#I’m super congested due to allergies
pangur-and-grim · 9 months
why does she respond this way to singing?
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➵ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | Bucky puts a little to much faith in his super soldier abilities when you're sick.
➵ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x f!reader
➵ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | <1k
➵ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Fluff, sickness (headaches, sore muscles, fever), kissing while sick. Reader can be any race!
დ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢
For most people, getting sick was something that was at least a little manageable. As long as they had medicine and a good night’s sleep at their disposal, they’d be better within a few days. You prided yourself on having a good immune system and being a health nut, not remembering the last time you had a fever or needed to spend the day in bed. So when you got sick, you got really sick. And unfortunately, today was one of those days.
It started off small. A little congestion you only assumed was your allergies acting up. Then your head started pounding, then your body started aching. Soon enough, you were waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, checking your temperature only to find out you had a fever. Taking the next few days off of work, you stayed in bed, taking vitamins every six hours that would hopefully help you take this terrible feeling away.
Bucky was an angel. He held you when you needed to be held, brought you tea, and assured you that he would do whatever needed to be done around the house so you wouldn’t have to leave bed.
Bringing in your newly refilled bottle of water, Bucky set the bottle on the nightstand closest to you and laid next to you. He could feel that your temperature was still high. He hated to see you like this. You were so weak, barely being able to lift your head up without feeling it pounding.
He leaned in to kiss the top of your heated head, then down to your lips. “No, Buck. I don’t want to get you sick.” You said. You weren’t sure if what you had was contagious, but you didn’t want to take any risks.
“I feel like you always forget… you’re kind of dating a super soldier.” You could hear the cockiness in his voice. Like even though he only became a super soldier because of HYDRA, that he was now owning and finally confident in his abilities.
“That doesn’t make a difference… I don’t want to spread any germs, I don’t even know how I feel about you sleeping next to me-“
“I’ve been poked and prodded with every medicine possible. I’m basically immune to everything.” He insisted.
“Bucky, I’m serious. And there have been a lot of illnesses and diseases that have gone around since the 40s. I mean, they didn’t cure polio until ’53-“
“They cured polio?” Bucky joked, fake surprise in his voice. Try all you want, he wasn’t leaving your side.
“James,” you said sternly after letting a tiny laugh slip, “I said I’m serious.”
“So am I.” Bucky said, gazing into your eyes. He couldn’t help but notice how you looked. Your eyes were droopy, bags appearing underneath them due to the lack of sleep. A thin layer of oil and sweat found it’s home on your forehead, along your hairline. You would’ve loved nothing more than to take a shower if getting up wasn’t such a pain. Even though you looked sick, Bucky knew what you needed some loving.
He pressed his lips against yours. You tried to make it just a quick peck, but the second you felt his tongue slip into your mouth, you knew you were done for. There was no fighting it; Bucky was insistent on kissing you with the same love and passion he always did, regardless if you were sick or not.
And with time, you got better. You were able to get out of bed without pain. You could now eat more than just soup. You felt like yourself again.
Then you started to notice a change in Bucky’s behavior. Nothing major, just that he would wince before getting out of bed, you often heard him sniffling, and soon enough, when you hugged him it felt like he was on fire.
Bucky had also fallen sick, just as you suspected he would.
A few days after getting better, the two of you were sat yet again on the bed, only this time the roles were reversed. You were now taking care of a very sick Bucky, and you didn’t want to say, “I told you so,” but a part of you wanted to so badly.
“What did I say would happen?” you lovingly scolded, taking the thermometer out of Bucky’s mouth and reading that he was still sporting a fever.
“Hey, it was worth it.” He said, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you in to rest on his chest. In all honesty, he would’ve lived another hundred and six years feeling like this if it meant he could kiss you again and again.
Because no matter how sick either of you were, you always had just enough energy to love each other.
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rickybowensfever · 3 years
When Josh Missed The Halloween Party
Josh gets sick before they’re supposed to go out for a Halloween Party
Summary: Josh oversleeps for Kelsey’s Halloween Party and misses everything, waking up with a sore throat and fever.
 This is a long one! 
After a long week of classes, finally it was the weekend. Josh yawned as he walked into his vacant apartment. On Fridays, his classes got done around 1:30pm giving him time to prepare for the night’s activities.
After pulling an all-nighter to finish up his 12-page Philosophy essay due that afternoon, Josh was exhausted. The caffeine had worn off from the large espresso that helped fuel him through the night and up until the morning for his 9am class.
He kicked off his shoes and curled up into his warm bed checking his phone before taking the long-awaited nap he dreamt about all afternoon.
K: Hope your day is going well! See you tonight 😉 Don’t forget the party starts at 7pm!
Josh nodded his head at Kelsey’s text and started typing a reply.
J: got my paper in and gonna take a nap. can’t wait to see you Y
He hit send and placed his phone on top of his night stand, clicking the side button to turn it to silent and set an alarm for that evening.
“Siri, set an alarm for 5pm” he said aloud, in a hoarse tone. He coughed trying to get rid of the hoarseness in his voice.
 After his first class of the day, Josh noticed his throat was scratchy. The weather was changing and getting colder which usually meant his seasonal allergies were beginning to act up. So, he passed the feeling off as he noticed his classmates sneezing, coughing, and hoarding tissues.
At last, he shut his eyes and fell into a much-needed deep sleep.
  Josh woke up in a panic, sweat stuck to the back of his shirt, pulling the covers off of him despite the shivers going through his body. His head was throbbing, and his nose was full of congestion.
He picked up his phone quickly to read the time.
9:00 PM
“Fuck!” he muttered, wincing at the pain coming from his throat when he spoke.
His phone was full of messages from Kelsey.
7:00 PM
K: Hey, are you on your way?
7:45 pm
K: Babe? Haven’t heard from you. Everything okay?
8:30 PM
K: Figure you’re still sleeping…
8:55 PM
K: Trey just got here. He said you were still asleep.  Call me when you wake up 😊
He read her final message and quickly hit ‘Call’; the phone rang in his ear.
“There you are! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Trey tried to wake you before he came over” she said over the loud music.
