#I’m rushing through book two because uni things but I’m loving it
crassinova · 1 year
⬇︎Rambling (mostly abt my fallout ocs Which is mostly chanceyLOLL) ⬇︎
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I’ve always wanted to use those silly emoticons in my custom keyboard loool
But anyway this is basically what’s to come and plans from me since. Because I wanna let it all out NOW
- new fallout characters yaipeee!!
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I need to post more of my other fallout ocs OTHER THAN CHANCEY. I swear I have a lot more awesome other ocs, Chancey is Just really Special. like Eva shes lovely she is. Important? well. Important to . But there is also MJ and my sole survivor I really need to get out there since. You know the protags of the fallout games. Though my fallout story actually revolves around Chancey which is why I always talk and draw him. So this is where my next thing comes up
- Chanceys book thing uhh Im gonna write yay
(I like how I wrote about “ooo I’m gonna introduce my other ocs no more Chancey anymore” and then I proceed to write more about him)
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That’s right I’m gonna be writing. The problem is that I’m not Good at writing. I basically can’t explain my thoughts and ideas through words, from what you can see from my explanation of my two ocs, which is why drawing is my strong suit. But for this new project I am going to be writing.
Yes this is about chancey again.
Basically in. The most. I guess easiest way to describe summary than the chicken scratch is did in my notebook:
Basically Chancey writes a story with his Self insert character (kinda ironic since Chancey has some of my personal problems) and writes his experiences in a form of Fantasy fiction stuff. Or like a diary. since it would make me practice my writing and develop Chancey and his relationships since he will be Making characters in his book that are based off “real” people that he interacted in his life
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I have to think and plan on how would Chancey write, how would he talk, and how he would doodle cause I think he would but also. I need to be confident on how I write certain characters. Like Nick for example because I’m afraid. I’ll get it wrong and he’s my favourite character but AUAGH jus gag
I dont know if I’ll be able to dedicate myself to this type of project but I wanna try. But it’ll be a slow process since I’m in my last year of highschool and I need to prepare my portofolio for an art Uni but we’ll see. But thank you for reading if you attempted to read this mess I wrote this in my math and science classes in a rush because I like paying attention. (I’m shit at it)
Edit: when I think about it Chanceys book just be good. Omens
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hellenicsun · 2 years
So this October I started my degree doing Ancient History & Archaeology, and all was fine and dandy UNTIL THIS MORNING. And here I’ll tell you why for a second I considered going home:
• 7am I wake up being blasted in the face by a fire alarm that sounds like a screeching bird with a megaphone, and whilst you might think 7am is a normal time to wake up, as a uni student it is not. The past two days we’ve been woken up by uni staff so we were all excited to have a lie in! Not anymore though, because we had to rush out of our beds and try and figure out where to go. It also started raining, which was so fun! 🥲
• I get back to the flat, go back to sleep and wake up to my flatmate slamming the kitchen door as if he’s trying to fight it, then went to check my IPad to see what work needs to be done, and voila! I see my assignment which was supposed to be due 12pm on Sunday has actually been changed to 12pm Friday. I also have a full day tomorrow and library work and a seminar after lectures, so I’ve only had today to do my assignment (and I’ll maybe pull an all nighter to get through it since I’m not done!).
• I though, “oh it’s only 500 words it’ll be fine!” But ohhhh no no no. Silly me. I had to find two city plans (one of Athens in 400BC and one of my home city), but wait, it can’t be off the internet, it had to be scanned from a book or article. And so I searched high and low for my Athens plan, and after about three hours I finally got one I could use. But then it came to my home city and turns out there’s no books or articles with a city plan of it in! Lovely. So I’ve picked some random map of the city centre and I’m hoping for the best.
• Then, 5 mins ago, I decided I can finish things at some point tomorrow night since I’m not even writing anything that makes sense, but I just realised I’ve got to wash my dishes before I can even think of relaxing. And to make matters worse, one of my flatmates has all her friends round in the kitchen (which is fine — except I look like a sleep deprived rat lmao).
I swear I’m just stressed and I actually love uni, but dear gods I need to catch a break!
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vee-reading-chair · 4 months
i read or started reading a lot of books this past month. most of the time i can only read 2 books per month, but i’m always reading around 5 books at a time because mood reading is superior
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Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
honestly, such a good book. it did take me a bit to get engaged in it, but that was mostly because of my own personal situation at the time. i just didn’t have the mental energy to pay attention. but holy shit i’m so happy we chose this for book club, it was such a good start. it is low stakes in terms of the world outcomes, but the shop is so beloved by all the characters that it’s high stakes for them. loved seeing all the characters interact and build a community together
An Heir Comes to Rise by Chloe C Peñaranda
this was a quick read, and i will be reading the other books in the series (you will learn this about me: once i start a series, by god am i going to finish it). there were a couple scenes where it felt like the author was rushing through things in order to jump to the more interesting scenes later, but it was still pretty good! i’m excited to see how the writing improves and how the story goes in the rest of the series.
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas
⭐️⭐️⭐️ .75
so hey. i am not an sjm girlie. i got these books from lifeline for like $3 each, none of my money went to her personally (i don’t think i have to explain all the problematic shit she’s done). but, see the point in my review above: i started, so i’m finishing. also, i’m reading so my friends don’t have to. anyway, it’s really fun reading the book and pretending that all the characters are a little queer, until she writes unnecessary Straight™️ romance. as an aroace person, it does nothing for me, but i can recognise that it does stuff for others. i think most of my problems with this book come from my own delusions about how the characters are interacting (*cough cough* me fully believing chaol and celaena were platonic best friends in ToG and then getting whiplash when they’re dating in CoM).
i did enjoy the ‘fuck abusers’ aspect of the character’s stories, and i did enjoy seeing all the storylines set up in the previous book interconnecting in this one. i will be doing the tandem read for the next two books because i hate myself :)
Before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
only started it a couple days ago, reading it on the train to uni because it’s small and easier to carry around
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
golden compass was so good, and i’m excited to read this one
The Golden Tower by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
i am going to finish this series 🫡 but also it’s been months since i read the last book and can only half remember it. oh well lmao
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still-snowing · 4 years
why is hua cheng always getting yeeted off walls in the presence of xie lian
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landoncrris · 2 years
Like maybe Y/n get the opportunity to go study at her dream university but it’s outside the country and both mase and y/n are keen on making it a long distance relationship but after a year it just doesn’t work anymore.
As brainwashed as I am I don’t want mason to do anything wrong so what if y/n is the only one who thinks it doesn’t work anymore and confesses she’s not in love with him anymore and we have a sad mason🥺🥺🥺
i took the “we have a sad mason” too specific anon i’m sorry y/n really is a pain in the arse here!! also it’s very rushed bc i lost motivation halfway through, hope you don’t mind :)
not anymore - mason mount x reader
word count: 2.9k
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“Hey, baby,” Mason beamed through the phone, a warm smile on his face like he always had when he called you as soon as he got home, “How was your day?” he asked, looking at your face for a moment before putting his phone down on the laptop and continuing with what he was doing before he called you.
“It was fine, nothing special happened,” you said bluntly, your attention and gaze fixed on the books in front of you. “My day was good too, thanks for asking.” replied Mason jokingly after a while of silence, apparently not taking it too much to heart.
“Sorry,” you sighed, looking up at your phone and his face for the first time, “I have a lot to do for uni, can I call you later?”
“Sure, yeah. Don’t stress too much, baby. I love you.”
“Mmm, you too.” you said with an almost non-existent smile before hanging up. Mason couldn’t help but hate the fact that you were always busy these days, barely finding time to talk and always cutting off the phone calls. The phone calls that had been the order of the day for a little over a year when you decided to go abroad and study at your dream university. For you it was a hard decision to leave everything behind, including Mason, but for him it wasn’t. Of course, he was sure that he would miss you terribly, but when he saw how happy you were when you were accepted there, it warmed his heart, because your happiness was also his happiness. And he was also sure that the two of you could do this whole long-distance relationship, because he loved you more than anything and was willing to do anything for you, as he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his days with anyone else. So when your time was cut short because you claimed you had to study for uni, he couldn’t even be angry with you because he knew how much you wanted it and worked for it. The most important thought for him was that one day he could have you back with him.
So he decided to book a flight to visit you when he had a few days off later that week, figuring he could at least be there and cuddle with you while you were busy studying, as he was longing to finally see you again since the last time was months ago due to his busy schedule. Mason thought of calling you again to tell you the news right after the purchase, but not wanting to distract you further, he decided to keep it to himself and surprise you.
So when he was busy gushing about how he knew he was going to see you in a few days, he noticed how you distanced yourself from him even less. It started a month ago that you realised this life wasn’t what you wanted, you didn’t want to sit in a whole other country with your phone by your side because of a man. Of course you knew he was special and not just any man, but you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about a proper life, like all your friends had, and that he was stopping you because he was the only thing holding you back from moving on and arriving in your new life. You realised this especially when you stopped staying up late waiting for his call like you always did because you just wanted to see his face again, and when the words “I love you” lost all meaning for you. When you said them, but also when he said them as you no longer felt the butterflies and the smile creep onto your face. The only thing holding you back now was yourself, not knowing how to approach it and you definitely didn’t want to do a clichéd break-up over the phone.
You didn’t even notice that you didn’t get a call from Mason the night before he was going to fly to your place. It was one of the first times he didn’t, mainly because he was busy packing his bags and making a new playlist of all your favourite songs to listen to when you were busy studying. Besides, he thought it would be an even bigger surprise for you if he kept you on cold feet.
You were sitting at your desk talking to one of your friends on the phone, discussing plans for today. Until someone knocked on your flat door, just loud enough for you to hear, whereupon you hung up the phone in confusion, not expecting anyone yet. When you opened the door, to your surprise, the first thing you saw was a bouquet of flowers in different colours and variations. That was until the person standing behind removed the bouquet from his face, revealing your boyfriend behind it, causing you to look slightly shocked at the sight.
“Hey, baby.” he smiled brightly, a heartwarming sight to anyone who saw it, but your eyes just stared at him as if you had just seen a ghost, unable to process what was happening. “What are you doing here?” you gulped, feet planted firmly on the ground, making no move to jump into his arms or at least let him in, which made him incredibly nervous.
“Thought I’d surprise you, you know how much I’ve missed you.... Although you don’t look too happy about it,” he asked more than said, unsure if you were happy to finally see him again and just needed a moment or what else might be going through your mind, “Oh, if you have plans, that’s fine, I can just sit here and wait for you to come back!”
“Thank you.” you murmured with a small smile as he handed you the flowers. You took them and placed them on a sideboard before letting him into your flat. He was sweet and attentive as always, the thing you admired most about him, but you couldn’t help but feel annoyed by his presence.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you were coming, Mason?” you suddenly snapped, unable to hold it in any longer. As you turned around and stopped in the middle of the hallway, he looked at you with furrowed brows, a slightly hurt expression spreading across his face as he took a minute to process what you said and the tone in which you said it.
“You’re not really mad at me for visiting, are you?”
“Well, what else did you expect?”
“I don’t know, not that. Maybe a little more joy or at least a kiss or a hug.” He leaned against the wall, staring at your small figure and the way you had your arms folded in front of your chest. And he wanted so badly to touch you instead, to shower you with kisses, as he had wanted to do every time he saw your beautiful face on Facetime over the last few months, or when he lay awake at night on the verge of tears because he missed you so much. It was no secret that Mason’s love language was touch, so talking to you didn’t completely satisfy him, instead he always craved more. He longed for you to be in his arms as the two of you fell asleep together, or for your nails to be on his scalp and for him to feel safe and relaxed at your touch. Now that he was so close to you, that feeling got worse, he had to restrain himself from kissing or hugging you, the things he would much rather do than argue with you when you should be happy instead.
But in response you just scoffed, turned your back on him and walked towards your living room, leaving him even more confused in the hallway, “What’s that supposed to mean now?” He pushed himself off the wall, followed you but stopped in the doorway as you plopped down on your couch.
“You can’t just turn up here uninvited like it’s nothing.”
“Why not? When you still lived in London we even had each other’s keys and now I can’t even stand on your doormat?” His voice rose slightly, he didn’t mean to take that tone with you, but the whole situation frustrated him, along with the pent-up tension of the last months of not being able to be close to you. You buried your head in your hands with a groan, which irritated him even more as he just wanted an answer from you. “Just tell me the fucking problem, Y/N.”
“God, because I don’t love you anymore, Mason!” you said simply but harshly as you lifted your head and looked at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. You watched him stumble back slightly, as if your words had literally punched him in the stomach, while his eyes looked at you in disbelief. He’d expected anything, especially that you were just stressed from university and didn’t allow yourself to relax like you always did. But this? That was the last thing he had expected to hear and what he wanted to hear. Now he just felt embarrassed, the signs were so clear in front of his eyes, from you being distant to ignoring his texts or hanging up on him all the time. Mason didn’t know the last time he’d had a real conversation with you, or the last time you’d said “I love you”. It was all there, he was just too stubborn to see it, still too stubborn to realise that he had lost you.
“And why didn’t you tell me?” he almost whispered, his eyes fixed on the floor, afraid that he would start crying as soon as he looked at you again. So he didn’t see you shrug, the painful silence continuing for a while longer.
“I didn’t know how to tell you.” you saw him swallow thickly as you searched inside yourself for the last vestige of love you had once felt for him, now that he stood before you again. It confirmed to you once and for all that there was nothing left, only the memories of what you had once felt. Your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of your phone, which revealed a message from your friend group as you opened it, saying they were downstairs waiting for you to join them for their evening.
“Listen, you can stay the night and book a flight back, I won’t be here anyway-”
“You’re kidding, right?” Mason’s eyes narrowed and he watched you intently as you picked up your purse from the table, now noticing that you already had your shoes on and appeared ready to leave. “That’s it? You just tell me you don’t love me anymore and that’s it?”
“That’s all there is to say.” you sighed, taking your jacket from the chair and pulling it on before walking in his direction, his eyes flickering back and forth between yours as you tried to avoid his gaze.
“No, it’s not, Y/N.” he grabbed you by the wrist as you walked past him, eliciting a groan from you as you tried to break free, but it was no use. He wasn’t going to let you walk out of his life so easily, especially not after you had promised each other never to break up. “I really have to go, my friends—”
“I don’t fucking care. I deserve at least an explanation, don’t I? After all this time you treat me like I’m some piece of shit,” he finally let go of your hand because the touch only made him feel more miserable. The next thing you saw was him leaning back against a wall, his fingers digging into his closed eyes as he tried to hold back the tears, “Is there someone else?”
“Are you serious?” you scoffed, no matter how hurt or angry he was, you never thought he would accuse you of such a thing, “You really think so little of me, huh?”
“I don’t know! I don’t know this person standing in front of me right now! God, just tell me what I did wrong,” he groaned, trying to keep his composure, but he couldn’t help it as tears finally rolled down his face, exposing some of the damage you have caused in him for you to see.
“Please, just tell me why a life with me wasn’t enough.” he looked back down at you after his gaze was fixed on the wall opposite him. And the sob that escaped him as his eyes met yours was painful even to your own ears. You couldn’t help but feel bad for screwing up so badly, but you didn’t think you could force something that wasn’t there, so you just stopped trying and gave up on everything you had planned together.
“I just—” you took a deep breath, still searching for the reason for what happened as you tried to ignore the buzzing of your phone in your pocket, “I don’t want this life, I don’t want to be with someone so far away, someone I only see a few times a year, okay?”, you sighed and switched your phone to silent before continuing, “I want to live my life and not wait for a stupid phone call every night and feel bad when I have something planned.”
Mason swallowed hard when you called your daily calls “stupid”. All evidence of the person he loved was clearly gone as you continued to trample on every good bit of your relationship that he had been trying to maintain since you moved away. He watched you silently with tears in his eyes as you reached for the phone with a “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming now.” rolling your eyes. You said nothing more, feeling once again that there was nothing more to say, resentful of the delay in your evening. So you just made your way to the door, which panicked Mason as you were about to disappear from his life again, never once looking back or shedding a single tear, as if none of this had ever meant anything to you.
“You can’t just leave me baby,” he rushed after you and turned you around by the shoulder, trying to cling to every last bit of you he had left, “Please don’t leave me, I don’t know what to do without you.” his words were slurred as he spoke through the tears and the lump in his throat, only able to see you in a blur by now.
“No. Please, we can make it work, I’ll do anything you want, I’ll give you your space, just, just don’t throw it all away, love.”
“Don’t “love” me Mason,” you groaned, and the hand he was clutching tightly to, stopping you from leaving slipped from his grasp before you took quick steps towards the door, your brusqueness taken him aback.
“Maybe if you hadn’t been so clingy all this time, this wouldn’t be a problem now. Just accept that it’s over.” and in seconds you were out the door, pulling it shut with a loud bang. Mason blinked a few times, still trying to understand what had happened, as his feet somehow carried him to your couch. He dropped into the same spot you were sitting in earlier, his face in his hands, just like you had. And as he took a few deep breaths, your scent enveloped him, causing the tears to flow silently down his face again as reality hit him.
Mason couldn’t help but think of all the years of shared memories as he sat there for what felt like hours, not moving once. He thought of how you had met in your last year at school, how you were inseparable from the first day, always hanging out together, at which his family quickly became yours and your family became his too. Of how you were friends all those years until you kissed for the first time, when he first understood what it meant to get butterflies, of your first time, of all the conversations you had with your head on his shoulder, sweaty bodies pressed against each other as you talked about your future. You made all those plans, plans Mason never forgot because he promised you he’d remember everything, build your dream house exactly as you described it, and make sure the marriage proposal was just as perfect as you’d seen in the videos, remembering how you always told him how awful public marriage proposals are. To this morning when he was standing in the flower shop picking out your favourite flowers while the shop assistant told him how lucky the recipient was as he had to tell her all about you because of his pure excitement.
And now, though it was so terrible to be in your flat and to be reminded of all the things here that were only memories of your future life, a life without him, he couldn’t help but stay and savour the last bit of you that he could. But if it meant you got what you wanted and were happy for a while, he would accept it and wait until you came back to keep your promise of “forever”.
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seijorhi · 4 years
another soulmate au nobody asked for :)
Akaashi Keiji x female reader x Bokuto Koutarou
TW dub-con, implied future non-con
It wasn’t a good day to begin with.
You’re late, rushing through the busy campus hallways to make it to an exam that quite frankly you’re at least 70% sure you’re going to fail, mostly because instead of cramming last night you’d been… otherwise occupied with your boyfriend.
And you really, really just want this whole thing to just be over with already.
With your nose stuck in your textbook, frantically pouring over your notes right up until the very last second, it’s hardly a surprise that you don’t see the two of them rushing down the hallway in the opposite direction until you’re quite literally colliding with the taller of the pair – the broad shouldered one.
Your notes go flying, the last of your coffee too and for one split second, you’re pretty positive that you’re gonna end up flat on your ass with a little more than some bruised pride. But just as you’re about to hit the ground, not one but two hands reach for you, catch you, and the very second they do, you feel it:
A flash of guilt and momentary alarm, embarrassment, you think, and chagrin, each emotion hitting you like a sledgehammer, overwhelming you, one after the other in a dizzying blur that’s distinctly other, and then–
Dawning surprise. 
A rush of something warm, adoring, a happiness so bright and blinding that it makes you physically jerk backwards, almost slamming your head against the wall in the process. And two pairs of eyes – one a deep, luminous gold, the other a cool, gunmetal blue – stare at you in wide eyed wonder a split millisecond before you wrench yourself free, gasping. 
The moment their grip falters, the torrent stops. You can breathe.
Blessed silence, save for the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. Everything fades out around you – the students and lecturers alike bustling through the busy hallway, the humming drone of chatter that’s nearly deafening. Nothing exists but the three of you; caught in your little bubble.
And it’s dread, you think, that seeps through your blood as you stare at them. 
They’re both handsome, albeit in their own ways. The taller of the two – the one who’d almost barrelled you over – looks like he could probably bench press you without breaking a sweat. His shirt isn’t exactly clinging to him, but you can see the hints of well defined muscles beneath, and the size of his biceps alone are enough to make your heart skip a beat and your mouth dry up a little. With rippling muscles, spiky black and silver hair, a strong jawline and those round, golden eyes, he looks like a modern day adonis. 
His friend might’ve been shorter, his build leaner, but with his softer features, pretty eyes and dark hair, you think he’s perhaps the prettiest man you’ve ever laid eyes on. From the fineness of his nose to the gentle curve of his lips and his long, dark sweeping eyelashes, he reminds you of those white marble statues you’ve seen before in museums and art galleries– a beauty so divine, so perfect – so devastating – that it steals your breath a little.
And they’re both watching you, frozen entirely. Smiling in breathless delight, as if they can’t quite believe it either.
You’ve spent your whole life wondering what it would be like, experiencing somebody else’s emotions. Studies have been done and countless books and articles written about the bond between soulmates; the intimacy of sharing emotions through touch, but nobody really knows why or how it happens.  
And for some, it’s a subtle thing. A suggestion, a whisper against their own consciousness, easily brushed aside. Others feel it stronger. 
For you, it was like drowning. Choking under the sudden, intense barrage of feelings that weren’t yours. Maybe it’s because there’s two of them – and that much at least you’re sure of. You don’t have the words to explain it, but they’d felt separate somehow, distinctive from one another – kind of like fingerprints, you suppose.
There’s no denying the bond, no denying that they’re both your soulmates, and all you can think of is that you don’t want it. Not here, not now. Not them.
The dark haired one seems to realise quicker than his friend that you’re not reacting how you’re supposed to, you’re just standing there, rigid and tense, gaping at them. And the slight smile that graced his perfect lips starts to waver, his brows drawing together when finally his friend cottons on.
He reaches for you, the beginnings of a pout taking shape on his face, and you move without even thinking, jerking out of reach with a sharp breath. His hand hangs outstretched for a beat too long, a noise like a kicked puppy leaving his lips as he realises that you’re flinching away from him; away from your soulmate. He looks heartbroken, and he’s yet to utter a single word. 
You don’t give him a chance. You’re not some cold, unfeeling beast; there’s a twinge in your heart, a heaviness that’s far too close to guilt settling in your stomach, but you just can’t. And with shaking hands you bend over and hastily grab up your things, forcing yourself not to meet their confused, hurt stares when you right yourself. 
“I– I’m sorry,” you murmur, and before either one of them can try to stop you, you disappear into the crowd, racing for your exam. 
The lights are on when you make it back home, the familiar, comforting scent of home cooked food filling your apartment.
“Hey, babe,” your boyfriend calls out as you wearily drop your purse by the door and kick out of your shoes. His back’s to you, attention fixed on the simmering saucepan on the stovetop, but he glances over his shoulder as he continues, “How’d your exam go?”
And you can’t help it, you burst into tears.
Painful, heaving sobs that might’ve had you collapsing onto the floor if he hadn’t swept across the room to snatch you up into his arms. “That bad, huh?” Kuguri jokes, but the words sound hollow.
“I found them,” you mutter into his chest, and the way he stiffens, his grip tightening for just a moment has your heart breaking all over again. 
Kuguri doesn’t say much as he leads you to the couch, he just lets you talk. It’s almost worse, you think, the way he doesn’t react. 
Because you both knew this was coming at some point. For months you’ve tried to convince yourself that you could feel him when you were together.
You felt his love when he held you, right?
Happy when he was happy?
But you’d known, both of you, that as much as you wished it otherwise, he wasn’t your soulmate, and you weren’t his. And whether it was today or six months down the line, this was always going to happen.
“You don’t have to…” you trail off, searching his eyes desperately for anything other than the gentle resignation lingering there. “I love you.”
He smiles at that, cups your cheek in his hand and brushes away the stray tear that spills. “I know you do, but–” it’s not enough. “They’re your soulmates. Don’t you think they deserve a chance to make you happy?”
He’s gone when you wake the next morning.
In a university of thousands, a sprawling city campus, you honestly believe that in spite of everything, you probably won’t see them again. They don’t know your name, or what you study, you don’t live in the dorms like some of the other students; the chances of just randomly bumping into them again are slim, soulmates or no.
Of course, there are facebook groups and pages set up to reconnect lost soulmates, but you’d have to actually want to find them to try something like that.
