#I’m so sorry to subject you all to this
shy-writer-999 · 9 hours
Hi I saw your post about Law’s happy trail!! I was wondering if you would write something based off of that? Like if the reader really likes it they would always tell Law how hot it is during sex then he would get shy and not believe them and it would end up messing up his performance🤭🤭
oh my wordddd please. yes i will write something about this of course… that man has been on my mind an ungodly amount. i just word vomited this onto the page, apologies if it's messy!
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Law's happy trail 🥴
Law was fucking you in missionary when he realized you were staring at it. His happy trail. You couldn’t help it.
The black hair crept from its thick ring around the base of his cock, travelling up his lower abdomen, where it thinned out and disappeared at his belly button. There was something so masculine about the wiry strands playing up his body, manly whisps that accented and emphasized how toned and sleek he was. His happy trail rolled and grinded into you along with his hips and cock—it was mesmerizing.
You always thought it was hot. I mean, he’s just hot in general so of course it was hot. But in that moment some fascination struck you. You were laser focused on it.
“Fuck, Law,” you panted his name between moans. “Your happy trail is so fucking hot.”
It took a moment for him to register what you said. He froze. “What?”
“I said your happy trail is fucking hot.”
Your eyes flashed up from his abdomen to his eyes. Law was bright red, poised over you. He didn’t know what to say back—were you making fun of him? What did you mean?
Law resumed rocking his hips into you and your eyes went back to watching his happy trail, abs, and cock grind into you. Sweet sounds kept falling from your lips and Law fucked you a moment more, but then he froze again.
He pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to you, looking up at the ceiling. He was blushing so hard you thought he’d explode.
“Are you okay, Law? What happened?”
“Your comment about my… happy trail.”
“What about it? It’s hot, Law.”
More blood rushed to his cheeks. “Are you sure?”
“What? Of course I’m sure. You’re gorgeous, Law. I was just admiring the view.”
He turned to you. His eyes looked distraught, he was crimson, and his brows were bent at the middle.
“I just got a bit insecure.” Law averted his eyes again.
“Babbbyyyy, please believe me.” You got on top of him and peppered his face with kisses. “I’m not lying to you. You’re just so sexy I can’t take my eyes off you.” When you smiled sweetly like this, his heart melted.
He groaned. “Alright sweetheart, I believe you. C’mere.” Law brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and kissed you tenderly. He rutted his erection up, sliding it through your wet and inflamed folds.
You smiled and snuck a hand down, passing over Law’s happy trail with your hand and then grasping his shaft. You stroked him for a second and he let a whine out in your mouth as you exchanged sloppy kisses.
“I need you, sweetheart.” He groaned again and you positioned his cock at your entrance, slowly sliding down on him with a whine. You braced your palms on his abdomen and rode him until he came inside you.
When you cuddled after sex, you passed your hand over his happy trail a couple more times and he blushed every time. “It tickles a little bit,” he said gruffly. “But if you like it, I like it.”
guys i think you are all witnessing my thigh fetish in real life. idk where i got this shit. im sorry to subject you to it. but its here. this ^^ happy trail writing falls under the umbrella of the thigh thing, in my mind. that’s what we’re going to call it. the thigh thing. i literally wanna bite and chomp on the happy trail like a rabid dog
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indieyuugure · 2 days
I know I'm a bit late to comment about this and I don't know if anyone's mentioned it but this scene feels really authentic and like the perfect mix of Rise! Splinter and 2012! Splinter.
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He starts of talking in a more harsh tone like 2012! splinter would however once he sees the looks on his son's faces he has a look of realization and softens his tone, suggesting that they just play there video games and says he needs alone time. Which I think would definitely be something Rise splinter would say when he's worried and his turtles wanna do something dangerous against his orders.
And the look on the turtles faces. Especially Leo and Mikey. They all nervous and very uncomfortable at splinters tone and they all show it on their faces. But the differences in their expressions really tells you exactly how they handle being yelled at. They all clearly dislike it but raph is better at hiding it. Not even mentioning the look of horrified realization on splinters face when he sees the turtle's faces.
This also feels very much like a interaction real parents and their children could have with each other.
Sorry for the long message. It's just your take on TMNT is really good and is practically a blend of all my favorite iterations. You convey emotions very well, the character designs are great, and the characters seem like a blend of the best parts of every iteration. Plus the story so far has been great.
I wish you the best of luck as this comic continues, because so far it's definitely one of my favorite TMNT comic series/fan projects ever.
It’s never too late to comment on anything 😂
THANK YOU!! I’m so glad you liked how this scene turned out! I wanted to make it seem like a real parent-child reaction.
The turtles’ reactions are meant to show how Splinter doesn’t yell at them a lot—or at least not often anymore—which is why their faces are a mix of shock, fear, and mild confusion.
I wanted to show too that Splinter didn’t mean for his words to come out so harsh, but the subject of the Foot Clan triggered deep memories and feelings that made him yell. That’s why when he sees his sons’ faces he catches himself and realizes that this is to sensitive of a topic and goes to cool off.
I’m really happy that you are enjoying this comic so far! I’ve been greatly enjoying making it and sharing it with you guys! I hope you continue to love it! :]
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redrose10 · 2 days
This is #1 from the picture game!
Warnings: Depression, talks of cheating, mentions of therapy and taking medication, body insecurities after pregnancy, divorce, swearing, mentions of sex, lots of crying
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You nervously bounced your leg as you waited for your new boss to come greet you. It had been several years since you last changed jobs but lately your life had been all out of sorts so you figured why not. You were in the process of a messy divorce from your husband. You had moved into your own apartment. You had decided to go back to school to finish your degree that you had put on hold when your daughter was born.
So it seemed like the perfect choice when you found out that the college you were attending was doing a group hire of about eight different assistants to work with various professors. They didn’t tell you which ones or what departments and you didn’t really care. The pay was surprisingly decent and there were benefits. The hours were good and it also got you some extra credits on top of it.
When you arrived today you were told to head to the literature department. Your soon to be ex husband was a literature professor at a college a few cities over so the sound of that made your mouth sour. Hopefully this professor wasn’t as much of a jerk as your ex you hoped.
It’s funny how life turns out sometimes you thought as you watched your soon to be ex Yoongi walk down the hall to greet you. You cursed yourself for thinking he still looked as good as ever with his black rimmed glasses and his fitted turtleneck sweater.
He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, “Nope, we’re not doing this here Y/N. It’s my first day and I don’t need you embarrassing me.”
“Me embarrass you? I’m not the one who left you sitting alone at a restaurant for two hours on our anniversary while I was “with a friend”.”, you spat.
“Y/N, she was a friend. A very married and very gay friend which you would’ve known had you given me the opportunity to explain before biting my head off.”
“Okay and that doesn’t change the fact that you forgot our anniversary.”, you scoffed.
“Why are you here? Come to take more of my money?”, he said changing the subject.
“Mo-More of your money?! I haven’t taken any of your money. I only want you to provide half for Mae. That’s it. It’s all in the papers or are you too busy with your friend to even read those?”, you questioned.
