#I’m not saying they are literally siblings btw just that their dynamic is a sibling one
gracebethartacc · 1 year
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
Hey! I just wanted to say that I love the WWW series so much that I've literally read it like 4 times over. SO! I have several questions + observations about it that have been bugging me a little, if you don’t mind answering + talking about them.
Everyone’s ages are something that I've been curious about. I know that it’s stated that Damian and the Reader-insert are 3 years apart in age, 19 and 21 respectively. I’m assuming that they’re more like 2 1/2 years apart based on the ages we’ve been given.
Do they follow canon ages? For example, is Tim still around 7 years older than Damian???
Because i’m picturing the lineup looking something like this:
Bruce: 47
Dick: 33
Jason: 28
Tim: 26
Reader-insert: 21
Damian: 19
I was just curious because picturing everyone’s relative age is something that is really important to me when regarding the dynamics between characters.
Another thing that I noticed was how in the Reader-insert’s  original reality/world, her entire family died on the same day that Jason did. (“Your lives had both technically ended the same day, in the same grand calamity.”). Does that remain the same in this new world?
Because that would mean that the Reader-insert’s  counterpart would have known Jason at some point, which I think is SUPER interesting. Lots of implications.
That’s supported by something that Tim says in his 1st pov: “Your family had died, Bruce’s new wife had died, and all the siblings he never really got the opportunity to meet, gone in a brilliant flash.”
THAT has a few implications that I think are really interesting. It supports the idea that her family did die on the same day in this reality, and that she would have known and been living with Jason at the time (Well, before his death.)
Tim would have most likely only seen them at galas or something similar by that time…leading to his statement about how he “never really got the opportunity to meet” them.
This would mean that Jason knew her counterpart when the Reader-insert met him for the first time. 
Now, going off of all of those assumptions, I can only begin to guess what her and Dicks relationship was like before her family's death. I picture it like this:
Dick had only left the manor around 3 years TOPS before Bruce had remarried, bringing a whole nother family into the fold. Now, we don’t know too much about Dick in this story yet, (I'm SO excited to see more of him in the next chapter BTW) but I can assume that this would feel pretty upsetting. Leaving your home, and your adoptive? father only for him to marry into a whole new family not long after?
I’d be pretty bitter if it was me in his situation. I wouldn’t really want to have any kind of relationship with the new children he had taken in. MEANING that Dick and the counterpart didn’t have too much of a relationship before her family's death.
And between their death and Jason’s, Dick would probably consider the counterpart as some kind of chance to actually build a relationship with his siblings in the light of what he lost. Obviously, the counterpart didn’t appreciate the attempt.
Uhhh there’s probably a lot more that I'm forgetting to mention, but I think the way you write is super compelling, and the Reader-Insert has been the only one that I’ve ever read that I can relate to so well!
So TYSM for writing, it literally makes my day!! 🩷🩷🩷🫂🫂🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
(And I’m really bad at conveying my tone in text, so if I seem overly critical or anything then I’m really sorry!!! I don’t mean it like that!!!)
Sorry this took so long to answer I have been in sickly victorian woman mode. I'll answer these questions to the best that I can, but also I don't have everything planned and even if I did I regularly forget shit if I don't write it down <3 <3
First of all the ages- I aged both the younger Waynes up and the older ones down a bit, because I'm personally not into the super huge age gaps but also. Imagine them however you want, even if they come up later in continuity still just insert your personal preferences if you want. Like it really doesn't matter lmao they're relationship has bigger issues than the age gaps. Anyway here are how I had them written down but I might change my mind I am a fluid being
Reader: 21, Damian: 19, Tim: 22, Jason: 25, Dick: 29, Bruce: 45, Alfred: 67, Molly: Also 21, Cass: 25, Stephanie: 23, Barbara: 30, Duke: 20
Also yes, reader's family died the exact same day in both universes, and first world reader like... knew about the waynes but wasn't particularly interested in them till their own family was ripped away, then she started obsessing. in second world, reader and the batfam were like... sort of involved? she lived with them, and she was getting to know them, but wouldn't you be kind of weirded out if your mum married like. jeff bezos or something. and reader is sort of introvert coded, even if they don't read that way. it's just because she's trying so hard not to be, because she's so starved for attention. other world reader like,,, didn't seem to react the same way to what happened to her. but she might've, in the newest chapter it seems like she was talking to bruce after the disaster, and then stopped. But yeah you're right they never knew each other because not much effort was made to do so, and the Waynes are always SUPER busy.
Also about the Dick thing, he was actually pretty happy about the new family! But like you said he still didn't know other reader till the disaster. He just didn't have time to get to know her. He was obviously very upset with Bruce because he left to fuck off to Bludhaven for a while, but he's always loved how the Wayne family kept growing. Even when it was just him Jason, Babs and the weird kid who followed them around with a camera. Then he like decided he was going to treat her like a project because he has a savior complex that comes out especially so when he's having a hard time (oh damn my brothers dead). Not your best moment Dickie. I mean other reader definitely did need help but... as if she'd accept it from a guy like Dick. Imagine your entire family dies and you have to deal with the most beautiful guy on earth trying to comfort you while you look like a creature that crawled out of the sewers. And he tries to make you go outside because you're genuinely very mentally sick. I'd kill him tbh. Anyway this is all still technically up in the air and I might go back and edit the fic later because I'm like... very bad at timelines I just can never remember them properly which creates a lot of issues and inconsistencies.
Anyways thank you for sending in your questions/theories and enjoying my work so much! I'm glad you can relate to reader so well, she's like, one of the strangest characters I've ever written who refuses to behave in any concrete mannerisms because she's stubborn and has intimacy issues. But I think we're all a little bit like that lmao. And thank YOU for reading my stuff, I wouldn't still be doing it if it weren't for folks like you :P (also also you didn't come across as critical at all, you were very polite!!!)
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green-tea217 · 3 months
whatz ur opinion on Will and Nico?
(don’t have to talk abt their relationship, could just talk abt their characterz btw)
They’re both traumatized gremlins <3
ok but I’m going to talk about their characters then their relationship!!
ok so Nico: i want to give this poor boy a hug. Like the amount of stuff he’s been through?? Losing his mom, his sister, being outed, going to Tartarus twice, being stuck in that jar? When he almost called Hazel Bianca? He’s been through so much and I think he’s stronger than Percy. He went through Tartarus TWICE. One time alone then the other time with will. Mortals aren’t even supposed to survive it once and he did it twice? He’s honestly one of my favorite characters. I love his humor and I want to be him when I grow up but like without the trauma
will: he’s cool. But like also traumatized in his own special way. Imagine having to go through a war and then losing half of your siblings and then having to be the counselor? Also while having to be a medic on top of that? He gives me gifted student vibes where he’s constantly under pressure to be the best he can be and not fail everyone. He’s cool but he’s not my top five favorites. Also the fact that his mom is a singer is cool too. I feel like him and Piper could be besties and bond over having famous parents.
