#I’m just very gay and craving something but will not be doing anything about it
latenightsleeper · 11 months
I keep on thinking about the intimacy of lighting another person’s cigarette with yours
The smoke filling your lungs and dancing past your lips as the other person tries to light their cig, watching how they mutter a soft curve under their breath as they sigh. Brows furrowed as you watch the lines and wrinkles of their face deepen, they go and turn to you, probably going to ask for a light from you or to take a puff from your cigarette but you’re faster, smoother, more..teasing perhaps
Closing the distance between you and them, reaching with a carefully controlled hand. Cupping the back of their head and neck, guiding them even closer to you as the orange glow of the cherry of your cigarette illuminated the small space between the two of you.
There are questions in their eyes, surprise, shock, a dull growth of somewhat akin to hunger as they watch you. Leaning closer and bumping the lit end of your cigarette with their unlit one, breathing in and tasting the smoke in your mouth as it fills your lungs. The glow of the cherry dampening for a moment before it grows, the fire catching on their cigarette as smoke wafts between both of your faces. Smoke acting almost like a veil between the two of you as you part.
Smoke dancing away like you as they stand, embers growing and catching fire more and more, smoke and fire. Smoke and fire should be a warning but you can’t help but play as you blow smoke in their face with a grin.
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AITA for asking my boyfriend to stop watching porn?
This is pretty simple tbh. NSFW mentions of porn, sex, and masturbation.
I am a transgender man and struggle a lot with sexual intimacy. I don’t think I’m on the ace spectrum, I just have a lot of insecurities and dysphoria that I’m working through. I still crave sexual intimacy, I just get very anxious about it. My boyfriend is understanding but a little pushy at times because he’s got a high sex drive. He doesn’t do it on purpose and backs off when I tell him to. Important to mention that my boyfriend is cis. So, because of this, my boyfriend usually takes care of himself. I help out whenever I feel comfortable.
Recently, we somehow started talking about porn and hentai (don’t remember the context of the conversation) and I asked him what he does when he takes care of himself. He said he watches porn, which I was surprised to hear but it makes sense because he has aphantasia. So, he can’t really imagine me or anything. Sometimes he uses my photos, but he said he needs some movement. At first I was fine with it, but then he mentioned that he only watches straight porn.
Now, I know my reaction was out of line, because I started crying and calling him an asshole for watching straight porn when he’s dating a trans guy. He’s pansexual, so he can really watch any kind of porn he wants, but I just started freaking out for some reason.
He kept telling me that there was no good gay stuff or ftm stuff, which is just straight up not true. There’s plenty of ftm nsfw content, but when I mentioned that, he said it felt weird and fetishistic.
I told him it hurts me when he watches straight porn, he said that’s stupid and he needs something to get off to. Fair enough but it still hurts me. There’s just something about me trying so hard to get past my anxiety and dysphoria so we can finally be intimate with each other and him blatantly disrespecting my gender identity that hurts like hell.
Plus, every time I suggested we do something that I’m into, he shot me down. I’m a bit of a kinkier guy and he’s very vanilla, despite insisting that he’s into the same stuff as me. I 100% respect his boundaries and never brought it up again. But I don’t think it’s fair that he won’t even try stuff with me that might make intimacy more enjoyable for me and then goes and watches straight porn. I keep trying to make our sex live work and he can’t even be bothered to figure out ftm bodies. Idk.
I talked to an online friend and they called me biphobic.
Am I out of line for trying to tell him what kind of porn to watch? Am I overreacting?
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nqueso-emergency · 12 days
they’re taking the latest interview with tim (just came out) as confirmation of bucktommy breaking up and eddie realizing he’s gay…
-tim says not a lot of time has passed between s7&s8, so not a whole lot has changed. he, however, says bt are definitely more comfortable together and he’d definitely say they’re a couple.
-then he said that both like spending time with eddie, but with being a couple, eddie might be a bit left out. and how buck, now that he’s in a relationship, doesn’t have as much free time as before.
-tim also explains that for the first time, eddie can get to know who he is outside of a father, a husband and a soldier.
what they took from this:
-they’ve confirmed eddie will be jealous of bucktommy, that he won’t like being with them and will feel jealous of not having buck’s time and attention (ala 704 i suppose). eddie getting to know himself obviously means he’s realizing he’s gay and thus, coming out.
what i took from this:
-this is a new development in the buddie friendship. buck will prioritize his relationship, as he wants to keep building on it, and eddie will, it anything, feel left out because all of his close friends are happily coupled up and have a very decent idea of who they are. he’s the odd one out this time.
-buck and tommy are more comfortable with each other and want to spend more time together. they’re okay with spending some of it with eddie but they also want to spend time alone, as couples do. maybe buck makes a clear move on this that defines moving on the difference between his friendships and relationship.
-to me, if anything, it means another new step for buck towards that mature relationship he’s been craving for years. i HIGHLY doubt this will turn into: oh i am dumping tommy because eddie is on his own. which imo is confirmed by:
-eddie spends more time on his own and gets to know himself better. because i am pretty sure he won’t be jealous, or mad, and will realize he just needs to work on himself and let buck have the happiness he so much deserves.
-also, please let’s stop with the whole ‘getting to know yourself better is realizing you’re gay’. that’s incredibly bizarre to say. everyone has a moment where they have to get to know themselves better, to be alone and reflect on who they are - me, personally, i moved abroad all on my own when i was barely nineteen. i got to know a whole lot about myself in ways i had never imagined, but one thing i did not is realize i am gay, simply because i’m not.
eddie has a lot of trauma. a lot of things to work through. he’s been a father 99% of his adult life. getting to know himself better ≠ realizing he’s gay.
but. alas. they’re gonna take this and run and pretend this is buddie confirmation just because tim doesn’t want to outright say what will happen.
also cannot help but wonder if this is one of the things you told us they’d get but not deserve
I really love the way you laid everything out anon!!
I'd like to think maybe Eddie doesn't like going home to an empty house, which is fair, and maybe he just tends to invite himself out with Tommy and Buck but not out of jealousy more just because these are his people. And I hope he either picks up on the awkwardness or Buck says something because boundaries are important.
And then I hope maybe Buck reaches out to Bobby, who reaches out to Eddie. Or maybe Eddie just reaches our to Bobby himself, idk. I just need them (the writers) to handle this whole situation in a mature, healthy way.
It's important to a lot of people.
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ryuichirou · 25 days
Some replies!
About some random stuff (twst related or not), plus a longer one about AzuIde Marriage AU.
Anonymous asked:
First TreyRid and now RookVil, Ryu do you wanna kill me?? I'm so weak for the "queen/their knight" ships (those two precisely), thank you thank you thank you, your art is amazing as always 🙏
Hehe I’m sorry, Anon! Please survive so I can keep harassing you with my drawings!
I always feel like we post these two ships all the time, but I guess I’m just delusional?? But luckily, there are a lot of sketches of them that we’d like to finish and post one day, so you’ll definitely see more of them eventually.
Thank you for your kind words <3
Anonymous asked:
I love the random Stich figure amidst all those anime boys
He is my favourite anime boy, Anon 🥰
The figure is pretty old, but I’ve been thinking about starting to collect more Stitch figures lately lol We’ve been having a lot of cursed Stitch-related discussions…
But still, there are just so many cute ones. Like this one for example.
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Anonymous asked:
What do you think about the headcanon of Demisexual Killua Zoldyck? So many people get defensive saying he could only be gay, but you're more open minded, so I wanted to know your opinion!
We don’t headcanon characters’ sexualities, so I don’t have an opinion about it. Sorry.
Anonymous asked:
What do we think of old Vil??
Sexy grandpa!
Jokes aside, I really love this segment, and I love how they made Vil’s beauty “fade away” without really holding back much; I think it was important to convey the point. I still want to draw him being a stylish sexy old grandpa one day though lol
Anonymous asked:
As someone who was constantly getting crushes on my teachers/professors, the TWST fandom needs more student x teacher ships
You are absolutely right, Anon. Crushing on your teacher/professor is a very real thing, and channeling that feeling through characters or just imagining them going through something like that is so much fun.
I think a lot of students have a crush on Crewel, but for a lot of them it’s just Stockholm Syndrome lol He is so strict that when he suddenly compliments his student, they begin to melt… I think Deuce suffered from that once or twice, this poor boy.
Anonymous asked:
In relation to the question about the marriage au, I noticed that you said that Azul was crazy about Idia. Is there a reason he’s like this but Idia isn’t? Does Azul like Idia more than he likes him and, if so, was it always like this? Or did this happen in time?
Like I mentioned in another reply about them, Azul has more to gain from their relationship than Idia, and he himself rationalises this obsession by thinking that Idia is his golden ticket, his door to a lot of opportunities, power and wealth. Getting married to Idia is such a check-mate to him that he is very possessive over Idia… all of that is true, of course, but not the only reason why Azul feels the way he does.