“How is she by the way?”, he asked immediately softening at the mention of his daughter, “C-Can I see her this weekend?”
You nodded, “Of course Yoongi. You know I’ll never stop you. She misses you.”
Yoongi had always been an amazing father. It was one of the few things that kept you in the marriage for as long as you stayed.
“Why are you here Y/N?”, he asked again.
“I got a job as an assistant to one of the professors. They sent me to this department.”
Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, “Oh for fucks sake. This can’t be happening.”
“Why are you here?”, you also questioned.
“They offered me a tenured position at this school. And part of that offer included my own assistant.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you changed jobs?”
He scoffed, “I also changed which brand of toothpaste I use. Should I tell you that too?”
You hated how cold and mean he had become towards you. You missed the comforting, warm and welcoming man that you had married.
“The brand of toothpaste you use doesn’t possibly affect our daughter Yoongi. What if something happened to her and I thought you still worked at your old job? I need to know things like this.”
He nodded, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. You didn’t tell me that you got a new job either by the way.”
He was right. You nodded, “I’m sorry. There’s just a lot going on and I was overwhelmed as it is.”
“Do you need more money?”
“What?! No I don’t need more money. I can take care of myself just fine.”
“Alright alright. I just wanted to make sure.”, he rolled his eyes
“Well maybe I can ask them to switch my department or something.”, you said.
“No it’s fine. We’re both adults. We need to learn to co-parent anyways so this can be good practice.”
You were skeptical but agreed.
Yoongi’s office was much brighter and warmer than you expected. A large oak desk covered in books and papers. A photo of him holding Mae the day she was born was hanging on the wall. It was the biggest you’d ever seen him smile and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen a smile like that on him.
“Since it’s the first day of class I don’t really have much for you to do. Can you please just take all of the papers for the syllabus and put them in order and staple them? That would really help me.”
“Sure.”, you nodded and got to work.
Working for your soon to be ex was easier than you thought. Sure you both argued and took little jabs at each other here and there but for the most part he’d give you a list of things to do for the day and you’d just go about your day doing them. You two were almost being friendly with each other again.
He’d bring you a coffee that they “accidentally” gave him for free and it just happened to be your favorite kind and you’d always happen to bring way too much food for your lunch so you’d offer to share it with him. Things seemed nice for once in a long time.
On a Wednesday afternoon he was at some big faculty meeting. He’d asked you to edit a paper he was working on so you were sat at his desk reading through it.
There was a quick knock at the door before a woman appeared. “Hope you’re hungry Yoongi. I got your favor-Oh! I’m sorry. I was expecting Professor Min to be here.”, she said startled by your presence.
“He’s in a meeting. He should be back shortly.”, you faked politeness.
You also took a notice of her appearance. Something you’d been doing a lot lately anytime you were around another woman. She was definitely younger than you and Yoongi. Long perfectly toned legs, no tummy pouch. She probably had perfect skin without stretch marks. She was gorgeous and everything you felt you weren’t.
She smiled, “You look really familiar.”
“Well I take some classes here so maybe you’ve seen me in one of those.”
“No no that’s not it. I’ve seen you in a photo…Oh! Your Professor Mins wife or soon to be ex wife I should say.”, she chuckled, “He used to have a picture of you on his desk.”
Hearing that he “used to” hurt pretty bad but what could you expect of him at this point honestly.
“I’m sorry how do you know Professor Min? I can take a message and let him know you stopped by.”, you said grabbing a pen.
“He was my Professor over at SNU. We got pretty close there. Then I transferred over here and now he’s here too”, she giggled again, “I guess he missed me too much. Just tell him Mia stopped by. He’ll know.”
“I’ll get right on that.”, you rolled your eyes as she turned and walked away.
After she left you felt a wave of emotions hit you. The realization that your marriage was over and probably had been over much longer for Yoongi than it had been for you making your eyes brim with tears. You started to dig around in Yoongi’s desk looking for some tissues when you saw it. Flipped over and tucked away in the bottom drawer was a picture of you and Yoongi. You were looking up at the camera while he had his arms around your waist and his cheek resting on the top of your head as he smiled. It was taken minutes before he got down on one knee and asked you to spend the rest of your life with him. Now this precious moment that you thought you’d both cherish forever was shoved in the bottom of a desk drawer. That only made you cry harder and you were thankful that you found the tissues.
You had just gotten yourself mostly composed when Yoongi got back from his meeting.
“I’m sorry that took longer than expected. How did the editing go?”
He looked at you. You knew you couldn’t get one by him. He’d always been able to tell when you were crying.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“Nothing don’t worry about it?”
“You’re crying. Something happened.”
“Nothing happened. Can you just leave me alone?”, you hissed.
He sighed, “Why do you always push me away? For once can you just stop trying to be tough and tell me what’s wrong.”
“No Yoongi, I can’t stop being tough because I’ve spent so long having to be tough so that you can’t hurt me any more.”
He ran his tongue over his slightly parted lips.
You grabbed your bag and tossed it over your shoulder, “The paper looks good so far. I’m going to get lunch.”
You turned to look at him but he was staring at the ground, “Oh and by the way, Mia stopped by.”
You left letting the door slam behind you.
Yoongi texted you to take a longer lunch than normal. Whether he felt bad for you or didn’t want to deal with you or maybe he had invited Mia to his office and had other plans, you didn’t care. You needed the extra time and were glad to take it.
When you did return back to his office Yoongi was sitting at his desk going over something on his computer. Without a word you walked over and took a seat on the couch pulling out some paperwork that still needed to be reviewed.
“I have never been unfaithful to you Y/N. I know that’s what you’re thinking. I would never do that to you no matter what is going on between us.”
“Then who is she?”, you asked between sobs that came out of nowhere.
“She’s just an over zealous student that I tutored last semester and part of the reason I left SNU. She wasn’t taking no for an answer. I didn’t want to get her expelled and I got a better job offer so I just left. She must’ve heard that I transferred here from someone. I’ll talk to security and let them know not to allow her on campus. I swear to you Y/N there’s absolutely nothing going on between me and her…or anyone else.”
You heard him sigh as he watched you continued to cry.
“How did we get to this point?”, he said running his hands over his face. You had an idea but couldn’t do any more than cry a little harder.
Then he suddenly left his desk and came over next to you on the couch. “I have an idea. Do you trust me?”, he asked.
You only nodded knowing your voice would sound too rough.
“Okay hold this pen.”, he said taking one out of his suit pocket and gently placing it in your hands, “Whoever has this pen gets to speak their mind and say anything that they want to and the other person can’t interrupt or speak until they have the pen. I think we need to sit down and talk about things like adults, without our emotions causing us to act out.”
You stared at the pen for a moment then you looked at Yoongi. He was silent but you could see it in his eyes that he was scared.
After taking a minute to compose yourself you took another look at him before speaking.
“For me it started a few months after Mae was born. I hated my new body, the way I looked. I mean I was proud of what I had done and I wouldn’t have changed anything but it was hard Yoongi. I gained weight, I have a little belly pouch and stretch marks, my boobs are saggy and uneven. I felt so gross and unattractive.