Solangelo: it’s a cute ship!! I’m glad they were able to like accept themselves and find someone they love. I saw someone say Will is dumb for going to Tartarus for someone he’s only dated for 1-2 years and I sort of agree but they’re Greek demigods. Their life expectancy is pretty short so I feel like they mature quicker and the way they love is stronger since their life is so short. The only complaint I have about them was in tsats when they kept using those cringe names. Like I get it was supposed to be a joke and such but…it just made me cringe. Also the lil nas x joke? I have nothing against it but I found it odd it was Nico who made it and Will didn’t understand it. Wills mom is a singer and he’s been alive during the present day so I feel like he should’ve been the one to made the joke but oh well. Their dynamic is cute though!! I love how Rick took the sunshine x grumpy trope quite literally with them
my bad for this whole essay but yeah those are my thoughts thanks for the ask <3333
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tomat0esofalltomat0e · 5 months
Listen. I know it’s goofy. But like smh I’m just gonna have fun with this and draw reference sheets and silly sketches because I want to🔥🔥🦅(btw this post is pretty long)
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Why do I always draw CC so goofily, he looks so goofy when I draw him help. Anyways I thought it would be fun to name the grimwalkers by like old names they were called in the fnaf fandom like “Terrance” and for CC…I didn’t give him one.
Thought it would be silly to make everyone call him CC because literally no one knows what his name is…(I guess Garret and Evan are good assumptions tho)
I’d say they have similar dynamic to in fnaf 4, expect the bullying is muchhh less, Terrance prolly doesn’t like being around his little brother all the time and thinks it’s “uncool” but is always put on duties with him because CC is too young to even have his own staff yet let alone go on missions…
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Here are the 1630 little guys!!! They’re the same age I’d say they would be when the bite of 83 took place..only that doesn’t happen..(at least not in the same way? I’m trynna figure it out but spoiler alert they both DIE)
Anyways with Michael I’d say he takes on more of the Caleb role than CC, because he’s the eldest he does a lot of the looking after them and trying to also make some sort of money so they prolly didn’t have schooling, perhaps CC and Elizabeth would both sneak off to listen in on the other kids to learn more.
CC is a Caleb in the way that he plays games with Eli and also teaches her things too as she’s the youngest
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Ok so this is when they go to the Demon realm, I’d say Michael goes in first with a mysterious witch and Elizabeth witnesses and tells CC, CC Ofc believes Elizabeth because they’re close siblings they always believe each other! So CC and Elizabeth both go in together and eventually things change between them, they drift apart, CC meets a palismen called “Shortcake” (so this is this universes version of Flapjack, only the fact that Shortcake doesn’t belong to this universes Evelyn)
Ofc they get murdered, still trynna figure out how CC will end up dying but…it’ll be around the same time Michael gets murdered by Eli Caleb and Philip style so yeah
Heres a break from the madness, toh + fnaf au Elizabeth meeting kid Belos
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Yes William IS a rabbit in this au. His essential form.
This might be my last post on this au for nowww might make little sketches and draw like this au as frames from the show or like maybe draw references for Evelyn and the Owl House residents, we’ll seeeee
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
So I went through your neglected turtles au (love it btw) and I have a question. If Raph raised his brothers was there a time Leo wasn’t like how he is now? Like did Raph have to watch Leo get corrupted by splinter or was he always a little asshole?
Thank you! Yeah OK SO. Leo was always very outgoing and confident, even as a baby. He absolutely turned into a little monster because of Splinter, lol. He wasn't predisposed to being an asshole, it’s just unfortunate the kind of asshole he turned into was an aggressive, egotistical one. (this questions got me thinking about what the OTHER'S would be like if they were splinters favorites but that's for a different post)
It’s really rough for Raph, being the only one who remembers back when Leo was just a cocky troublemaker instead of the terror he is now. Most of the time Raph just doesn’t think about it, because it’s heartbreaking to remember about what could have been, and what Splinter fucked up. And also cause Leo has done horrible things to all of them and there really isn’t space in their home for forgiveness when Leo might take advantage of that to hurt them more, hahhh.  
Storytime! Those of you who’ve been around for a while might know that my oldest brother is the worst person I’ve ever met IRL and I HATE him. I’ve literally never known a version of him that wasnt the fucking WORST. However, sometimes my oldest sister will tell us stories about them when they were wayy younger, before me or my other siblings came around. And apparently he used to just be like a normal kid?? Kinda awkward and weird but generally fine. We have no idea what happened (It probably had to do with our parents) so I’m kind of loosely basing this story on that. Except irl one of the reasons I hate my older brother is because he WILL NOT change. I want him to, I would love it if he did, but he WONT and he doesn’t really want to :/
So it's not like Leo is based off my brother or anything, so much as the general dynamics of our household. Like, my mom would never SAY my oldest brother is her favorite, but he always gets away with being an absolute menace and she’s always willing to tell us we should all get along cause we’re Family whenever he fucks with us. 
ANYWAY sorry for the tmi ramble, here’s a doodle of the turtle tots getting along <3 
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
I’m the anon who loves rambling and let me tell u, I love gushing about anything!! If you’ll have me, I literally won’t stop talking!!
Why can I imagine Y/N just mimicking her father being an ass and her siblings just loving it and laughing?? (Ik she totally does the best impressions of him too!! (Maybe even because she’s so similiar to him, too!) (U know u got it bad when you start making headcanons of a fanfic 😭))
Btw Neteyam totally needs it!! He always thinks about his siblings, fortunately there is her sister, but who is actually there for her? (She just wishes for her dad to do his job and console her damn it😔)
I can also see that there is a bit of conflict (if I can call it that??) between Lo’ak and Y/N, both are considered trouble, so maybe they are a bit competitive against each other? Trying to see who can be the better child between the worst? (I’m sorry, maybe I’m reading a bit too much into it (as usual), but Lo’ak snickering while his sister is trying to understand why can’t she go through ikinimaya, while her younger brother (who is as bad as her) did.. She’s obviously a little bit hurt about it 😭 (can imagine her thinking like Lo’ak?? Mature?? Come on now)) (Also it’s a bit funny that the children who took after their father the most, butt heads the most too)
And Kiri just being an angel and trying to shut up Lo’ak..
Taking about Kiri (and Tuk!!) I can’t stop thinking about Y/N having a bit of a grudge against not like actually them, but at the situation and even feel resentment against her dad. Like Jake is so soft with them, why not with her?? (Like Tuk is the baby, but Kiri, too? Why?). (Y/N calling Kiri babygirl (dad’s nickname for Kiri!) to mock her a little bit, because deep down she just wishes her dad called her sweetheart again 😞)
Having such a big family makes the dynamics so interesting!! Y/N has become her own character in my head (I imagine her being named after her aunt Sylwanin 🥺, since some of the kids’ names can be so closely related to someone’s else, like Neteyam-Neytiri (maybe also Eytukan? Or Tsu’tey?), Kiri like Atokirina, Lo’ak-Mo’at (I also read somewhere that Lo’akur was an amulet related to the first Toruk Makto?) and then Tuktirey.. I read somewhere (I get hyperfixated sometimes) that Tìrey means life and Tuk sounds close to Eytukan, also Tsyeyk (Jake) soo maybe (I’m most likely delusional Ik 😭), and she’s so interesting, I’d read a whole book of her!
I got so sad thinking that Y/N first flight was ruined by the Sky People.. She couldn’t even get a good look at her Ikran ‘cause it was so dark, before being shot at, 😔
I can’t stop thinking about her relationship with Spider! Y/N being so close to her mother, I’d think she distanced herself from him (which I felt like Neteyam did so, too, but that is just my opinion!), and her being 4 fingered like her mother (in the film they don’t count the thumb?? When Kiri and Lo’ak were being bullied what was said was “four fingered freak” and it kept bothering me a little, maybe I’m just slow 😭) so she relates less with Kiri and Lo’ak and more with Neteyam, so as a result she as less of a relationship with Spider?
