#I’m sorry i didn’t mean to kill Fleamont it just happened
Do you ever write such sad angst that you make yourself cry?
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messers-moony · 3 years
Hope 2 | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
The huge eight-foot man who introduced himself as Hagrid was bringing Harry around London. It was amusing to see Hagrid turn his cousin - Dudley - butt into a pigtail after trying to eat his birthday cake. It was the first birthday Y/n, and Remus hadn’t shown up. Harry didn’t blame them. Of course, to be fair, they didn’t know where Harry was. 
“Um, excuse me, Hagrid?” 
“Yes, ‘Arry?”
“Where- Where are we going?” Harry questioned hesitantly, and Hagrids lips curled into a smile, “‘Er gon’ meet with som’ of yer folks.” Hagrid answered. 
Harry wanted to jump with joy, “Moony and Y/n?”
Hagrid nodded, and Harry smiled brightly. It took a couple of minutes and walking of a couple more blocks. But eventually, they were coming up on an old-looking building made of black stone bricks. In front of the door was a familiar sandy-haired male with green eyes. He was accompanied by his wife with h/c hair and gleaming e/c eyes. 
“Y/n! Remus!” 
Y/n turned to see her little nephew running up to hug her tightly, “Hey Harry.” 
Remus ruffled his hair while Harry hugged his aunt, “Hey there, mini Prongs.”
“I missed you.”
“Awe, I missed you too, Harry.” Y/n replied, pulling apart from Harry, “I’m sorry we didn’t show up right away. But we’re here now. I hope that’s okay. We wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world, okay?”
He nodded, “I know. I can always count on you.” 
“Good.” Remus stated, “Now c’mon mini prongs. Gotta get your school supplies.”
Walking into the Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid, they were greeted by multiple people. Many people were flabbergasted by meeting the famous Harry Potter and were welcoming to see Y/n Potter. In the back of the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid tapped his wand against the brick wall, causing it to open into Diagon Alley. Harry’s mouth was agape at this new form of Magic. 
It was astonishing. The narrow alleyway was packed with people. Clusters of them walking in groups. Some were carrying animals, or brown-wrapped items Harry could suppose were books. Y/n smiled and intertwined her hand with Remus’. She could remember the first time she stepped into Diagon Alley. James was acting like such a prat. 
“Woah!” James gasped, “Look at all the cool stuff!” 
Fleamont chuckled, “Yeah. Isn’t it cool, sweetheart?”
Y/n nodded, completely entranced in the stonework in the alleyway. It was littered with different shops, and the roads were an uneven stone. Euphemia and Fleamont shared a look of pure glee. Their children were magical born, and they were finally experiencing it first hand. Of course, they had their incidents where Y/n would make lights flicker or James blowing plates. 
As they began walking, James began to run off, bumping into people left and right, “James! Get back here!” Fleamont scolded, but he was out of sight. 
Euphemia sighed, “He’s gonna be a handful.”
“Definitely.” Fleamont agreed, running a hand through his dark brunet hair, “Perhaps he’ll be even worse than me.”
His wife glared at him. Despite James disappearing, they took Y/n into Flourish and Blotts to get their books. They needed books such as The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and finally, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. 
They didn’t find James until they reached Quality Quidditch Supplies. He was already eyeing the new broom on display. His mouth seemed to be salivating at it. Y/n rolled her eyes at James, drooling over a piece of wood. Euphemia chuckled and motioned Fleamont to reel him back in. It seemed that Euphemia would never get a break, and her heart would be in a constant attack of worry. They had a mischief Quidditch player on their hands. 
“C’mon Harry,” Y/n beckoned, “Lots of stuff to get.”
His smile faltered just a tad, “But I don’t- I don’t have any money.”
Harry’s embarrassment made the tips of his ears red, “That ain’t true. ‘Course ye got money.” Hagrid replied bluntly, making Y/n nudge him harshly, “Hagrid!”
“What?” Hagrid queried, confused, “‘S not like ‘m lyin’.” 
“Yes, but you don’t just say that.” Y/n scolded, laughing lightly. 
Harry looked up at his flustered aunt, “Come on, Harry. We’re going to Gringotts.”  
They began walking to the bank of wizardry. The goblin at the front allowed them to the vault, where Harry was able to pocket a couple of handfuls of galleons, sickles, and knuts. Hagrid made a separate trip for Dumbledore as the other three waited patiently. When they exited Gringotts, Harry began to buy all his supplies. 
Their first stop was getting him a wand at Ollivander’s. Harry pushed the door open, and it sounded a bell off, but no one appeared the be in the shop. Remus and Y/n stood behind him as he let out a hesitant, “Hello.”
It took a minute, but then an older male appeared with hair as white as snow and wispy as whiskers. Ollivander smiled brightly at the familiar people in his shop and at the little boy who resembled the older female greatly. 
“Ah, Y/n Potter.” Ollivander said, “James broken his wand again?”
Y/n released a shaky breath, “No, not this time.” 
“We’re here actually for Harry here.” Remus motioned to Harry, “He’s getting his first wand. He starts at Hogwarts this year.”
Ollivander's lips quirked, “He yours?”
“No, sir.” Y/n shook her head, “He’s James and Lily’s son.”
“Where are they? I’d love to see them, you know.”
Remus shifted awkwardly, “You haven’t heard?”
Ollivander shook his head, “My parents are dead.” Harry informed, “Someone killed them.”
Everything clicked into place in Ollivanders mind. How stupid could old age make him? He had just sounded terribly insensitive, “‘M so sorry. Pardon me and my old age. I didn’t mean-“
“It’s perfectly fine, Ollivander.” Y/n smiled reassuringly.
The older man smiled and began giving Harry wands. The first one was horrid. It made wands on the shelf fall onto the ground, making a vast clatter noise. The boy smiled sheepishly and placed it back in the box. The next wand caused a shatter of a vase which Harry cringed at. It took a couple of minutes until Ollivander came out with the following wand. It was 11 inches long, made of holly, and possessed a phoenix feather core. 
Harry waved the wand, and nothing disastrous happened. Remus and Y/n smiled with joy. Ollivander charged him seven galleons for it, and Harry placed down the golden coins with glee. Ollivander could remember the way James had done the same while Y/n beside him. Their identical toothy grins as Fleamont paid the man.
“My wands cooler than yours!”
“No way!” 
James nodded in triumph, “You’re just lame.”
“And you’re boring!”
“No way!” James gasped, “I am far from boring!”
Y/n crossed her arms, “And I’m not lame.”
Euphemia chuckled, redirecting her children to look at the counter while the two parents stood behind them, “Ignore them. They like to try and be better than the other.”
Ollivander grinned, “Ah, siblings. What amazing pairs they make.”
Fleamont scoffed, “Yeah, try having two at the same time. Felt like the crucio curse.” 
“What do you say?” Euphemia beckoned, and both twins turned to Ollivander, smiling gleefully, “Thank you!” 
“They’ll be a handful.” Ollivander informed Euphemia and Fleamont, “But they’ll change the world, and they’ll do it together.” 
The older man smiled at Remus and Y/n as Harry went outside to see Hagrid carrying a giant golden cage with a beautiful snowy owl inside, “That boy is something else.”
Remus chuckled, “We know. Little mischief-maker, just like James.”
“Perhaps he is,” Ollivander replied, “But he’ll change the world.”
The rest of the day went by blissfully. After getting all his school supplies, they retreated into the Leaky Cauldron to eat dinner. The tavern was practically empty as they sat at a long narrow table. Hagrid at the head, Harry to his left, Remus across, and Y/n beside Remus on the other side. They were eating in silence before Harry spoke up. 
“What happened to my parents?” Harry questioned, and before anyone could answer, he continued, “Truthfully. No lies.”
Hagrid and Remus turned to the female at the table who swallowed thickly, “Something horrid, Harry.”
“How horrid?”
“Harry-“ Remus began. 
“A death I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, even my worse enemy.” Y/n answered, staring at the soup in front of her, “The way they died doesn’t matter.”
Harry crossed his arms, “I believe it does.”
“In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t.” Y/n replied, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to stay calm, “It doesn’t matter how they died. They’re dead, and they aren’t coming back.”
Tears collected in her eyes when she muttered, “No matter how badly I want them to.”
Hastily Y/n wiped her face and placed her napkin on the table. She sniffled before standing and pushing her chair in. Y/n leaned down to kiss Harry on the forehead before retreating to the room they got upstairs. Harry sighed and stared at his bowl of soup that remained steaming hot. Remus rubbed his face with his palms. 
“Harry,” Remus called, and Harry’s green eyes met similar ones, “Your parents died at the hands of a very evil Wizard. He went as dark as one could go.”
Harry looked intrigued, and Remus continued despite his throat beginning to constrict, “His name was Voldemort, but most people call him ‘You-Know-Who.”
Hagrid flinched at the actual name being said, “James risked everything to try and save you and your mother. When he died, Lily tried to save you. In the end, it all worked out because you were saved. You didn’t die like you were supposed to.”
“Why did aunt Y/n leave the table?”
“Talking about this is still hard for her.” Remus replied, and Harry could see the tears in his eyes too, “It’s hard for me too, but- but you need to know.”
“What were they to you?” 
“James and Lily were everything to me, Harry. Everything and so much more. Your mother saw the good in people when they didn’t see it themselves. Your father? Well-“ He chuckled, “He was a trip and a prat. But he cared for those around him. Treated me like family and took care of me like a brother.”
Harry fiddled with the sleeve of his sweater, “James was a mischief-maker that one.” Hagrid said, “Always up to no good.”
“Him and that Sirius boy.” Hagrid chuckled, “Dynamic duo those two.”
Remus let out a tearful chuckle, “Yeah, that was Padfoot and Prongs.”
“Always up to no good.” Remus whispered. 
The following day Remus had waken up to what he swore was the most perfect sight. Y/n was still sleeping beside him. Her head was nestled under his chin, drinking in his body heat. Her hair was laid against the fluffy white pillow. Their legs were intertwined together. Gently Remus kissed her forehead before seeing the clock read about nine o’clock. 
Remus took five more minutes to admire her before waking her up. He began to kiss all over her face, and Y/n scrunched her nose, waking up as his lips kept attaching to a new place on her face. He smiled as she opened her eyes to meet his green ones. 
“Mornin’ love.” 
His Welsh accent was to die for, “Morning, Rem.”
“You ready to take Harry to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?”
Y/n shook her head, “No. Not really.”
“Hey,” Remus said softly, stroking her hair, “You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
“There are so many memories there, Rem.” Y/n replied, “Like- Like meeting Sirius for the first time.”
“Or seeing you come back after fourth year with an entirely new style.” Remus chuckled, “Or- Or seeing James almost fall out of the train. 
Remus caressed her cheek with his thumb, “We’ll make it through, love. Harry needs us today.”
“Yeah.” She replied breathily, “He does.”
They both ventured out of bed into the cool air of London. Remus, Y/n, and Hagrid walked Harry to Kings Cross. When they arrived, Hagrid had departed from them to do something for Dumbledore. Harry was bluntly confused when his ticket read Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Last he checked, that wasn’t a platform. 
As they reached the main floor of the train station, Remus and Y/n recognized the Weasleys almost instantly. Molly had embraced them tightly as they all went through the platform. Harry gave his trunks to the man at the end of the train and turned to the only family he had left. His eyes glistened with tears, and he tried to hold them back but failed. 
“Harry,” Y/n knelt to his level, “You’re gonna be okay. I promise. James and I made lots of friends at Hogwarts.”
He smiled at the mention of his father, “Do you think… Do you think he’d be proud of me?”
“They’d be beyond proud, Harry.” Remus replied, smiling, “You’re everything they wanted you to be.”
Harry turned back to Y/n and hugged her tightly, “Please make sure you write to us.” 
“‘Course, Auntie.” Harry replied as they pulled apart, “Love you guys.” 
Y/n stood beside Remus, “We love you too, sweetheart.” 
Harry smiled and wiped his cheeks before hopping on the train. He found a compartment alone and watched out the window as the train began moving. Y/n and Remus watched as the train hauled by. Kids who started waving their last goodbyes to their parents. 
“Mum, dad!” James exclaimed from inside the compartment, “We love you!”
Euphemia and Fleamont chuckled tearfully, “We love you guys too!” 
Truthfully James never wanted to leave his parents. They were his entire world. When Kings Cross was no longer in sight, he plopped down in the seat beside Y/n, who put her head on his shoulder. His left arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her tightly to his side. 
“We got this, sis.” James assured, “We always have each other.”
It didn’t take long for Harry to get in trouble. As a matter of fact, it made Y/n laugh that within the first month, he had already managed a detention. She had settled for a letter rather than a Howler. Remus had made sure to tell him his fair of scolding words (“Say hi to Minnie for me!”). Harry smiled when the letter arrived in the morning. 
Harry definitely made sure to say hi to “Minnie,” which made McGonagall smile like an idiot despite her usual strict nature. She could see and hear James saying the name when she gave them detention or Sirius’ pouty face begging her to have some form of mercy on them, for they had just turned the Slytherin robes red. Ever the dramatics that Black. 
When he arrived back at the Platform, he nuzzled into Y/n and Remus’ arms before departing to the Dursleys. But all was good because in just a month he’d see them again for his birthday, which he did. They took him to Diagon Alley to get his second-year stuff along with some ice cream to celebrate his twelfth birthday. 
He spent a week of his summer with them in their little house in London. It was far better than Privet Drive, and he felt a lot safer. But after the week was up, he was forced to return to the Dursleys. Within a week of being back, he’d managed to screw everything up. A thing named Dobby had quite literally dumped puddling all over one of the Dursley’s guests, and that got him trapped in his room. 
Thankfully, Ronald Weasley, who had become his close friend, had saved him. Harry went to the Burrow for the first time and met everyone else. Molly had notified Remus and Y/n of his entrance. Sadly, they couldn’t make it to the Platform for reasons. Molly wouldn’t tell Harry, but he was okay with it. 
Until Ron and he smashed into the brick wall, making them late for the train. It was then Ron had a brilliant thought of taking the flying car to Hogwarts. It did work until they got stuck in the Whomping Willow and then got caught by Severus Snape. A letter was sent home to Y/n and Molly. Both of which made two very different Howlers to their children. 
Molly’s howler was scolding them, and it made Ron’s ears turn pink. Y/n and Remus’ howler was a different story. The moment it opened, laughter rang through the Great Hall. Familiar laughter of Remus and Y/n. It made McGonagall furious and happy at the same time. 
“Merlin Harry!” Remus’ voice rang out, “You’re brilliant, aren’t you!” 
“Remus, we’re supposed to be scolding him!” Y/n retorted jokingly, “I’m scolding myself for never thinking of it!” Remus replied. 
Y/n chuckled, “Obviously, you shouldn't have done that, Harry; however, as long as you’re not harmed, we aren’t mad. Just be more careful next time.”
Remus was still dying of laughter, “Remus is still dying of laughter. We love you, Harry. Stay safe.”
Ron looked appalled with the coolness of the howler, “Bloody hell, you have a cool family.”
“They’re pretty cool.” Harry shrugged, smiling. 
Y/n and Remus would be lying if the whole petrifying thing didn’t scare them. They were worried for Harry’s safety but weren’t surprised when Harry ended up saving them all like last year. When they were on the Platform, Remus began getting on the train with him after kissing Y/n goodbye. 
He was grunting and groaning at every movement. The bags beneath his eyes looked more prominent than usual. Remus moved sluggishly, which was very unlike him. But Harry didn’t question it until he began to get on the train at Harry’s side. 
“Uncle Moony?”
“Yes, Harry?” Remus replied after sitting in a compartment, his cloak covering most of his body. 
“Why’re you on the train?”
He chuckled, “I’m your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.”
Harry smiled, and Remus fell into a dreamless sleep after a rough full moon the night prior. Hermione and Ron joined them not too long after as Harry began telling them about Sirius Black. The year went by as eventful as usual. Harry found out the accurate way his parents died along with Remus and Y/n. Peter Pettigrew being the culprit and then leaving before someone could catch him. 
Afterward, Sirius had been staying in the guest bedroom at Y/n and Remus’. He didn’t want to go back to Grimmauld Place. That was the last place he wanted to go. So despite not wanting to be a burden, he took the position that Y/n offered him. Ever so kind, just like James. When he walked through those doors, Y/n had hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. 
“It’s good to have you back, older brother.”
Sirius could’ve cried on the spot, “It’s nice to see you again, little sis.”
The next couple of years were a trip. Fourth-year Harry had managed to get his name pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, leading to a new adventure of challenges. After finishing his fourth year, Cedric Diggory had died, marking the return of Voldemort, which had traumatized Harry in more than one way. That summer, he decided to stay with Y/n, Remus, and Sirius. They were all fantastic help throughout the entire thing. Through his nightmares, Y/n would make him hot chocolate and sit on the couch with him as he talked. 
Fifth-year was dreadful. Delores Umbridge had come into the office as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and the Order of the Phoenix reformed. Her detentions were terrible and horrid, especially for the first years. They were just kids, for Merlin’s sake. It made Y/n fume when she saw the back of Harry’s hand. The night they ventured to the Department of Mysteries was almost the worst night Harry could have dreamed of. 
Sirius had almost died if Y/n wasn’t as quick as she was. Bellatrix was stunned to see her spell deflected but kept firing nonetheless. When they got home, it was silent. Remus had made tea for himself and Sirius while making hot chocolate for the other two. Harry had laid his head on Y/n’s shoulder and fallen asleep. 
Truth be told, sixth year wasn’t any better. Dumbledore had died, and Harry was left to find the rest of the Horcruxes. It was then Sirius learned the actual death of his brother, making him mourn him all over again. Seventh year Harry, Ron, and Hermione ventured out to find the rest of them. 
When Harry returned to Hogwarts through the passageway to the Room of Requirement with Snape as headmaster, the war had officially started. In the end, everything had fallen into place. When Harry used the resurrection stone, he saw them. He saw James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius. Harry almost wanted to laugh at seeing them all together. They looked so happy. 
“Where- Where’s Y/n?”
Remus gave a solemn smile, “She made it. She’s still out there. Waiting for you.”
“Does that mean…”
“Turns out my sister is a tougher cookie than I thought.” James stated, and Harry turned to him, “She misses you.”
James chuckled, “As I do her.”
Harry turned back to Remus, “Does she know?”
“She was there when it happened.” Remus replied, “I had to give her one last ‘I love you’ and kiss goodbye, right?”
A noise rumbled from a distance, “It’s time, sweetie.” Lily stated. 
Harry released a shaky breath before dropping the stone on the ground. He had to do this for Y/n, for Ron, for Hermione, for everyone. He was ready. When he stepped in front of Voldemort to die, all he could think about was his Aunt's eyes. The way they glittered with tears when she let him go for the first time. The way they creased when she smiled at his first Christmas. The way they gleamed with mischief when she gave the Weasley twins new prank material. 
His last words would be ones he’d never regret, “Thank you, aunt Y/n, for everything.”
Because through everything, she was the only constant. She was the only one to hold him through anything. Through every nightmare, every battle, every tear, every smile. She was there with her radiant smile and caring nature. 
When Harry defeated Voldemort, the world stopped. It was done. It was over. But the pain wasn’t gone. The trauma wasn’t bypassed. This was more than a war. Harry walked into the Great Hall to see crying parents, kids, and siblings mourning their dead loved ones. His eyes zoomed on Y/n sitting crisscross beside her husband, holding his hand tightly. 
Wordlessly Harry sat beside her and leaned his head against her shoulder. Y/n tilted her head onto his. No tears fell from her eyes despite everything she had gone through, two wars, friends dead, parents dead, brother dead, and now husband dead. 
“His last words were- they were,” She choked, and Harry rubbed her shoulder, “I love you more than Moony loves the moon.”
Harry smiled, “Dad said you were a tough cookie.”
Y/n chuckled, and Harry relished in the sound, “He said that if anyone could get through this, it’s you.”
“Damn it, James.” She said to no one, still holding Remus’ hand. 
“We’ll get through this.” Harry said, “And we’ll do it together.”
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How The Marauders got back together after The Prank
"Are you staying here?" Peter asked, trunk in hand. Sirius had plans of staying at Hogwarts for Christmas Holidays. He had heard how James, Remus and Peter planned their holidays at the Potters. Without inviting him. And practically the other two left without even looking at him. Sirius couldn't blame them. He didn't deserve to go, less, face Mr. and Mrs. Potter after everything they had done for him...
It had been two months since the incident. Sirius didn't even want to remember the stupid thing he did. But he missed his friends. Every day even more. Specially Remus. He didn't know why, but Sirius needed him so much.
"Yeah" Sirius answered "I got nowhere else to go Sirius had left Grimmaund Place the previous summer and his mother made sure he knew they didn't want to see him anymore. And Sirius didn't want to return anyway.
"I wish you could go" said Peter slightly smiling. He had been the only one who talked to him, when the others weren't around of course. But still Sirius was greateful.
"I don't think the others want me there Pete"
"I know" said Peter looking down "Well, I'll see you on January"
Sirius smiled. When Peter left he came back to bed with tears in his eyes.
His plans for the Holidays consisted on staying in bed all day, drink Firewiskey, smoke a lot and repeat. Sirius didn't want to do anything. Nobody he knew was staying. Besides he was so sad to move anyways.
It was Christmas day and Sirius was lying in bed listening to "While My Guitar Gently Weeps'. He moved to the side and saw on Remus' bed, a sweater. That green sweater he always wore, that fitted him so well and was his favourite. Sirius instantly got up and fetched it. 'Why did he leave it here?' Sirius first instict was to smell it. God. It smelled just like him..
"I miss you Moony" he said holding the sweater to himself.
"And you too bastard" he said looking at James' bed. "You too Pete" he said looking at Peter's bed. Suddenly Sirius had tears in his eyes again.
Then he heard a knock on the door. Sirius jumped and dropped the sweater. Who could it be? Sirius opened the door to find McGonagall standing there. "Hello Minnie" he said now smiling.
"Mr... Sirius" she said a little nervous "Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas"
"Pick up your things. You'll use the Floo Network"
"What? Where am I going?"
"She didn't tell you? Mrs. Potter is expecting you for Christmas"
Sirius dropped his gaze. "No. That's impossible. I don't think they'd want me there"
"Then why did I get this letter from her asking me to send you?" she gestured the opened letter.
"Bloody yeah" Minerva said impatient '"And I think you should go. Spending Christmas here by yourself is not a good way to spend it, is it?" She turned to leave "Oh and you should get a shower first"
Sirius smiled.
Sirius couldn't hide his excitement. If Mrs. Potter invited him maybe James wanted him there too. Maybe his friends wanted him there. Maybe they wanted to talk. But he was also nervous. How was he going to face the Potters? Why Euphemia was inviting him? She knew what he did? Was she going to scold him?
Sirius crossed the Floo Network and there she was
on the Potters living room, Euphemia.
"Sirius!" she said embracing him tighly "I'm so glad to see you sweetheart. Merry Christmas"
"Mrs. Potter. Merry Christmas" said Sirius shocked. She didn't know? Why was she so nice to him?
"What's wrong Honey?" she asked
"Why did you invite me here?"
"It's Christmas. Time to be with the ones you love"
"But... I don't think James wants me here"
"Don't worry. James told me everything and I'm not angry" she smiled "Now Fleamont and the boys went to buy some things. We can have some time by ourselves. Let's sit down and chat about it. Fancy a cup of tea?"
They chatted for about an hour. Sirius told her everything that happened. How sorry he was. And how he missed everyone.
"That's why I'm a bad person" Sirius finished. "I was surprised you invite me here. I thought you were mad?"
"Sirius, you're not a bad person. Do you hear me? You've just been through so much. And of course I'm not mad. You know, no matter what a child does, a mother will always love them anyways. And you are like a son to me. I ment what I said back in August, Sirius"
Euphemia smiled at him. Sirius was so grateful. That woman was the opposite to his own mother. James was so lucky. He smiled back.