And then I noticed you were getting distant. You didn’t touch me as much, you stopped trying to get little peaks of me changing or getting out of the shower. We’ve had sex like twice since Mae was born and both times I could tell you weren’t really into it. I thought you weren’t attracted to me any more either.”
You paused to take a look at him. He was delicately looking at you, biting his lip. You knew he was trying his hardest not to interrupt you.
So you continued, “Then one day I thought I’d surprise you. I bought a new lingerie set and dropped Mae off at my parents. I showered and shaved and moisturized like it was going to fix everything. I added a little of the perfume you always liked and then when I knew you were laying on the bed I walked out of the bathroom. I dropped my robe and said your name in the most sultry way I could. And..and you didn’t even look at me Yoongi.”, your voice cracked. It was harder to talk about this than you had thought but you composed yourself again, “And I wish I would’ve just turned around and went back into the bathroom because when you finally did look at me you didn’t react. You didn’t tell me I looked good, you didnt pull me towards the bed like you used to, you didn’t even smile. You just stared at me like you were disgusted. Yoongi do you know how much that hurt me? What that did to my confidence?To realize that I couldn’t even get your attention after putting in that much effort. I felt like an idiot. I wanted to talk then but you said you had to make a phone call and left the room. So I changed back into my pajamas and went to bed.”
You clicked the pen a few times trying to ground yourself. Yoongi was still patiently sitting next to you.
“Then our anniversary came up. I wanted to give us one more chance. I got a new dress that I felt really good in. Booked a reservation at your favorite restaurant. I reminded you that morning. And you didn’t show up. Yoongi I sat there for two hours…two hours like an idiot waiting on the love of my life for nothing. You texted me that you were out with someone else so I figured you’d already found someone you were more attracted to and accepted it. I paid for my drinks and went home. The next day I called the divorce lawyer. And…and here we are.”
Once you had finished you had to admit it felt pretty good getting all of that off your chest. It was all things that you had said to him in your head many times but never had the guts to say to him in person.
When you realized he still hadn’t said anything you took the pen and placed it in his hands. The rough callouses giving you goosebumps.
Yoongi took a deep breath to prepare himself for his turn.
“Y/N, I am so incredibly sorry that I ever made you doubt yourself. From the minute I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful being ever and that has never changed. If anything you’ve only gotten more attractive to me. The thing is…is that I’m depressed. I have been for a while. It started just before Mae was born and got worse afterwards. I should’ve told you but I was embarrassed and I felt guilty. I mean I’m married to the woman I love more than anything and we have a beautiful little girl who’s healthy and happy and I have a great job that I love so I felt like I had no reason to be depressed and I was angry with myself for feeling that way. And then…”
He took another long deep breath, “And then after Mae was born I knew I had to get better for both of you. So I saw a psychiatrist and was put on depression medication and started seeing a therapist too. And it was helping. I started feeling better. But the medication, it…it has certain side effects. So while any time my eyes and brain saw you they wanted one thing, the rest of my body didn’t want to cooperate.”
He looked at you apprehensively to see if you were understanding where he was going with that and you did so you gave him a little nod.
“That night I knew you had something planned. I accidentally saw the bag from the lingerie store in the closet and then Mae was gone and you were taking an extra long time in the shower. I put it all together and I knew you wanted to have sex and I panicked. I started thinking about anything I could to try and force it to happen. That camping trip in the woods, our wedding night, that night Mae was conceived.”, he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows making you giggle for the first time in what felt like forever, “But none of it was working. And then I looked at you. I stared because I wanted to burn that image into my brain forever. You looked so gorgeous, sexy, incredible. I felt like the luckiest man alive. And then I realized that I was just going to disappoint you and make you feel insecure because I knew you’d think it was because of you. So I panicked again and left to go call my therapist. Looking back I should’ve just told you everything from the start.”
He adjusted himself on the couch to get comfortable again before going on, “And then I knew our anniversary was coming up so I stopped taking my medication for a little. I wanted to be able to make it up to you and show you how much I loved you and make you feel as incredible as you make me feel. I thought I’d be okay but it’s like the depression hit me harder than before. I was worried and called my therapist so she gave me an emergency appointment. I’m so sorry Y/N. We were talking through things and it took longer than I thought and then I had to get my prescription refilled and by the time it was over you had already left the restaurant. I knew when I got home that you were going to call the lawyer. I didn’t blame you so I didnt try to stop you.”
He stopped to remove his glasses and wipe away some tears. In all the years you’ve known him you’ve only ever seen him cry twice before. Once when his grandmother had passed away and the day Mae was born. To see him sit here in front of you and cry as if he had nothing else to loose really pulled at your heart strings.
You went to speak but realized he still had the pen. It appeared he wasn’t done anyways because he grabbed your hand and squeezed it tight, “I’m sorry I failed you not only as a lover but also as a husband and a friend. I never meant to make you feel that way. Just know that when this is all over and you’re no longer tied to me that no one will ever love you as deeply and as strongly as I always will. I will always be here for you and Mae. No matter what. I’m sorry I’ve hurt you so many times. I wish I could take it all back and take on the hurt instead.”
Through your own blurry vision you looked over his tear stained cheeks and red nose before taking the pen in his hand and tossing it aside. Tightly you wrapped your arms around his neck and connected your lips to his, “I’m sorry too Yoongi. I should’ve just talked to you and let you know how I felt instead of being stubborn and expecting you to fix it. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling so much and I wish you would’ve told me. I want to take the pain from you. I love you so much and I don’t want to get divorced. I just wanted you to hurt too just like I was but I didn’t know you were already hurting so badly in other ways. But I love you so much. I’m so sorry.”
By this point you were ugly crying and didn’t even care. You were sure you looked like a red, snot covered mess but when you actually took the time to look at Yoongi you could see the love he had for you even in that moment.
“It’s okay Y/N…Everything will be okay, everything will be okay, everything will be okay…”, he repeated a few more times while stroking your hair until you had finally started to calm down a little.
“So what do we do now?”, you sniffled.
“Well we can take it slow if you want. We have to think about Mae in all of this too and we don’t want to confuse her. Maybe slowly start moving back home and spending more and more time together as a family. And uh maybe you could come to one of my therapy sessions with me, if you want to. I know she’d love to meet you and we can talk there and go over anything else we need too. And when you’re ready we can meet with the lawyer again and take care of that.”
You smiled, “Okay that sounds nice.”
You leaned into him resting your head on his shoulder while you played with his fingers. Just from the pinkness of his hands you could tell he was blushing.
“Umm and maybe you could come over one day and you could bring that lingerie set with you and maybe…maybe we could try.”, he said nervously rubbing his hand over the back of his neck.
Gently you stopped him taking his hand in yours, “Of course we can try. I know it may not happen but we’ll work through it together.”
He breathed a sigh of relief before pulling you over for a kiss, “I love you Mrs. Min Yoongi.”