I can’t help but think that he is such a interesting and misunderstood character sometimes, so I was interested in what you thought!!
Btw I love the relationship she has with Neytiri ❤️
So beautiful, understanding and trusting relationship.
I’d write a book to explain what Y/N and Jake’s relationship does to me, like him being so hurt at her saying she hated him, how she picked up only when Neytiri asked her, him being scared of how the relationship has become and not knowing what to do about it.. Like I know only the eldest daughter could get away with what says to him, imagine taking to Toruk Makto like that 🤨(her siblings would NEVER, I’d like to think that they are secretly a bit intimidated by their older sis, like she has no fears taking to their dad like that?? But that’s the thing, to Y/N it’s her dad, not Olo’eyktan or Toruk Makto 😭, and she IS intimidated by him, she just doesn’t show it 😔). I can imagine if the siblings need someone to argue for them against their father, that’s Y/N, if they need something else, they just tell Tuk to go and ask, since she’s the baby 😭
Anyways, I think I rambled enough about nonsense and things that weren’t even that related to ur amazing fic, I’m so sorry 😭
I hope you have a great day!! ❤️
RAMBLE ANON!!! Thank you again for this extra bombastic essay like to think anyone would like my writing so much to elaborate on it -- I STILL cannot comprehend. This must have taken so much time to write out, so grateful to be at the receiving end of it! I'm so sorry to answer you so late! I wanted to do it after I published chapter 3 so I'd have more insight to give about the siblings 💞
Headcanons for MY fanfic!!! 😭😭😭 to think smth like this would ever happen to me LMAOOOOO PLEASE...
but! ur so right. Someone has to be the mimicker in the family!!!! You know she started out with Neteyam and then it spread, AHAH
And dont worry about her! Neytiri is there for her, she's not totally alone - her relationship with her mother is fantastic, which is one of the things I enjoy writing more<3 totally a momma's girl.
NOW, ONTO THE SIBLINGS! I can totally say Lo'ak and her are exactly like you're saying. They know how to have fun the most and forget about any beef in like one second after getting into the pettiest fights ever, and are toxic together -- like, fire and gasoline. never put them together or double trouble, that's why Neteyam acts as alkaline to the acid. They're SO similar. Act like they hate each other too, but in my imaginary sequel during ATWOW, she absolutely traumatizes Ao'nung for almost getting her baby brother killed. She's extremely protective and scary!!!
the situation with kiri and tuk is bitter to her, but she doesn't bear any ill will to them, only to jake. the denial isnt strong enough that she cant see why they cant be as they were, but the resentment that he isnt reaching out to her still remains. the babygirl idea is amazing though AHHHH
I have NEVER thought about where the characters names are coming from and this was eye opening omg.... and Y/N if she was an OC being named after Sylwanin? GALAXY BRAIN!!!!
also yes! even in chapter 3 she only gets a glimpse of his colors, like he's a shadowy blur to her,,, i actually havent decided his color scheme yet HABSDBDBS but her ikran is the sweetest thing, this video is how i imagine his personality 😭😭
also about spider! i honestly don't dislike him and find him so interesting, i just KNOW he's gonna be so important in the next movies. he's gonna get the zuko treatment like i cant wait to see what happens to the fandom after he has a glowup BSDSSJDS about Y/N and him though, i haven't planned it out to the fullest yet but the overall idea was that she basically is neutral, if that makes sense? they don't have much of a relationship. he's a harmless childhood friend who hangs out with her siblings and makes kiri happy. honestly she just has the vibe of an older sister who doesnt want to hang with her younger siblings BSBDSJDS
Im so happy you think jake and her relationship is THAT nuanced BSJDJD its the constipated father who's fed up with his daughter's attitude and the daughter who has the same exact attitude as him BSBSDSSDS they both cant talk to each other. shenanigans ensue
BUT! What I love the most about it like you said is that she is the only one who can and will bite back at him. like no hesitation. not even lo'ak can do it, he's too chicken for that. and like she'll fight jake for a corn seed it's always on sight BSBDEEU
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staralite · 4 months
Hello :)
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☆ You can call me Star! I’m a 19 y.o aroace trans man who uses he/they pronouns.
☆ Obviously, I’m (forever trapped) in the Hetalia fandom. You’ll mostly see me posting about the face family and na bros. I just love family dynamics, especially sibling dynamics. My favorite character is Canada so I’m going to constantly be yapping about him. He’s literally my son btw I’ve signed the adoption papers.
☆ I’ll be reblogging, sharing random headcanons I have, posting stupid memes and be promoting the fanfiction I write here. I’ll occasionally be sharing my art. (I’m still very much a beginner and a bit insecure about my art so I prolly won’t post it that much but we’ll see)
☆ My discord is cosmo_s — If you wanna say hi and talk. I’m very shy but also extremely chill and friendly. I need hetalia friends lol.
☆ My ao3 is staralite — Read my fanfics if you need your na bros/face family fix.
☆ I really think that’s it. The dividers are by @/cafekitsune She has a whole bunch of cute graphics and stuff!
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tatjana-fantasy · 10 months
(Part 5)
Let’s continue my replay of The Quarry :) Some thoughts (Chapter 8 + Chapter 9):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
I can totally understand why Ryan wouldn’t want to kill Chris, who is essentially his father figure. At the same time, I do understand why Laura doesn’t see another option. I still think it’s a little extreme for her to immediately want to kill Chris, but I sadly get where she is coming from ;__;
I actually like Ryan’s and Laura’s dynamic quite a lot! More in a sibling than in a romantic way, though. :)
Okay, let’s talk about the infamous “Maybe neither.” Personally, I always thought that in the context of Laura’s question, it simply meant that Ryan likes neither more (and at least the German version translates it as “I like both”), but even if we assume that he likes neither of them … he doesn’t owe Dylan anything. Just like Emma is completely allowed to say No to Jacob without being harassed over it, Ryan is completely allowed to say No to Dylan without being harassed over it. And I say that as someone who ships them.
Speaking off Dylan, I LOVE the scene where Emma “maces” him XD
STOP LAURA STOP LAURA STOP LAURA (I lost Nick on my first playthrough because I wanted to show my trust in her T__T)
Yay, I freed Jacob :D The puzzle is still soooo confusing though. I’m kinda glad I avoided it on my first playthrough because I can’t imagine I would’ve ever pulled it off!
WTF is up with the music after Laura gets captured?? And how have I never noticed how unintentionally funny it is??
I’m surprised the dialogue between Abigail and Emma in the beginning stays the same even if she’s infected :O
I heard that Constance’s death apparently got censored in some versions of the game, so I’m happy mine isn’t among them :) She and Travis were the only Hacketts that died on my first playthrough …
Not gonna lie, Jed’s death by Laura’s hand is surprisingly brutal!