"And you know how James is" she continued "Stubborn just like his father. I'm pretty sure he will forgive you, though. All your friends will"
Suddenly they heard the door opening up.
"Speaking of the devil" Euphemia said.
She stood up and went to the door. Sirius began to sweat. He didn't know how the rest were going to react to him being there. He didn't want any more fighting.
"Ah, you're back" Sirius heard Euphemia greet the rest.
"Effie" it was Mr. Potter's voice "You have no idea how many people were at Diagon Alley"
Sirius heard the boys greeting Mrs. Potter as well.
"We could have been here sooner but your son, didn't decide on a broom"
Sirius smiled.
"They were all great!" James protested. The two boys
laughed. God how much he missed them.
"Glad you are here boys" Sirius heard Euphemia's voice. "We have a guest"
As she said that, they all entered the room where Sirius was. He stood up. The three boys went pale when he saw him.
"What is he doing here?" James asked very upset. "What are you doing in my house?"
Sirius dropped the gaze. Fuck, he shouldn't have come.
"James" Euphemia said "I invited him for dinner. And this is not your house"
"What?" James got even angrier "There's no way we're dinning with him"
"James, boy" it was Fleamont who spoke "Don't be rude"
Sirius looked at Remus. He was avoiding his gaze.
He wanted to hug him so much.
"No! you don't understand" James continued "I've told you what he did. I've told you he is not my friend anymore"
Those words hurt Sirius like hell.
"James Fleamont Potter! that is enough!" Euphemia shouted, she was angry "You are going to change and eat with us. That is final!"
"Arrrg!!" James protested leaving upstairs. Remus followed him without looking at Sirius. Sirius followed him with his gaze. Peter gestured hello to Sirius but followed the boys.
"Don't listen to him, Sirius" said Fleamont smiling "He is even more stubborn than his old man" he patted Sirius shoulder "I'm glad you are here, boy. You are the only one who actually laughs at my jokes"
Sirius smiled.
"That's because he is gentle" Euphemia said smiling at her husband "Come to the kitchen love" she said to Sirius and he followed her.
Dinner was torture for Sirius. Everyone was eating in silence. They could only hear the sound of plates and houselves popping in and out. Sirius could feel James hateful gaze on him. Sirius looked at James but he suddenly stared at his food. Sirius looked at
Remus. For a moment they crossed stares but Remus looked somewhere else. '
Fuck, Moony look at me, he thought.
Sirius sighed and looked at Peter who appeared to be the only one enjoying his food. A house elf served Sirius more butterbeer with magic.
"Thank you Delphi" he whispered. Delphi disappeared. Sirius decided to breake the silence.
"Dinner is delicious. Mrs. Potter" he said
"Yeah it is" said Peter with his mouth full.
"Thank you. And Sirius call me Euphemia"
"Pfft" James whispered
"James" said Mr. Potter "Behave nicely please"
"Oh I'm sorry" he said sarcastically "Mr. Black I'm glad you are enjoying dinner"
"James" said Mrs. Potter
"What? You want me to feed him as well?"
"'James" whispered Remus. Sirius looked at him. It was the first time he spoke.
"Can we just enjoy a bloody dinner in peace?" asked Fleamont.
"This is ridiculous" said James "What? Are going to pretend we are a happy family? He only spent a few weeks here and now you consider him your son?"
Sirius lost his temper.
"That's enough!" he yelled dropping the fork on the table. Everyone looked at him. "You know, James? You're acting like a child right now. Grow up" Sirius was trying to be as nice as possible but he was fed up of people treating him like shit. First, his parents, Reggie and now James.
"I'm the one who is acting like a child?" James asked as furious "I'm not the one who almost killed someone. What? Everything is forgotten now?"
"James, stop it" it was Remus who spoke. Sirius looked at him in hope. Hope that he was defending him.
"You're arguing in front of your parents" Yet Remus didn't even look at Sirius.
"What? Are you defending him?"
"I'm not defending him"
"Do you remember what he did to you, Remus?"
Peter was following his gaze through them like a muggle tennis match.
"Fuck it James!" Sirius was fuming now "You think you are better than me? What about your nonstop bulling against Snivellus?"
Mr. and Mrs. Potter looked at their son.
"Shut up Sirius" James grunted
"You're not that fucking innocent. You've done terrible things to him"
James was angry looking at Sirius. But Sirius wasn't thinking straigth.
"At least I didn't try to kill him" James said
"James" said Remus
"Guys" Peter spoked
"Fuck I'm sorry! Okay?" Sirius shouted "I've said it so many times already. I'm sorry" he looked at Remus "I'm sorry Moony. I'm sorry I hurt you, okay?" Sirius had tears in his eyes. Remus looked at him for the first time "I didn't mean to hurt you, or anyone. I wish I could just go back and change it all but I can't. All I can do is feel miserable. I'm sorry, I'm like my parents or I'm a Black. But I love you Moony. God I love all of you so much. And you have no idea how much I miss you, lads. You are like my family. Without you I have nothing" Sirius wiped out his tears and got up. "Sorry Euphemia, but I need some air"
He left leaving everyone speechless.
Sirius got to the garden. It was beautiful out there tonight. Not like Sirius' insides. He shouldn't have come. He couldn't stop behaving like a Black. He always did or spoke stupid things without even thinking. Sirius wished that he could be someone else. Anyone. Have other family. And behave like a normal human being. Sirius had tears in his eyes. He was trembling. He took out a cigarette and put it on his mouth but before he could find his wand, another one was providing fire for him. Remus' wand.
"Remus" Sirius whispered.
Remus smiled slightly. "Hi, Pads"
It was the first time he called him that. Actually it was the first time he spoke to him. Remus had tears in his eyes as well. Before Sirius could say anything he heard another voice.
"Did you really miss us?" It was James. Sirius looked behind him and there he was with Peter.
"Yeah" was all that came out of Sirius' mouth.
James rubbed his hair "My mother yelled at us, and made us come to check on you. She's really annoying"
James wanted to sound angry but Sirius really knew him. He sounded... sorry?
"Prongs" said Remus with a smile on his face.
"Okay" James continued "I'm sorry for being an asshole to you" he said looking at the floor.
"And..." said Remus "She said we should focus on the good things you've done for us. She is right" Remus sighed "You are a good friend. You accepted me for who I am and you've been there for me. For us"
Sirius' heart was warming up. Was he dreaming? Was Remus saying all those nice things to him?
"Right" Peter added
"So, you are not angry at me?"
"Honestly Pads, we are always angry at you" James said.
And then he hugged Sirius. Sirius hugged him back tight, like if he let him go, he will disappear. They stood like that for a while.
"Amm. Should we get you a room?" Peter asked. Sirius and James stopped hugging awkardly. Sirius smiled and hugged Peter too.
"So are friends again?" Peter asked
"We never stopped being friends Wormy" said James Sirius turned to face Remus.
"Moony. I'm truly sorry for hurting you, I promise I will be there for you no matter what. You are very important to me. And I won't do anything stupid anymore"
Sirius had said sorry so many times by now but he got to let Remus know how important he was for him.
"Who are we kidding Padfoot?" Remus said "You will always do stupid things"
Everyone laughed at that and Sirius hugged Remus. He didn't know how much he needed the touch of his body. How much he missed his smell. His heart started beating fast.
"I think these two need a room, Pete" said James.
"Shut up, Prongs" Sirius said but he was smiling.
"Okay, who wants dessert?" asked James "Mum prepared her famous apple pie"
"Me please" said Peter
"Okay let's go"
James patted Sirius shoulder and smiled at him. Sirius was so happy to have his brother back.
James and Peter started walking. Sirius and Remus stayed behind. Sirius looked at Remus and Remus looked at him. They looked at each other goofly for a while smiling at each other. And Sirius' heart was racing again.
"I'm glad you are back" said Remus
"I'm glad I'm back too" Sirius said
Remus kissed his cheek and followed James and Peter. Sirius stood there. If this was a dream he didn't want to wake up. He had his friends back. He had Remus back. Did he actually deserve it? He promised himself, he wasn't going to hurt them or do something to lose them again. They were his family.
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theeslytherinslut · 3 years
The Perpetual Freak (2/?)
Ch 2: Aboard the Hogwarts Express
Pairings: Sirius Black x reader, Marauders x reader Warnings: none, slight language (but that's for every chapter rlly) Word Count: 3,108
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As if on cue, you heard a knock at the door just as your foot touched down onto the landing. The sound of quick, heeled footsteps sounded immediately after; Grandmother briskly coming down the hall followed by the slower steps of Blakely as he surely wanted to gaze curiously at your friends.
“Prongs!” you breathed upon seeing James, smiling fondly at the messy mop of black hair atop your friend's head.
“Twitchy!” he smiled back, opening his arms in greeting. You wasted no time in falling into them, smiling into his chest as his hug signaled the true return to Hogwarts.
“Mrs. Killianis,” James said, suddenly formal as he looked to your severe grandmother behind you. Following his gaze, you saw her eyes narrowing as Sirius and Remus all but fell out of the car, Peter’s wheezing laughter following them out.
You smiled fondly after them as Remus brushed the dirt from his knees, frowning up at Sirius. Sirius grinned back and ran a hair through his raven black hair, brushing it from his eyes.
“Hello, Mrs. Killianis,” Sirius said, his voice taking on a tone you’d never heard before. You and James glanced warily at each other.
“Hello, boys,” she said stiffly, her eyes now staring rudely at the scars littering Remus’ exposed skin.
Remus cleared his throat, clearly catching your grandmother's eyes. “Shall we get your trunk then?” he said, clapping his hands together as he smiled at you.
You offered him a sympathetic smile and pushed an apology into his head at your grandmother’s rudeness.
“That’d be great, Moony, thanks.” you nodded. Peter followed him up into your room dutifully. After a moment or two, you heard what sounded like a reprimanding noise followed by a sharp smack and idly wondered what was going on.
“I suppose you’ll be staying at the school for the Holidays again, yes? Blakely and I were planning a trip,” Grandmother said suddenly--it didn’t take a genius to figure out you weren’t invited.
“Definitely,” you answered briskly. The choice between a Hogwarts Christmas with the boys and a visit to Grandmother's sister’s house in the States with Blakely was a no-brainer.
“Lovely thing Hogwarts does, providing a home for the holidays,” James grinned, putting an emphasis on ‘home.’ Grandmother lowered her eyes, but Remus and Peter were already coming down the stairs, hauling your heavy trunk between them.
“Bloody hell, Twitch,” Remus huffed, blowing his thin brown hair out of his eyes, “What’d you pack?”
“Mind your tongue, boy,” Grandmother snipped as the two of them passed through the front door. “You won’t behave like the heathens that you are in my presence.”
“Er, right,” Sirius scoffed, rolling his eyes and laughing under his breath. “C’mon, Twitch, don’t want to be late.”
Eager to leave the situation, you quickly followed the boys out and made your way into the baking heat. Just as they made to load your trunk, you clucked your tongue as Peter fumbled his end and dropped it roughly into the undoubtedly magically enhanced trunk.
“Sorry,” Peter winced, rubbing his hands together in an anxious sort of way.
“S’Alright Wormtail. Now, shall we get a move on, then?” James said, using his wand to swing open the car door for you. You heard your grandmother let out a small gasp, and Blakely took a step back. As most parents took the time to drop their children off at Platform 9 3/4, the journey there was generally a sort of grace period if you wanted to use magic; the Ministry wouldn’t take the time to differentiate each use of magic on this day between parents and students. Per wizarding law, they'd never seen magic as you didn’t use it during your time here--aside from your special gift.
“Please,” you said, turning to leave without glancing back.
“You aren’t going to say goodbye?” you heard Remus ask. You turned to answer him before you slipped into the car, but he wasn’t talking to you.
“Excuse me?” Grandmother said, clearly affronted he was saying anything more than ‘hi’ and ‘bye.’
“Honestly, Moony, just let it alone,” Sirius moaned as he made his way back out of the car to gather him.
“You aren’t going to see your granddaughter for 9 months, surely you’re going to at least say goodbye?” Remus pressed on, equally affronted. Sirius took a step closer to his friend, and you saw your grandmother’s eyes fall upon the several tattoos that already littered his arms; Sirius lived to upset his family, and tattoos were such a Muggle form of rebellion it only bolstered his point.
Her eyes then fell to the both of their wands, which were gripped tightly in their hands, and let out a breath she’d been holding. Lowering her eyes but acquiescing nonetheless, she sighed.
“Goodbye, then,” she said stiffly, nudging Blakely, who was locking eyes with a mischievous looking Sirius. Glancing behind Blakely’s head, you saw a dish hovering dangerously above his head and looked to see Sirius' wand pointed right at it. Rolling your eyes, you pushed the dish back with your own and threw a knowing grin at Sirius.
“Naughty, naughty boy,” you said silently. He grinned back boyishly at you and threw you a wink.
“See you next summer,” Blakely allowed, lowering his eyes at you and grinning in an awful sort of way. You could’ve sworn you heard a growl on your right and found Remus glaring at Blakely, who swallowed harshly and disappeared back into the house. At that, you slipped into the front seat next to James, the rest of the boys piling into the backseat, Remus scolding Sirius for shoving Peter out of the way to get in first. Fondly, you smiled and listened to them bicker.
“Merlin, glad that’s over.” Remus shook his head as James smoothly pulled away from the house. “Don’t know how you do it all summer.”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Moony? Not a big fan of familial tension, are we? I think it’s rather quite nice; reminds me of home,” Sirius said with a fake voice of longing. James looked through the rearview mirror and rolled his eyes at Sirius.
“Muggles giving you hell again?” Peter squeaked from the backseat, grabbing the head of your seat and leaning up towards you.
He’d always been a mousy boy, but after his first successful transformation, his commonalities with his Animagi only became more pronounced.
“When do they not, Wormtail?” you laughed, throwing a gum wrapper at him playfully as you popped a piece into your mouth.
“Ooh, is that gum?” Sirius asked, peering over your shoulder from the backseat.
“Yes, but it’s Muggle-gum.” you reminded him.
“Bit boring, but it’ll do. Jamesy won’t let me smoke in the car,” Sirius sneered, looking amusedly at an annoyed-looking James in the mirror.
“It smells! Isn’t my fault Dad has the nose of a bloody hound,” he defended, looking disgruntled at the thought of being a do-gooder.
“Good ol’ Fleamont, what a chap,” Sirius laughed, spreading out on the backseat and draping his arm along the seats. He reached and affectionately gave Remus’ hair a tussle, jostling Peter in the process, who grinned.
“So, now that we’ve all been reminded how horrible my lovely grandmother is, how was everybody else’s Holiday?” you asked as James drove the car expertly around the busy London streets--Muggle driving was a skill he was particularly proud of.
“Oh, you know, wonderful as always. Mother only threatened to have me disenfranchised and disgraced twice this year, so that’s a mark better than last Holiday.” Sirius laughed, blowing bubbles with his gum but frowning in disappointment when they popped.
“Didn’t you go to Prongs’ early this year?” you asked, remembering James’ letter that Sirius had arrived a few weeks into break.
“Yeah, don’t know why the evil hag insists on having me around anyway. All she does is dote on Regulus and send the nearest object flying at my head. Don’t even get me started on Kreacher...I don’t think I’ll go back next year.” a dark look came over his features, and you found yourself staring at him.
“What?” you asked, shocked at the nonchalant tone of his serious words.
“Yeah, I didn’t so much go to Prongs’ early this year as I did run away,” he said, looking slightly sheepish as you looked accusingly at him.
“What? What happened? Why didn’t you tell me?” you gasped, turning in the front seat entirely to glare at him.
“Dunno, I mean, I’m telling you now, aren’t I?” he shrugged.
“Well, go on then, tell me more,” you insisted.
“Just more of the same Twitch. You don’t understand,” he paused, and his usual carefree, light demeanor vanished and was taken over by a dark cloud that seemed to fill the car. “That house, it’s like a black hole. It swallows you whole. It’s like a bloody residential dementor. Every decent thought you have gets sucked into the black wallpaper, every horrible thought you’ve ever had on repeat, magnified. I can’t breathe in that house; they’re all so cozy, so comfortable in that dark, that evil. The Noble House of Black, it’s killing me slowly, draining the life out of me.”
He seemed aware of how much he was saying, how serious he’d gotten, because, at the end of the little speech, he let out a deep breath and forced a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck subconsciously.
“Nothing like Prongs’ here, for example,” he grinned up at his friend, who shot him one from the mirror.
“I mean, you basically already lived there,” James shrugged. “Besides, Mum was thrilled--you know, I think she likes you better than me sometimes.”
“Oh, she definitely does, mate. Euphemia and me? Kinda besties,” Sirius grinned, and the dark cloud dispersed. You found yourself staring at Sirius, chest full of emotion. The quickness with which he dismissed himself was almost worse.
“And, Moony? How was yours?” James asked, filling the silence.
“Decent, I suppose. Though I’ve almost worked my way through every decent book worth reading at the library closest to home, all the rest are the silly little Muggle books in that dingy section they have in the back...though I started reading this one called the ‘Bible’; Merlin does it tell some truly fantastic tales...whales eating people, turning water to wine, healing the blind--this Jesus bloke even rose from the dead! I reckon he was some type of early wizard or something, don’t know how the Muggles don’t...” he trailed off while the rest of you shared knowing glances. Moony was prone to monologues full of on-the-spot thinking, constantly prattling on about something he’d read in some book.
“You’re doing it again,” you shot a meaningful look at Remus, who blushed scarlet at your mental words and trailed off.
“Hey, no fair!" Sirius whined from the back seat at you. "I wanted to see where he was going with that. There definitely could’ve been something in there well worth making fun of!”
“Opportunity missed, Padfoot.” James hissed in sympathy at his friend, smiling at him in the rearview mirror.
“You all leave Moony alone. Just because he gets abnormally excited about really obscure Muggle things doesn’t mean we get to make fun of him for it,” you shot a smile at Remus in the back seat, who rolled his eyes but nonetheless smiled around sheepishly.
“How was your summer, James?” Peter asked from the backseat, leaning up hopefully.
“Alright, my parents set up a little Quidditch pitch in the back; Sirius got his arse handed to him a couple times,” James smirked, throwing a playful grin at his best friend in the backseat.
Wormtail laughed gleefully at James’ story as he described a match while Sirius sat up indignantly, poised to argue.
“I’m a Keeper, Potter. Not a sodding Seeker. Not too quick to tell everyone how miserable you were at trying to get the Quaffle in, though, are you?” Sirius quipped from the backseat.
“Down, boy. We all know how great of a Keeper you are, wouldn’t have won that last match against Ravenclaw without you..” you pushed into Sirius’ head, stroking his bruised ego. He met your eyes in the rearview and smirked up at you, clearly appeased by your comment. Lounging lazily once more in the roomy backseat, he turned to Peter.
“What about you, Wormtail? Your Holiday good?” Sirius said, cocking his head at his friend with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“S’alright..” he trailed off, looking around nervously as Sirius grinned at him.
“Really? Didn’t miss having Prongs’ arse to kiss?” he sneered at his friend, who blushed and stuttered.
“Let him alone, Pads,” Remus smiled at his friend from across the seats.
Just as the boys began to bicker more harshly, James pulled into the parking lot at Kings Cross, and the group of you piled out of the car.
“Wormtail, go find us a trolley,” Sirius said, and with a wave of his hand, Peter was gone.
“Obedient little bugger, isn’t he?” Remus said praisingly, rubbing his chin.
“Why d’you think he’s made it this long?” Sirius laughed, lifting his trunk out of the car as Peter came wheezing around with the trolley.
“I’ve got it, Y/N,” Peter said, exerting tremendous effort to lift your trunk until Remus saw him and reached in to help.
“Thanks, Peter...always so helpful.” you pushed to him in thanks. You saw him blush violently and smile to himself.
Your gift had taught you many things, but perhaps above all: people were so easily manipulated, one well-timed compliment, and it could send a person fawning. Though you weren’t shy to use it to your advantage, it was lucky a person of your moral stature had the gift. It could be so easily used...perhaps it was thoughts like these that led to the Sorting Hat’s consideration of your placement in Slytherin.
Half an hour later, your trunks were placed in the train's storage carriages, and the group of you were lounging in a compartment, your various pets making random noises as they settled in for the long train ride.
Jinx hooted sleepily in his cage before lifting his wing and drifting off to sleep. Sirius’ handsome jet-black Screech Owl, BamBam, seemed to take a cue from Jinx and buried his head into his wing as well. They almost resembled salt and pepper shakers as they stood next to one another in direct contrast. To most everyone's intense surprise, Remus’ pet was a fluffy siamese cat named Cleo. Unsurprising, however, was Peter’s choice of a pet rat named Nibbles. Though, Nibbles was on his last leg--most common rats only lived a couple of years, and Nibbles had been with Peter since first year.
“What’re you doing?” Peter asked, sitting up interestedly in his seat as Sirius drew out his wand and flung open the compartment door.
“Having some fun,” Sirius shrugged, the grin you all loved so much donning his face. James watched his friend and broke into a smile; Peter seemed to be struggling to sit still with excitement; even Remus peered over the top of his book to watch.
Fully aware he was holding all of your attention, Sirius pointed his wand at the wall opposite your door.
��Carpe Retractum,” Sirius said, and a length of rope came spouting out at the end of his wand. “Bollocks...what’s that one to get something to stick to something else?” he asked into the compartment after a moment.
“Epoximise,” Remus answered from behind his book once more, seemingly having seen everything he needed to.
“Right, cheers, Moony,” Sirius smiled and did the incantation, sticking the other end of the rope to the wall. Pulling on his wand, he seemed to test his theory and smiled in success as the rope pulled taught--effectively making a tripwire.
“Very nice,” you complimented, to which you received a playful little bow of his head.“Might I suggest something, though?”
“By all means, Twitch,” Sirius said, gesturing to the tripwire.
“Omnino dissimulare,” you spoke, pointing your wand at the length of rope. As the white beam of light hit it, the rope disappeared from view, and you smiled triumphantly. You’d been working hard on that one towards the end of last term and were worried you’d have to start over with the holiday break.
“Excellent!” Peter cheered, clapping wildly at the two of you.
“Where’d you learn that?” Remus said, finally putting his book down and looking at you curiously.
“Been working on it for a bit. Found it in a book Madam Pince let me take home last Christmas,” you answered, feeling a bit smug that you’d impressed Remus.
“Pince let you take home books?” Remus said, incredulous.
“You know she pities me,” you laughed, waving a hand. “Though, she did threaten to turn me inside out if there was so much a creased page--so only marginally.”
“Wait, wait!” Sirius called, pointing to the door excitedly; Peter was positively quivering.
A group of already-robed Slytherins came strolling past your window, and you smiled in anticipation. At the last second, Sirius jerked his wrist and tightened the rope, sending the group of Slytherins sprawling across the floor.
The group of you exploded into laughter, and they all got to their feet, whipping their wands out, looking for a culprit. Given the rope was invisible, however, they found no such thing and resigned to giving the group of you ugly looks before grumping off.
“Oh, very good, Padfoot,” Peter simpered, laughing heartily as tears of joy rolled down his plump cheeks.
“A little juvenile,” Remus scolded, smiling ruefully at his friends, “But funny. However, as a Prefect, I am not to indulge in such behavior and as such must sincerely reprimand you.”
“Most eloquently spoken, dear Moony. Tell me, does being a Prefect mean you have to be just a bit of a prat on principle?” James asked his friend, painting a serious look on his face as Sirius and Peter erupted into laughter. You let out a small giggle as Remus blushed slightly and put down his book.
“Well, you should sure as hell hope not,” Remus began, smiling mischievously at his friend. “Imagine fawning after Lily Evans for years, at her often utter disgust, only for her to end up being a prat. Talk about unfortunate, mate.”
The group of you were in stitches over Remus’ response, and even James let out a laugh.
“Touche, Moony. Touche,” he laughed, shaking his finger at Remus in a playful manner. A warm feeling spread through you; you were so happy to finally be going home.