And surprise…Here is a bonus little smutty side story that goes with it. I wrote it as a separate story because I don’t usually include smut in my writings and I didn’t want to blindside anyone that may like reading what I post but isn’t comfortable reading smut. This way you can just read this main fic or you can read both if you’d like.
I’m not going to become a smut account or anything. I’ve just had a similar idea for a while and I felt like it fit this situation. I’ve been really nervous to post it but wanted to try it out.
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jeannereames · 1 day
Do you have any thoughts/theories on what it would've been like if Alexander ever returned to Pella? (sorry if this was already asked, tumblr's search system isn't really helpful)
What if Alexander Had Lived to Turn West?
First, I agree on Tumblr’s search system. It’s become increasingly bad. Even I can’t find posts I KNOW I made and tagged. I’m starting to compile a list of the more important (and lengthy) posts on various subjects, for my own reference. I wish Tumblr would let us pin several posts, not just one. (I’ve also sent a complaint feedback to Tumblr about this.)
Anyway, to the question: before we get to the “fun” (speculative) part, let’s address how likely it is he’d GO back. And as part of that, we need to ruminate a bit on what he might have done, if he’d returned west. So, let’s play a little “What-if?”
We must also keep in mind travel time. In the modern world, we can forget how long it took back then to get from Point A to Point B. Had he lived to attack Carthage (as I think he planned to do), or at least circumnavigate Arabia—both are on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. (See my tweaked map with significant places I mention below marked in purple, and recall that they tended to sail along a coast, not straight through the middle.) Macedonia is in the NW corner of the Aegean Sea. Such a side-trip would have eaten up a couple months. There might have been a sneaky reason for him to do that very thing: to come at Carthage from the north. (See discussion below.) But only if Arabia was a ruse all along. If he did mean to attack Arabia (and I think he intended that too), he'd go the southern route, then after, check on the progress of Alexandria (and visit the shrines for Hephaistion that he’d ordered built), before heading west.
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If he did choose that southern route, he wouldn’t have returned to Pella before attacking Arabia or Carthage. And after…well, Italy was on the way back, so he’d probably have gone there first. And yes, I think after dealing with Carthage, he’d have used avenging the death of his uncle (Alexandros of Epiros) as an excuse to attack the Greek colonies in S. Italy. If he’d been successful against Carthage, I’m pretty sure south Italy, and possibly the north too, would have capitulated to avoid being leveled. Even Rome. At that point, Rome was in no position to fight such a titanic military powerhouse. Too many think of Rome later and backread the extent of Roman resistance into earlier periods.
Depending on the length of the campaign (e.g., how hard was any opposition), he’d have been in his mid-30s by then. Incidentally, if you’d like a speculative “What if Alexander went West,” I recommend A Choice of Destinies by Melissa Scott. (Ignore the cover.) She does have him return to Greece first, but because Thebes is in revolt (which called him back in the first place; he never reaches India). That’s the sort of event that would get him back to Greece.
There’s been speculation in both fiction and history that he didn’t want to go home because he was avoiding “his terrible mother” (as Tarn put it). I’ve written before on why Oedipal Complexes are both very modern and very wrong to assign to Alexander. I can’t now locate that post (annoyingly), but did find this one about Alexander’s relationship with Olympias in later years. So, I don’t think avoiding Olympias would have kept him from Greece/Macedonia before going west. If anything, the opportunity to see his family would have been a draw, not a dissuading point.
So, we can postulate two possible return scenarios. The first would be a side-trip on his way to Carthage as trickery to conceal his real target. After leaving Pella, he’d circumnavigate Greece to the Peloponnese, then cross the Ionian Sea to Sicily (a typical Greek trade route), and then sail around the southern edge of the island to pop across to Carthage from the north.
In this scenario, he’d be in “swing-by” mode. He’d already asked Antipatros to bring him fresh troops, so he’d have been picking them up, or acquiring more. As a recruiting campaign, it would have been short, but he’d no doubt make several religious sacrifices at Dion, Aigai, and Pella, and perhaps even visit Delphi for a prophecy about the west.
He would not bring his Asian wives with him in either scenario. First, it’s a campaign, not a family visit. But also, he intended them to stay in Babylon (or Susa). By that point, Roxane and probably also Statiera would have given birth. If both infants were male, Statiera’s would be designated heir in Asia. If only Roxana’s was male, he’d still be the “spare” by dint of his mother’s lower birth, but better than nothing in the meantime.
It’s quite possible that he intended a divided but hierarchical rule not so different from Assyrian patterns, where one heir was sent to Babylon while Daddy ruled in Nineveh and trained the other. He almost certainly meant his son by Statiera to rule in Persia/Asia, but perhaps a different son to rule in the west—one likely not even conceived yet.
I do not think he’d have married a Macedonian. He’d be looking for another political marriage, maybe to a Greek (Athenian, Syracusan…), but more likely, he’d marry a Carthaginian after any war (or as part of any peace treaty with Carthage). At that point, Carthage was the powerhouse in the Western Med. Remember, Rome had only begun her consolidation of the Italic peninsula in the wake of the Gaulic sack of the city. Alexander in Italy might have stopped that cold.
Anyway, whatever marriage he made in the west (or couple of marriages) would have been intended to produce an heir to reign there, probably subservient to any son by Statiera after Alexander’s own death, but it’s hard to know for sure. Roxana’s son (and Herakles by Barsine) would have been third and fourth fiddles. That’s WHY Roxana killed Statiera. Her status wasn’t high enough, and her son would have been destined to be regional governor in the NE territories (where his family was from): e.g., troublesome Baktria/Sogdiana. Herakles would probably have been given Asia Minor (where his Persian family was from). (More on Herakles in another post.)
But back to this scenario: if he visited on the way, it would have been a quick trip until he was off again to another campaign. (Not unlike Daddy who, in his latter years, didn’t spend much time in Pella.)
Now, let’s look at scenario #2: a visit after any victories in Arabia, Carthage, and possibly Italy. That would be a different homecoming, less pressed for time.
That said, he wouldn’t have intended to stay. After securing the eastern/middle Mediterranean, he might have driven up into Europe, to re-secure Thrace to the Danube and scout for river connections between the Black and Caspian Seas. There aren’t any, but they didn’t know that. In fact, late in his campaign, he’d already sent somebody north to do that very scouting, so this would be a follow-up.
Thrace had fallen away from Macedonian control in in his later years, thanks to the powerful Odrysian King Seuthes III. Also, Alexander hadn’t forgotten those Celts who’d been singularly unimpressed by him early in his reign. (ha) Alternatively, he might have decided to go South of Egypt to Meroë, or west of Italy to Spain. But as he was centered in Greece, my bet is north into Eastern Europe. He already had incentive from a rebellious Thrace.
What would this homecoming have been like? STUPENDOUS, of course. All the stops pulled out. Macedonia was a gift-exchange society, so bringing home a fair bit of booty would be important. We’re told he sent presents home regularly, but this would be above and beyond. It would serve two functions:
First, he’d get to claim to be the wealthiest, most successful Macedonian king EVAR, and then some. So personal fame and honor would be on the line.