Josh sniffled into the phone, making a mental note to find where his roommate kept their extra tissues.
“I know. I set an alarm, but I guess I snoozed it” he explained, feeling his head for a fever.
“No worries! The party doesn’t end until midnight. You still have plenty of time” she suggested.
“Ugh, Kels. I feel super sick. I don’t think I’m going to make it tonight. I’m sorry” he said letting out a harsh cough, wincing as the pain shot through him.
“Josh. You don’t have to lie to me. If you didn’t want to come, you could just say so” she barked.
“What? No. I wanted to. Really, I think I caught something. My throat hurts and my head feels hot” he said trying to make her less angry with him.
“Fine. Get better, I guess” she said, and the phone clicked.
Josh looked up at his phone Kelsey Wolff ended the call.  He put his head in his hands, feeling the heat coming off his face and sighed.
He was too tired and worn out to fight with Kelsey. So, she could make up her mind about him and he would deal with that in the morning. For now, he was determined to get some medicine in him and blow his nose.
He walked out into the apartment living room and looked around hoping at least one of his roommates hadn’t left yet. Then, he heard keys giggling and the front door opened.
“Hey! Just got off work. The Student Center is hell right now for the Pumpkin Carving and Costume Contest” Drew said closing the door behind him in his Saladworks uniform.
“Dude, thank god you’re here” Josh said, relieved. Drew’s eyes lit up and his eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, are you going in sweatpants?” he asked studying his roommate’s attire.
Josh laughed, “Nah. I’m not going. Got a fever” he said and let out a train of coughs.
“Ah, shit. That blows!” his roommate said putting his bag down and hanging up his keys.
“Yeah, I know. But I need your help” he said walking toward the kitchen.
Following his lead, he nodded, “What’s up?”
“I need you to tell Kelsey that I’m actually sick. She didn’t believe me on the phone” Josh told him coughing into his elbow.
“Ah. You got it! Not a problem. I’m gonna go change into my costume and I’ll be right back” he said, jogging toward the back of the apartment where his room was located.
Josh took a glass of water, filling it up with their Brita and sorted out their medicine cabinet. With a Mucinex box, thermometer, and tissues in hand, he started making his way to his bedroom.
“Alright, how do I look?” Drew said flexing his tight Spiderman outfit.
Josh smirked at him and frowned, knowing how bummed Kelsey had to be that their couples costume wasn’t fully complete. A Lois Lane without her Clark Kent.
“Ana’s being MJ. How cool!” he said, honestly grinning big. “I’ll show you pics. Rest up and I’ll handle the rest, man”
“Thanks. I owe you one” Josh said, sniffling as he passed his roommate.
 In his bedroom, Josh turned on his favorite Halloween movie, Scream and let the medicine do its magic. If Kelsey wouldn’t believe him, hopefully some proof would do her good. He turned on the digital thermometer and placed it under his tongue as he shivered under his comforter with a blanket on top.
 The opening credits of the movie started, and he settled in for the night. As soon as the thermometer beeped, he heard the front door open and heels cackling on the floor. He shook his head thinking nothing of it. Probably people upstairs, he thought and yawned looking over at the movie.
Continuing his task at hand, he looked down at the thermometer, reading it to himself.
101.0. “Figured” he said, coughing into his elbow.
Suddenly, his door opened, and a white blouse came into his view.
“I’m so sorry” Kelsey said, her Lois Lane badge strung around her neck.
“Kels. You didn’t have to come” he cried, still holding the thermometer in his hands.
“No. It’s my fault. The party had me so stressed that I wasn’t thinking like myself and for that, I’m truly sorry” she said walking toward her boyfriend.
Josh coughed again, “I forgive you” he said, “But I really don’t want you to catch this. If I have strep, I’m contagious”
Kelsey shook her head, grabbing the thermometer from his hands and winced.
“Ugh, that’s not good” she said, “And I deserve to catch it for not believing you”
“Hey! Don’t say that. I just took some medicine; I should be alright for a bit” he explained, sniffling.
“Seriously, let me help. I feel really bad” she said pouting. Josh turned toward the TV and back at his girlfriend.
“Fine, but really I’m okay for now” he said. “We can just hang out then!” she said, enthusiastically.
Josh nodded, silently deciding to stop talking as the pain in this throat got worse.
Kelsey looked around the room and at her boyfriend’s flushed complexion, pulling up a swivel chair next to him.
“I swear this is the last time I’ll offer to help but, a cold rag might help that fever?” she offered.
Josh nodded, curling back into his position. “I’m good. I think I’m just gonna go back to sleep” he whispered, letting out yawn.
Kelsey frowned once again. “Okay. Let me know if you need anything. I’m going to go change” she said holding up her bag of clothes.
Josh looked back at her confused. “Huh?”
“I’m staying the night. No way am I going to let you stay here alone” she said opening the bathroom door.
“Alright” he said yawning and curled up with his pillow and dozed off.
Josh woke up to light flickering into the room and his head throbbing. He sniffled which immediately made his throat pain heightened.
He groaned, hoping Kelsey was still here. He grabbed his phone and sent her a text.
9:00 AM
J: Hey, you up?
K: Yup!
 Moments later, his door opened, and Kelsey walked in. Her slippers hitting the wood floor of his bedroom.
“Any better?” she asked, hopeful.
Josh nodded, holding his throat. “Nope. I’m super cold” he told her.
Immediately, she put her hand out to feel his forehead.
“Babe, you’re burning up” she said feeling the heat radiate from his head.
She immediately took the thermometer from his night stand, placing it under his tongue.
“102. Josh, that’s not good” she said pouting and ran toward the kitchen.
Josh let out a series of coughs, groaning in pain from the soreness of his throat.
Kelsey returned with a cold rag and placed it on top of her boyfriend’s forehead.
“Let me check your throat. You could have strep…again” she said, sounding annoyed now. Josh was prone to getting strep throat every Autumn aside from seasonal allergies and it was getting worse as he grew older.  
 She turned on every light in the room as Josh opened his mouth. Kelsey looked in his throat, examining it. “Let’s get you to the Health Center. I’ll drive” she said.