Azul did end up falling in love with Idia overtime because underneath all of his greed and ambition, Azul really wants companionship and genuinely enjoys being with Idia and spending time with him. He enjoyed playing boardgames with him, enjoyed solving puzzles with him, he enjoyed all of these things and he has a big soft spot for Idia that he doesn’t want to acknowledge properly. He doesn’t even think that he needs to because Idia is already his spouse, how closer could two people get? And yet, Azul craves for more, for something that he can’t quite buy with money – for Idia to be genuinely in love with him as much as he is in love with Idia. This is something that happens deep inside Azul’s heart, mind you, but it does affect the way he acts.
Idia is very aware that Azul mainly sees him as an investment, not even a business partner or anything, and he doesn’t really mind that because he never really wanted to be anything more than that, but this could also be one of the reasons Idia wouldn’t allow himself to get more invested in their relationship, and wouldn’t allow his own feelings for Azul to blossom as much as Azul’s did. There is a disconnect between them that prevents them from being vulnerable with each other and committing to being an actual couple… and none of them really think that this is something that they genuinely want or need. Whatever they have, it works, so they keep being together like that.
Sigh, these two…
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Konoha 12 with Children Going Through the Same Trauma They Did
Tags/Warnings: Body Image Issues, Grief, Mental Health Topics, Reader Insert, No Reader Pronouns, Mild Physical Abuse (Sorry Sasuke would punt you)
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𓆃 Choji - Body Image
Easily the best at knowing what to say. He’s been struggling with his body image his entire life and has a wonderful grasp on what health specific to his clan looks like.
Choji strives to make topics surrounding weight and body shape normal and neutral in the household, so if you're asking about weight, it’s because some other stupid kid said something.
You are always reminded of your spirit, skills, and capacity for kindness rather than your looks.
Choji ensures that your home is a positive and safe place to talk about anything.
𓆃 Hinata - Finding a Voice
Hinata has always been a very patient person and knows how hard it is to break out of one’s shell. As a parent, she provides a space for you to be heard and to feel safe.
Hinata believes that you can’t force things when it comes to your growth and tries to nurture you until you have the strength to do it on your own.
Not to say that she doesn’t give a little push now and then. Hinata herself always regretted the amount of time it took for her to take chances and be vulnerable with friends, so she gives gentle nudges and reassurance when she can.
𓆃 Ino - Normalcy and Loss
A part of Ino always wanted to be a normal girl. There was a balance between civilian life and shinobi life that she couldn’t quite strike, especially when responsibility was thrust onto her so young.
She’ll want to go out with you often, whether it’s getting sweet drinks, getting your nails painted, asking for the friend-group gossip, or other fun activities. 
A part of her craves getting more of those experiences in her youth, but she very much wants you to have those experiences for yourself and to have a consistent parent who “gets you.”
She definitely tries too hard at times— it’s embarrassing sometimes— but she means well.
𓆃 Kiba - Bein’ a Guy
Kiba always had a loud bark, but when it came down to it, he didn’t meet all the goals he intended to meet. 
Being the energetic guy he is, he will be rooting for you from day one. Sometimes, you feel he gets more excited about projects and accomplishments than you. 
Kiba is always celebrating you and always bragging about you. He’s proud of you that you have goals— big or small— but more than anything, he wants you to live your life in a way that makes you happy.
If you’re happy, Kiba is dragging you out for celebratory ice cream.
𓆃 Lee - Bullying and Inadequacy 
Ehm. I mean, he means well?
You see, Gai took a very tough love approach with Lee meaning that Lee thinks if you push hard enough, you’ll find fulfillment... and that’s not for everyone. 
He’s also not great with his words. Every so often, he’ll say something encouraging, but sometimes he’s just emotionally clueless. 
If anything, you’ll always be celebrated for your uniqueness and what makes you you. 
Lee genuinely wants only what’s best for you; his pure intentions are always clear. 
𓆃 Naruto - Isolation
Poor Naruto, seeing you isolated would probably make him so sad. And angry, for that matter! Naruto isn’t above punting some jerk kid who made you mad (which probably isn’t great for the Hokage).
He’s a little goofy in the sense that he’ll probably take an over-interest in the things you enjoy. He’ll insist that you do things that interest you together.
He’s also really into pep talks and giving unsolicited advice (that probably isn’t really that great).
Naruto would totally give you pocket money to enjoy a meal if he’s busy.
𓆃 Neji - Unfair Family Dynamic
Well, first of all, Neji isn’t letting this happen. 
I’m struggling to write a headcanon because Neji wouldn’t allow this. He wouldn’t allow the secondary-branch stuff to happen.
He’d be a fierce advocate for you, even before birth. But Neji is such a grumpy dad. The affection is there; it’s just through action.
He’s also not very good with words, so the affirmation is straightforward, but he would go to war for you.
𓆃 Sakura - Inadequacy
Your two best friends are also gods, huh? Sakura knows how that is, and she’s probably picked up on it before you tell her. 
She’s reticent about things and always seems to tell you exactly what you need at that moment. Sakura is very encouraging, helping you problem-solve to figure out what your strengths and passions are.
She suggests that you pursue those, admiring your accomplishments, whether big or small.
𓆃 Sasuke - Having your family murdered in front of your very own eyes Going Down a Troubled Path
Yikes. Don’t go down a Troubled Path ™ while Sasuke is around.
I’m sorry. If you tried to leave the village, Sasuke wouldn’t be above punting you. I’m just the messenger.
Sasuke would be there for you, or at least try to, but as another shinobi who’s not great with words, he’d usually end up looming. 
Maybe there are times when he can see your anger, and you can achieve a nice, quiet moment with him, but Sasuke will drag you out of darkness no matter what it takes.
𓆃 Shikamaru - Losing a Sensei
Shikaku knew best, and that’s what Shikamaru does with you. He’s straight to the point, not very into hugs or anything like that, but he does have an eye on you emotionally. 
Shikamaru already knows, and he drives straight to the point, unarming you so that you have a space to feel your grief. 
𓆃 Shino - Losing a Sibling-like Person
Another quiet Dad. He just wants what’s best for you too. 
It’s all about the memories and the momentos. Shino would encourage you to cope and heal at your own rate but not forget the person important to you.
Shino would be there with you in your grief but ensure the focus remained on you. You would have space, and Shino would show his love and support through small gestures. 
𓆃 Tenten - Bein’ a Gal
Tenten stuck a nice balance in her life, and she wants to pass that on to you too! Maybe you’re not the flashiest ninja in your grade, but Tenten is already working with you on a strategy on how to improve that thing you like!
Never for a second has Tenten treated you like something to be overlooked. Anything you want to do, you do!
Zero hesitation. Mention one idea to her; she’s already helping you put it in motion. To her, there’s nothing worth overlooking in the first place.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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jewishregulus · 3 months
wait no i need to hear more about jewish regulus pleaseeee, enough with the catholic guilt
i think people always default to catholic imagery and aesthetics in media bc they think it is a safe religion to play with and or just view it as like a default option which really hurts my soul . this isn’t particularly regulus related but like jewish vampires jewish southern gothic etc etc all have such huge potential . and it feels really disingenuous everytime i read abt just how aesthetic and cool catholicism or whatever is …. i’m sorry but judaism has just as much media potential: people simply don’t care enough to represent us . this is why these violent delights (pauljulian book not the other one) will always win . i feel like many gay dark academia books fall back on like religious guilt (catholic edition) that it was such a refreshing read to see it not only explored w jewish people but patrilineal jewish people as well. truly my favorite book ever for this reason
focusing on regulus now : i view regulus as a very religious person : i think he has a positive relationship with religion and the concept that there is something out there that loves him no matter what: that the unconditional love he craves does exist , and he doesn’t need to do anything to work for it . i really think finds joy in more mystical elements of judaism as he grows , i think he’d wear a evil eye and a kabbalah bracelet and just genuinely feel at ease practicing jewish magic . i think his favorite holiday would be yom kippur bc of the sheer joy he feels being so connected to hashem. and being able to reflect and atone for what he is done and receive forgiveness would be very healing for him! i think religion is a main difference for sirius and regulus, as i hc sirius to not be religious, but their culture is connecting them. sirius may not be religious but he IS jewish, and their practices and beliefs still float through them. judaism is not just a religion but a family almost . i feel deeply connected to jewish strangers knowing we have this cultural connection. i think regulus would feel that way too!! plus i think the black family would be very ashamed of their identity, and attempt to hide it out of fear in a similar way wizards hide their identities bc they fear muggles. i think regulus learning to embrace his identity is very key to him healing from the black family. i think he can make some mean latkes and matzah ball soup and he doesn’t play around abt his bagels . i think he’s a gefilte fish liker!!!! sorry!! he’s on team applesauce on latkes and he thinks if you use sour cream you should die . sirius uses sour cream. he’s got a jewish american princess vibe . he’s my cousin i love him to death!! plus i think there is something to be said abt tattoos being normally frowned upon in jewish culture and regulus taking the dark mark . a sacrifice to his identity put upon him by his parents who already wish to hide and erase this part of their family out of shame and fear . (not saying his parents forced him to take the mark this is just not the post where i analyze regulus taking the mark and his parents role in it.)
ps. this is also why i hc regulus’ favorite color as purple, bc purple often symbolizes redemption/atonement in jewish culture !!