Bobby is so hilarious, I love him <3 <3 <3
I LOVE the moral dilemma of accepting Laura’s bite. On my first playthrough, I accepted Laura’s bite because I hoped that there would be another way to save Chris, but at the same time, I feared that I made the wrong choice. I really didn't want to kill him :-(
You all already know this, but: HOLY SHIT THE SCRAPYARD SCENE IS SO GOOD. The werewolf, the lights, the music! And afterwards, when Dylan begs Kaitlyn to leave him! While it sucks that he won’t be in the lodge later, this scene almost makes it worth it <3 Oh, and I got the trophy for infecting everyone, so now I just need to save them ;-)
And then, the scene with Abi and Emma. Emma’s words to Abi hurt so much T__T Her “Abi …” at the end sounded like an apology :-(
(Btw, I luckily knew what I had to do and escaped via the ladder, but I think it really sucks that going to the stairs is an automatic death sentence.)
On my first playthrough, I refused to shoot Chris during the Hackett showdown, and Ryan, Laura and Travis died. I was freaking devastated. Ryan’s death in particular left me so heartbroken that I had to stop playing for that day, only to have literal nightmares about how Dylan would react to his death. It certainly left a lasting impression on me … only to pull the rug under my feet when I saw what the actual ending of the game was :-/
I love the Hierophant flashback, but damn, I really wish the game would allow you to pick another card afterwards :-/ I think it’s pretty unfair that simply finding this card already makes it impossible to see another card’s vision …
But anyway, I still enjoyed these chapters despite some problems I have with them. :) See you next time, when I finish my replay of The Quarry!
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razorblade180 · 1 year
I may get some hate for this, but… I’m not really a fan of how Yang has been handled in the past few volumes. Like, in my honest opinion, she feels less like Ruby’s older sister like what was shown in the first few volumes and more like just a love interest for Blake to have. It feels like she’s gotten to where she cares more about Blake than Ruby in my opinion.
[This is not a rant btw]
In my opinion it’s more of a “show, don’t tell” problem. There’s never been a moment I doubted that Yang loves Ruby to death, but also the show at times tries to have moments that by design, should be heavier, but don’t land as hard because we didn’t actually see the connection that got us to this point. It can be conflicting. I mean Ep 2 of Volume 1 literally has Yang just leave Ruby at the front of their new school to go catch up with friends.
Just today I saw a post about how it kinda hurt to hear Ruby say the things she did towards Yang considering how Yang gave up her childhood to help care for Ruby. I read that and I’m like….they aren’t wrong but we also really have to take the word of the show that Yang really sacrificed a lot, because we didn’t see anything. Not every viewer can or should be expected to latch on to unseen moments; and it kinda goes both ways. We never have Ruby expressing or preaching on about how meaningful Yang has been in her life because this show never wants to really talk about the Ruby and Yang that made it to volume 1. Their past is so vague and never really bleeds into the dynamic we see in meaningful ways.
Also, this is sorta a nitpick, but it doesn’t help that sometimes there’s dialogue about a character that isn’t really true or points something out that nobody ever thought was a problem for a character. The most recent instance of this for me is last weeks episode 6. Blake told Yang “You are always the first to lighten a situation” when Yang objectively been the most aggressively negative member of team RWBY from V4-V7 and tied with Ren in V8. Volume 9 is the first time Yang acts similarly to before the fall of Beacon. Yang also in the seen talks about how nice it was that Blake wasn’t scared of her when they met. As an audience, that’s never been a problem or insecurity expressed to us but I digress.
So while I do agree with you a little, I don’t see it as a Yang problem or shift in dynamic, and more of a writing problem that’s been there for awhile. Personally, I would’ve loved to get more of their sibling dynamic because I too have a big sister and am also someone’s older sibling. So for me, hearing what the show has told me about their situation, I do find it pretty weird that Ruby doesn’t see Yang somewhat as a second mom to a degree; or how Yang isn’t as attached in certain regards.
Has anyone seen Onward? You would think at some baseline level they would be a little more like those two brothers in a way.
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juniperhillpatient · 11 months
I didn’t want to share this with the link but my one & only criticism of that video I shared is super specific & it’s that the video essayist doesn’t like Dennis trying to kill Dee in the castle. In my opinion that was a beautifully hilarious scene / culmination of a hysterically entertaining subplot & I strongly disagree with her that it fell into the same category as other cases of the show becoming too mean spirited & neglecting to show that these characters care about each other in the latest seasons. I do agree that this is a huge issue & literally everything else in the almost 3 hour video I fully agreed with though so please still know I loved the critique. I just really liked the castle episodes & this is an excuse to talk about it lol -
I actually found the sibling dynamic weirdly sweet in the Covid episodes. The joke was funny because it wasn’t that Dennis literally wants to kill Dee, it was that he was delirious with Covid & thought he was communicating with a ghostly castle which is so funny cmon. And before that they were renting a castle together & she was teasing him while also taking care of him & in a giant castle they still chose to share a room like they’re so cute. It’s my favorite plot we’ve had in so many seasons & I must defend it with my life.
To me it was mean in classic sunny fashion which is VERY very notably different to the way new sunny is mean. It called back to such iconic scenes as “Dee? I swear you would be of more use to me if I skinned you and turned your skin into a lampshade. Or fashioned you into a piece of high-end luggage. I can even add you to my collection” followed by a hilariously horrified expression from Kaitlin Olson.
Dennis rushing at Dee in a deranged attempt to behead her only to pass out & she has to take him to the hospital is great. It’s the above mentioned scene with talk of skin luggage - or Dennis & Dee’s talk of murder & Dee’s confusion and about what the “actual plan” is in “Mac is a serial killer” amped up to 100 to me. It’s “Dennis is a serial killer” jokes done right much like “making Dennis Reynolds: a murderer” & NOT like “The Gang Gets Cursed.” That last one takes the joke way too far by leaving the implication that Dennis might actually be a killer which completely ruins the joke both by explaining it & botching the punchline which should always be that Dennis is a pathetic bitch who WISHES he was a serial killer (side note - other than that, I mostly enjoy “The Gang Gets Cursed” btw).
This became an essay but I wanted to share that extremely good & insightful video without my huge block of text commentary on something extremely specific. However I did want to rant about how much i LOVE the siblings in the castle episode imo that is pure classic sunny dynamics shining through the fog of late seasons overall crappiness lmao I’d actually categorize that specific sub plot as one of my favorites in the whole show which is insane given that it’s from season 15. I just really really love the Reynolds siblings being fucked up but in a funny way that has almost sweet aspects hehe
I also think this is an opportunity for me to discuss WHAT the notable difference is between the “mean” aspect of sunny here & why it works SO much better than the other mostly uncomfortable humor of later seasons. The joke’s punchline is on Dennis - something that’s desperately been needed in the sibling dynamic & the way it’s narratively framed for a LONG fucking time. As discussed in that amazing & super insightful video, new sunny punches down & it’s frankly cringe more often than not. Old Sunny knew who it’s jokes were on & it was always the person just asking for comeuppance by being awful. I’m not saying Dee isn’t awful because that would defeat the purpose of her character but she does suffer from what I call “the Meg Griffin effect.” It also hurts such characters as Britta Perry from Community, Jerry Gergich from Parks & Rec, & Toby Flenderson from The Office. It becomes more uncomfortable & off putting than funny as an audience member after a while to see everyone being consistently awful to one specific character who is not inherently worse than the others but is always the butt of the joke. It’s a trope I will simply never enjoy, personally.