“Do we have to?” he pleaded. Kelsey looked back at him, scowling.
“Fine” he whispered putting his hands in the air like he was under arrest and slipped on his sneakers and grabbed a coat walking out of the room with her.
 After waiting in the cold office, and getting an uncomfortable strep test, the doctor diagnosed him.
“Mr. Brooks, your results for strep throat came back positive. I’ll give you a prescription to fill and a note for school. You need to rest, take the antibiotic for 10 days and drink plenty of fluids. Once you’re fever free for 48 hours and feeling better, you can return to classes. I’ll give you a week’s notice for the note” the doctor advised.
“Thanks” he muttered, trying not to strain his voice.
Josh walked out to the waiting room where Kelsey sat waiting for him, her eyes lit up. Josh walked over to her with the prescription and note in his hand.
“Strep” he said handing her the papers.  “Let’s get out of here. Please” he begged.
 Josh was relived when they picked up his prescription and walked inside of his apartment. As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by his roommates.
“Hey! How’s it going?” Drew asked, sitting at the breakfast bar eating his Chipotle bowl.
Josh groaned, opening the door to his bedroom conveniently it was across from the kitchen.
“Strep. He’ll feel better after this” Kelsey said softly holding up the antibiotic bag.  
“Again? What a bummer!” Drew said through a mouth full of lettuce and black beans.
 Kelsey waved goodbye to Drew as she entered her boyfriend’s room to the sound of coughing.
“Take this” she said opening the antibiotic bottle. Josh nodded, sitting on the edge of his bed with Gatorade in hand. He took a swig of the red liquid, chasing down the large pill and sighed loudly.
“Now, you need to stay in bed and rest” she said, glaring at him.
“I will” he said rolling his eyes, “I already told Carol I’m sick. She got someone to cover my shifts this week until I feel better” Josh informed her, coughing into his elbow wincing.
Kelsey’s shoulders slumped with relief. “Good. No work. Just rest, please” she said picking her nails out of worry.
“Babe, go to class. I’ll be alright now that I have meds” he said shooing her away with his hand.
“Okay, I love you. Feel better” she said kissing him on the head.
“Love you” he said and curled into his bed turning his back toward her.
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dogtorj · 3 years
My blog starts with a good day!
I don’t think it’s a surprise to people that the veterinary profession is full of ups and downs. We start (luckily!) with an up kind of day. At least I left work with a smile.
My morning begins as an easier one. I am on a shift that means I am effectively an extra hand. My responsibility is prescriptions, and I can be taken away from this to put a cannula in, take some blood for a blood test, or be a “bum-stop” (to sit behind/scratch a patients bum while other things happen to them, as a distraction and minor restraint). The dogs I need to do this with are easily distracted with a high-pitched tone of voice and a bum scratch; and the morning goes without a hitch. I call a couple of clients to confirm their prescription requests / let them know they will need a prescription review soon as we haven’t seen their pets in a while; and then at 10:30am, it’s time to start consults.
Most of my consults this morning are for vaccinations. Routine, not presenting for a problem, more an opportunity for pets to have a positive interaction with us rather than be scared; and to catch up with the owners too (so important to so many of us in the current pandemic!). One of these patients happens to be a patient I operated on 10 months ago, for being kicked in the head by a horse, leaving a 1-inch-diameter hole in her skull. It’s awesome to see her doing so well, I have to admit I didn’t even recognise her at this stage, as a full-grown adult with all the fur having grown back on her head. I also see a very charming and well-behaved bulldog, called Angus, whose complicated eye ulcer has healed just a week after me debriding it with a diamond burr. I was able to do this without sedation as he sits so still. He gets 3 treats, and I feel pretty chuffed with myself.
Afternoon consults. More booster vaccinations. We are behind with COVID-19 lockdown having halted us a fair bit, and people having been pushed back a few months, so we have some catching up to do. A couple of them are nervous and require muzzling, but we manage to keep them calm in the consult room, and I don’t hear so much as a growl. I must be giving off calm vibes today!
In my afternoon consults, I come across a cat with constipation. He has been trying his hardest to go to the toilet today but to no avail. He is elderly and is already on laxatives to help this problem. I’m concerned that he now has a brain tumour. His owner reports following questioning, that he does tend to walk round in circles, and to me he doesn’t seem as ‘awake’ as his normal self would. He’s a little wobbly on all 4 legs, but gets around ok. I speak to the owner about my concerns. This is a difficult thing to prove. This would require an MRI but he is 18 years old and on discussion we’re not wanting to send him away to a specialist for an anaesthetic to do this. We choose to help with his constipation. I keep him in one of our ‘cat pods’ for the afternoon and give him a suppository to help the muscle contractions required to pass the firm poop I can feel in his abdomen. He requires a little ‘manual’ assistance - but he appears visibly brighter and happier afterwards. He goes home, owner aware of my worry with him longer-term.
Between consulting blocks, I get handed some flowers, a box of chocolates, and a card. In the card are some heartfelt words from a client I have seen for the last 2 years, as long as I’ve been in this particular job. She thanks me for looking after their dear old mini dachsund. I had diagnosed him with congestive heart failure way back when he was already in his teenage years’ and we had managed it since. Every recheck he’d happily plodded his way in to the consult room to see me, and every recheck we’d check in with each other and talk about making the end of his life as good and comfortable as possible. And he just kept going, kept being happy. He had been put to sleep by one of my colleagues while I was away, and yet the owner had felt the need to thank me personally for all we’d done in the last almost two years. A flash of regret waves over me that I hadn’t been there to say goodbye, but I also know that the time would have been right. It doesn’t happen to me often, but I do hold back some tears as I prepare for evening consults.
Evening consults. These are fairly routine. A limping dog I think will get better with some rest. An ear infection that is likely due to an underlying allergy (we discuss how to get this under control and also how to keep it that way). I see one of my surgeries back from 2 weeks ago. This was a removal of a very large lump. The removal left a very big hole (skin really stretches and pulls apart when you cut it). I used suturing techniques that would take some of the tension off the wound, and it so happens that its worked brilliantly. I’m chuffed. This particular dogs’ nipples now sit more on his side than on his underside, but I don’t think it bothers him too much! He’s super happy to see me, and he no longer needs to wear the toddler hoodie he’s had to wear for the last 2 weeks to protect the stitches that I remove.
