able to relax or feel comfortable in my own skin again
i need more sleep for going out this evening but i’ve woken up after only 3 hours of sleep and am sitting anxiously on the living room couch while my friend and my parents are all still asleep violently shaking my leg but too tired to actually get anything done. i feel like something is going to attack me for not working myself to death right now. i feel like i’m running out of time but i don’t know what for
ayano’s been trying to help me but not even all her usual calming techniques have helped me at all and she’s been struggling to front because the presence of my overwhelm is so bad it’s like i’m clinging to here and can’t let go
i need my brain to let me chill out soon or i think i’m going to have a crying screaming mental breakdown. i feel like i’m about to burst into flames. my head hurts
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glibble-glonker · 3 months
i also saw first now that you liked the 3rd hc list so i won’t include that
also i angstyfy it because im listening to billie elish rn she slaps
so here are proper Izzy hcs feat. my dyslexia and self projection
- Shs has a hat that says “this hat hides my lobotomy scars”
- Definitely wants to be like her sister to some level (whom i have said multiple times is scarlet)
- she’s a MASTER at hair styles, she just doesn’t always feel like doing them. But eats it up whenever someone asks her to do their hair.
- her favourite food is mejillones a la marinera y pan and her favourite drink is aloe vera water
- heterochromia
- can hold her breath for a crazy long time and definitely played mermaids in the pool when she was younger
- always a little late when it comes to typical teenage things like “hey you should start using oil on your skin to get rid of those stretch marks y’know” “no why the fuck would i do that it looks like i was struck by lightning that shits epic”
- i said this in another post but i think her and Heather used to be very good friends until Heather got a taste of popularity and then ditched Izzy. But yeah i think she was one of those friends that weren’t really smart but also very smart. “my mom said i had to watch my weight, so yeah i can’t have that.” “tell your mom to stop lecturing you about your weight, and tell her to lecture your dad cause i saw him on my moms couch this morning.”
- also her short hair slayed i just had to say that
- has some form of tics (tics not tourettes, i can make a whole essay on the difference)
- i had a dream once that her and ezekiel were neighbours by farm and used to go to a crunch together so im gonna add that too (idk man dreams are weird)
- VERY messy room
- distances herself from people that she’s close with (friends specifically) so that she doesn’t have some form of breakdown in front of them, and they end up thinking she’s insane and leave her.
- ^ i think that ship sailed but she’s a little slow 👍
- begs her friends to teach her how to cook. they mostly just reject it cause they know she’s gonna fuck up, but it’s mostly cause her parents had a tendency to yell when she made a mess or fucked something up. so she’d rather learn it from someone like Noah or Cody
- ^ i’m not a noco shipper i just think Izzy and Cody would be good friends.
- also her and duncan first met at a pistol safety course
- her friends definitely have to look twice whenever she falls asleep somewhere because idk she’s just not the kinda person you’d expect to fall asleep ykwim
- ^ like they know she’s a fucking human but they get thrown off when she suddenly gets tired like damn girl you sleep?
- she’s a floptok icon she just doesn’t know it
- duncan and izzy are younger sister older brother type shit
- ^ they both probably got arrested by duncan’s parents themselves
ALSO, i’ve done crazy research on psychosis for an english essay, and the things i say about psychosis are backed up by research from the international mental health institute
- ^ she’s not one to get scared and/or paranoid, but when she does it’s BAD, like she’s checking every cabinet, locking every door three times, closing all blinds. and sometimes her friends (i say friends cause what are the chances her siblings don’t already know about this) get scared too cause like damn who doesn’t get scared when their friends start checking behind every door while saying that someone is outside.
- “there are bugs under your skin” and she’s throwing herself off a boat she’s gone
Oh my god that’s a lot i think i’m gonna stop there
thank you for watching don’t forget to like and subscribe for more epic content 🔥🔥
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memphisflash · 7 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒
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Pairing: Evelyn Harper (OC) x Elvis Presley
Word count: 2,9K
Chapter summary: After Ruby is attacked in her hotel room, the hunters send out a warning message to the vampire in the penthouse, who immediately comes a-knockin'. The evening takes a turn for the worst when the truth finally rears its head and Evelyn decides to put her trust in Elvis.
Chapter warnings: Angstyyyy, Elvis threatening Eli, Evelyn throwing up, strong language.
Main m.list | Series m.list
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“What’s wrong with you today? You’re awfully quiet,”
Eli’s voice woke me up from my thoughts as we sat in the hotel’s restaurant together, waiting for Ruby to arrive so we could have dinner. We had tickets for the midnight show tonight, still having to keep up appearances as if we were Elvis Presley’s biggest fans.
But in reality, I didn’t know how to feel about the man anymore.
He knew my name. And while he was right when he said the VHA wasn’t exactly a secret operation to vampires, it still struck me as strange. My father’s company had countless employees working for him and every vampire knowing the names of all the hunters was something I simply couldn’t believe.
Elvis knows me.
He could say he didn’t, but he gave himself away when he mentioned my necklace. As far as I could remember, it was a gift from my father. The silver pendant was laced with vervain and even had a tiny bit of the plant inside of it so I couldn’t be compelled.
To a vampire, it would burn to the touch but Elvis hadn’t seem to mind it one bit when he did it last night… and when his fingers had traced my skin, I found myself wanting him to touch other parts of my body too.
It had to be some kind of mind game.
Vampires were good at that, after all.
I could not be weak in front of him. Not like I’d been last night.
“Helloooo? Earth to Evelyn,” Eli whistled, making me widen my eyes a little as I looked at him and let out a soft breathless laugh.
“I’m sorry,” I apologized, taking a sip of my drink. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
The blonde male in front of me took a drag from his cigarette, raising an eyebrow as if he was suspicious I’d done something I shouldn’t have been doing. I knew by the grin that curled his lips that he was joking, but considering what happened last night, it made me nervous. “Where did you even go? You ran out of there so quickly after that leech kissed you..”
Flashbacks of Elvis spotting me in the crowd and kissing me played before my eyes. His lips had been so soft.. and even when we were going back and forth in his room, I didn’t miss how delicious his cologne smelled.
I mentally slapped myself. Taking another quick sip of my wine, I looked at my friend and playfully rolled my eyes.
“I went for a walk and then went back up to my room. Read up on our beloved singer and his minions.”
