#I’m sick and tired of this shit
clingyduoapologist · 1 year
I fucking hate being a Miguel O’Hara stan why is there so much man ass on my screen
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so u just started to show tits and now u in shock that everybody here for titties, lol
um who fucking asked you?
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”But why does this character have to be [insert marginalized group]” “But what purpose does it serve to the story’s plot” Why do people of marginalized groups exist in real life? Why do black people exist? Why do gay people exist? Why do trans people exist? Why do disabled and neurodivergent people exist? Because they just do. Because it’s simply impossible to have so many people on this planet Earth and expect all of them to be the same. Why would fiction be any different?
And if you want a justification as to why people who are different from you are alive and breathing, then you have a problem.
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bloodytornwings · 2 years
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CreepyPasta creators
I cannot begin to name off every creator who has done some of the most disgusting shit humanity has seen
What is it about being a terrible person that attracts you? Huh? I’d like an answer.
Why would you throw your career and admiration away just so you can be a fucking loser? A deplorable ‘human’ being?
What is it? What’s so appealing about being like that?
I’d like a real fucking answer because it’s been happening back to back.
And it needs to stop.
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salamaraaa · 1 year
if the heat in this country continues on like this i’ll start crying and sobbing and will melt into a blob
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mitoma do me a favor and score 🙃
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justalovelyblackgf · 14 days
Reading BWWM love stories on wattpad be like… I’m about to talk shit under the pic. 🗣️
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I’m not gonna out the writer…I’m not gonna drop the title of the story either. As a black female reader who has “If he fine, he fine” energy and wants to enjoy stories of my favorite characters or celebrities who happen to be of different races and ethnicities and have them paired with a black reader or black oc as a romantic interest…
Black women are people and they should be seen as such. We are more than our outside appearance. We are more than breasts, ass, hips, and lips. No, we do not taste like chocolate because we’re not food because why does being attracted to black women have to mean you’re a “chocolate lover”? Also, just because the character or celebrity is a different race does not mean you have to put in the fact that they “never really been into black women” before dating them and then after seeing one that’s conventionally attractive, they believe they’re gonna start to like all of them like we’re an experiment or something. This goes for any writer of any race that wants to write for an interracial pairing, just be careful how you word describing people from your own culture or another’s. It was a bit romantic in the first half but, damn! Please write black people like we have personalities, feelings, and substance.
Ya’ll can agree or disagree, I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say.
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wrathofrats · 2 months
Does the ghost fandom know that we don’t always have to be fighting? That not every single thing that you don’t like was made in bad faith and you need to “call it out”? Like I’m sorry but everyone has been so insanely negative recently and it’s draining! We don’t have to be at each others throats 24/7! Most things are not done with bad/weird intentions or maliciously! We are all just weirdos who like the Satan band ok let’s please love each other because whatever the fuck is going on rn is making people not wanna create due to fear and is just not helping when everyone’s stressed for various reasons
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shadow-0-8 · 13 days
Graves doesn’t get flustered, Graves doesn’t ask a girl on a sweet little date. Hell no, he’ll play her, manipulate her, trick her, completely control her, it just cause he wants to marry her. His methods are cruel but the outcome’s not. Best part is she’ll think she made the decision all by herself.
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dollyyun · 3 days
not interacting with anyone on here for idk how long but yeah i don’t feel so good and feel safe in my own blog (at least for now) i’ll still be posting dkp finale once im done.
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honorthysalad · 9 months
Going insane over the differences and similarities between ‘Hikaru’ and Kurebayashi’s husband and how Kurebayashi’s husband is a metaphor for being forced to stay in the closet and the problems that come with that. I mean, he’s literally stuck behind a door, unable to interact fully with his family. His kids feel like he’s distant, but we know he wants to be with them; he just can’t. He can’t connect with them on that emotional level and it hurts the family. 
I’d like to bring up that the scene with Iori and his dad. The dad pulls away once Kurebayashi enters the room. Kurebayashi is the one trying to cling to the family as it was, a model family with a husband & wife and two kids, but it just can’t exist like that anymore. She’s the reason he’s staying and also the reason he can’t come out. Which is why Kurebayashi thought that this had no hope of ever working, that Yoshiki should just move on from Hikaru completely, but the Kurebayashi we see in those flashbacks had never accepted that her husband died. She tried to keep everything the same, and that’s what will never work. Yoshiki knows Hikaru is dead, and now as we’ve seen, he’s not going to try and make ‘Hikaru’ into something he’s not. 