Second, throwing around oodles of wealth would be a great recruiting tool. His constant warring meant he was also in constant need of new troops. In his last years, it was clear he was happy to get troops from a variety of peoples, but the Macedonian core remained (as in the Successor Wars). Of course, continually draining Macedonia of men was bad for the future population, but “sustainability” was not in any way an ancient concept, whether in resources or in manpower. Early in his career, he did show a little awareness of this, sending back men for a “conjugal visit,” but as the campaign continued, he stopped worrying about it.
Anyway, he would also probably take the opportunity to build that giant tomb for daddy that was part of his Last Plans. Hard to know how much of those plans were either exaggerated or entirely invented, but that sounds like something he’d do. He might also have taken time to improve on local religious structures (such as at Dion), and set up something (no doubt monstrously large) at both Delphi and Olympia, as panhellenic sites.
As for the reunion with his mother and sisters, as indicated, I don’t think he was staying away to avoid Mommy Dearest. So, I expect he’d have been happy, maybe even overjoyed, to see them again.
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bambi-slxt · 14 hours
🤍𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞🤍
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
word count: 1.6k
genre/tropes: established relationship, hurt/comfort, all fluff
warnings: reader is on her period (fic inspired by me being sick as fuck for a month)
notes from bambi: chris takes care of reader on her period (does not include period sex). don't like, don't read - if you do read, please enjoy! <3
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It probably ruined the mattress too. Fuck.
"Chris, baby.." You shook him gently awake. "I'm really sorry but can you go sleep in Matt's room?"
He yawned, a massive, snake-like yawn, unhinged jaw and all. "What're you talkin’ about, ma."
You grimaced, unwilling to go into gruesome detail. "I, um...
Chris blinked away the sleep from his eyes and took in the scene before him. Dark blood had soaked through his bedsheets—quite a bit of it. “Oh fuck, are you ok-”
“Yeah, I just–no, don't look at it, I promise I'll take care of everything, I'm gonna wash your sheets and if you need a new mattress I'll get it, I'm so sorry, Chris please, just…just go sleep with Matt.”
While you spoke, Chris sat himself up and slipped off the other side of the bed, his face fallen with empathy. “‘M gonna help. Come on, let's strip it.”
Your stomach twisted. “No, Chris. I don't want you to see this, I don't even really want you to see me right now, please just go.”
Chris padded around the end of his bed, walking towards you with his achingly familiar gait. “Come here, babygirl.”
Tears, hot and stinging, pricked your eyes, and they began to flow as his arms enveloped your body. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” You tucked your head into his neck, hands clinging to his shirt like a child while his hands stroked up and down your back, your chest heaving and hiccuping with cries. It was all bullshit, this whole thing.
“Don’t gotta be sorry. It’s okay. I got you. M’ not goin’ anywhere. Easy, pretty girl. Take it easy.” Chris murmured his reassurances gently as you stood together in his dark room. 
“Thabnk you,” you sniffled, nose stuffed. “I’m gonna shoot myself directly into the sun.”
He coughed out a laugh. “Don’t do that. Come on, let's take care of the bed and we can go shower, yeah? Get y’ cleaned up n’ shit, okay?”
An apologetic but appreciative smile cracked its way through your features. “Okay.”
Chris’s hands slipped away and cradled your face with as much tenderness as he could muster. “There’s my girl. It’s okay. You’re okay.” You leaned into his touch, looking up at him through tear-soaked lashes. “Hey, baby,” he whispered. “My pretty girl.”
With another sniffle, you finally tore yourself away from his embrace and stared decisively at the disaster zone. Yanking the comforter off, you and Chris began to silently unmake the bed, working in a quiet tandem that would have been comfortable if not for the subject at hand. Balling up his sheets, you stepped around him, making sure your arm brushed his back as you passed, and stepped carefully up the stairs. About halfway up, your ears alerted you to another set of footsteps behind you and you turned to address him. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to-”
“Shh. What if you get lost?”
“...I’m not gonna get lost.”
“Or kidnapped? Ever think about that?”
“I can honestly say that a home invasion resulting in my abduction hasn’t crossed my mind in years.”
Chris huffed and nudged you up the stairs again. “Skill issue.”
Another unexpected smile stretched your lips. “Shut up.”
A soft light emanated from Matt’s room - he must still be awake. “What time is it?” you murmured, sliding open the folding door to reveal the washer and dryer.
Chris shrugged, reaching above your head for the stain remover. “Time doesn’t mean anything anyway.”
“What?” You took the bottle from him and rifled through the heap of sheets. 
He chuckled, quite proud of his ability to drop conversation-grenades. “Like, the numbers we put with time, they don’t add any meaning to it. Numbers are just a way for us to measure something we don’t understand.”
You turned to him slowly, in utter disbelief. “All that raw, incredible intelligence…remind me again how you spell tw-”
“Okay, enough,” he grumbled, snatching the sheets from you. “Here, gimme that. You’re doing it wrong.”
You snickered softly, wrapping your hands around Chris’s arm as he scrubbed the magic soap into his sheets. “Wait, no, you don’t have to do that, hold on, let me just-”
He bumped you out of the alcove with his hips. “Stop. I got it. Doesn’t bother me, ma, I promise.”
“...But I feel bad.”
He shrugged, hands still working the solution through the accidental mess you’d made. “Don’t feel bad. Problem solved.”
“Okay but like…it’s embarrassing. I don’t want you to see this and associate it with me.”
Chris tilted his head and turned to face you, leaning on the dryer to stabilize himself. “You’ve cleaned up worse things that’ve come outta’ me. Y’ any less attracted to me?” You shook your head, wrinkling your nose even still as you remembered his week-long recovery from food poisoning. “See?” Chris held out his hands. “Come here.” You sighed when you settled against his chest once more. “I’m gonna see you do some embarrassing stuff, and some gross stuff, and you’ll see the same from me.”
You grinned in spite of yourself. “Or worse.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, ruffling your hair, “Or worse. Look at me.” Raising your head to meet his gaze, you felt his thumb underneath your chin - not to force you, but just to touch you. “I don’t love ya any less. M’ not any less attracted to ya. I don’t want you to be perfect, I want you to be real and I want you to be mine. That’s all I’m askin’ for, babygirl.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, taking in his words and holding his gaze. “You’re so sweet.”
A soft blush lit his cheeks and he turned away to smile. “Shut up.” 
After dropping the offending sheets into the washer, Chris managed the dials and left it at that. “You wanna go get cleaned up?”
You nodded profusely. “I feel disgusting.”
“Come on, then. Gonna run you a shower to get all that blood off you and then we can just soak in the bath,” he murmured, beckoning down the stairs for you to go before him. “Ladies first.”
“Why, thank you, sir,” you replied, taking his hand daintily and attempting to saunter down the steps to his room and adjoined bathroom. 
“You look like those geese ladies from that old cat movie,” he snickered, following you with a hand wrapped around your outstretched fingers. 