All in all, I’ve left the day feeling brilliant. I have a bunch of tulips in my hand, and I know I’ve done good. Not every day is like this, not at all. But it’s days like this that make me realise I’m truly in the profession I’m meant to be in and that I’m fairly good at it!
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atlfics · 6 years
Rainy Day- All Time Low Fanfiction
The boys play an outdoor show on a rainy day. Word Count: 1612
More notes at the end. 
Something that All Time Low was known for was always going onstage, no matter what happened; they could be sick, injured, anything really. They were scheduled to play an outdoor show in Chicago, and it was currently the middle of November. The four of them were all excited, they loved outdoor shows because more people could go, and the energy was always higher. They were also excited to play Chicago, it was a fun city for them because of how much there was to do in it.
Alex woke up on the morning of the show and could immediately tell that the seasonal allergies that he’d been hoping to avoid had finally caught up to him. His throat felt raw, and he had a lot of congestion in his head. He actually hated allergies almost as much as being sick, because it made singing so much harder for him.
After groaning, he turned on his phone, and saw that it was a little after noon, which is when he would normally wake up. He got out of his bunk, and walked to the front lounge, where the rest of the band were.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Rian joked.
“Fuck you, sleep is important, dude,” Alex replied, sounding as congested as he felt.
“You sound like someone is pinching your nose. Are you okay, man?” Jack asked.
“It’s just allergies. I was hoping to avoid getting them, but of course they show up on the day we have an outdoor show,” Alex replied, looking for all of the allergy medicine he could find.
“That sucks, dude. Hopefully, some medicine will make you feel a lot better,” Zack added.
“I hope so, I hate allergies. They make my throat all raw, and my head super congested, which all makes singing so much harder,” Alex explained.
“Oh, we know, you complain about that every time you get allergies on tour,” Rian replied.
“Well, it’s fucking annoying. I’m not going to talk much today, so I can try to save my voice for tonight. I’m just going to take it easy, so hopefully all of this goes away,” Alex decided.
“That’s a good idea, we can’t have your voice going out later, that’d be really bad,” Jack replied.
“Yeah, for sure. I’m going to go rest in the back for a bit,” Alex stated.
“Sounds good, let us know if you need anything,” Rian said, before Alex walked towards the back lounge.
He made himself comfortable on the couch, and put a box of tissues next to him, hoping to get rid of as much congestion as he possibly could before the show. Next, he turned on the TV and put on the first movie that he could find, and did as little as possible until they got to the venue.
Once they arrived, there were four hours until they were due onstage. Alex managed to go two hours straight without talking, which he hoped would help him for later. He’d watched a few movies, downed quite a bit of tea, and somehow developed a cough since he was so congested.
They had to go right to soundcheck, so they walked over to the stage, which was pretty big, but that was typical for outdoor shows. It was a bit cold out, due to the fall weather, but they knew they’d be warm enough, since they’d be running around the stage during the show.
Their soundcheck lasted about an hour, and Alex stopped to cough quite a bit throughout it, and it seemed like he was getting worse as time went on. By the end of it, Alex’s throat was extremely sore from the combination of singing and coughing. They all huddled up once they were done like they usually did.
“Alex, you should rest up, you sound pretty bad,” Rian suggested.
“Yeah, I know. I’m going to, my throat is killing me right now,” Alex replied, not even trying to argue or downplay how he was feeling.
“The show starts in about two hours, let’s all meet by the stage entrance about ten minutes before we’re due on,” Zack suggested.
“Sounds good. Are you going back to the bus, Alex?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, I’ll probably just make tea and nap. I’m feeling pretty shitty right now,” Alex replied with a cough.
“Good idea. Feel better, dude,” Jack said.
“I’ll try,” Alex said, before walking back over to the bus. He got on and made himself yet another cup of honey lemon tea, then went to the back lounge and put on a movie while he drank it. Once the tea was gone, he shut his eyes, and fell asleep.
Alex awoke a couple of hours later, feeling worse than he did before his nap. He still was very congested with a sore throat, but now he was groggy, which made performing the last thing that he wanted to do. Alex turned on his phone, and went to the weather app, so he could dress accordingly.
When he opened it, he saw that the temperatures were in the forties, and that there was now a chance of rain that would start about ten minutes after they went onstage. Alex hoped that it was wrong, because being cold and wet didn’t sound appealing since he already felt so bad.
He quickly got himself ready to play, then walked over to the stage entrance. It was chilly outside, much to Alex’s disliking. His bandmates were already there, tuning up their instruments.
“Hey man, how’re you feeling?” Jack asked.
“Not much better, still pretty shitty. It’s supposed to start raining ten minutes into our set,” Alex replied, sneezing.
“Oh shit, really? That’s not good,” Jack said back.
“Yeah, hopefully that’s wrong, because being wet and cold sounds awful,” Alex replied. They all finished getting their instruments until the stage tech told them it was time for them to go on.
The four of them walked on to a cheering crowd, and seeing how happy the fans looked made Alex start to forget how bad he was feeling and gave him hope that the show may not be as bad as he was thinking it would.
Right after they finished their third song, water droplets started to fall from the sky.
“Oh shit, I think it’s starting to rain some,” Jack said, earning a dissatisfied sound from the crowd.
“Oh no, hopefully it doesn’t get harder, so we don’t have to stop early,” Alex replied.
“Hopefully, man. Let’s start the next song!” Jack exclaimed, starting to play Heroes. Singing made Alex’s throat sting, and he turned away from the microphone to cough more and more throughout their set.
The rain never got bad enough to where they had to stop early, which was good, since the four of them hated when things like that happened, but the rain mixed with the cold weather certainly wasn’t a good mix for Alex.