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m2ok · 2 years
Simon “Ghost” Riley Headcannons
Simon Riley X M!Reader
A/N: the man, the myth, the legend. His time has come and he won’t be spared from my gay agenda.
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I’m so sorry y’all, but he would not be easy to get with. I think the only way you’d be able to even attract him was if you were part of the 141 task force.
It would take a very long time to even be his friend. He’s not a very trusting person especially of new people, and he would be wary of you at first. He’d do a thorough background check himself to make sure you wouldn’t comprise the team.
It would start with him trusting you as a teammate, just as he does the other men. Eventually you’d lead up to some light banter with him through comms on missions, dumb little jokes exchanged that neither of you laughed at but still found amusing.
I think it would take legitimate years to get to the point of dating him. He’d be very hesitant about getting into a romantic relationship with you. He’s just been closed off for so long it’s not something he ever put much thought into.
Not gonna lie I think he’d be in denial about his sexuality. I don’t think he would be homophobic because I genuinely think he does not care about that kind of thing, but I think he’d have trouble coming to terms with himself liking other guys.
The beginning would definitely have its issues. I don’t think he would be a cold or uncaring lover, I mean he’d have to care for you very deeply to even entertain a relationship, but he would be terrible with communicating anything.
He doesn’t really understand his own feelings so trying to navigate that and your own would overwhelm him at first. Lots of late night talks about how you should go about this and how to make the relationship work.
When things finally settled down and you fell into a nice rhythm he’d start with the actual romance aspect of your relationship.
Absolutely no pda whatsoever, but alone in one of your rooms? He’d be all over you. He hasn’t felt human touch that was soft and kind and gentle in so long and now that he finally has it he finds it hard to let go.
He likes holding you in his arms, completely engulfing you with himself because he wants to protect you and he knows that if you’re wrapped up in him nothing can harm you.
Since he’s not great at communicating he would talk through his actions. He would make you a cup of tea/coffee in the morning just the way you like it, he’d wash your clothes when he did his own just to help you out a little, bring you water if he noticed you hadn’t had enough that day. Just small, simple things to show you that he loves you.
Please tell him you’re proud of him, that he’s come so far and that he’s a good man. He loves words of affirmation especially from you. He grew up never really getting that so now he subconsciously craves it as an adult. He just wants to know he’s doing a good job.
I don’t think he would outwardly blush or get flustered, but he’d feel it inside like his heart beat would get louder and he’d look away from you.
Showed you his face before he showed the rest of the team. You were probably just lounging around one night, cuddling on the couch with your legs in his lap and his hands on your thighs. Talking about whatever you did that day when he’d reach up and just pull it over.
He was nervous that you didn’t like what you saw since you were quiet for a good number of seconds, and he immediately started preparing himself for you ending the relationship.
So when you reached over and cupped his face like he was made of porcelain he was shocked. Eyes all wide and staring into yours as you took in every feature of his face. The few freckles, the scars, the light stubble, even his little dimples. You were committing all of it to memory.
“You’re so….” You were at a loss for words and that once again terrified him. What if you decided after looking at him long enough that you didn’t like him?
“Pretty. Handsome. The most breathtaking person I’ve ever seen” he’d absolutely melt in your arms. Wouldn’t let you go for the rest of the night.
He’s not a good kisser. I’m so sorry but this man is so out of practice and awkward with it. He’s a quick learner, though, and he’d catch on to what you like quickly and adapt to that.
Loves kissing you. Doesn’t even have to be on the lips, though that’s one of his favorites. Foreheads kisses are also on the top tier list for him especially if you’re shorter than him. It’s just easy access.
If you’re taller than him he’ll grab you by the collar and yank you down to kiss your forehead anyways. Either way it’s getting a lil smooch every hour on the hour.
Before you came along he thought he would just stay in the military until he eventually died, but with you being around he found that he has more to live for now than just his job. He wants to settle down with you eventually, though not anytime soon.
He wants to live in a nice little house with you far away from civilization. I think this man would thrive with a small farm. It would keep him busy everyday and give just a bit more purpose to his life, plus I don’t think he’d do well with no work to do after he leaves the military.
I cant see him being extremely good with woodworking like Price is, but I think he’d be able to do simple things like shelves, maybe a night stand or a small cabinet.
I think if he took up any sort of woodwork it would be whittling. I can see him sitting outside on the porch, in an old beat up wooden rocking chair carving a little animal out of a piece of wood and his favorite pocket knife. The little critters would be all over your house and he’d carve the both of you out of your favorite animals to keep on the table.
All in all I think it would take a very long time to get with him and to fully adjust into a relationship, but once it does he’s just a gentle, loving man.
As always, requests are open.
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angeldustthewhore · 2 months
Reposting this without the fancy promo picture:
Hazbin Hotel is my current hyperfixation so I figured I'd try and break into the role play scene on this site. 🤗
For obvious reasons, be 21+ ONLY. Mun is 25+ themselves. MINORS DNI. 🤬
Other than being of the legal age to consume alcohol in the United States, my ideal writing partner would be someone who enjoys writing dark and/or dead dove subjects. And although it isn't an absolute necessity to write with me, I do find that when the plot is vanilla for too long I tend to get bored and lose interest. I crave drama. 🔥
I'm happy to write any type of relationship between our characters, be that familial, friends, romantic, enemies, etc. if you can dream it, we can write it. 🌈
I do enjoy writing ERP, but we don’t have to include that if it makes you uncomfortable. I will never ask you to write anything that triggers you, period. I’m also always more than willing to do a ‘fade to black,’ moment. If you do choose to do an ERP with me, by default I tend to make Angel a bratty sub. I can and will write him as a top, but it is not my preference to do so. 😌
As far as ships go, I am willing to write just about any MxM ship. I love huskerdust and fluff but TW: I am also a proshipper. I ship incest ships like AngelNiss and fucked up ones like ValAngel. I understand that most people find those types of ships repulsive, so I will always use the appropriate tags when posting content of them so that you can block that content out, but my feed is for me, not you. If that’s a deal breaker for you then I am very sorry, but I can’t stop being me, babes. 🤷‍♀️
I won't personally write Angel as being in a romantic or sexual relationship with a female character because he is canonically gay and I want to respect his sexuality, but if you do that, more power to ya. 🌸
I actually enjoy writing some of the more taboo and weird stuff including dead dove topics such as: incest, mpreg, age gaps, gender swaps, futas, dubcon, noncon, and so on and so forth. So if you want to rp something but you’re afraid of it coming off as strange, please don’t be afraid to reach out. The worst I can say is no, right? ✨
Stylistically, I’d say I tend to write lazy lit or maybe semi-lit to lit depending on my mood. I will always give you multiple paragraphs per reply, written in the third person. But I am willing to match reply length. Working on becoming novella, but I don't think I'm there yet tbh. 😅
If you’re interested in writing with me, drop a like or DM me and let’s start hitching some kind of plot together! 💙
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graciegoeskrazy · 10 months
Hey i was wondering if you could do a matty fic where his daughter comes out as trans to him and the boys? Or if you are not comfortable writing for trans people like just coming out as gay?
figure my heart out
Matty Healy + Queer!Teen!Daughter!reader
Warnings: coming out, a lil yelling
A/N: Hi!!! Okay so I was writing something similar but then I put it down but then I saw this request and RAN TO MY COMPUTER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE ASNCONTINUED WRITING BCUZ I GOT EXCITED. A sorry and thank you to the anon who requested this! I felt like I wouldn’t do it justice if I did it with transreader and as a bisexual with a similar coming out experience this was easy peasy lol. None the less i love and appreciate you and I hope u enjoy! I really really really really really like this one and I’m proud of how it turned out. Enjoy!
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The epitome of a perfect night. Driving in your girlfriends new convertible with the top down while blasting Lana Del Ray and giggling and smiling like nothing else in the world matters became a wonderful feeling of pure bliss. You wish you could stay in that moment forever. Endless talking about the things the people who piss you off in school talk about, or airing out your problems to her because sometimes it feels as if she is the only one who listens. There was no one word for that feeling. All you knew is that you craved it. You needed it like a an IV through your arm, supplying nothing but joy and love into your life. You didnt just need her but she needed you too.
Yes it was a secret, but it was a beautiful one, Sure, sometimes you wanted nothing more than to parade through town with your hands intertwined and boat to everyone around you that she was your girlfriend, but this secret needed to stay hidden. Not just for her, but for you too. You were n stranger to the things your father has said online. He was Matty Healy, if the guy wasnt known for his music, he was for sure known as the man who makes homophobic jokes on stage everynight to a sold out crowd. The man has been cancelled and apoloized more times than you could count. Even though everytime he says he’s not against anything of the sort - ad you whole heartidly believed that - would it be different because you were his daughter? Some days that thought was just a quiet whisper in your head, and some days that voice grew louder until it grew loud enough to keep you up at night. But you always came to the same conclusion. He would love you no matter what…right?