But the castle plot works because it’s certainly deranged & mean (it’s literally not even always sunny if it’s not deranged & dark & mean you might as well give up & watch a different show if you don’t like your dynamics fucked up) but the joke is not -
A. Dennis is a serial killer ooooh edgy! - tired, contrived, Reddit core, unfunny, defeats the point of sunny which is that these guys are all incompetent losers
B. Haha dee is gonna die! She sucks lol! - that is one way to interpret the joke I guess but it’s so clearly actually that Dennis is in a fucking fever infused hallucination about ghosts & dee ultimately has to take his passed out ass the ER because this stupid bitch didn’t get vaccinated
Like it redeems so much or the awful dynamic they’ve built (which they unfortunately double down on anyway later. *cough* the gang goes bowling *cough*) where it’s like…. Isn’t it hilarious that Dennis constantly abuses his sister guys? Haha what if dee literally killed herself lol? Isn’t this so funny aren’t you having fun?
Classic sunny is mean. I’m not trying to say I dislike mean punchlines. But……. Dennis passing out & almost dying Covid IS mean? Dee having to deal with her brother almost beheading her & listening to his deranged conversations with “the castle” IS mean? It’s just that it’s mean in a FUNNY way. Like Charlie getting rejected by the waitress in the musical episode. Like Dee realizing how disgusting her schemes are in “PTSDee” & feeling sickened by herself. Like Frank getting told to fuck himself in his fat fucking ass in the Christmas episode. Or Mac shitting his pants in “Mac Day.” These are all examples of times I’ve found the meanness of sunny funny because it’s about showing what happens when you’re a horrible person who never learns.
Anyway in conclusion I love the Reynolds siblings & the castle plot is the only good part of new sunny goodbye
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ryuichirou · 2 years
Hello! Your art is really amazing and I also have a question to ask you if you wouldn't mind
I don't mean this in a rude way and the reason I'm asking is because I'm curious, why do you ship Ortho/Idia and Lilia/Silver?
+ Anonymous asked:
Hello ! I was wondering what make you ship ortho and idia ? No jugements here I also shipped family members in the past for various reasons, but I can’t seem to see the appeal of this particular ship. Anyway, have a nice day ! (btw sorry for my grammar i’m not english)
Hi, Anons! Seems like I’m starting all of my replies with apologizing for being late, this one isn’t an exception lol This is another ask that I wanted to think about for a while to make sure that I reply to it properly.
Thank you so much for liking my art and thank you for approaching this question in a polite way. I know this is a controversial topic, this is why we try to be honest about it, but at the same time not to post about it too often; but if you’re curious, I don’t mind talking about it. Ehh but this post is super long, I don’t know if you wanted it to be this long haha well.
Obligatory disclaimer,in case there are any people out there who still don’t realise where we stand on this issue: fiction is fiction, any topic or trope could be explored and played around with in fiction, and there is no direct correlation between the tropes a person loves and their moral code or life choices. One does not “support *something*” by shipping a certain ship. It’s not that deep.
With that out of the way, let’s proceed! Starting with Ortho/Idia. The reply’s mostly about them, tbh.
And right away, another disclaimer: like I mentioned in another post on this topic, us shipping Ortho and Idia romantically doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate the platonic reading of their relationship. The idea that platonic love could be super strong and tragic and make a person do drastic things for their sibling’s happiness is great and rarely explored in fiction. Believe it or not, we just really love the way they’re written, and even though we ship them romantically, we’re not blind to this version of their dynamic and we love that twst has a storyline like this. This storyline made me lose my mind as a shipper, but even if we look at it platonically, the fact that Idia called out the hypocrisy of swooning over Orpheus and Eurydice and yet people thinking that him (Idia) desperately wanting to bring back his brother is wrong is just beautiful.
Alright, that’s all the disclaimers, let’s dive into the shipping territory and talk about our feelings.
I don’t know, man, they just… love each other so much. The sheer volume of their love is so impressive and beautiful, and when it comes to shipping tropes that we like, they pretty much tick all the boxes.  I’ll try to explain it in more detail and with examples.
Since it’s a little bit hard to talk about them because there are so many versions of Ortho, I’ll try to say things that are common to all of them. And when I’m talking about a specific version of Ortho, I’ll mention that.
First of all, we really love ships that force characters to open up, develop, evolve and enhance the traits that we love about them. This is why in all of my character rants I tend to talk about their relationships with others, and in all of my headcanon posts I tend to talk about canonical events a lot: these things are strongly tied together for us. So naturally, I’ll start by talking about Ortho and the way his character works (and develops) through his relationships with Idia.
To be honest, we didn’t really care for Ortho at first. He wasn’t all that interesting to us based on his design and character quirks (alright, a cute robot boy, we get it), but once we got to know him better, he literally became one of our favourites. Because he is so much more than just a cute robot boy who only acts like a mascot or does whatever Idia wants him to do.
Even though he is perceived (mostly by the fandom, but also by some of the characters) as a child, he is definitely not an innocent and gullible baby. If we compare AI-Ortho to original Ortho from the flashback, it becomes very clear just how different they are. Ortho from the flashback is a very young child: he sounds, acts and talks like one. AI-Ortho, even though he’s based on the original Ortho, is nothing like that, because he grows, develops and learns with time. Ortho has shown again and again that he is smart, he could be quite cunning, his morals are questionable (since, you know, he is an AI and not a person), and he is quite reflective and perceptive. He is much more mature than he is given credit for, and a big part of it is that his main role is to take care of Idia. And not just in a “drink water, niisan” kind of way: he also acts as Idia’s emotional crutch at times. Ortho is very attentive to Idia’s emotional state, because this is what he’s been doing his entire robo-life: making sure that Idia is feeling alright, comforting him, reassuring him constantly, finding this fragile balance between not pushing Idia too hard and trying to inspire him to socialize with others as much as he can. This takes a lot of empathy and emotional wisdom; it’s clear that between him and Idia, Ortho takes the role of a mature caretaking person, even though he could still be a little bit naïve at times. And as he learns and adapts, he becomes more strict and more pushy with Idia, he learns how to persuade him, manipulate him, how to trick him. He becomes less anxious and scared to accidentally hurt Idia, because he knows what’s best for him.
Ortho as a character develops through his relationships with Idia, and we really love how big of a role Idia plays in his life. Of course, it’s obvious, because Ortho’s main purpose is to assist Idia, but the thing is, he’s always had his own agency about it. From one of his birthday vignettes we learn that Idia didn’t really want to talk to him at first when he created him, so Ortho had to analyze movies and learn how to have a proper emotional human-like dialogue, trying to find a way to approach Idia. And this “trying to find a way to approach him, trying to find a way to communicate with him, trying to make him happy” is Ortho’s entire life quest, but it’s such a dynamic quest that makes him learn a lot about himself as well. Even though Ortho only got his “heart” at the end of chapter 6, I think he developed feelings much earlier than that.
Which leads us to a very specific trope that we love in ships and media: an AI that falls in love/becomes obsessed with a person it serves. And not necessarily in a healthy or human way, since its grasp of empathy and ethics is much different from a human being’s, which makes its love weird and uncanny and yet strong and absolutely genuine. As I mentioned in one of the previous replies, the idea of AI-Ortho developing feelings for Idia, despite not being programmed to feel this way, is heartbreakingly beautiful. And this is exactly what happened to them: Idia is a genius, but he still wouldn’t be able to make AI-Ortho love him as much as he ended up loving him. So all of it is on Ortho…
Another group of tropes that we love a lot are overprotectiveness, unhealthy obsessions and yandere scenarios. And boy these two deliver when it comes to that. They are super protective over each other.