By the end of the show, his throat was burning, and his voice was shot. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering, and he felt absolutely miserable. Alex walked offstage and set his guitar down, and immediately burst into a coughing fit. Jack walked over to him and put his hand on Alex’s back until it finally went away.
“Woah man, are you okay?” Jack asked once Alex could breathe again.
“Not really, I feel worse and I’m freezing,” Alex replied in a raspy voice. He hugged himself to try and get warm again, and Jack put his hand to Alex’s forehead.
“You feel pretty warm. I think you have a fever now,” Jack stated.
“I feel terrible,” Alex said, with a sneeze.
“Woah Alex, you don’t look good,” Zack said as he walked over to his friends with Rian.
“He’s got a fever now, I think,” Jack said.
“Let’s all get on the bus and watch a movie or something,” Rian suggested. The four of them walked from the stage over to the bus. Alex took a shower to try and warm up some, and the other three changed into their PJs and took some pillows and blankets to the back lounge.
Alex walked to the back in a hoodie and sweatpants and saw that his friends had already set up a spot for him between Jack and Zack.
“Did the shower help you at all?” Jack asked.
“A bit, I guess. I’m still really cold, though,” Alex replied. He sat down next to his friends and pulled his blanket as far up as it could go.
“What should we watch?” Rian asked.
“The first Harry Potter movie?” Alex suggested.
“Sure, let’s do it,” Rian said, putting it on the TV. They turned out the lights as the opening credits of the movie came on the screen. Suddenly, Alex burst into another coughing fit, and Jack helped him sit up and rubbed his back until it went away.
“You really don’t sound good,” Jack said, feeling concerned for his friend.
“I agree, it’s good we have a few days off now so you can rest up,” Zack added.
“Yeah, for sure. Hey, thanks for trying to help me feel better, and for being with me right now. Especially since I’m sure that you guys would rather be out partying or something,” Alex said.
“You owe us, dude,” Rian said, jokingly.
“We’re happy to do it, man. Now, rest up,” Jack said, as Alex snuggled into him.
After about thirty minutes, Alex fell asleep, and the other three stayed back there with him, not wanting to wake him up by moving. Even though he felt pretty terrible, Alex felt very lucky to have such great bandmates and best friends.
 A/N: Hey guys! I've had this written forever, and finally decided to type it up and post it since I had some extra time today! I hope you all enjoyed this! Lots of love, Liv
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teabiscuits · 2 years
Okay, so how to describe my experience with this illness...
First few days it felt like a bad head-cold or case of allergies, I didn’t test positive until I really started feeling the congestion, sore throat, and body pain. These symptoms had been present before, but had been much more mild.
It is sort of like the gum in willy wonka, the stuff that changed flavors -- covid basically is like having a different illness each day. Yesterday it felt like strep, today it feels like bronchitis, tomorrow it feels like a stomach bug. You have to constantly juggle your symptom management because of how quickly said symptoms change. 
I’d say it shares the most similarity with bronchitis and scarlet fever, based my experiences with those illnesses, but it’s really more like a fucked up hodgepodge of types of sick.
The two worst days (so far) did not happen immediately, and were spaced by a day’s lull in between. On the first day I was struck with an intense migraine or sinus headache -- like an ice pick between my eyes. I’ve dealt with my fair share of pain, so I’d say it’s about equal to all of the other 7-out-of-10′s I’ve experienced -- but that type of headache is not one you can comfortably operate on; it was grueling and caused severe nausea. The second day I was struck with severe sneezing and rhinitis, my nose leaked more than it ever ever has.
I am NOT better yet, I feel like shit this disease is not a joke and I have a comparatively mild case. My nose/sinuses are super inflamed and feel like they’re trying to squeeze themselves. My ears, and I’ve heard gurgling -- though I’m unsure if that’s more an issue with my ducts or if I’ve perforated my eardrum somehow.
I have been able to eat, but flavors feel like they’re half-activated -- so things taste relatively the same but to a lesser degree of their normal profiles. I have mostly only been eating ice pops however -- occasionally fries and a fudgsicle.  Salt also tastes more akin to a salt-replacement or electrolyte mix and lacks it’s usual depth. My partner describes the vinegar in worcestershire and A1 as smelling like burning plastic now, where for me it just smells weirdly sweet, super sour, and without the other notes that accompany the usual scent. 
So yes things smell and taste slightly off, but I’m lucky it’s not skewing towards repulsive like it does for some.
On top of the unusual QoL changes, I’ve not been sleeping particularly well, due to difficulty breathing, fever, needing to check oxygen levels, so yanno... fuck this plague.