I was growing more nervous and uncomfortable at the way Eli was looking at me. Despite his light hearted grin, he didn’t seem to buy my story, or maybe I was just getting paranoid. He was about to open his mouth to speak again until a waiter came by our table and told me I had a phone call. I quickly excused myself and followed the waiter to the phone that was situated by the entrance of the restaurant.
I was glad for the interruption, but my relief didn’t last long as Ruby was telling me she’d been attack in her room by a vampire disguised as a hotel employee, or rather a freshly turned hotel employee I suspected. Telling her I was on my way up, I hung up the phone and told Eli what happened on our way up to the room.
Ruby had been my best friend since we were teenagers.
After her parents were killed by vampires in a home invasion, she’d grown a deep rooted hatred for them and found her way to the VHA. We trained together to become the skilled hunters we were today.
She was like the sister I never had. We were protective of one another.
“The fucker knocked on the door dressed as a worker and busted into the room before I could even do anything,” she groaned softly as I had sat her on the edge of the tub in the bathroom.
While Eli was cleaning the room, I was cleaning her wounds.
She had a gnarly bite in her arm, though the fangs hadn’t been penetrated all the way through.
Definitely a newbie.
“He was a young vampire,” Ruby confirmed as she watched me clean her up, the blood not bothering her one bit. “Tried to bite any place he could reach, that feral idiot. When I finally got my hands on a stake and stabbed him in his side, he panicked and fled.”
“Looks like Mr. Presley is expanding his army,” I huffed out a deep sigh. Was he really, though? The man might commit murders but he didn’t seem to be the type to have other people do his dirty work.
And why send a newbie vampire to attack Ruby, when he knew he couldn’t handle the task of ending her?
It didn’t make sense.
Nothing made sense at this point.
“Hmhm. What are we going to do about it?”
I looked at my friend and sighed deeply, throwing some paper towels in the bin after I wrapped gauze around her arm. I sat down next to her on the edge of the tub and ran a hand through my hair, tugging a strand behind my ear.
“I say we kill the fucker tonight,” Eli popped into the bathroom, leaning against the door opening as he crossed his arms. I chuckled softly and looked from him to Ruby, shaking my head.
“He’ll suspect it tonight. No.. We need to lay low, just for a few days..” I tapped my fingers against my chin as I stared absentmindedly at the bathroom tiles, missing the look Eli and Ruby exchanged. “But we can send out a message. A warning of sorts, like… going for one of his guys?”
I decided to keep my mouth shut about Richard. I was sure Elvis got rid of the body already and if Ruby and Eli would question where the bodyguard was, I’d come up with a lie of how I’d found out he went back to Memphis.
I hated lying to my friends, but for some reason I didn’t want them knowing I’d been up in the penthouse.
I didn’t want them knowing that Elvis was making me question… something. I didn’t even know what it was myself.
Ruby and Eli agreed to the idea.
We’d come up with a plan with Eli as the main character. To be honest, it wasn’t some extravagant plan that consisted of loads of scheming or whatsoever, but it was effective.
Eli found Joe Esposito in the backstage area, pointing a stake in his back and a gun at his side as he told Joe to lead the way to Elvis’ penthouse. Eli wasn’t planning to face Elvis tonight and he didn’t – merely pushing the stake through Joe’s back, right next to his heart, and leaving him behind like a cruel little present for the leader vampire.
I stayed behind in my room with Ruby and we were both relieved when Eli came back and told us it had been done.
And as there were bangs on the door so loud it made the wood shake, I could guess who was on the other side.
This felt like the start of a very annoying cat and mouse game, something that wasn't usually my style.
I should’ve killed Elvis the first chance I had, but I didn’t.
Why didn’t I?
I kept postponing the actual job, telling myself and Ruby and Eli that we had to wait for the right moment. In reality, I didn’t know what I was waiting for.
I jumped off the bed and walked over to the door, opening it and being greeted by a very angry Elvis, dressed in a similar outfit he had on at last night’s show, only this time he was the one in white. I prepared myself for what was about to come but instead of lashing out at me, the vampire brushed past me and went straight for Eli. Grabbing his collar and hanging him up against the wall, I gasped as I watched Eli’s feet dangle a few centimeters above the floor.
The blonde male grunted as Elvis slammed his head against the wall for a second time, grabbing onto the vampire’s arms to give himself some leverage and prevent himself from choking.
“You dirty little rat,” Elvis spat in Eli’s face, his vampiric features on full display, aside from his fangs. “Having your own people attacked? That’s low, Elijah, even for you.”
I widened my eyes as he used Eli’s full name, an eerie feeling settling on my shoulders which only grew more intense as Eli rumbled out a deep, psychotic laugh.
I looked at Ruby who avoided my eye and focused her attention on Elvis. I didn’t recognize the girl I thought I knew as she walked over to the two men and pointed a gun loaded with wooden bullets at Elvis’ head.
“Your guys are loyal, Presley. This whole plan would’ve worked out a lot better if at least one of them was willing to rat you out.” She sighed with feigned disinterest, tilting her head. “Now we had to get some poor bell boy turned by a random vampire. It was bound to fail.”
“You want her to hate me up to the point she wants to take my ass out, is that it?” Elvis didn’t seem phased by the gun being pointed at his head and looked at me, his face having returned to its normal state. The lack of emotion in his eyes made my heart clench in my chest. “Pretty sure she already does.”
His words and the way he looked at me caused my head to spin.
The fact that he knew not only me, but Ruby and Eli too made my head spin.
What on God’s green earth was going on here?
I reached my hand out to the side as I stared at the three, fingertips grasping onto one of the stakes I put on a side table earlier when sorting out my stuff when Eli was gone.
“I think I might just finish the job for her.” I heard Ruby say, and before I could realise what I was doing, I hit the blunt side of the stake against Eli’s nose which caused blood to splutter from it.
Elvis let go of him and grabhed my arm, pulling me behind his frame. I turned around and as we were standing back to back and he was facing Eli and I was facing Ruby, I felt an odd sense of familiarity.
Something like deja vu, but I wasn’t exactly in the position to dissect the feeling right now.
“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?” I demanded loudly after I slammed the gun out of Ruby’s hand and was pointing the stake in my hand at her.
At my sister.
As if she was the enemy…
A voice in the back of my head told me that right now she was.
It seemed like everyone in the room knew each other and knew everything about me, while I was left in the dark. It wasn’t a feeling I was particurlarly fond of.