“The Aristocats? I fucking love the Aristocats,” you said.
“Wanna watch it later?”
Chris chuckled again and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “Lemme get the water warm.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I like taking care of you.”
Now it was your turn to blush. “Shut up.”
The gentle shhhh coming from Chris’s bathroom washed over your ears as you slid the ruined pajama pants down to your ankles. “Gonna have to wash these too,” you growled, balling them up and throwing them at the corner. 
“I’ll do that,” Chris said, “Get in,” and he pointed forcefully to the shower.
“Oh my god it’s so warm in here,” you groaned happily, feeling it soak your skin and warm your body.
“Not too hot?” he asked, closing the sliding glass door almost all the way. 
“Perfect.” Securing your hair out of the way, you let the water flow down your body, taking all the dark stains with it and disappearing down the drain. You didn’t even notice Chris leave. 
The lighting in his bathroom was soft and easy on the eyes. You pulled your soap off the tile-inset shelf and opened it over your chest, letting the cool gel coat your breasts and stomach. Frugality held no bearing on your mind tonight - you earned this small luxury.
The door opened again. “‘M back, baby.” Chris leaned against the wall that upheld the shower, turning his head to meet your eyes through the glass door. “You feelin’ better?” 
You nodded, smearing the now-sudsy soap over yourself. “Thank you.”
“Taking care of me.”
Chris smiled, though it was tinged by sadness. “Of course I take care of you. And ‘m sorry you thought you had to do all that, you know…by yourself.”
You returned his ached smile. “I'm sorry I bled on your mattress.”
“It’s not a death sentence, babygirl, it’ll be alright.”
You stepped back into the water stream, and let it send the last spots of blood into the drain. “So will I.”
When you awoke again, it was on the couch. The white couch. Scrambling to your feet, your eyes darted around in horror - but no red marks greeted you. 
“You’re okay, baby,” Chris said softly. He stood shirtless in the kitchen, standing over a sizzling pan. “Brought you up here cuz’ you didn't want me to leave you alone in bed.”
You blinked rapidly, trying to regain memory. “But I never…I don't remember putting a-”
“I put a towel underneath us so you could sleep naked like you like,” he said with a smile. “You remember wakin' up this mornin’?”
“Yes…Oh Chris…” A blush flamed across your cheeks at the memory of him holding your hips, running a soft, cool wipe over your folds at your behest. “I shouldn't have asked you to do that, that was weird and gross and-”
“Shut up.”
“No, really, that was-”
“Hey.” He clicked something on the stove and walked over to the couch, cupping your face with his hand. “I was happy to do it. I told you, I like takin’ care of you. Besides, what kinda man would I be if I was scared of a little blood?” His thumb brushed over your cheek. “It’s okay. I promise.”
Tears pricked your eyes, and your chin felt a little shaky. “Thank you.”
“‘Course,” he grinned. “Come on, food’s ready.”
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notes from bambi: hope you liked it! i'm such a sucker for soft!chris
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misdeliria · 13 hours
It was a routine covert investigation. Emphasis on covert.
Your apartment was meant to be empty when Jason climbed through the window. No sounds were coming from outside your home office, which he was counting on—after a series of days, he deduced you were following your routine. You were most likely across town now, attending meetings at your day job.
Jason took the opportunity to plant all his listening devices. One is on the plant, another is under your desk, and the last is inside the clock. 
Disassembling the clock was light work, but with all the little pieces and Jason’s massive fingers, reassembling the device took an extra minute too long. He didn’t get a chance to open your desk's top drawer when the lock on your front door clicked. 
What were you doing at home so early? You were supposed to be at work. 
Your strides outside were directly approaching your home office. Did you know he was here?
With no time to escape out the window without getting caught, Jason decided to play it cool, throwing himself in your chair and crossing his legs as the knob turned. 
“I’ve been wondering when you’d finally make your move,” is the first thing you say when you step inside. You haven’t even looked at him, glancing around the room and smiling at the plant that held his plant. “I hope you didn’t break my clock.”
You’re dressed for work with wide-bottom slacks and a padded blazer. Your hair was down, and you looked refreshed—not surprised or out of breath.  
“Christ, you’re annoying,” Jason sighed through his voicemod. “Do you know how long that took?”
“I imagine a frustrating length.” 
You were smooth. Jason had to restrain himself from reacting behind the mask at every intention you did. You took the seat by the window in the corner, eyes trailing from the bookcase to the rug before landing on him leisurely at the desk. 
“Did you find anything good?”
“How did you know?”
How did you know where the listening devices were? How did you know he would choose a Tuesday mid-morning at a random time? 
You imitated his lax posture, crossing your arms with a haughty look. 
“Because I know you, Jason.” You sound earnest as you say it, and Jason’s whole body tenses. There’s nothing on your desk for him to pretend to be interested in and give any indication that you’re wrong. But his training is lost on him. 
“But you don’t remember me,” you murmur, eyes never leaving his helmet. You’re giving everything away in your body language, your shoulders sagging, the downturn in your brows and lips: This must be a trap.
“Uh oh, didn’t realize I was dealing with a jealous ex,” Jason laughs. “Which one were you again?” Why was he provoking her?
He must’ve hit a nerve because you just frown with a tick in your jaw. 
“How much do you know?” This catches Jason’s attention. This could work out for him.
“You work at a club near Gotham Heights. Your boss has recently been dealing with Roman Sionis.” If he gave you a little nudge on the subject, you’re bound to give him more details. 
Your expression falls in disappointment, and you suddenly look tired of him. 
“If that’s all you’re here for, I’m sorry to disappoint.” You don’t look at all that sorry. “He doesn’t keep me in the loop often. I don’t know anything.”
“There’s a shipment next week, and I want to know what’s in those containers.”
You exaggerate a sigh, throwing your head back while rolling your eyes. “You’re so demanding. It’s amazing how you’ve become successful in your line of work. Do you even know what I do at the club?”
Jason kept quiet under the helmet, racking his brain for your role. You were only labeled as hired as an employee in the records, but it didn’t specify what. Another question on the long list he wanted answers to. 
“Burbank, my boss, runs an underground fighting ring alongside the club. It’s a front.”
“Yeah, I know.” What does that have to do with you?
“Come on, use your head,” you jeer, and an epiphany sparks when your eyes glow blue. You smile with an ominous aura and tell him, “I’m his security.”
Jason instinctively reaches for the strap on his hip, but you tsk at him. 
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“Who are you?” Jason spits venomously, mildly panicking at this new development. Your home office was an average domestic room, so it was safe to say the rest of your apartment was also. You worked a 9 to 5, and yet you fought for an underground fight club. And, worst of all—
You knew exactly who he was.
“I’m not that surprised you don’t recognize me,” you muse. “I started dying my hair after your funeral.”
His funeral? Were you his classmate? Wait—
“Who are you?” Jason demanded this time. The image of a dark-haired girl in a Gotham Academy uniform flashed through his mind. She was the daughter of an elite, the youngest in a family of men. 