(Part of you wonders whether they’ve tried)
The universe has a sense of humour, it seems, because when your paths cross next, it’s not at uni, it’s at the little corner store a few blocks down from your apartment. 
At 2am in the morning. 
And you’re staring intently at the freezer, mentally weighing up exactly what kind of ice cream you need to sate your craving when you hear the sharp intake of breath behind you.
“Holy crap, you’re here.”
It’s stupid, you think, the way your stomach flutters when you turn to find him staring in wide eyed wonder; the taller one, with the spiky hair and those impossibly wide, honey eyes.
He’s smiling, his entire face lit up like a christmas tree at the sight of you. As if you hadn’t run off without so much as an acknowledgement the last time you’d met. As if seeing you here, looking like shit – makeup free and dressed in your old favourite sweats – is the absolute best thing that could have happened.
And when your cheeks grow hot, you’re not entirely sure if it’s embarrassment over the way you look, the fact that he’s caught you buying ice cream that you fully intend to let melt just a little bit before polishing off at two in the morning, or if it’s shame over how badly you’d reacted the last time you’d seen him.
But if he notices your inner turmoil, he doesn’t show it, grinning widely as he calls back over his shoulder, “Akaashi!”
You still haven’t uttered a peep, haven’t moved. Just like last time you’re caught feeling like a kid with their hand stuck in the cookie jar as your other soulmate rounds the corner, his attention fixed on the ingredients list of the rice cracker snacks in his hands, a basket full of groceries tucked into the crook of his elbow.
“Bokuto, I was just around the corner, there’s no need to shout.”
Pretty steel blue eyes flicker up for a split second, then quickly do a double take as he realises that it’s you – his errant soulmate, standing struck dumb, here of all places. “Oh.”
Akaashi eyes you for a moment, and you watch as his throat bobs unsteadily, but just as with Bokuto, he can’t seem to help the smile that creeps across his face. It’s softer than his friend’s, not so blinding but warm nonetheless. Genuine. There’s no animosity there, and it should put you at ease – they don’t seem to blame you, at least. 
It should, but it doesn’t. 
Even now, there’s a little voice in your head urging you to forget your late night cravings, turn tail and run. Nevermind that they’d likely just follow you, much less that you’d look like an absolute fucking idiot, fleeing from your soulmates who so far have done nothing wrong.
It’s not supposed to be this awkward, right? It’s not supposed to be difficult, but even when they’re smiling at you, there’s a tension that digs its claws into you and refuses to relent. Your heart thumps unevenly, like a scared little bunny caught in a trap and the wolves are circling.
If it’s normal, then your parents and every other soulmated pair you’ve ever met certainly kept it to themselves. Maybe it’s the guilt, you think. Maybe you’re just being overdramatic. They’re your soulmates, right? They probably just want to talk, to get to know you, and right now you’re the one being standoffish and rude. 
It occurs to you then that you still haven’t spoken, and they’re both staring at you somewhat expectantly. You really are fucking this up, aren’t you?
“H-hi,” you manage to muster, forcing yourself to smile back. Tiny and timidly, perhaps, but it’s a smile. 
It seems to work, because Bokuto positively beams at you and Akaashi sets down his basket to slide in closer, a pleased little hum escaping his throat. 
Aside from the faint sound of the radio playing in the background and the cashier casually flicking through a magazine up at the register, the store is quiet. It’s just the three of you, except this time there really is no running off and disappearing into the crowd. Which is fine, you need to face them sooner or later, right?
Give them a chance?
Otherwise everything else, all that heartbreak and the lonely nights since will have been all for nothing. So you swallow tightly, take a soft, steadying breath, and press on.
“I, um… I’m sorry about last time. You know with… everything,” you finish lamely, mentally cringing at the sheer awkwardness of it. “I had an exam.”
But again, your soulmates don’t seem to take it personally, the darker haired one (Akaashi, your brain helpfully supplies) nodding slightly. 
“It’s okay. You’re here now.” He has a nice voice, calming and smooth, and though the words seem to carry a different weight you find yourself nodding along with him. You can do this, you can make an effort.
This is fine.
You swallow again, tongue darting out to wet your lips, “I’m Y/N,” you introduce, clutching just a little bit tighter at the handles of your own shopping basket.
You don’t extend a hand, nor try to go in for a hug, but standing there rigidly feels wrong too. They’re strangers, yes, but they’re also not, and you don’t quite know how to act around somebody like that, somebody you’re supposedly fated for but know nothing about. All you know is that the last time they touched you, it was too much. It hurt. And even as you catch sight of the slightly disheartened expression on Bokuto’s face, you’re hesitant to put yourself through it again.
“It’s pretty,” Akaashi compliments, and there’s a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks as he says it. “Suits you.”
Your own probably aren’t much better, with the blood that rushes to your face. You drop your gaze a little, nibbling on your bottom lip, “O-oh, uh… thank you.”
When you glance back up to Bokuto, you find him staring at you again, not with the same hurt expression as before, but something akin to wonder. He seems speechless, in awe of your flustered state, and you wonder how he can bounce that quickly from emotion to emotion without giving himself whiplash. But it seems like your attention is just the thing he needs to pull himself out of it, because he closes his gaping mouth and grins again.
“Y/N,” he repeats, like he’s testing it out, rolling your name over his tongue. “You probably heard, but I’m Bokuto– you can call me Koutarou, though.” 
There’s a beat of silence, and he’s quick to add, “And that’s Akaashi.”
“Keiji,” Akaashi corrects, shooting you another gentle smile. 
First names. It makes sense, you suppose, but the familiarity of it all still doesn’t sit quite right with you. But now that introductions are out of the way, you don't have a clue what you’re supposed to say now - ‘so, soulmates; crazy, huh?’ doesn’t exactly feel appropriate, given the circumstances.
You’re distinctly aware that it’s the middle of the night and you’re at a convenience store and while this might not be the worst time to run into your soulmates again, it’s not far off. 
Maybe that’s not a bad thing, though, because at least it kind of gives you an out. Shifting your weight from one foot to another, you clear your throat, “I hope you guys don’t think I’m being rude or anything, but it is kinda late…” you trail off, hoping they’ll pick up what you’re putting down.
And while Bokuto’s brow furrows, Akaashi at least has the decency to look a little abashed. “Yeah, no, of course. We’re just so… we’re glad we ran into you again.”
 Your cheeks heat again, and to save yourself from having to meet their gazes head on, you quickly spin around, open the freezer door and grab the first pint ice cream that you see. “I just came for this,” you laugh, fighting back a wince at how hollow and fake it all sounds. 
“Here,” Bokuto says, and before you can react he’s snatching it from your grip (thankfully keeping his hand from brushing against yours) and places it atop the basket in Akaashi’s arms. “Our treat.”
He beams at you, and you’re honestly too stunned to reply. You don’t really want him paying for it, but if it gets you out of this awkward encounter any quicker, you’ll swallow down your protests and let it go. 
And so you trail meekly after the two of them as they head to the cashier, and when Akaashi passes you the bag you’re so careful to avoid his touch, a fact he notes with the slightest of frowns, but he doesn’t comment on it. 
“It’s late,” he says instead as the three of you exit into the brisk night air. And then those gunmetal eyes are on you, studying you for a moment. You realise what he’s about to say the moment he opens his mouth again, “Can we walk you home? Or to the bus stop at least?”
Your stomach lurches at the thought of it, of two veritable strangers knowing where you live, but–
He’s not wrong, exactly. It is late, and in hindsight it was probably stupid for you to have come out at this time of the night alone in the first place, whether it was a safe neighbourhood or not. And they’re not strangers, they’re your soulmates.
You have to try. 
So you nod. ‘It’s just down the road,” you murmur, but as the two of them fall into step either side of you, sharing a distinctly satisfied look between themselves, you think that it wouldn’t have mattered how far it was. They would have walked with you anywhere.
Yet their expressions of mild surprise (disappointment, maybe?) when you stop them less than five minutes later in front of your apartment block almost makes you laugh. “This is me.”
Bokuto eyes the building for just a moment before his attention returns to you. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Lie, that little voice inside your head urges, but you force yourself to ignore it. You have to try. “Uh, not much, I guess…”
Even as you say the words, your hands tighten on your bag, twisting nervously – a sign they either don’t read or wilfully ignore as Bokuto brightens up once again.
“Awesome! Wanna swing by ours to chill for a little bit?”
Like a date, you think as your gaze flickers between the two. Yet Akaashi’s watching you just as intently, those dark eyes far more inscrutable than Bokuto’s, which doesn’t help ease the uncomfortable feeling sitting in the pit of your stomach. There’s really no reason for you to say no, no polite way for you to turn them down. They’re your soulmates, you’re supposed to want this. “Um…”
“Or we can come here, if you want? Or head into the city and do something there, maybe go see a movie or something? Whatever you’d prefer.”
“No!” the words slip from your tongue before you can stop them, the idea of the two of them in your apartment, your home just feels like… too much. “No,” you repeat again, quieter, forcing your features to soften into a hesitant smile. “Your place is good.”
That way you can leave if it all gets to be too much. It’s just a casual hang out. It’ll be fine. 
Both of them seem to relax at your agreement, and you quickly take out your phone to grab Akaashi’s number – sending him a message so he has your number too.
“Perfect,” he says, his voice a purr that sends a ripple of something running down your spine. “I’ll text you the address in the morning.”
You smile at both of them, thanking them again for the ice cream and for walking back with you, even if it was only a few hundred metres. And you think you’re in the clear as you start walking up the steps, trying to balance your keys, your phone and your bags when the sound of your name being called makes you turn around.
Bokuto’s there, a step behind you, and before you can even so much as blink he’s grabbing at your hand, tugging you forward and kissing you.
Just like last time, it’s instantaneous and overwhelming. You feel it all – his giddy excitement, the stirrings of something deeper, less innocent as he cradles your body to his.
And the love. 
Oh god. It’s not mere affection, not some fleeting, superficial thing. It pours over you in unrelenting waves, crushing you under the force of it – you can’t even feel his tongue moving against yours, or the way he sucks on your bottom lip, groaning quietly.
You can’t breathe, can’t think. It’s too much, too much, too strong, too sudden, you can’t BREATHE.
Your trembling hands finds his shoulders, and as your head spins, nausea churning in your gut you don’t waste a second, shoving him away from you with enough force that he actually stumbles back a little.
Though you’ll admit it’s probably more from shock than any strength you actually possess. 
And you don’t dare look to Akaashi as tears fill your eyes, a heaving gasp leaving your lips. Bokuto’s eyes are wide, his mouth agape; he looks confused more than horrified as you stumble back, almost tripping over the last step.
“D-don’t touch me,” you gasp, “please.”
There’s pain in his eyes as your tears well up and spill over and you choke back another sob, but you don’t give him a chance to say anything else. Limbs trembling, you force yourself upright, clutching at the keys in your fist as you skitter towards the door.
You hear one of them, Akaashi you think, calling out your name, but you don’t pause, don’t look back – throwing open the lobby door and slamming it shut behind you. 
And your heart pounds as you climb the steps two at a time, and it’s only once you're in the safety of your own apartment, with the door shut and firmly locked that you allow yourself to breathe. You realise distantly that at some point – probably on the steps outside – you dropped the ice cream they’d bought for you, but you can’t find it within yourself to care. The first time you realise was an accident, they had no way of knowing you were their soulmate, much less how you’d react when they’d touched you. But that–
That wasn’t right.
It wasn’t normal.
Those feelings, that love, you’ve never experienced anything like it, and yet it’s left you feeling filthy; tainted. Scared. It was too much; boundless and abundant, the kind of love that devours and chokes, selfishly strangling everything in its environment to thrive. Overpowering and solely directed at you. How was it supposed to do anything but terrify you. And how can he possibly believe that he loves you like that already?
Soulmates or not, you don’t know him!
This– this whole thing is wrong.
You can’t stop yourself from checking the locks on your apartment another three times before you slip under the covers of your bed, trying to will sleep to find you.
On the nightstand beside you, your phone vibrates, but you refuse to check it, knowing full well that it’s them.
It doesn’t stop.
And with every new notification your blood pressure climbs, and there’s a part of you that’s telling you you have no reason to be reacting like this – whatever happened on those steps, it’s not like they’re going to hurt you.
It was an accident, a misunderstanding.
But they’re still blowing your phone up with notifications and they know where you live and no matter what you tell yourself, you can’t seem to quell the disquiet that eats away at you.
And it’s a cruel thing to do, you know it is, but you don’t know what else to do as you finally give in, swiping your phone up and searching for his contact. The phone rings once, twice, three times and there’s a sinking feeling in your chest when you realise he’s not going to pick up–
“Hello?” Kuguri’s voice is groggy, heavy with sleep and you can almost picture him, sitting up in bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes, running a hand through his messy bed hair. “Fuck, do you know what time it is, Y/N? Why’re you calling me so late?”
There’s a pause, pregnant and heavy, and the only sound that leaves you is the soft hitch in your breath.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, quieter this time, an edge of worry in his tone.
You haven’t spoken to him in weeks, since he’d left without a word and broke your heart, but he’s the only one you want to talk to right now.  
“I-I’m sorry for calling,” you begin, sniffling back your tears. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
When you drag yourself out of bed only a few short hours later, your body’s still crying out for a little more sleep, but you can’t afford to indulge.
Like you’d planned, you send the message first thing, ignoring the flood of unread texts above – both from Akaashi and an unknown number you can only assume is Bokuto’s.
I’m sorry about last night, just need some space. 
You have nothing to be sorry for – even if it wasn’t for the frankly unsettling emotions you’d felt, Bokuto’d still kissed you without your permission. But Kuguri said it was better that way – they were less likely to freak out and panic or whatever. You hadn’t questioned it too much, it didn’t really matter what you said so long as they knew you didn’t want them anywhere near you… at least until you figured this whole thing out. And you trusted Kuguri on this.
God knows why he’d even answered your call in the first place, but you’re impossibly glad that he did. Gladder still that he hadn’t hung up on you the moment he’d realised why you were calling.
You scoff down a quick breakfast, before hopping into the shower. The scalding water’s a welcome relief, waking you up more than your coffee had and allowing you the space to think.
Kuguri’s got errands to run this morning, but he’d said you were welcome to stop by his place anytime. He’d insisted on it actually, telling you in no uncertain terms to pack an overnight bag.
‘Look, I’m probably being an overprotective asshole, alright, but I don’t want you there by yourself, so either you come here or I’m coming over there.’
And the thought that you’d need somebody there to protect you, that either one of your soulmates would do anything–
But it’s not so much about them, you think, but you. You’d been a mess when you’d called him, and despite how everything had gone down, Kuguri still cared about you – you can’t just turn those feelings off overnight – is it any wonder that you’d worried him?
Distantly, you register your phone going off a few more times as you busy yourself in washing your hair. You assume it’s Kuguri checking up on you, making sure that you’re alright – you pay it no mind, humming quietly as you reach for your conditioner.
And by the time you slip from your bathroom, wrapped in a big, fluffy towel it’s probably closer to mid-morning than you’d like. You don’t bother blow drying your hair or putting on makeup, instead heading to your room to get dressed and grab some clothes to take to Kuguri’s.
Except there’s a knocking at the door that stops you in your tracks.
You hadn’t heard the buzzer for the building’s main door go off, which meant that it was probably just your landlord stopping by, or one of your neighbours. You know the little girl who lives in the apartment next to yours likes to bake with her dad and sometimes drops off freshly made cookies and treats, so you hastily throw on enough clothes to pass as decent. 
“Coming,” you sing out, racing across the room to reach the door. 
Except when you throw it open, it’s not one of your neighbours standing out in your hallway, nor is it your elderly landlord. 
Akaashi and Bokuto crowd the empty space; Bokuto grinning widely, Akaashi’s dark eyes fixed on yours. 
“You weren’t answering your phone,” he murmurs, a faint frown tugging at his features as studies your face. “We were worried about you.”
And there’s so many things wrong with the fact that they’re here; least of all being how the hell they got into the building to begin with, but you can’t afford to think of any of that. You simply need to get them out of here without causing a fuss. Now.
They’re still your soulmates, you remind yourself as your heart rate picks up. They won’t do anything to hurt you. 
“I-I told you I needed space, please go,” you mutter, clutching so tightly at the edge of the door that your knuckles turn white. “Please,” you beg again when neither of them make a move to leave.
“I told you, ‘Kaashi,” Bokuto says, his smile slipping in favour of a wounded pout, “She’s afraid of us. Her soulmates.”
And you don’t know what compels you to shake your head instead of just slamming the door in their faces, “N-no, I just–”
“She’s just skittish,” Akaashi interrupts, cutting you off mid-sentence. “Overwhelmed – this is all new to her. It’s okay, princess,” he says, addressing you this time with a teasing little smirk, “We’ll be gentle, okay? We’re going to take good care of you.”
It’s the final blow to your tentative politeness. As panic sinks its teeth into you, you skitter backwards, scrambling to shut the front door before they can get in–
Bokuto’s faster. They both are.
Stronger, too. 
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jayteacups · 2 years
Hi jay! I hope you don't mind me popping here. I checked that you're open for headcanons, may I request one? What would Levi do to his S/O who is such a busybee and is in panicked mode of the many things she'd be doing (office work, laundry, you name it)
It's Monday soon and I haven't done much during the Easter Week break so I am really confused on what to do right now hehe.
Thank you in advance and please send my regards to Nuwa!
Hi!! Lovely to hear from you 🥰 hope you’re doing alright! you got this. And honestly I feel you about not having done much over the Easter break and now have to get rushing with basically everything... it’s not a great feeling 🙈 but we’re dealing with it!
Oh and Nuwa is dying to be written more, she says hi and she hopes that Sam is doing alright XD I can't wait until the summer comes around so I can properly work on that canonverse fic with her! and also I need to finish planning it/outlining it lol I've also considered taking a page out of your book and writing AU stories too! I've never really considered writing a 'canon character x oc' story that isn't in the canon universe lol idk why it just never really crossed my mind 😂 
and one last thing! uni is going to start again soon for the final term of this year, so I think I will be closing my inbox for headcanon requests, so that I can focus on the ones still sat in my inbox (i’m so sorry to the anon that sent something in like two months ago 😭 I’ll get onto that I promise!) and so I can focus on the work/exams too. 
anyway! onto the headcanonsss
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Levi with a busybody, panicking S/O 
You’re used to rushing around, carefully balancing things precariously on a metaphorical plate that never wobbles - until now.
Stress is no stranger to you given the workload you take on. But up until the lead-up to the Easter holidays, things had gotten far too hectic, and so you took the time off work to have a desperately needed break from every and all responsibilities you can think of. And now, you’re on a time-crunch like never before. 
Laundry, vacuuming the house, spraying down the bathroom surfaces and groceries - not to mention, the impending list of tasks you’ll have to tackle the moment you get back to work. The realisation doesn’t hit you until a matter of days before you’re set to return, and you are in a state of panic. 
And the last thing you want to do is bother Levi either - work has been piling up for him, so he hasn’t quite managed to pick up your slack (not that you want him to, but he has a tendency to do it.) 
You’re colourfully cursing to yourself - Levi’s been rubbing off on you, it seems - as you rush about the house, hoovering up the dust, grimacing at the hair you’d managed to shed all over the bedroom floor in just a matter of days. Anxiety throbs in every single cell of yours. There’s so much to do and so little time - and you can hardly bring yourself to think about things properly. You think you might be vibrating from stress, hands trembling as they guide the vacuum across the floor, and you can hardly focus on whether or not you’ve vacuumed the surfaces properly because all you can think about is just this massively long list of things that you’ve yet to get done. 
You switch the vacuum off, the noise suddenly too loud and yet too quiet - it takes up so much space in your mind yet fails to drown out the stressful thoughts. 
A voice cuts through your internal panicking: “That has got to be the worst vacuum job I think I’ve seen you do since you moved in with me.”
Levi’s standing with his arms crossed in the doorway to your bedroom, but his face softens as you look up. To him, you look a little out of it and frazzled. He’s stepping inside, brows furrowed as he pieces it together. 
You’re shaking your head straight away - the last thing you want is to bother him. Levi’s always so put together, always on top of things - and on the days where he’s feeling stressed and in over his head, he manages it with graces and continues as if nothing was ever wrong. You wish you had that kind of professionalism.
Levi cuts straight to the chase, and asks you what it is you have to do. You sigh, the words spilling out of you uncontrollably as you rant and rattle off the sheer number of chores you’ve yet to get done, and finish with “look, I’m so sorry, I know this is the last thing you need to hear because you’ve got a lot on your plate.”
But he’s already taking the vacuum in hand. “here’s what we’re going to do.” he carefully divides up the tasks - granted, most of your own chores are still going to be completed by you, but he’s more than happy to vacuum the floors, because he finds it therapeutic. sometimes, you’re a little too frazzled, and having a level-headed outsider help you divide up your tasks, re-organise and re-order them is a huge reassurance. 
you get to it - laundry’s up next and you’d be damned if you didn’t do that properly, you know how he is. Levi finishes up with vacuuming the floors - by then, the washing machine is well into its cycle. you’re instead at your laptop, dealing with work to hand into your superiors by the time you return from the break, your shoulders all tensed up and practically touching your ears.
as you type frantically, Levi sneaks in behind you and puts his hands on your shoulders, gently easing them down, squeezing them. ‘straighten up’ he nags, not unlike a mother hen, ‘you’ll fuck up your back like this, c’mon.’ 
he stays there for a moment, slowly massaging away the tension in your shoulders. you feel some of the stress seep out of you, and gradually feel more and more level-headed, your mind much more clear. You hum, leaning backwards so that you aren’t hunched over like a gremlin. Sighing, you thank him, and he kisses the top of your head in response before heading into the kitchen.
‘Sap,’ you say, and he says over his shoulder, “oh, so you don’t want your cup of tea then”. to which you protest heavily, of course, because levi makes tea just the way you like it. 
Of course, a cup brewed to perfection is sitting next to you at the dining table a matter of minutes later.
And for the next few days where you cram in as much work as you possibly can, Levi’s always there to top up your drinks, remind you to sit up straight and relax your shoulders - he’s always nagging you about posture and says something snarky about how you always complain about back pain, poorly disguising his actual concern
Whenever you feel the panic creep back in or your energy ebbs, he’s at your side, squeezing your shoulder, calmly asking you, ‘what do you need to get done next? see, you’ve done it before, you can do it again. you’re doing well. no, don’t worry. breathe, focus, and start up again. i know you can get this together.’ and when you protest, he’s there with a sincere, ‘would I lie to you?’ 
You know he’d never. He’s the most honest man you know. He’d never bullshit you - if he actually thinks you can do it, you can. It’s not a stretch.
It’s in the little things - you, constantly taking on too much at once (which Levi also complains about - ‘why can’t you get your coworkers to look at that - it’s not even your responsibility!’), him, talking you down whenver you get too trapped in your head. there are days where you feel like he genuinely keeps you sane, and you’re just so, so glad for his quiet and steadfast presence that gets you through the days where you feel like you’re drowning.
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AOT Masterlist
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landinoandco · 3 years
|Shutter speed|
Chapter two : A New Beginning
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{Lando Norris x Reader}
Summary: A photographer. A pair of F1 drivers. Triangles. A sticky situation of morals and fighting fate. What could go wrong?
Warnings: none :) apart from a mention of grief and passing of a loved one
Rating: teen and up
Word count: 2.9 k 
A/n: welcome to the second chapter of 'Shutter speed.'
I'm going to start a taglist so comment on this post or message me if you would like to be added :)
Previous chapters: Chapter one
Chapter two: A new beginning
By the time Georgie had raced home, it had stopped raining and the sun was beginning to fight its way through the mass of clouds that had filled the sky. The journey home had given Georgie plenty of time to think - to mull everything over about the crazy afternoon she had just endured. They had finally booked their first event since lockdown, the insanely attractive stranger she had met in the coffee shop but somehow it all ended back to a person she thought she had finished thinking about - not that you ever could. Her Theo. Her lovely Theo. 
Theodore was her childhood sweetheart. Theo was everything to her, llike Georgie was everything to him. They had their whole future planned out: travelling around the world and experiencing different cultures, photographing their entire experience and showcasing the beginning of their journey through life on an Instagram they had set up. Before settling down and starting a family of their own. Together. It was going to finish like all the fairy tales did...