Any and all thoughts surrounding it came nowhere near crossing your mind while you were at your girlfriends. After singing your hearts out and getting lost but not caring at all on the drive, you both decided to head back to her place since her tank was running low. It was there you fell asleep in her arms. Not thinking. Not caring. Not paying attention to anyone else in the world but her. And most definitely not thinking about you 11 pm curfew.
To June’s parents, you were just a friend sleeping over. A best buddy who helped their daughter get through her high school years. Nothing more than a nice, kind, good girl with good morals. And that was true. They just didn't know about the part where you make out with their daughter every time you’re under their roof. Same with you dad. They were downstairs, absolutely clueless of what was happening above them when a loud flush they made woke you up. You jolted awake and as a result of sleeping so close to your girlfriend, woke her up too. The blaring light on your phone read 1:07.
You scrambled out of bed and started packing up your bag without saying a word to June.
“What’s happening?” She said, still half asleep.
You turned to her, suddenly becoming more gentle. “Go back to bed. I missed my curfew, my dad doesn’t know I’m here. If I don’t leave he’s gonna get suspicious as to why slept over during a study session.”
She smiled at you, pulling you in for a kiss. “You’re just a very determined student.”
You fell into the kiss, and let go with a smile. “Bye.” You said. She winked and watched you walk out the door. “Text me when you get home please.”
You turned back and winked, shutting the door.
The drive to your house was uneventful. Yeah sure, you missed your curfew, but it wasn't like your dad was the type of helicopter parent to make sure you were home exactly by 11. You hadn't even received a call or message asking you where you were. If anything he was probably fast asleep along with the other members of the band. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
When you walked into the flat you shared with your dad and your uncles, it was dead silent. You could hear the silent snores coming from Mayhem on the dog bed in the living room and the crickets outside. You were in the clear. You walked very carefully heading up to your room. Before you could even make it to the 2nd step. You heard a voice. Stern and loud.
“Y/n Healy.”
It was your father. Of fucking-course. As you slowly turned around you were met with him standing in the dining-kitchen area. A light turned on and revealed his full frame along with Ross, George, Adam, Carly, and Jamie. All sitting down at the table except for your dad, standing above them all. He slowly walked towards you as you stood still staring at him. You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath, followed by a “Shit.”
“Where were you?” Your dad asked sternly. To which you replied, “Nowhere.” It was clear he was PISSED. He only spoke twice and it was evident you were in for something. He never spoke this way. Never to you at least. Until now. He raised his eyebrows, giving you a second chance. You sighed again, looking down and toying with your fingers. “I was with June.” You said shyly.
“Tell me the truth.” He said. His tone softened just a hair.
“That is the truth-“
“Tell me the whole truth.”
You dad knew you like the back of his hand. You were him. A literal miniature version of Matty Healy. Therefore he knew when you were lying. Not that you did it often, you were a very trustworthy kid. Never lied, never got grounded. (Ok so maybe not a literal miniature Matty)
You shrugged, “I was just with June.”
He raised his voice again, “Stop lying to me, y/n.”
“I’m not lying!” You raised your voice this time.
“Your hand twitches every time you lie.”
You were taken aback. Shit, I thought I grew out of that. You just scoffed. “No, it doesn’t.”
Adam spoke up and pointed to your hand and it’s movements. “Boom. Twitch.” You gave him a look.
Matty ignored him and stayed locked in on you. “In all of your years of existence on this earth, you’ve never lied to me.” He said, a little more gentler this time.
“And, I’m still not. I’m telling the truth-”
“But you’re not telling me the full truth.” He was very good at this whole parenting thing. He put his hands on your shoulders. You didn’t reply, just sighed and looked down. After a moment, he continued. “You’re grounded.” You head shot up. He walked back to the kitchen and started refilling his drink. You followed in suite.
“What! For what?”
“For lying.”
“I’m not lying! I’ve never even been grounded in my life.”
He shrugged, “There’s a first time for everything.”
You could not believe what you were hearing. “C'mon Dad! George, help me out.”
George was ethier high of drunk or both because he seemed to be enjoying this little argument way to much. “I’m on his side for this one, babe.” He said.
“What?! You guys, I'm not lying.” You said, gesturing to the group.
“You’ll be ungrounded when you tell me where you were.” Your dad said from the kitchen.
“I was with June! How many times do I have to say that?!”
“Doing what?”
Your eyes widened and you stuttered a bit. The group must have noticed because that to them was a giveaway that something more was going on than you cared to share for. “Nothing! We were just hanging out!”
“Your hand twitched again.” Adam yelled.
You turned to fully face him again. “I’m about to murder you.” You said.
You dad came back around and with a solum look, but a hand over your shoulder. “Look, I’m not gonna get mad. Whatever you’re hiding, it’s not worth getting grounded over. Tell me what’s going on - the truth - and all let you go. Okay?”
You couldn’t do it. There were so many possibilities of what could happen from this moment on. None of which you wanted to explore. You rolled your eyes and headed back to the stairs, whispering a faint, “Whatever.”
Your father followed behind. “Y/n Healy, tell me NOW-“
“I was on a date with June!” You yelled.
“We went on a date! Ok? We went on a date then went back to her place and watched TikToks for an hour before watching New Girl reruns and having awesome sex. I lost track of time, I tried to sneak in so none of you would find out, and so my secret would stay secret.”
The room was quiet. Only the sounds of Mayhem and the crickets like you heard before. Tears were falling out of your eyes and you were heaving pretty heavily.
“Is my hand shaking now?!”
Everybody remained quiet and still, not daring to move. “Jesus.” You said as a final goodbye, before walking up the stairs to your room as fast as you could.
A few minutes after they heard the door slam, Ross spoke up. “You fucked up bro.”
Matty shook his head. “It’s not my fault.” He said in defense
“Mate, you just forced your daughter to come out to you.” George yelled.
Marty liked back at the stairs. A single tear falling from his face as he does so. “Shit.”
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theashrider · 4 months
My toxic trait is… taking the lesbian characters I used to ship back when I was gay, and turning them into straight (or at the very least, non-lesbian) ships now that I’m straight.
Without context, it sounds insane and probably homophobic. But I find it really hard to abandon my comfort ships just because I can’t relate to them as well as I used to before.
I started shipping Supercorp before I realized I was trans. In my head I always imagined Kara being non-binary or transgender due to a mismatch in kryptonian-to-human gender concepts. I needed to find comfort in the idea of a character that’s seen as a woman but is actually just incorrectly categorized as female due to her exterior appearance. I made up a gender spectrum for Kryptonians to justify this idea, and I used to daydream about what it would be like to be an alien that isn’t confined to human gender identities. I imagined that getting called Supergirl would cause discomfort and awkwardness because these humans saw long hair and heard a soft voice and decided that this alien, this being from however many light years away, was surely a girl in the way that human girls are. Hell, I even imagined Kryptonians having the ability to regulate their hormone levels and having a wide vocal range that allows them to switch between feminine and masculine tones without needing to practice. I fantasized about having that type of super-human ability to control my body characteristics to finally look and sound the way I did in my mind.
I started watching Xena because I knew it was a popular wlw show, but eventually started imagining Gabrielle as trans in an Ancient Greek time period where trans guys probably couldn’t do anything about it. Then season 5 happened and suddenly Xena was calling Gabrielle the father of her baby and Gabrielle was stepping up to protect their child, and I latched onto the idea of this closeted trans guy who’s living as a woman but still manages to find a way to be a parent and a partner in a non-traditional way. That helped me cope with my inability to medically transition, seeing this short, talkative, feisty character as a closeted trans guy that everyone else (including their partner) saw as a woman. I took comfort that Gabrielle could find a way to be a good partner even without being able to present herself the way she wants to. I’m around the same height as her. I will never be able to change that, and neither can that character. But she is still a father and a bard and a soulmate and all of that transcends the physical reality of her body.
Doctor Who has been my favorite show since I was a kid. It has been present in my life through every phase and new discovery about my identity. I shipped River Song with the Doctor from the moment I realized she wasn’t just a two-episode guest character. Then the Doctor became a woman and we never got to see her interact with her wife. But I wondered what it would be like to have them meet, have them figure out their relationship now that they’re both women. And I started thinking that maybe the Doctor wouldn’t be completely comfortable in a female body, since she’s been living as a man for so much longer. So I decided that, in my head, whenever River and the 13th Doctor met, the Doctor would have a hard time communicating that discomfort with her wife. I imagined that she would crave regenerating back into a man, or maybe regenerating as a cisgender woman who doesn’t feel like she’s a man who looks like a woman. I’ve had times where I wished I was a woman even though I have a female body and brain, just because I can’t imagine women feel the same way trans men do in their minds. So this character that can change the way they look and sound like, really just gave me something to hold onto while I struggled internally over my appearance and my voice.
I wonder whether other trans people have done this with characters they love and take comfort in. I also wonder whether voicing these feelings and ideas in primarily wlw (or mlm) spaces would hurt or offend the members of that community, considering how common straight characters and ships are and always have been. It feels a bit isolating to be in these communities and fandoms but not have anyone to relate to because you’re not really shipping the same people everyone else is shipping. You’re shipping a version of them that you made up, and probably doesn’t match with canon at all. I can’t find many fan works that cater to my headcannons (and I don’t have the artistic ability or time to make them myself) but I also don’t feel like I can ask for them from fandom creators.