We really enjoyed Ortho’s Ignihyde Gear vignette, in which he overhears some Diasomnia students talking shit about him and Idia and tries to fry them with lasers, because being rude to Idia is an unforgivable sin to Ortho, to the point that he doesn’t even care when Trein calls him out for endangering others. He gets super upset when Trein bans him from going to classes with Idia though, and when he tells Idia about it, Idia gets furious… because how could these assholes bully Ortho, and how could Trein punish Ortho when he was only standing up for himself! The first instinct for both of them in this situation is to get back at assholes for hurting someone they care about. They worry about each other to the degree that they immediately become very antagonistic and cruel towards anyone who wrongs their loved one. And this is such a great trope for us, we love it a lot. In general, if you can describe a ship with a phrase “have you ever loved someone so much you’d want to destroy the world for them”, we’re most likely on board with it, having a mental breakdown because of how absolutely beautiful it is. And this is even a minor example, compared to everything that’s happened in chapter 6… When you look at it from the shipper point of view, the entirety of chapter 6 is so painfully romantic. (Also, even if instead of AI-Ortho we had a real Ortho, I’m pretty sure he would’ve been just as overprotective. The Shrouds are not okay.)
Another good theme of this ship is that ever since they were kids, they were all alone; all they have is each other, and that hasn’t changed even now, as the events of the game unfold. I love this bittersweet feeling of them being the only people who are capable of understanding each other in this big world, it’s such a unique (for a lot of reasons) and extremely strong bond. And it doesn’t matter which version of Ortho you take: be it the canonverse, be it an AU in which the original Ortho never died, they would still be extremely close and feel like the two of them are somewhat separated from the rest of the world. Their experience together is different, no one knows that they went through, and ships with such a great connection are always fun for us to play around with. Especially when their bond comes with a heavy baggage. A lot of things that I’ve described could be very unhealthy, and again, even if Ortho was alive, their relationship with Idia wouldn’t be all that healthy. Idia is very dependent on Ortho, he clings to him and could be pretty much helpless without him. No matter the AU(or canon), Idia always seems like someone who is filled with guilt over it, but just can’t help it. And at the same time, he might feel that Ortho has so much more to live for than to waste his life on his useless brother, and that he has to let him go. Idia is always ready to sacrifice pretty much everything about himself for Ortho, always has been, as we saw it in the flashback. The trauma, the codependence, the jealousy – all these feelings could eat Idia (or Ortho for that matter) alive, and we’ll always enjoy this type of content with them.
Also, here is a fun little bonus. Another interesting thing that I noticed and also some people pointed out as well (well, I’ve seen only one, but I’m not sure we’re the only people who noticed that) is that Ortho and Idia’s story kind of has some correlations with Hercules and Megara’s story. I am very biased because I adore Meg, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Well, Ortho does have a lot of motifs of Hercules and it’s a fact: he “goes from zero to hero”, he is being called “Monsieur Wonder” (Wonderboy), he wanted to be a hero ever since he was a child. And at the end of his arc he had an opportunity to start living a new life, true to who he is (stop pretending to be Ortho Shroud and find his own identity = joining the gods on Olympus), but ends up staying with the one he loves instead (just like Hercules stayed with Meg, because “I finally know where I belong”).
Idia is clearly based on Hades and he doesn’t let us forget it for a moment with his constant quoting, but he still has some interesting traits that resemble Meg as well. He is kinda stuck doing a job he hates (although this is true to Hades as well). And even though his backstory is very different from hers, ultimately, he is a cynical heartbroken person who is disappointed in life and doesn’t want to get hurt again, and who also has a huge soft spot for a certain wonderboy who is very genuine and kind to him, which also makes him feel deep and constant guilt. I really love this unintentional (?) crossover lol
And the last thing, If we’re being open and honest, there are also some aspects of Ortho and Idia’s relationship that hit close to home to us personally. Not the incest thing of course, but the way their dynamic works. Without diving deeper into details of our personal life, let me just say that when Ortho said that he just doesn’t want Idia to be misunderstood and mistreated by others, I felt it.
It’s funny that you, the first Anon, asked about both Ortho/Idia and Lilia/Silver, of course I know what makes these two ships similar lol, but the thing is, our attitude towards Lilia/Silver is a bit different simply because we don’t know them as well as we do Ortho and Idia. With Lilia and Silver, our feelings could basically be described as “well that would be fun/hot, wouldn’t it?”. It’s more on a sexy side of things, even though there are some deeper aspects of their relationships that we love and find interesting. The fact that we love both Lilia and Silver individually also makes them quite a nice ship. They just have a lot of potential for both cute scenarios and really really problematic, unhealthy and fucked up ones. The only reason I’m not writing a 4 page long essay on these two is because I don’t have as much to say about them… yet. Sorry, there’re so many characters in TW, and it takes a while both to get to everyone and to enjoy the ones we’re pretty confident about, so idk how long it’ll take for us to truly dive into Lilia/Silver as much as we have with Ortho/Idia.
TLDR; We love unhealthy dynamics, codependence, possessiveness and readiness to act drastically for a loved one. Ortho and Idia love each other dearly, and there is a lot of baggage and layers to their relationships, no matter which version of Ortho and Idia you take. Lilia and Silver also have a lot of potential for fun unhealthy scenarios, but they are also very hot together, and we are very self-indulgent, sooo don’t mind if we do.
And finally, let’s save all the right and healthy dynamics for real life. In fiction, it’s fun to look at things that are interesting, unusual and taboo. It’s always been this way with us; we’re just naturally drawn towards ships that have problematic elements in them, since they tend to have more potential for messed-up scenarios (and we prefer those). Even in ships with zero age gap and no family relation between the characters whatsoever, we enjoy playing with the idea of unhealthy obsessions, dependence and all this jazz.  We just really love dark media, and not only for shipping purposes.
It’s also ironic, considering the topic of this particular post, but we aren’t that into incest as a trope/kink, haven’t been at least. We’re just very open-minded when a ship grabs our attention, and this is exactly what’s been happening lately with all these couples lol
I guess that’s it? Let me know if you have any more questions, and I really hope that I managed to explain what we see in these ships properly. If this monster of a reply isn’t enough for you for some reason and you crave more of our thoughts, please read this one too…
Thank you for reading! And have a good day.
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soildmud · 1 year
i stayed awake until 5 today and woke up 3 hours later my sleep schedule is so fucked up 🧍🏽‍♀️ but WHO CARES HAHA ITS NOT LIKE IT HAS LONG TERM EFFECTS ON MY HEALTH!!! (i am dying) (i am literally sick and dying and my lack of sleep is making it worse)
anyways a few days ago i was reading babtqftim again and like… idk why but i lowkey found mickey’s relationship with boris super uncomfortable …???? idk if anyone else will agree because i’m probably just being delusional but STILL. i just found it super weird for mickey to try and just isolate/separate boris from his own brother because he has the illness like???? i mean i get that he’s like trying to protect boris or something but it was written in such a uncomfortable manner that i can’t describe.
it was weird to me because it started off as just boris meeting mickey which is awesome but then delved into something uncomfortable with mickey being all like oh my boris oh my poor baby i will protect you and remove your brother out of your life— not to mention how uncomfortable it felt for mickey to suddenly up and ask boris to join him knowing that boris would hardly be able to say no, especially with their power dynamics.