And everybody lived happily ever after.
In hindsight, they had jinxed themselves before they had even started, not long after they had finished their A - levels and about to start their next chapter at Uni - Theo had fallen ill. Georgie refuses to acknowledge the illness for she believes it shouldn’t be the way he is remembered, instead reminiscing on the short but meaningful life he lived. Theo died not long after he was diagnosed, leaving Georgie behind with a new and tainted meaning to happily ever after because if it wasn’t with him then what did it truly mean? 
As they say hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Even now, 5 years on, 23 years of age, she is still plagued with the memories and the thoughts of everything they could have had but for some reason the universe was against it all. She hated to think of herself as unlucky because she was blessed to have met Theo in the first place. 
Shaking the memories from her head, she unlocked the apartment door and trudged through - hanging her coat and bag on the hooks then making her way over to the breakfast bar. On top was a fluorescent post-it note that read: “Popped into the city to pick up some new lenses for the cameras. Fill you in when I get back. Fancy getting a takeaway tonight to celebrate? Love you lots ~ Maisie.” 
A takeaway was exactly what was needed. She thought. And a nice warm shower. 
The thing Georgie loves about showers is that they give her the ability to find an answer and solution to pretty much everything and anything. She spent a lot of time in the shower after Theo passed, it was the only thing she could justify enjoying. Striping her clothes off and chucking them into a pile on the floor, she reached into the shower to turn it on - the water immediately rushing out and crashing loudly onto the floor. As soon as she was happy with the temperature, she stepped in - letting the warm water droplets wash all of her worries away. It was the only thing that she felt helped her relax; come to terms with everything she was feeling. 
Her first and main worry was what they were going to do after Goodwood. If they didn’t find consistent work soon they were going to run out of money - they were lucky to have made some good investments and savings leading up to this point to have coped through lockdown. 
Georgie grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it thoroughly through her long waves. She had been to Goodwood a few years back -  Theo had taken her. It was the best date she had ever been on - she remembered it as clear as day. They had found an empty bench to sit on next to the hill the cars climbed in the ever popular annual hill climb - it was there and then they had decided they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and travel the world. 
Stepping back under the water, she let the water take the shampoo away, watching as the bubbles slipped through the drain. Theo had been a massive formula one fan - dragging Georgie into the sport as well. Jenson Button had been his favourite driver and McLaren his favourite team so naturally that was hers as well. As soon as he passed Georgie had nothing to do with the sport - she refused to watch it and stopped keeping up with the teams. 
She reached for the conditioner bottle, pressing her lips together in a tight line. All of this thought about Theo and the racing world she turned her back on - a slight regret forming in the pit of her stomach, was she ready to go back to it? She remembered the atmosphere of Goodwood when she had been, people from all over the world gathered to celebrate the one thing they had in common: their love for cars. She was slightly envious of the people who got to travel the world, following in the car's tyre tracks and capturing the moments you only get to experience once in a lifetime. 
Georgie paused and furrowed her eyebrows, she was struck with an idea. Whether it was absolutely brilliant or outright stupid and unrealistic, she was yet to find out. Hoping out of the shower and grabbing her towel, she made her way to her room. It was worth a look, she supposed, there was no harm in that. Once she was dressed, she sat at her desk and turned on her laptop; begging fate to be on her side today. 
“Honey, I’m home.” Called a voice from the kitchen. 
“Hey sweetie.” Georgie shouted back, “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” 
She pulled up the McLaren careers page, her mouse hovering over the view jobs link. Georgie was ready to travel the world. She was ready to experience life again - after all it was Theo’s dying wish that she completed everything they were setting out to do. Perhaps she was selfish for not coming to this conclusion sooner. 
She clicked. 
Taking one last deep breath, Georgie placed her hands to her forehead and moved her face closer to the screen as she read through the roles. Tyre performance engineer. No. Finance analyst - production. Definitely not. Hope was diminishing rapidly even though it was as she had expected. The chances of finding anything suitable were low. She was coming to the bottom of the list when a role jumped out at her. But not impossible apparently. 
Lead photographer - team. 
And the deadline was Tuesday at 11.59 pm. They had the best part of 6 hours to complete this application. It was going to be tight but possible. 
She jumped up and rubbed her hands over her face in disbelief. Running her hands through her hair, she sat back down - hardly being able to keep still. It was only an application advert - many people were going to be applying. She thought as she exhaled loudly. More experienced people. Skimming through the description and requirements, she almost felt like she was dreaming. It was perfect. The role was to travel with the whole team and capture every moment to later be used on social media and advertising. 
“Everything alright in here?” Maisie poked her head around the door. She was faced with an almost tearful Georige. Her words almost trailed off.
“Do you want to travel the world?” Georgie asked her, her voice wavering slightly.  Maisie seemed taken aback as she moved into the room and sat on Georgie’s bed. “I’m sorry - what? Have you forgotten what’s been going on recently?”
“With a formula one team, Mclaren to be precise.” Georgie corrected and moved aside so Maisie could see the screen. Silence fell between the pair as Maisie read on, Georgie’s leg had started bouncing in anticipation. Minutes later she was met with a frown. “That’s not quite how I had imagined you would react.” Georgia mumbled, sighing. She mirrored her friend's expression, chewing on her bottom lip. 
“Before we start fantasizing, I just want to make sure you’re ok with this.” Maisie said softly, taking one of Georgia’s hand in hers. Georgia nodded slowly, rubbing her thumb over her friend’s hand. “This would be his dream. I know he’s watching us - he really is looking out for us, Maise. I want to do it for him.”  
Maisie’s smile grew, “As long as you’re sure. Come, let’s discuss it over take away and I will explain how this weekend is going to work.” Georgie stood up, grabbing her laptop and a notebook, “One thing is for sure. We are going to need one hell of a portfolio.” 
It was now Sunday - the final day at Goodwood. 
To say the rest of their week leading up to this point went smoothly would be a lie. In the end it all got a bit complicated. They submitted their application at 10:58 pm that Tuesday evening - due to it only being a singular role they applied as their business in hope that the combined experience would set them apart from other candidates. Wednesday they spent the day prepping for Goodwood - trying out the new lenses and practising photographing cars they found around London. They were going to watch the Goodwood livestream on Youtube Thursday and Friday to see what they were going to be faced with that Saturday. Until Maisie received a call. It was Mclaren and they had gotten through to the interviews - all taking place that Thursday afternoon on teams. As it turns out, they wanted to have hired someone for the role by Friday in order to be ready for the British Grand Prix the following weekend. 
“I mean it makes sense,” Maisie said, blowing her coffee to cool it down before taking a long sip. “It is their home grand prix after all.” 
Georgie chuckled, “It’s just, I feel like if we were to explain to anyone they would think we were making this up. It’s all happening so quickly.” 
That Friday, ahead of their debut at Goodwood on the Saturday, they got the call. According to the lady Maisie spoke to, it was very close between them and another candidate but the fact they were working at Goodwood tipped the scales in their favour. 
“And.” Maisie started. “We are going to meet with a man called Zac Brown on Sunday, he is the CEO of McLaren Racing-” Georgie was very lucky to have Maisie as she was the businessman - or women in this case - out of the pair. Her people skills were unmatched, how she did it Georgie would never understand. 
Now on Sunday, Georgie was quite sad to see it coming to an end. The atmosphere was one that she had never quite experienced before - it was one that filled her with pride and adoration; something she hadn’t felt in a long time, not to this extent anyway. The whole weekend, a beaming smile had been plastered onto her face - so much so that her facial muscles were beginning to ache. The whole community of people were ecstatic to be there, watching on in excitement as a sport that had missed the company of their crowds opened its doors once again. It wasn’t long before she had agreed to meet with Maisie ahead of their meeting with Zac Brown that she found herself walking up the infamous hill. The loud buzz of conversation seemed to fade, instead the only sound she could hear was the rumble of engines as they came cruising by. She stopped at a clearing where a bench stood proudly, smiling softly to herself as she slung her camera strap over her shoulder, stuffing her hands into her trouser pockets. It hadn’t aged a day. 
Lando Norris had decided to take a break from the main McLaren marquee - he had just finished his final drive of the day and was looking for some time to reflect on the weekend he had just had after having the honour of driving the three cars that Aryton Senna won McLaren their championship titles. It had been a tough season leading up to this point - after Carlos left to join Ferrari he felt this year all eyes would be on him. Many expected Lando to fall into the shadow of his new teammate Daniel Ricciardo, everybody expected him to fade back into the background. Perhaps that was why he trained so hard during the winter break - he had pushed himself right up to the limit. Lando wanted to prove to himself more than anyone else that he was a good driver and he did have potential to fight those at the top, after the taste of a podium in Austria - he was hungry for more. Even as a young boy during his karting career, Lando put pressure on himself - to strive to be the best on the grid - sometimes it meant he forgot to enjoy himself because he was so worried about what other people thought about him. 
He had reached a clearing past the trees. All weekend he had kept half an eye out for the girl at the coffee shop. Part of him was disappointed not to have seen her, he really wanted that second chance. He came to a stop and checked his watch - it wasn’t long until Zac wanted him back; he mentioned briefly about a pair of photographers joining the team. They would be replacing his friend Jason after he decided that travelling just wasn’t practical anymore, who could blame him, his first child was on the way and he wanted to be there with his wife every step of the way. 
Lando brushed a hand through his curls, casting his gaze around before he would make his way back. When a bench caught his eye or more specifically the girl sitting on the bench. She sat with a content smile dancing on her lips, a reminiscent glaze coated her eyes. He took a step towards her, there was something familiar about her. It was like his feet were frozen in place - his brain was telling him to go back but his gut told him to stay put. He stood for a minute or two before it hit him - square in the face and quite frankly he couldn’t believe his luck. It was the girl from the coffee shop. Right in front of him. It was now or never. Lando took a calming breath before going and sitting next to her. 
Georgie was rudely pulled from her thoughts when a person sat down on the bench next to her. She moved her head slightly to see who the intruder was when her heart stopped. Recognition dawned on her face. Georgie knew instantly he had recognised her as the corners of his mouth twitched into a shy smile. “Hi.” His tone silvery and almost breathy. 
“Hey.” She beamed back, “I’m Georgie.” She said, gazing up at him, admiring the way the sun caught around his halo of curls giving them an almost angelic glow.
“Lando.” He told to her, the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly. Neither of them could quite believe that they were sitting with each other. 
“I - uh - It’s a wonderful day for it, isn’t it.” Georgie had panicked. She didn’t know what else to say and her mother used to always say:  ‘if in doubt talk about the weather.’ It was something along those lines anyway.  Silently cursing herself, she cringed at her awkwardness only to hear him chuckle at her comment. 
“It’s much better now the rain has cleared off.” Lando instantly felt relaxed around her, he didn’t know what it was. Perhaps it was that she seemed just as socially inadequate as he was. “So Georgie.” He savoured the way her name rolled off his tongue. “What brings you to Goodwood? I hope you don’t mind me saying this but I heard you talking about it before you rushed off the other day.” 
Georgie inched closer, almost leaning into the comfort and warmth he seemed to provide. “My friend and I are photographers and she somehow got us into working for the Goodwood Festival of Speed brand. I still don’t quite know how she did it, for some reason she didn’t want to talk about it.” She trailed off, a pink tinge creeping onto her cheeks as she had come to a rather astonishing conclusion. The corner of Lando’s mouth lifted at her innocence. “Anyway.” She moved on quickly. “As it turns out I am also here to meet my new boss.” 
“It’s almost like it was meant to be.” Lando quirked. “Who are you working for now?” 
“I’m the new photographer for the McLaren formula one team.” She explained, pride laced in her tone. Lando’s eyes widened, his mouth fell open in disbelief before he caught himself. Composed his expressions and stated very plainly...
“I’m Lando Norris. I drive for the McLaren formula one team. As it turns out you and I are about to attend the same meeting.” 
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bukojuiice · 4 years
ʚ Going to Universal Studios Japan with them (ft. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Denki, Eijirou, Shinsou and Dabi) ɞ *‧.₊˚*੭
—  @bukojuiice’s 720+ followers gift! thank you so so much for supporting my works!  ♡ ily all i never would have thought i would reach this milestone 🥺
—  uni student! izuku, katsuki, shoto, eijirou, denki, shinsou and evil turned good! dabi x reader headcanons ♡
 — To further elaborate, this is a Dabi that turned Good for his bby bro because I know that this is physically impossible in the manga and i found it hard to play around with a cute and fluffy set of hcs within a villain context. so pls let me have a good Dabi just this one time qwq
— if you like to see more from me, i have an ongoing bakugo x fem reader! smau called cuddle buddy! read it here!  for my bnha masterlist check it out here!  ♡
— please reblog, reply and leave like if you enjoyed! it means a lot! c:
—  all universal studios japan photos are taken by me. Most of these headcanons are also based on my experience in Universal Studios Japan!  (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
—  content warning: slight innuendo/sexual content, strong language and mention of Endeavor
— summary: You spend a wonderful day in one of the most happiest places on earth with your just as wonderful significant other. 
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—  You and Izuku stroll through Hogsmeade of the newly opened Hogwarts area of the Park. Your hand in his and your arms interlocked.
—  Izuku would geek out. As in geek out. He very much loved Harry Potter growing up and being able to go to USJ was a dream come true.
—  “It’s LeviOSA not LeviOSAR.” You continue to make Harry Potter jokes and Izuku was loving every minute of it. He could not stop laughing.
— You loved seeing his laugh as it made your heart feel all fluffy inside. God. why must this boy be so cute?
—  Izuku is just as big of a Potterhead as you. The two of you took the Hogwarts House test online and Izuku was sorted into Gryffindor whilst you were sorted into Slytherin. Two complete opposites yet you guys were the most adorkable couple ever. 
— Even the amusement park goers (the couples in particular) couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the two of you. 
—  The two of you are wearing matching Hogwarts robes, earning compliments from the staff giggling about how cute the two of you are! 
—  You were originally going to hang out with the entire Dekusquad but ofc your friends just decided to play matchmaker and instead collectively backed out and said they were busy bc of uni (obvs a lie)
—  You wonder why they would play matchmaker when the you and Izuku were already together in the first place and they know that very well HSKHSHSKHS 
—  anyways ochaco, tsuyu, shoto and tenya are very supportive wbk
—  Izuku just wanted this day to be very special and to be between the two of you only. 
—  “Izu-kun! Let’s try out the Butterbeer and see if it tastes just as good as the books and movies make them to be!” You point to a food stall that sells the famous beverage seen in the series, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic kinds.
—  “Of course (Y/N)!-chan Anything for you!” He says sweetly and gingerly hands the money to the food vendor. 
— For fun and because why the hecc not, you decided to order the alcoholic variant of the drink whilst Izuku had purchased the non-alcoholic one.
—  In turn, you ended up becoming a little bit tipsy as the two of you enter the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride.
—  Izuku stares in awe as the waiting line makes you go through the interior of Hogwarts Castle. Both you and Izuku couldn’t help but just stare in amazement. 
—  You smile at the sight of your cute freckled boyfriend admiring the view and the area before him. It was as if he was transported into the actual world of Harry Potter and you couldn’t help but feel the overwhelming emotions he was feeling right now. 
—  The two of you hold hands during the entire attraction as both of you are seated in a 3-seater ride. T’was cute uwu
—  Albeit the fact that you were a little bit tipsy, the entire 4-D ride was magnificent as it literally took you through every adventure Harry Potter and the rest of the cast had experienced. 
— It was probably one of the best rides you’ve been to tbh??
— “The Dementors were so creeeeeeepy.” Izuku shuddered, rubbing his arm. “”They looked so real!” He turns to you, wonder and amazement plastered all over his face.
—  “THE WORST THING ABOUT PRISON WAS THE DEMENTORSSSS.” You howled, your voice practically echoing around the exit area. 
—  Midoriya knew that you got a bit tipsy due to the butterbeer, as soon as he had noticed the body language you were showing, he supports your weight by holding you tightky and then slowly take you to the cafe near the entrance that served hot coffee.
—  Thankfully, you were able to sober up so that the two of you could go around the rest of the park before the Night show took place in Hogwarts Castle. 
—  “You know, I’m so lucky to have you (Y/N)-chan. Just like how lucky Ron is to have Hermione.” He plants a kiss on your forehead, he firmly holds you as the evening light show of Hogwarts Castle begins. 
—  “You’re overreacting Izu-kun. I’m not as smart as Hermione.” You shake your head, trying to avoid eye contact as he just made another cheesy Harry Potter Joke. “More like I’m the Ron to your Hermione. I mess up sometimes yet you’re always there for me to help me up when I’m down.” 
—  “Then I guess we don’t have to compare ourselves to Ron and Hermione then. Because I wouldn’t have a life like this with you any other way. I love you (Y/N)-chan.”
—  “I love you too Izu-kun.” 
—  An array of colorful fireworks pop in the sky and the both of you look deep into each other’s eyes, holding each other tightly til the festivities end.
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— The two of you arrived at Universal Studios Japan earlier than most people. Bakugo always wanted to be first in line even though the two of you had fast passes to specific rides. He just rolls like that.
—  You forced him to wear matching matching elmo and cookie monster headbands with you. You were wearing the Elmo one and he was wearing the Cookie monster design.
  —  He’d spoil you soooooooo bad like he’d be grumpy at first and refuse to buy you this cute little souvenir item you’d probably never use, but he’d still spoil the heck out of you. Just as long as it was mildly reasonable.
—  He was all for thrill rides. As long as he got to show off how bad-ass and brave he is to you. That was until you discovered one of the Jurassic Park rides in the park and HOO BOY...
  —  You were internally squealing at the sight of him wearing the cookie monster that your brain just?? kinda stopped?? You secretly take a pic of your explosive boyfie and then change his contact name to Cookie Monster.
—  You first enter the Jurassic Park area at the insistence of Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero whomst you were supposedly going to meet after 2 hours
— As you roam around, there’s awkward silence between the two of you until you begin to obnoxiously sing the theme song of the series to try and annoy Bakugo, “TENENENEN TENENENENEN TENENENEN”
—‘’(Y/N) Geez, could you stop singing that stupid song? It fucking annoys me.’’
—‘’No way we’re riding that shitty fucking water ride. I will not get wet today.”
— “Oh really? What if you get wet in different ways?”
—He smirks at you, taking your hand and rubbing your thumb, “Let’s see when we get home.’’
— “OH WAIT BUT FIRST LET’S SHARE A TURKEY LEG!’’ You point to a nearby food stall, selling turkey legs for 980 yen. 
— Katsuki begrudgingly follows you to the stall and buys a turkey leg for the two of you to share. 
—You were deep in thought. Fantasizing if you could eat the Turkey Leg with Katsuki “Lady and Tramp” style. 
— Much to your dismay, Katsuki had finished the Turkey Leg before you could get another bite. You pout and cross your arms, yet he doesn’t notice you silently shooting daggers at him.
— You then quickly forget about the Turkey Leg as soon as the Flying Dinosaur attraction hovered above you. The amusing screams of the people riding it could be heard as it passed at a speed you could have never imagined.
—  ‘’Suki-kun!! Let’s ride that next!’’
— ‘’We just ATE. Are you fucking serious right now?’’
—  ‘’Or are you too chicken?’’ You tease him playfully. ‘’Hmm… Looks like eating the entire turkey leg turned you into a chicken now didn’t it?’’
—  ‘’Fine. Fuck this.’’ He tilts his head, gesturing you to follow suit. ‘’Let’s get into the fast pass line.’’
— You get on the ride and see up close the details of the dinosaur as it’s positioned upright for you two to get on. You take your seats and are instructed to strap yourselves in the seat. 
— You get a wonderful view of the sea as the ride continues to ascend, going up and down, at high speeds. You begin to scream your heart out, the adrenaline rushing through you. Bakugo tries to put up a face, not wanting to scream and show any weakness. You look at him again as the ride arrives at a downwards slope, creating a momentum before it descends again at high speed.
— The ride begins to move, positioning itself like a pterodactyl would. You take Bakugo’s hand and give it a tight squeeze. You look at him for comfort and he nods at you lovingly. You were at ease albeit the fact that the two of you are about to experience one of the most terrifying amusement park rides ever.
The two of you are then positioned to be dangling in mid-air, the safety strap from a while ago being the only thing holding you in place. 
—  ‘’(Y/N)! I LOVE YOU!’’ He screams his lungs out as the ride passes through the ocean again, giving you a clear view of the sea surrounding the wonderful prefecture of Osaka.
—  You smile cheekily and begin to scream from the top of your lungs too. ‘’I LOVE YOU TOO KATSUKI!’’
—  ‘’Did you really mean that I love you?’’ You ask him. Your adrenaline is still pumping you up.
— ‘’Of course I did you nerd. I had to get it out of my chest.’’ He says, avoiding eye contact, scratching the back of his neck.
—  The ride then ends abruptly and you could never feel more grateful. You could practically kiss the floor as your legs shaked once you got off. Katsuki supports you with his arm around yours and the two of you get off the ride.
—  ‘’I want to hear you say that again.’’ You poke his cheek but he doesn’t move an inch.
—  ‘’Come on. We have to go look for Kirishima in the others.’’
—  ‘’One more time Suki-kun! Please?’’ You look at him with your most dramatic puppy eyes and he couldn’t help but give in.
—  ‘’Fine.’’ He says grumpily. ‘’I love you.’’
—  ‘’I love you too. Let’s never ride that again.’’
— ‘’Agreed.’’
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— Shoto made sure that he would make the most of the time with you before the two of you go back to University. Booking the most luxurious hotel available, fine dining every single night you were in Osaka and going on private local tours and taking high-end trips to Nara and Kyoto.  
— He’s spoiling you so so so bad and as much as you didn’t want Shoto to spend too much, he kept on insisting. 
— This is also why he decided your trip near your birthday so that in a sense, this is his birthday surprise for you too!
— He wanted to go all out just for you. 
— You feel like you’re in Cloud 9 every time you’re with Shoto. How much more when you’re going on an extra special trip with him? 
— “This Eren Jeager’s voice sounds familiar. It’s as if we have the same voice.” Todoroki looks at the screen perplexed, putting on the 4-D Glasses and making sure you were already comfortable on your seat.
— ‘’I know right. You’re hotter of course.’’ You whisper, giving him a peck on the cheek.
— Attack on Titan is your all time favorite anime ever.
— Shoto wasn’t too well-versed in anime, so him bringing you to USJ is one of the best things he could ever do for you.
— Especially since the park had a limited time Attack on Titan 4-D Attraction!!
— YOU KNEW you had to go there and it was also a perfect opportunity for you to bond with Shoto
— As long as you were happy and he could support you with your interests, he was happy too.
— Being able to go on the Attack on Titan 4D Ride was a dream come true.
— You brought Shoto to the souvenir shop first and bought matching headbands for the two of you.
— You were wearing a headband that had two little chibi Levis on each side whilst Shoto had little chibi Erens on his uwu
— He’d be spoiling you so so much !!! Any souvenir item you’d set your eyes on, he’d immediately buy it for you!! 
— Before you can even say no, he’s already bought it using his luxurious black credit card. YOUR BOYFIE WAS RICH OFC I MEAN WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT!?
—  "That was amazing." Todoroki says in awe, still trying to process the thrill he had just experienced. "I wonder what would happen if titans started appearing all of a sudden?"
—  "Let's say a smol titan appears right now. I wonder if you could pierce it with your ice?" You tilt your head, beginning to think about unrealistic scenarios. "Anywhooo, shall we go to the next ride on our list? It's called Hollywood Dream!"
—  "Let's gooooo~" He hums monotonously, earning giggles from you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as you walk side by side. 
— “Okay... so there are two variants to this ride. There’s one that goes in reverse and the other one goes so high up that we have an overview of the whole park.” You go through a brochure that you picked up at the entrance.
 — “Whichever one you’re more comfortable with (Y/N).” 
—  “Let’s go on the one where we can see our hotel because of how high it is!”
—  “OKAY NVM THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.” You say as the rollercoaster begins to reach it’s momentum, the ride going higher and higher.  Until you can see your hotel and every recognizable landmark from afar. 