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teciimedia · 5 years
Week 1 Recap: Intro to Maya
Day One was 1/3 syllabus review, part basic art review then jumping in Maya Autodesk. Looking over the 10 weeks I will be in this class, it hit me how much of a helljump this is going to be. Week One we were only allowed to use the very basic tools in Maya, creating shapes, moving and scaling them and manually transforming vertices. After school I headed to work and immediately felt over my head, there's no way days I work and go to school that I’d be able to get any work in after school. Tuesday I spent a few hours after class really getting down smoothing down angles on objects. I worked on 2 exercises, building a biplane and a little wooden crate with handles. I spent probably 4 hours practically putting 8 cubes together. It was a super primitive project but I knew I had to nail it down. Wednesday Night after work I downloaded Maya on my computer. Thursday we were assigned our first project after lunch. So we had about 1.5 hours or so to work on it in class. It would be due the following Monday before lunch. That gave me 16.5 hours in class to work on the project. I’m not going to post pictures due to it being my teachers property but it was similar to an island dock. Lamps, light posts, signs, boxes, tables...barrels. 2 day prior I was struggling to make one box and now I have to model over 20 different pieces for the project. Each one with it’s own challenge. I feel like to earn an A here I have to spend twice as long outside of school working on my project. So that would put me at 32.5 hours outside of school. I was scheduled to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, eliminating 24 hours from my weekend. If you include sleeping, commutes and eating. That’s about another 24 hours. Giving me... 24/32 hours I wanted to work on my project. My teacher asked the following day how many people had jobs outside of going to school. I was the only one to raise my hand. Damn. Thursday through sunday I got hit with a bad allergy attack or sinus infection. I was super dehydrated the whole time and went from being super runny to heavily congested. On the bright side I was taken off the schedule sunday. Giving me 8 extra hours of work time. Which I definitely took advantage of. Friday at school, I put in a ton of cubes and cylinders as place holders for similar shapes to get placement and proportion right for the over all project. We also walked around the class room to view everyone’s progress. I noticed one person started from the ground up and had everything looking pretty good. I spent a lot of time at the begining attempting to get a light post just right but I forgot about breaking up art into smaller pieces in order to get everything just right. This is what would end up being the key to my success. I only worked on the bottom half and my project really picked up speed. I stayed up till about 12:30-1 working on my project friday night. About 9-1:30 the following day I worked on it prior to going to work, progress was definitely coming along. I knew sunday was going to be the big day so I got home after work, played some Apex legends for about an hour then hopped into my project till about 2 am. I remember sweating, I didn’t want to stop working but I knew the next day I’d be a little recovered and ready to plow through it. Surely enough sunday morning I got up around 8 and got to work.  Saturday night and midday sunday were a hgue progression bump. I was putting together simple objects in minutes instead hour hours, some pieces did take about an hour a piece though, such as a radio, table and gas canister. With a few breaks through out the day, showering, eating, meal prep, I even left to the gas station to buy a few energy drinks (2.5 hours in break time) I stayed up till 3am before calling it quits. I put a total of 30 hours outside of school into this project. The following day at school, I was blasting pieces out to finish it up. I spent 50/60 minutes of my lunch break sprinting to the finish line. The work had to be cleaned up and grouped as one object. In the rush I forgot 3 objects and in between saves missed some plank screws. But over all I was really happy with what I accomplished. Monday afternoon through tuesday (today) morning we all received critiques for our pieces. There were 2 students who completely nailed it out of the park. I’d say about 10 of us that had really similar models. I was thrilled about my work being up their with people who have previous Maya experience. At least the next few weeks at work I only work 4 days a week, I hope it stays this way. I have Thursday night and all of Saturday off so I’m hoping we receive our next project Thursday again so I can take advantage of the time. Today in class my teacher went over a whole new tool box that we get to use. It feel like a whole new level up. Definitely with tools similar to what I’ve used in blender before so I already have a little understanding of them. My biggest challenge in week one was getting my artist’s eye back for perspective and focusing too much on small shit. I might hop in tonight and work on some stuff but I need to catch up on sleep for sure.
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7 Homeopathic Medicine Cabinet Must Haves!
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“Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany.”
I feel like it’s important to be honest here and say I’m not one of those brave and radical people that never go to the doctor or seek medical attention when something ails me. I will say, however, that I will exhaust homeopathic and holistic alternatives before ever resorting to western medicine. 
Most times, I have found, if I do this, I eliminate the need for a doctor after a few days. Of course, there have been exceptions where I found I really did need to go in. I've even had instances where I benefitted from seeing a doctor so that I could determine exactly what was wrong with me, thus giving me valuable information in knowing exactly how to target it with homeopathic medicine. 
That all being said, listed below are my seven favorite homeopathic must-haves. 
1. Colloidal Silver
“Silver, which occurs naturally in mushrooms, whole grains, water and mammalian milk has been used for centuries to safeguard human health. For over 125 years, colloidal silver has been used in countless applications. Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol has represents the ultimate refinement of colloidal silver. Due to its extraordinary finesse and energy, Sovereign Silver may be your most effective tool to maintain, sustain and support your immune system in an ever challenging and changing environment”
Many people think of Colloidal Siver as natures antibiotic. They prefer it as it is believed your body does not create natural resistance to it like it would traditional pharmaceutical antibiotics. It is available in various application packagings such as nose spray, for use with sinus issues, a spray bottle, to treat throat issues and to be sprayed on cuts or scrapes, and, most commonly, in a dropper bottle, which people use as a way to measure and take internally. 
Linked is my favorite brand and the brand most trusted by everyone in my social circle. I’ve had fantastic results from this products and highly recommend it for your medicine cabinet. I use it as the first line of defense before resorting to pharmaceuticals.
2. Elderberry Syrup or Crystals
Elderberry Syrup and Crystals provide a burst of antioxidants and are believed to supercharge immune support when seasonal issues strike. Elderberry Crystals can be taken daily to help maintain a healthy immune system or at the first sign of seasonal symptoms.
Most of my mommy friends swear by Elderberry for their little ones during cold and flu season or when first starting the school year. 
It’s super simple to take and has a pleasant taste. I take at the first sign of a cold or allergies.
3. Echinacea Extract
This is my favorite brand of echinacea extract and the one I have had the most success with. It also happens to have the best taste of the varieties I have tried. There are certainly more expensive brands but I don’t find in this case you need to spend more. 
Echinacea extract is a serious immune booster and is fantastic to take any time you feel your body could use a little support.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics are something I take every single day without fail. This isn’t entirely necessary for most people but I no longer have an appendix so I’m to understand it is recommended. Essentially probiotics aid in creating healthy gut flora. The more good bacteria we have, the less bad bacteria can cause damage. They are notorious for help keeping away tummy bugs but are known to have a whole host of benefits ranging from skin health to digestive aid. 
5. Magnesium Spray
This may be my favorite homeopathic recommendation! Magnesium spray is what I use as a natural pain reliever. I can spray 5 pumps on my forearm and within minutes my backache or headache will disappear. It’s also wonderful for nausea, migraines, muscle and joint pain, mood stabilization, digestion, and acts as a sleep aid! 
The brand I use and like best is marketed toward pregnancy but there are many brands to choose from so if you’d like to try something different I recommend looking around and reading reviews.
6. Vinegar
Vinegar is fantastic to keep around! Applied topically it will disinfect cuts and scrapes and even make quick work at irradicating yeast and other fungal infections. You can also take ACV with mother internally to boost immunity and act as a natural antibiotic. I won't lie though, it’s not the most appetizing taste. 