“I think you know who I am,” you answer, leaning against the chair armrest. “And it’s so good to see you again.”
a/n: just practicing rn; might add more later
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beigetiger · 10 days
Ok. So. I was initially going to make this in one post, but then I realized it was going to be too long and so have split it into two parts. This is gonna be me rambling about an AU. This is part one and is going to be about Skulduggery, Valkyrie, and how they’re doing in the war. This is still probably gonna be a long post that makes exactly zero sense, so buckle up.
Firstly, I’m gonna talk about what the two of them turned into after the big magic explosion.
At first Valkyrie seems relatively normal, albeit a bit injured. It takes a few days for her to realize that anything changed, similarly to what happened at the end of DoA. But she eventually begins to suspect that something is off about her and after a week or two manages to trigger a transformation that gives her several sets of wings and a set of retractable tentacles with which she is able to absorb other people’s souls and move power from person to person.
Shortly after this, she also starts acting a lot weirder. Similarly to Darquesse and her obsession with magic energy, actually, except that Valkyrie gains an obsession with absorbing everyone she cares about so that she cannot ever lose them. Luckily for everyone else, she’s only willing to do this if they’re close to death (at least in her current state). But basically, she starts talking a lot more like a god would, which is weirdly, vaguely, and objectifying of everyone around them. Skulduggery and Anton are both in something similar to isolation with her at some point, and so they are the first two to notice. Anton is vaguely creeped out but trusts Valkyrie in spite of it, even if he does continue to be slightly morally off-put by some of her decisions. Skulduggery doesn’t really mind it, and even welcomes the additional power since he’s now having to try and stay normal and not turn back into Lord Vile. In the years since she and Skulduggery split off from the main group, her form with wings has also grown in size, although she’s still normal on the rare occasions she decides to look normal.
Now, Skulduggery didn’t really have any big magic transformation. However, bad circumstances and peer pressure basically forced him to put large chunks of the armour back on so he could fight, and he ended up never really taking them off out of paranoia that he was about to be jumped by Sanctuary officers, even when he was at Valkyrie’s house. So it wasn’t the magic that eventually made him go insane, it was the magic armour, the violent tendencies that come with it, and his best friend randomly turning into a god.
While they’re technically classified as leading different groups, they work together constantly and are still pretty much inseparable. The two groups have also decided to just…merge together. It’s famously codependent duo that’s leading them, they might as well become besties at this point.
Another thing about how they work is that their dynamic drifts around a bit, but through areas that are pretty predictable. The two of them both sort of have the average SP god’s appreciation of life, that being “it’s all irrelevant in the face of the universe”, and as a result they don’t really think about the potential consequences of their violent actions. When they’re like this, they both tend to talk in such a way too (as stated earlier). However, they’ll also default to bantering as normal sometimes. But more importantly, the two of them (although most prominently Valkyrie) sort of…float in and out of lucidity.
To explain, they’re both insane and their brains work like gods, they don’t really think about the consequences of their actions. However, there are times when things such as their humanity, old morality and general personalities float back to them that sometimes cause them to have small breakdowns (although again, this tends to happen more with Valkyrie). And those usually last for a few days, and then their brains begin to slide more back towards the cold inhumanity of godhood. So their followers really just have to wake up and figure out how their bosses are doing mentally on that particular day.
That’s all I can think of for them right now tbh, but maybe I’ll add more in the future. Next post is gonna take a lot more organizing than this one.
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macksartblock · 5 months
Every time I see a sad post about Normal post finale, I mentally put him at a Bridgerton watch party w/ like five older queers all dressed in regency garb
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seancefemme · 1 year
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(ignoring literally everything else) omg who wants to be tenth-century lesbian princesses who fall in love and found a monastery together 🫶
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shrekyaoi · 2 months
I think a big part why there's such an issue with mischaracterization and what not in cod is because a huge part of the fandom are teenage girls who have not played the game and who got into cod through edits of ghost or könig they saw on tiktok. Kind of mean but I digress. I don't think there's anything wrong with not playing the games though, they are military propaganda and a part of the proceeds do go to the us military so if you've got a strong moral stance against that I can see why people wouldn't buy them. They are also overpriced as fuck too. Pirating is very much a thing thought but I think it's a little beyond the know how of the average person in the cod fandom
believe me if you think i’ve dropped a single penny on any property activision has ever handled you’d be dead wrong. i’m not sure i’d target lock on the “teenage girls” because ultimately there’s a lot of misogyny buried in that belief, but it is because people do not want to engage with the games on any level deeper than character appearances and a few voicelines. people don’t want to read ghost’s comic (which. considering the content, i cannot blame them too much but they won’t even read a synopsis), they don’t want to watch playthroughs, they don’t want to read/watch analyses. it’s a little embarassing that there’s such a clean cut between the people that have and haven’t played the games. i saw it back a few months after mw2 2022 came out and the fanbase that HAD played the game thought it fucking sucked dick and balls but the part of the fanbase that hadn’t didn’t know/didn’t care. the contrast is wild. it’s kinda funny that the people that have played the games love yuri to a frankly offputting degree but the majority of the fanbase that haven’t don’t even know who this guy is. it’s weird! but it’s not unique. i did my time in the dc fandom and when i tell you not a single person wants to pick up a comic and read it i would still be understating it. people don’t really like doing the work if the only thing that compels them is designs plus what i shall here refer to politely as “baggage”
this is getting long so i’m cutting it
another thing is that it’s extremely easy to write cod off as propaganda because it is, but i don’t think a lot of people realise what that actually means. i don’t think they want to actually dig in and pick apart the parts that are very clearly the writers going, “hey, you see these guys? we should hate these guys because they’re different” or “you see this shit? this is why we should have a bigger military” or “wow wasn’t that horrible. don’t google it btw since it’s not the russians that actually did that irl but the americans 🖤.” it’s almost overwhelming but people don’t want to talk about it.
and i can kinda understand why, right. because people want to “just enjoy things.” they want to be able to turn their brain off and let it all wash over them so they don’t have to think too hard. this sounds a little condescending, i realise, and i’m sorry for that because there’s nothing wrong with it. that’s why we’ve got blockbusters. but, it’s also why we’ve got marvel movies, and marvel movies have been military propaganda since the very first iron man movie.
i can’t personally ever turn off the critical lens when i engage with art. it’s a problem of mine. so, this is that haunting third component to me writing the roach fic, the component i never really bring up except in the author’s note of the first chapter: call of duty is the crowning jewel of western imperialism and if i do not talk about it somewhere at some point my head will explode
if me actually digging into it here puts anyone off of the fic now from me saying it, i’m really sorry you’ve been sold something different than what you had anticipated. think of it as a plot twist. an explicitely-stated plot twist, but one nonetheless. it’s only been implied in the fic so far, but here it is in all its ugly glory.