—  Shoto then clasps your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “It’s okay (Y/N). I’m right here. Just hold my hand okay?” 
—  You nod slowly, taking a deep breath. You close your eyes and feel a fell swoop on your stomach as the wind passes through your face.
—  Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling begins to play as the rollercoaster begins to descend from roaring heights. They purposefully attached speakers to the ride so that the park goers would feel hyped up and excited instead of being terrified of how high up they are. 
—  Shoto’s hands are still intertwined with yours. You weren’t letting go. 
—  The screams of everyone else in the ride grows louder and louder and you can’t help but sing to the song instead.
—  “I GET THIS FEELINGGG INSIDE MY BONES! IT GOES ELECTRIC, WAVEY WHEN I TURN IT ONN.” You began to sing, raising your arms up high as you slowly begin to enjoy the ride. 
—  Shoto who was sitting on the end yet is still able to keep his calm composure, turns to you, and a small smile flashes on his face when he sees you channel your nervousness through singing. 
—  He begin to sing along with you too! AAAHHH WHAT A CUTIE
—  “All through my city, all through my home, We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone.” He continues. You look at him and ease up a little bit once you see his handsome face and comfortable presence beside you.
— And before you knew it, the ride came to a stop. It was finally over. You take a deep breath and Shoto helps you out of your seat.
— “I got that sunshine in my pocket! Got that good song in my feet. I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops!” You and Shoto begin to duet to the pop and colorful song. You begin to fully enjoy the ride, barely even noticing the ride making sharp and fast turns as it continues to go up and down. 
— “I might have hated it at first but that was exhilarating.” 
�� “I knew you could do it.” He says proudly, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You are the bravest person I know after all.” 
— “I wouldn’t have overcome my fears if it weren’t for you though.” You scrunch your nose, and hold on to Shoto’s arm. Your heart still beating so fast. “Thank you for being my safe space Shoto. I’m always at peace whenever I’m with you. Thank you for always being my comfort person.”
— “Of course (Y/N). Why wouldn’t I be?” He tilts his head, clueless. “Are you game enough to ride the reversed one this time?”
— “Of course I am!” 
— He chuckles, “That’s my love. If you feel like you can’t do it, Just know that I’m always here to support you.” 
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— The first attractions on your list were the water rides. More specifically the Jurassic Park Water Ride and the JAWS ride. 
— You and Kirishima would try every ride in the park if you could. He loved to try and experience new things especially if he’s able to do them with you!
— Kiri is a very very fun person and would always be game with anything tbh!!
— You’re wearing matching dinosaur hats with Kirishima!!
— ‘’RAWR!’’ You make cutesy dinosaur gestures at your boyfriend, jumping around in your place. ‘’Can you believe we’re finally here in USJ!?’’ He blushes profusely, pecking your cheek. 
—  ‘’I can’t believe it too.’’ He chuckles then pauses for a moment before...
— ‘’RAWR!’’ He says back, his hands forming into claws, his cute mouth open wide and his sharp shark teeth very much visible. You giggle at his returned gesture, finding it more cuter than you should.
— ‘’(Y/N) you’re adorable! You know that right?’’ He laughs and continues to hold you tightly.
— ‘’Pshh of course I do! I have an equally adorable boyfriend too!’’ You look up at him, beaming.
— The two of you then jump in your place in unison, both mimicking each other’s cute ‘’RAWR!’’ and hand gestures as Kirishima pulls you into a hug.
— ‘’Don’t forget manly!’’ He winks and grabs your hand, taking you to the Jurassic Park Water ride.
— “I actually find it smart that we go on the water rides first so that we can just change clothes immediately after. Good thinkening Kiri!” You remark, patting him on the head.
— THINKENING??? THINKENING??? Eijirou could not think straight right now because of how cute you are
— You looked so excited to go on the rides and he couldn’t be happier seeing you like this 
— The ride begins and the all too familiar theme song of the series begins to play as the gates to the Jurassic Park opens as the water ride begins to move
— Although the ride was very predictable, and you knew the surprise at the end was the T-rex trying to jumpscare you as the ride falls down a high incline, splashing all of the people on the ride. 
— Kirishima still looked like he had lots of fun. 
— He turns to you, a huge cheeky smile plastered upon his face as he tries to dry his clothes. “That was fun!” 
— The ride may seem calm at first, but then the T-Rex begins to secretly appear around the forest-ish area surrounding the water ride. 
— “It was!” You smiled back. You look down on your shirt innocently. “I didn’t expect that I’d get this wet so I thought wearing a white shirt would be-”
— “LET’S BUY YOU A JURASSIC PARK SHIRT IN THE SOUVENIR SHOP OKAY!? SO THAT YOU WON’T WASTE YOUR OTHER CLOTHES AND YOU CAN CHANGE IN THEM FOR THE JAWS RIDE INSTEAD.” Eijirou stands up so suddenly from the boat. He takes you by the hand without shooting you another glance as not to show how flustered he was. 
— “Okay then...” You reply, as Kirishima whisks you away, leading you to the souvenir shop just outside of the attraction.
— Kirishima breathes a sigh of relief as he sees you exit the comfort room. 
— He calls you over, “(Y/N)! While you were changing your clothes, I went back to the souvenir shop and realized that they were actually couple shirts!
— We are so Adora-saurable! was written on both of your shirts along wtih a cute dinosaur couple print on them.
— “Funny how you were able to find a Dinosaur pun on the word adorable! What a coincidence!” You giggle, poking Kirishima’s cheek. “I think we had enough of dinosaurs for now. Shall we check out the other rides?”
— “Right beside ya!” Kiri flashes you his signature smile, taking your hand in his again, swinging it back and forth as the two of you continue to your next destination. 
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— The way you scolded him was more in a joking way though!!
— You guys arrive a bit late because Kaminari ended up sleeping through his alarm 🙃
— When the two of you met up at the entrance you scolded him so bad because you practically lost two hours and HNGGGGG
— All he could do was hug you tightly from behind and say “gomen!” “gomen!” over and over again
— you were loving every second of it!!!! denki was being super cute and you couldn’t help but just go uwu
— OK SO you and Kaminari decided to go to the Despicable Me/Minions area first not just for the memes but also because it was the most popular attraction this season.
— You also wanted to get on the rides there first since it takes 2 hours before you can even get in
— The design of yours was a cute little minion holding a teddy bear whilst his was a special Christmas reindeer edition.
—  “(Y/N)-chan! Look at the line! Should we line up and take a picture with the Minions!?” He points to a meet and greet line for the yellow mascots
—  You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of these abominations but facebook mom memes aside, Denki looked super super excited and you didn’t want to ruin a great start to a perfect day so you just went with it.
—  The staff attendants thought Kaminari looked super excited like cute little sparky puppy seeing the minions so they gave you cute minion button pins!!
— The Despical Me Area pretty much played Happy by Pharell Williams non-stop as people stroll around so you and Denki couldn’t help but dance along to it.
—  It didn’t matter if people looked at the two of you weirdly either!! Just being with denki and being chaotic with him is one of the best feelings ever and he feels the same way too
— You guys did all kinds of funky dances til the two of you got exhausted and decided to try out the other rides. 
— There were also carnival game stands and Kaminari ended up winning you the exact same unicorn stuff toy seen in the Despical Me movies.
— Cotton Candy, Gumballs, Skittes, anything remotely sweet being sold on the stalls, you tried all of them.
— “IT’S SO FLUFFFFFY!!!” You imitate one of the cute characters from the movie, hugging the stuffed toy to your chest. “Thank you Kami-kun! I will cherish this forever!”
— Kaminari grins widely, “I know you aren’t too fond of the Minions but thank you for still going with me to this area first.” You can see the emotion and the appreciation in his eyes. 
— “OMG DENKI OFC! WHY WOULD I NOT ENJOY THIS!?” You say incredulously. “I had such an amazing time! Minions and their annoying voices aside. I always have the best time when I’m with you!”
— Crocodile tears start to form on Denki’s eyes as he pulls you into a hug. “AAAAAAAHH (Y/N)-CHAN I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU. THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME. I’M DOING THIS FOR THE MEMES.” 
— You giggle, patting Kaminari on the back. “It’s alright alright. I love you too! But this time you have to compensate by going on a horror ride with me okay?”
— “Ahahahahahaha what?”
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— Endeavor had sponsored your trip and all expenses to ~try~ and start to mend his broken relationship with his son, although you refused at first, Toya did not. When he went to visit his mother and Enji was there to visit too, He got the money from him, ignored him, and flipped him off (aka gave him the bad finger) before leaving.
His three other siblings were in on this trip too. However, Toya wanted your trip to Universal Studios Japan between the two of you ONLY. His siblings went on a different day.
— He wasn’t the biggest fan of matching outfits or any accessories with you like any couple would and you didn’t want to pry on that. He really wasn’t the type of person to do that to begin with.
— And although on the inside he does feel a bit sorry about not being able to be cutesy with you it just really wasn’t his thing. 
The two of you would most probably make out in a secluded area in the Hogsmeade area that is barely noticed by any other park goers. How daring and how secsy
 ‘’Seriously? Snoopy and Hello Kitty? THIS is the area you want to go in first?’’
—‘’Come on! It’s not everyday you get to loosen up like this. Why not try out the kiddie rides first? Besides, I want to see how long you can last without taking the cuteness anymore.”
— The staff sees you enter the Snoopy and Woodstock ride and couldn’t help but ask a very imprudent question. “The two of you look like such a cute couple! I bet your child is just as precious!”
—“Excuse me… what?” You ask, your eyes widen. “We’re not-”
—“The kid is on it’s way. We’ll have one soon once we return here.” Toya says casually, sending you a flirtatious wink and you feel flushed and slightly embarrassed.
—“Jeeeeeeeeeez. Did you really have to say that?” You try to avoid contact with him so he wouldn’t see the embarrassment or rather the arousal present all over your face.
—“What? It’s true.” He smirks, taking your hand. “Do you not want anything to happen between us?” He teases again.
—“NO NO NO NO ITS NOT THAT.” You yelp in embarrassment, your eyes still cast down on the ground.
—You notice him kneeling down and before you could even react, instead of facing the ground, you were staring down at your boyfriend’s handsome face instead. 
—“Come on… I thought we were going to the Hello Kitty ride next?
— “Oh yeah right! That ahahaha let’s go!” You look up again before he could see your face looking like a tomato.
— You couldn’t help but be flustered by his words time and time again. This time though there was no point in hiding it. He got to you.
— He grabs you by the waist, and whispers into your ear, “Besides, I’m saving matching outfits with you once we bring our child here in the future. We would be the cutest fucking family out there.”
— You’ve already been dating for a year?? and your heart still flutters every time?? anything remotely romantic comes out of his mouth???
— The other couples for some reason never thought of going on the cutesy rides, so as soon as they saw you and Toya going on them, the line for most of the rides got even longer.
— Toya might be lowkey an edgelord  but you guys became trendsetters in a span of an hour!! 
— He still looked hot just wearing a plain dark hoodie but you still couldn’t get the thought of Toya wearing those fits out of your head.
— “Earth to (Y/N)? You’re spacing out again.” He waves a hand in front of your face and you snap back to reality. “We’ve rode every attraction here. I think we should go check out the other rides? The Jaws one next please. I can’t stand all this cute sparkly cuteness anymore.”
—  “AHAH! YOU FINALLY SNAPPED!” You laugh, acting as if you finally got back at Toya for making you such a blushing and stuttering mess just a few minutes ago. Dabi shrugs it off however. 
— “OKIE! Now that I got out of my system, let’s continue to go around shall we?” You huff and pace off to the next ride that you wanted to go on.
— Toya shakes his head and smirks, following you to wherever you were going to take him next. That didn’t stop him from teasing you every few minutes though.
— The two of you did come back to USJ, but only a few days later to accompany Shoto since Fuyumi and Natsuo had to take the train home due to having to attend important matters.
— The same park attendant who complimented you and Dabi was managing the Snoopy ride again. She recognizes the two of you instantly and waves. “Oooh! I didn’t think the two of you would come back again so early! Is this the cute child you were talking about?”
— You and Toya collectively facepalm whilst Shoto looks at the staff with a very puzzled look.
— Hopefully, the next time you come back, you finally have a happy family with Toya and you can finally show off to that sassy ol’ attendant that you have a cute little kid with you to go on rides with.
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—This is officially your 7th date with Shinsou. 
— Although the two of you are already official, you can’t help but feel and notice how cold and distant he is to you still. As if he hasn’t exactly opened up to you.
—  And you didn’t want to end this day without seeing him loosen up and open his shell.
 —  You wanted a relationship with Shinsou in where the two of you could talk to each other about your own problems and help each other out. 
— That was the ideal relationship after all, and you knew for a fact that you could have something special like this with Shinsou. 
—  He did confess to you through a love poem and if that isn’t the most romantic thing ever, then I don’t know what is. 
—  You wanted to be his comfort person after all. Just as he is with you although I think he doesn’t know that yet exactly. 
—  “SOU-KUNNNN you know what else we can do?” 
—  “...What?”
—  “Let’s go on all the boring rides!!” You take his hand and start running to the next attraction. 
—  “T-that’s not actually a bad idea. Let’s go.” He mutters, albeit shy at the touch of your hands at first, he grows comfortable after a few minutes with your hand intertwined with his. 
— It was the middle of the afternoon and the park was less busier than usual, which meant all the time for you and Shinsou to try out every exhilarating ride the park had to offer. 
—  The only ones left were more performance-based attractions where you would be watching a live musical or play. One of those being a Terminator based ride. 
—  The concept of a Terminator live-action retelling was pretty cool but certainly not you or Shinsou’s cup of tea either. However, it was your goal with him to try out every ride in the park. So, eh why not?
—  The two of you sit in the front seat, making Shinsou within range of the stage actors to be affected by his quirk. 
—  “Don’t try to make them do anything bad okay?” You whisper to him. “This live show does look boring and really needs to liven up a little.
—  “I won’t do that of course. Let’s just make this show more entertaining.” 
— He then uses his quirk on the stage actors, making them do fun and entertaining dances. 
— The audience burst out into laughter as Shinsou had unintentionally made a twist to the musical playing before you. 
— “Of course not! You made that Terminator Musical much better! I bet they took notes and try to switch up the acting and the cheesiness for the next show!” 
— “Hopefully they will. Because the show was boring as hell.” He deadpans, putting his hands in his pockets. 
— Everyone in the theatre left in good spirits. 
— He stops in his tracks and looks at you. How lucky he was to have someone like you in his life.
— “Thank you for today too (Y/N). I really enjoy spending time with you like this.” He looks away, yet fails to hide his flustered face. 
— “You’re welcome!” You lean in and tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. 
—  Despite how cold and straightforward he may be sometimes, you never complained. You accepted him for who he was and who he is. 
— The two of you take the train ride home in peace and solace knowing that slowly but surely, Shinsou becomes more and more comfortable with you and you can’t wait for the time he finally opens up and bears his heart to you. 
Thank you for reading ♡
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heshoes · 3 years
Uni Daze
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She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: Slow burn, smut, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Pairing: Harry Styles x OFC ( face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 4 (word count 11.2k)
Usually a busy day keeps me grounded and out of any possible trouble that Michelle could help get me into, but today was different. It seems like whenever there was something toolook forward to, the day seems to drag and the minute and second hands on the clock move at a non existent pace. Any other day I would almost dread going to work the front desk in the first year halls though I know it had to be done. Today, however, I looked at it as four hours that I could use to talk to Rion.
There was a two hour gap in my time frame today due to a professor sending out a bullshit email telling us the reasons as to why his class was cancelled. He was one of the youngest professors at the university with a track record of hanging out with his student's. But what he did behind the closed doors with Lumen, the girl who lived down the hall from Michelle and I was none of my business.
After I'd taken the spare time to shower, change clothes, and read a chapter and a half ahead in my anatomy text I found myself antsy and ready to go to work, much to Michelle's amusement.
"Just sit down. You have twenty minutes left yet. Did you not have some kind of I'm an important person meeting that you could have went to? Or any equations that you could crack in hopes to surpass both Galileo and Einstein combined? Over achiever."
"Michelle, your grade mark average has been higher than mine since birth and I'm older than you."
“True. But I just don't put as much effort into it as you do."
"That's what makes it all the more annoying. No, I don't have any meetings lined up for senior class. You could be a part of it you know. All you have to do is come to a meeting."
"I'll pass on that. Thanks."
"It looks good on job applications."
"And so does First Class Honors at an Ivy League Uni." Michelle spoke, paying little attention to me as she smiled down at her phone. Ten minutes had passed before I stood from the couch, drawing Michelle's attention again. She smirked at me while shaking her head.
"I'm gonna walk. It's a nice night out, plus if I work a little earlier I get paid more and that doesn't hurt."
"No, I'm sure it doesn't. Especially if you're not really in it for the money in the first place, Hershey. Ask her out today, yeah?"
"I just enjoy talking to her. I don't want to ask her out. It's too soon. It's cliche."
"Says the man who was turned down once and then gave up completely. You don't have to date her Harrow, but stop lying to yourself. It gets you nowhere fast. Ask her to the party."
The walk to the first year halls was quicker than I expected. I wasn't sure if it was due to the distraction of the scenery change or my pace, but a fifteen minute stroll was cut down to one that only took ten. When I walked into the double doors I saw her again, seated at the front desk with her eyes focused on the pages of her book taking in each word with a lazy grin on her face.
“Hi Rion. How are you?" I asked somewhat loud, causing her to jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
“No, it’s fine. I didn't see you walking up. I should pay better attention sitting here. Sometimes I just get so engrossed in the words that I forget what's going on around me. How are you this evening?"
I grinned at her before running a hand through my hair and taking the hair tie that I'd stolen from Michelle off of my wrist before pulling it halfway up.
"I'm alright, but I think I asked you a question first.” Rion looked down at her half way finished novel that she had barely scratched the surface of on Monday and then smiled up at me as I made my way around the desk, taking the seat next to hers.
"I'm doing quite well actually. I have no real complaints." Her face dropped.
"That face that you're making is telling me that the last thing that you said was a lie. Clearly."
"Go on. Say it." I grinned while pushing my chair back and resting my feet on the shelf of the desk in front of us.
"My flatmate."
"She had company last night.” Rion's voice lowered to a whisper and her cheeks twinged the lightest shade of pink.
"And they were very...loud. I didn't get much sleep and every time I had time between classes and I went back to my dorm to take a nap I would always oversleep. I could swear I was late to almost every class today, but my professors were kind of understanding. They all cut me a break because I'm new." Rion rested her head in her hands before she began to shake it back and forth. "I mean I don't want to be that girl who switches dorm flats because their flatmate makes them uncomfortable. She's a really nice girl you know?"
"Uh-huh." I chuckled. I didn't mean to laugh at her misfortune and bad day, but she looked so distressed while explaining it all. No wonder she was rushing about today.
"But I can't risk being late to class, or miss classes because her and her girlfriend insist on having loud goes at each other. My parents had to pay so much for tuition here and I'm working at least three jobs to pay the loans I've taken out myself."
"Yeah that's-Wait what did you say?"
"I said I'm working three jobs to pay off loans and my parents for school and-"
"Wait, no. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but what did you say before that?"
"My flatmate and her girlfriend have loud goes at each other."
"Your flatmate is a girl?"
"Yes." Rion tilted her head, looking at me as if I'd lost it. When you live on campus, the dorms are usually co-ed, but the actual rooms aren't.
"And you said she had a girlfriend?" It wouldn't be her. It can't be.
"Yes she's a les-"
"Yeah. And it's not that, that makes me uncomfortable. I believe love is love no matter who you find it with. It's just that they were so loud and I think sex is a very private and sacred thing… And I mean it was so disrespectful because Alison knows that I have to be up so early for my first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but she was— they were both...and then there was this buzzing sound. I think toys were involved."
I laughed out loud. I couldn't help it. The mix of the story, the situation, and the toys made it too good to be true. Rion pouted, but I could still see a trace of a smile on her lips.
“Sorry. It's not funny. You were just making a funny face. Did you say your flatmate's name was Alison?"
"Yeah. Do you know her?"
"No." It's really not a lie. I don't know her.
"Oh. She's a really sweet girl, but I need sleep."
"You do. Three jobs is a lot to juggle. It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough."
"You do though. You work, you have more classes than I do, and you're president of senior class. We both are tackling a lot…But, I can't help but feel like something is missing from the equation for the both of us. I just can't quite put my finger on it."
“Yeah, me either. Do you know Alison's girlfriend. Have you seen her?" I don't know why I'm hoping that there's a chance that this Alison is playing the same game that Michelle is or that it's a completely different girl.
"No. I'm sure that she said it at some point last night, but I put my earphones in to try and muffle the sound as much as possible." Rion sighed as she turned around to face the desk again, looking back down at her book.
"It kind of sounds like you need an escape." I say, hoping that she would turn back around to face me.
“It's only the start of the year. Usually I'd be fine, but I'm already tired. Cambridge comes with a price, but I'm more than willing to pay it. A get away sounds good."
"Well, there's this party on Saturday that practically the whole school contributes in. I've even seen some professors there, the younger ones at least."
"Really? At a school like this?"
"Rion, Cambridge may seem mysterious, with all of its prestige, low acceptance rates, and student's who attend with big brains, but it’s a university first. Parties exist here and because we're not supposed to be considered a school known for parties, they exist a little bit more than your regular university. We just keep it a secret. You should come."
"I'm not really that much of a partier. The last one I went to was after I finished all of my GCSE. I was talking to this boy that I liked and I'd never really drank that much, but I was with my friends and peer pressure and all... It just didn't end well."
"Let me guess. You threw up on him?"
"No... I— I can't! I can't tell you it was so embarrassing!" Rion laughed covering her mouth before she stood up to help a first year out. I swear its only Wednesday and more than a fourth of the first years who live in this building have already lost their keys. I'm sure that after the party on Saturday and the excessive drinking that's going to take place there's going to be a line outside the door for key replacements.
Chelle: I'm so bored so I'm gonna clean the apartment. Starting in the living space, then your room, then mine. Anything that might stick to my fingers if I touch it this time? 😜😷
To Chelle: Don't clean my room! It's already clean! And please don't tell me you touched anything in my bin?😨😳
Chelle: I haven't, but I assume the worst. And I may or may not have changed your name in my phone to Mr. Tissue. I will never let you live that down.
To Chelle: Call one of your bitches and leave my shit alone, pimp daddy. I'm buying a lock for my door.🔒
Chelle: 😼Bitches? What good will a lock do when I'll have the spare? 🔐👀
To Chelle: We'll discuss this when I get home. I’m Busy.  🗣DO NOT TOUCH MY SHIT!
"You alright?" Rion asked pulling me out of my text war with Mitchell.
"Oh, yeah. Just texting my flat mate."
"Mitch, right?"
"Yeah," I snickered, shaking my head while thinking about the well being of my things, "So are you going to tell me what happened when you were at this party years and years ago talking to the boy you liked?"
"Ugh, no I can't. I absolutely can't embarrass myself that much again. It would be like reliving it."
"I'll tell you one of mine. My most embarrassing, but you've got to tell me yours first.” Rion hid her head in her hands peeking out at me between her fingers and laughing.
"Fine. But please don't judge me. It was my first time being drunk. Promise?"
"I promise that I might not be able to not laugh and I won't judge you but tease you for it later."Rion squinted her eyes at me processing what I said before she turned around facing away from me in her swivel chair. I heard her take a deep breath before she started.
"I'd never been drunk before and we were at this party because everyone finished their GCSE. We weren't really old enough to drink-"
"No shit?"
"Don't interrupt," she laughed dragging out the words, "All of the toilets were taken in the house so I was waiting outside of this one when Flynn came up to talk to me-"
I laughed out loud for the third time today and the story wasn't even over. "His name was Flynn?"
"Yes. He was very cute! Let me finish!"
"Okay, soz."
"So we were talking and I was really drunk and I really had to go and....I peed! Don't laugh! You said you wouldn't judge me!” Laughing was an understatement. My stomach hurt and my eyes started to water.
"You pissed yourself?!"
"I didn't talk to anyone for a week, even my best friend for letting me get that drunk."
"Why didn't you go wee outside?"