“Do you guys want to tell her, or should I?” Elvis asked lowly, further pressing his back against mine protectively. As if on instinct, I did the same.
As if… that part of me that’s felt hollow for as long as I could remember... was suddenly whole again.
“Who do you think she’ll believe, Elvis? A murderer like you, or us.. her family?”
I kept my eyes on Ruby as I heard Eli taunting the vampire in front of him. I could see she was getting frustrated with the situation she found herself in.
I could see it in the way her cheeks were flushing and the way her hands were bawling into fists at her side. “Oh for God’s sake, Eli, shut up! And get that stake out of my face,” she groaned and slapped my hand to the side. I caught the stake mid air as it threatened to fall to the floor and twirled it around in my hand, keeping it at my side. The blonde in front of me ran her hands through her hair and tilted her head back, sighing in annoyance as she planted her hands on her hips.
As if she had the right to even be annoyed.
“You strayed, Evelyn. Fell in love with a bloodsucker and even had the nerve to leave us behind and run off with him,” she said, scoffing as she looked to the side and crossed her arms. “Me and Eli saw the way you looked at him last night during the show. We were afraid that you might start to remember things of your past with the leech, so we staged an attack because we knew you’d suspect it came from Elvis’ side.”
“But it didn’t,” Eli grinned as he walked over to Ruby’s side and Elvis turned around to face them both, standing next to me. “It’s pathetic what vampires do for a little blood and a little money. Really a weakness for beasts like you, isn’t it?”
Elvis wanted to step forward and grab Eli again, but I grabbed onto the vampire’s arm and kept him by my side. I didn’t know what to think, what to believe and who to trust anymore, but obviously not the people I thought I could. The man next to me seemed to be the number one person on my trust list right now.
Ruby rolled her eyes at Eli’s words and looked at me and Elvis, raising her chin a little. “You’ve been compelled to forget everything about you and him.”
I looked at Elvis and slowly let go of his arm. “She’s telling the truth, Eva..” he whispered.
Again, that name.
He used it with me last night and it nearly made me cry, though I had masked it like a pro.
But right now, tears were starting to burn in my eyes and messing up my view. I quickly blinked them away – now wasn’t the time to cry, to show weakness.
“My father,” My voice cracked as I spoke, my throat so dry it was as if I was swallowing needles, the sound of it sounding foreign to my own ears. “Is he in on this?”
Ruby nodded, clenching her jaw a little. “It was his idea.”
I knew there was more to the story, but I didn’t feel like it was Ruby and Eli’s story to tell. Right now, I did not even want to look at them or hear their voices.
They betrayed me, and my trust in them.
I loved Eli like a best friend, Ruby like a sister, and along with my father they stole a part of my life, my memories...
God, I was going to be sick.
“I need to.. to leave,”
“Evelyn, I did it to protect you and I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Ruby’s sarcastic and smug façade faded away, her features tensing up as she looked at me with determination in her eyes before they drifted to Elvis. “It’s not natural, you know? A vampire and a human, especially a hunter, it goes against everything we believe in.”
I placed a hand on my stomach, swallowing as I shook my head a little, taking a few small steps backwards.
“You need to stay away from me.. the both of you,” I told her, looking at Eli too. Before I could say another word, I could feel a wave of nausea hit me like a truck and I turned around to run out of the room.
I managed to make it out of the room but didn’t get very far from the door as my body forced itself to hunch over, hurling up the wine I had earlier.
Elvis closed his eyes at the sound of me being sick and he turned to walk out of the room and check up on me, but as he heard footsteps behind him, he was quick to face Ruby once more.
“No, you’ve done enough,” he pointed a finger at her, his eyes darkening. “If you even have any bit of humanity left inside of ya and you care about her at all, you leave her the fuck alone.”
Ruby stopped in her tracks as Eli looked at the blonde female as if she had lost her mind – allowing Elvis to walk out of the room, completely unharmed.
My legs felt like jelly as I walked toward the elevators with Elvis, his arm firmly wrapped around my waist.
I didn’t feel the hatred I did last night toward him, didn’t feel the hatred I should feel.
Right now, I had no concrete evidence that Elvis and me shared a past together, but deep down in my heart I knew it was true.
Perhaps this, he, was the thing I’d always felt like was missing.
I was in a state of shock, and denial too.
If all of this was really true, it meant that the people I thought I trusted, the people I loved, lied to me. Stole a part of my life as if it meant nothing.
Didn’t I mean anything to them?
Didn’t they love me?
What kind of father could do this to his own child? I couldn’t wrap my head around it no matter how hard I tried.
“I got you,” Elvis whispered when I lost my footing as we stepped into the elevator. I didn’t fight him when he pressed a kiss on top of my head, nor did I try and stop my tears from rolling down my cheeks. “I always got you.”
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 4 & 5 Thoughts
Okay. As I’m writing this, I know I’ve been gone from tumblr for at least a week (I was back(ish) a day earlier than expected. Weeeeee) Possibly more. So it’s been a minute since at least episode 4 aired. So I’m lumping it in with my episode 5 watch next week. And if y’all think just because I’m not on tumblr, I’m not liveblogging…well of course I am. My wrist does hurt though so I’m not sure how talkative I’ll be. I am also having a bad brain day and I have had a whole weekend full of absolute shit. And my week is going to be…tiring. I’ll be on a plane, a road trip in a car, and then a train. All in the span of like…4-5 days. Don’t ask. Anyway that will be in the past by the time I post this. Time to watch. As always, liveblog under the cut and will likely have criticism. You’ve been warned before you click:
“Every meeting ends with a farewell” please tell me they aren’t going to try to be deep right now. They have not done nearly enough to build up Rak’s side of feelings for me to believe he’s feeling introspective at leaving this place. He pretty much hated it here for the most part. I could maybe understand if it was Mut since he just apparently immediately fell in love because he believes in love. And believing in love means automatically falling in love with the standoffish guest that you’ve been fucking.