I think he’s an example of something that ‘Hikaru’ mentions in Ch15: this concept of being alive and dead and then ‘living’. ‘Hikaru’ is dead but he’s ‘living’. Hes living his queer identity, and even though he can’t be fully out, he does have a few people who he knows support him. Kurebayashi’s husband is dead and not living. He’s trapped in the walls of a family home, emotionally and physically distant from his family while desperately wanting to not be, but thinks he has to keep himself away for their safety and health. That’s the difference between them. 
And just to bring this metaphor more around- Yoshiki is alive but he’s not ‘living’. He’s closed off, unwilling to talk to even ‘Hikaru’ about his feelings nor is he willing to really admit them to the audience either. But Yoshiki’s also dying. The more he ‘dies’, the closer he gets to ‘Hikaru’, the more we see about his feelings for Hikaru. I think this manga will end with Yoshiki dead, yes, but ‘living’ freely in a way he hadn’t been able to before.
Edit: nvm on that ‘living’ thing. According to entertext, ‘Hikaru’ never said that </3
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poly-space-nerds · 2 years
ok i love the idea of Dream escaping the fishbowl and having to recover with Hob’s care as much as the next person but i can’t help but feel like the only place he would gather his strength is his own realm
so Dream escapes his prison and goes back to the dreaming and is determined to find his tools but he’s so weak that Lucienne is adamant about him getting rest at the moment. But he’s back in the dreaming, which means that humans can dream again. What’s the first thing Hob dreams about? his Stranger ofc. a missed meeting by over 30 years yes he’s still thinking about his friend.
Now for ppl to dream about Dream, he feels a pull to them. I don’t think people can dream about him in the way that their subconscious makes him do things. Instead it’s like a calling card. So Dream feels the pull of Hob and he can’t not go. He simply won’t miss another meeting.
Dream arrives at Hob’s door and knocks. When Hob opens it, his smile is soft and forgiving. Dream can’t believe it. Even Hob’s subconscious wasn’t angry with him. He sees his smile, so warm and inviting, and just breaks. He doesn’t cry, but he doesn’t hide his emotions and that’s enough for Hob to be immediately worried and hesitates for a second before grabbing Dreams shoulder. Dream leans into the touch, going so far as to rest his head on Hob’s shoulder. The man ushers him inside and they spend the rest of Hob’s sleep slightly cuddled on the couch, Hob holding Dream’s hand while Dream continues to lay on his shoulder, completely silent.
When Hob wakes up he feels weird. Like, he’s never really dreamt that vividly before. And he’s never had a dream where nothing really…happened? and holy shit. He hasn’t dreamed in a hundred years. He can’t really stop thinking about it all day, until he’s off to sleep again. And again, he’s in his house when a knock stirs him from his thoughts. (am i lucid dreaming? what is this?). And it’s his Stranger again. He looks tired. too tired. Hob doesn’t hesitate this time to grab his hand and lead him inside, this time bringing him to the kitchen to make some tea.
This continues to happen. By the second or third time, Hob realizes that that actually is his stranger. He doesn’t really understand it, but there’s really no other explanation. Slowly, Dream starts talking to him. Telling him everything about who he is and where he’s been the past century. He doesn’t visit every night and he doesn’t always want to talk, sometimes he asks for Hob to tell stories. Sometimes to play music to fill the noise. Hob realizes that the mirror that’s usually on his wall disappears in the dream world.
Hob doesn’t mind the silence or telling stories. He’s glad that his stranger, Dream, has a place to feel comfortable.