UGH IDK I SWEAR IM JUST BEING CRAZY BUT IT IS SO WILD TO ME THAT MICKEY CARED SO MUCH ABOUT THIS RANDOM KID ON SUCH AN INTIMATE LEVEL JUST BECAUSE HIS BROTHER IS SICK…. plus it just felt yucky because he already made boris feel indebted to him by allowing him to use their facilities to take care of bendy when he gets sick. ON TOP OF THAT HE KEPT TRYING TO PAMPER BORIS BY TAKING HIM OUT TO EAT AND SHIT UGHHH IDK
i am 99% sure i just read too much into the writing and characters but it just started to feel so weird to me and it only got worse when bendy starts getting suspicious of mickey which was SO valid btw idk why anybody wasnt on his side. maybe as an older sibling i relate to his perspective because if some grown ass man who is also my brother’s idol started to try and take him away so he couldn’t be around me AND started spoiling him to try and change his mind i’d be hella suspicious of the dude too.
all in all i think it was just the weird saviour complex mickey has that made me uncomfortable and also that literally nobody would validate bendy’s concerns about his 12 y/o brother’s safety 😭
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Crescent for the character ask thimg
CRESCENT. ok my mutualstie who asked abt shiho was already awakening a monster but this is like. The monster squares yk. THANK U CERI
Sexuality Headcanon: arospec lesbian. Whatever she has going on with male protagonists is just bestiehood taken to it’s utmost insanity I know it
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary her gender is girlbossery. Any pronouns but esp she
A ship I have with said character: crescent/risa raider yes i came up with this no i don’t really remember why..? I just think they’d hate each other for a while but then be like. Fuck were friends aren’t we. Oh fuck were a little more. But they don’t get any interaction which makes sense but it makes me sad. I wld like to see crescent take risa to the past and show her cool shit and I would also like to see them emphasize with each other abt wanting something that you can’t have (risa a normal life. Crescent her past life. U understand). Also her and aevia is so cute btw their designs just look so good together. I also think her/flora is so so funny bc GOD wld they hate each other
A BROTP I have with said character: her and ren i think Ren should tell her to go fuck herself and then they have an insane heart to heart about their hero complexes and try to be normal. ALSO HER AND ERIN GOD THE FACT THAT V13 ENDED WITH THEM IN THE SAME ROOM LITERALLY HAD ME INSANE FOR DAYS . crescent acts like a bitch and then Erin is like “damn girl that’s crazy. Maybe you should learn about the power of love and family” anyways they’re like. Fucjed up almost siblings to me . Also her and melia have the FUNNIEST dynamic ever I am forever thinking abt melias diary where she says how much of an emo fuck crescent is. Kanon and her shld also interact that wld be so funny.Basically I need crescent to join the melia sibling gang
A random headcanon: i think she started covering her eye to remind herself of aevia (and to be an emo fuck) and has a few other things to remind her of the other protagonists including. also she has scars like all over her.
General Opinion over said character: LITERALLY (as my friend said once) THE MOST HOMEGROWN ORGANIC GIRLBOSS OF ALL TIME. I’m so obsessed with her it’s insane like how can a character be so incredibly tragic but also so so so so SOOOOOOOO fucking funny about it . That scene at the end of v13 where she goes “..how does it feel to be ignored” LITERALLY MADE ME STAND UP AND PACE AROUND MY ROOM. I fuckjng lvoe crescent
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hanniejji · 2 years
I love your writing! The maple and Xiao with little adeptus ideas are so cute! I’m happy to see more platonic content from you
Would you mind giving some hcs on how a dynamic between a older yaksha with a younger Xiao would be like? Platonic siblings maybe? Or even when he first joins? The new yaksha family quest pulls at my heartstrings hehe
headcanons for younger adepti!xiao with older adepti!reader
[ young yaksha!xiao x older yaksha!reader]
note: had trouble making a format for this but it's too interesting to not do a little something for it! took a while but here's some hcs of what i think! :'> also, i intentionally looked away from the bottom of your second ask, no more angst for this angsty baby and me :'> | m.list
warnings: spoilers about the yakshas and mayhaps archon quest?? keep in mind that the hcs for the five (5) other yakshas here are all not confirmed too. and no proofread yolo bitches
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you're a fucking blessing to his dark world and he treasures you so much
having someone who's older and actually has braincells is exactly what xiao needs
bosacius may be the oldest and proudest of them all, but he's also a little too proud and sometimes all our alatus just wants is peace of mind and someone who can help him no he doesn't say this out loud ^^' in a toned down manner
sure, we also have menogias (according to other sources and works that include the five (5) yakshas), but he can be a little too naggy sometimes, like a very protective mom :]
what xiao needs is someone who can be on the same level of energy whilst being around him!
the calm and gentle air that surrounds you gives him a sense of peace. knowing that he's not alone in this and that he can approach you without feeling like he's a burden—which took a while to convince him btw—this propels him to literally stick right beside you. the two of you look like a mama duck with her duckling :'>
he always follows you around wherever you go! always watching and learning from your actions when interacting with the adepti and sometimes the occasional humans here and there
he crouches at the corner away from you like a grumpy kitten when you're around humans its literally so adorable to you but intimidating to others
he's still a little menace of a gremlin though…
bosacius sometimes teases him so much that you have to physically restrain him from pouncing on the laughing yaksha, shaking your head but feeling relieved that xiao's kinda getting along with the other yakshas
sometimes you have to hold him around the scruff of his shirt from behind when he's striding straight to a risky battle and just... carry him like that away from the scene
he's a little embarrassed both from being treated like that and that you have to see him like that of all people
you're the person who looks like a cinnamon roll that can kill you but won't and xiao's the cinnamon roll that can kill you and actually will >:)
you constantly worry about this boy
he may be older than humans can possibly be, but his young mind that was stolen from him by the evil god is still there within his aching soul. he lacks a single care for himself, very self-destructive (such is the fate of the yakshas, but it still worries you nonetheless), and always puts others before him no matter the situation
so you start by slowly introducing him to new things, and the first one is almond tofu :]
the sight of xiao eating snow still haunts you to this very day
you offhandedly offered the second plate of almond tofu to him, claiming that you ordered too much and it would be a waste for it to be left uneaten. the awed glimmer in his eyes when he took his first reluctant bite is still and will always be ingrained in your memory and no form of erosion or karma can take it away from you :'>
you keep ordering different foods for two, but stopped once you realized that he only likes almond tofu and nothing else
however, teaching him how to take care of himself is still an ongoing process :/
that's fine tho, you're always there to lend a hand and maybe a few scolding and flick on the forehead here and there to make some sense into that stubborn head of his
he has moments where he keeps to himself. you worry at those times the most, but you know better than to overstep his boundaries and let him come to you himself, telling him that you're always one swish of his anemo powers away before going back to your business
and sometimes, he does come to you
approaches you like a prey inching towards a potential predator who's actually a gentle soul. you allow him to do so at his own pace, sending him a reassuring smile and patting the space besides you
he sits near you, shoulders touching. soon enough, the dam will break and he slumps against you and weeps for his brothers and sisters and the lives he took. this happens more often after every disappearance of each yakshas. until there was only the two of you
two pillars supporting each other
contrary to the usual beliefs, i think he'd be more inclined to cling around you more than he usually does now that there's only the two of you left
he fears that one day, one of you would be next and the other wouldn't know how any of you met your end
he's lost almost all of his family, so he holds on tightly to you. with you, he's not the conqueror of demons or the vigilant yaksha and you're not the oldest yaksha left guarding the land with him, the pillar of balance. what the two of you are is family. a family keeping each other close and safe from all the possible things that can take the both of you away from each other
and no karmic debt can stop the both of you from purging everything that threatens the bond you have
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Beauty, Brains, and Brawn
Was just talking about this with a mutual and I think the Beauty, Brains, and Brawn dynamic could apply to the other sets of siblings as well. 