Okay the heart of my issue with Rak and Mut can be perfectly encapsulated in this scene where Rak learns that Mut has a pickup truck. “And did I ever tell you I didn’t have a pickup?” Sir, what you feel for Rak is not love. Because if you actually loved him and cared for him, you would have heard his complaints about the motorcycle and the cargo tricycle and used the pickup truck for him instead. He literally told you the motorcycle hurt him to ride and still you did nothing. Because it means more for you to have this weird sense of superiority over Rak than it does to make sure he’s comfortable and not in literal pain. I had a more caring relationship with my former coworker than this. Because I did something where I thought I was in the right but it was a petty argument and honestly, I could see how much she was hurting from it. So I apologized and I let her know that she was more important to me than being right. And that was for a COWORKER (now friend yay). Mut can’t even manage to do that with someone he supposedly likes romantically.
Why does Rak not get to be upset about this? Mut just immediately shuts it down by saying “let’s not end on a bad note.” Sir, you caused the bad note and made no apologies. Instead you laughed at Rak for daring to want some comfort while having no control over his own life while there. Like seriously. If you caused the pain, you don’t get to dictate when the hurt is done.
And the flashbacks again. Will we get some every damn episode? We’re 4 for 4 now.
Rak baby boy this doesn’t make any sense. Does Mut have a magic dick? I do not understand.
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Noisy sidewalk people go AWAY
So Mook is paranoid for her valid concerns about STDs? He should get tested. So should Rak. If memory serves, both sleep around. Mut with guests and Rak when he needs to write smut. And Rak has slept with Mut already. I know they used a condom each time, but he should still get tested too. Seriously. Rak’s wealth and fame won’t protect him from STDs.
Noisy neighbor go AWAY
Man I wish this show would just let Rak be aro without making it about trauma and him just being scared to love.
Am I supposed to care about this random woman at the end? Cause I don’t.
And I feel meh about this episode as well. See you in literally the bullet below for episode 5 but it will be a week for me. Time is weird man. Time is weird.
Time IS weird past Rae. And you were right, it was a tiring week. I’m finally caught up on shows though..sort of. I still might start another show tonight. Or maybe listen to an audiobook. I think I’m gonna return my library book and see if they have it on audiobook. If I thought my wrist hurt last week, that’s nothing compared to today. Mistakes were made on my trip. One was unavoidable and the other was…well I did an exercise and that was a mistake.
Anyway now for episode 5.
Rak should wear his glasses all the time. That is all (speaking of glasses…where did I put mine…)
I had issues with that whole scene but honestly I’m too tired to type them all out. Mut is not as smart as he thinks he is and that’s all I have to say.
Rak, sweetie, the waiter just stood there. You know that. You were there.
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I’ve had guys say this to me after I told them I don’t like them. You will never guess the outcome of that.
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Absolutely the fuck not. There is no way that any person with a uterus wrote this line. Because what the fuck. Why is it that Mook isn’t allowed to be upset with being sent all over yonder on an errand for someone who is NOT her employer and this is the response to her being upset? Believe it or not, people that have periods can be angry because of the actions of other people and not just because of their period. Yes, PMS is a thing, but it is not the only reason for anger. Who wrote this line? I just want to talk.
Save Mook. Save her.
I hate how Vie perpetuates the horrible stereotypes of women in order to manipulate Mook. It’s awful.
So let me get this straight. Mut…forced Rak to go out to eat with him (even though they could have gotten delivery) and then when they’re shopping and Rak has explicitly stated that he wants to leave, it is a “date” because Mut is interested in Rak and he says so. But Rak has stated he does not like Mut. So the whole thing doesn’t work because Rak DOESN’T WANT TO BE THERE. It’s not a date if they both don’t agree it’s a date. And to Mut, you can’t use Rak’s novels against him. Those are characters in fiction. They don’t represent Rak’s real feelings. I hate Mut. Have I mentioned that? I mean I’m not Rak’s biggest fan either but Mut is just…dumb. Rak should be able to argue against this it’s so dumb.
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Most novels don’t have sound?? I mean there are audiobooks but the sound in those is typically just words. Unless it’s different in Thailand? I don’t know. Also maybe this is a translation thing? (This is me after the end of the episode and I get it. He was talking about what the author says the sound effect would be. I admit it, I was dumb here. I don't think it came across quite right in the translation but this is fully on me for being dumb. But also the sound mixing at the end? Do NOT get me started. It was bad and I wanted to die.)
If someone put all of my alcohol and snacks back while I was shopping AND paying for it…I would murder them on the spot. I beg your finest pardon Mut, but let Rak have snacks? The alcohol I’m less pressed about because he does have alcohol at home but the snacks? THE SNACKS? I hope Mut rots in hell. This is The Ultimate Sin to me. *guards my snacks with my life*
If Rak’s skin still looks that good on a diet of alcohol and snacks, then I will eat my hat. Also Mut mind yo business. You ain’t his doctor. C’mere Rak. I’ll give you some snacks.
Save Mook. Save her.
This family drama is so poorly written. I feel bad for the actors who are killing it in this scene. They deserve a better script.
I did not hate the end of that episode. Or the scene in the dressing room. Mut's response to the drama was...he still has some work to do on boundaries but it wasn't bad. He did eventually respect the boundaries and they had some good communication in that dressing room. I don’t like that he had to be screamed at before he left Rak alone, but he didn’t walk to Rak which I was so scared he was gonna do and the show was gonna paint it as romantic.
The preview for next week has me concerned though. I probably won’t like episode 6. But that’s all for this week…and last. My wrist hurts and I need a nap.
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peanutpinet · 2 years
Home - Idol!Jisung x Fem Reader
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A/N: just a lil something for my Jisung stan friend that's dealing with some hardships at work 🥺 and for everyone else that's having a hard time
Warnings: anxiety, toxic work culture (I'm sorry if you have to go through this, no one deserves it), slight angst
[2:15 AM] - You hated it. You hate the amount of shitty work you had to go through. The amount of revisions that you had to do on top of the amount of work that your boss throw at you. You hate that you were miles away from your idol boyfriend. That the two of you barely had any time to even schedule a catch-up call when you would always do it; well, technically, you were the one that always schedule it.
What’s worse is that your so-called boyfriend didn’t even ask much about why you didn’t schedule your weekly calls or even text as much as you used to. The amount of comments your boss gave you, your boyfriend not even making the effort to talk to you, your over-thinking self started to make you doubt yourself, doubt about your relationship, about everything in life.
You were so close to going through your 7th mental breakdown of the week until you heard your door being unlocked. With everything going on, your paranoid self became even more aware of your surroundings, always making up the worst-case possible scenarios.
Grabbing whatever “weapon” was close to you, you turned off all the lights and walked over towards the door, hiding in the nearest hiding spot to make sure that you were out of sight when someone comes in.