7. Neti Pot
Finally, the Neti Pot. The Neti Pot is wonderful for cleansing the sinuses. This is fantastic to do when you’re having any allergy or sinus issues, have congestion, or perhaps have been exposed to some yucky germs you’d like to wash out best as possible.
There are many different kinds of pots but I find the squirt bottles like this one easiest to use. 
I hope you found this post beneficial and if you’d like to see more on health, homeopathy and the like… make sure you follow us on social media! We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please use your best judgment and seek professional medical help when needed as I am a blogger, not a doctor.
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groophealth-blog · 6 years
10 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Kids that Actually Work
New Post has been published on http://www.groophealth.com/news/10-natural-sore-throat-remedies-for-kids-that-actually-work.html
10 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Kids that Actually Work
If you’re looking for natural sore throat remedies to help your little one feel more comfortable when sickness strikes, we’ve got 9 helpful ideas to help the whole family feel better sooner. These natural solutions have been a huge help to me over the years as I’ve dealt with various throat inflictions both myself and with my daughter, and while I’m all for using home remedies wherever possible, please remember to use your judgement. Always check with your doctor first, and never ignore symptoms that require medical attention.
What Are the Symptoms of a Sore Throat?
Kids sore throat symptoms can vary based on what’s causing the pain to occur in the first place, but most children experience one or more of the following symptoms when they are complaining of a sore throat:
Burning or scratchy sensation in the throat
Pain when swallowing
A sore neck, often caused by swollen glands
Hoarseness of the voice
Swollen, red tonsils
White dots/patches in the throat
What Causes Sore Throats?
If you’re looking for sore throat remedies for kids, one of the first things you want to do is determine what has caused your child’s throat to become painful so you can get to the root of the problem. There are many different causes of sore throats, including:
Colds and flus
Strep throat
Acid reflux
Breathing through the mouth
Dry air
Cigarette smoke
Most sore throats occur as the result of a virus, such as the common cold, and will clear up within a few days without medical treatment, but bacterial infections like strep throat require antibiotic treatment, so it’s always a good idea to check with your child’s doctor to rule out an infection or other medical condition that requires medical intervention before pursuing sore throat remedies for kids.
10 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Kids
Regardless of the reason behind your child’s sore throat – and the treatment dictated by her doctor – one thing remains certain: you want to find a way to offer your little one quick and effective relief. There is nothing worse than watching our children suffer when they are feeling under the weather, and when it hurts to talk and swallow, moms want sore throat remedies for kids that work FAST.
Lucky for you, we’ve got 10 ideas that are not only effective, but that won’t cause your child to run screaming in the opposite direction. I’m serious! These sore throat remedies for kids actually taste good (with the exception of the salt water gargle, LOL), and have the added benefit of keeping sick children hydrated.
Gargle with salt water. When it comes to sore throat remedies for kids (and adults), this is my first line of defense as I’ve always found it to be effective in reducing swelling and discomfort while also loosening mucus. I add about ½ a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water, mix thoroughly, and gargle 3-5 times per day until the sore throat is gone. If your kids find the salt mixture to be too unpleasant, you can always add a bit of honey to sweeten it, but make sure they spit it out after gargling!!!
Honey. Honey offers quick and tasty sore throat relief for kids. Mix a tablespoon into a mug of warm water and sip slowly, or lick it straight off the spoon for instant relief. Just remember to avoid giving honey to kids under the age of 12 months due to the risk of botulism.
Warm Jell-O mixture. When I asked my mom friends for their best sore throat remedies for kids, quite a few of them swore up and down that warm Jell-O mixture was the way to go. I have no idea why it works, but it’s a delicious option for kids, and it’s super simple to make. Prepare the mixture according to the directions on the box, but rather than putting it into the fridge to chill, allow it to cool slightly before drinking.
Chamomile tea. Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, chamomile tea can help boost the immune system and fight off throat viruses and infections in older kids and adults, and it has the added benefit of keeping your little one hydrated. I always add a little honey for taste and additional soothing relief.
Popsicles. Popsicles help keep uncomfortable kids hydrated while simultaneously numbing their mouths and throats so they can tolerate food.
Warm water with lemon. Lemons contain antioxidants, and their acidic nature also helps reduce inflammation while simultaneously making it more difficult for viruses and bacteria to grow. Squeeze half a lemon into a mug of warm water, add a little honey for taste, and let your little one sip throughout the day.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices, and its antibacterial properties make it the perfect sore throat relief for kids. Add a little to your child’s tea or lemon water for taste, and use it to sweeten easy-to-eat foods like cooked apples to help tempt her appetite.
Chicken noodle soup. While it’s not 100% clear why chicken noodle soup helps to reduce the duration of illnesses and makes us feel better sooner, encouraging your child to drink chicken noodle soup when she’s feeling unwell can help keep her mucous membranes moist and ward off irritation in her throat while also keeping her hydrated and eating. It’s a win-win!
Essential oils. Essential oils have been used therapeutically for thousands of years to ward off illnesses, improve immunity, promote proper digestion, and alleviate pain, and a post about sore throat remedies for kids wouldn’t be complete without a list of essential oils to consider. The calming effects of lavender oil combined with its ability to soothe pain and improve respiratory issues makes this the oil of choice for many parents. Eucalyptus oil is another favorite as its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the throat while also helping to alleviate congestion. Tea tree oil is another option to consider due to its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Whichever oil(s) you choose to use, remember to use a carrier oil such as coconut oil or grape seed oil before applying to the skin, and to never allow your child to ingest essential oils. For more about essential oil use, read THIS POST.
Marshmallows. Yup, you read that right. The last of my sore throat remedies for kids is to eat marshmallows. I prefer to refrigerate them first so they are cool and calming, but you can eat them straight out of the bag once you’ve paid for them at the grocery store. LOL! The gelatin helps coat your throat to soothe inflammation, and it’s definitely among the most delicious sore throat relief for kids!
Since bacteria can gather on the bristles of a toothbrush, make sure to throw an infected person’s toothbrush away after a sore throat dissipates to avoid re-infection. And if a doctor ends up prescribing antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection, change toothbrushes halfway through the course of medication and once again when the full round of antibiotics has been completed.