I’ve never seen anyone else talk about something like this. I’m interested in finding others who also do this or have done it in the past to take comfort with their own gender identity. And I think I just needed to finally write all of this out.
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itsalwaysforyou · 1 year
jay: wtf is wrong with mal
evie: uma beat her in fencing lol
mal: she didn’t beat me!!!!!!! i challenged her to best of five 
carlos: and she won all 5?
mal: no i won 2
jay: ok so then she beat you
mal: i won 2!!!!
carlos: but uma won 3????? so you lost
mal: yeah but i still won 2
jay: shoulda done best of 6
jay: at least you could’ve drawn then you sore loser 
mal: ok but i still won 2?
carlos: i’m changing the conversation before i bludgeon mal’s head in 
carlos: e did you duel anyone
evie: i beat some auradon loser
evie: me & lonnie were gonna go next session 
jay: ooooo lmk how it goes
jay: lonnie’s good!!
evie: i know jay i was there on the isle fight
jay: i should fight harry again
mal: you’re always fighting harry
jay: duel him then
carlos: you’re always duelling harry
jay: no with a sword
evie: what kind of sword 
jay: ohhh SHUT UP
jay: i’m going to challenge harry to a duel with a fencing sword. there are you happy now
carlos: no
carlos: be more gay
jay: bitch maybe i will
evie: gods i hate you both
jay: you don’t want me kissing boys?
mal: jay you’re expecting boys will want to kiss YOU
jay: why mal are you jealous are you wanting me to kiss you
mal: i want me to kill you, sure
jay: how nice of you
mal: yeah i’m such a nice person now :) can u believe it
carlos: what is happening
evie: something i don’t want to bear witness to
evie: .
evie: hey mal lost three duels to uma today 
carlos: yo no way?????
mal: hang on
mal: i WON 2!!!!!!!
jay: wow i should duel harry again
carlos: oh really jay. with what
carlos: ok but fr can we duel the pirates again soon :(
jay: what kind of duel los
evie: LORD
mal: me & uma have business to settle
evie: you mean losing a best of 5 3-2?
mal: i didnt LOSE i won 2!!!!!!!!
carlos: mal just bc we’re good ppl now doesn’t mean i cant kill you. bc i will
mal: bet
mal: best of 5?
jay: LMAO
evie: i’m actually very curious to know who would win that
mal: me obviously 
carlos: i literally came second place in swords and shields. but go off ig 
mal: you would’ve come third if i had competed 
jay: bc you would come 2nd?
mal: no?? i would obviously beat you???
evie: mal. you know i would support you in anything. but you are not being jay in a s&s tournament 
mal: i totally could
jay: ………..
jay: hmmm mal who did you lose to earlier today
jay: three times
carlos: RIGHT 
carlos: not to CHANGE THE SUBJECT or anything but i’m actually craving slop shop coffee rn
evie: that’s the devil talking
jay: isn’t that a good thing?
mal: no it’s a bad thing
carlos: it’s a good thing for people like us
jay: evie can you confirm what your stance on slop shop coffee is 
evie: it’s wicked
jay: wicked in a good way or wicked in a bad way
jay: do you guys understand me. 
carlos: wicked as in reprehensible or wicked as in exceptional
jay: i feel like i’m going insane
mal: what are you all FUCKING talking about
carlos: the complexities and intricacies of changing sociolects 
mal: don’t fucking swear at me
jay: when did this conversation turn into psychological warfare
carlos: isn’t that most convos on the isle
jay: is it evie you’re gonna bludgeon next c?
carlos: yes. and then it’ll be you. and then myself
mal: lmaoo
carlos: evie is being unnervingly quiet 
mal: she’s probably preparing to fight carlos when he goes to bludgeon her head in
jay: i don’t even know whose side i’m on here
mal: you’re not on mine
jay: ??????
jay: whose side ARE you on??????
mal: did i lose to uma today
jay: YES
mal: not yours
jay: i genuinely feel like my head is collapsing in
carlos: good
carlos: make it go quicker
jay: ok fine i’m on evie’s side
evie: good choice jay. i have no bad side ;)
mal: all your sides are bad
carlos: how many sides does a person have
mal: what
carlos: you know. like vertices. how many do we have
jay: are we technically spherical??
evie: jay i don’t want you on my side anymore
jay: which number side eves
evie: carlos. proposition 
carlos: being?
evie: we team up against jay
jay: HUH????????
evie: and mal
mal: HEY
carlos: deal
jay: so like. what now. are we going to spar in the gym or something 
evie: no i’m going to kill you in real life
jay: hello??????
carlos: no resurrection in auradon!
mal: bloody hell 
jay: see i fault whatever the fuck this is to carlos bringing up he wants slop shop coffee
jay: no normal person says that
mal: how many times did you steal my slop shop coffee jay
jay: gee mal i’m so incredibly grateful that you allowed me to drink your mud in a cup whilst my father was actively trying to starve me 
evie: LORD
jay: anyway
jay: i say we gang up on carlos
evie: i agree
carlos: betrayal????)? MUTINY????????? TREASON AND CONSPIRACY???????????
mal: gods above evie that was brutal 
mal: listen. jay lies for fun,
mal: don’t pity the man.
evie: oh i don’t pity him in the slightest i just think it’s funny to gang up on carlos 
jay: youre after my own heart eves
carlos: no what the fuck is happening actually 
mal: no e you’re right it’s my favourite past time too
carlos: Hi. Are We Twelve Again
jay: i mean you haven’t grown since we were
mal: you still fight like it
evie: you still look it
carlos: Im Going To Kill You All
mal: didnt you already try that
evie: multiple times
jay: it didn’t work
carlos: do i need to remind you all. there is no immortality in auradon
jay: awwwww carlos is trying to be scary
mal: you guys are in the same room?????
jay: yeah? are you not?
mal: obviously we are
jay: you’re saying this could’ve been an irl convo?
jay: we couldve saved so much time 
evie: what’s wrong with our texts, jay :)
 jay: nothing at all, evie :)
carlos: u guys meet us here?
mal: wbat no you’re coming to us
carlos: ????? why?????
mal: bc im comfy???? and don’t want to walk??
carlos: ok but IM comfy
jay: carlos is currently dangling his head off the side of the bed.
carlos: as i said,
evie: what about neutral ground 
evie: library?
mal: are you insane why would we hang out at the LIBRARY 
jay: NERD
evie: i am not starting a fight again
jay: that’s a very unusual thing for you to say
evie: i am losing brain cells
carlos: that is worrying
mal: yeah you don’t have too many of them 
evie: more than you!
carlos: yeah mal how many fights with uma did you lose today
mal: i *WON*
mal: TWO
jay: i will throw my fucking phone off the balcony, and then all of you
carlos: not yourself?
jay: do you want to be the first to die
evie: so are we just. not meeting
mal: im not moving
carlos: me neither 
jay: kids these days
jay: always on their damn phones
evie: not like us
evie: getting beaten up
jay: stabbing people
mal: avoiding our insane parents 
carlos: trying to escape from the hell prison island
mal: lol
evie: we are so well adjusted <3 
jay: absolutely nothing wrong with us
mal: im serious abt not moving btw 
carlos: ya me too
mal: fine
carlos: fine
evie: fine
jay: fine
mal: fine
carlos: fine
jay: NO
mal: you hate fun
jay: i hate YOU
evie: we have to stop having the same conversation like 5 times over.
evie: let’s talk about something else 
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Cat in Heat
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Category: M/M Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Oral Sex, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Exhibitionism, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Boys Kissing, Non-Consensual Turns Consensual, Non-consensual Exhibitionism, Harringrove
Summary: Steve tries to find a way to ease Billy's neverending lust, but it comes with a price. A juicy one.
Author notes: This is my fourth entry to @harringroveson-bingo 2022, Round 1, A2: Oral sex. Note that the work includes non-consentual sex and non-concentual exhibitionism. Please move on if this kind of content disturbs you.
Another basketball practice, another day being teased by Billy throughout it. Steve liked it - and hated it. Because Billy just wouldn’t stop.
Steve definitely hadn’t known what he had gotten himself into when he started dating Billy. He was annoying at best at school, but whenever they were together alone, he was like a cat in heat at first. Sure, he was nice and gentle if Steve so wanted, but getting him to chill without having sex was just not gonna happen. Billy had so much energy, created by all kinds of negative feelings and experiences old and new built up inside, that when he could let his guard down, it all poured on Steve, and sex was Billy’s preferred choice of releasing it.
Steve had suggested that they’d taken a run in the woods, or gone swimming - though it was getting a bit chilly for that - or done any physical activities other than sex. They’d tried but it had just made Billy crave sex more.
Now, Steve liked to have sex with Billy. A lot. They had a perfect dynamic for it, him wanting to be on top and Billy wanting to submit when he felt safe, and Billy’s willingness to do anything Steve wanted - aaand Billy being the right size to give extra kicks for Steve.