Right when the door was opened, you managed to get a glance at a mysterious shadow. After they closed the door and took several steps ahead of your hiding spot, you sneakily walked towards the person, ready to knock them out with whatever you had in hand but right as you were about to hit them, they turned around and held the weapon.
“(Y/N)? Woah. It’s me, Jisung. Hey, hey, I’m not here to hurt you. What happened? Did someone break in? D-did you think I’d break in? You gave me the spare key, remember?” Jisung defended himself as you slowly let go of the weapon
“J-jisung?! Ya!! H-how could you sneak up like that!! Even if I gave you the spare key, you should at least give me a heads up first, pabo!!” you cried out, letting all the emotions you’ve been feeling out, dropping to the floor, Jisung immediately catch you and held you close
“H-hey. What’s wrong? Tell me. I, I know that I haven’t been catching up with you as much as either one of us probably like and I’m sorry. It’s, it’s unfair that I’m able to do Instagram live several of times during the night but hardly call you. I know I’ve been the crapiest boyfriend but I really do care. You don’t have to tell me everything now but I’m here. It took a lot but I finally convinced my manager to let me spend time with you. That’s why I wanted to come and not say anything. I wanted to surprise you. But it looks like I made you sad again” Jisung cooed at you, wiping your tears with his thumb
“I, I don’t hate you, sung. I’m just, tired. I was worried that you might’ve gotten bored at me. That you were tired at me, at my clingy self. Being all needy towards you. To top it off, there were just so many things going on at work, my, my boss made some awful comments and I have to get most of it done before next week and I’m barely halfway done. Sorry, rambling again” you sniffled, feeling Jisung stroking your head then cupping your cheeks, making you look at him
“Hey. I would never get tired or bored of you. Yes, we have to go through this long-distance relationship for a long time but I would never forget about you. You’re the one that helped me go through those tough times, you were the one that always bring my comfort and warmth even when I don’t say it. You’re my home, okay? I’m the one that’s scared of losing you. That because I’m always on the go and busy, that I only update the simplest things like I’m awake, I’ve eaten, I’m going somewhere. I thought that you would give up on me” Jisung sniffled, holding his tears back
“Jisung-a….I’m tired, yes. But not at you. I’m happy that you’re healthy, that you’re striving. I’m just scared that I couldn’t catch up to you” you replied, now wiping Jisung’s tears away
“Aniyo. You don’t have to catch up to me because I’m the one that’ll take a step back. Starting now. Let me make up to you for all the times that I couldn’t. I’m staying, for a month. I want to catch up on all the things that you were doing. Let’s take baby steps, okay?” Jisung breathed out, the two of you smiling together and giggling
“Yeah. I’d like that, Jisung. You know that you’re my home too, right?” you replied, Jisung giving you the softest yet shy look, just like he did when he first confessed
“I know.” Jisung smiled back. “Now. About that boss that made awful comments…” Jisung growled
A/N: I know that I've been MIA, like a month of not posting anything?! Damn, who am I?! But in all honesty, I've been quite busy because I now have a full-time job!! (after one year of uncertainty). My workplace is quite chill and everyone has been lovely but because I work from office, I barely had time to not think about anything except for work. Heck, I haven't really been making any random scenarios even for myself T^T, reality really hits that hard doesn't it? Well, this is dedicated to everyone who has been feeling burned out and struggling with uncertainties. I wish you all well and hope everything will turn out well!!
On a side note, your girl managed to get tickets to The Link NCT 127 and I'm seeing them in 3 weeks 🥹 Good luck to me standing for 3 hours later during the concert but I'm so excited because this will be my first ever concert T^T Anyways, stay safe, I wish you all the best and hope that you get to experience the little good things in life :) xoxo Vinet
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I’m not gonna act like I’m perfect and that I’ve never made mistakes or sometimes said hurtful things when upset (who hasn’t though) but I’m tired of being treated like the villain in a situation where I’m the victim and I’m tired of any way i try to defend myself or when I’m just trying to get answers is seen as me having a “BPD meltdown” or “lashing out.”
I have every right to be hurt and angry and sad but I think I’m handling it pretty well regardless??? And I wouldn’t need to constantly defend myself or speak about how hurt I am or any of that if this dickhead had just properly communicated with me in the first place or at the very least didn’t try to paint me as some dangerous crazy person for something that wasn’t my fault and like even if it hadn’t been about me fainting and was about me being depressed/suicidal, once again I was the only one hurting there no one else was getting hurt it doesn’t make me dangerous you ableist fucks and if it was such an issue why did he assure me everything was fine? He blatantly lied to me and so did his girlfriend and I don’t know at this point what was true and what isn’t true and it’s honestly disgusting that she thinks I’m the problem and has been using my BPD as a way to demonize me.
This was all because of her coward boyfriends inability to communicate like a mature adult. But I didn’t even fucking do anything I’ve been trying to move on. All that happened is last night after I finally had felt okay and strong enough to hang out in the food court which I haven’t been able to do cuz I feel like I’m being watched. But then after I came out of the bathroom his girlfriend was sitting outside, she didn’t see me right away and I wanted to say hi but I didn’t cuz of what she’d said a few weeks ago about him not wanting her talking to me and as dumb as it is I wanted to respect that, I went and sat away from her and went back to my music or whatever I was doing.
But then when she did see me she walked away without saying anything. That hurt a lot but what hurts worse is he eventually came out and saw me and walked past me too without saying something, and his girlfriend intentionally parked the car right by where I was sitting so I had to see him get in the car, I tried leaving after this I was gonna go to the grocery store but when I was walking there suddenly he was driving and he was stopped in front of me and he looked at me again and so I turned and went the other way but he ended up parking in a random parking spot by where I was walking and got out of the car for no reason seemingly just to make sure I saw him then when I kept walking he got back in like I feel like he was trying to torture me on purpose. Like who tf does this?
Maybe I’m being paranoid and I know they would deny doing this but it just all felt very intentional. I can’t believe I ever called these people my friends. No matter how many problems I have I wouldn’t have ever done something like this to them. Sometimes I wonder if this is karma for my past mistakes cuz I have said and done a lot of things I regret. I’ve always tried to make things right and apologize and correct my behavior but maybe to the universe that isn’t good enough.