When Do We Need to Visit the Doctor for a Sore Throat?
While most sore throats are the result of viruses like the common cold, do not cause severe pain, and often resolve on their own within a few days, it’s important to exercise caution. A kids sore throat that is severe, accompanied by a fever of 101F or higher, and doesn’t improve within 24 hours or so needs to be evaluated by a doctor. You should also seek medical attention if your little one is struggling to sleep and/or develops a rash. All of these are symptoms of strep throat (see below), which can lead to other health concerns if not treated properly.
What Are the Symptoms of Strep Throat?
Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus and it’s highly contagious, not to mention painful. Our entire house went down with it TWO TIMES EACH within a 6-week period a couple of years ago, and I spent hours educating myself on the ins and outs of strep throat in kids to ensure I know what the warning signs are:
Pain when swallowing
White dots/patches in the throat
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Sore and swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Remember that strep throat can be contagious for up to 3 weeks if left untreated, and can also lead to rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, kidney disease, and blood infections, so if you suspect you or your child has strep throat, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor for a throat culture.
I hope this collection of sore throat remedies for kids helps provide your little one relief when she needs it most. Always consult with a doctor to confirm the reason for a sore throat, especially if fever, severe pain, difficulty sleeping, and/or a rash are present, and don’t ignore symptoms that worsen over time.
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If you found this collection of sore throat remedies for kids helpful, please share this post on Pinterest!
And if you’re looking for more parenting tips and tricks, please follow our Parenting board where we share all kinds of great ideas we find each day!
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Daithe Piercing Headache Results
I got my daithe in both ears pierced at a tattoo place almost two weeks ago. This is going to be the daily report of how it has effected my daily chronic migraines and cluster headaches.
I guess to start off I should say that I always have a headache. Like, 24/7, don’t know what it’s like to not have a headache. It’s always severe enough to have an impact on my quality of life and ability to function normally. If I have a few glorious hours without a headache, I feel like I’ve taken a handful of oxy and smoked way too much weed all at the same time. Point is, I’m always in so much pain that I feel high out of my mind if I’m not.
I heard from a friend that a daithe piercing can help manage migraines due to a pressure point located near the piercing site. I did a little research, and found very mixed results. Some people claimed it completely got rid of their headaches, some said it brought down the intensity and/or frequency of bad days, some said it helped at first but the effects faded, and some said it didn’t help at all. When I walked into the parlor, I was cautiously optimistic and well aware of a possible placebo effect if I expected it to work. So I set myself up to expect nothing. I knew it had mixed results with no formal studies done, and prepared myself for the worst: swollen ears and bad-as-before migraines.
The actual piercing wasn’t terrible. It just felt like someone punched me in the ears with their knuckles. Working in a call center, putting on a headset two days after was the worst part. It caused severe irritation, and my jaw swelled up so badly I looked like an alien and my normally under-concerned father was ready to rush me to the ER. I declined. My ears were irritated, not infected. Note to all: do not wear headphones or earphones within several weeks of getting this piercing. You will cry. I cried and slept with ice packs on my head.
Now on to the part people are actually interested in hearing~!
Day One: Got pierced at 9pm. Headache from earlier gone, but may be because I’m in shock. (I got 6 piercings done in one sitting, 4 in cartilage, bad idea. Piercer called me a fucking gangster though. :3)
Day Two: I feel super high still. Much more pain in ears, but still no headache. Slept weird to avoid putting pressure on my ears. Neck extremely stiff, which would ordinarily trigger a migraine on its own. But it hasn’t!!
Day Three: First day back at work. No headache! Headset caused much irritation and swelling. Pain in jaw, ears and neck, but still no headache. Night time: swelling and pain is so bad that I’m crying. But no headache.
Day Four: My dad devised a plan that involves rolling socks into donut shapes and placing them between my ears and headset. Definitely helps. Still no headache!!!
Day Five through 10: I’ve gotten a flu type bug. Slight sinus headache from the swelling and congestion, but no normal headache or migraine. Swelling in ears is going down day by day.
Today is Day 11. I have not had anything but a slight headache due to sinus pressure, and that’s manageable with allergy medication like Benadryl. I’ve slept in strange positions that would have caused a migraine before I even woke up and have just had neck stiffness. I have not had a single headache day since I got these piercings. I know I’m not having a placebo cure because I did not expect this to work, especially not this well. But I was in so much pain I was willing to try anything.
I’ll keep updating!!
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waitingonemma-blog · 8 years
Emma has had some congestion and some occasional labored breathing so K and I made the decision to go ahead and get her checked out. RSV and the flu has been going around like crazy so we figured better safe than sorry. Went up to the E.R. since her normal doctor is out of town for the weekend and got seen relatively quickly. They weighed her and I am beyond happy to say that the scale put her at 9.1 lbs. Now, she had a full tummy and a full diaper so I'm better she is closer to 8 and a half lbs but still. That is a significant weight gain and I'm am so happy I could cry. So the doctor ordered a chest scan and did the swab that checks for RSV and influenza. She came back negative on all accounts. He believe it is mostly due to allergies, which is what my gut says as well, and gave her some medicine to help break up the congestion. We are going to hook up a humidifier in the bedroom to help alleviate everything too. I feel the air in the apartment is super dry. My baby girl is doing so much better. She is insanely alert. On the drive up there, she was staring out the window, watching everything pass, and when you talk to her she pays super close attention. She's even started smiling more! Plus, she makes the occasional sound now. All in all, I couldn't be happier. I'm home tonight and K is off of work tomorrow so I'm letting him be in charge of taking care of Emma tonight so we can make this a bit of a learning experience. I want to see him in action and maybe we can figure out why she has been so fussy for him. Already we've realized she hasn't been latching on to the bottle properly with him and so, she's been getting a ton of air that has her spitting up a lot. Made some minor adjustments to position and how he burps her, and bam! Loads of improvement. In fact, she is currently snoozing away in the living room with daddy while he plays a game and I'm curled up in bed with a snack, some tea, and a book. It feels super nice.
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