And Steve really liked Billy. He was abrasive when they were at school or around other people, but in private the sharp angles settled, and he was molten wax in Steve's hands. And Steve got to be his caring and protective self with Billy, because it made him feel safe.
But at some point Steve started to feel like he was a sex toy. He had the stamina and eagerness, sure, but slowly he had started to understand why Nancy hadn’t been so eager to have sex on every date. Having it too much took something away from their budding relationship.
“Billy?” Steve asked when they were laying on his bed after having yet another session of very satisfying sex. “Steve?” “Have you ever thought of having sex in a way that might double the release of energy for you at once?” “What do you mean?” “I don’t know, something that might give you even more kicks out of it?” “More? You want more?” Billy asked chuckling incredulously. “No. I don’t want more, I want less. No. That’s not correct. I want the same amount - less often. Sometimes I just would like to talk with you instead of having sex.” “But we do talk.” “We do. After having sex.” “Doesn’t that count?”
Steve sighed, and turned on his side, leaning to his elbow, to look at Billy. “I liked the date at the fair. I know we can’t go on dates like that often, even though the kids agreed to come as a disguise whenever we want to have a date like that again, but we had fun without having sex - and I really liked it. I like having sex with you, but it’s not all I want from you. In addition to the lower head, I want the insides of this upper head of yours, too,” he said, tapping Billy’s forehead with his index finger. “I’d like to have just that sometimes.”
Billy frowned. “I haven’t ever had to think about that. Everyone’s always been very happy with my wantings.” “I’m not everyone, remember?” Steve murmured. “To get some, you have to give some.” Billy thought for a moment. He bit his lower lip, and turned on his side to face Steve. “I do have something I’d like to try. But I don’t know if you’re up for it.” “I assure you, I’m up for pretty much anything if it keeps your sex drive at bay little better.” “Uh...It might not be so if you’d know what it was.” “Ok...Does it involve other bodily fluids than cum?” “No!” “Ok, then I’m cool with it.” “Without me telling you what it is?” “Uh...Ok, why not. Just hit me with it when you feel like it.” Billy looked at Steve now with a serious expression. “Are you absolutely and positively sure?” “Yeah. Absolutely.” Billy chuckled. “Ok then.”
So - they were at the basketball practice. Steve was once again starting to get very frustrated and antsy with Billy, who was on his skin whenever Steve had the ball. The frustration broke out for Steve him being more physical towards everyone else in the game, and he didn’t like it. When there was a break in the game, Steve walked to Billy, and hit him on his arm with his fist, quite hard too. “Cut it, Hargrove! I’m this full of your bullshit,” Steve hissed keeping his hand way above his head to demonstrate the level of his frustration. Billy grinned the wide shit eating grin Steve had gotten so used to over the months in practices. Billy didn’t waste time on saying anything, instead he pushed Steve, who fell on the floor from the force of it. “Alright you two! Out, now!” the coach exasperated. “I won’t tolerate that here. We’ll talk about it tomorrow when you’re both calmed down a little.”
Steve walked out of the court, Billy close in tow. Steve could feel Billy’s eyes on his back, getting ready to unleash insults once they got into the locker rooms. “What the actual fuck was that?” Steve asked when he opened his locker door to get rid of his sweaty clothes and get his towel. Billy didn’t answer, he grabbed his towel from his locker, and just had a smug grin on his face when he walked by Steve towards the showers. Steve shook his head taking a deep sigh, and followed Billy.
Steve was so annoyed with Billy that he went into a single shower stall. He didn’t even want to see the fucker right now. Suddenly Billy barged in, took Steve’s head in his hands, and kissed him. Not in a nice, gentle and subtle way, but hard and messy, full of tongue and moans. Steve wasn’t ready for it, and in fact, couldn’t have wanted it less at the moment. So he tried to push Billy away. But Billy was determined, and pushed Steve against the tiled wall, pinning him against it, and kept kissing him despite Steve’s tries, albeit pretty weak, to push him away. Steve felt his cock totally betraying his wants to refuse Billy’s determination, and after a while of Billy's eager persuasion he gave in. Which in turn made Billy push himself against him even harder and moaning louder.
Then Steve remembered where they were. “Billy, stop!” he managed to gasp in between kisses. “Not here!”
“You wanted me to have the kind of sex with you that would drain me better of my drive, remember?” Billy whispered. “This is me doing exactly that.” Steve’s eyes widened and he looked at Billy in horror. “You want to get caught doing it in here?” “Well, I don’t want to get caught, but there’s a chance of it. That’s the point.” Billy put his finger on Steve’s mouth to silence him and grinned. “So, you have to be very quiet boy now.”
Steve tried to lean to the tile wall even harder as Billy kneeled down in front of him, keeping his eyes on Steve’s the whole time. When he was on his knees, he looked at Steve’s very hard cock, and licked his lips. Steve closed his eyes, his heartbeats thundering in his ears, scared shitless - but also aroused like he’d never been before.
When Steve felt Billy cup his balls in his hand squeezing them gently, and then licking the length of his cock from bottom to the slit and tip, that was already dripping with precum, he couldn’t help a whimper escape his mouth. “Shhh, quiet!” Billy whispered, squeezing Steve’s balls a bit tighter. Having his family jewels held so tightly made Steve submit without further noise.
Billy licked the slit again, teasing the rim of the hole, and ran his tongue around the whole tip, slowly. Steve let out gasp, and deep breaths came out of him in the rhythm Billy teased him. Finally he glanced down, and his gaze was met with Billy looking up at him with a wicked smile. Billy chuckled quietly with the eye contact as if he’d been waiting for it before proceeding to take the whole tip into his mouth. Steve melted at the gentle way Billy pushed his tongue against his cock as he took it into his mouth, slowly working its way in deeper, relaxing his throat more on each down move of his head to accommodate it in full. Steve put his hand on Billy’s head, and tucked his hair. Billy let out a muffled whimper, and Steve guided his up and down moves gently with his hand on the back of Billy’s head, feeling the glorious pressure starting to build up in his groin.
That’s when Steve heard voices from the locker room, and froze his hand, making Billy stop too.
Billy had Steve almost in full in his mouth, and of all things, he let out a muffled laugh. Steve let go of Billy's hair and glared down at him. “Get off me,” he pleaded quietly. But Billy shook his head slightly, and returned to work, and Steve couldn’t do anything else but to give in into the bliss that was Billy’s mouth on him. Now Billy was faster, tightening his grip on Steve’s balls, pushing his tongue tighter against the cock, and putting his other hand on Steve’s ass to pull him closer.
Steve realized, that Billy was going to make him come while their teammates were in the locker room. Or worse – in the showers just a few feet away. And him coming wouldn’t take long anymore. “I’m...” Steve whispered as quietly as he could, knowing Billy would get his drift. Billy let go of Steve’s ass, and took his own cock in his hand, and started jacking it at a furious pace.
Steve heard the showers being turned on, and almost instantly with them, he came. He'd never come so hard so quietly. Billy’s load flew on his shin a moment later with Billy letting out a small muffled groan.
Billy let go, and Steve looked down, gasping of pleasure when he saw his own cum dripping from the corner of Billy’s mouth on his chin. “Swallow it,” Steve whispered, and Billy licked what he could of the cum from his chin, and did just that.
Billy got up and leaned on Steve, both of them listening for any voices that would tell them where the others were. More voices came closer, and more showers were turned on. After a time that had felt like eternity, last voices vanished from the shower room and into the locker room.
Some time later Billy stepped out of the shower as if he’d been in there alone, leaving Steve to hide in the corner that wasn’t visible straight from the shower space. “It’s clear,” Billy shouted to Steve once everyone else was gone.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Steve exasperated as he walked to his locker. “That’s the last time we did that!” “You liked it, don’t deny it! I could feel it!” Billy laughed. “Well, can we at least now talk tonight and not have sex as the first thing?” Steve asked. Billy glanced at him and grinned. “Maybe. We’ll see.” “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Steve sighed, but then shook his head with a laughter. ”The things I do for you...”
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tolkpopfan · 5 months
ooohhh because you asked me sth similar before i'm curious on what got you into OnlyOneOf (and or the whole story of what made you a lyOn~)? [but i can say that last line is exactly how i felt about tbz- that they mean a lot to me more than i ever expected- isn't it funny how that happens?]
Ok. Out of all my stanning stories, this may be the weirdest one. Brace yourself this will be long.
Stress has been making me feel like crap this semester and when I saw Oneus in March I instantly felt better for a little while. I lamented to my educational therapist that the Oneus concert may be my last concert in a long time since I’m going to uni soon so she encouraged me to just go to another concert, any concert.
I decided to research who would be touring soon and there were Enhypen and TXT that I could buy tickets for but I know barely anything about them so I’m not gonna spend hundreds of dollars on shitty seats. I knew probably just as much about OnlyOneOf but they had the perk of being in a small venue with way less expensive tix so I decided to give them a listen before making any decisions.
I liked what I heard and desperately craved to see pretty boys up close again, so I bought VIP tix because I experience catharsis through seeing pretty boys in person. This was all a few weeks ago.