Taglist: @whiskeypowder
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bethansfandoms · 3 years
/post/647279129847283712/okay-so-anonymous-on-instagram-asked-me-how-do : your take on why sirius sent snape to the willow hasn't left me since you published it, so good! i know the prank has been written about time and time again, but i'd just love to see your take on the aftermath of the prank - how mad remus is, how and when and why he finds it in him to forgive sirius... your writing is incredible and i would be grateful forever if you wrote this! 🐺⭐🙏
You don't have to have read part one of this for the post to make sense <3
Sirius panicked the moment he landed on the floor of the Potter's living room.
He hadn't been thinking, he had been so scared, so in pain, that in the moment he had grabbed the floo powder and requested to be taken to James', he had temporarily forgotten that James didn't want to see him. He had been so desperate to escape from his house that he hadn't taken the time to just think.
Sirius hadn't spent Christmas at home in a long time. Usually, the marauders would stay at Hogwarts or he would go to James'. For the Christmas of his fifth year, however, he had announced that he was going home. The brief conversation in which he had informed them of this had been the most he'd spoken to them in months.
Sirius knew he wasn't welcome to spend Christmas with the marauders, not after what he'd done, not after he'd told Snape how to get past the whomping willow.
To Sirius, it didn't matter the circumstances, it didn't matter that Snape knew legilimency, that he'd been provoked, none of it mattered because the first thing Remus had told him was that he didn't want to hear excuses, and so Sirius had decided not to go against his wishes, not then and not ever again.
He'd kept his distance, it had been killing him, but he'd stayed away. The only time the four of them were together was late at night when Sirius, his head hung, would enter the dormitory, quickly walk over to his bed, and draw the curtains.
James had shouted at him more than Remus had and Sirius stood there and took it, he'd never seen James so angry, not at anybody, and so, even in the delirious state he was in, he knew he'd messed up coming to his house.
"Sirius?" Sirius took a moment before his eyes were able to focus on the doorway. James was stood in his pyjamas, only for a brief moment, before he was running to Sirius' side. "Mum! Dad! Fuck, Sirius, what happened?"
"Parents. I’m sorry," Sirius croaked.
He only caught a brief glimpse of James' parents entering the room before consciousness escaped him.
He awoke still on the floor, James and Euphemia knelt at his side. "Fleamont has locked the floo network," Euphemia said softly, "he's writing to Dumbledore now, you're safe."
James squeezed his arm, "You're staying with us. You're not going back to your parents, Padfoot." Sirius almost cried at the nickname, he'd missed it so much.
He was, however, confused. Had James forgotten to be angry at him? He didn't get much time to dwell on it, he felt his eyes closing and blackness claimed him again.
This time, he awoke in a bed, the one in the room he usually stayed him. James was there still, fiddling with his glasses. "Feel like passing out again?" he asked, smiling weakly.
Sirius tried to smile in return, "No, I think I'm alright for now.”
James nodded, "Look, Sirius, mum said... she said it looked like someone had performed the—"
"I don't want to talk about it," he whispered. James nodded in response and dropped the subject. "I'm sorry I came here," Sirius said, voice breaking, "I didn't know where else to go."
"Why are you sorry?"
"Because... because of what happened in September, because I told Snape about the whomping willow. You're angry at me."
James ran his hands through his hair and sighed, "I know I said I wouldn't forgive you until Remus did, and I meant it. But I— Sirius, I told you going home was a good idea. If I'd just let you come here, been the bigger fucking person..."
"I would have gone home anyway, no matter what you said."
"Yeah," James scoffed, "you're a stubborn git like that. Look, I was about to write to Peter and Remus so they—"
"No!" Sirius had tried to sit up too suddenly and his back gave a painful twinge, "no, you can't tell Remus. He'll feel bad and forgive me and I can't have him do that until he's ready. You can't write to him."
"Alright," James said, "try and get some sleep then, okay mate?"
Sirius nodded, "Promise not to write to Remus?"
Sirius slowly blinked awake to daylight streaming through the curtains. He tentatively sat up, stretching as much as the pain in his bones allowed him to. Then, he almost jumped half to death.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Remus was smiling at him from his chair in the corner, and Sirius had missed his smile so much.
"What are you doing here? It was the full moon last night!"
"Yeah, yeah, it was," Remus sounded almost surprised that Sirius had remembered, like he would ever forget. "James wrote. I got the letter early this morning, used the floo network to get straight here. I probably look like shit.”
"I told him not to write," Sirius mumbled.
"I know, he told me. Sirius, what you did, it was... but I never wanted you to think I was so irreversibly angry that I wouldn't be here for you after something like this."
Sirius nodded sadly, biting his lip in an attempt to stop any tears. "Remus, I know you hate me for what I did, but I... I hate myself for it more than you ever could."
Remus sighed, sadly, "I don't hate you, Sirius. I think maybe I want to, but I don’t, I never could.”
"Snape knows legilimency," Sirius blurted. "I know you didn't want excuses, this isn't one, I just... I tried to block him, my mother had used it on me before, I was blocking him but he kept trying to use me to confirm you were a werewolf and I got so angry and I told him. I know it doesn't justify—"
He stopped speaking as Remus got up and walked across the room, sitting in bed next to him. "Why didn't you tell me that?"
"Doesn't change anything. I still told him."
Remus kicked off his shoes and pulled back the duvet, lying down and sighing. Sirius slowly mirrored his position. "I forgive you, you know."
Sirius thought he might cry. "You don't have to, just because my parents... it doesn't mean you have to feel bad for me or whatever."
"I was always going to forgive you, Sirius. I hated to admit it to myself because I was so fucking angry at you, but I knew I was always going to forgive you. So why not now?"
Sirius shuffled closer and hugged him, then. They would hug s like this sometimes after one of them had had a nightmare. Sirius had never been big fan of physical affection, not in the same way James was, but he hugged Remus tight, only relaxing when he felt Remus hug him back.
James pushed the door open slowly, he couldn't hear Remus and Sirius talking, he’d left them alone for a good hour. Briefly, he wondered if maybe they'd killed one another and that was why there was complete silence from within the room.
Instead of any casualties, he found Sirius and Remus asleep, the duvet over them but not enough to hide the way their limbs were tangled together.
He sighed to himself. He'd found them this way before, some mornings in the dormitory, the two of them sleeping soundly in bed together for reasons he didn't quite know.
"Knew I was right to send Remus an owl," he muttered to himself, closing the door and letting them sleep.
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Sirius loves all the attention,”
Warnings: Mentions of violence, angst
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Words: 1.7k
Summary: James Potter’s sister, Y/N, opens the front door to find Sirius Black covered in blood and bruises.
Part Two “Everything between us is a moment”
(Angst! Send in requests please!!!)
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“Y/N, dear, set the table, will you?” your mother called from the kitchen door, you groaned and stood up from the living room couch. 
“Why does James never have to set the table?” you whined,
“The answer is obvious,” James smirked as you looked at him with annoyance in your eyes, “I’m the favorite,” your brother shrugged innocently. You thumped him on the back of the head with your book earning an “Oi” in response.
“More like a big baby,” you huffed and began to set the table with four plates.
“Dinner is ready, dear!” your mother rang to your father who folded his newspaper and placed a kiss on your mother’s plump cheek.
“Gross,” James complained as he plopped down in the dining room chair. 
“Just because you don’t understand the circumstances and actuality of love and are too dimwitted to treat Lily Evans like a human doesn’t mean you can judge other’s on how they express affection,” you teased,
“Just because you don’t understand the circumstances of blah-di-blah-di blah,” James mimicked you in a high pitched, overdramatized voice.
“Will you stop acting like a child?” you hissed, 
“Will you stop acting like a child?” James mimicked back. You turned to your mother exasperated,
“Mum, can you please tell James to stop making fun of me,”
“Mum, can you please tell James to stop making fun of me, boo-boo blah blah- blah.” 
Your father rubbed his forehead and your mother rolled her eyes and smiled at her children,
“James, I swear to merlin if you don’t stop,”
“James, I swear to merlin if you don’t stop,”
You mimicked his voice back, creasing your eyebrows and pouting your lips, “I’m James Potter, I’m a right prat who can never get a girlfriend because I’m too in love with my own face,”
James leaned towards you and flipped his nonexistent long hair, “I’m Y/N, I love to correct people and take the fun out of everything because I’m a lonely know-it-all and nothing else brings me joy,”
The two of you sneered at each other and turned to your helpless mother again, “Mum!” you begged her to be on your side of the argument,
“Ah yes, Fleamont, ‘let’s have children, better yet, let’s have two,’” your mother sighed and shook her head comically, placing her hand on her husband’s shoulder to hold.
“I never said it would be easy, darling,” he replied.
“Stop it, James, shove off!” You pushed his forearm so you could make room for yourself,
“Stop it, James!” He mimicked again, 
“I mean it, you nitwit, stop it.”
“Stop it!” James heightened his voice. In the distance, beyond your anger and annoyance for James, you heard a thump at the door. No one else seemed to notice it. Your mother had just poured herself a glass of water and your father was asking what was for supper. But, you heard the soft knock at the door.
“Is someone...? Seriously James, stop it.” you shoved him again,
“Seriously, James, stop it,” you attempted to listen for the knock again, concentrating and narrowing your eyes. 
“Mum, are we expecting anyon- James!” you growled and slapped James’ bicep, “shut up!” you focused on the sound,
“Shut up!” James whined, 
“No, seriously James. Shut the hell up!” Your mother was about to scold you when the entire Potter family heard the loud fist-sized thumps at the door. You stood up, sending James a glare for being a bloody idiot and paced towards the door. You flung open the front door expecting to see perhaps a mailman or your neighbor who had lost her kitten once again. You, however, did not expect to see Sirius Black, bloodied and bruised, and nearly unconscious leaning on your front door frame. You gasped loudly and quickly placed yourself under his armpit to support him,
“James!” you called, “Mum, grab the plasters, James, come help me.” James turned quickly at your gasp and sprung up making his chair fall back.
“Sirius!” he yelled, racing towards you and helping you carry Sirius in from the evening rain. The two of you laid your best friend on the living room couch, searching for his wounds, not minding the blood on your hands. Your father retrieved his wand and began to attempt to heal Sirius’ deep wounds resulting in him shutting his eyes and wincing. His eyes were squeezed shut and he bit his lip as his forehead creased in pain. His shirt was ripped and you could make out the scratches and burns on his side.
“What do we do?” you asked James, you could see your elder brother was scared but he squeezed your hand tightly and turned his eyes towards Sirius,
“He’ll be okay,” James’ hoped. Sirius’ eyes flung open and stared at the Potter family. He began stuttering, frightened and out of control,
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. ‘m boy, calm down,” your father tried to reassure him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “lay still, the wounds are still deep,”
“Is he alright?” Your mother hurried in, bandages in one hand and her wand in the other as well as a towel, she put a loving hand on his forehead and rubbed the towel in order to gain some warmth into him. You’ve never seen Sirius so distraught, so vulnerable. His eyes were terrified and he continued to fidget on the couch. Your chest dropped, seeing him like this made you want to throw plates and glass at the wall.
“I’m sorry-” Sirius cried in pain and embarrassment, “I- he, James, James said if it were ever too much, to- to come here, but I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I-” Sirius cried out again making you grip James’ arm.
Your father glanced worriedly at your mother and said, “Son, calm down. It’s quite alright, we’re glad you’re here where you’re safe.” he turned to his two children and said, “children, quickly, leave us be with Sirius. Your mother and I must ask him some questions. Run the kettle,” and hurried you two out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“What happened to him?” you asked your brother, attempting to shake the fear from your face and placing the kettle on the stove.
“I-” James began, combing his fingers through his messy hair, “It was his god-awful family, I presume.”
You gasped and shook your head, “they did that to him?” you said, angrily.
“I believe so.”
“And you told him he could come here if it-”
James nodded, “If it ever became too much.”
The two of you peeked out from the kitchen door to see your father sitting next to Sirius, a solemn and serious look on his face. Your mother stood, a tear down her face as Sirius whispered to him what had happened to him at Grimmauld Place. 
“I want to kill them,”
“Me too,” James agreed.
“I’m scared,” you admitted to your older brother, he turned and wrapped his brotherly arms around you. The pair of you instantly forgot your insignificant quarrel from earlier and focused solely on Sirius. 
“Me too. But for Sirius’ sake, we need to be brave,” 
Your father approached the kitchen whilst your mother tended to Sirius on the couch, he looked at the two of his beloved children and said, “Sirius is to stay here for the remainder of the summer. He will not be going back to his home. I will send a letter to his mother at once, but there is no way in hell that boy is going back.” James hugged his father instantly before opening the kitchen door and disappearing to see his best friend. You looked at your father, who removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes,
“What happened, dad?” your voice was quiet, afraid to know the answer.
Fleamont Potter shook his head and placed his glasses back on, he pulled you in for a close hug and kissed the top of your head. He was thankful to have you and James in such healthy conditions. “Let’s not talk about it, child. Everything will be okay. Go on and be with your friend,” you kissed your father on the cheek before sneaking into the living room. Your mother saw you as she was leaving and placed a kind hand on your arm before retreating into the kitchen, most likely to talk to your father.
You watched James pull up a chair next to Sirius, two brothers with a stronger bond known to man. 
“Y’know, mate, if you wanted to see me this bad, you didn’t have to have such the dramatic entrance,” James’ joked making Sirius grin,
“You think I wanted to come here? Blimey, no. The inn across town wouldn’t take me, so I thought I’d come to the Potters.” James laughed and shoved Sirius,
“I’m glad you’re alright,” James said seriously,
“Don’t go all sappy on me, Prongs. Only a couple cuts and bruises,”
“Yes, James, don’t go all sappy on him.” You emerged from the shadows and sat on the edge of the couch Sirius was lying on, “Sirius loves all the attention,” 
“Only from you,” even though Sirius was in immense emotional and physical pain, he still found the energy to make you blush.
“Mate, you’ve only been here for a minute and you’re already acting dodgy towards my sister.” The three of you laughed,
“James, can you help bring the tea in?” your mother asked from the kitchen, James stood with no argument and left for the kitchen. Sirius closed his eyes and leaned his head on the back of the couch. You couldn’t help but stare, his face, though had a bruise and a split lip, was still as handsome as the day you first saw him. 
“I can feel you staring at me, darling,” Sirius opened one eye to peer at you,
“How could I not, you look like shit,” you shot back. Sirius’ eyes were amused before taking hold of your hand in his,
“I’m alright, y’know,”
“I know.” you placed a smile on your face that quickly faded away, “but unfortunately, you have to room with James and we both know he snores.”
Sirius shrugged, “if I can live with him at Hogwarts, I can live with him here,” Sirius squeezed your hand again before kissing your knuckles, “and I certainly don’t mind living with you,”
“I’ll only say it once this summer,” James warned whilst carrying out a tray of tea and biscuits, “hands off my sister.” 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 37 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Words: 2,504
Chapter 36  Chapter 38
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"Oh, my God. I'm blind!"
"Only you can congratulate me like that,” says Lily laughing.
"Wow, look at that rock" I grab her left hand. “Wait, when did this happen? And why didn't we know anything?"
"Oh, not again,” says James entering the room.
“It's nothing personal, Persephone. It was just us at James's house…”
“She’s wrong, it is personal. We didn't tell you anything, and we didn't tell Sirius, you can't keep a secret,” Lily slaps his arm.
"I'm offended!”
"I'm sorry.”
I sigh.
"Okay I guess,” I cross my arms and sit on the couch.
"Did they already tell you?" Sirius enters and mimics my actions. “And I thought I had a best friend. In fact, I no longer have friends. Remus and Peter did know.”
“And you know who else? Jenna and Marlene. No wonder even the Longbottoms know about it before we do!”
"Oh, stop crying," says James.
“This is high treason, James. We can’t not cry.”
"Could you just congratulate us?" asks Lily making a puppy face. I wince, but then I get up.
"Congratulations on marrying the most blind and stupid person in the world,” I say hugging her. She laughs. I walk up to James and hug him. "Congratulations on marrying the most dramatic redhead in the world."
"Ha! Look who says it!” He answers and I push him when we part.
Sirius stands in front of James with his arms crossed.
“Come on, Paddie. You have to congratulate me. I'm going to get married and I need a best man,” He opens his arms.
Sirius looks surprised.
“Isn't it Remus?"
"Don't tell him, but you’re my favorite.”
With just those words, Sirius lunges into James's arms. A very… rare moment, but it doesn't surprise me.
“They already ruined the moment. Would you like to be part of my bridesmaids? " Lily whispers to me.
I don't want to do the same as Sirius, it would be very embarrassing, but I can't help it.
"I-really?" My eyes water. She nods.
“I know we haven't had a good start, but I think we're both ready to forget everything and move on. I want you there and not just as a guest, after all, you helped James.”
She hugs me. I reciprocate without being able to avoid crying. Never ever in my life did I imagine being in this situation.
"I would love to, Lily.”
We part, we wipe the tears and laugh. I turn to my left and the two fools keep hugging as if the world depends on it.
"I must say, I was expecting a mess," I say sitting down on the couch. Sirius's apartment is strangely tidy and even bright.
"Ask the others and no one will deny that I am the tidiest of the four,” He hands me a bottle of beer and sits next to me. "You like it?"
The apartment is a good combination of magical things and Muggle things. Pictures and other decorations that represent Sirius' style very well. I must admit that he has a good taste in decoration, unlike me who could not even decorate my room at Apollo's house and at my parents' house, I had no other choice.
“It's perfect.”
I can't help but imagine living here with him. Just the two. He has not insisted on moving, but my mind takes care of it.
"You did a great job,” I comment.
“I had help from Fleamont, James and Remus. But, well, it was my idea. Besides, I couldn't have done it without Alphard,” he says nostalgically. I take his hand.
"He would be proud of you,” he nods with a smile.
“Also of you. You've made a great effort with therapy. Jane told me that you only need a couple more to be good to go…”
"What can I say? Listening to all these voices asking me how I am, if I need something, if I can walk and move my arm without crying, in addition to having a baby drooling on my cheek every time it hurts, it is a great help to move on.”
He laughs.
“Speaking of drooling babies, James asked me to buy some things for the wedding. Will you accompany me to Diagon Alley?"
I frown.
"The wedding is still a long way off?”
“That's what I said, but I didn't expect James to be the Groomzila at the wedding. He seemed very nervous, so I didn't want to tell him anything else that might upset him.”
“Okay," I chuckle.
We both appear in a few seconds in the alley. All afternoon we were buying some things for James, for the apartment and we could not miss the sweets.
At one point, Sirius stays at the Quidditch shop while I got distracted in a clothing store.
It's nice to spend the day like this, just the two of us and even have moments alone without planning it. I take my time looking at some dresses. I buy a pair and as soon as I leave the store, I hear a squeal.
"Yes, there it is! My beautiful, beautiful girlfriend!” He says grabbing my waist, pulling me closer to him. I look at him confused. "You see? I've already settled down and I don't need another person.” He says nervously and then kisses my temple.
I don’t understand anything. I look forward, meeting two quite surprised girls. I recognize one of them.
"Danny?" I ask the brown haired girl.
"Hey, Persephone!” She smiles hugging me.
"You know each other?" The other two girls and Sirius ask at the same time.
"Yeah, we were both in Slytherin," She points out.
"What's wrong?" I ask Sirius.
"Nothing! We weren't doing anything, I never did anything!” He answers, upset.
Danny laughs next to me.
"I must say I never expected to see the great Sirius Black so nervous," She turns to see me. “My friends and I found him at the Quidditch shop and decided to talk to him. It hasn't been long since we left school. To tell the truth, we thought he was single…”
"No offense, but he was alone,” says another girl with black hair. "We didn’t think that a womanizer could change and less with the only Singh who’s not worthy,” She scoffs. I clench my teeth but smile.
“Well, now you know. We’re together.”
"For now,” She mimics my smile.
I shake my head.
“I’m not playing this game. We're out of school, I don't think it's the best thing to keep fighting and even less for a boy.”
"Hey," Sirius complains.
The girl laughs.
“Even though we’re no longer at Hogwarts, you are still the girl who disappointed her family, do you think that your great secret was going to be hidden forever? I'm not even surprised. Ever since you started a friendship with Mudblood Evans, I knew it was only a matter of time…”
I frown as the others watch us uncomfortable.
“Listen, I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you care so much about my life. Maybe yours is boring, but that doesn't mean you should spit out your poison.”
"It's part of the charm, honey," She laughs. "Who would have thought that Trixie was right all this time!”
"What!?" Sirius and I say at the same time.
"Hello guys!”
Trixie the devil is in front of us, smiling like she has won a contest. Sirius and I step back and hold hands.
"Please, not again," The boy groans.
"Oh, come on. I know we had our differences, but I’m tired of this game,” She looks at me. "It was about time your parents realized what a danger you are,” then looks at Sirius. "And it's a shame that your family left you alone in the world, dear Sirius, but I have been told that Regulus has done a great job!”
I really want to feel anger and rage towards the girl, but I’m still shocked to see her.
"Don't you get tired of repeating it?" Sirius asks "I don't think the story with our families is that important now.”
“Oh, Sirius. You don't have an idea,” Trixie smiles. She eyes me from top to bottom, then looks back at Sirius. “I could help you,” she says flirtatiously. At that moment I react.
"Thank you, but no thank you, we're good.”
She sighs ignoring me.
"This is your time to leave Persephone.”
"He won’t do it and less with someone like you.”
"Come on, who wants to be in a relationship with a girl who doesn't know how to obey when he can be with me?"
"I'd rather eat a snake," Sirius comments.
"We don't need you, not you or your friends, I don't know what her name is," He scowls.
"We're not interested in your plans, Sirius and I couldn't be better." I raise my eyebrows. "Actually, we’re in the process of moving in together."
Trixie raises an eyebrow.
"What?" says the black haired girl and Sirius.
“Yes and we don't have much time. We're very busy, we can't wait to get everything ready and well, you know, get everything, right, honey?" I look at Sirius who looks like his eyes are about to pop out.
"Uh, yeah. We have to go,” He answers.
Trixie laughs.
"Well, it's sad to see one more boy run into the void,” She sighs, looks at her friend with black hair and they both leave, leaving Danny.
“In my defense, the other girl is my cousin and I had no choice. Besides, I warned them,” She points to them, smirking.
"You have hope,” I tell her.
"Maybe, but I think they have been humiliated enough," She says. “But congrats, guys,” She smiles.
"Yes, it’s a big surprise,” says Sirius next to me. I avoid his gaze.
"Oh, and I found out that Potter and Evans are finally getting married! About time, at Hogwarts we made bets to see if at some point they would get together or kill each other,” I appreciate that she changes the subject.
"I never won," I complain. She laughs.
“I think my presence is no longer required and I must go take care of the two snakes. It was good to see you guys!” She says.
When we are alone, Sirius stands in front of me.
"Of all the ways you could say yes to the move, I never thought it’d be like that and less in front of the devil,” I thought he was going to be angry, but his mocking smile tells me otherwise. “But did you mean it or was it just to mark your territory? Which, I must say, was quite… interesting– to see you jealous,”He raises an eyebrow.
I roll my eyes.
"It wasn't about you."
“Whatever," I cross my arms and hear him laugh. I make a face. “But, I was serious, I've been thinking about it and there are more things in favor than against and I have healed enough.”
“So," He cups my cheek. "Will you move in with me?"
“Yes," He smiles and kisses me slowly.
"Oh, I can't wait to tell everyone!” He teases causing my cheeks to burn. He lets out a laugh, but it doesn't last long. He now he makes a face.
"Now that I think about it, we may have our first argument," He says sheepishly.
"Now what did you do?"
“Oh, it's not exactly what I did, just maybe, maybe… you don't have closet space.”
I step away confused.
"How many clothes can you have Sirius?"
"You'll be surprised.”
"It smells delicious!” says Andy entering the apartment.
"Courtesy of Sirius and Lily!” I smile at her.