But even then even though it’s not an excuse most things I’ve said or done that have been wrong usually happened when I was hurt first by whoever it was or I saw them treating someone else poorly and that doesn’t make it okay obviously and it’s not an excuse but im just saying I’m not a vindictive person or vicious person purposely out to get people or harm people.
Most of the examples I can think of were several years ago anyway before I even knew these people. And usually if anything I may say something bitchy or mean after being provoked or backed into a corner (usually to my mom more than anyone) but like these people are acting like I was a threat to their safety… I am not this dangerous crazy person they’re making me out to be.
I cared so deeply for them I would have done anything for them and it makes me sick that I could care so much for people that could just so easily hurt me then move on like it’s nothing. I think the differences between me and them is that if I say or do something wrong whether I realizes it at the time or realizes it later I always feel deep regret and always always apologize and try to make it right. Whereas they are blaming me and making it seem like my justified hurt is irrational. Well her and not him because he still hasn’t said a damn word to me. Coward. God just the thought of him makes me sick. I can’t believe I used to think he was the sweetest guy I’d ever met. And that I used to think he was the one guy to treat me with respect despite seeing me at my worst (about 6 years ago) and even recently before all of this he wasn’t treating me any differently everything was fucking fine that’s why I don’t fucking understand!!! And like the fact that he knows too how scared I was of getting hurt and losing people….asshole. He knows I felt so much pain which I was why I went to the hospital which he was so supportive and sweet about but now I’m in worse pain than I was then and he’s nowhere to be found. But that’s the thing I never needed or wanted emotional support from him. I just enjoyed talking to him about books and music. It’s all just so fucked and in sick of it all
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kikyan · 1 year
Hiya, hope you're having a lovely day^^
Haven't done one of these before, so I hope I don't mess up (And that my request is still valid in-terms of the event end date).
I'd like to request a yan. mash up for TWST & ObeyMe!
I'm 18, my pronouns are they/them, I'm a Cancer and INTJ. I'm a pretty anxious person. Having social anxiety, agoraphobia, being a homebody and just being an overall introvert, I tend to keep to myself and avoid going outside much. Im an over-thinker and a night owl. When I'm around people that I don't feel comfortable with, I'm very much a quiet, shy, jumpy, awkward, paranoid, tired lookin' loner. But when I get comfortable and l'm with close friends or family, I'm quite the opposite. I'm bold, sarcastic, and have a witty sense of humor, I’m a cocky little shit that likes to tease the hell outta people (obv because that's how I show love ^ ^) | can also be reckless at times given the right environment. But aside from that I’m a pretty chill person. I love to learn and indulge in other people’s interests. At times I can be extremely overconfident and daring yet insecure and cautious^^ im also really loyal to everyone I care about, I value community and trust, caring and supportive, the list goes on. As for some of my (debatably) negative traits, I can be quite blunt and straight forward (I don’t like sugar coating ), defensive if I’m proven wrong, I can occasionally be indifferent, passive aggressive, reclusive and aloof if I get pissed/sad (even if it’s for something small). I’ve been told i have rbf •_•). I like cleanliness and neatness, but I can also be somewhat messy when I procrastinate cleaning. Hobbies: I love drawing, I have a crap ton of sketchbooks that are filled with drawings front to back, and some that have never seen a pencil before ^^; (I have my fair share of twst and obey me fan art =w=). Reading, reading, and ReaDing! I’m a book worm^^ i mostly read horror, thrillers, and mystery novels. Also, I’m incredibly obsessed with gothic literature and poetry (I’m a bit of a writer myself). I live for horror! Movies, books, shows, etc. I specifically like psychological, cosmic, and gothic horror. Music wise, I listen to rock, metal, alternative, indie rock, post-punk, and new wave. Though I’ve recently been more into 80’s post-punk (as of right now my fav band is Caifanes, definitely recommend them). Style: I don’t usually care much for the way that I look, i prefer comfort over style most of the time. I usually ware black, anime t-shirts, baggy jeans, leather jackets or oversized hoodies, and my go-to converse or docs. I dunno what else to include, so I guess I’ll talk about what kind of person I like. I like it when people can be honest and voice their feelings, concerns, wants and needs. I definitely appreciate a proper and mature way of communicating. My receiving and giving love language is quality time and physical affection, so having someone who loves to receive and give both is an immediate green flag in my book. I personally like clingier personalities to a healthy degree, I swear ^^; I definitely love people who are openly lovey and romantic, I find it adorable, especially cause I’d do the same right back. A person who loves to try new things, and who loves spicy food (cuz being a picky eater,,, that’s a deal breaker). I like someone who shares my same hobbies and is just as ambitious as me. And if not, that they at least support and encourage me to do what I like. Personality wise, I like a person who is soft and caring, romantic, honest, noble, creative, humble, cautious, a night owl (so that me can both stay up late into the night) someone more mentally stable then me (that or just as mentally unstable as me =^=) and lastly someone who would also indulge in my hobbies with me. I hope I added enough of the right things for this request and that it’s not confusing >x< it’s long I know. Anyways, thank you so much for your work, I love everything you write, hope to see more of it. Take care love ^,^)/♡
I have no words to explain why this took months. I don't know, but better late than never. . .right? You probably heard this before and it won't come as a surprise but I match you with Idia (TWST) and Levi (OM!)! 
When it comes to what I gathered from your personality, you probably relate to them more instead of simping but I see you with them! Side note, I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND OMG YOU SOUND SO COOL?? I ALSO WANT TO SEE THE ART PLS! PLS LET'S BE FRIENDS! 