I get bored with certain variety shows easily these days so I made a post asking for fun recommendations to help me learn more about OnlyOneOf. So I checked out the recommendations and all the music videos.
I liked that they had some really sexy concepts and were somewhat reminiscent of Gen 2. But what really made them special for me was not just their UndergrOund idOl project but their attitudes to it as well. It was professional but not at all detached. They were invested, very much cared, and were not uncomfortable but were also not overly excited about it or too proud of themselves for it. I watched the behind the scenes for all those music videos and really appreciated how natural they all were about it.
They seemed to recognize that by depicting explicitly gay relationships they were doing something different but they themselves didn’t treat gay relationships as alien or different. As a queer person, this resonated with me deeply, especially considering that they live in a much more socially and legally restricted society than I do as an American.
And of course they’re attractive and have good teamwork and seem really funny, but if it was only that, they wouldn’t be so meaningful to me.
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rielzero · 1 year
Just a little headsup for my tiny amount of followers
idk who on here reads my webcomic or comes for my other posts, but given that my autism is currently freaking out over baldur’s gate, my energy and interest for other things is very suppressed right now. I have not gained a new hyper-fixation that has excited me to these extremes for YEARS. 
The last time this happened was when I started collecting and reading comic books (Mostly marvel.) But Marvel is very restrictive in how fruity it allows itself to be if you catch my drift. And I haven’t watched secret invasion because of the stupid AI shit they pulled. Writer’s strike/actor strike is happening. I feel very disillusioned with the MCU even if I still enjoy it.
I’m craving something more appealing right now which is much more satisfying.
I’ve been craving something like Baldur's gate for YEARS and its finally happening?? Huh?? I’ve also been very excited about developing this character for the game that I intend to play and have played in the early access. I crafted this elaborate backstory for him (Which might change a tiny bit if the character customization would have me adjust it.)
I honestly have wondered if something like this would ever happen to me again. I used to swap hyper fixations almost weekly when I was much younger, then marvel has kept my heart for a long time- and then my own stories.
I have not lost interest in those other things yet though, but looking at this realistically I cannot force myself to work on things when my brain is freaking out like this- the only result would be that my interest for something will lessen if I force myself.
Given my floppy health, and my insecurity with my webcomic (I do wish to draw more mature looking things) it might be best to put it on hiatus while I work this out with my new hyper fixation, else I’m going to break my brain.
My Warlock Character is a Half Elf Urchin named Locke, and I’ll likely be obsessing over him and bg3 for some time, and I’ll likely end up drawing tons of stuff and practice drawing certain things with it. I see this as a good time to pick up experience perhaps. Maybe some comics strips inspired by it. I’m stoked.
TLDR: My stupid gay brain too fixated on BG3, do not expect anything from me for a while, except for maybe art inspired by my soon to be BG3 playthrough(s)
COUGH also don’t be afraid to ask about my TBA Tav insert (Isn’t that what they call it?) I want to ramble about my evil blorbo so badly ASJGhgjgh
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*dies* can someone revivify me thanks
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
Takes place pre-series, I imagine Kid and Killer built the Victoria Punk themselves over the course of a few years while living with Doc. It was during those years they started dating, so anything marked as “pre-series” is set in those years. Kid barley has any experience sex wise, he kept going after people way too old for him (he didn’t want to be anyone's first experience when it was his cause it would just be two virgins fumbling around and he didn’t wanna make a fool of himself) before he turned 18 and Doc would shoo them away (man would sometimes appear out of nowhere and it’d freak Kid out), so all he knows is what he saw at the pleasure house his mother worked at and the things he and Killer have tried. I mean he’s heard about a few things, sure, but it’s not like people openly talked about gay sex on their island.
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: nothing, just good ol’ ass eating and anal sex
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The tension in Kid’s muscles slowly bled out as Killer dug deeper into his back with the heel of his palm. The older man was straddling the back of his thighs, massaging out a deep knot in his lower back he’d gotten from overworking that day on the ship. The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement as - with every third or fourth movement of the blonde’s torso - he felt a clothed, steadily growing erection bump against his covered ass.
The redhead snorted, “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“How so?” Killer asked way too nonchalantly to be a coincidence.
“Your dick says so,” Kid sniggered.
The older man froze, and Kid smirked, trying to save his frien- boyfriend some embarrassment by burying his face in the pillows he was laying on, shoulders shaking in repressed laughter.
It was still weird, up till three months ago he’d always seen Killer as ‘friend’, ‘boyfriend’ felt odd on his tongue when he said it, too soft and sweet. Maybe he’d come up with something different…
Significant other?
The cringing sensation in his chest told Kid to put that at the very bottom of the list.
“I…didn’t think you’d noticed,” Killer mumbled.
“Hard not to, with that monster you’re packing,” Kid chuckled, “so? Random boner, or something’s got you all worked up?”
Ohhh, this had to be good. Last time Killer was turned on from ‘just thinking’ Kid found his wrists tied to the headboard, his body near folded in half, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as the blonde plowed into him.
Fuck, now he was getting excited.
“Well?” If this was like last time, he’d have to pry it out of his lover.
…Eh, the spot above ‘significant other’ with that one, coy and sexy, but still a little cringy.
Shit, what else was there at this point?
“It’s…you might find it gross.”
“Oh, so it was ‘weird’ with the bondage and coming a bunch of times, but now it’s ‘gross’,” Kid was grinning from ear to ear by now, he turned his head so he was looking back at the masked blonde, “look, so long as all you do is come on me, I’m good.”
Killer seemed to straighten a little at that, “I…I wanna…well…eat you out…”
Kid’s mind went blank as he frowned, “I’m not a chick!”
“N-no,” blonde hair flopped from shoulder to shoulder as Killer shook his head, “I meant your, well…ass.”
He pursed his lips for a moment in thought, before saying with a shrug: “Eh, alright then.”
“Is…is that it?” Killer asked, “just…’eh’?”
“Well, what do you want me to say?” Kid huffed, glaring at him, “I mean, sure, it’s weird, but I thought the bondage thing was too and I fucking loved that. So I’m thinking, why not try it?”
As he’s been talking, Killer had taken his mask off and placed it on his side of the bed, Kid tried his best to not smirk at the deep blush the older man was sporting. Killer was quite easily flustered for a man with such perverted thoughts, though once he really got into it, a beast seemed to come out, primal and greedy.
He craved the feeling of that beast’s claws on him.
“O-okay,” Killer muttered, “so, um, just stay there like that.”
Obviously, Kid thought, as he shifted fully onto his front again with a slight roll of his eyes.
Honestly? He wasn’t expecting a lot out of this, he in no way thought it’d feel as good as Killer sucking him off. But it was rare for the blonde to bring up the things he liked to Kid, so he decided to indulge his…
Kid snorted right as the hem of his boxers were grabbed.
“Something funny?”
“Nah,” Kid replied, grinning into the pillow under him, “just thinking of dumb stuff.”
“Of course you would at a time like this,” Killer huffed, dragging the redhead’s boxers down, climbing off of him as he did, “have you washed?”
Kid had the decency to lift his legs to help him, coil of excitement tightening once his half hard cock was freed, “Of course.”
“Good boy.”
He bit his lip, glaring down at his pillow, doubting he’d never not feel annoyed at how much those two words affected him.
“Tuck your legs in,” the older man tapped his thigh with two fingers to make a point.
He grumbled, but found it too difficult to defy Killer when he got bossy in bed, face heating up at that fact as he lifted his bare ass and pulled bent his knees to pull his legs beneath himself. It left him open, vulnerable, face burning as his other half grabbed a taunt asscheek and gave it a firm squeeze.
…Almost, it was missing something, something deeper.
“You look to good like this,” Killer murmured as he kneaded his ass with both hands, “all spread out and desperate for me.”
“F-fuck off,” Kid tried to snap back, but let out a shaky whine as a thumb brushed the edge of his hole.
“And still trying to be so defiant,” there was a chuckle, dark yet promising, “I love it.”
A second later Kid twitched as he felt hot air on his lower back, a coarse hand stroked his thigh as lips pressed to his tailbone.
“F-fucking, c’mon,” he grunted, face burning, “get on with it.”
There is was again, that dark laughter that Killer saved just for him, “So bossy, I thought I told you, Kid.”
The redhead yelped as teeth sank into his ass, hard, almost bucking back if it weren’t for a firm, steadying hand on his hip.
“Bossy brats don’t get what they want.”
Kid bit into the pillow beneath him, trying to at least muffle the whine he’d failed to swallow. Instead of snapping back, he swayed his hips, face heating with his heart racing in shame as Killer’s breath hitched.
“Good boy.”
He didn’t even to try to stop the moan from that one.
Again, Kid yelped as something warm and wet brushed just above his hole. It felt weirdly good, his half hard cock giving a throb of interest at the strangely pleasant sensation. The next was around his rim, his breath catching as this time he managed to stop himself from making any embarrassing noises. Fuck, they’d barely just started and he was already enjoying it. Kid couldn’t help but get a bit pissed at his body, but for what like felt the thousandth time since he’d started dating the blonde, he reminded himself of one key thing.