"This is my husband, Ted,” She introduces a tall blond man with a warm smile. "And this little girl is Nymphadora!” She says, revealing a girl with purple hair. She seems very shy and she doesn't want to get away from her mother, so she doesn't pressure her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you,” I step aside to let them pass.
"Andy!" Sirius yells before hugging his cousin.
"Uncle Siri!” The girl demands Sirius's attention when she separates from her mother.
"What?" He says surprised. "Who are you?"
“Dora," She answers with an amused smile.
“No-uh, my pretty niece Dora is still just a baby! And what I see here is a big girl!”
"I am the bit girl!" She squeals raising her arms. Sirius carries her and they both share a big hug.
After the introductions, Sirius and Lily announce that dinner still needed more time, so we all sit in the small room.
"It's great to see how much you've accomplished," Andy tells Sirius. "I'm very proud of my Siri!” She says squeezing the boy's cheek. We all laugh at his complaints.
"So responsible, our dear Siri,” snorts James.
"What about you, dear Jamie?" Andromeda says. James blushes. "Graduated and about to get married!”
"Very important adult things, without a doubt, Andromeda,” He replies, feigning maturity. She frowns. "And as an adult I ask you to please not call me, Jamie.”
"Impossible, Jamie.”
James complains.
"At least Remus isn't here, it would be worse…”
"Don't worry, Prongs, I'll inform him about your new nickname,” Sirius replies.
“Oh, yeah! Lupin, where is he? " Andromeda asks.
"Uh, he's busy," I say hiding my nervousness from her.
"Yeah, he has a little furry problem," Sirius says.
"Do you have a puppy?" Dora asks.
"Something like that.”
The others keep talking, Andy, Sirius and Lily talk about dinner, while James talks to Ted about Fleamont's inventions. So I’m left alone with the six-year-old girl.
"So, Dora," I begin. She looks at me. “When you arrived your hair was purple, but now it’s blue.”
“Yes, sometimes it happens. I’m a metamorphomagus, that means I can change the color of my hair whenever I want!” She explains making me laugh.
"That's great!”
"Do you believe it? Some children think it’s something strange,” She says.
"Oh no. I think it's the coolest thing I've ever seen. What other colors can you do?"
“I like the way pink looks! Look,” She closes her eyes and little by little her hair turns bubblegum pink.
We both laugh and keep trying other colors.
The night passed quietly between the delicious dinner, stories, jokes and conversations that only the walls within the apartment will know.
Only until it was too late, the Tonks must go. Ted carries a sleeping Dora, but before they leave the place, Andromeda looks at the four with concern.
“I know that everything has been very nice in your lives these last few months. I wish everything were fine, but Dumbledore will soon notify you of a new meeting. You-Know-Who no longer wants to be in the shadows and it’s better to prepare,” She looks at us with a sad smile. “The most important thing is to be together. You should also let Peter and Remus know.”
“We will, Andy. Thanks,” She nods and the three of them leave.
@avipshamitra   @auroraawrites @findzelda  @lizlil @siriusmuch   @chloe-geoghegan1 @reverse-hxlland  @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft  @secret-obsessions  @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx    @inkandpen22  @sarcasticallywitty15​
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 92: Priori Incantatem
Lily was still crying as she crash landed once more, rolling several times and coming to a painful halt. Even as her impact caused what felt like bricks to fall all around her, she merely lay where she was, curled into the fetal position, trembling fingers pressed against her lips as another sob broke free. She hadn't stopped for so long now, it seemed impossible she ever would. It was too much, all too much to take in, and yet a fourteen year old boy, her boy, would be going through it all alone.
"Oh come now dear, it can't be all bad."
Lily sat up with a painful gasp, shuddering in fear and just a few more lashes of pain at her own stupidity for letting her guard down. Just because it had been so long since they'd seen another person didn't mean it couldn't inevitably happen! She was now far more familiar with her seven companions voices than she ever would have believed possible, could pick any of them out in a crowded corridor now, but she didn't know that one!
She forced her bleary eyes to focus, she had to know if there were anymore dead bodies around, nobody had started reading yet and Merlin knew what was happening- then she gasped a wet, snotty, painfully disgusting noise in relief to see it was a portrait. Tisking away at her, eyeing the mess she made.
It was not the only one in here, but the one speaking to her nonetheless in a kind, gentle voice. Despite her aged face, it held a hint of youth in it Lily didn't quite understand until she wiped yet more tears from her burning cheeks and saw the now familiar, kind hazel eyes shining out. The name plate underneath read Carinthia Potter- Nee Greengrass. Coughing slightly, shoulders still shaking with the force of it, she looked around again to find herself in an opulent library. She'd knocked over almost an entire bookcase, the evidence scattered all around her. Portraits of other Potters that had married into the family scattered the rest of the free space, and as she looked over her shoulder, she saw a tapestry woven together pyramid style right into the wall from floor to ceiling, of the far more direct line. There, on the bottom line where the last strip showed James Fleamont Potter, there was a piece of red string tacked on, and a sticky note proudly bearing the name Sirius Orion Black right next to it.
She tried, and failed, not to laugh. She sat down back on her bum, feeling like one as she buried her face into her knees. Of course they'd wind up here eventually, James Potter was probably going to be as miraculously alive as his friends and swope in to save young Harry and probably bring Cedric back to life and defeat You-Know-Who all while hopping on one foot. She sighed in exhaustion as the sounds of ruckus finally reached her ears, even the faint echo of someone calling out her name. She tipped her head to the side and peeked out through her hair at the door, waiting for someone to come barging in even as a few more tears trickled out. She wasn't going to bother to hide them. She was too exhausted to do much of anything else.
It was finally Lupin who stumbled through the door, like he was trying to see how fast he could dart in and out, but came to an outstandingly poor halt when he actually caught a flash of her. They stared at each other for a solid thirty seconds before he turned around and bellowed over his shoulder, "I found her!" Then he turned back to her, still rubbing his lined face in exhaustion. "Merlin Evans, you could have at least come and told us you were still alive before being alone."
She didn't understand the snappy tone he used, or why he even cared. She was well past that point, as Cedric's body still flickered behind her eyes every time she blinked. She just sat there like a useless, hopeless lump.
He stood there for another few awkward moments before finally turning to leave, she heard a quiet, muttered conversation not far down the hall now, but whatever he'd said to deter Potter had worked no better this time than any other time he'd ever tried. Yet when he came in, Potter was sanse swagger, for once. She wondered if it was due to his still limping, that instead of strutting around like usual, he walked almost casually to her side. "Alright Evans?" He asked softly.
"No," she managed through a still clotted throat.
He nodded, like that didn't surprise him, and instead looked around with bemusement. "Ah, sorry you had to wind up in here, not exactly my favorite room. Tradition and all that it even exists," he gestured vaguely over his shoulder to the family tree. "I think your portrait would have been the only thing I liked about this place," he added with a self congratulatory grin.
"Brilliant Prongs, really," Lupin called from where he was still listing on the door jamb. "Why don't you add a glib comment about Smith landing in your room of all places, I'm sure that'll also brighten her day."
"Don't be crass Moony," Potter rebuked cheerfully, "obviously we'll be going on our date through the secrets of Hogsmeade before she ever sees that!"
The snap came easily to her lips. "Not if it was between you and the giant squid!" Even to her own ears, it sounded far more exasperated than belligerent as usual. She almost couldn't believe what she was hearing, how did he still manage to smile like that despite everything? Maybe he was touched in the head, like she'd said many a times long before now.
He smiled unrepentantly and promised, "that can be arranged on the tour. Until then Evans," he gave her a grand, sweeping gesture worthy of the highest monarchy as he bowed to her, and then turned and grabbed his friend's shoulder, steering him from the room.
She didn't know if he'd had the book this whole time, or if he'd found it in here while she'd been distracted, but only moments later Lupin's tired, strained voice enveloped her and the whole mansion with the words, "Priori Incantatem."
A charm, she recognized at once, to show the last spells a wand had used. What could that have to do with Harry? Were they going to get a highlights of his last moments, his last desperate bids for survival before You-Know-Who finally killed him too, extinguishing the Potter line? Would his body materialize in this very room, like his name on the tree would in only a few years time?
Sirius looked around in surprise to find himself in 'his room,' or so James had dubbed it since his first visit here. He really didn't know why Prongs bothered, Sirius actually preferred to sleep at the foot of his bed most nights when he stayed over. Still, his personal things did seem to end up scattered in here more often than naught.
Several of his limited edition Chocolate Frog Cards were being used as bookmarks in his Muggle magazines he hadn't dared take back to Grimmauld place for their personal value, an old letter to Moony sat innocently on the windowsill, and several piles of clothes had turned into freshly laundered and folded piles of clothes since he'd last been here. It was exactly where he'd needed to be, he felt safer in this spare room than he ever could have dreamed he would in Grimmauld place. The effect was ruined by Regulus' surprised black eyes flitting around, taking in everything same as him.
He didn't dare look at him or he'd burn the little twits face off. He couldn't stand to be around anyone but his friends right now with how furiously murderous he was, the last thing he needed was hearing Regulus trying to defend Peter's future actions! Peter! He had to go check on him, could barely stand now to let him out of his sight until he found a way to fix this permanently.
"Sirius-" but Sirius didn't stop and acknowledge him this time, he had to find his real brothers. He grabbed a shirt at random from the pile as he stalked out without a backwards look.
He breathed only mildly easier when he heard Moony start reading as he traversed the wide, brightly lit hallways of the Potter Manor. What they were still hearing of was monstrous, he already knew he'd have been there for Harry to keep him away from those Death Eaters if he could! Being in this home only reinforced the boiling hatred he had for every one of them out there, laughing as his fourteen year old godson was sent to duel V-Voldemort. He had to find a way to fix this, for Harry to grow up knowing this as his home as surely as Sirius now did.
He froze in fury as he passed Mr. and Mrs. Potter's room to see Frank standing awkwardly in the middle. Some small part of him recognized this wasn't his fault, but that didn't stop him pushing the ajar door all the way open and coming inside to shoo him out.
Frank only had to look at him to take the hint, not speaking a word to each other as they went down opposite ends of the hall.
Regulus found he was still sniffling and trying not to cry, still wanting to beg Sirius to come back and not leave him in this strange place even if he was long gone, had been for years now. He felt open, exposed in this brightly lit room, in a stranger's home that Sirius had looked upon with more love than anything he'd ever seen.
He didn't know what to do, there was only a hopeless feeling left clinging to his curdled stomach. Listening to Harry duel the Dark Lord was a true nightmare, the only boy on earth who could ever survive such a thing certainly wasn't now, being used like a play thing instead with the Imperius Curse upon him. Once Harry died though, would they really be free of this? What hope did he have to go back to? He had nowhere else to turn to, not like Sirius did. Would Peter just laugh at him and tell him to figure it out while he and his friends went back to Gryffindor tower? Would he have any choice but joining the Dark Lord's inner circle? He couldn't decide if he'd been relieved, offended, or terrified to find himself not even mentioned like many of his cousins had been during the previous part.
Sirius finally sighed in relief to find him in the Potter's kitchen, stuffing his bags and pockets full to bursting with more food, though an entirely absent look on his face. He was clearly manhandling the peanuts into a side pouch on autopilot, though it was odd still not to see Pippit, the Potter's house-elf, wandering around helping him. It had been weird enough not to see them flitting about the Hogwarts kitchens.
A bit of shame welled up in Sirius as he watched him, his right arm in particular, confirming to his own head repeatedly there really was no Dark Mark there. His imagination had run wild with him while he'd gone around here, the graveyard they'd just left still clinging to his mind like mist. This was still his Peter though, not the mangled creature of the future doing nothing to help Harry as he should.
Peter looked up then and caught him staring. He gave an awkward sort of grin and held his hand out expectantly, and Sirius wordlessly handed his bag over to be shoved full of food next, the silence still odd between them, but no longer as awkward as it could have been. The ghost of Prongs and Evans having a hand in rescuing Harry, possibly the oddest peace maker they had, as a reminder of what they had to lose.
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moonscarsandstars · 4 years
How do u think james asked sirius to be his best man?
thanks for the prompt @just-a-teen-fangirl!! this really made me think, but i loved this prompt! (sorry this ended up being so long i loved it lmao). 
-it’s also worth mentioning that the last scene was based off of jk rowling’s draft but i just transformed the ending and made it my own.
Lily broke apart from the kiss.
“Have you noticed that Sirius seems a little- I don't know- left out?"
"What?" James stopped fiddling with her button, and met her eyes. 
"I just mean, ever since you proposed, you two've been spending less time together.”
“I don’t think he cares, Lils, he’s got Moony,” said James, pressing kisses against her collar bone. 
Lily bit her lip. “It’s not the same, though, is it? They’re dating, but you two- you two are brothers.”
“What about all the muggle hospitals he’d come to with us? He’s been more involved with the sprog than I have.”
“I know, but that’s different, isn’t it? When was the last time you two spent time alone, or as friends, you know what I mean?”
“Well, if he’d been feeling left out, wouldn’t he have said something?”
“Really? And you call yourself brothers?”
James looked up confused. “What?”
“Remember when he-” she paused. “Remember when he ran away? You said he kept thinking he was a burden on your family.”
James nodded his head sadly at the memory. “Yeah, he did, didn’t he?”
“Maybe, deep down, he still feels it.”
His eyes filled with worry. “Shit.”
“Didn’t he want to have drinks with you the other day?”
“Yeah, he did, but you were feeling unwell.”
“I know, but that doesn’t really...”
“Excuse it, does it?”
“And he invited me to meet up with him last weekend,” said James his eyes growing wide and dragging his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Lily, I’m a horrible brother, aren’t I?”
“Not horrible- you’ve been preoccupied, that’s understandable” she said with a small kiss and smile. “But you’ll need to make it up to him.”
“Yeah, I do...” he trailed off. “What about today?”
“Today’s fine, I don’t have anything, and I’m feeling well.”
“Okay, that’s a good idea,” James said, pulling his wand out of his back pocket, conjuring a patronus, and watching as it leaped gracefully out of the house.
“What would I do without you, Lils?” James pulled her into a heavy kiss, and let his hand travel down her curves. Lily embraced it, then pulled apart. 
“Struggle,” she said with a wink and a smirk.
James shuffled his feet, and hesitated before ringing Sirius’s floors’ doorbell. 
It was barely moments later that the door opened with a ‘click’, and Sirius’s grinning face appeared at the doorway.
“She finally had it with you?”
James could feel the familiar excitement that used to fill him when he spotted Sirius on the platform, or had a joint detention. He never realised how much he missed the feeling.
“You wish. You just miss me.”
James thought he saw something flicker in his eyes, before Sirius let his arms flail wildly by his side.
“Of course I do! What would I do without my other half? My deer brother? The stag-nant to my wild life, the-”
“The bark to your tree-”
“That wasn’t even clever. You’re slipping. Domestic life suiting you too much?”
“’Domestic,’ my ass. She screams at me if I use her spoon. I don’t know how the fuck I’m supposed to tell the difference.”
Sirius barked out a laugh. “Thank Merlin I’m not going to get Moony pregnant.”
“Can I marry him instead?”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but he’d jump off a cliff before marrying you.”
“He’d jump off a cliff before marrying either of us mate.”
“Touché,” drawled Sirius with a smirk. It really sunk for James- how much he’d missed his brother, and he promptly wrapped his arms around Sirius, pulling him in a tight hug.
Sirius was confused at first, but slowly hugged James back. 
“I really missed you,” mumbled James with a thick voice.
Sirius didn’t know if he could trust his voice not to break, so he nodded against James’s arms.
It seemed like years til they broke apart, and any awkwardness had been washed away. It felt... normal again. James loved that. The spark was back in Sirius’s eyes- the same always shining when he had a new prank idea.
“Oh fuck- did I not tell you? I’m almost done with Elvendork!”
“You are?!” James’s eyes lit up, and he rushed inside the house, followed closely by an equally excited Sirius.
“They’re in the living room!” Sirius ran excitedly with James, both gazing in awe as their eyes caught on to the polished motorbike parked in the middle of the living room.
Remus was lying tiredly on the sofa, book in hand. He only just spotted James, over the pile of blankets he was wrapped up in.
“Shi- hi Prongs,” he said weakly, trying to climb up, and hissing in pain.
“Fuck, Moony, you okay?” James neared Remus, who was struggling a little with his arm.
“Broke my wrist- Sirius fixed it,” he muttered, more to himself. “How’s Lily?”
It was clear in his eyes he wanted to change the topic, so James let a large grin take over his face.
“We went to the muggle healers, and they can see him on the black and white thingy! He’s so tiny- I can’t believe it!”
“Have the doctors tried to kick you out yet?” Asked Remus with a small, smile.
“I’m pretty sure one of them tried to, but I confunded ‘im,” said James proudly.
“Poor kid. D’you have any names?”
“Fuck,” James whispered slowly, his eyes growing wide. “What do we name the kid?!”
“Prongs junior, of course,” drawled Sirius with a grin.
“That’s a death wish,” interjected Remus.
“I always thought Sirius James Potter rang really nicely,” started Sirius, putting on an exaggeratedly thoughtful expression.
“I’d rather name the sprog ‘Elvendork.’“
“Genius idea, Prongs. Elvendork Potter,” said Remus, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “The kid’d kill you.”
“Lily wanted something short and sweet, I remember...” said James, trailing off.
“Why not another flower?”
“Don’t think Lily’d be a fan of that.”
“Family member or something?”
“I’m not too sure if I want him to be-” James stepped up on the sofa at Remus’s feet- “Henry the II, heir to James Fleamont- was that a chuckle?!”
Remus covered a snort with a cough- none too discretely, grinning back up at James who’d taken his wand out. 
“Contravia!” He exclaimed dramatically, and Remus’s hair promptly turned bright green.
“What the-” Remus let his fingers travel through his hair, pulling the curls that fell in front of his eyes. “You’re done for! You just wait til my wrist-”
Remus flinched, and James almost fell off the sofa. Sirius looked excitedly at the two terrified faces.
“I did it! I finished Elvendork! They’re completely done!”
“You serious mate?” James’s face lit up, and he jumped off the bed to Sirius’s side, touching the bike, and making sounds that could be considered obscene.
“Yep. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? So fucking proud of my child- I’ll bet they’re better than your fry’ll ever be.”
“Oh just you fucking wait.”
“Want to take it for a test drive?”
“Sure, but Moony?”
“No, I’m great,” chuckled Remus, flipping open his book. “Maybe I’ll get a piece of mind.”
James’s concerned gaze lingered til he was sure, and turned into a grin returned by Sirius, who rolled up his sleeves.
“Okay, so I think if I just pulled this back, and I press this button-”
“Do you actually know how to drive the bloody thing?”
Sirius looked up from the buttons and glared at James. “Elvendork is not a thing. I will not have you objectifying my baby!”
“Does that mean you’re riding the baby?”
Sirius blushed hard, and swallowed. “I- fine. Elvendork-”
Suddenly, the bike made a large, roaring sound that vibrated through both of them.
“It- it works,” stammered Sirius happily.
“What’re you waiting for?” Asked James excitedly.
The feeling of being propelled through the air was refreshing, like he was on a broom but couldn’t fly. The air whipped through his hair, and he gripped the back of the seat tightly, feeling his knuckles go numb.
“You want to go faster?” Sirius voice was barely comprehensible against the screaming winds.
“Fuck yeah!”
Suddenly, they were blaring through streets quicker than James could see. The wind was screaming louder, and he had to whip out his wand to charm his glasses in place. His skin was standing on end, and the same feeling he got when flying was there in his chest.
Street after alley were passing by, and James could barely tell what part of London they were in- hell if they were even in London.
James could barely hear Sirius’s screams of joy (or mania), but when a blaring alarm started getting louder and louder, James couldn’t help furrowing his eyebrows.
He looked behind over his shoulder to see a muggle police car with blinding lights rushing behind him. 
“REALLY?” Sirius looked over his shoulder, almost turning around in his seat. 
“WAIT- NO DON’T TURN AROUND- I TAKE THAT BACK!” Screamed James panicked as they swerved into an alley and just managed to miss the wall. 
James’s head spun a little, and he could still feel the wind flying at him.
In front of them, in this tight, dingy alley, was a police car that only just managed to fit, and two policemen inside that looked livid. James found it hilarious. especially the resemblance between Slughorn and the large one on the left.
James bit his lip, and exchanged a grin with a Sirius as he watched the two policemen scrape their bodies against the walls in an attempt to get out of the car.
The first one- balding head, double chin; exactly like Slughorn- pointed a thick finger at both of them.
“You two boys!” He screamed in a wheezy voice. “Get off the bike, now! Failing to stop for the police, on an unlicensed bike-” 
Were muggle aurors this pathetic? James exchanged an amused glance with Sirius. It seemed so.
“-and failing to stop for the police!”
“You see,” started James in what sounded like a genuinely concerned voice. “We’d love to stay and chat, but we have happenings to get to-”
“Don’t you dare try act smart with me! I’ll have you know, you two are in a bloody ton of trouble,” snarled the other officer. He was much shorter, almost like a leprechaun. James laughed at the thought.
“Think it’s funny, do you? Names?!”
“Oh!” Exclaimed Sirius in a very enthusiastic voice. “Funny, sir, you see we were just thinking about names earlier this evening! My dear brother here is expec-”
“Rude,” said James, pulling a frown.
“Well, let’s see, we have Wilberforce,” Sirius cast a thoughtful look at James, who nodded wistfully.
“My dear Elvendork-”
“And you can use it for any gender! It’s unisex!”
James and Sirius bit back a grin at the officers’ faces, which were growing furiously red.
“Are you okay there, officer?” Asked Sirius.
“You seem awfully red, might it be the sun?”
“THAT’S IT!” He roared. “The both of you- “ he pointed a shaking finger at them. “In my car- now!”
“Wait, you mean our names?”
“Oh, why of course he did!” Cried James, throwing a look at Sirius that would have anyone else burst out in laughter.
“Sirius. Sirius Black-”
“You’re being serious!?”
“I’m always Sirius!” 
“Thing’s ‘re going to be seriously black for you-”
“Bloody hell, James, even I didn’t think of that!”
“Really, sir, you’re a pioneer in puns, truly.”
“Deserve a place in the hall of fame-”
“Maybe the nobel prize if we’re lucky-”
“The lottery would be merciful-”
But before James could hear what charges, Sirius had whipped out his wand, and muttered an inaudible phrase. The engine revved loudly, it must’ve been heard from a mile away.
Suddenly, James could feel his feet lift from the air, and the same feeling in his stomach that he got on his broomstick. Watching as the officer’s jaw dropped, James let a shocked grin take over his face.
The bike was tugged from the air, and broke speed. Sirius revved the engine again- they were flying higher than the buildings now- he rode the motorcycle right above their heads.
“See ya lads!”
“’Twas a pleasure to meet you!”
And they left the dark alley in uncontrollable chortles. Both holding on to their stomachs and the bike for dear life.
Sirius wiped a tear away, and James let a wailing sound escape him. He gripped the seat tightly as the bike flew upwards, into the clouds.
The night sky was so much cleared above the clouds, like a painting down to every detail. Fluffy clouds spread widely like a blanket beneath them, and the hair strand of a moon was barely sparkling in the dark sky above. Wind was weaving through his strands of hair, and his fingers felt numb as they sifted through the cold air.
“Fuck, Pads, I can’t believe it. This is beautiful.” Lily would love it.
“Oh Merlin, I know.” Remus would love this too.
“Pads?” James asked hazily, in heavy awe of the sky. “Will you marry me?”
“What the fuck?”
James snapped out of his daze, and couldn’t help a rising groan that escaped him. “Fuck- I did not mean that.”
“Unfortunate. I’d make a dazzling bride, with the braids and all,” said Sirius in a smooth voice and a barely covered snort.
“Sure you would, but Lily’d look better,” said James with a grin.
“How dare you! Challenge my own radiant beauty that-”
“Okay, okay, Lily wouldn’t look as good as you, i promise.”
“Thank you,” said Sirius stiffly.