anyway. while i have you here. watch this video for me
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namorian · 9 months
Star Trek: the future is kinda sorta utopian. Like it’s now Mostly Not Bad and people are Usually Good
Me, gleefully making ocs: so this is a whole multi-planetary faction of primarily clone cyborgs who are just warhammer 40k for cowards (read: the cover of a metal album but a whole society) and this is a planet of human colonists that got shunted back in time and way across space who’ve devolved into mad max shit and these two are mistreated orphans who become best friends and basically run a criminal organization just out of reach of the primary political powers and this—
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comfymoth · 5 months
Silly question!! But like, judging off of your werewolf characters you base them off of wolves native to the place they are from(Roier being Mexican wolf, for example. But I could be wrong about this, my memory is shit) what would happen if someone was turned into a werewolf in a place where there aren't any native wolves? (Like, south Africa for example. Would they then be an African wild dog or???))
that’s a really good question!! for the most part, i try to go off what the most prominent werewolf-equivalent myth is in a given area— like how brazil has their lobisomem! but, if an area has neither wolves nor a popular folklore equivalent— like south africa seems to— yeah, i’d probably steer towards a wild dog inspired design! (side note: i just love the werehyenas from north africa, would love to design one one day)
it’s kind of interesting, though, because some places don’t have native wolves but do still have popular werewolf stories. like argentina! that was my excuse for making spreen look more like a wolf than a maned wolf, although if i could go back and re-design him i might make his legs longer as a little nod to that, haha. but au spreen is also kind of weird because he’s biologically related to misa, so? make of their ethnicities what you will. that’s the other reason he’s more classically wolfy.
but all this does raise another interesting question…. if roier bit cellbit, would cellbit turn into a wolf like him? or a lobisomem? maybe a mix of both? questions, questions….
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redhotarsenic · 22 days
Man imagine whining because I called you a moron when you’re in fact being a moron
#personal#like. do you expect me to dance around the subject when that shit is as plain as day?? fuckin loser#being perceived as ‘a mean person’ should be the LEAST of your concerns#mr. I Won’t Disclose That I Have A Girlfriend While I’m Fucking Around With People#mr. I Will Continue To Call This Person A Princess Even Though That Person Is A Trans Man And He Told Me To Stop#mr. I Refuse To Look Inward And Change My Dickheaded Behavior And Instead Continue Being Verbally Abusive Towards This Same Person#mr. I’m Gonna Whine And Cry At My Echo Chamber Fanbase About Being Called On My Bullshit#because if people thinking you’re a big meanie at minimum is gonna make you pout then you’re gonna be REAL sad if I tell you exactly what’s#going on in my head every time I think about you#and he HAS no excuse to say ‘ohhh arsenic is this arsenic is that wahhhh’ because I was singing your praises for a long ass time#I did not have any reason to be this pissed until he started acting like an ass. and he’s SUPRISED that people think he’s an ass.#I’m sorry it’s just. I legitimately have never been this pissed at someone before#so infuriating to watch your loved one getting shit flung at him by some dumbass guy who refuses to pull his head outta his ass#gonna go down the salted earth route with this dude one of these days if he doesn’t cut this shit out#his fanbase is already fucking with my friend’s income because they think he’s a closeted racist when they have no fuckin proof of that shit#and do I need at fuckin say that the person who initially made said accusation is a white person? and my friend is a poc? and I’m ALSO a poc#and so is our OTHER friend#over some wolfwood art of all things! ‘wahhhh he isn’t being drawn how I like’ then fuckin scroll past that shit and stop bitching#fuck man.
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anmaries · 14 days
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I think about this issue sometimes because she’s soooo quick on her feet. She’s always ready to jump into action and figure out a situation. It makes sense why people like steve rogers keep wanting her to be a leader type; she’s empathetic, she’s smart, and she’s decisive. she knows how to make those split second decisions and she’s all about putting herself in the line of fire to keep everyone else safe (see also: rogue not caring about herself and so the choice of self sacrifice is an easy one if it means saving her loved ones / innocent people)
#I’ve talked about it before and how I’m hesistant just because rogue feels like she can’t do a ‘good’ job being a leader#just because she doesn’t always want to take the high horse route or the by the book route#and she struggles with comparison to the leaders she’s had before because she doesn’t think she can measure up#and yet people still trust her wholeheartedly to lead teams / lead them#because she takes initiative she’s not scared she’s going to go out and get shit down#rogue doesn’t wait around for other people to do things for her#going off subject but like there’s so many instances where rogue gets separated from the group / taken#and she’s like well I’m not going to wait around to be saved#*done not down sorry#BUT SHE IS GOING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY#she’s been in millions of scenarios since she was a girl one of the things she definitely knows how to do is get out of trouble#also get into it but >:)#also her being empathetic is another really big part of her being a good leader#because she cares so deeply she does her best to understand all sides#she’s been on both sides she knows the things that drive people to do bad things#SORRY IM YAPPING#I like when she has the chance to lead her own team#(her picking mystique sabretooth Emma shekjsjsjs)#and she gets to do things the way she sees fit#and if it means breaking a few rules so be it#she’s the daughter of a mutant terrorist she might be reformed but there’s still some ideals#mystique wasn’t always wrong you know#stop erasing her past when she’s said it herself that all her life she’s just been fighting for one group after another#just because the xmen helped her doesn’t mean she agrees with all the takes completely#anyways#I love rogue she’s so cool and she should boss everyone around
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pinkfey · 9 months
older siblings on this website r soooooo annoying but also i know my experience is not universal 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️
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there’s being a teenage girl in your 20s then there’s whatever the fuck the babyface by sorry mom experience is
#i absolutely hate the phrase ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea it’s infantilising and will only stunt yr mental + emotional development#because if you keep doing that you’ll be 30 something saying shit like ‘i’m a 21 year old in my 30s’ which just sounds worse lol#and so on#and it’s not exactly a new phenomenon either bc women (mainly) will say they’re 21 with x amount of years extra experience#it’s just. idk. the obsession with perpetual yourh looks worse on people who are already young i guess#anyway back to babyface sorry mom. the album of all time; resonates with the ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea#(which for me has always been about being directionless and lost in life and feeling younger because you can see all your other 20-something#friends grow up and get jobs and finish their degrees n shit. and that makes you feel younger; almost teenager like)#(whereas i see a lot of people saying ‘teenage girl in my 20s’ as a way of almost bragging about being immature??#like not knowing how to do things or speak on certain subjects#stuff like ‘when he talks to me about the economy but i’m#literally a teenage girl in my 20s’ LIKE DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELF??#and of course i’m not shaming people for not knowing shit i mean look at me. i can’t drive i have no job and i dropped out of uni#but the REFUSAL to learn is astounding. like people think they can get away with being deliberately oblivious because they have#the self-proclaimed mentality of a teenage girl. and how do you think Actual Teenage Girls feel about people assigning their demographic as#being oblivious and vapid and lacking awareness#you know. traits that have historically been assigned to teenage girls that I Can Actively Remember trying to not associate with.#and my female peers were also arguing against as teenagers.#i dunno. in the words of tame impala it feels like we only go backwards)#long tags#kaycore#(fuck it. putting this in the sorry mom tag)#sorry mom band#babyface sorry mom
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