"Well it's so easy for boys to do that isn't it? You can just whip it out, shake it off, and put it away. Girls have layers that they have to get through, and I'm a lady."
"A lady who wet herself."
"And what's your story?"
"And it appears that we're out of time."
"Oh no you don't!" She laughed wiping the corner of her eye and pouting, "You promised!"
"Alright I guess. I was out with one of my friends and his parents had just gotten divorced so he was living with his mum at the time. We'd went to a bar and I'd gotten so drunk that I forgot where I was-"
"That's it?"
"No, I wish it was but no. We went back to his place because my mum doesn't like me drinking and I didn't want to hear her nag. But when I got back to his place, I started stripping off."
"You didn't!"
"I did. I took off everything.... Everything. My friends mum was at work at the time but when she came home the next morning I was ass naked in her hallway sleeping on the floor...on my back...and it was morning...My friend had went in his room and closed the door. But, now every time I come home to visit him and his mum is there she winks at me and pinches my bum."
Rion was in tears the same way that I was a few minutes ago and I didn't even care that the story was embarrassing, because her laugh was as cute as she was. I looked at my phone to check the time and our shift would be over in five minutes. Any other day time would have dragged on, but it always seems when I'm here with her it goes by a little faster.
"I can't believe that." Rion spoke while wiping her eyes again.
"Well believe it, because it happens every time. Makes for a good story though." We both started to gather our things to leave but before we left the building, Rion tore a sheet of paper from her notebook and began to write on it.
"Here. Um, that's my number. I don't know about the party just yet because I have to check my work schedules and everything else, but I don't know. Just text me sometime before then?"
"Sure. I mean yeah of course I will.”
Rion grinned at me while biting her bottom lip before walking away and the walk home that usually took fifteen minutes now felt as if it only took five.
I closed the door behind me with an exhaled  breath and  a smile on my face before  inhaling the scent of pine and citrus. Michelle poked her head out into the hallway that led to the door where I stood before she stepped out of the kitchen fully wearing pink rubber gloves, a pair of my favorite Green Bay sweats, and a t-shirt that also happened to be mine.
“Honey, I'm home."
"Excuse me?" I looked at my best mate confused as she crossed her arms across her chest after removing the gloves from her hands,  tilting her head to the side as she spoke again.
"You said I have bitches, Styles. Apparently there's more to discuss."
I walked away from the door removing my work shirt and tossing it at Michelle. She tried to move out of the way and dodge the laundry that I'd threw at her but it still landed on her shoulder. She shrugged it off, causing it to land on the floor before shouting at me.
"I've just cleaned this entire apartment and you come in here making a mess! Pick it up and take it to you're room you quadruple nippled fuck."
"Girls don't mind my bonus nipples. It even sometimes becomes interesting foreplay, when I was having sex that is."
I laugh and duck when she launches the shirt back to me causing it to land in in a pile on the kitchen floor. We both look at it and step over it before I grab two beers out of the refrigerator, one for myself and one for Chelle.When I try to hand her the beverage, she frowns at the twist off cap and then pouts at me causing me to scowl before I open it for her.
"You're so useless sometimes, Chelle."
"Says the man who doesn't clean, yet looks around at a spotless household that smells of cinnamon. I wonder who did that? Ah, it must have been the useless one. Now," Michelle spoke before clicking the neck of her beer with mine and then taking a sip, "What's this about my bitches?"
I chuckled as I took a gulp of my drink and headed for the living-room with Michelle close behind. We sat on the couch on on opposite ends of each other, relaxing after a long day as we usually do.
"Maybe not bitches in the plural sense. Maybe there's just one?"
Michelle stretched out on the couch putting her mitch-matched sock clad feet on my lap, drawing a displeased look from me but ignoring it entirely as she dramatically massaged her temples with her free hand.
"I can't deal with your game of clue today. The chemicals from the cleaning made my brain go fuzzy and I don't think the beer is helping. Just tell me what you think you know so I can tell you that you're wrong as usual."
I smiled at her, placing my half finished beer bottle on the table in front of us and then began massaging her calves causing her to close her eyes and hum in appreciation before taking another swig of her drink.
Michelle opened one of her eyes before quickly closing it again.
"What about her?"
"Was she a part of your plans B and C last night? Because something or someone tells me that she may have been." Michelle's eyes snapped open and she looked at me in shock. "It's okay if you like her. You can't help who you like."
"I don't like anyone," Michelle looked down briefly at her lap as she shrugged off my discovery. If I've learned anything about her from being her friend its that when she fails to make eye contact, she's lying. "Gianna stood me up last night and Alison was my backup plan. It's simple. I got what I wanted and left in the morning before she even woke up."
"Okay," I smirked at her before picking up my beer again, finishing what was left of it.
"I'm serious. I don't like anyone. I don't feel anything for anyone anymore. Senior year, up the ante, remember? I barely like you."
"Alright," I chuckled before pushing her legs off of me, returning to the kitchen to grab another drink.
"I believe you, I believe you. You you're an emotionless drone," I spoke as I opened the refrigerator, "We need to go to the grocery store. This is getting ridiculous. We don't have anything in here besides beer, fizzy drinks, and water."
"There are plenty of noodle cups in the cabinet. We'll just tell people we're on an all liquid diet if we ever get visitors. We're not done talking about the other thing. Stop changing the subject. How did you even know I was at Alison's last night?"
I closed the door to the refrigerator with a smirk on my face walking past Michelle to go back into the living room. She followed behind me while lighting a candle that smells like oranges to keep the citrus scent going.
"Well? Come on Har. I don't want to have to chase you around the apartment all day for answers."
"Make me a noodle cup and bring me a bottle of water and I'll tell you."
"You were just in the kitchen!" Michelle speaks as she throws her lighter at me but does what I ask.
When she gets back, she hands me a fork and places the bottle of water on the table in front of me. I smile at her as a thank you before I speak.
"Small world right? Or, small campus? Rion, is Alison's flatmate and she kind of, she heard you two last night. I mean, unless that wasn't you and there's another girl named Alison on campus? She said you guys kept her up because you both were too loud."
"There very well could be another Alison, Harry. It's not like there are only four lesbians that exist on earth. But Rion? The girl that you work with? The one that you have the hots in the pants for, Rion?"
"Yes and I don't just like her that way."
"Hm. Of course you do, you've only known her for three days..."
"What, hm? What do you have to say about her?"
"Oh, nothing except Alison calls her prudence. She says she's a real goody good and she's annoying."
"Thats sad," I say as I finish all that I was going to of my noodles leaving the rest for Michelle to eat. She takes the cup from my hands and takes a bite while looking at me to finish what I was going to say, "Rion says Alison's really nice and sweet."
“Well, I don't know. Rion may very well be Princess Peach. You know I don't do girly gossip. It gets on my last nerve. Alison just feels the need to talk to me when I'm there and its like shut the fuck up, girl. I didn't come over here to hear you talk, now get between my legs and-"
"Woah! Okay, and Mitchel is back. How are ya bro? I haven't really seen you in a few days."
"Fuck off Harry." Michelle laughs. "I hear the sordid details of you and the lads sexcapades all the time...well not you so much now, but you know what I was getting at."
"Yeah but, it's kind of different..."
"How?" Chelle quirked an eyebrow and turned her head looking to me for an answer that I'm not sure that I wanted to give her.
"Well, because... I um... and it's just that sometimes-"
"Wait! Harry you pervert! You get turned on by it don't you? It gives you a stiffy?"
"Yes! Yes it does! You're turning all red!"
“No it doesn’t, Michelle!"
"Then what's your valid reason?"
I couldn't think of a lie fast enough and Michelle started to laugh, nasty snort and all. I took a pillow from the couch and threw it at her, making her fall backwards on the floor and stay there, using the pillow to her advantage as she lied down on the throw rug that covered the majority of the hardwood flooring in the living room. Our apartment was pretty nice considering that it was still school property, then again we did luck out putting in our bid in order to get into the newer buildings.
"Okay Hersh, I'll keep my dirty details to a minimum for the sake of your tight trousers. I can only imagine that, that gets uncomfortable. Anyway, did you ask prudence- sorry, Rion, to the party this weekend?"
"I did." I smile as I think about the neatly folded piece of paper in my pocket with her number written across it.
"What did she say?" Michelle looks up at me from her place on the floor.
"She said that she's not really that much of a party person." I smiled again a bit harder than I had before.
"So she's not going and she turned you down again? Maybe she is a prude. Don't worry about it Harry, there are plenty of other girls out here on campus just as smart, if not smarter than she is, prettier, and who will appreciate you for- What are you smiling about? Why are you so giddy from being turned down twice?"
I chuckled to myself while shaking my head and standing from my place on the couch, stretching before going towards my room.
"I didn't necessarily get turned down."
I could hear Michelle's footsteps close behind me as I walked into my room. She'd been in here. I can tell not only because of the clothes that she wore to clean that were mine, but because I could still faintly smell her perfume. Nothing was on the floor anymore and she even made my bed. I looked around the room and then back at her before I sat, grabbing one of the neatly placed pillows to put under my head, then lied back on it with my legs hanging over the edge of the mattress.
"Before you say anything, you'll be able to find your things. I just put everything where it’s supposed to normally go."
"I wasn't going to say anything besides thank you. I'm still buying a lock for my door, but thank you."
Michelle rolled her eyes. Something she calls a brainless trait. When she catches herself she covers her face in embarrassment before she continues to bother me, taking a seat  next to me on the bed. "So how is Rion's telling you that she's not a party girl, not necessarily turning you down?"
"She gave me her number. You know, for someone who doesn't like to hang out with girls you surely do a lot of girly gossip. You're so nosey, Jesus."
"Oh please, Harrow. You wanted to tell me just as bad if not worse than I wanted to know. Are you going to call her tonight?"
“No. That's too forward and desperate. I'll text her tomorrow or something."
"You're such a teenaged girl. You think about things too much instead of just doing them. Sometimes I wonder if you have a bajingo where your penis should be. If she gave you her number its because she wants a call.”
"Go fuck off somewhere else Mitchel! And by the way, those joggers and that shirt are mine. Thief."
Michelle stood from the bed with a smirk on her face before she took off my shirt and my sweats, folding them precisely before she put them in my washing basket. I kept my eyes on her face when she looked back at me and I swear that I tried to keep my eyes on her face the entire time, but I would be lying if I said that my eyes didn't roam over her  smooth skin when she wasn't looking at me. I closed my eyes quickly and turned my head away. Hearing her laugh was the only evidence that I had to let me know that she was still standing in my room.
"I didn't say take off my clothes right now. God, Chelle don't be so literal. Go dress yourself!"
"I have on underwear! And you took off your shirt when you came through the door. AND I've seen you walk around in your boxers plenty. Is there some sort of double standard because I'm a woman?”
"That's not the point! And yes there is! Please go put on trousers and a shirt?"
“Whatever, Harry. I'm going to bed. Clearly I'll have to sleep this way because it's hot as hell fire in my room. It's a shame that this is a new building but they still didn't bother to make sure that the ventilation was right before they stuck people in it. Good night and all that."
"Night." I looked towards Chelle and then looked away again as she began to walk out of my room, her nicely rounded bum bounced as she closed the door behind her.
Saturday came quickly. Too quickly for my liking, and I hadn't text Rion or called her at all. I didn't want to seem desperate, but perhaps waiting three days made it seem like I wasn't interested? I hadn't seen her at work for the past two days because she has two other jobs to juggle. I'd hoped that she could get off for today, however, even though I haven't said a word to her.
"Just call her. Stop being a chicken shit. The party is tonight, and I'm rooting for you, Styles." Michelle spoke as we walked down the aisles of Sainsbury Supermarket. We'd been here for nearly half an hour and had nothing in our cart except beer, noodle cups, frozen pizza's and a bottle of Goldschläger for tonight. Broke college students can afford alcohol when they can't afford anything else.
"Are we going to buy any real food, or is this about as good as it gets?" I asked, ignoring Michelle's comment.
"What? We've got plenty. Plus I think there are chicken nuggets in there and that's a delicacy for us. Don't avoid what I've said to you."
"I haven't avoided anything, and we would be able to get more than chicken nuggets and noodles if you would just call your parents."
Michelle hesitated before she looked back at me and then back down at her list. She doesn't call her parents much to ask for money if she can avoid it. Her mum isn't doing so well health wise and to the best of my knowledge she hasn't been for some years now. The doctors thought that she had leukemia, but apparently they've only just discovered that's not the case. I think it's what drives Michelle's dream to become a doctor. She's eager to find out what's going on with her mum so that she can be the one to cure it.
She glanced at her phone having an internal battle with herself on whether she should ring home or not. I felt bad for asking her and I normally wouldn't, but I'm running low on funds myself. I usually get a stipend every other week from my mum and paid every other Friday from my shitty job, but unfortunately I'm between pay checks and for some reason my mum is late.
Michelle decided against my idea putting her phone back in her pocket.
"We're in our last year of uni. What would it look like if we resorted to calling our parents to wire us food money? You call yours if you're so hungry."
"It would look like we're both working shit jobs barely making wage and paying to rent out the apartment that we have so that we can finish out this last year with a roof over our heads. I wouldn't ask you to usually, but is an emergency. I asked my parents last time. It's your turn."
“Well, we can just get rid of something then if we don't have enough." Michelle stopped the cart and began to sift through the contents inside it, moving over ten cups of noodles out of the way and the one bag of chicken nuggets that we had. When her hand landed on the alcohol, we both looked at each other and shook our heads no. "Fuck," Michelle groaned under her breath, "Fine I'll ask my parents tomorrow. Let’s just get this for now and get out of here."
When we left the grocery store, after loading all four of our bags into my car, Michelle got quiet while looking out the window. I still hadn't told her that Louis is planning on meeting up with me and the lads to drink before we go just to prove that he's not one of those people and usually, now days anyway, wherever Louis is Michelle is far away and vice versa. I figure that there's no better time to tell her rather than now while she's quiet, but at the same time I don't want to hurt her feelings. She seemed lost in thought, but there's still a smile on her face.
I cleared my throat causing her to look at me quizzically with an eyebrow raised.
"Um, so.."
"About the party tonigh-"
"No you don't!" Michelle cut in not allowing me to finish what I was going to say as we pulled up to our apartment. "You're not cutting out of this. Gosh, Harry, I know that you want to be more serious and that this year and I'm sorry for not using the Ultimate Alarm the other day when you were in an alcoholic hibernation, but it's a Saturday. Can you not have fun on Saturdays?" Michelle frowned pouting a bit.
"I'm going to the party, if that's what that speech was pertaining to at all? I wasn't going to say that I'm not going."
"Oh. Well then by all means continue." She smiled this time, happy with herself because she didn't have to argue her case any further.
"Yeah, I um, I'm going to the party, but Louis wanted me and the lads to meet up with him before we go. Pre-gaming and all that." I spoke quickly hoping that she didn't mind or hear what I said for that matter. Her eyes stayed straight forward, looking outside the windshield before she replied.
"All of you?"
"Yeah. He kind of asked about it earlier this week when I saw him...But you know we'll hang out at the party and stuff."
She nodded her head. It was the only response she'd given as her eyes stayed on the boot of the car in front of us.
"Are you alright with it? I can always-"
"Don't worry about it, Harrow. You were his friends first after all, and we live with each other. I'm tired of seeing your ugly mug anyway." Michelle laughed while patting my cheek and I shoved her hand off of me. "Plus, we all know I have bitches that I need to tend to so it's fine."
She covers up how she truly feels with a joke and all of a sudden I feel guilty.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah it's fine. You're very much a pleaser, Harrow. Did you know that?"
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I parked the car and grabbed the groceries out of the back seat to go upstairs.
"You can't please everyone. In the end someone is going to have to be let down or hurt. That's the way of life. It's okay to be selfish sometimes, Harry. That's what I mean."
Michelle sighed as she walked ahead of me, using her keys to unlock the door to our flat. I put the groceries and my things down in the kitchen before I went for a wee, all the while trying to figure out where the hell that last bit of our conversation was coming from, but when I came out of the bathroom she was back to acting like her normal self.
"Since you're leaving me to fend for myself tonight," Michelle spoke holding up two double shot glasses filled to the brim with alcohol, "We didn't buy this for nothing." She spoke in reference to the Goldschläger that ate up the majority of our money and bit her bottom lip while smiling at me.
I winced, already feeling the burn of the liquid going down my throat, before looking at my watch.
"It's only five. No one is going to start drinking until at least nine. You're trying to kill me. I said sorry for agreeing to go with Louis and the lads. Why are you making me do this?"
"Harry, when we were first years we drank early all the time."
"And my liver paid for it."
"Oop, Harry what's that?"
I looked over my shoulder confused before I looked back over to Michelle.
"What's what?"
"Is that a bajingo between your legs where you penis should be?" Michelle started to laugh while pointing in that general area.
"Piss off Chelle!" I spoke before walking up to the table and grabbing the shot that she'd placed there for me. I held it up to eye level inspecting it first. There was something floating in the glass.
"It's actually gold," Michelle said seeing the confusion written clean across my face, "hence the name Goldschläger."
"So we can afford to drink gold flecks in alcohol, but we can't afford real food?"
"I'm going to call my parents tomorrow I said, Mr. Sensable. Now shut up and down it!"
I looked at Michelle shaking my head as we clinked glasses and turned the shot up to our lips. The burn of it made my eyes water and when I looked at Michelle, hers were doing the same. I picked up the bottle on the table and read it before Michelle took it from my hands, pouring us both another shot.
"This is forty-five percent alcohol."
"Yes. It's strong. So, so strong." She nodded as if she already knew.
"We'll be trashed if we keep drinking this. We probably wouldn't even make it to the party." I spoke before I walked over to the refrigerator to grab us beers, hoping that she would switch substances.
"No we won't. I won't let us miss it. But legend has it that this is supposed to get you drunk quickly. The gold flecks supposedly make microscopic cuts in your esophagus so the alcohol can get into your bloodstream faster. Cheers." Michelle handed me the shot glass again as if after hearing that I would want to drink it again.
"Michelle that's horrible. I don't want to-"
"Just take one more shot of it and then we'll just sip beer until you leave to go meet up with Louis and the rest of the lads."
Her eyes were pleading and I couldn't tell her no. We both flipped our heads back as he downed the shots and with in a peer pressured hour, ten shots and two beers later, there was a sloppy grin on my face and I my vision was doubled. Michelle however seemed fine.
"Your alcohol tolerance has lowered dramatically. It’s almost seven. What time were you going to go to Louis'?"
"In an hour."
"I'll drive you." She spoke as she sat against the couch taking out her phone and laughing at my facial expression.
"You had just as much to drink as I have. You can't drive."
"I can. I've got a buzz but that's all. You're trashed. I only had three shots. The other seven you took alone." I looked at her in shock. How could she have tricked me that way? I swear she was drinking too. Michelle laughed and I could already tell that she was recording me. "I'm putting this on instagram."
"Don't! I really hate you." I slurred while pointing at her, only causing her to laugh more.
"You need to loosen up, especially for your hot date tonight. There's no point in you being so uptight at the start of the quarter. I'll let you go back to your boring self when Monday comes around again." She pulled her phone away from me as I tried to take it from her. "You might want to check your phone by the way. It seems you have a message."
I looked down at the notification that showed on the screen, squinting my eyes to try and focus on what was there. When my eyes adjusted, I almost felt sober.
Rion: I was starting to think that maybe you'd forgotten about me. I checked my schedule and I'm actually free tonight. I don't know how long I'll stay, but I'll meet you there. Alison is going so I'll just be with her.
My eyes widened before I scrolled up to see what I supposedly said.
To Rion: Hiiiii, It's Harry. Sorry for being such a stupid arsehole and not texting you sooner, but would you still want to go to that party tonight?
"You texted Rion?"
"But I-I'm not...Fuck!"
"What? You like her right? I've done you a favor."
"Yeah, but—“
"No but's. You either like her or you don't and if you do and if she likes you, which she does, obviously, then you have the go ahead to call. She wanted you to call. She clearly likes you. She's excited and so are you. You're just nervous. You haven't been on a date in six months or maybe more? But, this should be like riding a bike, if you will. I've removed your kickstand, now all you have to do is pedal."
I looked at Michelle and shook my head before I went in my room to find something to wear for tonight, deciding on the usual skinny jeans and oversized shirt, leaving a few of the buttons in the front undone as I stumbled into the living room to wait for Michelle. She reappeared from her room shortly after I did wearing black leather looking tight pants and some sort of red cut off shirt along with her fake glasses and red lips. She looked beautiful and I could only think that she was doing so for Alison.
As much as Chelle would doubt it, I think the player may have taken an interest in one that's supposed to be a pawn in her dating game. All I can hope for is that Alison treats her right. She deserves someone who would.
"What's the point of wearing a shirt if it’s barely buttoned, Styles? And it's see through. I mean I guess kudos for buttoning the three buttons you did bother with correctly." It could be because I'm drunk, but I could have sworn that I saw her look me up and down...not necessarily in a friendship manner. I ignored her while grinning and standing from the couch before she grabbed the Goldschläger again pouring us both another shot. "One for the road?"
"I'll take it if you take it first you lying Judas. I'm already drunk enough as it is."
Michelle cringed before she threw her head back downing the shot, eyes watering again by how strong of a burn the cinnamon schnapps left behind. I did the same and then took another for the hell of it since I wouldn't be driving tonight. Michelle eyed me as I walked down the stairs and to her car as if I would fall.
"Stop watching me and walk yourself."
"Someone has to watch out for you. You're clumsy enough as it is, bambi. Adding alcohol to the mix is a disaster waiting to strike."
"Says the absolute asshole who got me drunk in the first place."
"Oh yeah...That's right." Michelle smiled victoriously before she spoke again, clearing her throat before hand, "Uh, so, since I'm taking you to Louis' place where does he stay? I know he must have moved from where we lived before..." Her face dropped slightly.
"With his bird about five blocks over... Sorr-"
"It's fine." Michelle started her car, looking through the windscreen straight ahead like she did earlier as she drove and listened to the directions I gave her, telling he where to turn.
When we pulled up in front of the house, Niall was outside on the porch with a beer in his hand, smoking a cigarette. No doubt because Hollie put him out of the house, not wanting anything to smell like stale smoke.
"Harry! Hi Mitch!" He waved to us as he stumbled over to the car clearly drunk himself and louder than usual. "You're staying too, Michelle?" She shook her head no while smiling half way at Niall as I got out of the car. "You should stay. This thing, whatever it is, between you and Lou is ridiculous. You guys were so close and it can get there again. Just get out of the car and-"
"I can't Ni, I have somewhere to be, myself." Michelle's eyes begged Niall to be more quiet but he didn't get the hint. He was going to speak again, but was cut off by Lou as he walked out onto his porch with Hollie close behind. He didn't notice that Michelle was with us until I moved to walk towards the house.
I looked from Michelle to Louis then back to Michelle again and as I did I saw her eyes widen right before she cursed under her breath. Louis paused in his steps, and his eyebrows drew together slightly before he spoke.
"Michelle." He nodded at her as a greeting gesture making everything more awkward.
"Mitch can stay right?" In that moment everyone looked at Niall as he took another drunken, oblivious drag off of his cigarette and it appeared that everyone wanted to punch him in the face, including me.
"No actually I was just leaving. Enjoy your night boys. Be safe, Harrow. I'll see you later yeah?"
I nodded my head before she spoke a simple "good," and sped off as quickly as her car could take her. Louis took a deep breath, shaking his head before smiling at us and inviting us in for more booze. I honestly didn't think that I would drink anymore tonight, but after that I felt the need to.
Niall dropped his cigarette and stepped on it while shrugging his shoulders at me as we followed behind Louis into the house where everyone else sat.
“Read the room next time, yeah?” I spoke under my breath hoping that only Niall would hear me.
“What room? It’s stupid that they don’t talk anymore. For fucks sake he was going t’ marry—”
“I know, Niall. I know.” I interrupted Niall mid sentence and could not help but notice the hitch in my jaw, that became more sore than it had been in a while.