Moving forward...I see how they would both love you. You love their hobbies but understand them like nobody else. With Idia, his love for you starts when you start to open up about your hobbies. He probably starts to think about you but not in the best way at first. When he notices you like the same things but he probably wouldn't see them as a reason to get closer. He may find it as an excuse to not approach you because he's not sure if you're a casual fan or a fan-fan. Would you be disgusted with him? Find him as one of those cringe fans who bring the fandom down. Are you a casual enjoyer who wouldn't understand his passion? Though he would love to share his passion, would you look down upon him like everyone else? I'm not quite sure if I included this in my headcanons, but Idia is an observer. Which I think makes him open up to you because he can see the real you. I want to say that if we follow the story of the game, you probably don't meet Idia until after you established some friends with Ace and Deuce. He probably has some image of you already established, no doubt you're very social. When you mentioned how you were someone very shy and quiet when first meeting someone, you probably do it to be nice or at the very least, respectful. He probably sees that side of you at first and doesn't think much of it. He probably thinks that his likes and dislikes would scare you away until he overhears maybe Deuce or Ace talk, "You like that? I never would have expected you to like that, [Reader]?" That's when he gains a little boost, you like the same thing he does. Not to mention you're a shy thing, so no harm in at least trying. I think once he finally does talk to you, he can see all the unique things about you as well as how similar you both are. Idia is the same, spoilers for the phantom bride card but he hated the whole ordeal. In his vignette, the rest of the students hyped him up so much that he kinda got overconfident making everyone regret saying anything. He didn't do it to be a bitch, but rather he said it because he was comfortable around the others. Who wouldn't? So he would return that sarcastic humor. He would probably love teasing the hell out of you. Stay up all night gaming with you, exchanging messages left and right, etc. I can already imagine the list of recommendations that both of you exchange. He would love seeing your art and hype you up, maybe even propose writing a story together. Of course, this is yandere so what is yandere without the horror aspect? Idia wouldn't exactly show you off but he would be so content with calling you, his. His friend, his S/O, his partner, his gaming buddy, etc. He's not like Leona who would strut into the room with his arm around your shoulder, but he would love it when you say, "Oh yeah, sorry I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with MY partner tonight." Of course, don't tell the others it's him because right now he can't handle that feeling! He would love spending quality time, he's not at all picky with what is being done as long as it's with you. Watching anime together? Done deal. He's gaming and you're working on something else across from him? God imagine he looking up to see you so focused, he just smiles lightly at the idea of you spending time with him and then you look up and see him. His face is BEAT RED, stuttering and looking back at his PC while his headphones have his online friends yelling at him to pay attention and to assist them. He's clingy to a not-so-healthy degree and will often set up scenarios to gain pity so you have to cancel and hang with him. I want to say that while his heart cannot handle the affection IRL he would love the idea of holding your hand and cuddling against you. Imagine he's pouting because he maybe received the worst news, but you're there to comfort him? His world is perfect if your attention and affection remain on just him and him only. 
Okiedoki, now Levi. They're the same but so different.  As I started to play Obey me again and literally from the beginning, I love their family dynamic. Though they all love each other, they're not afraid to tell each other their faults either. I think with Levi it's no surprise that he sees himself as inferior to his siblings. I mean Mammon is scummy but he's a model. Asmo has a vlog and is well-loved even if it gets to his head. Satan is hella studious and has a temper, Belphie is just there and Beel; he has a good heart but his stomach knows no bounds. No need to point out Lucifer, he's polished and pristine, with no flaws that he can vocalize without being strung upside down.
I mean why would you want to be with him? Like Idia, when he finds out you like the same content he does he's probably on the skeptical side as well. I mean, really? Do you like that? When he finally does talk to you about it, he wants to prioritize your time. "[Reader], did you want to-? Oh sorry, you probably already have plans huh?" It's no doubt he assumes you rather want to do anything else other than be with him. When you take him up on his offer, he's so overcome with joy. A blush on his face as he excitedly takes your hand rushing to his room to do the equivalent of setting up the table but rather dinner, setting up an anime marathon. He is smitten with you, another one with a not-so-healthy clingier personality. Another one who just wants to spend time with you, it doesn't have to be anything specific either. I think as time goes on he can become confident too, sometimes even challenging you, He becomes sarcastic, occasionally laughing at memes and sending them to you with a simple "reminded me of you". I think the biggest thing is that Levi could be 100% honest with you. At first, he may not want to voice his feelings, but when you reassure him, he just lets it all out. Though Levi may not love horror himself, he loves your style and appreciates your passion as well. He thinks you're so cool and to be able to stand next to you, gosh you have ways of getting to him. He would proudly march his ass to a movie theater to watch the scariest film as long as he can hold your hand during the entire movie. Let's talk about yanderes, he's the same with Idia where he would 100% say something that forces you to drop what you're doing to spend time with him. Another is, I like to think Levi has been on some sketchy websites, spreading rumors about people who approach you. When those rumors as well as "proof" start circling, you should stay away from them. I stand by the idea that the brother would help one another to keep their S/O trapped. Levi may ask of Asmo's services when digging up gossip and possibly Belphie's to stalk the victim in their sleep and torture them from the inside. While all this happens, Levi will continue to play the role of the perfect boyfriend. 
I hope you enjoyed your matchup!! Thank you for your continuous support, have a wonderful day!
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Hey love! It’s me again :) here another ask ❤️
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My Class Is Always A Safe Room- Teacher! Chris Evans xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Reader deals with seizures every so often and has a few happen in Chris’s class and he comforts reader and helps her through it and lets her know they’re in a safe place and that he’s there with them
Warnings: mentions of seizures, mentions of feeling scared, angst, teacher and brother fluff, soft Chris, a lot of fluff, mentions of medications for seizures, let me know if I missed anything
~Y/N’s POV~
I didn’t always like going to school with how unpredictable my seizures are sometimes but I had friends at school plus my favorite teacher Chris Evans who always helped me to feel ok after one occurred. I walked into the English classroom and I saw my best friend Lana sit down at a desk close to me and she quietly said “hey Y/N you doing ok today?” I nodded with a smile and said “yea so far I’m ok thank you I appreciate you checking how are you?” I loved having my best friend Lana in classes with me since she know about my seizures. Lana smiled and said “I’m alright just tired from math class it’s too much thinking.” I laughed and said “oh you’re not kidding all those numbers and equations like enough already.” A few minutes later Mr. Evans our English teacher walked in and said “good afternoon class sorry I’m a minute late, please grab out your books and we will get this lesson started.”
A half hour into the class and I ended up having two small seizures it felt like I was daydreaming and not really in the room it’s always freaky but thankfully Lana was there to help me back. But later another seizure started and it was more scarier than the other one. Our teacher Chris notices what’s going on and dismisses the class to make some space in the room to help me through it.