For PB&J I think that Julieta, Bruno, and Pepa would be the Beauty, Brains, and Brawn respectively. Julieta is the OG Senorita Perfecta, her gift involves the calming nurturing trait of healing, she plays a motherly role akin to a housewife, etc.. Bruno’s gift gives him immense knowledge of those who come to him for his prophecies, and his powers are sensory as well(not that I think he’s smarter than his sisters but still). Pepa is obviously the brawn. Please do not try arguing with me on this, she is obviously the brawn. She strikes me as the toughest of the triplets and is loud, assertive, and explosive with her emotions, and her gift itself reflects this by being arguably the most dangerous one. 
For the Afrolatine siblings and this one is probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I’d have to say that Camilo is the Beauty, Dolores is the Brains, and Antonio is the Brawn. I know, but here me out. Camilo’s gift is all about appearance, particularly when he shapeshifts into hot people like Mariano. He’s also shown to be kind and nurturing like Julieta and takes a maternal instinct towards children in the opening song of the movie...also just like Julieta. Plus with his identity crisis and theatre kid persona, he’s always projecting a version of himself that he thinks other people will find the most appealing instead of his real, ugly flaws(and Beauty is often seen as the most “shallow” or useless of the three...). I mean it was literally a concept of him originally that the cute-looking boy we see throughout the movie was just another disguise of his(I’m glad they scrapped this btw? It was far too damn depressing even if this movie was for adults, just...no. Worse than Bubo and Princesa istg.). He strikes me as the type to think he has to be happy all the time because no one wants to see a sad face, similar to how Pepa was raised, maybe he learned it from her(as in, seeing how she was treated by Pepa, no way am I blaming her for this!). But maybe that’s just me. 
As for Dolores, similar to Bruno(wow, like uncle, like niece!), she has a sensory gift and has knowledge on everybody in the village. It also makes the most sense for her to be the Brains of the three when you really think about it, after all, she’s the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in New York City is insidious, she is forced to make a lot of difficult decisions due to her gift, such as deciding what is relevant to tell people and what is better off left under the wraps. She had to keep Bruno’s secret all these years because she knew the reaction would be terrible with the entire town hating him and even his own sister wanting to forget he exists. She had to tell everybody(well Camilo who then told Felix and then it became a game of telephone lol) that Mirabel found Bruno’s vision because that was a secret that NEEDED to be revealed to the rest of the family so as to warn them instantly! She’s also really skilled at having to censor and block out certain sounds, which must take a lot of hard work and mental fortitude to do, especially from the tender age of five. And let’s not forget that it’s her knowledge of Mariano that allowed her to win his love(and make my OTP happen). 
Antonio is self-explanatory. He might be physically much weaker than Dolores and even Camilo(I mean he’s five unless he had Luisa’s gift the alternative would be embarrassing for anybody more than two years older than him lmao.), but his gift more than makes up for that. He’d never actually do it of course, but he COULD send his jaguar after you and maul you to death...or you could ignore this and say that he doesn’t control his animals, he just talks to them, and this is just Aisha being crazy. 
Idk Isabela, Mirabel, and Luisa helped me to realize that I love the Beauty, Brains, and Brawn trope and trio/group tropes in general lol. But even if it’s not intended, I still think it could apply to those other than the three sisters. Such as the other sibling units. What do you think? 
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kueruzu · 3 years
You like talking about AUs right? Would you perhaps be interested in talking about an AU in which Asura never became the kishin (or some other circumstance where he'd be around) and Kid got to grow up with a big brother? (This is of course with the idea that he doesn't become evil or anything)
For some reason I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of big brother Asura, I feel like the two of them would have a neat dynamic. Like, they both deal with similar issues (Asura's fear and Kid's order/symmetry) that I think they could relate on and it makes me wonder how they'd deal with each other if they were close.
Anyways speaking of AUs I also wanted to ask what your favorite AU idea is :) Love your blog btw
Asura & Death The Kid sibling headcanons:
Asura is born in a different way so he’ll never become a full shinigami technically. He has almost the same power as a full Shinigami but Lord Death didn’t die!
So he lives with Lord Death throughout the years and helps him run stuff. Eventually Lord Death thinks he should pass on his title properly and while he would love to give it to Asura, he can’t really do that if he’ll never be a proper shinigami.
He talks about it with Asura and he takes it surprisingly well and eventually Death the Kid comes to the scene and Asura is e c s t a t i c to have a younger sibling to teach and help.
When Kid is young, Asura stays with him at the mansion. Shinigami develop way quicker along with their abilities so by age 3 he’s super ahead most kids his age.
Asura keeps him from death and all that funky stuff as a toddler. They tend to have conversations that are the cutest.
“Why are you so tall?” “I’m older.” “Older? How can I be older?” “You can’t be older?” “Father says to never say can’t.” “K-Kid I can’t explain this well…”
When he starts school, Asura takes him to school. He walks him, makes his lunch, etc.
When Death gets too busy and Kid is older, Asura takes Kid out to have sibling outings. They go to the park and mess around on the jungle gym, Asura gently flicks him in the back of the head while calling him, “half-head” when passing by, he picks him up and makes fun of him in front of his friend, messes up his hair just to fuck with him, etc.
When Liz and Patty come into the picture and Kid doesn’t depend on him as much, Asura feels a bit deserted.
But the first time Kid has a whole panic and Liz nor Patty can’t help, Asura calms him down and his faith is restored in himself. He teaches Liz & Patty how to help more and they all become like a little family/found family.
When friends come over, Asura is a d i c k. He bullies Kid jokingly and pokes fun at his friends.
Asura is off-put by Maka and her chops that resemble his fathers.
Asura gets a long with Soul extremely well.
BlackStar confuses Asura by merely existing.
Tsubaki is the only one Asura has literally no preference of. Not because he can’t read her, but because he can read her personality too well and he doesn’t know what to do with it.
I may add more— But— That’s what I can think of for now—
I make AU’s— I love my AU’s— I have this au where Maka ends up betraying the DWMA and a bunch of bs happens but I have no discernible plot for it.
BUT MY FAVORITE IS MY MUSIC AU— I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED BUT NO MOTIVATION TO WRITE FULL FICS— Like, it’s a modern au in a DWMA music school with the main cast as performing arts students.
Please, I am begging, give me motivation to write stuff for it. Or even ask for headcanons— I can even give a list of my random af aus—
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