 We all spoke as we walked in the house and I put the topic behind me in order to proceed on with the rest of the night and  for the first time in a while I was happy that the liquor continued to flow. It  seemed to put me and everyone else around in the right mindset for one of the biggest parties of the year, but Louis still seemed somewhat flustered about seeing Michelle for the first time since they called things off. I know Michelle probably didn't feel the best either and I tried to text her to see if she was alright, but I got no response.
Chelle: Are you okay, Chelle? I'm so sorry about that. Didn't know that he would come outside.
Though I got no response to my text, I expected to see Michelle as soon as we got to The Barn. The title of the bar was fitting as it was out closer towards farmland and covered in red paint as it actually was previously a stable. It was crowded with everyone from students to professors indulging in what the night had to offer, but as I skimmed the crowd I began to get more anxious. We had been here for an hour. I was sure that by now that I would have run into her. Taking out my phone, I’d opted to give her a ring, but before I could unlock my screen my phone began to buzz in my hand.
"Hello?" I slurred on the line while closing my opposite ear with my finger so that I could hear whoever it was I was talking to.
"Harry?" The deafening music and noise in the background made it almost impossible to hear.
"No, this is Harry." hiccup “Who is this?"
"Harry, it's Rion can you hear me?"
I walked away from Niall, Darragh, and the rest of the lads as they prepared to make Niall do a keg stand; swaying as I went.
"Who is this?" I repeated trying to hear better, hoping that it was Michelle calling me back in response to the text I’d sent.
"Harry, it's Rion. Can you hear me now?"
"Hi." I smiled as if she were in front of me, when in all actuality I was in the middle of the crowded street surrounded by a sea of strangers. A car honked at me just as I was about to cross back towards the party, causing me to step back so that I didn't get hit.
"Where are you?" She laughed into the phone causing me to smile again.
“Outside enjoying the weather. Are you here? At the party I mean."
"I am," when she spoke I could hear the smile in her voice, over the excessive chattering and music in the background. "Can you come to the doors near the front of the pub and meet me there?"
"Sure. Stay on the phone with me? You know, just until I find you." I slurred into the phone but Rion laughed again nonetheless.
"Of course...Is that you in the middle of the street? Please be careful if it is."
I looked around, confused as to how she could see me but I couldn't see her. I walked towards the pub again forcing my bleary eyes to focus until I spotted her, standing on a large rock that was just outside the door. When I reached her, I held out my hand to help her down. She took it and called me a gentleman before I said anything else.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked as I looked down at her in her jean jacket and simple black dress that clung to her chest then flowed down to her feet.
"I guess. It's not that bad. Ten times better than the last party I went to already."
I laughed.
"You haven't drunk anything?"
"One mixed drink, but I didn't really finish it. Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked me as we began to walk to nowhere in particular.
"I am. A little bit more now, actually.” A slight blush came to Rion's cheeks before she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and I cleared my throat to continue. "Where's your flatmate?"
"Alison? I'm not sure. She said she was going to meet up with a friend of hers. The same girl that she was with the last time no doubt."
My mind went to Michelle as I checked my phone again and still I had no messages from her.
"So, she left you here?"
"I haven't seen her in the last hour... She could have. But if she did, I have no real way home now. She was my ride. I knew I should have just driven on my own."
I didn't say anything more, but I had the feeling that Alison bailed. I might have an idea as to who with and where to as well.
"Well, are you ready to go?" We ended up closer to the street facing in the direction of the campus. "The night is oddly nice for the end of August and the sky isn't as cloudy as it could be. We might miss getting rained on if we leave now."
"Do you have your car?" She asked looking towards me as if it were a deal breaker.
“No, but I would walk back with you. The parties aren't really my thing anymore. I just came to catch up with some friends. It was nice to get out. We're only about a 15 minute walk away from campus."
Rion looked towards the pub and then back at me again before she smiled and answered me sweetly.
"I'd love to get out of here with you."
Rion and I began walking, but as soon as we got a little bit past the corner where the party was being held at she stopped, causing me to stop as well and look back at her with an eyebrow raised.
"Are you going to tell any of your friends that you're leaving?" She asks while holding her dress up just past her ankles so it doesn't touch the ground.
I grin at her, absolutely ecstatic that she's giving me the chance to walk her back to her dorm room. If those tossers want to know where I went they know how to call. I guess Mitch really did do me a favor and I might owe her one after this.
"Oh, um...No. They're having a good time. I'm sure they won't even notice that I left. It's okay. Besides, I'm getting kind of tired anyway. I could always just shoot them a message."
Rion nods her head in agreement before we begin to walk again. Bunching the material of her dress in one hand in hopes not to step on it, I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked at her.
"Its so long. I love this dress but it's a bit of a hassle to wear." Rion comments, already knowing the reason for my amusement. I gently grab her hand to stop her once more and this time she looks at me with as soft smile forming on her lips.
"Here, let me..." I trailed off, gently taking her hand that had the fabric of her dress, causing her to let it go. Our eyes met as I slowly went down on my knees in front of her. If I would have gone too fast I'm sure I would have lost my balance or worse. It's almost a wonder that I can form a coherent sentence. All that I can hope is that I don't completely reek of alcohol.
I take the hem of the dress and tie a knot in it that's hopefully loose enough to undo when she gets home if she wants, and high enough so that she doesn't have to worry about stepping on it or have it sweep on the ground to get torn or dirty; just above her ankles. I'm not going to lie, when I was down there I looked at her feet and what I could see of her legs. I won't say I have a foot fetish or anything weird like that, but if a girls toes looks like they can pick up an orange with ease and whip it at the back of your head, it's kind of a turn off for me.
Her feet were beautiful aside from a few cuts here and there on her the tops of them. She even had a plaster or two on one of them, but somehow she even made that okay because they matched the purple coloring of her nail polish.
I stood after I was finished, and by the look on her face I must have been down there for a reasonable amount of time to make a knot, at least I hope I was. When I was looking at her feet, I had to make it not so noticeable that that's what I was doing. I don't want her to think I'm some kind of a freak.
"Thank you," she exclaimed while smiling, "I don't know why I didn't think of that."
"Yeah I saw some other girl do it and thought it made sense."
Rion smiled at me again and as we walked next to each other, her hand grazed mine; once, twice, three times before I grabbed it in my own. I saw her look over at me through her peripheral vision. It was a quick glance but I saw it nonetheless. I also saw her bite her bottom lip to try to prevent her smile from getting any bigger than it already was.
I didn't want to bust her out and embarrass her, but I did want to tease her a little. I gently squeezed her hand while biting my bottom lip to stop my smile from spreading much like she did, causing her to laugh before I changed the subject.
"The sky is really clear tonight. I can see Orion's Belt. It really might not rain after all."
"My namesake." Rion smirked.
"Sorry, what?" I spoke noticing that the party sounds were fading farther and farther into the distance.
"My mum is really into Greek mythology and constellations, so my name and its spelling came from Orion himself." She pointed towards the sky and the huge constellation before she looked back at me, slipping her hand back into mine purposefully.
"Cool story. And I'm not being a sarcastic asshole or anything by the way. That makes your name original." hiccup "And I like it a lot. I think my mum named me Harold because it was the only male name that begins with H and that comes after G that she could think of. Her creativity stopped after she realized that she wanted to put her kids names in alphabetical order." Rion laughed and nudged my arm.
"Don't talk about your mum. I think she might have chosen the name because Harry fits you. I've always liked that name."
"Have you now?" I asked with a smirk on my face and an eyebrow raised.
"I have."
"It's because of Prince Harry isn't it? Be honest."
"No it's-"
"Tell the truth."
"He's just so cute. He's the dreamiest ginger I've ever seen besides Ed Sheeran. All due respect to his royalness." Rion spoke causing me to laugh and shake my head before she continued. "Then again, all of the Harry's I've had the pleasure of meeting were pretty fit." She said looking over at me and then back up at the velvety black night sky speckled with beautiful stars.
"How many of us have you met?"
"Well...Just one so far."
I looked over at her as we finally reached a street that had lamp posts and she let out a small chuckle that sounded as if she were clearing her throat. Her eyes caught the light that lined the streets making her irises seem to brighten even though her eye color was dark brown.
We'd finally reached campus just as the clouds started to roll in at two in the morning and from there, I followed Rion's lead back to her dorm. In my three full years at Cambridge, I'd never been to this one in particular, but apparently, Michelle has. I saw her car in the parking lot. Something told me that she would be here, seeking comfort for the blow she received earlier. The sooner that she realizes that fucking doesn’t fix what hurts her, the better off she'll be. Part of me wants to bang on the door as soon as we get to the room, but I decide against it. All I cab hope that she’ll talk to someone eventually. If that someone happens to be Alison, then I'll be happy for her, I guess.
"Thank you, Harry. For getting me home safe and asking me to come out. I had fun for the amount of time I was there for." Rion leaned against her door, smiling while looking up at me.
"It was no problem. Thank, you for, you know, coming." I could hear myself wanting to ramble before I closed my mouth.
“Good night, then." Rion spoke, still smiling and then pausing.
Rion turned to unlock her door and when she got it open I turned to leave, but before I could go I could feel her pull my hand. When I turned she had a pout on her face.
"You know, you're really horrible at picking up on signals."
"I waited so patiently as well."
"Three days. You didn't text me or say anything for three days. I didn't know what to think. I still don't."
"Oh shut up, Harry."
Rion crossed her arms over her chest and out of shock I closed my mouth, not really sure what to say or do. Rion squinted her eyes at me before shaking her head and turning to go into her little dorm before I stopped her, pulling her to me before I kissed her deeply, pushing her against the wall a bit to show her how it should be done.After it was over Rion sighed in content with her eyes still closed before reopening them slowly. I grinned against her lips before speaking knowing that I’d won her over.
"I didn't know what to think either to be honest. It's been a while."
Rion grabbed me by the front of my shirt, bringing my lips back down to hers.She pulled away, kissing the corner of my mouth making a trail to my ear and then kissing me right beneath my earlobe. There was no tongue involved at all but it still had been the most action than I'd gotten in months and it was still enough to leave us both breathless at the end of her antics. 
"Do you know what to think now?” She pushed her door open, speaking before she closed the door behind herself with a cheeky smile.
I’m not sure how long I stood there with a goofy grin on my face after it was all said and done, but when I got to the stairs my drunken mind allowed my legs to work properly and carry me down while still having the memory replay in my head.
I'd only gotten through the doors of the exit of her dormitory before my brain went to my pants, thinking that I might be able to get a good wank before I fell asleep with Rion's lips pressed against my jaw as the mental muse. Just when I thought about flushing any possible tissues instead of putting them in my bin, my phone rang.
"Harry?" Rion whispered into the phone, sounding on the agitated side.
"Rion? What's wrong?"
"She's at it again." Rion exhaled into the phone before I heard the creaking of a door, sounding as if it were being shut.
"Who's at what?"
"Alison and her, friend."
I started to chuckle, thinking of all of the ways that I would tease Michelle tomorrow when I saw her. I know that she's been active, but damn. She's got to be insatiable. I pictured her and Alison, terribly sweaty, gasping for air-
"Sorry, what did you say?" Rion's voice snapped me out of getting too carried away in inappropriate thought again. Thoughts that I shouldn't venture into about my best pal.
"I really want to be able to sleep without being disrupted. Do you mind if I come to yours? I'll sleep on the couch, the floor, a chair. Anything you wouldn't mind sparing really."
“No, of course I don't mind."
Oh god.
"Are you sure? Should you ask your flatmate first? I wouldn't want to intrude on you or him."
My mind was swimming with a thousand things. Minor details that had the potential to be major. Is my room clean? When is the last time that I had a girl in my room that wasn’t Michelle? Do we have water bottles that I can offer Rion when we get into my flat if she's thirsty? Why does Rion think that Mitch is a guy?
“No… I uh, I'm alone for the night, actually. My flatmate is staying somewhere else I think." In your roommates' room, disrupting you currently.
"Thank you so much." Rion breathed out, sounding somewhat relieved.
"Yeah no problem. I'll turn around now."
"Oh shit, did you get far? I'm so sorry."
"No it's fine. I just got down the street a bit." I spoke as I neared her building again.
I saw her walking out in the same clothes she was wearing before. When she got to me, she thanked me again before we took the surprisingly short walk towards my flat.
"You live in the new buildings? Fancy."
"Yeah, it's alright. For it being new, the ventilation sucks in Mitch's room, but that's the only complaint we have."
I unlocked the door and turned the knob saying a silent prayer as we walked in, but I'd forgotten that Michelle cleaned the whole place, including my room despite my protest for her not to.  It was the first time that I’d been happy that she didn’t listen to me.
"It's really nice, Harry. You were being modest." Rion spoke as she tiptoed through the apartment, stopping in the living-room and taking a seat for herself before removing her sandals. "Really clean for two lads."
"Oh, actually-"
"Sorry, Harry. I don't want to interrupt, but do you think I could use the restroom first? I'm bursting to go."
I laughed while running my hand through my hair. "Sure. It's just down the hall. We wouldn't want a repeat of your last party."
Rion turned red, covering her mouth in a laugh and speaking to me as she walked down the hall.
"I really still can't believe I told you that."
While she was gone, I grabbed extra blankets from the linen closet and laid out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts of mine for her to wear on my bed. I also grabbed a bottle of water and put it on my desk for her in case she was thirsty, thankful that I made Michelle put some of those noodle cups back in exchange for it. Before I made my bed on the couch, I went into Michelle's room to steal one of her pillows but I’d gotten distracted easily. On her bedside table was a picture of the both of us taken last year. We were both pretty out of it and you can clearly tell in the photo, but in the midst of all the insanity Michelle was still alert and smiling at me while I was laughing and pulling her shirtsleeve with my teeth.
When I heard Rion leaving the bathroom I quickly left from Michelle's room, placing the photograph back down where I got it from and closing her bedroom door behind me.
"You'll be in my room. I've laid you out some things to make you more comfortable."
"Awe, Harry. I can take the couch really. I don't want to kick you out of your bed."
"No you won't. Now, go to bed. Good night, but for real this time."
Rion eyed me as she nodded her head in agreement, a slight grin on her lips. 
“Yes for real this time.” She spoke before her bottom lip was drawn into her mouth. The liquor I consumed tonight made me do the same as I looked her up and down shamelessly, grinning as I did so.
I started to take a step backwards only to notice that Rion advanced forwards causing me to stop in my tracks. Our lips connected again more fervently than they had before, before I started to walk again leading Rion back into my bedroom.
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vinnieworld · 3 years
5 tips to boost 5 days of Productivity
We all love to procrastinate and most of us (including myself) have made sport out of this, but is this how we really should be approaching things?
The answer is NO.... apparently
So join me in my self evaluation of bringing you 5 tips how I avoided procrastination by being a bit lazy.
Being productive for a whole week when you have too much on your plate but you spend your entire weekend scrolling through social media... well me too :)
Though Mondays suck, its a brand NEW week so we can't let Mondays win and ruin out entire week right?
Tip 1 - Preparation before the week start
- Make a to do list - For the next day or the week
A short list of your most prioritised tasks e.g. starting that essay you been avoiding, even if it just picking the ttile
Make sure to not put too much pressure on these tasks
Keep it simple
DO NOT put too many things, be realistic only add things you know you can achieve
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
We all have those sleepless nights, especially when you have a 9am lecture/class the next day. Somehow you end up going to sleep at 4am still make it to your lecture on time, though the rush might be exciting this is not the way to start the week because your mind will get used to this so much and this becomes your normal routine.
Not going to lie, I am super guilty of this but I found out this not only drains my energy, it strips me away from my motivation and make me lazy all the time.
So one bazzare night I thought to myself what would I potentially want to do this coming week, so I got my phone started typing my "potential" to do list for the week, okay the list was quite long and seemed quite overwhelming, and I knew I wouldn't do all of this so though I made the list I didn't put too much pressure on this. When I checked back in the middle of the week I did most of the things on the do to list unconsiously. This was so surprising I never get things done.... what changed ?
Most of the time we put too much pressure ourself, that's why we procrastinate and they avoid the things we need to do. The minute the pressure is gone you get the urge to do your things even if you are unaware of it.
Tip 2 - Follow today's work TODAY
- Follow the lecture and make notes while you're attending the lecture
Take brief notes on what's on the slides
If the lecturer give extra info add those especially
DO NOT panic if you don't write everything on the slide, remember these are brief notes to for later revision
Speed is not important, what's important is that you have something written on the paper
when the lecture/class is finished fill in the gaps you left during it, do this right after while you still have the energy.
one page = one lecture (unless the lecture is 90 slides then its bit tricky)
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
I personally find it very hard to keep on top of things, especially with how different lecturers have different methods and speed with delivering their content. I tried many methods, recording the lectures, printing the slides, handwriting everything but it only made me bored of the things I was learning.
I can't stare at pages and pages of writing when I'm trying to revise, so best way for me to do this is if I have one page or two for the entire lecture. This helped me a lot of condense my notes, motivated me to keep writing and I felt accomplished by the end of every lecture.
Tip 3 - Keep one book for all your modules
- Invest in a chunky subject divider notebook
This is where you write the notes form the previous tip
One book to take to all your lectures, don't have to carry five or more
Write all the assignment and exams for that subject in the dividers (Kinda like a self-reminder)
Keep a general section where you write extra information that relates to the subjects (e.g. extra seminars, extra activity sessions, groups project notes, your own research for subjects, assignment preparation etc. )
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
Most of my detailed notes are digitalised, this is way easier then writing hours and hours of detailed notes by hand. But all the modules, lectures, practicals are separated so it's too much of hassle to find what I want when I want to have a quick glance at something.
Dividing the book by subject and seeing different content I am going to need regularly being on one place really is therapeutic for me, give me less stress so I don't have to spend time looking through pages of notes to find just one sentence.
Having one book for all my modules, helped me so much to keep on motivated to write notes and keep on top of it and when I revisit it, it's so pleasing to the eye.
Tip 4 - Write flashcards on the day
- Put little bit of extra into a flashcard
Once you finished a lecture, read back and pick the most key bits and write a maximum three sentences
Keep it very very brief
Think of pictograms for some words. e.g. little blog with stokes for a virus or a spark for electricity
Some info you can't fit on your page put it on the flashcard, like a diagram or a table
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
I am a sucker for flashcards, seeing them makes me so happy to revise. But making them when an exam is near is frustrating so if you make them before by the time you get your exam season you already have flashcards to revise from. How convenient!
Tip 5 - Write a sentence or research a bit everyday for your assignments
- Every time you feel like you done nothing today take a look assignment and write sentence - Take this step by step everyday and add information along the way
Pick a title first for whatever your assignment is
Do basic research on the title you chose
Do a basic plan
Improve on the basic research
Add information to the plan
and ect....
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
Doing assignments is tricky, very boring, they can be very long and stressful so we avoid even starting it until the day before it's due. Okay, we all work well under pressure but we don't really produce our best work under a day so investing little time everyday or every other helped me to produce more quality work than normal and it was less pressuring and stressful when I started the binge writing on two three days before the deadline, because all the research, preparation is done all I had to do was write and improve my work along the way.
I actually cannot recommend this enough because it saved me from a lot of breakdowns over my assignments. Just by adding something to it every now and then I basically finished my first draft by the time I actually want to start to write properly.
Bonus tip - Take the weekend off! - > If you're like me and get bored very easily with doing the work then follow these tips for the days you have school or uni, finish everything by Friday and take the whole weekend of .... TRUST ME you will be much more prepared for Monday.
Thank you so much ya'll for reading this, I do ramble a lot but it's a part of me that I embrace so I hope this was helpful for you and make sure to tell me your thoughts and feelings.
Till next time Lovelies x
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lokis-little-kitten · 3 years
Teaching Assistant 1
Title: Teaching Assistant Writer: Lokis-Little-Kitten Pairing: LokixReader Rating: Mid Warning: spankings, mentioning of masturbation, ED, college, teacherxstudent Summary: You get a job as a teaching assistant for you professor Loki Laufeyson. Quickly the relationship takes a turn when Loki offers to teach you the robes of BDSM. 
You sit down and grab the books and notepad that you need for your class. The book- Mansfield Park- was absolutely amazing and you mourn the fact that this month is over and so this book. Professor Laufeyson- the Literature professor- always has you read one book per month and has you write an essay on it. 
Professor Laufeyson is definitely your favourite teacher here at Asgard University. He is the son of the dean, Odin Allfather, and brother of the next dean Professor Odinson. 
Professor Laufeyson is a strange one- you have to admit- but he has passion. He loves literature and that makes him a great teacher. He is stern though… You have never seen him laugh or even smile. He doesn’t allow you in without your book- not even to listen to his lecture- and holds the old fashion dear to his heart. He isn’t that old yet, however. Only twenty-something. Not much older than you-you believe. 
He is also very handsome. It may be unprofessional to think that of your professor but you can’t go around it. Raven black hair that barely reaches his shoulder is always combed back. Pale skin and piercing green eyes adore his skinny face and match his lean body perfectly. He always wears a suit- with tie!- while dominating the room. He is basically the wet dream of everyone. Handsome, smart, good family, money and secure job, what else more would- could- you ask for? 
You and your best friends always wonder how he would be in private. Would he be just as domineering or would he let go a bit? Be a playful gentle black lab? You just don’t know… 
When said best friend- Dimitri- walks in he smiles at you. ‘’There is my bestest friend of all time,’’ he chirps as he pulls you in a hug. ‘’Hey there baby,’’ you chuckle and hug him back. Dimitri is like family to you. You were removed from your home when you were only ten years old and went from foster family to foster family. Dimitri is here from America because he wanted to study in the UK. He rarely sees his useless parents as well and so you sought comfort in each other. 
Then Professor Laufeyson strides in. In a straight line he goes for the desk and lays his bag on the table. He pulls out Mansfield Park and his laptop. Next, he starts the beamer and connects his laptop to it so it shines on the white-board. The long coat slides from his shoulder and is then parked on the back of his chair. 
All of this takes him a while but everyone is quiet. The gaze of every student is focussed on the man in front of you. He then finally stops walking around and stares at you for a moment. 
‘’So,’’ his voice then echoes, ‘’I see you have made it to my class. Good, because today I have an announcement. Since the first month of this year is over I will need a teaching assistant. This will obviously be great on your resume, help your grades, give you time off school, count as volunteering this year and may even secure a job on this very university. If you are interested you will have to fill out a form that you can find in your email and send it to me before tomorrow. Next class I will announce who got the job.’’ 
A careful hand is raised in the first row. ‘’Miss Jobbs, what is it,’’ Loki asks coldly. ‘’How will this person be selected.’’ ‘’I will. Who I think is most fitting will get the job, simple. Any other questions?’’ His gaze scans the class until another hand rises. 
‘’Mister Fors?’’ Loki slightly turns towards the boy on the third row. ‘’Well… Will things like grades or attendance count in this progress?’’ ‘’Most certainly! Everything, mister Fors,’’ Loki spits out while leaning on his chair, ‘’will count in this choice. Now let’s continue but before that.’’ 
Suddenly his gaze falls onto you. ‘’Miss Y/L/N, does your sitting position enhance your academic performance?’’ You look at yourself. You have one foot folded under you and the other over your knee. It’s comfortable. 
‘’Yes?’’ Loki raises his brows. ‘’Very well then. Can I then assume you are able to tell me why Mansfield Park is such a brilliant but lesser-known novel from Miss Auston?’’ And so the class has started. 
Professor Laufeyson gives all of you some homework and Wuthering Heights to read at home but then lets you go. You’re relieved that there is a break after his class, it is always so intense that you're in dire need of it!
You sit down at a bench with a hot latte next to you. Dimitri sits down on the opposite site and gives you a smile. ‘’So… Teaching Assistant. Sounds good to me, what about you?’’ You nod and get your laptop. ‘’I think I will apply but I don’t  think he’ll choose me. I mean nor my attendance or grades are perfect and that is what he looks for… perfection,’’ you mumble while still clicking on the email. 
You open the form and read it through. Standard things. Class, name, age, major. You fill it in and send it to your teacher while chatting with Dimitri. ‘’The question is, however,’’ you smirk hitting the send button, ‘’will you apply?’’ Dimitri shrugs. ‘’Nah… I don’t need the extra work. I just want to relax.’’ You nod a little and open your drive.