There was a fond silence. James didn’t need to look to know that they were both smiling.
“In all seriousness-” Sirius snorted again. “-Will you be my best man?”
The bike stopped whizzing, and James fell against Sirius’s back with an ungraceful “umphh.”
“Di- what did- what?” Asked Sirius nervously.
“Will you be my best man? At our wedding? Lily and I’s- that is.”
“I- I- you- you want me to be the- best man at your wedding?”
Sirius had turned around in the seat, now facing James with glassy eyes filled with gratitude.
“Yeah,” said James with a small smile. “I want you to be my best man.”
Without warning, Sirius’s arms were tightly wrapped around James, who was hugging Sirius tightly, like he’d never want to let go. A warm feeling in his chest appeared, one which he wanted to stay forever.
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e-of-west-glendia · 4 years
Happy birthday to the wonderful @sirrriusblack!! You’re one of the most amazing people I know and I’m so, so glad that I decided to message you wayyy back in December.
I love you to death and again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉
All I Want For Christmas Is You
(Yes I know it’s May. So shhhhhhhhh. Blame Mariah Carey and her song for shuffling on my playlist and putting me in a Christmas mood) (also tumblr is mean so I have to post this in three parts) Part 2 & Part 3
James (8:59 am): Are you here yet??
Sirius (9:05 am): Yep just landed
James (9:05 am): Cool cool
James (9:10 am): You outside yet?
Sirius (9:13 am): Jesus shit no. I literally said I landed like 5 minutes ago
James (9:14 am): 8 minutes* and so?
Sirius (9:16 am): Soooooo I have to get through security and shit. Do you know how airports work Prongs?
James (9:19 am): Of course I do. You just yell at terminal until you get to your destination quicker
Sirius (9:22 am): Lolll ok sure. I’ll try screaming at it
James (9:22 am) sounds like a plan padfoot
Sirius (9:30 am): Ok I’m out where are you?
Sirius (9:34 am): James?
Sirius (9:35 am): Jaaaammeeeessssss
Sirius (9:37 am): Prongssss where are youuu. It’s cooollldddd
James (9:38 am): sorry sorry I had to find the gate
Sirius (9:39 am): you mean to tell me you badgered me about getting off the plane and you didn’t even know where to pick me up???
James (9:39 am): ….maybe….
Sirius (9:40 am): dumbass
James (9:41 am): stfu and get in the car
Sirius (9:41 am): (:
Sirius looked up from his phone, grinning as a loud horn sounded from the curb. James was leaning out the window and sending him an equally large grin.
James pressed on the horn again, causing several people to look up in alarm and annoyance.
Sirius made his way to the back of the car, tapping on the back of it for James to pop the trunk. A moment later there was a faint click and the trunk had sprung open. Sirius quickly shoved his bags in and then closed the trunk probably a lot harder than he should’ve.
He winced at the sound it made as it came down.
“Trying to kill my car, are you?” James shouted from the front.
“Not on purpose,” Sirius called back, walking around to the passenger side.
James reached over and unlocked the door, throwing it open and waving his arm as if to say well what are you waiting for?
“Get in loser, we’re going shopping.”
Sirius laughed at the quote before clambering into the car.
“Good to see you, too, James. Where we headed.”
James clicked on the radio, Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now blaring to life on the audio.
James’ resulting grin would’ve been enough to make most people worried.
“Macy’s,” he said, and then he sped off towards the exit.
Remus would’ve winced at Lily’s crushing hug if he hadn’t been hugging her with the same amount of force.
“You’re back!!” She shrieked.
“Yeah, yeah I am,” Remus said laughing.
It had been months since he’d been back in San Francisco and he was definitely glad to be home. He’d been away for nearly a year for a work trip — as great as it was, there was something really special about coming home, and seeing his friends again was making him almost giddy with excitement.
“When did you get in?” Lily asked, her words slurred a bit from excitement so it sounded more like one large word.
Remus shrugged,”A couple hours ago— hey! Jesus, what was that for?!”
Remus jerked away from redhead, glaring at the spot where she’d punched him in the arm.
“You should’ve told me when you landed! I could’ve come to pick you up!!”
Remus rubbed his shoulder. “I didn’t want to bother you with it, I can get back to my own house perfectly fine.”
“I know you can,” Lily said, rolling her eyes. “But James went to pick up Sirius hours ago and he could’ve got you too!”
“Oh,” Remus said. “Right.”
Lily frowned at his less than enthusiastic response. “All good there Remus?”
Remus blinked at her for a second, brain having trouble keeping up with what was going on.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah I’m good.”
“I swear,” Remus said, raising his palms in the air. “I’m absolutely, one hundred percent, fine.”
Lily’s eyebrows looked like they were trying to leave her face but she nodded. “Yeah, yeah alright. Let’s go.”
“Go?” Remus asked. “Go where?”
Lily’s eyebrows dropped as she rolled her eyes. Sometimes she wondered how such smart people could be the biggest idiots.
“To the Potters. Christmas party, remember?”
“How could I forget.”
The Potter’s were absolutely legendary for their parties. Large events thrown in their Noe Valley house filled to the brim with friends, family, and other people who just happened to be invited. While it was true that Euphemia and Fleamont Potter we’re getting up there in age, they still knew how to throw a party. It also might’ve helped that their son and his friends were renowned for their own parties at boarding school and penchant for getting into trouble.
“Mm of course not,” Lily said. “But did you remember you were supposed to help me set up?”
“Err…” Remus trialed off. Well, no, he hadn’t remembered.
“Uh huh just what I thought. C’mon Remus, wouldn’t want to be responsible for a less than awesome Potter Christmas party, would we?”
It wasn’t that Remus hadn’t known that James was picking up Sirius. No, he’d known all right— it was on the group chat after all. He’d known and he had deliberately planned his flight schedule around it.
Things hadn’t exactly been normal last time Remus had seen Sirius. And he’d decided that he’d much rather take an Uber home than hitch a ride with Padfoot and James. “I-Can-Sense-A-Conflict-Between-My-Friends-In-Under-A-Minute” Potter.
The thing with Sirius was that he’d gotten so good at covering up emotions it was hard to tell which ones were real. Such was the case last year.
Remus had been in love with his best friend for longer than he could remember. It had started small, noticing things, like his laugh. Then it slowly got worse and Remus started noticing finer details. Like the way his hair shimmered when it caught the light, or how the corners of his eyes would crease when he laughed. Or how—
“Remus. Earth to Remus Lupin, are you still with me?”
Remus looked up from the car window. He’d been doodling small stars on the parts that had turned foggy from the contrast of the warm car on the cold exterior.
“We’re here.”
Remus started around their surroundings. “Oh”
“Mhm,” Lily said, pulling her key out of ignition. “What were you even doing?”
Remus looked back to the window, blushing slightly at the doodles. “Erm...stars?”
A grin split across Lily’s face. “Stars, huh?”
“What?” Remus complained, he absolutely did not need her to tease him about this. Or tell the other Marauders, it’s definitely be best if she didn’t tell the other’s.
Lily was practically glowing now. Brimming with some hidden information.
“Oh, nothing. C’mon let’s head in.” Without another word she pushed open the car door, sending a gust of cold air into the car and making Remus shiver.
Remus sat in his seat for an extra thirty seconds or so, trying to come up with what on earth Lily was talking about. Finally, muttering something about girls being confusing, Remus stepped out of the car and trudged towards the Potter house.
San Francisco was known for many things, but being warm was not one of them. Especially not during the month of December.
Sirius shivered slightly, cursing himself for not wearing a warmer coat. He knew how cold this god forsaken city got. So why on earth had he not packed for the weather. Oh, right, because he was in Australia where the seasons were flipped upside down. Well at least it was warm there.
It might’ve been better if it was the type of cold for snow, but alas it wasn’t. San Francisco was the type of cold with frigid winds that chilled you to the bone and a freezing atmosphere that made your teeth chatter.
Sirius wasn’t generally a warm person. In fact he’d once made Lily drop a cup of coffee when he’d startled her by touching her with a severely cold hand. So he’d made his peace with being a cold blooded lizard. But even he had his limits on cold.
Now James on the other hand looked ecstatic. Bouncing up Powell street towards Macy’s with poorly contained excitement.
“How the fuck are you so happy right now?” Sirius grumbled at his friend.
“Because it’s Christmas and you’re back.”
“I’m all for the Christmas spirit but it’s freezing outside.”
“Don’t you always say you’re cold-blooded?”
“Oh, ha ha. Cold-blooded creatures want to be warm you dumbass.”
James chuckled at his irritation. “We’ll be inside soon enough.”
Soon enough couldn’t have come faster. Sirius could’ve hugged whatever person was in charge of the heater in Macy’s. Stepping through the doors to the department store had felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket.
“Finally,” Sirius groaned when they’d gotten in. “A normal temperature.”
James had only laughed before tugging him further into the store in search of gifts.
“Alright, out with it Lupin. What’s going on between you and Black?”
Remus had almost taken Lily to her word. He’d been drinking tea when Lily asked her question, catching him off guard and causing him to choke.
“Pardon,” he spluttered.
Lily’s hands were on her hips, red hair falling around her face in waves. “Don’t you ‘Pardon’ me, Remus Lupin. I’m not an idiot. There’s been something off about you and Sirius since last fall.”
Remus had recovered slightly and took another swallow of his drink before saying: “Lily, I don’t know what you—“
“Oh my god,” Lily said suddenly, cutting him off. “You two finally worked it out!”
“Worked what out?”
Lily pushed herself up onto the counter, leaning in close to Remus.
“You two finally figured out that you’re head over heels for each other.”
Remus nearly fell off his seat in shock. Shit, he’d been discovered.
Lily snorted, not missing the flash of panic cross his face.
“Relax, I’ve known for a while. Hell, we all have.”
“You all know I like Sirius?” Remus asked, recovering his wits slightly.
Lily rolled her eyes. “Yes, duh. You two weren’t exactly discreet about it.”
“Yes, Remus. You and Sirius? Y’know Sirius Black? Rich, playboy supreme who you’ve had a crush on since you were like 14?”
“I know who he is,” Remus snapped, and then winced at the cool it buddy look that Lily was giving him. “What I meant was, you think Sirius likes me of all people.”
“How? Why? Where?”
Lily sighed. “God Remus, you are so blind.”
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First Impressions
Summary: The Marauders meet in the train and get sorted into Gryffindor
REMUS P.O.V After that night my life changed forever. The night I was bitten. I don't quite remember much about my life before. But I know for sure my parents were happier. They support me I know. But I can see how my mum suffers and how my dad secretly hates who I am. He knew the Wizarding World better. Dad wanted me to avoid any discrimination. He told me they might lock me up at the Ministry. Therefore I couldn't go out to play, make any friends. Basically stay at home the most time possible. It was only the three of us who knew that secret. My dad made sure nobody else knew.
I had accepted Hogwarts wasn't a possibility for me. Dad didn't like talking about it. He said there was no use talking about Hogwarts if I wasn't going. So he taught me some spells and magic from an early age. But when I turned 11, the most funny thing happened. A man with a long silver beard who wore a tunic and pointy hat, came to visit us one day. He talked with my parents first. I heard them argue. And then the man talked to me.
"Hello Remus" he said smiling "Hello" I said looking at him strangely "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" The man smiled "My name is Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts" I thought he was gonna tell me I wasn't able to go. I had it coming. But he took a letter from his pocket. It had my name. "Here is your letter" he said giving it to me "Inside you will find the instructions on how to get there and what to buy" "To go where?" I asked "To Hogwarts. The school of Witchcraf and Wizardry" he answered paciently "You would like to go, don't you?" Of course I wanted. But I couldn't. I looked at my parents. Mom had tears on her eyes, but she was smiling at me. Dad had an unreadable expression. "I can't sir" I said looking down "Why is that?" "Because I'm..." I looked at my father again. He nodded "I'm a werewolf" It was the first time I said it out loud. Normaly that word was forbidden at home. "So?" he asked like he knew. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. "I'm a monster" I answered "I could hurt someone" "You won't. We have all the measurements to avoid that to happen Remus. I explained everything to your father" I looked at my dad. He didn't seem happy. "Leave everything to me" he continued "The only question is, would you like to go?" I looked at my parents again. Was this safe? Could I? "You can go sweety" my mother said Dumbledore looked at me intensly. "Yes" I said very quiet "Yes" I repeated more loudly "I would like to go" "Then it's settled" he said smiling "I'll see you on September first Remus"
For the next few days my father was really in a bad mood. He and mom fought a lot. The reason? Me going or not going to Hogwarts. My dad didn't want me to, he said it was dangerous, my mom disagreed. I was tired of being locked up. And I was going, even if they wanted it or not. Mr. Dumbledore said it was safe, didn't he? So my mother took me to buy my school tools. "I'm taking your son to buy what he needs" she said Dad didn't answer. "You have to accept it Lyall and let him grow. He deserves to have a normal life" Mum always supported dad, he knew best about the magical world. But she sounded really angry. Dad didn't respond but directed my mum on how to get there.
I bought my supplies without any complication. Mom said I could get anything, that I shouldn't worry about money. And on September first, I couldn't hide my excitement. "Remus" my dad said waiting for me on the kitchen. "Say goodbye to your mum. I'm taking you to King Cross"
We drove there on a muggle car. Dad said he wanted to talk to me. The first minutes were very silent. I just felt very nervous. "Are you exicted?" my dad finally asked I nodded "And very nervous" He smiled "That is normal. I felt the same way on my first day" I smiled at that "You'll love it though" he said "Hogwarts is the most wonderful place on earth. A big castle. It has a lake and a forest. You can visit the local town Hogsmade. Believe me son. It is beautiful" I got more and more excited. Suddenly my nerves stopped. My dad usually didn't talk about Hogwarts. But I was enjoying how excited he sounded about that place. "What house were you in?" I asked "I was in Ravenclaw" he answered smiling
When we got to King Cross my heart was beating fast. I couldn't wait to see Hogwarts. When we got to Platform 9 & 3/4, I saw the Hogwarts Express. I couldn't be more happier. All of these was real. I almost run into the crowd when my dad stopped me. "Remus" he said. He had tears on his eyes. "I'm gonna miss you. You just be careful okay? And don't let..." "Anyone know about me" I finished "I know dad. Don't worry" My dad hugged me, really tight. "I'm glad you can go" he whispered into my ear. I had tears on my eyes. I was gonna miss my parents so much. They were everyone I knew. My only friends. "I love you dad" And I left very happy. I pushed myself into the crowd and I gazed at my father one last time.
The Platform was crowded with people yelling, saying goodbye, crying. But a certain boy got my attention. He had the most ridiculous hair I've ever seen. It looked like a big net. His mother was trying to contain his messy hair. "James Fleamont Potter" the woman said "this happens when you use magic on your father's hair potion" "Well I looked ridiculous with it" the boy protested "You look ridiculous now" she said trying to use her wand to fix it. Each time it got bigger. "Oi mum" he said avoiding her touch "People are watching". I couldn't avoid laughing. Not only for his hair, and his name Fleamont, but because I'd never been around boys my age. And I was happy. They were just like me. But the boy noticed me. Too late. "What are you laughing at freak?" he asked annoyed "Nothing" I said going red "James..." his mother warned "He was laughing at us" She smiled at me apologizing. I left before getting into a mess. Remember Remus, you can't make friends. It would make everything complicated. Well as things were going I didn't think I could get a friend any time soon. And as I thought that, I stepped into the train.
SIRIUS P.O.V Blah, blah, blah. I couldn't pay attention to my mother anymore. She spoke some nonsense about how I needed to be a good Black, live up to the family name, and how I should get into Slytherin. Befriend all the children of the 'good families', pureblood families. All I wanted was to get into adventures, do as I please without my parents punishing me. I was just smiling at Reggie. He cried the night before because he didn't want me to leave him alone. I had to make sure he knew I was safe, Hogwarts would be amazing and he could join me next year. Suddenly my mother pulled my ear like she used to. It hurt like it used to. "Aaargg" I protested "Are you listening you little prat?" she whispered in my ear. The thing is that when people were around she acted like a loving caring mother. But she wasn't. "You shall act properly and not do any stupid thing. If I get one letter complaining about your behaivor..." She pressed her fingers press into my ear, making it hurt even more. "You will see child" she continued. She let go off me. My ear was red "Have a good year sweetheart" she said smiling evily. I sighed "Goodbye Reggie" I said as I tried to embrace him. He opened his arms but my mother stopped him. "Go, or you will be late child" she said
So I left wondering into the crowd. I was relieved to be apart from my parents, but I already missed Reggie. I was distracted thinking all that when I bumped into someone. "Oi watch it asshole!" he yelled I looked at him and the first thing I noticed about that boy, was his hair. It look like a net. Bunches of hair pointed everywhere. "Ha" I said as he picked his suitcase from the floor. "What?" he said pissed off. "Nothing" "Watch where you are going, looser" he said "Sorry" I said looking amused at his hair "What happened to your hair?" "Are you making fun of my hair? "No. I think is cool" I said wondering what my mother would say if I had a hair like that. "Bloody asshole. I know you are laughing" he said, then he smiled "Bad experiment with my dad's potion. He made a famous hair potion, you know?" "Oh bloody hell" I said surprised "Are you a Potter?" My mother had told me the bloodtraitor Potters. She said I should befriend the purebloods, didn't she? Well, watch me mother. "You have a problem with that?" "No" I said amused "You are now my best friend. Fancy finding a compartment for the two of us?" The Boy looked at me for a while. "Wicked" he said As we started walking he spoke. "I'm James by the way" "Sirius" I said "Sirius Black"
Turned out James and I had too many things in common. We were both rebels. He told me about all the best pranks he had done. I told him mine. We agreed to make some mischief at Hogwarts. "So tell me Sirius" he asked me "You like Quidditch, right? Because if you don't I'll have to kill you and get another friend" I laughed at that "I'm serious" he said "No, I'm Sirius" I joked. He laughed. "But yeah I love Quidditch. But I haven't played it before" "What??" James was very shocked "My parents don't like it when I play" Or I do anything. "My dad was right" he said "The Blacks are weird... Oh, no offense" I smiled "You're right" I said "They are kind of weird" If only he knew...
Somebody entered the compartment. A ginger girl was there. "Hi" she said "Can I seat here?" She was crying James raised his shoulders. And I gestured her to enter. She came in. We looked at her puzzled but she ignored us looking at the window. A boy with a very greasy hair came in a few minutes later. He looked at us with disgust. "Honestly. I thought it would be only us on the compartment" James whispered to me I nodded. "Did you see that kid's hair?" I asked him. We both giggled. It was greasy and stuck to his face. Ten times worse than James'. The kids talked about some Petunia girl, but honestly I tried to ignored them. James and I kept eating sweets from the trolley he had bought and taking about Quidditch.
"Who wants to be in Slytherin?" said James out of the sudden. Apparently he was paying attention to their conversation. "I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" he asked me. Shit. Slytherin. Everything my family wanted was for me to be in Slytherin. They would kill me if I didn't get there. But James seemed like a nice lad, I didn't want to lose him. "My whole family had been in Slytherin" "Blimey" he said "And I thought you seemed all right" I was! I was better than my family. "Maybe I'll brake the tradition" I said. I really wanted to. "Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?" Maybe I wanted to be in the same house as James. "Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, like my father" he said lifting an invisible sword. The boy across them made a disgusting sound. "Got a problem with that?" James asked him "No" the boy answered "If you'd rather be brawny than brainy" What was this kid's problem? I needed to defend my new friend. "Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?" I said James laughed at that and I smiled. The girl stood up and looked at us in dislike. "Come on Severus, let's find another compartment" "Oooo..." we imitated her. She was very annoying. "See ya, Snivellus!" I said as we laughed. "Nice one mate" said James "You are funny" "Tell me about it" I said smiling
We talked a bit more for a while. When two boys entered. "Can we sit here?" a chubby boy with blond hair asked. "We were kicked out of the other compartment. Two older students wanted to snog" he made a disgusting expression. As the next boy came in James groaned. "You again?" he asked to the skinny boy with sandy hair and a big sweater. He had a few scars on his face. I thought that was interesting. He looked cool. "You know him?" I asked. "He made fun of me and my mum at the platform" James protested "I didn't" the boy said. "Whatever you say weirdo" said James The boys came in. But James and I tried to ignore them. The chubby boy who introduced himself as Peter talked a lot. I mean like a lot. James glanced at me annoyed by him. I smiled. The other boy who's name was Remus sat very quietly reading a book. In no time, the train stopped. "Holy sweetbeans!" said Peter looking through the window "We are here, we are at Hogwarts!" My heart dropped into my chest. Finally I was home. If only Reggie could be here.
JAMES P.O.V Blimey! I was at Hogwarts. It was even more impressive than my dad had told me. I could see the big castle from the station and I smiled. I really needed glasses though, the castle looked blurry but beautiful. Anyway, all the adventures and mischief I could get into. And the thing I was most excited about, Quidditch. I was going to become a professional Player, so I needed to get on the team. Besides I had my new friend Sirius. Dad had told me bad things about the Blacks, but he was different. I had so much fun with him in a few hours, than any other of my friends.
"Firs' years, firs' years these way" I could see the biggest man I've ever met. A few children gasped when they saw him. "Me name's Rubeus Hagrid, keeper o' keys an' grounds at Hogwarts. Follow me, I'll take ya to the castle" "Wicked" I said. I looked at Sirius who seemed very nervous. But he hided it smiling at me.
Hagrid took us to the side of the lake where little boats were waiting for us. The chubby boy wanted to be near us. What an annoying lad. He thought just talking to us made him our friend. He was wrong.
I watched the boy Snivellus and the whining ginger girl get into a boat. I smiled to myself. "Got an idea" I said to Sirius "I think Snivellus needs a hair wash. Don't you think?" Sirius smirked. He knew what I was thinking about. "Leave it to me" he said "But cover me" he took out his wand and I put myself in front of him. As I did I saw the weird kid from the train looking at us in suspicion. "What are you staring at, looney?" I asked. First he made fun of me and my mum and now he was planning to snitch on us. Lucikly he just looked the other way. Sirius said something under his breath moving his wand. Suddenly the first boat turned around and all the kids inside fell into the water.
Everyone laughed. "Good one" I said to Sirius shaking his hand. "Blimey!" said Hagrid who went to save the kids. He helped them to get to the boat again. They were shivering and coughing. Snivellus looked at us like he knew what we did. "What is so funny?" he asked "What Snivellus? You didn't enjoy your swim?" asked Sirius smirking. I laughed. I was having too much fun already. "Yeah" now said the chubby boy "I-I-I think you scared the giant squid" he said Sirius and I laughed even harder. The boy looked pleased to himself. And in the corner of my eye I saw the looney kid rolling his eyes. "At least I don't have a nest for a hair" Snivellus said shivering. Honestly, it had been a mistake. I wanted to make my hair look cool. "Well I can just fix it with shampoo, do you know what that is? I think you don't" I said. Nailed it. All the kids laughed at my comment. "A'right" said Hagrid "Enough o' that. If ya keep fightin' I'll have ter tell Dumbledore"
As we got into the castle. I got more exicted. Hogwarts was amazing. Even from inside. Me and Sirius pointed everywhere smirking. "Welcome children" said a very tall woman "I'm Professor McGonagall and oh..." she stopped looking at the kids that were wet and shivering. "What in name of Godric Gryffindor happened to you?" "Th-the b-boat t-turned by it-tself!" said a boy I smiled to myself. McGonagall looked shocked. "It's not true!" said the girl from the train "It was bewitched. By them" she pointed at us. "What?" I asked "It's true" said Snivellus. Bloody Snivellus. "I saw them" "How can you say it was us?" said Sirius "We didn't do anything" "Yeah, we didn't" I protested but I was worried watching at the chubby boy and the looney. They saw us. But surprisely they didn't say anything. "Oh please, you laughed" said the ginger girl. Honestly how annoying was she. "Beacuse it was funny" I answered "Or because it was your idea" she said "We are 11 year olds, we don't know any spell" "Maybe you do, you're purebloods" "How do you know that?" "I don't, I'm just guessing"
"Enough!" yelled Professor McGonagall "Don't worry Miss. eh..." "Evans" "Miss Evans" she continued "We will find out the responsables" she glared at Sirius and me through her glasses "In the meantime, you will be sorted in one of the four houses: Gryffindor" I smirked "Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin" I made a disgusting sound. The chubby boy laughed. "Follow me" said the Professor ignoring me.