It was okay to submit, so long as it was Killer.
Slowly he stopped fighting how good it was feeling, letting low hums and gasps as Killer’s tongue dragged and pressed against his hole. His cock throbbed, swollen and rock hard, dripping precome as he rocked back without thinking. Hands gripped his ass cheeks, spreading him wider, lips pressed to his ass as Killer’s tongue poked at his loosened hole.
It felt odd, if he was being completely honest, a lot like the first time Killer had fucked him. Though that had been a full feeling, whereas this one he wanted to both squirm away from and press back against at the same time. It was good, though, the soft, wet drag around his rim make his dick twitch as he groaned, unable to do much but fist the sheets. The tongue pressed and pressed, before pushing in, making him gasp and tremble.
“F-fucking- holy-!”
The blonde chuckled at the sound of his voice cracking, the vibrations making him bite down again on the pillow, cock swinging as he bucked back. Kid gave a shaky groan as the tongue pulled out, only to keen as it roughly thrust back in. The motion was repeated, again and again and again, his eyelids fluttering shut as he moaned and cried out.
With one hand he reached down to stroke his aching cock, but it wasn’t enough.
“God, fuck!” He moaned, biting at his pillow as he palmed himself in rough, quick strokes, “Fucking- dick, put your dick in me already!”
Killer pulled away, panting hot breaths against his spit soaked asshole, making him shiver.
“Say that again.”
Kid couldn’t give a damn that he’d never begged without the blonde telling him to, all he cared about was getting that long, thick cock in his ass, “You heard me, bastard, put your dick in my ass and fuck me till I pass out.”
Killer was already pouring lube onto his hand, “Only because you’ve been a good boy and asked for it.”
The redhead groaned, swaying his hips at the slick, clicking sounds of his companion stoking himself with his lubed hand.
Nearly, not quite, but close.
His breath hitched at the tip of the older man’s cock pressed into him, easily sinking after the last few months of near nonstop sex.
“Fuck,” Killer huffed as his hips bumped against Kid’s ass, “remember how you struggled to take me our first night?”
“F-fuck off,” Kid panted, already trying to rock back.
“Mmm, but I love it,” the redhead gasped as the other man pulled out and snapped his hips forward in one fluid movement, “means you’re moulded to the shape of my cock.”
His breath hitched and he groaned as Killer set a brutal pace, grinding perfectly against his prostate with each powerful thrust. He shoved his face into his pillow, shouting and moaning as the blonde effectively rode his ass.
Fingers gripped at his hair and gave a harsh tug, pulling his limp, fucked-out body up. His back was pressed to Killer’s chest, the blonde never losing rhythm as he manhandled Kid into the position he wanted. One hand held onto his hip as the other groped at his pale chest, fingertips finding a nipple and twisting it mercilessly.
“Fucking- oh, fuck!” Kid cried out as his sensitive chest was tugged and pinched.
His eyes rolled, hips bucking in the blonde’s iron hold as he trembled.
“K-Kil, gonna c-come!”
“Then come, but if you get it on the pillow you’re licking it up.”
The harsh growl in his ear, just knowing that Killer had his teeth clenched as he fucked wildly into his ass, was what did Kid in. He doubled over and near howled, cum splattering over the bed sheets, a few streaks landing on his pillow.
Killer chuckled, breathless, “Such a messy brat,” he shoved Kid down, making him gasp, before grabbing his hair again and forcing him look at the cum covered pillow, “now clean up.”
Kid whined, tongue dragging over the streaks of white on his pillow that were already soaking into the fabric. Killer hadn’t stopped fucking him, making his body rock and bounce as his over sensitive ass was pounded relentlessly, his sob riddled cries of pleasure nearly drowning out the sound of skin slapping on skin. He could feel the fat, hot tears run down his cheeks as his eyes - half shut in bliss - rolled.
“T-too m-mu-mu-“ Kid tried to get the two simple words out, but his body didn’t want to do much other than take anything and everything Killer was giving him.
Though the blonde seemed to understand, leaning over him so his hands were placed just beside his shoulders. Instead of long, powerful thrusts, the change in position forced Killer to give short, deep bucks. It was no less pleasurable, but the drop in intensity let Kid take a proper breath, sobs morphing back into broken cries and moans.
“Such a good boy,” that deep, baritone voice rasped in his ear, “g-gonna fill you up, want that?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Kid gasped out, petering off as the blonde sat back up and ground into him.
His body trembled as Killer groaned, giving two final snapped thrusts before stilling, letting out a shaky gasp as he pumped the redhead full, cock pulsing as he grunted. Kid whined and rocked back, he could’ve sworn he’d come again, just faintly, too fucked out to really tell the difference between what his blissed out state and an actual orgasm felt like at this point.
“Good boy,” Killer murmured, rubbing his hip, “always so good for me, Kid.”
He mumbled something incoherent, shivering as the blonde pulled out of him.
A hand stroked up and down his back, that dark voice long gone as his partner spoke, “Shower, then cuddle?”
Kid gave a lopsided smile as a pair of strong arms helped him up, “Yeah.”
He liked that one.
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nataliet12345 · 2 years
I’m not craving Steddie omorashi you are! Also Eddie is softer than he is in the show and he’s gay too, he doesn’t care about personal space- 💀 let’s get started!
Eddie was slightly moving while his head was laying on Steve’s chest Eddie was very comfortable. “Mmmm Harrington I’m tireddd” he whined as Steve looking down “close your eyes” Steve said while stroking his long messy hair. Eddie squirmed into a not so good position making him kick Steve. “Ow! Munson! Watch it” Steve yelled “s-sorry!!! Not my fault!!” “Whatever” Steve scoffed Eddie pushed his thighs together desperately containing something “mmm…” Eddie squirmed and looked up at Steve who was staring back at him “hi Eddie” Steve laughed “why r u still awake” Eddie squeezing his thighs hardly together trying to make sure Steve dosent notice. “I’m awake because something’s bothering me” Steve replied playing with Eddie’s hair. “Wha is it” Eddie said “youu” “why me Harrington??” Eddie complained “because you like to moveee” steve said shakily “Harrington are you drunk??” Eddie said worriedly “no but let’s go to sleep okay?” Steve said kissing Eddie’s forehead
Eddie hasn’t got any sleep he’s been squirming a lot trying to put the thought back into his head trying to forget but the pain always came back. Steve was fast asleep.. “mmm!!” Eddie shifted his legs. Making it harder to fall asleep “s-Steve? Are you awake..?” Eddie whined “yes what’s up” Steve went back to messing with Eddie’s hair “do you have a bathroom?” Eddie said looking sick “no, it’s broken” Eddie dug his face into Steve’s chest “I have the worst luck” Eddie mumbled “what was that?” Steve questioned him “Steve why would you think I would ask if you have a bathroom! Do take a shower at 1am?!!” Eddie squeezed Steve so hard that he couldn’t breathe “why can’t you go outside” “ITS SO DARK HARRINGTON IM GONNA PISS MY FUCKING PANTS!” Eddie yelled almost breaking his voice “oh.. calm down Ed’s can’t you hold it?” Steve said “mmm.. no..” Eddie blushed embarrassed that he was telling Steve that he was going to wet himself. “Just go outside even if it’s dark, I’ll come with you..” Steve stared down at Eddie waiting for a reply “I-I guess…” Eddie squeezed his thighs together desperately. Steve sat up and started to say “it’s really dark and I’m tired so.. you better be quick” Eddie looked at him and sat up too waiting for relief, Steve grabbed his hand and took him outside to find it dark and quiet “Harrington! If your gonna drag me I’m going to pee right here! I can’t control anything when I’m a rag doll..” “sorry Eddie but if you wanna piss your pants you can instead of going outsi” steve got interrupted “Harrington! I’m not lying I have to go right now I’m at my limit!” Eddie squealed “I’ve been holding since this morning!!” “Eddie, clam down we are outside just find somewhere!” Steve said in a soothing voice putting his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Steve I can’t!” Eddie whined “then just go here I really don’t care if you get those pants dirty” Steve stated “HARRINGTON STOP THAT!!” Eddie blushed begging him to stop saying it’s okay to wet yourself “Munson I can just put you back and bed and you will miss your chance to go out here” Eddie stuck his head to Steve’s chest “…” Steve hugged him.
Steve wanted him to go and not hurt himself so he carried Eddie back to bed and obviously he was going to go in the bed but Steve didn’t care anymore as long as Eddie gets relief. It took a while for Eddie too fall asleep with his bladder aching, still trying not to pee on himself and Steve but that just failed Steve was awake the whole time when Eddie let go. Eddie whined in his sleep and Steve was cuddling him not caring about the wetness going onto him.
After it turned morning obviously Eddie was embarrassed at the mess on the bed and their clothes. “Sorry Steve..” Eddie said as he sat down on the couch, still not changed. Steve had a darker color on his pants where Eddie’s bladder was laying. “It’s okay it can happen often!” Steve said as he came to sit down with Eddie. “Let’s get changed? Alright?” Steve suggested “sure Harrington..”
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