You’re a bit of a writer and so do it in all of your spare time. You have written and ton of stories already. Passionate fighters, tearful expeditions and ‘written erotica’ you could better qualify under BDSM… You have a hidden soft spot for it. 
Never did you bring it up in any of your relationships or even to your friends. You never went to any forms to talk to other. You’re just you and you write about it in secret. 
Your secret… 
The week passes slowly as usual. You like going to school but sometimes you get sick and tired of the endless lecturing. Then the first class of this week with Professor Laufeyson rolls around. 
When you walk in you can feel the nervous atmosphere in the room. Most people want to know who got the assistant position. You too fidget with your rings while waiting for Laufeyson to walk in. 
‘’Hello class,’’ then echoes through the room accompanied by his heavy footsteps, ‘’good to see you all survived the four days without this class. ’’ 
He does his normal routine while letting everyone wait in excitement. He then casually starts his class. He explains a million things but not much sticks this week. He probably tells you half of the same things tomorrow anyways. He then finally finishes up. 
‘’I expect you to have one-fourth of your essay done on Thursday and then… What you- apparently- all have been waiting for this class. Who has the assistance position.’’ You are already talking yourself down. He won’t pick you… Why did you even apply with those grades? It’s pathetic. Hopefully, no one finds out. 
‘’Miss Y/L/N, you are the lucky girl that has the position from now on I expect you in my office in ten minutes to discuss everything.’’ Your eyes widen when he says it. You… Is he sure he means you? Maybe he just got the wrong name. He must have. 
The class start to empty out when you get out of shock and able to pick up your stuff. You quickly do and rush to the professor's office. You wait for it to be exactly ten minutes since he is very keen on punctuality. 
You knock once, twice… Answer. ‘’Come in!’’ You open the door and peer into his office. You had never been inside. It is beautifully old and cosy. The walls are wood panels with patterns in them. The floor is carpet which you didn’t expect but the grey-brown pattern compliments the room. 
On the left is his desk that is the same colour brown wood as the walls. The leather chair behind him is green just like all of the other accent colours in the room like the lamps. Everything metal is a golden shade while fabric is that same dark green. On the right side is a fireplace that burns softly with two bookcases on both sides. In the corners are green-brown chairs you can sit in and read. The office is perfect for Professor Laufeyson, undeniable.
‘’Miss Y/L/N, come sit,’’ he speaks pointing at the simple green brown chairs in front of his desk. ‘’Thank you,’’ you whisper while walking towards the left chair quietly. You feel like you’re not allowed to make any noise here. 
‘’I assume you were rather surprised when I said your name? It was written all over your face,’’ he mumbles while looking down on a paper with a red Sharpie in hand. ‘’Yes,’’ you breathe. ‘’Why is that?’’ He still doesn’t look up at you, almost ignoring you. 
‘’I’m not a perfect student I-’’ ‘’No your not that is why I chose you.’’ Finally, he looks up from his work. ‘’I think you have it in you to become a great student. Maybe one of the best I’ve had.’’ You furrow your brows. ‘’Well… thank you?’’ 
Professor Laufeyson puts away his marker and now gives you his full attention. ‘’Miss Y/L/N, the reason I asked you here was so we can discuss your duties as my assistant. You will be required in my office after your last class everyday, unless I dismiss you beforehand. Understood?’’ ‘’Yes.’’ 
‘’Good, most of it will be self-explanatory when it comes along but there are some things you need to know before we start all of this.’’ 
Half an hour later you finally leave his office. This guy really is intense. He asked you at least a million different questions, told you about him and the uni while also telling all of the rules. You were quick to get your notebook when he started to tell you the rules. Luckily he was so kind to repeat them every now and again so you could write them down.
He had you print your schedule as well so he could find you if he needed you when in class and so he knew when to expect you. He also had you print out some other things. Luckily there is a Bluetooth printer located in his office.
When you finally get home the only thing you want to do is write, eat and sleep. So that is what you do. You write a smut- BDSM- story because… why not and have dinner. You’ll print your story tomorrow, you tell yourself when you are ready to go to bed. 
Permanent Taglist.  @sherlocksuperfan666  @ms-marveleous  @straya4lifemate @ lexiiiii28 @ thegoddessnyx02 @marvelfangirllll  @gingers-writing king-stony@mr-hiddlestons-pet@ dark-night-sky-99 @metalheadspider @fuckthatfeeling @ god-save-loki @ devilbat  @mariekoukie6661 @darkprincessloki92 @ gravitational-anomaly @ welpsher @ umi4724 @suchannoir  @deputy-orange-juice @wolfcore227 @green-nightlight loving-life-my-way
Loki Only Tag List @bambamwolf87,  @mr-hiddlestons-pet, @meyoko10  @notan-applepielife@suchannoir  @deputy-orange-juice @wolfcore227 @green-nightlight loving-life-my-way
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Heya, could I ask for the ikevamp boys finding mc passed out at the table surrounded by work? Uni's been killing me lately. If all of them is too much then just Leonardo, Jean, Comte, Theo and Mozart? Thanks x
I cried five times while making this.
Dear Anon! Thanks sooo mush for the request. 😘I’m sorry for taking this looooong I also have a shit ton of work but HERE IT IS. I hope things get better for you and good luck!😘❤️❤️ I added a different type of uni to each of the guys just to make it interesting. @nad-zeta your daily dose of Theo. XD. Love you. Hope you enjoy! Ok here we go!
Ikevamp boys x an overworked mc
he just woke up from one of his naps and he decided he’s going to have a snack most probably mc
as he’s walking towards kitchen he spots you sleeping on one of the tables in the library surrounded by a huge pile of books, pens and papers
now he knew that you refused to give up on the uni you where going to when you came here but he’s still a bit surprised
he walks up to you and takes a peek at what you are studying 
more specifically some designs he came up with
*eyes emoji*
after the initial shock of finding out you where studying his work he smiles and picks you up and caries you to your bed
from that moment on he will always help you with whatever you are studying and always makes sure you take breaks
he was walking around socializing with the residents when he stumbled upon you snoozing on the dining table buried in a mountain of book
ha was aware of your studies and offered to let you off work completely
but you insisted on dedicating 4 days a week on housework
however this meant you had to study like crazy
when he saw you there he already knew what’s wrong
he panicked internally but calmly walked to your side
he didn’t insist one knowing what exactly you where studying but this was so convenient he just had to take a look
finance studies
well damn
finds it very amazing that you manege to work and study that at the same time
sighs and carefully picks you up and takes you to bed
after that he makes sure you get enough rest in between study sessions
he will spoil you a bit more and offer to help with your studies
ok so we know poor baby can’t read
he doesn’t get why you are so passionate about your university
what did you call your studies? Linguistics? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
he has no idea what you are talking about but he loves you and loves that you have a passion
when he sees you passed out in your room in a very uncomfortable position surrounded by books...
oh wait no panic you probably just fell asleep ‘cause you where tiered
wait tiered?
he will pick you up and take you to your room, makes sure you are tucked it
from that moment on he will make sure you get enough rest
precious little bean
on one hand he understands why you are so passionate about your studies on the other he is worried
one time you where working late into the night and he asked you to stop and you brought up the argument that he does the same
so he decided not to stop you
however when he finds you passed out in the gazebo...
he is panicked and scared and angry at himself for not realizing sooner
he hurries to your side when one of your books catches his eye
you are studying quantum physics?
say what?
ok he now has a whole lot of respect for you
he will gently shake you awake
“ Mmmhmm...I did my essay” “Y/N it’s me, wake up”
you immediately wake up
“ Don’t ever do that again. You scared me.”
Now you guys study together so cute
if he saw you just hanging off a table passed out he will have a heart attack
then he will realize that you are just sleeping and you are not dead so he will calm down a bit
he can’t resist the urge to take a look at what you are studying either
so you want a  politics degree
what you will do with it he has no idea. After all you are in a different time period, but he thinks  it’s good to have a goal
what he doesn’t think is good is over working your self
“nunuche wake up” “noooooooooo I won’t wake up unless you do what I do to wake you up”
so he will kiss you and you agree to wake up how adorable i  think i’m going to cry over my own work damn I’m weird  
If he ever see you looking even a little tiered he will steal you away and you will cuddle
Heart attack nr.2
oh no wait my bird is just sleeping
he’s not happy
ok let me rephrase that
he’s happy that you are happy but he’s not ok with the fact that you have overworked yourself and on top of that he’s beating himself up for not noticing earlier
he’s debating whether you’d be more pissed if he carried you to your room* or if he woke you up when something catches his attentive eye
you where studying to get a bachelor's degree in English whaaaaaat!
will go through your notes and
when he finds out you want to become a writer.....
Omg fanboy mode: activate
“ I didn’t know I had such an effect on you Luv”
you: say wut? Arthur I became writer because I wanted to
Now you two run around n the corridors smiling like dorks and narrating random events when your free and he writes next to you when you study   ( to keep and eye on you. He loves you so much)
* if that doesn’t apply to you I’m sorry. I try to write from another persons prospective, but a lot of my writing is based of my reactions to a situation or my personality. In this case I’d be pissed if he left my stuff there or went into my room ( it’s my sanctuary ok my disaster). And waking me up oh no bitch run. But on a serious note don’t be mad if it doesn’t fit your description, and if it didn’t and you want me to change something feel free to let me know. Ok next victim:
to say he’s pissed is an understatement
he’s pissed at you for taking it to far but he’s pissed at himself a lot little more for not noticing sooner
like his bff he’ll also be contemplating taking you to bed rather then yelling you awake like witch one will end up in a bigger slap
then he notices what you are studying
when you are done with this you are literally going to get an art degree
Theo ex. has stopped working
he is getting emotional on the inside
 will gently take you to bed and tuck you in
he’ll pat your head “ Creative Hondjie”. He has such a gentle smile on his face god I can picture it I’m crying
from then on when you have a project he will help criticize you and he will help you progress with your art
 will be keeping an eye on you 25/7 yes 25 this guy will create a time loop if it meant that you had more time to do the things you love (ahem Theo) xd  no
all in all he will be just a little softer with you, but only you. And will also deny it if somebody points it out
Let’s all just sit down, take a moment and appreciate Vincent
He will see you passed out and he will PANIC
he will rush up to you and make sure you are ok
also waking you up in the process
he will ask what you are studying
“sooo you want to become a chef”
Pffffffff we all know poor baby is parallel with cooking
like he will burn water
is super supportive tho gee who would have thought
this boy is an angel and will help you cook
Jesus I hope Comte has fire insurance
you have a lot of fun with him and he will actually end up learning a few things form you.
will make sure you never overwork yourself again
this dork almost stepped on you
you had passed out under you window , ‘cause you had been studying on the floor
and this guy came waltzing in through the window
“Toshiko-san? Toshikooooo shit”
*cricket sounds* yup
he will squat down next to you and poke your cheek
“ what are you doing on the floor?” you: “what are you doing in my room?”
you two of you will laugh about it and he will ask you what you are studying
you proudly shove your text book under his nose
“ well well Toshiko-san want’s to take care of small animals?”
you: Yes, like Isaac
he’s not really fazed by you falling asleep but  will make sure you don’t overwork and if he sees you getting tired he will crack a few terrible jokes to lighten your mood and then he will proceed to steel you away
ok now clean freak here is going to be worried
not panicked just worried
uhum Wolf you keep telling yourself that
you where studying in the music room while Wolf was playing
suddenly he heard a thump
he stopped and looked around only to find you passed out on the table
seems like the all-nighter combined with the music led you to fall asleep
he’s frozen for a hot second until he realizes you are just sleeping
he will slowly walk up to you and poke you with a broom ‘cause he doesn’t want to touch you
he will go up to you and gently attempt to shake you awake when he notices what your studying
 you where studying music
“Marry me?”
he will wake you up and question you about it
from that moment on he actually helps you a little when you don’t get something and you study in the music room at all times because” it’s noisy outside”
we know you just care about her Mozart
he flicks your forehead
that’s it. Thant’s the canon
no I’m kidding he knows how much you study and is worried about you even before you pass out
and when you do that’s it
he scoops you up and takes you to your bed
he only flicks your forehead when you wake up
yeah you get an ear full from him
he asks what you are studying and tell him you want a degree in history
ok suddenly he’s not mad at you
from that moment on he always makes sure you are not over working
he actually shows you his notebook and you find it fascinating 
now you both collectively stalk the residents
y’all aren’t ready for this
when he sees you passed out in the garden he’s ready to pull out a gun and kill anyone and everyone who dared harm you
then he realizes you’re actually sleeping and he calms down a bit ( he’ll keep the gun tho shhhhh don’t tell Comte)
he will gently pat your hair and just look at you
when you wake up he will ask you what you are studying
you are a complete blushing mess when you tell him you want to become an actress
he’s shooketh and also really happy at the same time
now he takes you with him to the theater and he gives you a role to play and he watches while you practice
he’s also super attentive and will never let you overwork yourself again
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone! 😘😘😘
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Unlikely Lovers Chapter 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Although all the chapters are my favourite, this is my FAVOURITE one, and I really shows off mine and @beccabarba​ cheeky sides! Once again thank you all for your comments and support of this series.
Warnings: Brat reader, orgasm denial, light spanking, slight dirty talk and smut.
WC: 3017
Enjoy x
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Nick drove you both to work the next morning. When you got out of the car, he walked around grabbing your hand in his and held it till you both walked out of the lift and rounded into the bull pen. Liv was leaning on Fin’s desk and she pulled off her glasses giving you both a smile and a nod,
“Guess we all need to have a chat,” Liv walked over, patting your shoulder.
You both signed the paperwork, Liv being over the moon for you both but also completely honest, saying that Ed Tucker may give you a hard time, since Nick was not well loved by 1PP. You assured her you were prepared for anything he was going to throw at you both and you walked out of her office to start organising with everyone to go out for drinks after work to celebrate.
The day had worn on and you were all surprised nothing big had come in. You had all just walked into a bar after work, finding a table when Liv’s phone started to ring and the rest of your phones alerts sounded off around the table.
“We’ll have to celebrate another time,” Liv sighed hanging up her phone. “Rollins, Y/L/N, you two head to Bellevue for the victim, Amaro, Carisi you head back for questioning, unis are bringing the perp in now. Fin, you and I will get Barba up to speed.”
From that night on, it had been case after case, and trial after trial. You and Nick were like two passing ships even though your desks were across from each other’s and most nights you were falling asleep in the same bed. If you were at your desk, he was at Rafael’s office or court and vice versa. When you both got back to either his place or your apartment, you were both asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillow. It had been nearly three and a half weeks since there was any alone time or being home at a reasonable hour.  
You both walked through your apartment door before 7pm with the healthiest take away food you could find, both your eyes red and blood shot. You both ate and Nick went to shower while you cleaned up and put a load of washing in the washing machine, thinking to yourself that since you were even doing laundry together, you might as well make the move to living together sooner rather than later, finding you actually liked the idea. Nick came out of the shower in just a pair of boxers, giving you a quick kiss and grabbing a glass of water.
“I’ll meet you in bed,” Nick squeezed your side before heading into the bedroom.
Your face heated up, thinking about Nick’s bodyweight on top of you, pushing you into the mattress, and your panties dampened just thinking about it. It had been the longest you guys had been without any intimacy since you had been together. You rushed into the bathroom turning on the shower, waiting for the water to get to the right temperature. You jumped in when it was just right, reaching for your vanilla and rose bodywash, lathering it up all over your skin and then grabbing a razor quickly shaving your legs, under your arms and running it quickly over your pubic hairs to tidy things up.
You jumped out in record time, drying and grabbing your oversized sleep t shirt off the back of the door, not worrying about underwear, hoping to get straight to the point once you got to bed. You walked out of the bathroom, quickly turning off all the lights, and headed into the bedroom.
Your core clenched around nothing as you closed the door, looking over to the bed seeing Nick laying on his side with just a sheet over him, resting on his middle. You climbed into bed under the sheet, moving to come up behind him. Your front pressed into his back. You wrapped your arm around him, your hand running over his chiselled abs, running down to cup him through his boxers as you kissed along his shoulder, up to his ear.
Nick’s hand came down to grab your wrist, stopping your hand, pulling it up to his lips kissing the back of it,
“Not now baby,” Nick mumbled, half asleep. “Too tired… I love you.”
You pulled your hand away from him, rolling over, facing the other way, sighing in frustration.
You stretched your back, your arm dropping down to Nick’s side of the bed, hoping to find him there and pick back up where you stopped last night, hoping he would be awake enough to fuck you into the mattress like you needed him to. Your eyes flung open when you hand landed on an empty side of the bed and you sat up, looking out the bedroom door to a half-dressed Nick walking towards you with a coffee cup in one hand and a plate of toast in the other, a big smile pulling to your face,
“Morning baby,” Nick put the plate and mug on the bedside table, leaning over you kissing you quick.
You ran your hand down his chest and just before it got to the waist of his pants, he grabbed your hand stopping you and you looked up at him frowning,
“We don’t have time for that now, mi amor,” Nick cupped your cheek with his other hand rubbing his thumb over it, “Liv needs us to go past the 12th and pick up a file on the way in, she is waiting for us.”
You pulled away from him, looking up at him narrowing your eyes at him before you jumped up walking into the bathroom and sliming the door shut behind you.
You hadn’t spoken to Nick from the moment you walked out of the bathroom dressed and you waited in the car while he ran into the 12th to get the file that Liv needed. Nick opened the car door climbing back in passing you the file. You didn’t look at him, sitting the file on your lap and crossing your arms in front of yourself, looking straight ahead.
“Come on Y/N. You know I didn’t stop you because I wanted to,” Nick put the car in reverse, backing out of the space, driving a few feet and stopping at a red light. “I want you so bad,” Nick rested his hand on your thigh, looking over at you with puppy dog eyes and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Unless that hand is going to come up higher and slide down where it needs to, don’t touch me,” you snarled at him narrowing your eyes.
Nick pulled his hand away from you, pouting his lips and nodding,
“Keep talking like that and I’ll never touch you where you need to be touched again,” Nick muttered
“Excuse me?” you snapped back.
“You’re acting like a brat,” Nick shot back, driving off at a green light.
“I didn’t shut you down, twice.”
“I told you I didn’t want to, Y/N; we have been busy,” he sighed.
“If you wanted to, Nick, you would make time.”
The rest of day Nick couldn’t approach you, if you weren’t snapping him, you were throwing comments about how he didn’t want you. Mid-afternoon, you had walked into the break room to get a snack from the machine and you felt a hand wrap around your arm. You looked up and Nick was looking down at you, his face like stone but his eyes were soft, and you saw the sparkle in them,
“You’re acting like a naughty girl, Y/N, keep going and I’ll teach you a lesson,” he said softly, a slight half smile on his lips. His grip on your arm tightened, but not enough to hurt you, pulling you closer to him and you caught your breath, arousal flooding your body as his lips came to your ear, his body pressed to yours. “You won’t get what you want for another week, and if I find out you fixed the problem yourself and it will be longer. We both know you prefer my cock to your fingers, so don’t act tough baby.”
Nick let go of your arm, his hand coming down to slap your ass slightly before turning around and walking out the door. The rest of the day you were on edge, your face burning every time you looked over at Nick and he would raise an eyebrow, wiggling his eyebrows or winking at you, and you would look away blushing.  
You were finally both back in your apartment, Nick was spread out on your couch, shoes gone, tie gone, top button undone, sleeves rolled up and legs spread wide sipping on a beer. You just in your button down and underwear packing the dishwasher, after Nick had cooked for you both.  The tenson in the air was thick and you were waiting for the right time to make a move. You started the dishes and then walked over to the back of the couch leaning over the edge of it wrapping your arms around his neck, your lips on his cheeks,
“Would you like another beer?” you muttered into his skin.
“Nah, I’m good,” Nick ran his hand over your arm, “Come around here.”
You pulled away from Nick, walking around the couch. Nick sat up, sitting his beer bottle on the coffee table and sitting back again, his legs spread wide. You walked to stand between his legs and looked down at him. Nick reached over pulling you to him and grabbing your leg, guiding you to straddle his left thigh.
“You’ve been naughty today, haven’t you?” His voice was deep and he tilted his head, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started to pepper his face with kisses, “I am sorry, babe. Make me feel better?” you purred.
A wicked grin pulled to his face, “Oh no baby, that is not how this works…”
“What?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at him.
He looked into your eyes. “Brats get punished, mi amor.” His words sent heat through you, as you looked back at him. This was new.
“How?” you said softly, eyes wide. You knew he could read you like an open book and he would see not only your consent, but your arousal.
“You’ll find out,” he said, darkly. His hands went to your hips, pulling you down on his leg harder. You moaned with the pressure against his taut thigh muscle against your core. “For now, why don’t you get some relief for that needy pussy… Show me what you need…” He moved his hands on your hips, urging you to rub yourself against him. It wasn’t the relief you wanted, but it was better than nothing.
As you rutted against his thigh, frustrated by the lack of anything more, and the layers of clothing between your body and his skin, but needing the pressure nevertheless, Nick was watching with a little smirk on his face. He casually reached up and started to unfasten the buttons of your shirt, exposing more and more of your skin to him, letting his eyes drop obviously to your chest as you continued to undulate your body, moving faster without the pressure of his hands on your hips. He pulled the shirt off your body, throwing it aside, and reached up to unfasten your bra. But when you thought his next move would be to put his hands on your tits, he just returned them to your hips.
You could feel the pressure building, your orgasm approaching. It had been so long that, whatever else the night held, you needed this. You pressed down against him harder, tilting your head back, closing your eyes and moaning. “Nick, I’m going to come…” you whined.
Suddenly his hands tightened on your hips, stilling your movements. You opened your eyes wide and looked at him, moaning with the restriction of your movements. “Wouldn’t be any kind of punishment if I let you come, would it?” he said simply, before unceremoniously pushing you off his leg. You found your feet and looked at him in surprise, even as arousal surged through you. Nick kept his eyes on yours, his face set stern, as he stood up. You tilted your head back to keep looking at him as he reached his full height, standing close to you. “Bedroom,” he said. You turned and felt his hand on the back of your neck, pushing him forwards.
“You know I want you to fuck me, don’t you, Nick? So it’s not exactly punishment, bringing me to bed with you?” You spoke as you walked, knowing you were goading him, but secure in your trust of him.
“Still with the attitude? Who says I’m gonna fuck you?” he demanded, as you reached the bedroom. He gave you a little shove onto the bed. You crawled onto it, on your hands and knees. He grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him, fingers sliding under the waist of your underwear, pulling it down. You helped him slide your panties off your legs, feeling the exposure of being completely naked while he was still fully dressed.
Nick put a strong hand on the back of your neck, pushing your head down, until your face was on the bed, but your ass still in the air. His other hand slid over the curves of your hips, down over your buttocks, and slid between them to find your folds, touching you gently, too gently. You squirmed and tried to push back against him. He pulled his hand away.
“Oh no you don’t, my naughty girl,” he said, and you could hear the amusement in his voice. “You’re so wet and needy.” You heard a wet sound. “And you taste so good. Want to tell me what it is you need?”
“You know what I want,” you replied, breathlessly.
“Do I? Hmm?” His fingers traced a soft pattern over your skin, but he didn’t touch you where you needed it.
“What, you want me to beg?”
“You can try. I don’t know if it’ll work or not.”
“I need you to fuck me, Nick, please…” you tried. He chuckled.
“That was easy.” His fingers teased through your folds again and you caught your breath and moaned when he circled your clit.
“Yes…yes…Nick…” you managed. He pulled his hand away again and you groaned loudly.
“Oh, please, I’ll be good,” you told him.
“Now you say that,” he said, sounding like he was enjoying himself. “But you need to learn how to be patient.” With that, he delivered a very light slap to your ass cheek. Pleasure swept through you and you moaned against the bed. He noticed the effect on you. “Mmm, like that do you, baby?”
“Yes, I do,” you admitted, weakly.
The hand on the back of your neck gripped just a little harder, as he brought his hand down again, just a little harder, tinged with the slightest edge of pain. “Is this what you deserve? Naughty girls get spanked?” He did it again. Hard enough that you caught your breath.
“Oh fuck yes,” was all you could manage. “Harder…” you added, in case he needed the reassurance.