All the fun I had had with Sirius made me forget about the Sorting and suddenly I was nervous. But I tried to hide it. But my friend looked paler. "Don't worry about it" I said "I'm sure we will get into Gryffindor" "How are so sure about it?" he asked I wasn't "I just am. I'm confident. And... We will make amazing pranks mostly every day" I said smiling. Sirius smiled back. "BLACK, SIRIUS" Mcgonagall yelled. Sirius sat and the hat was placed on him. Please be a Gryffindor. Sirius was so cool. I couldn't stand him being in another house. Finally the hat yelled 'GRYFFINDOR!' There was no clapping or cheering, just pure silence. I saw the Slytherin table. Everyone was shocked or angry. I decided to be the first to clap. Then everyone followed me. Everyone except the Slytherins. As Sirius passed to the table I smiled at him and we hit palms. He was pale. Why? He was in Gryffindor. Many names passed. Evans, the ginger girl got into Gryffindor as well. I could see Snivellus pale expression. "I guess not even your girlfriend stands Slytherin or you" I told him. "Shut up" he responded Few other names passed. I was getting more and more anxious. The looney boy also got into Gryffindor. Really? "Seriously they let anyone in" I commented. The chubby boy laughed awkardly. By the time he got into Gryffindor as well I lost my pacience. Honestly if Snivellus got into my house as well I was gonna get mad. Finally Mcgonagall called my name. As I walked toward the chair, I got a weird sensation. What if I didn't get into Gryffindor? What if I got into Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw or worse Slytherin? People like Evans, or the looney kid or the chubby one could get into Gryffindor but not me? I sat down as my heart beated fast. But the hat nearly touched my head when it yelled 'GRYFFINDOR'. And I smiled like a maniac. "Yes!"
PETER P.O.V I really liked Remus. He was the first person I talked to. And he had been so nice. Then I met James and Sirius. Being their friend would be incredible. And they didn't like Remus. At least James didn't. But they were my dormmates now. And Remus was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he decided Hogwarts was too much for him and decided to leave? I tried not to think too much about it.
James and Sirius were chatting on James' new bed. I decided to join them. "...and honestly did you hear? That Evans girl was going to give us away. What a prig. Maybe we should prank her as well" James was saying "Yeah I know" responded Sirius "Oi, do you think she and Snivellus are dating?" he asked smirking "Argg, disgusting mate" James said and Sirius laughed "Although they would make a great couple, you know? Annoying one and annoying two" Sirius smirked. "Who? The ginger girl?" I asked "Oh she is pretty, right?" They both looked at me. "Speaking of annoying" James whispered to Sirius. Then he looked at me smiling "Mate" he said "What was your name again?" I blushed. "Peter" "Peter" said Sirius "There's your bed. Why don't go to organize your things or something?" James tried to hide his laughter. Oh boy, being friends with them was going to be way more difficult than I thought. "Okay" I said standing up and going to my bed. The boys continued chatting. Suddenly Remus got into the dorm. And everyone looked at him. I smiled. "Hi" I said coming towards him He smiled at me. "Where were you?" I asked "Everyone picked up a bed already. There's yours" I said pointing at the one near the door. "Any bed is fine" he answered smiling. "I was taking to Dumbledore" I stopped listening, looking at his scars. I wanted to ask him what were those for. I've never watched a kid like that before. But I didn't dare to. "So, Looney" said James to Remus "Don't mind me asking, how did you get those scars?" I was shocked at his question. And I admired his confidence. Why couldn't I be like that? Remus looked pale. He didn't answer. "I think those are cool" Sirius said smirking "You're like a rebel. Did you get into fighting on the street?" "He looks like a pirate" I said smiling "Wicked" "Like a what?" Sirius asked. I forgot he was a pureblood. Before I could respond, James spoke. "So? Looney? Are you gonna answer?" Remus sighed. He probably had been asked that many times before. "I fell of my bike, when I was little" he said James and Sirius looked at each other. "What's a bike?" they asked at the same time. I laughed at that. Remus and I smiled at each other. We were the only ones who knew about the muggle world. Remus rolled his eyes and went to his bed closing the curtains.
The next weeks passed too quickly. And I tried to befriend James and Sirius. But they seemed to ignore me. And Remus was trying to ignore them. Hiding in his books. I wish I could tell you Remus and I became best friends. I really liked him, and we talked now and then. But I honestly prefered being with the other boys. They seemed like they had fun. So one day at Potions I overheard them speaking about their next prank. They were planning on painting the slytherins hair pink. "Sounds great" I said "I could help" "Honestly" James said "Who is taking to you?" I ignored him. "Maybe I could be the distraction. You know how much I love to talk" "Or maybe you can shut up" James said a little too loud. "Boys" Professor Slughorn said "Eyes on your potion" "Maybe he's right" whispered Sirius "we do need a distraction, to get the ingredients for the potion" I smiled to Sirius. "Have you gone mad Black?" James asked "Potter! Just imagine our sweet Snivellus with greasy pink hair. He'd be a sensation" We looked at Snivellus sitting two tables away. James smiled. "Fine" he said "But if you spoil this Pettigrew, we'll never speak to you again" "Thank you!" I said. Professor Slughorn glanced at me so I lowered my voice "I promise I won't dissapoint you. I think we are going to have so much fun and then we could..." "Hush" said Sirius And I stopped talking but I was smiling.
The prank was a success. We got detention. But it was worthy. I was part of the group. I felt bad for Remus though, he was lonely. Always reading some book or something. I could tell the boys to include him, but I was scared of losing them. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall paired us up together, that I spoke to him.
"It feel like ages since we've talked" I said to him. "Because now you hang out with your new friends" he said looking at James and Sirius. "I'm sorry I..." "It's fine Pete" he said smiling "I'm not good at friendships anyway" "Why?" I asked him He didn't answer. "Besides, I don't know why you like them. There are both idiots" "They are actually not. They are cool" "Pete, they treat you like shit" I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. Partially it was true. But I like being around them. I felt powerful.
It wasn't until the end of October that something changed. We were gathered in our dorm. Planning the next prank for Halloween. Dancing skeletons to be placed on each table. "You want some sweets?" I asked Remus who was sitting on his bed reading a book. He looked oddly sick. He said no and continued to ignore us. "I told you he is weird" James whispered. Sirius looked at Remus curiously. "Anyway let's continue" said James "What spell do we know that would make them move?" "Tarantallegra" I suggested "No but we need them to do what we want them to" We all thought for a while. Until Remus sighed "The Locomotion Charm" he said. "Who asked you, Looney?" said James "Wait shh James" said Sirius "What did you say?" Remus sighed again "You can control them with that one" "We could use that one" Sirius suggested to James "What?" James asked But Sirius ignored him at looked at Remus "Can you teach us? We could get you some chocolate or something" Remus was silent for a while, but then he rolled his eyes "Fine" "Okay, Looney" said James "But if doesn't work, you're gonna pay for it"
It worked. The skeletons were a success and we didn't get detention because Dumbledore liked them. He said they were appropiate for the festivities. A few days later as we sat at breakfast, Sirius yelled: "Hey Lupin" Remus looked at him "Come sit with us" "Mate" James protested "Why did call him?" "He is a genius. We could use that kid for future pranks. And he is our dormmate Potter. Grow up" "Shuttit" James protested I couldn't avoid feeling a bit jelaous. And insecure. I really liked Remus, I did. But what if James and Sirius decided he was better or cooler than me? What if I lose them? And end up having not friends at all? "James is right he is kind of annoying" I said "See?" James said pointing at me "I thought you liked him" Sirius said "I do" Remus sat next to me. "What's up?" Sirius smiled at him "How are you Lupin?" "Good" Remus looked at us but no one spoke. "So, what? Do you want me to teach you another spell? Because I would like more chocolate for it" Sirius laughed. "You're funny" He was paying him more attention than he ever payed to me. Don't be jelaous Pete. They are not going to abandond you. Right? "He's not funny" James whispered "That spell you gave us was useful" Sirius continued "Where did you learned it?" "Emm... My dad taught me some spells before coming here" "Wicked" "Why did he tought you spells if you were gonna learn them here?" James asked "Just in case?" "Maybe you could be useful for our next mischief" Sirius continued "Sirius..." James protested "What?" Sirius asked "We all agree he is brilliant" Here we go. Maybe Remus would be better friend than me. Please James say something. "I mean..." said James "Oh please James..." said Sirius making a pout "Agree with me. It is my Birthday" "What?" I asked "It is your Birthday mate? Why didn't you say anything?" James asked "I'm saying it now" "Happy Birthday Sirius" I said "Happy Birthday" Remus said "Thanks" then he looked at James "So?" "Let me ask you something, Lupin" James said looking at Remus "Why did you made fun of me and my mum?" Remus smiled "I wasn't... I mean I kind of was. Your hair was a mess?" Sirius laughed "C'mon mate, your hair looked ridiculous that day" James fumed at Sirius with his glare. "I didn't make fun of you" I said trying to still feel included. "I thought it was cool" "Thanks Pete" said James. I felt relieved James was speaking to me for once in a good tone. "I guess we could give the Loo... Lupin a chance" Sirius smiled. And Remus blushed. "What do you think Pete?" asked Sirius Wait, was he asking my opinion? I felt I wasn't part of the group. That they were only using me. But I was wrong. They were asking for my opinion. Suddenly I felt relieved. I was their friend. The boys looked at me. I smiled "It would be amazing for Remus to join" Remus blushed even more. But he smiled. "So it's settled" said Sirius smiling "Up to plan the next prank boys" "Wait" said Remus "Who said I wanted to be part of your gang?" but he smiled. We all laughed at that.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Maledicite Terrae (Curses 4)
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Word Count -2039 
“You have to come out of the room sometime you know,” Lily said to me sitting at the end of my bed. All weekend I hadn't left our room, the girls brought me my food and I just laid in bed all day, reliving the nightmare in my head.
“I know,” I whispered looking down at my toes that were freezing. “I just don’t wanna leave, I’ll come out for class tomorrow, I promise,” I said putting my hands on my toes.
“You know the boys keep asking for you, especially James, he thinks he had done something wrong,” Marlene said standing at the door. “There in the common room right now,” She said poking her head out the door them back in.
“What did they do to you?” Alice asked standing up. “I’ll hex them all if they did something to hurt you,” She said standing up with her wand in her hand.
“They didn't do anything, I think,” I paused looking up at everyone. “I think I’m just gonna go for a walk okay,” I said using my wand to bring my sweater towards me and tossed it on, “I’ll be back before curfew,” I promised to get out of bed and walking out. 
“Josie,” James said standing up from the couch. “Are you okay?” James asked standing in front of me, Sirius and Peter stood behind James, missing Remus.
“I’m okay,” I said with a smile lying. “I’m just gonna go for a walk and I’d like if you guys didn't follow me,” I asked walking passed James and out the common room door, looking back at the fat lady who just smiled, I didn't bother to say anything to her knowing she wouldn't listen to me.
My blonde hair was now blue, a long blue colour growing from my shoulders down to my hips. I opened the door to the astronomy tower and started walking the stairs, all the way to the top. My hair changed back to normal when I saw someone sitting at the top.
“Dean?” I asked looking at the boy whose legs hung off the tower and looked down at his swinging feet.
“Josie?” He asked turning around in shock. “I haven't seen you since Friday,” He said standing up. “What are you doing here?” He asked facing me.
“I guess this is where everyone comes to be alone,” I said chuckling a bit. “I just needed to get away from everyone, what are you doing here?” I asked giving him a bit of a smile.
“Same as you, I come here to think and look up at the stars, they’re beautiful,” He said looking up at the stairs.
“Can you tell me about them?” I asked following his action, we both laid down on the blanket he had laid on when I got up here and looked up at the stars. “The moon is huge tonight, it’s full,” I said pointing up at the sky, looking at the moon that just came out from behind the clouds. Dean and I talked for hours, talking about the stars and the moon.
“So you're telling me that you got a secret tattoo?” Dean said laughing. “That's awesome can I see them?” He asked sitting in front of me with a smile.
I lifted my shirt up revealing my rib. “James calls me ducky so I got a tattoo with a duck,” I said feeling a bit embarrassed and laughing. I put my shirt down and turning around, facing away from him, pulling the back of my shirt up. 
“A looking glass,” He said putting his hand on my back. “I love it,” He said running his hands around the looking glass. “A look in the future, know what to expect,” Dean whispered letting out a bit of a smirk.
“This is a secret, so don’t tell anyone, I could teach you the spell if you’d like,” I said to Dean, pulling my shirt down and turning around to face him.  
“I won't tell a soul and I’ve never heard of the spell so yeah I’d love to learn it,” Dean asked rolling up his sleeve revealing his arm. 
“What do you want?” I asked with a chuckle taking my wand out of my pocket. “It stings a little bit, just warning,” I warned.
“A heart, with another wrapped around it,” Dean said pointing to the spot on his arm, I nodded my head and repeated the smell Remus had done a couple nights ago on us. A heart wrapped with another turned on Dean's arm and a smile appeared on his face.
“Did it hurt?” I asked him putting my hand beside me and my hand on his arm, touching the fresh tattoo that turned red.
“Not a lot but thank you, that's pretty cool that you know that,” Dean said smiling up at me. “You know your hair looked good pink,” He said making me look up, my hair was now pink. “You know when you walked up here with pink here I was shocked but it has grown on me,” He said smirking. I felt a bit of relief.
“Just trying something new, I thought it would be a nice change in looks,” Dean said putting his hand on top of mine. “You're really beautiful,”
“Thank you,” I said putting my hand in his and looking up at him. “I’m glad pink looked good,” I shook my head, thinking of the brick wall.
“We should get back to our rooms, before we get caught up here,” Dean suggested helping me up and grabbing his blanket. “I’m glad we talked,” He said rubbing the back of his neck.
“We should meet again up here tomorrow night, it’ll be our secret spot,” I suggested smiling up at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, let you have a bit of a head start,” I said to Dean moving out of his way so he could walk down the stairs I was blocking. 
“See you tomorrow,” Dean said letting go of my hand and walking away. “Josie, I do really like your hair,” He said smirking then walked the rest of the way down the stairs.
I smiled to myself, walking to the edge of the astronomy tower, it was high up, high enough for what I wanna do. I turned around facing the stairs Dean had just walked down and dropped down, falling and feeling tiny, opening my eyes to arms now wings. “Free,” I thought taking off flying.
“James is he gonna be okay, tonight was way worse than any other night?” I heard Sirius, his voice in my ears. I flew up in the sky and looking down, spotting the trio standing outside the shrieking shack, I flew down hiding on the roof and looking down on them.
“He’s gonna be okay, he’s just gonna be visiting his mom for a while, that’s all everyone needs to know well he recovers, come on, we should go back,” James said throwing his arms over Peter and Sirius and walking back into the broken shack.
“Remus?” I thought taking off into the broken window of the shack and looking around each room, flying from one area to another until I stopped in the living room. “He’s a werewolf,”. Remus was fast asleep in the corner of the room, Sirius James and Peter now sitting on the corner of the room with a blanket over each of them.
“Is that Josie?” Sirius whispered making my ears ring, everything was louder as a bat. Even a whisper. I flew down to the boys, landing on James' leg, looking at Peter who looked at me with crazy eyes and Sirius who had a smile.
“What are you doing here?” James asked putting me in his hands. “The secrets out, go outside, I’ll come out,” He said lifting his hands up, I flew out the broken window, falling to the ground, watching James, Sirius and Peter come out.
“Cool,” Peter said looking at me. “That's actually so awesome,” He said, Sirius and James looked back at him then at me.
“Are you crazy,” James asked walking towards me. “This was the one thing I didn’t want you to know, that Remus didn’t want you to know Josie,” James said putting his hands in the air.
“I didn’t mean to find out, I just was flying and I saw you, heard you and curiosity got the best of me,” I said shrugging my shoulders. “Just don’t tell Remus,
“Don’t ever do that again Josie, never come back here, never ask where we go, just forget about it,” James said letting the rage get over him, shoving me a bit, Sirius grabbed his shoulders causing James to look at him then at me.
“James Fleamont Potter you push me again and I swear you won't live to tell the story,” I threat moving closer to him. “After sixteen years and you still can’t trust me!” I yelled shaking my head, instantly feeling my face burn up.
“Just go back to your room Josie, go just do whatever you think you should be doing that isn’t here, go smog with your little boy toy or anything, anything but be here please,” James said putting his hands on his head. “Go back to your nightmares, since you don’t tell me about them!” James yelled making me look at Sirius who shook his head at me.
“How dare you,” I said shocked. “James why would you saw that, you just don’t know how to keep a secret from everyone else, but you can keep them from me!” I cried out, turning around and turning into a bat, flying away back into the castle, landing on the ground, feeling the tears fall down my face.
“Josie?” Sirius said walking around the corner. “Can we talk?” He asked coming into the common room where I had sat on the couch.
“I don’t wanna talk about last night,” I mumbled facing away from him. “It happened nothing can change it now,” I said angrily.
“James is in the hospital wing, he got into a fight with Snape and a seventh year Slytherin, ” Sirius said making me turn around, Remus came out in time.
“I am going to kill them,” I screamed taking off turning into a bat and flying off as quick as I could, flying into the castle and straight to the hospital wing. James was laying in his bed, bruised and beat up. I flew into the closed curtain.
“Josie, I’m sorry,” James whispered looking at me, I didn't turn back but sat on the empty part of the bed. “I didn't mean what I said last night,” He groaned. “I was angry, and I know you but you could have died and none of us could have bared that responsibility of telling Remus that he killed you,” He whispered putting his hand out for me.
I turned back into myself with tears falling down my face and looking at James clear. “Who did it?” I asked not forgiving him, he didn't say anything hesitant of what to say. “Just tell me who did it, and I’ll consider forgiving you,” I mumbled getting off his bed.
“Sniffles and a seventh year named Justin, they're always together,” James said reaching out for me. “I really am sorry,” I mumbled. I walked out of the curtain, watching Sirius and Remus walk in, looking at me.
“I’ll see you guys in class,” I mumbled walking past the both of them, throwing the doors open and walking with a rath straight for the dungeons. Snape and the seventh year we're sitting on a window ledge laughing. “You both have a death wish uh!” I yelled taking my wand out and pointing at the both of them.
“Your brother sent you to finish us huh,” Justin said putting his hands up in the air. “We’re so scared,” He mocked making both of them laugh. “You don’t have the guts,” Justin said standing up in front of me. “You're just as cowards as your brother,” I shook my head after hearing that.
“Incarcerous!” I screamed watching my wand shoot out ropes onto Justin's body, making the ropes toggle over his body. Severus got up and started tugging on the ropes as I watched them go tighter and tighter.
“That is enough!” McGonagall screamed waving her wand and letting the ropes go, I dropped my wand and watching as Justin and Severus got up and ran away. “You come with me!” McGonagall screamed turning around on her feet and walking up the stairs the two boys had just run upon.
“They deserved it, did you see what they did to James!” I yelled walked behind her. “No one hurts my brother and gets away from it,” I muttered watching my blonde hair turn red, something I could never hold in well I was angry.
“I advice on keeping your hair one colour Miss Potter, other students might not like it,” McGonagall said not turning around as we walked into her classroom. “Detention with me, every Friday until the end of the year,” She demanded turning around and facing me and my red hair. “I know everything Mrs. Potter, now sit down please,” She said pointing at the table in front of her desk she moved with her wand.
“James is in the hospital wing for at least a couple days, I wasn’t going to let those two boys just get away with it,” I mumbled sitting in the chair and looking at McGonagall.
“And those two boys will be punished,” McGonagall said pulling out some papers. “Your parents told me that this might happen,” She said opening the file on her desk. “You’ll come here every Friday, your parents said you have a hard time controlling yourself, that is what we will do here every Friday,” She said not looking up from her paper.
“Don’t take this to heart but I’d rather do anything else but that,” I mumbled crossing my arms. “I have no problem controlling myself, see,” I said changing my red fire hair to pink like last night.
“I will see you here this Friday, and every Friday after that,” McGonagall said pointing her hand at the door. “Don’t be late for my class,” She said looking up at me.
“See you later,” I mumbled pushing the chair from under me and walking out, slamming the door from behind me, unsuccessfully as she closed the door herself before I could slam it.
“What was that all about?” Alice asked coming from around the corner to me. “What's wrong?” She asked following me back to the common room.
“Nothing, just I hate Hogwarts and I wanna go home,” I mumbled thinking about Dean and our talk, James and his ignorance and Remus being a freaking werewolf.
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Slytherin Sirius Black & Gryffindor James Potter through the years please!! There's not enough of this it's such an interesting dynamic. Can go enemies to friends to crushes or right from enemies to crushes or could be friends the whole way or friendly rivalry - whatever you think would have happened - just interested in seeing more fic that explores Hogwarts if Sirius went to Slytherin! The train scene still happened! And I think Sirius would still dislike Snape at least a bit if not a lot?
((A/N: A bit of internalized/period-typical homophobia, nothing explicit))
When Sirius met one James Potter, he'd thought lots of things. How big his smile was, how over-sized his glasses looked on his comparatively tiny head, how confident he was, how happy he seemed, hos excited he was to finally be going to Hogwarts so he could be in Gryffindor just like his parents. The only thought that stuck with him over the years was much simpler than that initial rush of emotions: James was going to change his entire life. 
Sirius had sat on the stool in front of the entire school as the Sorting Hat dropped over his eyes. 
'Hmm, Gryffindor could be good for you. Yes, you have courage aplenty, certainly enough loyalty to make friends there. You could do well in Gryffindor.' 
Sirius was on top of the world. He'd always hoped to get in Gryffindor, but almost hadn't dared believe it would actually happen. He was going to get what he'd always wanted, but it felt like an icy block crashing into him when the Sorting Hat continued. 
'But no. No, I think Slytherin is the place for you." 
'Wait!' Sirius thought in a panic. 
'You will not lose your friends in Slytherin, but you would have lost your brother in Gryffindor,' was all the Hat said about it before shouting, for everyone to hear, "Slytherin!" 
First and second years had been pretty good. James still talked shite about Slytherin, but Sirius did the same and it was his House. They were friends all the same, and Sirius considered marching up to the Sorting Hat and telling it that it'd been wrong and Sirius did belong in Gryffindor. 
For some reason, everything changed in third year. Siruis had figured that things could only get better the older they got, but James changed. All the shit he had said about Slytherin before was now specifically about him. Sirius didn't have any good comebacks to that, so he just started keeping Regulus company and ignored all the weird looks people gave him for hanging out with a first year. 
"Don't you have any friends?" Regulus asked, a touch desperately. He'd barely gotten to Hogwarts and he was already shunned by all of his peers. 
"nope." Just to bug him, Sirius threw an arm around his shoulders. "it's just you and me, Reg." 
"Don't call me Reg." 
"It makes me sound like a little kid." 
"Whatever you say Reggie." 
Regulus shoved at him ineffectually. After a minute, he capitulated, giving a heavy sigh as Sirius grinned victoriously. 
The day after that, James hexed his bag so that spiders came pouring out whenever he opened it. In return, Sirius shut off all the water in Gryffindor Tower. He got detention where James hadn't, but to be fair, it was a much better prank than some spiders. 
Not to be outdone, James flooded the Slytherin dormitories the week after-- doubtlessly the in between time was spent with James in the library, researching how to accomplish such a thing. He got detention that time, and for some reason the professors thought it'd be a good idea to have them in the same classroom. James said something about Sirius being a blood purist. Sirius said something about James's parents (an absolute lite, he adored Fleamont and Euphemia as much as they did him), and somehow they blew out on of the classroom's walls. After that, separate detentions. 