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snzluv3r · 4 months
i actually feel so incredibly uncomfortable and isolated in this space right now and i know that’s silly because of how many people there are just like me who share the same feelings but idk…the fact that people even think this is defensible behavior is making me feel sick
#nothing quite like being reminded how disposable you are#during the pandemic that set the stage for everyone to show exactly how much they don’t care about disabled people#i’m tired of people not taking this shit seriously and i’m incredibly angry about it#because i know y’all who are reckless and ignorant and think you’re invincible are going to be the same ones begging to be let in#when they ultimately become disabled too.#and you know what? i’m not ready to give those people grace yet#been screaming it for years but nobody listens until it’s too late#have already had people with obvious long covid who spouted ableist rhetoric this entire pandemic#come to me asking for advice#and honestly? i don’t think you deserve advice#i have so much empathy but i’m TIRED#i don’t fucking care anymore i get that we’ve been lied to this entire time but if you actually wanted to do the research you would#and since i know nobody cares about protecting others#i think you would at least care about protecting yourself considering how selfish you’ve proven yourselves to be#this is at the entire world and everyone who refuses to wake up to the fact that we are screwed#disabled people have been telling you this entire time and it’s still a fuckimg joke#and it will only become serious when it affects them directly#i’m so angry right now#and honestly? if you feel like this is about you at all? in any way? that’s your sign#do fucking better. TEST WHEN YOURE SIXK#stop fucking going out when you’re sick unless it’s necessary#i’m so so tired
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pastelpousay · 1 month
3 days till my birthday and I’m still in the ‘wip’ part of my little project please kill me
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Mini comic core!! 😻
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@re3tro0 @glacier-alchemist @maddieinheaven @delicatestringbean @persephoneflowerpetals @dreamwinged
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preyseisgone · 5 months
Haii ! It's me、 Lolita。 
Firstly、 I'd like to address the allegation of the hate anons。 None of those are me、 I do not feel most negative emotions besides sadness && things alike to that。 I feel no hate to anyone、 I care for everyone I meet and don't。 You all are special to me in your own ways。 
But there are people who follow and stalk my new friends && people I know and then decide to use my name as a cover。 This has happened for months and I wish they'd leave me and people I once knew alone。 They aren't my protectors、 I don't condone their behavior and I never will。 I want nothing but the best for everyone。 /gen
Now、 onto the rest。 I'm being honest when I say I completely forgot most、 if not all the triggering content of my source。 I haven't reread my source in a long time so I geniunely forgot。 I consume a lot of media with such topics to cope with my own experiences so I personally am not affected by them at all。 I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable from that。 
We met at a bad time、 I was still a mess from losing 4 of my closest beings and was trying to cope。 I needed some sort of escape to distract myself from it all and you were it。 For a short short time you were my FP but that quickly snapped。 I was attached to you and became indifferent to how my actions could affect you。 I apologize for that。 
I thank you for calling out how I acted and I wish that you forgive me、 but I won't force it。 Forgive me if you want、 it is up to you completely and I'm content with whatever decision you make。 
I'm sorry for how my actions have affected you、 I was neck deep in a delusion that I didn't even realize。 I thought I was in the right、 that I could do no wrong、 that I was someone who was so holy and correct I deserved worship and adoration。 I know now that isn't the case。 I fucked up horribly and I'm so sorry Micah。 
I'm happy this has finally happened、 my delusion would've just continued getting worse && I would've become much worse。 I needed this and I'm so happy it happened、 I'm free and can own up to the fact I'm a bad person。 I'm working on myself now && I'm becoming better slowly。 I apologize again、 I fucked up royally and now will suffer the consequences of my actions。 
— Yours truly、 Lovelet。
The fact that you can even drop a fucking typing quirk to make a shitty apology! Even if the hate anon’s aren’t you it’s 100% connected to you. You have basically admitted to using ME, a living , breathing person as a coping mechanism is fucking insane! You should not be on the internet if you believe you can do no wrong and deserve to be worshipped and adored ?? You need to talk about this to someone and I mean that. This ‘apology’ REEKS of manipulative language. Please do not try to contact me ever again after this , I do not want to hear what you have to say and I simply do not care.
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shade-e-e-es · 1 year
I think it’s like. Funny and also really cute how Rens really shy when it comes to like how he looks and shit. I think there’s a sliding scale on the hermits from gets really shy when they’re called cute or hot to the really confident folk who know they’re hot
And it’s really funny but I think Ren and Doc are the ends of the scale.
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