“You asked for it, mi amor.” His hand fell again, as he spanked you several more times, with the confidence of knowing you liked it, each one stinging your skin into warmth. Then his hand slid between your thighs again, teasing your swollen clit. “Oh you’re so wet,” he groaned. You felt your orgasm starting to build again, his insistent fingers bringing you closer.
“All for you…” you told him.
“I know,” he replied. “Want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, oh god yes please…” You begged. His hands left you, and you heard him removing his clothes, returning moments later. One hand slid up your back to curl around your throat, pulling up and back against him, as his other guided his cock to your wet entrance. His mouth was by your ear as the tip slid into you.
“I’m going to fuck you, baby,” he said, his voice gruff. He thrust up into you, filling you, then stopped, as your body stretched around him and you breathed hard with the feeling of finally having him where you needed him. “But you should know that you don’t have my permission to come.”
“Oh god, Nick,” you moaned. Despite yourself, you were even more turned on than if he’d just let your orgasm burst through you. “I want you to use me…”
“All for my pleasure, querida. I know, I got you,” he said. His fingers were still lightly gripping your throat as he started to thrust up into you, his other arm wrapping around you, holding you to him, his hand groping at your breasts. His thrusts came hard and fast, as he chased his own release rather than waiting for you. The sound of his skin meeting yours filled the room, his breathing loud close to your ear, his fingers tugging your nipples and sending waves of arousal through you. His cock was hitting the sweet spots inside you, but he kept your hands away from you clit, your orgasm just beyond your reach as his cock stretched you open over and over again.
You tilted your head back against him, moaning and breathing hard. “I’m going to come, my naughty little brat, I’m going to fill you up,” he whispered in your ear. And then he muttered filthier words, in Spanish you’d started to recognise, moaning your name as his cock twitched inside you and his hot seed spilled deep in your body.
He released you, panting hard, and you collapsed onto the bed, satisfied with the knowledge you’d pleased him, so aroused by the way he’d fucked you, but still needing more. You rolled over onto your back and slid your hand down between your thighs, finding your clit.
“Stop that,” Nick said, heading towards you. He put his hands on the insides of your thighs, pushing them apart, grabbing your wrist.
“No, please…I need it,” you panted.
“I know, baby.” He gave you a wicked smile. “But I’m going to do it with my mouth. And don’t think I’ll stop at one.” He dipped his head and you moaned as his tongue swept over your clit, knowing you would get more than the end of your frustration by the time he was done.
  Tags:  @wanniiieeee @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @randofando-spoonie  @alwaysachorusgirl  @amorestevens  @harryssxnflwr @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02 @glimmerglittergirl @witches-unruly-heart @berniesilvas @ben-c-group-therapy
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squishmallow36 · 2 years
Keeper of the Lost Prepositions - Thirty-nine
Word count: 2.2k
Tw: internalized homophobia, mentions of murder
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-fruity-frog @poppinspop @crystallinewalker @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @books-over-boys @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @cotyledon-tomentosa @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125
On Ao3 or below the cut!
Fitz PoV
    I never believed Keefe could be this annoying. 
    I was so wrong it’s not even funny. 
    Let me explain. 
    One summer a few years ago, Keefe lived in my closet to get away from his parents. 
    Now, to hide from his mother in particular, he’s living in my closet once again. 
    Literally, not metaphorically. 
    And it’s been a few days, so he’s getting a little antsy. 
    Every so often, he bumps his head twice against the doors, and I’ve decided it means ‘let me out.’
    “No.” I have to tell him every time. 
    Usually it results in a sad head knock on the door, meaning ‘why’?
    “Because if I open up that bloody door, then someone’s going to hear or see you, and that defeats the whole purpose of living in my closet.”
    He’s fine. He has a thick skull. How else would he never be able to learn?
    I also remind him, “If someone sees you, that puts Sophie in danger.”
    He shifts, probably turning away from me frustratedly. He kicks the door in the process.
    Kicking the door and hitting it with his head are two completely different sounds.
    “I know your legs are asleep. What do you want me to do about it?”
    Two head knocks.
    “Other than that.”
    I hear him audibly exhale in a huff. 
    “Do you think I want you to live in my closet? This was your idea.”
    He hits the door with his elbow, which I’ve decided means yes.
    “Did your Imparter die again? Is that why you’re bugging me?”
    Elbow knock. 
    “I’ll switch it out for you. Do you need food?”
    Elbow knock. 
    I open the door just a crack to switch out his Imparter with the mostly charged one sitting under my window so it can charge. 
    I sigh. “You should be glad I bake to destress.”
    He uses the cricket sound effect on his Imparter.
    “Just try to stay quiet, please.”
     I shuffle downstairs to make yet another batch of mallowmelt. 
    It’s been days. Like that. Once an hour or so. 
    I’m lucky if I can sleep through the night without him waking me up in the middle of the night because the closet is stuffy.
    I’d let him out if I could. 
    I’d physically throw him out if there wasn’t a legitimate reason he’s stuck in there.
    He’s been here for six days. It feels like it’s been six millennia.
    The next day, Keefe decides to literally punch the bloody door.    
    “What in Exile do you want this time?”
    Two head knocks.
    I mentally weigh my options.
    “Fine. But only because we’re the only ones home. You stay in this room, do you hear me?”
    I wait for the elbow knock before moving my barricade. The only thing keeping him contained. 
    Keefe stands, waiting for the head rush to subside before spinning around with his arms fully extended. 
    All this space, and he still manages to karate chop me in the neck. Lovely. 
    “I’m getting you a fingernail clipper,” I say, rubbing where he scratched me. 
    His expression is totally, “Sorry, not sorry.”
    “Will you behave now?” I ask before answering my own question. “Of course not. Why do I even bother anymore?”
    His smirk says it all. 
    “Do you need any more notebooks? Because I’m out and I refuse to go get more.”
    Keefe flips through the pages in his current notebook, proving the answer is no.
    He also decides that he’s going to rummage through my stuff to find another one. 
    “You’re a bloody four-year-old, you know that?”
    He gives me five fingers as an argument.
    “Because a five year old is so different from a four year old.”
    I can practically hear him countering, “Five is a whole hand, four isn’t. That’s different.”
    I sigh. 
    He takes a few more seconds messing up my organized room before giving up and sitting on my floor, legs stretched out in front of him. 
    “I told you there weren’t any more. I even gave you mine for school, and with Foxfire on hiatus, I can’t go ask for more.”
    Keefe shoves a notebook in my face, and a note is crammed in there. Dex would have more, I should go live in his closet. 
    And that’s how you make a surprising volcano of rage erupt. “Well go then! Don’t blame me if you get bloody kidnapped by your mother!”
    Keefe realizes that he pushed the wrong button and reaches for my hand in an attempt to calm me down. 
    I rip it away. “No touchy. And nothing’s wrong so you can get that bloody pity off your face.”
    Keefe puts his hands on his hips and stares at me. After a few seconds, one hand reaches up and taps his temple.
    I narrowly avoid flipping him the bird and saying words I shouldn’t say. 
    Keefe sits there for nearly a half hour, waiting for me to give in, while I ignore him as efficiently as I can. 
    My anger keeps simmering until I say, “You know, you really are a dirtbag,” and open my mind to his thoughts.
    I know. But you’re just so easy to annoy. 
    “Shut up.”
   How do you propose I make my thoughts shut up? This is your fault. If you want me to shut up then stop listening.
    “Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll stick you back in that closet.”
   I will escape. 
    “Why do you think I’m sitting here, arguing with you? I want to be running so then I can just think about nothing. Or maybe I’ll beat the crap out of a tree, but that’ll anger the gnomes, and I doubt my knuckles will appreciate it.”
    You’ll get to visit Elwin. Elwin’s nice. I like Elwin. 
    “That doesn’t mean I want to go visit him because I ripped my skin apart or broke a knuckle.”
    He has a massive stuffed animal collection.
    “Am I supposed to find that surprising?”
    Maybe you’ll find this surprising. And it really applies because I’m living both literally and metaphorically in a closet. 
    “Not you too.”
    Don’t even start that with me, Fitzy.
    “Start what?”
    Oh, you know what I’m talking about.
    That preposition? I’m not sure if I think it or transmit it, but Keefe senses my question either way. 
    No. Don’t get homophobic with me here. I’m not going to allow that. So if you’re going to act like my father that just disowned me, I’m going to get the Exile out of here.
    “It’s been like two weeks since I learned that non-straight identities exist, and now you’re telling me that not only my schmuck of a brother is gay and my sister is questioning, but my best friend, or former best friend if you don’t want to claim me, is also gay?”
    I mean, technically, I’m pan. But the more important thing is: did Biana talk to you about how she’s questioning? Because it’s really a jerk move if you’re telling others about her without her approval.
    “I heard her talking about it with Dex but I know you could already sense these things just by her walking past my room this week.”
    Yeah, well, don’t get in the habit. You’re not always going to have that excuse. Anyway, do you know what else I’ve sensed?
    “What? Does she know you’re here? Is she standing in the corner?”
   No, silly. I know that she’s not the only one questioning in this house. You might know who he is.
    “He’s not questioning. He’s straight. It’s been decided. He is straight and has always been straight and will remain straight for the foreseeable future.”
    Someone sounds like someone’s trying to convince himself that he’s straight when he very much is not. I can feel everything.
    He stretches out the syllables in ‘everything,’ further emphasizing his point.
    “Yeah, well, it’s not exactly your place to say, Keefe.”
    Then stop flinging gay emotions at me and maybe we can both lie to ourselves. 
    “Or maybe you should stop reading my emotions,” I suggest. 
    If I could, I would. I’m already pan, thank you very much. 
    “And if I could stop you from reading them, my life would be so much easier.”
    Oh, allow me to make your life easier, your royal highness.
    A wave of anger engulfs me as his genuinely Dex tone registers. Not mimicking, but everything else is there. 
    Fanning the air, Keefe thinks, Now we’re getting somewhere. 
    “Yes, we are. We’re getting closer to attempted murder.”
    Remember, thinking about it makes it premeditated. This isn’t the first time. Hm. Why is Dex such a trigger for you though? Do you like him?
    “No, of course not. As a friend, debatable. Anything else? Absolutely not.”
    His voice has a sing-song quality when he thinks, That sounds like something someone who’s repressing their gay feelings would say.
    “And those sound like some new famous last words.”
    They aren’t words, they’re thoughts. But keep on threatening me, Wonderboy. Keep on threatening. 
    Unable to take this anymore, I turn away, tearing my hands through my hair. 
    “Oh. My. Bloody. Stars. Will you ever freaking stop?”
    I completely shut off his thoughts, because I know he’s going to be even more aggravating if I don’t.
    “Do you know how to stop pushing? Because this is how I’m going to get myself into a tribunal. I don’t think you understand, so let me spell it out for you. I’m as straight as a bloody arrow. So you’re going to shut up about all of this. Do you understand me?”
    He nods. Once. Unconvinced. 
    I open his thoughts back up to my mind.
    I don’t see why it would be such an issue for you to be gay. 
    “What do you think would happen to the Vacker reputation if we started coming out?”
    It’s already a dumpster fire, so I don’t see how that would make it worse.
    “It’s not a matter of making it worse. It’s a matter of restoring it, whatever it takes. So don’t tell anyone about this conversation.”
    Who am I going to tell?
    “Oh, I’m sure you’ll find someone. Sneaky dirtbag.”
    Dex wouldn’t call me a dirtbag.
    Clenching my fists so tight my fingernails dig into my palms, I growl, “He’d think it.”
    Smirking, Keefe thinks, You like him. These are the exact same vibes I got from you when you were crushing on Maiara in Level Two.
    Glad to have a different annoying fact, I screech, “That was a one-time thing!”
    But you didn’t deny Dex.
    I’ve had enough. “You know what, you little wanker? Maybe I do like Dex! Maybe he likes me too! But there’s no bloody way in Exile anything will ever come of it. You’re a polyglot now, so maybe this will help that sink in. ¿Usted me comprende? ¡No puedo tener a Dex!”
    Much to my dismay, Keefe’s smiling. Doesn’t that feel good? Not repressing those emotions?
    “Watching the life slowly drain out of your eyes would also feel pretty good right now,” I mutter. 
    Yeah. I can tell, Keefe thinks, fanning the air. 
    “Then maybe it would be a good idea to stop making me want to end you?”
    I’m allergic to good ideas. 
    “Like that isn’t obvious.”
    What happened that made you like this?
    “What? Bisexual? Do you think I have a bloody clue?”
    I meant the anger but I love how you assumed the question was gay.
    “You’re only saying that because of how I answered it.”
    He considers for a second, the longest I’ve ever seen him think about one thing, and decides, that may be true, but I really wanted to know why you’re so afraid of being bi.
    “You’ve seen our world, right? You’ve dealt with us Vackers for a long time. Do you honestly believe I could get away with being bi here? Being gay would be a completely different story. But bi? I’d be attracted to both girls and guys, and, effectively, have the choice of which one to date. So if I were to choose the gay path, it would be even worse. And that doesn’t even begin to consider that the gay path is also the Bad Match path.”
    Being bi isn’t a choice, Fitz. 
    “But choosing whether or not to date Dex is. And I choose not to.” 
    That little voice in the back of my head tells me I ended a sentence in a preposition, and that little voice can shove it. 
    Fine. If you don’t want Dex, then he’s fair game for me.
    Suddenly defensive, I ask, “Why?”
    You don’t want him and Foster’s so oblivious. Plus, he’s pretty cute, in case you haven’t noticed.
    Oh, I’ve noticed. I don’t want to have noticed. 
    “Have fun.”
    He looks at me, like ‘Are you sure?’ but, of course, the only answer I’m going to give is ignoring him.
    Minutes of silence follow.
    Until I hear someone get home. 
    “Back in the closet for you!” I whisper, trying to fix my room as much as I can before someone finds it in this sorry state.
    Keefe slips a note under the door as soon as he’s secured in there again. 
    “Don’t you mean ‘back in the closet for you?’”
    I know he can read my emotions to discern my response. 
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honeybunches-writes · 4 years
I'm honestly on a roll with writing right now, so I'm posting this one before my motivation runs out! 😅
I've always loved AUs where Jon met Gerry when he was still working in research, so I wrote one!
Jon is walking up the large stone steps of the Institute, bulging messenger bag slung over his shoulder, and arms full of the books that he couldn't fit. As he nears the top step, he hears a loud rumbling from the street behind him, and he turns to see a vintage motorcycle pull up to the curb.
The rider swings one ripped-jean clad leg wide over the bike and pops the kickstand down. They stride up the steps toward Jon, taking them two at a time. The sleek black helmet still obscuring their features.
"E-excuse me," Jon stammers, motioning to grab the taller figure's arm as he walks past, "can I help you? Are you here to give a statement?"
A low chuckle comes from under the tinted visor, before the biker reaches up to remove the helmet. He pulls the heavy thing free of his head, and shakes out his long black hair. He runs a hand through it to tame some of the more unruly hairs.
Now that Jon can see the man, he's certain that he doesn't work here. Dark makeup is smudged around bright blue eyes, and he has two twin piercing on his lower lip, which is painted a similar shade of black to his eyelids.
The taller man has to look down to meet Jon's eyes, and he can't help but laugh louder at the look of indignation on his face. Eyes hard set on him, but brow knit in confusion.
"What's so funny?" The smaller man asks, a bit more irritation filtering into his tone.
"I'm Gerry," the leather clad man says coolly, taking a step toward Jon, and Jon quickly takes a step back, shrinking into himself, so Gerry steps back again, choosing to instead extend his hand, "I'm here to see Gertrude."
"R-right, well, I can show you down to the Archives."
"No need. I know my way around pretty well," the man, Gerry, says with a quick wink, opening the heavy oak doors with a flourish, and stepping inside, leaving Jon to stare after him as the door closes.
A few weeks pass before Jon sees Gerry again, walking the halls toward the Archives. Jon catches up with him quickly, matching his steps as he comes up beside him.
Jon looks the tall goth up and down. He's wearing similar makeup to the first time they met, but today half of his hair is in a low ponytail, with some loose strands hanging on the side of his face. Jon's gaze moves lower to the plain black tee hugging his torso, the sleeves just a bit too tight on his upper arms. He wonders if Gerry works out.
Would I even weigh anything to him? Jon begins to wonder at scenarios where Gerry may have to carry him.
"Can I help you?" Gerry asks, pierced brow quirking up.
Jon's face turns a bright shade of pink as the man's voice brings that particular train of thought to a screaming halt, "w-what?"
"Well, I just figured since you rushed to catch up to me, you needed me for something," the corner of Gerry's mouth pulls up as his voice takes on a teasing tone, "or did you just plan on undressing me with your eyes?"
Jon turns wide eyes up to meet Gerry's, face flushing all the way to the tips of his ears, "No! I was already coming this way to deliver this file to Ms. Robinson! It had nothing to do with you!"
"Good," Gerry reaches over Jon's head and pushes the Archive door open, "after you?"
Jon just stares numbly up at Gerry, brain still trying to catch up to what Gerry had said. Was he really staring that hard? Wait. Was he doing it again? Stop staring, idiot!
Jon tucks his chin into his chest and ducks under the taller man's arm, walking into the room and making a beeline straight to the head archivist's office.
Gerry is leaning against another assistant's desk when Jon steps back into the larger room.
Jon turns on his heel a pins Gerry with his meanest face, "what?"
Gerry lifts his hands as in surrender and pushes himself off the desk, stepping toward Jon like a deer he might spook, "well, I was just heading out to grab lunch from the cafe down the street and wanted to know if you'd like to join me? Since you seem so enthralled with me," he finishes with a cheeky wink.
Jon just stands stunned, clutching the newest files he'd been given to his chest. He makes a big show of thinking the offer over, turning his eyes up toward the ceiling and tapping his foot. And it must be a pretty good performance, because the assistant whose desk Gerry had commandeered is snickering.
"Oh, I suppose if you want my company so badly, I could be bothered for a few moments," Jon says in his most dramatic, put-out voice.
Gerry's smile is so bright that Jon has to look anywhere but his face.
A few moments later, they're both standing out on the front sidewalk. Jon is just staring wide eyed at the helmet being offered to him.
"Ooooh, no! There is no way you're getting me on that thing!" Jon yells, taking a step away from the rumbling machine in front of him.
"I'll take it easy with you, I promise," Gerry says, still holding the helmet out to the smaller man, but shaking it a little.
"I don't care! Do you know the statistics of injuries from those death machines? I'll walk and meet you there, thank you very much!" Jon turns his nose up and begins marching down the sidewalk.
Gerry shuts the bike off and puts the helmet back in its storage box, jogging to catch up to him. Once he catches up with him, he gives him a quick tap on the shoulder.
Jon stops and rounds on him, "yes?"
"It's, uh, it's this way." Gerry points his thumb over his shoulder in the opposite direction.
"Fine, lead the way." Jon says curtly, motioning with his hand.
Jon spends more time paying attention to the man across from him than the sandwich he had ordered.
The way his eyes sparkle when he starts to talk about whatever project him and Gertrude are undertaking.
The way he worries his lip ring with his teeth and apologizes when he thinks he's gotten too excited.
The eyes tattooed on each of his joints, from his fingers all the way up to the one sitting squarely in the middle of his throat. He wonders if there are more, and where they would be.
When Jon looks up again, Gerry is chewing at the hoop on the right side of his lip, "sorry, am I boring you?"
Jon's eyes widen and his cheeks flush, "no! No! I was just, um, looking at your tattoos."
"You like them? Did most of them myself!" Gerry says, and there's that beaming smile again, but this time Jon doesn't look away, he just smiles brightly back.
They spend the rest of their time in easy conversation before Gerry snatches the check and heads toward the counter.
Jon huffs and follows him out the door, "I could've gotten my own food!"
"I know, but I didn't want you to. I always pay on the first date."
Jon stops dead and stares at Gerry's back, "was this a date?"
Gerry stops and turns to look over his shoulder, soft blue eyes scanning the smaller man's face, "I would like it to be."
"Oh. Okay," Jon says quietly, picking up his pace and coming to stand next to the taller goth, "then I guess this is the part where we hold hands?"
"Only if you want it to be."
Jon reaches out, tentatively brushing their knuckles before lacing their fingers together. He shoots Gerry a timid smile before starting back down the sidewalk.
They quickly fall into an easy routine. Either Jon will come down to the Archives or Gerry will come to research and they'll head down to the cafe for lunch. Every time Gerry tries to convince him to get on the bike, and every time Jon vehemently refuses. So they walk, hand in hand down the street.
After a few weeks of this, Jon steps into the archives early one morning. He scans the room before realizing that Gerry isn't there.
"Um. Um, excuse me," Jon says, trying to draw the attention of the assistant at the desk in front of him.
Without looking up, the guy just hooks a thumb over his shoulder at Gertrude's office door.
"Alright. I'll just wait here, I guess." Jon whispers to himself, sitting in a small folding chair by the door.
His attention is pulled from the book in his lap at the sound of the door opening, and Gerry calling his name.
"Gerry, hi!"
"What are you doing here? Lunch isn't for another hour?"
"Well, I needed to go to the shops, and it's quite a long walk," Jon says looking down at the closed book in his lap.
"Right, well, I could use the fresh air." Gerry stretches and grabs his jacket off the hook, and heads out the door.
"Did you grab your keys?" Jon asks as they near the large oak doors that lead out to the street.
"I always have my keys, but why? I thought we were walking?"
"It's a pretty long walk to the bookshop I need to go to, so I thought maybe we could, um, take the bike?"
Gerry's eyes light up as he digs his keys out of his jacket pocket, "really?"
Jon just gives a short nod and holds out his hand for the helmet. Gerry grabs it off the back of the seat and puts it on Jon's head. He puts the key in and kicks the bike to life. Jon can feel the rumbling in his chest as he takes a small step closer.
Gerry is already straddling the motorcycle, and he pats the seat behind him. Jon swings his leg over and slides on right behind him.
Leaning his head onto Gerry's shoulder he yells over the roar of the engine, "wait! Where's your helmet?"
"You're wearing it," Gerry yells back. He kicks the stand up into place and gets balanced, "don't worry, I'll take it slow for you!"
The bike jerks into gear and roars away from the curb.
Jon's mind is racing with all of those chain emails he used to get in uni. The guy who gives his helmet to his girlfriend to save her after he learns the brakes fail. The gory details after they slam into a tree or wall or parked car. It's not until Gerry places a hand over his own that he realizes he's been white knuckling the other man's jacket.
Gerry turns his head so his voice can be heard over the wind, "hey! You can relax! You're in good hands! Just sit back and enjoy the ride!"
Jon takes a few deep breaths and picks his head up from where he'd had it hidden in Gerry's back.
The sidewalk next to them is a blur, and he can feel the wind pulling at his sweater. He sits up a bit straighter and feels the vibrations from the motor running up his legs into his chest. He reaches up to push the visor up so he can feel the wind on his face, and suddenly it all makes sense.
This must be that feeling that everyone always talks about. He never believed them when they said it felt like flying, but this, this is exhilarating. His arms loosen around Gerry's waist, and he throws his head back.
Gerry can feel Jon's chest shaking with laughter as he leans back as far as he can, and that's his cue to turn the bike onto a side street. He wants to draw that joy out as long as he can, so he takes the scenic route.
Once the laughing fit has passed, he sighs and leans his full body into Gerry's back, tightening his hold. This grip isn't from fear, and as Gerry laces one of his hands with Jon's, he feels a warmth spreading through his chest that pulls his lips up into a soft smile.
Gerry brings the bike to a slow stop on the curb in front of the bookshop, and leans it onto the stand. He swings his leg up and over the tank, and offers his hand to Jon.
Jon swings his leg over the bike, but stumbles as he tries to get his legs to remember how to hold his weight.
Gerry catches him by his upper arms as he nearly crashes right into his chest, "don't worry, that happens to everyone their first time."
Jon holds onto Gerry's arm as he wanders around the bookshop, grabbing the few books he came in for. Gerry takes them from him once he's paid and starts out of the shop. He sets the books carefully into the saddlebag on the back and straddles the bike once more.
Jon slides right behind him like he was meant to be there his whole life, and pulls the helmet down onto his head.
Gerry puts the bike in gear and their off again, Jon pressing himself into Gerry's back and watching as the world blurs around them.
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