#it’s 38 degrees
salamaraaa · 1 year
if the heat in this country continues on like this i’ll start crying and sobbing and will melt into a blob
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metamorphesque · 1 year
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crrows · 2 months
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daytrip to a chikubushima
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formulapookie · 3 months
I mean Dovi was everything Marc should’ve wanted, he was tender, caring, sweet and lovely
he could separate on and off track easily, the words he said when they were alone in their rooms were praise and love filled
there was no jealousy or envy, no fear
Dovi found a Marc so broken he could barely recognise where each piece belonged and somehow put him back together, the cracks still showing but at least he was back on his feet and not laying on the ground as if was just beaten up and left there to bleed
Dovi didn’t feed himself on Marc’s blood, he tried to give it back to him.
And for a while Marc convinced himself it felt right.
All the tenderness and the quiet dovi provided him, the feeling of calm he never experienced before.
But Marc loves like he races, fast, aggressive, shocking, earth breaking
and that is how Vale loves too, it’s rough and loud, it’s stormy, chaotic, sharp, hurtful sometimes but it’s so charming.
And that’s why Marc would never end up choosing anyone but Vale, because he doesn’t need quietness or calmness, he needs the adrenaline and the shock
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drolaticdaydreams · 7 months
akio: makes utena entirely dependent on him, makes her feel like she's part of a family, isolates her from anthy, uses her own memories against her to make her feel like she must love him romantically, kills kanae (???)
also akio: hmm...😲🫢 utena, you didn't explicitly reject me even though you KNEW i had a fiancée???🤔🤨 erm, i guess you're just as bad as i am then 🤷‍♂️😏 checkmate, queen ♟️🥱
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kylarsobsession · 1 year
i was talking with a friend about how we both really think dol could use more violence and like...the ideas we came up with...i wish i knew how to mod LOL but i REALLY think this could be implemented and work within the story
i think having the option for the PC to kill unnamed NPCs if they're close enough to a breaking point after going through so much would fit so good in the game. maybe just one or two in specific scenarios so it's not like you're a serial killer but it would add flavor to the PC.
like if you meet certain requirements during a noncon encounter with a random unnamed NPC you can get you the chance to kill them, maybe kyler gives you a knife for self defense and protection at some point, or you just find a brick on the ground or a pipe. but i feel it fits more for spur of the moment so those last two work better
and OBVIOUSLY afterwards you get like, + + + + trauma and stress
maybe different stats give a different reaction, high sadism makes it so it's less trauma and stress? if it's repeatable maybe it stops giving trauma or stress? but I feel having it repeat would get boring and lose the impact.
but I think different outcomes would work!
There's a realization with + + + + trauma and + + + stress for one outcome
a different one with the text "you finally feel safe." With just + + trauma and - stress
Maybe if you've had max/near max trauma and stress for a while you just get text that's something like "you knew something like this would happen." And that could either raise or lower trauma/stress I feel.
also! killing someone would DEFINITELY amp up the horror aspects of dol, with ivory wraith already giving you hallucinations in the library where the students that usually talk about whatever get ivory's glowing text and call you graverobber and thief, you could get them calling you murderer and that could lead into a scene where sydney asks if you're alright, because you look sick you could have nightmares of it, waking up with + stress and/or + trauma. or if you wake up screaming you could get + love + robin's confidence if they run in to check on you. or bailey running in to check on you and offering you their..own kind of comfort. which i will talk more about next! you could get scenes for some LIs/Named NPCs where they try to comfort you if you confide in them, and depending on your stats with them if they believe you and worry for you, or if they think you're just some murderer.
characters I think would work for telling you killed someone (in self defense) robin: prompted to tell them if they run in to your room after you scream due to the nightmare, i think depending on how high/low their confidence is they could be scared of you but still love you, or hold you and tell you that they'll protect you
eden: i think they would be proud of you for defending yourself, but still get mad because you could have gotten hurt or caught by someone (also theyd think it was hot. sorry.)
black wolf (wolfperson): similar to eden, i don't think they'd really get how much of a big deal it would be for you to have killed someone, but they're also proud that you're strong enough to protect yourself
kylar: they'd tell you they could have done it for you, you didn't need to dirty your hands with this, but it's ok. they'll help you. don't worry. (if kylar is stalking you when the encounter happens they could help you hide the body after, otherwise you get a + + crime, but with kylar with you no + crime happens, though you end up passing missing person posters with the person you killed and get + + stress) (also would think you were hot for it)
bailey: they're mean, rude, and sell you off if you're short money, but they do care about you, they always come running in the orphanage when you yell, if you have a nightmare they can come running in, seeing that no one is in your room they can tell you to shut up, but they see your face and this obviously isn't like other times you've had nightmares. your face is different. they reluctantly sit on the edge of your bed (or just reluctantly ask you what's wrong) and you get the chance to tell them what you did, and how it's haunting you and all you can think about. obviously bailey is in some deep shit with what they do, they've absolutely dealt with murder before. they know how it can affect someone. and now two different things could happen. they sigh and walk over to you (getting up from the bed if they sat down) give you an awkward half hug, or they could sigh and tell you that they'll give you an extra day or two to get some money for rent, but just this once.