~Chris’s POV~
Poor Y/N going through seizures, I’ve never had one personally but I’ve done research on what happens to be able to help Y/N through hers so she would be ok. I rubbed Y/N’s back and said “hey darling wanna move to the sensory corner with me so you’re more comfortable?” I could see it was coming so I helped her move to the soft couch and she sat there holding her hand in mind talking to her to get her to focus on me. I could tell she wasn’t hearing everything. I grabbed her medication from the drawer I had for her in the room and I carefully handed it to her and she quickly took them before it started and I sat there close by saying “it’s ok Y/N it’s alright I’m here doll I know it’s scary but know I’m here ok?” She sat there for a few minutes and then laid her head back on the headrest and said “C-Chris?” I scooted closer and said “yea Y/N? I’m here I got you, I know you’re tired try and relax ok? Why don’t we sit here for a bit and just hangout don’t worry about your other classes today ok? I’ll write you a note for the other teachers and I’ll help you get caught up when you’re up for it.” Y/N smiled and said “thank you Chris that means a lot that you’re helping me, I hate that this happens I get so scared and paranoid.” I gave her a sad sympathetic nod and handed her a lavender scented fidget toy and said “I know but you’re back now and I’m right here I got you doll.”
~Y/N’s POV~
Dealing with these seizures was so exhausting and frightening I always worry I won’t come fully back to where I am but just sitting next to Chris in the sensory area I felt so safe I felt like I was able to breathe again. Chris would look over at me every so often and asked “you with me Y/N?” I nodded and said “yea I’m here Chris thank you for helping me back.” Chris smiled and said “Y/N I’ll always help you I care about you I just want you to be ok, I’m glad I was here to help you through one today, his classroom is a safe place for you always will be Y/N.” Gosh I loved how relaxed talking to Chris was and plus he’s my teacher and I’m grateful he made a sensory section in his classroom and even leaned how to help me & honestly you don’t know very many teachers that would that these days. I got worried and said “w- what about my other classes? The teachers will be furious..” Chris said “no don’t worry about a thing your health is more important honey just sit and relax focusing on your breathing ok?” I nodded with a smile while starting to do breathing exercises and Chris smiled and said “good girl Y/N I’m so proud of you.”
Here ya go luv hope you like it 😊💜💜xx for @chrisevansdaughter
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod pairing? Sorry I haven’t done this before.
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of it. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😅😭 sorry again
John Price
a/n omg at one point of time i thought of going to law school instead of pharmacy so this was so interesting to see what could've been lol
How you met: Civilian as of rn ;) Here you stood, a second year of law school done and accepted into the US Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. Or I guess I should say, here you were physically but not mentally. When you applied from your cozy apartment, you hadn't expected the internship program to be such a challenge. But here you were in your second choice location of Washington DC (curse whoever got the Germany placement). It was your second day and you were already tired from the 6am wakeup time followed by whatever your trainer saw fit. Today was a grueling 4-mile run. Needless to say, you were exhausted by the time you entered the Military Justice office. As you entered, your attorney joked, "you look like hell." You rolled your eyes and tried to smooth out your hair. "Here take a break and make some copies for us," as he handed you a pile of papers. You looked and saw they were drafts for an attorney's prosecution memoranda. You left to make your way to the copier when you bumped head first into something. As you looked up, you realized it was a someone. Somehow this man had miraculously caught all your papers. "Sorry love, perhaps you could tell me where I would find a General Shepherd's office?" he asked in an enchanting, deep accent. You could feel the air fill with cigar smoke with each word. You silently pointed in the direction of the office and the man went on his way. "It gets easier, soldier, someday you'll be an officer," he called out and you smiled as you got up from the floor.
A peek into your relationship: This was the big day, your graduation from law school. Your time during your internship had paid off, many officers impressed by your ability to keep up with the trainings and your eloquent legal drafts. You sat in your seat nervously and twirled a loose curl as they prepared to call your name. Finally, it was time. As you walked on stage and prepared to get your hood, you could instantly hear your boyfriend cheering you on loudly. "That's my girl!" he shouted and you gave him a kiss from the stage, finally a lawyer. When the ceremony had finished, Price was the first one to greet you. He had dressed in a suit for the occasion but this didn't deter him from picking you up and spinning you around. "I'm so proud of you," he said before planting a soft kiss on your lips.
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
dude i am having one of those nights that by all means could be one of the worst nights ever but... it’s actually been a blast.
so yesterday i flew back home after visiting a friend (actually, friends plural, it turns out) in Tucson. i timed my flight so that i would get back like a solid hour and a half before the last train, because delays happen and i wanted to make sure i would be able to catch the train home and not get stranded at the airport.
as luck would have it, my flight decided to get delayed by approximately an hour and forty minutes, A.K.A. just long enough for the last train to depart pretty much right as i was picking up my checked luggage. this left me with several options:
- take a series of night buses and get home in probably 3 hours, extremely exhausted and stressed out (i know it is stressful because i have done it before) - call an uber/lyft and spend $50 gambling that i don’t get someone with one of those horrible air fresheneres that makes me feel sick. also would have to install the ride share app. basically a pain. - just fuckin stay overnight at the airport and get on the first train in the morning
for reasons known only to my weird brain and the gods above, the third option was orders of magnitudes more appealing to me than the others.
so.... this brings us to now, at 3:45am, where i am going on 4 hours chilling at a pretty abandoned and very closed airport food court (save for the ~6 other people sleeping/chilling in booths around me who i suspect also missed the last train). I’m paranoid so I don’t want to sleep, even though honestly everyone else here is definitely in the same boat and I don’t think my stuff would get stolen. I mean I would guard the belongings of these random strangers with my life at this point. But it’s just good to be safe, yknow.
Instead, I have gone absolutely insane and just absolutely CRUSHED a SHITLOAD of code I’ve been meaning to do for my Amadeus game demo. I completely re-did the entire interactibles mechanic to make it more scale-able. I made the prologue scene completely playable with either point-and-click OR keyboard, including how the text progresses, which involved basically re-doing how text progression works. I made new code that helps handle special game events so I can do more things without cheating via Unity buttons. I have been GETTING SHIT DONE.
I don’t know *why* being exhausted and low on sleep and stuck in a random ass closed airport food court is making me so productive, but I’ve been on FIRE. I’ve been hosting a one-person hackathon over here. This is the most productive I’ve been since the global game jam ended. I am solving problems while delirious that I could not tackle while completely alert. Probably because I’m too tired to give a shit about maybe breaking something. Anyway, holy shit.
So anyway: this could have sucked. But instead it kind of ruled. It’s got sleepover energy up in here. The coffee shop nearby is finally going to open around 4 and that will give me the kick needed to make it the rest of the way until the trains start back up and I can get home and crash. #springbreakvibes
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