A month later-- a month filled with nightly detentions, a hidden broomstick, ruined inkwells, a bribed portrait, a charmed suit of armor, talking quills, and coloured rain in the Great Hall-- Professor Dumbledore called them into his office. He sat calmly behind his desk, hands resting on the desktop as the two boys sat sullenly in front of him. "Lemon drop?" he offered. Sirius took one; James didn't. Dumbledore took one, sucking on it in silence for a while as he thought. Or maybe he was daydreaming and wanted them to stew for a while, either way, nothing was said for a long time. "I appreciate the ingenuity both of you have shown, but I would like to have a school by the end of the year. If I recall correctly, the two of you were friends last year, were you not?" 
Sirius glanced at James, but it didn't look like he was going to say anything given that his jaw had a stubborn jut to it. "Last year, yeah." 
"It is, of course, no business of mine for what ended that friendship and led you to here, but it seems to me that this situation could be easily solved if the two of you talked." 
"We talk," James muttered. 
"I do not believe yelling insults at each other in the middle of your class could be considered 'talking', but perhaps times have changed since I was a young man. All I mean to say is that it would behoove all of us to be united instead of divided in these times." The usual twinkle in Dumbledore's blue eyes was gone as he said that, as serious as either of them had ever seen him before. "Off to class with you," he said with a smile. 
"Thank you Professor," they both said. Sirius noticed that James grabbed a lemon drop before he left. Once they made it down the stairs though, he still had it in his hand, rolling it around like it was a toy instead of a sweet. "Sorry," James said before Sirius could walk away. "Things... got sort of out of hand, yeah?" 
"Yeah." Not that Sirius hadn't been having fun, but he'd wanted to be doing those things with James, not against him. "What got into you? We were fine until you started hating me out of nowhere." 
"It wasn't out of nowhere," James said defensively. "You were acting like a stuck up prick the moment you saw me!" 
"I was not." 
"You were so." 
"Ugh we're getting nowhere," Sirius complained. 
"Figured that out myself, thanks," James said, then sighed. "Would it kill you to hang out with me once in a while? You spend all your time cooped up in the Slytherin common room, I never get to see you." 
"And where should we meet? The Gryffindor common room?" 
"We used to meet in the library." 
"Madame Pince kicked us out last time." 
"Because you set a book on fire." 
"That was an accident! And the book was fine, she completely overreacted." 
"Well I say we start going there again. She can't kick us out for life." 
"She can try," Sirius grumbled, remembering the positively murderous look on her face. 
"Cheer up mate, we'll be fine." James slung an arm around his shoulders and started leading him off. 
"That's easy for you to say, you've got detention with Flitwick tonight. You know who I have it with? Slughorn." 
"He's not that bad." 
"Yeah, but he's weird. He keeps trying to talk to me about my grandfather, as if I give a single fuck about that old geezer." 
Somewhere in fourth year, Sirius started sneaking into Gryffindor Tower, and in fifth year, he, James, and Peter got the brilliant idea to become animagi to keep Remus company on the full moon. 
It was the morning after one such full moon when Peter and James were off to the kitchens for some food, leaving Sirius and Remus alone in the Hospital Wing together. "Don't take this the wrong way," Remus said quietly, his throat probably scraped raw from the transformation, "but what are you still doing here?" 
"Well let's see, can't leave you alone so soon after a transformation, and normally the kitchen runs are done in pairs. Add that to the fact that I was already with you and didn't want to move, and tada! I'm still here." 
"Not that." Remus had to stop to cough weakly. "I meant... y'know, us, James. Gryffindors and blood traitors or whatever else it is." 
If Remus had punched him, Sirius would probably be less surprised. "What?" 
"You know what I mean. I mean-" he coughed again "-I know that you don't get on with most of your housemates, but things're getting worse." 
Unfortunately, Sirius did know what he meant by that. Nobody was willing to put a name to it yet-- not around him, at least-- but there was a threat out there. Someone was stirring up anti-muggle and anti-creature sentiments, getting together groups, and spreading their influence. Sirius was from an old family that believed in those bullshit conservative forms, and Remus was not only a half-blood, but a werewolf. He grit his teeth. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean." 
"I know you're not- I just mean, maybe you'd be safer... if you stopped. Your parents-" 
"Fuck my parents, I'm not going to abandon you." 
"I'd still have James and Peter, I wouldn't be alone." 
"Yeah well tough shit, you'll have to deal with me too," Sirius said, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. 
Remus sighed but didn't try to argue further. One way or another, they'd find out how this ended. 
Regulus saw Sirius walk over to Mulciber, and he didn't really worry about it. Sirius was going to be his usual overprotective but ultimately harmless self. It wouldn't hurt anyone for him to throw a few threats around, and Regulus was even hopeful that maybe it would help him. He wasn't expecting for Sirius to haul off and punch him square in the face. 
Regulus watched the scene with wide eyes. He wanted to help, to stop Sirius from getting in trouble, but he was frozen in place. Most of their housemates were either too cowardly to intervene, figured that it wasn't their problem, or were like Regulus, too shocked to move. He expected for it to end after a couple punches, but then Mulciber was getting knocked down to the floor and Sirius wasn't stopping. 
In the end, a couple of the blokes on the Quidditch team pulled him off of Mulciber, blood staining his knuckles and resisting like he wanted to beat him to death with his bare hands. "If you ever touch him again, I'll kill you!" Sirius screamed. Regulus shrank in on himself, embarrassment creeping in. By Salazar, he never should've told Sirius what happened-- wouldn't have if he'd known that this was going to be Sirius's reaction. 
All he wanted to do was disappear, maybe leave the Common Room so he wouldn't have to deal with anyone else, but instead he walked over to Sirius-- now released because they were dragging Mulciber to the Hospital Wing, and it was obvious that Sirius was only interested in hitting one person that was no longer in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you," Regulus hissed, grabbing Sirius's arm and pulling him towards the stairs to the dormitory. 
"Nothing. Or at least nothing compared to what's going to be wrong with him," Sirius sneered. 
Regulus paled. "You can't be serious. If you do anything worse, you're going to be expelled! You might be anyways with what just happened." 
Sirius scoffed, pausing in walking to put his hands on Regulus's shoulders and look at him condescendingly. "Little brother, this is the perk of being from the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Do you really think Dumbledore would be allowed to expel me? Hogwarts would lose one of its biggest benefactors, and he could kiss that Chief Warlock title of his goodbye. I have the best scores in my entire year even if they have the occasional disciplinary issue with me. They're not going to throw all that away." He pat Regulus on the shoulder before turning to head down the hallway. 
Regulus swallowed. Dread was crawling up in his stomach. He was terrified of what Sirius was planning, but he couldn't make himself follow. That was the first time Sirius had truly scared him, looking too much like their parents for comfort. He tried to force his legs down to the seventh year dormitory room, but he turned into his own, shaking so badly he felt like he was going to fall apart. 
Nothing would happen. Sirius would cool off, Mulciber would keep his bloody distance, and Regulus would be able to write this all off as a bad memory. What Regulus didn't know was that Sirius was already leaving the Common Room, a Disillusionment charm keeping him out of sight. 
He lifted it once he was down the corridor, not wanting for a Professor to catch him and (correctly) assume that he was up to no good. And who should see him when he was close to the Hospital Wing, but James. Bugger. That ruined his plan of not being remembered at all, but he could roll with it. He plastered on an expression that looked not as anti-social. 
"Sirius," he said, sounding surprised, but not happy to see him. "I saw Mulciber in the Hospital Wing. What happened?" 
"Minor disagreement," Sirius said mildly. He knew he wasn't keeping the anger out of his eyes though. 
"A minor disagreement that broke his nose? He lost teeth, Sirius. I know the bloke's a total twat, but you're going to get in serious trouble for this. What were you thinking?" 
Sirius dropped the semi-pleasant demeanor. "I was thinking that he's done a hell of a lot worse, and if somebody stops him now, he won't have a chance to keep on like he has been." He's a fucking Death Eater, Sirius thought. He volunteered for a brand on his arm and he tried to force my brother to do the same when all Regulus has ever wanted is for our parents to be proud of him. Sirius was terrified that if he didn't head it off now, Mulciber-- or somebody else like him-- would succeed. Regulus was strong in his way, but how much longer would he be able to hold off when he knew it was something their parents approved of? 
James was looking at Sirius like he didn't recognise him. Anybody else would have thought Sirius was being dramatic, that he was making a bad joke; James knew him better than to believe that. "Give me your wand." 
"Your wand, now." 
"I don't know what world you seem to think you live in, but I'm not fucking doing that." 
"Give it to me before you do something you regret." 
"Giving it to you would be something I regret," Sirius snapped. 
James didn't look like he was going to budge. He wasn't aggressive about it, he simply was there, like a boulder that was going to block his path no matter how much Sirius tried to talk his way out of it. Unless he was willing to fight, Sirius wasn't going to make it past him. He was actually considering it when James took the wind out of his sails. It was easy. A single word, softly spoken. "Sirius." 
Sirius took his wand out of his pocket and shoved it, lengthwise, into James's chest. 
James brought up a hand to catch it, and with the other he grabbed Sirius's wrist. His grip was light, easily broken if Sirius didn't want it. "Thank you. I'll give it back in the morning, yeah?" 
"Fine," Sirius muttered, turning on his heel and skulking back to the dungeons. 
In the morning, Sirius felt like he was going to be sick. The spell he'd had in mind wouldn't out-and-out have killed Mulciber, but it probably would have ended up that way. And that's if Sirius was exacting in casting it in the first place. The room for error with a spell that dark wasn't very big. One mistake and Mulciber would have died before dawn. Zero mistakes, and he likely would have died within the next year or two. Sirius was going to go through with it. Would have done if James hadn't stopped him. Gods what James must think of him. He covered his face with his hands, wishing he would just die now and save everyone the trouble. But no time for that. The best way to make it was to fake it, right? He got out of bed and pretended like nothing had happened, not even him beating the shit out of Mulciber in front of the entire House. 
James found him shortly after he left the Common Room. He waited until he was at his side to hand him his wand back. "Here." 
"Thanks," Sirius mumbled. 
"Sorry for er-" 
"You were right to." 
James just looked at him, worried. "Still. Would you have really-" He cut himself off, shaking his head; he didn't want to know the answer to that question, and he didn't want to make Sirius think about it either. "Nevermind. You going to get your hands healed?" 
"Nah, I figure they'll keep me distracted while I'm in detention." 
You're punishing yourself, James thought. He almost said it, but Sirius would get defensive and probably snap at him. He wasn't willing to risk that with everything else going on. Being right wasn't important as all that. Instead, he shrugged. "I suppose. Personally I think you should just give me a call." 
"And distract you from your homework? That would make me quite the menace to society, I shan't risk it." 
"Yeah, you never risk anything," James said with a snort, slinging a casual arm around his shoulders and heading for the Great Hall. 
"Won't it ruin your golden reputation to be seen with me?" Sirius asked, as though they hadn't been friends their entire time here except for those couple months in third year. 
James rolled his eyes, unable to help feeling a little annoyed. "Mate, take a breath and fucking chill. If you want to be alone, just say so." Sirius stayed silent. "Then stop harassing me and tell me the latest Slytherin gossip." 
"I'm not telling you what happened." 
"Aw c'mon!" 
Sirius shook his head, trying to let James pick up his mood and not let it fall again. Being close to James these days was an exercise in self-loathing. Men weren't supposed to feel this way about their best mates, he knew that much. It would take more than that for James to hate him at least, but he wasn't going to risk it. The only way this could turn out good was if James was as sick and twisted as Sirius, and there was no chance of that happening. Last night had proved that James was everything good in the world, and Sirius was not. 
Sirius leaned into him, feeling himself relax a little more. He had no idea what he was doing. He really didn't. 
Mulciber kept a wide berth around both Black brothers, which was exactly how Sirius liked it. He thought-- naively perhaps-- that that would be the end of it for a while. He wasn't expecting to be in the library one day and see Regulus tucked between rarely used bookshelves with Severus fucking Snape. Some people thought Snape wasn't as bad as Mulciber in the whole blood purity shit since he was a half-blood, but Sirius thought that it made him worse. He felt like he had something to prove, and it wasn't something he'd grown up with his parents telling him, it was something he'd found on his own and decided to believe. 
And now his little brother and Snape were having clandestine meetings where they thought no one else would see them. 
"Debating which opening move is the best in chess?" Sirius interrupted, leaning leisurely against the bookshelf. 
They both jumped, Regulus guiltily, and Snape in surprise then loathing. 
"I'm no expert, but I've hear moving the middle pawns is a bad idea." 
"Black," Snape sneered. He wasn't half as frightening as he thought he was, which made Sirius want to knock in his teeth that much more. 
"Not a fan? Let me guess, that's your opening move every chess game."
"We were just talking, Sirius," Regulus said quietly. 
"I'm sure." He looked at Snape. "Go away." 
Snape glared at him, then looked at Regulus, expression softening. "You're not a dog, and he's not your master. You can make your own decisions." With that, he left, whisking past Sirius like he was afraid if he stuck around Sirius was going to attack him. He probably would have. 
Sirius walked closer and picked up Regulus's bag from where it had fallen to the floor. "What were you talking about?" he asked quietly. 
"You're not my keeper," he mumbled, snatching his bag back. 
"No, I'm your brother, and I care about you. It was about that bloody gang or whatever they're calling it, wasn't it?" 
"I can look after myself," Regulus said, avoiding his eyes. 
That was as good as a confession, but Sirius knew that he was on thin ice right now. "Reg... that used to scare you. Last year, you were freaking out, and now you're considering it? I'm worried about you." 
"I'm-" Regulus stopped, running an aggravated hand through his usually precise hairstyle. "I'm not actually considering it," he hissed, looking down the line of the shelves to make sure no one would overhear. "But at the end of this year you'll be gone, and I'll be all by myself. If they don't think I'm considering it, I'll never survive the next two years." 
Sirius wanted to scream, wanted to claw a way out of here so that Regulus could be safe, but he wasn't seeing it. It wasn't possible. "I hate this." 
"Yeah well, I do too. But I don't see another way out of this unless it all disappears overnight." 
"Just- just make sure you don't actually go, okay? I don't want to lose you." 
"Good, cause I don't plan on being lost. You're planning on getting your own flat when you graduate, right?" 
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" 
"Assuming I make it out of this bloody school with my skin intact, I'd like to have somewhere I can go." 
"Away from our parents," Sirius guessed. 
"Away from everyone." 
"Yeah, of course." Sirius knew that they weren't the touchy-feely- types, but he gave him a hug anyways. "I've always got a place for you." 
"You're getting a flat when you graduate?" James asked, clearly surprised. 
"Huh, I'd have thought you'd stay with your parents." 
"Why the hell would I do that? I've been counting down the days until I don't have to live with them anymore." 
"That's fair. I always thought I'd stay with mine when I graduated." 
Before Sirius really meant to say anything, he heard himself saying, "You can stay with me." James looked over at him, just as shocked as Sirius himself was. "If you want," he added quickly. "Your parents are great, but sometimes you want space, you know?" 
"Yeah I- are you serious? Because if you're not joking, I'm totally in. Too bloody scared to go off on my own, but if we're sharing, then I'm not by myself." 
"Exactly!" Sirius said, grinning. Then, thinking that he shouldn't be so excited, he tried to tone it down. "I mean, right, that's good. I didn't really want to be on my own either, but I preferred it to staying in that fucking house." 
"What's wrong with the house?" 
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "There's a reason I've never invited you over." 
"I thought that was because your parents hated me." 
"That too. Also because I like your parents." 
"They're good," James agreed, and Sirius couldn't help but laugh. They didn't have problems talking to each other, not really, but this had been awkward from the start. 
When he came home to find James sat on the couch crying, it wasn't hard to realise what had happened. Fleamont and Euphemia had caught Dragon Pox earlier in the year, and at their age, they all knew how it was going to end. Sirius pulled off his shoes and walked to the couch. The second he sat down, James threw his arms around him, crying into his shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry, Jamie," Sirius said quietly, hugging him back. "I'm so so sorry." 
He was quiet for a minute, and then he said, voice thick, "It's okay. We knew it was going to happen, and they were getting old anyways." 
"Still, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone got Dragon Pox anymore, it's so stupid that that's what killed them." 
"Yeah." James sniffled. 
Sirius knew he shouldn't have said 'killed'. Why the fuck did he say killed. The truth was that Sirius was getting desensitized to all the violence that was happening around them. People were getting attacked and murdered on a weekly basis by the Death Eaters. In comparison, Mr. and Mrs. Potter dying from a disease was quieter. He hated himself for even thinking it, and it certainly made him sad to know that he'd never see them again, but mostly he was thankful that they hadn't perished from something more violent. "Your parents were wonderful James. I'm sorry they're gone." 
James held him tighter. "Me too." One, two breaths, and then James was kissing him. 
Sirius jolted, but James was holding him in place so it didn't dislodge where their lips met. When James pulled back to breathe, Sirius asked, "What are you-" 
James was kissing him again, crawling into Sirius's lap before he could finish the sentence. He kissed him like he was desperate for it, held onto Sirius like he was the only person in the world he wanted. 
That wasn't right. James couldn't want him, not like that. "James, what-" 
It felt like James was determined not to let him get a word in edgewise, always kissing him again. His tongue slid into Sirius's mouth, hot and insistent and making Sirius drunk on him because he was getting what he'd wanted for years. James moved against him, rolling his hips and it was only then that Sirius realized he was hard-- both of them were. 
"James, we c-" can't. 
Unsurprisingly, James didn't let him finish the thought, rubbing against him with frenzied movements. It didn't occur to Sirius that he could push him off, and with that pressure on his prick-- from James of all people-- he wasn't thinking much of anything anymore. They both made fucking messes in their pants, and that was around the time that James realised what he'd done. He jerked back, eyes wide. His nose was still red from when he'd been crying, and rapidly filling his expression was horror. 
Sirius kinda felt like crying himself as James fell on his arse in his hurry to get away. "James-" he said, holding out a hand to help him up, only to stop when James flinched. 
"Sorry, I- er- sorry," James said in a rush, scrambling to his feet and away to his room. 
What should've been something great was just... shite. Sirius felt worse than he did before, which was saying something given how miserable he was these days. It could always get worse, and this just did. He covered his face with his hands, the come in his pants cooling uncomfortably. He wanted to never think about this again, but he knew that if he said nothing, James was likely to move out. Right after his parents died, that was the last thing he needed. Of course he also didn't need his best mate shagging him right after he got the news, but there was nothing Sirius could do about that now. A quick cleansing charm took care of his pants, and he got to his feet. He padded to the door and knocked gently. "James?" 
No response, he knocked again. 
"C'mon, talk to me." Sirius sighed, wondering if maybe he should drop it. He didn't want to though, he wanted James to fucking talk to him. He knocked again, not expecting to get a response. 
James opened the door, looking half-miserable and half-terrified, which wasn't something Sirius had known was possible until now. "I'm sorry," he said quickly, eyes trained on the floor. It was ridiculous that James was avoiding looking at him, but it meant that he hadn't seen the awkward half-fall Sirius did when James opened the door. 
"Yeah," Sirius said, feeling like his hear was somewhere around his knees. He was surprised that James had opened the door, but not that an apology was the first thing out of his mouth. "I get that." 
"I won't do it again, I swear." 
That too, was expected unfortunately. 
"Please don't kick me out."
Sirius blinked. "Why would I kick you out?" 
"For- you know." Great, he couldn't even bring himself to say it. 
"I'm not going to kick you out for that." 
"You're not?" 
"Fuck no. You were upset, mistakes happen, it's okay." 
James hadn't been moving much to begin with, but at that he absolutely froze. "Mistakes happen," he repeated. 
"Er, yeah. So, you know, you don't need to leave or freak out of anything. We're good." James leaned into the door frame, then chuckled sadly, knocking his head against it. "A mistake. I'll be the first one to admit that the way I did that was total shite, but I was kinda happy it wouldn't turn out like this." 
Sirius was utterly lost. "What are you talking about?" 
For the first time since running away to his room, James looked at him. "You're a good person Sirius. I don't know why you think you aren't, but you are. I've been in love with you since I was thirteen. And just- whenever I make a complete arse of myself, you don't throw me out or get disgusted, you tell that everything's okay." 
Sirius's mind didn't know what to say to that, but his mouth was taking care of it. "That's because everything is okay. You just lost your parents and you're talking nonsense Jamie. Get some sleep and we can talk in the morning." They were things Sirius had waited years to hear, but James couldn't mean it. He wasn't trying to be cruel-- James didn't have it in him to be cruel to him-- but there wasn't a chance he truly meant it. 
"Why don't you believe me?" James asked, sounding heartbroken. "I love you." 
Sirius cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Yeah Jamie, I love you too, but-" 
"Don't. Just... don't." James closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I should probably go. Someone's got to look after the mansion, the different properties and stuff. Might as well be me." 
"You're leaving?" 
He nodded, looking awfully small. 
"We're safer together. Did you hear about that attack on Dorcas's parents?" 
"Yeah Sirius, I heard. We were together, remember?" 
"Then why are you leaving? I thought we were fine, we were just saying that." 
"Actually what you said was that we're fine because you don't believe me. I said- well, doesn't matter, does it? And nowhere's safe, Sirius. If we're together, it just means we'll die together, not that we'll be safer." 
For some reason, James being so despondent about it convinced Sirius of his sincerity more than when James had confessed. It was stupid-- Merlin it was so stupid and Sirius did it anyways-- but he grabbed James by the front of his shirt and yanked him forward, pressing a hard and desperate kiss to his mouth. 
"I'm so bloody confused," James whispered in the air between them. He had one hand up, gripping Sirius's wrist where Sirius was holding onto him. 
"You'd be better without me," Sirius said back, just as quietly. He should've let James leave and continue on as friends who only saw each other once a week, but he was too selfish to let him go. 
James frowned at him, having to tilt his head up since Sirius had gotten taller than him somewhere around fifth year and stayed there. "Nothing's better without you. Sirius, you're... I mean, we're... you know?" 
It was another one of those moments where Sirius could easily misunderstand and push James away, but he was still gripping James's shirt and he didn't want to let go. He never wanted to let go. "Yeah, I know." 
James leaned up, slowly. Plenty of time for either of them to change their mind this time. Their kisses before had been hard and desperate, too much teeth and biting like they wanted to take a piece of the other person with them. This was a nuzzle, soft and comfortable as they held each other. Sirius's hand relaxed in the front, curving around to James's back so it was more of an embrace. 
"Don't leave," Sirius begged. "Stay with me." 
"Maybe-" James kissed him again, moaning softly when Sirius leaned into it. "I do need to look after the house. Would you come with me?" 
It was on the tip of Sirius's tongue to say yes, but loud, frantic knocking on the front door interrupted him. James let go of him and they both padded to the door, wands drawn. Sirius peered the peephole, then wrenched the door open. "Reg? Why aren't you at school?" 
Regulus threw himself forward, wrapping his arms around Sirius in a way that did nothing to hide how badly he was shaking. "I can't stay there. Don't make me go back, Sirius, please don't make me go back." 
"Hey, it's okay, you're fine, I've got you." Sirius's tone was calm, but the look he sent James was downright panicked. "You don't have to go back, it's fine, you can stay here." 
"Thank you," he said, practically sobbing. 
"I'll put the kettle on," James said, fleeing to the kitchen. He had the feeling that when Regulus realised he was there for that, he'd be embarrassed, and James didn't want to add that on top of whatever else he was dealing with. 
Sirius joined him a minute later when James was still trying to find honey and cream. "Hey," he said, voice low so it wouldn't carry, "I wanted to check with you; it is okay that he stays with us, right?" 
"'Course. Did something happen?" 
"He's not saying, but I'd guess that yeah, something happened. Or maybe it got to be too much being in Slytherin with things the way they are, I dunno. I wasn't planning on pushing it." 