whitney: when they're in a relationship with you, i really feel they could border on kyler if they were a little more unhinged, with how protective they can get of you (punching someone in the stomach and beating them up and stealing from the person that either has sex with you or just SAYS they'd have sex with you on halloween) but i don't think they've ever done something as serious as kill a person, so they'd think you were bullshitting for a minute, until they see how serious you are, they'd get worried about if someone saw you, if you'd get caught, call you a dumbass while hugging you (sorry im weak to sweet whitney)
pure sydney: they get scared but try to reassure that they're sure it'll be ok, it was for your protection. They'll pray for you. - - love corrupt sydney: still taken aback but doesn't lose any love, says something about how if protecting yourself gets you sent to hell they'll go down with you
AND! i think the PC should be allowed to choke out NPCs during noncon encounters, if they manage to gain control of the situation.
depending on if this is before or after you killed someone the text could change
If you haven't killed anyone, you naturally stop once they pass out. but if you have you keep going until it's a force stop and you get + + trauma + + stress
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holmsister · 6 months
Listen. Im pretty sure I've been possessed by divine madness because I haven't slept for three days but. Kabru listened to Mickbell's scab complaints and was like "oh that sounds like an union... this Chilchuck seems to be really passionate about the rights of short-lived races..." and filed him away as a possible kindred spirit and then met the man the myth the legend and was like "oh. Dilf." And its only chilchucks legendary aversion to workplace romance that is holding him back.
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helila · 3 months
I think we should put every politician, ceo, etc. that refuses to do shit about climate change out in the sun to bake for a couple hours and see how they feel about it then
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ashmp3 · 1 month
combating the enlistment issue by shopping. Ordered olaplex oil for nth time all time favorite truly, claw clip with a cute black bow and a new lipgloss AND my mom just told me she got a DM gift card she’s giving to me bc she doesn’t need anything #winner… i’ll finally try sabrina carpenters perfume the caramel one and update u on my thoughts. What else my dear diary i don’t know i am at the gym and the rowing machine is out of service and i got teary eyed when i saw that
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inkykeiji · 2 months
clari’s fictional preferences summed up in a nutshell
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Lincoln and Grant eventually having a very emotional and much needed talk over the speaking stones do you see my vision?
Lincoln who is so hurt and betrayed that he can't even bear to look at his dad right now, who *needs* space, but who loves his dad (the fucking poeticism of that nat 20 babeeey) and keeps the stone with him as a compromise, for when he's ready, as a show of love in and of itself, that he's still his dad's baby, eventually choosing to give him another chance.
Grant who loves his son more than anything in the world, but who can no longer avert his gaze and speak in half-truths and jump off of (cat)buses. Grant who *needs* to prove that he can confront himself and talk about his pain and his shame and his mistakes and try for his son's sake if not for his own to love himself and see himself as something other than broken and beyond repair. Grant who's last chance is stripped of all possibilities of escape and now he can only talk. But maybe it's easier this way for him too. To not have to look at the child he tried so painfully hard but ultimately failed to protect as his heart unravels, to pretend that he is alone with his thoughts rather than speaking to someone, to let the tears fall down his face without having to be seen.
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b-blushes · 2 months
SATURDAY QUEST! - rare saturday groceries day - food prep - the weather is going to be so extremely hot at the beginning of next week and then it will be the end of next week already, so even though this is probably not a good decision, i might also hoover tomorrow??? throwing myself into a pit for three thousand years about it. i will see how it goes. I CAN GET THROUGH IT! - music journal. i will at least begin this lest i shift it into the 'avoiding' category
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patrice-bergerons · 5 months
This is probably because I'm too queer but I never understood female fans who dream about dating NHL players because the WAG life seems so exhausting to me. The hockey schedule is so insane, if you want kids (and these people all tend to) you have no choice but to put your own career on hold in order to run the house. And related to that, the WAG culture/social scene seems just as insular and normative as the the locker room cultures go, and seems to amount to a social calendar that revolves around celebrations of marriages and motherhood and support for the hubbies, where you are expected to get along and hang out with other WAGs. There is a reason every single mother's day or birthday post on an NHLers account for their wife says "you are our rock and we have no idea how we would do this without you" and man you could pay me good money and I would still never want to be in that position 😬
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briarpatch-kids · 9 months
Oh shoot if I want to go to the garden I better get to it. It's about to snow.
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ashorterurl · 3 months
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Kai and Aoi's tweets 11-14 June
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valoale · 10 months
Is it normal to have a mental breakdown over the loss of the ability to smell and taste
Because I am
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