James nodded. Perfectly understandable, he wouldn't want to talk about it either. 
"Erm, James we're- I mean, are we good?" 
"Yeah." James took his hand and squeezed it gently. "We're good mate." 
"Great. Is now a bad time to mention that I used the last of the earl grey and haven't picked up any more?" 
James snorted, giving his hand another squeeze before letting go. "I grabbed some on my way home from work yesterday, we're set." 
Sirius's shoulders relaxed, and he smiled at him. It had been a tiring night, and it was sure to get worse. There was still stress visible on his face, but James wasn't as worried as he would've been a week ago. James pulled him in for a hug, then turned his head so he could smell Sirius's neck. 
"I know it's a ways off," he muttered, "but I promise that the next time we have sex, it'll be better." 
An involuntary shudder went through Sirius, and he tilted his head to rest it on top of James's. "I'll hold you to that." The kettle started whistling, so Sirius pulled away, unable to keep from giving him a quick kiss. "Love you. I er, couldn't remember if I said it before." 
"You did," James said, but he was grinning like he could hear it every minute of the day and still be happy for more. 
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breaniebree · 4 years
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Flashback Sequence:
Chapter 192 -- Sirius meets Fee and Monty
I fancast Jake Gyllenhall as Fleamont Potter and his wife as Anne Hathaway from Becoming Jane.  I was playing around with the aging app on my phone and had fun.  But I just feel like they embody Fee and Monty to me.
“That’s Clevedon Court, like I said before it’s been the home of the Potters for over seven hundred years.”
Harry nodded, eyes wide as he saw the young boy step off the Knight Bus in front of the house.  He recognized the cocky step and the dark locks as Sirius before he even saw his face.  
Sirius shoved his hands into the pockets of the black jeans he wore.  They had holes in the knees and he was wearing black army boots with the laces untied and a white tee shirt under his open leather jacket with a Gryffindor scarf around his neck.  He had a small knapsack over his shoulder as he stood there in the snow, staring up at the house as if he was unsure.
The Knight Bus left and Sirius stood there a moment longer before he carefully trudged up the long drive and knocked on the front door.  It was only a moment before the small slim woman with dark brown hair hair streaked in silver that Harry recognized as Euphemia Potter, pulled it open.  Her hair was pulled back in a braided bun, but her fringe covered the side of her forehead in tight curls.  She smiled warmly at the sight of him. 
“Hello, dear, Happy Christmas.  Can we help you with something?”
Sirius swallowed slowly.  “Er, is this James Potter’s house?”
The woman’s smile widened.  “It most certainly is and you would be?”
“Um, Sirius Black?  We’re friends at school.”
“Oh!  Sirius, lovely to finally meet you, do come in!”  She tugged him inside the large entranceway.  The big medieval style hall full of old art and tapestries.  “You can put your boots and jacket there.  Rosa!”
A tiny elf appeared and Euphemia smiled warmly.
“Rosa, dear, set him up in Jamie’s room, we have a guest.”
The elf nodded, taking Sirius’ bag as Euphemia smiled warmly at him.
“I’m Euphemia Potter, but everyone calls me Fee.  Come on in, love, Jamie’s in the living room.”
Sirius followed her through the large hall into a large living room with a massive Christmas tree that stood close to twenty feet tall and dancing in fairy lights.  James was  sprawled out across the sofa tossing a Quaffle up into the air and then catching it.
“Jamie, love, your friend Sirius has come by.  You should have told me that he was coming, I would have set a spot for him for dinner,” she scolded.
“Didn’t know,” James said, jumping to his feet.  “Hey mate.”
Euphemia beamed at the two of them.   “Well, I’ll go let Darby know that we have another for dinner.”
Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet.  “Um, sorry for just showing up.”
“Nah, it’s cool,” James told him, his eyes on his friend.  “Are you staying the rest of the holiday?”
Sirius shook his head.  “No… I don’t want to impose.  I just… I had to get out of that house for a bit.”
James nodded.  “You won’t be imposing.  Mum will be thrilled if you stay the whole holiday.  She loves guests.”
He shrugged.  “Wicked house.”
“Thanks.  Come on and sit.  Mum will bring snacks in a moment.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow.  “But we didn’t ask for anything.”
James chuckled.  “Trust me.”
They settled on the sofa and James urged Sirius to stretch out with him so that their legs were both side by side across from each other the same way that they had first sat on the school train, just as Euphemia came into the living room with a tea tray full of tea and biscuits.
“I brought you boys a little snack,” she said as James smirked at his friend.
“Told you.  Hey, Mum, Sirius is going to stay for the whole holiday, okay?”
“Oh, wonderful!  I love having guests,” she exclaimed brightly.  “You boys eat up and then you can head outside.  The snow looks just perfect for building a large fort.”
James grinned as his mum left the room and he turned to his friend.  “See, it’s fine.”  He reached for a biscuit, eyeing his friend carefully for a moment.  “So, want to talk about it?”
Sirius shook his head as he shoved a biscuit in his mouth.  “Not really.”
“What did your folks say when you told them that you were coming here?”
“Didn’t,” he said simply, lifting the cup of tea to his lips and drinking deeply.  “I told Reg and then I snuck out at dawn this morning.”
James’ eyebrow rose.  “That might have made it worse.”
He shrugged as he helped himself to a second biscuit.  “I couldn’t stay there a moment longer.”
James only nodded.  “Okay.  You’re welcome here as long as you want, Siri.”
Sirius’ eyes met his and he nodded slowly as Euphemia came back into the room with Fleamont, who was polishing his glasses on his sleeve as he walked.
“Sirius, this is Monty, Monty, Sirius Black.  Sirius will be staying the rest of the holiday with us, isn’t that wonderful?” 
Fleamont smiled warmly at his wife.  “Wonderful.  James, why don’t you boys head upstairs and get some warm clothes on.  I think that it’s high time we build a massive snow fort, what do you say?”
James grinned and jumped to his feet.  “I’m in.”
He gestured for Sirius to follow him, raising an eyebrow when Sirius stole another biscuit before he did so.  
“Mum will have lunch ready in about two hours if you’re hungry.”
Sirius nodded as he followed James up the staircase and down the hall to the door that said James F. Potter on a gold plaque.  “What does the F stand for?”
“Er, Franklin.”
“Really?  Then how did your father get the nickname Monty?”
James blushed.  “Okay, fine, it’s Fleamont — and if you tell anyone I will kill you in your sleep.”
Sirius busted into laughter as he followed James into his room and grinned at the sight of it.  His walls were covered in Quidditch posters and statistics, posters of The Beatles, of Elvis Presley, and of guitars along with posters of broom ads.  He was surprised to see photos of himself, Remus, and Peter tacked up as well.  There was a large queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with a desk, two tall dressers, a toy chest, three bookshelves as well as a large closet.  His broom was hanging on the wall over his bed.  A large cot had already been set up next to the bed.
“You can sleep in the bed if you prefer,” James told him.  “It’s big enough for the two of us to share or if you want your own room, we have lots of guest rooms, but knowing Mum she put the cot in here assuming that you’d be more comfortable with me.”  He plopped onto his bed and sighed.  “So, I lied, tell me what happened.”
Sirius let out a slow sigh.  “My parents were just… Mum is furious that I’m still hanging around with you and Rem.  She claims Pete is tolerable, but still not worthy.  She says that Gryffindor has dulled my senses and made me forget right from wrong.  They’ve been praising Reg left and right, which is good, he deserves the praise, but they do it in a way that belittles me and it was just grating my cheese, James.  Like oh, Sirius, Regulus received an Outstanding on his Potions homework, I don’t know how you achieved an Outstanding when your work is clearly inferior.”
“What the bloody hell does that mean?”  James exclaimed, his eyes flashing in anger.  “Obviously it’s outstanding if that’s the grade you achieved!”
Sirius shrugged.  “Also they somehow learned that I’ve spent the last month snogging Em, who is not a pureblood and therefore completely beneath me, and how I’m slumming it.”
“Siri, mate, I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, I just… I couldn’t listen to it anymore and I blew up on my mum last night.  I was so angry that my magic reacted and I blew out all the windows in the upstairs and then I got a letter from the Ministry warning me about using magic outside of school…”
James goggled at him.  “Wow!”
He nodded.  “And well, all hell broke loose after that.”
Sirius moved to close James’ bedroom door before he lifted up his shirt.  His ribs were littered in fist sized purple bruises.
James’ eyes darkened.  “They hit you?”
“Oh, no,” Sirius said.  “Simply hitting me is too Muggle.  Mum added a weight charm to Father’s fists first.”  He winced as he put his arms down.  “I think I broke a rib.”
James jumped to his feet.  “My Mum will fix you right up.”
Sirius blanched.  “No!  Fuck!  You can’t tell her!”
James’ eyebrow rose.  “Siri, you need medical attention.”
“No, can’t you just… I mean, isn’t there something that you could do?”
James hesitated a moment before he nodded just as a knock sounded on the bedroom door.
“You boys coming or what?”  Fleamont called out.
“Dad, can we build the fort after lunch?  Sirius is feeling a bit tired,” James called out.
Fleamont pushed the bedroom door open and eyed the two boys for a moment.  “Everything okay in here?”
“Fine,” James said, grinning widely.  “Siri’s just tired.  After lunch we’ll build the fort, Dad.”
Fleamont nodded.  “Sure, whenever you’d like, Jamie.  If you boys need anything, just ask.”
James grinned at him as he closed the door and then he called for Rosa.  The elf appeared in his bedroom a moment later, eyes wide.
“How can I help you, Master James?”
“Hi, Rosa, listen, I need you to get some healing stuff and help me heal my friend Sirius, but you can’t tell Mum or Dad.”
Rosa stared at him.  “Master James, I is not comfortable lying to the Marquess and Marchioness, Sir.”
“Don’t lie, just… don’t tell them is all.”
Rosa hesitated, but she nodded and disappeared with a loud crack.
Sirius stared at him.  “Do you really think that she won’t tell them?”
James nodded.  “We’re fine.”
Rosa came back a few moments later with the first aid kit and Sirius carefully tugged his shirt off.  The elf stared at him for a long moment before she moved forward to help give him some healing salve for the bruises.  James looked in the kit and mixed the potions for Sirius’ ribs, pouring the appropriate dose into a cup and passing it over.
Sirius winced as he drank the potion and James stared at the fresh welts on his friend’s back.
“Siri… how the bloody hell did this…?”
Sirius shrugged.  “It’s fine.  Just pass me some of that salve.”
James’ bedroom door flew open and Euphemia stepped in with a tray of sandwiches and her eyes widened.  James moved to block Sirius from view, but it had been too late.  Euphemia put the tray down on the desk and moved carefully towards Sirius.  She placed her fingers on his chin and tilted his head to look up at her.
“Who hurt you, darling?”
“I’m fine,” Sirius told her, reaching for his shirt.
James took the shirt from his friend’s hand so that Rosa could continue to apply the salve.  “His parents, Mum.”
Euphemia’s eyes darkened in anger for a moment before she masked it.  She took the salve from Rosa and immediately set about taking over the task.  She ordered James which potions to give him and covered the welts in fresh bandages.  Sirius’ cheeks were flushed in embarrassment as he pulled his shirt over his head and murmured a thanks under his breath.
Euphemia reached out and gently brushed his hair behind his ear.  “Your parents are Orion and Walburga, dear?”
Sirius nodded.  “I’m fine, Mrs Potter, honest.”  His eyes widened in surprise when she leaned in and kissed his cheek tenderly. 
“You are always welcome here, Sirius.  I don’t care for how long you stay or what time you show up.  Our home will always be your home.”  She kissed his forehead and tugged James to her to hug him tightly and kiss his cheeks.  “You make Sirius rest and eat those sandwiches I brought up.  I’ll have Monty whip up another healing potion for him to take after dinner.”
Then she was gone and Sirius was staring at James, his eyes wide.
“What just happened?”
James grinned.  “I think Mum just adopted you.  Here, have a bacon sandwich,” he said, tossing one at Sirius.
Sirius caught it, staring at James in wonder.  “Your parents are brilliant.”
James grinned back at him.  “I know.”
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likeawildthing · 7 years
Saving Kittens Thing
Bleeding heart James Potter does his level best to save seven cats from a terrible fate, but Lily Evans, his heartless monster fiancée, tries to thwart him at every turn.
week one.
Lily Evans to James Potter: no
James Potter: i haven’t asked a question.
Lily Potter: and yet
James Potter: but how did u know???
Lily Potter: your 762 cat pictures uploaded to the cloud james
James Potter: right.
James Potter: it’s just, hes been hanging around the office for the last two weeks…
Lily Evans: you don’t even like cats??
James Potter: but he likes me. 
Lily Evans: ...
James Potter: maybe I never liked them bc they were all assholes?
James Potter: chicken or egg, u know?
Lily Evans: amazing
Lily Evans: see u in a few
Lily Evans: no to cat. yes to takeout for stressing me out
James Potter: ur stressed? im marrying an unsupportive woman in 7 weeks??
Lily Evans: *kiss emoji* eggrolls.
James Potter: yes maam
James Potter to Lily Evans: but look at how CUTE he is
Lily Evans: no
James Potter: he likes milk
Lily Evans: impeachment song voice: no. no. no. no. no. nono. nononono.
James Potter: killjoy! 
Lily Evans: remember the squirrel
James Potter: that was one. time.
Lily Evans: and yet, i have veto power
James Potter: will u always have veto power? like for the next sixty five years?
Lily Evans: sixty four. you’re taking a year off my life.
James Potter: it wasn’t /that bad
Lily Evans: we had to call professionals in??? almost got kicked out??? our lease specifically and unequivocally forbids pets of any kind???
James Potter: technicality, yes, but as mum owns the building, pretty sure i could sway her w/ wedding leverage
Lily Evans: we are NOT having swans, geese, ducks, or other fowl at our wedding. so no leverage for u.
James Potter: killjoy!!!!!
week two.
James Potter to Lily Evans: he is a SHE
Lily Evans: …?
James Potter: THE CAT
Lily Evans: how do u
Lily Evans: nvnmd
James Potter: check ur snaps!!!
Lily Evans to James Potter: when u get home we need to talk abt appropriate things to snapchat.
Lily Evans: random example i’m pulling out of my arse: cats giving birth? 
Lily Evans: not appropriate!!
Lily Evans: also, are u under the bushes in front of your work?
James Potter: except cats!
James Potter: and six of them.
James Potter: seven including boots.
Lily Evans: boots?
James Potter: have u seen HER feet? boots.
James Potter: the Miracle of Life. 
James Potter: im transformed.
James Potter: i think i’m rethinking my position on kids                                    
Lily Evans: oh boy
Lily Evans to James Potter: babe. ur going to get fired for sending too many snapchats on work hours.
James Potter: my dad is the boss?
Lily Evans: he asked me to text sense into u. or to bribe u.
James Potter: rude.
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: not that kind
James Potter: just checking
week three.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ohmygodacrowtriedtokillmykittens
Lily Evans: 1. not ur kittens
Lily Evans: 2. crows are highly intelligent. i wouldn’t mess w/ it???
Lily Evans: prefer to marry u in one piece if possible
James Potter: whose side are u on??
Lily Evans: common sense
James Potter: do u know me at all???
Lily Evans to James Potter: was it u or my other fiancé who maxed out my library card limit
James Potter: yes. and mine. research for a work thing.
Lily Evans: How To Care For Feral Kittens. Protecting Your Wild Cat From Predators. Three Failsafe Methods for Domesticating A Feral Cat. Chicken Coop Construction. And like sixty kids books about cats??
Lily Evans: ??????????????????
James Potter: this IS technically a work thing, since its at work. 
Lily Evans: stretch, much? 
Lily Evans: cant believe remus let u check out 150 books.
James Potter: he is a Good, Supportive friend. and i have a LOT of free time this month. dad didnt want to stress me out. research is important, which you know! sixty kids books are to Read to the Kittens. good for development.
Lily Evans: ur dad took u off all projects bc he thought you’d be distracted w/ getting married.
James Potter: well im hyper-focused on this instead.
James Potter: and i can be! because we’re mostly done w/ planning, thanks to my gorgeous, intelligent, super efficient, soon-to-be wife. 
James Potter: and i love you.
Lily Evans: nice, but take a book back so i can rent mine. 
James Potter: im going to suggest you buy it on kindle, b/c its 2017??
Lily Evans: it’s the principle. reading is cathartic and an escape from my Many Stresses.
James Potter: gotta go. sirius just walked in w/ a work thing.
Lily Evans: well
week four.
Lily Evans to James Potter: pete told me ur trying to corral the cats into a paper box???
James Potter: traitor! did PETE ALSO TELL U its now crows, plural, and theyre trying to bait Boots out so they can get the kittens?
Lily Evans: he said that’s your story, yes
James Potter: it happened!
James Potter: and so i have to do this, for their safety and well-being.
James Potter: dad wouldn’t let me build a protective structure, so—
James Potter: im just—
Lily Evans: no.
James Potter: listenimgoingtobringthemallhome
James Potter: JUST until we can get them to a shelter 
Lily Evans: NO. james. u cant be the cat savior of the world??
James Potter: true, but i can be the cat savior of potter, inc.??
James Potter: or at least a foster cat dad.
Lily Evans: James. No. We both work 50 hour weeks and we are about to get married and we are about to go on honeymoon?????
James Potter: LILY. they need me. I need to save them.
Lily Evans: oh, babe. ur mom told me about the ducks.
James Potter: the ducks?
Lily Evans: when you were seven.
Lily Evans: is that what this is all about????
James Potter: sure?
James Potter: i mean…must be? i didn’t put two and two together, you know? but yeah. those ducks are, like, weighing really heavily on my…subconscious.
James Potter: i think if could all be resolved if u just give me like, 3 days
Lily Evans: 1
James Potter: 2
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans to James Potter: I saw ur ‘home sweet home’ Instagram btw
James Potter: stalker. come downstairs and see them.
Lily Evans: what took u four hours to get home?
James Potter: stopped by the vet to check them out. all looking great!
James Potter: and flea meds
James Potter: and vaccinations for boots
James Potter: aaaand the pet store to get a few necessities
Lily Evans to James Potter: sirius said he’d disown you if you adopted seven cats
James Potter: liar.
Lily Evans: worth a try
Lily Evans to James Potter: six matching kitten sweaters is NOT a necessity
James Potter: disagree
Lily Evans: three hundred pounds???
James Potter: will be much easier to rehome them w/ the proper supplies
Lily Evans: unbelievable.
James Potter: actually got some great deals, believe it or not.
James Potter: she was SO GOOD today. boots. she did not scratch me once and she put flea meds on her and shes all groomed and pretty.
James Potter: and LILY.
James Potter: come down and see them??? they need to meet their grandmum or theyll think you dont love them
Lily Evans: im allergic to cats?? and im not yet 22?
James Potter: u aren’t really allergic. and ur 104 in cat years.
Lily Evans: wow. im going to give u space tonight. the Sofa is yours.
Lily Evans: don’t get too cozy w/ them, potter.
James Potter: I think we know its too late for that, evans.
Lily Evans: veto. power.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ur really not coming down???
Lily Evans: one of us has to stay reasonable.
Lily Evans to James Potter: james. u cant just send me vids of drunk girls w/ a box of kittens
James Potter: can. did. will continue to.
James Potter: left ur fave wine on the stairs. drink some and come meet them??
James Potter: u could be the next youtube sensation.
Lily Evans: pass
Lily Evans: 39 hrs, btw.
James Potter to Lily Evans: did u order takeout just for u??? and are u home?? u didn’t go to work??
Lily Evans: working from home, yes. can u deliver to our room?
James Potter: why don’t u…come down and get it yourself.
Lily Evans: ill starve
James Potter: im coming
Lily Evans: 22 hrs 
James Potter: about that.
Lily Evans: james fleamont potter
James Potter: lil. im sorry. like i am in that we made a deal and I have to break it.
James Potter: but im not in that im not sending them on the streets. i called ALL the shelters and they were all full! except for the no kill, which i wont do and neither will u, because im not marrying a heartless monster.
James Potter: and so were the cat fosters! apparently its peak cat shagging season or something???
James Potter: anyway i didn’t know and i did try and i AM sorry
Lily Evans: its ok.
James Potter: it is???
Lily Evans: well…I AM A REASONABLE PERSON but i am NOT heartless. we still cant keep them forever though!! i mean it!!!
Lily Evans: we can keep them until they’re ready to be rehomed tho. except they MUST be gone b4 the wedding.
James Potter: can we keep any of them???
Lily Evans: did u reread the lease?
James Potter: yes. they were very thorough, unfortunately. covered every loophole.
Lily Evans: two decades of being ur parents have trained them well
James Potter: come downstairs?????
Lily Evans: i have to stay strong
Lily Evans: ill bribe you to come upstairs tho
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: ;)
week five.
James Potter to Lily Evans: soooo....we have a responsible foster mum from the agency coming to look at my babies tonight
Lily Evans: Good. im tired of living upstairs and I Miss u
James Potter to Lily Evans: can u come home to work this afternoon???
Lily Evans: to clean? how messy have you been keeping it downstairs?
James Potter: pls. I’m the clean one of this power couple!!!!
Lily Evans: tru
James Potter: its about work. apparently im setting a bad example for taking 9 days for paternity leave when i’m about to go on honeymoon? and they need me for a presentation.
James Potter: point is. I HAVE to go back whether we (the cats, me) are ready or not.
Lily Evans: there’s a lot i could say to that babe, but i’ll refrain because I Love You.
Lily Evans: wont they be fine w/out you? or me? i’ve made it this far w/out meeting them.
James Potter: no! they need constant supervision. they’re actually quite the handful. who knew!
Lily Evans: omg
James Potter: Tabitha is due for her antibiotics dose at 3
Lily Evans: 1. uve named them. b. they’re on drugs???
James Potter: just Tabs. responsible fostering!!!
James Potter: we should really keep them until they’re old enough to be spayed and neutered, but I wont let them to go an irresponsible pet owner.
Lily Evans: god forbid
Lily Evans: OMYGOD u cannot just send me pictures of a baby kitten next to her antibiotics jar/??
James Potter: can and did
Lily Evans: if i fall in love w/ them, im never forgiving u
James Potter: thx babe. ill make it up to u.
Lily Evans: so many sexual favors, potter
James Potter: *wink emoji* *cat emoji*
Lily Evans: ew. bad combo
James Potter: yea
Lily Evans to James Potter: FUCK
Lily Evans: f.u.c.k.
James Potter: what happened?????
James Potter: ARE THEY OKAY????
James Potter: also, are you ok
Lily Evans: they are fine. Just. Fine.
Lily Evans: I am not tho
James Potter: are u really allergic???
Lily Evans: only to common sense
James Potter: u fell in love, didn’t u
Lily Evans: NO
Lily Evans to James Potter: damn it. damn u. damn them, too.
Lily Evans: except not really
James Potter: it’s okay
Lily Evans: sorry for my derision and cynicism
Lily Evans: this wld only be better if i were drunk
James Potter: i guess you’ll never be internet famous babe
Lily Evans to James Potter: did u name the others???
James Potter: i left brown one. striped one. and w/ the heart on the nose for you
Lily Evans: yes i could tell because you MADE THEM COLLARS
James Potter: the one w/ the heart on the nose though
James Potter: can u really bear to part her from her siblings and mum???
Lily Evans: im not a Monster. of course not!
Lily Evans: but we’ll need a nanny???
Lily Evans: and a bigger flat.
James Potter: mum is thrilled actually. about grand-mumming it. not the flat.
James Potter: bad news: meant to tell u btw, she is ABSOLUTELY kicking us out.
James Potter: good news: may have a few house showings scheduled for us for next week, so
Lily Evans: did u knew this was going to happen to me???
James Potter: *kiss emoji*
Lily Evans: did u really even have a meeting at work???
James Potter: you’ll never know. give the babies a kiss me for me. ill grab takeout & be home soon.
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